#I don't know what this word vomit is but it's late and my filter is gone so
vasyandii · 5 months
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KruegerNak Fic- Like Talking
Synopsis: Late night talks with each other, this was before they started dating. Krueger pining tiny bit.
Characters: Sebastian Krueger, Phayvanh "Nak" Sotsvahn
Type: Casual, dialogue heavy
Warnings: None, other than slightly crude humour
Word count: 300+
Creator Note: Hey y'all! This is my first time writing a fic + publishing it, sorry if some stuff is clunky/weirdly formatted. As always, the art is done by me :3!! I'm much better as an artist than a writer xD
TV sounds filter into the background of his quarters as some sitcom reruns smeared across the screen - mindless entertainment for a brain bored outta its skull. Krueger reaches for his phone.
Nak had been mindlessly scrolling for hours to tire herself out, her apartment was quiet. She expected him to call today; but who the Hell calls at this hour?
“Hello?” Phayvanh answered, sitting up in her bed.
“Hey, want to talk?” Sebastian's voice crackled through the phone from his quarters at the base.
“I was about to head to bed, actually.”
“Oh. Should I call tomorrow?”
*He sounds... disappointed?* She could feel it through her end of the phone.
“I can stay up,” Phayvanh accepted, a pillow in her lap.
"Good." He monotoned, sounding more relieved.
"What're you up to?"
"Drinking," Sebastian replied
Phayvanh chuckled, "So the usual?"
"The usual." He murmured acknowledgingly, nursing a bottle of beer.
"Drinking is soooo overrated. I'm surprised your liver didn't give out on you yet. "
"Ya, right," he mocked, letting out a gruff chuckle that rumbled through the phone. "I've seen how much you drink."
“What, am I not allowed to let loose once in a while?”
“You can let loose when your vomit finally lands in a bucket.”
"Your face makes me vomit," she said deliberately.
Sebastian chuckled, "I'll carry a bucket around next time we see each other, then.”
"Thank you," His smirk widened at her words.
"Not a compliment, Baldy."
A comfortable silence settled between them, a normal occurrence these days. It wasn't like they ran out of things to talk about, somethings don't need to be said.
"It's late, you should probably go to bed, no?"
"Nah," Sebastian grumbled dismissively, “The night’s still young.”
"You sure?"
"Yeah, Phay," he replied softly, the edge to his voice having dimmed down. "Just... like talking to you, ya know? You're not too bored of my ass yet, are you?"
"No, no." She trailed off a little, much more gentle. "I'm not bored of you."
"That's good," he mumbled, the previously assertive tone of his voice replaced with uncharacteristic softness.
The hum of the TV filled the brief silence before he finally admitted, "Because... I'm not bored of you either."
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Hi! Follow up question to that ask about Buck's awareness (or lack of awareness) of his feelings for Eddie. What is your take on Eddie's relationship to his feelings about Buck? @evcndiaz once said that Eddie is incredibly self-aware and it really stuck with me. I think about how his self-awareness gives him sophisticated tools to compartmentalize his feelings in strategic ways.
Anyway, we know it's a lot more complicated than a simple binary question of does Eddie know/is Eddie in denial? What is your sense of Eddie's emotional landscape right about now?
(Your metas bring me so much joy I cannot tell you 💜)
Hey bestie! First of all, Thank you! I'm glad someone enjoys reading my word vomit lmao 😂 I have so much fun writing them and I'm glad they can bring joy to others! I'm just here to have a good time and find that serotonin hit , y'know?
Let's dive right in. Absolutely Eddie is all about control, and absolutely this translates to a white-knuckled grip on his own life.
But. "Compartmentalize his feelings in strategic ways," you say. I love that wording, because it's super applicable to his character, and I've talked in a different meta about how he views his worth as an extension of Christopher's existence, and I think that would tie into any feelings he has toward Buck. It's not a mistake that pretty much every major Buck and Eddie moment involves Christopher. Most if not all of Eddie's major gestures toward Buck involve Christopher, because Eddie's value is contingent upon Christopher, and so he is the proxy through which Eddie can express and receive love. Eddie's throw-down with Shannon wasn't a dilemma about what he wanted, it was ultimately about giving Christopher a mother figure. His tragic self-destructive streak in S3 still wasn't about him healing for the sake of his own mental well-being, but so Christopher wouldn't suffer the consequences. He courts Ana because he's still stuck on Shannon and re-creating that mother-father-son picture that's been shoved into his head since forever.
