#Online Game Reviews
guidediary · 10 months
Welcome to GamerLee.com - Your Ultimate Gaming Destination!
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twyrineslut · 6 months
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do u understand
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verflares · 2 months
bored. might make a zelink tierlist
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guiltybystanders · 28 days
Does anyone have a good summary of the whole All For the Game series? I’m interested in the new book but I don’t wanna have to reread the old ones first to remember everything that happened
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
It's always tempting to debate bigots about their bigotry, but honestly the best thing you can do is often to directly help those affected by said bigotry.
Bigotry doesn't exist to be debated. People who are bigots do not care about debate - they care about humiliating their opponents. You cannot outsmart somebody who doesn't give a flying fuck about their position being incorrect. You will be playing a completely different game by trying to debate somebody out of their bigotry.
The best thing you can do is to show up for the marginalized. Check in on them, talk to them, and engage with them as people. Ask them if they would like help and then respect their answer to the best of your capabilities. Oftentimes, that will be sufficient enough and will go a long way.
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vixivulpixel · 5 months
You probably wouldn't know it just by looking at it, but MNOG was huge. To an extent, still is huge. We talk about Bionicle: The Mata Nui Online Game.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
are you a compsci major :0
✦゜ANSWERED: I wish I had the brains and dedication for that ^^; If anything, Ren would be the compsci major (if he chose to go to university with you)!! As for me though?? I'm currently double majoring in digital media and social working ;v;
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sereneabyyss · 5 days
An Actual Unbiased Review on Wuthering Waves
Tired of seeing either people absolutely bashing Wuthering Waves with refusal to actually talk about the good parts? Or exhausted of people calling Wuwa the Genshin Killer and refusing to accept that two games can exist and competition shouldn't kill each other completely? Well as a certified 'gacha is gacha' enthusiast who's actually played multiple gacha games and not just hoyo games and has gone through multiple games with maintenance and consistent updates, I'm here to give an actual unbiased review of Wuthering Waves and what it already excels at and what it needs work in. This won't go into any story details or anything that would be spoilers so don't worry about that
Instead of talking about the pros and cons individually I'm gonna talk about different aspects of the games and talk about the pros and cons of each thing. Because trust me everything has its pros and cons. I'm also going to do some comparisons for certain things and explanations for my thoughts on the individual topics.
For those who've played the game, let's start with the most obvious thing. Game optimization.
The ping has been horrendous
Movement has been clunky and laggy because of bad ping
Some people had issues with npc faces looking blurry and weird skies? I didn't personally have these issues so I'm not sure
Some people have been having issues with crashing. Again, I have not, so I'm not sure if that's been fixed with the latest update
Kuro has been pumping out update after update since launch to fix the known bugs and optimize everything
Since the update earlier ping has reduced significantly for me and I know it has been better for some of my friends
Now some of my thoughts on optimization and why the lack of optimization is actually fine and not proof that the game is crashing and burning: ahem.
Betas are great and all, but they are NOT a representation of the strain a global launch has on servers and the game itself. Having the game in beta longer would NOT have prevented the optimization errors. These are so common in games it's genuinely astounding that there are people who think this is showing how bad the game is.
Let's do some comparisons: Tower of Fantasy literally flashed rainbow lights at players as a bug and it did not get fixed within the first week that I gave it a chance. Enstars' global release was an absolute disaster and was completely unplayable for a length of time. I didn't play Genshin when it first released but even when I started playing it had optimization issues. Genshin STILL has optimization issues that they fix with every update.
Games constantly have issues and bugs and need to be maintained 24/7. The thing to look at is NOT if it has bugs. It's to look at how the developers deal with those bugs. And like I said, Kuro has already done multiple emergency maintenance fixes and it fixed the ping spikes majorly for me.
I agree that bugs and optimization errors are frustrating, but they happen with every single game ever. What's important is how fast Kuro is working to fix those bugs!
Story/VA (Kuro lumped these together in their survey so I'm doing the same)
The voice acting for Yangyang is so bland
They tried to do a mix of the characters trusting Rover and not trusting Rover to appease multiple audiences and it's just awkward
Dialogue boxes aren't entirely working properly so you just don't see the subtitles for half of a character's lines sometimes
The story is interesting and intriguing (this is subjective but so is hating the voice acting)
They actually give the players real choices in certain instances of the story
Rover having actual voice lines is a breath of fresh air
Some of my thoughts: there's a lot of rumors surrounding the voice actor choices and that hoyo "sabotaged" Kuro by not letting voice actors for genshin voice wuwa characters. Whether that's true or not doesn't really matter in my books it doesn't matter if a name is big or not what matters is if they're good and while I think the voice fits Yangyang I don't like the acting part of it and it reads as bland and apathetic. It might improve in the future but otherwise I don't like it but I also don't like Paimon's voice in Genshin so I'm fine with not liking a voice actor. I won't bash an entire game for that.
