#Midnight Virgin
marypickfords · 1 year
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Midnight Virgin (Shōgorō Nishimura, 1970)
From Jasper Sharp's Behind the Pink Curtain: The Complete History of Japanese Sex Cinema (2008)
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juneviews · 1 year
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midnight motel ep.5 + favorite shots
114 notes · View notes
aesopsharpmybeloved · 2 years
More Than Sinful
Suup. So this is kind of like a chaper two of my previous story Less Than Holy, though it can be read as a standalone. If you didn’t read the previous fic, here’s the deal: There’s no Angel, there’s no sucker gang, everbody lives, nobody dies, including Erin’s baby and Pike the dog. Also, Monsignor Pruitt is really in a hospital on the mainland and Father Paul is an another person entirely.
NSFW, go away children
Warnings: Female masturbation, Oral sex (male and female giving and receiving), Consensual unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy and take your pilly), father paul is a virgin and also touch starved, tooth rotting fluff and it’s also super cheesy. Bone Apple Tea.
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More Than Sinful - 7.1K
You yawned and stretched your back. Another morning, another way too early walk. Ever since Easter vigil, you woke early. The reason for this was to not bring any attention to yourself, or the object of your love. It wasn't unusual for lovers to hide their relationship, whether it was because of people who would not approve of it, their current situation or just the thrill of it. Your relationship was very much a secret though, a secret that could easily ruin lives. Unlike other girls, who found themselves boyfriends they could actually kiss in front of other people and show them off to their friends, you went and started an affair with the local parish priest. Which would be fine, if he were a Protestant one, but no, he was a catholic.
It was not a total secret, though. Your friend (probably the best one you've ever had) Erin Greene knew. You could nearly say she helped make the entire thing happen. After the Easter vigil and countless hours at the rectory, you were walking back home looking utterly disheveled. Your lips were raw and swollen, your hair was a bloody bird's nest and all your clothes were askew. You were deliciously snogged the entire night and you sure did look the part. You certainly didn't expect Erin and Riley to be chatting on a bench on the way to your home so late into the night. Or so early in the morning. Whatever. They noticed you immediately, as you walked home, but you were still on cloud nine and wouldn't even have noticed them if Erin hadn't said your name. You looked at them, your eyes widening and you felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Your friend took one look at you and started giggling. It was rather obvious to Riley, too, that you most likely spent the majority of your evening with a man, but only Erin knew exactly who the lucky guy was. Ten hours later, when you were, once again, lounging around her house, helping her prepare an apple pie, she only said: "Told you you'd be surprised." You grinned, but said nothing.
And that was that, really. You and Father Paul would spend time together as usual, having tea and going on walks, with the exception of sleeping at each other's place more often than not. Just sleeping though. Sleeping and kissing and talking quietly, as you were wrapped tight around each other. And then you'd wake up early, long before the other islanders, so you or Paul would be able to sneak away to your own home so as to not raise any suspicion. You could live with that, though. While it was very difficult to release Paul from your arms when you were so warm and comfortable, you could live with it, because you knew you'd return to those arms again.
The most difficult part was the 'only sleeping' part. You told yourself early on that you wouldn't push him to do anything he didn't want to do, and that you'd love him even if the two of you would never get intimate. And you meant it. But that didn't help with your longing, with the growing need within you. You felt his desire when you kissed him, sat upon his lap and you felt it nearly every morning, poking you from behind as you lazily kissed each other after waking up. Yet you didn't do anything about it. Like you promised to yourself you never pushed him, never took the lead to get you two to the next level. He had much more to lose than you and therefore this was his call. You were so ready and willing, but you'd never force him into anything, so all you had in that regard were the small reliefs you yourself could provide.
You kept on walking, breathing in the fresh cool morning air. You thought about him as you neared your home. He looked so utterly precious, lying on his bed among the pillows and blankets, his hair a mess and his face slightly flushed with sleep. He looked completely adorable, you decided, and it took all of your willpower not to jump straight back into his bed and carry on sleeping. Or do something else entirely. He looked like such a mess, your brain immediately started making up scenarios of how you could ruin him even further, how absolutely crumbled his pajamas could get, as you’d push them out of the way, but not completely off, and how would that flush on his cheeks spread down, onto his entire body, an inch at a time, before finally setting…
You huffed, annoyed. The sun was barely above the horizon and you were already bothered and aching. You willed yourself to get your mind out of the gutter and finally reached your front door. Your house was quiet and a dim, but you didn’t bother with the lights; you could have your eyes bound and still be perfectly able to orient yourself around your home. You made your way towards the bed, hoping to get some more sleep, but found yourself feeling terribly lonely and cold now that there wasn’t a tall warm body to wrap itself around you.
