#I just enjoy the supernatural expansions more
americana-gothic · 2 years
Sims 4 Werewolves
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sunboki · 3 months
— ENDLESS WINTER. TEASER a Christopher Bahng fiction
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Christopher Bahng x fem. reader
TROPE. Beast! au, Mage! au, enemies to lovers (she wants to kill him), marriage au, angst
WARNINGS. violence, kidnapping, mention of a past war, descriptions of murder, reader is injured, hyunjin is a bit of a pain, hinted minsung (hehe), blood, kissing (dubcon), cursing
WORD COUNT. estimated around 12k
AUG'S NOTES. me and my inner thoughts… as a fic 😭 i cannot believe this is my longest writing yet!!! hopefully you enjoy!
SYNOPSIS. As heiress of the Magus, otherwise, Mage Clan, you find your position ripped from your fingertips when the Beast Clan conducts a raid. Left the only survivor, you make it your priory to stay alive in a ravaged Kingdom. That is, before you’re captured.
alternatively :
Starvation becomes the least of your problems when you meet King Bahng.
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Hiding in the kitchen’s cupboard was definitely not your intention.
Neither was the Kingdom getting raided by the Beast Clan or being the (presumably) lone survivor in the castle, but fate would have its way, whether you liked it or not — this one just a bit more severe than usual.
Your mother once told you of the Beast Clan, of their ferocity and inability to handle things diplomatically. In her opinion, Beast were barely able to be considered Human.
Well, these words came after the Mage-Beast War; a grueling, disgustingly brutal dispute that caused what was referred to as the “Endless Winter”, a curse put upon the nation by a Magus overseer bidding every day of every year with, well, “endless winter”.
She told you how the ground used to be a wondrous green. Soft beneath your fingertips like feathers. Now, blankets of snow stretched as far as the eye could see, killing off any remaining expanse of foliage.
Although years had passed since then, your Kingdom was still recovering, still navigating importing routes in order to supply necessary goods.
Yet, everything was rapidly adapting, whether that was the snow-shoe rabbits roaming your vast tundra or the unexpected growth of fur on the bottom of the horse’s hooves.
Growing, learning.
Magus, though a lineage of magic practitioners, had begun to dull over the centuries. There was no need to learn with peace eminent, and the more aged those wielding supernatural abilities became, the less said abilities progressed into your generations.
However, Magus is the hearth of your Kingdom, and for as long as you live, the title shall reign supreme.
A title that, used by enemies and allies alike, had modernized from its ancient form Magus, to Mage.
Dinner held in the customary hall began that night, seat upon seat homing each member of the family adorned in their extravagant clothing.
Your father occupied the upmost chair, his plate stacked full of greasy lamb and pork bones. You, on the other hand, had had your fill chatting the cook’s ear off, slipping sweet potato wedges here and there as you talked.
Ms. Maewether was her name, a sad soul who carried her love in her cherished dishes. A love reserved for her late husband, a Beast himself, who unfortunately passed in The War.
Back then you asked her questions to the moon, about what they looked like specifically — if they really had eight inch claws like all the other children gossiped, if they could feel.
The last one was important, because everything Ms. Maewether told you you believed without a doubt, and the number one thing she pressed was that Beasts can feel, so very deeply. Just like humans.
The War changed that, and tension rose tenfold, especially as each Kingdom recovered from their countless casualties.
Luckily, your life had been peaceful, having been born young enough you could hardly remember.
Had been peaceful.
A scream from outside redirects the table’s conversation, relatives and siblings alike turning their head to gaze out the window.
Your blood runs cold.
Beasts, left and right, are slaughtering. Their clothing stained in blood that certainly isn’t their own, blades in clutch.
Immediately, panic ensues. People are trampling over each other to get out, disregarding every instinct but to stay alive. It’s chaos.
Dodging flailing bodies, you anchor yourself in a secluded cupboard below the countertops, shrinking as close to the wall as possible.
A few moments after everyone evacuates the Dining Hall do you hear cries. Yelling, gargled sounds. You cringe back imagining, stifling your breathing as much as possible.
Suddenly, a thought comes to mind, a thought that might just be responsible for saving your life.
Ms. Maewether warned you a Beast’s smell is like no other, like a dogs. Twenty times as heightened as a persons.
So slowly, silently, you fish your hand into the small bit of darkness in front of you, locating a small bottle of cooking grease you wince upon finding — forcing the awful smelling concoction over your body, masking your scent.
Right after sitting down the container does the door creak open, heavy footsteps belonging to none other than a Beast. You can hear it in their sniffing, the clicking of their claws. Chills scatter your arms.
Another enters as the second door creaks, muttering something incomprehensible to its companion. At this point you’re pressed to the other side of the cupboard, both hands covering your mouth.
Your heart thunders in your chest, beating unbearably loud the longer you huddle.
Walking past where you lie, a Beast stops, body ducking down close enough you can hear its labored panting. You wait, waiting for the door to be flung open and for your death to await.
It doesn’t. And you thank whomever above for the echo of its presence fading away into the distance, barely relaxing against the highly uncomfortable hiding spot.
Instead, a blood curdling screech rips through the atmosphere, comparably close to where you hide. Abruptly, it stops, the thump of a body against the floor making you staunch the nausea building like bile in your throat.
It takes three days for you to finally peer out of the cupboard, the entirety of the Kingdom completely void of a soul.
Taking your first few steps around do you notice a woman, obviously slain by the puddle of blood surrounding her and the putrid stench. Her mouth hangs open—horror-stricken, frozen in place. You vomit in the sink.
For about a week do you roam the murder-house of a castle, finding purchase in a non-blood-bathed room and the many, thought to be endless amount of food.
You won’t leave, simple.
As long as the Beast Clan believes they’ve killed everyone, you’re safe.
That reminder was assuring, until your food supply dropped exponentially and a new problem situated itself on your platter.
Worst case scenario you die of starvation, the likelihood high if you stay here. Solution? Hunting.
Granted, you’re not the most skillful hunter, but you’re also not horrendous with a bow. Except, it’s not your aiming abilities you stress, it’s the chance someone sees you, the enemy sees you.
Four weeks in and you’re left with no other choice than to bundle yourself in layers upon layers of clothing and heed the feeble weaponry available.
Blizzard frost permeates your vision, wobbling steps making your hunger evident the more you roam. A horse would’ve been effortlessly useful, but selling yourself into that fantasy had been futile upon realizing they either took or killed all escapades.
A hare catches your eye, pale fur barely divisible from the terrain below. Carefully, you crouch down, elbow stretching the arrow back as far as possible whilst maintaining a solid grip. Steady. Steady.
The arrow flies, puncturing the animal in its chest enough to where it thankfully doesn’t suffer, flopping over rather pathetically instead.
However, your success is short-lived.
Stalking forward to snatch the creature quickly, a shadow looming overhead halts your footsteps. Behind you.
Before you can think to run, you wind back, meager arrow in hand providing little defense against the attacker.
First thing you take in is how huge they are. At least six feet tall if not taller, brilliantly ruby eyes revealing its true identity.
With ease the man has your efforts pinned, curiousity overflowing as the animal looks at you. Yet, he doesn’t look like an animal, and apart from those eyes of his, no other factors would’ve revealed him to you but that.
This Beast has a fox-like face. A younger stature and smaller, slanted features.
“Hyung, what is this?” He asks, lifting your petrified frame like you were the rabbit you’d killed earlier.
His older counterpart glances over, and any hope of getting released plummets upon those wild crimson hues focusing in on you—knowledgeable as to what you were.
The cooking grease had long worn off, and your identity was likely as apparent as can be.
Older Beast easily roaming through the snow, his fingers tangle into your hair, drawing out a cry when he jerks his hand up, forcing your gaze to meet his through the searing sting of your scalp. The younger grimaces.
His long, nearly white hair is tied into a ponytail, sharp cheekbones and calculating stare beyond intimidating. Beneath his left eye you note a small, distinct mole.
“One remained, huh.”
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sunboki, may 2022 ©
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seethesin · 8 months
green eyed monster
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pairing: Vampire!Hazel Callahan x F!Monster Hunter!Reader
tags/warnings: sexual content, hazel & reader are 18+, supernatural/vampire au, jealous!reader, teasing, blood kink, biting, praising, fingerfucking, clitoral stimulation (18+, mdni)
a/n: sequel to vampires everywhere! enjoy 😌
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Ever since you met Hazel in her mausoleum, you couldn't get enough of her. It was against your nature to let her roam free, but how were you supposed to dispatch her when she was mouthing your cunt like it was the only thing keeping her on this earth? You never experienced a fraction of the pleasure she provided before and selfishly, you allowed whatever this... situationship was to continue.
"You know, this place was not what I was expecting."
For a bar dedicated to monsters, you were anticipating something more… monstrous. Instead, The Last Drop looked and felt like any nightclub you’ve had the pleasure of attending. Vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and everything in between coexisted here peacefully. No one was sloppy and miraculously, no one started a fight. You deferred your inquisitive gaze to Hazel, wordlessly asking for her validation of your observation.
Instead, she was bobbing her head along to some unnaturally sounding house music, grin wide as she nodded over the bartender. There were no words, just a cacophony of noises and beats that pumped through the sound system.
It wasn’t your place to judge her music taste, no matter how bombastic.
“Oh it’s great in here,” she replied joyfully, starting a tab for the both of you. She was still nodding her head around and if your circumstances were different, it would have been endearing.
Ironically, you two were under the guise of a ‘couple.’ More specifically, a vampire and her willing feeder. The idea of it made you gag, but it seemed like the best way for you to get in without being swarmed.
Hazel's arm draped loosely over your back, hand sprawled on your barstool to cage you to her side. Her actions could be read as either possessive or protective—both serving as a reminder that you were now in the belly of the beast. You didn’t resist and instead, leaned in closer.
“What do you want to drink?” Hazel asks and you shift your attention back to her and the undead bartender already reaching for two cups. His skin was deathly pale and his veins were completely visible. There were gashes on his arms and a chunk of his skull was missing. The thought of his bodily fluids accidentally dripping into your cup made you shudder. You looked away quickly, more focused on picking around the skin of your nails.
“Surprise me.”
Hazel nods, looking back at the bartender.
“Okay, Randy. Give me a bloody mary and whiskey sour.” You scrunch your nose, elbowing Hazel gently in the side.
“Whiskey sour?” you parrot incredulously. She begins to giggle before pulling you in closer. Her hand grips your thigh; a warning to those around you both as to who you came with and who you will be leaving with.
It makes your clit throb.
“Because you’re such a sourpuss.” You roll your eyes and Hazel takes your reaction as a tiny victory. "Loosen up!"
But that was the thing. You couldn’t.
You still had a job to do, one that required the vampire’s assistance. You were here to collect a bounty for a renowned werewolf named Nimue. The payout was too great to ignore, even after splitting it in half with Hazel. Thankfully through the grapevine a la The Last Drop, Hazel had a contact that knew more.
That contact was in the form of her ex-girlfriend.
To specify further, Hazel's werewolf ex-girlfriend, Stella-Rebecca.
Apparently, she knew everything there was to know about your target: what she liked, how she spoke, the demeanor she held. Her expansive knowledge would be appreciated, especially when a few million dollars was on the line.
"What type do ya want?" Randy's gravelly voice cuts through your thoughts and you bring your gaze between him and Hazel. "Or do you just want it from her?"
He gestures to you and you stare at them both. Suddenly, the insinuation becomes clear and you jerk back in surprise.
"You take your bloody mary with actual blood?"
Hazel deadpans to you, brows quirked upward.
"How else would I take my bloody mary?"
Randy cackles, delighted at your naivety. He presses a glass cup into a fountain behind the counter, filling it partially with coagulated blood.
"No antigens for you, eh, Hazel?" She smirks, shrugging simply as he adds vodka, juices, and a few sauces and spices you can't make out into the glass. He connects it to a shaker, shaking roughly before pouring it out into a cup.
"I'll take what I can get."
It only takes a minute or two more for both of your drinks to be finished. You drink yours easily, but can't help your curiosity as you watch Hazel suck down the nasty combination. A whiskey sour was definitely the way to go.
Back to business. "Alright, what does Stella-Rebecca look like?"
Hazel gives a throaty hum, putting her cup down.
"She's a brunette: short, curvy, and—oh."
"She's uh, she's already here."
"What?" Quickly, you scan the bar around you for a woman with any of the traits Hazel described. "Where?"
"Right there." Hazel's hand is on your hip, guiding you towards the right where the door is.
Stella-Rebecca was a smokeshow.
She walked with an air of confidence. Her head was held high, as her black heels clicked on the hardwood floor. She wore a form fitting, flattering emerald green dress with a black clutch wrapped around her wrist. Her full face of makeup was immaculate and Hazel needed to tug you back to keep you from gaping like a lunatic.
“She’s your ex?” you ask in a high pitched whisper, peeling more laughter from the vampire’s throat.
