#Mind Ninja Classroom
lifelessonsglobal · 6 months
Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence with Life Lessons Global
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Life Lessons Global is committed to nurturing not just academic success but also the personal development of every child. One of the key aspects of a child's growth is the development of self-confidence. A confident child is more likely to face challenges, take risks, and build positive relationships. In this article, we will explore the strategies employed by Life Lessons Global to boost your child's self-confidence.
Encouraging Individuality:
Life Lessons Global believes in the uniqueness of every child. By fostering an environment that celebrates individuality, children are encouraged to embrace their strengths, interests, and quirks. This acceptance creates a foundation for self-confidence, as children learn that they are valued just as they are.
Positive Reinforcement:
Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in building confidence. Life Lessons Global emphasizes acknowledging and praising children's efforts and accomplishments, no matter how small. By focusing on the positive, children develop a sense of achievement, reinforcing the belief in their capabilities.
Setting Realistic Goals:
Goal-setting is an essential skill for personal growth. Life Lessons Global guides children in setting realistic and achievable goals. Success in reaching these goals, even if they are incremental, contributes to a child's self-assurance. Learning to overcome challenges and achieve milestones builds a strong foundation for confidence.
Fostering a Growth Mindset:
Life Lessons Global instills a growth mindset in children by teaching them that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective encourages resilience and a positive attitude toward challenges. Children learn that setbacks are opportunities for learning and growth rather than failures.
Effective Communication Skills:
Developing effective communication skills is crucial for self-confidence. Life Lessons Global emphasizes teaching children how to express themselves, articulate their thoughts, and listen actively. Clear communication enables children to convey their ideas and needs, fostering a sense of self-efficacy.
Promoting Leadership Opportunities:
Life Lessons Global provides various leadership opportunities, allowing children to take on responsibilities and make decisions. Being in leadership roles, whether big or small, helps children develop a sense of autonomy and capability, boosting their confidence in their ability to lead and influence positively.
Cultivating a Supportive Community:
Confidence flourishes in a supportive community. Life Lessons Global fosters an inclusive and supportive environment where children feel accepted and encouraged by their peers and mentors. A sense of belonging and positive social interactions contribute significantly to a child's self-esteem.
Life Lessons Global understands that building self-confidence is a lifelong journey. By nurturing individuality, providing positive reinforcement, encouraging goal-setting, fostering a growth mindset, developing communication skills, promoting leadership opportunities, and cultivating a supportive community, Life Lessons Global equips children with the tools they need to face the world with confidence and resilience. The lessons learned at Life Lessons Global go beyond the classroom, shaping children into confident, capable individuals ready to tackle life's challenges head-on.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 2 months
Ways of the ninja
Soi never expected to have a mentor outside of his clan. It never crossed his mind. Naturally, he assumed his family would insist that he kept low. Not be seen.
He stares up at his teacher, who happens to be cursing his father currently over the phone. He had never seen someone be angry with his father's teachings before.
"What kind of parent doesn't teach his kid basic survival skills??? Are you trying to let him die??? Just because he can turn invisible doesn't mean he won't starve! Or get trampled!"
He winced. True, he hadn't thought about any of that. He just assumed he would be swiping food from other participants.
"And the fact that he isn't allowed to make friends! Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds?!? You're stunting your child's growth! Oh, just wait until I get my hands on you. There'll be no escape from the lecture I give you."
They end the call. The aura around them is very scary. He wonders what kind of torture he's about to endure for training.
"Soi," "Yes!" He shifts nervously in his seat. "You're already good at hiding. So we're going to focus on other things for the first half of your training."
Other things? What did that mean? They knelt down and grasped his hands. "It's not going to be easy. Survival never is, but I promise you that when we're done, no matter where you go, you're going to be able to use the knowledge I give you."
The serious and determined look in their eyes startled him. He had never really kept eye contact with others before. It was like they could see through his soul.
"First things first. We're going to teach you how to find running water. Sticking with a group is good, but what if you get separated? Or the group slowly withdraw?"
He hadn't thought about it before. As time proceeds through the harvest festival, more and more students quit. Unless he latches onto a strong group, it would be difficult to continue.
"You also need to make your own shelter. You can't sleep in others. That's risky. So, is exposing yourself to the elements."
Oh... he had been so used to not being noticed he didn't think of that. Close quarters would be more risky to be noticed. This was all useful tools to learn.
Soi hated training. He couldn't even complain to his classmates cause they didn't know he existed. He listened to them complain to each other about theirs.
He couldn't help the bitter jealousy that swelled in his chest. His mentor wasn't trying to kill him. He knew that. But they certainly weren't holding his hand through this.
Camouflage training for his shelter, hiking endlessly till he was able to find water. Then came the harder training. Dealing with the environment.
The closest thing to the "garden" where the harvest festival would take place was Balam-Sensei's or Suzy-Sensei's classrooms. Vines and various plants growing.
His mentor forced him to recognize edible plants and insist that he remembered the poisonous ones. Scolding him about the dangers of eating the wrong plant. The hardest part of training so far.
His hands stung from having his hands swatted away before he could touch the ones he mistook for edible. But he could see the panic in his mentors eyes. They were genuinely worried whenever he reached for one.
No... he took that back. The hardest part was being seen by his mentor. He wasn't used to being visible. Even if he did hide from them somehow he would be found.
It was as if they had discovered a trick on telling where he was. It was frustrating. But... it was comforting to, somebody saw him. Somebody worried about him.
Somebody was always able to catch him sneaking away. It had become a game of sorts. Trying to see if he could escape without their notice.
Whenever he was caught, he would see the amused smile on their lips. They were enjoying it, too. Their methods of catching him either sneaking away or sneaking up on them were various.
Grabbing his shoulder. Throwing powder at him to make him visible. Covering him with a curtain. A snare hanging him upside-down. Yes... there was so much to learn from his master.
"Umm master?" "Mmm?" They were currently inspecting the other students' progress. Watching their training.
"Why are we here?" "Well it's obvious. Training." He frowned. Was he supposed to train with the other students? He's handed a sticker.
This baffled him even further. What was he supposed to do with a sticker? "Now they're currently on high alert, so you'll have to be careful. Without them noticing, put the sticker on them."
He blinked. Looking down below at where Sabro and Alice were currently in a frenzy as they tried to land hits on Balam-Sensei. His eyes widened. Oh... this is where training would become difficult.
His master kicked their feet amused. Staring down fondly at the others. Soi stared back down at the sticker. Three targets one sticker... his master didn't specify who the target was.
Actually, his master didn't give much instructions. Which was odd. Usually, they would be clear in their instructions, but this was vague.
A test, then. They wanted to see what he would choose to do. He sighed and became invisible. He could be patient. Patience was important for survival.
That's what master was testing. Testing what he had learned from them. So he waited. And waited. Once Alice and Sabro passed out, he leaped down.
Ripping the sticker in half, he puts a piece on both of them. His master doesn't scold him or ask him why he chose this method. Instead they grin.
"Do you understand what I want you to do for the harvest festival now? How you'll rack up points?" He had never considered it before.
He had never heard about anyone turning on fellow contestants as points. But there wasn't a rule against it either. Nobody would really notice the first few days since people dropped out left and right.
"Now you have camouflage, survival skills, and a strategy of how to gain points." They ruffled Soi's hair. "I expect you to last the entire festival."
The entire festival? Even his parents hadn't expected that much from him. But having someone who believed in him. Someone who taught him personally. He really wanted to try now.
He follows his master. Their footsteps are light. Barely noticeable. He sees Kalego-Sensei ahead of them. Oh...
Without making a sound, his master has latched onto the older demons back. "Doggy! I missed you!" "For devi's sake, cease your overly affectionate dribble!"
"Aww, don't be like that doggy. You know you like cuddles." Soi watched as his teacher tried and failed to wrestle his master off. "I certainly don't! Shouldn't you be training?"
"Mmm, I don't have to teach the little ninja much. We're all set for the harvest festival at this point. Which means... I can spend the rest of the time collecting my payment from you!"
He's never seen Kalego-Sensei so red before. "I never agreed to that!" Master laughed. "But you never disagreed either!"
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mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
Sunk in Familiarity - Kakashi Hatake x Reader
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Jesus christ, this went waaaay over my personal word limit.
Though! I like it enough... it's a little rushed in the end? But I think the story ends on a good note, and unless I was wanting to make a part 2 I would've done the pacing more justice.
Either way, here's some fun antics with Team 7 surrounding their lovable Sensei ^^! Hope you enjoy :))
Prompt #7: Costume
Word Count: 5.5k
Free days were far and few between once you’d become a sensei for the Academy. Even with you having not being tasked with an individual team of genin for the foreseeable futures, a career some of your colleagues recently undertook at the request of Lord Third, your schedule wasn’t entirely open either. You didn’t mind, though; your peers still stuck to being home, or at least close to it, with only going out into the fire nation to complete D-rank missions.
Regardless of that, your job was just as important as the individual sensei’s who harbored the teams to face the rest of the shinobi world. Preparing the kids in the classroom for the field was a vital first step, one that you were responsible in helping them take.
It more so just meant you had to deal with the kids all at once instead of three at a time, work out their childish qualms with one another before sending them off to participate in missions and the rest of the shinobi-world.
Your recently graduated class had all successfully found their sensei’s with peers from your past, and all were turning into fine ninja as far as you were concerned. Antics would still rise up among the trios, today being no different in schemes from some of those familiar students among the Hidden Leaf.
“Sensei!” You were interrupted mid-stroll along the village fence by a hoarse shout from behind, the voice’s person not hard to discern.
You turned on your heel, the gleam of the kid’s recently acquired headband blinding you momentarily before you could focus on the blonde’s ferocious grin, “Hello, Naruto—“
your voice felt short with surprise in finding he wasn’t alone, you then readjusting to see his other two teammates standing over his shoulders, “Sasuke, Sakura... is everything alright, you three?”
“We need your help, M’am!” Sakura, your forever fiesty fighter spoke up, “We’ve been put on a secret mission.”
“A secret mission, you say?” This can only mean so many things, and it wasn’t against your interest to find more out, “Without Kakashi-sensei? Sounds dangerous.”
“Nevermind him.” Sasuke scoffed before taking a step forward now, pushing Naruto aside much to the other’s audible dismay, “He can’t be involved in this.”
“Oh?” You tilt your head on its side, curiously looking over each former student, “Why’s that?”
Naruto eyes you cautiously, his head snapping to the right and then to the left, him leaning to look around the back of you before again turning over his shoulder. Once all directions had been throughly checked in his better judgement, you assumed, he finally centered himself back in focusing on you. He waved his hand back in his direction, beckoning you to lean forward in which you comply to nearing the group of genin.
He cups his hand up towards your face, against the front of your ear, “It’s about Kakashi-sensei. We’re gonna finally see the face behind the mask!” 
“You’re serious?” You ask quietly, a little taken aback by their goal.
Out of any scenario these three could make a mission out of, it’s not that you didn’t expect them to end up with this one. You just weren't expecting it, and your eyes grew wide in surprise as you pulled back to stare at the three—their own expressions letting you know they were all convinced with their self-proclaimed mission.
Your face slightly fell with the edge this knowledge gave you, “Oh, you’re all serious.”
They all replied, sounding off one-by-one as if there was an order to their speech. A nervous chuckle resounded in your chest at that, your hands placing themselves on your hips.
“Well, it sounds like you’ll have some tough work ahead of you…” You hesitantly began, Naruto leaping up to cut you off with more information.
“We actually already have help from others!” He claimed once airborne, the kid then landing and taking your hand in his smaller, calloused one, and tugging you back slightly, “He was the one who told us to come find you!”
No longer innocently playing along, the fact that another ninja from the leaf had specifically told Team 7 to find you made you beyond suspicious. All would be quelled, though, when the man Naruto was regarding stepped out from behind the tree a few feet away.
Eyes narrowing in caution, you raised a brow in the person’s direction when you weren't sure who was approaching. The name was definitely lost on you, and the face was not going immediately connect with one you could remember. He was a stranger, as far as you were concerned.
He wasn’t outwardly unordinary, wearing what looked to be a green trench coat and a tan scarf wrapped around his neck and over his shoulders, a camera dangling against the front of his chest as well. He had shaggy brown hair which swept in his eyes and almost hid how grey they were now that you had progressively gotten closer to the apparent-photographer. The oddest thing about him was definitely the purple face paint that covered the lids of his eyes and fell in two elongated blocks over his cheeks, almost down towards his jaw. An imperfect mole punctually dotted right beneath the curve of his smile, making him into… what you would describe as a unique individual.
“Hello!” The ninja chimed, and it was like a ghost of someone you once knew was suddenly standing in front of you—and just as quickly, the feeling was gone. The voice before you belonged to a stranger all over again.
“Hi.” You shortly responded, the kids beside you visibly tensing at the hard tone you held, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around the village.”
You surely hadn’t, everything happening in front of you just felt off. Like the situation itself was somehow amiss… you just couldn’t point out a valid enough reason as to why. Superstitious as ever, you were sure Kakashi would also feel similarly if he knew what was going on.
Even with your less-than-friendly greeting, the man managed to widen his smile into a grin, “No, you wouldn’t have!”
“His name’s Sukea!” Naruto spoke back up from your side, grabbing your attention to dilute it from the scarfed man, “He’s wanting a scoop.”
“… A scoop?” You repeat, raising an unimpressed brow in the adult’s direction—him finally letting out a nervous laugh.
“I—I’m a photographer, you see!” Sukea brought his camera up from his chest, motioning it towards you, “Trying to get the latest and greatest documented from the five great nations. Simple as that.”
“Simple?” you huff an irritated grunt, turning on your heel to begin walking away, “I thought you three were better than talking to crazy strangers.”
“No, please sensei!” Naruto yanks at your arm, the force causing you to stumble back into a halt, “We need his help!”
You scoff in wanting to object to the spiky-haired boy’s whines—but you also saw how Sasuke and Sakura looked up at you with a similar yearning. Saying no to three was much more difficult than just one, and you slumped at the thought.
“So, why need me if you have him anyway?” you cautiously ask.
The kids all gave each other hopeful looks before again regarding you, a new note of excitement within their manner. One you found to be maybe a little too visible, and you swore you heard the self proclaimed photographer snicker. 
“Sensei…” Sakura started, in responding to your question, “You really don’t know?”
You shook your head, confused enough as it was. Not fully grasping a solid plan as to how your talents would even begin to help discover what stay hidden beneath Kakashi’s mask. There must’ve been something you were missing, the three genin smirking now in your direction before looking back to Sukea. He had stepped even closer now, a similar smirk like the kid’s mirrored on his features.
Evermore growing in your confusion, the look on Sukea’s face further added frustration to your list of feelings. And now, him being a complete stranger wasn’t the issue—he clearly knew too much for your liking that really became your annoyance with him. Like he was in on the biggest secret this whole mission could have, and was only stringing you and Team 7 along for his entertainment.
“Am I supposed to?” You countered—not towards Sakura. Your eyes were glued to Sukea, challenging him to laugh if he would.
“Sukea pointed it out to us yesterday.” Sasuke interrupted this time, his arms stiffly crossing over his chest, “The way Kakashi-sensei acts around you.”
“He what?!” You shouted back, jaw slack and definitely shattered at your feet below you, “You guys were spying on us?!”
“No, no, not them.” Sukea took a step forward, the nervous smile pulled back over his features, “Just me.”
“You.” The edge in your tone was clear, no longer afraid in offending now knowing you were facing your stalker, “Why the hell were you spying on us?”
“Please, it’s not…” he stumbled, as if looking for the right words to say, “I wasn’t doing it to be a creep.”
“Well, you failed on that end. Clearly.” 
The photographer fretfully voiced your name, like it were a forbidden word; and for him, you’d damn well consider it one. The airy voice he had when saying it made your skin crawl, you were throughly freaked. Even with the harsh glare you had been giving him ever since being introduced, he still spoke up your name. “Let’s clarify—It wasn’t spying. Do you even remember what you and Kakashi were doing yesterday?”
Of course you knew what the two of you had done yesterday. You had been looking forward to spending time with him all week, it’d been awhile since the both of you got to spend any time together and were wanting to stop by your favorite book spot. It was just that, a nice outing followed up with some ramen for dinner. So when…
“Obviously you were hiding yourself from us yesterday.” You grumbled, now following Sasuke’s attitude in crossing your arms over yourself, “I think that fact makes it ‘stalking’.”
“Agh! Nevermind if you think it’s stalking or not!” Naruto sounded up again, the fiery kid clearly fed up with whatever conversation could be left. “Sukea says Kakashi-sensei obviously has a soft spot for you, and if we lure him out with your presence we’ll definitely be able to catch him off guard!”
Your brow furrowed now in Naruto’s direction, and the overwhelming feeling of defeat with giving in to your favorite trio’s wishes was on your horizon. 
“Yeah, well how can he know that just by spying on two people for an afternoon? Hm?” You wave off the blonde boy, turning to face the three once again. “Besides, guys, I don’t think this is really a good idea. What’s so important about seeing under Kakashi’s mask? I’ve known him for years, at this rate, and still don’t know what he looks like. Does it really matter that much?”
Naruto and Sakura’s eyes blew wide whilst Sasuke merely huffed emphatically through his nose, the first two then erupting into complaints.
“Of course it matters!”
“Sensei, this could very well be the most vital information upcoming ninja like us could be getting our hands on!”
“Don’t you think since Kakashi’s our sensei now that we should see what he looks like! What if…” Naruto froze as his mind played catch up with his thoughts, and something clearly struck him, “What if we’re asked to identify a body! How would we know if it was him or not?!”
“His hair—“
You flinched at the screeching children, your shoulders slouching when they finally waited for your response, even Sasuke showing little signs of anticipation for what you were going to say. It was hard to make the decision—as much as you loved helping them out, this seemed like a bad idea. And, you were looking out for your friendship with Kakashi, if he found out and got upset? Who knows what would happen between the two of you…
“You know…” You jumped at the incoming voice of Sukea again, warily then turning to glance his way, “Regardless of what happens, I think Kakashi would be proud of them for displaying teamwork with others if you were to help them.”
The suggestion didn’t really help in your decision making, but when you looked back down at Team 7 to still find their unwavering hope in gaining your support in their super, secret mission… there was really no way you could bring yourself to say no.
“…Alright,” The kids gasped in excited surprise as you finally gave in, “I’ll help… but nothing too crazy! I’m backing out if things get out of hand, and—“ You reach over the kids heads, not hesitating to snag the strange photographer by his collar; much to his surprise. “I’ll be bringing him to the Hokage, personally. Capeesh?” 
Team 7 was reminded of their earlier days in classes where you’d switch out with Iruka to give the poor man a break, remembering how you’d whip the class back into shape in his absence and you weren’t worried about shaking the shinobi up a little along the way. With the fresh memory in mind, the three heads carefully nodded in response, Sukea still awkwardly leaning over them—resisting against your firm grip.
You regarded the kids once more to make sure they understood the severity of which you meant this, pushing back against Sukea to put him back behind his ‘protectors’. “Good. Let’s just hurry up and get this over with…”
Turning on your heel, you started to head back into town, mentally beginning to make a list as to where the grey-haired shinobi might have already ended up this afternoon. The kids, giggling and whispering a couple times to themselves, faintly cheered encouragingly to one another before than running to catch up with you. Sukea, thankfully, staying to walk behind.
With no telling to how this could turn out, you tried putting your best foot forward in leading you to help the kids succeed, a new hope now on your mind as well. Maybe helping them wouldn’t end in disaster, maybe you would finally see the face of the one shinobi you had always thought to be such a desirable mystery in your life. The person you never went further than asking to hang out with, the one you’d indulge in your deepest secrets with a feel safe knowing he was merely listening to you. He meant so much to you in everything you experienced alongside him, it was hard to believe you were trying to invade such a private fact about him on a random afternoon like this.
Maybe it would end up being fine, maybe he wouldn’t be upset and possibly find it funny that even adults were in on this little task. Whatever the case would be, you were now filled with a newfound eagerness to get to the bottom of this. Alongside Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura… and the odd acquaintance Sukea, what could really go wrong?
So many things, it turns out. So many things could end up going wrong.
The plan you and your newly-founded team had come up with seemed solid. You, seemingly innocent and harmless, would wait at the corner of town with the other four off and out of sight. In their absence, you would sit in wait for Kakashi to eventually head down the road to where he thought he was meeting Sasuke for a training lesson; instead was supposed to find you in a surprise attack of hugging him around his neck and holding him in place with Shikamaru’s shadow possession. Yes, Naruto had even gone that far to get the back up of Shikamaru, along with a handful of his other friends, if you weren’t able to get the mask off in time for Sukea to snap a photo.