Your eyes focused on your bedside table. You could easily reach for the drawer, pull out the little battery operated toy you stored there and take care of the ache between your legs. Maybe you’ll even fall back asleep afterwards… You thought about it for a while and took notice of the alarm clock next to your head. It was just after 6 and it would be hours before you could see Paul again, since he had a daily mass to lead and confessions after that. You decided not to fight back your urges anymore, fishing your toy out of the drawer and getting rid of you clothing.
You started by teasing yourself with your hands. Your eyes were closed and in your mind’s eye the hands touching you, the fingers slowly circling your hardened nipples belonged to the local priest. You imagined his strong warm hands, as they so very slowly caressed every inch of your bare skin, and you even made up a mental image of him putting his pretty lips and pearly teeth to use. He would bite just above your shoulder and move down, until his hot mouth reached your breasts. He’d take turns gently biting and sucking on both of your buds, until they were all red and swollen and glistening with his saliva, oh you could almost really feel it.
Sneaking your hands lower, you finally reached your aching sex and your fingers started to make gentle circular motions around your clit, teasing it and making yourself gasp. You were still focused on your fantasy, how would Father Paul take his time with you, teasing you and making you let out all kinds of desperate sounds. You didn’t know why, but you were certain he’d treat you well, that he’d take perfect care of you. While you continued to rub at your clit, you slipped two fingers within you. You were wet and relaxed, still you imagined Paul, how he’d stretch your walls in order to fit within you, how he’d try out different angles until he located- “Ah!” Found it. You pulled your fingers out slightly, before thrusting them back in the same angle, slowly getting into a rhythm. Your hands worked in tandem, the attacks on your clit and g spot making the coil in your stomach burn brighter and brighter.
Finally, you took your fingers out entirely and grabbed the toy with your right hand. It wasn’t nearly as large as you guessed your priest must be, judging by the times you could feel his arousal through your clothes as you straddled him on his sofa to snog the daylights out of him. However, it would have to do, and you were certain that combining the toy and your fantasies would prove itself satisfactory enough. You ran the toy along your folds, both teasing yourself with it and getting it nice and wet, before you slowly pushed the tip inside. You threw your head back and as you pushed the entire length inside in the same angle as you did with your fingers. You imagined Paul doing this to you, imagined how he’d still for a bit and let you get used to it. You honestly wanted to make it last longer, but your frustration got the better of you, and you quickly became so lost in the sensations and fantasies, you just started thrusting the toy in and out of you quickly, hitting that perfect spot inside of you every time. Your other hand returned to attack your lovebud and the fire within you hotly grew, spreading and tightening in your stomach, before finally: “Oh god, oh Paul!” you whimpered desperately as you felt your walls twitching and warmth and pleasure spread throughout your entire body.
You laid on your bed, huffing and puffing, your heartbeat like a metal drum solo and your hair sticking to your face in a frankly uncomfortable way. You only allowed yourself to feel the delicious afterglow for now. After your breathing calmed down, you sighed sadly. You wished that you were with Paul, that he was the one who just made you see stars. You wished to make him feel this good too, to enjoy these sensations together, to be so close together and connected, like only lovers can be. Putting your hand to your face, you tried to push the hair out of your forehead before you remembered that only makes it worse. You had to clean up.
Slipping into a silky dressing gown, you pushed the bedclothes into your washing machine. As you were deciding which washing liquid to use, there came a knock from the front door. Absolutely forgetting how you must have looked, hair a mess, and still too flushed, you made your way towards the door and looked through the peephole at the person standing outside. It was Father Paul. You opened and gave him a gentle smile… And then you remembered just what exactly you were doing not fifteen minutes before and your smile disappeared and in its place a deep red colour of shame started rising.
“Hey,” Father Paul said, not noticing your messy appearance right away, “you left this at the rectory.” He held up his arm, in his hand was a silky shawl you wore around your neck on cool days, “I was taking a walk before daily mass and decided to stop by and-” Paul stopped abruptly, finally taking in your entire look. While you were dying of embarrassment, you couldn’t not notice how his pupils dilated, making his already dark eyes even darker, and how his cheeks took on a colour similar to yours. “I- I didn’t,” he started speaking again, but didn’t seem to find anything to say. Slowly, very slowly, his eyes went lower, taking in your dressing gown, as it wasn’t tied exactly tight and your cleavage was revealed to his hungry eyes. The flimsy thing was also rather short and he drank in your exposed thighs. If he wanted, he could just tear the fabric off you and reveal your body to him fully.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come so… unannounced, I’ll come when the time is better,” he stammered then and hurriedly looked down at his feet, feeling guilty and shameful for his thoughts. After all, you were in your home, you could do whatever you wanted to, it was his own fault he caught you in such a (delicious, captivating, arousing) private manner. “Wait,” you whispered desperately and looked around the street. It was thankfully empty. You came a bit closer and nearly shyly pressed your lips to his. He didn’t even hesitate, his strong hands grabbed your waist and Paul pulled you to him, close and tight. He groaned into the kiss, as the smell of your skin, arousal still clinging to it, hit his nose, and you hungrily pushed your tongue next to his. After a moment, he ducked his head to press open mouthed kisses and bites on the side of your throat, making your knees buckle and hands clinging to him as if your life depended on it.
