#Pantalone Genshin
wh1msic4alwasab1 · 3 months
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𝐇𝐒𝐑 & 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 💌
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synopsis: a set of visual twt links!
disclaimer: all VISUAL and contain highly explicit videos
a/n: make sure ur logged into twitter!
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Alhaitham - taking his time w/you , playing with you , his favorite view
Ayato - leash , on his break , aftermath
Diluc - you’re his maid , wearing his clothes , grinding on him
Zhongli - screams zhongli , how he’d wake you up , tasting you
Tartaglia - watching a movie , bondage , fucking his cum into you
Dottore - how he fucks you , fucking your face , he loves to spank you red
Pantalone - sugar daddy , fucking you before a meeting , , helping dottore with an experiment
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Dr Ratio - 100% him , you failed an exam , relentless
Blade - rough rough rough , your pleasure is his pleasure , public
Jing Yuan - punishing you, his fingers , self explanatory
Gallagher size kink, helping eachother , midday fuck
Dan Heng - servicing you , intimate , you both can’t sleep
Boothill- fingering you from behind , cuffs , it just makes sense
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
part 2 here —->
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fatuismooches · 9 months
I want to see each harbinger with a touchy lover/lover whose love language is physical affection 😭😭
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Imagine the Harbingers when your love language is physical affection.
Pierro is learning to adjust. He probably doesn’t have the time or energy for large displays of affection. He’s already very exhausted from his heavy workload and life itself so lots of touching would be a lot for him. But let’s not forget this man is touch-starved. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say you’re the only thing that brings him happiness in this corrupted world. After the fall of Khaenri’ah, he probably isolated himself from a lot of things in order to focus on furthering the Fatui. So since you are really the link that reminds him that even he has a fraction of humanity left, Pierro does crave your touch. Just differently than how you might show it. He would enjoy simple physical contact for an extended period of time if that makes sense. Like, not anything overbearing, but tiny. You can pull up a chair and nuzzle yourself into his arm and shoulder while he works. It won’t bother him. You can keep your hand on his thigh as you do your own thing. You can try to hold his hand hostage, but it won’t work for very long, though it’ll give him a tiny laugh. Though, once he’s finally out of the office and has free time (which is extremely rare) he won’t say no to lots of cuddles in bed. Truly the only way he can relax. You didn’t hear this from me but he enjoys a damn good massage. Just start rubbing his shoulders in the right places and he’ll be putty in your arms.
Dottore has grown to like it, enjoy it even, and you know what his favorite thing to do is? Initiate it himself first when he sees you approaching so he can catch you off guard and then tease you. Assuming you’ve been with him for centuries since the Akademiya, by now he would have become accustomed to your touch. Sometimes he doesn’t even react when you wrap your arms around his neck (he’s a busy man, you know? He can’t always pay attention to you despite how much you complain in his ear! Though the segments will happily fulfill that role for you.) Touching the scars on his face will always make him stiffen, Zandik will never get used to that even though they don’t hurt anymore. The best time to get touchy with him is when he’s sitting at his desk writing or whatever, since you can easily cuddle him on his lap. Though make sure you’re prepared for it, this is Il Dottore after all. As much as Dottore likes it when you try to challenge him with that intellectual mind of yours, he also loves it when you’re quiet. If you can make sure you stay still for the most part and quiet, his lap and chest are all yours. He might even forget you’re there since he gets so caught up in his work but don’t get surprised when he breaks his pens… and then accidentally touches your clothes with an ink-covered hand. And don’t blame him if you wake up with cramps and sores… it’s well worth it though!
Akademiya Zandik is the embodiment of “what the hell are you doing get away from me.” And literally, everyone knows this, he does have a notorious reputation after all. There was one time another student placed their hand on his shoulder and he physically recoiled and looked as if he just got burnt. Everyone makes sure not to bump into him in the hallways. Pretty much all of the physical contact he’s had was when he was beaten as a child, so he’s grown a hatred and discomfort for it. Zandik even despises brushing hands with the store clerks and merchants. He can’t fathom the fact that touch can be comforting and even healing. He can’t hope to understand the idea that hands are used to love, not only to hurt. So if your love language is physical affection, well… you’re going to have to hold off on your plans for a long time. I know it hurts, but be happy you managed to get into a relationship with this guy first. You persevered a lot, right? You’ll just have to persevere some more. It takes a long time for him to warm up to your touch, much less constant touchiness. And don’t push it. Be patient. The first time you two hold hands is monumental. In due time the two of you will be cuddling together after a long day of performing illegal experiments behind the Akademiya’s back. 
