#I keep forgetting that I’m just allowed to post one silly
chibishortdeath · 10 months
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Older doodle that I think still holds up as funny I guess even if they look a little wonky compared to modern art of mine oops. Based off a meme, probs from Twitter or something I wouldn’t know I don’t have Twitter. And yeah that’s an attempt at a CV1 Dracula design lmao, he looks more like CV3 Alucard the more that I look at him X,,,,,,D. I was gonna ask if middle fingers need to be blurred but then I remembered that I didn’t do that to a drawing of Simon literally cutting his arm open for a ritual so uh I think we’re good 💀
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stylesharrys · 6 days
Y/N’s never been with a man like Harry before. (Blurb)
A/N: I haven’t posted any content on here for a while (but I’m working on it I promise), so here’s a little blurb for you darlings — I’m also opening up requests again so if you have any blurb ideas, feel free to send them in <3
For as long as she could remember, Y/N had always done everything when it came to relationships. The cooking, the cleaning, the date planning — all of it. It was never like that in the beginning, of course. Most men would love-bomb and tell her everything she wanted to hear. She’d never realise until it was too late.
That’s how it always happened.
And yet, she always allowed herself to forget those signs whenever she met someone new. Always told herself that it wasn’t fair to pre-judge anybody and that perhaps that’s just how they were and it wasn’t an act.
It was foolish, really — her way of thinking. Because time and time again, they always proved her wrong, always left her feeling alone and unappreciated until she finally bucked up the courage to call it quits and leave.
She tried to be more weary of it when she met Harry. She found herself mentally scrutinising every word he spoke, every promise he made. She’d lock everything away in a safe in her mind that she’d go back through if he ever slipped up or started showing signs that he wasn’t who he portrayed himself to be when they first met.
But that day didn’t come, it still hadn’t.
In Y/N’s most recent relationship, she’d never been so low. She’d stupidly agreed to move in with James and from there, it went downhill pretty fast. He never cleaned up after himself, ever. His damp towels would be left on the bathroom floor, his empty beer bottles and candy wrappers would be left on the counter instead of in the bin, and the one time he did wash the dishes after dinner, he made a right cock out of it.
Weaponised incompetence was what she remembered her mother calling it. When somebody purposely carries out a task poorly as to not be asked to do it again.
He didn’t cook, had no idea how to use the washing machine and at one point made it blatantly clear that because he worked, he shouldn’t have to come home and do chores around the house after.
That was the cherry on top for her. Because Y/N worked, too. She worked the same kind of hours and still did everything in the home and cleaned up after him day in and day out.
When her and Harry first started dating, she kept her heart close to her chest. She was far too afraid of making the same mistakes as last time, of wasting time and energy into someone who isn’t willing to give her one-hundred percent back.
But Harry did.
Harry cooked on nights that Y/N cleaned and vice versa. She never once had to ask him to pick up his damp towel or put his rubbish in the bin. Harry just did these things. He changed the sheets on his own accord, he did more laundry than Y/N and he enjoyed a weekly Sunday deep clean with her, blaring music and lighting a candle at the end of it.
Tonight was no different. She came home from work a little later than usual and dinner was already waiting for her on the table. Harry had remembered she texted earlier in the day that she was feeling under the weather, and prepared her some chicken soup with buttered rolls for as soon as she got home.
A bubble bath was run and fresh pyjamas were warming in the dryer. The floors had been hoovered and mopped, the laundry was folded and hung in the wardrobes and the trash had been taken out.
The realisation of something that happened every day hit her tonight for some reason. Perhaps because Harry picked up the chores she typically did as well, or maybe because he thought of her and did the dinner and bath to make her life a little easier.
Either way, it had tears stinging her vision and her heart thumping. It was silly, really. She was getting emotional over her partner doing the bare minimum — him pulling his weight and keeping their home clean.
“What’s a’matter?” His gentle voice cooed from across the table.
Y/N smiled tearily, taking a bite out of her roll as she shook her head. She didn’t want to make a thing out of this — she knew he’d only laugh at her and call her a numpty. (Which in this instance, she was.)
“Nothing, I just appreciate this a lot,” she swallowed her food as the tears began to dry.
Harry squinted at her, not quite buying what she was saying. “Y’sure? If the soups bad, you can be honest and tell me. Promise I won’t get too upset.”
She laughed at him, shaking her head. “I just hope you know how much I appreciate and acknowledge what you do in our home and our relationship. Thank you for not leaving everything on my shoulders.”
Harry’s face softened into one of adoration, like he couldn’t believe she was thanking him for doing what any responsible adult should. But he understood. She’d told him about her exes, about how she felt like their mother ninety percent of the time.
Harry couldn’t imagine ever being like that.
“I appreciate and acknowledge everything you do, too. Know you’ve had a rough day, didn’t want you coming home to stuff to do. You can have your soup, take a long bath and I even charged your Kindle.”
Y/N smiled at him, lovingly. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” Harry’s words were sincere, and she knew he meant what he said. “Oh, and I cancelled the plumber for tomorrow, so you can still get your nails done.”
She frowned, finishing the last of her soup. “Why? Did he come out today?”
“No,” Harry shook his head. “I sorted it.”
Y/N quirked a brow. “Sorted it as in…”
“As in I fixed the leak. You don’t need to hire maintenance people for the house, babe. If you notice something needs fixing just let me know and I’ll sort it.”
His statement shouldn’t have made her feel hot inside but it did. A man that would actively repair their house and not batter an eye or complain about it? That would do it without being asked?
Now, why the fuck did that turn her on?
Tag list:
@kissfromadove @stilesissaved @kiwitsayedsugar @savannahwendel @triski73 @stylesfever
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ramblingoak · 14 days
A Nap With Terzo
~ A special edition of Naps With Copia ~
This was for an Anon that was having a tough time with their finals and wanted a comforting nap with Terzo 💙 (sorry this took forever!)
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Terzo x gn!reader
The naps are all stand alone stories so you do not have to read one before the other! This series came from my post about wanting to nap with Copia all around the abbey. The stories will all have gender neutral readers and soft naps.
Warnings: none, just Terzo being a little silly, sfw, 800 words (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!)
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No one else got to see him like this. 
Well, maybe his ghouls did.  Spending months together packed into a tour bus allowed you to see the best and worst of everyone.  You had heard plenty of stories of the things the band and crew would get up to.  To be honest some stories you wished you could forget. Although knowing why Alpha was strongly discouraged from coming back to Albuquerque, New Mexico did give you good blackmail material.  
Moments like this though were something rare to see.  The Siblings were used to Papa Emeritus III and his ways.  They had spent years watching him on stage and at the pulpit.  Both were performances for your Papa.  Both showed a side of him that he had spent years honing to perfection.  The boisterous and carefree Papa that was quick to tease and even quicker to flirt.  But right now, tucked away in your bed and softly snoring…
This was your Papa. 
“I need to get up soon.”
“Hush. You need rest, Terzo.”
“Eh, I’m fine.”  His body betrayed him, his jaw immediately opening in a wide yawn.  When he caught your smirk he huffed, rolling his eyes as he turned the other way.  “Imperator will be looking for me.  So she can nitpick how each ritual went.”
“Don’t worry about her.”  Terzo turned his head, his eyebrow raised in question as he peered at you.  “She has her hands full.”
“Oh?”  You laughed when he quickly spun around, his arms snaking around your waist to bring you in close.  “Do tell, amore.”
“Your brothers promised to keep her attention until the morning.”
“Sounds ominous.”  
He ducked his head, hiding his face in your neck.  Terzo always got shy when his brothers helped him.  Like the notion of a family acting like family was still foreign to him.  You dropped a kiss onto his head and gently started carding your fingers through his hair.  
“Secondo assured me no one would get hurt.”  
“Bene.”  He pressed a few kisses of his own into your skin before pulling away, a soft smile on his face.  “What shall we do with all that time, hmm?”
His attempt at wiggling his eyebrows failed as he started yawning again.  He groaned when he was done, flinging himself onto his back and throwing an arm over his eyes.  