You felt him then, poking you into your thigh. You ground yourself into Father Paul and felt delighted at hearing him moan quietly and utter a soft ‘oh god’. You already wanted to grab his hands and lead him back to your house, when all of a sudden everything stopped. He held you at arms length and he looked delicious. You unconsciously slipped your hands into his hair and messed it up, he was red as a tomato, his breathing was laboured and you felt his fast heartbeat through the hands he was holding you with. There was sweat glistening upon his forehead and his lips were swollen. You thought Father Paul never looked so beautiful. While the lust hadn’t exactly left his eyes, there was panic rising within them too. “I have to serve mass.” Oh, damn it. You absolutely forgot about the mass. “Oh, blimey, I’m so sorry,” you started apologising, truly feeling horrible to have gotten him into such a situation, “I’m sorry, Paul, I swear, I didn’t mean to…” You subconsciously looked down, and saw his skinny jeans tenting obscenely at the crotch, making you blush further. “Hey,” came Paul’s voice, it was gentle and soft, just like he was, “I’m not mad. Oh I am not cross with you at all, it’s just, well. I can’t exactly go to church like this.” You looked at his face and saw him smiling down at you, lovingly. You smiled back.
“So just, you know…” you offered, “just imagine Bev Keane?” You almost burst out laughing at the outraged and scandalous expression he gave you after that. You managed to keep it down to quiet giggles, though. There was a mischievous look in his eyes then though and he leaned close again, his lips next to your ear. “Don’t do this to me,” he asked pleadingly, “or do you want me to never get it up again?” a slight tremor tore through your body at his rich voice so close to your ear, his hot breath warming your skin and his implications sending a new shiver of arousal through you. “Be at the rectory, in the evening?” he asked then, now standing at an acceptable distance, awkwardly trying to fix his hair. He probably did think of Bev, since after two minutes or so, he looked inconspicuous and put together like he always does.Which was an interesting contrast, as you looked even more ruined than before you opened the door. Feeling like you would squeal if you as much as opened your mouth, you only smiled and nodded. He reciprocated the gesture and set out on his way to the church. You closed the door and fell back against it, letting yourself slide down and smile like an utter goon.
God, it felt like the day would never end. You honestly suspected the time had slowed down and every minute felt like an hour. You got yourself cleaned up, washed your hair, and shaved your entire body until you were smooth like a bloody dolphin. You dolled yourself up in a way that was very unlike the Crockett island fashion, but you desperately wanted to look your absolute best for Paul. You put the washed beddings to dry on a rack and found that you still had plenty of time. Looking at your watch, you knew Erin would still be teaching and therefore had to find some way to spend your time. So you set off towards the island’s general store.
In front of it stood Joe Collie talking pleasantly with sheriff Hassan. The sheriff was leaning his strong tall build against a green desk, upon which sat baskets with vegetables. You raised your hand in a small wave and smiled at them. “Oh wow,” said Hassan, “you look nice. A bit too stylish for this place, don’t you think?” “You tryna hunt some man down, or something? Cause I don’t really think you’ll find someone in your league here, honey,” laughed Joe. Ever since he gave up drinking, he seemed to be in better spirits every day, and he and the sheriff began a little friendship. Pike was standing by his master’s side, eyeing you affectionately. You rolled your eyes: “Can’t a girl look presentable from time to time? You know, I used to dress like this almost all the time when I lived in the city. And I wasn't doing so for a bloke.” Hassan raised his hands: “Just kidding, just kidding. You look good.” “Thanks,” you called over your shoulder as you passed them and entered the store.
“Hello, come in, I’ll be right there!” sounded Annie Flynn’s voice from the back of the store. You looked around idly, not really needing to buy anything, but hoping that perhaps something would catch your eye. The general store had everything one could need, really, and while the selection was limited, it was enough for the entire island to get by. Whenever you needed something special, you just made it a shopping day on the mainland. Looking into the sweets aisle, you grinned and fetched yourself a shopping basket. Inside, you immediately put some dark chocolate and tea biscuits. A few aisles over, you decided to also take a bottle of white wine. It’d be perfect for the evening perhaps, you thought. “Okay, I’m back,” said Annie as she appeared behind the counter, “oh, hello, dear! Oh look at you!” “Hello, Mrs Flynn, how are you?” you said back with a smile and approached the register. “Oh, you know how it is, dear, business as usual,” she scanned your items and read out the total, “although you seem to be in a good mood. I like your dress. Is there some party I don’t know about?” she smiled at you as you paid. “No, not really,” you said, actually truthfully, “just wanted to look good.” And that was technically true, wasn’t it? You did want to look good. The fact that you wanted to look good for one specific person could be well left unsaid.
