#I was really pleased when Fennec kept mentioning it
alitherandom · 1 month
Wrecker finally getting recognised as the explosives expert and Hunter getting to use his skills again is great and it's about time tbh
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ficsnooneaskedfor · 2 years
Chapter 2
Word count: 3k
Mini-series rating: M
Chapter summary: Boba sends Fennec to The Sanctuary on a mission. Garsa and Fennec's fascination with one another continues to grow.
TW: mild violence, brief death and slavery mention.
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"I lied, it was me! Please stop!" the thief shrieked as Fennec pressed her boot into his shoulder, pulling his arm backward. Not hard enough to cause serious damage but enough to get the point across that she was done playing games. Fennec would have had more sympathy for the man were he living in destitution like the majority of people on Tatooine, for she knew what it was like to resort to thievery to survive and withheld judgment of those who did so.
But such was not the case with this young man, a kid really. Fennec had made short work of learning his identity, the heir of industrial moisture farmers from outside of Anchorhead. Someone who stole not to buy a few mouthfuls of water but because it gave him a thrill. He had a reputation of robbing and assaulting service workers in many cities and towns, as he'd done with Garsa's staff, believing his family's fortune would shield him from repercussions. Fennec detested these sorts of people. When she found him she did not hide her disgust yet the kid still laughably tried to make a pass at her. When his charms failed to work, he became aggressive and belligerent. Fennec was rather ticked off at this point, thinking of how satisfying it would be to pop his arm out of its socket, but she released him and he fell to the floor whimpering.
"Bring me the credits you stole. Right now." She kept her tone even and calm. "And don't think of trying anything foolish. You'll be dead before you know what hit you." She pulled her rifle around from her back to make her point and the young man ran to a small box near his lavish couch, pulling out a bag of credits and handing them to Fennec.
"Is this all of it then?" she asked, staring him down.
"Y-yes ma'am. Every single credit. I-I sw..swear," he stammered, averting his eyes and pinching his nose to stop the blood from running onto his silk shirt.
"Because if you are lying to me..." Fennec said threateningly, gripping her rifle tight in her hand.
"I promise, that's all of it. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again."
"Make sure it doesn't or I'll pay you another visit. Or perhaps the new daimyo could have a word with your family? I'm sure they wouldn't be too pleased to hear of the issues you've been causing in Mos Espa and elsewhere. Especially when they paid so much money to hush up the authorities on Coruscant after you got into trouble there. It would be a shame if you had to be exiled from another planet, your homeworld at that." 
The young man's stunned expression made it obvious that he thought that information was still a well-guarded secret. "That-that won't be necessary. Y-you have my word."
His word meant nothing but his visible fear spoke volumes. "Good. Have a nice day Mr. Nulan." Fennec pocketed the credits and left, hopping on a speeder and heading back to the palace.
Boba had just come out of the bacta pod, wearing a robe when she entered his chambers. He was looking healthier every day and Fennec was glad to see that. They would need every possible advantage in the fight to come. She held up the bag of credits for him to see and said, "Turned out to be nothing of importance. Just some spoiled, rich brat looking for a rush. "
"Well at least you found him and got the credits back," Boba said, wiping his face with a towel and Fennec rolled her eyes.
"This is what I've been reduced to? Chasing down bored kids?"
Boba understood her frustration but she needed to see the bigger picture. "This is the calm before the storm, Fennec. It won't be this way for long and we need as many allies from all walks of life as we can get. If that means tracking down a few petty thieves for the time being, so be it. This is the sort of thing that breeds loyalty on planets like this, you know that. Once we get a few more people working for us, I'll put your skills to better use. You have my word."
Fennec sighed, nodded her head, and gave her friend a small smile. "I know you will." 
"Since you got the credits back, why don't you return them to Madam Garsa and spend some time at The Sanctuary this evening? Places like that have a knack for getting people talking. Might overhear some information on what the Pykes are planning." 
"Do you believe Madam Garsa is involved?" Fennec was afraid of what the answer would be, then wondered why she cared in the first place.
"No," Boba said, detecting the extremely subtle concern in her voice. "By all accounts, Garsa is a legitimate businesswoman who became a vassal of Bib Fortuna only because she was forced into it. She stays as uninvolved with crime syndicates and politics as possible." 
That complicates things. If Garsa was truly trying to run as honest a business as she could, Fennec did not like the idea of involving her in this mess if it could be avoided. "I don't know how much intel I can feasibly gather," she said, hoping that would be a sufficient excuse not to go. "Anyone involved with the Pykes would recognize me and keep their lips sealed."  
"Not if you change your appearance up," Boba said teasingly and Fennec's brows furrowed.
"Absolutely not," she said, not like where he was going with this.
"It doesn't have to be a ballgown," Boba said trying not to chuckle. He knew Fennec was very particular with her clothing. "Just something that isn't...that," he said, gesturing to her outfit. "That's been your style for what...twenty, thirty years now? Put on a colorful shirt and do something different with your hair and you'll be practically unrecognizable."
She knew she was not going to get out of this, she had to go. "Fine."
Despite Boba's teasing, Fennec did switch up her attire when necessary but the outfit she currently had on was basically all she had at the moment. The palace had many full closets but the thought of wearing the clothing of Jabba and Bib Fortuna's former slaves made her skin crawl. It took an hour just to locate something that would fully cover her and another hour for a service droid to alter it to look less gaudy. The droid took her signature braid down, applied a little makeup, and she looked at herself in a full-length mirror. This will suffice. Boba had been correct, even without elaborate makeup or flashy jewelry, she would be almost unrecognizable to anyone who knew her. Fennec almost did not recognize herself, it had been years since she had a reason to dress like this.
The suns had set hours before when Fennec arrived at The Sanctuary with one pocket of credits for Garsa, the other full with what Boba had given her to buy drinks, gamble, and whatever else she needed to keep her cover. Garsa happened to be near the door when Fennec walked in, taking it upon herself to welcome her newest patron. "Welcome to The Sanctuary," Garsa said with a wide smile. "Where your...oh, Ms. Shand. My apologies, I did not recognize you for a moment. Don't you look lovely this evening."
Fennec was wearing a deep purple, elegant jumpsuit with subtle embellishments around the neckline, her long hair cascading around her back and shoulders in loose waves, blush-colored tint on her lips and liner accentuating her brown eyes. Classy but not over the top, exactly what Garsa would expect from a woman like her looking for a night on the town. 
"You always look beautiful, of course," Garsa said truthfully. "But it is a nice change."
"Thank you Madam Garsa," Fennec said, fighting a smile. Such compliments felt hallow coming from most, nor did Fennec care to hear them usually, but she found she did not mind them coming from Garsa. She pulled out the bag of credits and handed them to Garsa who took it with both hands. "I located the thief this afternoon, you should not have any more issues with him. If you do, let me know."
"You have my gratitude, Ms. Shand," Garsa said smiling. She called her two Twi'lek workers over to her, the woman's black eye still slightly visible despite heavy makeup. "Ms. Shand was kind enough to retrieve the credits that were stolen yesterday. I would like the two of you to go to the back and divide them amongst yourselves."
"Begging your pardon, Madam Garsa," the man said. "But you paid us yourself if you don't recall."
"You should keep these," the other Twi'lek woman said, attempting to hand the credits back but Garsa put her hand up.
"This happened to the two of you because I did not have more security measures in place. It is my job as your employer to ensure you are safe and I failed in my obligation. Please accept it as a bonus with my sincere apologies for the pain you've endured." The two Twi'leks smiled, thanked her, and disappeared leaving Fennec and Garsa alone once again. "I hope you do not take offense that I gave them the credits. The experience has left them both...a little shaken up," Garsa said with shame and guilt in her voice.
"Not at all," Fennec replied, recalling what Boba said about how one earned loyalty in places like this. She hoped Garsa's staff were as loyal to her as she was to them.
"Well...I'm assuming based on your attire that you will be staying for a while?" Fennec nodded her head. "Wonderful! I'll have the kitchen fix up something special for you," Garsa said with a wink and a smile that made Fennec's breath stall. "If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to ask."
A server droid sat Fennec at a table and brought her a drink that she sipped on slowly as she surveyed the cantina for anyone that seemed of interest. She played a few hands of sabaac, striking up a brief, polite conversation with a very inebriated Weequay who had nothing coherent to say. The Sanctuary really was a wonderful place and Fennec understood why it was so named as well as why it was so popular. Were she not on the job, Fennec almost enjoyed being here but as it was, she had never cared much for gambling, drinking in public, or going out like this. After eating an admittedly delicious meal that Garsa served her personally, Fennec began to think this venture was not going to pan out the way Boba was hoping. She carried on with her mission for hours, hoping for a whisper of anything but as patrons trickled out and the music ceased playing, Fennec realized this had been all for nothing. She sipped on another drink at her private table when Garsa took a seat beside her, sitting unusually close and Fennec felt her heart race.
"Didn't get the information you were hopin' for, huh?" Garsa said quietly, fully dropping her crafted accent for the first time without realizing she had done so. Fennec was taken aback when she heard and tried to identify it but could not. It sounded vaguely familiar but it was an enormous galaxy. The only thing Fennec was certain of by her accent was that Garsa had risen from humble beginnings, just like her.  
"I don't know what you mean," Fennec said as nonchalantly as she could and Garsa laughed.
"Oh come now, Ms. Shand. I'm no fool," she whispered into her ear, her breath sending a shiver down Fennec's spine. "You and I both know this was not your idea of fun. The only reason you would stay here as long as you have is if you felt you had to." Fennec was impressed she had figured her out so quickly. She could not say the same about Garsa. Just when Fennec thought she had determined what sort of person she was, Garsa did something to surprise her. "Does this have anything to do with the Pyke Syndicate?" Garsa asked after looking around to make sure no one was within earshot. 
Fennec stared at her and weighed her options. Perhaps she had information, perhaps this was some kind of trick. There was only one way to find out. "Yes," she said, willing to chance it.
"Ahh," Garsa said. It was as she suspected. Everyone knew the Pykes were interested in having a foothold on Tatooine and Fennec looked positively miserable throughout the night when she thought no one was watching. Garsa could save her some time and put her out of her misery. "Unfortunately, no one affiliated with the Pykes frequents my establishment. That I know of at least. Haven't heard anyone speak of their plans but if I do, I'll let you or Lord Fett know myself."
"And why would you do that?" Fennec said, eyeing her suspiciously. "Even that could make you an enemy of the Pykes, you must know that." 
"I am well aware," Garsa said irritably. Did Fennec think she was ignorant or naive? She would not have survived, let alone found success in Mos Espa if she were. Fennec felt a twinge of shame for unintentionally offending her and sipped on her drink uncomfortably. Garsa softened her face and smiled at her. Fennec did not know what kind of person she was or the things she had lived through, she knew nothing about her but the image Garsa projected. She didn't mean anything by that. "I was not born on Tatooine," Garsa continued, ensuring her voice sounded cheerful. "But I have called it home for many years. I will not pretend to know the intentions of Lord Fett but I'm willing to bet they will benefit our planet more than whatever the Pykes have planned." 
Garsa stood up, smoothed her satiny gown, and reach out to help Fennec from her seat. Fennec at her hand for a moment. It was adorned with many rings and a bracelet of precious gems, a long thin scar running on the back of it and Fennec wondered what the story behind it was. She put her hand into Garsa's, liking how her warm, soft skin felt against hers.
"You've tortured yourself enough for one evening, don't you think?" Garsa said as she took a look around the cantina. "I'm going to close up early, it's a slow night. Why don't we retire to my loft for some drinks? A quiet evening in seems more your thing."
How was Garsa able to read her so well? Fennec had spent decades being cautious of what she revealed about herself through her mannerisms, dress, and the way she spoke, and yet Garsa seemed to see right through every trick in her book. "That is uh...very tempting," Fennec said, taking a breath to regain her composure. "But I really should return to the palace."
"Alone? At this time of night?"
Fennec laughed so genuinely that it caught Garsa off guard. Her laugh was youthful, her eyes bright, and her face transformed from a pretty but stern bounty hunter into the most beautiful woman Garsa had ever seen, and her heart felt as if it might beat right out of her chest. 
"Really Madam Garsa, if you are worried for my safety you needn't be. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself." Fennec had put a hand on her abdomen during her unexpected attack of laughter and felt her cybernetics working away. Maybe that statement wasn't entirely accurate. If not for Boba she would have laid on desert sands until she succumbed to her injury, her body wasting away until she was nothing but sun-bleached bones and eventually, nothing at all. It was a grim thought, one that had come to her many, many times.
"I have no doubt of your abilities to defend yourself, Ms. Shand," Garsa said, putting a hand on Fennec's arm and feeling the lean muscle beneath her sleeve. "But I don't believe in tempting fate, best to ere on the side of caution whenever possible. Stay until sunrise, please." 
Why is she doing this? Why is she being so nice to me? It must be because she worked for Boba, there could no other explanation. Fennec recalled the first time she and Boba visited The Sanctuary. "And you are always welcome, as it is yours now," Garsa said. Her words had been gracious but there was something in how she said them that caught Fennec's attention: anger. Once her business gained a certain level of success, Bib Fortuna swooped in and forced her to pay him for "protection". She filled Boba's helmet with credits in the hopes of avoiding trouble because that was the order of things here, but Garsa clearly did not like it. Fennec was Boba's partner in all this, Garsa felt obligated to be kind to her, it was as simple as that.  
"Madam Garsa, you are under no obligation to do this," Fennec said seriously, her eyes falling on the scar that ran across her collarbone. "I am not the daimyo and if you fear I will speak ill of you to him for not inviting me into your home, you are mistaken."
"I am just trying to be kind. My grandfather taught me that little acts of kindness are like balm for the soul, for both the person who receives and the one who gives." There was another reason, one that was even more simple: Garsa did not want her to leave. "And maybe I want you to stay so I hear more of your beautiful laughter." Her own boldness surprised her.
"Did your grandfather teach you how to manipulate people as well?" Fennec asked jokingly as she smirked at her.
"Oh goodness no," Garsa said theatrically, waving her hand about before placing it over her heart. "Grandfather was a decent, honorable man. He would never teach me to do such a thing. I learned that skill from my mother." 
Fennec was overcome with laughter once again while Garsa stood and watched with a proud grin on her face.
If anyone wants me to tag them for updates let me know.
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saradika · 3 years
jess!!! ✨ if you’d be so kind - i’d love boba’s point of view when he first spots the reader in ‘the mistress and the master’ 💞💞💞
Hi Dee! 💕 Ahh of course, thank you so much! It was so fun to revisit this fic, it was really interesting to write what Boba was up to!
Boba's POV from the beginning of The Mistress and the Master
Boba Fett x F!Reader
Rated E - 1.2k words
Tags - sexual daydreams (PiV sex), mentions of sex and exhibitionism
(From A Certain Point Of View Ask Game✨)
His mind has circled through a million different topics in the past hour. There’s an endless list of things that requires his attention more than this kriffing Sabacc game.
The Slave I, and that indicator light on the dashboard that kept blinking, the bulb on its last legs. The ledgers, the shipment of supplies coming in tomorrow. Fennec’s evening reports. The renovations to the third floor. But like the twin suns on Tatooine, his thoughts kept orbiting around a much more interesting topic. You.
He wondered briefly what you are up to. If you are out, still patrolling the halls, or grabbing a bite to eat. Or… if you were waiting for him, right this second, in his room. That thought made him want to leave mid-game, so he squashes that one down to revisit at a later time.
Boba itches to be anywhere else - this room did nothing for him. It was too loud, too crowded, exactly the sort of place he had learned to avoid. The drinks and the gambling were wasted on him - but he knew Fennec was right, this was a good way to build business relations. He just didn’t have to like it.
He hadn’t thought he’d miss bounty hunting, but he also didn’t anticipate how sedentary ruling would be. Boba’s mind was as sharp as ever, but sitting all day - well, he hadn’t missed the side-eye Fennec had been giving him lately, a look that said he’s been getting soft.
He needed to release some of this pent-up energy.
And like before, his mind orbits back to you.
He really shouldn’t call you- he should just leave you alone, give you the night off. But Boba’s never been all that interested in being good. It only takes a few seconds of debating, before his hand is raising to the button on his helmet, sending you a comm.
As predicted, you pick up before the second ring.
“I’m at the cantina.” He grits out, by way of greeting, “Back table. Will you come?”
You said you will, also just like he predicted. Boba makes a mental note to make it up to you later - it didn’t take much to tell that the Cantina was not your preferred location to spend time, either.
Time seems to crawl even more slowly as he waits, the air perfumed with heavy smoke and the sound of the Bith band only fueling his irritation. His eyes idle over the crowd, throwing down a card on his turn, then telling himself he was just watching, not looking.
He kills the passing minutes by thinking of a few nights ago, the pretty little sounds you made as you rode him. The rough slap of your thighs against his as he lifted you up and down on his cock, spearing him deep into you, again and again.
“That’s it, girl. Use me, take what you need.”
He thought about the way your back bowed at his words, tight cunt clamping around him as your fingers dug into his flesh, as you -
The memory is rudely interrupted as the Weequay across the table gestures towards him, and he focuses long enough to catch the end, “-and we’re so pleased to be working with you.”
Irritation pricks at his skin as Boba acknowledges with a quick tilt of his head, and that’s enough of a response for them. His eyes do another slow sweep.
It feels like you’re taking ages, and he wonders idly if you’re doing it on purpose. If you are, he thinks, then it’s working.
His eyes rest for a moment on a figure that just entered from the side entrance, dressed in shades of red in a dress that would ruin a lesser man. When he registers who it is a moment later, his gut does this uncomfortable flip that he only associates with two things - danger, and... you.
Your eyes dart back and forth quickly as you work your way through the crowd. A mix of habit and unease, he suspects, you always did have a hard time turning off your brain. Always alert, always thinking about what’s next, what that plan is - he knows that feeling well.
He’s noticed you a few moments before you see him, and he takes that time to look at you like a stranger would - appreciating the way you had dressed up for him, wearing a gown that showed off your figure. He wondered if you were aware of the attention you were drawing, but he wasn’t concerned. Let them look.
The skirt looks like it’s made of fire, rippling shades of silky crimsons and burgundy's, hinting at your curves underneath. The fabric looks so delicate, he is sure it would rip under his grip, if he tried. A smile tugs up the corner of his lips as a flash of gold glitters on your thigh, he’s familiar with the blade strapped to it. He was the one who gave it to you, after all.
Your eyes meet his a moment later, and he likes the way your pretty lips curve up, almost automatically. You are like him, when he was younger - so used to the mask that your face is an open book without it. Under his heady gaze you flush easily, a mix of pleasure and self-consciousness at his attention.
His fingers itch, his self-control the only thing keeping him from bending you over the table right there. Because really, who would stop him? This was his Palace, his domain - if he wanted to claim you in front of anyone, make you scream his name as you came around his cock, well, that wasn’t their business, was it? If they didn’t like it, they could leave. Boba’s hand closes into a fist at the thought - he wouldn’t, but Stars, he’s already half-hard just thinking about it.
As you halt by the chair, he watches your hand reach out, as if to touch the curve of his pauldron. He is faster, his hand closing around your bicep and tugging, all but dragging you onto his lap.
The little gasp you let loose is breathy, close enough to a moan that it sends another jolt straight to his cock. He hold himself still as you adjust, balancing yourself on one thick thigh, your hands wrapping around the muscle near his knee as you settle.
He has to admit that your weight is welcome, your hips pressing against his thighs, making him sit up a little straighter, spreading his legs a little wider. There’s easily room for both of you in this chair, and he makes a mental note to thank whoever designed this room.
You’re only seated for a moment before one of his large hands comes to rest on your abdomen, pulling your bare back flush with his chest. The curve of his helmet brushes your shoulder, close enough that only you can hear the sharp rasp of his breath.
“Did you dress up for me, Princess?” Boba asks you, voice low and gravely beneath the helmet. His other hand reaches out, almost unconsciously, to stroke the burgundy fabric bunched high on your thigh. He wants to ruck it up, see just what you’re wearing underneath.
But good things come to those who wait, and now that you’re here, he can be patient. But that doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy himself in the meantime.
“I didn’t know you knew how to have fun.”
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maybege · 3 years
Birthday Party Adventures
Summary: With his daughter’s birthday party approaching, Paz has many plans to make it all go right. What he didn’t expect was for Emily to invite her teacher and his crush – you.
Pairing: single dad!Paz Vizsla x fem!teacher!Reader
Wordcount: 4.0k | Rating: T
Warnings: Modern AU, fluffy fluff
Oh I feel like it has been ages since I initially wrote this (back in September actually!) but I love it just as much as on the first day and I hope that you will enjoy it too! This is dedicated to my Paz Gang @aerynwrites @datmando @hdlynnslibrary @princessbatears and @stubbychaos who came up with this wonderful AU idea. ❤
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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Paz was overwhelmed.
Paz was truly and utterly overwhelmed.
“Can I go and get my cereal?” Emily asked next to him, clearly bored with her father’s antics, “You will take ages to choose, Uncle Din was right.”
“All right, go ahead,” he mumbled, choosing to ignore the fact that Din had – once again – infiltrated his daughter’s thoughts with horrible lies. He did not take ages. Anybody would take as long as he was taking when the choices were so … vast.
Cake mix after cake mix was displayed in the aisle and how would he know which one he should get?
Emily’s birthday was this weekend – Saturday to be exact and he had promised her a cake. He always promised her a cake. And he always failed.
But not this time.
This time, he had listened to his best friend and would settle on a cake mix although he still felt like he was cutting corners. But at least it would not be store-bought. And, as Fennec had suggested, he could still buy some decorations to make the cake special.
Because that’s what Emily deserved – a special cake, made with love.
So, while his daughter was probably trying to find the sweetest cereal there was available, he tried to settle on a cake.
Deep down, Paz knew that Emily was probably eating way too much sugar. But to be honest, there were so many battles he could fight at once and he was more prepared to fight some judgmental soccer moms than the will of his own daughter.
Holding two cake mixes in his hands – birthday confetti and chocolate – Paz whipped around as he heard an all too familiar voice greet him. “Mr Vizsla, it is so nice to see you.”
There you were.
The woman of his dreams.
Emily’s teacher.