“I think a nap is the only thing you need to focus on right now.”
“But amore, that’s so boring!”  You obliged him when he tugged you close.  “I’d rather be kissing you.”  
“We can kiss after a nap.”
“We can kiss before one too.”  
He leaned in and planted a noisy smooch on your cheek, his lips then traveling down to your chin and over to your ear.  When his teeth gently nibbled at the lobe you squealed and tried to move away but his arms remained tight around you.
“Terzo!  Stop, stop!”  The bastard just laughed, continuing to attack you with his lips and teeth.  “Ah!  Papa, I will call Imperator, I swear to Satan.”
With a huff he pulled away, although he kept his arms tight around you.  When you noticed his pout you couldn’t help but giggle and lean in to kiss him.  The man was infuriatingly irresistible even when he was driving you crazy. 
“Fine, fine.  Ruin my fun.”  The pouting continued, even when you kissed him again.  “Here I am, thinking you would have missed me after all these months.  Missed my touch and my kisses.  I guess I was wrong.”
“Don’t be such a baby!”  You nipped at his full bottom lip this time, pulling it between your teeth to sooth it with your tongue briefly before leaning away.  “Terzo, I promise that if you are very very good and take a nice long nap we can have some fun after.  Okay?”
His face brightened and he snuggled closer, his hands traveling up and down your back possessively.  
“You promise, amore?”
“I promise.”  
His bright smile was beautiful, as was everything else about him.  You had to kiss him again, a soft one that you reserved for quiet moments like this.  He pulled away, still smiling, and reached up to cup your cheek.
“Then we better get started, eh?  The sooner we wake up the sooner we can have some of that fun you’ve promised me.”
You snorted while you settled yourself more comfortably against him.  Resting your head on his shoulder and one hand on his chest.  His heart beat steadily beneath it, a reminder that he was here with you again.  Terzo’s breathing was evening out and you soon heard the soft snores he insisted he never did.  You closed your eyes and focused on falling asleep yourself, wanting to get some rest along with your Papa.
You wanted the fun to start soon too.
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~ Naps With Copia series masterpost ~
If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
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pandoa · 2 years
it's the little things
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~the little things they do for you~
~feat. jamil viper, kalim al-asim, epel felmier, rook hunt, and vil schoenheit~ ~twisted wonderland characters x gender neutral reader~
~headcanons~ part 1│part 2│part 3
it's been some time since we had a non-event post, so here we go~ first time writing hcs! i promise to go back to the event rqs i just got distracted with this heh
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jamil viper lets you stay and watch him dance as he practices his mesmerizingly enchanting movements. he’s typically not very open to allow someone to gaze at him so earnestly as he was never one to bask in attention. however, there was something in the way your eyes twinkled at the sight of him that persuaded the scarabia vice housewarden to ignore all the usual habits he harbored, if only for you. but be careful. just as the snakes entrance their prey, jamil is equally as capable in spellbinding your heart to his with a swift twirl of his lithe figure.
"Oh... you wish to see me dance? I will not object to it, but please do not expect much from me. I am quite boring, after all."
"No no, straighten your back, raise your head, and keep your hands resting on my shoulders. When dancing, it is important to have complete faith that your partner will always be there to support you."
"Focus here, Prefect. You’re looking quite dazed at the moment."
"Hm? You can't? And why might that be?"
"Your cheeks have turned red… Could it be that you are embarrassed to be this close to me?"
"Ahem, n-never mind that. Please forget that I had said anything. It must have been my imagination... I shouldn't be so hopeful..."
"Hm? Ah, no it's nothing. Just mumbling to myself, that's all."
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kalim al-asim gifts you small things that remind him of you. most of the time, kalim is either just simply strolling down the sunlit pathways of nrc or browsing in the endless wonders of sam’s mystery shop. he finds the most tiniest and random items in the most unexpected places—claiming to have somehow seen you in them. but not without jamil sending him a questionable and deadpan stare. he’d find anything to be just like you, really. he views the whole world in rose-tinted glasses, but could you blame him? you were so precious in his eyes!
“(Y/n), look! This tiny button is just like you!”
“Hm? Why you ask? Oh, that’s easy!”
“It’s cute, fun to look at, and matches your eyes, haha!”
“Oh my Seven— (Y/n), look here, look here!”
“It’s a cuddly bear stuffie, hehehe~ C’mon! Take it back to Ramshackle!”
“I’m giving it to you because I love you, silly!”
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epel felmier gives you hand-carved apples of your favorite things whenever he is sure that he will see you that day. you mentioned your favorite animal during your lunch break? he's already carved a perfectly cut apple in the shape of it! you say you like a particular flower growing in the botanical gardens of nrc? epel had immediately taken an apple and carefully attempted to carve it right after vil's incessant voice lessons! he says he only does it to make use of the endless amounts of apples his family send him, but surely you can see past this small, charming lie, hm?
"(Y/n)! Thank the Seven I found you!"
"I had some extra apples laying around in my dorm, so I decided to carve some for you. What do you think?"
"Ah— and b'fore yer say somethin', carvin' apples ain't supposed 'ta be cute!"
"O-oh...you weren't going to say that? Well, um, thank you then, heh heh."
"You actually like them? Really? Then, I'll make sure to carve more for you if you like them so much!"
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rook hunt kisses every dimple, scar, mole, beauty mark, freckle, and stray mark on your resplendent body. he thinks they're like little stars and galaxies on your delicate form; how could he not shower them in adoring pecks of his love? it's become a daily routine for him at this point. holding you in his welcoming embrace as he brushes your marks with butterfly-like caresses, that is.
“Every single blemish on your flawless skin holds an untold story I wish to know, mon amour.”
“I cannot even begin to tell you how captivated I am by you. You’ve charmed me, and now I am pitifully here standing in front of you, memorizing the lovely constellation known as you.”
“I’ll adore each and every crevice of your mind, soul, and body.”
“If only you’ll allow me to…”
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vil schoenheit leaves you neatly written notes in every corner of the room before he goes on about his busy day. the daily life of a celebrity is certainly no easy feat, but he still wished to make sure you were well cared for while he was away. so, spreading little reminders on how to take care of yourself and placing them across the bedroom and dorm walls wouldn’t hurt anyone, yes?
“Prefect,” an elegantly dashing note written on a violet slip of paper called out to you from the bedside table. "The weather today will be rather chilly. I have left one of my sweaters here on the table for you. Do not ruin it."
And another one taped to the bathroom mirror.
“Remember to use the new facial cream I have recommended to you. It is applied twice a day; once in the morning, and once at night.” 
The hallway walls...
"I've framed the photograph we took together yesterday, as per your request. I do hope it is to your liking."
"There are perfectly balanced meals in the refrigerator for you. I've made sure that it suits your taste while still maintaining the initial nutritional value of the meal. Please also drink water. I know you greatly struggle with doing so."
And finally, the doorway before you leave.
"I worry for your welfare, (Y/n), so please do follow my advice. I love you. Ah— I mean... You are very important to me.
—from, vil"
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a/n: writing dialogue like i'm the writer for an op otome game yes yes
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player1064 · 3 days
gary goes into business instead of broadcasting post-retirement. carra still goes into puditry. they don't know each other/end up as friends.
they both end up on the same season of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here and fall in love. this is highly apparent to the entire audience.
I've not done a request fic in like two months bc I've been so zoomed in on the beville fic but I wanted to write something quick and silly and yes this request has been sitting in my inbox for more than THREE months but dont worry i did not forget about it I haven't forgotten about ANY of u.
and this really is quick and silly it is Mostly dialogue bc idk how else to convey the Vibes of im a celebrity but I had soooooo much fun with this dkjfgdfjsgkk...
 “I’m Gary Neville, I’m a businessman but I’m probably best known for my football career, playing 602 games for Manchester United and earning 85 caps for England.”
“What am I doing in the jungle? Mid-life crisis, I suppose.”
“I’m no stranger to public humiliation – just look at my coachin’ career! My only worry is the food – I do love a dairy milk, to be fair.”
