Waiting at MEPS for the bus to boot camp, on my second cup of coffee, raaaaging headache. Can't wait to be up for the next few days processing in 🥲
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ncrailfan252 · 6 months
Going to meps on Tuesday
God willing I will contract at the end of it and be on track for the US navy
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crinaboros · 11 months
A matter of facts, rebels and leaked documents: Competing Romania illegal logging fact-finding missions advance amid rumours EU infringement could be dropped
Article supported by an IJ4EU grant for independent reporting
by Crina-Gabriela Boroş
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(Photo: Clearcut in Natura 2000 site from where FSC-certified wood is being exploited in Fagaras mountains, Romania, May 16 2023. Clearcuts are illegal in Natura 2000 sites. Copyrighted - all rights reserved.)
‘These guys are approving logging without any idea whether that logging would damage a key habitat or a species!’
This is the reason environmental activists quote when asked why they’re winning court cases against public authorities permitting logging in Natura 2000 sites in Romania. Yet, despite EU infringements and complaints, saws are louder than birds in protected forests. In a pre-European Parliamentary election year, are current facts sufficient for the EU to take Romania to the European Court of Justice?
Just days ago, a European Parliament Petition (PETI) delegation visited Romania following an illegal logging complaint, as well as a list of other habitat destruction complaints that have forest destruction as common denominator. Delegates chose a press-proofed route to witness that “everything was well and under control” in Romania’s forests, as Environment Minister Barna Tánczos would tell them in his welcoming speech.
Stopped from witnessing what PETI does, we accompanied rebel MEPs and environmental activists to allegedly protected sites to observe “unfolding crime” and reveal a catalogue of forest management irregularities.
LORDS OF TIMBER is a project supported by an IJ4EU grant for independent reporting, managed by the European Journalism Centre and the International Press Institute. This is one article in a series exposing aspects tied to EU’s “famous” “environmental” infringement.
“Romania faces several challenges with respect to the implementation of the nature protection Directives”, an EU Environment Commission (DG ENVI) official said just a few weeks ago, “but this is the famous one!”. She means the illegal logging matter raised by the Commission.
EU’s infringements database is, in fact, chokablok with environmental charges against Romania, like pus leaking from a wound that won’t heal.
Read the article in full on PRESSHub - https://presshub.ro/a-matter-of-facts-rebels-and-leaked-documents-competing-romania-illegal-logging-fact-finding-missions-advance-amid-rumours-ue-infrigment-could-be-dropped-273480/
LORDS OF TIMBER is a project supported by an IJ4EU grant for independent reporting, managed by the European Journalism Centre and the International Press Institute. This is one article in a series exposing aspects tied to EU’s “famous” “environmental” infringement.
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otakuanimewriter · 1 year
"From Animash to AMVs: A Journey of Video Editing and Passion"
At the age of 12 in 2014, I stumbled upon a fanmade video on YouTube titled "Animash You'll be in my heart" by Stitchfan08. The video was a beautiful compilation of scenes from Disney and Warner Bros cartoons set to the song by Phil Collins. I was mesmerized and watched it repeatedly, sometimes putting it on loop because I couldn't get enough of it. This sparked my interest in video making and editing.
In 2017, at the age of 15, I began my journey into video making by downloading an app called VivaVideo on my tablet. I started recording myself singing with the song "Something Special" from the Disney series "Elena of Avalor". However, I was too embarrassed to show it to anyone and uploaded it to my YouTube channel called "Taiga Aisaka", named after an anime character. Unfortunately, I didn't receive any likes or comments on my video.
Disappointed, I stopped editing for a year. But in 2020, at the age of 18, I remembered the Animash music video that had inspired me years ago. I started searching for Mickey and Minnie videos on YouTube and downloaded clips to create my own music video. I downloaded an app called Power director and began putting the clips together, adding the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. I was thrilled with the result and uploaded it to my new YouTube channel, ‘’Yakkywakkydoty Cartoon AMV’. it was a really weird channel name.  To my surprise, it received 23k views and my channel gained 100 subscribers.
Encouraged by my success, I continued making more cartoon music videos in 2020-2021. It was during this time that I started watching an anime series called "Owari no Seraph" and fell in love with the characters Mika and Yuu. I searched for an AMV of them on YouTube and came across an editor named xShadeLynn. Her video was breathtaking, with all kinds of effects and emotions set to the song "Faraway" by Nickelback. I watched it over and over, along with her other videos, and was inspired to start making my own AMVs.
I changed my channel name to ‘’YWDCA-CMV’’ and started making AMVs using the app CapCut. My first anime music video was a mix using the song "Angel with a Shotgun" by The Cab, featuring scenes from "Owari no Seraph", "Hunter x Hunter", and "Charlotte''. It wasn't perfect, but I kept practicing and improving my editing skills. I made more AMVs, including mixes and single anime AMVs.
One day, I discovered MEPs (Multiple Editor Projects) on YouTube and was fascinated by the concept. I watched the first MEP I saw, "Everybody Talks MEP" by Mad Desires Studio, over and over again. I started participating in MEPs and auditioning for studios, but it wasn't easy. Some editors and studio leaders were looking for a specific editing style, and I didn't always fit the bill. But I kept practicing and improving, receiving feedback from other editors to help me grow.