Stars, he knew he was probably acting absolutely ridiculous around you. No matter what kind of school event there was, as one of Emily’s main teachers you were always around he was never able to take his eyes off you.
Not only were you pretty and smart but you were kind. You kept all the kids in check with a calmness that he admired you for and he could see how you valued each and every student in your class. And now you were here, wrapped in an oversized cardigan and clutching a shopping basket in your hands.
But you beamed at him and he was sure he’d never seen anything prettier.
Forgotten were the cake mixes in his hands as he lowered them to the sides of his body. “Hi, um, Miss –“
“Emily was mentioning you were having trouble choosing.”
“Em saw you?”
You chuckled, avoiding your eyes as if you were embarrassed, “I came over to say hello and she mentioned you needed help to choose a cake?”
Speak, for maker’s sake, speak! A voice in his head screamed at him but his brain was still processing the fact that (a) this was not a school event and (b) you were speaking to him, leading to (c) you were speaking to him in your own free time.
“I would go with chocolate,” you gestured to the box in his right hand, biting your lip and stars, he wanted to hold your hand and kiss your cheek and take walks through the park with you. Instead, here he was, making a fool of himself.
“I will trust your judgment, then,” he nodded, carefully putting the other box back on the shelf. When that was done, you kept standing there in front of him looking up at him expectantly. Why – why? – couldn’t he speak? It should not be this hard to open his mouth.
He just needed to say I think you are wonderful and I would like to get to know you more. Would you be interested in having dinner with me?
“Um, would you like to …”, his voice trailed off.
You did that lip-biting thing again and your whole face lit up and stars, maybe you wanted him to ask you. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you would like to –“
“I know you said I wasn’t allowed the sweet ones but it’s my birthday soon,” Em announced loudly, dropping a box in the already full shopping cart and pouting at him, “Can I have it as an early present, pretty please?”
Mission: Ask Pretty Teacher Out For Dinner was immediately aborted and he swore he saw a look of disappointment flash across your face. At least that was something to give him hope.
“Dad always makes me a cake and he fails every year, it’s a tradition by now,” his daughter explained and he groaned inwardly, but then she had her thinking face on – the same she had as a toddler – and suddenly added, “You should bring one.”
“Em, I don’t think your teacher has the time to …”
But Em, bless her soul, would not be deterred from her plan. By now he cursed the stubborn streak that ran through his family and had evidently taken root in his daughter as well.
“Dad always talks about how much he likes your raspberry chocolate crumble,” she shrugged, “And my classmates like it too.”
When would the ground open up and swallow him whole?
And the worst thing was: Em wasn’t even lying. She had her blunt honesty from him and the way he had gushed about that raspberry crumble had been unusual, especially for him. But it had also been unusually good. And the way you had smiled at him when he had taken a second serving had made his heart warm.
Now though, there were no words that could describe the embarrassment that flowed through him. He felt exposed in a way that he had not felt for a long time and being at anyone’s mercy – even if it was yours – was not something that he cherished.
“Well,” you started with a smile and looked at him, “If your dad won’t mind, I could certainly bring over a cake for your birthday party.”
“He won’t mind.”
“I won’t mind.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and you smiled, genuinely smiled, at him. Paz’s breath caught in his throat. Stars, you were beautiful. Everything about you was just magnificent from the tips of your hair to your eyes, your nose, your lips, how you hugged your oversized cardigan closer to you.
“Great,” you nodded, “So … I will see you then?”
“My dad will text you the info,” Emily added, seemingly the only one who kept her cool at the situation.
You furrowed your brows in confusion, “Oh, but I don’t –“
“Dad, why don’t you give Miss Y/L/N your number?” Em brazenly suggested, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes that he knew all too well, “For adult stuff.”
He could feel his ears burn, could hear himself sputtering out words about how he did not want to be inappropriate and how this should be your decision and not Emily’s. And stars, he didn’t want to make advances towards you.
Well, he did.
He did want to flirt with you, wanted to compliment you on your kind eyes and your shining smile. But not like this. Not if it made you uncomfortable. And certainly not in the blaring lights of the grocery store aisle.
But before he could say anything more, before he could dig his hole deeper, you had your phone in your hands and were looking at him expectantly. And then he stumbled through his phone number, you nodding all the while and typing the numbers into a new contact.
“Great,” you smiled, “So – I will see you then?”
“Yes,” he murmured dumbly, “I will see you then.”
5:33 pm: Hi! This is Y/N 😊 Just wanted to say I’m really looking forward to Emily’s party this Saturday. Is there anything I should bring next to the crumble?
5:59 pm: Sorry, it just occurred to me that you probably only know me by my last name. I’m Emily’s teacher.
6:12 pm: Hello, this is Paz. Emily’s dad. You do not need to bring anything other than the cake and yourself.
7:43 pm: I am looking forward to seeing you too.
Saturday rolled around quicker than he had anticipated.
He had spent the week trying to make sure everything would be ready for Emily’s party (and your arrival) and that the apartment would be in tip-top shape to be destroyed by a bunch of kids.
He had spent almost all of Friday night wrapping presents when Emily was fast asleep only to be woken up at sunrise by his very energetic daughter who wanted to have some tasty pancakes from their favourite café around the corner.
He loved mornings like this.
Where it was just Em and him and they could enjoy their peace and quiet. Seeing her grow up was bliss and torture at the same time. He loved her, he was so proud of her and seeing her grow slowly but surely into a confident young woman was everything he’d ever wished for. But at the same time, it felt like time was slipping through his fingers. He wanted to catch these precious moments in his hands and never let them go.
This moment of calm did not last for long though, only for breakfast and until they were back in the apartment, preparing excitedly for the party that was to come.
Baking a cake was a disaster just like Emily had said it would be.
Maybe she had been right in saying that it was a tradition now. Maybe he really would not be able to bake a cake for her.
But now it was not only the cake. In less than an hour, 10 kids would swarm the way too small city apartment and he would need to prepare some food and why had he decided against ordering pizza and what if something went wrong?
And you would show up too, sometime, and he had wanted to change into something more appropriate for actually having a teacher (aka crush) over and being dressed in his flour-covered flannel shirt was certainly not it.
The doorbell rang just as the bowl of cake mix fell to the tiled floor. “Kriffing shit” he cursed trying to jump out of the cloud of grains just as he heard the tell-tale footsteps of Emily running to the door. “I got it!”
“No, Em, wait -!”
But it was too late. He had just caught himself on the doorframe when you stepped into the hallway, looking around curiously. You fit in so well, he thought instinctively, you could live here too.
“I’m a bit too early, I hope you don’t –“ you halted in your words, tilting your head at his flour-covered appearance, “mind.”
“I – I am so sorry,” he started, trying to dust off but only making it worse, “I was a bit in a hurry and I –“
“It’s all right,” you replied quickly, lifting the box in your hands lamely, “I brought cake.”
“I will take that,” Em decided, taking the cake off your hands and transporting it to the dinner table in the living room. But not without showing him the huge grin on her face.
“I’m sorry for the mess, I just …” he threw up his hands in defeat, desperation clear in his voice, as you followed him into the chaotic kitchen.
“No worries, we will manage that just fine.”
The way you said we made his heart beat faster and he stepped aside to make space for you.
The apartment Emily and he lived in was actually a miracle to find in such a big city and he still thanked the stars for the day when the landlord had decided to let him, a single father and his tiny daughter, move in. But for all its perks – the layout, the view, the small balcony that fit a small bench – the apartment had one single flaw: The kitchen.
It was a tiny kitchen with the counters wrapping around all three walls and leaving only the space free where the doorway was. And it was narrow. He had always cursed it, especially with his size, and more than once had he accidentally hit his head on a cabinet door that his daughter had left open.
And where it was small for one full-grown adult, it was a tight fit for two. Which made it even worse. Or better. Depending on how one viewed things.
You bumped against him constantly, his hands brushing accidentally against yours, one time almost smashing into you but only hitting your foreheads together. And you only ever giggled or smiled shyly at him, never ever stepping away from the closeness and it made his heart flutter in his chest.
Maybe – maybe you wanted that too.
While he was mixing the dough together under your careful eyes, you had started to slice some apples that he had found in the pantry. He threw a few glances your way, catching you looking at him too before smiling at you.
Stars, he really was behaving like a lovesick puppy, wasn’t he?
“You are pretty good at this,” he commented, nodding towards the cake that you had brought with you. You spooned a bit of cinnamon into the apple mix, before spreading the dough in the baking form he had found somewhere in a cabinet.
“It’s a hobby,” you shrugged your shoulders, “I was never good with finding new connections when I moved and I found that making good food helps people to talk to you.”
“I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to talk to you,” he blurted out, feeling his ears grow hot, “I mean because – you don’t need baking to be nice and I – fuck, wait, shit no, I don’t mean fuck, I – “
You laughed, full-on giggles escaping you as he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. “I’m sorry, I imagined all of this differently.”
“How – how did you imagine it?” you asked quietly, stepping closer to him. Your eyes were so big now and you looked so hopeful and he could feel his heart skip a beat.
“Well, I wanted to look competent for once,” he stated, gesturing around the filled countertops, “And not forcing you to help me make up my mistakes.”
“You’re not forcing me to do anything,” you protested, biting your lip, “I – I like helping you and … spending time with you.”
“Dad, Alyssa is already on her way, are you sure want to cook? Is the cake even ready? I invited Isabelle and I don’t want her to think that I can’t –“
Apparently, he could not hide the misery on his face – when had he decided that it would be a good idea to not only bake a cake but cook for a hoard of hungry kids? – because you snorted next to him, clearly amused. Emily had crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking pleadingly up at him.
“Don’t worry, your father and I will make sure there will be enough cake to go around,” you reassured his daughter before looking at him, “Do you have a plan for dinner?”
“We could always order pizza,” Emily suggested, the hope in her eyes clear as she looked at him.
Stars, when would he ever be able to deny her anything?
“It’s true,” he chuckled, patting his daughter on her back, “We always end up with pizza anyway.”
So, while you and Em busied yourselves with putting the pie in the oven, he ordered pizza for everyone. (A few family-sized pizzas would be enough right?) And because he was feeling a little more confident, he also added a side of garlic bread and a bottle of wine to the order. Maybe you would like to stay if he could offer a glass of wine?
On his way back, he passed Emily on the way to the bathroom. “I will go get ready,” she announced loudly while also wildly gesturing towards the kitchen.
When he entered the small room, he could feel the heat of the oven already.
“It should be done soon if everything works as it should,” you announced and straightened up, “The kids definitely won’t starve.”
“I cannot thank you enough,” the relief in his voice was clear, “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“Then it is a good thing we won’t have to know,” you teased him and the mirth in your eyes made him want to kiss you so badly. And there it was again. That silent tension between the two of you.
This would be a good moment, he thought to himself as he slowly lowered his face towards yours, Emily was occupied getting ready, the pie was in the oven, you were alone with him and he could hear your breath hitch in your throat.
Delicate fingers closed around his wrist, pulling him closer and he could feel your breath on his face and just a little bit more and then –
He flinched away from you, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. “That’s probably Alyssa,” he whispered, avoiding your gaze.
Alyssa was dropped off by her mother. Her eyes fell to you, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, drying your hands on a towel and looking very much at home (he tried to ignore how warm that made him feel).
“Miss Y/L/N,” she greeted you, clearly caught off guard, “what a surprise to see you here, I didn’t know that Emily had invited you too.”
“Oh well you know …” you shrugged your shoulders and he could hear the wheels turning in your head, searching for a good excuse.
“My dad invited her,” Em announced smugly, her and Alyssa grinning from ear to ear.
The awkward silence between the adults would have been hilarious hadn’t he been a part of it. But what his brain decided to focus on the most was the fact that you had not denied it, you had simply smiled at Alyssa’s mom, made some small talk about the newest English project you had the kids working on, and remained standing next to him the whole time.
Paz was sure that his gazing at you was obvious to everyone present but he could not help himself.
One after another, the little guests trickled in, playing board games and eating your delicious cake in the living room. He helped Em set up the little karaoke game that she had gotten from Din last Christmas and excited cheers filled the room as they tried to look at the different song options.
Paz left them to their own devices, knowing that should anything go wrong, Em would come and get him.
But with the living room occupied, the only space left for him and you to be was the tiny kitchen.
“So … I, um, I helped you with the cake,” you started to shuffle, hands wringing in front of your belly, “I really don’t want to outstay my welcome and –“
“You could stay if you want,” he suggested, blood pumping in his veins, “I – I have ordered some wine and garlic bread if you’d like.”
And that’s how you ended up sitting next to him on the kitchen floor, your legs stretched out in front of you. He had to angle his legs a little, the space between the counters too small for him. But the closeness it provided to you was more than worth it. He fished two wine glasses from the shelf, handing them down to you before grabbing the bottle of wine.
There were no clean plates left so he spread the pizza carton out on both of your legs, the warmth of the food seeping into his thighs.
“To a successful birthday party,” you stated, carefully clinking your glass with his, “And to the very talented father who organized it all.”
“To the best baker out there,” he replied and the way you bit your lip made him smile.
He bit into the garlic bread heartily and his stomach grumbled satisfied.
“This is so good,” you moaned next to him, mouth still full and he grinned.
You ate in peaceful silence, munching on a few leftover slices of pizza that the kids had graciously left. With the warm glow from the kitchen lamps, he decided that birthday parties weren’t so bad when he had you there to enjoy it with.
When he looked at you, his gaze fell to a drop of red sauce that had found its place on the corner of your mouth. You tilted your head questioningly.
“You, uh,” he murmured, gesturing towards his face, “You got something there.”
When your hands missed it, his own rose up to your face. He swore he could hear your breath hitch as his thumb brushed over the tomato sauce, wiping it away.
But your face remained turned towards him, your lips slightly open and were you getting closer?
Was he reading the signs right? He didn’t even know. All he knew was he wanted to kiss you. Really. Truly. No matter how inappropriate it might be.
And with the karaoke in the background and a bunch of 10-year olds shrieking the lyrics to the newest chart, he bowed down his head and kissed you. Full on the mouth.
It was soft and gentle, both of you not moving an inch. But then his hand crept forward, gently framing your cheek and you gasped against him, your hands wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer and stars you were returning the kiss.
You tasted of wine and cake and you were soft, so soft, he loved every second of it.
Slowly, he started to move his lips, brushing his tongue on your bottom lip, pulling your closer and suddenly you were straddling him, his hands on your hips pulling your closer and his back against the counter and the screeching of some Jojo Siwa song in the background.
When he slowly pulled away, your bottom lip falling from his teeth, your chest was heaving from his kisses, your lips were swollen, and he wanted to pull you to him again. A smile tugged at his lips.
“Would you like to go out with me sometime?” he asked breathlessly, eyes searching for any indication that he had crossed a line. But you were still clinging to him, your hands wandering down to grasp at his forearms.
This. This would be what he dreamed about now. The smile on your lips, how your eyes shone in the low kitchen lights, how you kept touching him.
“I’d really like that,” you nodded, the small smile on your lips growing bigger by the seconds.
“Really?” he asked, his nose nudging against yours, “That’s – that’s great, how about tomorrow? We could go for a walk in the park?”
“A walk in the park sounds great,” you whispered against his lips and he dipped his head to kiss you again, just as slowly.
“Good,” he murmured.
“Good,” you repeated, your tongue mingling with his.
“Dad, do we have any more of that cake left, it’s actually really –“
In a panic, he almost threw you off him.
You were doing your best to right your cardigan as Emily entered the kitchen, eyeing both of you suspiciously.
“Sorry, what was that, Em?” he asked, swallowing hard and hoping to all the stars that she hadn’t seen him make out with you like a teenager.
“I was just wondering if you had any more cake left, I can’t believe it but it actually tastes good?!”
He laughed and gestured towards the counter, “there some more, you can take the tray to the living room, I – we will just clean up some more.”
“You know, I totally saw you two kissing, right?”
“Emily Vizsla!”
“What? It is not like I am going to scold you or anything,” and with her usual confidence, she swayed away, the cake in her hands.
“Well, you heard her,” he grinned, hands coming up to frame your face again, as he kneeled on the tiles, his lips descending yours, “It is not like she is going to scold us or anything …”
And with that, he kissed you again.
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bethagain · 3 years
@toasty-cowboy mentioned shipping Din Djarin with sleeping a full 8 hours undisturbed. Which led to @fanfoolishness and myself agreeing that that was, indeed, a very good ship.
And then, I couldn't sleep last night. So I took the opportunity to make sure that Din got some rest.
Story starts shortly after the end of Chapter 16.
He picked a system at least 12 hours away and nearly uninhabited, set the nav computer to come out close but not too close to the only planet with a city on it, and promptly forgot the destination. 
He was tired. 
This was just a scout ship, scavenged from the hangar bay of Moff Gideon’s light cruiser. Its two front-mounted guns were a joke, little more than decoration. But it had a hyperdrive, it had fuel, and it had a market value. First chance he got, he’d trade it in for something suitable. 
He was avoiding the question, Suitable for what? 
He had Fett’s comm code. If he wanted to use it. Bo-Katan had not been pleased when he told her that he had, as promised, considered joining her cause. No was not what she wanted to hear. 
Maybe he’d think more about it later. 
Maybe later he’d be able to think.
He re-checked the nav system. The readouts looked fine. No alarms, no flashing warnings. Just a diagram of the hyperspace route and a set of slowly changing coordinates, counting the way to--wherever it was he’d set the ship to go. 
He rose from the pilot’s seat and left the cockpit. It had become reflex to bend down on the way past the passenger seat, unclick the child’s safety restraint, scoop him up and hear him giggle as they slid fast down the ladder to the hold. But the passenger seats on the scout ship were empty. 
There wasn’t even a ladder. This ship was all one level. Its walls and floor met at right angles, clean and smooth. 
His gloved hand left marks on one of those walls as he used it to keep his balance, to keep from stumbling on the way down the short corridor to the cabin. Inside, two sets of narrow bunk beds took up most of the space. The bare mattresses were encased in flexplast, one end molded to serve as a pillow. They looked clean enough. 
He made use of the refresher in its tiny cubby. On the way out, his left shoulder clanked as it collided with the door frame, beskar pauldron banging into the lesser metal. He really should have stripped out of the armor, checked its integrity, at least wiped the pieces down if he couldn't clean them properly. He really should have cleaned his own body, checked for wounds. 
The thing was, he couldn't decide if, once off, he'd ever put the armor back on. What had it bought him, all these years? The right to chip off bits of his soul with every bounty, and then give the last piece away? 
He gripped the upright post of a bunk bed frame, leaning his weight on it, forehead resting against the cool surface. I don't really think that. I just need to sleep.
A handle set into the wall caught his eye. He heaved his body upright again and clicked open what turned out to be a shallow cupboard. Inside was a stack of neatly folded blankets, with the faint ozone smell of having been recently cleaned.
He laid one over the nearest flexplast-covered mattress and unfolded another to cover himself. He took an unsteady step back to the door to check for a lock, didn't find one, and reminded himself: You're alone on this ship. It's fine.
Then he half-sat, half fell onto the bunk, the familiar clank of his armor loud in the silence. He laid his body out in the narrow space, pulled the blanket over him. And slept.
The scout ship's life support system hummed quiet and steady. Down the hall, the nav computer did its job, guiding the ship through hyperspace, smoothly avoiding obstacles. The ship's chrono kept time.
Parsecs away, the Jedi carried the child on a forest path, toward a low wooden building where comfortable voices were laughing. Grogu reached out in the Force, looking for the shape of his father. He wasn't very good at this yet, but he found him, found him safe and sleeping. That was good.
The scout ship's computer made a tiny adjustment, shifting the trajectory to stay on the safest route. The hyperdrive engine whined louder for a moment, then subsided back to its steady vibration. 
The chrono ticked away another hour.
Far off, along another hyperspace lane, the former ruler of Mandalore and her first lieutenant continued taking inventory. The light cruiser had a wealth of essentials. Weapons, starfighters, rations. It felt like little without the Darksaber. Without a new plan.
Fans whirred in the scout ship's walls, moving air to keep it fresh. The map coordinates changed steadily as the ship slipped on through hyperspace, pinpointing its location even with no one in the cockpit to watch. 
On board Slave I, Cara, Fennec, and Boba traded war stories. They'd talk later about what happened, about the mission and the child and how long to wait before tracking down their friend. For now, they'd respect his own silence and match it with theirs. Not for too long though. A man needed people, even if he also needed space. It wasn't right to be alone.
The scout ship sailed on, computer and engines well maintained and working flawlessly. Moff Gideon's mechanics had known their jobs and done them well. They'd been expendable, anyway.
The ship's chrono counted, two hours, four hours, six, while Din's even breathing added to the steady, quiet sounds.
When he finally began to wake, the chrono marking well past eight hours, the first thing he noticed was the roughness of the blanket against his face. And then, the quiet, and the strangeness of the plain white walls. And then, that he was hungry.
Din sat up, the blanket sliding down from the smooth beskar breastplate. His whole body felt sore, battered, but he could remember now that he was alive.
He needed a shower. He needed to care for his armor, check the electronics in the helmet after the beating it had taken. He needed to eat. 
Food first, he decided, swinging his feet to the floor and, still a little bleary-eyed, using the pole of the bedframe to help pull himself up to stand. There were ration bars in the ship's narrow galley, and potable water. He'd at least had the presence of mind to check that before sealing the hatch and lifting off.
Food first, then get the rest of his body in order. 
And then, figure out where he'd told the ship to take him. And decide what happens next.
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oh-no-a-whovian · 3 years
Like real people do pt 2
Boba Fett X daughter reader. Din Djarin x Fett! Reader
Summary: [Y/N] Fett is ready to inherit her father’s armour. He just has to help a Mandalorian and his son first. A Mandalorian you feel an immediate connection with.
Warnings: none?
Word count: 1544
Links: masterlist
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You groan and bite your lip as pain surges through your side, pulling you from sleep. The smell of hygiene equipment and sterile surfaces fills your nose as you fight the stark white lights to open your eyes.
“Your father isn’t very happy with you.” a deep voice sounds to your right and you freeze, racking your mind trying to remember who it is. Forcing your eyes open at last, the bright lights hurt your eyes as they reflect off the man’s shiny armour as he sits relaxed on the seat beside you.