I see myself in this part of Eddie. It's the whole, "You accept the love you think you deserve," only, what happens when you don't think you deserve any? When you shape your entire existence around being life-support for your son, until you look around and realize you have built nothing for yourself? I mean, damn, I don't want that for Eddie, and I think ( I hope!) Eddie's next character arc is about him making a space for himself, separate from Chris.
This is my house so I can say what I want, and I truly believe the end of S4 was Eddie's first selfish act. Because, the show implies everything Eddie did with Ana etc. was for Christopher, not himself, and then we're given Carla's big redirect, and then the Will Scene. There's something so deliciously selfish about Eddie naming Buck as Christopher's de facto legal guardian. Something about the way it probably wouldn't make sense to anybody on the outside looking in, something about the way Buck is no more guaranteed safety than Eddie, something about the way Eddie still hides behind Christopher during the scene but just barely below the surface is the whispered, You are what I want for him, this is my decision, it might not make sense but this is what feels right for me.
Oof, I have no idea where this has ended up, but what I'm trying to say is, I think Eddie is just now opening himself up to carving out space for himself to separately exist from everything else, including and especially from his son and the memories of Shannon. And I think this is the headspace he would have to be in to explore whatever his feelings are toward Buck. With Shannon and Ana he didn't put a whole lot of himself on the line. He never dared to consider a factor besides Christopher. But with Buck, it's selfish by default; it's putting himself out there exposed and vulnerable; it's him having to ask for things and want things and need things, explicitly for himself, apart from Chris. Mmm. I love it.
Thanks @yramesoruniverse, I had a blast with this like always!
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i-need-air · 4 years
Truthful mess.
Summary: Truth quirk shenanigans. HCs type with Bakugou, Kirishima, Shouto and Shinsou.
Note: Still don't know how to add "Read more" on phone, still need to make a masterlist. At least I have coffee. [I’M DOING BOTH RN, BE PROUD;;;LOOKATTHEReADMORE] Ty for reading! ♥
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Bakugou Katsuki:
× well, shit
× he fucked up real bad and now he had to pay for it
× noticed something was wrong when he thanked Kirishima for saving his life instead of giving him the usual snappy attitude
× made the redhead promise to keep the secret or he'll kill him
× seriously kill and incinerate his body and was 100% serious about it
× Bakugou tried his hardest to keep his mouth shut and everything went okay until you just existed in the same room at him
× he'd just get the fuck out because all he wanted to tell you was how good you looked in whatever you were wearing or how beautiful your face was when kissed by the rays of sunshine and he was so confused
× he literally wanted to word vomit all of that
× thankfully the police arresting the mf that did this to him informed Katsuki about the effects of the quirk itself
× approximately 3 days of spilling truths
× he could handle that
× easy
× but not really; the less he talked the more he needed to spill out his mind
× he'd still snap at people, they were just dumb and he voiced that but
× well, hello there, [y/n]
× he prays you don't waltz around him
× life can be a bitch though
× it happened while training, Cementos made an area for each of you to improve your quirks and guess what? you're placed just by his side
× you just waved at him and he ignored you
× asshole much; until you kick-dropped and broke a big piece of cement in half
× "Fuck, that was so sexy..."
× your head turned slowly towards Bakugou because that was his voice, definitely, no doubt
× but it was raspy and low and it did some things to your, ehem, lowers and holy shit
× Bakugou looked like a deer caught in the highlights; he was full "step on me" mode and????????
× instantly turned the other way and yes, he is blushing
× he just couldn't hold it in, man
× so you're confused, blushing, Kirishima is near-by shook as fuck because he's ✨ realizing things ✨ since of course he's now Bakugou's self-proclaimed guard dog
× and Bakugou is back at ignoring you, his friend and the world
× you decide to keep an eye on him because that was not normal and oh my god why is that voice still affecting you? did he seriously say that??
× meanwhile you catch him looking at you from the corner of your eyes
× boy is staring real bad
× so you just go his way
× he panics as you approach him and blows shit up
× "Don't fucking come closer!" you freeze because what the hell? you thought you were getting along? yeah he's been snappy recently but it's Bakugou, he has mood-swings
× but not like this? at least with you?
× also what he said before just gave you hope??
× so you decide Fuck it all and get closer, noticing how Kirishima also approaches, looking like a bodyguard
× you raise your eyebrow because Excuse you?
× "[L/N], you should leave him be for now–"
× "Get out of my way or I'll break you, Kirishima."
