#I'm really really normal about this robot guys I swear
lorkonsghost · 1 day
Here's a sneak peek into April dating a Wayne kid au I'm writing. Title work in progress
The Red Hood, The Red Head, and The Big Green Turtles
He just wants to be Jason again
Jason has no idea why he’s fighting alien robots with almost 6ft tall turtles, or why the girl he started dating a month ago dating is also fighting said alien robots but he wasn’t really going to question it. He was fighting alien robots makes a lot of things easier if you don’t question them wait are those fucking ninjas and why did the turtle in red say their name like it’s a bad thing. Jason really rethinking coming to New York to go drinking by himself was a bad idea maybe if he at least brought Roy he wouldn't be in this mess.
1 month ago, and 2 weeks after Jason’s 21 birthday
Jason was getting sick of always having someone tag along everytime he went drinking, for his 21st birthday wasn’t the problem, but the 4 times he tried after that doing it solo was the first time he tried it Dick showed up not 10 seconds after his first shot the next tine he did it was in star city and Roy showed up before even his first shot. The third time it had to be a joke because why did Rose fucking Wilson show up at the bar he was drinking at in central city she normally never even visit central city. The fourth time he knew it was joke because he went to the most swear rat bar in Gotham and for fuck sake why was Bruce their wearing a fucking fake mustache. Jason wasn’t really annoyed at not drinking alone if he actually wanted to do that he would just stay home and buy a few beers with Bruce’s credit card but it was the fact that he kept running into people he new he just wanted to get drunk and make a few mistakes but no now somebody he new was their and he can’t go embarrassing himself in front of them he had reputation to up hold. So that’s why he’s in New York he knows almost no hero’s who even touch New York so he thought no problems.
Jason was a few drinks in when he first saw her it looked like the first time she ever been in bar by herself and Jason thought why would she choose such a warn down bar like this. Jason took a shot for confidence and approached her thinking the most he could do is keep her company.
“Hello their beautiful looking kinda lonely mind if I join.” Jason say with his buzzed confidence
 “Hmph ha ha ha are you serious my ex had better pick up lines.” the red headed girl says
“Sorry I never been the kind of guy to try pick up a girl this way.” Jason says with a slightly bruised pride
“Oh so how you do it mister aren’t you look lonely miss.” Her blue eyes smiled behind her glass
“honestly most of the time we just start dating or they fall for bad boy charm” Jason with a cocky smile
“Sorry dated one bad boy don’t know if I need another” her red hair drops a bit but she says with a cheer in her voice
Jason doesn’t know actually why he tried flirting with her Jason knew it wasn’t good to get involved with a civilian Isabel taught him that he missed the flight attendant. But maybe it was the alcohol In his system, or it was the fact he wanted to ignore the hero stuff that’s also probably why he wanted to drink  without anyone he new he just wanted a night where he’s okay to be somebody other than Jason Todd the red hood son of Batman in somebody’s eye just Jason.
“I never introduced myself I’m Jason I’m not just a bad boy I also happen to read pride and prejudice.” Jason says in half cocky smile with another swig of his drink
“Okay mister Jason tell me your favorite quote and I’ll tell you my name” Her smile softens
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. I know the original quote is about falling in love but it’s like I lived my life by it”  Jason says trying to hide the emotions he feels when he says it
“My names April so you where telling the truth about reading it” April say with a reassuring smile
Jason collects himself for a moment he’s kinda surprised how far he’s come along in this conversation. Jason really was only Jason right now no baggage to unravel yet and he’s okay with that right now it only him, April, his slowly blurring vision, and the hope maybe he could get a date out of this.
“So miss April tell me something other than your name please”. Jason say with a half smile
“Well currently I’m trying to be a journalist but get the last 5 credits of my degree I need to intern under another journalist for a year.” April says with a slight annoyed frown on her face
“so what’s the problem can’t find respectable enough journalist or something else” Jason says trying to offer A chance to vent
“It’s not that it’s just any intern ship I apply for needs me full time and my home life just doesn't allow that right now* April says with happier expression
Jason wants to call in a favor from Clark or Lois so bad right know he really could solve this girls problems with a phone call. But Jason was taught by Bruce, Ras, Dick, and Talia you can’t solve all the problems even if two them he would stab and not regret it and Bruce and Dick have been off his shit list for a good minute. But all of them where right he can’t just solve her problem for no reason but Jason wanted to do he makes a compromise.
“Okay that’s problem I could possibly help with” Jason says with cockiest smile yet
“Oh how so” April says with curiosity
“So a family friend is a journalist I could put in a word for and give you a chance at something buuut with it would be uup to you to convince them to agree to whatever youuu propose” Jason say with seriousness but with slurring
“Are you serious why would you do that for me” April says questionably
“Well I could ask you for a date as compensation but instead here’s what in going to do I give them a word if they give you a chance you go on date with me as celebration if they don’t drop my number we never talk again” Jason says with a smile
“Well mister Jason you got a deal and if don’t get I might stillll give you a chaaaasnccce for at least not being a creeeep” April tries to say a little flirty
Jason grabs a napkin and calls the waiter over to closes his tab and ask to borrow a pen and writes his number down
“call me in the morning I’ll set up an interview” Jason say as gets and walks over to April
Jason kisses the back of April hand and says as looks into her eyes once more ”Did you admire me for my impertinence?”
April laughs “yeah I did.”
Jason offers to pay for April’s tab as well but she’s says it’s okay and as Jason leaves he wonders if he’s doing the smart thing involving April in his life.
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my-name-is-jimmy · 1 year
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son1c · 20 days
Ask so long I had to write it in a Google Doc… 422 words btw. If you were wondering.
All of your designs are so interesting, Lovelyn, but I’ve picked out a few!
First of all... the kitty. Chimera Sonic ilysm <3 I want to hug him but he'd bite my face off. So creature. The mere concept is so interesting because Sonic's whole thing is being a hero, and now he's a monster. Who kills people. Which is exactly what Sonic does not want to do. Ughhh many thoughts (I'm going to watch that anime I swear)
And then there's Gale!! Wings :D Just love him so much. Overpowered little thang with an awesome hat, who then loses power at the end and can’t ever really be whole again ever. Compared with Bermuda (also on the list)?? They're even more opposites than canon Sonic and Shadow are, and it's already an interesting dynamic with them. It's like if you stretched them to the most extreme sides of the spectrum, and yet... also many thoughts
Bonus Bermuda mention again! Tragic fishy (I love sirens). I like his wings, they're really cool and very functional too. I can just imagine him opening them up to look bigger/more menacing. And the color palette rocks!!
And Teddy!! Ignoring the “typical” Sonic character body shape? Hell yeah!! I love it when OCs are just a normal guy. With paws. Shadow and Teddy are the cutest methinks. My comfort ship fr. Because I can’t hug Chimera Sonic I will hug Teddy instead <3
I can’t forget Jack, either. Ultimate girl boyfriend. The bestest rival. I love when people break “typical” Sonic character rules. I also love her fluff. If I were her I’d have as much ego too. She deserves it.
And last but definitely not least, the Falling Stars duo. I love all three of Sonic’s designs, especially the robot one (although he wouldn’t be as enthusiastic as I am about it), and Shadow is an epic guy with identity issues. Honestly, one of my favorite things to think about is Sonic with amnesia, and with Shadow is a bonus. I love your take on it.
