#Lucas scenarios
klimtjardin · 11 months
klim,primeira vez fazendo pedido.só queria dizer que amo sua escrita💌também queria pedir um episódio da série primeira vez com o Lucas,acho que não pediram ainda,né?obrigada já de agora♥︎
Olá e obrigada ♥ então vamos a "primeiras vezes" com o Lucas:
Lucas sempre tem certeza quando ele gosta de alguém. É bem óbvio para ele: o seu sorriso, seu jeito de falar, seu estilo, até mesmo como as pessoas reagem a você. Ele parece um personagem de desenho animado com corações no lugar dos olhos. Mas, ele é tímido e não gosta de ser visto como um homem tradicional.
Pede seu número de celular para alguém próximo e pensa mil vezes antes de te mandar uma mensagem. E quando ele manda um singelo 'oi', joga o celular longe e vai fazer outra coisa para não ficar ruminando sobre. Depois que você responde, ele inicia uma conversa casual, perguntando o que você gosta de fazer, e sugere que vocês vão a algum lugar juntos.
Ele não vai te convidar para ir jantar, no entanto. Lucas te leva para fazer escalada. Assim, vocês podem ter um encontro descontraído, e ele pode aproveitar para ficar mais próximo de você e te ajudar quando você precisar (e chegar perto a ponto de sentir seu perfume). E como ele se sente bem mais à vontade, é claro que vocês dão boas risadas, e depois dali saem para um café.
Lucas não é tão direto. Ele demora para mencionar um relacionamento, apesar de se manter mais próximo de você. Ele tem dificuldade em se demonstrar vulnerável, quer que você o admire tanto quanto ele te admira. Mas, com paciência, você pode fazer ele se abrir e se apaixonar ainda mais. É você quem esbarra na mão dele da primeira vez, como um teste. Mas quando afasta, ele a aperta delicadamente. Nítido que seus laços estão mais estreitos após dois meses de encontros.
Você quem toma a iniciativa do beijo, o pegando de surpresa. A partir de então, quem o faz é ele. Gosta de encaixar seu rosto entre suas mãos grandes e te admirar um pouco antes de selar seus lábios. Ele te pede em namoro pouco tempo depois, deixando você saber o que ele espera desse relacionamento: Lucas respeita a individualidade de ambos, então, não manda mensagens avidamente, tampouco se preocupa com ciúmes e coisas do gênero. Às vezes pode parecer que ele está desinteressado, mas a verdade é que Lucas busca aquilo que há de mais saudável entre duas pessoas.
Apesar disso, ele pode ser romântico, caso faça seu estilo: flores, presentes, declarações. Carinho é essencial, ele ama te abraçar, ter suas mãos juntas, afagar seus cabelos. E assim também é quando decidem unirem-se em um só: você se sente em um lugar sagrado quando divide sua intimidade com Lucas, pois ele te faz se sentir amada e respeitada ao máximo. E detesta que esteja aquém dos seus momentos juntos. Por isso, preza por muito contato visual e toques físicos.
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minhyeong · 2 years
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[ kun ] it’s 4:16pm and he’s sleeping on your shoulder as the movie continues playing in the theater, the bucket of popcorn sitting on his lap long forgotten, the ice in his soda nearly all melted, and you mindlessly stroke his hand with your thumb, sympathizing with just how tired he has been lately; he starts to mumble incoherently, pursing his lips as his brows furrowed, and you fight to suppress your chuckle before discreetly fumbling for your phone to film his sleep talking
[ ten ] it’s 12:02am and he’s smudging whipped cream across your face with a maniacal cackle, his palm splayed across your cheek as you stand frozen in shock, and through your cream covered eyes, you see the way his features light up like the candles on your birthday cake; he squeals when you let out a battle cry and dashes in the opposite direction with the cake in his clutch, wailing as the plate goes flying out of his hands when he trips over the leg of a chair
[ winwin ] it’s 9:05am and he’s hesitantly stepping toward you in the aisle of cold beverages, worried about how to face you after your accidental confession last night, and he falters when your gazes lock and you’re looking at him as if you had just witnessed your greatest fear; he timidly waves at you, feet anchored to the ground, face contorting into a grimace when you clumsily shove the lemonade back into the fridge and jostle your way out of the store
[ lucas ] it’s 12:17am and he’s giving you a piggyback ride as he trudges up the hill, the bag of snacks he spontaneously craved in the middle of the night smacking against the side of his body with every step, and he jokingly comments that it feels like he’s dragging a sack of bricks; he tightens his grip around your thighs when you pout and try to jump down, fake gagging when you give him a thin-lipped smile and shake him around in a loose chokehold 
[ xiaojun ] it’s 10:39am and he’s lying on the couch giggling as you count his long eyelashes, your breath tickling his chin as you lean impossibly close, and he catches your wrist with a soft groan when you accidentally press your elbow a little too hard into his chest; he gently pushes your forehead back with his fingertips and brushes the hair away from your eyes, erupting with laughter when you playfully mutter something about stealing all his lashes in his sleep
[ hendery ] it’s 11:53am and he’s softly tugging you back by pulling the end of your jacket, shaking his head with a smile when he sees your undone shoelaces that scatter across the asphalt, and he bends down to tie them, unaware of the little somersault your heart does as he waves you off when you shyly offer to do it on your own; he does a double knot, rises to his full height, and cheekily bumps his shoulder into yours before saying he doesn’t want you to fall for someone else
[ yangyang ] it’s 9:42pm and he’s nervously chewing on his straw, his heart thumping along with the sounds of his intoxicated friends drunkenly belting songs into their microphones, and he begins to regret letting everyone else tag along when he really just wants to spend time with you alone; he turns toward you just to find you already looking at him, and he wrings his hands in his lap, mind short-circuiting, nearly bewitched by the neon lights in your glowing eyes
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7days · 1 year
mala conducta ✧wong yukhei
nombre: wong yukhei
titulo: mala conducta
interprete: alexis y fido ft. franco "el gorilla"
palabras: 2134
  advertencia!: contenido sexual explícito.  
ella caminaba con rapidez por los pasillos de la escuela hasta la salida, su mochila rebotaba en su espalda doliendo, las clases la estaban agotado demasiado, moría por simplemente salir y estar tranquila, al llegar a la reja que los separaba de la libertad, sintió que agarraban su brazo deteniendo el paso por completo, se giró y sin querer su falda se alzó con suavidad sonrojándola a ella y a su compañero de clases, huang renjun.