On your way back home, you could see kids flowing out of the schoolhouse and thought about chatting up Erin for a bit, but changed your mind when you saw Riley leaning against a railing nearby. You waved at him and he greeted you back. Not wanting to be the third wheel, you made your way back home. It was still too early to go to the rectory, as you knew Paul would be working on his homilies at this time. You sighed and flopped into a chair in your living room, content to just stare into nothing for a bit. Then an idea hit. You fetched your notebook and pencils from your bedroom and got comfortable in the chair again. On your phone, you found your favourite photo you had of Paul. You were on a beach during sunrise, sitting on a log, just watching the sea and you thought that the combination of the morning sun hitting the waves and the content expression on Paul’s face as the rays warmed his skin was one of the most beautiful things in this world. You asked him if you could take a photo to save the moment forever and he agreed.
You had been practising your drawing and painting for a while now and drawing the pastor came rather naturally to you. You lovingly observed his face in the photo and tried your best to replicate it on the paper. Once you were done, you looked at the portrait happily. It came out better than you had anticipated it would. It’s started to get dark and looking at the clock, you got up with a smile. You put the goods you bought in the afternoon in a bag, along with your notebook, and checked yourself out in a mirror one more time. You brushed a few tangles from your hair with your fingers and smiled at your reflection. You really did look good, your clothes were unlike this island, but not too crazy and your makeup was subtle and only highlighted your natural beauty. Feeling glad, you turned off the lights in your home and left.
As you neared Father Paul’s home, your stomach started tingling like mad, and you couldn’t tell whether you were excited, or nervous, or, most likely, both. You were excited because it seemed Paul would really finally get intimate with you, yet you were nervous, because you didn’t know if he actually wanted to. Sure he seemed pretty ready to have his way with you in the morning, but that could have been just a natural reaction and you had no idea if he was mentally and emotionally okay with it. But you couldn’t have imagined that look in his eyes this morning. That hunger that made a shiver run down your back, or the way his hands grasped at your dressing gown, as if he wanted it off your body. You were so full of anticipation and so lost in your thoughts, you barely even noticed that you were already standing in front of the rectory’s doors, just gawking at them like a weirdo.
Trying to calm your wild beating heart, you took one deep breath and raised your hand to gently knock on Father Paul’s door. He opened far too quickly, as if he'd been standing on the other side before you even came. He took one look behind you to see if there were no prying eyes and he quickly pulled you inside, shut the door behind you and locked it. However, it seemed that that’s where his boldness ended and he just kind of stood in the middle of the room, not exactly looking at you, balling his hands into fists every now and then. “Um,” you said after a while, “I bring gifts?” You fished out the wine and sweets you bought earlier out of your bag and set them down on the countertop. When you turned around, he was right behind you, his face unreadable and his expression strange. “Hey,” you touched his cheek lightly, and he flinched a bit, before he relaxed into your touch, “Paul, are you alright, love?”
That made him focus his entire attention on you and he stared into your eyes for a bit, before he averted his eyes again and let his head drop a bit. “No, um, I mean yes, I’m fine, I’m sorry, it’s just…” he reached his hand out and put it over your own, still on his cheek. “To be honest, I’m kind of out of my depth here,” he finally gave you a small smile and looked into your eyes, “I know what you want. I had my suspicions, and this morning confirmed them.” You sighed and held his cheeks with both hands now, pulling his face into the crook of your neck and holding it there, just petting his hair with one hand. “Yeah. I’m sorry, Paul, it’s kind of difficult not to have these… needs. Especially with you, because you’re honestly so perfect. You are always so kind to me, always giving attention and affection, freely. You listen to me and you know me better than many people who knew me for years. And you’re so sweet and funny and I can’t even express how absolutely handsome you are. Everything about you is beautiful, Paul. I love you.”
Paul held onto you now, his long arms around your waist and you felt warm and comfortable and happy. “But listen to me, and look at me,” you lifted his head up to be able to gaze into his eyes, “this is your call. I would never ever force myself on you, or make you do something you don’t want to. You took your vows and I know that even what we have now could get you into some serious trouble. And I don’t want to burden you any more than I’m already doing now, I never would. So I understand if you never want to get intimate with me. I couldn’t bear knowing I forced you to sin against your will, just because of my own desires.” You finished and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Paul sighed and one of his hands caressed your cheek, settling on your lip and tracing it softly with his thumb.