“I’m Jamie Carragher, and I’m best known as a football pundit with Sky – am I allowed to say other broadcaster’s names on here? – and for winning the Champions’ league with Liverpool.”
“I’ve always said the jungle is the only reality show I’d consider doin’, so I guess it’s time to put me money where me mouth is.”
“Scared? Eh, no, I don’t think there’s many challenges I wouldn’t do. You don’t get to where I’ve got without that drive to win.”
Jamie walks into camp, takes one look at the group of people stood in front of him, and almost considers walking straight back out. Would that work, saying the catch-phrase outside of one of the challenges? ‘I’m a celebrity, get me away from Gary fucking Neville?’
“Jesus Christ,” Gary mutters. “Don’t you ‘ave some children to spit at or somethin’?”
“Don’t you ‘ave a football team to coach – oh no, sorry, they both fired you.”
“How the fuck are they lettin’ you take three weeks off in the middle of season? What’re people gonna do when they want to listen to two hours of Scouse gibberish?”
The rest of the campers watch on, no longer even attempting to come and introduce themselves to Jamie.
“And how’s your club gonna manage without yous, eh? What if they need someone to fire another manager?”
“Yeah, I uh… is it mean to say I hope one of them gets voted off soon? Don’t get me wrong, they’re both perfectly nice guys, but…”
[yelling heard from outside the hut]
The first pairs challenge, shockingly, goes off without a hitch.
This is not a surprise because the challenge was particularly difficult – it’s early days, they’re still easing everyone in – but because of who the public had voted to complete it. Because the public is the public, and they’re nothing if not predictable.
“All twelve stars! I’m pretty pleased w’that, you know.”
“Typical fucking Neville, taking the credit for his partner’s hard work.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t seem to recall you crawling about in the mud to get the –”
“—I was the one doin’ all the heavy lifting!”
“Of course you were doin’ the heavy lifting, look at the fuckin’ size of you!”
Jamie storms off camera and back into camp, leaving behind a bewildered looking Gary.
“He’s a bit of a diva, in’t he?”
“The first few days? Erm, it’s been goin’ alright, I think. I’ve been told I’m not always the easiest person to get on with, so it’s a pleasant relief that the others seem to – I mean, obviously not all of the others, but – but he’s –”
“Oh, I’m loving camp. Missing the gym a bit –” for emphasis, Jamie slaps his bicep – “but the food’s not as bad as I were expectin’, and the banter is sound – we’re all great friends already –”
“—well, no, but you can’t count him. He’s so weird, ‘ave you seen him? Like a little robot, doin’ everything exactly the same every day.”
“Another pairs challenge…”
“I don’t get why people keep voting for us to do these trials. You’re useless at ‘em anyway, do they want to see us starve?”
“Maybe I’d be able to get more done if you didn’t always insist on bossing me around, James. Can barely hear myself think over that Scouse screech of yours, it’s a wonder me eardrums haven’t burst yet.”
“It’s a wonder nobody’s killed themselves in the boredom of having to listen to you drone on and on all day. Did I actually hear you talkin’ about the stock market the other day?”
“The stock exchange, oh my god. It’s my hotel, which you’d know if you took part in any conversation that’s not about you.”
“I can’t believe they let you have that.”
Jamie looks with pride down at the football he’d chosen as his luxury item, then drops it and kicks it towards Gary’s head. It’s wide by about a metre.
“Oi! If you were a half decent footballer that could’ve actually hurt me, you twat.”
“’least mine can benefit everyone in camp, what even is yours?”
“Fidget toy, innit. My niece got me into them, gives me something to do with my hands.”
“You’re a strange little man, you know that right?”
Gary, who’s still positioned closest to the football, picks it up and lobs it into the trees surrounding camp.
“Come have a kickabout with me?”
Gary looks around but there’s nobody else sat nearby. “Me?”
“No, Cristiano Ronaldo. Of course you, who else would I be askin’?”
“Literally anyone else here?”
“It’s not as fun when you’re better than everyone else –”
“—ah, so you admit I’m a better footballer than you!”
“That’s not what I said!”
“What are you actually doin’ in here? ‘cause no offence, Gary, but you don’t really seem the reality show type.”
“Dunno. Was having a rough week when the email came through, thought it might be nice to get away from everythin’ for a bit.”
“’and you, Jameh?’” Jamie says in a squeaky parody of a Manc accent. “Oh, thanks fer askin’, Gaz. I was worried I was goin’ soft, now that I’ve been retired for so long. Wanted to prove to myself I can still be a winner.”
“Still? When were you ever a winner before?”
“I’ve won a Champions’ League, I’ll have you know!”
“I’ve won two!”
“Have you fuck.”
“Who’s your letter from, then? Missus?”
“No, my brother,” Gary says absently, then he looks up from his letter with a frown. “I don’t have a missus, what’re you on about?”
“Don’t you? I could’ve sworn, in Baden Baden with the WAGs –”
“You’re basing your knowledge of my relationship status on a tournament we played in more than fifteen years ago?”
“You realise you’re literally wearing a wedding ring.”
“And you’re not. Any other observations you’d like to make? Sky is blue, maybe?”
“Normally people wear wedding rings to show they’re married.”
“Maybe some people wear them to avoid annoying questions. Anyway, Philip says that I’m coming across very well so far and that ITV has received hundreds of complaints from people who can’t understand your accent.”
“He did not fucking write that, give it here –”
“Am I getting along better with Jamie? I dunno, I never had a problem with him to be fair, it’s him that’s always –”
“Friends? With Gary? Behave. Have we managed to go a single day so far without him shoutin’ at me for somethin’ I did, or somethin’ I didn’t do right, or for – for breathing in the wrong direction. Christ, I’ve never met anyone this fussy. He’s too easy to wind up.”
“He must be doin’ it on purpose, surely nobody is that thick – I mean, is it so hard to stack a couple of dishes when you’ve finished washing them?”
“Well, no, yeah, he did stack them, but did you see – they were all out of order, there’s no stability – they’re certain to all fall and break in the night thanks to him.”
All the effort that goes into the Dingo Dollars task and all the camp has to show for it is a single square of chocolate each. Gary nibbles carefully at his, trying to preserve it for as long as possible.
Jamie gets up and goes to sit beside him.
“Here, I don’t like sweets.”
“You don’t – what kind of a psychopath don’t like sweets?”
“Will you just take the bloody chocolate before I change my mind.”
“You’re limping. Why are you limping?”
“Done my ankle in the last trial.”
“Trust you to get injured doin’ a trial. What’d you do, you slip or somethin’?”
“Why don’t you ask your mate, he’s the expert on slipping.”
“Ha ha. But really, Gary – you alright?”
“I’m fine, Carra, ‘s not even strained. Just a bit achy. Twenty years as a professional athlete will do that to you.”
“Give it here.”
“You what?”
“Give it here, I do an okay massage. Maybe that’ll stop yer whining.”
“I literally didn’t say a word until you brought it up.”
“I don’t know, he’s – ugh, he’s…”
“He’s not what I expected. I dunno. He’s just not what I expected.”
“D’you know how many times me and Gary played a full ninety together with England? One. We only ever played one full match on the same side, and it was shite.”
“It always felt like there was only room for one of us, so I just – I fucking hated him. ‘cause it wasn’t me the managers were picking, was it?”
“Carra?” Gary whispers
“Carra, I can’t sleep.”
“Don’t give a fuck.”
Jamie reluctantly sits up in his camp bed, squints at Gary in the dark. “What.”
“I can’t sleep.”
“You already said that.”
“I want to go for a walk, clear my head.”
“Good for you.” Jamie lies back down and pulls his sleeping bag over his face.
“I swear to God, Gaz…”
“Yer not gonna make me go out there alone, are ya? It’s the middle of the night.”
“What are you, twelve? Fine, just give me a minute to find my shoes.”
“It’s very dark, isn’t it?”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
They hadn’t ended up walking very far, just to the log benches in the next clearing over before agreeing the risk of tripping over tree roots was too high and sitting down to just talk instead.
“My internal clock’s all thrown off, we’ve been here nearly two weeks and I still can’t get the hang of it. At home to be fair I’m normally in bed by ten, half ten.”