 —(t/n), yo uhm, lo siento, sólo quería preguntar si estás disponible para el viernes hacer el proyecto de comunicación, no tendré entrenamiento de ajedrez así que puedo utilizar ese tiempo libre. — sonrió de forma casi coqueta, soltó el brazo de Ia contraria con suavidad y ella sonrió de inmediato asintiendo, oh, renjun le parecía tan dulce, él era un total nerd sin duda, jamás lo veías sin un libro en los recesos o haciendo tareas que ni siquiera pedían, admitía que era guapo y atento, podría hasta ser el chico perfecto, pero no era su tipo, en lo absoluto.
—¡claro!, me parece perfecto, puedo a esa hora donde ustedes tienen ensayo o entrenamiento, podríamos quedarnos en la escuela en la salida así no hay problema. — se encogió de hombros suavemente, pasó su mano por el cabello arreglándolo y además dejando embobado al alumno, éste carraspeó dejando de lado su nerviosismo para intentar verse un poco más estable socialmente.
—pensaba que sería más cómodo tal vez que fuéramos a mi casa, podríamos pedir algo de comer y hacemos el trabajo, mis padres no estarán, estaríamos realmente cómodos ahí.— sonrió y relamió sus labios, sin embargo (t/n) hizo una mueca de inmediato, no encontraba una buena idea ir a la casa de su compañero sabiendo que renjun lucía bastante enamorado de ella, porque sí, la fémina era torpe y popular pero no tonta. alzó la mirada para fijarse en su compañero, pero detrás de él vio el auto de su chico, relamió sus labios y negó.
— lo siento, pero no puedo ir a tu casa, puedo hacer el proyecto aquí o en la mía, aunque estarán mis padres por supuesto.— lo miró algo inquieta, la mirada fija que tenía puesta lucas sobre ella la hizo sentir pequeña.— y-yo, uhm me están esperando, nos vemos mañana.— dijo con rapidez, le besó la mejilla dejando al contrario un tanto confuso y triste, no le dio tiempo para escuchar respuesta porque se fue corriendo donde su queridísimo novio.
—yukhei, ya habías llegado.— murmuró sonriendo con algo de nerviosismo, él sólo se inclinó para pasar su brazo por la cintura de la muchacha atrayéndola a su cuerpo, tiró el cigarrillo al suelo pisándolo y le besó los labios de forma poco sutil, pero mirando a renjun que los observaba de lejos sorprendido y por sobre todo temeroso, sabía que él sólo le estaba demostrado que nadie podía estar cerca de su novia, no era imbécil, por supuesto que se mantendría alejado de su compañera. abrió la puerta para que ella subiera, luego lo hizo él, cerró con algo de fuerza, no se dio el tiempo de mirarla así que sólo comenzó a conducir.
—no me gusta que estés así de enojado.— ella susurró con cierta dulzura y se removió en el asiento. — él era junnie, mi compañero, sólo quería que fuera a su casa para hacer una tarea, pero me he negado.— dijo con rapidez.— sé que no te agrada que esté a sola con chicos que claramente están enamorados de mi.—
el contrario frunció el ceño y relamió sus labios.— si yo no te negara eso, ¿irías con tu compañero?.— preguntó deteniéndose en el semáforo en rojo y la miró fijo. la menor negó con rapidez sonrojándose y alzando suavemente sus manos dando señas de que se negaba por completo.
— n-no, renjun, es un chico guapo, tienes muchísimos atributos, es el mejor de la clases y gana cada campeonato de ajedrez al que va, es un buen compañero pero yo no podría ir a su casa cuando está solo, es obvio que tiene intenciones que yo no, lucas.— continuó conduciendo cuando el semáforo cambió a verde, con cuidado desabrocho el cinturón de su jeans y bajó la cremallera para sacar su polla, la masajeo de arriba abajo ante la mirada de su novia a un lado, ella sólo pensaba en el castigo que le darían, oh, claro que lo merecía por haber dicho que estaría con su compañero, sólo que se encontraba lejos de disgustarle.
—chupa, ahora.— ordenó cortante y colocó ambas manos en el volante para que (t/n) se encargara de su ahora creciente erección.— cuando lleguemos a mi casa, irás a la habitación sin decir ninguna palabra, ¿escuchaste?.—
la contraria se atrevió a asentir lento, se quitó el cinturón de seguridad y se inclinó para llevarse el falo a su boca chupando con gusto, lucas gimió ante la cálida y húmeda sensación, su pequeña chica lamia el glande de forma única, repartía caricias en los muslos y testículos de éste, no pudo resistirse a subir su falda para deslizar sus dedos por encima de sus bragas, acariciándose.
jadeo alto ante la dura polla que golpeaba lo más profundo de su garganta, quería más, sin embargo, a los pocos segundos lucas estaba quitándole mano de su entrepiernas. él le agarró el cabello con fuerza alzándole la cabeza para que lo mirara.
—no te toques a menos que yo te lo diga, no me jodas, mocosa, no seas más insolente de lo que ya has sido, ni siquiera quiero que nombres a ese compañero tuyo, no quiero tener que castigarte aún peor.— gruñó y estacionó el auto frente a su casa.
