#I will rectify!! this! in future drawings
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In honour of our Lord and Saviour Dani’s (aka @safyresky’s) b-day, here be a lil Diteline! These guys have ruined my life for the better, and I couldn’t be happier about it! 🥰🥰
The CS fandom is truly a gift, for which we should all be Most Grateful! ☺️
I cannot. Get enough. Of these two.
(Edited bc, I am ...how you say? A dumbass. Formatting was wrong, top of Dite’s head got cut off! Not Gucci)
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captain-lovelace · 10 months
If you draw Dante as a twinky tumblr sexyman you are dead to me. That manager is a 40+ year old nonbinary person and they are NOT skinny and I don’t care what any official art says #fatDantetruther
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im-no-jedi · 11 months
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I lied, I finished it after all LOL
was gonna add a second pose (and still might in the future) but I really wanted to color this and it ended up completely finished before I'd even sketched out the second one 😂 I even added some shading this time! progress! 💪🏻
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soaringwide · 2 months
PAC: What hidden talent do you have?
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Hello with another pick a card reading, this time on the topic of ''get to know yourself better''.
This time the idea is to look into what talent of yours you are not fully aware off and could tap into and develop in the future.
By definition this might not be at the core of your personality since it is hidden, but maybe that's something you will tap into later in life. So I hope it's useful to you in some way!
How does that work?
Take a moment to recollect yourself, breathe, close your eyes if you need to, focus on the moment. Look at the 4 pictures and select the one that draws you in the most. Not the one you think looks cooler but the one that creates that pinching feeling inside of you. The one that makes you feel it has something to say.
It is possible to feel attracted to more than one pile, just as it is possible to only find parts of the reading relevant. Remember that this reading is meant for many people so it won't be perfectly applicable to your situation.
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Cards: The Nectar + The King (archetype) + 4 of Swords Rx + Empress Rx + Strength + The Hierophant + King of Cups Rx + the Protectress + The forbidden forest + yin and yang; 2 of Swords + 4 and 6 of Wands; Priestess Magician
There is definitely the idea of a latent, untapped ability.
To me it has to do with healing, as in, the ability to help people through their recovery process and put them on track to bloom and be abundant again. To remove barriers to healing.
The fact that it has to do with remediating what is poisonous for the person, transmuting something toxic into something positive, makes me think it has to do with magical or energetic healing.
Perhaps you will use your words like a fire-talker (not sure it's the right way to translate but "coupeur de feu" in the orginal french term as in those who can heal burns by talking fire out, among other things), or work on removing magical thorns with your healing touch. I'm getting strong hand imagery and holy words may be significant as well as carrier for background movements in the spiritual realms.
I'm getting you will be or are guided to do this by higher powers with this ability that can help others tremendously, somewhat relaying these healing powers into the world. Like a bridge between the healing spirits and our world, putting healing energy in motion.
There is the idea of a position of authority that must be embraced with humility, respect and reverence, in order to restore the flow and clarity of health, working in tandem with powers from the realms beyond and by learning to develop your own power and ability for leadership whilst staying true to yourself.
You have this undeveloped ability of perceiving the higher realms, harness their energies and transmute them into something not only healing, but also protecting for others.
You would need to go on your own healing journey to gather the missing parts of yourself (individuation process is another way to look at it) and rectify what is unbalanced to find a wholeness that will allow you to carry this energy over to others. I'm really getting that it's not just about picking up a skill but really going through a process yourself in order to reach that step and that's why you haven't reached it yet. With also the idea of learning to listen to guidance and understand your bond to these higher powers more, and let yourself be guided on that path.
I wanted to see if there was another message that wanted to come out and I saw that while this ability is not currently active, and even blocked by your current circumstances, there would be great success gained from going through this journey towards that path. It's a call that you have the option to answer and are encouraged to do so with the support of your spirits and god(s) and that would be a source of celebration and achievements.
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Cards: The Fool and Fear and Happiness + 7 of Cups Rx + Queen of Cups and 4 of Cups + The Magician Rx + Queen of Pentacles + 7 of Pentacles Rx
Your hidden talent has to do with performance arts, perhaps theater or dance, with the use of your body alongside your voice. You can pretend to be someone else again and again, endorsing different roles on different days and creating this artificial image for others to see.
You have the hidden ability to perform emotions so that it can be reflected in the heart of the audience. For example, expressing sadness or joy, the whole palette of emotions, and having that be felt by those who watch you. Relieving people in the lights of the stage.
I don't think it is about showing who you truly are but rather as I said, endorsing different identities and expressing something universal through that. You might not always feel passionate about what you are expressing, what role or piece you are given, but that's the nature of the craft. And in some way it allows yourself to explore your own thoughts and emotions by shifting perspectives, so it can be healing for yourself as well if you allow it to be.
By creating an artificial space for exploration of thoughts and emotions through your craft, you can shift people's emotional state and help them let go of what worries of preoccupies them. It is cathartic and the healing aspect of the arts. Ever watched a movie, cried for a while because it reminded you of something and felt lighter in the end? That's what you can give to people: freeing them of themselves for a short while. Allowing them a break from their own lives.
It's a trickery of some sorts, but the good kind of trickery because it is part of the game and the reason why people would come to you. It is to be willingly taken on adventure.
There is also a highly democratic aspect of your craft, as in, in front of performance in the audience, everyone watches the same things, react to the same things, rich and poor, good and bad. You help people bond together by lowering the boundaries that separate us all for a while.
In any case it is a raw talent, as in, you're very much at the apprentice level at the moment. You would need to work on it consciously, nurture this talent to let it grow and harvest its rewards later on. If that reading resonates with you I think that would be a good thing to practice on a hobby level for the pure enjoyment and personal fulfillment of it, rather than in order to make money from it.