“No,” he breathed finally, “no, you’re not a sin. It doesn’t feel like a sin with you. I love you, and I want to be with you. In every way. I couldn’t focus the entire day,” he admitted softly, letting his eyes drop again, “all I could think of was just how beautiful you looked, dressed only in that dressing gown, with your hair all out of place, you were on my mind all day. I wanted to come running to you the moment I finished the sermon, wanted to cancel the confessions, wanted to send Bev to hell when she came to me later to get my opinion on some event she’s organising or something. I couldn’t even focus on preparing tomorrow’s homily, all I did was think of you, and think of the things I want to do to you. Things I want to do with you. I know you would never force me to do something I don’t want, but you don’t have to worry about that, because I do want it! I want you. I need you. I wanted and needed you weeks ago, but I never gathered the courage, because…” he stopped to catch his breath, “I don’t actually really know how to go about it…” You could see his cheeks starting to flush, “I know the basics, of course, but I’m afraid I don’t even know how to start the entire… process.”
Your hands stayed on his face the entire time he was talking, so you just made him lift his head again to meet your eyes. There was a smile on your face and it only widened once you made eye contact. His pupils were blown wide again and despite his embarrassed blush, you could see he truly wanted you. That he wanted you as much as you wanted him. “Don’t worry, Paul,” you whispered softly and kissed his perfect cupid’s bow, “there’s not really one correct answer. We’ll just… see where it takes us. We can try to make each other feel good and step by step discover what does the other like best. We just have to be honest with each other. If one of us does something the other doesn’t like, we should just say not to do that. I want to make this good for you, but if I overstep, or it becomes too much, you just tell me, and I’ll stop. How’s that?” Father Paul smiled at you softly, his blush deepening, and pulled you into a kiss.
The kiss started out sweet, nearly chaste, but soon enough the intensity of it heightened. Paul then squeezed you close to him and you let out a happy sigh. He immediately took advantage of it and slowly pressed his tongue into your mouth. Your teeth clashed a bit as yours and the priest’s tongues caught each other in a sensual dance. Your fingers were in Paul’s thick soft hair and your fingernails lightly scratched at his scalp, which made him make a content little noise into your accepting mouth. After you both pulled back for some air, Paul dipped his face into your neck again, just like in the morning, pressing hot kisses and soft nips onto the sensitive skin. After a while, he found that spot that made you weak in the knees and he happily supported your weight. Once more, you felt the proof of his desire poking you and this time, you didn’t hold back as you buckled into him and he let out a moan. One of your hands left his hair to travel down from his shoulder to his sternum, over his flat belly and lower still, until it made contact with the throbbing organ in his jeans. Now was Paul’s turn to buckle into you and he lifted his head to lean his forehead against yours.
His eyes were glazed over and his pretty lips were parted and shiny with saliva. You squeezed him through his jeans again and got another delicious reaction. Smiling through your own arousal, you grabbed his hand and led him to his own bedroom. Once there, you sat him on his bed and stood before him. The smile didn’t leave your lips for even a single moment as you slowly started pulling off your clothes. You stepped out of your shoes and slowly peeled the pantyhose off each of your legs. Your jacket you laid on his dresser. Reaching behind yourself, you pulled the zipper of your dress down and let the whole thing fall from your shoulders to the ground, revealing your lacy underwear underneath. His breath hitched and he seemed mesmerised by your body and your curves, yet he didn’t reach for you. You worried you were going to get shy and self-conscious if you were to undress in front of him like this, but the way he ate you up with his eyes like you were next to godliness made you feel more confident than you ever felt before. You reached behind your back again and unclasped your bra, letting it hit the floor unceremoniously. Your knickers were the last thing to go. Terrible slowly you pushed them down your legs, until gravity finished your work for you.
He observed you lustfully, his eyes literally black and there was a small stain forming on the top of his jeans. Slowly, you put a leg on each side of his lap, effectively straddling him and reaching your hands for him. You kissed along the side of his face slowly, as you pulled the white collar off him and laid it carefully on his bedside table. One by one, you opened up the buttons of his shirt, revealing his beautiful, tanned skin, all the while kissing every inch of newly discovered area. You ducked your head to capture his right nipple in your mouth and bite at it softly. He oh so slowly wrapped his arms around you and leaned his head back. You shifted your attention to his other bud and continued your assault on the first with your fingers, until both of them were hardened and he let out a delicious sounding moan.
All the while, your other hand travelled lower, to squeeze him again, making his breath hitch and more sounds pour out of his mouth. You slowly extracted yourself from him and kneeled on the floor. You untied both of his shoes and pulled them off, his socks following behind. You then put your hands on his thighs until he looked at you and you moved your hands to his zipper. “This okay?” you whispered and he nodded at you once, not trusting his own voice. You pulled the button free from its hole and pulled down the zipper. He breathed a sigh of relief, as the pressure on his member decreased and raised his hips slightly, so you could pull down both his jeans and his pants and you did just so.
