wingsofhcpe · 2 years
I'll regret asking but wtf is goncharov
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agrise · 1 year
tbh, a little additional thought about dante, kind of spurred off from earliers post.
i just think dante being told they were a bigwig in the past would've definitely had made them feel mixed emotions.
" why of all things do you tell me this with no further clarification? i don't want to think about the potential things ive done in the past that do not reflect my present or future", but also, "this feels like a subtle jab in the side that you know stuff i don't yet refuse to come out with it"
and yet dante is just 🤐
lovingly, i want to shake them until it clicks in their head yknow
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imaginesmai · 1 year
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson
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Enemies to lovers, forced-marriage and based on the Disney movie The Swan princess. Here is what is probably the work I’m proudest of. Things you need to know before reading:
- As a medieval fic, there will be typical misoginist behaviours, racisims at some points and stereotypes. 
- In this fic, Ubbe is from Mercia, not a viking, but a prince. His whole family is ruling that country, while yours rules over Wessex.
- Ivan doesn’t exist. I had to erase a brother for the plot I’M SORRY.
- It hasn’t been proof-read. So, if you find any mistake, please let me know!
Ubbe Ragnarson knew three things: that he would inherit the throne when his father died, that he should get married soon to assure that throne, and that he hated Y/N Ealhmunding. And those three facts were related. Because your hand had been promised to him since you were young kids, and now it’s time to fulfill that promise.
As princess of king Ecbert Ealhmunding, you also knew three things: that the laws for a kingdom ruler weren’t fair, that your father had done everything he could for you and your future, and that you hated Ubbe Ragnarson. Not only you hated that they had decided your future without you, or that you were expected to leave every braincell behind once you married, but also that the same boy who you had hated since childhood would be your husband.
Every summer, Mercia and Wessex try to make you both fall in love. And they fail.
But this summer is different, because a series of tragic and unfortunate events brings you closer to Ubbe than ever.
You’re no longer mischievous kids pulling pranks on each other, but responsible adults looking for what’s best for your country. And trying to survive in the meantime.
Preface:  Ubbe and you meet for the first time, foreshadowing what your relationship is going to be like.
1st part:  Just like any other summer, you have to leave your country. Just like any other summer, Ubbe has to open his to your annoying presence.
2nd part:  your sixteenth-first encounter goes as good as planned.
3rd part:  Aslaug tries to push you closer to Ubbe, leaving you in a vulnerable situation. When faced with a group of soldiers, they don't hesitate to make their opinion about you crystal clear.
4rd part:  The soldiers’ attitude forces your father to make a decision, and you finally see an end to your engagement. Only that, when presented with the chance, you’re not so sure.
5th part:  No longer under the pressure of an arranged marriage and with the hunting raid around the corner, you can almost taste your freedom. But something new awakens and neither Ubbe and you know how to deal with it.
6th part:  The morning of the hunting raid arrives, and new feelings are revealed.
7th part:  Ubbe and you take important decisions, about your future and the future of your kingdoms, not knowing that something bigger than you is happening outside the castle’s walls.
8th part:  tragedy strikes when you least expect it.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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i-like-anything-water · 8 months
here, have sum crack:
The next time she'll see Rose and Juleka, she'll gift then a basket of treats. Some of said treats will also have some beef cubes rather than bean paste as a form of payback. Because, good God, she shouldn't have listened to them the moment they said:
"It's a story about a reincarnated girl and her bully but it's really nice!"
Marinette blinked at the duo, who were holding up a set of novels. They've decided to have a spontaneous anime marathon after school and because of different reasons, Alya, Mylene and Ivan couldn't join them.
She read the title of the novels, 'I favor the Villainess' in pink lettering.
The two girlfriends insisted on watching the anime which was apparently complete and there hadn't been an akuma attack yet so she let herself get dragged into it. The story was interesting, very very interesting.
And Claire seemed very very familiar.