× so you're having a staring match with the red-head, almost nose to nose when legit a growl shakes you to the core
× "[Y/N]'s mine, Shitty Hair, back down." he said between his teeth, his palms sparkling, quirk ready
× so his friend backs up, hands raised in defeat but a knowing grin on his face
× even in full shock you expected him to ignore you again but he just stomps towards you angrily, teeth greeted
× "You have a thing for him, hmm? You like Kirishima?" he was glaring at you, breathing heavily but suddenly locked his eyes in your lips
× and while he's throwing this fit or whatever it was, all the class kinda stopped whatever they were doing to see what's going on
× but Cementos ain't having any of that so parts you guys with a cement wall and orders you to keep training
× Bakugou was never more thankful because holy shit what was about to happen?
× you're full mind-blown, remembering his words again and again not even focusing on training; you decide to talk with his dumb ass to clarify what he said and wAs he jealous? i mean he literally said you're his so—... HE FUCKING SAID YOU'RE HIS????
× after that he went back to his grumpy old man form, you don't talk again until days later, although you did try to approach him again, many times, because YOU'RE HIS????????
× it's when he finally realizes the quirk is wearing off and he's relieved because it got to a point where he couldn't sleep
× so when you confront him in the common room the next morning he shrugs it off with a "I thought I'd accidentally confess that I love you and that would've been a problem."
× he freezes
× you freeze
× he wanted to call you a dumbass and move on until he figures his shit up but...
× that's when he realizes the effect of the quirk was dying off in waves
× save him from the mortification and confess too, please?
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Kirishima Eijirou:
× he's normally a truthful guy
× but not like this, man, not like this
× Fatgum saved his ass but it was too late since he already got hit by a quirk, although none knew what it was about, so his mentor was having a full Panic moment
× later on he was informed about it's nature and was confused because nothing changed?
× he still compliments people, he's still his old self and is actually so happy that's the case
× thinks he's manly because he's honest about his feelings
× although he forgot about a tiny little detail
× his big fat crush on you
× like he'd blush when you came around, almost stuttered when responding to you, would try harder when you were around because pretty please, notice him, shows off more, all the I-need-YOUR-attention bag
× because he's smooth but in a Kirishima way, you know?
× felt he had zero (0) game [so not manly of him]
× will hands down not avoid you; thinks it's lame to run away from this
× who would've thought this was the best thing that could've happened to him?
× still had his boyish charm, cute smiles, blushes
× but now we add the honest "You look amazing today. Well, more than usual." with a wink because if he can't stop himself, at least he'll make it work big time
× and oh, shit that's doing stuff to your poor heart because his compliments are all over the roof? wth is going on?
× everyone knew about his feelings for you but now they really knew
× literally takes him half a day to spill all out
× he did try to clear his mind of those feelings in class because that would be so awkward and weird; he spent so much time daydreaming how to confess before and doing it there was definitely not the plan, but something more personal and meaningful
× when Kiri saw you in the common room though, alone and minding your own business, a grin broke on his face and had hearts in his eyes
× Bakugou had to hear a lot of shit about you, tho just rolled his eyes; "whatever, shitty hair."
× because you're so flawlessly beautiful and you're not even trying
× your head snaps up at him, blushing
× OOP–did he just blurt that out?
× so he's laughing awkwardly because not like this, man
× but goes with it because We die like men here 😤
× cue word vomit about how great you are and this quirk hit him and god you're amazing and it's not a lie because remember when you first met at UA? well he thought you were an angel and when you smiled at him? perfection and your blushing face is adorable and needs to see it everyday and ok this quirk needs to stop–
× meanwhile
× [Y/N].exe has stopped working
× legit tho, he won't shut the hell up and it's adorable
× all day he's been super smooth about his compliments to you and now he's the sweetest mess ever
× and you only notice yourself smiling when he points it out and says it's the single most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his entire life
× and even if that almost makes you 404 again you laugh and walk towards him
× which he follows and steps closer to you too
× smiling
× so he calms down when you're not freaking out about what he's spilling and goes back to being cha-cha-real-smooth again
× "I want to be able to call you mine"
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Todoroki Shouto:
× another guy that doesn't really notice it at first
× he got hit by this weird blue-purple dust while on patrol with his dad
× and Endeavor went feral on this low-life villain deciding to attack suddenly
× low and behold, seems the guy wasn't a villain, just a civilian that sneezed and activated his quirk by accident
× quirk that landed on Shouto here
× which just stared confused because what?