Columbina wholeheartedly enjoys it of course! She is an affectionate queen herself! Bina can easily sense you creeping up behind her to trap her in a hug, and she happily lets it happen. She will really just let you do what you want, and she loves how you two have the same love languages since it’s a win for everyone (minus the Harbingers, Pierro has to tell her to focus during the meetings and missions instead of clinging onto you.) It is funny to think that you two actually have schedules - first, you’re holding and pampering her, and then she holds and pampers you… yes, a very beneficial relationship, and no one is left out of the affection and love. If you want to hold hands for every activity, go ahead! Honestly, you two could glue your hands together and daily life wouldn’t be affected too much since that’s how it already is like… how cute. Though I hope you have good shoulder strength because Columbina will literally drop half her body over you for an extended period of time. Cuddles of course are heavenly, though more often than not, you two end up in a tangle of limbs and have fallen off the bed with the blankets, trying to separate. Oh and if you’re touching her wings? Make sure to be very gentle this time! (Otherwise, she may playfully bat you with them but accidentally put too much force into it and send you a good few feet away.)
Capitano is very confused at first but will go along with it happily. The tall and romantically awkward man doesn’t understand why you’re always insisting on holding or touching hands, but when you look so happy and smile so brightly, he could never refuse you. He doesn’t understand when you plop yourself on his lap out of nowhere, or when you cuddle into his chest, but he doesn’t dare move a muscle. He’s not even sure what a “love language” is in the first place until you mentioned it offhandedly once, and then the next day he’s reading a very detailed book about it in his private office. Capitano’s face is completely neutral but inside he’s secretly very touched and honored by your love language. Like, he knew you liked him, but this just solidifies how much you truly loved him. For some reason, he treats this as revolutionary news even though you two are married. Sometimes it doesn’t process that someone as lovely and amazing as you can love a monster like him. After acknowledging how much physical affection means to you he will open himself to you whenever he’s not busy. He will make sure you’re comfortable and cozy, because if you get cramps, or get too cold, or too hot, or whatever possible discomfort, he won’t forgive himself. Is he taking tips from the couple's advice book? Yes. Touch him all you want, he won’t be able to reciprocate very well other than a pat on the head and back or two but don’t worry, he’s learning.
Scaramouche will act like it’s the worst thing that’s ever been bestowed upon him… initially. Human touch is something that has a long, not-so-good history with him considering all his betrayals. Just the mere thought of it sickens him sometimes, he doesn’t think he could ever get used to it again. Though, the puppet has gone through many stages, many changes in his life, you being one of the major ones. A big change usually is accompanied by many small ripples in one’s life, and that is exactly what you do for him. If you’ve managed to make it to this point, a relationship with him, you two have probably touched a few times. But only a few. It is not something he’s accustomed to. So you will have to rein in your need to have your hands all over him and your desire for tons of smooches. Taking it slow with physical affection is key, but you will be rewarded. Scaramouche will slowly begin to tolerate your affection, behind closed doors, however. The only affection that happens in public is when he’s jealous and pulls you into his arms. Toleration turns to him internally begging for more, however, he will never voice that out loud. The Harbinger longs to feel you hold him from behind, as he mumbles curses and how you were so needy under his breath. He hopes that you’ll take matters into your own hands and kiss his cheeks so he doesn’t have to ask. He wishes for you to caress his chest, the place where his heart is vacant. In your arms, maybe it’s okay for Kunikuzushi to be the vulnerable and emotional puppet he wishes he wasn’t… But don’t get too cocky. He will still dodge your attempts at hugs and watch as you comedically trip over your own feet, and then walk away and softly smile at your whining and pouting behind his back.  