“I remember, from England. You and Phil were such geeks, weren’t you?”
“Most capped brothers in England, thank you very much.”
“D’you miss him?”
“Nah. Don’t get to see ‘im much anyway, to be fair. He’s off in America, Trace is out here, they’re both just – getting on with it, aren’t they? I prob’ly miss my house more’n anything else.”
“Your house… not your friends? Not football?”
“I like my house! It’s got everythin’ just the way I like it.”
“Alright, alright. Fine, you can miss your house.”
“Wha’d’you miss? Your kids? The missus?”
“I dunno really… kids are both all grown up now, missus went back to being a ms a long time ago.”
“Is what it is. Anyway, I miss football even if you don’t, honest to God, what kind of a footballer are ya? I wish someone would slip me this week’s standings, feel like I’m going insane tryin’ to imagine all the results.”
“Should’ve said something sooner, twat. I can tell you how the league’s going.”
“You can?”
“Yes. Manchester United are on a – how many games’ve we missed now? – they’re on a three game winning streak and have shot to the top of the league.”
“Oh yeah? What about Liverpool?”
Gary tuts and shakes his head. “Relegation zone, I’m afraid.”
“We were top of the table when I came in ‘ere!”
“Well, you know what they say – anything can happen in football, can’t it?”
“You’re right, what’s that… I’m getting reports from Old Trafford that Salah’s just scored a hat-trick, Stretford end as well –”
“You twat! As if your Liverpool could win away against United, you’re dreaming!”
“Erm, yeah… it’s good to be going home, ‘course it is. Glad I wasn’t the first voted out, hah, I actually think I’ve done alright in ‘ere.”
“Yeah, no, it’s been a brilliant experience to be fair. I never thought I’d make such good friends – yeah, even him. I know, I’m as surprised as you are! Anyway, I’m wishin’ them all the very best of luck in the semi-finals.”
“I mean, I know fourth place isn’t bad, but I do think I deserved to get to the finals. I’ve worked harder than anyone else here, so –”
“Well yeah, ‘course, it’s up to the public, so – if it’s my time then it’s my time.”
“What’ll I be doin’ when I get to the hotel? Dunno. Check my messages first, probably!”
“What, Gary? I saw ‘im yesterday, it’s not like I’m missin’ him already! Might get ‘im to buy me a pint, though, least he could do after I had to put up with him for three weeks.”
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h4amarch · 1 year
uh oh sisters! I’m back with more Kel Angst… but more like a Kel Character Study.
I’m sure Kel appreciators are already familiar with my analysis of how Kel thinks people value Mari’s theoretical opinions more than his real ones. But since that was at the end of a longer post which was just a “List of Fun Kel Facts :)” I think I didn’t really get to touch on the fact of why this has come to be.
Someone in the tags of that post wrote that Hero does this too, that the two brothers were raised to be people-pleasers and naturally tend to ignore their own feelings. And I absolutely 100% agree with this!!! But consider now: Kel was the little troublemaker, and Hero was the responsible one. To some degree, I think you can also make an argument as to how Hero’s role as the responsible one allowed Kel to be the troublemaker, and vice versa; whether it was by their own will or not, Kel traded positive attention for more freedom, and Hero did the opposite.
Hero is the one to handle responsibility first, and he’s older, too—so it goes that, inherently, Hero has made the better suggestions of the two of them during their childhood, from hangout ideas to problem solving. Kel is the one that makes the silly suggestions, the one that’s a little less realistic, the one that’s still filled with childish fantasies of Captain Spaceboy and renegade stories.
Until he isn’t. Until he’s grown up a little, until he’s slapped in the face by a tragic death, by a despondent, unresponsive brother—by nobody else knowing what to do any better than him.
So he tries—
“Hey Aubrey! Do you want to come to my birthday party? I know we haven’t really talked, this past year, but—”
“Helloooo, Sunny? It’s time for school, and I heard we’re gonna play basketball during gym! You don’t have to play, I can just shoot hoops and you can watch! I’m getting real good at it, I swear—”
“Morning, Basil! Did you need any help doing gardening stuff? I just wanted to see if anyone was free to hang out, but—”
“Hey Hero. Are you… feeling a bit better today? I was just wondering… if you wanted to go get Gino’s with me. Because I’m hungry, and I think it’d be fun if we went together—”
—and he fails.
“—you want to hold a birthday party? Are you- Are you serious?! Tomorrow’s the day she- and you- I- Did she mean nothing to you?!” (He wanted to distract Aubrey from it. But of course she wouldn’t forget.)
“—oh, Kel, good morning! I’m sorry, but I don’t think Sunny can come see you right now… We’re thinking of homeschooling, but… I’m sure he’ll come out to see you one day.” (School was just an excuse to ask for Sunny. Now what is he supposed to do?)
“—ah, um- I’m- I’m okay! I have to… to, um, check on the m-more delicate plants today so, um— m-maybe not today… I-I’m sorry.” (If he were better at not being clumsy, would Basil still have turned him away?)
“—I’m not hungry, Kel… Not today. It’s late anyway.” (He’s never hungry when Kel asks.)
Kel tries to handle things on his own, and it fails. He is confronted with the fact that, on his own, his ideas really are as stupid as Aubrey used to call them, and as silly as Basil and Sunny used to say they were, and as unrealistic as Hero used to tell him.
And Mari…
“—Hi, Mari. Sorry I couldn’t make it last week. But, uh… I was just wondering… if you… if you could maybe… tell me this is all a bad joke…? Because- they all said you- you did it on purpose, but… but I don’t think you would have wanted this, right…?”
(“Well, Kel! You’ve just made a very convincing point. Now I don’t know who to believe!”)
The only person who believed in him, the only one who bothered to indulge his ideas even a little bit, is gone.
And yet, just like when they were younger, the one time things work is—
“Mari wouldn’t have wanted to see you like this, Hero…”
—when Mari steps in.
And again.
“I can’t just leave here knowing that this is the person you’ve become. I mean… What would Mari think?”
“Why do you keep bringing her up?”
Granted, the reactions are always a bit rough. But it’s what makes people react, it’s what gets things to change.
So… yeah. Kel’s opinions don’t matter. They’re not supposed to—they’re supposed to make people laugh, or deadpan, or call him stupid so that he can start bantering and bickering, because it’s familiar, because it’s normal. It makes things a bit difficult if he wants to be all serious, but as always, Mari is there for him when his mind comes up blank.
Until she isn’t. Until Sunny says something, and Basil corroborates it. Until every little success he’s been able to achieve with Mari’s help dissipates like the cheap discount foamer in Sally’s bubble baths. Until Kel isn’t sure what Mari would have wanted.
Until Kel is left with only himself. Mari would have wanted—
��he wants—
—everyone to be happy. Everyone to stick together this time. Everyone to help him figure out what the hell he’s feeling right now. Everyone to help him figure out how to stay together when all he wants is to run. Everyone to come back to the room so they can talk, before they split apart again. Again. Not again. Not again.
But how will he do it without Mari?
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randombush3 · 1 year
The Best Part
summary: here’s a fic based on her song ‘the best part’.
words: 863
warnings: this is about death so do with that what you will.
notes: i don’t know why i haven’t posted, and i don’t really have any excuse to give you. i’m working on things, just slowly. really fucking slowly. but flo released music and i couldn’t help myself. lots of love!
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There is no specific memory of you linked to today. No story in particular that she can recall, that she can tell someone about so they can vividly experience it with her, make her feel less alone. In fact, this is the case with most days — times she cannot shake you off for it is simply your existence that she misses; the comforting thought that you are alive. It makes what she knows, what she seems to constantly be reminded of, worse.
She has tried. For the past three years, the past one-thousand one-hundred and twelve days, she has tried to forget slightly. You don’t seem to leave her alone — typical. You sit beside her on trains, whispering in her ear. You mock her when she rehearses her scenes in the living room alone, running her lines for her, telling her how you would have said it. There are times when she can feel your lips against her neck, your fingers brushing hers.