I love all of your designs and I would yap more (about Three and Fibula and Bullet too), but this is bordering on essay length and I don’t know if making it any longer is a good idea. Your brain is so big!! And your art style is so beautiful!! I definitely made the best choice following you <3 
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clouseninjago · 6 months
Hey besties. Heresmy uh Ratings of the NINJA 🤯🤯🤯 Except i love them all
Lloyd - 8/10 HHGOOOHHJHJG my gosh i love him . He is so so silly and so so yaes. Yass. Genuinely like i would protect him with my life HES NOT MY FAVOURITE but i still love him. how can you NOT love him
Kai - 9/10 and I'm gonna be completely honest when I say that the only reason he's my third favourite ninja over cole is because he's red (my favourite colour) and he has fire powers (my favourite element) but otherwise i like the two equally. Anyway HE's SO COOL like genuinely . Funny as hell too. Not a big fan of his haircut HOWEVER i am a zane fan so i choose not to make a big deal out of that
Jay - 7/10 yeeeshhhhhh ERM i am going to preface this by saying I AM NOT A JAY HATER and i am not even a jay disliker. He is funny and he is silly and there have been many occasions upon which I have looked at him and thought 'hes just likw me fr'. HOWEVer there were certain occasions. Certain seasons even. Maybe a specific season that came after possession and before hands of time. In which he ticked me off quite a large amount that may have negatively affected my opinion. BUT I STILL LOVE HIM hes just jever been a favourite and #that season didnt do much to help
Cole - 8.5/10 like I said he's basically joint with kai apart from the fact he isn't red. But i fenuinely love so much about cole i love his design (he was basically the only ninja to have a good haircut before the redesigns icl) and i love his personality and just everything about him is Awesome. And one thing i found really interesting is when he was a ghost. And i wish that got more focus cause i would have really liked it
Zane - 13/10 HOOOOO BOY i will be brief. I could genuinely go on for days on end about how much i love zane ninjago but I Will Be Brief. Everything about his character just makes me so SO happy. His personality and his design (his haircut is cute i swear) and his story and EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM and i said that for cole as well but this is TEN TIMES MORE INTENSE every time i think about him it feels like an actual electric SHOCK through my entire body I'm so so serious. I also find him to be like INCREDIBLY relatable. There have been occasions where i literally Cried because he was Just Like Me and i couldnt TAKE it anymore. And it's not even funny and it will never even be funny and the season 3 finale left me in shambles for weeks. And to be honest i think the show needs to be nicer to him because why is he always going through something. This little guy cannot have one normal day i swear. Let zane be happy challenge imPOSSIBLE. And i know a lot of people don't like how robotic he is after season 3 and I totally get that but for me personally that doesn't really change how much i still love him as a character even if there are some changes i want to be made with his writing. Just realised i said i would be brief and then wrote a whole paragraph Um im gonna move on,
Nya 10/10 I LOVE HER!!!! Genuinely cannot think of one negative thing to say about her apart from it took the show a good few seasons to get the hang of actually writing her (as much as i adore rebooted it pisses me off how dirty they did her in that season). But she is just SO cool and i love her and i loved her in skybound and she was probably one of the only things i loved about skyboukd other than echo zane. Good lord i love nya she makes me malfunction in the brain. Whenever i drink water i think of her
garmadon 5/10. And i dont mean that in a negative way i mean genuinely true neutral. I actually loved him in the movie he made me cry a lot but when we're talking just the actual show? Euuiwuuajajgghj. In the first couple aeasons i was really mixed on him like i think he was a really interesting character and he was silly but i had proper BEEF with him too like he made me MAD. And then seasons 3 and 4 came around and . And. Sensei Garmadon. fun fact about sensei garmadon i didnt Particularly Like him but thats ok!!!!! That is ok!!!!! I did like garmadons backstory with clouse that was very interesting i really.Really liked it. Idont know if you could tell but um tumblr user clouseninjago quite likes clouse ninjago so that made me happy tbh. Ok im actually done fr now and i would tag more people to share their opinions but i have no friends so @colesstar Hi
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mxalexwhat · 4 months
All the theories about Chester and Norris really got me thinking about how Stephen Hawking's robotic voice is so iconic to him specifically, but it wasn't a robot voice. It actually belonged to someone else.
Dennis Klatt was a pioneer in text-to-speech back in the 70s. He recorded his own voice to create a computer program that could analyze, modify, and speak literally any human language. He called his program Perfect Paul, and ironically, years later, Klatt would lose his voice. (This amazing article uses the word "calliope" as an example of how Klatt's program worked. I'm climbing the walls, y'all.)
Even more insane, the article also references a guy from the 13th, named Albertus Magnus, who supposedly created a talking mechanical man that he beat to death because it wouldn't shut up!!!! AHHHHHH
Anyway, Dennis Klatt died in 1988, but Hawking continued to use Klatt's synthetic voice until his own death in 2018. They even beamed a recording of his voice to a black hole in honor of Hawking, but it's not just Hawking's voice! ITS ALSO DENNIS KLATT'S VOICE!!!
So while I love the idea of Jmart being Chester and Norris, I also love the idea of Chester and Norris being two wholly new individuals who just took Jon and Martin's voices or were given their voices OR ALL THE OTHER POSSIBILITIES!!!! There's just something so eerie yet endearing about it being their voices but not their voices! (I SWEAR I'M BEING SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS.)
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bonnielunkas · 5 months
okay hear me out, hurricane paranormal society dashboard simulator
actually that's a dumb idea forget i said anything
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🎮 gamerswag39
jesus fucking christ i'm so upset rn. literally got a call over NOTHING. so what if the animatonics are moving at night that doesn't mean shit man. they move at night at my location. they move at night at the pizzaplex. they moved at night in the 80's and 90's. they just do that. and then they had the nerve to get mad at me for not wanting to deal with it? like? just get a technician to deal with it if it's that big of a problem?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmao didn't they like. kill night guards in the 80's/90's
🎮 gamerswag39
yeah? jake our boss's husband literally got assaulted by mangle?
📞 phone-a-dude
yeah i remember him talking about that lmao
📞 phone-a-dude
just checked some company records my dad almost got killed by chica back in like 93 lol
🎮 gamerswag39
didn't your dad literally kill those kids?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmfao yeah
💙 stanleyblogs
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⚙ exo-gurl
Alright, today's the day guys, gonna be showing off the exosuit in my robotics class. (Made it with a bit of help from @ history-with-shelly but no one in my class needs to know that. Thanks btw Shelly, you're a real one.)
⚙ exo-gurl
⚙ exo-gurl
🖥 coding-and-cats
you're welcome 👍
⚙ exo-gurl
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🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Me and my gf are going on a date later hopefully nothing weird or paranormal happens!
🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Hey what the fuck is Faz-goo and why is this random kid I don't know warning me about it.
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🔧 cob-rulez
not to name names, but istg i'm this close to dropping one of my friends. he literally went like, 50 in a school zone, almost ran over tobes' boyfriend, and he didn't even fucking apologize? he just kept driving like that didn't happen? like? wtf?
(pete when you see this i'm really sorry my friend almost hit you)
🏈 absolutely-footballin
🔧 cob-rulez
yes unfortunately.
💛 aimees-corner
And this is why I've been telling you to drop him for the last few years.
🔧 cob-rulez
in my defense i haven't been in a truck with him before i thought everyone was just like, exaggerating when they said he's a terrible driver
💛 aimees-corner
Need we forget all the times he's ended up on the news? Enough to where there's a whole post about it?
🛻 trucks-n-shit
gang i'm like, RIGHT HERE.
🌐 certified-hurricane-moment
Certified Hurricane Moments in history
🔧 cob-rulez
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🧃 applesauceboy
Okay so I kinda always figured? I was adopted? Since me and my parents don't look alike at all. But WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE AN OLDER BROTHER I JUST NEVER KNEW ABOUT? I'm hanging out with him right now and like? How did we just never know?
🧃 applesauceboy
His name is Devon btw if like, any of you guys know him.
📓 kaiju-fanboy
I work with him, I guess? He joined the paranormal team I'm in because he accidentally killed a classmate once.
🧃 applesauceboy
👾 gregorygaming
oh yeah I know him too lol. apparently he went to that abandoned freddy's out in the woods with his friend and said classmate and the classmate put on a springlock suit and bled out? but then devon went back a week later and his classmate was there and they were fine and then everyone just moved on like nothing happened.
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
136 notes
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🦊 yargfoxyforever
hey guys what does it mean if my cousin has blue eyes and his name is freddy and he's really nice
💖 m4rl3y
Alec please stop borderline shit-talking my younger brother I really don't see what the issue is
🦊 yargfoxyforever
chat, Does She Know?
💖 m4rl3y
Alec what does that mean
💖 m4rl3y
14 notes
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🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Hey guys, Mandy here with some exciting news!!!! I'm gonna be visiting Utah next week to see my friends!!!! I'll let you guys know if I can learn any cool info on this trip!!! See you guys in a week!!!! ^v^
🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Guys I think I'm being haunted.
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🧢 thegreendemon
🧢 thegreendemon
@ kaiju-fanboy @ gregorygaming YOU TWO.
46 notes
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🌹 heather-the-musical
This close to kicking this random blonde dude out of Film Club, he's annoying when it comes to directing and he can't use a camera to save his life.
🌹 heather-the-musical
No fucking way he just showed me literal footage of a Freddy's just to prove he's a good camera man. What the fuck.
🌹 heather-the-musical
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💀 tomb-and-gloom
like this post if you love yuri
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🍀 sir-gee-oh
stuck on a phone call with matt. ignoring him isn't enough i need to kill this guy.
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Alright take two.