“Yes ma’am.”
“She’s—” Incredible. The silent compliment hangs on your tongue, but Hazel didn’t have to read your mind to know what you were thinking. It makes her smile as she watches Stella-Rebecca slide into the empty barstool next to her.
“Oh my gosh, Hazel! It’s been like, forever since I’ve seen you!”
She leans forward, snatching Hazel into a hug by her shoulders. The tight grip makes Hazel's eyes go wide and you can't help but smirk. For a split second, you wonder which of them would win a fight, one-on-one.
Stella-Rebecca lets her go and immediately, her attention is on you. You anticipated a dirty look or a roll of her eyes, but instead, she flashed you a bright, toothy smile. Your heartbeat stutters—no wonder why Hazel dated her. She's pretty and nice.
"And who is this adorable thing?" She simpers, tone genuinely sweet as she leans closer to get a better look at you.
You introduce yourself quickly, taking mental note of how unnaturally her brown eyes glowed in the dim lighting. She goes to shake your hand after introducing herself and you can feel her manicured, claw-like nails against your skin. Past instances with werewolves never lasted this long and that fact alone unnerved you.
Hazel's grinning at your exchange and you suddenly feel very anxious. Your hands weave together, thumbs bouncing off one another as Stella-Rebecca turns her attention back to the vampire.
"I like her, Haze."
Haze. Something about the familiarity of that pet name makes your stomach turn. Your blood thumps against your ears and you bite down on the inside of your lip.
"There's a lot to like," Hazel muses charmingly, causing the other girl to giggle as if Hazel was referring to her. Flush crawls up your neck to the tips of your ears. You didn't want to admit it, but you were jealous of their relationship. Even if they weren't dating anymore, they acted as if they were picking up from where they left off.
"I appreciate you came by on such short notice, Stella-Rebecca," You interject quickly, catching both girls off guard. Hazel quirks a brow at you, staring intently into your eyes. After a moment, a ghost of a smile tugs on her lips.
She knows.
Blunt fingernails dig into your hip, pulling you even closer. Hazel wears a devil-may-care smile as she turns back to Stella-Rebecca.
"What can you tell us about Nimue?"
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Thank god for Stella-Rebecca.
Every question you and Hazel asked she answered completely and swiftly. You weren't sure if there was a personal vendetta between her and Nimue, but Stella-Rebecca did not hold back with each answer she gave. With the information you collected through a series of voice memos, you felt more confident than ever in your mission.
However, it seemed like you held back the entire interrogation. Your jaw was perpetually clenched every time Hazel and Stella-Rebecca laughed over an inside joke or reminisced on old memories. Your palms ached from the constant half-moons you dug into your skin. The way they looked at each other held so much history that it made you nauseous.
You didn't speak during the car ride back to your home, nor did you say anything to each other once you stepped inside. Luckily for Hazel, you had already invited her in previously. She was able to follow you in without leaking blood from every orifice of her body.
Your carpets get to live another day.
"Is there uh," Hazel starts, watching as you settle onto your sofa and scroll through the dozens of voice memos you recorded from earlier this evening. "Anything you want to talk about?"
"Nope." Your lips purse at the end, popping audibly. "Maybe you should ask your girlfriend if she wants to talk."
Hazel approaches you slowly like one would a cornered animal. Her footsteps are light and you were convinced you saw her smile through your peripherical vision.
"You know I can read your mind, right?"
You don't respond.
"So that means I know what you're thinking."
"What am I thinking then, Hazel?" you finally snip, causing her grin to grow. You blink and she's already leaned forward, centimeters from your face. Her breath fans against your lips and reflexively, your tongue darts out to wet them.
She chuckles.
"You've been thinking about how much you want me," she purrs, her lids heavy as she stares at your mouth. She wasn't wrong and it makes you grit your teeth. Blush dusts your cheeks and you glare at her.
"Fuck you."
"We could if you'd stop being a sourpuss."
Your hands connect to Hazel's shoulders and you shove her down onto the sofa. You crawl on top of her, straddling her hips before leaning in to kiss her. Hazel's sneering into your kiss, swallowing your lips before flickering her tongue in between them.
The air around you turns ten degrees warmer around you and you paw at one another. Both of you shed your clothing, ripping layer upon layer from your bodies and discarding them on the floor.
Hazel is now sitting up, back pressed against the cushions as you remain mounted on her lap. Her mouth is between your breasts: kissing, biting, and sucking the delicate skin to the point of drawing blood. Her dexterous tongue laps it up eagerly, causing a string of moans to squeeze from your throat. Her dominant hand slips underneath the waistband of your underwear as her middle and ring fingers rub against your slit.
"Were you this wet all night?" she whispers against your chest and you don't respond.
Instead, you weave your fingers through her brown tresses. Once they're ingrained, you give her hair a firm tug, making her grunt. It's enough of an answer for her and she buries the digits easily into your cunt, humming in pleasure. You straighten, lifting your hips just enough to give Hazel more room.
"Good girl." Your eyes squeeze shut at the praise while another moan bubbles from your chest. "Can you continue being good for me tonight?"
You nod. Hell, she could have asked you to streak around your neighborhood in that husky voice and you would have nodded until your neck snapped.
As a reward, her fingers curl inside you, pressing against your fleshy walls and you whine. Your hips grind down further on Hazel's hand, greedily stealing as much friction as you can. Her other hand grips the fat of your ass, keeping you still while her lips meander up to your neck. A playful but stern bite comes soon after and you gasp, pushing your hips into hers. Hazel's fangs pierce your skin and her tongue washes over your skin to soothe the damage.
"Fuck, Hazel," you sputter, burying her face between your breasts as your knees begin to dig into her hips. You're so close. "Touch my clit too, baby."
Her laughter vibrates against your chest and she dutifully complies. You feel her thumb brushing against your clit as she continues to fuck you. The sensations begin to overwhelm you and involuntarily, your body starts to shudder.
"Like this, princess?" You don't trust your voice and instead nod, soon realizing that she couldn't see you doing so.
After a moment, you choke out a: "Feels so good."
"Then you'll love this." Her lips latch onto your nipple and your eyes roll back as soon as you feel her suck.
Hazel was right.
You cum with a shout, your body going rigid as you grip her hair for dear life. Her hand on your ass loosens so that you can wriggle your hips and ride out the remainder of your orgasm. Slowly, you find yourself coming back to reality. You hear Hazel's lips smack together as they pull away from your breast. A lazy, impish smile tugs at her lips as she stares up at you.
"Feeling better?"
You're still panting, eyes fluttering open as you hold onto Hazel's shoulders. Slowly, you lift your hips to allow Hazel to pull her hand back. Her slick-covered fingers are already in her mouth and unabashedly, you watch her suck them clean.
"Better," you agree, tilting Hazel's head up. She looks up at you and eagerly accepts the kiss you press on her lips. You last like that for a few moments longer before you break the kiss.
"You know," she starts and your brows arch expectantly. "If this is how you get when you're jealous—"
"Do not finish that sentence, Haze."
The both of you blink in surprise, not expecting the nickname to sound so natural coming out of your mouth. You can't stop yourself from blushing and Hazel cups your face, forcing you to look at her. She beams before peppering more kisses against your skin.
"You keep calling me that and I'll do anything you want."
"Anything?" Hazel nods curtly and your fingers wrap around her wrists. She watches you intently as you contemplate your next sentence. A wave of confidence washes over you suddenly and you look her right in the eyes.
"I want you to take me out after we find Nimue and collect her bounty."
Obviously, Hazel was not anticipating this request by the way her eyes widened. She recovers quickly, blinking away her shock before grinning dumbly.
"Like... on a date date?"
You can't help but giggle at the childish wonder in her voice.
"Yes, Haze, a real date."
She yanks you forward into an embrace and you realize now just how cold her bare body is. You shiver as her hands slide up your naked back, the steel of her rings searing your skin.
"I think I already have some ideas."
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sunkendreams · 4 months
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➾ pairing ; david x fem!reader.
in which david decides to have his way — in front of a mirror. of course, the main attraction is you.
FORMAT: drabble — requested.
WARNINGS: SMUT (mdni), mirror sex, p in v sex, unprotected sex, mild bloodplay (he’s a vampire), biting, hair-pulling, groping, teasing, dirty talk, pet names (use of kitten and sweetheart), rough sex, bruising/marking, choking, david is an asshole (but he’s hot), naked female, clothed male, fingering (f!receiving), finger-sucking, breastplay, begging, multiple positions, mind reading, making out, possessive & obsessive behavior from david
AUTHOR’S NOTE: so this was a request but I deleted it by accident (mega sorry !!) whoever sent this in, thank you for your service because this was ridiculously hot and so fun to write! thank you all for your love and support, i promise that I will try to post more often! still working on requests! ❤️
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A soft, simpering moan reverberated throughout your cavernous alcove, hands balled up into tight, clenched fists as you tugged at your sheets. Even as you slept, someone toyed with your mind — David had quite the habit for making you see whatever he wanted in your dreams. They were never terrifying or intended to frighten you, but oh, were they cruel.
When you ripped yourself out of your blissful slumber, your flesh was crawling with a misty perspiration, from the intensity and the subject matter. It was something salacious — David fucking you into oblivion, your mind consumed whole by those golden-orange eyes.
You felt dirty for dreaming of such a thing, but in the presence of mind-reading vampires, especially ones that could manipulate your thoughts, it was bound to happen. David enjoyed using that sway on you in the name of playfulness, but he used it to torment you, too.
Tangled within a snare of sheets, you sat up, adjusting your nightshirt. David had a penchant for making you wear things that belonged to him, covering you in his scent. It was a tattered black t-shirt that hadn’t seen daylight in many years, you suspected.
The cavern was unnaturally silent, lacking the rancor and energy that the boys brought to it. It was just you, alone within your nest, distraught by your dreams.
David’s hold upon you was nothing short of supernatural, and the bond that you shared only strengthened his unorthodox abilities. His voice rang throughout your mind, crisp and clear as if he were merely standing a few feet away. You pictured his sardonic laughter and his charismatic sneer.
Glistening rays of moonlight pooled through the gap in the top of the cave, indicating that it was dusk. You assumed that they all must’ve been at the boardwalk, indulging in their vices and feeding frenzy.
With your humanity still intact, your circadian rhythm was quite different from that of your vampiric compatriots, but you were still learning to be on their time — David, in particular. You began to fix your bed, untangling yourself from the snare of sheets. Faint noises echoed throughout the cavern, the only ambiance you had.
A brief clatter caused you to jump, goosebumps coalescing along your spine. You were more tense than usual, still feeling very disoriented and dazed from your onslaught of dreams. Sometimes, you hated them — hated that David tormented you in such a way.
Molten heat swirled within the pit of your stomach, resulting in a warm wave of arousal that pooled between your thighs. You pinched at the bridge of your nose, half-tempted to lay down and let your hand do all of the work in an attempt to chase some sort of release.
Before you could even consider it fully, a bout of alluring laughter resonated from the darkness above, an expanse of cavernous abyss untouched by light. The shadows were alive, stirring with a familiar presence as sanguine-orange hues observed you with a cruelty to them; a cruelty you knew.
“Poor thing,” David crooned, haughtily perched in the rocks above your nest, watching you with a visceral interest. You looked so pretty — all pent-up and disheveled, bearing his scent upon your supple flesh. It was how he liked you. “Bad dreams?”
You scoffed, attempting to feign disdain, but the veil was thin — you were flustered and hot, arms loosely folding within your lap. “How long have you been up there?” You asked, throat becoming thick. You knew that David must’ve gotten his fill of watching you thrash about, your mind swarming with him.
David’s dark, enticing chuckle resonated throughout the alcove. You could envision his smug, arrogant expression — a face you’d grown to love, unfortunately for you. “Long enough,” He mused, clicking his tongue. “Long enough to smell you.” His teasing tone only made you embarrassed.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” You grumbled, but realization struck you — he was here with you, alone. He’d let the boys go out without their leader, unchaperoned and off the leash. That was extremely unusual for David, and it made you wonder.
“Is that why you keep coming back, kitten?” David mused, leaning forward until he broke through the shadows, glowering down at you with an incendiary expression. That playful mockery still remained, but the wave of desire festering inside of him began to overpower anything else.
You held your tongue, gazing up at him with a wistful sense of longing. Despite David’s crueler proclivities and cocksure attitude, you did love him — he was yours, after all. Those piercing, icy eyes of his raked over you, jaw tensing and unclenching.
“Please come down,” Desperation crept into your voice, shameless and unadulterated as you pressed your thighs together, attempting to fight away your arousal. Your fingers idly toyed with the hem of your shirt, hoping that he would comply with your request. “I—I need you.”
David smirked, a fire swirling within his eyes as he cocked his head to one side. “Is that so, sweetheart?” He hummed, slinking down from his perch as he stood in front of you, reaching out to grab your jaw with his gloved digits. He traced his thumb over your lower lip.