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Cards: The King, Protect your feelings, Knight of Swords Rx, 9 of Wands + King of Cups, Reflection Rx + 4 of Wands Rx, Renewal Rx + 8 of Swords Rx, Courage + 5 of Cups, Gloom Rx + 10 of Cups + The World + Intuition Rx, Sorrow Rx
Your hidden talent is to embody some of the noble qualities of the King, especially being a protector of the weak. You have the ability to stand up for what is right when facing a menacing majority and would step up to fight to defend what you believe in. You may have a tendency to be rash and impulsive when faced with something that doesn't sit right with you, because you want to confront that and rectify the wrongs committed. You will not take a defeat and will get back up again.
Your quality associated to that talent is that you are full of compassion and look at others with empathy because you have a great understanding of human nature and suffering, and you have a desire to protect that. You are devoted to help people and this helps balance the harshness of you combative spirit.
The caveat is that you might feel like it's a lost battle, or at least that you won't personally see the end of it in your lifetime. You feel like you're doing you won't be the one in the parade at the end of the battle because you will be long gone. What you don't see is that you can still help others in the present.
What you can give others with this talent is that your bravery is infectious. You lift them up, give them courage and they can free themselves in the moment. With you by their side they feel so much stronger.
And when faced with a loss, you are, again, here to help people grieve and be a shoulder to cry on, listening to their pain with empathy, which helps them tremendously.
And for the reason why it is hidden, I think the need just hasn't arisen at this stage of your life. You will need to reach a form of completion and to move on from the idea that things are perfect to the desire to put things in motion again and start a new chapter. A content heart doesn't strive for change.
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Cards: Aletheia, Wheel of Fortune Rx + The Moon Rx + 9 of Swords Rx + Queen of Cups + The Empress + Justice
You hidden talent is the ability to speak the truth on what's hidden and trigger changes for those you bring the news to. I see you being able to detect lies easily. It can trigger fears in others because they might not want to see what you reveal.
You are able to see through the confusion and pierce through the illusion, and thus, bring vitality back where there was just fog and stagnation. It might make you feel a bit lonely and isolated at times due to feeling misunderstood. I don't think you have come to term with that talent yet so you may fail to see the good in it.
Because your strong intuitive gift of being able to see your emotions so clearly can bring a lot of healing and clarity to people, especially if you wield it with kindness and compassion. You may get back a lot of love and consideration from helping others.
Because you can help people release who takes advantage of them by shining light on their lies, especially if they are over-dependant and attached to this person or situation.
As to why it is hidden, you may not believe that you deserve to speak up and that you have the right to do so and would feel like you're being manipulative when it doesn't have to be the case.
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lordwiggyton · 4 months
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Happy Valentines day to everyone! To celebrate, I drew some of our favourite KP couples in a photobooth.
Managed to get this out in time! Just realised this is my first time drawing Kim and Ron (and Bonnie and Junior). Will most certainly rectify that and draw more of them in future. 😊😊
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borzoilover69 · 2 months
Taking a break but important announcement.
Dirkjakers who draw particularly violent pieces of fanwork please tag your work with the following tags SPECIFICALLY: cw gore, cw cannibalism, cw blood, cw violence. This will be the UNIVERSAL tags we use for that work. Please mute these tags if you are particularly sensitive to those matters.
Secondly, to the people on twitter who i know continue to vaguetweet me: I am sorry you had to see such upsetting content not properly tagged by people who followed me. I understand where your discomfort may stem from especially with such violent matters. Hopefully this can rectify it somewhat so you can avoid this content, in future.
Please stop posting about me or the people who continue to post about romance in this matter. Let me be clear with this: me and a lot of other community are aroace. The enjoyment we gain from dirkjake is through the dynamic and push and pull of what they both represent to us and i speak for me personally when i say that the traditionally romantic has never and will never interest me at all. Demonization of less traditional romantic interpretations will only serve to isolate and exclude others and drive them away rather than build a “perfect” fandom you think it willl.
Thankyou for your understanding.
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wesleysniperking · 15 days
One Piece Film: Red and What It Meant for Usopp
Part 3 (TL;DR)
(beware spoilers!!!)
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I want to emphasize that although Usopp didn't receive a specific foreshadowing in "One Piece Film: Red" tailored for the Wano arc, I believe this absence actually serves as a setup for his future growth. Koby's foreshadowing in the film, and the way Oda often gives Usopp his moments to shine in unexpected and spectacular ways, suggest that Usopp is being reserved for something bigger. Usopp's character is known for his flashy yet unassuming nature, which means he needs more than just one significant scene in Wano.
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It hurt to see certain trade-offs in Wano that negatively affected Usopp's reception among fans. While Robin and Nami had fabulous, queen-like moments, especially Robin, it was frustrating to see Usopp pushed to the background. This might be a bias on my part, but like in project management, there are always trade-offs. Fans have speculated that Oda faced challenges with his original team and the impact of Covid, which led to Wano feeling rushed and congested. As a result, out of the project's time, cost, and quality, quality seemed to be the aspect that suffered.
I understand Usopp's role in Wano from the standpoint that it simply wasn't his time to shine. However, I'm critical of how this affects fans' perception of him. It’s irritating to see Usopp become the fandom’s punching bag because he didn’t get a fair trade-off. This situation, I hope, will be rectified with future developments where Usopp gets the spotlight he deserves, demonstrating his growth in a way that silences the critics.
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Another point I’d like to make is that the movies often highlight and make callbacks to certain qualities of Usopp that we've seen in the past, both pre-time skip and earlier post-time skip. For instance, in "One Piece: Gold," we see the creative and smart problem-solver Usopp, who might run away at first (“Usopp Dash!”) but always comes back to save his friends. This is reminiscent of Little Garden and Alabasta Usopp, particularly when he outsmarted Baccarat, who had the Luck-Luck Fruit.
In "One Piece: Stampede," there’s a scene where the Big Bad insults Luffy’s friend (Usopp), calling him weak. Later, Usopp drags Luffy to safety, apologizing for not being able to get the treasure, which evokes the Water 7 vibes when Usopp is beaten by the Franky Family. Despite his initial setback, Usopp comes through in the clutch to help Luffy save the day, similar to his role in Enies Lobby. Some fans believe that "One Piece: Stampede" might have been one of Oda's planned endings for the series before he decided on another direction.