I have been really enjoying the game so far and it's story is very intriguing. They use a lot of music terms for the lore and I enjoy that a lot. I'm interested in not only the Rover but what's going on with the world itself which is very important in a game. While I do have an opinion on how the story compares to other games I won't give it as that is purely subjective but just know I do think this is one of the better 1.0 stories I have played.
The Ding for the character switching perfect timing for a special attack is not always the easiest to hear. It's gotten better but the sound is very faint especially when listening to music while playing
The tutorial/practice stages for the resonators and the dodging mechanics are a life saver
The combat is skill based yes but you can also button mash your way through
The world is very fun to explore and the chest puzzles actually had me thinking but were still very intuitive on how they actually worked
Echoes are genuinely one of the most unique "artifact" systems to come from gacha and it has been fun collecting them and using them
Comments: I genuinely don't have really any cons for the gameplay. I think it's phenomenal and a really unique and fun experience that while can make you think "oh this is similar to this game" still has a twist to it that makes it its own thing. I'm not sure how they could fix the dinging issue and not being able to hear it, but I do have to mention that it can be hard to get it because of that but honestly you can genuinely button mash through a fight. They aren't that hard in base game. And this is including bosses.
Overall: Like I said at the beginning. Gacha is Gacha. Enjoy whatever games you want to enjoy. I enjoy Gacha and I love open world. So I like both Genshin and Wuthering Waves. There are issues in both games and you have to recognize that but that doesn't mean you should use those issues to tear a game down to boost your favored game. Play what you want to play and recognize competition is good for video games. No I don't think Wuthering Waves will kill Genshin. And no I don't think Wuthering Waves is going to crash and burn. I enjoy playing both games and so this is my overall review for Wuthering Waves within the first few days and just how things have continued to develop after the initial launch.
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glazierpops · 1 day
Wuthering Waves: First Thoughts
First thoughts of this game it’s definitely heavily relying on Genshin impact fan base and mechanics. Though it does make itself feel a bit distinct and its mechanics. And overtime I feel if they are willing, they can make this distinctness an even bigger gap between it and Genshin. 
While the style is similar to Genshin, (though all anime games, feel a little similar) it’s distinctive enough with its landscapes.
It does have a little bit of rendering issues with faces kind of blending out from further distances. I have so far enjoyed monster and character designs. Nothing immediately has stood out, but overall, I find it very pleasant.
The way it mixes styles, with what I feel is some kind of Chinese traditional fantasy, with fantasy Tech. Very interesting take on fantasy a little bit, feels a little bit like honkie, but still distinctive.
Story wise I was immediately hooked. I think it has a really good opening that catches the viewers attention and I do feel it does waiver a bit and it’s beginning opening dialogue. Jumping right into the action does help keep the viewer and continue playing.
Also, the story has what I feel is a more interesting MC as there is a lot to figure out about them and definitely feels a lot different from Genshin so I’m excited to see how their story plays out.
One big point I wanna praise on the story is making it feel like our voice dialogue options have weight. I really hope going for this game continues to put in the time to make the main characters in point matter unlike other anime Gacha games ( Genshin ).
Play Feel
Once again, I feel this game does rely pretty heavily on the base mechanics from Genshin and other Gacha games. I wouldn’t say that is a take away. I feel it would be hard for beginners to play this game. The fighting style is pretty fast-paced and requires a lot of timing. I think it’s a great jumping off point in making it its own game making it feel different from other Gacha games.
What I want to see change
I think this game has a lot of potential to be its own standalone Gacha game, not being influenced by other games. It’s got a great backbone, but it definitely does need some improvements.
And my biggest change I want to see immediately is the jumping animation. It looks and feels horrible in game though it does rely heavily with fighting. I think it just looks horrible and takes away a lot from the immersion in the game itself.
Another thing I wanna see change is the option to fully opt out of camera lock. I like my sensitivity really high so I can move the camera at my own free camera really makes it harder for players like me to play. Maybe for PC players this is a better idea but for mobile players camera lock is not helpful. 
Also characters dialogue seems to fade out randomly at some points. Not sure if this is on purpose but I think it’s unnecessary and I’d rather them just say they’re full line.
I’d like to see is better rendering times and lighting while overall these are not a huge issue. Just there is some issues with rendering times for all of the assets in a certain level and sometimes the shadow is not high enough and things just look super washed out or overexposed.
Overall, I’m pretty excited to see where this game is gonna end up in a year or two I hope it continues to grow and actively keeps getting updates and being worked on. I hope it just isn’t an immediate cash grab though all got games usually are. So I can’t hit it too hard on that.