“Yes,” You squeaked, keening into his embrace. He looked so intimidating and imposing like this — dressed in dark colors, eclipsing all flickers of candlelight as his shadow fell over you. It enveloped you, kept you anchored. “David, please. I want you.”
“I know you do,” He uttered. “You belong to me.” His voice — it was enchanting, like a siren’s song, tempting you into deeper waters. David began to lean forward, inhaling your scent as he brazenly nipped at your jaw. “Wet from the thought of me, aren’t you?”
Your head bobbed up and down several times over in a fervent nod, feeling him come closer, mouth hovering above yours. Saliva coalesced within your mouth, lips practically clamoring for him, and he let you. You kissed him with a clear desperation, but his hunger was unmatched.
His hand grabbed at the nape of your neck, hard enough to bruise as he pulled you forward, all teeth and tongue, domineering as ever. David’s throat burst with a snarl, chest rumbling as he bit at your lower lip. The whimpering sound that emerged from you only poured fuel onto the fire, igniting lust and desire.
In a frenzy, you grabbed at his coat, hands pushing themselves against his chest. You were itching for a release, for some sliver of friction or attention. David started this mess — you wanted him to finish it.
The sound of his sneering laughter as he grinned into your mouth made you tense up, watching as he drew away just enough to see you. “My mess?” He clicked his tongue, teeth catching around his glove as he pried it off, hand immediately snaking toward the juncture between your legs, underneath your underwear.
As soon as those thick digits slid against your slick cunt, you knew that you were in for it. Your heart began to beat erratically, wrought with excitement as you let out a hapless moan. “David, I— Please!” Those simpering pleas of yours were met with an enticing grin as he dragged his teeth along your neck.
“This is your mess,” David corrected, shamelessly bullying his way into your thoughts. There was plenty for him to peruse through — your sheepish fantasies, memories, and embarrassment. He savored it all, licking his lips like a cat who’d caught the canary. “Why should I clean up after you?”
Humanity was a blessing — yours, at least.
David could’ve licked your sweet skin and tasted your excitement, delighted by the little hitch in your throat and the way you squirmed. There was something intoxicating about you, about your fragility and ability to be molded, to be manipulated — to become his.
Your lips parted, eyes wide and doe-like as you ground your hips into his fingers. He couldn’t help but laugh, pushing you down onto the mattress as he loomed above, thumb flicking your clit with a feather-light sensation. It was just enough to keep you wanting more of it, chasing after it.
“Please!” You didn’t care if it seemed pathetic — you only wanted him. “Please, David! I—I’ll do anything, I just need you!” His countenance was characteristically smug and bemused, cerulean hues dancing with a fervor that made you shudder with delight.
“You’ll do anything,” David parroted, gaze flickering toward the large, tarnished mirror that sat across from your bed. The only image present was you, splayed out for him — his mind began to churn with an idea. “I think you’ll like this.”
With inhuman strength, David plucked you up as if you weighed nothing, turning you around to face the mirror, keeping your back pinned against his chest. It was just your reflection — disheveled, pupils dilated with lust, shirt rucked up around your hips.
He squeezed your throat with one hand, the other languidly dancing across your cunt, digits toying with your clit. “David,” You whined, feeling him recoil, only to remove your panties altogether with a simple snap of his wrist, tearing the fabric asunder. “W—What are you doing?” You slurred, shivering when his teeth snagged your earlobe.
“Making sure that you see yourself, kitten.” David purred, biting down on the sensitive flesh of your ear, breath ghosting along the cartilage. “You look perfect like this,” His murmured, voice dropping to a husky octave as he finally began to sink his fingers into you. “I want you to watch.”
A wave of pressure assaulted your lower jaw as David turned your face towards the mirror, and you wanted to shy away from it all. It was awkward and unusual, but there was something wildly attractive about it at the same time. You could feel his thumb circle your clit, fingers seeking your entrance.
His stubbled jaw scraped across your silky flesh, causing you to shudder in excitement. Your stomach churned with a violent delight as he began to sink his digits into your cunt, savoring the way you clenched around him. The mirror was glaring, a few feet across from you — even with him touching you, you were in ecstasy.
“David,” You sighed, throat bobbing underneath his palm as he applied a barrage of pressure, fingers beginning to find a rather brutal rhythm. He pistoned them in and out of your tight cunt, thumb occasionally flicking over your clit for added pleasure. You rocked against him, his physique cold beneath his clothing, akin to a marble statue — hard and unyielding. “Feels so good.”
The soft lull of his dark laughter made you shiver, hips jolting and keening into the sensation of his fingers. He showered you in vigorous kisses, mouth roaming across the expanse of your neck and shoulder. David began to bite at your flesh, soothing it over with the chill of his tongue.
Your hand grasped at his forearm, using it as a crutch as he continued to finger-fuck you, pace having increased to something vigorous. The white-hot intensity only served to make your legs buckle, liquid heat oozing between your legs. A glistening sheen of your arousal coated your inner thighs, and it almost embarrassed you.
“Good girl,” David murmured, visage buried against the side of your neck, face nearly pressing into yours. You whimpered, cunt tight and hot around his fingers. You were a mess — his little human, his thrall. “Such a desperate little thing.”
He squeezed at your jaw, harshly angling your mouth toward his, lips colliding in a blaze of teeth and tongue. Those sharp fangs momentarily caught your lower lip, withdrawing a pearl of crimson. David eagerly lapped at your cruor with a lustful expression, eyes unnaturally bright.
Between the sensation of his digits pistoning in and out of your cunt and his tongue invading your maw, you very nearly collapsed. That familiar ringing of his laughter reverberated throughout your mind, causing you to moan into another heated kiss.
David’s hand wandered from your throat to your chest, pinching at one of your nipples. It was cruel, with enough force to make you writhe as he groped at the swell of your breast. He contorted you, bent you however and wherever he pleased. Your reflection in the mirror was one of complete and utter submission.
He began to curl his fingers, forcing his way inside of your cunt once more. Molten heat oozed around his digits, which he seemed eager to taste, once he’d had his fun with you. David playfully nipped at your jaw, palm kneading into your chest as he kept you pinned to his chest; nowhere to go.
A hapless, wanton moan escaped you, causing you to careen backward, snug against him. David growled, erection digging into the swell of your ass, itching to be inside of you. Fortunately, he had patience — you, on the other hand, not so much.
“You want the others to hear you?” David inquired, voice sharp and commanding, making you tremble beneath his grasp. Those glistening fangs of his tauntingly scraped across your flesh again, cerulean hues replaced with orange-red irises.
You immediately shook your head, wondering if the boys were back — you were too absorbed within your own satisfaction to notice. A pang of embarrassment washed through you, causing your flesh to become blistering hot.
David chuckled, pinching at your nipple again, which only served to make you yelp. “I think you do, kitten.” He purred, his tone alluring and husky, ghosting above the shell of your ear. “Should I ask Dwayne if he’d like to join?” You knew that he was somewhat serious.
“N—No! I just want you, David,” You mewled, gasping when his thumb rolled over your clit, having abandoned it for so long. “Please!” Admittedly, the thought of having one of them partake alongside David was tantalizing, but you felt too flustered to go through with it.
“You’re not a very good liar.” David chided, moving inwards for another kiss before he twisted you back in the direction of the mirror. He was hellbent on making you watch, grin akin to that of a ravenous wolf as he withdrew his digits from your cunt. “Open.”
His command was met with an instantaneous response as your lips parted, breath hitching within your throat as David moved to place his fingers upon your tongue. He made sure that you were watching, gaze hawkish and calculating as you sucked on his digits.
You could taste yourself, thighs quivering from your denied orgasm. David always built you up, only to rip it away at the very end, but he had other intentions. He pressed his digits toward the back of your throat, nearly laughing when you sputtered and gagged.
“Good,” He hummed, slipping one hand toward his pants to free his cock, grinding himself against you a time or two, allowing you to feel. “Keep watching, kitten. We’re almost there.” David growled, biting at your neck again with a blatant roughness.
The position remained the same, your back caged in against his chest as he guided himself toward your entrance, replacing his fingers with his cock. David was rarely gentle with you, preferring to unleash his desire and aggression — and you were beyond satisfied with that.
There was love and possessiveness interlaced in his ministrations, even if he didn’t fully realize it. David bullied his way in between your thighs, cock slipping into your tight cunt with a sudden amount of force. His hand returned to your throat as the other palm began grabbing at your thigh as he hitched it up.
Candlelight flickered throughout the alcove, dancing across your physique, basking you in an orange glow. The mirror glared back at you, allowing you to see what David had intended for the entirety of your time together.
His cock slipped in and out of your cunt with ease, rutting into you with a force that was nothing short of brutal and unyielding. David’s breath fanned across the crook of your neck, fangs continuing to linger there as he intermingled rough kisses and bites across your flesh. If blood emerged, he lapped it up like a starving animal.
“David,” You whined, locked within his vice-like grip. His leather-clad arms bracketed you against him, not allowing for much space whatsoever. Molten heat oozed freely from between your legs as you coated his cock in your arousal. “P—Please don’t stop!”
With a low, rumbling grunt, he shoved his hips forward once again, pushing his way into you. His cock was buried deep within your cunt, and David developed a rhythm of almost pulling out before fucking his way back into you. His fingertips prodded and kneaded all around your body, leaving bruises in tender places.
The glassy glare of the mirror only revealed your reflection — disheveled, reduced to a quivering, moaning mess as David had his way with you. Your eyes flickered toward the slate of glass, and the sight of you was messy, at best. David didn’t think so, but you did.
Your thoughts were practically screaming, aching for him in every way imaginable. David had difficulty keeping himself out, lips parting as he sucked another messy hickey into your neck. Your cunt clenched around his cock when he rolled your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting a chuckle from him.
A canvas — that’s what you’d become. Your flesh served as a supple expanse for David to mark and toy with, savoring the way you submitted to him so very easily. Your saccharine scent invaded his senses, coupled with the sting of sex and arousal.
“I want to kiss you,” You moaned, hoping that he would comply with your request. The way in which he fucked you now, all contorted and unable to see him, made you incredibly frustrated. David knew this, able to smell your mounting agitation. “Please.”
Under certain circumstances, David would’ve denied you and simply put you on all fours to prove a point, but some sliver of him wanted to see your face when he fucked you. Wordlessly, he pulled himself out, seconds apart as he pushed you down onto the bed, making sure you were on your back this time.
“I suppose you’ve earned it,” David hummed, his stare igniting with a newfound wave of lust as he surveyed your naked frame. He pushed his way in between your legs, crawling on top of you like a dark shadow. His cock prodded at your slick cunt, forcing its way back inside as he resumed his rough pace. “Go on, kitten.”
His voice was intoxicating — always spoken through the alluring roll of his tongue, emerging from between pearlescent teeth. David snickered when you clamored forward, hands tugging him down, mouth desperately latching onto his as you kissed him.
David snarled into your mouth, chest bubbling with a series of grunts as he fucked into you, rutting away at your tight cunt. He felt your knees squeeze at his clothed hips, fingers reaching for his platinum-blonde tresses. As soon as you pulled, his lips twitched into a smirk.
It was all teeth and tongue and unrequited want, with David pounding himself into you until he couldn’t go any further. His cock throbbed inside of you, eased by your slick as he bit at your lower lip.
One hand gripped at your thigh, hard enough to leave behind imprints as the other tangled around your throat yet again. The mirror showed a rather lascivious scene, of you being ravaged and fucked by some unforeseen force. To the untrained eye, it would’ve looked unnatural or downright terrifying.
“Getting close?” David uttered, watching as you nodded several times over. The pleasure from his fingers before had collided into the sensations you felt presently. His laughter was wolfish, accompanied by the faint curl of his lips as he pushed his hips forward.
“David!” You moaned, watching as he bent his head toward your chest, ravaging your collarbone in a series of rough kisses. Fangs nicked your supple flesh, visage buried beside your heart, beating just above your breast. With a brusque tug of his hair, you rolled your body into him, yearning for the friction.
Your vampiric paramour never relented, mouth tangling around one of your breasts as he bit at your nipple. A shrill whimper escaped you, hands clawing at his spiked tresses, clamoring for the nape of his neck. With another snap of his hips, your body became awash with pleasure.
An idle, satisfied hum escaped his lips, which continued to nibble and suck at your breasts. “That’s it,” David purred, a growl ripping through his throat as he fucked into you again. “Cum for me, kitten.” It wasn’t a statement — it was a command, one that you obeyed without effort.
It was supernatural, the power he exuded over you — and you were powerless to resist, slipping underneath the thrall of his spell. Your back arched into him, cunt clenching around his cock as you faded away into the white-hot abyss of your orgasm.
Carnal delight swirled through you, molten heat coalescing between your thighs as David rut into you, fucking you through it before he came inside of you. He didn’t need to breathe or compose himself — not like you did, trembling in the aftermath of your release.