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Then, there’s "One Piece: Red," which brings back memories of Dressrosa when Usopp unlocked Observation Haki to save Luffy and Law. These movies showcase Usopp’s potential and remind fans of his core qualities.
This makes me entertain a fan theory that Oda uses the anime to explore scenes he couldn’t convey as precisely in the manga with just drawings and dialogue.
I want to emphasize that Usopp still has much more to offer. It isn’t the end for him despite his lesser role in recent arcs. It frustrates me when people criticize Usopp harshly, especially when the rest of the Straw Hats are seen as bada**es while Usopp is labeled as "doing nothing." Seriously? Usopp isn’t fodder and never will be.
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Some fans argue that if nothing significant happens for Usopp in Elbaf, they’ll lose faith in his character. This criticism is misguided. Power-ups from this point on are likely to happen in battle, and it’s not just about training but showcasing noteworthy skills in crucial moments.
Usopp is likely always practicing his Observation Haki and creating new weaponry off-screen. The problem isn’t that people abhor him, but that they don’t articulate their frustration well. They might say, "he doesn’t get enough screen time anymore," or "he’s not utilized to his full potential." This still hurts, but if people expressed their thoughts more maturely, there would be fewer arguments with Usopp fans.
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Yes, high expectations might mean that people care about Usopp and want what’s best for him, but some people have a really bad way of expressing that and it often looks misguided.
Coming to a close, Usopp may not get enough screen time and might have been put on the back burner for a while, but good things are in store for him. The final saga is here, and all the Straw Hats are together now. Old villains are reappearing, and Usopp’s story is likely to come full circle, especially when he meets his dad (it wouldn’t make any sense if he didn’t!). Speculation aside, these theories mean something—they mean something to me.
Usopp's big moment has been delayed because, for it to be impactful, it has to be meaningful. People claim he regresses after moments of growth, but perhaps Oda is creating a false illusion to build up to a long-awaited moment that will cement Usopp's growth, allowing him to truly embody his dream of becoming a brave warrior of the sea. So, again:
In order for it to stick, it has to be meaningful.
Thank you.
Part 1
Part 2
video to gif credit (original video DBX96)
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ride-thedragon · 8 months
People were just talking about the fact that Rhaenyra doesn't care to dismantle the system she's the exception to, she simply cares to be the exception. (@bohemian-nights )
That is a genuine part of her character, both in the books and show. However, the scenes people use to deter it is her bringing Rhaena and Baela to the council table in episode 10, but I don't think that's fair.
These scenes don't exist outside of each other.
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Rhaenyra offers them a place at the council table where they don't speak. They don't contribute, and they don't fight for themselves to add to the conversations.
This is a day or two after they are betrothed like she was in a political marriage where they have the pressure of having 'true born heirs' with Jace and Luke to rectify everyone's mistake.
Something they never contribute to with opinions or thoughts outside of smiles in the narrative and audio found by fans not casual viewers.
It's not a meaningful parallel because we see Rhaena's face fall when Jace says send us, but we never have her counter it
We see Baela smile but never in the show ask to join the fight.
It's not a good thing to reduce characters this much. ASOIAF is built on its characters, and it's almost cruel to deny these girls a voice to facilitate a narrative that does not draw a true parallel.
Imagine Baela saying send us and Jace then correcting her because of Corlys and Rhaenys' recitation to sacrifice their girls to the war.
Rhaena disagrees with the idea, but Luke is trying to come in as the future Lord of Driftmark agreeing with Jace and Baela.
That adds to the dynamic during the fight, adds to the grief for the girls, Jace and eventually Corlys and Rhaenyra.
So the call back falls flat because the girls aren't established characters like Rhaenyra was, we see Rhaenyra having these conversations with her son instead of her step daughters which would've been a cool parallel to her and Alicent as well as her at the council and overall the future feels likeen and their agreeable wives. Actually, Laena's impact years later.
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But I care about character dynamics.
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leonsliga · 1 month
Leon Goretzka for Sports Illustrated Deutschland
-> In this Sports Illustrated interview, Leon discusses not being called up to the national team, his character, and handling high pressure situations. The new Adidas Bodycare brand ambassador also discusses his hopes for the future.
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On the pitch you show strength, off the pitch you are known for your social commitment. How is it that you are so present and outspoken?
That has envolved over the course of my life, but the sense of justice has always been within me. The only thing that has changed over the course of my career is that I now have a much greater reach and more people hear my opinions.
How difficult is it to fight against adversity? Can something like this be trained or is it something you’re born with?
You have to learn to deal with it. Then you can take a clear stance—or you can just leave it be. Everyone has to decide that for themselves. But I can cope with resistance, even though some of the things that come at me these days are extreme.
How do you deal with pressure and disappointment?
Pressure is something very positive for me. I really like it. It probably helps me in my job too. When it mattered most, I was able to deliver top performances. I like a bit of pre-match jitters. That's why I'm not afraid of pressure. Disappointments are also part of it. You learn that very early on, especially in football. Losing games starts in training. But that’s why you play in a team; that's the beauty of team sports—that you can support each other. Like at FC Bayern this season, which wasn't quite as successful as we had expected and were used to. These are experiences that you can take with you and mature from.
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Did it hurt you a lot not to be called up for the national team?
It was an extreme disappointment for me because I didn’t expect it. Afterwards, I gave myself a day to come to terms with the situation. The day after that, I looked at how I could rectify it. The best way to do that is to perform at your best and accept this new role.
How hopeful are you that you will be at Euro 2024?
What is your emotional world like? Do you always allow all feelings—even the negative ones?
Everyone has to find out for themselves how they deal with feelings. My recommendation would be to talk about them, but I don't always manage that either. I like to work things out on my own and let the process mature within me. I can draw strength from that.
How do you strike a balance between self-criticism and self-confidence?
Self-criticism and self-confidence are mutually dependent. Telling yourself that you are the best has nothing to do with self-confidence. You are strongest when you also know your weaknesses.
As a leader, do you always have to live up to the sometimes very high expectations?