It seemed simple enough, and was a whole lot better than Sukea’s suggestion to make it seem like you’d fallen into the river prompting Kakashi to come save you. No way in hell were you letting that happen in risk of mouth-to-mouth when already the idea of Kakashi in any romantic setting had you reeling in the privacy of your thoughts. That much wasn’t happening.
Even with the ‘better plan’ being anticipated to be put into action, and the help from the rest of Naruto’s newfound friends from other Teams, it still wasn’t enough. In the end, Shikamaru’s shadow possession wasn’t strong enough to last on both your’s and Kakashi’s shadow with Tenten using Shikamaru as a boost to follow after Rock Lee and Neji. What was meant to be harmless was actually the end to your full out attempt at discovering the mystery…and Kakashi was still there, masked and clearly upset with the advantages taken against him.
It was now, after running in a full out sprint and splitting up from the rest of the dashing genin that you hopefully lost the pursuing Team 7 Leader. You were gasping for air when you finally came to a stop back where you first had gotten yourself into the mess in the first place—right along the first fence, now beneath the shade of the oak tree. 
Wearily, you sighed out with both hands on your hips, steadily inhaling to try and regain control of your gasping lungs. Finding it safe enough to now rest, and not wanting to seek out Kakashi in facing consequences just yet, you approached the tree’s base and promptly fell against its wood.
Quickly sliding down the tree once graced with the first bit of rest, you lay yourself out in the shade and calm from whatever the hell just happened. Tired, nervous at the idea  seeing Kakashi, the little relief you held with now being by yourself was alleviating—to say the very least.
Evidently, it wasn’t meant to last.
“Didn’t realize how fast you would be, after all that.” 
You gasped at the approaching voice, eyes flying wide and snapping up in the direction of the approaching individual. It took all your willpower not to sneer in the direction of Sukea, his camera clunking softly against the center of his chest. Rolling your eyes obnoxiously, you crossed your arms over your chest and further sink to the ground. “What the hell do you still want?”
“Everyone ran away so fast, I didn’t get a chance to really apologize.” He cheekily laughed, your brow only hardening at what you assumed was his ‘innocent-guy’ act. 
“Apologize?” You had a list of what you could want from him, at this rate. An apology wasn’t among the bullet points you’d already thought through.
“Yeah, you know… for wasting your time.” He gestured to your exhausted self on the ground, you snorting a humorless laugh to begin your response.
“Really?” Tilting your head on its side, you raise an eyebrow up at him, “Wasting my time?”
Sukea merely smiled at my questioning tone, his lips pressing against each other in a hard line as he peered down at you. 
“Still just as suspicious of me?”
“Why would that have changed?” You frowned again, sitting up a little as he suddenly took a step closer, “It’s not like you gave me any real grounds to trust you. I only went along with it for the sake of Naruto and his team.”
“Ah, well why be so cautious of me in the first place?” Sukea stepped up to stand beside you against the tree, his arms folding over his chest this time too as he used the trunk to support his back. He was clearly waiting for a response, and you bit the tip of your tongue to keep from saying something unnecessarily rude at his taunting. “…Does it matter?”
“Sure,” Sukea shrugged, looking off towards the sky suddenly, “humor me.”
“I—You.” Stunned a little, you scoffed and waved him off suddenly; if you weren’t already fed up enough with his behavior up to this point. “You’re ridiculous.”
“And, you still haven’t answered my question.” He promptly responded, his legs suddenly folding as you found him then seated up next to you, “Do you have a good reason to be so guarded? Or, is it just stubbornness?”
It sounded like he knew people called you stubborn, or it was something he was somehow familiar with. Whatever the case may be, you finally revolted in yourself and turned to confront the photographer.
“What gives you the right way to be so rude? I mean, really. We’ve never met and—“ Sukea began chuckling at your sudden outburst, and your confusion fell apart into pure disbelief at the reaction. “I’m sorry… is something funny about this?”
“No! No, no, no, hah… not at all.” He turned to grin down at you, the stupid grin on his face making dimples slightly carve at the sides of his face. “Clearly.”
You blink in trying to regain conscious thinking in this moment, the tease he so clearly was directing at you flustering you in ways you didn’t want to be possible. Yet, here you were at his mercy… and none of it made sense. You weren’t able to reason as to why he made you feel this way, there was just something about him…
“…God, who are you?”
Sukea laughed out again, this time having to throw his head back with the sheer force of his laughter. You couldn’t help but apprehensively smile now, confounded at the ninja beside you.
“Trust me,” He huffed out softly, an all too familiar nickname of yours breathing from his lips before he turned back to you, “you know who I am. I think you have to know me better than anyone in this village, at this rate.”
There was a change in his voice, and it resounded in an all too familiar tone you could pin-point in a crowd if the circumstances called for it. Still not entirely understanding what was happening, the cogs in your brain were fervently churning in your mind. Sukea’s grin widened at the thoughtfulness riddling your features, and your heart suddenly sunk in familiarity.
“Holy shit,” You fell off the tree’s trunk and landed in the patchy grass below, your hands flying out from under you and scrambling to sit you back up at a distance this time, “no way.”
“Haha, did I get you?” ‘Sukea’s’ hand lifted over his head, fingers tangling into his seemingly brown locks before tearing at the roots; the hair pulling off his head with ease and revealing a spiky mound of grey bangs that lay beneath. There was no longer a mysterious photographer sitting beside you, your long-time shinobi friend revealing more than just his identity to you in that moment.
“Kakashi—“ You breathed, gawking very openly at the fact you were now truly facing the man behind the mask—and had been since earlier this afternoon, “why?—“
“I meant it earlier when I said I’d be happy to see you helping out my team with learning more around the importance of teamwork.” He beamed, the stupid beauty mark from earlier making your heart race now.
You wanted to grin in return, laugh along with his happiness at even the lack of success Team 7 had with their secret mission. But, you couldn’t help but stay so completely awestruck in the wake of this reveal. He was as beautiful as he always had been in your eyes, and all you wanted to do was now memorize the features before you in case it was the last time you’d ever be able to see them again. Kakashi must’ve sensed your wariness, his grin closing into a warm, sincere smile—his face pushing closer in your direction.
“Not what you expected?” He softly asked.
You scoffed at the question, shaking your head at how tickled this made you. “I mean… I guess I didn’t know what I was expecting entirely.”
From the space you had placed between the both of you, you tentatively placed a hand back in front of you and crept back towards him. He watched you with an easy stare, and arguably looked maybe the most peaceful you’d ever seen him. It made your face flush in quiet heat and nerves feel like they were pumping fire through each motion you made to close the distance between the both of you. 
“…I’m sorry for antagonizing you so much, today.” Kakashi was suddenly apologizing, you huffing in surprise at how sudden it felt for you while he continued, “I did chase after you to apologize.”
“Ah,” You slowly nodded at his reasoning, now taking the chance to taunt him as he had today, “well… in that case, you’re forgiven.” 
Kakashi laughed openly at your acceptance of his apology, shaking his head and letting his grey hair settle from being stuffed in the wig all day. You took another look at his eyes, suddenly confused as to how he pulled this disguise off in the first place.
“Wait, your sharingan…” You didn’t think before placing a steady hand on his face, leaning closer to try and peek at his left eye, “How?”
“The contact works as a suppressant, made with me in mind.” He calmly responded, now weaning away from your touch and instead arguably pressing into the warmth your fingertips held, “I used them to go undercover when I was still in Anbu…”
“I see,” You hummed, leaning back a little to see his face in its entirety again. It was then you registered just how forward you had acted in holding his face, and your hand quickly snapped back to your side. Shame shot flared up inside you like a burning fire, and you frantically began tripping over yourself to apologize, “I—I’m so sorry, oh my god, I wasn’t thinking, and—“ 
“Woah, it’s okay,” Kakashi lifted a hand to silence you in which you were quick to comply, the same hand then falling back to the one that had just been pressed against him. Delicate fingers wrapped timidly around your wrist, he too being hesitant to take whatever ‘this’ was a step too far, but regardless brought your palm back towards his face where he goaded your fingers back to his cheek and flattened your hand back against him. “I… I didn’t mind.”
Your chest felt tight in anticipation, and you had no words to explain how it all made you feel. Kakashi wasn’t rushing you to speak, he too was staring at you as he thrived in the adoration between you both. He swallowed, a quick breath as he spoke up again.
“Uh… remember when Naruto mentioned how… I act around you?” 
You paused at the question, trying to recall what he had said an hour or so ago. “Yeah…?”
“Was that… uncomfortable?” 
“What?” Your eyes grew wide, shocked he would even be worried about such a thing, “No… no, never uncomfortable. Not from you—Sukea? Another story.”
Kakashi chuckled again at your joking of his persona, his breath hot against the edge of your palm, fleeting just as quickly as it had appeared. It made your hair stand on end, and you shuddered softly at its touch. He watched you with his eyes now halved in appeal, studying each glimmer and gleam you produced just by existing in the space beside him. You were the diamond in his roughest of days, the light at the end of the tunnel he always hoped to reach. Instead, you were reaching out to him in this moment, physically holding him and letting that light encapsulate him fully.
Forever grateful is how he would feel in relation to you, the you who saved him when all else was lost; the you who kept him safe when you probably didn’t realize it. 
“Well, then, I apologize for Sukea’s efforts in trying to help my team.” He murmured, his eyes dangerously flitting towards your parting lips, further eliciting the deep desire he held anytime you were close like this. This was the first time contact had been made, though, so what was really stopping him from going further.
Dignity? He had none left when it came to you, surely you realized that too?
“Hah, I accept.” You resounded, your thumb swiping over his cheekbone as you felt into the trance that came along with those grey contacts, “So… with your attitude differing around me, this is okay then?”
Kakashi didn’t voice a response, just softly brushing his head against your skin in a nod. This was more than okay, this might as well be a dream come true.
It was too hard to keep away any longer, the anticipation had built in both of your hearts and one finally had to brim. You swept in towards him, and took his lips in yours. His newly exposed, newly perceived lips that instantly melted to yours and made it as though fireworks resounded in the broad daylight around you both. It was so sudden, so solidifying in your heart that there was no longer denying how right you were for one another. Perfection was hardly the right word to describe how fulfilling this finally felt.
Your hand reached past his head, pressing to the shag of the hair growing towards the back of his neck—lightly tugging at the roots while he too moved to bring you in. Put you somehow closer, wanting at your hearts in one another’s chest to maybe touch if the moment allowed it to be so. 
“Sensei?!” The screech of a student sounded from the end of the road, you and Kakashi leaping back at the interruption. “I think those are their feet! Over here, Sasuke! Sakura!”
“Crap!” You whispered, Kakashi already frantically moving to grab the wig he foolishly took off in broad daylight. But, he was already prepared for something like this happening, the man turning to you with a light smirk as you watched him hopelessly. “Hide, before they get here!”
“Way ahead of you~” He chuckled, a single finger pressing to his now sorely red lips in shushing you, and your cheeks warmed to another degree at the smirk he flashed before disappearing into the branches above. You took a glance and sighed at the relief in not being able to see any sign of him—the shinobi securely hidden amongst the leaves.
“Sensei!” Sakura was the first to reach you, your head flying back forward to see her approach. “We were so worried Kakashi-sensei had caught you!”
“Yeah, sensei… that was close!” Naruto bounded to her side, the two overwhelmingly worried for your sake. Sasuke didn’t look anymore bothered than he usually did, regarding you all warily.
You laughed cheerily at the troublesome genin, shaking your head gently in their direction, “No, guys. I’m fine, really… I escaped.”
The two visibly sighed in relief, Sasuke’s eyes closing to show his own sign of comfort in seeing that you were fine. You grinned, hoisting yourself up from the ground and standing before them.
“So…?” They all faced you again with the trailing off in your tone, “What’s the verdict?”
“For Kakashi-sensei?” Naruto nervously replied, awkwardly scratching at the back of his head, “Uh… I think—“
“I believe we’re done for the day.” The three shinobi jumped at the incoming voice, slowly turning to face the wrath of their Team Leader. Kakashi regarded them sternly, his cold gaze finding you and almost easing. He muttered your name, the noise muffled by his mask; you couldn’t help but smile in response.
“Kakashi.” You replied with a light nod. He put a hand on his hip, shaking his head disappointedly in your direction before turning to the three.
“What you idiots tried pulling today was incredibly rude. You should learn to respect privacy!” He lectured. 
“We’re really sorry, sensei!” Sakura spoke up, “It was Naruto’s—“
You flicked the back of her shoulder as she tried pinning the blame, the smaller girl flinching in response but respectfully quieting down at the correction. Kakashi regarded her with a weary sigh, looking once more to you.
“I apologize for my team’s behavior in getting you wrapped up in their shenanigans today… I hope you can forgive them.”
“Oh, trust me,” You smiled happily in the direction of the three, the outcome maybe the best thing that had happened to you in awhile, “I already have.”
The trio frowned in confusion at how warmly you spoke now, not knowing the bright side that ended up being your now reality. Kakashi didn’t let them stand around for long, grabbing at Naruto and Sasuke’s shoulder before shoving them back in the direction of the village.
“We best be off now,” He grumbled over their whining complaints, “these three still have to report back to Hokage over their attempt of seeing me yesterday.”
They all groaned, you lightly giggled at the resistance but waved in goodbye anyway. “I’ll see you around, you guys… take care.”
“Bye, sensei…” They all replied meekly, the consequences now being faced.
Kakashi didn’t pause in walking, but instead turned lightly over his shoulder—a wink from his visible eye sent your way. You mimicked the gesture, grinning happily at the thought of seeing him later. 
It was going to be sundown soon… you could only guess what this all meant from here.
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missadmyre · 2 months
Orange-Tinted Dawn (of Realization)
With the events of the red light district, nightmares began to swarm Randy's mind as he tries to question the past between First Ninja and Chase Young.
First Ninja hides a lot more than he wants to admit, a past event makes him question his feelings towards something he had carefully hidden so deep within his heart.
What would be the answer these two would achieve?
The moonlight roared dimly as it shined on a figure. A loud creaking sound was heard over and over again, sounds of breathing playing along with it. The actions being done by the figure was unclear, looking as if it was hunched back and hiding something.
The cabin he finds himself in is very old, cobwebs and dusts littered throughout the place. The windy weather had made itself present in the room, thanks to the open window. As he tries to find out who the figure is, it glanced back at him, it's sharp eyes telling him to leave them alone.
Randy woke up in cold sweat, gasping as his eyes laid wide open. It had been the same dream... again. As his breath began to even out, he sat up as he tried to recollect what he had witnessed. He looked over to the Nomicon, which had been sitting on his desk.
He was about to get himself schloomped into the book when his phone beeped, checking his phone, it was just an alarm he set to get himself to wake up early. "Oh I woke up early, alright..." He rubbed his eyes, getting drowsiness off of his system.
The sun shined brightly as the summer heat began to take toll, the city of Norrisville being hotter. Students chatted among themselves in the hallways, a pair of friends standing beside a locker as they settled their bags in them.
"So let me get this straight, you got yourself into some red district, and met some yokai as old as the First Ninja?" Howard asked, his eyebrows perked up as he grabbed some textbooks.
"Not just that, but somehow I managed to also find some creepy guy that probably had some history with him, can you believe that?" Randy shoved his bag in his locker, a bunch of papers scattering due to force as he groaned, picking them up and putting them back in.
"The guy's 800 years old, he must have met a bunch of wackos throughout history." As the plump ginger slammed his locker door, they proceeded to walk together, "I tried to talk of First Ninja about it but the Nomicon keeps being a shoob about it, not letting me see him and all that."
Howard started talking about other topics, trying to get his ninja biffer off of the topic unless he wants a call from Randy at midnight dishing out some disturbing thoughts about it. While the topic had gotten his curiosity, he just wants his beauty sleep.
Entering their classroom, they sat beside each other as the others began to take seats. While talking, Randy overheard a conversation from other people.
"Have you heard?"
"There's a new teacher in our history class, the other girls said he was hot and sexy."
"Ah shit? You sure? You know your taste in men is wonk, right?"
"Oh fuck you, like you're any better. Anyways, gotta check him out, won't mind getting into a relationship with him if he really is the cheese."
"Pssh, whatever."
Randy looked at the board intently, lost in his thoughts, "A new teacher, huh." He muttered. How are they getting a new teacher when it's already nearing quarterly exams? The bell rang, the door opened as the new teacher entered their classroom. He had his dark green hair tied into a ponytail, his sharp jaw and eyes with an unnoticeable slitted pupil had every girl mesmerized.
His outfit consists of a beautifully designed buttoned up shirt, layered with a suit that purposed as a jacket. His pants clung a bit on his skin, showing his physique, his shoes made of leather. Very elegant yet formal and simplistic enough.
To most of them, what they were seeing was a very beautiful man gracing them with his looks, his smirk had them thinking of wonk scenarios. To Randy, it was like having been punched in the gut, dread crawling in him with sweat rolling down on his face. He recognized him.
"Hello everyone, I'm Chase Young but as your teacher, please refer to me as Mr. Young. Please introduce yourself and let us get to know each other." The figure announced, performing a wink which had some of the students blush.
As they introduced themselves, Randy founds himself getting nervous at the sight of the man before him, Chase Young. It was the same guy that he met back at the red light district, that one creepy guy that somehow knew his mentor. What did they have? Are they fond of each other? Do they hate each other? Does First Ninja even know him?
Many questions swirled around the teen's mind that he didn't notice the fact that he was next to be introduced, "Thank you Steve, now, boy with colored  hair, who are you?". He was snapped back into reality, moving to stand up quickly than it should've been and introduced himself as Randy Cunningham.
He sat back on his seat, Chase hummed softly as he let the others continue their introduction. The discussion between him and his students went well, most had attentively listened to him. Most. He noticed the boy, Randy, had been staring at him with a glint of murderous intent. His interest picqued, "What is it that elicit this kind of reaction?".
Chase followed the Ninja onto this quaint town known as Norrisville. Perhaps he's here He sensed lingering magic when he entered the school, following it as it picqued his interests.
When he stepped into the school last night, he saw speckles of magic that seemed to float around the school. Most of it gathering on that one glittering ball on the floor somewhere in the building. He inspected it and tried to remove it, only to be surprised when it didn't budge under his strength.
He left it alone, he would research it when afterschool hits. Then, the presence of old magic had burst somewhere, it reminded him of that man. He tried to find the source but didn't feel any of that magic anywhere when he ventured out of the building.
That Ninja... "Did he have succesors?" Chase thought, holding his chin as he tried to think of any plausible theories. "Can't be, would've known about it since..." His memory jogs back to that scene.
The sight of a naked man struggled beneath him, his breaths emitting clouds of white air as the cold had permitted itself in the dark room had him filled with joy. A candle sat beside them as it lit up to show the man's face, he shivered at the touch of my hands, his face showing a bit of lust.
"Just do it already, dammit..."
He felt a smirk creeping up on his, a wave of heat pooling in his nether regions as he blushed at the thought. "Oh, how I would like to go back and see it again." He said, the hand on his chin had covered his mouth, wanting to hide the lustful smirk he is wearing.
He came back to his senses when the bell rang, his students leaving the classroom as they gave a couple of lovely remarks. Randy glared at him, his fierce look judging his every move. A plump teen, Howard, followed him as he left along with the strange boy, perhaps his best friend.
Somehow, he felt a strange old magic embedded within the plump teen, a deep unidentified aura surrounded him along with Randy. "Strange, but welcomed." The warlock chuckled, maybe they would be useful for his search.
Randy slammed his locker door hard, feeling furious at sight of the green haired man, "Did you see that, Howard?! He followed me here!". Howard was confused at his best friend's outburst, "Why'd you say that? You know the guy?".
"Of course I do, he's that creep in the district that knows First Ninja." The teen ninja's face seethed with anger, how could he let this happen? Letting a dangerous foe like him in Norrisville? What kind of shoob is he?!. He smacked himself in the cheeks, trying to discipline himself.
"Hey! Cunningham! Cut that shit out and listen to me—" Howard grabbed Randy by the wrists, stopping him from hurting himself. He then continued, trying to calm his friend, "—You let the guy follow you here in Norrisville, okay, pretty wonk, but he hasn't done anything yet. You sure that he's after you?".
"No Howard." He removed the worried teen's hands, calming himself before answering "If he isn't interested in me then he wouldn't have followed me here in Norrisville. And have you seen him in class? He keeps observing me! He's hiding something, I'm sure of it."