Now he was as bare in front of you as you were in front of him. And he was beautiful, nearly angelic in his appearance. He was large, like you thought he would be, and very nicely shaped. Your mouth watered at the sight of him. Remaining in your kneeling position, you slowly ran your hand up and down his shaft, watching his face for any sight of discomfort, but discovered none, as he closed his eyes in bliss and breathed out a little prayer. “Does that make you feel good, love?” you whispered, not wanting to break the moment of intimacy. He opened his eyes to look at you, eyes nearly unfocused and his face flushing prettily: “Oh, that feels… out of this world,” he replied, just as quietly. You smiled at him and lowered your face to his groin. You gave a soft lick to the head first, then licked a long stripe over his entire length. He only made small soft sounds until now, but when your lips enveloped him in your wet heat, the moan he made seemed to echo off the walls. It was an amazing sound, and you went a little crossed eyed so you could watch his face. He was so lost in his pleasure already.
You started bobbing your head a little, taking him a bit deeper each time you went down, all the while sucking slightly. He unconsciously slipped his fingers into your hair, not pulling or pushing you, just holding on for dear life while you pleasured him. You increased your suction, but gagged a little, when his tip hit the back of your throat. You weren’t about to give up though, feeling encouraged by his brilliant sounds, which were now constantly streaming out of his mouth, moans and whimpers melting together with soft pleas and your own name. You took him into your mouth entirely and stayed that way for a while, just sucking him and getting used to being so filled. When the discomfort faded you picked up the pace again, taking him deep, again and again, licking and sucking and caressing his bollocks with one of your hands. His sounds became desperate and you could feel by his throbbing that he was close. His head was still craned back and his eyes deeply shut, so you let him out of your mouth with a soft ‘pop’. “Paul, look at me, please,” you pleaded and he complied, looking at you with half lidded eyes. Continuing to keep eye contact, you took him as deep as you could and swallowed around him. “Oh good god!” his voice broke and he released into your throat, his entire body trembling with the intensity of his orgasm. You sputtered a bit at the hot bitter seed running down your throat, but managed to swallow all of him while your tongue licked him clean.
His strength gave out and he fell down onto his back on the bed, still trembling and breathing hard. You climbed after him on the bed and pulled him close, hiding your face into his collarbone. After a while, his arms went around you and he held you to him. “That was amazing,” he whispered slowly and kissed you on your lips, his tongue lazily exploring your mouth again, feeling the taste of you and himself on you. “Can I touch you now?” he asked, shyly, but he seemed to be calmer, bolder, perhaps. You smiled into his lips: “You never need to ask. You can touch me anywhere you want.” He nodded and kissed you again. After a while, he repositioned the two of you, so that you were both lying in the middle of his bed, with your head on the pillow and him on top of you.
He took his time with you just like you did with him, starting at your neck and occasionally asking if what he’s doing is okay. You willingly told him what felt good for you and it turned out he was a quick learner. Some spots you didn’t even have to mention, because he noticed the way your voice climbed higher when he found them. The feeling of him worshipping your body was so much better than it was in your fantasies and you were a moaning mess just from the way his teeth grazed your hard nipples while he whispered to you just how amazing and perfect you were, how good you smell and taste and how much he wants to make you feel good. He kissed down your stomach until he reached your pubic bone. Just like you did, he asked you if it’s okay to carry on and it took everything in you not to straight up beg.
He parted your legs and moved between them, looking at your sex fascinated. He reached a hand out and ran his fingers over your seam, spreading your slick folds. Your back arched and you mewled when his finger accidentally brushed over the little bundle of nerves. He took notice and tried to find the spot that made you feel so good. He truly was a quick learner. In no time at all, he was rubbing small circles around your clit, watching your reactions nearly mesmerised. He then put his fingers into his mouth, tasting your juices. He moaned at the taste of you and almost lunged, burying his face between your legs and lapping at your aching mound. You arched your back again, when you felt his tongue on your entrance and let out a broken moan when he pushed inside. He thrusted into you with his tongue as deeply as he could, but soon seemed to realise that his fingers might just do a better job at it, so he blindly reached them forwards and pushed two of them right alongside his tongue.
Almost like magic, he hit your sweet spot immediately and you cried out again. Seeing your reaction he repositioned his lips and tongue at the little nub he found before and began sucking and licking at it, while hitting the spot inside with his fingers. Similarly to him, your hand shot between your legs to grasp at his hair and your other hand pawed desperately at the sheets around you. It was so intense, never before had you started to near your climax this soon and you reckoned this was going to be a hurricane sized one. Once his other hand started playing with your nipples again, you knew you were done for. “Oh my god, Paul! Paul, I’m going to-!” you moaned his name like a prayer, you wouldn’t be able to stop your release even if you tried and instead you let it consume you. You saw white for a while and experienced the most pleasure you’ve ever had. Paul continued his ministrations and even though you felt like you just ran the marathon, the priest’s clever hands and mouth made you ready to go again very quickly.