× explanations happen, Endeavor is looking down at Shouto expecting something anytime now
× but Icy-Hot here just shrugs it off because it's okay, it's just 3 or 4 days
× funny thing is his dad asked him questions and realized pretty quick that Shouto has been really honest with him until now, which bummed him because Endeavor Is Trying™
× Todoroki Shouto was confident that nothing would go wrong so he forgets about it basically
× two days pass; class time happens
× is so fucking casual about it but it's so hilariously confusing
× he was honest before but he was quiet in general, that's why his honesty came in small dosages
× now he has no filter and won't shut up, he has this absolute need to share his thoughts
× my boy has opinions about everything
× but especially about [Y/N]
× oh yeah, he definitely tells you how that color enhances your natural beauty or how you're really smart
× is so casual and nonchalant, shooks everyone, leaves you full confusion mode while he just smiles and leaves
× legit doesn't realize it
× he complimented you before, that's the thing, but now he's really intensifying it but without changing the tone and execution and it's just a mess
× example:
× goes from "You changed your hairstyle. It looks nice." to "The way you style your hair now makes your eyes pop out more. I love it."
× lowkey proclaims his love about you; it's so obvious it hurts; you have to take it like a champ, man
× it takes Tsu to actually ask what's going on, in the first hour of class
× [even Aizawa is listening, pretending to sleep]
× explains why he's acting like this; "I got hit accidentally by a quirk that makes me speak only the truth."
× everyone just goes crazy while you're piecing stuff together in deep thought
× "Who do you think is the strongest in the class?"
× "Aizawa."
× lowkey a little shit
× "Between the students."
× "Me."
× big time a little shit
× it's until Mina asks who he likes that all hell breaks loose
× Shouto just turns to look at you, blinks and says your name
× just as everyone goes mental after a moment of silence, the bell rings signaling the next class, to which Aizawa [the mature man he is, acting as if this wasn't the best tea-spill he's gonna have at lunch with the other teachers 💅] wakes up, silences everyone and continues class
× every pair of eyes are on you all class
× Shouto is having an existencial crisis because he's actually realizing himself that he likes you
× a lot
× hands down he thought about how great you are, wondered deep in though at night why his heart beat so fast when you smiled at him, how come he got jealous???? when you'd pair with someone else to study or train... the boy didn't even know it was jealousy until now
× as in now he knew he wanted to hold your hand, have more inside jokes between you two, kiss you, marry you, wait what—
× you on the other hand are hyperventilating because Shouto likes you
× and you like him back and oH my god, wHAT just happened????
× lunch break comes, nobody moved from their seats while Todoroki just walks by, stares at you, slight blush on his face
× "I'd like to speak alone with you. About my feelings. Towards you. I like you."
× nice alone chat, Shouto 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
× legit nobody is breathing, not making a single noise, waiting for your reaction
× so through stutters and all, you have to grab him by his wrist and get the hell out, the attention being too much
× before you reach a quiet place to talk he just stares at your hand
× "I like it when you touch me. Your hand is warm and it makes my skin tingle–"
× so you're a blushing mess when you let go of his wrist fastly
× "Do you not like me back?" [insert kicked puppy face]
× [insert you telling him that you do, but all the attention in class was killing you]
× "Good. Now hold my hand properly."
× that day Shouto learned that being bold with you was the perfect way to get the sweetest reactions out of you
× it's called teasing and Todoroki Shouto will never stop
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
× Shinsou had a Reputation™, ok?
× Calm, cool, collected, that's Hitoshi Shinsou
× so how come Monoma did him so dirty?
× it seems the blond borrowed a quirk from someone he knew and fled to school to just bring Hell on Earth
× but the only person he managed to throw the quirk at was at Shinsou
× it wasn't even intended for him, but for Bakugou to embarrass him
× so here he was, Mister Tired-of-this-fucking-world now having another reason to be done with everything
× the boy wasn't dumb
× made a strategy just as Monoma was apologizing for the mistake
× somehow the blond took a liking on him and even if he was now part of class 2-A, Monoma proclaimed he was a 2-B at heart; moving on...
× 3 to 5 days of not talking lies
× great, amazing, marvelous, incredible, fantastic
× Rule #1: Avoid [Y/N] at all costs
× which would prove rather difficult since you're part of the same group he was in
× and you were starting to be really good friends
× something he loved/hated because yes, he wants your friendship but he also wants much more
× so when you came to class, would you look at that! Shinsou is sleeping!