Yes, that's the job of a footballer. We live in a fast-paced, day-to-day business. You're only ever as good as you were in the last game. In my career in club football, I've won all the major titles that you can win with a big club like FC Bayern. Nevertheless, this season I have experienced what it means to be criticized as a leader. It reminds you that you are obliged to perform week in, week out.
How do you build yourself back up again when things aren't going your way? Do you train even more then?
I don't make my training dependent on situations that I experience week after week. I have long-term training plans. But of course, the motivation to correct things when they go poorly is always there.
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What role do negative fan opinions play? Should they be ignored?
You have to accept these things. Everyone has their own opinion. Of course, it would be nice if things were a bit more civilized, but unfortunately that's not the case. This doesn't just apply to football; it can happen to anyone on social media. It's extremely disappointing. We should think about how this can be regulated. I'm lucky that things don't bother me too much. But there are certainly many users who unfortunately don't get on so well with it.
The football business can be very tough. What do you wish for the future of football, especially for the players?
I don't know if I should give an honest answer to that.
We’re asking for one.
If I'm completely honest, we should stop trying to generate clicks at the expense of the players—both on social media and in reports.
Can football help people and society feel more positive?
The 2006 World Cup showed how football can galvanize our country. Germany's enthusiasm and interest in football are certainly back. As players, we can influence this huge potential if the German national team performs well.
You are an ambassador for Adidas Bodycare. What does "well-being" mean to you?
For me, "well-being" means that I have an awareness of my body. For the balance between strain and relief, but also for regeneration. Ultimately, it’s also about work-life balance.
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96percentdone · 9 months
Every time my old post expressing bafflement at 'anti player theory' undertale and deltarune fans gets a note, I go through the war again. Maybe some of them are normal, but like every post from these people that I have ever seen is never content to just have a strictly in universe read of the text. They gotta assert that believing a video game has meta elements spits in the face of craft and storytelling, and no video game could ever draw attention to it being a video game as part of it's thematic identity. They have to debunk the concept of metafiction just to be right, which is hilarious because they end up overwriting the thematic craft they claim to be the only real supporters of.
Undertale is about war, and violence, and hate and how we respond to it. Most monsters don't really want to fight, half of them are just hanging out, so they're happy to be friends if you are, but the memory of the war between monsters and humans lingers. Whether they don't entirely understand the war's true essence because of their purehearted natures make them antithetical to it (Papyrus, Monster Kid), or use the narrative around it as a prop for their personal goals and are forced to contend themselves (Alphys, Mettaton), or try to teach its horrors with its methods (Toriel), or are convinced that the only way to escape the shadow of the war is to win it (Undyne) even if they don't really want to wage war at all (Asgore), the history of that war informs it all. Flowey is who he is because that violence ravaged Asriel, a small child, SO hard his grief and anger are now everyone's problems. He cannot feel love because the cycle of violence stole his ability to believe in it. Every genocide boss only fights you to stop you from carrying out your own. They know that if the entire underground is so easily destroyed, there is no reason humanity wouldn't face the same fate, and this cycle must end, even if they are powerless. The ending is determined by whether you perpetuate war. The genocide run is a grueling, unfulfilling, deliberately difficult challenge as punishment for enacting war for nebulous gain, while pacifist ending brings about the best future, where everyone including Asriel is saved, and it is the most fun to play, because is one where you commit to kindness and understanding. They both are in service to the thesis statement that "love and compassion are good and the key to rectifying all wrongs."
Hbomberguy and NezumiVA have made videos on the same lines, but Undertale's meta because it's about how we engage with video games as a medium. It's about completionism. It asks whether mining a story for every possible scrap of information is worthwhile. Chara's true name is literally a derivative of player character, you are meant to name them after yourself, and project onto them and Frisk until the game seperates them from you because you are a real human being, not a character in a video game. You only learn Frisk's name by the end of pacifist, the best possible ending that you should be satisfied with as a means of separating your ties, and you only meet Chara when you go way the fuck out of your way to get the worst possible ending because of vague hints that there is one. Undertale uses the vibe and aesthetic of old turn-based rpgs to draw you in, get you comfortable, only to use it's characters to ask why are you doing any of this? Is this why you like stories? Are video games merely arrangements of lore to be logged into a wiki until you run out of data to sort, or did you like Undertale and other video games because its characters and ideas resonated with you emotionally? The text has a lot of compassion for Alphys and her fan hobbies, and it only criticizes her when she treats the real world as a self insert fanfic, and it's meta thesis for you is similar. It's fine and good that you love your favorite games, but what are you getting out of engaging with the medium in this way? "Don't you have anything better to do?"
But Deltarune is where they really start to lose me. It is not finished, things could change with later installments, but from what little we have, it follows up on Undertale's commentary about the cycle of violence, and brings it back to suburbia. Violence here is interpersonal abuse and neglect. It is adults caught up in the myriad problems of adult life they do not notice, or fail to support, or do not care about the children suffering under those same systems. Kris is a child who lives in the shadow of their older brother. They befriend Susie, who eats garbage and doesn't seem to have parents (or at least not any that give a shit), and they have a childhood bond with Noelle, who has lost her sister, her father is in the hospital, and her mother is absent and otherwise not great. Even Berdley has a whole complex about needing to be smart thanks to his upbringing. Kris opens this portal themself, literally escaping into a fantasy land where they, children, are the most important and powerful, unbeholden to adults and their baggage. They get to be agents, not subjects, and yet the dark world still has those same anxieties. Lancer is afraid of his father, Queen is an overbearing mother, Rouxls is an opportunist most concerned with himself, King struggles in vain to liberate himself from being a subject while forcing his subjects to adhere to his agenda, Spamton wants to escape his chains and is the incarnation of a spambot, Seam gives up, and Jevil escapes into his imagination. Kris can abuse Noelle into the snowgrave route, and Susie and Berdley are bullies because kids are just as capable of hurting one another as adults are. Darkners may say shit about not wanting to fight anyway, and Ralsei might regurgitate Undertale's lesson as truth like it's his full time job, but even he re-evaluates by the end of chapter one. In the real world things cannot be as simple they were in Undertale.