Wanderer already knows how this goes. After all, you have forgotten him, but he could never forget you. He has every part of you etched into his eternal memories, your touchy habits, your kisses, your hugs, how you always try to sneak some hand-holding in to see if he wouldn’t notice. And of course, some things never change. After you two have gotten together again, you still do the exact same affectionate touches as before, as if nothing has changed at all. But he has changed. He is no longer Scaramouche, or Kabukimono, or whatever names he had called himself before. Wanderer seldom complains or makes multiple comments about your affection, nor will he be begging for it frequently. Instead, he has a more neutral-positive take on your affection. When you need him and his touch, he will be there silently. And so he will let you drunkenly mumble into his shoulder and cling to him in the tavern, not caring if that Scribe and the other blonde boy are looking at him. He’ll let you give him a peck on the cheek as thanks for helping you shop even if the mercenary and village leader are chuckling at the sight. He’ll let you greet him with a great big hug even if Sumeru’s Archon smiles knowingly at the sight. Wanderer will let you indulge, for he thinks that you deserve at least that for everything he’s put you through.
Kabukimono is admittedly confused at first, but in no way declines your advances. Your touch makes him feel quite happy after all. But, is it normal for one to be so touchy with their partner? He has seen other couples display such affection, but you seem to provide it far more than the average person! Whether it’s just a mere brush of fingers stroking him or a hand on his thigh, you always seem to be touching him affectionately. The puppet wonders if there is any real meaning behind these lingering touches that he does not understand yet. Surely there must be, right? He knows that some humans have odd habits, as you would put it. But nope - it is simply “how you show love,” your words echoing throughout his mind. How you show love is through your soft and gentle touches, your rough tackling when you’re feeling devious, the playful pulling of his cheeks, and always finding an excuse to kiss him. And he can’t say that he dislikes it! Though, it leaves Kabukimono to wonder - how does he show love?
Sandrone has no clue what to do or make of the situation. Physical affection is something that she is really not familiar with, even if the relationship has been going on for a long time. And someone who is huge on it? Oh boy, you’re going to kill her. I bet once, her face probably got stained with grease or something since she works with machines a lot, and you moved to wipe it off and her face just turned completely blank and still. Just completely unmoving, her hands literally frozen in the position they were in as your fingers tenderly brushed against her cheek. You may or may not have broken Sandrone because for the first time in your life, you heard her stutter, and then she avoided you for the next few days. So, not good at all really, but then again not in a bad way. She won’t get mad at you exactly, but she will not respond or reciprocate because she genuinely doesn’t know how. It is a super strange feeling to her, liking someone else’s touch. Do try not to do it while she’s working, because she will get distracted and then mess up on her project, and then proceed to lose it and then go turn some poor souls into dolls to let off steam from how ill you make her feel. Will she ever get used to it or get better at reciprocating? Well, I’m sure you’ll be staying with her for a while, so you’ll find out down the line.
La Signora enjoys it to a normal extent. There are times when she will be possessive and demand that you shower her with complete and utter adoration which you happily agree to. Though there are times when she will have to decline your offer - she knows you are a needy lover, Signora teases, but she too has work to do. And how will she focus on her duties if you are constantly luring her attention to you instead of where it needs to be? Signora promises to give you what you want later. Though, you will be touching Rosalyne a lot more than you think. Why? Because you help her with her own routine. You will help her do or undo her hair, which means rubbing her scalp gently and combing her hair. (Be careful! She will get annoyed if you pull on it too hard.) You love doing her nails for her, because that means you get to hold her hand for a long time. Please, brush your fingers softly against her face as you adjust the black mask on her face. Please, trace along her collarbones as you put on the black neckpiece that runs down to her chest. Signora doesn’t particularly think much of your super affectionate nature, she just knows it’s a part of you and will even use it to her advantage. You give really good massages, she’s noticed.
Pantalone feels his smile grow every time you unabashedly touch him, because he too will be physically affectionate with no shame. I don’t think you’ll win against this man because he’s just that good. You’re kissing him? Well, now he’s got you trapped in his arms littering kisses all over your body. You’re hugging or holding his hand? Well, now you’re being held hostage by him because he’s not letting go for anything. Every single time you’re touchy with him he will turn it around on you and be the one caressing you instead. All with a damned teasing smile as if this doesn’t fluster him the tiniest bit. Pantalone is the kind of guy to have his hand on your thigh under the table at every chance he gets. He will have an arm linked around yours at every social gathering or party there is. He will have you on his lap while doing anything possible - in his office doing paperwork, reading a book, even merely having a regular conversation. I don’t know, he’ll tell you about Snezhnaya’s economy if you want. You get my point. So, in conclusion, he is really one of the best to have your hands all over, so long as you’re prepared to receive what you give.