Perhaps she should have stopped Juleka and Rose when it was already past 10 pm and it was a school night. Maybe she could have gotten some bit of sleep before an akuma decided to annoy everyone in Paris by rampaging across the city at bloody 2 AM. Ladybug was irritated, moreso when Chat almost slammed into a building out of sleepiness. Thankfully, the Akuma wasn't much of a nuisance.
The lack of sleep, however, made up for it.
Maybe she should ask Master Fu if there's any way to recruit more Miraculous holders incase of Akumas in ungodly hours. They were still students after all, plus she doubts Hawkmoth doesn't work as well. Maybe she could ask Hawkmoth instead to create a schedule for all the Akumas. Negotiate and stuff.
Anyways, going to school sleep deprived, irritated and having an anime marathon the night before was brewing for disaster. Maybe her Ladybug luck can spare her for today.
"Well if it isn't my favorite person, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
Nope. Tough luck.
Marinette groaned, her irritation rising as Chloé's haughty voice reached her ears. Truthfully, the blonde wasn't that annoying anymore ever since she decided to get the help she needed. She's actually been doing pretty well, if her small progress at being a better version of herself was to go by.
However, Marinette was sleep deprived, hangry, and also very much a bisexual disaster.
Chloé Bourgeois, former bully turned hesitant all- wait, bully? Bully, bully, bull- oh. Aha, bingo. Didn't Rae almost made Claire back off because she kept flirting with her?
"What's with that creepy smile on your face, Dupain-Cheng?!"
Marinette smiled, her remaining braincells evaporating as she looked up at the startled blonde, "You're so pretty."
Marinette shrugged, completely unaware of everything happening around her, "I mean, if you're going to call me by my full name you can have it. Chloé Dupain-Cheng, it suits you."
Everything was dead silent. Dead ass? A voice eerily similar to Rae Taylor in her head, asked.
Dead ass, Marinette replied.
She doesn't remember much after what happened but she does remember Chloé going red in the face, sputtering something that was too fast that could give Hawkmoth's receding hairline a run for its money and Alya asking her after Chloé practically ran from the conversation if she's finally lost it.
Okay, Alya, rude.
After some explanation from Alya, a two hour breakdown and panic attack, and a three hour talk with Tikki, she was already down in their bakery on a school night to prepare Chloé's favorite treats.
Was she purposely making herself sleep deprived again to actually give the treats? Maybe. Would they talk about it? Hopefully.
Is she excited? Well.
Raise Y/our hands was playing in the background and Rae Taylor seemed to be lifting her spirits. And maybe her chances of being a masochist as well.
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jinsai-ish · 8 months
I want this fanfic so bad man
It's eating my brain!! I can't stop world building!
Like, they go to different colleges maybe but in the same city? Probably have an apartment instead of dorms for that reason.
Matthew goes to a college more famous for sports than academics obviously. Studies something like bio or forestry or journalism, whatever. I kinda like forestry? He's really there for the hockey. Scholarship, obviously. Plays lacrosse in the spring, but it's more just to keep in shape for hockey. Tino, Berwald, Mathias, and Ivan are on his team. Katya goes to the same school but is an upperclassman. Ivan goes there because his sister does, and also has a hockey scholarship but he moonlights aerospace engineering classes at the other college.
Matt was the quiet kid in high school who you were shocked to find out went to underage drinking parties and got arrested for smoking pot and setting things on fire.
Alfred got an academic scholarship to some big time tech school - engineering, physics, aerospace, computer programming, etc. Would play baseball except he's too focused on his studies but he and Kiku go to every game. Gilbert probably goes there. Eduard, Kiku, and Ludwig definitely do.
In high school, he did Mathlettes and baseball, as well as played the violin, and figure skating. You know, that kid with way too many hobbies who you wanted to hate because he excelled at everything but he was too damn friendly.
Obviously in highschool everyone knew them but now that they're in (different) college and their teachers and classmates don't know about the identical twin thing, which is about to save Matt's ass with the drug test thing.