“No, he wouldn’t be” you huff out a pained laugh, wincing and clasping your side as the wound seems to burn. “First time he begrudgingly lets me join and I get stabbed”
“Thank you”
“For what? Getting stabbed?” you groan as you try to sit up. Swiftly the Mandalorian is by your side, helping you move and shoving pillows behind you.
“For trying. You almost died trying to help and… I’m… grateful” he says as he sits back down. You simply nod as you nestle into your new position.
“I’m guessing we didn’t have enough bacta?” you ask as you eye the bloody bandage on your side.
“No, there was enough. It was a deep wound, even bacta can’t heal that instantly.”
“I’m sorry I lost the kid” you say as you stare into the visor of his helm. “I tried but… I doubt even my father could have handled four specialty battle droids” he nods solemnly as he leans back into the chair, his visor still locked on you. “We’re in hyperspace right? Where we headed?” you ask as you notice the familiar buzz through the ship.
“Nevarro. I have a friend who can help us find the people who took Grogu.” He says looking over as Fennec enters with a tray of food for you. “Will take us a few days to get there though”
“His name’s Grogu?” you smile, never looking away from the man in beskar, you only have eyes for him right now. Even as Fennec places your tray down. “Do you have a name?” you smirk as you gently lean towards him, grabbing a wafer from the tray without even looking.
“Not sure your father would approve of you flirting with the Mandalorian [Y/N]” Fennec huffs in amusement. Gently she moves the blanket and pulls off the bandage, checking the progress on the wound.
“If you’re trying to embarrass me, it’s not gonna work” you grin, point a finger at her as you crunch into the wafer. “So? Name?”    
“Din” he replies and you hear a huff of amusement through his vocoder.
“Din” you grin “it’s nice to meet you. I promise we’ll get your kid back.”
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“Good to see you up” your father says behind you making you stand up straight in front of the mirror. You turn when you realise what he’s wearing from the reflection. The armour is scraped up, patches of silver beskar shining through the chipped green and red paints. A huge dint sits above the left eye and an antenna rises above the right side of the head. It’s so similar to Din’s but so uniquely Fett. “You had me worried sick [Y/N]”
“I know daddy” you sigh, looking down feeling shame.
“I didn’t argue. I let you out of the ship, and you almost die.” He says as he pulls off his helmet dumps it on the bed and within just a few steps, is pulling you into his arms. It’s uncomfortable compared to what you’re used to, the beskar doing its job. Making a hardened exterior.
“I’m okay daddy. I promise.”
“I’ll fix the armour up for you, make sure it never happens again” you can hear the worry in his voice as he tries not to crush you in his arms. You know you’re all he has apart from this ship and although he’s a hardened bounty hunter, you know that if he lost you it would kill him.
“My side is almost healed” you mention as you pull away, grabbing your necklace from beside the sink. “Should be good to go before we even reach Nevarro” you see him tense when he realises you’re saying you’re ready to try again but he says nothing just nods. You know he hates it but surely e knows he can’t keep you hidden from the dangers of the galaxy forever.
“Guess I’ll have to get to work on the armour then” he sighs, grabbing the helm from the bed.
“Thank you daddy” you smile, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
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“Should you really be doing that?” you hear the Mandalorian ask from the doorway as you do pull ups in your room.
“Probably not but I feel fine” you huff as you pull yourself up, hold, then drop.
“Nice necklace” he comments and you smirk as you approach him. Your necklace sits practically in your cleavage that is very on display. “What’s the symbol?”
“Thanks, I’m not sure actually. It’s from a market in the colonies near the centre of the galaxy. Apparently the merchant got it from a planet called Earth on the un-charted side of the galaxy. Apparently it’s called an ankh.”
“It’s… interesting.”
“Was there a reason you came to find me?” you ask as you pour yourself a glass of spotchka from your hidden stash. Your father would be none too pleased to find you’re hiding this stuff.
“Uh… no… I was just walking by. Was clearing my head. Not used to not being the pilot.”
“Mmm, well feel free to use the exercise equipment in my room” you offer gesturing around to the stuff behind you. “I definitely won’t mind the show” you wink as you recline back against the head of the bed. You hear his modulator try to hide his small laugh, a smile spread to your cheeks at the sound. You wish you knew what he looked like, could see what his smile is like.
“Maybe some other time. Like Fennec said earlier not sure your father would approve” he echoes in amusement. You eye him up and down, tilting your head as you watch him hover by the door way, not seeming to want to leave.
“You’re probably right. Feel free to have a seat” you hum, gesturing to the space beside you. he hesitates for a second, looking between the door and your prone form.  Eventually he gives in, taking up the space beside you. His position is stiff, laying as if he wants to relax but also ready to bolt from the room. “You’re trying to distract yourself aren’t you?” you ask as you turn onto your side to look at him better. “Your head is running through the thousand things they could be doing and you have no idea what to do for the two days it’s gonna take just to get to Nevarro”
“You know the helmet is supposed to make it so you can’t read what I’m feeling… among other things.” He deflects, keeping his visor staring straight at the stark silver ceiling, almost as bright as his helm.
“He’s going to be fine.” You say quietly as you lay the rest of the way down, placing a hand gently on his bicep. You feel him tense more, if that’s even possible, but eventually he relaxes, the tension filling his body seeping away. “You’ll see him again and he will be so happy to be in the safety you will make for him. He’ll be so happy to be with you again”
“Don’t know about how safe it is for him to be with me. I lost him.”
“I lost him. You can only say you lost him if you were the one stabbed by a massive robot.” You tease, making him finally look at you. “You feel it right? Even with all the worry, you know he’s ok.” Slowly he nods, the motion practically unnoticeable because of the full get up. “Hold onto that feeling and it will give you the strength you need.”
For a while you felt his eyes on you as you kept yours closed beside him. It’s like this weight, a buzz under your skin and in your mind. A feeling that makes you want to move the helmet just to check. But instead you lie still until you feel the buzz leave and his breathing even out into soft breaths. You almost want to touch him, place a hand on his chest and feel the fall and rise, but you keep your hand where it is, on the cloth on his bicep. Opening your eyes, you stare at the metal clad man in front of you and smile. The moment quickly diminishing when there’s a knock at your door way.
“Your father wants you so he can make sure he edits the armour shape properly.” Fennec says, keeping her voice low as if she knows the man beside you is asleep. With a small nod, gentle movements and a glance back at the man in your bed, you follow her out. You can’t help but think though how well he fits in your space. You don’t know why but you really like that he does.
 Tags: @yamaktaria @rand0m--fangirl @salty-sith-bitch @periwinklehoney  @itsroguelife @rogueheretic555
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cora-vizsla · 3 years
The Kings Pet (3)
Chapter 3
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Rating: Explicit (18+)
Word Count: 3.8K+
Warnings: Mild talk of violence/injury. Angst. Stripping. Cock warming. Mild voyeurism. F/f touching/kissing. Praise kink?. 
Authors note: I start grad school literally today so I wanted to get this out. If I missed any tags, please let me know. Part 1 and Part 2 are up and on my master list. Please let me know if I missed anything for tags! Thanks!
You had woken up in a particularly good mood. Din needed more help, but things were always okay when your King left with him. You were more comfortable with Fennec and she always made sure you were comfortable and happy. Not to mention Boba was on his way back to you.
Life was good.
You smiled over at Fennec as she watched you walk around the throne room. It’s not that she thought you were going to run or take off, but more so that she was just attentive. You figured at first it was because Boba would kill her if something happened to you but quickly it became apparent that she did genuinely care about you.
“You look restless, pet.”
You gave her a soft smile and shrugged.
“I guess so.”
“Ready for your king to come home?”
“Always! I’m glad he has someone like Din though. Makes me feel less nervous about him being out there.”
She chuckled and motioned for you to come back to her. You walked over with a carefree bounce to your step. Once you pulled yourself up and went to sit down, she motioned for you to sit with her. You plopped down gently and she started to play with your hair. It was something she did whenever you were close regardless if Boba was there or not.
“Your King is tough. He hardly needs another Mandalorian out there with him. He doesn’t really need anyone.”
“I know, Fennec. It just makes me feel better than he has someone looking out for him.”
“Even if he didn’t come back, you’d still be safe. You do know that right?”
You looked at her and frowned.
“That’s.. I’m not worried about him because of what he provides for me.”
She hummed and continued playing with your hair.
“What is it then?”
“I-I.. well.. I care about him. I appreciate everything he does for me more than I could ever speak. I owe him my life. Without him I would be dead or enslaved.”
“You’re not enslaved now?”
“No! Well.. I mean I guess? It’s not unwilling though. I.. like being here with him.”
Fennec gave you a sly smile and nodded. You started to wonder if she was there for more reasons than just to keep you safe. Your heart sank at the idea.
“Fennec? Does he ask you to stay here to make sure I don’t run away?”
Before she could answer you, loud footsteps rang out from the stairs. You both stood and saw Din rushing in half dragging Boba. Fennec ran out of the room and you ran directly to him.
“He’s hurt.”
“Get him to our room. The bed is made.”
Din grunted and continued dragging him to the back. Fennec ran into the room and opened the med pack while you helped Din get him into the bed. You made work on his armor, gently taking off what you could, leaving his helmet for last. You slipped it off and moved so you could rest his head on your lap.
“What happened?”
“We weren’t given all the information. Things went south very fast.”
“Keep him calm, sweetheart.”
You nodded at Fennec and tilted your head down to look at your King. His eyes were screwed shut but he sighed as soon as you started gently running your thumbs across his temples. You held his face in your hands as the other two cleaned him up. He finally opened his eyes and you smiled the moment his locked eyes with yours.
His lips almost twitched into a smile and that was enough for you to know he was glad to see you. He reached one of his hands up and put it over yours.
“Can’t say this is a horrible way to wake up.”
He grunted when Fennec pressed on his abdomen, so you moved your face down closer and kissed his forehead. He hummed when you did which made you smile even more.
“You’re supposed to come home in one piece.”
“I’m still in one piece. Just have a few holes.”
You frowned and he chuckled, wincing once he did.
“Stop that! You’re hurting yourself.”
“Bossy little thing today.”
“Well, you came home hurt and I-“
He cut your mumbling off quickly with a squeeze to your hand.
“It’s okay, pet. I’m not mad at you.”
You sat in silence and held his face while Fennec patched him up. The normal snark and fire in the man you were holding seemed absent. Once Fennec was done patching him up, she left to go get pain meds for him. He needed to rest, and everyone knew he wouldn’t do that unless physically forced.
“Tell me, cyar’ika, if you could be doing anything right now what would it be?”
He chuckled again and you scowled.
“Stop laughing. You’re just going to hurt yourself.”
“I have enough bacta on me to heal a bantha. I’ll be fine.”
“You need to rest.”
“I will once Fennec gets back.”
“Please, sir.”
He hummed as you continued to trace circles gently on his skin.
“You ask so sweetly, mesh’la. Figured since your demanding didn’t work begging would?”
“I’m not- I’m not manipulating you if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
“I would never. You really think that-“
“Everyone manipulates, princess. Everyone does what they have to, to get what they want. Don’t try to pretend that you’re here for any reason but to keep yourself alive. I’m not a fool. You’ll run the moment you can.”
You felt tears start to sting your eyes as he looked up at you. You wanted to run away. How could he think those horrible things? How could he not know that you cared about him far beyond the agreement you had. Running away from him had never occurred to you, not until then.
Fennec walked in with the medication and injected Boba after telling him a few things. You couldn’t seem to focus on anything more than keeping your tears from falling. Fennec left again and Boba fell asleep, finally breathing easier. Once you knew he was asleep the tears fell down your face.
“He didn’t mean anything by that.”
You jumped, forgetting Din was sitting quietly near the wall. Using your sleeve, you wiped away your tears.
“All he did was speak of you. He wanted to get home to you.”
“Why would he say that then?”
“Pain can twist things. Boba is.. prideful. If he thinks for a moment, you’re only here because of the agreement he isn’t going to let himself hope differently.”
“I meant what I said. I want to be here.”
“Anyone that sees the way you look at him knows that.”
You sniffled a few times and looked down at the man comfortable resting.
“Din, does he really think that? Does he really think I’m only here because of what he can give me?”
A modulated sigh came through his helmet.
“I think a part of him does.”
You sniffled and ran your thumbs across his face.
“This is the only time he looks peaceful; you know. When he sleeps. It’s like a lifetime worth of pain finally leaves him.”
“He’s had a rough life. It’s made him who he is though.”
“No matter how gruff he gets or how hard he pushes me away. I want to be here. I can’t say he doesn’t make my life easier but that wouldn’t matter if I didn’t want to be with him. That’s not how I am. That isn’t who I am.”
“Try not to take it personally.”
“How do I not?”
“Understand that it has very little to do with you, cyare. I have to go get the bounty turned in. Let him know I’ll be bringing him his credits as soon as I am done.”
“I will. Thank you, Din.”
He nodded once and left, leaving you utterly alone with your thoughts.
Your back ached but staying with Boba was much more important to you. When he finally opened his eyes, he seemed shocked that you were still there.
“How long have I been asleep?”
“Half a day or so.”
“You stayed the entire time?”
“I left once to use the refresher. Came right back. How are you feeling?”
“Sore. Feels like the Bacta worked though.”
You gave him a weak smile and helped him sit up when he started to move. He groaned and clutched at his abdomen, but he was moving much more fluid than you expected.
“Din said he would be back with your credits.”
“There was an issue in town she needed to take care of. Said it shouldn’t take long. Do you want me to get you anything?”
You shot out of the bed and walked across the room to grab the canteen Fennec had brought earlier. You handed it to him and sank to your knees, nestled between his legs. He took a long drink and looked down at you.
“Why are you staring at me, princess.”
“I’m not here because of our agreement. At first, I was because you were sparing my life. That ended a long time ago for me.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Because I want to be. I know you think I’m only here because it makes my life easier but you’re wrong. I would want to be with you if you spent the rest of your life on Slave I. You could settle down in a mud hut and I wouldn’t want to leave your side. You mean the world to me, Boba. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same for me and if you only want me here for our agreement. I am here for as long as you want me to be. Willingly. I just.. I can’t stand you thinking that I’m here to use you or manipulate you. My heart can’t take that, sir.”
Boba reached down and gently took your chin in his hand and a shiver racked down your spine.
“Are you done?”
You nodded, looking down out of embarrassment.
“Ah, ah. Don’t hide your face, mesh’la. You look at me, remember?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl. You always do just as I ask you.”
You nodded and moved with his hand as he guided you to him. He put his hands on your hips and pulled you forward so you were straddling his waist. You looked down hoping you didn’t bump his wound.
“Don’t fret, princess. I’m tougher than you think.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, sir.”
He finally gave you a smile and pulled you in for a kiss. He practically devoured you with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and his tongue deep in your mouth. Small moans and sighs kept slipping through your lips and Boba groaned in response.
“Normally you scream for me, cyar’ika but these sounds are beautiful too.”
He started running his hands across your body while he kissed and nipped at your neck. He pushed your head back gently so he could get access to the sensitive skin. Your head was swimming with how gentle he was being with you; handling you like you were breakable instead of something he wanted to break.
“Such a good girl for me. Taking care of me and make sure I was okay. Now your body responds to me so beautifully. The way you meld into my hands it’s like you were made for me.”
You sighed and leaned further into him.
“I’m yours, sir. I’m all yours.”
He hummed against your skin, only removing his lips from you long enough to pull your shirt off. He tossed it to the ground so he could gently palm your breasts. You breathed out a moan and leaned in to kiss him. One arm wrapped behind you so he could hold your head to him. You expected his hand to twist into your hair, but his touch stayed gentle but firm.
“Stand up, mesh’la. Take your pants off and let me see you. Let me see what is mine.”
You felt the heat rise in your face as you slipped off him and slowly pulled your pants down. He watched you and gently palmed himself, already hard inside of his pants. He motioned for you to come closer and you bit your lip, hiding your smile. You had been afraid that if you spoke up, he wouldn’t want you anymore. You were always afraid he’d become bored with you.
“Take the rest of my armor off me.”
You dropped to your knees between his legs and felt his eyes on you as you pulled the rest of the armor off him. You reached up and put your hands on the button of his pants, looking up through your lashes for permission. He nodded once and you quickly undid them, letting his cock spring free. You pulled his pants down as he carefully held himself up, careful not to jostle himself too much. Once you pulled his pants off you sat patiently waiting for what he wanted.
“Come here, little one.”
You climbed up onto his lap and straddled him with his guidance. He reached between your bodies and placed himself at your entrance, using his other hand to push you down onto him. He held your chin in his hands and you knew him well enough to know he wanted your eyes on him.
“You’re going to do what I tell you to, right pet?”
“Yes, Master. Always what you want.”
“Good girl. You’re going to sit there without moving. I don’t care who comes in this room or how bad you want it.”
“O-oh. Okay. Yes, sir.”
“If you’re a good girl for your king, then I’ll let you fuck yourself on my cock. Would you like that?”
“Yes. Yes please.”
He hummed and kissed you deeply. You told yourself it would be easy to be connected to him like that. He was seated deep inside of you which made you feel so deliciously full. He continued to kiss you and run his hands all over you until you felt like your head was in a cloud.
“Well now, what do we have here?”
You felt your body tense when you heard Fennec’s voice behind you. You peeked over your shoulder as she was sauntering into the room, more supplies in her hand.
“I really hope you didn’t split anything open.”
“Only one thing has been split open in this room.”
Boba smirked up at you and gripped your hips hard. You gasped and buried your face into Boba’s chest. Fennec sat down next to Boba and brushed your hair back, so you weren’t hiding behind it.
“Don’t hide your face, beautiful. You look so pretty on his lap. Would be a shame not to see it.”
Boba started to lay back, but his hands kept you steady. When he shifted inside of you, you bit your bottom lip to stop any noises from slipping out. Fennec got to work checking the bandages on his abdomen, barely paying you any mind. You reached down and held one of them that was giving her problems and she gave you a quick grin. You could feel your muscles shaking slightly because of the new angle he was hitting inside of you, but you did the best you could to stay still.
“She’s being an awfully good girl, Boba.”
“Yes, she is. She always does what I ask of her.”
“You should definitely reward her.”
She smirked at Boba and he grinned back at her.
“You think? What do you think, pet? Should you be rewarded for being so patient?”
You trembled and nodded.
“Y-yes, please. If y-you think I should be.”
“Look at her, Boba. She’s already shaking. How is she ever going to be able to finish properly when she’s already trembling so much?”
“I’m not sure, Fennec. Maybe it just isn’t going to happen today. What do you think, mesh’la? Think you can do it?”
“I-I.. I will try. I’m..”
You let out a whimper when he shifted underneath you. Your legs were shaking much more than you wanted to even admit. Fennec got up off the bed and stood behind you, running her fingers through your hair.
“Maybe she could use some help.”
“Hmm. Perhaps she does need some help. Too bad I’m so injured.”
You trembled again at the pure mischief written all over Boba’s face. Fennec hooked one finger under your chin and tilted your head back so it was against her chest and you could see her peering down at you.
“We can’t have our King hurting and wanting for anything, can we?”
“No, we can’t. We want him comfortable and satisfied, right?”
“I guess that means you need someone to help you, right?”
You nodded, stiffening wondering exactly what the two of them were trying to do. You wondered if it was a test since Boba had brought up Fennec before. You looked back down at Boba and his eyes were blown wide with lust.
“Go ahead, princess. Fuck yourself on my cock, just like I told you to. Fennec will make sure that we’re bothsatisfied.”
You shivered and nodded. When you started to gently move your hips both you and Boba groaned at the friction. You were afraid of hurting him, so you found yourself moving much slower and carefully than normal. You felt Fennec hook your chin again and pulled so you were looking up at her. You continued moving your hips while looking at her and she had the dirtiest smirk on her face.
“What do you think, Boba. Am I allowed to kiss your pet?”
“Whatever you need to do to make sure she’s taken care of. Whatever she wants.”
She looked back down at you and moved so her lips were almost touching yours.
“Well? Am I allowed to kiss you, pet?”
Your movements started to falter until you felt Boba’s hands tighten on your hips.
“Don’t stop moving, mesh’la. Fuck- don’t stop.”
You finally nodded at the beautiful woman asking and she crashed her mouth against yours. You moaned against her mouth as she continued to kiss you while you rocked yourself on top of Boba. Fennec moved so she was sitting directly behind you, bracing herself on your kings’ legs. She kept kissing you as she wrapped her arms around you, helping you with your movements. Boba groaned loudly and moved his thumb to your clit. You gasped and broke the kiss to look at him.
“Look at you, pet. Fuck you’re so beautiful.”
Fennec hummed in agreement and moved to kissing and biting your neck. She snaked one hand down, her fingers replacing Boba’s. Her other hand moved to your pert nipples and you moaned loudly at how overwhelmed your body felt. Your head tilted back so it was resting on Fennecs shoulders as the two of them continued to work you towards your quickly approaching orgasm. You didn’t want to hurt Boba so you put your hand son Fennecs muscular thighs caged around yours.
“That’s it, princess. Fuck you’re so tight. Let me watch you come undone. Let me watch you cum all over my cock.”
Fennec increased her pace on your clit and with three more rotations of your hips you were screaming out. The two of them made sure you continued to move, and it felt like too much. You were too full. There were too many scalding hot hands on your body as they worked you through your orgasm.
“Fuck. How could she possibly be so beautiful coming undone?”
Boba grunted and you felt him twitch inside of you. Fennec put her hands on your hips and helped you bounce on top of him, fucking yourself on him like he would have been doing to you if he wasn’t hurt. She bent forward and kissed you as Boba grunted, his orgasm finally hitting him. He came deep inside of you and held you on his waist. You relaxed back into Fennec and she continued to kiss your face and neck, helping you come down.
“T-thank you, Fennec.”
You opened your heavy eyes to Fennec giving you a beautiful smile. She kissed you once more before helping you slip off of Boba, lying next to him. You carefully curled into his side with his arm wrapped around you. Fennec made sure you were looking before she put the fingers that had been playing with your clit in her mouth. She let out a content hum and slipped them out with a pop.
“The pleasure was all mine, sweetheart.”
She gave Boba a nod and sauntered back out of the room just like she had come in. You buried your face into Boba’s side, and he chuckled.
“What have I told you about hiding your face, mesh’la.”