Spoilers for the sun and moon show episode
the sun and moon episode RUIN Sun TRAPPED Moon in VRCHAT LOLOLOLOL See link above
It's late and EVERYTHING is funny
(Trigger Warning Below Cut for: discussions of violence [Bloodmoon, Jigsaw], discussions of mental health [Sun], swearing, [because I'm incorrigible])
I'll be honest I do NOT like the name Jigsaw. I just simply do not like it. It's just not clicking with me for some reason. It sounds like the name is still up in the air in the show as well, but I hope I settled with it real quick if it does become the canon name for this dude.
I couldn't tell you WHY. It's just not sitting with me yet, which is bothering me because it's such a silly reason to dislike the appearance of a character. Especially since I REALLY like this guy.
yeah ya'll are right. Moon's concern for Sun's wellbeing is endearing
More of a gripe with Security Breach, but they missed an opportunity to call the game Glampire. I mean, come on. It's right there!
I try very hard not to be someone who nips about stuff on the show but the 'watch to the end to see...' is... really annoying. I've had to click off a couple videos because I was just... I dunno, they struck me the wrong way? Like, I'm already watching the episode? I want to watch the episode? I don't want to watch the episode when that thing pops up, makes me feel like I'm being told my attention span is not long enough or something. It feels kinda... insulting? But it feels dumb to call it that. It's just something I'm perturbed by. :/ I feel like I saw someone else mention this somewhere, maybe here or in the comments of a vid. So I hope it's not just a me thing.
I wonder why they started doing that? Maybe people were only watching so far into the videos? I'd be genuinely interested in seeing the analytics of the channel. I know that's not an option lol, but I just like data and looking at data. Correlating it to decisions and stuff. ANYWAY
I've also never understood peoples, like, people point out the cameras a lot as being shorter than normal or taller than normal or shakier and ascribing that to being a character when it just always felt like camera work to me. Cause, you know, it's VR CHAT, they gotta work with what they got.
But I did kind of understand this episode, because all I could imagine as Moon was walking through the Arcade back area was Ruin/Jigsaw/'whatever their name is when it's cemented in the future' doing that goofy, like, long legged cartoon walk where someone's sneakin' around in like tom and jerry or loony toons.
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or Sims 4 because this is the closest gif I could find lol
They make me genuinely nervous when they TALK it's so GOOD
Like, my heart clenches up you know what I mean?
This guy is so. They're SO interesting to me. They're
They remind me of Bloodmoon. But only a little bit. In, like, a similar but opposite way.
so Bloodmoon, like I've said before, was built for killing. It was weaved into their code from the get-go to be violent. But they also enjoyed it, killing people was something they relished in.
This guy also seems to enjoy killing people, but unlike Bloodmoon, if they are to be believed, they are a fusion between Sun and Moon. As far as we know Sun and Moon were not programmed with any sort of penchant for violence. There was Killcode, but Killcode was a virus before he gained sentience, and if New Moon is anything to base off of, those violence urges were not hard coded into him. And if the AI is to be believed the only two folks in this particular robot are Sun and Moon.
Which seems to me like wherever this want for torture came from, they developed it on their own. Whether that be because of the events of the Ruin DLC or what, I don't know but I'm super excited to see all that unfold.
They also seem to enjoy it differently. Bloodmoon killed his victims, violently. They seemed to enjoy the viscera and gore of murdering people more than the lead up. After all they liked blood.
This guy is much more patient, all the way down to how they speak. They enjoy causing PAIN. It's a game to them, because it's fun. Their enjoyment comes from the torment before the kill. It's why he describes what he's going to do to Moon, I don't even think they mention killing at all, THAT'S what he enjoys.
"Moon suggest a different game! Moon suggest a different game!" Lol
"Rock a bye baby *doge w/dolphin sounds*" Had me crying.
As Jigsaw was following Moon back out of the arcade, they'd pass into a more shaded area and his eyes glowed which was Really cool and also Really unsettling.
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"We can make them count as limbs" fuck me he's so unsettling
" I don't owe you anything."
"Yes you do! You owe me a game!" Pouty face. (:(
Should have suggested, like, a vocal rendition of Rush E or The Diva Dance from The Fifth Element or something.
I guess... they're robots though. So maybe notes like that wouldn't affect them. Might have set them on fire thought maybe?
Moon's performance was very nice! It really is a good song for his character. It takes a lot of confidence to sing in front of ANY type of audience.
Jigsaw really takes everything in stride. Moon insults him and he doesn't even respond at all.
The lil' nose boop.
The little head bonk.
"I'm yOU remember?"
I was wrong there are something's he does not take in stride
LOVE him. He is shooting way up on my list of characters I look forward to seeing in episodes.
"Well I'm still standing here!" "And I'm way better than I ever was." LOL
You know I can see no cons of creating a portal gun. I think that would be highly beneficial and there would be no terrible outcomes that ignite from the building of a piece of machinery that allows instantaneous travel between two designated locations via breaking the very fabric of space time. Not a single bad thing could come from making something
Yeah okay never mind
(Sorry I gotta poke a leettle bit of fun at the guy who decided making the Newton Star was a good idea thinking making another high-tech piece of equipment is a good idea. I'll make fun of the satellite too, probably, when it comes around don't ya'll worry)
"Ohhhh NOOOoooo DOn't LEEaave ME MOOOnnn PLEEEeaase." As Moon just turns around and walks away
Followed immediately by a fucking jump scare Jesus Christ
But it worked right? It fucking worked, it lulled me into a false sense of security. Like, this guy who was threatening Moon's limbs not seven minutes earlier went into goofy silly clown mode and I fell for it sooooo, like. It worked.
It sounds like this was the first time Moon actually said anything about his trip to another dimension to Sun. So this is being dropped onto Sun with almost no warning.
Sun learned Moon would be gone for a week, and immediately went 'can we hang out?'
He very much needs some support right now. We're, what, a week post-hallucination episode? He needs his support group with him right now, it is a critical point, but he's too afraid to ask for it straight up so instead he's asking around it so to speak.
Instead of asking Moon to stay or telling him what the problem is, he's asking if Moon will play a game with him instead. Hang out. Be in his presence.
There are so many reasons this could be. Perhaps he would feel selfish asking Moon to hold off on completing this satellite to stay with him, especially if he's not comfortable with telling Moon WHY just yet, because if he doesn't offer a reasonable explanation then there's no justification for Moon staying, at least in Sun's eyes. It could be embarrassment over the issues, maybe he feels like he's blowing it out of proportion. Maybe he feels like he's asked or taken too much support already, and outright asking for more will end in not having any support at all.
Any number of things. It's easier to ask now when he knows Moon is 'not busy', maybe even more likely to say yes. And he's grasping for it too, "any random game" he just doesn't want to be alone because he just found out he's going to be alone very suddenly in a time when he should not really be alone at all, whether he knows that or not. He certainly doesn't want to be.
I see people often say that 'the worst thing someone can tell you is no'. They generally mean it in a positive way? I guess? I think Sun is at that point where, yes, one of the worst things you could say to him is no. So even an unenthusiastic 'I don't REALLY want to hang out with you' yes is better than a 'no'. Because a no means he'll be alone for sure, while a unenthused yes still means he won't be alone. Does this make sense? It feels clunky, did I explain this right?
Yeah the demeanor change from after asking Moon about the satellite, to finding out he has to leave for it, to finding out he's not leaving right away, to finding out Moon is going to hang out with him despite not sounding enthusiastic about it (because at least its something, you know?) was a trip.
I know Moon's probably stressed right now too, but the 'isn't there something you wanted to drag me along with' was unnecessarily hurtful.
I feel like we're slowly leaning back into past cycles with these two. Like, Moon not telling Sun about something big and important like that. Sun pushing down problems into something else. We'll see. It's just hints at it for now.
Sorry for the downer boo boo ending to the post ;-;
Maybe the next one will be a bit cheerier?
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ashplayz · 1 year
Treasure planet characters react to: accidentally hurting S/O in an argument and she runs and locks a door and the character begs her to let them in and her response is "... So you can hurt me again..?" (How I think they'd react at least)
Warnings: Pretty self explanatory- angst and fluff I guess..
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Characters included: Captain Amelia, Dr. Delbert Doppler (separately, although I do love those two together) Jim Hawkins, John Silver (cyborg) (S/O goes by Y/n, she you and they)
Captain Amelia:
The beginning of the movie I thought she was a bit stuck up/uptight, full of herself so I think she would think y/n was just trying to make her feel bad so they could win the argument
and that she didn't actually hurt her
But when y/n says that she realizes and her heart SINKS she doesn't really know how to handle emotions well in my opinion (I envy those who can)
She wouldn't know what to do, she'd feel defeated and doesn't make another move towards you.