David withdrew from you, watching as you sheepishly reached for your shirt. He stepped forward, cupping your jaw within his palm, able to feel the scorching heat of your flesh against his icy fingertips.
“Will you stay this time?” You murmured, keening into his embrace as his thumb traced across your lower lip. David often disappeared afterwards, whether it was to feed or do something else entirely. He occasionally sat in a velvet chair to placate you, but he was having a change of heart.
“Is that what you want?” David inquired, and once you nodded, he didn’t say anything else, wordlessly sitting on the edge of the mattress as you laid down. He wasn’t exactly the pillow-talk sort, but this would do — it was the closest he’d ever been.
You moved until he was within arm’s reach, feeling his leather-clad digits trace the curve of your jaw. Even if David’s callousness and cruelty was always predominant, you were fortunate to see him like this — somewhat docile and protective.
When David glanced toward the mirror, the only thing he saw was you — and that was how he wanted it to be. Just you and him, for all eternity.
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ohrudi · 2 months
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Fix: Guitar needs less Space for playing
with this mod, your sims need a quarter of the space for playing the guitar and electric guitar
Installation: just put the file in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required
Conflicts: highly unlikely, see below for detail
compatible with simler90's Gameplay Core Mod (Update 198 and above, since 28th Apr 2024)
ModTheSims | Simblr | SimFileShare
Hey Simmers, it's a BIG day for Rudi again, time for my third mod.
I Recently placed instruments close to each other and got confronted with one of sims most annoying problems: the routing. The Game didn't allow my sims to play their instruments together even in a normal sized room. But, no more! With this mod, your Bonehilda, the university mascot and even servo can jam together in your tight living room, with no restrictions, issues, whatsoever!
Installation just put the file in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required.
Where can I find …
The piano from the image
Servo, I love Servo from Sims 2 (a CAS-Set for Plumbots)
Servo, but for humans (a CAS-Set for Normies)
Bonehilda is part of Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack
The Mascot is part of Sims 3 University Expansion Pack
Technical Details
this mod edits the "playForTipsJig", instance 0x329EF79F17160C44
Conflicts: only if you have a mod installed who's editing exactly this resource as well, but I assume that's highly unlikely
I dearly hope you enjoy your new freedom to play the guitar anywhere you like.
Additional Credits: S3PE S3OC My dear and near Bonehilda The university Mascot for staying in his costume all day, poor guy Servo for just beeing the cutest @you-will-never-find-me-anymore for letting me use her Bonehilda for my awesome profile picture
AND to this awesome and still alive community of simmers, espacially @Lyralei for this awesome website
made by @OhRudi
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voidsentprinces · 4 months
Shadowbringers took Emet-Selch from ARR Lahabrea levels of mustache twirling, Saturday Morning Cartoon villain. All monologue and evil laughter while his evil boobs malevolently boobed down the Post-Stormblood's darker breast boobily and changed him into an actual character. And the first Ascian who actually spent time with us in a more meaningful way. Flipping them from one note, evil that must be defeated. To one we came to understand and a group that connected to our character's literal past reincarnation that we do not recall.
Additionally, atmospherically, Shadowbringers brought us to Post-Apocalypse that wasn't 28 Days Later, Mad Max or Rapture-esque. While pulling from all those series. Its a world 100 years after the Apocalypse was averted but still causes the world to live in its shadow.
This expansion seems to be the beloved darling of the community. Even topping Heavensward in most regards. But, also, personally, I feel like Shadowbringers is only good Shadowbringers for the last three levels of it. And rest is just so much set dressing and putting together the A-Team. For lack of a better comparison, 70 - 79 is our Avengers Infinity War. We get the band back together, fight off the big bad and actually almost win. But then we lose and we lose HARD and we spend a handful of quests somewhat wandering aimlessly until we resolve to go after the one who took victory away from us. That lead up, to me, is alright but the story didn't really HIT, outside of my long winded story analysis reasons, until we reach Amaurot.
Even its Post-Patches seemed to struggle to figure out what to do. Having Elidibus bounce hither and thither without the Scions really trying to stop him because, "We don't know what he is up to." which was counterproductively frustrating to me. You are literally not stopping and banishing the villain so the plot can happen. Alisaie literally kept tabs on the Warriors of Darkness because we were focusing on dealing with Nidhogg. Why the hell couldn't they have kept tracked and harassed Elidibus at least? But no, the sky starts to shower stars and then it is go time. And while To the Edge and the Seat of Sacrifice are awesome. My suspense of disbelief that our Scions would just shrug and only off screen keep tags on lesser Ascians and then just be like, "I dunno fellas, this here Elidibus is tricky." strikes me as dense. Like, this is denser than a dead star. They let things happen for the sake of it happening.
Bottomline, there is some wiggle room here. Shadowbringers may be the community's darling. But I wonder if, its just because we remember the super highs of Amaurot to Seat of Sacrifice. And kind of brush things like; the Ran'jit fights, the Supernatural problem of Lucifer's Cousin's Roommate being the big bad in Lunar Primals, Thancred's treatment of Ryne and Speedrunning him some redemption in the Amh Araeng second half.
I'm rambling now, as a whole. Did you enjoy Shadowbringers? If not why? Vote your answer and leave your opinion in the tags if you'd like.
Note: I am aware that the Post-Patch production was stunted by the COVID Pandemic. Still, I'd like your opinion about anything you felt lacking. Even with that dead whale hanging over the entire thing.
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twobluecows · 3 months
Supernatural “Heart of the Dragon” by Keith R.A. DeCandido
This is the second installment of my reviews of the Supernatural novel series, here is the first.
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"Heart of the Dragon" is the fourth book in the series, and takes place shortly after season fives episode Changing Channels. (there is a historians note in the beginning of the book.)
Rating: 3/5 (getting better!)
This story follows another ghost murder cycle, this time it is every 20 years and takes place in Chinatown, San Francisco. We follow Sam and Dean in 2009, John in 1989, and Samuel, Deanna, and Mary Campbell in 1969 as everyone tries to get rid of the ghost and demon on the same hunt.
First things first, this book has some insanely racist shit through (mainly) the first third of the book, and it nearly pushed me to DNF when I first began. The author consistently uses dated slurs for Chinese and Japanese Americans throughout making the story overall plain awful and difficult to read. This book is well written and interesting in other respects, and it is great in regards to it being a story about Supernatural. If you’re going to read it be careful and know what you’re getting into. That all being said, it is impossible to ignore the racist bullshit so I’m docking two points.
Other than that, this story caught me off guard with how well it handled the Campbells and John's perspectives. In the main SPN canon we don't know much about Deanna, other than she was just kind of there, in this story she is fleshed out more and is really a badass. Samuel and John are paralleled a lot between their two perspectives, both being generally bad fathers who raised their children in constant danger. In the 1989 sections we also get a glimpse of Bobby caring for a young Dean and Sam, which made me very teary-eyed. Oh, and bonus points for Cas appearances, while they were few and far between I enjoyed them.
Overall this story was a great dive into characters we didn't see much of in the main series, and an expansion of what we already knew about John's A+ parenting. If you decide to read this book precede with caution, as mentioned before it comes with a heaping of racist BS in the beginning.
Here are some quotes from the story that I want to highlight:
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2 books done. . . 15 more to go. . . (Btw I’m on spring break so I have been doing nothing but reading and petting my dog, so on to the next one!)
Oh, and Shortie tried to eat this one too.
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postal-ech · 1 month
Alright no, I need to go into detail on this shit cause I swear to god, it lives rent free in my head. I'll split the post off here cause there's gonna be some spoilers for Lisa the Undone as well as a few other Lisa Fan Games that are on my mind
I'm also giving a CW here, cause Lisa covers some dark topics, and I want to unload it a bit here, especially given what I've seen out of Lisa the Undone.
Buckle up, it's gonna be a long, very autistically hyperfixated post.
I initially never really got into Lisa when it first came out. I was a shitlord that saw the fan content first, especially this project known as Interlopers - essentially, a Lisa-Undertale crossover featuring Buddy Armstrong and Chara Dreemur.
It piqued my interest a bit, but I never realized how one sided it was in exploring this stuff, especially given it was this crossover AU. It focused mainly on the Undertale fandom and some of the things that were popular at the time. It WAS going to explore its own version of Olathe on a sequel series but that was canceled later on, and the idea has become dormant since.
Later on, my curiosity grew and I looked into the Lisa side of things more. I discovered Lisa the Pointless, Lisa the Hopeful, and then I started looking into other fan projects here too.
Why this pretext? Because that was the gateway into Lisa proper.
I only got Lisa the Painful and Lisa the Joyful after its definitive edition released. At this point, I was pretty well versed in Brad's story - his trauma and pain, the struggles he faces after, the Joy abuse to numb the pain - so when I saw the campfire scenes between Brad and the other party members, especially with members like Terry or Queen Rodger, Bo and Olan, it sparked something there that's for fucking sure.
And then I got to the secret boss.
I'm a dude thar enjoys reading into shit, looking deep at the meaning of written projects be it games, movies, books, etc - Lore is my god damn drug, to put it in a TL:DR.
Seeing this huge call back to Lisa the First, Seeing the symbolism of joy spiders worshipping a Blue Eclipse above Brad's childhood home, fighting the manifestation of Marty Armstrong and reading the deeper, personal stuff that's said afterwards
That song, too, towards the very end of the sequence, with the music that's reminiscent of s church choir singing as Brad's childhood self descends into the darkness
That's what truly sold me on Lisa.
I know everyone has mixed feelings on Lisa the Joyful of course, especially in the way it handled Buddy - Some people were fine with it, and others didn't like the way she became this bloodthirsty girl out to murder shit indiscriminately
I say fair enough honestly, Joyful was a bit of a slog to get through compared to Painful
There were two things I still enjoyed about it:
One, Dustin. Dustin was and still is the goddest boy despite his own flaws, and I was upset it wasn't explored more before his untimely death. Buddy actually starting to care about him before it all went downhill was tragic in its own right
Two, the DE content. Again, a lot of people were still mixed on it, but personally I saw it as a better expansion into Buddy healing from her trauma, understanding that- while Brad certainly was in the wrong in the way he raised her, he still tried his best in a world that definitely wanted to exploit her in the most horrific ways imaginable.
I'm fine with her even mentioning Lisa cause let's all be real here, she's definitely at least heard of her through Brad in some way, shape or form, and the ending bit where he explains the dead flower to her only reinforces that for me.
The more supernatural side of things feel interesting too, cause maybe it's just me, but reading into things, The Flash always had this sort of supernatural spin to it - how Olathe got so fucked up, how time doesn't seem to be entirely right in some areas or how everything got all mountainous and the likes. Probably just headcanon stuff but fuck it, I enjoy the speculation.
So, with that context out of the way, I'll get into my proper thoughts with Lisa: The Undone.
Firstly, again I know not everyone will really agree with the ideas the Definitive Edition put out, especially in the case of Joyful with its Lisa the First callback and Buddy just slamming on Buzzo the way she does. That being said, I love the way Lisa the Undone tackles these ideas Joyful initially set our and explores them more.
The idea of Buddy being less hateful at first, just wanting to genuinely explore the weird and wacky world of Olathe despite its darkness is very welcome. With Dustin especially, this is only amplified.
A lot of the headcanoned and original stuff feel like they can fit right into the base Lisa games too honestly, and that's another thing I really appreciate about this fan gams
But the most important thing to me is the found family relationship between Dustin and Buddy, as well as the two other companions you can recruit.
Dustin is by no means perfect. This is undeniable enough given his actions in Painful and Joyful - He wants to do good, but it becomes a bit of a messiah complex especially for Buddy - who mind you, is only a pubescent kid during all of this shit. This is still translated well in this fan game, just less of a prominent character point - He still wants Buddy to have a good life and to be safe, but there's a clear struggle with seeing her as the Future of Olathe
And seeing her as just Buddy. Just Her.
And the fact that over the time, throughout the chapters, you see Dustin refer to her less as this important figure for the world and more as like a sibling, or just straight up family, that right there is what sells me on this.
Especially towards the end, where depending on your choices in the game, Buddy does eventually admit she can't help but care about people like Dustin.
That hits. That hits a good fucking bit.
And that's what I love to see in this. Sure, it may end with one of the two dying in part 2 of Undone, or depending on your actions it may end with tragedy for either of them
But the fact it works this found family dynamic so God damn well here, with how Buddy and Dustin care for each other AS that family despite Brad's own fuck-ups between the both of them.
Fuck man. It's good, and I hope this fandom explores it more here - especially with DE putting things into an interesting context too.