The bell rings again, Randy and Howard went to their own classes as they had been separated, unaware of the figure that had been listening in their conversation. "How interesting."
The day went on normal, no robots or evil yokais attacking Norrisville. Randy had been able to recollect his thoughts as he tried to figure out Chase's intentions. Lunch happened and both friends sat together at that one table near the corner, "Oh come on Cunningham! You're making us look like one of those unpopular kids!" Howard complained.
"Don't worry, it's only for this day. I'm just worried..." Randy spoke, reassuring Howard while also going back into his deep thoughts. The plump teen disturbed him once more, "Cunningham, if this is about that Chase guy again I swear—" "Of course it's about Chase! I still haven't figured out what he wants."
The Nomicon glowed brightly from his jacket, finally getting a response, he excused himself to the bathroom as he got schloomped into the book. He landed on an unfamiliar place, it was a dark and foggy place, as he ventured deep into the area, he finds an antique Japanese house, smoke coming out from a window.
He carefully snuck to the side, peeking through the window. When he saw what was inside the house, all he found was a shadowy darkness. He was about to leave with disappointment when suddenly, a dragon showed itself and bit off his head, engulfing him as his consciousness landed on to the darkness.
It showed a familiar silhouette, a light flashing behind them. "The First Ninja..." Randy muttered, watching as the silhouette of the First Ninja trudged through a forest with his katana in hand. The silhouette then met up with another familiar silhouette, he recognized it, "Chase..."
The lights go out as it turned itself on, both First and Chase were fighting on top of a roof, a cinematic scene to behold. The teen was at awe, the silhouettes showing off their magical prowess as they attack each other with magic that he has yet to learn.
The lights flicker as he was shown with another scene, both First and Chase were sharing a drink together, Chase's silhouette was laughing as First just chuckled, enjoying each other's presence. "They were close." Randy thought, frowning as he feels as though something is about to happen.
The lights flicker as the silhouette of Chase began to turn into a gigantic monster lizard. First confronted the giant creature, fighting each other as it always ends in a stalemate, both getting injured during the fight.
The lights went off as it turned on, this time, there were no silhouettes but instead he was placed within a realistic bedroom, the vibes were very antique, evident by the old pots and herbs that are scattered throughout the room along with its wooden structure. It's the same room that he always sees in his dream.
The window was opened, letting the wind in as the only source of light seen in the room was the moon casting it's light over the windowsill. Randy looked at the bed, approaching it as he observed it. It had creases, meaning that someone must've been laid there, yet with the use of his accented smell, he realized that there were two scents that was present in the bed.
"Who did it belong to?"
He asked out in the open, suddenly words began to form on the walls, written out of charcoal dust.
  To be at *PEACE* is to >Trust< But with <Trust> is to be ?¿WARY¿?
Trying to understand the meaning behind Nomicon's lesson, Randy squinted to try and figure out what it was trying to convey. "Okay, Peace equals Trust but Trust equals Wary? What the juice Nomicon? I'm just asking what their story together is!".
Having decided to have enough of the teen's complaining, the wick from the candle had been snuffed out, leaving behind a confused Randy sitting on the bathroom stall with drool flowing down his chin.
Wiping it off his face, he put the book in his inner jacket pockets as he went out of the bathroom, sitting next to Howard who was also eating his lunch. "So, what'd they say?" He asked, mouth full of food as he munched on them.
"To be at Peace is to Trust but to Trust is to be Wary. What the juice was that supposed to mean?" Randy groaned, his eyes showing a gloomy expression. He grabbed some chips that are still present in his tray and ate it.
Lunch had ended and they went off to their separate classes, Randy finds himself sitting in English class, waiting the boring lecture that is ahead of him. The teacher came in as he started his discussion, the teen dozing off one too many times due to his uninterested behavior in it.
A loud crash was heard from outside, the ground rumbled as the sound of a potential monster shrieked, getting everyone to cover their ears. Randy looked outside the window and saw a freaky fox-like yokai taking an attacking stance near the entrance of Norrisville High.
Taking it as the chance to escape class, he went outside the classroom and transformed while everyone was distracted. Randy went to the entrance and took out his smokebomb, throwing it out, exploding as smoke comes out, serving as a distraction and a signal for his entrance.
Chase watched the spectacle happening from the faculty window, the other teachers were minding their own business like such occurrences were normal at all.
He observed the Ninja that was attacking the fox monster. In his deduction of their performance, he assumed they were the type to show off, to take every single flashy move out there to prove a point. Yet, as he tried to understand more closely, tactics were actually being done instead of just mindless swinging.
"Taught from the best, I suppose." He muttered from under his breath. The Ninja was flexible, docile but experienced, ready to fight back when timed right. Although they sometimes say their attack out loud and spew out cocky remarks, it didn't devalue the intensity of the fight, seeing as he does occasionally announce his moves when he does showdowns with Omi.
The energy the monster seems to be emitting is similar to an aura of a yokai, something that he felt from someone just an hour ago. Yet, with Chase's sharpened senses, he faintly saw strings attached to the monster, like someone or something had been controlling it. The strings had him take a hike through memory lane.
The groans from the fox monster had been a sign of the fight ending, the creature is panting as they gained massive strikes from the Ninja, bleeding as it fell to the ground. He saw the creature say something to the Ninja before it vanished, red smoke coming out as they were swept away by the winds.
The Ninja remains victorious, dropping a smokebomb as they left the scene. Leaving the students with nothing gawk on, going back to their normal schoolwork as teachers began to sigh a relief. No school property damage to pay for.
Some teachers who had watched the fight went on to their normal work, Chase looked at the piled papers on his desk, not intending to do paperwork. "Perhaps I'll assign someone in the army to do this." He thought, already thinking of candidates from his army that will handle such menial tasks.
From what he saw from the fight, the aura that is present in that event is the same as the aura he felt when he was up to Howard and Randy. He started forming theories inside his mind, one of which had been more plausible than the others.
"Could it be that... one of them is a yokai?" The sight of one of them feeling betrayed as their friend turns out to be one the monsters that terrorizes this town sends joy. He may not be sadistic, but he surely enjoys a good show of betrayal.
Randy sat beside Howard on a bench afterschool. The teen ninja recounted his fight earlier, "And then it said, 'Don't trust the lizard.', like what the juice?". Howard took another sip as he listened to his biffer, also being confused at his statement, don't trust the lizard? It didn't make sense, "What lizard?" Howard asked.
"That's what I have been thinking." Randy sighed as they left the bench, walking down the paved concrete sidelines, heading towards Greg's GameHole and possibly distract themselves. After their little session, they went to their homes, tired from what happened throughout the day.
Randy took a shower, as sprinkles of water began hitting his skin, his mind drifted to forget Chase, insisting to deal with it tomorrow. Yet, as thought of Chase, he felt as though the man looks somewhat familiar, like he had seen someone that looks like him before. He processed the theory.
Green spiky hair...
Sharp jawline...
Pure black eyes with slits...
Yellowish skin color...
Somewhat Chinese origin...
Randy shook his head hard, Jake being Chase? Doesn't sound right to him, but he can't help but wonder if the both of them have any connections to each other. He can't just base on outside appearance, that'll be wonk as hell.
"Is Chase part of Jake's family?". While it doesn't strike him much, it is a greater improvement than he had thought of earlier. He hasn't asked of Jake's lineage, not that planned to for the sake of respecting the guy's privacy.
He then recalled what the fox yokai said to him, "Lizards look like dragons, right?". Far-fetched, but it could work. He isn't sure if the 'lizard' is actually Chase, but a possibility should be considered, no matter how weird it is.
Getting out of the bathroom clothed, he threw himself onto his bed and grabbed his phone, opening up his contacts. He saw Jake's number, should he? He contemplates, "I...".
His thumb is shaking, confused on whether to tap or not, he can't just call his friend and somehow pull out a question regarding his family tree, yet he also can't let go of his lead on Chase. Breathing a heavy sigh... he pressed it.
Jake was sweeping up the floors of his gramp's shop, the dust settling outside as he closed the door. Fu Dog had retired to the storage room to nap, his Gramps had gone to a meeting with the Dragon Council about some matters with the magical community.
"What a boring night." He sighed, he was about to go home when his phone rang. Checking it, he was ecstatic to see Randy calling him, finally, something interesting.
He pressed to call, the teen ninja's voice echoing throughout the shop. "Hey Jake!" He heard from the other side, "Hi Randy, why'd you call all of a sudden?". He heard shuffling from Randy's side as he explained.
"So you know the guy I was partially allies for during my time at the red light district?"
Jake felt his blood boil, "Red light district? You?! Randy—"
"Ah shoob, I didn't tell you about it?" The teen recounted his adventure at the district, how he met Chase during the fight against a jorogumo.
"For a second, I actually thought YOU were doing sex work. Dammit Randy, don't scare me like that, man..." The teen protector let's out a frustrated groan.
Randy snickered, "Nah, I would've killed all my clients if that were to happen. Anyways... the guy I told you, Chase... do you know your family tree?"
"Why're you askin' me that? You think me and him are related?"
"No it's just... nevermind. It's a stupid theory, god why did I think of such thing..."
"No, I... how'd you think we were related to each other?" Jake tried to get a better hold of the situation.
Randy told him all the painfully similar characteristics they both share, the lizard and dragon connection seemingly solidifying the theory. "I'll try to ask Gramps about it when he comes back, though I ain't too sure he'll say anythin' to me if somehow my family is connected with that man."
With a hum from the other side, they proceeded to move on to other topics to lighten the mood up, telling each other what had been happening to them the past week. After an hour of conversation, they hung up, the night sky still clear as ever, trying to lull the teen ninja to sleep. His consciousness faded as he fell asleep, expecting the same dream again.
He finds himself spectating a nightmare, the dark gloomy space had him feel eerie at the place. Then, with a loud crash of thunder, he saw Howard kneeling on the ground, hands clutching his stomach. The teen tried to move to help his best friend yet he feels as though his stuck in one place.
He tried to shout to get the plump teen's attention but no voice seems to come out of his mouth. He watched in horror as his friend painfully transformed into a grotesque form of a bird. Feathers sprout from his body as his face is riddled with suffering, red veins glow brightly from his skin to further prove his pain.
Howard screams in sheer agony, black wings stretching out of his back as it bled, pools of blood staining the ground. His former human appearance did not even remain the slightest bit, his face twisted unnaturally to contort the most hideous and uncomfortable smile in existence.
His friend—No, this monster looked at his way slowly, eyeing him like a predator. He then approached Randy, their feet now resembling a bird's feet. He desperately tried to get away, but the creature had managed to latch onto him, their claws tearing his face apart.
Randy woke up screaming, sitting up quickly as he clutched his face, Howard. He panted, trying to even his breath. He looked around his room, it was normal just like before he went to sleep. "I can't keep having nightmares like these." He bounced his bed back to his bed, covering his eyes with his hands.
The Nomicon glowed, getting him to open it. He got schloomped inside and found First Ninja sitting on a table, drinking from his tea mug, expecting him. Randy sat across him, he watched as his mentor set down his mug and began to conversation.
"It looks like you've experienced the nightmare, didn't you?"
He was aghast at his mentor's question, how did he know?
"From the looks on your face, it seems you did. Let me explain, what you saw is a vision of what would happen if your friend gets possessed by the Tengu for the third time."
The teen looked at the table separating him and the man before him, Howard had been possessed two times. First continued.
"Your friend has great compatibility with the Tengu, seeing as he hadn't died when he got possessed the first time."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
First stood up from his seat, walking away as Randy followed him. He was led to a pool full of sad and suffering faces, trying to get out of the pool but feels as though an unseeable force is stopping them to. The teen was intimidated by the sight.
"This, is the Pool of the Sacrifices. It serves as a grave for those who died after becoming possessed by the Tengu. Almost all of the bearers of the Tengu would've shriveled to death after they would get possessed.
The past ninjas before you had already shattered the Tengu Stone, releasing that bird out of its cage and making it possess their close ones. Yet, none, even you, knew that the Tengu's possessions reaps a hefty sacrifice. The life of the possessed."
With a hush-toned voice, First told the experiences of the past ninjas, how they broke down crying when they realized their actions costed them the lives of their allies. Siblings, friends, lovers, one instance had been that the Tengu possessed the body of a frail child, the son of the 97th Ninja who died after the fight.
"... If you knew they were going to die after becoming possessed, why... why didn't you advise us? Them?! You could've avoided their deaths! You knew after the first one died, so why?!"
Randy was distraught by his mentor's inaction to tell them that information. The First Ninja closed his eyes, "The Tengu's power is becoming more uncontrollable than ever, someone has to contain it.".
"Someone? Why? Isn't the Tengu Stone enough?"
"As I've said before, it had been shattered by the past generations for how many times, it's barrier is withering down bit by bit. A mortal's life is more than enough to satiate the unrest of the Tengu, becoming a vessel in exchange for the soul of the mortal."
Bewildered by the fact, the teen kneeled to the ground, holding his head as he tried to process the situation before him. He almost costed Howard's life because of his recklessness. Tears swelled up in his eyes as First patted his back, trying to comfort the teen.
Randy placed his head over the man's shoulder, tears freely flowing down his cheeks as horrific scenarios in his mind started to play. "Why tell me now?" He asked.
"You are the only one that had received a foreboding of the Tengu's true form. It looks as if it had grew fonder of your friend. If your friend had managed to survive this long after his possession, then he may have the willpower to resist the Tengu's control over him if somehow he gets possessed again."
"... But if he didn't?"
"... Sacrifices shall be made for the greater good, his efforts shall not be in vain."
Silence ensued after that, Randy's eyes had stopped crying, his mind now trying to think of what to do about the new information he was given. Suddenly, a question pops into his mind, something to distract him from the disturbing thoughts.
"Hey First Ninja, what's up with you and Chase Young? You seemed pretty close, the two of you."
Randy swore he saw a vein bulged on First's forehead, looking quite annoyed by the question, "And where did you learn that?". The teen shuffled as he removed his head out of his mentor's shoulder.
"Eheh, well..." Randy told him about his encounter with the man during the mission in the Ishigano Red Light District. About how he wanted greet First and how he followed the teen into Norrisville, serving as a teacher in his school. First clicked his tongue, "We were enemies back in the day, though we still respect each other."
"And your relationship right now with him is?"
"Rivals. That's all there is to it. Don't mind him, don't give in to his presence, I assure you—" First placed his hand on Randy's shoulder, "I will grant you protection from him if he ever dares to harm you." The teen felt the sense of great honor from the man before him. Then, his body began to fade away, a smile on his face as he was sent back to the real world, leaving First Ninja alone.
"Chase huh, he's still pursuing you?" Plopplop asked from behind, making First turn around to see him. "That warlock can't seem to leave me alone even after I left the mortal world." First pinched the bridge of his nose, struggling not to create a wrinkle caused by the mention of him.
"He's marked you—" First stared at him with daggers in his eyes, "Plopplop, my dear friend, I want no mentions of the warlock. Please." Plopplop shut his mouth, not wanting to agitate his friend even more.
First sighed, a hand massaging his temples, "He's already caught on the fact that I exist somewhere in Norrisville, not having ascended to above. If he messes up with Randy, I won't hesitate to skin him alive, even if...". He felt a tingling sensation on his neck and lower regions, a blush forming on his face as he tried to shoo the thought away.
"Tch, to entertain such mem— thoughts."
Plopplop left him alone in his thoughts, as his friend wanted. First walked towards the waterfall he frequents to, sitting on a rock as he fixed his meditating position. Trying to forget the events he had tried so hard to bury, he meditated in hopes of trying to get his mind off of the memory.
He was shoved to the wall with brute force, without his suit he felt the pain that would usually dissipate in a second but then, he felt something that wedged itself between his neck. A warm something touched his skin, an arousing feeling rising inside him.
First opened his eyes, not wanting it to continue. Resetting his progress as he closed his eyes once more.
He screamed, the pounding force making him let out embarrassing sounds that he would rather not reveal in the public. A hand touched his hips and squeezed it tightly, he looked at his face. Cold, sharp, yellow eyes stared at him.
He opened his eyes again, his eyes wide as the memory gave him chills along his entire body. He can't focus because of it. Seeing as he can't escape it, he stopped his meditation, he just sits on the rock and massaged his forehead, "Why can't I just forget about you?".
It all started when rumors about a mysterious beast lurking in the northern side of the woods began to take toll on the people of the Village of Norisu. Many warned that whoever steps beyond the marked trees will die being torn to shreds, evident by the corpse of a resident woodcutter they found earlier that morning.
Due to autumn nearing it's end and the winter season coming ahead of them, the people are starting to worry about their supply of kindling, seeing that the northern part of the woods have the most abundant source than any other parts of the woods.
First, wanting his people safe from the unforgivable winter, opted to go investigate the woods to calm the panic. Many disagreed to his actions, he was the only living heir to the Norisu Clan, loved and respected by the people. If something were to happen to him, the whole village will be plunged to deep sorrow.
But, they knew he was strong, stronger than any men in the village, and in the end, they let him go. As he trudged through the forest, he noticed that Chase had also disappeared the same time the rumors started. Not wanting to jump to conclusions unprepared, he only theorized that Chase and the mysterious monster are one in the same. Perhaps it may not be Chase who is the monster but someone or something else.
He saw the rumored marked trees, stepping beyond it, he walked into the dangerous area, his moves careful so as to not alert the monster. With his heightened hearing, he heard fast moving footsteps, eyes stalking him as he tread through the woods. Finally, he saw an old cabin built in the middle of nowhere, the wooden structure weathered down but stable enough for it to still be standing.
Checking for any possible way to look inside the cabin, he tried to look into the windows, he then found one that was clear enough to see the inside. Thanking the moonlight, he peered into the cabin and saw Chase except...
Chase had been trying his hardest to control himself and his animalistic urges. When the full moon struck last week, he had forgotten to get out of the moonlight's way, to shelter himself out of its gaze. With the light of the moon hitting him, he felt his beastial urges surge, his lizard form trying to control his conscience as he fled the forest of where the First Ninja resides, not wanting him in on this mess.
From an old cabin he found during his explorations in the forest, he housed himself in there as he couldn't go back to his lair at this rate. Before long, he removed all of his clothes, finding them constricting and uncomfortable especially in the situation he's into. Sometimes his consciousness would fade in and out, sensing and attacking anything that moves, when he wakes up, he sees the bloodshed he had done.
He wanted to isolate himself. This damn cursed cycle. It turns him into a mindless monster that he so hates. The rut had been eating him from the inside out. Breed. Breed. Breed. That's all he could think about. Since when did he last feel this remarkable powerlessness over himself.
Growling from the arousing pain, locked himself inside the old cabin, not wanting anyone disturbing him from patiently waiting to pass the yearly rut... Yet, a scent hits his nostrils, a far sweeter scent and by far the only good thing he ever gets to experience in this nightmare.
He followed the scent, his mind fixated on finding out what it was. Opening his eyes was... the First Ninja. What was he doing here?
A part of his mind wanted to ravage the man, yet his self-control insisted to not give in to the urges, to warn the man to leave him alone lest he wants more than getting tainted by his own seed. "G-go... away..." He could only muster that much to warn him. Curse him for being this damn vulnerable.
The First Ninja saw Chase, transformed into a hybrid of both his human form and lizard form, larger than he was supposed to be and lying on the floor, being more vulnerable than interaction he had within the past. This Chase... warned him for his own safety. He left the cabin not wanting to induce Chase's wrath to his people.
But, when the next morning arrived, they had found yet another causualty, the death of a huntsman in the northern part of the woods. Torn to shreds. Wanting to stop this madness, he went straight to the library to try and find any records that can identify the warlock's condition.
Plopplop helped him identify books and records about dragons, yet to not avail. He was about to find another more gruesome way to deal with Chase when Plopplop found a hidden scroll from some part of the library. In it described the same conditions the warlock had been experiencing, he read the source of it.
"Dragon Rut..." he muttered from under his breath. Plopplop tried to understand what the Norisu heir said but was pushed out of the fight, his friend determined to finish it himself, dignity be damned if it was for the safety of his people.
As the sun began to go down, he went back to the cabin, he sees the cabin door smashed to pieces, a growling creature crashing itself from walls to walls, trying to gain control of itself. Removing his mask, the suit began to disintegrate, it's fabrics slithering out of his body and into the void. "Hey!" he called out to the creature before him.
The creature, Chase, spun around to find the sweet scent present in the room. "Why did he come here?" Chase asked himself, confused as to why the ninja came to him after telling him to go away. Maybe it's because—
"Chase, you can't be suffering alone in this."