× when you went to lunch with the squad? he fled the scene, not opening his mouth
× asked to borrow a pen in class? didn't even look into your eyes as he just gave you one
× after 3 days of this you were starting to get annoyed
× and Midoriya was writing shit down in that notebook of his mumbling stuff every single time Hitoshi bailed
× what you didn't know is that the whole Dekusquad caught on to Shinsou's shenanigans and demanded answers
× well, Ochaco did and she instantly got them because she's terrifying when serious
× so Izuku is in deep fascination with the quirk, Iida is stiff as fuck and Uraraka has this really creepy I-know-something-you-don't smile on her face; Shouto was existing there too, minding his business 🍵
× you really tried to grab a hold of Shinsou but he wasn't even answering your texts
× time to make a game-plan
× and the easiest way to understand what's going on was through Deku and that suspicious notebook of his
× it wasn't even that hard to get it because you got the perfect opportunity basically thrown in your lap
× he was mumbling your name as he was writing down
× you literally demanded to see what he's writing about involving you
× the boy went full panic but before he could manage to escape the situation, the guy that's been avoiding you grabs you by your forearm and tugs you in the hallway
× there he was, purple messy head you wanted to smack, looking all uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck
× "Ok, listen, I have something to tell you and I want you to know through me, not through that notebook" he sighed, eyes avoiding you
× and while you're hurt and exhausted he just mumbles "Who knows what type of embarrassing stuff he wrote there..."
× hold up, he blushing?
× so while you're processing that he explains
× "Been hit by a quirk..." yada-yada, this and that
× "Ok, but why have you been avoiding me of all people?" you just go hard on him for a little bit, not hiding that you're hurting "Do you not trust me?"
× he's caught off guard
× "Because I love you and I'm scared you'll never look at me the same."
× longest silence of his life
× he never felt the need to fill a silent moment more than now
× so he mumbles
× oh, yah, he just blurts it all out while looking everywhere but you
× "I mean you deserve better than a guy with a quirk like this. I didn't want to make things uncomfortable between us so I thought avoiding you was the best, just so we can continue being friends and–"
× he's a fucking mess and it hurts you that he's saying stuff like that because holy shit you love this sleepy idiot?
× of course you kiss him to silence his rant
× and when you separate from it and start to reassure him he's just a m a z i n g, how dare he say stuff like that and how dare he avoid you for so long; now it's his time to kiss you back slowly and sweetly
× cue instant, lazy smile
× "You're adorable..."
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word Count: 2,545
Request: Hi love, can I get 82 and 78 with Fred Weasley? I love your writing btw 💕💕💕
78: "This is illegal isnt it?"
82: "I will face god as I walk backward into hell."
Summary: After her boyfriend cheats on her Fred and George help reader get revenge
A/n: I am so sorry this is so late. My summer has been shit, my bestfriend started dating the guy I have liked for over a year, and my other friend is pissed at me rn sooo yeah life is great. Anyway, sorry again and I'll try to catch up on some writing. Hope u guys enjoy!
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You woke up to a blinding light turning your eyelids from a dark peaceful space to a bloody red one. You groaned opening them slowly and painfully squinting against the sunlight filtering through the large windows in the common room. 
Groaning in confusion you began to gain your senses back, along with memories from the night before. You remembered winning the quidditch game by barely a second then the raging party afterwards, and the number of shots you had taken quickly and painlessly to celebrate your win. 
And now you were tangled in limbs with someone on a couch not daring to move because of the pounding in your head that felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer every other second.
Finally the sting slowed to a dull throb and you sat up trying to ignore the intensifying pain once again rising in your head. You looked around to find your legs wrapped around your best friend's. Your head had been in the crook of his arm and you had to push his other arm off your shoulder. 
You slid your legs off of Fred and stood up causing the red headed boy to stir but not wake. You then began to take in your soundings. 
The floor was littered with red plastic cups and garbage. There was red and gold confetti everywhere and red streamers across the balcony above. 
You sighed and headed up to your dorm pressing in on your temples. You quickly got changed at went down to the common room. You and Cormac were supposed to meet up for breakfast -you had agreed to do so before the match- but now he was probably passed out and hungover. 
You sighed and decided to go check. If he was asleep you would just wake up Fred to go with you. 
You headed up the stairs your headache fading away thanks to the healing potion you had downed upstairs.
You pushed open the door and was met with two pairs of eyes. One was the hazel of your boyfriend and the others were the deep brown of Katie Bell. 
You stumbled backwards at the sight in front of you. Your eyes became blurry with tears. Why was Katie here? Why was she half naked? And why was SHE ON TOP OF YOUR BOYFRIEND?!
"You asshole!" You spat out tears streaming down your cheeks. 
Cormac pushed Katie off of him and started towards you. 
"Shit y/n, I-I didn't mean for you to see that." 
"No shit." You gritted out fury and sadness budding inside you.
He tried to step towards you but you took a step back, "Y/n I-"
"Eight months," you scoffed the comfort you had seen in his eyes gone. "Eight fucking months!"