I think She'd probably make Jim talk to y/n for her and would keep her distance until y/n is comfortable, then grab y/ns hands and give her a very lengthy apology
She'd be rambling and would look stupid because you already forgave her 😂
Dr. Delbert Doppler:
Doesn'tt normally argue with you. (Personally I think he's a kiss up)
I don't think y/n would normally care because he's very clumsy and he's probably accidentally hit her before (like barely) when they're not even arguing, just a total accident.
But it was the way he flipped out about it is what scared her and why she ran and he already had teary eyes when she runs
(the only reason she'd say that is if she was having a panic attack)
but when she says that he just starts crying silently and just sits by the door and waits until she calms down.
I feel like once she calms down a few hours later she finally opens the door and sees him still by the door struggling to stay awake.
She'd ask him to cuddle and neither of them would talk until morning.
He'd probably try to make her favorite breakfast and would feel awful about what happened for the rest of the week
like days after it happens he keeps apologizing and she's just like "babe. I love you, but stop" 🤣
Jim Hawkins:
(I know he's literally the main character but I have no clue how to write him, still tried tho)
He wouldn't fully comprehend what just happened at first but once he does his hands start shaking.
He let out a sad apology then just leaves
He comes back to fix things after the cyborg guy (John Silver) gave him a pep talk
when she finally lets him hug her he starts crying and rambling Apologies while burying his face in the crook of her neck holding her tightly
I feel like he bottles a lot of things up so something tipping his emotions over the edge like this causes an overflow, you've never seen him look so fragile before.. 🥺
John Silver:
He's a big softy so the thought of hurting his S/O is his worst nightmare
The second it happens his eyes well up and he's like a deer In the headlights
when y/n tries to run he goes to grab her hand apologizing swearing to make it up to her but he scared her more
When she said that he just leaves her alone probably leaves for like 3 days
but when he comes back he has a
crap ton of treasure he stole jewelry/gems you name it just to make it up to her but she'd already forgiven him and was just really worried when he didn't come back
He'd definitely spoil his S/O on a regular day so something like this makes him go a bit overboard 🤏
(Just watched this movie for the first time and I'm bummed there's not a whole lot of fanfiction worthy characters, I considered doing Scroop (scorpion guy) but I'm pretty sure that character would genuinely be abusive so, No. I could have done the robot guy B. E. N, But I figured that might be awkward especially if it's before he got his brain pice back, it's really hard to envision him In a relationship as well unless she's also a robot, he is a sweetheart tho I really like his character..
Attention tumblr writers!!
Please make your own stories with this prompt: "accidentally hurting S/O in an argument and she runs and locks a door and the character begs her to let them in and her response is "... So you can hurt me again..?" Please somebody besides me let's make this prompt a thing! 🙏
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lunaremy · 8 months
Yellow is a glutton when it comes to sweets
Little guy's a nightmare to deal with on halloween...
small story below the cut:
White sighed, walking through the doors of their base, the clamoring of his younger siblings trailing behind him.
"I got the most candy!!"
"No, I did. My dazzling looks convinced everyone to give me the treats I deserve."
"Aren't you a little old to be trick or treating anyways?"
There they went, bickering again. He'd expected them to be too tired after walking across the city all night. White certainly was tired.
"Umm....Big Bro? I didn't get too much candy...can you spare me some?"
"I can just buy you some candy, Green. I really wanted to stay home and hand out candy, but..."
"Really? That's even better, Big Bro!"
White decided not to think about it further.
While Black and Red argued, probably pulling in Aqua during the whole ordeal, White turned his attention to Yellow.
"Hey, Bluee! How much candy did you get?"
"312 pieces. 14 full-sized candy bars, 100 lollipops, 36 apples...."
"Woow! Can I have some? Please? Please? Pleasee??"
White sighed. It wasn't halloween without Yellow making himself sick by eating double his body weight in candy. I swear, its like he never learns!
"Mmm..." Blue groaned. "No."
"Huh?! But why? You wanna eat it all? We can share it!"
White observed from a distance.
"You ever heard of the candy - granny?"
"The who-what now?"
"The candy-granny. Legend says that if you eat more than 2 pieces of candy on Halloween night, she'll come into your bedroom while you're sleeping and steal all your teeth."
Yellow looked... noticeably distressed at this point. Just where was Blue going with this...?
"No way?!" He listened with concern.
"Yes way, Yellow. Why don't you think I have teeth?"
Of course, none of them REALLY have teeth. That's everyone older than Red knows for sure. You don't really NEED teeth when you're a robot...
...Which was something Yellow SHOULD know, but didn't.
"Oh, goodness!!" Yellow found himself in a cold sweat at this point, stricken with terror over the entity known as the Candy-Granny.
"See, Yellow? I'm trying to protect you. So hand over the candy."
To White's surprise, Yellow shoves the pile of candy that he'd normally scarf down overnight over towards Blue. Noticably, he's pretty jittery and freaked out over the whole situation. Probably something White's gonna have to worry about when it's time for bed--
"Im going to bed right now!!" Yellow hightails it outta there. "I don't want the candy-granny to get me on Halloween night!! So I'm going to bed!!"
"Goodnight, then. Sleep tight. Don't let the Candy Granny bite."
Blue yawned. White just stood there, in surprise over the whole ordeal. That was two less problems that he'd have to deal with tonight- Yellow eating more candy than humanly possible and one of the siblings struggling to sleep.
Red and Black had already "tuckered themselves out" thanks to Aqua's mediation techniques. Green, being the little guy that he is, had already begun to drift asleep when they'd gotten home. Pink's accounted for...
Everything fell into place. For once.
White watched as Blue unwrapped a piece of Yellow's candy and ate it, his expression not changing in the slightest.
...Well, that explains it.
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squirefire · 1 year
CHAPTER 1 - cr: orphan_account on ao3
Keith woke up thinking he would have a relaxing, perfect day for once. He felt cleansed, Lance being away for a week really calmed things down for Keith. But that had also made it boring.
So, with Lance back from his cousins wedding, Keith would have someone to annoy again. And that would be perfect.
He turned on his phone, turning on his MCR playlist and quickly skimming through the messages from the Voltron group chat. Luckily, he was able to find an important message in the barrage of memes.
BlackSpacePrincess: Hey, can you guys meet me @ my place after school tomorrow??? We need to talk
Allura was the most unproblematic person Keith knew, if she did fuck up, it couldn't have been that bad, right?
He stopped thinking about it and headed to school. And he just couldn't wait to see his rival again. He would never admit it, but Keith had always been just a little bit gay for Lance. Like, have you ever seen that pointy chinned, child??? That's the most attractive little shit that Keith had ever known.
Even though Lance was extremely annoying, he still lowkey loved that asshat.
So, Keith went to school, thinking about his most favorite dumbass.
The day went by faster then normal, most likely from the anticipation of what news Allura had to give out.
And the time came to head over to her house, although it was more like a mansion, everyone headed there.
They met Allura in the living room, where she and Coran sat. She looked up and smile as they entered, her and Coran getting up to allow them to sit down on the couches.
She put her hands together, smiling slightly as she cleared her throat. "Hello everyone. I need your help with something."
"Alright, everyone else can go then, I can help Allura out with my big di-" Shiro punched Lance in the arm, thankfully stopping him from saying what would have proabaly gotten himself killed.
"Anyway…" Allura continued, sending a short glare to Lance, "I may, or may not have entered all of us in a dance competition…" Everyone stared at her for a moment, disbelief settling in.
"What. Did you do Allura?" Pidge questioned, lowering her glasses. "I mean, you're joking, right?"
Allura sighed "Sadly not. The competition is in a week, and I can't go back on my word. I'm sorry."
"I can't dance! I don't have a single flexible bone in my body! I-I'll just look like a beached whale tying to get back to the ocean!" Hunk exclaimed, standing up from the couch. "You can't expect me to do this."
"Jesus Christ…" Keith spoke lowering his head into his hands, generally terrified by the the new information. "I had faith… and this… is what happens"
Lance was the only one who looked generally happy about the news. He gets to twerk and dab in front of at least one hundred people. It was his life dream, his one true goal. It was probably some of the best news he's gotten in his life.
"Come on guys, the sooner we get this done, the sooner the competition will pass and then we can all be done with this." Shiro said rising from the couch, waiting for the rest to soon join him.
They groaned picking up their bags, and followed Allura to the amphitheater so they could practice.