On a side note, God I also hope it explores DE's Warlord skills mechanics in the future, it's some god damn martial arts shit I love. Sure it may be Mega Man-esque bur god dammit the idea of Buddy learning and incorporating some ideas given from how each Warlord fights is SUCH a good idea and if there's ever a fan game that had Buddy exploring the greater world of Olathe, meeting the likes of Alex Churchland or Beltboy and shit like that, I wanna see her develop her own form of martial arts with or without the katana she's grown accustomed with god dammit.
God, I love Lisa. I love these games as much ad Undertale and Deltarune, and I need to write out some more shit for this series.
Thanks Austin Jorgensen you god damn mad man, and thanks to the Fandom for putting out such genuine bangers.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Kinktober Day 12 - Alien!Baekhyun + Oral Fixation & Body Worship
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Anonymous Said: I don't know if this would fall under supernatural or monster but can I request an alien baekhyun with oral fixation and body worship??
A/n: Both! Both is good!! I supposed an alien would be a supernatural monster though, depending on the type? Either way, I just have this image of Alien!Baek who is exploring earth and learning everything there is to learn about humans and their bodies after falling in love with one. He’s an academic (with a long ass tongue), if you will ehehehe ;)
Word Count: 1,732
Kinktober 2022 Mini Masterlist
“And what happens if I kiss you here?” Baekhyun hums, an excited gleam in his eyes as he places his lips upon the swell of your one breast. A moment later, he’s trailing his tongue down your skin until he closes his mouth around your nipple, sucking gently on the pert bud. His eyes flash as he hears you moan, releasing you with a slight pop, “splendid!”
“You know,” your voice escapes you in an airy breath as he reattaches his mouth to your opposite nipple, flicking at the bud with the tip of his tongue, “when you said you wanted to ‘explore the human body’, I didn’t realize that this was what you had in mind.”
“I will stop if I am making you uncomfortable,” he pulls away from you to stare deeply into your eyes, wanting you to know how sincere he is in his words. “I can always find another participant-“
“No!” Your sudden outburst surprises even you, clearing your throat in the next second to compose yourself. “I mean-“
“It’s alright, Starlight,” he smiles. “You are the only one that fascinates me enough to want to explore. You are the only one I care for, and besides, your reactions are delightful.”
“I’m glad to see you’re enjoying yourself,” you murmur, the ghost of a laugh on your lips as you grin.
Baekhyun blinks, tilting head to the side almost innocently, “are you not enjoying yourself?”
You can hear the worry in his voice leaking through, and it causes your heart to swell in your chest.
“I’m enjoying this very much, Baekhyun,” you watch as he shivers as you say his name.
“Then I shall continue,” he smiles, leaning in to place a chaste kiss onto your lips. “I only want to learn, to understand, your body. I want to be able to pleasure you properly, and make you see my home each time you close your eyes.”
“You’re already doing a great job,” you smile back, cupping his cheeks in your hands and placing a tender kiss onto the tip of this nose.
“I am glad,” he replies, and you can feel his face becoming warm with a blush in your hands. “May I?”
At the tug you feel him give at your panties, you nod, “you may.”
Slowly, carefully, Baekhyun peels the material from your skin, tossing it somewhere in the room. He gently pushes you to lay down on the bed, eyes roaming every bare inch of you. He licks his lips.
“Of all the gems in heaven and on earth, you are the fairest I have ever had the blessing to lay my sight upon,” he sighs, nothing but wonder filled within those eyes of his. “There is no honour greater to me than this. Thank you for letting me experience you in any and every way possible.”
His words send a heat rushing straight between your legs as his awestruck gaze continues to roam the expanse of your body, laid bare before him. Baekhyun takes this opportunity to grab your hand in his, bringing your fingers to his lips so that he can place a gentle kiss onto the skin of your knuckles.
“You still amaze me with your way with words,” you say, lips twitching upwards at the corners in content.
“I hope to amaze you in many other ways tonight, My Starlight.” 
Baekhyun places another chaste kiss to the back of your hand before leaning over your body. He begins at your forehead, trailing his lips over your skin and peppering small kisses in his wake as he moves down your face. Once he reaches your neck, he adds his teeth, nipping and sucking a little more intensely on the soft flesh to elicit the sweetest sounds from you in response.
Again, when he reaches your breasts, he laves his tongue over the skin there. This time, though, he adds his hands, feeling the swells of flesh beneath his hands and running his thumbs over your nipples. Softly, he kneads them between his fingers, continuing to trail his lips down your body until he reaches the apex of your thighs.
Anticipation swirls within you with each rise and fall of your chest. Seeing Baekhyun look up at you so innocently, with wide eyes full of curiosity from between your legs, has you clenching around nothing.
His eyes dart to your entrance, hand pushing your thighs even further apart.
“Are your fluids supposed to be leaking like that?” Again, the slight tilt to his head is going to be the death of you.
“Yes, baby,” you hum, and you feel his fingers tighten their grip on your thighs at the pet name you give him. “It means you’re doing everything right.”
Baekhyun smiles, his chest filling with pride as his hands slide down your legs, caressing your skin beneath his fingertips once more. “I’m dying for a taste.”
His honesty has you clenching around nothing once more, and you watch as he leans in, his tongue darting out to wet his lips before licking a broad strip right up your core.
You don’t know who moans louder, you or him, but you don’t think you’ve ever experienced a reaction from him like this before.
Baekhyun’s hands which had been holding onto your thighs so carefully now spread them as far apart as they can go, his fingers biting into the soft flesh. His mouth parts, breaths coming in uneven pants as his eyes remain closed. Only when he opens them do you see a sight that makes you gasp.
Instead of his all too familiar deep brown eyes staring back at you, his irises have gone translucent, the pearlescent shade of his unfiltered gaze staring back at you.
Your name falls like a prayer from his lips. “My Starlight, you did not tell me you could produce this type of ambrosia.”
“I’m sorry?” Your answer comes out in the form of a question, blinking a few times as you attempt to wrap your head around what he could possibly mean.
Before you can ponder on it for any longer, Baekhyun leans back in, a loud slurp echoing around the room as he covers you with his entire mouth. His tongue greedily parts your folds, lapping up any and every last drop of you that you have to offer him.
He pulls away with a wet suck, licking his lips as his gaze meets yours once more.
“There’s no doubt about it,” he says, and you can feel his entire chest vibrating as he hums. “The finest nectar the galaxy has to offer: you.”
This time, when your pussy clenches, Baekhyun catches the movement, a look of wonder taking over his features once more.
“Oh! Do you think you can do that around my tongue?”
Eagerly, he dives back in, tongue circling your entrance almost teasingly before sliding between your folds. A gasp escapes you as you feel the wet muscle entering you, massaging your inner walls the deeper it gets. You can feel the tip of his tongue exploring inside of you, pressing up against certain spots that have your breath catching in your throat. That is, until he finds a specific area within you that has a choked moan of his name falling from your lips.
You can practically feel the way he smiles against you, eyes never leaving your face for one second in fear of missing any of your beautiful expressions. Continuously, he rubs his tongue up against that spot inside of you, drinking in the sweetness that pours onto his tastebuds and fills him to the brim with a mind numbing euphoria that both begins, and ends, with you.
You, who reaches a hand down to grab his own, guiding it closer to your entrance. Only, Baekhyun mistakes your intentions, intertwining his fingers with yours in the next second. Normally, you would find this endearing, and you still do, but that’s not what you originally had in mind.
“I need-“ A choked moan of his name escapes you as you try to grab his attention, your other hand reaching for his instead. “I need- fuck.”
Baekhyun hums against you, a slight quirk to his one brow as he continues his ministrations on your core. He’s not going to let a drop of your sweetness go to waste. Not when it’s his absolute favourite taste in the entire universe.
“My clit, baby,” you manage to pant out, guiding his other hand to your cunt and placing his thumb right over the little bundle of nerves. “Rub my clit.”
Immediately, he does as told, albeit a little hesitantly at first. However, as soon as he sees you throw your head back, a loud cry of his name escaping your lips, he increases the pressure, drinking in the way your legs begin to shake around him.
A gleeful gleam is in his eyes as he feels you leaking down his chin, his thumb rubbing circles onto that swollen bundle of nerves as his tongue continues to work itself inside of you. He hums against you, practically begging for you to give him more. Everything and anything you have to offer him, he will take, and then some.
That all too familiar feeling builds in your abdomen, tightening with each movement of his tongue inside of you combined with his thumb on your clit. Your moans become more high pitched, quickening in succession as you throw your head back in pleasure. A loud cry of his name falls past your lips, your orgasm hitting you with the intensity of a storm, travelling throughout your body like experiencing a sudden drop in gravity.
And just like he promised, when you close your eyes, you see stars.
Each second, Baekhyun is right there to help you through. His hands on your body, one held tightly in your own and the other placed precariously above his head and on your lower abdomen, help to ground you as you come down from your high. His own eyes fall shut as your essence coats his tongue, flowing out of you and dripping down his chin and onto his chest as he slides his wet muscle out of your tight little hole clenching so deliciously around him. 
He licks his lips, eyes fluttering open to meet your own as you both attempt to catch your breaths. He smirks, “splendid.”
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chacegraves · 8 months
El Paso, Elsewhere Review
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El Paso, Elsewhere is fucking incredible. All I was expecting was a Halloween flavored Max Payne send up and while I definitely got that I think it's unfair for this game to live in that shadow. It takes so much from that series but rearranges and tweaks those things to achieve it's own identity.
I love urban fantasy. Dresden Files, Vampire The Masquerade, Blackwell. A supernatural underworld just below the surface of humanity. Often treating humans like cattle or at least disposable for their own purposes. I find it so interesting and El Paso is no exception. The little bits of worldbuilding we get paint a similar picture but this one is much more abstract.
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You play James Savage who is currently in a three-story motel that just got a 46 story expansion all heading down, courtesy of his ex, Draculae. She's taking part in some sort of ritual that will end the world and has plenty of hostages. Whatever this ritual is doing is causing The Void to warp reality with trauma into a nightmarish thrill ride all the way to the bottom where they'll confront everything that made their relationship come to this.
All supernatural chaos aside their abusive relationship manages to feel very real in the little ways they interact and the voice acting helps this exponentially. It's clear to me the writer knows what this kind of relationship feels like. It's not afraid to poke fun at the melodrama of two ex lovers confronting each other either. These two characters the story revolves around are flawed and fleshed out and I really enjoyed them.
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James' descent into this hellish motel feels incredible. Diving past ghouls, rolling through their slashes and slow mo blasting them in the head. Saving hostages in between brief bursts of violence and popping enough pain pills to kill himself 50 times over just to tank through The Void's horde of supernatural horrors. If you hold down the dive button you can stay on the floor until you're out of ammo and need to get up to reload. Like I said it's Max Payne. The one main tweak in the gameplay besides enemy variety is an instant kill stake that you get 5 of and break various pieces of furniture to get more. Break shit, kill people. That's the gameplay loop and god is it addicting.
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Which brings me to the music. It's pulse pounding and intense in a way that feeds perfectly into the gameplay. Other times moody or relaxing but always experimental and playful. Any time a track with lyrics comes up feels like a treat. It's one of those total package things where the visuals, sound design, gameplay and music are all working together perfectly. The entire OST has me seriously considering getting the vinyl.
El Paso, Elsewhere is a must play. There's so much I didn't mention because I want you to unravel the rest of this one for yourself. I'll definitely be trying to 100% this in the future and it's safe to say I'll be replaying this for many years to come.
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dotthings · 1 year
In fact saying that The Winchesters respects the fans of the original is a completely valid reasonable opinion people have a right to say, as being fans of the original series, they are fans, and have a right to say that if they are pleased with The Winchesters.
Actually, Janet, people are allowed to say they like it and that it's very very good and they're moved by it and grateful for it and appreciate the thought and care and love being put into it and the producers and the wonderful cast and the writers and directors and how this has opened the door so much wider to different voices crafting episodes of an spn universe show and telling that story and centering marginalized characters who don't often get to be the main heroes.
In fact, Susan, it's a very sane clear-headed thing to do. To notice, to care, and appreciate.
Stans who have had their favorite's show fluffed in blatantly obvious and biased ways so loud the marketing gears are visible from space are not in a position to cry about bias just because someone is expressing their enjoyment of the universe expansion on an established IP.
The idea that spn fans are not allowed to have an opinion on TW unless they're ripping it to shreds is wank manufacturing absurdist theater. I'm not mad. You know what I am? I'm reading their pointless drama it for the giggles and now I'm going to speak my opinion.
Because I can.
"Criticism" is not a year and a half of non-stop hatred and trolling and angry screaming at a tv show merely existing to usher in a universe expansion that is doing all it can to fully live up to the idea that Supernatural Is For Everyone. "Criticism," Karen, is "the pacing was a bit slow this week and I wish we'd seen more of this thing I want, I loved the scenes with these other characters though and how about that gorgeous set design." "Criticism" is not a year and a half of non-stop hatred. "Criticism" is not attacking people just for writing an article that said something good about a thing they're enjoying.