—lo siento, merezco cualquier castigo que me des por mi mala conducta.— ella susurró con voz suave y nerviosa. el mayor se acomodó el jeans para bajarse del vehículo, cerró la puerta tras de él furioso, no se dió el tiempo de ayudar a su novia puesto que ella ya había bajado con una sonrisa plasmada en su rostro, por más que lucas quisiera castigarla, azotarle y follarla duro para corregirla, (t/n) lo disfrutaba tanto. como le ordenaron subió de inmediato a la habitación de lucas, el cual se aseguró que no estuviera su compañero y mejor amigo en el lugar, aún así dejó una nota en la mesa mencionando que no interrumpiera.
subió las escaleras ansioso quitándose la chaqueta de cuero, soltó un suave suspiro al entrar, (t/ n) parecía tan cómoda en la cama de rodillas jugando torpemente con sus dedos, él sonrió acercándose hasta quedar a su lado. subió su mano hasta el cuello de la menor, le besó los labios de forma profunda y caliente, repartió algunos besitos por su mejilla y rostro. deslizó su pulgar por sobre el mentón hasta llegar a la boca, la contraria sin resistirse chupó sonriendo pícara, se removió y se recostó en la cama desabrochando su blusa escolar blanca para lanzarla a algún lado de la habitación, jugó con sus senos sin dejar se mirarlo, aún estaba parado a un lado de la cama apreciándola. se sintió demasiado afortunado de tenerla ahí, sólo para él, se deshizo de su jeans y boxers con rapidez, su mano masajeaba su polla creciente y dura, abrió el cajón donde estaba el mueble a un lado, sacó un para girarla quedando de pecho a la cama, agarrar sus manos, juntarlas y atarlas sonriendo con diversión, relamió sus labios por último.
 —sé una buena chica.— le ordenó suave al oído. lucas al terminar se acomodó entré sus piernas, subió la falda de la muchacha, gimió bajo e hizo que ella alzara su trasero así bajarle las bragas hasta las rodillas, pasó los dedos por su vulva mojada y no perdió más tiempo cuando se inclinó para pasar su lengua por toda la zona, chupó el clítoris soltando ligeros sonidos característicos, rozaba sin querer su nariz con parte de los labios mayores de la muchacha, quién además no podía dejar se gemir contra las sábanas amortiguando un poco el ruido.
metió dos dedos, los movía hacía adentro y fuera, cada vez aumentaba la rapidez. mierda, él quería follarsela tan duro pero necesitaba darle su merecido. él quitó las falanges de la vagina de (t/n) justo cuando quiso quejarse, fue llenada por completo con la polla de su novio, se aferró a su propia falda que estaba ahí, cubriéndole absolutamente nada.
—mmh, sigue así por favor.— le suplicó en lloriqueo. el vaivén de cadera que hacia se volvió mucho más veloz, tiró su cabeza hacía atrás escuchando como sus testículos golpeaban la piel de ella, cerró sus ojos por unos cortos segundos, tocando aquél punto dulce de (t/n) con rudeza, acariciaba sus muslos de vez en cuando y golpeaba el redondo y suave trasero de la colegiala, ambos gimieron sintiendo como congeniaban a la perfección pero por más que lucas deseara correrse dentro de ella no lo iba a permitir, salió con poca delicadeza, la agarró de los brazos para dejarla boca arriba.
—¡no puedes hacer eso!.— chilló, aunque el mayor la ignoró haciendo a un lado el brasier, se inclinó para dejar húmedos besos ahí y pasar su lengua por alrededor de los pezones erectos.— yukhei, por favor, quiero correrme, no me hagas esto.— gimió al sentir aún las acaricias que le daban en su cuerpo.
la polla de lucas bombeaba y estaba dura a más no poder, el roce le dolía y es que verla ahí exigiéndole le encantaba, agarró otra de las vendas negras que tenía y se la colocó en los ojos, veía, por supuesto, pero no mucho, lo suficiente como para saber que ahora él rebuscaba algo en su cajón.
—ugh, te amo pero eres detestable, quiero correrme, estoy segura que renjun me utilizaría mucho mejor que tú en negarme mi maldito orgasmo.— gruñó dejando totalmente molesto al contrario.
pero oh, bingo, el vibrador que utilizaban en ocasiones lo había encontrado, ladeo su cuello haciendo sonar un par de huesos y se acercó nuevamente, ya había escuchado suficiente como para hacerlo sentir furioso.
—pensaba en negarte el orgasmo y ser el único que se corra en ésta habitación, pero eres tan irrespetuosa, grosa y zorra, que te mereces todos los orgasmo del mundo.— le agarró las mejillas para que sus rostros quedaran juntos.— ahora vas a quedar feliz, dios, nena, renjun jamás te hará sentir de ésta manera.— su voz había sonado peligrosamente sutil, encendió el vibrador, lo posicionó encima del clítoris, luego jugó con su glande en la entrada de la vagina de (t/n), rozaba cada parte con la de él, sin siquiera entrar la menor se corrió llenando el lugar con gemidos ahogados.
—¿tan rápido?.— cuestionó lucas negando que de un momento a otro introdujo su polla en la contraria. comenzó a embestirla, su única mano libre la llevaba su muslo o cintura dándose un poco más de firmeza, jadeó alto ante las cosquillas de su vientre bajo anunciando su clímax, acomodó un poco el vibrador cuando llegó, no obstante, no se detuvo. quitó su polla con cuidado, viendo como el semen salía chorreante de la cavidad, (t/n) soltó un pequeño gritó y se removió de la cama.
otro orgasmo atravesaba su fino cuerpo, lucas suspiro y le quitó la venda de los ojos alzando un poco el aparato, dándole tiempo de relajación.
—estuvo bien, ¿cierto?.— preguntó y recibió un asentimiento lento.— me alegra, porque tendrás más.— sonrió y ella se sorprendió, él se inclinó besándole los labios y rozando sus cuerpo, bajó su gran mano para la entrepiernas, metió dos de sus dedos de golpe sobresaltándola y a él ensuciándose de su propio líquido, pasó su pulgar por la parte superior tocando lo más sensible, la masturbó rápidamente haciéndola llegar a los cortos segundos al tercer orgasmo de la tarde. agotada mordió su labio inferior y sus manos por fin eran liberadas, lucas se iba a levantar para tomar una merecida ducha pero fue de tenido.
—déjame montarte, mi amor.— (t/n) lo miró y éste río. 
—jamás te cansas.— suspiro y se recostó en la cama agarrándola de la cintura para colocarla encima de su cadera, la menor agarró la polla de lucas para introducirla en sí misma, gimió y se apoyó en su pecho.— yo quiero domarte, pero maldición, eso es lo que gusta.— le dijo mientras su novia sin prestarle mucha atención movía su cadera dándole rápidos sentones, que la dejaban con ganas de más.