"Alright! We need to learn your dancing abilities. So, show us what you've got." Coran said, clapping his hands together.
Shiro was honestly the only one who didn't look like dying donkey. Hunk had no idea what he was doing, Pidge was trying to do the robot, and Lance was twerking. On Keith.
And Keith kept trying to escape, but there was non.
"I swear to fuck if you don't stop twerking on me, I'll up chuck on you're ugly ass!" Keith screeched, still trying to shove the ass of Lance away from him.
Lance giggled, continuing to grind on his best rival friend. "Hahaha, why don't ya try me bitch!"
Oh, and how Keith would try.
He stripped off his gloves and jacket, causing Lance to be confused. But even through the confusion, Lance kept grinding.
Keith ran over to his backpack, taking out a big ass liter of Coke Cola, and started chugging it.
Why he had a liter of Coke in his backpack, you may ask??? So that way he could throw up on Lance at any given moment.
Everyone stared as at him. When almost half of the soda was gone, Keith moved the bottle away from his mouth, allowing him town to breath, and then continued.
With the bottle almost gone, he stopped drinking, turning his attention to Lance, who was a few yards away.
And Keith started to run towards his significant annoyance.
He felt like his body was doused in gasoline, lit on fire and hit by truck. But none of that would stop him.
Lance, understanding how much danger he was actually in, started running away. But alas, it was too late. Keith tackled him to the ground, and began to throw up.
Keith could hear Lance groan and gag as he tried to not lay in the vomit of Keith.
When Keith had finished, he rolled off of Lance to the right side of him. "So worth it." He mumbled. Keith then proceeded to sit up, and notice the fact that everyone was staring at him in disgust.
"You two boys go and wash up! The rest of us will discuss the competition." Coran said with a weak smile.
When the boys retuned, the rest of voltron was sitting in a circle in the grass.
"Ahh there you are. Let's get you shits updated, shall we?" Allura said cheerfully, the two boys joining in the circle. "There's three different segments to the competition; one is a freestyle group dance, one is a themed group dance, which is hip hop and one is a two person ball room dancing."
Pidge decided to continue where Allura had left off. "You two fucks are gonna dance together."
Keith basically chocked on air, Lance was going into complete denial. He had to do ball room dancing??? With the kid who just threw up on him. No way in a fucking quiznak would he do that.
"What!??!?! Why can't I dance with Hunk?!?!??" He scoffed, looking at his bro "How could you."
Hunk put his hand against his check, his face in shock at the audacity that the beaty eyed child had. "It was a majority dude, I was out numbered."
Lance was about objectify more, but Shiro beat him too it. "Look, I understand you guys might not like it, but it might just make you guys become better friends."
Lance groaned, turning his attention back to Keith.
Keith at the moment was barely breathing. The thought of even being close enough to Lance to smell his axe cologne made him sick, but to be that close, even in a suggestively romantic way, made him want to die.
Maybe it was the fact that he was like, a quarter gay for that dork and getting close would be too much for him to handle. Maybe it was the thought of Keith getting close enough to Lance to feel his breath against his skin. His fingers interlocked with his own. His arms being around Keith's waist.
Maybe it were those simple thoughts that made it hard for Keith to breathe.
He felt his face get heat up, but he turned to meet Lance's gaze, which honestly didn't help at all.
Keith shrugged, rolling his eyes. "Whatever I guess, so long as I never have to be that close to this asshat ever again."
Lance puffed his cheeks, glaring at his new dance partner.
"Alright then, shall we dance?"
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Keith/Lance (Voltron)Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Keith (Voltron)Hunk (Voltron)Shay (Voltron)Lance (Voltron)Shiro (Voltron)Pidge | Katie HoltAllura (Voltron)Coran (Voltron)
Additional Tags:
trans!shaygenderfluid!Pidgevoltron dance auassumed depressionAbuseChild Abuse
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nostalgiapocalypse · 2 years
is it because of the mind control tictac joke? /j
(no but fr if you wanna share please share :eyes: )
okay GOODNESS GRACIOUS i can't fine the rant about it i SWEAR it was on this blog but anyways
this isn't really a solid au thing but i think it would be interesting to explore anyways its under the cut i guess
basically like?? the squip squad works with squips i guess?? it's a very vague au and it would technically follow the events of ij in a very thinly veiled way?? idk this is mostly just me thinking about them doing shenanigans in a cognito-esque setting (and with the events of the show the roles wouldn't serve as what they do in the situation because it would fluctuate based off whats most in character)
this is based off more premise of what they do vs the expectation of matching personality because i like experimentation <3
michael would be in reagan's role based off the fact that he knows the most about the squips with rich following a close second, and also because i put...
jeremy in the role of brett!!! hoo boy angst train choo choo!! he becomes a new hire and eventually gets into a nostalgia max type situation with a vat of weird sciency old mtn dew <3 anyways...
jeremy's SQUIP would be robotus alpha beta?? evil robot tries to take over humanity?? oh well now you're ab okay? <3 so jeremy is the one to sort of revive squip in this situation because he's like "okay yeah squips are useful and this squip is powerful i guess?? okay hi squip" and he bribes him with the first 6 episodes of the good place instead of friends because the good place is a good freaking show
the other roles fluctuate quite a bit but it's more or less the rest of the guys as the rest of the gang, maybe possibly rich as andre or something
jenna would be in gigi's role because they have. QUITE a bit in common. i legit looked at gigi like oh, you're known for gossip and spreading information AND you get pushed aside and ignored most of the time and no one appreciates you for your other qualities?? wow that totally doesn't sound like a certain character from a musical from 2015 about supercomputers ahahahaha
also i think chloe works alongside jenna too because i dont wanna forget about the other girls </3
im making christine and brooke a duo because I CARE THEM SO MUCH <3 i wish i could assign brooke a role other than glenn's </3 christine would also be in a brett type of role i think?? her and jeremy get combined because i can do that
jake and rich are still a duo so they're in the roles of andre and myc i GUESS
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musekicker · 1 year
First time writing Hermes fighting. Mainly wrote this to get a idea of his fighting and just how he talks to the team.
It was a right time, right place situation when the Hyperforce had gotten the distress signal. If they had gone much further they would had been out of range.
But now, they had a space station that was under attack to save. A war lord and his followers were the culprits according to the signal before it was cut off. 
It was almost refreshing, dealing with war lord soldiers rather then Skeleton King's forces. They had to hold back a bit on their attacks as the followers seemed to be various beings from all over the galaxy, rather then creatures of evil and goo. But they were taking them down easily enough. 
It all would almost be routine, except for when they finally ran into the war lord.
"Oh, you folks must be the Hyper Force I've heard so much about."
The leader looked like a monkey. Not of the robot variety. Rather of Spider Monkey variety, with black and white fur coloring., the top of his head a mop of white fur that acted more like a hair style 
Despite no signs of robotic parts, he was standing on two legs, clearly talking and clearly sentient.
He was even wearing clothes. A simple red vest with black pants and big belt with many compartments. But it was still clothes. 
The monkey filled in the silence of the moment to continue speaking.
"Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Hermes." the monkey said. "A pleasure to meet you all. Truly. I heard so much about you all from various points in the galaxy."
The team was not caught in the shock of what this war lord leader was anymore, though his demeanor was still off to them.
"So you're the guy we have to defeat? You don't look so tough." Nova said.
"Remember Nova, Appearances can be deceiving." Antauri said.
Hermes tilted his head slightly.
"Oh, you're a little firecracker aren't you?" Hermes said.
"What did you call me!?" Nova snapped.
Hermes held out his arms in a placating gesture. 
"I swear, a compliment. I love a good nick name, don't you?" Hermes said.
"I'm starting to think up a few nick names for this guy already.." Sprx said.
Hermes just kept up that closed mouth smile.
"Well, I suppose we should get this over with. The fighting thing I mean. Unless you all just want to back down" Hermes asked.
The team got into battle stances. Hermes on his side just sighed.
"If we really must."
The fight that broke out after that was not normal from the start. There was a sort of ease to Hermes fight style. Like he didn't care if a attack landed on him.
What was also strange that he had not brought about weapons so far into this fight. He seemed only interested in avoiding attacks or grabbing one of the team members and throwing them at the other. 
During all this, he kept talking.
"You can do better then that, Buddy." Hermes told Otto as the saw just missed him. "Red over there has gotten closer to actually hitting me at lest twice."
"This fellow likes to talk more then Sprx." Gibson grumbled.
"Hey!" Sprx cried.