Or, at least, that's their one braincell-ed plan.
Please send help.
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pendwelling · 26 days
um just wanted to let u know that an oomf of mine rted ur short thread abt tm4rry and i wholeheartedly agree with everything abt it most especially the hyung/sunbae and ivntill and tom being crazy obsessive bl top, like u r def not alone it it hehe 👉👈 (also i didnt save the post but i saw someone once said that tom is very kr bl manhwa top materials hngjdhdjhf) (honestly i agree)
To give Ivan AlienStage credit tho, I feel like he's more well-adjusted (as.... well-adjusted as someone in his situation can be lmao) than a young '1930s/'40s!Tom Might-Become-Evil Riddle, but they are both absolutely Freaky in their own ways and I enjoy it sm.
HP's Very White culture not having any honorific for their magical school setting is such a shame...... They fit that trope of crazy younger top and upperclassman who wants nothing to do with them. I need time-traveller!Harry to be called "hyung/sunbae"(gēge, -nii, kuya, other lang. alternatives) by a freaky infatuated wolf-in-sheep's-clothing Tom so bad. What if I HC'ed Tom as half-asian, what then, who will stop me..... (canonically speaking, unfortunately I doubt his upbringing would have even allowed half-asian!Tom to be familiar with the other half of his heritage, but maybe one of the nicer more knowledgeable workers at Wool's would share a background...)(delusional)(so delulu)(but also imagine the even MORE MASSIVE complex he'd develop. Arriving in Hogwarts and in Slytherin as only Half-white AND Half-pureblood in the magical cultural society of Britain? So much internalized racism in one desperately ambitious guy.......)
Also there was that whole thing about Nagini being played by a South Korean woman in the Fantastic Beast movies and the whole racial stereotypes/implications it brought with it. (I'm very not knowledgeable about the history between Voldemort and Nagini but in this alternate scenario...) imagine a young wasian Tom Riddle finding solidarity? comfort? kinship? with Nagini, who can only be understood by him (parseltongue/korean). A kindled friendship, Nagini perhaps taking to Tom like he's a lil (potentially evil) hatchling. I'm thinking of a more wholesome relationship (as wholesome as a young TMR can get LMAO,,) but ah..... whenever you think about the HP world with more than a few braincells, the worst it really gets WKDHKKS
(but well. that's the joy of fanworks, right? Reclaiming and reworking the views of the original with more nuance and diversity.... I heard the Marauders side of fandom is doing that especially, and good on them!!)
(ALSO SORRY I got carried away again,,, somehow this always happens LMAO but anyway— "very kr bl manhwa top material" WHOEVER SAID THAT WAS SO RIGHT LMAO)
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camillekaze · 9 months
Since it's been a minute and I love talking about music, tagged by the lovely @homosociallyyours <3 Rules: Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people!
Feel it Still - Portugal. The Man an oldie but a goodie - also @chrispineofficial mentioned it recently and you all should know this is the title and artist of the song for your fics not "A Rebel Just for Kicks Now"
SUPERBLOOM - MisterWives just a good song if you're having a tough time and need a boost
What You Want To Hear - Sub-Radio if you do anything, please listen to Sub-Radio for me, I adore these boys more than my own life. also another song to boost you out of tough times
King Of My Heart - Sub-Radio again I implore you - but this is their explicitly gay song and you fucks will love it. If that's not enough of a hard sell let me include the lyric from the bridge "I don't hit the floor for no one but you"
decide to be happy - MisterWives can you tell I've had a bad year lol
Room For You - Sub-Radio gimme a break I just saw them for the third time this past weekend and I have a tattoo of their album art I got it bad for them- this is a happy break up song
Rose-Colored Boy - Paramore you can't beat upbeat music behind lyrics like "just let me cry a little bit longer"
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel I believe I started digging deeper into Saint Motel because @championofdogs rec'd me a few songs and also we have the same braincell
Calm Down - All Time Low another one for the 'it's been a rough week/month/year/couple of years"
Kitchen Song - Tessa Violet I am in love with Tessa's latest album but this song is also attached to a comic I've had on the backburner and really ought to get back to As ever, no pressure to do these I just think they're fun and I tag the aforementioned Chris Pine and Ivan, as well as @ladymdc, @morpheusdreamt and if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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pencilofawesomeness · 7 months
*Taps fingers together* I come to bug you regarding the Secret Santa exchange!