Chase was confused, what would he do in this situation?
"Dragon's Rut. A yearly cycle that stimulates a dragon's hormones to help them find a mate. Occurs during the full moon before winter, before the lands become barren. You're hurting under that, aren't you?"
First began to move towards him, inching closer and closer as the sweet scent is becoming harder and harder to resist.
"My people cannot survive through the winter if you keep terrorizing the woods. This rut of yours lasts for a month, but nature doesn't wait. The winter will dwindle the numbers of my people if they can't find enough kindling and food to store. So please..."
He kneeled down on the wooden floor, the warlock wanting to know if his guess about his intent were right. 
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"Let me help you get through this, for the benefit of the both of us. My people will survive getting wiped out due to nature, and you will never experience this again. Dragon Rut only happens when a dragon hasn't found a mate yet, right? It'll stop when a dragon has one. So make me."
Chase was flabbergasted by the First Ninja's offer. To sacrifice your body for the sake of everyone... How long has he been waiting for this?
When they first met, Chase would often poke and annoy the First Ninja, simply to test the will of the man. One of his jungle cats had warned him of the ninja, how he singlehandedly beat up the Sorcerer that had been wreaking havoc throughout Japan.
Chase had heard of the Sorcerer before, though he never fought the guy, simply a waste of time in his opinion. But when the news spread that the Sorcerer fled the country and went to this new world, he wanted to see if this 'Sorcerer' has any value in them.
When the news of the Sorcerer being defeated by the Ninja had reached to him, he tried to find this 'Ninja', to see how powerful they were if they were able to defeat the feared Sorcerer. At last, he found the Ninja, he witnessed the strength and cunning the man has, outwitting his enemies and is a swift fighter.
He tried to get the man on his side, he offered anything a normal person would greed for; money, women, strength, chaos. Anything. Yet the Ninja wouldn't budge. He resorted to underhanded tactics, seduction and all that. It was when he messed with the village people, which the Ninja ruled over, had the man snapped and fought against him, challenging him for him to leave the village people alone if the man wins.
It was a tough fight, both Chase and the First Ninja were severely injured. Chase couldn't believe it, since when had been a time when he was this severely beat, wounds and stabs puncturing so deep it takes more than a day to heal? Magic so powerful that the both of them were on equal standing? That he lost to the man before him? How could someone so powerful use it on the side of silly righteousness. Like Monk Guan.
Chase fulfilled his promise, yet he still bothered the Ninja, after all the promise was to leave the village people, not the Ninja. It was an on and off banter, they would bicker the next, then they would have tea together, sitting alongside each other and just enjoying each other's company. Eventually, unecessary feelings grew, though none of them suspected it. Shooing away or scoffing at the mushy feeling, avoiding it like the plague.
Until this night...
"Make me your mate."
How could he say no?
Letting go of the remaining restraint he has, he lunged at the man, his teeth bearing fangs as he ravaged his neck, biting every spot available. He ripped First's kimono and undershirts out of the way, leaving the ninja shirtless with only his pants on.
First was shoved against the wall, the comforter cushioning his fall as he sat on the floor. He looked up and saw the lizard hybrid glooming above him, he checked to see the hybrid's dick, "Fuck..." He cussed in a whispered tone. It's larger than what an ordinary man would have, probably because of the transformation that it had grown to be bigger, but still...
His train of thoughts were crashed back to reality when a hand ran over through the scalp of his hair, grabbing it tightly as it pulled him towards the lizard hybrid's dick. First held his breath before putting the length into his mouth, tasting it as he only managed to get it halfway in.
Chase, not satisfied with what the man is doing, shoved the entire length into his mouth, effectively activating First's gag reflex as he tries to breath. Using the hand that holds First's hair, he began thrusting into the man's throat in and out, First being only able to hold onto Chase's hips to help be stable while sucking him.
Somewhere along the line, the tie that holds First's hair up had been torn, leaving his hair trickling down on his flushed face as Chase released inside him, the man almost choking over the sheer amount of it. "Is this it—" the First Ninja was laid down on the futon, he looked down to see the hybrid putting his claws on the fabric of his pants, threatening to tear them out.
"Damn— Chase don't you dare rip my pants, I'll freeze to death when I get back to my house." He threatened, stomping Chase's head out of the way and quickly removing his pants and undergarments. Due to his aggression with the hybrid, when he finished his action, Chase shoved him down the dirty futon again, this time with more force.
Dust clouded the air as Chase lifted one of First's legs, putting it on his shoulder and admiring his thigh. He sunk his teeth in the plush flesh, the ninja's head arched back, hissing at the pain. Chase continued this action for a few more times before placing his hand on the ninja's hips.
He lined his tongue on First's hole, pushing in as soft wetness enveloped when he entered in it. The man let out a gasp, his eyes rolled back as he shut his eyes. He cupped his hands to his mouth as he tried desperately to cover out any sound that comes out of him as the lizard hybrid' tongue pushed through the man's insides.
After letting the tongue get out of his slick covered hole, Chase lined up his dick towards First's entrance. He looked at the shivering man before him, engraving the face deep into memory as he caressed his cheeks. "Just do it already, dammit."
Impatient. Eager. I can't control myself...
He thrusted inside First hard, leaving First knocked out of his breath as Chase wasted no time pounding harshly inside him, leaving him no room to breathe through as air keeps getting knocked out of him. His insides clenched hard as the hybrid finds himself enjoying the tight fitted hole he had been thrusting in and out to.
First, not being able to control his emotions anymore, letting lust cloud his eyes and letting out a string of moans, tearing up at the break-neck pace Chase has settled in doing. His hair was sprawled on the futon as his dick had been hard the whole time, not having the time to touch it.
Suddenly, Chase positioned First as his back was now faced to the wall, the lizard hybrid continuing to fuck him until he managed to find the man's g-spot. Moans and heavy breathing were to be heard as it echoed throughout the old cabin.
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Finally, he felt Chase stopping his movements, thrusting deep into him as he filled First with his seed.  Immediately sinking his teeth on the ninja's neck, the venom emitted from his teeth had blended itself with First's blood, earning the man a permanent bite mark, effectively marking him as per Dragon culture.
The hybrid pumped out the ninja's dick, letting him get his release as they slumped over to the futon. Chase hugged the man tightly on his waist, not letting the ninja get away from him that night. When morning came, Chase noticed the ninja gone from his side, First had been dressing himself up, his pants and undergarments the only remaining clothes he wore because he tore the other clothings to shreds.
He hugged the ninja from behind, "What are we now, Ninja?"  He asked. The First Ninja turned his head around to face the Heylin prince, a faint smirk on his face if one looked closely into it, "Still rivals.".
Back at present time, the First Ninja reminisced about the event, still feeling the sensations Chase had given him that time. "What are we, really?" He sighed, not wanting to admit that he missed him.
"Gramps, do you know anything about a man named Chase Young?" Jake asked, shocking his Gramps as he spits out his tea. A cough fit ensued as he cleared his throat, "What did you say?". ------------------------------------------------------
These two have too much pride stuck up their arse and are so emotionally constipated my god—
Think of the children y'all😭
Think about Randy, First! He's the lovechild of this fuckfest of a marriage.
Shut your yapping mouth and kiss already!
(they didn't even kiss ugh!)
On a side note, please do comment if there's anything to improve in my fics, maybe point out if they're ooc or some shit. Thank y'all for reading this.
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theyareweird · 7 months
Assassination Classroom: Karma Akabane —Aesthetic
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Karma Akabane's Character & Personality
Karma is a student at Kunugigaoka Junior High who had been suspended from school due to his violent behavior. His favorite subject is Math while his least favorite is Japanese. Karma didn't belong to any club. Although he enjoys his own cooking, his favorite food are drinks from the "Simmered au lait series". Karma's hobbies include mischief, taunting provocation and harassment. He's even a fan of superhero movies, like Sonic Ninja. Despite being well-known throughout school for his troublesome attitude, Karma can be quite empathetic and caring. He has good morals behind his motives. Karma was placed in Class 3-E for rescuing a Class E senior from being bullied by main building students. Due to this, he hates anyone who call themselves 'teachers' and has almost zero respect for any adults. After meeting his new teacher, Karma becomes more objective and respects good teachers. He also respects more of his opponents strengths and weaknesses. Karma is quite cunning, mischievous and somewhat sadistic. He's skilled at manipulation and using weaponry. As as assassin, Karma is capable of utilizing and leading his classmates. He makes suitable use of their abilities to the corresponding situation as he believes each classmate has their own special talents and will defend them. Unfortunately, Karma tends to be quite impulsive. He's brutal, cruel and has no qualms of hurting people when fighting those who threaten him or his friends. Thus, Karma depicts himself as a demon. He has a knack for battle and takes great pleasure in humiliating his opponents. Karma has good direct hand-to-hand combat skills, like high mobility and reflexes with a mind suited for foul play. He's also the physically strongest student in class. Regardless of being quite lazy, Karma likely prefers trickery and pranks for assassinations than full-out combat. He's ranked third for marksmanship among the boys, but fourth in the whole class. Karma is quite relaxed most of the time. He occasionally skips out on things he finds boring, like school assemblies. This is because Karma is capable of maintaining high grades with little effort. He's one of the most intelligent people in the entire school, being ranked fourth out of one-hundrend eighty-six students. Karma assets his objective nature to assassination attempts and other scenarios, like saving others. He's often the first to notice any oddities which may occur around or in Class E. Karma is also able to speak English in an unknown 'standard American' dialect. However, he doesn't want to return to the main building because he finds assassination more interesting. Yet, Karma is hardworking when he wants to study diligently, though he hides it by making it look like he's playing video games.
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
so uh… i decided to rewatch AOUAD
as a result: gwi-nam x fem!reader smut, read at your own risk
summary: you two figure out a way to satisfy his halfbie bloodthirsty hunger. it does still involve eating you… just not in the way you’d expect. after all, blood doesn’t always come from a bite.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gwi-nam had been infatuated with you for a long time. Since freshman year, in fact- you’d come across him beating up someone else on any ordinary day.
“What’d he do?” you’d asked, curiously peering down at the kid’s cowering form.
“Uhh…” Gwi-nam didn’t really know what to say. “Why? You gonna report me?”
Your piercing eyes had met his, a smile ghosting across your face.
“Nah,” you’d said casually. “Just curious.”
Strange. She’s kinda pretty, though. “He, uh, snitched on me. I beat up his friend, who called my mom a whore,” Gwi-nam had said, glaring down at the kid, delivering another kick to his stomach.
Your face had twisted into an expression of disgust. You’d kicked him yourself, right in the spine. He’d arched his back in agony.
“You and your friend should learn to respect women, dumbass,” you’d hissed. “Go home and tell your mom why you’ve got all these bruises.”
And then you’d walked away, Gwi-nam watching you go with absolute fascination. That was the day he’d developed a massive crush on one of the most popular girls in school.
You’re best friends with Su-hyeok, and obviously he and Gwi-nam aren’t the hugest fans of each other. Still, no matter how hard he’d tried… you were always on his mind.
And then the world ended.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ You hadn’t managed to do much in the zombie apocalypse other than bleed, cry, and run a lot.
Of course there were upsides. You had your friends… and while you’d lost some of them, you had Cheong-san and Su-hyeok. That was enough, especially when you knew your parents didn’t give a fuck about you and hightailed it out of the city at the first sign of danger. Your friends were sort of all you had.
Naturally, you lost them too.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” you panted, listening to the sounds of the group run in the other direction. Someone, maybe Su-hyeok, called after you, but you ignored him.
Someone had to distract the zombies long enough for the rest of the group to get somewhere safe. You hadn’t stuck around long enough to run that idea by anyone. You hoped they’d be smart enough to not go after you.
You ducked into the first empty classroom you came across, slamming the door and pushing a desk against it.
At least it was dark enough that most of the zombies continued rampaging down the hallway, but a few that were at the front of the horde stuck around, clawing at the windows.
Well. Now that you’d gotten yourself into this situation, you figured you’d better have a game plan.
“Umm…” You spun in a circle, checking out the room.
Thankfully, there was only one door in from the hallway, and you’d just blocked it. No windows were broken, to the outside or the rest of the school. There were no desks and few chairs besides the teacher’s area, and there was a door to a storage room on the left.
You cautiously poked your head into the closet. It was dark, but you were pretty sure that pile of stuff in the corner was feathers and fabric. The shelves were littered with tons of strange objects and stacks of paper.
You shut the door with a groan. This was the theater classroom. There wouldn’t be anything useful here, other than a stray plastic sword or two.
Your abdomen suddenly flared up with cramps, a familiar uncomfortable warmth spreading between your legs. You slid to the ground, clenching your thighs together.
Well fuck you too, uterus, you thought grumpily. All of your stuff was in the cafeteria, and there was no way in hell you could get back there.
You had only just begun to plan how to American-ninja-warrior your way to the nearest bathroom and use toilet paper as a substitute when a knock at the door scared you out of your skin.
Yeah. Knocking.
You blinked in surprise. Do zombies knock?
“Wh-Who is it?” you managed, hating how much your voice shook. You stood nervously, tugging the hem of your uniform skirt down.
“Do you really think if I was undead I’d be knocking?” a bored and vaguely familiar sounding voice said, sounding way too casual for just standing in a hallway full of zombies.
You couldn’t even see him through the door’s windows from where you were standing, so you took a cautious step forwards. He was leaning on the doorframe, resting his head there as he spoke.
You tilted your head. “I know you, don’t I?”
“You gonna let me in, or am I spending the night in the hallway?” he said instead of answering.
You hesitated, but he’d been standing there for a little bit, and infection takes less than a minute to kick in. Plus he’s another human being. You decided to let him in.
“If you bite me,” you mumble as you shove the desk aside and slide the door open, “I’m gonna have serious trust issues for the rest of my very short life.”
You were surprised to hear him laugh. Somewhere down the hallway, there was a commotion and some running that sounded like zombies.
Hurriedly, you yanked him inside and returned the door to its previous position. When you turned to face him, you forgot how to function.
Gwi-nam. He was covered in blood, missing an eye, and holding a knife. You sort of hated that you still found him hot, but maybe that’s just horny period brain talking.
“It’s you,” you breathed. He shrugged, that stupid cocky grin of his splitting his face.
“What’s up, Y/N?” He opened his arms for a hug, but you punched him in the chest instead.
“How are you alive?” you hissed. “You’re missing a fucking eye! And you were just standing out there! Are you crazier than I remember you being? HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?”
He laughed again, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. You were warily aware of the knife in his left hand, but you ignored it in your happiness to see him.
“Come on, you think I don’t know the most popular and awesome girl in the school?” he teased. You glared at him suspiciously. You’d never seen him this… cheerful before.
“Are you high?” you asked dubiously, only half joking. You poked him in the nose. “You’re never this happy to see anyone. And your eyes are super red- holy shit are you actually?”
He smiled sheepishly, suddenly much less confident in himself. You tilted your head in curiosity.
“You’re special,” he mumbled. “And, uh… no, I’m not high. Well, kind of.”
“What’s-“ You couldn’t imagine what that meant. “Kind of?” You squinted at him.
He hesitated. “Will you freak out?”
Your smile faded, and you suddenly became very aware of his hands on you, which had transferred from your arms to your waist. You hadn’t even noticed. “What?”
“I would never hurt you,” he began, which was very out of character for him, but it was concerning. “I promise. Just let me explain everything, okay?”
The realization settled over you with a chilling horror. “You were bitten, weren’t you?” you said in distress, taking half a step back.
He followed, almost looking scared. “I was, but- I’m immune. Look.” He lifted his shirt to show you at least four different bite marks on his abdomen, then more on his arms. You ignored how much muscle he had and focused on the horror of what he was showing you. “See? All this was from around ten this morning. All that’s changed is I can hear way better, and all my pain is gone.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “You’re immune? How?”
“That I don’t know,” he grimaced. “But I’m okay. Although it is hella annoying only having one eye.” His expression darkened. “You haven’t seen Cheong-san, have you?”
“Not since… yesterday,” you said. “Why?”
“No reason.” He was smiling again. “Hey, wanna head down to the cafeteria? I don’t think those no-brainers out there can even see me. Free passage all over the school.”
Now that. That was a great offer. It also sounded like something as close to a date as you can get in this hellscape, and somehow you were glad it was with him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been a full day with Gwi-nam. The two of you had already made out like three times (the first was after he jokingly presented your bag to you like a proposal once you’d reached the cafeteria), and now you’re sneaking back to find a good classroom to spend the night.
You pressed yourself into his side as a zombified classmate stumbled past the two of you, snarling and swiping at the air.
“I can’t believe they don’t notice us,” you whispered, your breath barely stirring the air.
Gwi-nam smiled in the moonlight, squeezing your hand tighter. “I know. It’s pretty cool, right?”
“Very. But-“ You paused, shuddering as a massive flow of blood made its way out of you. At least you’d had a chance to change super quick in the bathroom, but it’s not like the problem was entirely solved.
“What’s-“ He tilted his head towards you, face scrunching in concern. “Are you bleeding?”
“How did- better senses, that’s right,” you reminded yourself. “Um, yeah, I’m… you know.”
“Oh, okay.” He grinned, but then it faded. His stomach growled loudly.
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know why you didn’t eat at all while we were down there.”
His face darkened. “I throw up regular food. I’ve tried. Raw meat has been the only thing that’s worked so far, but I haven’t had that in a while.”
Your stomach sunk at the realization of what he was saying.
“We just have to find… something. Maybe a class pet somewhere,” he said quickly, turning to cup your face. “I’d rather die than eat you, I promise. I won’t.”
You forced yourself to believe him. “I think Mr. Lee had a hamster, as sad as this is. I wonder, actually…” You trailed off, a strange thought crossing your mind.
It seemed to hit him at the same time.
“Hey, just saying… blood works great,” he hummed mischievously, backing you into the wall.
You grinned, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. “Guess it’s time to eat, then.”
He hungrily connected your lips, but then drifted down to your collarbone to paint it red and purple. You sighed, letting your head fall back against the wall.
This boy does things to you. He’s always been hot, but holy shit, actually getting to taste him? It was almost euphoric.
Before you could make too much noise, he dragged you into the classroom across the hall, which was thankfully empty. Without disconnecting his lips from your skin, he nudged a desk over the door with his foot.
Without warning, he picked you all the way up, pressing you into the opposite wall, your thighs on either side of his face.
“Holy shit,” you gasped, caught off guard. “I think I forgot you have- better- FUCK.”
You cut yourself off when he lifted your skirt and pushed your underwear aside, immediately diving in. You knew he was technically satiating his own hunger, but he was so fucking good.
He mouthed a stripe up your entrance, then came back to suck at your clit agonizingly slowly. You tangled your hands in his hair, pushing him forward slightly, a silent plead to go faster.
He hummed, sending a tremor up your whole body. “Behave,” he mumbled against you. “If you’re good, I’ll be nice.”
You whimpered in response, running a hand through his hair.
For a while all he did was lick up and down your entrance, giving you almost nothing. Resisting the urge to use his face to fuck yourself was one of the most difficult things you’d ever done, but you let your head fall back against the wall, your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
But then he pushed his tongue inside you with no warning, and you gasped out a strangled moan.
He grinned against you, reaching down to circle your clit with his thumb.
“‘S this feel good?” he teased. Your grip tightened on his head.
“Please,” you whispered deliriously. “Please, please, please-“
“Please what, baby?” He stopped touching you entirely, pulling back enough so you could feel his breath on you. Blood covered the lower half of his face, which was a lot less concerning and a lot more attractive in this particular moment. “Use your words.”
“Please let me cum,” you begged, mostly unaware of what you were saying. “Please, I’ll be so good, please-“ You were once again cut off with a strangled moan as he went back in, this time going at a pace that was actually satisfying.
He paused long enough to say, “You can use me, baby. I’m all finished, it’s your turn now.”
“Fuck…” You finally took the opportunity to grind against his face, pushing his tongue deeper inside you. He moaned into you, and you nearly came right then and there.
You were faintly aware of the fact that if you screamed, you’d attract every zombie in the school. But with Gwi-nam’s face buried in your core, right on the edge, you couldn’t care less.
It didn’t take long for your vision to go white, and thankfully your orgasm was silent. Your eyes rolled up in your head, which hit the wall behind you once more, and pleasure rolled through you in waves. Once the stimulation became too much, you tapped Gwi-nam’s head, and he set you down.
Your legs immediately buckled, and he caught you with a barely restrained laugh. Red dripped from his face onto his shirt, your red, and it should not have been as hot as it was.