Agency obviously relates back to the meta, as Kris' is literally overwritten by the red soul you are asked to give your own name in a dialogue that once again separates you from your fictional vessel, a player character, then goes even harder when they slam dunk that little guy you made into the trash because "No one can choose who they are in this world." You can't either. You can get Kris to abuse Noelle into killing people, carry out the abuses that made these kids desperate to escape in the first place, even if they don't want that, but understanding the player solely as a force that strips agency, much like understanding Undertale's player as a comment on real world morality, is incomplete.
If Undertale critiques completionism and datamining as a valuable ways to understand art, then Deltarune reuses its cast and critiques is thesis as part of a its meta to showcase the it's real value. It is a story that even in universe is about fiction. The dark world and its inhabitants are palatable reflections of Hometown. Kris and Susie keep going back because it is freeing, and allows them to grapple with the their complicated feelings about their world. They can come out more confident in themselves, with a healthier mindset, or Berdley can fucking die! Violence in the dark world comes back out of it because the dark world is a mirror. Video games aren't real, you don't actually kill monsters or darkners, but war is real, and violence is real, and abuse is real, aren't they? Isn't that why you get sad when characters you like die? How often do we use analogies and metaphors to explain our feelings, or complicated ideas? Fiction is just a tool to understand the world. What are the stories you love saying to you?
If the meta doesn't compel you, it's not what you find value in, or how you interpret the text, I don't care, even if I think it's strange. What you get out of these games belongs to you, and you deserve to have your reading as much as I or any meta proponent does. But anyone making claims about what fiction must be, just to deny the a meta angle is possible? That's anti-intellectual bullshit. It denies metafiction exists as a tool altogether. It shits on not just Undertale and Deltarune, or meta video games, but stories written across every medium that have ever used their work to comment on itself, its genre, its medium, or art as a whole. If you denigrate a whole artistic convention and the work of countless artists just to validate your hot take? You don't deserve any respect.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Important PR Response to the Wilbur Soot scandal:
    Abuse in any form is abhorrent, and I condemn Wilbur’s actions. Previously I had established the division between people and personas in my work. I failed to reiterate the stance during the course of Fault, and would like rectify this now. I work with characters and not creators.
No works will be deleted. I will be continuing to use Wilbur Soot as a character only in preexisting works. Fault, Mandatory Family Reunion, and back burner projects will continue. The preplanned plot lines will not be altered greatly, so don’t expect sudden deaths, character assassination, name changes*, etc. However, I am not certain about Lighting Lanterns to Bring You Home as it is Wilbur-centric so it may be abandoned.
The current plans for this blog’s future are as follows:
- My characters be tagged as ‘Noms Wilbur’ or ‘SCP Wilbur’ for people who want to block tags. If cc comes up, he'll be tagged.
- I will not be financially supporting Wilbur in any way. I believe this is an important component in any Death/Disavowal of the Author situation. My fics are unlikely to contribute to further monetary/platform support that facilitates the further harm of the victim/s.
- No new AUs will involve Wilbur, so as projects finish he will be phased out more and more. Though keep in mind Fault is an extremely long term project.
- For those who wish to disconnect from the fandom entirely and stop following this blog, I wish you the best. Genuinely. This is a rough situation.
If anyone has any respectful and reasonable questions/comments, the ask box is always open. Please do not engage in bad faith; I am trying to do my best here. Below the cut I discuss my personal justifications and philosophies upon the matter. I’m not trying to force them on anyone, so please return the same courtesy.
    My reasonings: As I said after Technoblade’s death, I’ve poured a little too much of my soul into this to stop. I fully understand the people who have walked away, because I also feel sick and angry and sad and just— betrayed that this person I admired and enjoyed was abusing the people around him. But I am not going to let Wilbur’s vile actions poison the pride in the art I’ve made. And the fandom? We built it, not him. These are our stories and our drawings and our joy. So many other wonderful creators and fans poured so much effort into this community. To me, it feels like a betrayal to Technoblade’s legacy to let everything be tarnished. And I’m just not ready to lose this fandom that has meant so much to me for 4 years.
    I’m going to try for a little nuance here, a dangerous game on Tumblr I know. But part of the betrayal that I’m sure many of us are feeling is the thought we were tricked into liking a bad person. I have a friend who has been pouring over all of Wilbur’s content the last few days, desperate to find all the red flags they missed, painting every single thing he’s ever done with the knowledge of the things we couldn’t have known. And it’s not healthy for them, or anyone. In many stories we like to have a clear cut good and bad guy, because it’s easier if it’s true. The abuser becomes a cartoonishly evil caricature that makes it harder to recognize them in real life, and it makes real victims seem stupid for being hurt when shouldn’t it be so easy to tell? But it’s not, it’s messy, and complicated, and awful. Because in real life, abusers are people, and they can do good things like charity streams and making you laugh when you’re having a bad day and fostering wonderful communities of creative, amazing fans. They seem generous, and kind, because…they are. And they’re also abusive. And it’s really hard to hold both truths at the same time, which is why people prefer jump to extremes of defending and demonization. We like to believe the people we like are good people.
    Truthfully, I don’t believe in ‘bad people’ which is probably evident in much of my writing. I find it a category that too often used to discourage growth, remove culpability, and dismantle nuance. The moment people become monsters there is no question of rehabilitative justice, no question of what conditions and structures enabled this that need to be mended, revised, or replaced. The question becomes how do we destroy the monster instead of how do we protect future victims. Remove support from Wilbur, yes, but the next step is to give that support to Shubble. Mobs are fun. They feel right. But monsters don’t exist, people do, and people are complicated and abuse is complicated and their solutions must be accordingly nuanced. Sticking one guy’s head on a pike might ‘save’ the victim (which: Shubble saved herself), but it doesn’t support them in the long run. And it certainly doesn’t address the underlying personal, mental, and societal problems that caused someone to be abusive and allowed them to be undetected. And if anything, when put in a corner most people only get more desperate and dangerous to others and themselves. Justice requires far more effort than monster hunting, which is why it is often rare. And like we already discussed, people are often bad at detecting when someone is abusive. I’m not saying Wilbur is innocent, obviously. I’m saying demonization is a dangerous game and most people have done good and bad.