People who actually love and respect a fictional universe they claim to love do not behave this way when presented with a universe expansion. If they don't care for the universe expansion, they might say why, but they don't do whatever this hot mess that's still ceaselessly raging is, and if the problems are not alleviated, if they have any self awareness whatsoever, they pack up and move on to something that is more welcoming to them.
No, in fact, this behavior is not "what fans do" it's what antis do, it's what people do when an entire fictional universe breaks for them and they no longer derive joy from it. This is what happens when an entitled subset of stans online who were under the actual, selfish delusion that an entire universe was only for them, should be only for them gets smacked in the face with reality. The og series was not only for them, they were only under the illusion it was, and they spent 15 seasons being angry because other fans besides their little subset dared to exist, now the universe expansion is not for them, and the light's finally dawning onto their narrow little minds.
Supernatural is for Everyone. And they're mad about it.
We've seen this song before in other fandoms. It's tired.
Yes, actually, this show about John and Mary and their found family circle of hunter friends fighting space insects has made me feel better.
Does that make you mad? That is not my problem.
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Elvira Slayer Makeover ✨
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Hello, hello! It’s been a while but today I’m back with a post!
So today I have made over Miss Elvira Slayer and lemme just say... She’s not a bad looking sim! I didn’t even have to do much, I just shrunk her eyes a bit then I was done with the making over lol.
I gave her short hair because it just looked good on her and i made her a little more alt then before but she’s a vampire, what do you expect?
Enjoy! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I use ALL Expansion pack but you only need Late night or supernatural 
P.S, They should come with the CC used.
This Here Package contains: 1 Vampire queen.
I don’t remember where i got all the CC but a ton of it should be on my CC reblog account @ohcrapitsccfinds​ so head on over there for some CC!
Thanks to all the CC creators whose CC i used, ya’ll are grand and I love your work!
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P3omH2Vrjq6sfA07l5Tn8lFCpT34nDK_/view?usp=sharing
Video Link: https://youtu.be/9u0PEz5Mrzc
Bonus! Here is a nice pic of Kelsey and Kara Herbert!
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bengiyo · 1 year
BL 2022 Review
I debated how I would go about reviewing this year, and quickly tossed out any sort of list approach. Anything like a top 10 or 20 would feel disrespectful to many of the smaller projects I watched this year that had something worthwhile to discuss. Instead, I’ve decided to talk about BL with major topics that stick with me as I review the 80+ shows I watched this year. 
Reviewing the totals, as of the writing of this post I have completed, attempted, or am watching three shows from the Philippines, 49 from Thailand, five from Taiwan, 20 from South Korea, one from mainland China, 14 from Japan, and five from the West, for a total of 79 completed or watching plus 13 attempted. This included other QL projects as well. I’m reviewing a list of all BL projects from this year and the number was approximately 131. We’ve never had more choice than this, and I absolutely cannot watch this much again next year. 
In this long essay, I plan to talk about what I enjoyed out of the actor chemistry this year, the ways BL has become more political, how specific and powerful coming of age narratives continue to be in genre, the ways BL used the supernatural to talk about grief and loss, the intergenerational relationships appearing in genre, the expansion of the genre into adulthood, the ongoing competition amongst college narratives, our first forays into GL, and the continued divide with the West. That’s a lot, so I’m just going to put all of that behind a cut.
First, Some Thanks
Before we get started, I want to give shoutouts to the clowns I got to know this year and who have been so much fun to engage with this year since we met on Bad Buddy. In no particular order: @shortpplfedup​, @kyr-kun-chan​, @liyazaki​, @elnotwoods​, @flukenatouch​, @gilly-bean​, and so many more whose handles I always forget outside of our other chats. Also a shout out to the 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us fandom. We were tiny, but I loved interacting with all of you.  
The Boys Who Were Ready to Risk It All
I don’t always require the boys to have high levels of heat in my romances, but I do like believing that the characters genuinely desire each other. With Japan reentering the genre with their specific brand of reticence, and with Korea clearing the lane for their own form of clean romance*, I was not surprised to see Thailand turning up the heat in their shows to compete. All-in-all, this was an absolutely stellar year for chemistry across the board. 
Starting with the Philippines, I noticed that I watched far fewer shows from them this year, but two in particular made me BELIEVE. In Gameboys 2 Elijah Canlas and Kokoy de Santos continued to display the absolutely electric and believable desire between Cairo and Gavreel. You could feel how suddenly their attraction came on, and the desperation of their quarantine bubble’s time ticking away as they tried to make being a couple work. I especially enjoyed how they explored their differing levels in sexual experience and readiness before delivering one of the better bed scenes of the year.
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Meanwhile, in Sleep With Me Janine and Lovi made the first time between Harry and Luna look genuinely fun for their characters. The morning after sharing between them was one of the most comfortably intimate things I’ve seen all year.
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Thailand offered up a wide array this year, from the extremely light or chaste La Cuisine and 21 Days Theory; to the passionate in Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for Soul and Triage, to the shows-with-something-to-prove in KinnPorsche, Love in the Air, and Love Mechanics. However, I’d like to highlight how much I genuinely believed in the sexual desire from Mile and Apo in KinnPorsche, Boy and Tod in Ghost Host, Ghost House; Zee and NuNew in Cutie Pie; both Boss and Noeul, and Peat and Forth, in Love in the Air; and Mos and ISBANKY in Big Dragon. No disrespect to Yin and War, but we already knew they could bring it. 
With Apo and Mile, we saw expressions of sexual acts and desire from guys in this genre that it almost feels taboo for the genre to use with its preference for top/bottom acts. “A blowjob in a helicopter�� became a “jumping the shark” joke for this year for a lot of valid reasons, but Kinn and Porsche engaging in mutual masturbation and oral sex was the most refreshing part of the sexual chemistry of that show.
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Tod and Boy gave such a believable show of wanting each other that it gave me flashbacks to ITSAY Episode 3. Pluem’s clear love for Kevin’s legs, and their frank conversation about sex and readiness, along with their language play about making each other equal with English pronouns, made them one of my standouts for the year. Beyond that, the way they quickly fell into casual intimacy in the latter half the show elevates it above much this year.
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We knew Zee could deliver on heat from Why R U (2020) with Saint, but I was surprised by how effectively he arrived at that same level with newcomer New Chawarin. I still think about the kitchen scene where Lian lifts Nu-Kuea onto the counter to stare up at him with open love and desire as he reassures him that he is everything to him. Thai fans jokingly review bombed the kettle model used in that scene for interrupting it, that’s how intense that scene was.
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As usual with MAME, Me Mind Y casts for high heat and chemistry well, and clearly has an effective process for building up physical comfort between their casts, because everyone brought so much enthusiasm to their scenes that they literally let Boss and Noeul take charge of their own bed scenes. During my watch, I praised the way they used angles to allow for some actor modesty, and it’s clear everyone had fun working with their partner. Truly something special. There is a lot to unpack with Love in the Air, and I don’t think it’s for everyone, but in terms of heat, the cast delivered.
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Speaking of shows that didn’t really work for me, I wasn’t a fan of Big Dragon. That being said, ISBANKY and Mos were absolutely willing to go there physically with each other, and managed varying levels of emotion and intensity in their intimate scenes across the season. I didn’t want to end the year without acknowledging that. 
As expected from Japan, they were about as chaste as I expect them to be outside of their darker BLs, but we have a few things worth mentioning. The final minutes of episode 4 of Old Fashion Cupcake was the most sexually charged interaction to come out of Japan all year, and I’m glad it happened between characters in their 30s and 40s.
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I was proud of Minato’s Laundromat for delivering a satisfying pair of kisses in the finale, and confirming that the characters were finally getting it in in the final shot. We also got some solid bed work from Sora Inoue and Komiya Rio in Eternal Yesterday, but the fact that Koichi was dead probably excused that for Japan’s weird relationship with onscreen intimacy. Finally, we almost hit something really interesting about first desire in Takara-kun to Amagi-kun, but the show backed off and never went back.
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While we’re talking about heat and Japan, I’m going to vent for the final time that the show was called Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss!” and yet they didn’t give a satisfying kiss! Something MBS kept experimenting with this year was having a dubcon or asymmetric emotional kiss very early in their shows, and then not delivering on a good couple one later. It felt a bit cheap and manipulative, and I’m quite glad we didn’t get that in Eternal Yesterday nor so far (as of episode 2) of Color Candy Paradox. 
With Korea, this was as @absolutebl​ calls it, the year Korea learned that boys can kiss. We returned to To My Star 2 this year for a very messy BL that I loved for the chemistry between the leads. Hwang Da Seul did it twice with the pair in Blueming.
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Watcha showed a willingness to go there with Semantic Error with the Parks that was a real relief after the forgettable kiss in Light on Me the previous year. Strongberry proved again why they’re one of the best with both couple dynamics in Choco Milk Shake, the Cherry Blossoms After Winter pair were willing to go there, and the branded pair from Kissable Lips did it twice this year with Roommates of Poongduck 304. Holland and Han Gi Chan did a decent job in Ocean Likes Me, which was significant for me because Holland is a Known Gay. Seriously, Korea came to play this year.
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*NOTE: Because of the impacts of military occupation in the first half of the 20th century, I don’t often comment on Korea’s particular brand of kissing or heat levels. If they’re still sorting out how they want to be perceived when it comes to intimacy and romance, I’ve elected to stay out of that cultural conversation and praise what I enjoy only. 
BL Got Political
Across the board, it felt like BL realized it could not longer remain politically neutral and remain relevant. Almost every Thai show went out of its way to call for marriage equality this year, with the standouts being Cutie Pie for its entire focus on marriage and Big Dragon with a memorable lament about the issue. From Japan, Cherry Magic: The Movie elegantly illustrated why marriage is so important for queer couples.
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I want to highlight the shows that went a bit further and explored some queer themes beyond the ongoing struggle for marriage equality in Thailand.
In 21 Days Theory, we had a side plot where Q’s gay uncle traveled with Q’s mom to talk to their father off-screen about Man’s queerness and start rebuilding their relationship.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us focused on the way bullying and internalized homophobia leave wounds that shatter the people connected to that trauma, and became one of my standout shows of the year.
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My Only 12% asked what the value was in queer media that leaves queer people feeling sad and broken at the end by questioning the role of Love of Siam (2007) in our history.
Papa & Daddy 2 challenged the artifice of rainbow capitalism and how only an acceptable brand of queerness is allowed to make money.
DNA Says I Love You explored a section of the alphabet mafia that we rarely touch upon (I don’t want to spoil it).
Both Not Me and The Eclipse challenged the structures of Thai society.
Outside of BL, Koisenu Futari did not mince words in its demands that aromantic asexual people should not be forced to form procreative units for the sake of others happiness.
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We accelerated rather quickly on this, but it’s good to see that the makers within the genre know the score.
The Summer ‘22 High School Extravaganza
Starting this summer, we were treated to an amazing series of shows exploring first love in high school with Minato’s Laundromat and Takara-kun & Amagi-kun from Japan; About Youth from Taiwan; 21 Days Theory, My Only 12%, and The Eclipse from Thailand. We didn’t let up into the fall with Eternal Yesterday, and the currently-airing My School President.
There were so many shows this year, but statistically, the high school shows made up such a small portion of the genre overall. I appreciated how all of these shows tackled the commonalities of coming of age. 
With Minato’s Laundromat, we got to see Shin struggle against the barriers that said he couldn’t care for someone older than him, while Minato struggled with the way he’d refused to let himself mature from his own internalized homophobia.
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We got to experience first desire and intense infatuation in Takara-kun to Amagi-kun, and how you’ll need the help of your friends to manage that intensity.
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We had an absolutely adorable pair of couples falling in love in About Youth in the gentlest of these shows. Truly, this is a show so enjoyable that I have watched it more than once on my own.
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My Only 12% explored the reality of falling in love with your best friend, and having them finally fall back years later as you also come to terms with your own queerness.
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The Eclipse tackled the institutional and long-term effects of internalized homophobia across nine different characters and how they were all impacted by it.
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21 Days Theory gave us a somewhat messy process of falling in love, but gave us support from a queer elder that let the show end up being shorter.
My School President is shaping into the much-needed successor to Lovesick and is turning Bad Buddy into a blueprint.
Finally, Eternal Yesterday tackled the grief of losing your first loved one unexpectedly to tragedy with a grace I think only Japan could pull off.
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Yes, there were a lot of high school shows this year, but I think they were among the best offerings this year.
Ghosts! The Supernatural as Allegory for Grief
With BL reaching for higher concepts to stand out in the crowd, supernatural stories opened up spaces for shows to explore impossible romances and grief within the genre. I wrote extensively about how Eternal Yesterday tackled this, and how it is beneficial for some viewers to unpack their feelings. Even though I didn’t enjoy all of the shows I will mention in this section, I want to reiterate that I don’t ever want creators to stop trying to reach a strong thematic core with these supernatural concepts. 