I saw your character prompts and decided to try and mix all three. I wanted to ask if there was any Laxus + Cobra brotp, or Cobra + Thunder Legion friendship headcanons you'd want to see added?
If not headcanons, then anything in particularly you would like to see regarding the five of them?
Hahahah hello there, mystery person~
Oooo you bring to the table a tantalizingly interesting prospect. I do have waaaaaay too many thoughts, and many of them are admittedly steeped in my own AU because I accidentally sold my soul to it (as authors do) so by all means, do not feel encumbered by my thoughts/ideas. Treat them as a buffet to pick and choose and take inspo from, because unfortunately you just gave me license to ramble :D
(and this is going to be rambley; too tired to make this cohesive beyond bullet points)
(I love these idiots very much)
—Laxus and Erik brotp is so real to me, fam. It's the "hey we got a lacrima bestowed upon us, whoo" bonding, for one, but beyond that, the sort of....quiet mutual understanding of what it is like to have a "father" figure who is just treating them like a weapon, making them *stronger*, with a faux sort of affection. Beyond the trauma, though, they are both deadpan assholes and I love that for them. If Erik (and this is the htryds coloring) spends a good deal of time having the braincell, then with Laxus he can channel the little-shit-little-brother energy and bully him a bit, and Laxus can be grouchy back and know that Erik can parse through the emotions and figure out what's genuine or not without him figuring out how to put in the effort.
—Also, depending on the setting, they both have the tendency to pull the ~too good for you~ bad boy vibes as a defense mechanism, which makes it utterly unusable on each other, which is fun. Mostly, though, Laxus and Erik have the ability to enjoy a mutual quietness, so to speak; not trying to prove anything, but just leaning back and being normal young adults (with a little salt on the side) and doing whatever. That said, Erik is a bit too much of a dark mirror of how things could have been worse for Laxus, if Ivan was more involved, and this leads to Laxus winning the "big brother instinct" award of the two, which is an experience Erik is not used to but....does not necessarily hate.
—This is a fun headcanon that I haven't had the chance to incorporate into my series yet, but they have fun little music debates. Laxus got Erik into the magic of using music to calm the overstimulation, but they have wildly different tastes. Laxus loves rock and roll and metal, and Erik turned to liking types of bluegrass and straight up classical music. They meet in the middle at alt-rock. They are both always trying to win each other over on certain songs or genres. It works surprisingly often but it's part of the fun to swear undying rivalry to the other's favorite.
—For more Cobra-specific vibes (aka the canon edgemaster), I can see them being a bit more competitive with each other. Which quickly doesn't work when they have completely different specialties, but an effort is made.
—Also something I haven't had the chance to capitalize on outside of the scenarios in my head, but Bickslow and Erik definitely have a fun "we perceive you but we don't care" vibe that I love. Your secrets are obvious but not their business. Sometimes they people watch together for the fun of it, because all of the thoughts they *do* have regarding the things they know have got to go somewhere.
—Evergreen, being the queen of gossip, really really wants in on this. They tease her for it though, and purposely dangle that tea on a string. (Though sometimes Ever *does* get in on it, mostly when it comes to roasting anyone who was particularly rude or annoying, or the silly speculation at the expense of friends, like figuring out what job Nab will eventually go on or what animal Bisca will adopt next.)