He flinched at your words as if each one was a slap to the face. 
"You threw away eight months to fuck a slut like Katie Bell?!" You screeched not caring that you had just woken a dozen hungover teenagers.
"Hey!" Katie yelled clearly offended. 
You turned to her with fury in your eyes that made her cower, "You don't get to speak."  You hissed. Katie shut her lips tight and retreated into the corner.
"Don't take this out on her." Cormac said.
"You're defending her!" Your words were sharp and haunted. 
"Your one to talk of being a slut when your sleeping with Weasley!" 
You let out a sour laugh, "Who? Fred?" 
"Yeah Fred, you're all over him!" 
"You know what McLaggen?" You scoffed. "I should have been with Fred."
"Yeah, you think you should have been with him?!" Cormac yelled taking a step toward you, "Then go! Go fuck Weasley!"
You looked up at him tears leaving shimmering trails down your cheeks. Your eyes filled with a dark fire, "Go fuck yourself McLaggen." You seethed before turning on your heels and darting down the stairs. 
You were met with 11 pairs of eyes each showed emotions ranging from anger to pity. The latter more common than the former. 
"Shows over." You murmured angrily. 
Most eyes darted away from you and you scoffed before walking towards the portrait hole. You were stopped by a hand catching g your wrist. 
It was Fred, he tried to pull you into a hug while murmuring comforting words but you pulled away angrily. You left tears dripping from your chin as your crimson robes billowed behind you.
It had been a week. A week of the glances and the whispers. A week of the pitying looks and pointed fingers. A week of anger and sadness.
Fred watched you suffer for a week and he was done. He couldn't stand watching you fall apart over a boy who you should've been with in the first place. He tried to comfort you but his attempts failed each time. So he decided you needed the next best thing. 
Fred and George had a special talent when it came to revenge. So when they found you drunk and alone on the dock to the Black Lake, they decided to take action.
It took the twins two days to come up with the perfect prank. They wanted something that would humiliate him to no end but not physically hurt him. 
Well, George to remind Fred of the last part more often than not when the older twin came up with ideas that could seriously injure their target. 
Finally they struck gold on a plan. 
You sat in the library trying to focus on your potions essay instead of the group of fourth years that were giggling behind their hands pointing at you every so often. You finally snapped whipping around to face the group. 
"You point at me one more time and I will cut that finger off." You threatened your voice low and menacing. 
The younger students flashed red, eyes widened before mumbling an apology and quickly exiting the library. 
"Well you scared the shit out of them." George laughed taking a seat next to you and snatching the quill from your hand. 
You sighed, "What do you what Weasley?"  
"This is about what you want, what you need." Fred stated sliding on your other side and throwing his arm around your shoulders. 
"What's that?" You grumbled visibly annoyed. 
"Revenge." Both twins voiced at the same time smirks taking over their pink lips. 
And for the first time in weeks you felt a smile across your lips, "Alright, what are we talking?" 
You stood in front of the portrait entrance watching as the twins set up the trip wire. 
You giggled, "This is illegal isn't it?" 
"Nah," Fred smiled back at you he had missed the sound of your laughter. 
"It does break about 30 different school rules though." George shrugged. 
"Good." You grinned flashing your white teeth. "That means it's going to be brilliant."
"That also means we need a getaway plan." Fred pointed out, sighing and backing away from his masterpiece. 
"We could make a run for the closet in the charms room." You suggested. 
"Good idea but all three of us won't fit." George explained. 
"Okay, we'll go there and you make a run for the astronomy tower." Fred offered smirking at his astounded brother. 
"What! Why do you get to go to the easy spot?" Goerge asked visibly annoyed. 
"Because I called it." Fred replied, clearly proud of himself.
"The only reason you want to hide in a closet with y/n is because-" George was cut by a particularly cold glare from his twin.
"Because what?" You asked looking back and forth from the boys. 
"Nothing." Goerge grumbled rolling his eyes.
You mimicked his actions and sighed, you weren't going to get an answer out of the two any time soon. 
"Ok so y/n your going to lead him out then we will let the magic happen. " Fred grind.
"This better work." You mumbled. 
"It'll work." George asherrd you. 
"Hey McLaggen, I want to talk to you." When those words left your mouth everyone in the common room snapped their attention to you, as usual they had nothing else to do but wait around like vaulters for something interesting to happen.
Cormac smirked looking up at you, "Alright sweetheart."
You almost slapped him, you managed to take a deep breath and force a smile on your face as you walked towards the exit with him. 