Nova was the one that finally landed a blow, her fist catching Hermes in the chest. The punch sent him flying back. His head hit the edge of a storage crate at just the wrong angle and there was a sickening crack. 
"Oh shit." Sprx said. "I think you just-"
Nova froze, unsure of how to react to this outcome. On the one hand he had been trying to take over the space station. On the other, he had not actually hurt anyone as of yet. 
"Think there's a medic on board that can-"
Otto's words were cut off as Hermes suddenly sat up. Everyone screeched, including Chiro. The spider monkey looked a tiny bit dazed. Which was a lot less of a reaction that one with the head injury he had received. 
"Is that your-" Chiro said.
"Don't you worry about it Sport." Hermes said to Chiro. "Immortality, it's kind of the bees knees if I'm being honest."
The team could see bone growing and the skin and fur following after that. And soon, there was no longer any trace of the blunt force that had damaged Hermes head except the bit of blood that was drying on the fur on his forehead.
Hermes no longer was dazed, his voice once again chipper as he started to his feet.
"It's not exactly a secret. You wouldn't be the only one to hurt me in a way that would had killed most others. I have to say, didn't expect you all to be that vicious. Or am I just the lucky one?" Hermes asked.
"I will admit, this is.. a unexpected wrinkle in this fight." Antauri said.
Nova just slammed her fists together, gearing up to fight once more.
"What I'm hearing is that we have free reign to really kick his tail in" Nova said.
Hermes stood up, stretching out his arms. A pop suggested that a joint had been out of place as well.
"By all means firecracker. Give me your best." Hermes said with a closed mouth smile.
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nilolol30 · 2 years
Endangered: 3
"Thanks again Kosma" I say hopping over the spilled paint on the floor I don't want to make more of a mess.
"Oh anytime soft one but if you can tell those two up their to quit with the paint tossing" Kosma shook their head and started getting to work with cleaning.
"I will see ya" looking around I'm definitely going to need a way up and luckily I found a good way next to the shop was a bin next to a small platform I could easily climb up!
Climbing the bin and the platform was easy but now I have to jump onto the air-conditioning and jump onto the other one on the other side.
After doing so I climbed on top the small balcony using more of the air-conditioning I climbed to the roof when I made it I saw another companion laying on some mattresses.
I swear if I find out I took the hard way up I'm gonna cry.
"Oh hello I was wondering what those noises were" the companion says looking at me.
"Ah sorry if I startled you"
"No worries I was looking at the circles of light I wish I could see the real sky one day" oh poor guy I remember the stars the lights here look nothing like them.
"I hope you do the normal dark sky is way beautiful than this one" the companion made this cute whirring noise and a heart popped onto it's screen.
"Really? I can't wait!" I couldn't help but laugh a little I gave to companion a goodbye wave and looked around just on the other roof was a couch and Tv.
Not questioning it I jumped down on the other side was a air-conditioning with some beautiful yellow flowers I'm surprised that they can grow without sunlight maybe evolution?
Climbing up I finally sat down the couch was a bit worn out but still comfortable and the remote was on the couch too curious on what future tv is like I turned it on seems like a news channel but there was no sound and I couldn't read the text but a small picture of a robot with a top hat was on the corner.
I sigh honestly I kinda thought by now I'd at least remember my own name but I can't even do that and I doubt any of the companions here can really help me I doubt they know much about humans if they're shocked when seeing one.
Because everyone is dead...my parents, my friends everyone I'm literally the last person alive...I can feel myself hyperventilating trying to stop myself from crying its obviously failing since I can feel the tears.
I can never talk to them again there gone and I can't do anything about it I don't even have a fucking photo of them why was I in the cryopod in the first place why was mine the only one to have survived that's not fair.
I could have at least died with my family or friends that would have been more peaceful than this.
I'm not sure how long I was sitting here crying long enough for me to get thirsty again or maybe it was hunger I can't tell anymore the sound of faint pots breaking distracted me from my own pity party.
A few roofs over I could see Stray push some empty pots over for them to break ha classic cat stuff I quickly whipped my eyes and snot I should keep moving I really don't want to end up falling asleep outside.
Turning around there was a balcony with a blue neon sign with a frown since it looks easy to get in I hopped over and moved the wooden board away and pushed the white boxes to the side then opened the door.
It looks a its a library books everywhere ahead was a bunch of computers walking forward on the right I saw another room the entrance was full of piles of books I tried to carefully move over them but they still fell over.
"Ah shit hopefully there isn't an angry librarian in here" of course there wasn't but on the mattress there was a note and keys but again it was in a different language but maybe I can look around to see what the key opens.
So I did that walking out I took a left turn and saw a bigger room in the middle of all the book shelves there seems to what I can only guess is a dead companion and a piano the poor guy though must have been there for a long time from what the spider webs tell me.
On the piano was a music sheet I can't read the title but maybe B-12 can I'm a bit curious so I folded the sheet and put it in my pocket oh wait I walked past a hall and on the other side was a box I should check that.
There is so many book piles here it's a pain I didn't even take four steps and I already tripped over knocking more down with me.
"Okay curse whoever did this!" I couldn't help but try to hit the shelf next to me out of anger but when it did it wasn't books it was a frikin safe!?
"This library is making a mockery out of me" the key is definitely opening this and guess what it did! There was a small book with the same symbol as the sign at the door on the back of the book was a drawing of a dragon maybe B-12 can translate this it must be important I definitely need to find the cat.
Getting out and climbing down was way easier than getting up the Guardian probably seen Stray by now so that's who I headed to.
"Ah yes I've seen the cat go down there" Guardian pointed left down some other stairs.
"Thank you!" Not wanting to miss them I ran downstairs but I could already see Stray laying next to a companion with a guitar.
"Oh human we were listening to Morusque play music we've been giving him music sheets" B-12 popped out the little bag again.
"Music sheets huh funny I just found one!" Morusque seems happy hearing that.
"Really may I see?" Nodding I handed the sheet over.
"Mildly important information. This one was composed by a renowned algorithm" Morusque starting playing the song was really nice almost calming Stray even started purring sadly the song wasn't long.
"Where did you find that human?" B-12 asked.
"Oh! in the library with this" I held out the notebook and B-12 immediately started translating.
"This notebook seems to belong to someone named Doc "After weeks of research I've combined a spectrometer with a powerful UV lamp. With this, we should be capable of warding off the Zurks on our way out. The initial attempt was explosive I might have to test it under real conditions" we actually found two other notebooks good job human!" B-12 softly dropped itself on my head as it's own way of a headpat.
"Hah thanks we should probably go to Momo's now" looks like Stray agreed because they started walking off and meowed at me to follow.
Stray took me to the side of Kosma's place and climbed up this was definitely a bit more difficult but on my way up I only slipped a little but other than that I finally got up unfortunately my clothes get a little dirty sorry Kosma...
Ahead of me was one of the little bots that was tossing the paint.
"Soft one! Sorry about the paint it was an accident!" The bot immediately panicked spotting me.
"Hey it's okay but Kosma really doesn't like cleaning the mess you made why don't you guys find another way to move the paint?"
"But me and my friend love tossing buckets at each other..." Well that's a weird hobby.
"Well why don't you toss empty buckets?" The companion thought for a moment and nodded.
"Ok yeah that's a good idea thanks soft one!" Laughing I bid them goodbye and followed Stray as they jumped over the balcony and yet again we had to climb air-conditioners to get into Momo's balcony.
"The window seems to be open stay here human and we will open the door for you" nodding B-12 and Stray climbed in I could hear something smash and some beeps and all sorts of robotic sounds.
Soon the door opened there was a companion with a rainbow screen and flamingo coat they visibly stumbled back.
"H-Human!?" Without saying anything I just gave him a small wave.
"This is our friend they don't remember their name so we've been calling them human for now they actually have one of your last notebooks!" B-12 says spinning around.
I handed Momo the notebook poor guy must be so confused.
"Oh this belongs to Doc he was really a huge nerd for electronics and stuff he was always on the verge of a great discovery! Wait you actually found all my friends notebooks? Oh a note? The transceiver can be repaired? This is incredible! That means we should be able to communicate outside the slums! Clementine, Zbaltazer, Doc I'm sorry I doubted our cause I'll promise you I'll find a way to the surface. Thank you we might be able to find a way up now let's fix this junk transceiver" Momo was really quick to start fixing the transceiver.
While was doing that B-12 quickly filled me in on what happened poor Momo he was too scared to follow his friends I guess Momo was so happy he got super speed because the transceiver was now fixed.
"ET VOILÀ! it works! Come with me" Momo walked to the window and opened it.