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xiaothejun · 2 years
Strawberries & cigarettes// Wyh
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Genre: fluff fluff fluff!
“Hey, hey, hey!” You yell at the two toddlers running around and screaming words you can’t even understand, “give it back to your sister, baby boy.” You scold the little one, kneeling down to sue the almond eyed, with straightened-shiny black hair covering his forehead, his eyes are barely seen because of the amount of hair but you know he holds the universe in them. You couldn’t even remember their names since it’s your first hour babysitting the two tiny terrorists who already mess with your head.
“What can I get for you, miss?” The bubbly-smiled worker asks as you grab both their hands and hold them close to you. -“Uhm…chocolate and strawberry, two cones please.” You smile back at her as she immediately grabs the ice cream cone and scoops two delicious cream scoops in each one.
“Melody, choose one,” you pick her up to the counter to give her a better view of all the heavenly colored creams. You remembered their mother told you Dylan is allergic to lactose so you know he’s gonna get jealous of his sister getting ice cream.
“This!” She points towards the strawberry bucket. “Good girl, mel. Now choose some of these,” you show her the toppings as her eyes sparkle and she bites onto her fingernails, excitedly letting her brain pick between the chocolate bites and to the gummy bears.
You take a bowl of toppings for Melody’s brother and take a seat with them inside the colorful ice cream shop right when melody acknowledges you about a person standing behind you.
“Oh?” You ask her and turn your head to meet your boyfriend, standing there with a bigger smile both the kids have had until now. “Thank god, hei, I thought you forgot me already.” You sigh and roll your eyes in relief as he wraps his long arms around your body.
“I like your boyfriend aunt y/n!” Melody shouts in excitement, her little teeth are shown and it melts the older one’s heart, causing both of you to chuckle. She grips onto the hem of your shirt and pulls it slightly, making you pay all your attention to her again. -“I like him too baby girl.” You smile to her and kneel in front of the little one, while cleaning her flared dress from the strawberry ice cream drips, she whispered to you, shyly, “what’s his name?” Making him laugh and fill the empty space in your heart with even more joy than before.
“It’s Yukhei,” he says softly. Dylan’s gaze can’t leave your boyfriend’s arms and he sends his hand to grab gently on one of his muscles. “You’re so cool, uncle yukhei!” He announced loudly, mesmerized by his new role model.
“Oh thank you little one.” Yukhei says back and plays with his hair, giving him the ‘comforting big brother’ feeling.
“Shall we go for a walk? The weather is so nice today.” You say, tying up Melody’s silky hair to a high ponytail and lastly adding a small bow to match her dress. -“Yes aunt y/n!” She immediately gets up on her tiny feet and grabs your hand, holding her dessert in the other hand.
It’s your one year anniversary with yukhei and your plans changed when a friend of yours asked for you to babysit her children. It was unexpected for you both but neither of you got disappointed of the thought of a date with two little kiddos running around.
“Aunt y/n, can Dylan and I go play there?” She points excitedly at the playground nearby, licking clean any ice cream leftovers off the tiny pink spoon, her puppy eyes sparkle in anticipation. -“Yes you do, as long as you’re not leaving your brother.” You grab her by the chin gently and explain to be careful if a stranger comes by even though you and Yukhei never meant to leave them out of sight.
“Okay.” She gives you a thumbs up and they both run into the sand, leaving the two of you on the bench, being responsible parents to kids who are not even yours.
-“She reminds me of you,” yukhei speaks up while you two look at them, nothing felt more peaceful than this moment you feel like actual adults keeping eyes on tiny humans you wish to have together one day. -“Her enthusiasm, the way she smiles when she looks at me, her shy smile and her pretty eyes.” He detailed every little thing in her that made him fall in love with you.
“Your ice cream is melting.” You weren’t that shy lately, but whenever he mentions anything he loves about you, you can’t help but try to change the subject. -“So is the thought of having a Melody with you in a few years.” He knew how to make your heart beat faster with just one sentence, and he liked the feeling of making you still feel butterflies after a year together.
“Hei, please stop,” You blush and sit back straight to finally take a bite from the ice cream cone. His hand automatically goes to move a small part of your hair behind your ear, gently caressing your skin with the softest smile spread all over his face.
“Mm?” You offer him the chocolate flavored one that’s held in your hand, he looks like a baby himself when he eats his own ice cream, licking his lips after every bite he takes. He agrees without saying anything but doing the same to you. “You know I’m not a fan of strawberry when it’s now the fruit.” You complain and he takes it back to his own mouth.
-“Babe,” he gets your attention once again and as you lift your eyes from your phone to him, he leans in and leaves a sweet peck on your lips. -“Still not a fan?” He asks as he pulls away, leaving you blushing at the unexpected action of your romantic boyfriend. “Not enough, try again.” You tease back, making him raise an eyebrow at how surprising your reaction is.
This time he lifts your face by the chin, then slowly moving his hand to your neck to hold your face, the cream lines on his lips melt in seconds when they mix with the chocolate leftovers on your own, and create the sweetest flavor you’ve ever tried before. “You took a smoke before you came, right?” Was the only thing you could say to hide the shyness on your face. -“Is it that bad?“ he asks. “I didn’t know cigarettes can taste so sweet.” You look deep into his eyes, admiring every single star in them among billions.
“I hope uncle Yukhei gets married to aunt y/n soon…” Dylan stops playing just to stare at the two of you, his sister follows.
-“Ew Dylan! Stop looking at people kissing!” The baby sister shout in annoyance, can’t take her eyes off of you two.
“You would notice you just lost the ball if you weren’t looking too!” The older one says and they both watch the ball rolling down the road.
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fly-forever-young · 2 years
Masterlist Navigation
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•One Shot:
1•~Fucking you in his office S
Nothing yet...
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doriandrifting · 10 months
And when Max wakes up and finally gets to talk to Lucas, and she aims for sarcastic when she asks, “So you’ve been watching me sleep?” but it’s too watery to be anything but affectionate. And Lucas says all choked up, “Yeah—Yeah, I’ve been waiting for you to wake up. Felt like a total stalker.” Then what?