“I’m sorry.”
Your voice came out muffled because you had yet to try to rectify the situation. Boba rolled on his side, wincing but pressing his nose to yours.
“You did so good, pet. You’re so good to me.”
“I.. I was afraid you’d be.. mad.”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because.. I kissed her? And she..”
He rumbled out a laugh and kissed your forehead before tilting your head up to look at him.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you regret any part of it?”
“No! No.”
“Then there is nothing to ever be sorry for. As long as you are comfortable and actually want to do something, I am always happy to give you new experiences and pleasures. Just promise me that if you ever don’t want to do something that you will speak up. I will never be mad at you, princess. Not for enjoying something I am giving you permission to do.”
“I did like it. I wasn’t sure that I would.”
“I am glad that you did. I don’t mind sharing you if it means I get to watch you come undone like that. Just make sure you always have my permission. You’re still mine.”
You nodded and finally gave him a smile.
“Get some sleep, pet. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Shouldn’t I be saying that to you? You’re the one who is hurt.”
“It’s my job to take care of you. Now do as your told.”
He gripped your chin, but it was playful and light. You kissed him sweetly and nodded, nestling back into him. You weren’t sure if he really believed that you wanted to be there, but it was something you could worry about later. For the time being, falling asleep with him was more than enough.
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jbbuckybarnes · 3 years
Concerned Parents
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader Desc: To get the child back after it was taken from you, Din has to remove the helmet to get into a place to find out where he was taken. He didn‘t think you‘d have to see him AND kiss him to keep the cover up. Warnings: flirting, sexual references, not proofread
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„They won‘t let you into that place with your helmet on. It‘s like the Hutts but worse and more uptight.“ Fennec had explained about the shady looking hut you were all looking at. „I‘ll go in alone, you‘re my backup.“ Din looked at you, Fennec and Boba. Your eyes widened but you kept your mouth shut. You all wanted the baby, whatever it takes. Everyone agreed to his plan. Fennec and Boba would take long range, you‘d be close enough to barge in, just in case all hell broke loose. He left his visible armor in Boba‘s ship, put something on over his chest plate and hid his face under a cloth wrapped around his face, a thinner material around his eyes that he could look through. „Let‘s go.“
Fennec went on her position, Boba on the opposite hill. You followed a couple dozen steps behind Mando You saw him starting to remove his headwrap that he put on for around all of you. Out of respect you looked around instead, but you could stop letting your eyes wander past him, noticing brown fluffy hair. You wondered how it looked this good after all these hours under a helmet. You sat down under a lamp in earshot of the hut, noticing his deep voice talking to get into the place. A grunt of agreement came back. With a touch against your ear you started hearing out what was going on inside. „I heard you could lead me to any imperial ship.“ You finally made out his voice out of all of them. „You heard right. For the right price I‘ll be able to locate almost any ship.“ A scratchy voice answered. „I only have this amount of credits, but I know the ship has cargo worth more than two dozen times of it.“ You heard a grunt and a commotion. „You take me for someone taking upfront payment and leaving with the rest?“ He asked in a calmer voice. „I never break my part of a contract. I‘m a bounty hunter.“ „Oh?“ You sighed and got up, „You‘re an idiot. That‘s what you are.“ The weird tentacle guy at the entrance looked you up and down and then nodded to let you in. „We don‘t really like your kind here.“ „I‘ll be gone and back with more. I‘m not here for a bounty. I‘m here to get something that was stolen from me by a Moff.“ You saw the big man look him up and down hesitantly, „Which one?“ „Moff Gideon.“ Now the man looked angry. „Are you kidding me? That man is dead!“ „He isn‘t, he has recently appeared on Nevarro and took someone from me.“ „Someone you say?“ „My child. And I know it isn‘t dead.“ „You‘re making stuff up, my friend.“ The guards around the man tensed up. You came closer, throwing on your charm, „Heard you talking about Moff Gideon.“ On the table in front of the guy you put down the disc with the holo message. The whole message from the Nevarro base played off. „That‘s from about a week ago.“ You looked at the guy, still trying to respect Din‘s creed. „And who are you?“ He smirked at you, looking you up and down. „A concerned mother, one could say.“ You winked at him and sat down next to Din. „You a bounty hunter too?“ He looked between you both. „Nope. Actually used to be a bounty. Let‘s just say I‘m good at stealing.“ „Odd pair. Hm.“ He looked between you both again and you put your head on Din‘s shoulder and put your arm around him. „2500 credits up front for someone that wants to take on Gideon. That‘s...I don‘t have to tell you that is a low amount of credits, but I hate that guy as much as the next person. I‘ll help you, but you‘re gonna have to give me your code, because I will put a bounty on you if you don‘t pay up.“ The man didn‘t account for possible death, but you didn‘t mention that error of mind. „Kakiu? You know what to do.“ A small thin man nodded and ran off into a backroom. You felt Din tense up under your temple and gently went over his other shoulder with your hand. „Why would he keep your child alive?“ The man was nosy, but he had a valid question. „Our child has some specific mutation about his blood that they want to experiment with. Tried to hunt us for it for a while…well, and last week they got him. Now we‘re just trying to get him back any way we can.“ The man‘s face softened a bit, „Concerned parents, cute. But do you two really think you can breach a ship that big? That‘s wishful thinking. I‘d like to see you try tho.“ „You haven‘t seen him in his element. Never seen so many dead Imps in the vicinity of one man.“ Your head went up and you went to give him a kiss on the cheek, closing your eyes for the duration to not break his creed. „Kaiku will take a while, so why don‘t you tell me about it?“ The guy leaned back. „Which time? There were like, three.“ „The best one.“ „Well, last week it is, Gideon really wanted this kid, so he sent two ships full of Imps for us. Probably 120 or more. I shot some, a friend of us shot some, but this one probably took care of two thirds of them alone. He looks pretty good in a field of dead Stormtroopers with his blaster still sizzling.“ You felt his hand grab into your thigh and put your hand on his. „You took out quite a few yourself, don‘t sell yourself too short.“ You heard Din‘s warm voice next to you. You looked into your lap, „I really just want the kid back.“ You felt his lips on your temple, „I know, darling. I know.“ „Boss, Kaiku is having a bit of trouble.“ A guard came over and the guy in front of you grumbled and excused himself. You felt a thumb caress your hand and took the arm you had around him and snaked it around his arm to have it snug against you. „D‘you think the dude wants to secretly kill us?“ He chuckled. „I wouldn‘t be surprised, sadly.“ You mumbled back. „Didn‘t have to make me look this good in front of strangers.“ He whispered to you. „I didn‘t lie for a second, you know that damn well.“ You felt his other hand under your chin. „Looking down makes you look submissive around this folk, don‘t want that, we’re getting the kid back.“ You sighed in agreement and fluttered your eyes open slowly to see dark brown ones reflect back soft, concerned and determined. „I‘m sorry.“ You whispered, he knew what you meant. „It‘s okay. Don‘t beat yourself up over it.“ He offered a small smile. The guy came back after a while, „He‘ll be done in a while. Get yourself drinks and enjoy yourself, yeah?“ You nodded and dragged Din out of his seat towards the little bar. With your hands you ordered two small drinks while he put a respectful amount of distance between the both of you again. Not too long after you were in your thoughts sipping your drink. Not noticing the man on your left. „Hey sweetpea, you here often?“ A tipsy man of another species looked at you. „Nope.“ „Wanna change that?“ You felt an arm slinging around you from behind protectively. „Nope.“ You answered with a sweet smile and leaned against the broad chest behind you. „Aww, c‘mon.“ He didn‘t give up. Usually Din would have his scary demeanor in his beskar armor, but that wasn‘t his out card this time. „Does that man make you uncomfortable, dear?“ Your heart beat a little harder at the affectionate name. „He surely doesn‘t know how to treat me right.“ You sighed before unexpectedly being turned around. You let out a giggle and put your arms around his neck, „Now this guy is way better.“ He softened at your slightly tipsy behavior, not that he didn‘t enjoy the whole front of being partners in the first place. No. He absolutely didn‘t like that. At all. It was horrible. Super bad. „Oh, is he?“ The drunken guy was still commenting in. „Yeah.“ You whispered and Din didn‘t quite know which god put him into this situation, but suddenly his lips were on yours and he hated himself for liking it. He knew it was wrong. He knew it was just a front. He knew he just broke his creed for his child. He hated that he liked what his brain just decided to do. Someone cleared their throat next to you and you went apart, looking at the boss here. He handed you a data stick, „Gonna put it right on your ships control panel. Now I‘d like your code.“ Din obliged to the terms and gave him his code, you didn‘t know if it really was, but he gave one. You hoped it was just one of his old bounty‘s code. „See you again when you got the rest of that money.“ He nodded at the helmetless man and got a nod back. Not too long after you were dragged out of the hut by him. You helped him with his headwrap, not saying a word. He saw the guilt written on your face, but didn‘t say anything. „Say it.“ He whispered. „I hate that I broke your creed and liked it. I hate that I liked any of it.“ You said short and firm, as if you were scolding yourself. Silence. There was nothing else you could add. That‘s all you felt right now. „I feel the same.“ He answered after a while of you walking towards the rendezvous spot. „I mean, my god you look beautiful.“ The words burst out of your deepest soul and he came to a hold to look at you with his thin cloth for his eyes removed. „And I made you look.“ He sighed, „So please don‘t put this on yourself. You were just trying to help get Grogu.“ More silence between you for the way back. „I‘m sorry for flirting with you.“ You mumbled and looked away. You were just playing your part to de-escalate. „Ouch.“ He commented. „No, no, it‘s just. I. I don‘t know. I wasn‘t supposed to do that. It wasn‘t necessary for the mission.“ You stumbled over your words. „I‘m sorry that I kissed you.“ He answered and that felt like he just put a vibroblade through your heart. „I didn‘t mind. I think.“ You didn‘t even know what was and wasn‘t okay anymore. „I‘m sorry I‘d do it again.“ He chuckled and looked over to you as you walked. „Me too.“ You smiled back at his shimmering eyes and then back to where you were going. „I would do all of this again.“ He whispered with a sigh, more to himself than you. „For someone with a tin can on your head since your teen years you kiss pretty good.“ You grinned. No comment. „And you‘re kinda more fun when there isn‘t a visor between us. I can actually see your reaction. That‘s groundbreaking. I love it.“ You chuckled. „I have a lot to think through with my creed and what I just did.“ He added. „You‘ll make the right decision.“ You said calmly, grabbing his hand and squeezing it before letting it go as you stopped at the meeting point. „The decision might be led by what you just did to my mind.“ He laughed lowly, it sounded beautiful. You looked around for Boba and Fennec, nobody in sight, so you went to his back and kissed the sliver of exposed skin there. „Cyar‘ika!“ He said with a warning tone. You didn‘t know what that meant. „I‘m sorry, I like teasing when I know I have an effect.“ „Oh, have I awakened something in you?“ „If you didn‘t notice by the way I talked about you killing Imps, yes.“ „Well, good that we‘ll have to kill some more.“
— Time Jump to End of Chapter 16
You didn‘t think someone was still coming for Grogu from the Jedi Temple. Now you stood here with no child, but a dumb saber that Bo-Katan won‘t take. Seeing him broken, helmetless, exposed, but with all this armor and that saber. That reflected your feelings somehow. You knew this had to happen, but it broke a part of you anyway and made you vulnerable. You turned to look at Din, took his head into your hands and let his forehead gently fall against yours. „It‘s okay.“ You felt him shake and pull you close to his chest. „You‘re the only thing left.“ He whispered as the rest went ahead to meet Boba. „I won‘t leave you unless you ever want me to.“ You whispered back before he grabbed your face and put his desperation for home into a kiss. „We need a new ship.“ He murmured. „I might know how to steal one.“ You chuckled and caressed his cheek. „That‘s my girl.“ His thumb went over your lower lip. Where did he learn that? Was that allowed? „You look even better when you wear everything but the helmet.“ You bit your lip. „Is that your version of distraction?“ He huffed and you nodded with a chuckle. You liked flirting too much. With that you flew back to Nevarro and got a neat little ship, stolen by you and Greef. You made sure to fill it up with cozy things, reminders of what was and signs of hope for the future. For now you‘d stay a bit on Nevarro with it. He searched the whole thing for trackers after the horror of what happened to the crest, but after a couple days he finally settled in and removed his helmet around you. „Oh, hey good-looking man in beskar, are you here often?“ You grinned from your cot when he walked into the center room of the ship. „Depends on what you want from me.“ He chuckled and shook his head. „You look pretty tense, I‘m sure I could change that.“ Now he blushed at the possibilities crossing his mind. „I‘m intrigued, cyar‘ika.“ He smirked and came closer. „I was thinking cuddling, but judging by your face you have other plans.“ You laughed and stood up to knock against his chest plate. His armor was gone shortly after, „I love this.“ You scrunched your nose and hugged him close, you really did like this. He looked so human, so warm and huggable. His gloveless hands wandered down your back, stopping for a second, before wandering where they really wanted to go. You betted with yourself that he was secretly a grabby man after what happened in that hut. Turns out you were right. With a swift motion he hoisted you up to have you wrap your legs around him. „I like this,“ He mumbled and felt you smile against his neck. „Me too.“ Your hands wandered through his hair and you felt him relax even more. He sat down on your cot with you still wrapped around him. „You, um, have nice thighs.“ He pointed out sheepishly. „You know you can grab them anytime, right?“ You asked him. „Now I do.“ He huffed and gently caressed them before giving them a squeeze. „You can touch me all you want.“ You reassured him and felt him grab you by your hips so you untangled and he could fall back onto your cot with you on top of him. „That goes for you too, cyare.“ He pulled you closer by your chin. „What does that mean?“ „Beloved. Darling. Something like that.“ Now he was the one watching you get flustered and grinned. „Oh.“ You blinked a couple times, „You‘ve been saying that a lot.“ „Of course,“ he murmured and went through your hair. „Have you ever thought about settling on a planet?“ You mumbled, laying on his chest and looking up at him. „Once or twice. I think a lot of things would catch up to me.“ His voice hummed in his chest below you. „And creating a family?“ You whispered and saw him open one of his eyes. „I had one for a while, didn‘t I?“ You smiled at him and nodded. „You still have me. I wouldn‘t mind adopting another one.“ A chuckle escaped both of you. „Maybe one that isn‘t chased by the empire.“ He laughed lowly and went over your head gently. „We could make one too one day.“ You added as casual as possible and felt him tense under you. „Not like I have that many years left to do that.“ He pointed out with a huff. „Who said it would take many years?“ You whispered and crawled up on him to nuzzle into his neckline. „Where‘d you wanna settle?“ His arms snaked around you. „Preferably somewhere that isn‘t attacked every two years.“ Your muffled voice answered. „Now where‘s the fun in that, cyar‘ika?“ You kissed his neck and heard him hold his breath. „More than enough fun to have.“ You grabbed into his hair gently and felt his fingers grab into your hips. „I see.“ He murmured and closed his eyes again to enjoy your warmth. „Home is wherever you wanna go, my dear.“ He sighed and slowly dozed off.
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mickeymouse-moshpit · 3 years
street lights, people
A/N: Hello, kind readers of this fic that I have taken entirely too long to update. I’m so sorry for the wait! And I also have to apologize because there is a whole first part of this that is stored on my computer, which is currently in the mail for repairs. I will post that part as well once it’s back, just please hold on and know that 1) there’s definitely context to being on Fennec’s bike in it and 2) there will be spicy things in the next part. Anyway, uh, if there’s typos I’m very sorry, and enjoy!
Description: Fennec and peds!Reader go on a date
Warnings: Some brief verbal harassment, brief description of dissociating, a little angst if you squint hard enough, Fennec and peds!Reader doing their thing 
Rating: T
Word count: 2.7K
January 24th 
Read part one here
You followed her out and down the lined path, hands sitting in the pockets of your jacket to keep warm. She threaded her arm through yours, and led you down the street to a book shop of all places.
“I remembered you telling me about that new series you wanted to read, something about gay witches? And you’re always talking about how much you want to go to the bookstore but you never do. So, go browse. I want to see what your process looks like.”
“Th—that’s really thoughtful. I don’t know that I really have a true process, but yeah let’s go look!” You opened the door for her, a light going on inside you as you got your first waft of bookstore smell: the paper, the ink. You got the first wave of the noise: the low music playing in the background, the people there talking in hushed tones. You couldn’t make out any conversations happening, could barely hear that there were lyrics in the music. You stopped for a moment, scanning the layout of the room. Your eyes landed first on the display of bookmarks and postcards, making a mental note to get one or two of each to remember this little town so you could find it one day. But then your train of thought halted: could you come here alone?
Best not to dwell.
Your eyes resumed their scanning, noting the different sections. You wandered to the right, letting your gaze drift over the painting beside the door. It was line art of two bodies intertwined, splashed with color to resemble a galaxy where they met. The notecard below it gave the title and artist’s name. And a price. You were struck by how nice it would look on your art wall. But that was for another day.
You started your first pass through the stacks, letting your eyes skate over the spines of the books, pausing to read the note cards when they gave a recommendation from one of the workers. Your fingers started to take on a mind of their own, catching on books here and there, bringing them out for you to investigate. Every couple of them, you would open to the first page, let the author’s words try to entice you. You put most of them back, but a green paperback one with a bent cover stayed behind. You held it close as you continued on, pacing with no purpose at all. If someone didn’t know you, they would think you had a system, but really you were just letting yourself be on autopilot. That is, until you got to the section that housed the series you had read about and wanted.
“This is it!” You hoped your whisper would convey your excitement to Fennec. You had been watching book recommendation videos and this series had come up, promising both a love story and adventure. “I hope th—they do! They’ve got both!”
You plucked both the paperback and hardcover from the shelves, adding them to your little stash. Your small smile would not leave your face.
Fennec watched as you dragged yourself away from the section, mentally patting herself on the back for this idea. You looked so happy, at peace. If she was a part of that? She would consider herself both clever and immensely lucky. As she followed you back to one of the sections you had drifted through, she watched your perusing turn into a hunt. You furrowed your brow as you sank down to kneel and scan for what she wasn’t quite sure. She pulled two more books from the shelf.
“Have you read this one?” She held up a copy of a book called Circe.
“No, but someone at work was talking about it the other day.” She hoped you wouldn’t be disappointed, and wasn’t disappointed when you slid the book back into its place with a mischievous look. Fennec’s mind went straight into the gutter for a moment, imagining you in a very different situation but with the same look.
“Good, you’ll borrow my copy.” There was no arguing, it was a fact. She would.
You stood up again, still holding onto the other book. You were off again, and while she thought you clutching four books to your chest was possibly the cutest thing she had ever seen, you were going to drop one if you kept getting distracted. When you stopped again, she held her hands out.
“Here, let me carry them. You use your hands to browse.”
You nodded once and sank down again, grabbing one of the recommended titles and popping up again. You paused, before setting it on the pile Fennec was holding, warmth building in your face as she gave you one of her smiles.
You set off with one more stop in mind. The waiting room library at your office was lacking in chapter books as of late. You let your feet carry you to the children’s section.
“What are we doing here? I didn’t take you for the Warrior Cats type. “
“The selection of chapter books in my waiting room is looking a little sparse here lately. I want to see what the kids are into so I can update the wishlist.”
Fennec looked at you like you had suddenly turned purple with polka dots and sprouted antennae.
“I have a bookshelf in the waiting room, and I always make it clear to kids and parents that the books on it are meant to be read, cherished, read again, both while waiting and when they go home, with no expectation of return. The Little Golden Books usually do come back, just like most of the other books meant for the teeny-tinies. The chapter books get sparse and don’t tend to come back, but I like it that way. It means I’ve got another reader who gets to learn about the magic of words.”
“But where do the books come from?”
“Well, at first it was just me. There were some parents who made it very clear when I mentioned the shelf that they were perfectly capable of providing their kids with books and how dare I assume otherwise. There were others that you could tell were extremely grateful. There were also a few that had a problem with it but not for any good reason but I’m sure you know what kind of parents I’m getting at.”
She did.
“Then one day I was in the little shop in town and one of the little ones who had started on chapter books saw me and ran up, telling me all about how she had saved her allowance and she was able to get the sequel to the book she had gotten from me. The owner of the shop heard it, and when I went to buy the book I had picked out along with some chapter books for the waiting room, he told me he would let me start a wishlist and he would put it by the register for people to see and maybe buy one or two.”
“Do you usually get what you ask for?”
“It depends on the time of year. During the holidays people get more generous so it’s time to update the list. Hence the reading castle.” You gestured to the structure before you, an alcove that had a castle facade and was filled with still more books. “And the wall of chapter books.”
Before she could formulate a response, you had pulled out your phone and started making a list. Fennec watched you with an emotion she wasn’t sure how to name. The earnest way you took on your task had her pulling out her own phone while you weren’t watching to send a message to the garage group chat. When you had finished, you brushed a hand over her shoulder as you walked by.
You wandered to your last stop: the display at the front. You picked out a pack of bookmarks that were little magnetic trees before turning your attention to the display of postcards. You chose one that was a picture of the gazebo in the middle of town at night, surrounded by twinkle lights with “wish you were here” in small text at the bottom.
You walked up to the register and Fennec plopped your pile of finds on the counter.
“Did you find everything you were looking for?” The older salesperson behind the register had half a smirk on his face as he queried you. “I haven’t seen someone quite as methodical as you, even covered the section for children.”
You weren’t sure if the sarcastic tone was real or meant as a lighthearted joke, but either way you felt your cheeks warm again, and not in a good way. You wondered for a moment if the ground would open up and swallow you whole. You felt Fennec’s arm wrap its way around your torso again as the salesperson started ringing up the books.
“Being thorough is one of the best things about her. And this is just me, but I think it would be kind of nice if my kid’s pediatrician knew enough about what their media looked like to be able to talk to them at their level about things other than their health.”
“Oh so she’s a big kid is what you’re saying? What, does she play with dolls, or are toys more for the bedroom?” That definitely wasn’t meant in a kind way.
Fennec’s arm tightened around you before you got the chance to just slip away and out the door, as if she knew that was something you might do.
“I would stop talking about them if I were you.” Her voice was low, had taken on a dangerous edge that matched what others saw in her leather jacket.