    But also, most people aren’t abusive pieces of shit.
    I don’t want to demonize Wilbur, but also I’m not going to wipe my hands of it by throwing my hands up, claiming there’s too much nuance blah blah morals are complicated, and then not actually hold him accountable. Wilbur does not deserve a platform with which to perpetuate his harmful actions. In reaction to this, we need to build systems and communities that don’t enable abuse, to support victims, and to help abusers become better without giving them the opportunity to hurt other people or themselves. Which, you know, is *slightly* outside the scope of one SBI fanblog, but I’ll do my best and pray others choose the same.
    I understand people who want to raze everything he’s ever touched, to delete all their fan works and eviscerate their love for anything involving him. I really, really do. I feel nauseous every time I try to write. But I’m trying to not throw the baby out with the bathwater, because I’ve found a lot of good here and I refuse to abandon it. My enjoyment of the story and community Wilbur helped inspire does not condone the bad he’s done, nor do I support him financially or emotionally. It’s a really difficult line to walk, but this is where my morals fall at least. I want to reclaim the joy I used to have.
    I hope Shubble is able to recover and heal from the harm done to her. She’s a wonderful person and is lucky to have friends and a community that have supported her in this time. I’m glad that the fandom has (mostly) collectively disavowed her abuser instead of exploding into controversy and a ‘he said-she said’ toxic mess a la Dream style, even if it hurts knowing much of the community we’ve built has been destroyed. Lastly, I pray Wilbur will become a better person. I would like to believe anyone has the capacity for redemption, but that is a decision entirely within his hands alone at this point. As for me, I will simply do what I think reduces harm and uplifts joy.  I may be wrong, but I will continue to do my best.   
Again, if anyone has any respectful and reasonable questions/comments, the ask box is always open.
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aposterous · 5 days
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It seems that I never posted this before! I have decided to rectify this mistake because I'm super proud of this piece.
The character here is my sona, Cosi!
I'll hopefully be making more drawings similar to this one in the future! Who knows, maybe it'll become part of my art style.
Reblogs are appreciated!!
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astercontrol · 20 days
so I was brainstorming what sorts of creativeness I could try for next year's Mission Day, if I wanted to try and help reclaim that for the fans
which is me being SUPER overzealous, because I only just found out about the existence of Mission Day yesterday
lol who am I to even get involved in this
(BUT who am I to do anything... and yet I still do.)
... For those who are just a few days more behind-the-times than me:
apparently, back in 2016, there was a line in a TRON game which said that May 14 was "Mission Day." Some fans got excited that maybe something cool was gonna happen that day
akin to the Flynn Lives ARG starting in 2009 where fans were led on a whole fun adventure, following clues through a network of webpages (seriously, if you don't know about THAT, take a look)
but no, this time it turned out nothing happened, and people were disappointed.
and when I heard about that, my own rebellious side went:
Who wants to do this with me?? Like a fanzine but more... interactive, multimedia
Maybe it'll take a year, or more, but, like... what if some May 14 you start seeing fanfics posted on AO3 with mysterious clues in them, leading to a webring of Neocities sites all mysteriously connected in their own cryptic ways
Fanlore, fan-made stories, drawings, maybe even animations and games. Fan OCs getting their own place in all of it
Not beholden to whatever f'd up version of the Hays Code the mouse is currently following. So there'll be all sorts of LGBT stuff, all colors of the rainbow and all colors of circuits....
aaaand THEN
then my brainstorms got tornado-strength and I came back to reality some unknown time later with a mess of crazy plans just for the STORIES that could start this scavenger hunt
(the websites are breeding their own plotbunnies and I will face that later)
(I am still not even slightly convinced that I will have the time or energy for ANY of this)
BUT... there is a whole year til next May 14
just a whole disorganized pile of ideas, starting here
Hypothesis: the spiritual energy that makes programs alive is something that functions on many planes of existence, and can connect different realities.
Someone finds out a way to tap into this with the laser technology, enabling travel between different Tron worlds and different alternate timelines.
(Maybe the "miracle" of ISO DNA somehow ends up being relevant to this? Alan quoted Flynn saying this was supposed to revolutionize everything; he even mentioned quantum teleportation? seems like a powerful mcguffin that never got used, might as well use it)
Some Tron AUs that may connect here:
Post-MCP scenario where the originals of the programs that were copied for the Legacy Grid go on living happily in the ENCOM system (my main headcanon that I write in)
Other scenarios where the programs brought to the Grid were eliminated from the ENCOM system and there's no original left behind
Variations on 82, Legacy and Uprising:
Different interpretations of how digitization works, how consciousness forms within the system, etc.
Post-Legacy extrapolations of Tron's future on Flynn's Grid
Tronzler restored by Alan and Sam;
Tronzler regenerated as an ISO by the Sea of Simulation;
Tronzler regenerated into an eldritch horror by the Sea of Simulation;
Tronzler dead;
Tronzler emerging from the sea still broken and half-rectified
Other post-Legacy possibilities
Clu survived in some form after the reintegration;
Flynn survived in some form after the reintegration;
Clu and Flynn both survived in some form after the reintegration;
Clu and Flynn are one merged entity after the reintegration;
Clu and Flynn are dead;
Sam comes back again;
Sam comes back and brings Alan and Lora and Roy;
Sam never comes back and someone else has to try and make things work;
Yori and Ram are still there;
Yori and Ram are not there because they were never brought;
Yori and Ram are not there because they were killed;
Yori and Ram are still there but different because they were rectified;
Zuse survived;
Zuse survived and he turns out to be an amalgamation of an interpreter program hacked and taken over by Ram and he has an epic bitch session with Tronzler about their various struggles, betrayals, split personalities and changes of identity
Various post-Uprising and pre-Legacy possibilities:
Beck and Paige eventually join forces and/or fall in love;
Beck and Paige eventually kill each other;
Mara and Zed find out who the Renegade is;
Mara and Zed die or get rectified before they can ever find out who the Renegade is;
Tron becomes Rinzler because he is later caught and rectified while Beck is forced to watch;
Tron becomes Rinzler because the rectification process in the last episode managed to infect him before he was saved and he ends up suddenly turning bad at the worst possible time for Beck;
Beck becomes Rinzler instead of Tron;
Dyson somehow comes back;
the Uprising team meets Zuse,
Various non-canon-compliant AUs in all these settings
Ram didn't die in 82;
Ram did die and so did Flynn and then Tron defeated the MCP on his own;
Tron tried to defeat the MCP on his own but failed and MCP was never beaten;
MCP was beaten but Flynn died in there and died in real life;
Flynn survived and got out and tried to build the Grid but Alan and Lora managed to stop him from ruining his life by trying to do that alone;
Alan went into the Grid in Legacy instead of Sam;
Tron never becomes Rinzler;
Flynn or Ram becomes Rinzler instead of Tron;
someone else becomes the tyrant instead of Clu;
Able didn't die
etc, etc.