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fizzseed · 1 year
i don’t think i can accurately describe how much i need everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears to be in s5 of stranger things. i will combust into flame if we get there’s a room where the light wont find you / holding hands while the walls come tumbling down / when they do i’ll be right right behind you
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lewisvinga · 1 month
football masterlist
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jude bellingham
vinicius jr
rodrygo goes
aurelien tchouameni
kylian mbappé
trent alexander arnold
neymar jr
richarlison de andrade
lucas paquetá
pablo gavi
alejandro balde
joão felix
sergio ramos
diego lainez
kevin alvarez
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
Hi can I request Andrew, Luca, William, Wu Chang and Antonio reacting to having an s/o that can crush a watermelon between her thighs.
this req made me shit bricks when i first received it in august LMFAOOOO this was so fun to write anon thank you so much for this/gen
andrew, luca, william, wu chang and antonio reacting to their s/o crushing a watermelon between their thighs🕸⚡🏈☂️🎻
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andrew kreiss🕸
he is... confused to say the least
when you first did it he jumped out of fear thinking you hurt yourself by doing so
this man would probably burst into flames after one pretzel stick he has NO idea how to react
....he'd be lying if he said it doesn't interest him though
like. he is INCREDIBLY lost and maybe even disturbed but like. do it again
"is this something they do to sinners in hell? can you use it as self defense? does it hurt your thighs?" a bit gulity of asking these questions ngl but he can't help it
might start avoiding you after that... simply out of fear that it was a bad omen and that you might try crushing his skull instead when he messes up in the games LMAO
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william ellis🏈
not shocked at all
he didnt even fucking flinch when it burst he just stood there with his usual 😃 face
"hehe. nice. now watch me" (proceeds to crush a watermelon with his own thighs)
tbh william can be competitive as hell and he would somehow make a competition out of this too
after that whenever y'all ate watermelon in the manor he always shouted "DID YOU GUYS KNOW ___ CAN CRUSH WATERMELONS WITH THEIR THIGHS¿¿¿¿¿ GO ON ___ SHOW THEM!!!!"
might ask you details on how you train/build your thighs just in case...there's always room for self-improvement
next time he sees you he's going to whip out two watermelons and ask you if you can crush both at the same time (cheeky bastard)
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luca balsa⚡
mans is just losing his shit at it
"how do you do it??????? how long did you have to build your legs for this??? at what angle does it crush the fastest/easiest???? what technique did you use???" like andrew but with zero self control or fear
so intrigued he'll whip out the nerd glasses and the notepad to study it. bring a few extra watermelons cause once he begins you'll realize it's gonna be a looooong day
i kinda think that he'd be more interested in the physics aspect of it than the crushing itself tbh
after enough research he would try to crush one with his own thighs
...which didn't really go well🥲he's got chopstick legs but we still love him
that absolutely did not discourage him though. he'll find a way to do it himself. somehow. one day.
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wu chang☂️
their reactions are quite different
at first they just kinda... side eye each other. not condescendigly tho they just have to clarify they're both seeing the same thing since they didn't expect this when you told them you have a suprise for them
xie is like ☺ "thats... very cute honey!! i'm very proud of you!!!! you've been working very hard!!!!"
no idea how to properly react or process it really but since you seem really happy about it he simply has to share your enthusiasm okay!!! xie the world
fan just smirks. "now crush a pumpkin."
this motherfucker is going to tease you and give you more and more impossible physical challenges just to make you all red in your face and see you angrily give up just crush his head instead at this point
would rather drown himself in that goddamn river again than admit out loud that it's absolutely badass but it becomes obvious after some time. he's not an emotional mastermind after all
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antonio paganini🎻
not overwhelmed by it either! hes just chill like dat
he finds it so funny actually - he's grown tired of all the elegant plays and balls that he experienced while playing for royalty so this little peculiar performance of yours put a wide smile on his face
it gave him a good laugh too, not in a mocking way it's just so bizarre and unexpected that he couldn't help but laugh
would joke about it like "i love a partner that can just beat the shit out of me" after seeing it lmao
"you can kill people with that, but personally i wouldn't have an issue with it if it was your thighs in question~" what a fucking flirt GET HIM OUT
if you'd challenge him to do the same he'd just give up after the first two tries... his legs aren't his best asset
he CAN crush a watermelon with his hair though. maybe you should be more careful the next time you try to wriggle out from its grip...
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10 y/o miwi starting to crush on each other + Lucas and Dustin. That must've been SO funny like-
Will absent-mindedly doodling Mike all over his notebook during class; Mike with the biggest, brightest heart eyes talking about the last drawing Will gave him like it was a Da Vinci; Will randomly zoning out of conversations bc he got distracted staring at Mike; Mike tripping on air while walking bc he was too busy focusing on telling Will a joke; Will always separating and saving Mike's favorite candy so he could give it to him; Mike whispering god-knows-what into Will's ear and Will trying to stifle his giggles for the next 10 minutes...
All of this while Lucas and Dustin look at each other like '??????'
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apocalyptic-byler · 10 months
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xiaothejun · 2 years
1 thing I don’t like about you// Wong Yukhei
Friends to lovers
Y/n x Yukhei ft. Ot7 (mostly yangyang)
Friday nights, like the good old days.
Beer, some more beverages alcohol free, snacks and 7 of your best friends around the bottle that ends up making one of you disappointed every single time.
Kun spins the bottle as you sip on the iced coke of your friend, Hendery, who sat closely to you on your left; that’s how close you were with them; sharing the same bathroom, drinking from each other’s cups, even accidentally brushed your teeth with another’s toothbrush {gross}.
The empty glass bottle stops at your direction and your roommate’s, Yangyang, and that’s when you knew it won’t end well this time like all the other times it was a round of the two of you. “Dare.” You immediately say, earning their glares at you in seconds before the youngest opened his mouth to ask.
-“You’re brave today.” He laugh, “watch out, if you’re bringing me to tears AGAIN imma slap you in your sleep.” You all remember what happened last time when he asked you about your ex, that only lead to him sleeping on the floor outside your shared room. “Also, no secrets reveal allowed you little bastard.” He was your closest, bestest friend among them all, so he even knew every single detail about your first kiss and your current crush, something that none of them knew.