No, she can’t shake you off at all. Neither can she tell whether it hurts or it helps. Your presence is her imagination, but if she convinces herself, she kids that nothing ever happened. You are alive, you are just away. Somewhere unreachable; a desert island with no mobile phone, off on one of your silly expeditions that you claim deepen your understanding of the world around you.
Tonight, she dares to sprawl out on the bed. It feels juvenile, like how she would have slept before meeting you. Before she had to put up with your insistence of sharing a bed equally (‘this me:you ratio will not fly, Mrs Pugh’). Is this what acceptance is? Allowing herself to break one of your rules because you are not there to enforce them?
It doesn’t seem to make a difference, anyway. All the things you said sleep in her head with her. You wake up at the same time now — of course that only happens when you are dead.
Maybe this is the curse she has. Yours was obviously the fact that you died. Her misfortune is to be the one still standing, only this time with no one beside her. Her life is the one that is resigned to waiting until she can see you again, the one that forces her to believe in an afterlife just in case it gives her one more chance to… Who is she kidding? Her therapist says if she thinks her life is just about prolonging her death, then she should reevaluate. Flo did think to make the point that that is exactly what she is there for, but the woman charges by the hour and she would rather spend the money on an additional series of another random TV show you may have liked to watch.
Everything just hurts.
She is fucked. She would not recommend falling in love, because the person you build a life with can just fuck right off the face of the Earth at any given moment. She regrets ever feeling a love like the two of you had shared.
Your pillow smells nothing like you. She is three years too late to have her face buried in it. Tonight, you are not beside her, not keeping her company, not even in her imagination. The bed is full, but with only one person. She fears she has gotten rid of your memory by stretching out, and, horrified, retracts her limbs. Rolling over onto her side, she feels your arm around her waist. Your nose presses against her head, you breathe her in.
She would give anything to have you do that one last time. To know that it was the final goodbye, to be able to rehearse it, would surely make her feel better. Something like closure.
As she drifts off, she parts her lips, tongue running along them, wetting them. A force of habit, three words prod at her to be spoken. But she won’t say it if you don’t say it. If you were beside her one last time, she would beg you not to say it. If you were here now, a ghostly apparition, she would cover your mouth with her hand because if you said ‘I love you still’, she would fall to pieces and never get up again.
Seven days later. You have now been dead one-thousand one-hundred and nineteen days. She has revisited this idea of seeing you one last time. She wonders what she would say. Thank you for the best parts? Maybe she would apologise for her weak heart. You would find this hilarious, how miserable she has become. You would provoke her, taunt her, and she would get defensive, say something like ‘my love just hurts when loving’. You would relish in the scowl she would give when you laughed in her face. You are — were — the worst.
You are — were — her life.
You were the best part.
She opens her mouth as she closes her eyes. She is determined to get used to filling the bed. She is going to compromise.
“Fuck you for dying, Y/n,” she whispers into the darkness. “You know I love you still.”
tags: @pewpughpew @ridleypugh @jeyramarie @flosbelova @kassies-take @delfiore @yelenabelovasbxtch @xsophiesx @slut4milfs69 @sunshadesnrainbowz @karsonromanoff
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*knock knock* Special delivery! Was told to directly give it to you by a Napoleon with a rather stern expression... and then he yawned. I have to admit it's quite early for him to be awake, isn't it? I think he also had bedhair....
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My Mo,
You're silly -- you could simply ask me directly. Is this an excuse to get me to write a letter for you? Write one back and think of me while you do, when you're done I'll be right behind you.
So my nunuche wants to know the secret to good sleep and naps?
It’s rather simple. The answer might shock you.
Whenever I struggle to nap in the afternoon I find a nice warm spot and think of you. At night, short of having you here with me, I imagine how it feels to hold you in my arms. I sleep the most soundly with you at my side.
It is important to sleep well, it is only in this lifetime that I have allowed myself the leisure of a deep sleep yet I find myself wishing I had allowed myself the indulgence earlier. When you’re well rested the rest of your body and your mind work better — I sleep when I find my body telling me it’s time for a break.
If you’re having problems… come nap with me. I’m sure you’ll fall asleep in my arms instantly. I won’t let you go until you’re well rested.
Yours eternally, Napoleon Bonaparte
AHHHHH it's been so long since I received this thank god no one is actually corresponding with me via letters HAHAH
GOD DID HE WRITE THIS FIRST THING IN THE MORNING?? IT'S A LETTER TO TREASURE FOR SURE! I'd stash it right next to his main route letters 🥺
Oh my dear monsieur de wahaha i have a very good reason to ask for your advice in written form actually!!!! this way i can read it again and again when i have the need to and not bother you by asking again and again like a broken record instead!! would you scold me for thinking i can bother you?? please don't.....
.....HEY YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!! this can't be the secret behind it!! huh!!! WHUH!!!
i know you're lying because
because i'd tried the same and it should have worked........ don't comment on this. not in letter not in person never
ahem so like i said, you're surely forgetting to tell me something!! i guess I'll have to... examine your sleeping patterns closer. maybe borrow a looking glass from Leonardo or Isaac or- didn't Arthur have one too? you're a curious creature to me all round, Napoleon, so I'm sure it will prove helpful! Jokes aside, I'm happy when you discover more and more things about your second lifetime that you've bettered. another great thing to possess written down on paper! Thank you for the lovely response, I'll treasure it...and listen to your advice too, of course, of course... just don't start complaining when we get into an endless cycle of not letting the other get out of bed, ehehehehehe
Yours eternally sleepy,
*puts down imaginary pen*
OKAY NOW MY DEAR IKEMEN POST OFFICE ROBIN. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!! It was all i wanted and more, you did an excellent napo and he'll be in my head now for awhile. well he already was, since the day i received his letter...... i wanted to say now that i experienced it for myself, that what you're doing for the fandom is so so so so so wholesome and you've made so many people happy and i love to see it!!! once again brilliant idea and i hope you can keep it up! many hugs and thank you once again!!!
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threadbaresweater · 4 months
I’m 100% percent on the same boat with you on that hiroma vs (his) kids. It’s not he hates them or having them, he just doesn’t think he is able to, i think, responsibilities and stuffs.
Maybe the scenario is he has a daughter with his ex wife, and he adore his little princess but he keeps screwing things up in really clumsy way. Shows up late for her first day at school, forgets to pick her up, forgets AND late for her birthdays, mostly because of his messy working schedule. But he loves his little girl, that’s the truth. This is so silly but reading your post reminds me of my (still) best friend, who lives with her dad, since her mom left. And she spent 6 years from her first class to halfway to 6th class staying mostly with my family, because her surgeon dad has to wake up to rush to the hospital at random hours. But he is kind, and loves her in his very busy and clumsy way. I remembered he excitedly called my parents 1 week prior to help him with a birthday party for her, but on the day, the daughter and her dad had a quick birthday video call after he had finished one of his surgeries (which is definitely off the rules but things were all fine) at around 1am, as he rushed back to my home to finally joined the late birthday party.
So yeah, i think it’s alright for some people to not wanting kids, but if they do they try their best. While some are like Toji.
that's kind of how I saw the situation with the ask I answered about hiromi attending parent teacher conferences. he's divorced. has one kid and one kid only. his wife couldn't handle his schedule and constant broken promises of "I'll be there. I'm coming. I just have to finish this one thing...." (and I honestly don't blame her). He tries SO HARD, and he loves that little girl with all of his heart and soul, and he overcompensates for his lack of quality time with her by buying expensive gifts and taking her on cool outings when he can. His ex stands by and wants to argue, but when she sees the way her daughter's eyes light up when dad is around, her heart softens and she allows hiromi to be the hero for a few hours.