He got the hint, hurrying up with the transaction. When the final total came up, you reached into your pocket, not really feeling anything for that moment or registering the number that flashed in your general direction. Before you could get your card liberated, Fennec was already sliding hers into the chip reader. You wanted to protest, wanted to tell her it was too much, but the interaction was a sea witch that had stolen your voice and you could only look on as the books and other small items were wrapped and put into a bag and Fennec was turning you in a circle to get you out of the shop.
You weren’t even aware that your feet had moved until you were in front of her bike and she had distributed the books into the two saddle bags. She faced you and put her hands on your shoulders.
“Are you okay?”
You looked at her, answering her question with the question mark that had seemingly etched itself on your face.
“Hello? Earth to Doc? Are you in there?” She gave your shoulders a little shake, before she wrapped you in her arms. You finally felt like you could take a deep breath again as you rested your head in the crook of her neck, letting the pressure she was providing ground you again.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered into the collar of her sweater.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. He should be sorry. If he hadn’t stopped talking, I would have made him sorry.”
“I wanted to stop you from paying, it was too much.”
“No. I wanted to do that, it was the plan from the beginning.”
“Really?” You pulled back slightly, peeking at her, searching her face but not having much luck in the low light.
“Yes really. Now, I had something else planned, do you want to know what it is so you can decide if you still want to do it?”
You considered it, but the phantom hollow in your chest and the way your arms and legs still didn’t feel like they belonged to you gave you your answer.
“I want to know, but not yet. Keep it secret, show me next time. I’ve got my own idea though. Will you take me home? I want to show you the Books.”
You didn’t want to let go of her, but you needed to if you were going to go inside where it was warm. So you did. When she had taken the books out and put them back in their bag, you headed for the three steps that led up to the door of your half of the duplex. You unlocked the door, nearly dropping the keys because your hands were so cold. You caught them before Fennec could tease you about it.
You clicked on the light in the entryway, lighting the way as she took a few steps inside again. You took the bag from her, and nodded to your left. Behind the stairs to the loft, there was a doorway. You walked through it and to the right, knowing the room in the darkness. You stepped on the clicker for the floor lamp, bathing the room in a soft glow. You walked over to the electric fireplace that added some extra heat to the room, switching it on.
You went back to where she was standing in the doorway, like she wasn’t quite sure what to do with her hands. You took them in yours and brought her in.
Her eyes widened as she took in the space.
The room screamed comfort. All four walls were covered by bookshelves that reached the ceiling, with two interruptions. The first was around the fireplace, if you could even call it that. There was a painting in front of it, but her eyes were too busy wandering to take it in just yet. Her gaze drifted to the window, where either you or the previous owners had built a seat large and plush enough to recline in. While that should have been the star of the room, it wasn’t.
In front of the fireplace was a massive sectional sofa. She was sure it had to have a pull out option you were taking advantage of because it looked more like a bed-sofa hybrid with the way the middle was seemingly filled to the brim with throw pillows and faux-fur blankets.
You stood watching her take it in, as she eventually started looking at the books lining the shelves, punctuated by the odd piece of memorabilia. There was such a variety, all alphabetized, with the only delineation by genre she could see being poetry and prose. As she browsed, you placed your books on the window seat, and from under it produced two stamps: one to mark the books as yours, and one to put a place for people who borrowed them to sign. Others always asked if it was to make sure they came back, but you always replied with no, it was to make sure people could see if they had borrowed them before. You put the books onto the rolling cart that already had a small pile to be put away. Some of them were new, some you had reread and needed to return.
Task complete, you perched on the back of the couch to watch her.
“I should start referring to you as a dragon. You’ve got quite the hoard, baby.” Her words were quiet, wrapped with kindness. “It’s impressive. Thank you for showing me this part of you.”
“I just really like them.” Your smile was growing as she got closer to you. You stood and wrapped yourself around her again. “Does that make you the maiden in need of rescue?”
“Oh, no, you can keep me here as long as you want. Besides, don’t you know the dragon needs saving too sometimes?”
“In that case…” You paused, stealing yourself. “Would you stay a while? I can make tea, we can read, if you’re okay with you could do that pressure thing again?”
“You mean will I hold you close, let you hide your face in my neck for a minute again? Let you whisper things you don’t think I’ll hear but I will anyway?”
You nodded once.
“In that case, I’ll do ‘that pressure thing’ for as long as you need me to. But you have to let me try out this couch nest thing because it looks amazing.”
“Of course, but the first rule of the dragon’s lair is this: no jackets.”
More author’s notes: if you’re curious about what series peds!Reader was looking for, it’s These Witches Don’t Burn and its sequel by Isabel Sterling. She wants Fennec to read Circe by Madeline Miller, and she bought The Song of Achilles, also by Madeline Miller
Tagging: @phoenixhalliwell @promiscuoussatan @maybege @jangofctts 
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straynstay · 4 years
Jeongin - Hybrid AU!
Happy Birthday, Innie ♡
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you rolled on the bed trying to go back to sleep when your alarm went off for the third time 
but your eyes quickly opened when you remembered what day is today
today is February 8th, Jeongin’s 19th birthday
the day you both were waiting for since you were just toddlers running around the backyard
Jeongin was finally a grown up and could leave the house after years of ruthless waiting
you got up tripping over your own legs and ran downstairs
“wake up, wake up, wake uuup!” you bursted into his room and threw yourself on his back
“whaaaat” Jeongin complained burying his face in the pillow, but you wouldn’t let him sleep again
“get up, we have so much to do, c’mon!” you shook his body lightly
“no” he replied and waved his tail under the light blanket covering his body
“Jeongiiiin” you whined, but he didn’t seem to change his mind
you blew the soft white hair on the inside of his fluffy ear, making it twitch
“stop” he said laughing, so you blew it again
“get up, birthday boy, we’ve been waiting for this day for too long” you hugged his body
“oh yeah, it’s today” Jeongin turned around carefully, trying not to let you fall, and placed his hands on your hips to keep you close
“happy birthday” you smiled finally seeing his sleepy face
“thanks, but your breath smells”
“shut up” you rolled your eyes
“you shut up” he said mimicking you
“c’mon, get up” you gave two quick taps on his chest and got ready to push yourself up when he suddenly rolled you to his side instead, placing the light blanket on both of you
“five more minutes, I need to get 9 hours of sleep and you woke me up before that” Jeongin complained curling his body a bit and wrapping his tail softly on your leg
you smiled seeing him closing his eyes and falling asleep immediately
you were amazed to notice how much he grew before your eyes and become this handsome man
he had always been cute, but now his baby features were slowly disappearing to show a strong manly face with piercing eyes
Jeongin’s good looks have been knocking you off of your feet lately
not to mention his adorable smile and bright personality that could make even your worst days better in an instant
Jeongin is such an important part of your life ever since you were born that you don’t even know how it is to live without him
his mom, a rare Fennec fox hybrid like him, was pregnant and got rescued nineteen years ago by your mother
Fennec hybrids were being hunted because of their soft fur, a relic for rich people to use as coat, hat, scarf or even as a rug
Jeongin’s mom was able to run away, but his father was captured
she was in terrible conditions when your mom accidentally found her on the way home
they quickly became friends because your mom was also expecting, so they easily bonded over their pregnancies
although you were born first, Jeongin grew up faster than you
when you were learning how to walk, he was already running on the backyard
but the differences between you were more than just physical 
Jeongin’s mom never stoop foot outside the house again, and forbade Jeongin to the same
you, a human, could go out and have fun, study, see everything the world had to offer, but the small Fennec hybrid no
but this was never an impediment for your friendship
you would always pick up flowers, rocks, bugs or whatever you could find that you’d think Jeongin would like to see 
Jeongin was always happy with your small gifts, but your heart would break everyday watching him wave timidly from behind the curtains of your room when you walked to school
you wanted to take him with you, you wanted to show him around
make him smell the flowers without having to pluck them out
see the bugs making their way across the grass
play on your school’s playground…
you wanted him to live like you!
so when you were six years old, you began bothering his mom to let him go out
and you kept bothering until his 8th birthday, when she said he could go out on his 19th birthday since he would become a legal adult by then
and so you both waited impatiently for eleven years to go by
it seems too much, but now that you are facing him asleep it felt like it was just last week that you were both scared and screaming when you lost your first tooth
you chuckled a little remembering his crying face telling you he’d make porridge for you everyday if you somehow became toothless overnight
oh, those were amazing days, but now you’ll finally be able to show Jeongin the world
his alarm went off and he quickly opened his eyes, feeling more rested than before
“ready to begin your day?” you asked
“ready” he smiled brightly
you were probably more excited than Jeongin, to be honest
you got everything set, including your camera to capture the whole journey, and went out in your mom’s car to show him as many places as possible
the only thing Jeongin’s mom asked was for you both to come back before sunset because she was still scared of the dark outside, and you obviously couldn’t say no
if today went fine, maybe going out could become something normal for him
as for today, Jeongin tried looking like a regular young man, hiding his fluffy ears with a red beret and tucking his tail on his jeans
he was probably uncomfortable, but it’s better to be safe than sorry
“alright, fasten your seatbelt and let’s go”
“how do I do it?” Jeongin looked at you and you remembered this is also his first time inside a car
he’s seen several movies, he knows how to use technology and whatnots, but knowing what a car is and experiencing being inside one are two things completely different, so you helped him out
“like this” you hovered over his body pulling the seatbelt to lock it in place
“this is tight… what is it for?”
“to prevent major injuries if any accident happens” you replied moving the car
“wow, it’s moving!” Jeongin widened his eyes and grabbed the seat near his thighs
“yeah, this is what cars do” you laughed a little at his innocence to the outside world
“they also do this” you said hitting the gas and speeding up fast
“AAAAAAAAAAAAH” Jeongin screamed grabbing the seat tighter “I DONT WANNA BE HERE, LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT”
you were laughing like crazy while slowing down
“this is gonna be so funny, oh gosh…”
“I hate cars” Jeongin pouted with tears filling his eyes
“I’m sorry, Innie, I had to mess with you” you placed your hand on his knee 
Jeongin was grateful that his tail was hidden so you wouldn’t see it twitch because of your sudden touch
“you’re never doing this again, right?”
“right” you nodded holding the wheel with both hands “we’re already on our first spot”
“really?” Jeongin looked outside while you parked the car
you had no idea what was going on inside his head seeing so many different things at once
but you were glad you’re the one making this memory with him
and you hoped he’d enjoy his day
“so?” you inquired seeing him trying milkshake
you were carrying the bags of his recent shopping because you wanted him free to explore downtown
you lived in a small town, there wasn ‘t too much to see there, but you both had already explored a lot of shops and hung out at the park, which Jeongin loved
and you were happy to see him being so carefree and excited for the first time in his life
“it’s really thick, but it’s tasty” he licked his lips sipping more and more nonstop
it was too late when you tried to warn him
“aaaaaaaaaaah” he said closing his eyes tightly and holding his head with his free hand
“your first brain freeze, congrats” you laughed at his pained expression and snapped a pic
“this is terrible, but is also good, I can’t explain”
“this pretty much sums up everything in the world” you joked
“where are we going next?” he asked
“here” you pointed to the bookstore and Jeongin gasped
“this is where you buy me all those mangas?”
“yeah, and there’s many more of them inside, c’mon” you opened the door greeting the person behind the counter
you saw Jeongin gasping again and saw his eyes wide open staring at the shelves
you took another picture of him, trying to capture as much of these precious moments as possible
“go ahead, you can check them out” he turned to you as if asking ‘for real?!’
you just laughed giving his shoulder a small push
“go on”
“this is heaven” you heard Jeongin whispering and it made you smile
“alright, where’s our next stop?” Jeongin asked carrying the heavy bags from the bookstore
“since we spent too much time here, we have to go to our final destination” you said “it’s almost curfew time”
“I’m sorry”
“for what?” you turned your head to see him
“for staying too long at the bookstore when you had other places to show me”
“it’s okay, Innie, you could’ve spent the entire day there and I wouldn’t have minded” you smiled
“yeah, I want you to feel good about going out, I want your first experience to be unforgettable, but also pleasing, so if you’re happy checking out mangas for hours, I’m cool with it”
“now, let’s get the car and head to our final destination” you clapped your hands and walked with him to where you had parked
you put his bags on the trunk and by the time you entered the car, Jeongin was already with his seatbelt on
“fast learner, huh?” you joked starting the engine then moving
“watch out, I might steal the car someday” he joked too
“go ahead, it’s gonna be easy to catch you”
“why?” he looked at you
“because you wouldn’t drive like this to get away”
“like this how?” Jeongin questioned and you only gave him a grin
before he could yell “NO!”, you were already hitting the gas again and making him screech on his seat
“alright, we’re here” you said pulling over at your middle school
“thank God, I need to get out of this evil machine” Jeongin’s hands were shaking even though you were driving like a responsible person now
“let me help you” you chuckled seeing him struggle with the seatbelt
he opened the door and left quickly
“is this…?” you heard him asking and you got off too
“yeah, I wanted to show you where I used to come to everyday when we were young”
“it’s a big school” Jeongin looked around
“yeah, and it was a nice one too” you sighed “you know that I wanted to bring you here with me everytime, right?”
“yeah, I know” he replied almost in a whisper
suddenly the air felt tight and you fought your tears away
so many memories you could’ve made with Jeongin here
only if he was able to live a normal life
you never blamed his mom for protecting her son
but you blamed the ones hunting down rare hybrids that destroyed Jeongin’s family
although you know that under normal circumstances you’d probably never meet each other
but now that’s something you can’t even imagine
he’s such a huge part of your life that every single day you’re even more sure that you don’t want to live without him anymore
how are you suppose to be an adult with life responsibilities and still share a huge part of your days with Jeongin?
you are one year away from getting your associate degree at the community college and just a little glimpse of an adult life has been already dragging you down
you got home so tired sometimes you couldn’t even give Jeongin proper attention like before
although he didn’t mind you being busy as long as he could stay with you in your room either being your nap buddy or just watching you study
not much had changed from your school days, to be honest
you would still do your own stuff while Jeongin laid on your bed reading, listening to music, or just observing you
sometimes he would help you get ready for your finals, making some flashcards to help you memorize difficult subjects or quizzing you
and you were used to this routine
you were used to coming home and being inquired about your day
and you loved this
you loved being with Jeongin
and you don’t know how life’s gonna be now that he’s an adult and you’re even more closer to getting a full-time job like your mom
and you know how’s your mom’s schedule, she’s barely home
that’s why you’re afraid
you’re afraid of being too absent
you’re afraid of being forgotten
you’re afraid of losing him
“hey, I know these” Jeongin called your attention to the flower bed near the school’s entrance
“I have no idea how they’re still growing, I used to pluck them daily” you smiled faintly seeing the small flowers you used to give him
those were easier days
Jeongin picked up one and his fond smile made your heart beat fast
“I have a box full of them” it was the first time you were hearing this 
“they’re dry now, but I kept all the ones you gave me” his smile was so big and so bright you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore
Jeongin saw you crying and didn’t say a word
he just hugged you tightly and let you hold on to him until you were feeling better
Jeongin knew you better than yourself most of the times
and words would never be able to express how much he means to you and how thankful you are for him staying by your side
you only let him go when you noticed it was almost dark
“c’mon, let’s go home before we get in trouble” you said sniffing and rubbing your eyes
“can I drive now?” he asked
“ha ha, nice try”
the drive home was peaceful and silent
you were able to get home just in time before the night fell, but Jeongin’s mom was pacing back and forth in the living room waiting for you
Jeongin got inside quickly when you said you’d unload the car
“... and then we went to the ice cream shop and I had milkshake, which was nice but also weird because it was too cold and…” Jeongin was already on the couch with his mom blabbing on about his day
you smiled placing the bags down
you went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and also to give him time with his mom to share everything he saw
you really hoped he’d be able to go out again, even if it took a while
you went to your bedroom afterwards, still hearing his excited narrative to his mom
you picked up some new clothes, showered, then uploaded the pics from your camera to the computer
so many photos of Jeongin with different expressions in so many different places
today will be remembered as a good memory, at least to you
“hey, I brought his birthday cake” your mom startled you a bit
she was still in her work outfit, so you guessed she had just arrived
“hey, how was work?” you asked
“same old same” she shrugged “how was your day out with Jeongin?”
“it was nice, I guess”
“he can’t stop talking about it, I’ve never seen him so talkative before” your mom laughed a bit
“I’m glad he’s happy about it” you smiled briefly
“what’s concerning you?” she questioned entering the room and closing the door
you can never hide yourself from your mom, so you don’t even try
“the future” you answered honestly
“whose future?”
“mine… and Jeongin’s”
“in what way?”
you sighed before replying, trying your best to keep your tears away
“I’m gonna graduate soon, and I’ve seen some job offers in another town, but I don’t wanna leave him behind” you choked. “I can’t leave him behind” you shook your head
your mom hugged you caressing your hair
“Jeongin is an adult now, he can take care of himself”
“but I don’t wanna be without him” you sobbed
“ah, I see…” your mom held you closer “then you’ll have to talk to him and figure out what he wants in life”
“what’s in life for a rare hybrid that has to live hidden so he doesn’t get killed?”
“being a pet companion” you scoffed at your mom’s answer
“Jeongin deserves better than staying at home waiting for an owner”
“he should be the judge of that, don’t you think?” her words hit you hard
yes, you want what’s best for him, but you can’t decide his future for him
he’s not a child anymore and it scares you
you grew up pretty much attached to the hip with him
you were inseparable kids, but now you’re both adults
and there’s no way your friendship is going to remain the same as before once life starts to weight its responsibilities on your shoulders
your mom held your chin and made you face her
“today is his birthday, and you gave him the best present he could ever dream of: your time” 
you were sure she would say ‘taking him out’
this was unexpected
“but I always give him my time” you were confused
“and there’s nothing more he wants from you. Jeongin loves being with you, so even if you’re worried now, I’m certain everything will turn out fine” your mom smiled
“now go wash your face so we can eat some cake, hm?”
you nodded and she left your room
you tried your best to push all your concerns away and enjoy the last hours of his birthday
Jeongin was radiant
he couldn’t stop smiling and this is the happiest you’ve seen him so far
and you wish you could bottle up this moment to live it over and over again
Jeongin did deserve the best this world could offer him
and you promised yourself you’d support whatever choice he makes in his future
after singing Happy Birthday To You, eating tons of cake while making a happy dance, and showing everyone all the things he bought, Jeongin was finally showering to call it a day
you helped his mom clean everything up and then you headed to the backyard to lay on the hammock
you looked up at the sky to admire the meekly starry night
you sighed deeply moving the hammock in a slow swing
so many good memories come to your mind when you think of your childhood with him
will you be able to also make good memories now that you’ve grown up?
you really hope so
“here you are” you snapped your head towards the sound and saw Jeongin on the archway of the backdoor
you couldn’t help smile seeing him laying down next to you
you were both silent for a couple of minutes before he started talking
“thanks for taking me out today” he smiled
“wish we could’ve done this earlier, though”
“yeah, mom said the same when we were talking after I came back” Jeongin said
“so this means you’ll be able to go out again someday?” you beamed, almost getting up in excitement
“yeah” he nodded
“where do you wanna go next? we can try visiting the beach during summer break! I can ask mom to lend me the car again, we can have a short weekend somewhere not too far from here just in case, or if you wanna go crazy we can cross states and have a full week trip!”
“anywhere you wanna take me is fine” Jeongin simply replied “to be honest, I never thought that I would see the world one day”
“we just strolled around town, there’s so much more to see!” you chuckled
“I know, I see the world map on your wall everyday. But... can I tell you something?” he lowered his voice
“even though I went to a lot of places and saw different things today, there’s nothing like this” 
you furrowed your eyebrows not quite understanding what he’s saying
Jeongin sighed and looked away to the stars above
“what I’m trying to say is that there’s no other place on earth I’d rather be than here with you” his hand slowly found yours between your bodies and he held it firmly
“you’re my home” Jeongin turned his head to stare deeply into your eyes 
“and I love being home” he squeezed your hand as if scared that you’d leave him for good someday
as if he knew you wouldn’t stay too long here with him stuck in such a small town
your eyes were suddenly blurry and a lump formed in your throat
you scooted closer and laid your head on his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat
Jeongin wrapped his tail over your leg, his warm body being enough to protect you from the night breeze
and you realised that no matter where life leads you, you will always come back home
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Day #19: I'll Be Your Number One With A Bullet
For some reason, I think Korkie and Crosshair would love Fall Out Boy. The songs really hit you in the feels and I have danced to many of their songs because it made me happy when I go through some depressive episodes. And Korkie and Crosshair would have depression because of the absolute shit they’ve with through.
Who’s to say Korkie won’t drag Crosshair to dancing with him to Fall Out Boys?
“So,” Fennec said. “The Aing-Tii and your ancestors both agreed that you’re not yet ready for the real test and you’re just fine with it?”
“Yep,” Korkie quipped. “I wasn’t prepared for that one, and I don’t think I’ll ever be prepared for the real one.”
It’s been a few hours since the trio left the planet and Korkie was back to cooking their food without much of a mention of what happened. Fennec thought it was weird that Korkie would be okay with failing since he said his own ancestral grandfather was the one testing him. That and the fact Korkie became rather to happy with calling Crosshair ‘Cross’ just mere minutes after he failed. Korkie had always been rather friendly and fair to Crosshair, but giving him a nickname? Fennec knew something was up because Korkie never mentioned his old friends without being angry and calling them with their full names.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she pleaded. “I mean, you said you have above average scores when you were at the Royal Academy.”
“Fennec,” Korkie sighed. “That was because I studied and understood what was being tested. The test I had with my ancestors was unprepared and I was never to talk about the Jedi even if the New Mandalorians were okay with the peace with them. Jedis and Mandos never go together for the majority of our history. And we might as well have burnt any history of being Force sensitive. I’m really fine with it.”
“And what about the real one?”
“I’d say let the Force decide for me. That’s what the Jedi did. When they weren’t busy kissing up to the dead corrupt Republic.”
Fennec snort as Korkie placed her dinner in front of her. Korkie shaming politics and the Jedis at the same time? Has he been closer to Crosshair then what Fennec thought she knew? Had Crosshair’s hatred for the former Republic and the Jedi rules rubbed off to Korkie? Was that why he was ready to call him Cross after the test.