Just before you exited the portrait hole you looked straight up at him and punched him square in the jaw. Your fist connected with his face and he stumbled backwards clutching the spot where he had just been hit. 
Gasps were heard from behind you as some people stood up to get a better view of the scene unfolding in front of them.
"You bitch!" He shrieked, " Your gonna rot in Hell. Rot!" 
You sprinted away from him as he started after you. You were sure to step over the tripwire as you darted out of the way. 
You turned just as he tripped over the thin wire sprawling to the ground. 
"I will face god as I walk backward into hell!"  You yelled at him flipping him off as you walked backwards. 
You watched with a satisfied smile as the boy who had caused you so much pain was dumped in black ink. 
The second the rotten smelling ink covered him George cast a Bedazzling hex and seconds afterwards Fred cast a bat bogey hex and an Antler jinx. 
You burst into laughter watching as the boy stumbled around blindly covered in vomit scented ink growing antlers as his own mucus grew wings and attacked his face. 
"Come on y/n!" Fred yelled snatching your hand and darting towards the East wing. 
The two of you burst into the Charms classroom and darted for the closet. Fred shoved you inside before following and slamming the door behind him. 
You were still laughing the hilarious image of your ex-boyfriend dancing in your mind. 
Fred was smiling too, how could he not be happy when the sound of your laughter filled his ears? 
The two of you stood in the dark closet chests brushing for 4 minutes before your laughter died out, well was more cut off.
Fred heard voices and promptly slapped his hand over your mouth. Your laughter had still been to loud and as much as you tried to stop it you couldn't. So you did the next best thing. You buried your head deep into Fred's chest to muffle the sound. 
Fred had never been more thankful for the dark. He swore he was on fire when you had nuzzled into his sweatshirt, wrapping your arms around him. 
When you laughter finally did die you just stood there buried deep into his chest, hugging him tightly as you breathed in his sweet scent. 
"Thank you." You mumbled, voice barely audible.
"For what?" Fred asked face still hot. 
"For everything." You murmured, tried to snuggled deeper into Fred's soft sweatshirt. "You've done so much for me." 
"Y/n I would do anything for you." The red headed boy whispered wrapping his arms around you and burying his head into your y/h/c hair inhaling its signature floral scent. The scent he would recognize anywhere. "I love you y/n." 
The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them. His eyes went wide as you pulled away from him in shock. 
You felt your breath speed up, "What!?" You cried attempting to back up only to hit a shelf directly behind you. 
Fred felt like his whole world just came crashing down on him. He stumbled over his words trying to recover only to realize there was no going back. 
"You love me?" You asked eyes wide, eyebrows knitted together as confusions etched itself onto your face. 
Fred sighed looking helplessly down at his hands. He finally looked back up at you and exhaled loudly. "Yes." 
You stumbled falling against the wall coving your face with your hands. This was too much too soon. Your boyfriend cheats on you and your best friend says he loves you all in one week. This was way too much. 
"Look y/n I'm really sorry to spring this on you but it's about time I tell you I've loved you for 4 years." Fred declared. 
"FOUR YEARS?" You gasped mouth dropping open, eyed the size of golf balls as you ran your hand through your hair. 
"Yeah but it's all your fault." Fred snapped suddenly feeling angry at the girl for putting him through years of unrequited love.
"My fault!?" You yelled anger conquering your features. 
"Yeah!" Fred scoffed, "Your the one who had to be all pretty and smart. It's not my fault your perfect! Your the one who made me fall in love with you!" 
"What could I have possibly done to make you fall in love with me?!"
Fred's mouth now dropped, "Are you kidding?" He scoffed. 
"Do I look like I'm kidding?!" You asked impatiently. 
"What made me fall in love with you? Well let's see, how about the fact that you stand up for yourself no matter what, or the fact that you are smarter than the rest of the kids in our year combined. Or maybe that you make the best jokes and you are clever and witty in the best possible way. Or the fact that you are so stupidly beautiful I can't even look at you without imagining what it would be like to run my hands over your-!" 
His ranting was cut off when your reached up and grabbed his tie, roughly slamming your lips onto his.
His eyes widened in surprise before shutting slowly as he leaned into the kiss. 
One of your hands found their way to the back of his neck while your other ran through his fiery red hair, tugging lightly making him moan. When his lips parted you slipped your tongue inside them tasting butterbeer and chocolate, rich and sweet. 
His hands found your waist and pulled you close for a second until you pulled away. 
The two of you stood in the dark panting for a few seconds before Fred spoke. 
"Why did you do that?" He gasped eyes wide from surprise. 
