theancientwayoflife · 8 months
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~ Eagle effigy vessel.
Date: ca. A.D. 1450
Period: Late Postclassic
Place of origin: Eastern Nahua
Medium: Ceramic with polychrome slip
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nadiezda · 6 months
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Mi ilustración para la exposición “El Mictlán” en la que participé
El mictlán es el inframundo en la mitología Mexica y Nahua.
Al Mictlán sólo iban aquellos que morían de muerte natural, sin distinción de rango ni riquezas, o de enfermedades que no tenían un carácter sagrado. Para los mexicas, el muerto debería de atravesar nueve regiones.
Las regiones del inframundo formaban la travesía dentro del submundo con obstáculos específicos que expresan niveles de putrefacción y tormentos tanatomórficos que padecen los muertos en su regresión orgánica después de 4 años, y ya cuando los muertos alcanzaban lograr atravesar los infiernos, si es que lo lograban, estos podrían liberar su alma, logrando así el descanso ante la presencia de Mictlantecuhtli y Mictecacíhuatl, el señor y la señora de la muerte, los regidores del inframundo.
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pre-hispanic · 1 year
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“ Figurilla huésped teotihuacana, los antiguos nahuas creían que dentro del cuerpo humano existían varias energías, el tonalli "que emana calor" en la cabeza, el teyolía "vividor" en el corazón e ihiyotl "ventoso" del hígado, Las creencias teotihuacanas debieron ser similares. “
It was believed that within the human body existed different energies. Tonalli was energy in the head, Teyolia was a living energy in the heart, while the ihiyotl was energy from the liver. 
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neechees · 2 years
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Pre-colonial Native American cities/settlements/meeting sites.
Sivan Vahki: just north of Casa Grande, Arizona, Sivan Vahki or Siwañ Waʼa Ki: was a large farming and trade network site of the Sonoran Desert people starting in the early 13th century.
Werowocomoco: With habitation beginning from the 13th century, Werowocomo was a village that later served as the headquarters of the werowance Wahunsenacah, Paramount Chief of the Powhatan confederacy.
Cahokia: Mississippian culture city dating from circa 1050–1350 CE, containing elaborately planned community, woodhenge, mounds, and burials.
Tenochtitlan: built atop a lake, Tenochtitlan was an Aztec altepetl, and was the largest city in the pre-columbian Americas at its peak. It is considered one of the most impressive cities in North America, and is today known as Mexico city.
Tikal: one of the most powerful ancient kingdoms of the Maya, and dates back as far as the 4th century BC, and may have had a population of up to 90,000.
Omahkoyis: Meeting place and trading and cultural hub for the Blackfoot, and later other tribes as well as settlers. The Blackfoot and their ancestors had inhabited the area as early as 12,000 BC, and would later also be known by other names. Colonizing efforts turned the area into a settlement, known today as the city of Edmonton.
Qusqu: also known as “Cuzco”, the city served as the capital for the Inca Empire from the 13th century up into the 16th century upon colonization. However, evidence shows that The Killke people occupied the region from 900 to 1200 CE, prior to the arrival of the Inca, and had constructed a fortress about 1100 CE.
Uttewas: later known as “Old Masset”, was one of the largest Haida villages on Haida Gwaii, and is home to a number of important cultural artifacts, such as numerous totem poles. Today its land is legally designated as Masset Indian Reserve No. 1.
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exiled-prince · 5 months
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Today marks 3 years since Onyx Equinox aired. Even though I was late to the party, I'm glad I found this show. Among most of the media set in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, Onyx Equinox is the one of the few with the most historical accuracies. It's a show that inspired me to continue my personal project. Thank you, Sofia.
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sofiaealexander · 1 year
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Una probadita de lo que está por venir.
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arthurdrakoni · 9 months
Flag of the Aztec Empire
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This is the flag of the Aztec Empire. It comes from a world where the Aztecs defeated Cortez and his troops. Smallpox still ravaged the Aztecs, but due to the more limited exposed they were able to recover by the time the Spanish sent additional expeditions. It soon become obvious that the empire would need to reform itself if it was going to survive the European colonization of the Americas.   The debate around these reforms leads to social upheavals and rebellions. The empire ultimately survived, but with a Tlaxcalan ruling dynasty. The Tlaxcalans, always one of the more reform minded peoples of the empire, set about instituting serious reforms.   The first reform was the structure of the empire. The provinces became much more centralized in their organization. The emperor still ruled over all, but each province sent a group of delegates to represent the needs of the province in a special council in Tenochtitlan. The priests and priestesses also began to slowly phase-out human sacrifice from the traditional religion of the Aztecs. Trade relations were established with multiple European nations both to gain access to European technology and to play the various powers off of each other.   For the next few centuries the Aztecs would be prosperous and would have good relations with their neighbors. They provided troops to the Federated Provinces of Cabotia during their rebellion against the British Empire. To this day the two nations remain close allies to this day. The Aztecs also maintained good relations with the Incan Empire, which also managed to avoid European conquest. The Aztecs went on to expand their territory to stretch from the American Southwest to the tip of Panama, and even managed to nab a few islands of the Caribbean.   The next major wave of reforms occurred during the 19h century. The Aztecs, much like Japan during the Meiji Restoration, underwent a Westernization process. Though from the Aztecs points of view the term would more accurately be Easternization. Industrialization began to take off, and Western clothing and customs were slowly introduced to improve relations with the great powers of Europe. However, the Aztecs did not completely turn their backs on their traditional culture. Aztec clothing still remains very colorful and incorporates many traditional designs, and nose rings are still somewhat popular for men and women. More traditional clothing is usually reserved for special ceremonies and occasions, such as religious festivals and the emperor's birthday.   The Aztecs also still worship their old gods, and many temples and shrines can be found throughout the empire. On the other hand, secularism is on the rise, and many people only perform the old rituals out of habit and tradition. What was once an empire imfamous for its bloodlust is today known as a thriving center of technology and innovation.  The flag features the colors red and green, which are traditional Aztec colors. The maze pattern is a common feature in Aztec artwork. The red snake is the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl, god of the winds and one of the most important gods in the Aztec pantheon.