—On this same note, Bickslow and Evergreen both have insufferable little sibling energy amongst the Thunder Legion squad, nevermind that Bickslow is the second oldest. Mostly it's just really fun to tease the more serious ones.
—Though Ever and Bickslow are also the most keenly aware of what it is like to be feared. Truly feared. Having eye magic that isn't quite controllable (as a kid, especially) will grant that experience. It is their unspoken agreement never ever to speak of this, of course.
—On an individual note, it is worth it now to bring up that I am an avid fan (read: it's canon to me and sometimes I forget it's not real canon) of the theory that Bickslow was one of the kids experimented on by the Bureau of Magical Development. He's got that unhinged flavor that comes from straight-up trauma, and it does add more context to his otherwise creepy magic. I also hc that the babies are all deceased test subjects, and that is why they have stuck with him all this time. (I am very passionate about the babies as characters, unfortunately, and my little mini series I'm doing for them on tumblr is proof. I am soooo normal.)
—Another theory I love, and that I have somewhat brandished into my own spin, is that Freed is half demon. He sees this as an awful thing, raised by his human parent (mother, in my case), without any real context for demon culture other than the fear of it, so that's why he's super edgy and has locked all of his demon traits away into a single form he swear never to uses unless things are ~Dire~ or whatnot. It's really not that bad though lol.
—The fact that Erik will Know Freed's secrets bother him immensely. Freed is, unfortunately, *just* a smidge too dense to realize that Bickslow has also known all along, just because Bickslow is strangely very good at keeping things to himself, whereas Erik's magic is more obvious. In my au, Laxus knows too, and is literally just waiting for Freed to admit it, because it's not that big of a deal, really.
—Laxus is also the only one who (at first) knows about Bickslow's past, among the team. Mostly because of some variant of Laxus having seen/met him when it was all raw. Depending on the au flavor, this either is what gives the chaotic dude and the stoic dude a sort of mutual respect (closer to canon) or makes them the og best friends (htryds style). In the latter case, they are each other's impulse control and/or voice of reason, which is probably unfortunate because they're not great at it. This is why Bickslow has doodled drawings on half of Laxus's furniture and why Laxus gets away with avoiding his problems a little longer than he should.
—Freed is simultaneously the most responsible and the most edgy and ergo reckless of the crew. Everyone agrees he's got to value his safety just a little bit more. He's also the only one who consistently remembers the schedule/to-do-list.
—Erik shares the "living itinerary, doesn't have executive disfunction problems" braincell with Freed, and in the right conditions, they work very well together. Bonding over the experience of herding cats, that is their teammates.
—Not a headcanon but I want to whack all of them with sticks. The Sad Boi Stick, the Whump Stick... All flavors. Getting the ones who never fess up to their trauma a good thwack makes the trauma spill out, and I enjoy the possibilities that entails. Put them in Situations. >:D
—I do also appreciate them being silly-goofy, too, of course. No need to be angry all of the time, in some of their cases. (They all need affection so bad. The hurt/comfort allure of it all. Just sit down and admit they need it, etc etc.) Something that is conveniently done after a good physical and emotional thwacking— *gets dragged away forcefully*
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skyland2703 · 10 months
📂 + prince phillip iii from Dino Charge
Obsessed with that “Young Dumb and Broke” song by Khalid. You can find him in his pyjamas, in his castle, blasting this song and singing using a toothbrush as a mic, barefoot skidding on the tiles of the castle, karaoke-ing.
And once the rangers find out, it’s just… Chase teases hm so much— only to be threatened at the tip of a 🗡️sword🗡️ by Ivan, because that’s his royal highness— but in the end, they all just end up having a sleepover and singing that song with him in a GROUP karaoke (I’m imagining like that TUA S3 wedding night Dance) Session with the entire team just grooving to that song, going “young dumb broke highschool kids”
Please note, Kendall loses a few braincells in the process.