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the-arkaives · 4 months
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WHAT ARE THE ARKAIVES?: so, I realized that suddenly, i was no longer the only person who had Miss Kai Drew rotating in my brain. now, I may be the only one with her doing so 24/7, BUT THERES OTHER PEOPLE NOW-
The Arkaives are your one stop shop for the small little Kai Drewniverse Fandom! you’ll get cannon posts from me, and then the other arckaivist’s fucking BANGER ass “fannon” posts (GUYS I AM EATING THAT SHIT UP KEEP IT COMING)! it’s just a way for this tiny ass community to thrive :]
HOW DO I BECOME AN ARKAIVIST?: simple! reach out to me, say you wanna become an arkaivist, and then BOOM! you’re in! but if you’re a fucking douchebag/asshole i am NOT afraid to kick you out. this is a silly funtime blog, and if you bring bad vibes i am kicking you out. also don’t argue with me about cannon. I’m the author i know what I’m talking about 🤨‼️
WHAT CAN I POST AS AN ARKAIVIST?: you’re allow to post anything as long as it is vaguely Kai related! like, saw something pink and yellow? KAI DREW REFERENCE POST IT‼️‼️‼️ (<- fun fact: actual way i make going out in public fun instead of nerve wracking) it doesn’t even have to be just Kai! got ideas about relationships between Kai and ‘x’ character? POST IT! that’d probably be helpful for me writing nmk/kai in hf stuff, as I’m always a biiiit afraid of mischaracterizing the people of Hatchetfield in the fanfics. But, like, Kai lore isn’t just Hatchetfield! believe me, i forget too, but she’s in a shit ton of fandoms! so, if you’re into one of the other fandoms she’s in? join! fair warning, though: the Kai in HF lore is ROTTING my brain, so there’s gonna be a lot of that shit-
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ARKAIVIST ONE - @pastriibunz
NAME: Pastrii!! :D
PRONOUNS: she/her :]
the kai drew fan. literally. i made her!!! i made that guy!!!! the creator of miss drew, the writer of the fics, the artist of the cannon art, the admin of @shxwstxpper (and this blog too), and professional pokotho prophet (/j)! ive definetly got a better intro on my main, (and it does list what fandoms kai's in so do take a look!), but this is my little bio sooo yeah!!! :D
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ARKAIVIST TWO - @skylines-turnstiles13
NAME: Max!! :]
PRONOUNS: he/him :D
MY SON!!!!! the admin of @laika-at-hatchetfield and the reason this blog exists! legit my brother in christ told me to do it and my ass was like "yes sir 🫡‼️" and now we're here! he makes some DELICIOUS ass art (seriously man eating that shit UP) and made it so our first posts were angst (all hail the boy!!!! doing what i couldnt <- was going to wait a bit for soul crushing angst- let yall get comfy b4 i fuck yall up). GO FOLLOW THEM THEY'RE COOL AF 🫵😡‼️
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ARKAIVIST THREE - @chillibeanos
NAME: Chilli/Max :3
MY (other) SON!!!! I lob them sm GAHEGEGEGVR THE SILLY!!! they also have a neato lil guy named Bean Sprout so GO CHECK THEM OUT 🫵😡‼️‼️‼️ GO FOLLOW MY BOY 🫵😡‼️‼️‼️‼️
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ARKAIVIST FOUR - @raspberrysmoon
NAME: elliot/alice/(rasp)berry/ella/julian
PRONOUNS: he/him + she/her + fawn/fawns + star/stars + they/them + it/its
YET ANOTHER ONE OF MY SONS!!!! I feel like getting added to this account just means you become one of my sons- silly little guy!!! they’ve got a more in depth intro too- FOLLOW THEM RIGHT NEOW 🫵😡‼️
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ARKAIVIST FIVE - @christianchasity
NAME: Kacie!! :>
PRONOUNS: she/they
im literally neuerodivergent and a minor? but ayways im the rp expert because i ave 12 different accounts and i have 3 years of expeirence.... but i also have the tism and adhd and i am the grace chasity fan okay tats it love you consually an platonically!!!!
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Which sesame street characters do you like !!
As I’m revisiting it I’m going mostly as in-order as I can and I haven’t even gotten to where Elmo is introduced yet!
but!! I love them all so much I will say things about some favorites now
Bert and Ernie are. Everything. Okay. They’re just so. Their skits are always so funny and I love them. And they love each other in one way or another. Honestly I don’t think Bert and Ernie know if Bert and Ernie are a couple any more than the general public does. Like I think they’ve been a part of each others lives for a long time and mean a lot to each other obviously and like there is. Something. With them. I don’t know what, though. I like the idea that they never had the stupid like.. “what are we” discussion thing. You know?
Bert is relatable I also love pigeons. I don’t like how him liking pigeons is sometimes treated like a weird thing honestly I think it’s weirder to not like pigeons. Like also it’s legitimately impressive that he taught his pigeon Bernice to play checkers.
Also there is. This.
I don’t know what to say about this I just think everyone should see it.
and Then!! There is The Count. Count Von Count. The inherent intrigue of the vampirism they refuse to elaborate on. The fact that he is simply just so silly and dramatic and obsessive I love that for him. The bit where he cries over not having anything to count and then gets all excited and counts his tears and then runs out of tears to count and cries about it and then gets so excited and
I keep coming back to the whole like. What’s up with the Vampirism. He’s immortal like he’s 6 million years old literally older than humanity. There are so many things that just make you go “What’s up with that?” Like… just took away Grover’s free will once which is crazy. Not clear if he still has mind control powers and just has learned that doing that is screwed up or if he’s like. Getting weaker cause he’s so busy counting he forgets to feed himself blood or something. (Because like counting used to distract vampires was a folklore thing.)
Genuinely kind of worried about him but he seems to be having a good time so if he is losing his vampire powers or something like that he hasn’t noticed/minded. The whole “numbers vampire” thing is confusing. Like does he feed on numbers? Or is he forgetting to vampire because of numbers? I think he should be allowed to practice vampire self care and take a little sip of blood. Just a little.
I hope he can turn into a bat it would be adorable. Doing this to him
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Also! Oscar the Grouch. Obviously wonderful hilarious iconic never seen before
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He’s wonderful and we all have days where we are like that. It’s also awesome that like by Grouch standards he’s a total softie and extrovert. It’s fun. Just like when he’s interacting with literally any other character. Also this
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I don’t have a Twitter I can’t navigate Twitter why are the posts just not in chronological order can’t live under these conditions but the Sesame Street twitters sometimes make me wish…
anyway. I have literally. Been taking notes. On Sesame Street.
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because I know otherwise it’ll all run together in my head.
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thefandomenchantress · 5 months
what's ur favorite aspect of xanvid, acevid, xanace(? if that's their ship name), and the three of them together?
(Warning: TW For discussion of EDs, as well as the fact this is at least a little self-indulgent)
This is such a fun question heh heh heh! I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this one. (Thanks for asking me, by the way).
I know this isn’t too deep or anything, but making ‘Xander is a huge simp for David’ jokes is one of my favorite pastimes while writing these two. I think it’s very funny.
I’ll be completely honest, at first I only shipped Xanvid because I knew most of the fandom did. Mostly because I somehow forgot this scene happened:
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And that scene is the one that probably adds the most substance to their relationship, so forgetting about it took away what is probably one of the most important aspects. That being that Xander actually tries to treat David like a person, not a product or a celebrity.
I think Xander and David would probably be good at hyping each other up when they’re down, or providing each other comfort when they’re sad. Seeing as Xander has experience with grief I don’t think he’d push too hard for David to be happy all the time, which is pretty vital.
The more silly aspect I like is the banter. Ace is always great for fun banter because he never shuts up and doesn’t hesitate to state his opinions, at least most of the time. So most characters can have an entertaining back-and-forth with him.
But post-personality-reveal David in particular is fun for me to write, since he acts like such a smug little bastard. His above-average way with words can pretty much make Ace do what ever he wants (or at least in the beginning, when Ace can’t detect his trickery), and usually what he wants is to fluster Ace as much as possible.
But I guess a more serious one would be why I started shipping them in the first place. Both David and Ace’s careers have merged with the rest of their life in one way or another, and in very unpleasant ways. Both are the only two to show distain for their talents in some capacity, (excluding Teruko and sort of Rose, who doesn’t exactly hate her talent as much as she hates that she got caught and is in debt).
