#I'm ready to riot
incorrect-soc · 1 year
Y'all saying they fully erased Inej's trauma in s2 for the sake of Kaz's, as if the whole point of her hallucination in episode 6 wasn't her desire for someone to ask for consent before touching her-
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thatsolacegirl · 6 months
Okay, listen up people, if something happens to my meow meow Loki this season (other than him reuniting with his brother and living his best life on the sacred timeline), I'll be moving on to Alligator Loki.
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lunamugetsu · 1 year
Hades 2 theory on Zagreus
Here’s my theory on what Zagreus would be doing if Supergiant is going to have Zagreus in Hades 2 (come on, he has to be in there. The main character is his little sister! Think of the chaotic sibling energy they could have!)
By the scenes shown, Hades has definitely been captured and locked up somewhere (by Chronos, most likely) So, I think there are two possible scenarios of what Zagreus is going to be in Hades 2.
1. Zagreus might have to stand in for Hades to run the underworld while his father is gone. He has to keep the underworld going because Persephone might not be down there at the time of when the game starts. So Zagreus is trying his best to keep the underworld from completely collapsing as both his mom and father aren’t there. And somebody has to do the paperwork and organize all of those shades. (so basically he’s stuck at the humongous desk, drowning in all of the paperwork)
2. Zagreus could be seen when the player (Melinoe) is traveling through the underworld. (he’ll basically be like Thanatos) You’ll just encounter him in one chamber of the game and the player and him can go have a nice competition of “which sibling can kill the most opponents”. And the winner gets gloating rights. (and also Zagreus could give the player extra health or some kind status boost if the player wins) And the reason he’s like this is because he’s also looking for Hades during this time. (mainly because the underworld needs its ruler to keep it in shape and Zagreus doesn’t want to be it) So that’s why the player would see him at just random points in the game.
What do you all think?
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missmaywemeetagain · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering if you had any tips on how to get more people to see your fics??
I uploaded a austin fic but like literally nobody saw it lol
Oh, Alannah darlin', I wish I knew. I truly do. I am honestly so confused and frustrated with Tumblr right now because of things like this. I mean, I'm definitely not seeing the traffic I used to and I know I'm not seeing the posts of people I follow in my feed like I should. I don't know what changes the app made recently, but holy hell, it makes me want to throw my phone at the wall. Of course, this could also be attributed to less action in the fandom in general, but after talking with some people, it seems like things are amiss. I'm hearing rumors of shadow banning happening, and this makes me lose my mind even more. And don't get me started on the censorship and stupidity of trying to make this like other apps. Like the whole point is that it's NOT like other social media!
(Okay, sorry, rant over.)
With that said, if things were working as they should, tagging your story well and including people who you know might want to read it in your @ mentions helps. Also, posting at certain times of day might increase your traffic. I also find using GIFs/moodboards/pics to draw attention is helpful.
Thanks for the ask, baby! I wish I had more encouraging or knowledgable things to say! 💗
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lotsadeer · 8 months
me: laying in bed with the lights on and fully clothed
my brain: sleep time
me: laying in bed with the lights off in my sleep attire
my brain: We Have Never Been More Awake
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kingfakey · 3 months
save me 2 towns peach hard cider. 2 towns peach hard cider. save me.
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jimenathefirst · 11 months
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Maybe I could be a better human with a new name...
— was that JIMENA HERRERA? the 27 year old is a LADY, how exciting to see them this season! rumors have it they are NURTURING and ENERGETIC, but i’ve heard they are PUCKISH and DISCREET as well — maybe that’s why they’ve been called the THE THESPIAN. I have even heard that SHE MAY NOT BE WHO SHE CLAIMS —only time will tell.
Jimena was born Jimena Perla Lazaros to working class parents along with her two older siblings, Gabe and Emiliano. She spent her youth running barefoot and climbing trees and likely getting her siblings into trouble.
When their parents died, her siblings felt the weight of making ends meet for the family while still trying to give their little sister a good life. They strung money together to afford her some lessons, gifting her a few hard skills, but at the end of the day she's still worked odd jobs throughout her life.
At points, she was a street vendor slinging watercress, violets, primroses and lavender. Currently, she's one of many women trimming hats, and occasionally helping her siblings with their work. Thanks to never quite sticking to anything, and being one blurry face of many, it's been easy for Jimena to be invisible.
One to value whimsy, Jimena is playful and mischievous. She loves exploring and pulling little pranks and smiling contently in a room of people laughing. She is youthful and loves children, unafraid to crouch to their level or get her hands dirty, and hoping to one day have a family of her own. But if she's to do so, the thought of raising them with the same difficulties her and her siblings face upsets her. Everyone she's ever loved, or will ever love, deserves more.
Which leads her to this season...Jimena's done her research, she's watched closely for seasons now, studied the hands of wealthy pianists in the home Gabe works for, and she's decided to do the unthinkable. Debut--as someone "worthy". She is now Jimena Herrera, gentry, visiting, and hoping to marry.
TLDR: Jimena grew up working class and is currently pretending to be gentry so that she can marry into stability and support her future family and her siblings, who have done so much for her. She's risking a lot, and has been finding little ways to push the lie forward. It's made her secretive and a little on edge, slowly realizing she's bitten off more than she could chew.
Face Claim: Barbara Lopez
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Positive Traits: playful, nurturing, energetic,
Negative Traits: stubborn, forgetful puckish, discreet 
Hobbies: Flower/herb picking, tree climbing, horse-rider admiring, learning, the outdoors, active activities, etc.