"Up there! See that building, high above the others? If you install the transceiver at the very top of that tower, we should be able to communicate with the whole city. My friends might still be out there if there is a way out, they'll know it" Stray meowed hopping onto the window I walked over ready to follow.
"I think the cat is the only one small and quick enough to evade the Zurks human you should stay" Momo says lightly holding my shoulder.
"Huh no way I'm not gonna let Stray and B-12 go out by themselves!"
"I agree Human you already struggle with climbing up here and you should keep Momo company plus we aren't by ourselves we have each other" with that Stray jumped outside the window.
"Good luck little outsider" Momo waves and closed the window leaving it unlocked.
Not gonna lie being left behind hurts.
"So wait how are you alive soft one? Are there more of you?" Momo asked fiddling with his knuckles.
"Ah sorry I'm most likely the last one my cryopod somehow survived everything and Stray somehow opened it"
"Stray? Is that the cats name?" I nodded it is a funny name for a cat.
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gavinastrawolf · 11 months
My Quick Thoughts on Kamen Riders (the ones I've watched so far.)
Gaim: A really neat coming of age story with a bunch of punks that fight with dancing and then later POKEMON. I remember it dragging a bit but its been forever since I've watched it. I hate there's just a point that all of the villains use the same weapon and that was boring as fuck. Outside of that I just remember enjoying it. I need to rewatch it.
Ghost: I do like the idea of this one but man Takeru coming back to life once (not including when he gets turned into a ghost in episode 1) is impactful but every time afterwards feels like an ass pull. This one felt like there was form bloat imo. I get it but it feels like they introduce a few forms that are only used once. I get it when rider does this but it felt too often and fillery to me. Outside of that the plot is a bit messy but enjoyably. I like the main character and the cast is pretty neat. I love the fun facts about the historical figures that are in the eyecons. Its very ok. The third rider in that is cool though. I love it when villains turn into good guys ok.
Zero-One: I HATED this concept as soon as I watched it. It feels like Kamen Rider Detroit: Become Human. There are some moments that made me laugh in this that weren't intentionally funny. I feel like the themes in this feel really fucking jarring with them being like "Robots are people too!" ESPECIALLY nowadays with AI causing more problems. I dropped this one cause I couldn't get new episodes and I'm glad I did. I think the more it went on the more I would of hated it. I do love that one of the villains has his company's trademark in his transformation jingle though.
Build: Easily has to have some of the best cliffhangers in any Rider I've watched. Every episode felt REALLY important and it always felt like it was moving the plot forward no matter what. A lot of riders start out with some monster of the day format to give you an idea of the characters but they don't really move the plot forward, Build is not like that at all. Every episode of Build just BUILDS of each other in a really fun way. I loved the main 2 riders and the later 2 are also good. I love there's a lot of foreshadowing in this that's played off as a joke and later OH WAIT IT WASN'T A JOKE. The forms are good, the fight scenes are good, I loved the plot a lot too. The only thing I think I hate is there's a few moments when Build could of finished off the big bad but doesn't for no reason. Unless I missed something it feels like he could of ended him early and focused on how to get the world back to normal. I also did not care for the Grey Bottle arc. I feel like they really wanted to make something that wasn't important now important. Plus that's when I think the show really slows down plot wise too. Outside of that it's still my 2nd favorite in the whole series and I really love it a lot.
Geats: Easily my favorite Rider ever that I've watched so far. Form the concept that this is fucking a Rider based on fucking FORTNITE made me really excited cause I felt like Rider would work REALLY well with this idea. Not only did it work well but I think it was way better than I expected it to be. The main 4 riders are amazing and I love every single one of them. I think these are the most fleshed out characters in any Rider I've seen so far. The story is really fun to watch, the power-ups are cool and GOD Geats has the BEST fight scenes in any Rider imo. They feel really fun to watch and the cinematography is just amazing. The CGs also don't feel that distracting in this too. I can't stress this enough, Geats has got to be one of the best Kamen Riders I've ever watched. I know some people are not a fan of how these latest episodes have been treating a certain character but I don't think its bad. Easily my favorite Rider.
Faiz/555: I swear to god if people talked to each other half of the conflict on this show would not exist, but that is the point. Faiz having its main themes about communication is neat. While frustrating to watch at times, I really love the dynamic the main cast has with each other. I love that there is 2 different groups of the main cast too. It creates this neat contrast on what group vs the other. There's a few plot lines I think should of been resolved sooner but there's a lot of neat moments of character misunderstanding another's motives cause they don't have the context. Faiz is really amazing EXPECT for the last 10 episodes. That is the most rushed arc in any Rider and the ending feels anti-climatic. Episode 50 has a really good fight scene but that's not the final fight. So the real final fight that they were hyping up for MOST of the show is just like 1 short scene and its over. It feels like nothing was resolved in a meaningful way. Don't get me started with that kid plot line that goes nowhere and is just there to be there. Faiz could of been a classic but then they just forced it to end at episode 50. It needed at least 10 more episodes and it could of been great. I still recommend it but man that ending is fucking rough.
Revice: I think its mid as fuck. I am about 15 episodes and I think its just OK. The main character bores me, the rest of the cast is very passable. I think the only interesting one is Daiji Igarashi and even then I'm so conflicted on him. On one hand cool that we get to explore this conflicts through his demon, on the other hand it feels like they wanted to go through it too fast. I do like that he gets over his demon in a cool way and he's himself forever... UNLESS HE'S KNOCKED OUT OOPS NOW HES HIS EVIL DEMON SELF AGAIN. I fucking hated that in one of the fights. It comes out of nowhere and it feels like it ruins his arc of over coming his own personal demons. The fact that they can swap who takes over the body could of been neat but they make it clear that Daji "defeated" Kagero and reclaimed his body. So the swap feels so jarring and out of nowhere. I hate it so much and it bugs me even more that he is still evil. The more I think about this plot point the more it bugs me. Outside of that I think the music is nice. George and Vice make the show for me and that's really about it. I think the pacing is REALLY bad in Revice. The pacing gets better as it goes on but those first 7 episodes have some real bad pacing. It feels like they wanna rush to the fight scenes which I know you gotta do one in every episode (at least it feels like it) in Rider but man can you set them up instead of rushing to them. The first episode feels like a whiplash with how quickly they want to get to the transformation. The fight scenes are a mixed bag here too. I know Rider has a lot of CG in their fight scenes but Revice relies on it TOO much. In episode 4 there's a fight scene that's a chase and that's cool on paper, but then you see it and it looks like a really bad PS2 game. Most of the Buddy forms are like this too and it looks so bad. I love the idea of the Buddy system though but man they do it so badly. I'll give Revice this, it has A TON of cool ideas but it never really feels like it capitalizes on them vs a lot of other riders. Its too overambitious for its own good which I can appreciate but man it makes the quality of the show pretty bad at times.
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alirhi · 2 years
reposting from an ooooold fb post
this just popped up in my memories on facebook from 5 years ago, and I still stand by every point I made here, so fuck it. I'm reposting it here:
While I really do love Joss Whedon's work, I'm not surprised in the least that his attempt at writing a Wonder Woman movie is being ripped apart for being sexist. Has anyone ever actually WATCHED Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I mean, really? It's a great show if you don't think too deeply on it, but... Every single female who shows the slightest bit of strength and independence is immediately ridiculed and slut-shamed, including the goddamn title character! Here's just the examples I can think of off the top of my head:
1) Buffy's entire. Fucking. Arc. She can't have a functional relationship because in Whedon's mind that's aaaaaalllllllll about sex, and there is an ENDLESS trope of "girl who enjoys sex must be punished!" Angel turns evil, Parker's a douche, she and Riley (UGH, Riley! *barf*) trigger a massive haunting that nearly kills all their friends, Spike is UTTERLY DESTROYED as a character on EVERY level, and everyone shrugs off his attempt to RAPE HER as just "eh, whatever. he went crazy that one time, but it's all better now." Oh, and she can't date a normal human boy because - god forbid - his fragile wittle ego might get all bruised!
2) Faith. omfg Faith. What he did to her should be a CRIME. Here is a girl who is comfortable with her sexuality and LOVES what she does. She's powerful, beautiful, and she knows it. In Whedon's mind? CLEARLY INSANE. TURN HER EVIL IMMEDIATELY. But not really evil, no. A truly evil woman is just too interesting. No, make her crazy, and then make her flop like a fish out of water back and forth over that good/evil line, just dipping her toe in on either side enough to make her feel like utter shit at all times.