Send “📂 + Character” for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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parasytte · 1 year
heyo, i came across your blog recently,, and this is my first ask !!
i basically wanna ask (if you haven’t done it already) about a reader who is questioning their gender identity and never figured it out for a long ass time, like, would your ocs help them explore their gender identity? since they have absolutely no idea how to label their feelings about their gender or even describe them for that matter, just saying vague shit like “idrk maybe my gender is somewhat masculine but i got no idea” yk that kind
i’m sorry to annoy ya if you’ve already answered something like this,, anw i think i might send a couple more asks in the near future but my braincells ain’t braincelling rn D: thanks for your time if you read this tho !!!
hi anon !! i hope you’re enjoying my blog so far :-) <3 and no, i haven’t answered anything like this before !! feel free to send in as many asks as you want <333
to answer your question, yes, all of my ocs would help you explore your gender identity if you’re struggling with it ! going into more detail, the ones that could help you the most (off the top of my head) are morgan, jude, august, casey, percy, sorin, and salem ! morgan and jude both questioned their gender identity when they were younger so they have the most knowledge about things of the sort, and i say that jude is actually kind of somewhere on the agender scale, but he doesn’t really think about gender too much because it stresses him out. (morgan just does not care.) august is really supportive, and he just knows a lot about gender identity, and casey is really supportive as well !! some people have probably tried to pick on him before for being “girly” and “not acting like a man” and he doesn’t take shit from anybody. (for such a sweet face he really knows how to make you insecure). he’s never really thought about gender a lot before so he might be a bit confused at first but he really does try his best to be supportive, and he even researches more into it to be as helpful as possible !! percy’s a nerd. he knows like .. everything about everything. sorin has read books about gender, more specifically in different cultures, so he has quite a lot of knowledge on the topic. does his best to help you explore it. ,, and salems just salem.
now, elijah, ivan, laurence, and darci are also supportive, but don’t have that much knowledge on the topic. elijah is kinda a himbo, and he’s very confused, but he’s trying !! researches with casey but let’s him do most of the talking when it comes to helping you because he’s scared of looking dumb in front of you. ivan’s supportive but he doesn’t know a lot about gender. just never really thought of it until you brought it up. pulls all nighters gathering information to try and gain more knowledge of gender to try and help you explore it. laurence and darci never really thought about gender, but they do their best to try and help you explore it !
sorry if this isn’t that good lols i wrote this all at like 4 am ,, i really need to fix my sleep schedule.
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
the director's cut thingie for team !!! give us the behind the scenes lore 🤲🏼 also, ⭐⭐⭐!!!!
SO team actually started off totally different than what it ended up being and its honestly amazing that it managed to be a cohesive fic considering what i was planning when i wrote the first chapter ended up being nothing like the original fic at all. originally the story was going to be focused on alya setting up ladrien and it was going to be core four shenanigans with a ladrien focus. which you can see the first chapter setting up. but the two prequel stories (two is company and curiousity cared for the cat) were mostly focused on the season 4 drama and try as i might i couldn't turn that into ladrien romcom without addressing all of that. and then somehow the ladrien romcom plot ended up not really fitting at all.
the point of no return, believe it or not, was this moment:
“Oh my god, you’re Ladybug!” Nino yelped right as the bell rang.
Adrien stood frozen for several minutes until Ivan quietly scooped him up and carried him bridal style into the gymnasium.
that was completely unplanned and just happened and i almost deleted it because if i committed to that line that would affect the rest of adrien's day in a way in a way that would change the course of the fic. but i liked the mental image of ivan just scooping adrien up into his arms so much that i had to keep it. this was my fic now. now adrien thinks his identity is blown and that's going to change how he interprets everything.
the other big thing that changed over the course of writing was the end of chapter 5 - you can see from the text conversations in chapter 2 that i was always planning for some shit to go DOWN, but i hadn't really figured out what yet. i thought maybe a mid-battle reveal or maybe chat noir temporarily dying in a very concerning way.