imagining a scenario where various versions of characters from all these timelines connect via the Laser (Head)Cannon
(terrible working name, but it amuses my terrible sense of humor, so there)
....gonna re-read Ram: Expanded by kesomon because there's a fic in there (Interlude- Reprieve) about a similar connected multiverse
there are many stories one could tell within this.
But I think I want to tell one with the theme of rebellion, throwing off oppression, expressing freedom and autonomy
example for one storyline within it:
the "In Ram Jurisdiction" plotbunny
After Ram is recovered and comes back to life in the Encom system, his original insurance company calls for his destruction.
they have their own backup and don't need the Encom copy returned, they just demand that Encom delete theirs.
because he was stolen from them by MCP
even though Roy wrote him at Encom, they bought exclusive rights to his code so they own him.
Ram and Roy and their friends launch a legal battle.
maybe upgrading Ram in the process so he can be considered a protected derivative work under Fair Use
also could take some inspiration from the brilliant fanfic "Anthem," a reprise of the story of TRON 1982 for the world of DRM and musical copyright
...this theme of seeking freedom comes up in every iteration of Tron
and the feeling behind this whole over-ambitious idea here… is a celebration of the vast diversity of fan-created content
an overarching theme of wanting to claim this world for the fans-- a theme of the copyright-holding corporation as Oppressor
Fan Mission Day Fission Day
(day of splitting, separation, becoming independent)
TRONdependence Day
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nico-esoterica · 3 months
Rachel Chinourir—I read her chart and started crying at midnight after listening to her music
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Newly 25, this super star’s experiencing her 2nd house profection year. This means that the name of the game for her this year’s gonna be all about how she’s providing for herself and proving she can be self-reliant. She’s establishing herself as an adult during that stressful period in your mid 20s when you start finding that blurry distinction between yourself and what your environment demands you be. Add an exploding fanbase and platform into the mix and whiplash is the cherry on top.
Especially since the last eclipse cycle occurred on her 1/7 axis—this means that with her Scorpio stellium, she was going through it and underwent several personal transformations and ‘realizations’ is what I’m hearing in regards to how she sees herself versus what she’s been forced to be out of survival. It was a very emotionally messy period for her for a while. But what came out of the rubble of her previous emotional life was this unbreakable will to draw that boundary and keep it firm. “I’m not like the rest of you” is what I’m hearing intuitively. Feels related to mental health. Or “I will not be”—another possibility.
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(rectified time - isn't exact but close) In my experience, people with strong Scorpio influence are sponges of generational trauma they’re viscerally made aware of from an early age. An artist who comes to mind is Willow Smith who has a Sun-Mercury in Scorpio with its ruler empowering it from her 4H of home and family lineage. In recent years, we’ve learned about her family and its issues.
She’s come out of a rough period of trying to do what all m/zillennials were told regardless of the Pluto in Cap global recession hitting in ‘08—”No matter what happens, you MUST get your degree. You NEED to get that super stable job because that’s the only way you’re going to have a future.” That’s very loud in her chart to me because that Pluto was moving through her 3H of early childhood education and experiences and was forming a gnarly square over the past couple years (beginning of pandemic) to her late Aries Saturn. Means there was pressured incentive for her to ‘get her life together,’ notably from a father or authority figures in her life.
She’s always been capable but even if she could ‘hold’ said stable job, her mind was always elsewhere. Daydreaming and scribbling lyrics and poetry is what I’m hearing/seeing by looking at her Pisces Moon and Jupiter co-present in her 5th. Creative classes and activities or even artistic programs she excelled in. But the latter planet being Retrograde makes me think that she doubted her talents despite an abundance of people reassuring her that she’s gifted. Beyond gifted and has always been. Her 9H ruler of higher education (and I can see this also meaning specialized programs) being well aspected in her 5H of creativity tells me as such.
With Pluto consistently hitting her water planets since roughly 2010, because this is a planet of crisis and rebirth, she’s most likely dealt with both internal and external pressures that, on one hand, were god damn awful (her natal Sun-Uranus square on her ¼ is LOUD) and supplied a mental health minefield, they also gave her a super power for expression. She learned she found a home for it in the arts. With such an overwhelming amount of Scorpio in her 1st, it puts a psychic target on your back. You constantly feel attacked and this will be doubly true if her MC’s at a later degree in her 10th because it’ll be squaring her Mercury (and Chiron, potentially), meaning that whenever she opened her mouth, she got lambasted for it.