Good luck to wuthering waves as it grows!!
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biggrump · 5 months
Video Games I played in 2023 (and maybe even enjoyed)
A completely unorganized list of games I played this year that I wanted to talk about because they were great.
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1. Ultrakill - My biggest time sink of the year. Found out about this game about a year ago due to FUNKe talking about it a lot. Was hooked from the first level, and after beating it I replayed several levels until I mastered the mechanics, then looked for all the secret levels, then P-ranked all of Act 1 and then the P-1 boss fight several times over (Act 2 is hard to P-rank). However enjoyment did kinda dry up for a bit after I actually got good at the game but then Hakita dropped the first part of act 3 a while ago and it started all over again. Here's hoping the last 2 chapters stick the landing and keep scratching that itch (which they probably will let's be honest)
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2. Metal Gear Solid series - Played all of the games aside from 4 which couldn't run on my PC (had to watch a long play for it) and Peace Walker just cause I got distracted by other stuff. The first game didn't really resonate with me on a deeper level but its storytelling, gameplay mechanics, and 4th wall breaks are amazing, especially for the time. 2 and 3 hit far harder and are some of the best games I've ever played. I could talk for hours about every facet of 2's creativity with its meta narrative and constant questioning of reality but then I wouldn't have time to talk about other games here. Just know that it is now my favorite game ever made. 3, while not quite as crazy and predictive with its plot, is just a really good story about a small group of characters that is incredibly written and told. I also really enjoyed 5's gameplay and a lot of the more subtle storytelling, and while 4 has an utterly incomprehensible plot with tons of holes, the character writing, voice acting, and graphics are phenomenal. I want whatever Kojima smokes when he comes up with these.
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3. Red Dead Online - I played this with my brother and encountered a modder on my first day. Think that really informed my take on this game because he gave me a shit ton of money and I was able to use it to get a bounty license which took up most of my time in that game. We'd just queue up a bounty mission and play some Oingo Boingo and Talking Heads while we ride, do the bounty, then watch random videos while we waited till the last minute to drop off the bounty bc of how Rockstar decided to set up the system. We also met a couple people online and overall just had a great experience bein a rootin tootin shootin cowboy. Also my guy looks doofy as fuck.
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4. The Artful Escape - Impulse bought this game after I watched a vid by Jexonite where he played every game published by Annapurna because the premise seemed fun and I thought it looked cool. Turns out the game does look cool, incredible even. But the art style is kind of all this game has going for it, aside from some solid voice actors (Jason Schwartzman and Lena Headey were cool and Mark Strong was completely unrecognizable). Gameplay is basically just a walking sim that occasionally tells you to press buttons to play notes on your guitar and the story took a pretty generic turn. Has absolutely zero replay value but I did enjoy playing it.
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5. BPM - The first roguelike I've ever gotten into, probably because it has a guns in it. I got all the way up to the last level then died to a low level enemy and have not gotten that far in the game since. The OST goes insanely hard though and is part of the reason why I keep coming back to it. It's also insanely addicting so be warned.
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6. Hotline Miami - Probably holds the record for the game that pissed me off the most this year. An insanely fun and fast paced shooter game where your reaction timing is everything and that every nerd with a YouTube channel has already picked apart. Even though some of the AI is complete jank it is so satisfying clearing rooms in this game. The art style is also quite good and the soundtrack introduced me to a ton of new artists. Also is a strong case for environmental storytelling needing to be more prevalent in games. I can figure out what's going on I'm a smart guy.
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7. Katana Zero - A very Hotline Miami inspired game aka a game with a pixelated art style and a synthwave soundtrack where the goal is to clear rooms and you die in one hit. I feel a bit more mixed about this game compared to Hotline honestly. I really liked the time slowing mechanic, the mobility, and the way you can reflect bullets with your sword. I also like how the enemy AI actually stays consistent through each run of the level, whereas with Hotline there were some enemies who could move erratically and fuck everything up even if you plan a solid route. However, I think because of how the story was told I don't think it had as much of an impact on me. I can't really remember a lot of the important details but I can remember that a lot of plot threads were left unresolved. Also, while I do like the combat a lot, I feel like it's missing the sandbox approach that Hotline had. Honestly not a game I would necessarily come back to, but if the dev made a sequel I would buy it (especially if we get to play as Dragon more he was cool as fuck). I'll also give the game props for actually having an OST unlike Hotline.
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8. Undertale - What could I say about this game that hasn't already been said by the entire population of South Dakota? It is very fun and I am glad I finally took the plunge and played it. Now I just have to finish the other routes at some point lol
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9. Lethal Company - I played this game with multiple friend groups and it was incredibly fun but also terrifying. If you haven't played yet, the best advice I can give is to just go in completely blind and figure shit out on your own. Also, try to actually go into the buildings instead of staying in the ship like a goo goo ga ga dingus.