Eventually, I auditioned for a small studio that didn't judge my editing style and was accepted. I started participating in more MEPs and auditioning for other studios, like Yume Sekai, Our Season,  Yaoi Vision Studio ect. I received feedbacks on my MEP parts that needs improving so i kept improving. My YouTube channel was now called ‘’Mikai AMVs’’, and I gained more views, likes, and 929 subscribers. and i was really happy to edit alongside other inspiring amv editors.
In conclusion, it was the Animash music video by Stitchfan08 that sparked my interest in video making and editing. From there, I discovered AMVs, MEPs, and the anime editing community. It hasn't always been easy, but I've continued to practice and improve my editing skills, receiving feedback from other editors along the way. I'm grateful for the inspiration that led me on this journey and excited to see where it takes me next.
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Nothing says “in fandom during the early 2000s” like suddenly remembering a song you really liked but having nothing to go off of except the MEP cover
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Avrupa Birliğinden Binalar için Yeni ve Zorlu Hedefler Avrupa Parlamentosu binalardan kaynaklanan enerji tüketimini ve sera gazı emisyonlarını kademeli olarak azaltma hedefleri kapsamında yeni bir adım atarak daha ...
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Avrupa Birliğinden Binalar için Yeni ve Zorlu Hedefler Avrupa Parlamentosu binalardan kaynaklanan enerji tüketimini ve sera gazı emisyonlarını kademeli olarak azaltma hedefleri kapsamında yeni bir adım atarak daha ...
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if-haber · 26 days
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Avrupa Birliğinden Binalar için Yeni ve Zorlu Hedefler Avrupa Parlamentosu binalardan kaynaklanan enerji tüketimini ve sera gazı emisyonlarını kademeli olarak azaltma hedefleri kapsamında yeni bir adım atarak daha ...
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egitim-ve-is-hayati · 26 days
Avrupa Birliğinden Binalar için Yeni ve Zorlu Hedefler Avrupa Parlamentosu binalardan kaynaklanan enerji tüketimini ve sera gazı emisyonlarını kademeli olarak azaltma hedefleri kapsamında yeni bir adım atarak daha ...
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Avrupa Birliğinden Binalar için Yeni ve Zorlu Hedefler Avrupa Parlamentosu binalardan kaynaklanan enerji tüketimini ve sera gazı emisyonlarını kademeli olarak azaltma hedefleri kapsamında yeni bir adım atarak daha ...
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thoughtlessarse · 1 month
Transparency International has called for stricter controls on EU lawmakers, as a report shows many hold lucrative positions with firms that also lobby Brussels. MEPs collectively earn more than €8.6 million a year from outside jobs – including from private companies that also actively lobby on EU policy, according to a report published by Transparency International EU today (6 May). The group has called for EU lawmakers to be banned from moonlighting, as figures show over two thirds of the 705 deputies disclose activities in addition to their core role. In some cases, they earn more from outside activities than they do from their MEP salary of €10,000 a month, and sit on boards of corporations intimately connected with their day jobs, the study found. The EU last year tightened its rules in the wake of Qatargate, a scandal over alleged foreign influence on the legislative process – and the reform means lawmakers now publish more fine-grained details of outside earnings. But for Transparency International EU, the new rules still don’t go far enough to avoid conflicts of interest.
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What a FUCKING shit day.
Went to get a quick haircut this morning, had to rush home so I could get to my recruiter's office to head to SD MEPS for my final physical/interview. Halfway home my car just stops working. Power steering shuts off. Took me a good 20 minutes to get it working again. Finally get home with only minutes to spare before I need to Uber to the recruiter aaaaaand I LOCK MY FUCKING PHONE AND KEYS in the car. Had to run to my neighbor and use her phone to get a locksmith ($250 dude...omg) and then call my recruiter, who THANKFULLY came and picked me up after I got my stuff out of the car.
Now I'm laying in a hotel bed, with a headache, waiting for the terrible Marriott dinner 🫠 Gatta be up at 3 a.m. to bus to MEPS!
Someone rub my head and gimmie a hug..
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tuliharja · 1 month
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lexdexsolutions · 2 months
European Parliament's Groundbreaking Move on Empowering Data Protection
#EuropeanParliament members have reached a consensus regarding their stance on fortifying the reinforcement of regulations concerning data protection. The recent plenary session witnessed a decisive move by the #LIBE committee, underscoring the urgency to enhance the implementation of data protection rules across borders. One of the core challenges highlighted was the sluggish pace of…
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shadowboxhq · 2 months
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The Myzone NSW & ACT Interclub Challenge/Battle of the Coaches is on the horizon, kicking off 1st May and running until 31st May. Sign-ups are in full swing – simply jot your name down on the studio board to join the challenge!
Teams and coaches will be selected via a random draft pick LIVE on our Facebook group.
Remember, you'll need a Myzone to participate. Myzone 1 and 3 are available for purchase at the reception. 
Last year, ShadowBox took third place in the State with a whopping 318,008 MEPs, competing against the big box gyms. This year, we're setting our sights even higher – aiming for a placing in the State and Nationals!
Join the challenge, embrace the grind and let's showcase the power of the ShadowBox community! LFG Team! 🙌
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mercoglianotrueblog · 4 months
Just to divert the attention
#EC blackmail #Hungary' "no" to fund #Kyiv,name '#Russian spy' MEPs not vs RF
"Civil War" film, next spring:#US 24 states flee Union
Limited #Military Draft-Sept.29,'24-so #Biden keeps power?
#govts"Trust me! #Econ.' fine!" #Lies!
#clim.change vs freedom
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