They all became quiet (surprising huh) after laughing at the two of you. -“I dare you to say one thing you don’t like about…” there was a moment of silence as Yangyang darted his eyes at the guy beside him, Yukhei, making everyone stare at both of you in shock, including your crush, your SECRET crush.
You feel your cheeks heat up and your heart skips a beat, getting angrier at your best friend that just betrayed you for the who-knows-how many times. Your hand slaps itself onto your forehead and you feel like you’re about to cry from embarrassment. Not only you but Yukhei himself was confused when he realized something is going on and it’s about him. -“M….me?” He points at himself and asks, losing his mind in the thought of you loving you. Little did you know how it made his heart feel.
“ARGH! LIU YANGYANG YOU REALLY CAN’T KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.” You shout at him. “Ayyy, what is it with you two all the time?” Kun scolds the youngest. “He- really fucking annoying,” you argue, not being able to even glance at the guy that makes your heart race like it’s training for the Olympics. “I can’t believe I missed it all this time…” Hendery murmurs loud enough for you to hear, causing you to death glare at him.
All of them are just giggling and picking up their jaws off the floor since that’s the least expected thing they would hear tonight.
“Hei I’m sorry,” your senses come back together when you see the tallest looking at you with million stars in his eyes, waiting for an answer.
“Really, y/n and xuxi?” Xiaojun whispers to Hendery and they both shut their mouths when you bother to only dart your eyes at them.
“First of all,” you speak up. “Yangyang is sleeping outside tonight, and don’t be surprised to see your 1000 dollar shoes in the garbage can tomorrow morning.” You say to him, breaking the ice though deep inside you’re boiling with anger and embarrassment.
-“Don’t you dare!” He argues back, getting up on his knees, “TRY ME!” Even though you were in the middle of almost beating your best friend, you couldn’t ignore Yukhei’s gaze from the side of your eye. He was mesmerized by the thought of you arguing over him, his heart eyes turned silent for a moment and he got up to separate you from Yangyang.
“Yangyang if you still like your bones in place you should stop now.” As the gentleman he is, he puts him back in his place, catching everyone’s attention.
“I’m curious about the answer,” he raises his eyebrow as he turns his head to you, both of you are sitting on your knees on the fluffy carpet, as if ignoring the others are there watching you.
“What’s one thing you don’t like about me, y/n?” You couldn’t be more surprised since he’s not the type to care about other’s opinion of him, but he looked like he meant it; like he waited forever to hear that.
-“There’s one thing I really hate about you.” Everyone’s heads raise towards you two, you made him even more confused. “Tell me.” He meant it. -“I hate that you’re not mine.” His world almost collapsed as you spoke out those words, collecting some cringed sounds from the boys but you couldn’t care less.
Yukhei’s eyes widened and his lips stretch to a soft, loving smile. “I can be yours,” he whispers back. “If you kick Yangyang from your room and I’ll be there instead.”
“You see? I’m a genius.” Yangyang interrupts but soon realizes what the older said. “Wait, what? NO WAY IT’S MY ROOM!”
“Thanks Yangyang, you really are a genius, and kicked out of my room.” You fake smile at him behind Yukhei’s back.
-“So, now that I’m yours…” he says loud enough for them hear, then turns his head to them and continues, -“Close your eyes, everyone.” He cups your cheeks, his fingers are placed on your neck behind your ears and pulls you into a chaste, quick kiss that leaves his cherry taste on your lips.
“Ew y/n it’s like in that dream you told me about a month ago!” Yangyang exposes as a bag of chips is thrown at his direction while you’re still in the magical moment with your heart-racing guy.
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mandu-17 · 1 year
Yours only | Song Yuqi x fem! reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Requests: 1) May I request a Yuqi x fem reader hurt comfort smut (top yuqi if your comfortable) where Reader gets jealous of Lucas so Yuqi assures her that she has nothing to worry about
2) when ur ready do u wanna do a yuqi fic for me? preferably suggestive or smut tbh cus her deep voice has been on my mind these days (when is it not)
Warnings: Curse words, jealousy
Genre: Smut
Wordcount: ~ 1,409
A/N: so i combined these two requests into one fic, i really like the dialogues here:)
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“This is fucking ridiculous.”
You couldn’t believe your own eyes, while peeking outside the window of your shared apartment with Yuqi.
There she was in a white, elegant shirt with sunglasses pushed up on her hair glancing up at you from time to time, but in a way Lucas wouldn’t even notice. Besides, he was way too captivated by every word that escaped your girlfriend. There was no way you’d miss it throughout out the whole day. Frankly speaking, you were furious by now. Once all three of you arrived at your street, you excused yourself, refusing to spend any more time in the company of Chinese idols.
What was supposed to be a fun day out with Yuqi and her friend, turned out to be incredibly awkward. At first, you appreciated Lucas’ will to be the gentleman and open the door for two of you or how he had no problem with getting extra napkins for everyone. You took it as a sign that he was extremely well-mannered, but it didn’t change the fact that no matter how much you tried to, you had no idea how to talk to him. Lucas and you were from two totally different worlds. Only Yuqi was able to fill long moments of silence although with her social skills, it was probably a piece of cake for her.
The fact that Lucas kept on sending Yuqi these puppy eyes, whenever he thought she nor you weren’t looking or how his smile never disappeared while listening to her stories - it was getting out of hand. Even someone blind would see it.
The worst thing in this situation though, was that Yuqi seemed to know what was going on as well and didn’t react.
Your girlfriend was amused at the sight of your clenched jaw and how often you’d roll your eyes. She wanted to tease you, you quickly realized when her hand squeezed your thigh harshly under the table at a restaurant. You almost gasped in shock, but luckily were able to cover it up with cough causing her to smirk.
Now, two hours after dinner, Yuqi finally joined you upstairs in your apartment.
“Lucas wanted to ask about my opinion on his newest choreography, that’s why it took so long.” You heard your girlfriend explain from the entrance hall, where she was taking her shoes off.
Then, she happily marched into the living room and joined you on the couch. Uninterested, you only hummed.
“Did you enjoy today?” Yuqi raised her eyebrow, her face close to yours as she wanted to watch your expression carefully.