“Fuck, I love you,” you managed, collapsed against his chest. You were still half-delusional from the brain melting orgasm he managed to give you after only a few minutes.
“Is it that easy to slut you out?” he teased. You could only manage to swat at him half-heartedly.
“Fuck off,” you grumbled, and he finally did laugh, letting you sit so he could wipe his face with his shirt.
You spent the night curled up in his arms, laying with his back towards the door, just in case. But even though the world was ending, you had no family, and your friends were potentially dead, there was nowhere you’d rather be.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ fun fact, that was my first time writing smut. how’d I do?
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tmntxthings · 2 years
it’s spooky season 🎃👻 may I please request some headcanons for the turtles with a friend or S/O (up to you) who can see & talk to ghosts? like in paranorman?
Humans, Mutants, and Ghosts!
author’s note: OH MY! you really know how to spark that creative writing energy, but I definitely think my brain went haywire after Raph’s lol, went from angsty seriousness to straight up ghost crack 💀 idek anymore but we gonna just go ahead and post anyways
warnings: spooky fluff, angst, cursing, crack, unedited
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“Hey Raphie” you said entering his room and immediately going to collapse on his bed. “Rough day?” Raph asked as he continued with his dumbbell reps. “More like rough life,” you muttered into his pillow. “Oh c’mon Y/n, school was that bad?” You sighed, wondering if you should shed some light, Raph didn’t know about the endless bullying you endured.
You weren’t like most, and try as you might to fit in, to be normal, it never worked out. You were cursed with an ability to see the dead. No one else knew, no one else could see them, only you. You had made the mistake of confiding to your friends when you were younger, and ever since then you were bullied. “Stop lying!!” “You’re such an attention whore,” “Really? Ghosts?? They’re not real.” “Freak.” “Weirdo”
The berating continued through high school. Some days were better than others. But today, you had witnessed something so creepy you couldn’t keep quiet. To not force yourself to relive the whole experience let’s just say it involved, three ghosts, and a guillotine. Enough said. And you just couldn’t keep in your gasp, causing the whole classroom to look your way. Whispering and side glances thrown your way as the teacher asked if you had something to say, “No, sorry” you replied already knowing you were gonna pay big time for your interruption.
“Fuckin’ phoney,” a group of your regular bullies had decided to follow you after school ended. “Hey! Creep! We just wanna talk, what did you see in class?? A ghost peen??” Laughter trailed behind you as you started to walk faster, ignoring them. You couldn’t go home. They’d just follow you inside, posing as actual friends to your parents. You decided you needed to lose them in the crowd, maybe visit your real friends… the group would get bored of trying to find you if you spent an hour or two at the lair.
“Don’t let them get away!” The head honcho growled, the group noticed your change in direction, heading for the bustling streets. But it was no use, you were a master of blending in, sneaking away, sticking to the shadows, you had ninjas for friends after all. When the coast was clear you dashed into the familiar alleyway, prying the manhole cover up so you could descend down the ladder quickly.
“No, it’s not all that bad..” you told Raph, sighing to yourself as you lied. You didn’t want his pity. You were lucky to finally have friends that treated you normally, regardless if they weren’t human, you’d take cool, friendly mutants over mean, fake humans any day. “Well if you ever wanna talk about what’s bothering you, I’ll be here,” Raph said reassuringly, knowing you were holding something back. He grunted as he placed the dumbbell on the floor, finished with his reps. “You wanna go to the arcade?” Raph asked, knowing it would help get your mind off of things. “Yeah,” you said turning your face to his voice, smiling at him, he always knew how to cheer you up, even if you weren’t telling him everything.
“They’ll find out eventually Y/n,” you slowly got out of Raph’s bed trying to keep a neutral face as you ignored the ghost pestering you. Did you mention that the ghosts bullied you just as much as your fellow classmates? Yeah, they loved to toy with you ever since they found out you could hear them, see them. “Then you’ll be all alone again, without a friend in this world, at least you’ll have me hahahahha” you held your tongue, following Raph to the arcade as he talked about what game the two of you should play. You were trying to pay attention to what he was saying. But it was hard with the ghost in your ear, circling you and coming in between you and Raph, distracting you so much that Raph stopped. “Y/n?”
“Huh?” You said blinking, looking through the ghost up at Raph. “I said, do you wanna play DDR? Or table hockey?” Raph was used to your dazed state, he didn’t mind repeating himself for you. But he was worried because you seemed tired. More tired than usual, like everything was draining you today. “Table hockey,” you said after a moment. “Heh smart choice, I’d beat you in Dance Dance Revolution,” he teased. “Yeah at least I’ll have a chance with the hockey,” you laughed, even though Raph was so big he had the moves!
You stood on your end of the table, holding onto your pusher, in a defensive position to cover your goal. You’d let Raph get the first push at the puck. But it seemed the ghost that had been badgering you wasn’t giving in that easily. Floating over to Raph, it always bothered you more when they went closer to your friends. You could handle ghosts in your face, in your ear, you were used to it. Still you took in a deep breath, reminding yourself Raph couldn’t see it, couldn’t feel it, couldn’t hear the horrible things it was saying. “What do you even see in this big lump? He’s totally stupid, rocks for brains!” You shot a glare at the ghost, but to Raph it looked like you were glaring at him.
“Uh Y/n?” He said sheepishly, wondering if you were that pissed that he had already managed to score on you. “Nice Raph, I was uh- getting my game face on!” You recovered, grabbing the puck from your goal and placing it in the center. You decided to go on the offensive this round. “Heh your game face is real scary!” Raph was half joking, half serious. That round had been quite intense, you hardly could hear the ghosts droning on as you focused on the game. Earning a point for yourself! “Yes!” You cheered, a big smile on your face as you looked up at Raph. It faltered slightly as you saw the ghost had it’s arms wrapped around Raph’s neck, acting as if he were choking your friend. “Nice one!” Raph said grinning, “last point to decide the winner!”
You blinked, nodding as you looked back down at the hockey table. That round took the longest, Raph ended up with the victory and he did a little dance in celebration, causing you to laugh. “Oh yeah!! oh yeah,” he sang being silly. The two of you ended up back in his room, talking and laughing. “So, you wanna talk about earlier?” He asked gently, a soft smile on his face. You knew he was talking about school, and you chewed on your lower lip. You would like to think that Raph was a really good person, someone who wouldn’t judge you for your curse. But you had thought that before and had been burned.
You sighed, looking at Raph, “tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him” you wanted to, despite your fears. Despite all the things the ghosts told you would happen if you did. “Raph, I’m not really liked at school,” you admitted quietly and he joined you on his bed, sitting next to you. He had a confused look on his face, not understanding how people couldn’t like you! You were so nice, you were easy to talk to! Among a bunch of other great qualities that Raph listed off in his head. “I don’t understand, why??” Raph asked. “Well, there is a rumor about me,” your eyes looked past him, in a daze as you remembered. “People believe the rumor and think I’m weird…”
“What rumor?” Raph said gruffly, not liking how judgmental the people at school seemed. Whatever rumor it was, surely people would see you for you! “That I can see ghosts,” you spoke so quietly it was practically whispered. “Ghosts?” Raph said thinking that was ridiculous. “And people believe that rumor??” You nodded, cringing at yourself for not saying the entire truth. “How could they?! I mean ghosts aren’t real!” And you looked down at your hands in your lap. The ghosts in the room cackling and laughing. “Hear that ladies and gentlemen, we ain’t real! Pftahaha hahahaha”
“I mean honestly Y/n they’re the weird ones for making up such a rumor and then believing it!” Raph continued. You looked up at him with shiny eyes, “the rumor.. it was started by me.” And Raph’s nonexistent eyebrows came together in even more confusion. “Huh??” And your hands went to your face, you couldn’t believe you were about to do this. Raph obviously didn’t believe in ghosts from what you just heard, yet you were still going to tell him. “Raph, I can see ghosts. I can hear them too. They are everywhere, they follow me around. I once told my friends and they didn’t believe me, and told the entire school… so I’m the ridiculous one,” you said rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
Raph’s mouth opened and closed. “Oh,” he said finally, trying to buy himself some time to formulate some thoughts. Then Raph reached for your hands, and you were surprised. You had been ready for him to laugh at you to call you a liar. “Can you see them now?” He asked curious, as if he was actually considering that you were telling him the truth. You nodded and went full on descriptive mode. “There’s actually been a jackass of a ghost following me around all day today, much like the bullies at school, he kept telling me how you wouldn’t believe me, that I’d be casted out again and alone for real this time. Of course he’d still be there, he went on to insult you… which was why I made that face back there in table hockey, and yeah wow I sound insane!” You said squeezing his hands and looking into his eyes hoping you hadn’t just scared him off.
“No no it makes total sense now, I had never seen you make such a face before in table hockey, you don’t really get upset when you lose at games,” Raph said remembering all the times the two of you had played together or with his brothers. You weren’t a sore loser. You smiled softly, “So… you believe me??” You asked and he smiled, “well I guess even if it sounds pretty unbelievably! I am a mutant after all I’m sure a lot of weird things exist even if I can’t see them!”
You hadn’t thought of that. But sure enough if you could have a cursed ability to see and hear ghosts, and you now had ninja mutant friends, was it really all that crazy? Or was this just a normal day in New York and most people were just utterly oblivious to? You decided it was the latter. “Thanks Raphie,” you beamed, he really did know how to cheer you up!
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“And now she’s peeing,” you said in disgust as you watched the ghost dog squat right over Leo’s comic book pile. Leo gasped, “where did you say it was?!” He said putting the comic he currently has in his hands down to his lap as he looked around his room. “…do you really wa-“
“YES!” Leo cut you and said quickly, sitting up now and eyes his comic book collection. Already having an instinctual feeling as to where the invisible thing was. “Over the comics,” you said swiftly and watched as Leo jumped over you and out of bed. Stomping over to his collection and waved his arms frantically in the arm. “Stop it! You criminal how could you?! These are my babies!” Leo said dramatically and you couldn’t stop from snorting.
No matter what Leo did his arms were just going straight through the tiny corgi. The ghostly pew stream still going steady all over his babies. Though you really didn’t understand why Leo cared it wasn’t like they were actually wet. But you were sure he was thinking some dum dum of a thought. That it was about the principle and discipline and the blatant disrespect of his prized things. He said as much. “Lee, it’s a corgi, and let me just say it’s not mine! The pup just won’t stop following me!” You made sure to reiterate.
No doggo of yours would pee inside the house! Nope you would definitely train them, if for nothing else than to be potty trained! Leo grumbled, “and the only reason why I didn’t grab my odachis was because it’s a dog!” And you smacked your forehead. Not even bothering to explain how even his swords wouldn’t be able to do anything to a ghost. Mystic weapons they may be, you highly doubted teleportation swords qualified to be able to pierce ghostly beings.
Yes, Leo knew of your curse. And in the beginning he was a big nonbeliever. But you were way past the caring of what others thought. You’d continue to react to seeing your ghost friends, animals and slowly but surely Leo came to believe, it was either that or your imagination never stopped running. And even Mikey didn’t have that much creative juice! So Leo had decided you were either the world’s greatest actor and Donnie had paid you a fortune to prank him for forever. Or you could see ghosts.
Leo had annoyed Donnie on many occasions on that specific topic just in case. “Nardo. I’m telling you there is no prank with Y/n” he would say with a long sigh, tired of being badgered. “Poochie,” you said in a high pitched voice, calling the corgi over to Leo’s bed where you laid. Leo placed his hands on his hips. “Oh so now it can get in my bed too?” Leo questioned and you just gave him a smile, “oh come on she’s not gonna pee again, she literally just did!” You said pointing over to the comics and he admitted you had a point. Though Leo didn’t exactly know how to climb back into his bed without wondering if he was going to crush the dog.
“Lee, just hop in, it’s floating,” you pointed toward the foot of his bed. “Oh okay,” he said. “Goodnight pooch,” Leo said going to pat where you just pointed and you snickered as the dog licked Leon’s face, happy for the attention. “What now?” Leo questioned as he got next to you, laying down. “She likes you, licked all over your face when you petted her,” you explained, turning to face him. “Awwww, I love you too pooch!” Leo said happily and waggled his brow bones at you. “We’re gonna have to come up with a better name,” Leo said seriously. And you nodded, “how about Princess?” You offered and Leo asked you to pull up a picture of what the corgi looked like.
“Hmmm,” he said once he was supplied with a similar look-alike picture. “No not Princess,” he replied. “That’s a Lady,” he said in complete confidence and you gasped as you nodded. He was completely right because the dog started barking and jumping around excitedly. “It really is!” You nodded and smiled telling Leo the dogs reaction, or rather Lady’s reaction. “What can I say, Mikey ain’t the only one who can name like a boss!” He said hands going behind his head and legs crossing casually. You laughed shaking your head at his cockiness. “All hail the new name king,” you said sarcastically bowing your head towards him. “Rise peasants, no need for flattered,” he continued on with the bit.
But you pushed him arm, at the word peasant and he immediately snickered. “Just kidding just kidding,” he told you. “Yeah that’s what I thought,” you stuck out your tongue and he copied you. That night Lady had sneakily crept up to lay in between you and Leo, you woke up with the green ghostly outline of the dog missing it’s front left paw. And you couldn’t help but smile, noticing Leo’s mouth parted open and slightly drooling on his pillow. He was such a goofball, but he was your goofball!
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“Alright Y/n, have you ever seen the greats? Darwin? Newton? GALILEO?! EINSTEIN?!” He was getting more and more excited at the possibilities. Just to make sure you knew who he was talking about he flashes holographic images in front of your face of all the scientists he just named. “Well, no I don’t think so, they don’t exactly look the same as when they were alive,” you tried to explain.
Sometimes whole heads were chopped off and the ghost would just float around aimlessly. Yeah… you were immune to the gore. “Hmm well most of these guys died from heart issues, though Darwin did pass from both heart attack and seizures.” Donnie explained, and you wondered just how much of his brain was filled with information on his favorite scientists. “Oh well, then they should look much the same,” you noted as you tried to remember the faces from the images he still had up. “Though… Einstein’s brain was removed after his death,” Donnie said making a face at what you assumed he was imagining you would see.
“It’s not all that bad, though I might be saying that just cause I’ve seen pretty much everything death related at a young age,” you watched as Donnie turned in his swivel chair, tapping his wrist tech to turn off the holograms. “Well if you haven’t seen them then that’s fine, they probably don’t haunt the sewers of New York,” he joked. “You’d be surprised, a lot of ghosts just like the company I reluctantly provide, and they are all total gossips so I’ve seen a lot,”
“Why don’t you just lie? I can pretend to be Charles Darwin,” one haughty ghost stated. You sighed, “see now I’m getting suggestions to lie to you because they want attention, that one just said he’d pretend to be Darwin for you,” you said as you pointed across the room. “No thank you, no lies needed to appease me,” Donnie said shooting a glare across the room. The ghost grumbled as he faded through the walls.
The conversation took a turn as you asked Donnie about what he was working on. He went in a deep dive explanation for you, even if you could only understand a quarter of what he said, you still listened. Nodding and asking questions when you were completely confused. “It’s still in beta though, I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Donnie said as he looked back down at the blueprints. “Well I should probably be heading back up anyways,” you said as you stretched up from the swivel chair you had resided in. “Want me to fly you home?” Donnie offered knowing you had quite a walk. “That’s okay,” you had started to say when you heard commotion from across the room.
You turned your face taking in the group of ghosts that suddenly appeared. “So this is our biggest fan?” Galileo said eyeing you up and down and you sputtered, “no no that would be him,” you said pointing a thumb in Donnie’s direction who was staring at you confused waiting for an explanation. “This is Donatello Hamato, he’s one of the greatest minds of our generation, a scientist just like all of you,” and Donnie gasped immediately shooting out of his chair.
His feet tapping the ground excitedly, “Incredible!” Darwin said, no doubt wondering how Donnie came to be. “Darwin just said incredible,” you whispered and Donnie almost squealed. “Okay Donnie, don’t freak out,” he said to himself. “I’ve always had so many questions!” He started and you became a translator. Donnie did have a million and one questions for his idols and they were more than happy to answer. As the hours passed and you started to yawn the ghosts promised if Donatello ever wanted more answers they wouldn’t be far.
“They’re gone,” you said tiredly and Donnie was jumping up and down. “I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED!!!” He said stopping the voice recording that he just happened to have running the entire conversation. “Just in case! Wouldn’t want to forget any precious answers,” he said holding the recorder close to his plastron as if it was the most valuable thing he ever owned. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep for a week!” He fist pumped the air and while you were happy for Donnie, you were about to fall asleep. Right then and there, the hours of scientific talk had been too complex for you to really understand.
“Thanks Y/n, that was-“ he finally looked over at you to see your head down on his work table. You were fast asleep and he smiled endearingly. He knew you had wanted to head home hours earlier so he really did appreciate you staying. He quietly picked you up, holding you to his plastron just like how he had with the recorder, taking you out of his lab to his room. Everyone else was fast asleep or at least in their own respective rooms. Donnie gently placed you on his bed, and pulled the covers over you, “Goodnight,” Donnie whispered, he on the other hand headed back to his lab. Too excited to do anything other than conduct more experiments with the new knowledge provided by none other than his great scientist idols!
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“Say what??” Mikey said wrapping the blanket that was around him tighter. “Don’t worry Mikey I won’t tell you anymore than that, I just know I probably look a little ditzy when I stare off,” you said quickly knowing he was afraid of ghoulish things. You had decided Mikey was a really good friend and keeping secret from him was hard enough. He was the sweetest, well he did have that Dr. Delicate Touch to him, but still the sweetest!
So you had decided to tell him about your strange ability. He often caught you staring off and not realizing you were being talked to until someone snagged your attention back. But now that you had told him you could not only see ghosts but also hear them, he was now looking around his room with a scared expression. “Mike, nothing’s in here!” You lied, feeling absolutely horrible that he was now scared! “Really?” He sighed in relief and you nodded quickly.
“Plus they don’t look like scary ghosts, they’re actually mostly harmless animals, like cats and dogs!” You said continuing to spew out white lies. “Wowwwww, that sounds cool!!” He said as his grip on the blanket loosened. “Yeah,” you smiled, happy he wasn’t worrying as much. Even though you had counted about twenty ghosts floating around in front of the tv that you and Mikey were currently watching. Seriously ghosts were like moths drawn to a flame when the television played. They especially liked Mikey’s choice of movie. Though you decided to keep that to yourself.
While it looked like you were watching the movie, you were actually watching ghosts argue back and forth with whose turn it was to get front row seats. The all argued like a bunch of annoying kids even though they were probably hundreds of years old. “Y/n?” You blinked and turned to the orange clad turtle. “Are there any ghosts now?” He whispered, and you wondered he was trying to act brave. You scanned the room, eyes roaming over all the ghosts acting as if they weren’t really there. A couple of snickers and grumbles were met with your stare. “Nope!” You said again and Mikey narrowed his eyes.
“What?!” You said feeling sheepish, were you that much of a bad liar?! “I can handle it,” Mikey said and you sighed. This boy was definitely going to run for his room. “Angelo, are you sure you want to know?” And he nodded. “Okay… there’s about 30 ghosts in here now,” you said calmly. And you watched as Mikey blinked and looked around the empty living room. “Do they look like Hamato’s?” He asked curiously and you glanced back at everyone for a moment. “A couple wear the family crest, yes,” you noted, you hadn’t really thought about that before. But every time you saw Splinter he was always being followed by many ghosts unbeknownst to him.
“Well then they’re family!” Mikey said getting comfortable and snuggling up under his blanket. Wow, no running for the hills?! “Why were you so concerned earlier then?” You asked unable to stop yourself. “Well a bunch of stranger ghosts haunting the lair is pretty creepy but it’s totally cool if they are family,” he said as if that rationalized it all. “Righttt,” you agreed, shaking your head with a smile. “Are they enjoying the movie?” He suddenly asked and your smile brightened as all the ghosts turned and said their praise about his movie choice. “Yes, they all really like your taste in movies,” you told him and he gushed. “Aweeee you guys!” He said looking around the room and you couldn’t help but giggle. Knowing he was looking at nothing in his eyes but truly it looked like he could see them too!