A best friend - Jimena is close to her siblings but obviously knows other people and/or has at least one or two solid friends, who may support her or think she's insane, but it would be nice to have at least someone who knows Jimena's true self.
Someone who knows - While Jimena's life has made it easy for her to be invisible before this, it's likely someone can recognize her or would know her from somewhere. This might be someone who is suspicious of her and realizes over time, or someone she may have to bribe (this may be helpful if your character wants/needs something). 
Help/Alliances - Jimena can't do this on her own, so I'm looking for people who may be able to supply her with fabric, or dresses, or anything that might help her pull off their elaborate lie. She's willing to work for it. I'm also interested in if she can be posing as someone's distant visiting cousin, whether or not that person thinks this is true, which might give Jimena access to some of their resources (like carriages, horses, a fancy home, etc). Bonus if they think having Jimena helps THEM so they give her things.
Gentry+ connections! Has she hit it off with anyone? Who is she...I don't know...taking strolls with? Past romances? New romances? New enemies? Frenemies? People she doesn't trust? People she does...but shouldn't? All the plots!
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msommers · 6 months
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product05 · 1 year
If I told myself and probably everyone 2 years ago what's currently happening in the owl house, like, a literal child became a threat to the whole demon realm, Lilith is cool aunt Lilith who's best friends with Hooty and she's a favorite now, Lumity is canon, Willow is paired with some traumatized dude who becomes a better person each day passes and who's kinda related to the emperor and no he's not a prince, the fandom shipped 2 characters when they first met and it eventually became canon, yes Camila is a good mother, Matt is cool now, Boscha still needs work, Amity developed a lot as a character, and many more things... I think they will not believe me.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
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Olly and Redacted found out that it's Remedy's decant day (from Rhythm no doubt) and decided to do something nice for the Coruscant Guard's CMO. Home-made gifts are a natborn tradition among family members, from what they heard, so they gave it a shot (they got him a free puppy kisses coupon and a mug that says "Meat Droids Enjoyer").
This is also the only time you'll ever see Olly in the same room as both Redacted and his slobbery strill, Roadkill. He's not enjoying it tho, and as soon as he gets the chance he's running away even if he has to bash down a wall in the process...
Remedy belongs to @kkrazy256 Redacted, Roadkill and Olly belong to me.
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trash-raccoon · 1 year
who here has done the 3.3 archon quest? i need to scream
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nyanykamito · 2 years
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After many moons here is the cover for my Autumn Shenanigans au, “Riot on Red!”
First page on the way.....
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one-winged-dreams · 2 years
REALLY want to do something with my dracthyr and Nozdormu to test the waters but like
I literally do not know what the dracthyr’s relationship with the Aspects is like. I know nothing. All of us know nothing.
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nik-the-bik · 4 months
ah yes i see it's time for my quarter-annual "Xfinity Gives Me a Headache" day
Except now im not even an xfinity customer anymore! Hooray!
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This might be a dumb confession, but I'm too shy to put it on my blog... yet I really want to get it off my chest. I want a novel/ comic book / series that only has women in it, written by women, for women. ONLY women. REAL women (No TIMs, no TIFs, no they/thems, just... women).
No sexualized outfits. No male gaze. No strategically ripped clothing. No useless high heels. No religion.
I want a nice futuristic setting where the XY chromosome is completely extinct, and instead, women scientists have actually utilized and mastered Nayernia's 2007 proposition to create fetuses from bone marrow. Incubators that perfectly immitate the environment in a uterus, down to the amniotic fluid with both mothers' DNA are now available. Women dating women is the default, and the extintion of the XY chromosome has caused some evolutionary processes where women are no longer attracted to men. The last man died 136 years ago. Society is flourishing and internalized misogyny is finally dissipating.
Would it be a perfect society? Of course not, because we, as human beings, aren't perfect. Exploitation might still exist, class division will probably still exist, bullying among youth will probably still exist - but when I think of the worst "industries" in the world that are all driven by men - trafficking, porn, cartels - doesn't it sound much more like a paradise compared to what we have today? Hell, even the beauty standard would change from what men find desirable to women's comfort and practicality. Say bye to racism too.
What would be the plot or the conflict if it's so paradise-like then? Well, I don't know, environmental issues? Technology going rogue? A bunch of young women trying to save near-extinct species? Or a few young women going on a high-tech expedition to explore the depths of the ocean that our contemporary society cannot explore due to insufficient durability in our technology? Young girls finding out about medieval witchcraft and trying to reconnect with nature and mother Earth while stile recognizing the convenience of tech? Idk, the sky's the limit when men are decentralized.
But above all? I'm partially happy that this piece of media doesn't exist. I can already imagine how vitriolic its reception would be from libfems, "centrists", incels, run-on-the-mill "leftist" men, "media critics", etc. I could already see the "journalist" artices calling it "woke" simply because it features only women, yet media that only has men in it is praised as genius. It would hurt seeing it be brought down by many for DARING to not centralize the penis.
I can also imagine that if this concept was ever in the hands of a man, he'd probably make the main character male (some BS about mutation and tech) and would 100% make at least half of the female cast be interested in him for no reason.
Sorry for the random ask, I just feel like ~creating~
I respect you, anon, for unloading that escapist daydream right into my inbox 😭
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chenziee · 1 year
I don't think the world is ready to see Brachio-snakeus animated
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