“Paul, Paul please, please love, I really need you inside, please!” you could feel tears in your eyes as you begged him, grabbing at his shoulders weakly to pull him to you. He climbed up your body and took you into his arms. You could feel his hard shaft once more, sliding through your soaked folds and whimpered meekly. “Ready?” he said only, his voice low and dripping with arousal. You could only nod as you looked into his eyes, still shaking from your first orgasm and already feeling the coil renewed within you. He braced himself on one arm next to your head and grabbed his member, slowly guiding it into your tight cavern. He was big and you felt your walls stretching around him. You were so relaxed and so wet that he slid right in on the first stroke and both of you moaned shakily as he bottomed out.
He kissed your neck, nibbling on that spot under your ear, then moved his mouth to you chin and finally captured your lips in a messy, wonderful kiss as he pulled out and thrusted back in, hard, making you gasp. A few thrusts later, he changed the angle slightly and once again found the spot that made you see stars and claw at his back. He grinned against your mouth and did it again, and again, until you were a sweating, whimpering mess, and whatever you were trying to say came out incomprehensive and broken. You held onto him like a lifeline, locking your legs around your hips in a desperate attempt to get him even closer to you. “I love you, god I love you Paul! I’m so close, please, don’t stop, don’t ever stop.” Understanding what you were saying at last, he started getting lost in his own pleasure, his thrusts becoming irregular and snappish. His hand found your clit and starting attacking it unrelentingly, making you nearly scream out his name as you came undone below him, this time even stronger than before. He knew he wouldn’t last, especially now that your walls were squeezing him, milking him almost. “Inside, please,” you pleaded, your orgasmic high still running through you and he gratefully complied, moaning a deep ‘I love you’, his voice breaking at the last word.
You lied still for a long time, both of you coming down slowly, catching your breaths and listening to your heartbeats beating in a frenzied symphony. Finally, Father Paul rolled on his side, still holding onto you, so he could see into your face. In his opinion, you looked otherworldly beautiful, ethereal almost. Your messy hair was spread around your head like an angel’s halo and there was the most gentle, most content smile on your face. It reminded him of Mona Lisa’s smile. “That was absolutely perfect, love” you said softly and caressed his face with your palm. He grabbed your wrist gently and kissed it, holding it to his face. After both of you have calmed down, you went to clean up, both of you moving slowly and lazily, as your limbs felt heavy and tired. Once you lied under the blankets, legs entwined and with your head resting upon his strong chest, you remembered the drawing and excused yourself. Paul watched with a smile on his face, as you walked butt-naked back into his living room to fetch your notebook and happily opened up his arms again once you came back.
“What is this?” he asked as you handed him the simple notebook and told him to open it. He observed the drawing you’ve made of him, feeling very touched and knowing there was a tear forming in his eye. He couldn’t find the words to describe what he was feeling and felt like even if he connected all of the words the English language had to offer, he would probably never be able to tell you just how thankful he was. For everything, for your drawing, your love and care, for all the happiness just being in your presence brings him, or how much he actually loves you. So instead of embarrassing himself with a long monologue he wouldn’t be able to even phrase correctly in his exhausted state, he settled for a simple: “I love you so. God bless your heart.” You just looked at him, smiled with all the love coursing through you and kissed him on the lips.
Hi. I hope you enjoyed. If you wanna, you can check this story out on AO3. I will pet your hair and tell you what a pretty thing you are for a comment ;u; Thank
also like, if you maybe wanted to request some headcanons or something ive got my inbox open 👀 i dont like promise anything but i might continue writing
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springcatalyst · 5 months
top 9 first watches of 2023
thank u @hamburgerslippers for le tag!! mwah
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Because some of them don't have English titles they are: Murder on D Street (1998), Antiviral (2012), Martyrs (2008); Round About Midnight (1999), Cure (1997), Cabaret (1986); The City That Never Sleeps: Shinjuku Shark (1993), Go Go Secondtime Virgin (1969), and Mad God (2021)
these are all fuckin bangers but some I would recommend more than others (gun to ur head. watch cure.) (maybe be wary of go, go secondtime virgin, tho.) this is the list of movies that did things to my brain. i shall never recover
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I know virginity is an outdated patriarchal social construct, but I still want to take someone's virginity. Not because I think it's meaningful as a concept, but because I want to give them a good introduction to sex and help them find out what they're into.
Gently prepping them and talking about things they might want to try, warning them about anything that could be uncomfortable or painful, getting them all comfortable, checking in regularly as to how they're feeling and if they want to continue, and then finally debriefing and talking about what they liked or didn't like while I take care of them and tell them what a good job they did their first time.