but THEN i thought. alya is putting a TON of pressure on herself. she's taking on all of marinette's stress and all of adrien's stress and she can't talk to nino openly for the first 4 chapters (which we know bothers her) and she's decided she's going to fix everything for everyone. but she can't do it. because yes alya holds the braincell most of the time but she's just a kid too and doesn't have the answers and is going to eventually feel as overwhelmed as marinette does if she takes on all of marinette's stress and secrets. and she can't be that invested in marinette's life without also being genuinely devastated when things go wrong and when marinette is upset with her. so she's the one the akuma ends up coming for. and everything else fell into place from there (well, fell into place for me as an author. it fell apart for everyone in the story). and i didn't have to write an akuma battle!
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the-heaminator · 10 months
[*kicks feet*] omg bro tell me about your prison au teehee
Its like very old and written as a present for riva ages ago but it hasn't left my Braincell since then so
Here it is and so you know those really convoluted soap opera type things, it's like that except in prison, there are going to be a lot more characters but as a run down.
FACE family, ivan is matties bf but then Alfred tries to yoink him, Matt goes mad and kills Alfred, theres some other long seated beef there too, Arthur had the boys with Monaco who I named Clarisse for some reason, and who is also in prison, Arthur's constantly been unstable and probably threatened Francis to mary him idk. He is distraught by Alfred's murder, loses his shit, tries to murder Francis, who also later dies from his injuries.
He now we have Matthew and Arthur in the same prison, some beef occurs, Gilbert is Matthew's cellmate, Ludwig is a guard, Seborga is there too I dont remember why but he is there
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hazzaisagoober · 2 years
Thoughts on elite6:
I have a lot but I don't have any working braincells to help me put them into words.
The ending with patrivan, Blanco's and Manu - I need it to be said on record I think they can make a redemption and have them end up together. I see the door being left opened for Patrick to return I SEE it all. Do I think it'll happen? That's a WHOLE other story folks.
The writers can do whatever they want but based on track record I feel like they won't. Now I can remain hopeful but I think it's just so I can get through the day rn.
Fact of the matter is the audio that Patrick leaves for Ivan, beautifully heartbreaking, seems very much like goodbye. He said "maybe one day we will see each other down the road" or something to that affect. Which for me could mean two things, sure bring his character back. Or it be an out there kind of "you never know" and kinda as fanservice that they didn't end it on us.
Secondly, this ending reminded me a lot of Nadia and Guzman's breakup, it's been a while but I vaguely remember it being like right now this doesn't work. So again a "we will see in the future" comment. And third, the drive away. This is what cinched it for me. The car driving by was the same thing they did for Ander and Guzman's exit. The smile from Patrick, most characters who've left have done that. It's a nod to the fans and a goodbye.
And lastly, the way the whole family was seen leaving like they're bandaged up and back together again, much like how they arrived. So I saw the end of the Blanco story, I don't see just one of them coming back. It would seem weird, and it seems like they're "okay".
This is currently how I feel, only thing going on in my head rn. Bc yes they did breakup our babies but I think I'm more upset that Manu/Patrick may not return, bc it makes me think this was it. They wrote that beautiful character out in such a sad way, no happiness for him. Yes I know the plus is he looked happy yeah but idk. However, look at some of the OG's character exits, he could've been dealt a worse hand tbh. And just thinking about him not being back and it seeming this is final is worse than the breakup somehow and I can't explain why.
Anyway I rambled the majority of that I apologize. I'm trying to organize my thoughts so I can sleep.
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fireandiceland · 2 years
Because my braincells decided to stay in London, have a thought.
Either the hetalia characters put on a rendition of Heather's the musical (pls watch it if you havent)
J.d is either Arthur or Ivan bc murderous intent, depression and very over the top, and the fact that he kills a bunch of people.
Veronica is either fuckin finland or Hungary bc idk I feel like it works.
The Heather's are the BFT bc france is a fucking diva and he would pull of heather Chandler like he was born for the role.