Thailand displayed a specific notion about posthumous bureaucracy in both Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Soul, Something in My Room, and Ghost Host, Ghost House. All three of these shows expressed a ton of rules about the afterlife for ghosts that I couldn’t always track, but has felt specifically Thai. Ghost House stood out for me amongst these offerings with the way Kevin continued to mourn his friend who died in the US, and how the ghost of his friend continued to protect Kevin without his knowledge.Something in My Room ended up feeling like a weaker version of He’s Coming to Me (2019). 
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Japan relied on magical forces to draw people together in Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss! and Cherry Magic: The Movie. The yin and yang dynamics about unluckiness and luckiness led to a truly enjoyable pairing between the leads. Adachi not losing his powers until he was truly ready to connect to Kurosawa ended up being far more enjoyable than I expected. Meanwhile, in Korea, Color Rush 2 without one of the leads ultimately left the series feeling incomplete on a somewhat disappointing note.
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Korea has had three different reincarnation stories this year with First Love, Again; Choco Milk Shake, and The Director Who Buys Me Dinner. Choco Milk Shake ends up being the weirdest, what with Jungwoo’s pets reincarnating as very hot human men to try and help him manage his loneliness. In the other two shows, one partner is either immortal or has full recollection of his previous lives as he tries to reconnect with the other partner.
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Kissable Lips tried out vampires, mostly unsuccessfully. Without enough time, it didn’t get to explore some complex themes about long-lived beings. Interview With the Vampire will be the queer vampire show that gets remembered this year for the toxicity of their failed marriage and the abuses therein.
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We had two different time loop shows with Triage from Thailand, and Once Again from Korea. I enjoyed Triage more for the way it showed how hard it is not to love someone when you become obsessed with them, but there was something special about the painful way Once Again doled out a sliver of hope.
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Vice Versa managed to tell something interesting with the body swapping across universes concept, even if I found myself frustrated with one of the leads. Self also attempted to use the supernatural with a character losing his reflection, but it ultimately felt like a plot delivery shorthand.
Whew! For all the talk about the number of high school shows we got this year, we had more supernatural ones.
Finally: Adults to Take To Brunch
We had a lot of standout adults this year that I want to highlight. Inter-generational queer relationships are extremely important to me. No matter how loving and supportive families may be, most queer people are going to be raised by straight people. We have to venture out to find our people and each other. So, being able to find that within your family or within your own community is so important. As such, these are the characters from this year I’d want to take to brunch and hang out with.
My favorite pair this year are Cheep and Dej from My Ride. The breakfast they share with Mork and Tawan in episode 8 about how maintaining a long term relationship is not so much about amorous love and romance, but more about trust, commitment, and communication. The frankness with which they discuss how they don’t always get along, and yet continue to choose each other, was so stellar. I hope someday to have a love as durable as theirs.
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I also want to mention Uncle Man in 21 Days Theory. I suspect the show introduced a gay uncle to accommodate its short run time. They needed a queer presence to explain Q’s familiarity with queerness, and Uncle Man’s advice and guidance saved us a lot of navel gazing as a character came to understand himself. Regardless, at one point in the show, Q gets jealous of Man because he thinks Man is flirting with X. Man pulls his nephew aside and reads him to pieces for being so irrational, and reminds Q that he’s not interested in boys. It was such a stellar moment that has stuck with me for months.
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Framboise from Kabe Koji Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized is probably my favorite character of the year. From his first appearance, he radiates queer self love and joy. He is so excited to be amongst his people and connect with them, and them to each other. He gives solid advice in the few interactions we had with him, and he’s so determined to make sure Mamouru joins in with other creators. I have so much more to say about him, but know that he is what I aspire to be. (Gif credit to @liyazaki​, used with permission)
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Alex from My Tooth Your Love needs to join us so he can have a break from holding the entire restaurant together. Alex may have been stern, but it was so fun to see a character set in where he was in his life while helping take care of others. He also deserves to be teased for being so fond of a baby gay.
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Mama Xu from About Youth is also invited to the brunch. Not only has she managed to keep her son in good spirits after the painful loss of his father even as her brother terrorizes them, she also does that while staying out of his business.When Ye Guang came to her for advice about Qi Zhang, she kept her advice nonspecific enough that she didn’t invade their relationship. I love her, and she deserves to be pampered.
Though he had such a small role that they only named him Uncle, Uncle from Choco Milk Shake needs to join us because of the way he’s clearly supported his nephew without judgment for years, even knowing that a deep melancholy gripped him. 
While talking about My Tooth Your Love, all of the 30-somethings that got together this year are welcome at brunch, including Xun’an and Bai Lang from My Tooth Your Love; Nomoto Yuki and Totoko Kasuga from She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat; Togawa and Nozue from Old Fashion Cupcake; the entire adult cast of Papa & Daddy 2; Seo Joon and Ji Woo from To My Star 2; and the entire adult cast of Plus & Minus.
Lian and Yi from Cutie Pie are not invited because they are too wrapped up in the lives of young 20s folks and will bring the wrong energy to the brunch. Speaking of which, we’ve invited enough people that this has turned into a luncheon. 
QL Got Jobs This Year
One of the real joys of being part of the genre for so long is seeing enough money enter the field  that we can afford to leave the school settings. This year, we finally started seeing office romances more often. 
Scrolling through my watch list reveals: 609 Bedtime Story, 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender, Candy Color Paradox, Check Out, Cherry Magic: The Movie, Choco Milk Shake, Close Friend S2, Coffee Melody, Dear Doctor I’m Coming for Soul, The Director Who Buys Me Dinner, Even Sun, First Love Again, Gameboys 2, GAP, Ghost Host Ghost House, Happy Ending Romance, Kabe Koji Nekoyashiki-kun Desire to be Recognized, KinnPorsche, Koisenu Futari, Love Stage!!, Meow Ears Up, My Ride, My Tooth Your Love,The New Employee, Ocean Likes Me, Oh! Boarding House, Oh! My Assistant, Old Fashion Cupcake, On Cloud Nine, Physical Therapy, Plus & Minus, Rainbow Prince, Roommates of Poongduck 304, Senpai This Can’t be Love!, She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat, Sleep With Me, Sky in Your Heart, Tinted With You, That’s My Candy, To My Star 2, Triage, To Sir With Love, The Tuxedo, Vice Versa, War of Y, and What Zabb Man!. 
That’s 47 shows; that’s more than half my watch list. We can talk about how much stuff happens in school settings, but we had some options this year!
In a real relief for me, we started to see more workplace romances or romances starting between adults. Early in the year it started with My Ride for me, and then the slate of Korean shows. I suspect it comes down to where it was pragmatic to shoot. In Seoul, there’s probably office space for rent for these sorts of productions because of kdrama, whereas Thailand seems to have a disused campus that hosts many of the shows. Still, I count at least 16 that involve people falling for people they work with.
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A special note for the Philippines: Rainbow Prince was fantastic. Yes, the production values are way lower than most people’s tastes, but that show was so funny. They absolutely committed to being the first BL musical, and the songs are a ton of fun. That show has “a heart so big it could crush this town.” It even does the classic musical thing of giving an antagonist one of the better songs on the set.
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Looking at the projects being advertised next year, we might see non-school shows take the vast majority. What a time for us!
The College Shows That Didn’t Suck
Where I found that the high school shows have done a fantastic job this year, the college shows were really hit or miss for me. I’m not sure if it’s because that particular setting has run out of intriguing ideas, but I want to highlight the shows that I think didn’t suck.
First up: Thailand.  You’re My Sky felt like the first true post-ITSAY pulp. They really reached for solid production values and tried to bring a higher level of cinematography. I also think they handled the three relationships really well. Many folks dropped it, but it was a quiet gem of this year for me. Cutie Pie was a bit of a slog sometimes, but I still recommend it. Mark and Vee are not my favorite pairing, but the new version of Love Mechanics was still well done. It needed a side couple though.
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Next: Japan. Despite my gripes, Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss! was actually a really fun watch. Obviously we can’t end a year without acknowledging the continued parody fun of Absolute BL 2.
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Finally: Korea. Semantic Error is going to be one of the banner shows of this year when we refer back to this year and talk about how people got into BL, what with the way it brought K-pop fans into the genre. Blueming gave us another stellar entry from Hwang Da Seul (To My Star). While I don’t really enjoy stepbrothers pairings, Cherry Blossoms After Winter was compelling. Love Class held its own, even if it wasn’t exactly to my taste.
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Finally, though it isn’t exactly a school show, DNA Says I Love You is a really special show from Taiwan worth checking out.
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LET’S GO LESBIANS! We Finally Had Multiple Quality GL Offerings
We finally started seeing GL productions on the field. Surprisingly, Korea has had the most offerings. I’ve watched She Makes My Heart Flutter and Our Relationship Ended Before it Began. My favorite pieces so far are Sleep With Me and GAP.
Sleep With Me worked so well because of the way they focused on disability and how it impacts romance. The queerness mattered to the storytelling, but it doesn’t spend much time in angst about that, when their material concerts are so much more present. I’ve been shouting for months for more people to watch it, so please sign up on Gaga and watch it. You can check out the first episode on YouTube.
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GAP is still airing, but oh my goodness am I having fun with the costuming on this show. There is a specific lesbian gaze to this show that has been so refreshing to experience. It’s even unlocked all new tropes with us with “let me put this lipstick on you so I can taste it.”
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat feels like the lesbian little sister to What Did You Eat Yesterday? Unlike WDYEY, the pair are not together at the beginning, but it has been a darling of a show that I really hope NHK continues next year. I do love the shows where everyone cooks.
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In Koisenu Futari, we got to see two aromantic asexual people build a platonic support system together while dealing with a lot of unwanted allosexual scrutiny. This was one of the most vital things I watched this year.
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While there aren’t a ton of offerings yet, it’s been an encouraging start. 
Meanwhile, In the West
Though it pains me how many Western fans of queer media will not cross over into BL, there were some things from the West I enjoyed this year. 
Closest to BL, I enjoyed Heartstopper and Young Royals. Both fit into the same coming of age space BL loves and were easy recommendations for people who enjoy high school romance. 
Probably my favorite show was Chucky. That the Chucky character has been terrorizing victims across five decades is amazing, and I’ve enjoyed how some of the queer themes always at the core of the series are now front and center. A young romance between two boys undergirds much of the drama of the first two seasons, and it's a rare American show that became appointment television for me.
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The biggest surprise of the year for me came from HBO with Our Flag Means Death. Obviously, we all know that pirates are gay culture, but I was not expecting HBO to be this explicit and play a textual romance out between Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi as Stede Bonnet and Blackbeard respectively. It also featured an explicit open relationship between two other crewmembers, and had a clearly nonbinary character aboard as well. All of this is handled with a comedic grace that felt so easy.
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Also distributed by HBO is the Canadian show Sort Of, in which a trans-nonbinary nanny deals with the fallout of one of the parents falling into a coma. I first saw it at TIFF 2021, and it is really just so good. It’s hard to really sell in text like this, but it’s a fantastic show.
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Finally, of what I watched, AMC gave us an adaptation of Interview With the Vampire, that shows a gay romance souring into something truly toxic over decades. I had a few qualms with specific choices the team made, but this show was absolutely compelling.
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While I’m impressed with a few of the offerings we have here, I’m still not sold on Western queer storytelling funded by the major distribution systems. 
So…What’s Next?
That’s the real question, isn’t it? I think, for me, I’m going to have to be more discerning next year. Watching this much stuff really isn’t sustainable for me anymore, and it means I’m going to have to pick my winners, because I find I have little time to catch up on shows. I also enjoy the week-to-week interaction about shows too much to be late to the party. 
Overall, I’m genuinely encouraged by what I’ve seen teased so far for next year. GMMTV is getting more confident in its post-school storytelling, and is doubling down on using veteran talent instead of newbies to lead their shows. With their original stable starting to age up, they’re trying out more high-concept stuff. The Midnight Series begins airing this week, and I think will be our first glimpse of what’s to come. 
Beyond GMMTV, Star Hunter Entertainment and Domundi seem like they’re going to hold strong for the coming year. Me Mind Y also doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. That means we’ll be covered on high heat and genre stories as well. Finally, Wayufilm is still active, so we’ll continue to see them experiment.
Unfortunately, I don’t see Korea taking a big leap forward yet. They seem satisfied with the 20 minutes max for their shows and at most 8 episodes. Still, I expect them to dominate the low-heat shows that focus exclusively on romance. 
I’m not sure what to expect from Japan after this year of BL o’clock ends for MBS. My only hope is that the relationships with GagaOOlala and Viki don’t end, and what new productions do come out Japan make it onto both platforms. 
I worry about the Philippines getting too walled in. I haven’t been able to watch a production from The IdeaFirst Company easily in a very long time, and I don’t know what’s going on with their international distribution anymore. I’m still watching to watch Pa Thirsty and Two and One. I have hopes for Oxin Films’ next productions, but they always seem to be working on a thin budget that delays their projects.