"I don't know!" You yelled, "I just really wanted to kiss you all of the sudden!" 
"Well it was good." Fred replied 
"Yeah it was." You breathed out. 
Another few seconds of silence past. 
"Can I do it again?" Fred asked hope inlayed into each word.
"Yeah." You nodded before your lips were connected.
The ginger pushed you against the wall kissing you desperately, his tongue running over your lips before you opened them, pulling him impossibly closer to you by the neck. He started to unbutton  your shirt when you were unfortunately interrupted. 
Light flooded the closet and you both turned to see a disgusted twin. 
"I'm proud of you Fred, but stop before I puke." George grimaced. 
"Sorry." You mumbled pulling away from the boy and straightening your shirt. 
George began to walk away mumbling "The coast is clear." 
Fred brushed past you to follow him but before he could pass you grabbed his hand turning him towards you. 
"Hey Fred?" You asked 
"I think I love you too."
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ts-virgil-angst · 7 years
Five word prompt... I made my own if you don't mind. Alchol changes everything. Even love. Sorry, I thought of it before I saw the premade prompts and it was too good to waste.
TW: alcohol, drinking
Word Count: 565
Prompt: Alcohol changes everything. Even love.
Note: this took forever and a day and i’m so sorry it’s so very late 
@wikkedwolff @mira-jadeamethyst @genderqueerwriter @we-get-it-youre-adorable @finiteframe3 @frustratedwaffle @queerweare @zoeyheys @analogically-prinxiety @polysandershell @prinxietys @jadorefreedom @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @thebaagelboy @vampyrsarah @deafinitelyfangirling @z4rylynn @agentflash18 @gaysaxaphone @winds-and-stardust @the-laarmy @cisnesincorbata @fugitive-angel @netzoflix @paragonofsophistication @angsty-anxxiety @kentato-kenreblog @hells-angel-hevens-demon @antisocialili @saltequeen @theanxofthethomas
There were very few things that caused Roman to have regrets: not chasing an adventure, loves that could have been, roles he couldn’t fill.
Harmful words to those he loved.
On the rare occasion Roman drank, he did so with splendor—nothing but the best for his exquisite pallet. Except this time something went wrong.
He’d had waaaayy too much to drink. It was the first time in a long time that Roman had defeated such a strong foe and everyone had gathered to celebrate it in his room. Even Drew had decided to come despite her dislike for parties.
“I mean, I might as well,” she said, looking over the weapons hanging from her belt. “I’ve yet to see you drunk and I would like to see that.”
“Drew, I do not get drunk. Mistakes are made that way.”
“Oh, of course. Prince Roman can’t ever make a mistake.” She rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder good naturedly. “I’ll be there to clean you up after, don’t worry.”
From there, Roman had worked all day to get it set up and everyone was having a good time when it started. Even Patton, who had been running around making sure everyone was playing it safe, looked excited. Of course, Patton always looked excited so it was hard to tell.
He probably should have been keeping track of how many drinks he’d been having, but who could blame him for not noticing? He had guests to entertain! It was his party, after all, he needed to make sure everyone was happy.
Patton sidled up next to him as he sat down at a table, suddenly dizzy from standing.
“How ya holding up, Princey?”
“I’ve better.” Lord he should have stopped an hour ago. Everything was starting to get dark around the edges. “You wanna know something?”
“Lay it on me.” Patton sat at the table, resting his chin in his hands.
“There are time when I really can’t stand you,” he slurred. Roman blinked slowly, trying to decipher what he just said. He was pretty sure it had been mean but maybe it wasn’t. It probably wasn’t. “I mean, you just make it so difficult for me to go dream chasing when you’re in one of your moods. Thomas can hardly focus like that and that means nothing for me. Sometimes I just wish you were cold and unfeeling so that I could get things done. Or maybe it’d work if you just weren’t here at all.”
By look on Patton’s face, maybe it was something mean. And why couldn’t he see straight? Everything was going dark as he opened his mouth again and he felt like vomit was coming up, but it was a different type of vomit. Words that spilled out with no caution to whom they hit and how badly they hurt. His consciousness slipped away along with the rest of his filter.
Later, when he was sober, he would be grateful he wasn’t aware of all the awful things he’d confessed to Patton.
Roman was sure that he loved Patton, but alcohol changes everything. Even love.
He’d heard it somewhere before and never understood it. But now that Patton wouldn’t even look in his direction without getting teary eyes, he finally understood: love and trust were fragile and nothing could weaken that bond like an unfiltered idiot with too many insecurities.
prompts closed
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