“Not really.” You crossed your arms with a frown, before willing to meet her big eyes. “And you know it.”
“Baby, you can’t be serious!” Yuqi’s head tilted to the side, mouth hanging slightly open. “Were you perhaps... jealous? Of me?”
Oh, how she was enjoying herself in that moment.
One glare from you was equal to an answer, you decided. You were far from laughing.
“Y/N, talk to me.” Suddenly Yuqi’s voice went few tones lower.
You gulped, surprised to hear it out of nowhere. Yuqi knew how you reacted to it, how your body reacted to it was especially her favorite part. She gave you shivers. Pleasant ones.
“Do I need to repeat myself, baby girl?” One of her hands started to trace small patterns on your inner thigh and the other circled around your waist.
“N-no.” Fuck, you shouldn’t stutter right now.
“Exactly, now tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Yuqi nibbled on the skin of your throat, her breaths tickling you.
“I... I was jealous. Lucas likes you a lot.” Your heartbeat quickened, you could feel hot blush spreading onto your cheeks. A part of you loathed that Yuqi was able to make you so flustered within few minutes, but another part- God, you were getting so turned on.
“He likes me, because we’re friends. There’s nothing more to this.” One of Yuqi’s fingers guided your chin to the side making your noses meet softly. “Got it, baby?”
You had two options.
One, to agree with her and finally feel her lips on yours.
Two, to stay stubborn and have some more fun.
Number two seemed more appealing.
“I don’t know, he wanted to impress you all day, even showed you his choreography. Are you sure he doesn’t have a crush on you or anything?” You sucked in your breath after finishing the sentence. You never knew what to expect from Yuqi whenever she used her deep voice. It was like she turned into a different person.
“He values my opinion. So does everybody else.” One corner of her lips raised a bit.
Bluffing Yuqi - probably your favorite kind of Yuqi.
“Now are we clear? Will you be a good girl from now on?”
How could you not be a good girl when she was swallowing you with her hungry eyes. Instead of replying, you closed the distance and sighed in relief when you felt Yuqi kissing you back. You just couldn’t help yourself.
“Come here.” Yuqi’s strong arms brought you closer, onto her lap. She squeezed your ass once you straddled her properly.
“Yuqi.” You moaned into her mouth, your back arched instinctively making you grind down on her lap.
“Not so fast, angel.” She grabbed your hips having you stop immediately.
“Yuqi, please.” You whined, her kiss-bitten lips barely a breath away.
“Please what, Y/N? You have to tell me what you want.” Yuqi’s dark eyes studied your form with satisfaction. This skin flushed, eyes wide and heavy breaths look on you was to die for.
“I need you, Yuqi. I need you inside me.”
She stopped for a second, before grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was insanely in love with you. Especially whenever you felt confident enough to talk dirty.
“Such a naughty girl.” She mumbled and leaned in to cover your neck with open mouthed kisses, she sucked the skin above your collar bones while making sure to leave dark marks. “You have no idea how much I love you.”
One of her impatient hands travelled south in order to tug at your shirt or more accurately, get rid of it. Yuqi hummed approvingly at the sight of your beautiful midriff. Her fingers traced your smooth skin, moving upwards until they reached your bra. She undid it with experts’ speed and closed her mouth around one of your hardened nipples.
Yuqi loved this intimate proximity that created between you, it’s always been far more than sex.
You mewled weakly, knowing how obsessed Yuqi often was about your breast. She used her hands to grip your butt once more and pressed you even closer against her. You cried out in pleasure, before throwing your arms around her neck. Subconsciously, you rolled your hips rolled into hers.
“Here, ride my fingers, baby.”
You heaved a sigh of relief when you felt Yuqi unzip your pants, her fingers made it past the waistband of your underwear in a hurry so she was able to satisfy your burning with lust core.
“Damn. You’re so wet, angel. So good for me.” Yuqi gasped, truly shocked at how incredibly you felt around her fingers.
Your warm walls welcomed her eagerly, as your hips rocked. You began to moan uncontrollably when she let herself go deeper. Yuqi had to silence you with her kisses - she didn’t doubt that you were actually able to make all the neighbors know what you two were doing. There was just no point in letting something so embarrassing happen.
Your knuckles turned white when you gripped onto Yuqi’s shoulders desperately. You needed something to ground yourself with. The feeling of your lover’s fingers buried deep inside you made you want to see all the stars. You were chasing after your sweet release, eyes shut tightly at the pure bliss you were bathing in.
Eventually, you did open them only to glance down between your bodies. Fascinated, you watched Yuqi’s hand disappear in your pants repeatedly. You shuddered, it only drove you closer to the edge and when Yuqi hit your g-spot you almost lost it. She knew your body excellent by now. She easily recognized from the way you were clenching her fingers how close you were.
“Come for me, baby girl. I know you want to.” She husked into your ear, biting your earlobe.
And how could you disobey?
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markiemelon · 11 months
mint choco
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genre. pure fluff ! no warnings
pairings. bff!xiaojun x fem implied! reader ♡
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—{3:11pm}♡‧₊˚ ↴
“stop leaving the toilet seat up when i come over.” you stormed into the living room. “no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend…”
“yeah, says the person who hasn’t even had a first kiss yet.” he teased you.
you were quick to snap back. “well if you hadn’t insisted on tagging along on that blind date-”
you were interrupted. “i didn’t even do anything!! it was like i wasn’t even there!” he rolled his eyes.
your face turned expressionless. “xiaojun.” you blinked a couple of times. “you literally put your hand over my mouth right as he leaned in to kiss me.”
he cleared his throat awkwardly. “yeah, well… i didn’t like that guy…”
“whatever.” you dismissed the conversation.
you looked over to the boy sitting comfortably on the couch, enjoying his mint chocolate ice cream. this was a regular thing to see when you went to xiaojun’s house, but you found it to be absolutely disgusting, nonetheless.
“how can you eat that…” you took a seat next to him.
extremely offended, he raised his eyebrows while he turned his head carefully to face you, being dramatic as ever. “what did you just say to me?”
you made a sloppy gesture pointing to the dish of the green mess.