It’s giving, "Fix your mouth—Who do you think you’re talking to??” Her having a 10H North Node with Uranus co-present in Aquarius in her 4H with her South Node illustrates that, and I can speak about this from experience, was simply ‘different.’ Usually, having a 10/4 North vs South node link means that you, quite literally, want to catapult yourself from where you came from. You find it limiting to the point of being suffocating. Especially w/ her 6H Saturn ruling her houses related to everything family and early experiences related—Means there was an expectation about how she was supposed to act and a ‘path’ she was meant to follow and she couldn’t fit her edges within the smooth yet predictable edges of that circle—Cycle. When you have Uranus in these houses, especially in Saturnian signs like Capricorn or Aquarius, this means that your environment will often flow one way and you will flow the opposite or in several directions at once. It means that you are potentially on different generational and socio-political axes and will contribute to feeling like Marvin The Martian in your own home. It often leads to finding refuge in creative outlets. And we find that next door with her IC, Jupiter, and Moon in her 5th.
With Saturn transiting here since last year, she’s been establishing herself independently as an artist and has been met with great upward momentum and success. The craft she’s been nurturing and building for years (Saturn) trining that Scorpio stellium is presenting rewards for that work and her willingness to be vulnerable in an oversaturated industry that relies on gimmick and polish. Her Mercury-Neptune sextile exact in a fame degree that’s also making a lovely aspect to her Moon—Her music is uncomfortably intimate and honest, especially to anyone that’s neurodivergent or on the margins (strictly going by her chart alone). These qualities in music’s current landscape are rare and they’ll be what distinguish her as an artist and keep her fed. 
But with her benefiting from the current eclipse cycle firing up her 6H of what many of us ‘do’ for a living w/ her Saturn here (in preparation for her Saturn Return), her biggest challenge is not letting her perfectionist anxiety over her work’s ‘worthiness’ to others with their eyes officially on her cause her to self-sabotage or become self-conscious. She’s got the audience and has built it up but with explosive momentum and ‘overnight’ success comes the potential for our boundaries to weaken because we’re suddenly hyper-aware of ourselves.
Due to her tendency to self-monitor (most likely as a learned response), her Scorpio Mercury ruled Virgo Mars can cause her to suffocate her own self expression because she’s so used to being fucked with. And with that Mars ruling her fame degree Retrograde Aries Saturn, she never knows when enough’s enough—Have I done enough? Is this even good? I know it’s good! But is it really? Maybe I should work harder. I’ll work harder—Cycle, Rinse and Repeat. This is giving child of immigrants energy. I know so many of you feel called out by this right now.
Her debut album’s release looks promising. The 2H for her ruler of the year (Jupiter) is in Capricorn and she started blowing up on socials during Saturn’s months (Jan-Feb). The activation points where we’re going to see the most activity will be during this release in Aries and Taurus season (April-May). What’s interesting is that since the upcoming eclipse in April is hitting the album chart’s Mercury (almost exactly) a whole month prior, I fully anticipate a notable person (esp w/ Aries placements) to pull another Adele and uplift her or vouch for her in some way.
When Adele did, Jupiter was exactly opposite her Sun and it occurred during those Saturnian months and their charts have a bundle of points suggesting very strong synastry. It also happening right before Rachel’s lunar return with Adele’s NN hitting said Moon natally honestly felt like fate if we’re going strictly by the stars alone. And I also predict she’ll go viral during Virgo season (her lord of the year ruler’s 10H) because in September, the Gemini Jupiter floating around will be applying an exact square to her natal Jupiter. I think it’ll be totally beneficial but it can represent her adjusting (or needing TO) that’s uncomfortable at first (related to her image, sound, etc) that’ll benefit her in the long run. Jupiter in Gemini in her ruler’s chart in its 7H is giving contracts or boundaries-type vibes. Or even social expectations.
After writing this I heard The Hills and Maybe I'm Lonely and felt my old self seen in a way I don't think I've ever related to an artist expressing. Is this what it felt like when young Gen Xs in the 90s heard Hole or Nirvana's soul-piercing vocals for the first time? Because I honestly have chills.
That Scorpio Stellium of hers in her first and her 29 degree Mercury are indicators of the potential for meteoric fame in the eyes of the collective, but it'll be close and intimate.
When she comes to LA, I'm buying a concert ticket.
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kozachenko · 2 months
Haven't posted any art in a while, so here are some digital sketches (plus some traditional ones under the tag) I've done recently that are sort of the test runs for how I might want to stylize my faces in the future.
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Artist's Notes:
So recently I've been in a bit of a rut with my art, more specifically the way I draw faces, so one day I got kind of bored and decided to do a study of Yoshitaka Amano's art style in my sketchbook and then I kinda got obsessed with the way he draws faces (The bottom two are probably the most reminiscent to his art style outside of colouring and the hair). I also got these really cool mini statue busts of some roman statues which has also helped me a lot when it comes to facial proportions. With these sketches I really wanted to try and focus on how to apply what I learned from my style studies while also branching off and adding that to my own style (the sketches of which I put below). I also wanted to experiment with different skin colours and how they relate to the rest of the character's colour palette. I also didn't go too crazy on the lighting and rendering for majority of them, except for the earrings and the hair on the third one, as well as the blush underneath the eye on the second one, as I just wanted to play around with some ideas I had.
While I do try and draw outside of my comfort zone in my sketchbook, I haven't really done it as much in my digital art, so I used this as my opportunity to rectify that. Also, if any of you guys have advice or feedback for drawing POC please tell me, I have been drawing curly hair the same ever since I was 5 so advice on how to draw curly hair better would also be helpful, I am also not the most experienced with rendering it as I have only really drawn that type of hair traditionally in my sketchbooks.
Also, I have gotten oddly attached to these sets of faces, I might make them into some new OCs later. If I do draw them again, I'll probably change the jawline shapes of a few of them because I kept defaulting to the same round shape for half of them and I wanna kick that habit lol.
Also, here are some pics from my sketchbook of my style studies, where I really focused on trying to get a feel for how Amano draws faces. The pictures are in order of attempts btw (i.e. top left is the first one and bottom right is the most recent one).
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Overall I think I did a good job, but some of them deviate a lot more from the references I used than others lol.
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arcadekitten · 10 months
Crowvas is an underrated ship and I wish more people drew art of it :(
I should probably draw more art of it myself 😔 But to be honest I'm not super surprised as we don't really get to see them interact much either(at least not in the games), which is something I hope to rectify in the future!
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