Or the plain thought of younger nations, HK, Iceland, Lithuania etc acting like actual grandpas in front of people their physical age.
Ok HK would be mostly fine, a he uses lots of old phrases which is a bit odd but no one questions it.
But when Iceland is trying to be cool he ways brings up things from a hundred to 30 years ago, ie he has said that disco was his favourite genre to seem cool, and everyone just looked at him bc my dude actually said disco.
And Latvia is a lost cause at this point, when he goes out drinking, (perfectly legally america) the bartender always keeps a close watch kn him bc a 16 year old draining a bottle of vodka should be bad, but he never seems worse for wear and has only ever been slightly tipsy when he and Ivan had a competition, used up far too much alcohol to be normal, outdrank Russia and managed to walk out in a straight line.
Plus he gets really nostalgic when locking at certain things, he could be looking around Riga and start waffling to himself about a historical monument and someone nearby is listening and going, "what the fuck is up with this kid" his house has old grandpa like wallpaper and he still has kne of those Soviet era box TVs and his language is clear and understandable, but like in the way somones grandparents would speak.
Djfkdsndf you sent this while I was on vacation and I forgot about it until now oops
I heaven't seen Heathers! Actually I only even know it's a musical because some of the songs were on a playlist I liked on spotify. I think it's not very popular in german speaking countries?? I've meant to watch it tho! I just need to finally sit my ass down and look for a link and.. do it. You have permission to steal my kneecaps if I still haven't watched it by new years. I promise I'll get back to this part of the ask when I've watched it.
Moving on! YES TO 'YOUNG' COUNTRIES ACTING LIKE OLD PEOPLE!! I love that. Iceland's clothes when he first appeared.. look at this. grandpa style <3 and liet too (but I couldn't find good picture)
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You know who Latvia reminds me of? Five from the umbrella academy. 60yo man trapped in the body of a 13yo boy. And lmao I love the idea of latvia just out-drinking Ivan like it's nothing XD also him getting asked for an ID has the same energy as Maria from shinmai mao no testament looking younger than the other's who go to school but she acts like their babysitter and deadpan got herself a driving license.
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Like Father, Like Daughter
by ShesAKillerQueen98
Edward tries to make a better connection with his daughter...it goes about as well as you think it does.
(Takes place just before/during episode 7)
Words: 5679, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of The Songbird Chronicles
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV) RPF, Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Isabella Noa (OC), Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Lucius Spriggs, Buttons (Our Flag Means Death), The Swede (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Fang/Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Stede bonnet & OC, Blackbeard | Edward Teach & OC
Additional Tags: Blackbeard | Edward Teach Needs a Hug, Soft Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Has Abandonment Issues, Protective Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Deserves Nice Things, POV Blackbeard | Edward Teach, POV OC, POV Multiple, Blackbeard | Edward Teach is Bad at Feelings, Blackbeard | Edward Teach is Not Okay, Hurt Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Competent Stede Bonnet, Stede Bonnet has the braincell for like 2 seconds (OFMD), Edward Teach tries to be a good dad, Stede Bonnet tries to teach Edward Teach to be a good dad (OFMD), Bad Parenting, Parenthood, Loss of Parent(s), Abusive Parents, Parent-Child Relationship, Miscommunication, I'm in your ship domesticating your crew (OFMD), Episode: s01e07 This Is Happening, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, I'm Bad At Tagging, I Don't Even Know, How Do I Tag, Minor Fang/Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Canon-Typical Historical Inaccuracy (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan and Fang are good uncles (Our Flag Means Death), Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort, The Author Regrets Nothing, Day At The Beach, Repressed Memories, Emotionally Repressed, This fandom needs more tags, Original Character(s), Original Character-centric, POV Original Character, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Original Child Character(s) - Freeform
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44805010
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darkling-er · 3 years
Ivan: I'm not gay, but you're really hot today.
Fedyor: We're boyfriends, Ivan.
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