“Fennec,” Korkie said. “You’re making a weird face. What’s up?”
“When did you adopt some of Crosshair’s attitude and why did you call him ‘Cross’? You’ve never said those before.”
Korkie smiled. “My ancestor, Aliit Kryze, he said Crosshair saved my butt from failing any further than what happened back there. I was ready to accept defeat and possibly death, but Crosshair’s name just popped up and I just stopped my thoughts. I don’t know why.”
Fennec gave him a sly smile. She’s not afraid of asking heavy questions at times. Sexuality is one of those questions she wants to ask because she doesn't want to offend anyone and support their sexuality. To her, the entire galaxy is full of bigots and hatred for no reason. Love is something no one understands, but still be happy to feel. Fennec likes the feeling of being loved because she believes that means she can trust someone fully without the paranoia of getting stabbed in the back. Korkie has given her the feeling of familial love and support, it’s her turn to give him some support.
“Korkie,” she cooed. “Have you ever been taught to love just one gender?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” he grumbled. “’For the bloodline’ was the reason my teachers said. Apparently, adopting wasn’t good enough.”
“But do you believe that?”
“Absolutely never! My mother and nanny told me that I can be in love with anyone. Mandalorian or not. Just as long as they’re not Jedi, I’m free to be loved by women and men.”
Fennec smiled. “So do you like men?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Because do you like Crosshair---”
Korkie launched up to her and closed her mouth with both hands. He looked at where the cockpit was and sighed because Crosshair seemed to not hear what Fennec had just asked. He took off his hands away from Fennec and went back to eating. 
“Please, don’t,” he whispered. “Look, I do like men. Maybe more than women, but that’s a heavy loaded question. I like being next to Crosshair, but actually have feeling for him? I’m not ready to have feeling for someone.”
“He’s not your old friends,” she reassured him. “They sided with Bo-Katan for selfish reasons. He left because he believed he was a burden to his brothers. There is a huge difference between those reasons.”
“I know, but I just can’t.”
Korkie kept looking at the cockpit. His breaths became labored. He just can’t be in love with Crosshair. He can’t be a burden to Crosshair.
“I was supposed to marry one of my friends,” he revealed. “Her name was Lagos. She was from a powerful clan and they all thought it was a good arrangement. Yet, look at me now. No fiancee and no old friends. That’s how much of a burden I am.”
“You’re not a burden,” Fennec declared. “And you’re stronger than they’ve ever seen. We’re your witness and I’m actually afraid of you. That’s all true.”
“Even if I’m not a burden... Will Crosshair love me?”
Fennec studied Korkie’s face. He was turning a pale color and laboring his breaths more. He could be having a crush on Crosshair, but his history was telling him to deny his happiness. She hated that feeling and those thoughts. He gave her happiness and thought nothing of any favor she could give back. He deserves some beliefs.
“He wouldn’t go to sleep when you were taking that test,” she said. “I don’t know if he likes guys, but you two have this dynamic of a bickering couple and you deserve someone better than that Lagos. He’s there for you just like you’re there for him. And even if you two don’t become a couple, he’d still be your friend. I mean, he hasn't kicked me out and I was the one who got us lost.”
Korkie smiled and turned to her. “All right, but he can’t know what we’ve said. It’s private and I’m still hurting from my past.”
“As someone who’s also hurt from her past, I will keep this a secret.”
They ate in silence until they were finished. Korkie cleaned the dishes and then ran to the storage. Something about the blaster he told her. Fennec agreed and let him go because she wasn't ready for another blaster fight if Korkie hasn't mastered the Force. She went to the cockpit and seat on Korkie’s chair as Crosshair navigated the ship. He had a toothpick on his mouth and shook his head back and forth when he saw where she was seating at.
“I’d wish I can let you drive,” he started. “But unless Korkie said so, it’s a huge no.”
“Look, I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I know you’re mad about what happened, but maybe it was the will of the Force as Korkie would have said.”
“Don’t use Korkie and his Force-sensitivity as an excuse. Only I can do that after what happened.”
“Yeah, like not sleeping when you needed too? We could have taken shifts.”
“Sorry, but I don’t want to fail Korkie like I’ve failed Hunter. I need to see that he’s wake and not dead.... And I failed.”
Fennec wanted to smile, but she kept a poker face. The two really deserve one another. Both think they were a burden and didn't like failing each other.
“Well, he passed in a way.”
“He still could have died and I was too stubborn to sleep.”
“He said you saved him.”
Crosshair looked at her. “What?”
“We were eating and he said you saved him. He was about to give up and he thought of you. He wanted to live. For you. Not his mother. Not me. Not his nanny. You.”
Crosshair grinned. “I guess he really treasures our friendship.”
“He does. What about you?”
“I do.”
“Yes! He’s my partner and I won’t have anyone take his place.”
“Crosshair, you just sound like a husband declaring he won’t remarry if his wife died.”
“Oh no. Not like that.”
“So you don’t like men?”
Crosshair looked at her with a confused look. “Fennec, and please keep this a secret between us. I’m into men as much as I like women. But, Korkie is royalty. I’m not starting a star-cross love story because I hate those types of love story.”
“So you like Korkie?”
“No. I just like him being my partner.”
“You like Korkie. Got it.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes. He’s not wanting to fight Fennec. He does like Korkie, but he hates Korkie’s family. Except for Nanny Rana. If Korkie wasn’t in a family like what he’s in now, then maybe he’d try dating Korkie. 
But Crosshair really hates a stereotypical love story between star-crossed lovers.
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laurelsofhighever · 5 years
The Falcon and the Rose Ch. 40 - Correspondence Interrupts
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This letter is bordered by talented sketches of angular motifs, lofty architecture, and statues of Paragons, as well as various dwarven contraptions that have no counterpart on the surface. At the bottom is a doodled stick figure hitting its head on a door lintel.
23rd Solace, 9:32 Dragon
Dear Rosslyn,
I miss you.
Did you think that would be it? I was tempted, believe me, but then I thought you might not write back in retaliation, or really go off and fight a bear just to prove a point, and neither of those things is really appealing. Orzammar is huge. The journey here was quiet, a few days up White River then across the pass on horseback. Eamon was trying to be useful, I think, but his way of going about it makes me remember Brantis’ endless etiquette lessons with fondness. His pointers for meeting King Bhelen did help, though, so I shouldn’t really complain too much. You’ll be pleased to know I only made a fool of myself once, when I called Second Matron Nerav “Your Majesty” and managed to insult everyone in the vicinity. At least that made a good first impression on Bhelen’s sister – I don’t think they’re a very fond family, but don’t tell Eamon I said that.
But we don’t need to dwell on that. You should see this place. (And not just because then you would be here with me and I’d get to enjoy your company – have I mentioned that I miss you yet?) We’ve been housed in the Diamond Quarter, which is disappointingly unencrusted with gems, with rooms that overlook the river of lava that flows below the city. It’s a lot of lava. I guess they just hope it never erupts, or that people don’t fall into it. I try to stay away from the edge of my terrace, because the walls are just a bit too low and if I tripped, well, nobody would really know what happened. Eamon would chide me for saying it, but there are probably a lot of noble dwarves down there who ‘tripped over their bootlaces’.
Tomorrow they’re going to hold something called a Proving in my honour. It’s some sort of tourney, from what they tell me, and after there’s going to be a market in the Diamond Quarter by special dispensation, whatever that means. I would have put all that in this letter, but then what if you got bored reading it? Or it was delayed and you thought I hadn’t written at all? This is much safer. I still have one to Cailan that has to be finished before the morning, so I should get to that.
PS. They have private bathing rooms here with engineered sluices that channel hot water over your head and then drain it away, with little knobs and dials that let you change the temperature. It’s like the hot springs in Redcliffe, but without the smell. I’m going to ask how they’re crafted and then try and persuade Cailan to have some fitted in the palace, for when this war is over.
PPS. The doors are all too low.
This letter is written in fine ink and paper in a flowing hand. One corner is waterstained, as if the package in which it was carried sprang a small leak.
27th Solace, 9:32
Dear Alistair,
Receiving your letter was a balm for an otherwise miserable day, especially when I saw your sketches. You have the hand of an artisan, and I’m sure there are many more wonders in Orzammar that you have yet to see. Rest assured I could never get bored reading about them. The sluices especially sound fascinating. Once you have the specifications, perhaps I should order some for Highever as well?
My journey so far has been eventful, but not pleasant. We are two days late to Redcliffe, having tacked against a changeable wind all the way from Lakehead, and only just made it to the harbour in time to beat the true storm. It’s lashing against the castle walls as I write, making such a noise I doubt I’ll sleep more than a few hours, and if it continues to the morning it might be best to order a reprieve and delay the journey to Gwaren. I’m trying not to take this as an omen, but the wind almost seems to have a voice, and between that and Cuno’s continued nausea, this campaign is not off to an auspicious start. Ser Gideon, at least, seems to be keeping a steady hand on the reins in my absence. Take that to mean: Baudrillard is behaving himself, for now.
There is little left to report here, except that things are too quiet without you, and the captain’s cabin seems much bigger without a bunkmate. Brantis has taken ill with a cold, and since Cailan has little need for another chamberlain on the front lines, I have talked him out of putting his health in danger by travelling with us, though he put up a fight worthy of an ash warrior. Lasan has missed me, and in fact he nearly knocked me over in his excitement when I visited the stables. I will take it as a sign of affection rather than restiveness, especially since the arl’s Master Dennet seems a responsible sort and has kept him well exercised. The man had many fond things to say about you, by the way; is it true you once tried to raise a stray fennec cub in a corner of the kennels without the arl knowing?
You can save your answer for your next letter. In the meantime, please don’t fall into lava, and be careful about Eamon. He has more experience, but don’t forget you are the Prince. My father once taught me a trick for dealing with his Banns: listen to them, tell them you’ll take their opinion under advisement, and then do what you were going to do in the first place. It’s always better to make sure that’s an informed decision, but Cailan has faith in you, and so do I.
I miss you.
PS. There are rumours of a large number of bears roaming the Redcliffe arling. Don’t tempt me.
This letter is written in several different inks. Doodles and diagrams of fighting stances decorate the margins.
25th Solace, 9:32 Dragon
Dear Rosslyn,
I keep wondering if my last letter has reached you yet. I’ve barely had time to sit down, let alone write, and I didn’t want to do it in fits and starts in case I missed something out. Yesterday started early, with the Proving. We sat in a box above an arena and watched what must have been five rounds of a tournament before lunch. I assume it was lunch. It would be far easier to tell down here with one of Bann Ferrenly’s clockworks – may have discovered something Eamon calls ‘a niche in the market’.
The dwarves have a fascinating fighting style, it’s spare and direct, and if you were here I’m sure you’d have something to say about it. In duelling matches, at least, the two opponents sometimes circle each other to find a weak point, but once they engage there’s very little lateral movement, and they seem to favour forward momentum instead, perhaps due to confines of fighting in tunnels? Eamon didn’t seem very interested when I pointed this out, but afterwards Valesh– that’s Bhelen’s sister – asked what was different about surface fighting, and offered to spend some time sparring with me. Just you wait, I’ll have some new tricks to show you when I get back!
I wish the day had ended as well as it began. In the final of the Proving, one of the fighters turned out to be a casteless dwarf in disguise, and despite clearly outmatching her opponent, she was arrested. Nobody will tell me what happened to her, and they all wondered why I cared in the first place.
Negotiations started today. They didn’t get very far. If you thought Fereldan politics were tiresome, the Assembly seems to make a sport of infighting. And who knew how complicated mining rights could be? All that came of a three-hour long meeting was a headache and a vague assurance that there would be a market for Fereldan goods if a trade route was formalised, though I’m not entirely sure what we’d be getting in return unless Cailan thinks to take over the majority of lines from Orlais. It’s all just a big, tangled knot of hot air. Eamon says these things always start like this. We’ve been offered a tour of the city soon, when time allows.
2nd August
I should have sent this days ago. Not having above your head blurs everything together here, so I lost track and before I knew it, it was already All Soul’s Day. I hope you’re alright. Know I’m thinking about you, and I’d be there if I could. I miss holding you, and kissing you, and generally just being in your company. Today of all days, I want you to know it, and I hope you’ve got company. Not the Orlesians, they don’t count. Maybe this letter can give you some comfort, even if it is a little late getting to you. It’s hard to believe it hasn’t even been a month since I saw you. I hope the weather is better for you now, and Brantis’ cold, and Cuno’s poor stomach. Being confined with him in that cabin would be enough to give anyone nightmares, though if I may be so bold, the rest of the company more than made up for it last time.
Enclosed is a dagger I found in the market. Eamon said it was too expensive, but since I took yours and you don’t get to be here to see the craftsmanship for yourself, it’s only fair. The stallholder called it ‘The Rose’s Thorn’. I’m not sure the design on the pommel really resembles a rose, but the blade is dragonbone and I thought you’d find a use for it. I hope you like it.
PS. Nobody ever proved how that fennec got into Isolde’s favourite picnic basket!
8th August, 9:32 Dragon
Dear Alistair,
The Rose Prince of Ferelden thinks I’ll be able to use the Rose’s Thorn, does he? I am shocked. How very forward, and after such bold claims about wanting to kiss me!
Are you blushing now? I’m picturing a blush to the tips of your ears, but if you’re not quite that affected, then no matter. I have a list of all the innuendo I thought to use, and when you return I’ll be sure to read them all to you, out loud in funny voices so I can hear you laugh. In all seriousness, the dagger is beautiful in every way, including the design on the pommel, and I will treasure it, all the more because it came from you. Expect Cailan to be very grumpy in his next letter, however; he was quite put out to find there wasn’t another Thorn for him.
I kept busy on All Soul’s Day overseeing the harbour blockade. The townsfolk aren’t entirely happy about losing their deepwater berths as it means their larger vessels are trapped behind the breakwall and the smaller ones cannot be taken as far onto the sea, nor catch as many fish, but the alternative is that Loghain would be able to land soldiers in Gwaren again, and we none the wiser as we push north. It is a necessary precaution, and it was Cailan’s own idea to compensate the people with the supplies leftover from Lothering – undrugged, you’ll be pleased to hear. Otherwise, the king has been rather morose. He puts on a cheerful face, but the loss of Anora has been a blow to him and to our plans. When I am not mediating quarrels between the soldiers, it’s a task trying to engage him in anything other than maps and battle plans. Perhaps he will respond to the latest idea devised by Captain Morrence – though I suspect Leliana, who still has not revealed her true dastardly nature as an Orlesian spy, had a hand in it too. They wish to try a unit of mounted archers modelled after the Steppe people of the Anderfels in order to make an effective counterpoint to the hitting force of the chevaliers. If it works, it will be especially useful in situations where our archers would otherwise be vulnerable to flanking. When you return, you won’t be the only one with something new to teach the other!
We will be decamping in the next few days, heading for the Brecilian Passage. The Bannorn between here and South Reach are firmly under Loghain’s control, and I am not looking forward to it, though better news comes from the coast. The Clayne have blockaded both Amaranthine and Highever, and sunk three triremes off the coast of Brandel’s Reach.
I don’t mind if you think about kissing me.
18th August, 9:32 Dragon
Dear Rosslyn,
I never thought you had it in you – turning a generous, perfectly innocent gesture into base insinuation! You are a terrible, terrible person for toying with a man’s sincerity like this (but I’m glad you like the dagger). Maybe Eamon will get one for Cailan if he asks nicely. And now my mind is picturing the awful connotations of that sentence, and it’s all your fault.
However, you can’t just drop an idea like mounted archers without more details. Do you know how you would implement it? Are you turning archers into riders, or riders into archers? Either way, if they prove successful, it would be so much easier to keep ranged fighters out of harm’s way, and that could free up more of our infantry as attack units. I’m sure you’ll work out the logistics, you always do.
As for here, the discussions at the Assembly are still going in circles, so King Bhelen has decided on a recess while the nobles decide exactly what they want. He seems to genuinely want to open Orzammar to foreign trade, but a lot of the noble houses are traditional and they won’t do anything without precedent from the Shaperate. While we wait, Valesh has appointed herself as my unofficial guide, since like most of the upper-caste women here she doesn’t seem to have much else to do. I’ve seen most of the Diamond Quarter and the Commons, but Bhelen still seems determined to present Orzammar’s best side to me, and I wasn’t permitted to the lower levels of Dust Town, where the casteless dwarves live. Their situation riles me, to be honest. They spend their lives being told they’re worthless, and then are never allowed to prove themselves otherwise, simply because they were born to the wrong parents. Is it any wonder they turn to crime when there aren’t any alternatives? Valesh seemed confused when I pointed this out to her – she said I would never have been counted casteless because Maric was my father, but that isn’t the point. And it makes me wonder about how just our own criminal system is, and how much privilege works to moderate punishment.
It’s a thought for another time. For now, know that I think about kissing you a lot, but mostly I just want you here. I miss you.
PS. Is it entirely certain Anora has betrayed us to Loghain? Perhaps Cailan has reason to hope yet, and no reason to do anything rash.
Traces of dirt and blood cover the edges of this letter.
25 Aug, 9:32
There has been no time, and a response to your last letter has remained unwritten longer than I would have liked, though I thought about doing so every day. Our supply lines were ambushed on the Southern border, all but twenty of the guards killed. The rest of the army is fine – I am fine – but without stores, our progress north has been halted while we requisition from the local villages, and I have set aside plans for the mounted archers until we can field the extra horses. The Orlesians are being kept back from requisition duty by Cailan’s command, and so far they are holding to it, which is a mercy; the soldiers we have sent out are under strict orders not to use excessive force to take what is needed, and to compensate the goods fairly, but we are not popular with the people here. I cannot entirely blame them. After all, Howe has done the same in Highever, and I condemn him. We are taking food away from the people who will need it most in the coming months, with no guarantee that they will benefit – and yet I know Bann Ceorlic has manufactured the scarcity with an aim to painting the king as a villain. He robs his own subjects ahead of us so that when our scouting parties reach a settlement, we must choose either to take what little is left or to leave them be and go hungry, and either choice is a victory for him. He means to starve us out and then offer battle when we are weakened. It is a cunning plan, but he underestimates our discipline.
I wish you were here. You would know exactly what to say, or you would see some insight the rest of us have missed. At the very least, you might have better luck than me persuading Cailan to cheer up. He received a letter from Anora two days ago but would not let me know its contents, and since then he has been downtrodden and prone to snap at everyone. This situation makes me uneasy. Either she is betraying us, or she is betraying Loghain, or she intends to play both sides against one another and claim allegiance to whichever emerges victorious, and there will be no way to tell her true purpose until the dust settles.
You, at least, seem to have found an ally in Valesh Aeducan. She might not be fond of her brother, but if her goals are aligned with his, she might be willing to help you win over the other deshyrs. What is Eamon doing to help these negotiations progress? Be careful he doesn’t try to block your input.
It’s not the same without you.
30th August, 9:32 Dragon
Don’t ever compare yourself to Howe. That man is a monster. I saw the reports coming out of Highever just as you did, and I know you would never go as far as that, or take such delight in causing pain. The fact that you’re even considering your actions in such a light proves you are a better person. I’m afraid I can’t help much with the rest, but I know you’ll persevere. You’re too stubborn for anything else. (That was meant to be a joke!) Be careful against Ceorlic, and don’t worry too much about me, I’m learning to keep my wits. Eamon spends his days trying to curry favour with various nobles, and when he isn’t doing that, the both of us are shut up with Bhelen, negotiating one way then another about whether Orzammar should keep sending weapons to Orlais, or how to standardise our currencies for fair exchange, or other things that are almost equally interesting. Part of me is starting to think we’re being kept around for the amusement of the Diamond Quarter, with all the running around we do, but Valesh at least has agreed to teach me about her culture. In return, she wants to learn more about Ferelden. I told her you would make a better teacher, which made her laugh. Apparently I spend most of my time talking about you. If that’s true, it still doesn’t compare to how often I think about you. Which is a lot, in case there was any doubt.
The lack of sunlight is starting to get to me, I think.
This letter is written in a shaky hand, the ink smudged and the corners scuffed, with the distinct smell of elfroot lingering on the paper.
29th August, 9:32 Dragon
I know what you’re going to say. It was reckless, and stupid, and dangerous, but without any bears to test myself against, my options were rather limited. I meant that as a joke, but seeing it written down, it doesn’t much feel like one. I might blame the palliative the healers gave me, but truth be told there has been precious little humour to go around in the past few days and we are all stretched thin. Rest assured I am alright, untainted, and for an encounter with a hurlock captain, three broken fingers and some bruising doesn’t seem like much of a price. If not for the timely arrival of the Grey Wardens, the toll could have been much worse. The darkspawn came out of the ground less than a day away from where we were to meet Ceorlic, and the horde was of a size dangerous enough to call a truce between us. Even so, having to keep the dogs back for fear of the taint, this is the first time I have been truly grateful for the hitting power of the chevaliers. When the Wardens arrived, the ferocity of the horde seemed to vanish, and the last of them were chased down with immolations to prevent the surrounding lands being Blighted. Ceorlic fell in the battle, but his adjutant made permanent peace and has agreed to join us in return for having saved their lands. His soldiers have their parole and are being permitted to tend to their harvest. It was Cailan that led the charge that saved us; he is more grounded now, and seems more resolved in his duties as King, which is a weight off my mind.
The Grey Wardens stayed for the funeral rites. They were led by Warden-Commander Duncan, in fact, and he asked after you when he found out we knew each other. He’s quite charming, in a roguish sort of way, and we talked for a while, mostly about Highever and old stories from the coastlands. He threatened to invoke the Right of Conscription for me, but I pointed out I was more valuable to the Wardens as an ally than a recruit, and he let me be, but perhaps only because I allowed him to pick volunteers from the ranks to bolster the numbers he lost in the battle. Some went with the promise that the Joining would cure the taint from their injuries in the battle, and it saddens me to say the man you matched at Lothering was among them; he was a fine and dedicated soldier, and hopefully now a dedicated Warden.
I may have to employ a scribe until this injury heals, because writing with my off-hand is intolerably slow, and Cailan is hovering. His enthusiasm is much restored, but as eager as he is to send you his own account, I made him wait until I’d finished this.