“and what about it?!” he yelled in response to your silent comment. he slammed his bowl onto the coffee table in front of him and didn’t hesitate to jump up from the couch.
you looked up at the boy who towered over you. as intimidating as he tried to seem, you couldn’t take him seriously at all. you swallowed to keep your smile from showing. “you monster!” you instigated. “it tastes like toothpaste!!”
“no.” he took a moment to breathe. “toothpaste. tastes. like. MINT.”
and that was xiaojun’s last straw.
“okay, yn. you brought this upon yourself.” he swiftly reached for his precious bowl of now half-melted mint chocolate ice cream, taking a big spoon full of it, and taking it right up to your mouth.
you squealed at the feeling of the minty mush hitting your lips. the spoon stopped against you teeth, the only thing keeping the vial flavor from reaching your tastebuds.
nearly gagging, you tried to run and wash it off, but you were held back by xiaojun locking you into his arms.
“i have to wash this off!!!” you, and your threatened tastebuds cried.
“okay, ill get it off. calm down.” he tried to sound annoyed.
relieved, you waited for xiaojun to hand you the napkin on the table. you were completely caught off guard by the feeling of xiaojun’s lips connecting with yours.
your first kiss. this is exactly what you’ve wanted. but this is not exactly how you wanted it. your head was rushing, competing with your pounding heart. you never thought you would be kissing your best friend, and not be completely hating it, but there you were. you had no idea you could think and feel so many things at once. it was soft. it was sweet. it was cold…it was minty.
xiaojun pulled away from you, his grin only growing wider and wider as your cheeks got warmer and warmer.
he admired your priceless expression. “…i cant let perfectly good mint choco go to waste…”
“what was that for?!” you blushed and wiped your mouth with the back of your palm. “you said you would get it off!!!”
“and i did!!!” he said, completely shamelessly.
“you’re disgusting!” you scoffed to distract from your pounding chest.
“but not as disgusting as mint choco, hm?” xiaojun teased.
he didn’t take his eyes off of yours while he took his time to bring his palm up to your cheek. you couldn’t believe you were seeing this side of xiaojun.
being best friends with xiaojun, you’ve had your fair share of flirting and confusing butterflies. he got you flustered all the time, but he certainly never took it this far.
but right as you hoped for this to be a romantic moment, you would find that it’s just too good to be true.
still cradling your cheek, he grazed your lips with his thumb; that’s when your fantasy shattered. he just spread ice cream all over your lips again.
“ew! get it off! get it off!” you broke the stillness in the atmosphere.
xiaojun smiled. “fine.”
this time, you anticipated his touch. he leaned in to kiss you gently one more time… and suddenly, mint choco wasn’t so bad.
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this was hard to write because i love mint choco (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
hope you enjoyed xx
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yoonmeowzz · 1 year
wayv ! why they fell in love with you
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contents: wayv members (ot7) x gn!reader, fluff, friends to lovers
a/n: wayv's comeback is amazing, i can't stop listening to phantom and good life!! plus i keep seeing that announcement saying lucas will come back with superm bUT i don't want to believe until i see him back fr. just in case, i don't want my heart broken 😭 pd: this probably has a lot of mistakes but enjoy
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he's definitely the most mature among the neos and he's devoted to his job, so he really liked your diligence. when he met you, he was just grateful to find someone with a similar mindset to his. then, he would start noticing the care you put on your work and things you liked to do. he found himself just admiring you while you were focused doing something, finding the way you bit the tip of your tongue adorable. and when you two cooked together for the first time? oh god, kun was head over hills for you just because you were cleaning the counter right away whenever you spilled something.
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i feel like ten prefers expressing his feelings through any art form than words, so he loved your sensibility when it came to understanding his art. like, he could draw anything, show you and you would tell him how it made you feel or directly ask him why he was feeling that way. even by seeing him dance you could guess his mood and that made him feel so loved and cared for. the day he confessed to you, he drew two figures, which looked a little bit too much like the both of you, hugging each other in really warm colors. you just looked at him with a wide smile and hugged him tightly; there was no need of words between you.
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he admires your creativity. the fact that you can come up with an incredible idea out of nowhere, especially when you have to solve a problem is something really attractive for him. he doesn't even understand why, it just is. he's the calm type (most of the time) so he appreciated the effort you put on thinking new ways to have fun together without having to go to loud, crowded places. he sometimes felt like he had to impress you as much as you impressed him(? so he usually bought you flowers or took you to the beach during winter. however, you seemed to never run out of ideas and that made him fall deep in love with you.
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i think he has a thing for cute things. he definitely loves your tenderness. whenever you, knowingly or not, act cute he's dying on the inside: he wants to hug you, kiss you and take care of you forever. even when you're angry he thinks you're the most precious person he has ever seen, he's just a big happy puppy who wants to protect everyone (especially you). he also likes your mature, serious side of course, and he adores how you know how to act in every situation. but seeing you pout or ask him for something with big puppy eyes is just... on another level for him.
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he loves your loyalty. he really appreciates that he can relay on you for everything and anything, you've always been by your side and he trusts you to infinity and beyond. he's so comfortable around you that he feels he can talk about anything, even the weirdest themes expect text messages talking about his bathroom time. he especially likes your deep talks at 3am, when he can be vulnerable and small. slowly, he found himself falling for you. he also love that you get along with bella so well tho.
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hendery takes care of everyone silently. he likes making people feel loved and appreciated, so when you made him feel that way, oh boy, he was gone. he's aware that he has "more than friends" kind of feelings for you but he accepts it and goes with the flow. he'll never confess unless you do it first tho. when you cheer for him or compliment him, he may blush and tell you to kindly shut up but he's enjoying every second of it. pretty much like ten, there's no need for words, he just vibes with you and even if you stay as friends forever he loves you and makes it clear every chance he gets.
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yangyang and you have been friends for a while now and at this point of your friendship he can't imagine a life without you, so as weird as it may sound he fell in love with your presence. he loves knowing that you will always be there for him and he gets all happy and giggly when you're around cause he really enjoys spending time together, even if each one is doing their own thing. he likes having you near when he's playing computer games (he'd love to have you on his lap but you'll never hear that from him). yangyang would probably tell you how he feels at a sleepover after spending the whole day with you and he would so nervous i'm gonna cry.
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