“They particularly hate Leo’s movie nights,” you sputtered, laughing out loud. Mikey snickered too. “I’ll have to tell him,” he said happy to have won out over his blue brother. “I’m sure he’ll never live it down,”
Later in the kitchen you sat on one of the counters watching as Mikey decorated the cookies he had just finished cooking. “Looks delicious!” You said eyeing them all hungrily. “What does the fam think?” Mikey asked and you turned your face, “well uhm, they can’t really eat they stopped getting hungry a long time ago, but they appreciate your artistic talents,” you explained after a bunch of answers were thrown in your face. Soon Mikey was always asking for ghostly validation to which you readily answered, becoming a translator of sorts. If Mikey wanted to know what his great great great great great ghost grandparents thought of him, then sure, you’d tell him all the wonderful things they said. Because he deserved to know, he deserved all the love and praise!!
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best-tv-theme-song · 8 months
Polls will start to be posted within the next week or so.
Bracket list under the cut!
*Starred shows have multiple theme songs or I have combined shows in a franchise in an effort to include as much as possible. These will have preliminaries built-into their polls on the first round. This is how it works: 1. all of the songs will go into a poll together against one other show; 2. the COMBINED votes for those songs will determine which show wins that poll; 3. only the top voted song for that show/franchise will move on, if the show has won the poll. (If you are confused it will make more sense when we start, I promise!)
The 100
30 Rock
The Addams Family
Adventure Time*
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
All That
The Amazing World of Gumball
American Dragon: Jake Long
Arcane: League of Legends
Arrested Development
Assassination Classroom*
Austin & Ally
The Backyardigans
Barney & Friends
Bear in the Big Blue House
Ben 10*
Better Call Saul
Beverly Hills, 90210
The Big Bang Theory
Big Time Rush
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Black Sails
Bob the Builder
Bob's Burgers
BoJack Horseman
Boy Meets World
The Brady Bunch
Breaking Bad
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Buffy the Vampire Slayer*
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Choo Choo Soul
Code Lyoko
Codename: Kids Next Door
Cold Case
Cory in the House
Cowboy Bebop
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend*
Criminal Minds
Danny Phantom
Dawson's Creek
Death Note*
Desperate Housewives
Detective Conan
Dexter's Laboratory
Diff'rent Strokes
Doctor Who*
Dora the Explorer
Downton Abbey
Dragon Ball*
Dragon Tales
Drake & Josh
Ever After High
The Fairly OddParents
The Flintstones
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Fraggle Rock
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Full House
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood*
Game of Thrones
George Lopez
George of the Jungle
Gilmore Girls
The Golden Girls
Good Omens
Gravity Falls
Grey's Anatomy
H2O: Just Add Water
Hannah Montana
Happy Days
Hawaii Five-0*
His Dark Materials
Horrible Histories
House, M.D.
How I Met Your Mother
How It's Made
Hunter × Hunter
Huntik: Secrets & Seekers
I Dream of Jeannie
I Love Lucy
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The Jeffersons
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure*
Justice League
Kim Possible
The Last of Us
Laverne & Shirley
Law & Order*
The Legend of Vox Machina
Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Little Einsteins
Lizzie McGuire
Looney Tunes & Merrie Melodies
The Love Boat
Mad Men
Madoka Magica*
The Magic School Bus
Malcolm in the Middle
The Mandalorian
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Mob Psycho 100
The Monkees
Monster High
The Muppet Show
Murder, She Wrote
Murdoch Mysteries
My Babysitter's a Vampire
My Hero Academia*
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
The Nanny
Neon Genesis Evangelion
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
New Girl
NFL (various network themes)*
The O.C.
The Office
One Day at a Time*
One Piece
Only Murders in the Building
Orange Is the New Black
Ouran High School Host Club
The Owl House
Parks and Recreation
The Partridge Family
Phil of the Future
Phineas and Ferb
Pinky and the Brain
Pippi Longstocking
Power Rangers
The Powerpuff Girls
Pretty Little Liars
The Price Is Right
The Proud Family
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
Reading Rainbow
Red Dwarf
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat
Sailor Moon
Sanford and Son
Saturday Night Live
Schitt's Creek
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Sesame Street
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Simpsons
Sofia the First
Sonny with a Chance
The Sopranos
SpongeBob SquarePants
Star Trek (instrumental themes)*
Star Trek: Enterprise
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Steven Universe
Stranger Things
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody*
Ted Lasso
Teen Titans
Teen Wolf
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
That '70s Show
That's So Raven
Theory of Love
Thomas & Friends
Tokyo Ghoul
Total Drama
Totally Spies!
True Blood
The Twilight Zone
Twin Peaks
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Veronica Mars
Voltron: Legendary Defender
The Walking Dead
Welcome Back, Kotter
The West Wing
What We Do in the Shadows
The White Lotus
Wild Kratts
Winx Club
The Wire*
The Witcher
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wonder Pets!
Wonder Woman
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
The X-Files
Xena: Warrior Princess
Yuri on Ice
Zoey 101
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fukuokadivision1 · 8 days
Bring the Beat!
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let’s get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
In a world that's obsessed with the norm
I spit rhymes in a storm, breakin' the form
"Average," they say, but I won't conform
I'm the queen of the ring, not just another swarm
I shed the label, it's a societal scorn
Normal's a myth, in my truth, I'm reborn
From the ashes of the past, my spirit's torn
In the beat of the streets, a new rebel's sworn
Fate's a gamble, destiny's a lie
I'm the master of my path, under the sky
No dice, no cards, no fate to defy
I carve my own way, never gonna say die
For the lost souls in Fukuoka's nights
We stand as guardians, igniting their rights
In slums we rise, our bond ignites
MIHANASA's vow, to reach new heights
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
In the shadows of my past, I've danced with death's embrace
A silent whisper in the dark, a ghost without a trace
From ninja to professor, I've found my space
Teaching truth in every verse, in every line I face
The darkness of my history, a canvas for my art
The former life I lived, the pain was off the charts
But in this classroom, I've found a brand new start
Kiya Kara's my redemption, Sendai's where I impart
In the gym where spirits soar, I'm the force that never rests
Pushing limits, breaking sweat, putting wills to the test
Life's a challenge, face it head-on, that's my quest
With every drop of sweat, we're becoming our best
Medicine and physics, my dual domain
Healing bodies, teaching minds, in the academic lane
For my sister, lost but not in vain
I'll unravel every mystery, break every chain
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let’s get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
Fukuoka! (Hey!)
Sendai! (Ho!)
Edogawa! (Hey!)
Shizuoka! (Ho!)
Kobe! (Hey!)
Kanazawa! (Ho!)
If you stan them, put your hands up! (Ho!)
Boys! (Hey!) Girls! (Ho!)
Gentlemen! (Hey!) Ladies! (Ho!)
Middle aged men! (Hey!) Mature women! (Ho!)
If you're there, raise your voice! (Ho!)
Step to me, you'll learn quick why "normal" ain't my tale
I'll unleash a damn storm, and watch as you all flail!
Try to chain me again, I'll shatter your scale
MC Rogue's wrath, in this fight, I prevail!
Cross my path, you'll meet shadows where death once tread
An assassin still lingers, my silence, your dread
Dare to challenge my peace, I'll paint your end in red
Kage's blade, leave opposition in shreds!
Life's a gamble, step up, it's time to cash in your chip
My destiny's mine to wield, this rap battle's my grip
Ante up, face the storm, I'll sink your ship
Katame's resolve, watch your footing slip!
Think my class is tough? Oppose us and feel the sting
I'll school you in pain, let the real lesson begin
Corporal's my game, with each verse I bring
GUTS on the stage, feel the punishment I sling!
Monsters roam our land, but none as fierce as I'll be
Threaten my kin, my city, unleash the beast in me
For the children's future, I'll fight, you'll see
Miss Ming's fury, a protector's decree!
Dare to harm us, I'll show you Chuohku's dark side
Experiments of horror, a past I won't let slide
My knowledge, believe me, it's a terrifying ride
Shiki's secret weapon, you've nowhere to hide
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let’s get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
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tentacletournament · 1 year
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Written polls and links under the cut!
Squig (Among Us) VS Impostor (Among Us)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Octillery (Pokemon) VS Malamar (Pokemon)
Mizuki (Arknights) VS Andreana (Arknights)
Ood (Doctor Who) VS Dalek Sec (Doctor Who)
Ventricosus (Land Of The Lustrous) VS Aculeatus (Land Of The Lustrous)
Pretzel (Just Roll With It) VS Aqueous Annie Bell (Jellyfish Felonies)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants) VS The Queen Jellyfish (Spongebob Squarepants)
Ln'eta (Sucker For Love) VS Estir (Sucker For Love)
Marie (Splatoon) VS Captain 3 (Splatoon)
Glow Squid (Minecraft) VS Ghast (Minecraft)
Squilliam Fancyson (Spongebob Squarepants) VS Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)
Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) VS Ayato Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Korosensei (Assassination Classroom)
Monomon The Teacher (Hallow Knight) VS Sibling (Hallow Knight)
The Rot (Rain World) VS Mikitaka Hazekura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Gnosis (Mythic Ocean) VS N'zoth (World Of Warcraft)
The Wall Monster (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) VS Hank (Finding Dory)
Jelly (A Narwhal and Jelly) VS Soundwave (Transformers)
Slenderman (Creepypasta) VS The Old One (Wizard 101)
Kran (The Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS "Turn The Lights Off" (Tally Hall)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS Frye (Splatoon)
Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Caribbean) VS Take Luka (Vocaloid)
Caelum (Anime Campaign) VS Jason Todd (DC Comics)
DJ Octavio (Splatoon) VS Callie (Splatoon)
Londo Mollari (Babylon 5) VS Fukami (Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea)
Geryuganshoop (One Punch Man) VS Onionsan (UNDERTALE)
Horrorterror (Homestuck) VS Hatchan (One Piece)
Kala Mer'ri (Monster High) VS Professor Inkling (Octonauts)
Blooper (Super Mario Franchise) VS HP Lovecraft (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Cthulhy Squele (Monster Girl Doctor) VS The Creature (Carrion)
Hermaeus Mora (The Elder Scrolls Series) VS Zoe (Monster Prom)
Shiver (Splatoon) VS Agent 4 (Splatoon)
Ebrietas (Bloodborne) VS Octokittens (The Mechanisms)
Ninomae Ina'nis (Hololive EN) VS Vel'Koz (League Of Legends)
Stephano (Reflection) VS Dharkon (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Dr. Octopus (Spiderman) VS Olivia Octavious (Spiderman)
Hastur (Identity V) VS Omeluum (Baldur's Gate 3)
Tentacruel (Pokemon) VS Lord Helix (Pokemon)
Nightmare Sans (The Underverse) VS Ultros (Final Fantasy)
Marina Ida (Splatoon) VS Agent 8 (Splatoon)
Squid Ink Cookie (Cookie Run) VS The Kracken (Mythology)
Ursula (The Little Mermaid) VS Killer Bee (Naruto)
Michiru Ichijou (Mieruko-Chan) VS Cthulhu (Lovecraft)
Weed (Transistor) VS Squid Girl (Squid Girl)
Octodad (Octodad) VS Paul (Children of Time Trilogy)
Mind Flayer (Magic: The Gathering) VS Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Venom (Venom) VS Eight Armed Willy (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack!)
Squidina (The Patrick Star Show) VS Tamaki Amajiki (My Hero Academia)
Nightmarionne (Five Nights at Freddy's) VS The Kraken (Atlantis)
Lady Luctopus (Psychonauts) VS Oswald the Octopus (Oswald the Octopus)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Nightvale) VS Khoshekh (Welcome To Nightvale)
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If I remember correctly you said that your favorite Naruto pairings are with Ino and Anko. Unless I remember it wrong (which I might have) what makes you like pairing them with Naruto? Especially more than some like Hinata and Sakura?
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Hmm. How to put this. I can appreciate the appeal of NaruHina, given what a nice girl Hinata is, always watching Naruto from afar and cheering him on. I'm not opposed to that dynamic, nor NaruSaku if Sakura improves as a character...
However, I'm one of those people that if a ship doesn't hit me in the feels, like with NagiKae (Assassination Classroom), or Naezono, I tend to gravitate towards... crackships. Why? 'Cause I like those female characters, whether it be their abilities or their personalities. In the case of Ino and Anko, it's both. Ino can use Mind Transfer Jutsu, which is unique, and she matures as the series progresses. Anko prefers a mix of traditional stealthy ninja arts and snakes, and she's a loveable sadistic psycho lady. What's not to love about the psycho? (❋•‿•❋) Ino and Anko both get forced to the background as the series progresses, and it's really just a shame. Of course you have central characters to any story, but I think it's possible for any garden variety fan to take a step back from the series and admit that as Shippuden progressed, Naruto and Sasuke were focused on way too much. Again, I appreciate they're important... But you can have important characters and still give moments for the others to shine. Shippuden just had less and less of those. Many, many side characters were sacrificed for "plot".
In terms of Hinata and Sakura... Well. I'll be as frank yet delicate as I can. Hinata's a lovely character, but I think one weakness of how they portray her is that she's hung up on Naruto. She cares for others, especially her team, but so much of her interest and focus is on... Naruto. And again, it's fine to have a most important person in your life, I'm not critiquing that. I only wish we were shown... more of her. Shown her grow out of this mindset where her father ruled much of her life, and she gains a sense of.. self. I dunno, feel free to disagree, that's just why I'm not over the moon for Hinata. She's cute, strong, cares a lot... It's just that with Naruto and Sasuke being a focus for much of Shippuden, Hinata doesn't get fleshed out like many characters deserve to be.
... And Sakura. Ugh... I'll restrain myself from a SakuSasu rant monologue, but seriously. Ships like SasuSaku and Jerza are a pain in the ass to watch and read. That's just me. Sakura had... potential, I suppose. Someone from a civilian family amongst a class of clan heirs. But... she endeavored to be a ninja, and then got caught up in a bratty rivalry with Ino as kids. Honestly? That was alright. That wasn't the worst possible thing. They were kids, and they wound up reconciling during the Chunin Exams. Unfortunately... On Sakura's side, her hatred of Ino and the reason for the rivalry was just so... shallow. Yes, they both swooned and fell hard for a boy, but at least Ino worked in her family's flower shop. At least Ino took training to be a ninja seriously. Sakura...? She was the one more obsessed with becoming a housewife and being strong for "Sasuke-kun". Her obsession with Sasuke drove her to treat Naruto and other rivals for Sasuke's heart like dirt, and it didn't feel like she made too much of an effort in reparations towards Naruto or Ino. They all just... sort of moved on, stayed friends, what have you. Even though Naruto wound up holding himself to a promise of dragging Sasuke back to Konoha, and Sakura really only cared about Sasuke coming back (and later she had a phase of, "I must kill Sasuke before he goes too dark!" and backpedaled on that). I get that she's a medic and she is strong in having Tsunade-level strength, it's just Sakura doesn't get many moments to shine, and much like Hinata her affection towards Sasuke regardless of what he does feels so... one-dimensional. At least to me. I want to be a passionate NaruSaku shipper. It's helluva lot healthier than SasuSaku, at least in how I've seen it portrayed. But man... it's hard to get behind NaruSaku when you sit through canon and stew over Sakura focusing on Sasuke so much. You can argue Naruto makes a good effort to convey his feelings for her through his actions, but from Sakura's side it's shallow or feels it needs to be cooked more. They're teammates, the dynamic should be there... But it just feels like Naruto's the third wheel along for the ride on Team 7. It sucks. XD
I'll end this long-winded rant by stressing that I don't hate NaruHina or NaruSaku. I'm aware of the rivalry between those two shipping fandoms, and I'm one of those fans that concedes the possible merits of both ships. ... But I do enjoy other female characters over them, hence it's more fun for me to dabble in NaruIno, NaruAnko, NaruTayuya, NaruKurotsuchi, NaruSamui, NaruShizune, NaruAyame... Hell, I'm open to NaruGuren and NaruMikoto. I've read some good NaruMikoto time travel fics, and I have ways of enjoying these ships with older girls that keep these ships from edging into pedophile territory. In the case of these crackships, I'm not basing them off of any canon hints of romance. I create the connections myself and let the imagination fly~ That's just who I am. (❋•‿•❋)
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Credit to @shinobisage09 for the card! :3
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thesoundofmadness · 1 month
HIIIIIIIiiiiii it’s @mrfartpowered I just need you to know that ur band au is literally eating my brain. It lives in there, dude. It’s like a second canon to me 😭😭 the angst is SOOOOOO so so tasty I’m actually such a fiend for the tension and drama……and giving levander the role size he deserves ?? CHERRY ON TOP (chefs kiss) if u ever wanted to talk more abt that I would looooove love love to hear :3333
omg thank you im glad you like it so much <3 i have so many ideas for the band au that makes no sense to anyone but me
speaking of nonsense that makes sense to no one but me, do you want some randyverse ideas i have? here's some ideas. human nomicon my beloved putting this under a read more. i've been thinking about this again
I have a lot of thoughts about the ninja nomicon during all this
So there's 4 different nomicons. OG Nomicon, which OG Randy has. Band Nomicon, which is with the band ninja. Swap Nomicon, which is being evil in the swap au. and guide nomicon, which is with the guide ninja in the guide au.
Band Nomicon has all of Band Randy's memories, though it and the band Ninja are completely irrealvant. They don't show up at all. Guide Randy suggested that they don't get the band ninja involved in this whole multiverse thing because. what are they gonna do about it?
Swap Nomicon probably ends up teaming up with evil juilan to destroy everything
OG Nomicon has. absolutely 0 goddamn clue what's going on. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It's struggling Hard to comprehend that there's alternate universes.
It... doesn't really trust Guide Randy, thanks to what happened with Mac Antfee. Probably tries to mind wipe him every time he goes inside it.
Levander had no clue about the ninja nomicon, so when he sees OG Randy go into the nomicon for the first time, he thought he died.
i have a more specfic idea for guide au nomicon. here it is
So, guide au. a stanking happens, guide randy and the ninja go to investigate it, guide randy falls into the multiverse
While he's stuck in the band au, the Ninja and the Nomicon have. NO goddamn clue where he went. As far as they know, he's not in the realm of shadows, but he's alive.
They... really don't know what to do about it. the Ninja can't go after him if they don't know where he went. the Nomicon has NEVER had a student just. outright disappear before. It's had students do stupid stuff, get hurt, mind wipe, etc but never just disappear.
The ninja does try looking for him around Norrisvile, thinking the portal might have been like, a portal from the video game portal. but no dice.
Well, they can't just let Randy lose his job as a teacher. So, Ninja suggests to the Nomicon maybe making some kind of clone of him to pose as him until he comes back.
NomiRandy is. NOT down for it. outright tells the ninja to fuck off at even suggesting such a thing.
Ninja turns to the Nomicon and is like, "maybe you can pose as Mr. Cunningham until he comes back? I mean, if you can give Nomirandy a body, maybe you can give yourself one?"
Nomicon is... hesitant to do so, but it ultimately agrees to act as Randy. It shapeshifts itself to look like him using the art of disguise.
The thing is, Nomicon is a book. It doesn't understand human stuff very well, despite being filled of memories from humans. 14-18 year old humans.
Nomicon essentially just. gets into a bunch of trouble and pins it onto Randy's name. Payback for all the stupid shit he did as the ninja.
At school, the Nomicon tries to follow the Ninja around, but it's like Ninja: No, Nomicon you gotta stay in Mr. Cunningham's classroom. You can't follow me everywhere. Nomicon: ?????? But you're the ninja?? I have to stay with you. It's my duty to teach you the ways of the ninja. Ninja: I know, but no one else knows that. I know you're the nomicon. but right now, everyone thinks you're Mr. Cunningham. Nomicon: But... I have to stay with you. Ninja: I know but... look, just stay in his classroom until school's over. I'll be back as soon as I can. Nomicon:... What am I meant to do? I-I've never done this before... Ninja: uh... I don't know. Do what teachers do. Maybe grade some papers? Nomicon's angrily sitting at Randy's desk, getting anxious like it's husband just went off to fight the war when the Ninja is 3 classrooms away.
Randy's known as one of the cooler teachers at the school. He lets students skip in his class as long as their work is done in whatever class their skipping, doesn't give out homework, and is just chill overall. One student reguarly skips in his class, and they try to tease the nomicon.
Student: Come on, Sensei, aren't I you're favorite student?
Nomicon:.... you're not the ninja
Student: HUH
Nomicon acts stand-off-ish around the other teachers, which is weird bc Randy's usually friendly and respectful to everyone. It asks one student what it's supposed to be teaching, (randy teaches either japanese, english, or art. entirely depends what i feel that day), doesn't take attendance, and just acts strange all around.
Instead of teaching anything actually useful, Nomicon teaches the regular students some wild shit, like how to make a smokebomb or how to build a boobytrap. The students are absolutely down for it, the rest of the staff... not as much.