Yours, as ever,
2nd Kingsway, 9:32 Dragon
Eamon received the official report sent through this morning. The news has spread fast, and defeating a horde of darkspawn has probably impressed the nobility here more than anything else we’ve done so far, especially with Cailan’s flair for storytelling, but there was nothing from you. The aftermath of a battle is always busy, and especially where darkspawn are involved, but please, I need to hear from you that you’re alright. Duncan used to tell me stories about how the taint can lie dormant, about how everything’s fine until it’s not.
Please send word when you can.
13th Kingsway, 9:32 Dragon
Your lessons in the Shaperate must be taking up a lot of time. There have been two rounds of letters since our darkspawn encounter, and yet I haven’t heard from you. I’ve missed reading about your life as a paragon of diplomacy – and no, it isn’t the same when Cailan is the one telling me about how you brought Lord Dace around to the idea of luxury imports by waxing lyrical about plum jam.
We took Vintiver. The place is little more than a fortress and an attached hamlet, well stocked for a traditional siege. I ordered the mages to raze it instead. The walls shattered and crushed the houses when Bann Grainne refused terms, which meant the reinforcements they were expecting from Aikwith arrived too late and were caught unprepared. It is thanks to Queen Anora’s intelligence that we knew they were coming, but the ruthlessness of the plan was mine alone. Anora’s apparent decision to side with us still seems too good to be true, but with both Bann Grainne and Bann Jevrin on their way to Redcliffe’s dungeons, I am willing to reserve judgement for now.
I cannot help but wonder what you would think of all this. I wish you were here, instead of trapped under a mountain. I wish you would write to me.
15th Kingsway, 9:32 Dragon
Everything I hear about your campaign in the south is success. You must lose track of the days, and marching leaves little time for letter-writing, but I miss them. I miss hearing your voice, even if it is only in my head. Did I do something wrong? Say something? I’ve reread your letters over and over but I can’t see anything that makes it look like you were upset with me. Do you miss me? Are you even reading these before you throw them away?
Cailan says you’re well, but his words sound like false cheeriness, and I can’t help but worry. The negotiations are finally moving forward. We agreed mining rights yesterday, and a cultural exchange of smelters for gardeners. There are some things that will never grow underground, but we might at least be able to broaden Orzammar’s local cuisine to include more than just lichen and nugmeat.
Please write back.
16th Kingsway, 9:32 Dragon
The Bannorn is steadily coming under our control, but cracks are starting to show. Baudrillard and his mercenaries are beginning to boast of their role in the campaign, and I fear where it will lead, especially now I have vetoed his suggestion to bring in more chevaliers. Besides that, the year is marching on and still we have no sight of Highever, or Denerim. The harvest sits in the fields, and when the frosts come there will be nothing salvageable, and nothing to eat unless the coffers are drained to import grain from the Free Marches.
I don’t know why I keep writing these letters, why I keep denying the inevitable. Cailan says you’re well, and Teagan too since he joined us to take Hestley and Fenwater. I am relieved to hear it, but you’ll write to tell them so, and not to me? I only know you talk to Teagan because he said you enquired after me in your latest letter. What can I have done to deserve this silence? Barely two months ago you stood on the cliffs above Dunedyn and told me you wished to court me, and I believed it. I’ve seen too much of you to think you would act so cruelly as to ignore me after that. If you are still reading these, tell me what I have done, so I may redress it. Or is there some other explanation, and it is just my letters going astray? Do you think I am not writing to you?
Cailan has just come to invite me to dinner. I must seem very down indeed if even he has noticed my mood.
I still miss you.
This letter is wrinkled in places and smells like beer, written in an uneven, scrawling hand.
26th Kingsway, 9:32 Dragon
Rosslyn, why won’t you talk to me? Another batch of letters, and another, and still nothing. you can’t be that busy, and I refuse to believe what you said that day on the cliff was meaningless, but I don’t know what to think anymore. Is this Cailan’s influence? Eamon mentioned that the king’s letters are “encouraging” but I didn’t have the stomach to ask further. I can’t think that you would find me so replaceable, but then I keep wondering, has he kissed you yet? Bedded you, after everything you said to me in the broch? Did you enjoy it? There was a feast today to celebrate King Bhelen’s birthday, featuring all sorts of surface food to get the deshyrs more used to foreign customs, but I barely said two words, I couldn’t get the image out of my head, until I somehow ended up alone with Valesh. We talked. I don’t remember the subject, but it hardly matters. Nothing is what it seemed. One moment we were joking and the next she slid out of her chair and offered to perform an act for me. She said if I liked, I could think of you while she did it, that I could pretend it was you. Maker forgive me, but I nearly let her.
I miss you so much it hurts. These trade negotiations and Bhelen’s pushes for change are crowding out the casteless dwarves that live in Dust Town, there’s fighting in the streets, but all I can think of is what you might say, what you might do if you were here.
But you’re not, and you won’t talk to me and I don’t know why.
There are several blotches partially obscuring the words of this letter, as if someone had dripped water on it
3rd Harvestmere, 9:32 Dragon
Dear Alistair,
I know about the planned engagement between you and Valesh. Cailan mentioned it over breakfast this morning, and then asked me why I was so pale. All those mentions of her in your letters bear a new meaning now. I cannot know if she is party to the decision to match you, but I know you cannot have gone into this willingly, unless you are not the man I thought you. I am a Cousland, I know of duty, but if for the sake of the alliance with Orzammar you have chosen to go through with this, then you could at least do me the courtesy of telling me, instead of leaving me to this silence. I keep thinking about what you said on Innse Gaillean, and the words mock me. After all this time, perhaps I was the one fooling myself.
At least tell me you are safe. Apart from hearing Cailan regale us all with hopes for an alliance with the dwarves, I have read the official reports Eamon sent two days ago. It said there was a rebellion from the casteless dwarves, that they sieged the palace and took you prisoner. If you ever had the smallest regard for me, let me know that you’re alive, and whole, and alright. I’ll ask nothing more.
P.S. We march for South Reach immediately. One of Loghain’s magisters, Caladrius, has left Denerim, and we require all speed to beat him to South Reach before he can establish defences. If we do not succeed, we will not reach Denerim before the spring, but if we do, we will rob our enemy of one of his most powerful allies. I pray Anora’s intelligence is true, that we reach Caladrius in time, and that Baudrillard’s vanity does not outstrip my strength to control him.
3rd Harvestmere, 9:32 Dragon
You must have heard about Brosca’s rebellion by now. It’s strange how cyclical life can be. She was the dwarf condemned for being casteless fighting in the Proving, if you remember. If you’ve kept my letters. There has been so little time to write in the past few days, but I know Eamon sent a missive to Cailan as soon as he was able. The Carta caught wind of our agreement with Bhelen, and realised it would cut away their black market trade with the surface. They stormed up the rest of Dust Town and a fair number of the smith caste who were convinced they’d lose their work to surfacers. Brosca and some others took the palace guard unaware and captured us all, until at last one of her own turned against her – a member of the warrior caste disgraced after his house vanished in the Deep Roads. When they were routed, Brosca was caught, and they’re holding her now far more securely than before, until the Shaperate finds precedent for a suitably grisly punishment. It’s the caste system that got them into this, but even Valesh still refuses to see that giving people no options means they will go out and carve their own. Perhaps that sympathy is what saved us, or perhaps we were only ever meant to shield Brosca from the consequences of her actions. It doesn’t matter. All I want is the sky over my head and the grass under my feet and the wind in my face. And you.
There’s nothing like a life-threatening moment to put things into perspective, and there was a long moment when I thought I might not make it. All I could think about was never seeing you again, or telling you how in between the battles and everything else, I found myself falling for you, how I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t even know if you’ll read this, if you’re still getting my letters, but I need to say it anyway.
Despite how little time it seems we’ve spent together, I love you. I need you to know that. Eamon says Cailan is hopeful for a match, but Maker take me if I don’t hate him for it. I love you. I only hope that when I see you again it won’t be too late to say the words out loud.
I am yours, forever.
This letter seems to have been written in a hurry, with blotches of ink and crossed-out words scarring the page. A bloody thumbprint marks one corner, with a larger stain across the bottom that bleeds into the signature.
9th Harvestmere, 9:32 Dragon
It is done. South Reach stands only as rubble now. Crews are still picking through the ruin so I cannot say if Arl Leonas was inside when we brought the walls down, but Caladrius is dead. His reserves of power were greater than even our templars knew how to contend with, deriving from blood magic rather than lyrium. The men atop the castle walls were already dead when we arrived, but still they fought us, and then so did every one of ours who fell to them. For three days, I had to cut down soldiers I recognised, who had told me the names of their children. Loghain sanctioned this. We had no choice in the end, but I have failed Arlessa Élodie all the same.
This is the last letter I will write. It is clear either you aren’t receiving my letters, or are ignoring them, and time will tell which is the truth. Fortune has allowed me one final chance, and so I am sending this to you with a messenger I can trust, rather than through the usual channels, and he promises to see it safe directly into your hands. What I have seen in the past few days has left me sickened, but still worse is the thought that what you said that day above Dunedyn lies forgotten. Everything seemed so simple back then, though it was a mere season ago.
I have not forgotten, but if things have changed, if you willingly choose the path laid out for you, then I will follow Your Highness’ wishes. I will not interfere, and you will always find a loyal subject in me, should you have need of one.
Your servant,
Rosslyn Cousland
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nexstrik · 5 years
mirror true the sight i see (ahri/eve/kai’sa/akali)
Summary: In a universe where the arrival of your soul-mate is heralded by a magical animal, Ahri and Evelynn think they have it all figured out. They found each other easily, and that should have been the end of that.
But then one day a weird deer appears in their apartment and refuses to leave them alone.
TW: (Some sexual content but I don’t think this is clear-cut porn, proceed with caution anyway though)
Also can be read on AO3!
‘We know our soulmates by the trials we face on the path to find them.’ That was what her mother always said. Evelynn found the saccharine martyrdom of it, the elevation of the self-sacrificial, to be incredibly boring. But she was too kind to say so out loud. If she realized there was truth to the phrase, in how so many of her friends awoke with painful markings on their skin or blind to all the colors of the world... well, Evelynn kept that to herself too. Love shouldn’t be a crucible. She firmly believed that soul mates arrived when you were ready for them, and not a moment sooner. When you opened your heart and mind to the idea, your body would respond. It was as simple as that. Her own life experience proved it. Clear cut. When she was thirteen, a fox cub appeared in her bedroom. It clung to her like a shadow, never needing food or rest.
A few frantic phone calls and research trips showed that the manifestation of an animal for your soul mate wasn’t unheard of, just incredibly rare. Soul marks often presented as symbols or words on skin, rarely as something external and realized as an animal. Despite her claims otherwise, Evelynn always did have a flair for the dramatic. Maybe she learned it from her mother. It took years for anything to come of it. Years of living with the shadow of her soul mate, wondering what they might be like. Knowing that somewhere out there, another person held a part of her soul, too. She wondered what animal she was. She wondered what it said about her character. She hoped that she was a good person, that her soul mate didn’t see that splinter of her soul and dread meeting its owner. She tried so fucking hard to be a good person. It ate at her more than she wanted to admit, not knowing what her soul was saying at any given moment. She could read the fox so well, saw so much of his owner in him. Evelynn saw capriciousness in the fox, vanity, and a sharp, wicked sense of humor. He even bit her sometimes, never breaking skin but always when she least expected, like he was testing her. Her first instinct was to lash out, but always, she hesitated. If she responded with violence to this, this little creature that depended almost entirely on her love, then what would she do when she met his owner? A human being with all their imperfections and flaws?
She learned patience from the fox.
Meeting Ahri was a bone-deep relief. She saw the pink snake wrapped around the other girl’s wrist, recognized her own soul in the animal’s eyes, and everything else fell into place. She never second-guessed any of it. How could she, when Ahri so perfectly complemented her? Except sometimes, she did. Staring at the ceiling, awake at night. She questioned the concept of soul mates. She doubted the merit of something so utterly random and out of her control. But then she would turn in her bed and see her wife with a fox sprawled over her lower back and a serpent coiled on top of her head, all three of them fast asleep. And she remembered that the earth was nothing but a massive spinning ball of dirt and fire and gas, that literally every aspect of her existence was happenstance and out of her control. Being existential and overly melancholy didn’t suit her. So she rolled with it and marched on.
Until one morning, Ahri stepped outside to get the mail and everything changed forever. She hovered there in the entrance to their apartment, stock still. Very slowly, she closed the door, ran over to Evelynn and scream-whispered, "Honey! Eve! Come quick, you've got to see this!"
Curled up on their doorstep was a baby deer small enough to fit in both of her palms, white-speckled and wide-eyed. In the middle of Seoul. Miles from any zoo or sanctuary or anywhere you might rationally find a deer.
"Hello, beautiful!" Ahri sang, her phone camera working at a frenzied pace. "Where did you come from? Are you lost? It's so small, Eve, what should we do...?"
The fawn's ears flicked forward when Evelynn peeked out the doorway, and their eyes met, and Evelynn knew.
"Isn't it cute?" Ahri whispered, as if the deer might bolt. In that moment, Evelynn realized Ahri didn't see what she saw.
"No," Evelynn said, opening the door wider.
Getting up on wobbly legs, the sign of her second soul mate scampered through the threshold.
 Evelynn paced in front of their couch. At her heels, Ahri's fennec fox followed close as a shadow. They'd named him Kuho, because he always trotted with the confidence and air of a little runway model. Today was no different, though his fur was fluffed up at the tense atmosphere in the room.
"What does this mean?" Evelynn said, pacing, pacing, pacing. Kuho struggled to follow, and even stumbled once or twice until she bent down and scooped him into her arms. "What does this mean? What the fuck does this mean?"
Distressed, she held him on his back like a baby, played with his long ears, squishing them the way she knew he liked. Kuho closed his eyes, little toes flexing in delight at the attention. He was as real as ever, and she felt Ahri's energy pulsing inside of him as sure as a heart beat. Unquestionably, this fox was the mark of her soul mate.
So what was that deer doing on Ahri's lap?
When she dared to glance at the fawn, she saw the animal was tracking her every move, tilting her head to make sure she kept Evelynn in her sight at all times.
Ahri noticed, too. "She really seems to like you."
"She's a deer," Evelynn snapped.
"Aw, babe. Don't be like that." Ahri held the deer to her face, snuggling against the coarse fur. "How can you be mad at a face like this?"
"Very easily!"
Evelynn set Kuho down and plucked the fawn from Ahri's arms. The thing was only the size of a small cat, and a quick internet search confirmed that she was a Chinese water deer. And she was adorable.
"I do have one theory," Ahri finally said, pulling on her hair and twisting it into nervous braids. "But you're not going to like it."
"I already don't like any of this," Evelynn said, trying to ignore how the deer insisted on resting her chin on Evelynn's shoulder.
Ahri bit her lower lip. "It is a baby deer. So maybe in means...we're about to have a baby?"
Evelynn wasn't sure what she should say, if she should say anything. Ahri was resolutely not making any eye contact, twisting her hair tighter and tighter. They talked about this of course, they took precautions, but it had been years since either of them needed to worry about an accident happening. "That's my responsibility, not yours. I didn't get my tubes tied for shits and giggles, you know." Still, she mentally added buy a pregnancy test to her to-do list, just to reassure Ahri.
"I know, but I'd be remiss if I didn't at least mention it. Those surgeries don't always take, HRT doesn't count as birth control, and even forgetting all that, there's other ways a child might land in our life." Getting up, Ahri moved closer so that she could stroke the deer's head again. "...She fell asleep."
Evelynn glanced down, hating how her heart twisted at the sight of it— the deer with her neck stretched out, chin on Evelynn's shoulder, breathing slowly. "Kuho was a baby when he came to me, too."
Ahri's mouth opened in surprise, eyes flooded with relief. "Oh? Eopsin was all grown up when I found her, so I assumed it was the same for you."
"Eopsin—" A sudden bolt of anxiety stabbed right through her. "Where is she right now?"
"Probably in her..." Evelynn didn't wait for Ahri to finish, sweeping further into the apartment. She found Eopsin in a fat pile on the windowsill, soaking up the morning sunlight. Her pink tongue flickered out, beady eyes as pretty as peppermint candy.
She breathed a sigh of relief.
"...favorite spot," Ahri finished, a few paces behind Evelynn. "See? She's still there."
Two warm hands encircled her waist. Ahri held Evelynn tight, her forehead pressed between Evelynn's shoulders.
"I am too. I'm not going anywhere, not if I can help it." Ahri promised, her palms resting flat on Evelynn's stomach. "And if it's something out of my control— well, I'll be at ease knowing you won't be lonely."
Without any warning, tears shot to her eyes. She wanted to wipe them away but she couldn't, not without jostling the baby deer and waking her. Don't say that, she wanted to beg Ahri, but she couldn't, not without betraying the fact that she was crying. Please don't ever say that again.
In the days that followed, she didn't want anything to do with the deer. Not even with how she followed Evelynn from room to room, clinging to her the way Kuho still did. It made her sick to see them cuddled up together at night, asleep at the foot of their bed.
She didn't know who she could talk to about this. Not only because of the unprecedented occurrence of having two soul marks, but because pure shame pinned her tongue down. Evelynn saw the mere presence of the soul mark as a sign of infidelity. She felt like she'd ruined their marriage without even meaning to, and she didn't know how she could fix it.
Shame was an alien emotion for her; she didn't wear it well. And worse than shame— fear. Terror at the unknown.
Once again, Evelynn was forced to confront the unknowable nature of their souls, of the forces that pulled and pushed them together regardless of how they felt.
"Fucker," she said to the fawn, who of course could not talk. Despite the soul mark in her eyes, she was still just a deer. "Homewrecker."
Ahri frowned. "Honey, I'm gonna to need you to get a grip. Okay? It's a deer."
"It's taunting me."
So Ahri just threw her hands up in defeat, letting the subject matter drop for now.
But eventually the days turned into weeks, and months into years. The deer stuck around, growing into an adult. Ahri thankfully took it all in stride. She only lamented that the fawn's spotted 'powdered sugar frosting' faded away, and her fangs grew in. Evelynn suggested that maybe the sugar had just caramelized, so they named her Ppopgi.
As time went on it grew harder and harder to stay angry. Especially as it became clear that Ppopgi adored them both. They couldn't reject her any more than they could reject the blood pounding through their veins. Not when Ppopgi only ever wanted to be loved, only ever wanted to be near them. She was sprightly and mischievous and so unerringly sweet that there was no way Evelynn couldn't love her back in turn.
"Don't you look cozy." Ahri hung from their bedroom door, peeking in at the two of them.
Over the cover of her book, Evelynn glanced down at the deer on her lap. Fully grown now, there was no mistaking her for a normal animal. Though Ahri didn't feel the pull of fate's strings, didn't see her soul mark in Ppopgi's eyes, anyone could tell at a glance that she was tied somehow to Evelynn's fate.
"She hogs up half the bed," Evelynn complained, even as she scratched behind her flickering ears, swapping to baby talk. "Don't you? You needy little dumbass? Huh? You little shit?"
"I'm just glad she isn't like a big deer." Ahri retreated around the corner, shaking her head and chuckling. "It's going to get cramped as hell in here when we find our soul mate."
Our soul mate.
Perhaps it should have been more obvious from the start. Both of them were so much readier to accept the idea that they would lose something, rather than the idea that something would be gained.
Ahri displayed absolutely no jealousy. She stayed true to her word: nothing would take her away. So the evenings often found all five of them sprawled out on the couch, one big weird family.
And one night she heard Ahri shout in surprise. A clatter in the kitchen roused her from her desk and Evelynn went to check on her. "Babe?"
Ahri sat on the kitchen floor, both hands covering her mouth.
"What's wrong?" She tried to see what was amiss, noticing nothing different except Ahri seemed to have dropped the rice cooker. Draped over Ahri's shoulders, Eopsin stuck her head up and turned to Evelynn when she entered the room. Her pink tongue flickered, tasting the air. Ppopgi was licking the flat top of the snake's head.
"I saw her," Ahri said, eyes wide, voice still muffled by her own hands as Ppopgi started to groom her, too. "Evelynn, I saw my mark in her eyes. Whoever her owner is, they're my soul mate, too."
Ppopgi gave them both a little nuzzle, and after that there was no doubt. What took Evelynn years to come to terms with, Ahri accepted right away.
Maybe that's why both of her soul marks had come to her so underdeveloped.
From the deer, Evelynn learned she had plenty of room to change and grow.
  Meeting Kai'sa was a complete accident. But given their track record with 'accidents', Evelynn wondered if it hadn't occurred precisely when it needed to.
She should have known something was up when Eopsin insisted on coming along for their jog. Evelynn was positive she'd left the snake inside when she locked their front door. However, when they reached the park, her bag suddenly felt much heavier.
Sure enough, the snake was inside. Eopsin wasn't a natural animal, and no amount of distance could keep her away from Evelynn or Ahri if she really wanted to be with them. Likewise with Kuho and Ppopgi, but it wasn't so unusual to see them trotting at Evelynn's heels. They enjoyed their daily runs.
Ahri, however, did not.
"I hate thiiiiis," she moaned, lagging behind. The animals crowded around her when she stopped, Ppopgi nosing her in concern.
Evelynn took the opportunity to catch her breath as well, though she hated having her momentum paused. "Don't be a baby. This is good for you, you sit too much at your job."
"I have a standing desk!" Ahri protested, gasping in offense. "And I have to be on my feet chasing models all day!"
"It's still good for you!" Evelynn crossed her arms. "If I could trust you to keep up any kind of workout routine I wouldn't insist on this. And didn't you make me promise not to let you slack off?"
"Noo," Ahri moaned again, squatting down with her hands over her head.
"And didn't you tell me that I couldn't let you squirm out of your New Year's Resolutions no matter how much you whined?"
"Noooooo!" Ahri shouted louder.
Evelynn caved. Or she was about to cave, until a black fox the size of a doberman launched out of nowhere and snatched Kuho right by the scruff. He bounded off, stopping a short distance away with his tail swishing in excitement.
"Skaduwee! Geen!"
A tall woman jogged down the path, hot on the fox's tail. She reached for him, shouting in a language none of them understood.