Other stuff I played worth mentioning (Smaller stuff or games I revisited/haven't finished a full playthrough of):
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1. A Hat in Time DLC - Played the original game late last year and loved it, but didn't get the DLC so I didn't play it for some time. Played it this year and had a blast. The Nyakuza Metro level is so detailed, you can really tell the devs poured their heart and soul into making this game look as great as it does. Made me rediscover my love for the base game.
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2. Titanfall 2 - Not my first time playing it but replayed the single player on PC for the first time (played on Xbox before) and realized the characters and level design were way better than I remembered. I then started pestering everyone I knew to play it and the ones who did seem to like it too. I also popped off multiple times in the multiplayer so it was nice to have a multiplayer game that I'm good at.
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3. The Magic Circle - Played for a few hours and then stopped, but the premise is quite fun and I am eager to revisit at some point in the future.
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4. The Looker - This one was just funny idrk what else to say. (I have not played The Witness)
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rata-novus · 2 years
its absolutely hilarious reading the negative gw2 steam reviews that boil down to “i can’t link my anet account” like ?? sir, why the fuck do you, an already established player, need steam to play? youve already been doing that for years??? hello? ?
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lostplay · 2 months
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Game 10: Psycho Dream (Jan2024)
Psycho Dream is a very keen ascetically pleasing '90s trip to past anime inspirations, and a rock hard crash course of what Nintendo Hard used to mean. In every way I can think of, Psycho Dream feels like a video game that you rent yourself, thinking it's pretty cool, and give up on the first hour because it's just too hard. Just a straight up '90s experience all around; using it's graphics and cool moments to really be impressive on what effectively feels like a let down. It's a bit awkward that Psycho Dream just kinda sucks if you play it seriously. Not that the game can't be mastered, but due to how unforgiving the game can be. It's not so much one thing, as it's everything at once. Psycho Dream just kinda feels like a rogue like bullet hell disguising itself as a platformer. Even if you do manage to pull off an ultimate power up build, that effectively makes the game trivial by holding down the shoot button, Psycho Dream can easily take it away with a few unfair shots mixed together with a barrage of enemies you can't see past the screen. Add that to some generic hallways that feel the same and obstacles that feel like they can take forever depending on your weapon makes for the moments where this game does shine as simply not enough. Thankfully, we do not live in the '90s era anymore, and any given emulator can help make experiencing Psycho Dream at least pleasant. Really under all the difficulty there are a lot of neat moments in this game, and a few bosses that look really cool too. When this game has a chance to give you eye candy, it makes sure your eyes get cavities at what it makes the SNES do. As well, the game is fairly manageable if you make sure to keep your weapons powered up. Really, the only thing that holds Psycho Dream from being a cult classic is not having a good checkpoint system, and if you have that? Let loose and have some fun.
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weaversweek · 3 months
What is radio fo(u)r?
This week, a look at four recent BBC Radio Four shows.
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Wing It, an improvisation game that's a lot like Whose Line Is It Anyway? but different enough to pass muster.
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Unspeakable, where Phil Wang and his panel try to put new words in the dictionary, and Susie Dent tells them what similar words exist.
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One Person Found This Helpful, a panel show based on the sort of foolish online reviews annoying people leave. Really needs work, and I'm surprised they've commissioned it for a high-profile slot.
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Counterpoint, the evergreen music quiz. What is the secret to its longevity? And who won this year's tournament?
Plus, the Tory peer who learned the hard way that you don't fool around with University Challenge contestants.
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raziraphale · 4 months
there is definitely a type of Gamer™ out there that wants video games to be considered art as a way of validating their hobby, but will push back on any serious critical analysis that comes with that. Like video games are a serious art form right up until the moment someone reads something into a game they don't like (it's just a video game, it's not that serious, right?) or a critic's review doesn't reflect their exact feelings about a game (reviews exist to validate their opinions, not to engage critically with anything). Anyway my point here is that this exact type of person also exists in fanfic communities and I think they should fight each other to the death
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shinigami-striker · 8 months
A Disappointing Dud!? | Monday, 10.09.2023
Can you believe this!? Game Informer officially called Super Bomberman R 2 "a disappointing dud"!
Here's the final verdict: "Super Bomberman R 2’s best parts are the ones carried over from older games in the series. Messing around with friends in local and online matches is still fun, and if that's all you're interested in, it's a fine enough experience. Unfortunately, that’s a small portion of the game, making it hard to recommend."
Scored a 5.75 out of 10.
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tinypurpleparrot · 5 months
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What this doesn't show is that 75% of my play time this year has been in Final Fantasy 14, which is not linked to my Steam account.
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