Word eventually gets around to the Principal of 'Randy's' weird behavior. the Principal is another OC of mine. He took over after Slimovtiz retires and is friends with Randy. Principal relies on him to deal with all the weird shit around the school, and they hang out after work sometimes. Dude has NO clue Randy's working with the Ninja, tho.
Principal: So I've been hearing some, rather concerning stuff about you these past few days. You haven't been as friendly with the rest of the staff, you haven't been teaching the curriculum, and I'm sure you know the rest. Now, I know you're not exactly the most strict teacher but... is everything okay? Nomicon: uhhhh yep!! Everything is fine!! I'm totally not an 800 year old book posing as my previous student who randomly disappeared and possibly died!! Nope, not at all!1 Principal:.... what -
Principal: I... hate to ask this, but I have to, just to be safe. You're not on any substances, are you? Nomicon:... What do you mean by substances?
Principal: Drugs or alcohol or anything of the sort. You've said before you don't take anything, but I just need to be sure. Nomicon: Oh I'm on all of the drugs *among us sus sound*
Nomicon's trying to act like randy based off of it's 14-18 year old memory of him. It's not going well. only reason he's not fired is because the principal doesn't tell the school board about it.
Guide Howard has, no clue about any of this. Before he disappeared into the multiverse, Guide Randy told him he had a work thing to take care of.
Howard tries to reach out to him. He tries texting and calling, no response. He goes over to Randy's house, he's not there. He goes to the school, only to find the Nomicon.
Nomicon... doesn't recongize him at first. While the nomicon sees Randy almost daily, it hasn't actually seen Howard since graduation.
Howard: dude where have you been? I've been looking for you EVERYWHERE Nomicon, leaning over to the Ninja: who is that
Nomicon tries to keep up the act for a bit, but Howard sees through it almost immediately. Ninja tells him what happened, and Howard is PISSED.
"Are you serious? He told me he had a work thing! *long, deep sigh* goddammit, Randy..."
Guide Howard is worried sick like a mom watching their kid go to college, while Guide Randy is totally fine, trying to learn how to dance in place of band randy while band randy is MIA.
I imagine the guide bros also have some drama to them. Howard's supportive of Randy still sticking with the ninja, but Randy pushes him away because he doesn't want him to get hurt, and doesn't want to be a burden on him. may or may not lead guide randy being corrupted later. who knows
i have thought about this. too much
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Mr Evershed x Daughter!reader - the blame is yours
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Part two:
They had to add s few stitches to the back of your head, and run a few tests on you but soon enough you were given the all clear.
“She’ll wake up shortly, she will have to come back in a week so we can have a look at her head, but we’ll arrange an appointment with the outpatient facility.” The doctor explained.
“But she’s okay?” Mr Evershed asked.
“She’s alright, you can sit with her but it could take a few hours for her to wake up.”
Your dad nodded and relayed the information to Gaynor, they were allowed a short visit but weren’t allowed to stay.
So they went home, Mr Evershed cleaned everything up while his wife put the other children to bed and while she fell asleep he found it hard.
So he never slept, and he was exhausted the following morning, but as soon as he could, he went to the hospital to check on your before going to work.
When you woke up, you immediately began to panic again until you saw your stepmum walking back into the room.
“Oh thank heavens.”
She set the cut down and she walked over, carefully taking your face in her hands as he looked you over.
“Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
“I.. I think I’m okay…”
She nodded her head and sat on the edge of the bed holding your hand.
“What happened?”
“I… I tripped…”
She nodded and explained to you the police may want to talk to you but not right now, and you just nodded your head a little bit.
“Good news is you’re being discharged in an hour, they just want to make sure you’re alright first.”
You nodded again.
“Can I.. go to school…?”
“To see your dad?”
“Of course you can, we’ll take you home first to get you changed, and then we’ll go round to the school.”
You nodded and you waited anxiously for that time to come.
They did a few smaller tests to make sure everything was alright, and Gaynor took you home, and she held you carefully wash your hair, getting the dried blood out, then left you to change.
Your dad walked into his lesson and was immediately bombarded by questions.
“Did you catch them?”
“No, you want to know why? They were ninjas, skilled in scaring little girls, and sending teenagers to hospital.”
“What happened sir?” Candice asked.
“(Y/N) hit her head and she was knocked out, she’s currently in hospital and had to have a few stitches, now if we can carry on with the lesson please? Thank you.”
The students mumbled to themselves but settled down.
When you were ready you walked back down the stairs and Gaynor gave you some food to put in your bag before taking you to the car.
As she pulled up in front of the school she looked at you.
“Are you sure you want to be here?”
“Y..yeah… I have to see dad..”
“Alright, if you’re sure. Come on.”
Gaynor spoke to someone before turning around to face you, giving you a small nod of her head.
“Go on, they said he’s teaching a lesson right now. You’ll call me if you change your mind right?”
You thanked her for dropping you off, and you made your way to your dads classroom, thankful for the empty hallways which made it easier.
As you were walking down the final hallway the bell went and students came flooding out, and you were carefully to avoid them.
Standing by the door, you quietly waited, and when you saw your friend come out you looked at her.
“S..Sam…” you whispered.
She looked at you and shook her head as she ran away and you frowned a little bit.
Deciding to give her space, you instead walked into the classroom and your dad looked up from what he was doing.
“(Y/N)? Why are you here? Why are you out of hospital?”
He rushed over and quickly and very carefully hugged you, mindful of your head, and you gave him a rundown of everything you were told.
“I don’t think you should be here.”
“I’m fine..”
“But you should take a few days off at least, just in case.”
You sighed a little bit.
“Just… just for today…” you mumbled.
Mr Evershed frowned, but he didn’t want to argue with you or upset you, so he nodded in agreement.
“Alright sweetheart, we’ll talk about it at home alright?”
You nodded.
He pulled away and looked at you.
“You still look rather pale though, and a little out of it.”
“Dad they wouldn’t have let me go if I wasn’t fine..”
“I know. I know. But I’m worried, what if you’re not?”
He sighed and raised his hands.
“Okay. Okay.”
He still seemed unsure, and decided you were going to have lunch with him in his classroom just so he could keep an eye on you before form.
And you were happy to eat with him, thankful of the silence you would get by eating away from all of the other students.
After lunch you were getting ready to head to your form and your dad stopped you.
“Hey, are you really sure you want to be here?”
You nodded your head and your dad smiled at you, kissing the top of your head.
“Alright go on before you’re late.”
You made your way to your dorm room, and as you were walking there you were growing very aware of the pounding in your head, and feeling nauseous.
Sitting down, you rubbed your temples a little trying to clear the very fast growing headache.
“Hey, you alright?” Sam asked.
“Yeah.. headache..”
“You can go home you know, I’m sure nobody would mind.” Nas said.
You shook your head at her and rested your head in your arms on the table.
“I’m fine…”
They shared a look and Nas placed her hand on your back, rubbing it a little bit.
“You’re not fine, you should really go home.” She said.
You weakly shook your head and sat up again, taking a small breath.
You all turned to the front of the class as your teacher walked in and began taking the registration to make sure everybody was in.
And you were just trying to focus on anything but your head, but it was getting worse by the second and the pain was becoming unbearable.
“(Y/N)?” Sam whispered.
She watched as you just seemed to give up fighting it, and your body slumped to the side, and Nas and Sam barely managed to catch you before you hit the floor.
“Everybody hallway now!” The teacher ordered.
Mr Hyatt rushed over to you and the two girls looked down at you in worry.
“Nasreen call an ambulance, Sam get someone to run to Mrs Carter, and then get Mr Evershed.”
Sam immediately nodded and did what she was told, she watched a student run down the hallway and she ran to your dads classroom, regret filling her.
She tossed the door opened and looked around.
“It’s (Y/N) sir!”
He immediately ran after her and back to the classroom and dropped by your side, taking your hand in his as he looked at you.
“What happened?” He rushed out.
“She said it was a headache then she just passed out!” Sam panicked.
“Right, you two our now, come on.”
Mr Hyatt led them outside and told the students to go to the canteen.
And for the second time in less than 24 hours you were rushed away to the hospital and your dad was right behind you in his car.
And he waited anxiously in the waiting room for what felt like years until someone approached him.
“We’d like to on run some more tests with your permission. But it means we would have to keep her in overnight.” The doctor explained.
“That’s fine do whatever you need to do please, I just want to know she’s alright.”
“You’ll have to sign a few forms, but we can do that a little later. I’ll take you to her now.”
Your dad was led over to where you were laid in bed looking pale, and connected to a few machines and he walked over, taking your hand in his.
You moved your eyes to him and he smiled softly.
He placed his other hand on your head and leant down to kiss your forehead.
“You’re going to being alright, okay?”
You nodded weakly and he stayed with you until visiting hours were over, and he returned even angrier about the break in then he was.
While he was catching up on some things, the door went and his wife went to answer it.
And after a minute he walked over.
She stopped to looking at him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I shouldn’t have come.”
“Come inside its freezing.”
She looked at him a little conflicted.
“Come on.”
He walked inside and she followed him, and he sat her down and stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
“It was you in my house, wasn’t it?” He asked.
Sam said nothing.
“Wasn’t it?” He said a little sterner.
He took a small breath.
“Do you have any idea what it feels like to be scared in your own home? Do you know what it feels like to wake up to find a stranger in your house where your children are sleeping? Do you know what that feels like Sam?!”
Sam began to tear up and your dad took a deep breath as he looked at her.
“Do you know what it feels like to have your daughter in hospital because of what one of the intruders did or said to her? Not knowing what’s going to happen to her!?”
Sam cried even more.
“Im sorry. Im sorry, I’m not blaming you it’s not your fault.”
Mr Evershed sat next to her.
“It’s just… it’s unfair what your mother is doing to you.”
Sam carried in crying and Mr Evershed felt his parental instincts kick in, it was almost like he was sat watching you cry your eyes out.
He put his arm around her.
“Come here, come here.” He said.
She sniffled a little.
“Listen to me, you have got nothing to be scared of alright? I’m just so relieved you’ve finally told me what’s been going on.”
“I’m sorry…”
Mr Evershed smiled a little.
“I know you are. It’s okay, you.. it’s not your fault. Listen to me, it’s not your fault. Alright?”
Sam looked at him.
“Are you gonna go to the police?”
“I’m not going to do anything that makes you unhappy alright? But if you feel it’s right..”
“I’m don’t know if I I know what’s right anymore!”
“Listen to me you do, you do, because you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.”
Sam nodded a little.
“Yeah… it’s down to me isn’t it… yeah…”
She took a small breath.
“I.. I didn’t mean for (Y/N) to get hurt…”
“I know, I know you wouldn’t hurt her or anybody alright? But you have to tell her who was here that night sam.”
“I.. I don’t know if I can…”
With that, Sam quickly left.
Your family, Sam and Nas all came to visit you over to two weeks you had to stay in the hospital, and it was deemed that your last black out wasn’t due to the accident.
So you were allowed to return to home, and after another week you were allowed to return to school.
But Sam and your dad had both been acting strange, and you were scared maybe you had done something wrong, so you went to confront your dad first.
Making your way to his classroom you stopped just outside the door and pushed it open and stopped when you saw Sam in there too.
They didn’t seem to noticed. You.
“Sam you have to tell her, she’s going to realise eventually.” Your dad sighed.
“I.. I don’t know what to say..”
“Just explained to her everything that happened. Your mother put you up to it, you didn’t know it was our house and you never meant for her to get hurt.”
You stared at her in shock, and you slowly took a step back and they both heard the door creak.
You cut your dad off by quickly leaving, ignoring him calling your name.
You rushed to the toilets and hid inside one of the stalls and you called your Gaynor to come pick you up, saying you weren’t feeling well.
You never left the stall until she messaged she was in reception, and you rushed your way there and past her and your dad and straight to the car.
When she got in you looked at her.
“D..did you know..?”
“I knew Sam came to the house, but I didn’t know it was her, not until just now when Martin explained it all.”
You nodded.
She took you home and you sat on the sofa doing some homework with her help when your dad came in and he sighed, looking at you.
“(Y/N) let’s talk about this, please?”
You stood up and walked away from him up to your room and he turned to his wife for help.
“What did you expect her to do? Accept it? That man has terrified her Martin, and you knew who was responsible.”
“I know.. I know I just…”
Your dad sighed, running a hand down his face.
At dinner you carried on ignoring him, and the following morning you walked to school by yourself.
You did stop to talk to Nas, but when she asked you to speak to Sam you walked away.
Sam tried to message you, begging you to let her explain, and she tried to talk to you in lessons and in the hallways.
Your dad tried to talk to you when you passed him, but you wouldn’t speak to anybody.
When you felt anxious you simply just left the school all together and it was starting to impact your grades and your attendance.
And this went on for nearly two weeks, until due to the streets of avoiding your dad and Sam, you fainted again in the living room.
And after a quick hospital trip, and some more tests you were sent home again.
“Her fainting is linked to her anxiety, if it peaks, she’ll faint.” Gaynor explained.
“I can’t believe she didn’t want me to wait…”
“Of course she didn’t Martin, she’s hurting and she’s upset. Not only did you know, but Sam knew and carried on being friends without telling her.”
Mr Evershed nodded his head a little bit.
“Is she home?”
“She’s upstairs.”
He nodded and made his way up, gently knocking on your open door, and when you saw it was him you turned your back to him and stared at the wall.
“(Y/N) I’m sorry, I really am. I only found out it was sam and someone she knew while you were in the hospital. Her mother put her up to it, and I know that doesn’t excuse anything, but she really is sorry and worried about you.”
You said nothing and he sighed.
Walking in, he sat on your bed and looked at his hands.
“I know I should have told you, but I wanted to give Sam a chance to explain it all first. I didn’t want to be risk ruining your new friendship at this school, you were already struggling a lot and I didn’t want to add anymore to that.”
“You should have told me…”
“I know, I know and I’m sorry. Okay? If I could make it up to you I would.”
You rolled over and looked at him.
“Please sweetheart, you’ve been ignoring me for two weeks now, I don’t think I can handle you ignoring me for any longer.”
You sighed and sat up as well, sitting next to him.
“Tell me everything…”
“Of course.”
So he did, he told you everything that had happened, everything he knew and what he was told by Sam and you nodded your head.
“Am I forgiven?”
You glanced at him and looked away.
“I guess…”
He smiled a little bit and turned to face you, holding his arms out to you.
“Does that mean I can have a hug?”
You looked at him and nodded, letting yourself fall into him and he wrapped his arms around you with a soft sigh.
Your phone rang again and your dad looked at the screen.
“It’s Sam.”
You picked up your phone and hung up.
“Sweetheart you have to talk to her.”
“I.. I don’t know if I can anymore..”
You sat up and looked at your dad.
“S..she knew.. I.. I don’t know if I can be her friend…”
Your dad sighed and nodded his head, knowing that the end of the day it was your choice, but he hoped you would at least talk to her for both of your sakes
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perceivedregret · 2 years
the stranger things brainrot got me to write something. it's been plaguing my mind, the worms demanded to be fed, and here we are. anyway, this is mostly for me but i figure might as well share the brainrot with anyone who'd be interested. no beta, a no-upside down au, inspired by that fanart of teacher!steve with some tweaks here and there
Extended Hours are Open
these fragile eggs will likely crack unless you pick another track
"Wheeler, Byers! For the last time- no no no no!"
All Steve could do was pinch the bridge of his nose as the now full blown headache officially bloomed behind his eyes. The crash of his now obliterated mug of coffee rang throughout the classroom, small gasps and ooo's filling every corner.
Steve's shoulders rise as he takes a deep breath in, counting to five before blowing out a raspberry and settling his hands on his hips. Head falling back, his eyes scan the ceiling in an attempt to find his last shred of patience– surely it was somewhere within the water stains.
"Guys how many times do I have to tell you, no lightsaber battles during quiet time ."  He mutters before a long sigh escapes him. He surveys the mess on the floor before finally looking at the guilty parties. Mike and Will were standing stock still in the positions they froze in when the mug went tumbling down. The markers, which were capped and stacked together to make their sabers, are now scattered and still rolling around the floor and through the spilled drink.
Steve straightens his back, eyes wandering over to the rest of the kids who at least understood and respected direction. They quickly avert their eyes and return to their after-school work, not wanting to be under Steve’s scrutinizing gaze that sweeps the room. At one of the tables, Lucas and Dustin had their heads together, snickering amongst themselves with fingers pointed back at the no-do-gooders.
Mike and Will lower their hands, releasing themselves from battle stance. Will’s hand comes up to brush his hair back before settling on the back of his neck while Mike sheepishly hides his hands and the culprit markers behind himself as his lips pull together into a tight line.
“Seriously guys, all we ask is that you take the first thirty minutes here to make sure your homework is done, make sure that you’re prepared for any tests or upcoming assignments, like-” Steve shakes his head, eyes searching for something to start cleaning up the mess. “It's the same rules as last year.”
Mike rolls his eyes, a scowl spreading across his face. “Steve, it’s only the second week of school. We’re still going over syllabus notes. And we’re seventh graders now ! We don’t even have that much-”
“And today is the first day of Extended Hours, Wheeler. We don't have that many rules but right now, all we asked for was thirty minutes of silence for the kids who do have some work to do, to be able to complete it without distractions. There’s twelve of you rugrats in here, not just you two-”
"We can clean this up," Will interrupts, eyes wandering over to the small supply closet in the corner of the room. “We’re sorry.” He throws his arm out, back of his hand tapping Mike’s chest to get them in motion.
Steve was starting to wish he had just applied to Family Video after graduating. He had just made it, the skin of his knees dragging across the finish line towards that diploma. He doesn’t remember the night of the graduation party, only the morning after when he had to stealthily escape the grasps of Taila the morning after. “I’m like a ninja,” he had exclaimed to Robin during lunch at the local diner that afternoon. A fry immediately hit him square in the face, her face scrunched in disgust.
But no, instead of getting to relax and kick back, peddle films for folks to rent, he agreed to take on Extended Hours, again. Robin really wanted to give it a go for another year. Steve couldn’t say no, even if the only reason she could give him was “for reasons!”
They had developed a completely (un)healthy codependency ever since they found that confiscated bag of gummies from Miss Lowers desk last year. Honestly though, how were they supposed to know it was infused?
That afternoon, Robin and Steve purged themselves of their deepest secrets. How Robin looked at Tammy, how she watched Fast Time over and over again but not because of the plot. How Vicki made her stomach writhe with butterflies just because she looked at her and would smile at her in band. How she doesn’t see that white picket fence with some guy by her side, but instead with someone that looked like Tammy or Vicki.
Steve talked about his empty home, his absent parents, how the girls he tried to date were all duds. How he stopped trying to find “the one” with every single age-appropriate babe in town and just let his body do what it wanted. How his eyes started to wander and suddenly he wasn’t only looking at girls like that. How he used to be jealous of the relationship Tommy and Carol had, except, it wasn't because they were happy together, but because Steve wanted Tommy to look at him the way he looked at Carol sometimes….
It didn’t need to be said, but it was understood as they slowly came down that they would never divulge what the other said, but most importantly, that they would be there for each other, always. They stayed together, eyes locked on each other, weary of the other until their understanding finally clicked and eventually Steve asked if she noticed that when Tammy sang she sounded like a Muppet, and that was that.
They have been attached at the hip ever since. They ignored the rumors but dispelled them any time they came up. It was difficult for folks to stomach, to fathom that they were simply platonic– nothing more.
The door to the classroom that had been partially open with a rubber stopper bustles open, Robin charging in. "Steve, I found the- what the heck happened here?" Her smile melted as her eyes wandered between Steve, the boys now scurrying over to the corner, and the coffee that continued to creep across the floor. She eyes the scattered markers, eyebrows knitting together as an annoyed whine escapes her lips. "Guys, what did we say about-"
"We know, we know! We're on it, alright, we're sorry.” Mike exasperates, head tilted all the way back as he follows Will who’s now rushing over to the supply closet, swinging the door open to find anything to clean the mess.
Robin approaches the small desk that Steve is leaning against, arms crossed against his chest. Tip-toeing as she nears the spill, she drops the box of books and card games with a small smile. She’d gone out looking for some stuff that the kids requested to have in the class, things to keep themselves occupied after quiet time.
The requests that had left Steve to fend for himself.
“Can we please please please get some more books in.” Suzie had pleaded, hands together in prayer at her chest. She turned to poor unsuspecting Jamie, grabbing their arm and roping them in for a request they didn't ask for. “Some medieval adventure story, maybe. Or how about an alien space adventure! Or, or, how about something to do with forbidden romance-”  
“Ooo, can we get some Uno cards? Will and I had so much fun playing in Dad’s cabin with Jonathan and Argyle this summer,” Jane interrupted as she scooted close to the end of her seat, eyes wide and hopeful.