Link to the original flag on my blog: https://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2016/11/flag-of-aztec-empire.html?m=0
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pinupcitizen · 5 months
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Xipe Totec
he cares about you
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folkfashion · 1 year
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Nahua girl, Mexico, by HectoradQuintanar
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minimewtreasures · 5 months
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Artisans: Cadena Collective ((Click on the link for the pic to see more about the Nahua women that make some amazing handmade items.))
More on the Nahua artisans: Instagram
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tlajtollirambles · 1 year
YouTube Channels for learning Nahuatlahtolli
Classic Nahuatl
(for spanish & english speakers)
(for spanish speakers / pa' quienes hablan español)
Sierra Negra of Tehuacan
(for spanish speakers, pa' quienes hablan español)
Huasteca Veracruzana
(for spanish speakers/ pa' quienes hablan español)
Milpa Alta
(For spanish speakers / pa' quienes hablan español)
Huasteca Nahuatl
(for english speakers)
Huasteca Hidalguense
(for spanish speakers / pa' quienes hablan español)
Unknown Variant
(for spanish speakers / pa' quienes hablan español)
(for english speakers)
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yaqamole · 2 months
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The Empress
UPRIGHT: Femininity, Beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance
REVERSED: Creative block, dependence on others
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eggdritch · 3 months
This is a real and genuine post does anyone who is indigenous central American and/or who has any expertise in mesoamerican historical culture groups feel like talking to me about the use of mesoamerican aesthetics in the design and culture of Echidnas from Sonic the hedgehog I am genuinely interested in hearing takes and I have some questions about how that inspiration could be more interestingly /sensitively incorporated
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nephrenklamm · 26 days
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
I have had a lot of absolutely insane life changes over the past 6 months or so, even more so in the past couple months. Some, like in my current pinned, are awful, but most have been at least partially good. It has been a lot of whiplash and has repeatedly required me to adapt very quickly, which has led to me accidentally disconnecting from most of my old friends and adoptive family.
Some of these I cannot talk about no matter how much I would like to. However, I have always been as open and honest on this blog as possible, and want to continue to do that.
Of course, I did already post this a couple of days ago, but there's a whole lot more to cover.
First and foremost, I need to apologize for the way I handled some of this. It has been incredibly disorienting and a fuckton to process, and I have at times wanted to talk on here about aspects of things going on that were still uncertain or unconfirmed. This led to some posts that were misleading, but it made sense in my head at the time to post the way I did. The main example of this is the male friend I posted about previously, who some of you who are genuinely pieces of shit immediately accused me of being in love with. The information I'm sharing here only makes that accusation more repulsive, so I want to be very clear that it was absolutely fucking unacceptable to begin with. There is NOTHING unusual about lesbians - especially butches - having male close friends. In fact it's more common than not. To believe otherwise is simply terminally online loss of touch with reality.
The long & short of it is that he is my biological brother, which at the time of that post, we were still awaiting genetic confirmation of. I believe I have touched on this before when discussing adoption, but there have always been inconsistencies in the story & information I was provided about the circumstances of my adoption. In the past year, I began looking into these inconsistencies, and around May, found what seemed likely to be the stranger-than-fiction truth. It took several months - up until a couple weeks ago - to confirm everything I had pieced together.
There is very little I can share about my biological family and the fraught circumstances of my adoption. There is honestly even less that I want to share, at least for now. I will say that I have been spending almost 24/7 with my brother for several months now, and it's an insane experience. We understand everything about each other despite being raised in drastically different environments, cultures, and even religions; we are practically telepathic.
Even beyond what I can't or don't want to share here, there's some major things I'm still processing and not sure how to address/navigate, primarily in regard to medical history, ethnicity, the ways culture and politics influenced the decision to relinquish me, and the shock and grief surrounding a whole lot of this. I am so grateful to have this relationship with my brother, but there is also a lot of fucked up shit about all of this, and a lot I never got to have that I'm now in the process of reconciling with.
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kuramirocket · 2 years
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