Kuho let out a yelp before the two foxes vanished into thin air. Evelynn and Ahri could only stand there, stunned, as the stranger kept searching frantically for their animals. She swapped to English in frustration, swearing up and down. "When I find you I'm going to turn you into a fur coat, you...!"
Eopsin slithered out of Evelynn's bag. A pink streak of lightning, he wound up the stranger's leg, up around her chest, and under her shirt. Then he squeezed out of the collar to wind around her neck, accompanied by a piebald, black-and-white snake.
The two of them encircled her head like a crown, and in that instant it almost felt like they worked as a set of hands, turning her head towards Ahri and Eve.
"...Oh," the stranger said, standing a little off balance. The snakes dropped from her, but never landed onto the earth. Instead they vanished, too.
So only Ppopgi was left. Her hooves clopped lightly on the pavement, nose outstretched and ears pricked forward.
"Oh," the stranger said again, her knees giving way. She plopped down onto the ground while Ppopgi squirmed onto her lap, snuggling her furiously. The stranger pretty much had no choice but to hold her, arms loosely entwined around the wiggling, soul marked deer. "Oh. Oh my god."
None of them could say anything for a solid minute. Evelynn was the first to recover, cautiously speaking in English, since that was a language they seemed to have in common.
"Hi. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," the stranger said, sounding dazed.
She met Evelynn's eyes.
And she turned bright red, burying her face into Ppopgi's shoulder.
"No, I'm not fine!" she shouted. "This isn't how this is supposed to happen! You caught me on a really bad day, I'm so sorry. I'm all sweaty from running, and, and I just started my new job and it's stressing me out, my soul marks have been acting crazy, and it's laundry day so I'm wearing something really dorky, and—!"
Tilting her head to the side, Evelynn could barely make out the design on the stranger's shirt. "It's not dorky. I like Pentakill, too."
Not able to follow along, Ahri made a noise when she heard one familiar word out of all the English.
"Why are you talking about Pentakill?" she said in Korean, pulling Evelynn down to whisper into her ear. "Get it together and ask her for her name!"
"She's freaking out right now, I'm trying to be gentle," Evelynn explained. "Shit. I never thought I'd have to play translator for my own soul mate."
"Um, I can understand you," the stranger said, also in Korean. Finally, she got up to her feet and started dusting herself off. Ppopgi forced her head under the stranger's hand, demanding to be pet even now.
She took a deep breath.
"My name is Kai'sa. And I guess...I'm..." her eyes flickered from one woman to the other, cheeks still pink with embarrassment. "Your soul mate?"
  "Just be cool, Ahri, be cool."
Ahri kept repeating it to herself. She repeated it all morning as they got ready for work. She muttered it on the train, low enough that only Evelynn could hear. She sang it as she got dressed in the evening, a growing pile of discarded dresses on the bed as she tried to decide on one.
"Just be cool, Ahri," she said to her reflection, holding up a pair of earrings to see if it matched her outfit. "Be cool."
"Be cool Ahri," she muttered until Evelynn told her to stop, because she was applying Ahri's lipstick and didn't want to mess it up.
"Be cool!" she squeaked as they got off the train that evening and walked to Kai'sa's apartment. "Be cool!"
"Ahri," Evelynn finally said, her patience shredded paper-thin.
Ahri whirled on her. "What?!"
"...I need to double check the directions," Evelynn answered. "Are we headed the right way?"
Ahri took a moment, letting the words register. "Oh. U-uh, I think so." With shaking hands, she pulled her cell phone out of her purse and checked. "Yes, we'll be there in five minutes."
All the blood drained from her face, once the words sunk in.
"Ahri," Evelynn said warningly, but it was too late.
"I can't do this." Ahri turned around and tried to run back to the train station, but Evelynn grabbed her by the elbow and started dragging her along. "Agh! Evelynn, no! I can't do this!"
"You made me promise to not let you wriggle out of this," Evelynn reminded her. "Relax. We're just meeting our soul mate for dinner, not marrying her. It'll be totally painless."
Ahri's hands flailed. "But what if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm boring? What if she, what if she's decided that my animal is a predator so that means I'm a serial killer?"
"Mine is a predator, too?" Evelynn's forehead wrinkled.
"Okay, but— "
Evelynn dragged her the rest of the way, no matter how hard she dug her heels in. Once they stood in front of Kai'sa's apartment, Ahri stared at the door and vibrated in place. But eventually, she was the one who reached out and knocked first.
"Coming!" Kai'sa called from inside. "Just a second!"
"Do I look okay?" Ahri whispered as they waited.
Evelynn took her hand, squeezing it. "You look beautiful."
"You always say that. You're my wife, you're biased."
She couldn't fight down the flicker of irritation that bloomed in her. "Then why bother asking me?"
"Because— oh!"
The door opened, and Kai'sa welcomed them inside.
"Hello! It's so nice to see you again." Kai'sa beamed.
"And with all of us wearing real clothes," Evelynn agreed, intending to tease, but not expecting Kai'sa to turn bright red. Interesting. Taking off her shoes, Evelynn peeked further inside to see a minimalist apartment, the walls covered with black and white photography.
Stiff and robotic, Ahri held up a bouquet of lilies. "These... these.... theseareforyou."
Those were the first and last words Ahri said for a solid hour. After finding a vase for the flowers, they got to know each other better. Kai'sa and Evelynn slowly felt each other out, sharing the stories of how they found their soul marks. Dinner was a blend of South African and Korean cuisine, and Kai'sa cracked open a few bottles of local beer to go along with it. She served them both, and Ahri finally managed to squeak out thank you.
Evelynn didn't know what had gotten into her wife. Shy was the last word she'd ever use to describe Ahri, and it wasn't as though she dreaded meeting their soul mate. She'd been so excited she couldn't sleep. Now however, faced with the reality of it, Ahri looked like she was going through years of panic in the space of a single evening.
Evelynn was suddenly glad she's taken her time coming to terms with the idea, because Ahri clearly still had some hangups.
"Let me take that," Ahri offered, gathering up the dishes and taking them to the sink before Kai'sa could even say anything.
Their soul mate— that was still a fun phrase to think about— looked after her with concern. With a polite smile to Evelynn, she got up as well and went to help her. Rubbing her forehead with the back of one hand, Evelynn just finished her drink in peace, listening to the two of them awkwardly try to talk.
"You really don't need to," Kai'sa said from the kitchen, faint over the sound of running water.
"Well, you cooked." She hated hearing Ahri sound so small. "Usually when Eve cooks, I'll clean. And vice versa."
"But I wanted to take care of you."
The water hissed, small clinking sounds of bowls and spoons and chopsticks drowning out anything else. If they said anything else at all, that is. Evelynn had a feeling they didn't until her wife curiously ventured out, "Where did you get that photo?"
Evelynn paused in the middle of pouring herself another drink, listening closer now.
"This one?" She head a faint thump, a tap of something hitting the wall. "My dad took it. He was into cinema, too."
"It's really good. Do you know what kind of camera he used?" The sink turned off, and their voices rang out much clearer. Something shredded between them, finally something in common that they were comfortable talking about, something not too personal but still opened the door.
"I don't, unfortunately." Kai'sa sounded genuinely disappointed. "Do you like photography?"
"I love it!" Even if she couldn't see her, Evelynn could hear the smile in Ahri's voice. "It's kind of how I got my job, though I don't actually take as many photos as I used to. Right now it's a lot of managing other people's photos for the magazine."
Kai'sa hummed with interest. "Which magazine? Maybe I read it!"
She finally laughed, her relief tangible. "Maybe!"
Ahri started talking about her job as a photo editor and art director, how her job pulled her twelve different ways at once. Fashion and beauty were her life, ephemeral and constantly changing, always challenging her, but also bringing a lot of joy.
"I'm a gremlin," Kai'sa was lamenting. "I work freelance from home. So I lock myself up in a dark cave twelve hours a day and don't have any time to make friends."
Gathering up the beer cans, Evelynn finally dared go in there to interrupt them. She needed to know where the recycling bin was, and now that the ice had melted a bit, maybe all three of them could enjoy a normal conversation. It figured Ahri just needed some time alone to be comfortable with Kai'sa. Ahri worked best when talking one-on-one with a new client. Getting to know her soul mate must have operated on basically the same level.
So Evelynn walked into the kitchen, catching another snippet of conversation—
"That doesn't have to be true anymore," Ahri said. Evelynn's eyes dropped down to see her wife taking Kai'sa's hand in both of hers. "I know this is all happening really fast, but I'm so excited to finally meet you. I can't wait to spend more time with you."
She squeezed Kai'sa's hand, her expression earnest and open.
And Kai'sa looked like the words broke her, leaving her in absolute agony.
"I can't wait anymore, either."
So Kai'sa leaned down, and kissed her so hard she nearly bent Ahri over the kitchen counter.
A shocked moan left Ahri's lips. The sound sent a frisson of electricity down the back of Evelynn's neck, and again when she saw Kai'sa's tongue work into Ahri's open mouth, flashing red and wet. They clung to each other, airtight. Ahri responded eagerly; her hands vanished underneath Kai'sa's dress to pull her onto her thigh.
Their chemistry was red-hot, undeniable even just as an observer. Evelynn could feel it like a bonfire, blazing wide enough to make her squint, the flames licking her face. They were already moving together, Kai'sa's hips rolling as she rocked onto Ahri's thigh, gasping into her mouth.
Evelynn's grip tightened, aluminium crumpling in her hands. Loud as a gunshot compared to the sounds of the two women quietly, frantically trying to fuck each other.
They both froze, heads twitching towards the intrusion. Ahri was glassy-eyed, lips wet and face flushed. But Kai'sa just studied Evelynn, unreadable and waiting.
"Don't mind me," Evelynn said. Or she tried to say it, it felt more like a hum, a purr. Right then there was nothing she wanted more than to knead her nails into something like a pleased cat.
Catching her breath, Ahri kept Kai'sa at arm's length. "Wait, wait. Maybe we should stop."
She didn't sound like she wanted to stop, or act like it. Her hands were willfully disobedient, moving up to frame Kai'sa's collarbone, to cup her face in both hands. Kai'sa flinched at the contact before melting into the touch. She squirmed, instinct driving her to arch her hips closer until she was pressed against Ahri right where she needed her.
"I don't want to rush you." Ahri was panting now, eyes blown wide with lust. "I thought— I thought maybe you might want to take it slow."
Kai'sa tangled her hands into Ahri's long hair, holding her by the scalp. Her grip slowly tightened until she had Ahri moaning and twisting for more friction, whimpering her name.
"Ahri." Gentle, but with a longing so deep it cut Evelynn right to the bone. "I've been waiting years for you."
Trembling, Evelynn dropped everything to move closer. She kissed the base of Kai'sa's neck, sliding down the zipper on her dress. Kai'sa stepped out of it, quickly overwhelmed by Evelynn and Ahri working her between them. Any lingering hesitation melted instantly when Ahri demanded to be taken to the bedroom, her nails digging crescent moons into Evelynn's skin.
No words then, at least none that really mattered. Not until Evelynn kissed her once more and tasted tears, hot and wet.
"Don't stop," Kai'sa begged her, breath hitching on another sob. With her head between Kai'sa's thighs, Ahri's hands caged her hips, keeping her pressed flat against the mattress. Evelynn took a softer approach, kissing her gently as Ahri vented out years of longing onto Kai'sa's skin. "Oh g- god, Evelynn, please don't stop, I was so alone—  so lonely—"
"Shh." Evelynn kissed her cheek, stretched out next to her. "It's okay."
Kai'sa just nodded, eyes screwed shut. Shuddering until it was all over, and there was nothing left but bliss. Left limp, bent, wrung out, their bodies seemed heavier, still as dense fog. When Kai'sa spoke, the words had to carve their way into the darkness to be heard, stroking fingers over the life lines of their palms, exhaustion bringing its own strange clarity.
"I always knew one day you'd find me."  
Evelynn kept her hand on the back of Kai'sa's head, kissed her sweaty brow before tucking it against her chest. Reaching over her, she brushed Ahri's soft shoulder to reassure herself that her wife was still there, coiled around Kai'sa like she never wanted to let go.
The next morning, Evelynn woke up with the dawn. Sensing they weren't alone, she rubbed her eyes and sat up a little, not wanting to wake her soul mates. But of course the movement stirred them. Ahri always woke up early, and it seemed Kai'sa was a light sleeper.
"We have an audience," Evelynn said quietly, huffing with amusement.
Peeking over the edge of the mattress were two foxes, two snakes, and a Chinese water deer.
"Out," Kai'sa groaned, head muffled under the pillow. "Shoo!"
They all vanished, scooting off or slipping back into wherever souls went when they were at rest.
Just as Evelynn was beginning to think she needed to invest in a barn house, the soul marks stopped coming back. One by one, they sunk into the energy of the world around them. One would walk through an open doorway and not emerge on the other side. The other would sink into the shadows, yellow eyes gleaming until she blinked, and there was nothing but a vague comforting presence. She felt scales slink around her wrist, but when she looked down, nothing was there.
There were days when she missed them, when she needed the reassurance of their physical presence. The proof of her soul marks in their eyes. On those days she'd awaken covered in a pile of fur and scales and Ppopgi licking her chin. She'd stare at the ceiling and try to be annoyed, even if she was inwardly delighted.
They weren't really animals, she kept reminding herself. They weren't pets. They were a part of her, so they were never really gone. Now that Kai'sa, Evelynn, and Ahri were finally together, their souls were whole.
Their job was done. If they were needed, they'd come back.
And that should have been the end of it.
 Until one morning she walked into the kitchen and there was an African bullfrog on the kitchen table.
 "What," Evelynn said, stopping dead in her tracks. "Is that?!"
Kai'sa blinked, pulling her breakfast away and swallowing. "An avocado smoothie?"
"Not that." She pointed at the creature lounging on top of their table. It was a frog— but maybe that word was too generous. It was a monster. It was loathsome. It was the fattest, soggiest, roundest, ugliest little gremlin she'd ever laid her eyes on. Her temperature spiked, head pounding like it might shatter like untempered glass. "That! That thing on the table where we eat!"
"Oh, that," Kai'sa said, shrugging. "Another soul marked animal. I was waiting for you two to wake up before we talked about it."
Kai'sa reached out, grinning as she poked the frog on top of his head.
In response, the frog opened his mouth, and squealed .
In that instant, Evelynn was pretty sure her sanity cracked right in half.
"Nope," she said, snatching him up.
"Eve—" Kai'sa started, but she had already left the kitchen.
"Nope," Evelynn said, opening the front door.
She heard Ahri's voice behind her. "Ew! What is that?!"
"He's a bullfrog," Kai'sa supplied, unhelpfully.
"Nope," Evelynn said, and she deposited the animal on the ground outside her apartment, and she began to scold it. "Nope. No. Nuh-uh. Not happening. You turn your ass around right the fuck now and you hop away. I'm all full up on girlfriends, I don't need any more! Go back to the celestial bureaucracy or whoever it is that makes these decisions and you tell them to shove it—"
"Eve!" Ahri gasped behind her, absolutely scandalized once she put two and two together. "You can't talk to it that way!"
"It's my soul mark," Evelynn snapped. "I can talk to it however I like."
"Actually," Kai'sa said, poking her head out the doorway. "I think it's mine."
Moving around her wife, Ahri crouched down in front of the frog. "Hey buddy," she said, carefully picking him up. He allowed it, throat bobbing rapidly. "Aw, hey, you really are my buddy. He's definitely got my soul mark on him, Kai'sa."
"That can't be true. I saw my— " Evelynn started, then stopped. She covered her mouth with one hand, like she could prevent the truth from slipping out.
There was a fourth soul mate.
Holding the frog aloft, Evelynn tried to reason with her partners. "Look at this thing. It's repulsive. Do we even want whoever this soul belongs to?!"
"What's wrong with him?" Ahri asked. "At first glance he's a little weird, but..."
Rattling off her points, Evelynn dropped the frog onto the table and counted them off on her fingers. "He's slimy. He's ugly. He's got a smug little grin on his face. He's a frog!"
Primly, Ahri crossed her arms. "And yours was a snake, Evelynn. Don't be so quick to judge."
"Snakes are cute! And they're good luck!"
"I think frogs are cute." Kai'sa sounded defensive.
Ahri carefully bent down so that she could be on eye level with him. He squatted on the kitchen table, that big shit eating grin on his face, and Evelynn thought she might blow a gasket. When Ahri carefully picked him up, he looked even fatter and more bulbous, a big wet blister sack in her hands.
Evelynn shuddered. "We're not doing this. I don't need another soul mate!"
Concerned, Ahri and Kai'sa shared a glance. A flicker of communication shot across that short distance, both of them weighing what they wanted to say. A slight tilt of her head; Ahri bowed out to let Kai'sa take the lead.
"I know," Kai'sa said. "You're strong. Out of all of us, you've always been the one who had her head screwed on the tightest."
Suspicious of the praise, Evelynn eyed her warily. "I don't need another soul mate," she said again, firmer now, thinking she couldn't make this more clear.
"I know," she repeated her answer, softer. But then Kai'sa rested her fingertips on Evelynn's forearm, following it up with the clincher. "But Eve...what if she needs you?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Everything short-circuited in her brain, no doubt helped by the fact that Kai'sa was the one telling her this. Kai'sa, who had been so lonely and sad by herself while Ahri and Evelynn at least had each other. Now she was reminded that somewhere out there, a person was waiting for them.
"Fuck," Evelynn said, and she hated the blaze of triumph and delight in Kai'sa's eyes. "Okay. Fine. You win."
They set aside a portion of their savings to pay for a private investigator. After explaining the situation, they sat back and waited, getting to know their new partner by the animal fate had sent.
He was a chunky little guy, goofy-looking and strong and foul-tempered and always ready to fight. While he never openly sought affection, he was always patient when they decided to pick him up or stroke his head. He had an independent streak a mile wide, and when they couldn't find him in the apartment, he could often be spied swimming in the community pool. He was a nuisance, at best. There was no way they could give him a serious name. Not ever.
So they called him Burger.
"You're god's prank on me," Evelynn said, crouched down to be at eye level with him. "Yeah, you're a big sick joke of the universe."
Burger's throat filled up, wet eyes blinking a few times.
She had no idea what a fucking frog was supposed to teach her.
The investigator turned up empty-handed at first. Just when Evelynn resigned herself to the fact that she might have to wait years for this one, too, they got a call.
"Found her," Evelynn said, clenching her fist and shaking it in the air. "The mystery is solved! We're finding this little shit, here and now!"
"You don't know she's a little shit," Ahri protested.
Burger squealed, and Evelynn just gave her a look.
They set up a meeting via an internet chat, on a day when all three of them could be home.
The webcam opened up to a tiny apartment, the walls plastered with posters, pictures, albums, two guitars, and a cheesecake swimsuit calendar. A baseball cap filled most of her range of vision, and for a split second Evelynn wondered in horror if their soul mate was actually a thirteen year old boy.
Then Akali pulled back to frown into the lens of the camera, her chin jutted out like she was ready to start an argument already, and Evelynn knew. She recognized that glower.
"Hey," Akali said, and a bright red vixen hopped onto her lap. She was almost as beautiful as Ahri, a classic red fox with an ink-dipped, fluffy tail. She snuffled the camera curiously until Akali held her back, cuddled in her arms. As soon as she did that, though, a spiky, sinister-looking snake popped out of the hood on her jacket. He was striking in his own way, dangerous and sharp, then silly as he also tried to bump his nose against the camera. "Um, it's nice to meet you. Pickle, please get down, I only have so many hands."
The snake coiled up Akali's neck, his tongue flickering in her ear instead. She twitched, biting her lip. Almost a smile. She seemed to be fighting it.
"Oh no," Ahri murmured beside her. "She's cute."
It was awkward, in no small part due to how reluctant Akali was to speak. She didn't seem pleased by any of this, guarded and withdrawn in the face of her soul mates.
So much for needing me, Evelynn thought, a little bitterly.
"Do you, um, do you have a deer as well?" Kai'sa asked at one point, sounding shy.
That was the first time they saw Akali smile. "Yeah. One second, you'll love him."
Bending down, Akali emerged from under her desk with the smallest deer Evelynn had ever seen. She removed her keyboard to let him stand on the desk, tail fluttering as he curiously started licking the camera. He had a wriggly nose, twitching at every scent, two tiny horns, big eyes, and a little mouth that always looked like he was smiling.
"A fawn?" Evelynn asked, suddenly wondering if they had done this too fast after all. If maybe Akali needed more time to grow into this, just like she had.
But Akali shook her head. "Fully grown. He's a dik-dik antelope, this is as big as they ever get."
"That's so cute I might literally cry," Ahri said, looking ready to bite down on her own fist to keep from doing just that. "I really dig his eyeliner."
"Huh?" Akali turned the animal around to get a better look at him. "Oh! Heh, yeah, I guess he does look like he's wearing eyeliner." She stroked a finger over his face, tracing the dark marking around his eyes. "Weird question, Kai'sa, but do you like strawberries?"
Kai'sa nodded, so Akali told them to wait again and returned with a strawberry sliced up on a napkin. "He goes nuts over them," she explained, letting the dik-dik nibble on the treat. "The other two get frozen rats every now and then, when I have extra cash."
"Hold on." Evelynn leaned closer, frowning. "You feed them? You know they don't need food, right?"
That guarded expression returned, Akali's good mood hunkering down like a crouching animal. "And?"
Evelynn realized she didn't really have a point. "Nothing. Just wanted to make sure you weren't wasting any money on me."
A familiar stubborn set entered Akali's jaw. "Who gives a shit if they need it? It makes them happy, and it makes me happy to spoil them. They belong to my soul mates, and whether or not I asked for them, they came to me, so they're my responsibility. If I don't treat them right as often as I can, what does that say about me?"
Muscling past her knee-jerk assumptions, Evelynn studied Akali carefully. Slowly, it all unwound in her mind. "...It says a lot."
Piece by piece, she started to understand.
Like a flower unfurling in her, like a lock dropping to the floor, she felt the last guarded segment of her heart open up.
"Say, Akali."
Evelynn relaxed, her gentle tone making Akali lean forward to listen carefully, some of her guard dropping as well.
"...Would you like to come over for dinner next weekend?"
    Look not in my eyes, for fear  Thy mirror true the sight I see,  And there you find your face too clear  And love it and be lost like me. 
—Alfred Edward Housman
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