I’ve also fallen off of Vietnamese productions for now. The fundraising pushes are too much for me. 
That’s all from me. It’s been the most enjoyable year in BL I’ve ever had, and maybe all of queer media. It’s so fun seeing different kinds of BL fans in the space now find their niches, and to see fandom wars moving off my dashboard as people find other people to engage with instead. We passed supersaturation a long time ago, so I hope the bubble doesn’t burst any time soon. 
See you all next year!
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yvesdot · 5 months
I'm probably not the only one who used the NYT Connections to cope with the madness of 2023. Inspired by a friend (@/trophyhusban on Twitter), I also made a few of my own, and I figured people might like to have them all in one place. ✳ means puzzle includes NSFW answers; ✴ that it may require more than an average amount of specific fandom knowledge. Enjoy!
Space Oddity (1)
"Don't die in a bone." (2) ✴
Made specially for a friend; may be impossible if you are not him.
Tropes, tropes, tropes (3) ✳
Smells Good (4) ✳
Mass Media (5)
Well, I don't want to come right out and say it! (6) ✳
Video Games (7) ✴
Thoroughly Miku Miku'd (8) ✴
Entirely VOCALOID-themed.
Shapely (9)
This Impossible Year (10)
Specifically 2023-themed.
Bonus: Something's Not Right (11) ✴
Themed after my book, which got an anniversary edition this year!
Bonus: You're All Going To Be F#cking Sorry (12) ✴
I had to include this, but it's just a revenge puzzle for a friend. Likely impossible.
Space Oddity (1)
Period Products / Britney Spears Singles / Measurements by Number / _ Control
Don't die in a bone. (2)
Warriorcats Clans / Things Shakespeare Wrote / Things Harrowhark Nonagesimus Is / Elements of Godsong Character Surnames
Tropes, tropes, tropes (3)
Singer Surnames / Genres / ...To Lovers / Easy to Sell
Smells Good (4)
More Britney Spears Singles / Sex Positions / Video Games / Perfume
Mass Media (5)
Novels / Disney Dwarves / Famous Toms / Bill(y)
Well, I don't want to come right out and say it! (6)
"He's a bit of a..." (euphemisms for gay men) / "They really quite like each other" (euphemisms for sex) / "You know what kind of woman she is" (euphemisms for 'promiscuous' women) / "No longer with us" (euphemisms for having died)
Video Games (7)
Things to do in Minecraft / Things to do in Among Us / Things to do in Mario Kart / Things to do in Portal
Thoroughly Miku Miku'd! (8)
Hatsune Miku Append Voicebanks / Songs in the Hall of Legend / Female Voicebanks / Vocaloid5 Parameters
Shapely (9)
Star _ / _ Eyes / Halloween Costumes / Sims 2 Expansion Packs
This Impossible Year (10)
2023... Films / Books / Albums / News Items
Something's Not Right (11)
Characters / Stories / Creature(s) Feature(d) / Plant Motifs
You're All Going To Be F#cking Sorry (12)
Albums / VOCALOID Significance / Magic & The Supernatural / Dates of Holidays (Loosely) in America
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ohrudi · 2 months
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Fix: Potions (Alchemy) fit everywhere
alchemy potions fit in every slot (e.g. on shelves, side tables, drawers, etc.), not only the display (as before)
this mod edits slots of all potions created by the alchemy station, so they're not just functional (default) but also decorative (with this mod)
requires Supernatural Expansion Pack to work
Installation: just put the file in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required
Conflicts: possible but unlikely, see below for detail
Patch: v1.67/v1.69
ModTheSims | Simblr | SimFileShare
Hey Simmers, Rudi has a small, but overdue adjustment for you: it's time for my fifth mod.
While my simsies brew loads of potions I didn't only want to sell or use them on unsuspecting townies, no no, I wanted to brag with the best potions beforehand, put them on shelves and use them as decoration just around everywhere. But as you might have guessed: Rudi got disappointed. Potions only fit in displays. No more of this none-sense! This small mod adreses this problem and let's you place your hard earned potions anywhere you like (e.g. on shelves, side tables, drawers, etc.) for showing them off … after that throw them on unsuspecting townies, just as you should do!
just put the file in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required
Strong Recommendations for Alchemists
this mod enables childreen to do a lot of new stuff including using the alchemy station
this mod disables auto spawners when using the alchemy station -> less leg through spawners
IMPORTANT: watch this comment, to prevent conflicts with the childreen can mod
Technical Details
this is a small edit of the slots in the OBJD Resource, which I did with Sims 3 Package Explorer
Conflicts: only if you have another mod installed wich overrides these Resources
use Delphys Dashboard to check for conflicts
I dearly hope you enjoy your new control over where to place your potions
Additional Credits:
Sims 3 Package Explorer @you-will-never-find-me-anymore for letting me use her Bonehilda for my awesome profile picture
AND to this awesome and still alive community of simmers ^^
made by @OhRudi
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
Hi there, I have just found your blog and I have found it very interesting.
I was wondering if you could do a reading on Drake Rodger, particularly his relationship to Jensen. Tbh I find it slightly creepy and he seems to be trying to emulate the relationship he and Jared had in the early years of supernatural but the big difference is he is now a middle aged man and Drake is not.
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Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I also want to say thank you for complimenting my blog, I'm glad you enjoy reading and I hope you continue to do so :) I find your question interesting given the timing you sent this in given there's a convention coming up this weekend that I am attending in Charlotte, NC where both of them will be at! So, with this being said I was told by Loki to only shuffle my deck once, which is quite interesting and is a new occurrence on my part. First I'm gonna talk about the associated keywords with each of these cards and then throw in the interpretation work. This is a bit of a long read so please bear with me, I hope you find this answer insightful and a pleasurable read nonetheless.
In the tarot, the keywords associated with The Moon card include intuition, illusion, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, anxiety, fear, misconception, subconscious, and insecurity. The 3 of Wands indicates progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities, or possibly playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays. The 4 of Wands often can signify celebration, excitement, homecoming, family unity (or instead and frankly more fitting in this case) an unhappy family, cancellations, and feeling unwelcome. The King of Wands in the tarot often represents a natural born leader, an entrepreneur, and a visionary or possibly on the contrary impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations. The 4 of Pentacles tends to mean either saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control or in this case, over-spending, greed, and self-protection. The 4 of Swords connotes to rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation, or on the opposite end of things exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, or stagnation. Of course, the 8 of Pentacles often indicates apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development, self-development, perfectionism, and possibly misdirected activity.
The card with what I believe to be the most significant one and indicates the overall tone of this reading is The Moon. If you noticed in this particular post when I was initially discussing the keywords for each card I used words and phrases like "or", "on the contrary", "instead", etc. when I mentioned what the keywords for each of the cards are as opposed to just mentioning so called relevant keywords. I chose to do this for this post because a lot of the card combinations based on typical interpretations of such tend to be more positive. In this case however, there was a lot of deception going on with the creation of The Winchesters from start to finish, behind the scenes and on social media which The Moon card confirms.
I think many of the readers here are going to be quite familiar with the so called "Prequel Gate" that happened which started seemingly when Jared Padalecki made a post on Twitter saying "Dude. Happy for you. Wish I heard about this some way other than Twitter. I’m excited to watch, but bummed that Sam Winchester had no involvement whatsoever." and when people thought he was kidding, he responded with "No. It’s not. This is the first I’ve heard about it. I’m gutted." Also, when the show was introduced it was supposed to be "an epic love story". Instead, the big climax of the show and the highly anticipated tidbit ended up being the return of Dean Winchester on the screen. I feel a relevant movie to bring up is Bewitched with Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell starring, which is the movie where the remake of Bewitched is being filmed. As a synopsis, the show gets really poor ratings initially, as Jack Wyatt (Will Ferrell) made Darrin get most of the lines initially and the so called unknown girl Isabel Bigalow (Nicole Kidman) as Samantha got barely any lines. It's when Isabel calls Jack out on why the show was getting poor ratings and threatened to quit is when Jack comes to his senses and when he finally listens, the show ends up getting better ratings. See why I also included a photo of the movie's cover below?
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The location of the King of Wands (man on the elephant) being below the 4 of Wands (a crown) is interesting because we know that Jensen has a crown tattoo on his lower inner arm by his hand (which funnily enough was a topic of interest due to a photo edit "oopsies" some people saw on Twitter and here on Tumblr). Both of these cards showing up in the orientation they are is very interesting and definitely points to Jensen as I'll discuss here why. This particular quote stands out to me and sounds very relevant to Jensen regarding The King of Wands: "The King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form. Unlike the other Wands court cards, the King is not so interested in creation and creativity, or in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself. Instead, he is more inclined to take an idea and then enlist others to help him actualise it." Also another interesting tidbit I saw from this same site about the King of Wands: "At times, the reversed King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his goals. Be mindful that as you strive towards your dream, you are not putting others off-side, dis-empowering them or taking their contributions for granted. You need their support one hundred percent of the way."
If you watch this interview of Jensen and Danneel discussing The Winchesters back in October 2022, around the 2:03 marker Jensen says "we've got touchstones that have been laid out in the mothership you know our lore. Maybe we can hit those markers in a way that isn't expected", which correlates with that quote I mentioned above I got from Biddy Tarot regarding the King of Wands talking about being more inclined to take an idea and enlisting others to make it happen. It's also interesting to notate that in this interview, Jensen is wearing velvet, which was often worn by aristocrats in Middle Aged Europe. Velvet has a long history that dates back to Ancient China and Egypt where it was also seen as a luxury and sign of royalty and still is seen as such today.
As I mentioned earlier, Jensen even has a crown tattoo on his lower right arm by his hand that he got the same year he was crowned king in Mardi Gras back in 2019 (The W on the crown apparently stands for Winchesters). It appears him, Jared and John getting this tattoo is a "seers hint" that was missed regarding The Winchesters (don't worry, we all apparently have missed some). Interestingly so, there are 3 cards in this reading with the number 4 (2019 was 4 years ago when all 3 of them got this tattoo) that are diagonal from one another. Oh and the Charlotte convention starts in 3 days this upcoming Friday (I however will be going Saturday and Sunday, or starting 4 days from now). Jensen said also he, John and Jared now call themselves "The Three Kings". Jensen at least prior to the cancellation of The Winchesters perceived himself as a "king". I do believe the King of Wands card quote above stated that the "King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his dreams", which is 100% fitting in this case. Ironically, the 4 of Wands as I mentioned earlier can foretell of cancellations. If only Jensen had a bit more foresight as the 3 of Wands suggests he lacked.
It seems in his arrogant approach as a so called "veteran" actor in taking away the spotlight from Drake, Meg, Jojo and the rest of the "apprentice" actors he ironically killed his and his wife's project. Perhaps he should've followed Jack Wyatt's approach and listened when fans asked legitimate questions and expressed genuine concerns about the storyline of the show. Instead Jensen chose the path of not listening to anyone else and even said something along the lines of "if people don't like the show, were they ever fans to begin with?"
So... to answer your bottom line question about Drake and Jensen's overall relationship. This reading 100% states Drake needs to trust his own instincts more. It also indicates that Drake was side-blinded quite a few times by Jensen and perhaps is not really seeing the entire picture. Clearly Drake sees Jensen as someone to look up to and seek career advice from because "he's a good actor with a lot of experience and knowledge in the entertainment industry". A father figure so to speak, and perhaps sees the rest of the cast of The Winchesters as "a family" and is part of the extended "spn family". However, Jensen quite frankly has talked a big game since he left Supernatural which can be seen in the clothing he chooses to wear and even in the things he's said as aforementioned in this post. Frankly, his career is not on such a high note currently. It seems the failure of The Winchesters may have served as a bit of a reality check for Jensen. Not sure if you agree with me here but lately I believe Jensen's been starting to look a little thin, pale, exhausted, and downright depressed.
As for Drake, he clearly is an ambitious, handsome young man who genuinely wants to succeed in the entertainment industry. He may not have been quite the same as JDM's John Winchester, and was criticized for not having the right personality or look to play young John. Casting Drake as John Winchester yet Jensen expecting a Sam Winchester tie to Drake and therefore placing high expectations on him is perhaps indicated in the King of Wands card. I sense Drake has been contemplating on his time on the set of The Winchesters in a more nostalgic way and is in a bit of a recuperation period, which I think is reflected in his reblogging this post on Twitter. It sees he was quite thrown off guard and shocked about the announcement of Jensen and Danneel's Chaos Machine Productions entering a deal with Amazon and Jensen. Jensen has withheld a lot of things from Drake I suspect but also has given some good advice to Drake at the same time based on what he said in an interview Drake did in April.
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I know this was a longer answer and such but I hope that you found this insightful and interesting. Thank you again for this ask!
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