Whit says he didn’t share David’s secret because he doesn’t want to ruin David’s career, and when he phrases it like that it seems stupid, but considering the fact David basically built a whole new personality he’s been crafting for years and is the only thing he lets people see, you slowly realize that ruining his career essentially destroys his life. His image has been his primary concern for so long and now it’s forever tarnished. Which does make his sudden move to get everyone killed make a bit more sense, since perhaps David believes his life is essentially over anyway. Without his image and by extension his career, what is he left with?
And something similar could be said for Ace. Being a jockey is dangerous enough as it is, but with the brittle bones that come with an eating disorder like anorexia (which is what I assume Ace has, though I may be wrong), this risk of injury or even death only increases. In fact the mortality rate of anorexia alone is higher than most mental illnesses. So it’s fair to say that despite his fear of death and things that could hurt him in general, Ace is putting himself in a lot of danger to preserve his career as a jockey. His constant trips to the gym seem to indicate his works out a lot to maintain his weight as well. Despite the fact he hates horse-riding, he is risking his life to keep competing. And since he just got outed for having an eating disorder by Veronika, presumably on (inter?)national television, I’d say there’s a very high chance that he won’t be allowed to race again. So not only has his career been thrown away, but what he has dedicated his life to.
This rant is all to say I think that they could relate to each other in this way, and thus understand what the other is going through. They could help each other figure out where to go from here, and that kind of thing.
(This one ended up being really long, whoops…)
I’ve never written anything of just the two of them before, but I still like them as a pairing. Probably because rivals to lovers is one of my favorite things ever (Hence my love of Teruvid).
My favorite silly aspect is probably that the height difference is very funny to me. Xander’s 6’0 and Ace is 5’5 and I can just imagine them doing this thing:
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Where the taller person easily holds back the shorter one, who is trying and failing to attack them (Hope you like my stick figure art haha).
Honestly part of the reason why I’ve never written something with just them is because I’m still trying to figure out why they work together. Xander doesn’t have much patience for Ace’s antics, so having them get along would most likely require Ace to tone it down long enough for them to have a heartfelt moment.
I think once they managed to have a bit of an understanding of each other, however, it’d be fun to see Ace of all people have to talk Xander out of getting in fights. Ace may threaten to fight people, but he won’t. Xander, however, has no qualms about being in a fight if he thinks it necessary. And seeing Ace, who has the habit of saying ‘you wanna fight!?’ to people he barely knows, having to stop him would be funny. Because even if Ace won’t admit it he cares about Xander’s well-being and in a fight he’s bound to get hurt.
Hmm…I guess I just feel like they kinda balance each other out, y’know? Xander and Ace’s more hotheaded and reckless tendencies can be balanced out by David’s more generally calm demeanor. Ace and David’s pessimism can be balanced out by Xander’s more cheery yet realistic outlook. David and Xander’s lovey-dovey approach is balanced out by Ace being a grumpy tsundere. I’m not great at putting it into words, they just kinda work. To me, at least.
Yaaaay I finished! Sorry this took me so long, I had trouble putting into words exactly what I liked about these ships. But thanks for asking I really love talking about stuff like this!!! <3
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avenirdelight · 11 months
meeting ryan mason🤍🌟
i never even imagined to actually meet ryan, let alone to have the little moment that we had.
i’m so thankful that he gave me a few minutes of his time. it was lovely meeting him. we talked, we hugged, we took some pics😋
[this is a very long one, because i want to remember every detail…✨]
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in singapore, on july 26 before the match, me and my friend decided to go to the hotel that spurs stayed. we saw a video of sonny giving signs in front of the hotel the night before, and even though it was highly unlikely for them to stop for the fans since it was matchday, we wanted to at least try since we’d flown all the way to singapore for this pre-season tour. on the way there she said, “but it’s okay if we don’t get to see them, right?” and i said “yeah, of course”. so we just went with no expectation and just hoped for some luck.
but someone can always try, right?
since i bought the tickets 3 months ago, i literally kept saying that i want to see ryan. i prayed that he’d be on ange’s team because i was most excited to see him.
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well, i did see him from afar. but i was quite disappointed that during the open training (july 25), they weren’t allowed to walk around. so despite getting the front row (queued/waited for 3+ hours, stood under the sun for an hour for that😪), i didn’t really get anything. really envious of people that were around the tunnel because ryan pretty much signed everyone’s shirt (some the players did too).
later that night, i posted some instagram stories, just some normal updates about the open training. i made some stories about the players and tagged them, i made 2 about ryan and tagged him. on one story i said that i flew out there to see him, blablabla, and that wish i could’ve seen him up close and hold up the sign that i brought (i attached the pic).
he saw both stories. so when i was waiting outside the hotel, i was like, hmmm…let’s just try to send him a DM. i hoped that he’d see it, but i swear, i never thought that he’d reply.
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basically, i said that i’d really appreciate it if he could stop a minute for a quick sign / photo if he comes in / out the hotel. he said that he was at lunch and he’d pop out at the lobby right after.
now. i’d been already nervous, waiting for 40 minutes for him after he gave that first reply. but this is where i started losing my mind.
but apparently, i was not in front of the lobby. the place where the fans were given space to wait was apparently the side/ballroom entrance. i thought that he was going to come out from there and give signs to everyone, just like normal, right?
but no. he asked me to come to the lobby. ❓‼️⚠️🫨
so i left alone (my friend decided to stay, she didn’t want to lose the place that we’d been keeping for 1+ hour) and tried to find the lobby. there was one staff from the EO that kindly told me where the lobby is (i can’t believe i said, “sir, can you please tell me where the lobby is? ryan mason, the spurs coach, asked me to meet him there” with full confidence).
thankfully it was just a turn to the left. i was kind of looking around and looking down at my phone, because i thought i’d have to send ryan another message, informing that i was there.
but when i looked up, he was already walking towards me. he gave me a little wave, said hi with a little smile, and OPENED HIS ARMS FOR A HUG ASHSHAHZNKANZJSJSJS ISTG I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP!!!!!1!1!!1!!😭😭😭😭😭
so i hugged him. (it still doesn’t make sense/doesn’t feel real no matter how much i think about it or say it out loud).
and we talked. i’m a forgetful person so i just kind of held my phone and recorded our conversation (it’s been 3 days and i still don’t have the courage to listen to it because i know i sounded silly, i must’ve said something stupid). the recording was 3 minutes and 46 seconds long, and during the conversation we were interrupted by a driver because we were blocking his parking spot HAHA. i managed to tell ryan some things i wanted to tell him and asked a question i’ve always wanted to ask him.
and seriously, i was SO NERVOUS (i told him that and he could probably tell anyway) (i mean, how could i be not nervous? i was not prepared for this!!) but ryan was just so sweet and attentive and so kind🥺😔😭❤️
i have a bad habit of panicking and rushing things out when i meet or talk to my idols or people i look up to. and i didn’t want to take up much of ryan’s time, so i asked him to sign the shirt that i bought (we struggled because my hands were full but he wanted me to stretch the shirt ashszbnsnszjs i remember i kept saying sorry😭). and after that, i said thank you, asked for another hug which he said yes to hehehehehe, and said good bye. it seemed like he was about to go back in, but people were approaching him to as for a sign.
…that was when i remember that we hadn’t taken pics😀
so i said sorry and interrupted him and asked for a pic. and he said “well, you can’t forget about that!”. so we take some pics and i can’t believe i managed to take back camera-0.5x zoom selfies with him…
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if i knew i even had the chance to meet him in person, i would’ve brought some gifts from home! and at least prepare myself for the conversation🥲 i just blurted out everything that came across my mind. but it was so lovely to talk to him.