“HOLD ON!” Dustin rushed forward, had his arms out wide as his eyebrows tried to escape into his hairline behind his ball cap.  “There’s a new campaign that was just published. Mr. Clarke found it and said he would print it out so that we could take a look but we haven’t had the chance to visit his class since to get the copy!” Dustin was adamant that it had to be picked up today, right now– not later, not tomorrow, now! by the way.
A few more requests from the rest of the kids and Steve’s eyes were starting to glaze over, brows together as he tried keeping up with the growing list. Robin nodded along with every request until they finally stopped coming in. She had tapped her chin with her pointer finger, deep in thought before saying okay. She had turned to leave without consulting Steve.
“Rob,” he scoffed as he grabbed her elbow before she made her escape. “There’s, like, that five-to-one rule! You can’t leave me alone with these kids, I’m outnumbered here.” Steve was watching the class wearily as they settled into their seats to start quiet time.
“It’ll be fine Harrington, I won’t even be gone two minutes. And I’m pretty sure Principle Murray said the rule is seven-to-one, Dingus. I’ll be right back.” As she spun on her heels, she yelled back “and no lightsaber marker battles!”  before marching right out on her quest.
“Right back” was 14 minutes ago. Steve knows because he was counting down the seconds.
Four minutes after I’ll be right back, Erica had asked Steve for some help with an assignment for English. He crouched beside her as she squirmed in her seat to get a closer look. Across the top of the page in bold print was My Summer Vacation in 100 words or More. He was helping her choose which summer adventure to write about when his eyes caught movement outside the window. He ignored it and gave Erica his full attention.
Seven minutes after I’ll be right back , he had convinced Erica to write about the trip she and the rest of the Sinclairs went on– that pop-up carnival that wandered through Hawkins some time in mid-June.
It was alright. He personally had gone there with Robin and it would have been a more enjoyable experience if it weren’t for all the creepy clowns at every single stand. They ended up finding Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle at some point and enjoyed the rest of that night together as a group of friends.
Nine minutes after I’ll be right back and Steve let curiosity of the movement from the window win him over as he wandered over to take a peak. A scoff had escaped his lips as he parted the hanging louvers to get a clearer look at the figures he had spotted across the courtyard. 
Ten minutes after I’ll be right back and there she stood.
Robin was in the courtyard talking to Nancy, the box of requests settled casually against her hip as they laughed amongst themselves over some unheard joke. Nancy had stepped forward, hand settled against Robin’s arm that carried Steve’s reprieve as she threw her head back and laughed harder, Robin hiding her smile behind the hand that wasn't occupied.
Okay, first of all, Robin isn’t even that funny, okay. Steve had thought to himself as he leaned closer to the window, breath fogging the glass. Alright, and wait.. is Nancy making a move…  I know Robin developed a crush after the carnival and those two were inseparable all summer when we weren’t together and- wait, who cares right now, Robin! There are kids waiting for you here, man! Me, I’m waiting !
Steve had dropped his head, eyes closed and despair hidden behind his fallen hair as he stepped away from the window, resolved to the fact it was going to be a while before Robin got back.
It was at minute eleven when Steve had made his first warning to Mike and Will. Stop stacking those markers and keep quiet please. He went over to the coffee machine (thank you Ms. Byers, by the way) and started to make a batch as the inkling of a headache started at his temples.
A few minutes later, a few more ignored warnings, the crashing of the coffee mug– bing bang boom, we’re all caught up.
Will retreated from the supply closet, a bundle of towels in hand while Mike carried a small bucket over to the sink to fill with water. As they start cleaning up the mess, Steve elbows Robin, her eyes blinking as she shakes her head to clear her daze and turns to him.
“Two minutes, huh,” he accuses as he unfolds his arms, turning to inspect the box of goods. Just about every request he could remember, up to the forbidden romance . “How’s Nance doing with the school newspaper by the way.”
Eyes wide and a smile wide enough to crack anyone else’s face spreads across her own, and Robin starts. “Oh she’s so excited, she was telling me about this story she was going to cover with Fred about those dumb satanic rumors the country is trying to associate with DnD. She’s got interviews lined up, she mentioned someone named Eddie. Do you know him? Munson, he’s older and was supposed to graduate with you, something about dyslexia and attendance or whatever keeping him back a year. No, two. He’s still enrolled, just has to take a few elective courses to finish out the year. Apparently he’s covering most of it at home, just shows up to take tests every once in a while. He’s actually pretty smart- just not good with school. He’s, what do they say? That’s it! Street smart, he’s street smart, not book smart. Oh, and did you know he sometimes makes campaign outlines for the boys? That he ran that Hellfire Club the kids are a part of here in school? Anyways, since Mike and them are all absolute dorks, she wants to get a message across the school about how it’s absolutely not true and to get their heads out of their asses. You know, she gets this passionate look on her face every time she–” Robin suddenly stops rambling, the smile slipping off her face as a flush rises up her neck all the way up to the tips of her ears.
A nervous laugh bubbles from her lips. “Nancy is fine,” she mutters as she scratches at a spot on her neck, red slowly creeping across her cheeks.
Before she could start to overthink, Steve breaks into a wide smile, playfully shoving his best friend to get her attention before grabbing her into a sideways hug. “Rob, it’s fine. She and I– we talked about it and we both agreed that we would be better as friends. You were literally there that night. You know, the night of the carnival? Don’t sweat it,” he whispers so only she can hear, pulling her in to give a reassuring squeeze before letting her go.
She shakes her head, eyebrows pulling close together. “But Steve, there are, like, codes we follow. You’re my best friend. How did you even know- wait, how long have you known?” Another rough shake of her head. “That’s not important- well, it is, but still, you don’t have to say that just to-”
“ Shh! Buckley! I said it’s fine.” He waves her off with a laugh. Did she just stop breathing? “Besides, we shouldn’t talk about this here. Just hear me when I say this.” He turns her so they’re fully facing each other, lowering his head so that they’re at eye level. “It. Is. Fine. Now, please breathe.”
Robin inhales the breathe she had refused to take and stands there, nose scrunching as a wince takes over her whole face, “But-”
Steve takes a peak at the clock hanging above the door of the classroom. Seven minutes left until quiet time is over.
Good enough .
He claps his hands together loudly to get her to stop before she even starts rambling again, getting the class’s attention before spinning around to look at the startled eyes.
“Alright! I say we call it early, we grab all of our belongings, and take Extended Hours outside! Come on, let’s get some sun.” He waves his arms to signal everyone to start moving, ignoring Robin’s attempts to catch his attention by grabbing the box of requests and making his way to the classroom door, propping it open with his shoulder while the kids gather their belongings and get themselves ready to move. Will and Mike scramble to get the bucket and towels rung out and the markers put away to follow everyone outside.
Robin points at Steve, gives him a we’re going to talk about this later look before rolling her eyes and using the finger she had pointed at him to start counting the kids.
“One! Two.. five, eight,” Steve taps Jane’s head as he says “Eleven, and twelve,” he exclaims, holding the door for Robin to follow the line of kids outside to the courtyard. She runs ahead, the lead of the train to keep the kids in order while Steve keeps an eye from the back, letting the classroom door swing shut behind him.
Steve is snooping through the box to get a better look at the contents at the bottom as they’re rounding a corner when he runs into a body. No, when he runs into two bodies.
“Oh shi- I’m so sorry, I should have been paying attention,” Steve apologizes while he re-centers himself, settles the box to his side and brushes his hair back before he looks up at the offended parties who stood side by side, pinkies interlocked. He recognizes them both but is only familiar with–
“Holy shit, is that Max.”
“ Lucas! ” Robin spins at the curse. “What did we say about language!”
“Sorry! It’s just, we haven’t seen Max since last year and she had been out all of last week. We just didn’t think we’d see her again.”
“Yeah, we thought she went back to California or something.” Dustin mutters. Lucas sheepishly smiles at Max before cutting his eyes to Dustin and then immediately to the floor. Jane waves excitedly in the line to Max, who half smiles from where she stands.
The line is no longer moving, at a stand still in the middle of the hall as the sudden interaction takes place.
Max was part of Extended Hours the year before when she and Billy were both enrolled at Hawkins Middle and High. He would often leave without her, blue Camaro roaring away with whoever Billy was fooling around with that week and, without a ride, she stuck around and was a part of the party.
Things got rocky towards the end of the year. From what Steve understood, their parents were going through the process of divorce and it was really hard for the both of them. Billy ended up dropping out in the middle of the semester, got his GED, went straight back to Cali and, from what they all understood, he never looked back.
After Billy left, things got worse for Max. The smallest things would set her off and she slowly pushed everyone away, Walkman blocking out the noise as she kept to herself more and more. Robin, Steve, Nancy- they tried to do what they could but she was a brick wall that refused to crumble. She stopped showing up to Extended Hours and would just skate home after school. She finished up the school year and, as Lucas said, hadn’t been seen or heard of since.
“Hey, Eddie. Max.” Mike looks between everyone, a small wave of his hand from where it hangs at his hips before he takes a small step back, a bit behind Will. Eddie smiles and nods in recognition as he winks at the kids who he’s helped campaign for.
Steve clears his throat, extends his hand in apology and exhales as Eddie takes his hand with a smile, other hand still interlocked at the pinkies with Max’s. “Sorry, again. Munson, Max- what brings you two to school after hours?” Steve stares between the two because, well, it’s an odd pairing to be running into if he’s honest. How did she know Eddie? How did Eddie know her and why were they here together?
Weird pairing. Not that Eddie was weird. Well, okay, he was “the freak” Munson, but Steve “the king” knew better than to listen to rumors, especially the outlandish ones.
The man before Steve didn’t exactly meet those rumored expectations. Eddie’s usually wild mane was currently up in a do, in a loose low hanging bun with wisps framing his face. He wore a white long-sleeve shirt that read “Skylar’s Vibe,” which Steve recognized as the music shop in town. He had on a sleeveless jean jacket that was covered in pins and patches, with one larger patch proudly present on his front left pocket– Hellfire Club.
Steve’s eyes traveled back down to the interlocked pinkies. His nails are painted with black nail polish, chipped, and a digital watch on one wrist and an assortment of black wrist bands on the other. Tight, ripped black jeans hugged his legs. He’s pale between the slits, he notes.
He looked back at Eddie’s face, smiling between the two again. No way this dude bit off a bat’s head. Might have sold some kids some weed, but definitely has never been to prison for murder. Soft doe eyes like that? This guy was innocent in Steve’s books.
Although that mouth, lips pursed in a smirk before a tongue sneaks out to wet his lips– that mouth surely has its secrets. Maybe that one rumor about-
“I’m just dropping Max off for Extended Hours. I know she didn’t make it for classes all week and wasn’t in today but we figured better late than never.” Eddie interrupted Steve’s train of thought and, thank god because where exactly was the destination?
“Oh, that’s nice of you Munson,” Robin exclaims from the front of the line as she extends a hand out for Max. “We were just going to go outside, get some sun. Just got done with Quiet Time, about to go through that box,” she tips her chin in Steve’s direction. “Now that Max is here, we could all catch up! I know we’ve all missed you.” She directs that last part to Max, who sheepishly bows her head as a smile threatens to break her cool composure.
Max looks at the hand that’s interlocked with Eddie’s, gives his pinky a squeeze as she looks up at him. He gives her an encouraging nod, pulling their interlocked arms forward so she can take steps towards Robin’s extended hand, breaking their connection.
A deep breath fills her small body as Max takes a step forward and takes Robin's hand, nodding at everyone as she passes them. “I guess I’ve missed being here with you guys, too.” She nods, as if to herself, seemingly trying to convince herself as Robin begins moving the group of kids past the double doors that lead to the courtyard.
Steve doesn’t move with them, just watches the group go outside, sees the way Lucas and Jane have a sudden extra pep in their step as they follow Robin and Max with the others.
“Anyways, I’ll be back to pick her up– is the pick up time still five?” Eddie taps Steve’s arm with the back of his hand before using that same hand to point behind him. “I just, I gotta get back to work, finish out my shift.” Eddie starts to walk backwards, eyes on Steve as he slowly makes his way back down the hallway to get to the parking lot, waiting for a response.
“Huh- Oh, yeah, the pick up time is at five or anytime before, but I sometimes take the kids home if parents call me ahead of time for the favor. They usually compensate me for the gas-” Steve shakes his head. “But, wait, before you go! How do you know Max? Where’s her mom?” Steve re-adjusts the box, the weight finally getting to him as he’s been holding it for so long. He rests it against his hip, his other hand going to the back of his neck to scratch an itch that had suddenly festered deep under his skin.
Why was it suddenly so warm? Also, were there ants crawling up his arms? His neck? Into his hair?
Eddie grimaces in a way that tells Steve it’s not his place to explain. Hm . “Her mom moved into the trailer park I live in. They’re right across from the one I live in with my uncle Wayne.” He nods as he decides what’s enough to say without saying too much or too little. A few more hairs fall from his up-do before he decides to take out the black tie that was holding it up and shakes out his hair with his hand, an exasperated sigh escaping him.
“Let’s just say my family has gotten close with her’s and… she’s the little sister I wish I had.” He nods again, a smile on the cusp of his lips. “I’m just trying to help her and her mom out right now. That’s it.” He clasps his hands together, smiling as he playfully salutes to Steve before turning on his heel. “Thanks for watching Little Red, Harrington. Give my thanks to Buckley and tell the little DnD shits I’ll talk to them soon! I’ll see you when I pick her up later.” 
He rounds a corner and he’s gone. 
Steve can hear the door that leads to the parking lot open and close. He stands there for a moment, runs a hand down his arms to shake off the imaginary ants before making his way to the courtyard.
So. Max and Eddie are a sudden brotherly-sister duo. Huh. 
“Dude, give us the box!” Dustin just about rips the box from Steve's grasp. “Where the hell is it,” he mutters while he rummages through it. Slowly the rest of the kids gather around to take turns taking out their requests.
Steve slowly makes his way towards Robin who’s seated in one of the benches that line the edge of the open field of grass where the kids slowly spread out into their own respective groups. He spies Max and Jane, hand in hand and settling down to sit across the way to watch the rest of the kids. Steve assumes they’re catching up for the time that was lost during the summer.
He watches as Max’s face lights up, animated with whatever conversation she’s having with Jane. They set up the cards to start playing their game of Uno. Suzie slowly approaches, seems to ask a question before taking a seat in the circle with them to play, the book she requested forgotten beside her.
“Wipe that smile off your face Steve, it was me who made that happen. I’m the one who went out on the quest of Children’s Demands. Just look at the fruits of my labor. Happy children! Happy children everywhere.” She smirks as she shakes her head. She takes a moment to look around, mentally counting the number of kids before them, smiling wide as she whispers “thirteen,” and tips her head back to soak in the sun.
“We were only twelve not even five minutes ago. Now we’re for sure outnumbered here, Robs.”
“It’s seven-to-one, Mr. Airhead-ington. We’d need 2 more kids before we’re officially outnumbered in Murray’s books.” She sways from her seat, eyes still closed as she sighs contently.
Steve hums, eyes still on Max in the distance, occasionally making sweeps to account for the rest of the kids. “Did she mention anything to you?”
“Max? No. Asked what she wanted to do, if she was okay but then Jane had her arm and was pulling her away from me before I could get an answer. I won’t pry, not yet. There’s a smile on her face that I want to stay there a while longer before we try to pry.” Robin’s head snaps up, eyes squinting against the sun. “What about Eddie, did he mention anything after you gawked at him in the hallway before he left?”
“Nah, he didn’t seem comfortable sharin– wait- excuse me, I wasn’t gawking , I was-”
“Fine! Admiring, then,” Robin laughs, hiding her smile behind her hands before she playfully shoves Steve.
“I was- fine, I was staring ,” he enunciates the word, hands moving dramatically before him as he continues. “It was kinda weird to see them come in together like that, is all. I was, what’s that SAT word- dumbfounded .”
“That’s not an SAT word.”
Quick roll of his eyes. “Anyway, he didn’t say anything. Just that he’s been helping her and her mom out this summer and that he’ll be back to pick her up before five.” Steve rakes a hand through his hair. His eyes wander back to Max, Jane, and Suzie. “Glad to see she’s okay at least.”
“Yeah… we’ll just have to wait and see if she decides to open up to us. At least she found Eddie.”
“At least she found Eddie.”
part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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saturnzskyzz · 8 months
: 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 :
Updated: June 2nd 2024
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Hello hello!! I'm happy to be on here, for I always delete this app after a long while for regretting my decision's in fanfic writing, but say no more!! I'm back and I'm happy to announce that I will be officially writing for the interests I say during this introduction!
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: 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 :
◡̈ Call me Anglo
◡̈ I am 18 yrs old
◡̈ my bday is Feb. 8
◡̈ I am transmasc, Asexual, and pansexual
◡̈ i have a loving bf
◡̈ I have a torteshell
◡̈ my favorite color is green
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Ult bg: BTS
Ult gg: Aespa
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:About my blog:
I will write any genre going from romantic, to complete horror!
But, I will most likely write tkl fanfics and angst fanfics.
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This is a safe space for all! ◡̈ I am lgbtq+ friendly!
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I usually shorten my posts right after the cut off images. With that being said, !! I DO NOT OWN, NOR DO I TAKE CREDIT FOR ANY OF THE CUT OFF IMAGES I USE FOR MY POSTS !!
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:My personal tags:
#Anglo asks and submissions
#Anglo announcements
#Anglo concepts
#Anglo drabbles
#Anglo fanfics
#Anglo thoughts
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:Who I will write for:
The fun part!!
my masterlist will be at the bottom of this post!!
Green: will write for
Orange: might write for (most likely the ones in orange will change)
Yellow: will only write for if you ask me it.
Red: will not write for
: Kpop groups :
Ateez (Bias; Jongho)
BTS (bias; Namjoon and Yoongi)
Stray kids (bias; Bangchan)
TxT (Bias; Soobin)
Enhyphen (Bias: Jake)
Monsta X
Aespa (bias; winter)
Enhypen (Bias; Jake)
All units of NCT (this might change)
Itzy (this might change)
NewJeans (this might change)
Xikers (Bias: Yechan)
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Ace Attorney (will strictly only write for Miles, Phoenix, Gumshoe, Maya and Mia)
Attack on Titan (only a few I will write for)
Demon slayer (All characters)
Free! (Only a few I will write for)
Saiki k (will write for any character)
Haikyuu (All of Karasuno, Kenya, Bout, Oikawa, Ushijima, and Tensou)
Howl's moving castle
Attack on Titan (only a few I will write for though)
Assassination classroom
Angels of Death
:Video games:
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Sally Face (Sal, Larry, Ashley, Todd, Travis)
Stardew Valley (strictly just the bachelor's and bachelorettes)
Slime rancher (I have a cute idea for this one)
Mario Bros
:Animated Shows:
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Murder Drones
Rise of the tmnt
Spiderman: into the spider-verse
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
The Amazing Digital Circus
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Although I am a tkl blog acc, these are the things that I will NOT be writing for:
xReader fics (this might change 🫢)
Forceful tickling (strictly the ones that has the lee crying from being tickled because they don't like it- I don't mess with that shii)
Bondages (the farthest I will go is if I write a concept of someone being stuck, or they are just being held down by someone else.)
Ship content ( I don't mind if you precieve my fanfics as "ship" content, but don't reblog and tag it as such)
sensitive topics (to an extent)
Nsfw writing
If you guys have any suggestions for who I should write for, whether it be a game, show, band group, then please let me know!
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!!My Masterlist!!
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this! I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!
Take care of yourselves 🫵 and always wish for a good day for tomorrow!
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prpfs · 9 months
💕hello!!! The hetalia brainrot as really got me lately so I’m definitely looking for a hetalia themed roleplay!!
I’m 20 so please 18+ only!
I definitely want something dark and gritty like maybe a forbidden lovers trope or something with 🍪 involved! I do have so many plots swirling inside of my mind right now!
The characters I can play are
•England (Nyo + 2p)
•Canada (nyo)
•Belgium (2p)
Seychelles (kinda)
•Nyo America
•Romano (Nyo)
These includ nyotalia and the 2p’s as well!!
and oc’s are also allowed for double ups as well!
Im also open to other fandoms as well such as
Assassination classroom
South Park
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Lego Monkie kid
Toilet bound Hanako-Kun
Soul eater
Lord of the Flies
Please dm @strawberry-bunnii if you’re interested!!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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