3) Kendra is smart and has been properly trained. Can't have that! She's a stuttering robot and dies the DUMBEST WHEDONVERSE DEATH EVER. (well... maybe second-dumbest *side-eyes Wash in Serenity*)
4) Drusilla is actually interesting and nuanced and kind of a badass? Eh...quietly remove her and make her boyfriend whine about her for all eternity. No one will notice. (I noticed, Joss. I noticed and was NOT PLEASED.)
5) Willow, immediately upon discovering that she has a natural affinity for magic, is punished at every turn for pursuing that. Giles talks down to her and tries to hide things from her without even explaining why he thinks they're so dangerous for her, if she doesn't get something perfect on the first try, every goddamn character around her except Tara (who is the ONLY ONE with a leg to stand on, here, as the only other witch in the series - not counting Amy the rat) ridicules her for it, and when she finally gets a good solid handle on her abilities? BOOM. "Addiction" (thus proving Whedon has NO FUCKING IDEA what magic really is, what it does, or how it works), hurt Dawn, lose Tara (😭 MY HEART), and then make her "evil", and the only way she can be back with the good guys is if she's TERRIFIED of her power and lives in eternal shame of it, because I swear to god, WHEDON IS AFRAID OF WOMEN.
I was going to say something about Cordelia, but that's a whole rant on its own, because she was AMAZING on Angel before Joss ruined everything AGAIN... and I'm trying not to delve into Angel right now. I'm too tired for that shit lol. And Anya...eh. Everything about her and her relationship with Xander is pretty much just one big sexist trope. Also too tired to get into that.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Okay- Can I request a fic with the Pizza Guy porniplier (Don’t worry) Where a ‘really’ confused fem reader finds him at her door. He starts doing his whole “flirty thing” and the reader, after a while, gives up on the logic, and just goes- “Look, man. Do you wanna come in? I just made a pot of tea.” Then they spend the rest of the night talking on the couch. 😌 ‘maybe’ pizza dude gets to cuddle with the reader a lil bit, later, when they decide to put on a movie. - Some people are calling the pizza dude “Ryder” ? - (Hopefully this all makes sense!) ^
This was partially inspired by your comic of the Life Guard, opening up to the captain he tried to flirt with, about his insecurities regarding the water hgdfx 👍🏻
Oh nice I’m glad you were inspired! And I’ve seen the name Ryder circulating and I like it so imma use that here
Now get in losers we’re dispersing the sexual tension these Pornipliers radiate by letting them open up emotionally <3
"Did someone order a large pizza? Extra...pepperoni?"
Puzzled, you looked at the delivery guy standing outside your apartment door. You don’t recall ever ordering a pizza--not to mention you lived here alone--so you weren’t really sure what to do. 
He put his hands on his hips, the box itself somehow...staying in-place as he gazed up at you with a small smirk, awaiting your response.
‘How is he doing that? It is magic or.......oh....’ You’re a bit ashamed as your mind goes straight to the gutter, especially after you were caught-off guard when he didn’t mention anything about sausages.
You’ve never met this man before in your life so you weren’t sure why he was being so flirtatious and horny towards a total stranger.
‘Unless he works at some pizza shop for adults...never heard of that before, though.’ You mused.
Still, he was quite a handsome guy, as you noticed a few barely-visible outlines of his muscles through the turquoise polo shirt under his jacket. On a pin you could see his name was “Ryder”.
But as charming as he appeared, he also seemed exhausted. The nearest pizza place wasn’t for miles. God only knows how far he had to travel to get here.
Usually this was the part where normal people would either say “sorry, wrong house” or call him a creep and slam the door. But you’d feel guilty for doing either.
So you decided to be nice for a change.
"I didn't, but why don’t you come inside for a bit? I just made some tea and I can't drink all of it by myself."
Convinced that you're just subtly flirting back, Ryder chuckled deeply. "Oh, I bet it's steaming hot~ I can take that as a tip....unless you got other things in mind-"
"Just my hospitality, dude. I mean..you look tired as hell and I'd hate to see you drive all the way back to the shop." That was more blunt than you'd like to admit, yet to the point so he knew your intentions.
He blinked. "So you don’t have any..."special requests"? Wink-wonk?"
"...thank god. Seriously, thanks." He suddenly dropped the whole act, taking the pizza box off as he sighed. "Before you ask...no, i-it’s not my dick. I use a belt to hold this up. That's my secret. I swear I’m not that disgusting.”
“Oh, uh..okay.” You muttered, deciding not to question it as you invited him inside. He put the pizza on the coffee table and sat on the couch awkwardly while you got the tea and turned off the stove, pouring some for him, too. "I don’t know if you have any preferences for tea.”
“Anything beats their watered-down soda. Don’t tell my boss but it’s bad.” He grumbled as he took off his hat, running a hand through his greasy hair. 
Soon you joined him on the couch, yet he seemed rather shy now.
"Look, I...didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just trying to earn better tips. My rent just went up and the only place that would hire me was this shitty ass pizza joint. I got laid off from another one that paid so much better ‘cause they’re using robots to deliver now.”
You weren’t expecting to hear his life story, considering all you did was invite him into your home. But you just nodded in understanding as you handed him a mug. “Sorry to hear that, technology sucks sometimes. And don’t worry. I wasn’t uncomfortable. Just...a little confused. Does this place know you’re flirting with customers?”
Ryder shrugged. “They said I can do whatever I want if I needed tips that badly, so I figured I could offer my own...."services" on the side."
"And....how has that been going for you?"
"..I hate it. I mean, surprisingly it’s kept me steady but...it just doesn’t make me happy, y’know?” The more he rambled on, the more tense he became. “Now it seems like people only like me for my body. I’m horrible at flirting and talking and..just..I-I don’t know what to do anymore...”
Again he sighed, before looking at you with tired brown eyes. “Sorry. I shouldn’t be dumping all of this on a pretty lady without even knowing her name yet..”
“It’s [y/n].” You smiled, a bit flattered at the compliment.
For a while you two talked and shared the pizza together--which did contain extra pepperoni, indeed--and he was slowly starting to get to know you better. To distract him from his shitty job you told him some things about yourself. 
Hours passed without either of you realizing it, but that was fine. He was in no rush to get back to work.
At some point you decided to put in a movie. He wasn’t too picky, so you just chose one of your favorites and got settled as it began. But in doing so you were awfully close to him, practically cuddling against him without realizing it, and you heard him huff.
“I knew it..”
“What’s wrong?” You sat up, confused.
“Nothing, I mean..did you actually want to take this further?” He questioned, looking a bit hurt for some reason, hugging himself in a self-conscious manner. “You could’ve just said that instead of leading me on.”
“..I’m lost. I don’t really understand what-”
“This is how it started with the last customer. We ended up just...making out during a movie the whole damn time. I really thought you were different, [y/n]. You’re the only one who’s treated me like a person.” His tone wavered with slowly rising anger. “But if you were just trying to get in my goddamn pants this whole time-”
“Woah, wait..wait.” Frantically you paused the movie and looked at him. “I thought I made it clear I didn’t wanna do anything unless you were comfortable with it. What made you think I was “leading” you on?”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “You were just...next to me, acting all cuddly and stuff. I mean I liked it but..usually that leads to something more intimate, doesn’t it? Is that not what you wanted?”
"Oh no, honey...” The affectionate word just spilled out, but you kept talking anyways, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. He was looking like a sad puppy right now, feeling like you betrayed his trust. “I wouldn’t invite you here just to use your body. Cuddling doesn’t always have to lead to anything else if you don’t want it to.”
“...it doesn’t?”
“No. It can be platonic.”
“..I see. I-I had no idea. I’m sorry.” Ryder felt extremely embarrassed for assuming you had other intentions--that you were only letting him open up emotionally just so you can get in his pants easier. The guilt was ever-present on his face still.
“It’s alright. Can I just admit something, though?”
Although a bit confused, he nodded.
“You look like you give great...”
He held his breath as you paused.
Then he exhaled in relief, which made you chuckle. He couldn’t help but return the smile, enamored by your laughter. 
Seeing that the plan worked, your eyes lit up. “Hah! I got you to smile again~” You snickered, before putting your arms out. “But in all seriousness, you probably need the cuddles more, so you can lean on me instead if you wanna. No pressure.”
While hesitant at first, he eventually agreed to cuddle with you, smiling lightly as you held him. He put his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes as you played with his hair a bit and watched the rest of the movie, both of you content as can be.
This felt undeniably good. No rough touches or pressure to do anything to please you.
Finally, he could be himself.
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