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divinecouture · 2 years
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And it's like snow on the beah
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unblinkingvoid · 9 months
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stained glass windows in my mind, i regret you all the time
redrawing of "The Virgin ... " by Domenico Cuego + Taylor Swift lyrics
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steponremix91 · 5 months
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Virgin High (1991) dir. Richard Gabai
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retrocgads · 1 year
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UK 1985
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marypickfords · 2 years
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Midnight Virgin (Shōgorō Nishimura, 1970)
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psychogirly · 2 years
This is what makes us girls💋
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lunar-years · 2 years
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Not to dredge up a (literally) dead ship here however…. Bigger Than the Whole Sky is absolutely a villadero song :(
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envynymph · 10 months
need timothee chalamet in a way that would get me burned at the stake
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ghostcaterwaul · 1 year
My other blog @ghostcaterwaul-old is shadowbanned so I'm starting over here. If you post about any of the following, like/reblog so that I can follow you. It’s a long post so I’m putting it under a read more thingy.
Tori Amos
Manic Street Preachers
Jack Off Jill
Nicole Dollanganger
Pink Floyd
Fleetwood Mac
David Bowie
Autumn’s Grey Solace
Gothboiclique (NOT just Peep!)
Lil Aaron
Adjust the Sails
As Sirens Fall
Sneaker Pimps
Blaqk Audio
Sopor Aeternus
Fearless Vampire Killers
Inkubus Sukkubus
Priscilla Hernandez
KatieJane Garside
Current 93
The Changelings
The Cure
The Cranberries
Jewel (Pre-0304)
Cocteau Twins
The Birthday Massacre
Type O Negative
VNV Nation
Kill Hannah
Bella Lune
Hungry Lucy
Imogen Heap
Hannah Fury
The Smashing Pumpkins
The 69 Eyes
Lacrimas Profundere
Madder Mortem
Diablo Swing Orchestra
Stolen Babies
Sleep Token
In The Flesh
Kingdom Hospital
The Twilight Zone
Penny Dreadful
Stranger Things
The 100
The Shannara Chronicles
The Get Down
Peaky Blinders
Z Nation
Outer Banks
Skins (UK)
Shameless (US)
Black Sails
The Magicians
The Legend of Vox Machina
Midnight Mass
Feel Good
The Vampire Diaries
The Originals
My Own Private Idaho
SLC Punk & SLC Punk 2
Electrick Children
Ghost World
Party Monster
Dead Poets Society
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Swing Kids
Lords of Chaos (I know it's inaccurate but I still enjoyed it)
Palo Alto
Metal Lords
Dazed and Confused
Empire Records
Lady Bird
Ginger Snaps Trilogy
Poppy Z Brite
Caitlín R. Kiernan
Carlton Mellick III
The Virgin Suicides
White Oleander
S. E Hinton
Angela Carter
Turn of the Screw
The Secret History
House of Leaves
Whores on the Hill
Falling Angels
The Bell Jar
LA by Night
Dropout TV
Critical Role
World of Darkness
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
kat i’m finally almost done with sons of anarchy and i’m trying to figure out what to watch next, pls give me an elevator pitch on the best show you’ve watched recently thank you 🥰🥰
LAUREN!! i've never watched sons of anarchy so unfortunately i can't use that as a jumping off point 😅
THERE ARE TOO MANY SHOWS!! i'm sitting here like: has she seen succession? the bear? severance? yellowjackets? there are just TOO MANY good options out there. so instead lets go for the totally over the top silly recommendation of the show i've been catching up on/binging during my vacation: virgin river.
this show is the epitome of the SNL stefon meme—it has everything. a spunky lead with an impeccable wardrobe and a tragic backstory! a luke danes-esque bartender who just wants to take care of his loved ones and convince our lead that he's The One™! an illegal pot farm full of wayward criminals who inevitably cross paths with our heroes! an older couple rekindling their former love with each other! teenagers being teenagers! possibly the most hateful woman in this fictional universe??? a bizarre jennifer-lopez-from-enough-(2002)-style plot involving a character escaping her abusive husband hiding under an assumed identity! murder! bad boy turned good man! small town hijinks! who shot JR-esque cliffhangers! several pregnancies!
this show is ridiculous. it is peak popcorn. it feels like a hallmark movie met a lifetime movie and created a 4+ season monstrosity with no end in sight. is it good?? i don't even know! AND YET I CANNOT STOP WATCHING. it's on netflix, what are you waiting for, go watch it.
✨sleepover weekend✨
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xocasper · 2 years
what if i wrote my last two requests and then closed them (temporarily) so i can write five more mega virgin gerard fics. i already have rough ideas and everything no one encourage this.
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