#One Jump Ahead
midwesternvibes · 2 months
This one is currently winning on my little motivation poll so here we go
SEPERATED LEO AU!!! (because we don't have enough of those already lol)
Link to original post
So, I wanna talk more about how they all refound each other (link to how they met here)
Just to recap, Big Mama has Mikey, Draxum has Raph, and Splinter has Donnie. Big Mama's in her Nexus Hotel, Draxum is in NYC with a cloaking broach, and Splinter's in the ever iconic sewers.
Big Mama is actually a very kind mother to Mikey! She loves her little baby, and especially loves how he has her beloved Lou's smile. She spoils him to death and lets them express himself however she'd like. (If you haven't picked up on it yet, Mikey is genderfluid in this au and generally presents as a feminine man) Mikey absolutely adores skirts and zip-up hoodies, and usually wears a very bright suit top with a big orange ball gown skirt to formal events that Big Mama matches at Mikey's whims (I cannot draw for the life of me so if anyone is willing to draw this for me I will work out some kind of trade with you if you'd like 🙏)
But yeah, Big Mama does not let her fight in the Nexus, and has even toned down the brutality of the Nexus due to Mikey's pleading. There aren't any more lethal fights and she rarely makes binding, lifelong contracts because it made her baby upset to see all the sad and scared people.
They are a very cute duo and both genuinely love each other very much
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Then there's Draxum amd Raph! Draxum luckily snagged two cloaking broaches before his lab exploded and slapped them on both him and his 2 year old son before heading up to the surface. The two of them then got a apartment in the.....*shuddder*........human world. Draxum tries to hide them in mostly secret, only leaving the house for groceries and necessities, but eventually realizes that poor Raphie is very lonely.
This is made so much worse when he meets the little girl downstairs and wants so desperately to follow her to school after their playdates.........Draxum finally caves.
With the help of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil, he enrolls Raphie in the same Kindergarden as April and lets him finally go to school after years of homeschooling. Raphie struggles with the transition a bit, but eventually he gets the hang of it and thrives! Draxum encourages him to join as many clubs as he can (without getting overwhelmed of course) and is his biggest fan.
Once Draxum is able to settle down, he's actually a huge soccer mom and goes to all of Raphie's events, he gets totally embarrassed sometimes. Draxum and the O'Neils are really good friends and try to have dinner at least once a week
But once again, a very happy family! They struggle to show it sometimes, but they truly love each other and only want what's best for each other
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Then we have Donnie and Splinter! Splinter was mutated with the DNA from his pet rat that he picked up on his travels with Big Mama and Draxum to get the turtles, and he was only able to grab Donnie and retreat to the sewers before Draxum's while lab collapsed. He, along with the other two, belive his partners and other children to be dead, so he never goes searching for them. Instead, he raises his son in the sewers on his own, foraging for all that they need just like in canon.
However, their sewer home is PREEEEEEEETY nice, since Donnie doesn't really doesn't have anything better to do other than make their home as nice as possible. He's has all major appliances working since he was 6 and only makes improvements from there. He also has his little pet project, but Splinter doesn't know about that yet!!!!
Speaking of Splinter, he varies pretty dramatically from canon. He's a lot less depressed because he had a much better experience with the yokai world and doesn't feel nearly as ashamed to BE a yokai (or yokai-adjacent) and keeps himself in much better shape, helping him with the dysmorphia that he does have. Overall, Splinter's doing pretty well, and he's a pretty attentive parent overall!
He was able to access some of his funds from his Lou Jitsu days and pays for Donnie to go to online school, and by the time Donnie meets up with the rest of his family at 11, he's halfway through high school work and has plans to go on to college so that he can start building up his tech empire by the time he's 18
But yeah, yet again, a overall happy parent/child relationship!
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(Then there's Leo. All the angst had to go somewhere, right???)
Moving on! Now, the adults all lived separately with each of their respective kid, but when Raphie was about 8, he got really sick. Like, really really sick. Draxum went to as many human doctors that he could trust, but none of them were able to figure out what was wrong with his baby. He finally musters up the courage to go down to the Hidden City, and finds out that Raphie has Mystic Overload Syndrome. While he's running around trying to find stuff to help his little boy (he's so affectionate guys), Raphie sneaks out! He starts running around the Hidden City unbroached, and he feels truly seen for the first time in his life.
While running around, he literally runs into another turtle yokai, one who's dressed in expensive orange clothes...........
This post got REALLY long, so stay tuned for more! Next post will probably be how Draxum and Big Mama finally met, and then how Splinter and Donnie come into play!
(Don't worry about Leo this isn't about him he's fine)
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(Also stay tuned for the name reveal of the AU!
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velvet4510 · 3 months
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artist-issues · 4 months
no I don't know everything about Disney movies. For example. I've never bothered to look up what the heck Aladdin is saying after "ahead of my doom" in One Jump Ahead.
sounds like "gotta eat the nom diploom"
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artphotographyofmen · 4 months
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Aladdin by Steven Thompson
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Aladdin (1992) soundtrack
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megankoumori · 2 years
Remember this laundry hanging lady from "Aladdin"?
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Wanna see me slow it down?
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Wanna see me do it again?
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missbenzayb · 2 years
Alternative Opening trailer with music~
If yall get it X3
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2016, 2017 + 2018
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as Disney girls
1 - 4. Prince Ali Parade Dancers (Aladdin - Prince Ali) - requested by danfrandes
5 - 7. Concept Harem Girls (Aladdin) - requested by danfrandes
8 - 10. Harem/Balcony Girls (Aladdin - One Jump Ahead/Prince Ali) - requested by danfrandes
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music-in-my-veins14 · 2 years
Still I think he's rather tasty
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corvianbard · 2 years
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thenerdsofcolor · 8 months
Ranking Our 10 Favorite Disney "I Want" Songs
The Disney “I Want” song is a popular type of song that sees its main character sing about their wants for a better life than the one they have now and/or search for what they’ve been looking for their whole lives. And it’s not out of selfishness or something petty. It’s an essential piece of music that encapsulates the protagonist’s desire to overcome their struggles and define the motivations…
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midwesternvibes · 1 year
Ok, so like, I have so many ideas all of the time so I wanna start posting about them. Problem? I can't art. Like at all. All I can do is words. So whatever, here goes.
Separated Leo AU! (Cuz we don't have enough of those lol)
Anyways, the idea is that Donnie, Raph, and Mikey are all raised together in the Big Mama/Draxum/Splinter polycule and the others hide the fact that they had a 4th sibling until they are beginning of the show age.
Then they're finally like "Hey, you have another sibling"
*cue the trio of jaw drops and instant excitement*
Leo's basically been living on the streets since he was a baby, occasionally getting help and learning to not trust adults, pretty much completely fending for himself (with a little help from a certain someone) and the whole plot is basically them trying to adopt Leo but he's having NONE of it.
There's a LOT more to it than that, but that's basically the gist of it.
Give me a singular note and I'll continue.
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mellowsmuses · 2 years
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dkettchen · 7 months
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More lesbian sanami was requested, so please have one of the many headcanons that live in my brain rent-free
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Aladdin (1992)
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nounaarts · 1 year
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He's singing Arabian Nights 🎶
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