(me and my friend were in front of the hotel for hours…we got to see them when they were inside to move between the ballrooms, and when they were departing the hotel. it was understandable that they couldn’t stop and say hi, but they weren’t even allowed to do that during the match / open training, it was really strict…they only give signs and took pics with the vips, and for people around the tunnel who were lucky enough. quite opposite from when they were in korea, it seemed like they stopped for everyone and everywhere.)
so that’s it. the highlight of my first pre-season trip. i’d like to think that this was the answer of all the hoping, manifesting, and praying i did. i wanted to say that it was more than i could ever imagine, but i never even imagined it.
not a bad first pre-season tour experience, eh?😋 biggest thank you to ryan for that🤍💫
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1bringthesun · 2 years
okay i think i might have lied a little.
i’m not objective. i’m not objective at all. Ougai Mori is my precious little angel (please don’t question my logic on why he’s an angel). i read bsd and saw him pulling Atsushi by that silly little ribbon and instantly went-
“this man. this man right here.”
and ever since then i’ve voraciously taken up content of him like a caveman eating cooked meat for the first time. Ougai Mori is not just a mafia boss, he’s also a silly little guy. a silly little guy that i will list reasons for liking below, but bear with me first.
“but tai, what’s up with you? why are you posting this?” well, i saw a tiktok video that was captioned, “pov Chuuya finds out what Mori did to Dazai” and i have never closed an app faster in my life. if my tiktok algorithm would be so kind to manifest into a physical form, i’d really like to slap it across the face a few times. what part of “keep me off of bungou stray dogs tiktok it’s rancid there” don’t you get? hello, i beg of you. keep me off of bsd tiktok.
okay, as promised. the list.
1) he describes Dazai as someone who usually seems brainless until he stumbles across one brilliant thought and is scary for a second, and then proceeds to tell Dazai that Dazai reminds Mori of himself. Mori indirectly admitted he has one single braincell and sometimes it bounces into a corner but usually it’s just civilian Mori TM. i think this was in the 15 light novel if you wanna check.
2) civilian Mori as a whole. he’s so cute. what’s there not to love? please look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want to kiss this adorable thing. you can’t. (or bite, i accept display of affection through biting and eating comments too)
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3) Elise. yes, she gets her own reason. she comes with Mori like the mcdonald’s child meals come with toys. you’d buy the child meal JUST for the toy, wouldn’t you?? Elise is so sarcastic she puts Dazai to shame. love that girl.
4) Yokohama. you might wonder again, “tai, you explained your motive for posting this. so why are you listing a city as a reason to love one single guy?” to that, i say, that one single guy is the reason the city can exist!!!!!!! he keeps Yokohama in balance!!!!! even the government keeps their paws away from the mafia because of that!!!!!!! if you’ve ever had the thought that you like the ADA for keeping the peace, allow me to introduce to you; Ougai Mori. he might be a smuggler, but he also makes sure that there’s a town to smuggle things into at all. ladies and gentleman, the head of the port mafia.
i’m keeping this short because i’m worried it’s going to turn into a character analysis, and god knows nobody wants to hear me explain why Mori’s feelings of guilt are his driving emotion.
keeping even my outro paragraph short because as i type this, i can feel my fingers start to shake in an attempt to type up a theorized backstory for him. fingers, don’t forget that i eat carrots every day. you are not unharmable. i won’t hesitate.
now, let me link a few things.
first, the tiktok that had me twitching in shock.
next, a reddit post that i read far too often
finally, someone who draws Mori that i found through sheer luck.
if those links didn’t work, spare me. i’m on mobile and the copy-paste function really doesn’t want to work. i hand typed all of those in. adieu~
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Bunni! I also go by Bunny, Bun or any other synonyms for a rabbit! Haha
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒 : I go by all pronouns! Given I’m agender and like, just sort of foggy about my gender? I don’t really feel any one way or another! So call me what you want, I’m still a Bun!
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : Tumblr messages are honestly my go-to, simply because on Tumblr I notice a lot quicker than on discord and I’m less likely to forget!
𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄(𝐒) : Right now it’s Fíadh, the Alpinist, Chromeskull, Leshy and 8713!
𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 / 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒? : No one laugh at me, but I started roleplaying on Quotev and Deviantart back when I was, I think, 14? And now I’m 21, turning 22, so crunching the numbers, I’ve been writing for just about 7 years! Probably more though, given my memory isn’t super accurate and I’m probably leaving out a lot! Haha
𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 : On the platform?? MEETING ALL OF MY CURRENT PALS! God, I will call them out by name but Bruce and Freddy were some of the kindest, most encouraging and patient folks I have ever met and I’m so glad I was able to find them on here and write with them when I could!
𝐑𝐏 𝐏𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐒 : OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY; my number one pet peeve, though is when people just straight up do not read your responses and writing! Not in the sense of misunderstanding your intentions but just straight up not reading all of your answers to the point where it shows IN THEIR RESPONSES! Sorry not sorry, but if you cannot handle a multi-para high-lit writer, don’t try to roleplay with them! Letting them create paragraphs for you, only for you to ignore or skim it is a dick move!
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𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒? : NGL my pride would physically not allow me to post anything under one paragraph. Just not my style! That being said, I’m not picky with what I get! As long as it has enough for me to build action and voice on top of, I’m happy!
𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒? : My most controversial take, but I almost prefer memes more than extremely long and drawn-out plots taking place over weeks, because, no matter how much I adore a dynamic, that commitment eventually does wear me out y'know??
𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄? : UHHHHH- whenever I get the time and that hyper fixation strikes! Usually early evening, though!
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒? : WELLL, it really depends! Am I out in the hills eating people, in a hospital healing people, defying death at every turn or ruling a hellish realm? Absolutely not! But each of the muses does contain a small piece of me beneath the surface!
It seems silly but I’ve always done this as a way to make it easier for me to relate and connect to them! It’s often microscopic, but shared traumas, fears, loves and minor personality traits (8713 is most like the mun ngl) does countless good to ensuring that not only can I keep playing them in the long term but ensuring that they are wholly mine!
To outline one of the similarities/shared threads of personality
Fíadh deals heavily with a fear of abandonment and loss of control over her body.
In her story, this is due to several factors from childhood neglect and abuse, a precarious sense of self-esteem, the curse that plagues her, her history of being moved around and used as a piece on a chess board, and the death/rejection from everyone she has held dear up to her current point (except for the Trapper/Trader and Leshy ofc) however the truth is, while narratively it does make sense, it was born from me and my experience as being neurodivergent and struggling with a sense of self and value due to the repeated rejection and experiences that came from it!
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 : @lettherebemonsters (thank you a ton for the tag! I had a lot of fun filling this out!) 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆 : anyone who wants to do this!
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starmanbyler · 7 months
Forget about what David said why are people more concerned about a silly ship then Noah being a racist piece of scum Zionist? Don’t get me wrong I love byler but Noah has tainted it we need a recast!
why is this something you needed to say to me?? i’ve BEEN hating noah these past few days and i still don’t like him bro. i just don’t think i have any obligation to keep talking about noah when it’s not gonna make any difference??? all it does is make me sad to think about what a piece of shit he is. id much rather be doing things i enjoy than thinking or talking about noah, he can fuck off for all i care.
atp i don’t even care abt byler that much. i’m not that excited to come on here anymore because one i’m not really hyperfixated on byler or stranger things rn, and two it’s just tons of negative shit that doesn’t exactly help my anxiety or make this a fun place to be. anyway me choosing to talk about byler on my literal byler fandom blog is pretty understandable in my opinion.
as for a recast i don’t particularly care. i think it’s highly unlikely that it’ll happen and there’s not much we can do to change that. if you want to try then go ahead but it’s not my job to protest the fact noah is in stranger things, him having this job may suck because he’s horrible but it’s not actually gonna do much good for anyone else.
so yeah am i not allowed to make one post about something i’m interested in without being berated for it?? i can literally post what i want and it wasn’t even anything bad. please just let people have lives besides just talking about how awful noah schnapp is all the time, because where i’m at rn, im sick of hearing about him, and it’s not my responsibility to talk about him. i’m a teenager on a fandom blog trying to have a nice time, im not stopping anyone from talking about this, im just sticking to my own life and what i want to do.
what’s weird is how y’all keep insisting we should talk about noah instead of doing something to actually help the people in palestine (such as donating, protesting or boycotting etc). feel free to talk about him if that’s what you care about, but don’t start having a go at me for not wanting to put any more focus on noah schnapp. i’m done with him. thanks.
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