Arlecchino doesn’t really know what to do… she didn’t even know it was possible for someone to be so touchy-feely. You cling to her more than the children do! She’s rather indifferent to it, she won’t reject it, but she won’t exactly encourage it either. She is a woman who likes her personal space, after all. Though at times she does enjoy your kisses and hugs, sometimes she just needs to be by herself, and your constant affection can be distracting… Though, Arlie does like it in moderate amounts. For example, coming home after long days to be pampered and kissed all over by you. As much as she looks unsettlingly composed and unaffected, even she feels the weight of her responsibilities sometimes. When you two finally have the time to cuddle she won’t be irritated at how you won’t let go, and will stroke your hair as you’re buried in her chest. All Arlecchino asks is that you don’t do it in public, because even the orphans are beginning to whisper about how “Father is oh so lovey-dovey and mushy-gushy with [Name]” and she really can’t deal with that right now. 
Childe is a cuddle bear himself, so expect to be evenly matched and also appreciated for your love language. Although Childe doesn’t really show it or acknowledge it himself, he is probably a bit touch-starved. That’s what falling into the Abyss and joining the Fatui as a kid does to you. So if you want to try and squeeze him to death affectionately, go ahead! He will be accepting the challenge and doing the same to you. If you have the need to always be holding his hand or gripping a piece of his clothing, he will let you. Even if you’re in the streets of Liyue, onlookers passing by, or in the privacy of your own home while he’s cooking (he will literally cook with one hand, don’t test him.) If you have the sudden urge to kiss him silly out of nowhere, by all means, he welcomes it. And he will reciprocate it ten times harder. He finds it rather adorable, to be honest. I’m sorry but he definitely tickles you as revenge if you glomp him too hard or something. It’s all in good fun though! Ajax is not one to waste your affectionate habits, whatever little time he has with you will be spent wholeheartedly loving you to the fullest.
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kroosluvr · 6 months
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ꈍᴗꈍ and *´▽`* harbingers
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dvhuwr · 8 months
Genshin Impact - NSFW Pantalone Alphabet Head Canons !!
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Pairing: AMAB Pantalone + AFAB Reader
Synopsis + Information: NSFW Pantalone Head Canons for every letter of the Alphabet. 
Tags: Mentions of Sex, Cream pie, BDSM, Uneven Power Dynamic, Rough Sex, Anal, CNC, Mentions of innocence and vulnerability, Overstimulation, Fingering, Fellatio, Cunnilingus, Edging, Quickies, Dirty Talk, Lap Dance, Face Fucking, Free Use, Pet Name “Princess”
Minors do not interact with my account or this post! Enjoy!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after the act). As one of the wealthiest individuals in Teyvat, Pantalone never fails to spoil you. He takes great pleasure in rewarding you with expensive and lavish gifts including jewellery and designer clothing. This is his way of showing appreciating and love for you after having sex. Due to the nature of your sex, he also checks up on you, to see if you’re okay and if there’s anything you may need.
B = Body part (Their favourite Body part). He absolutely adores your face. Whilst he, of course, likes your body, there’s nothing better than seeing the lewd faces you make whilst he shoves his cock deep into your pussy.
C = Cum (Anything cum related). Pantalone enjoys finishing inside of you, he likes watching his seed drip down your cunt, he finds it very erotic. He also enjoys finishing inside of you to reduce the mess, plus, he believes finishing ‘on’ you is tacky.
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs). He is very turned on by BDSM. He has a vast collection of bondage, ropes, whips and other various ‘toys’ that could be used in the BDSM department. He loves seeing your moans of pain, it makes him feel like he has power over you, and that you’re his own personal toy.
E = Experience (How experienced are they?). Very. He knows exactly what he’s doing. As a wealthy and influential figure in Teyvat, there is no surprise that he has had his fair share of encounters with women.
F = Favourite Position (Favourite sex position). Pantalone is a very busy man, dealing with Snezhnaya’s economy and so forth. Therefore, a commonly used position is doggy on his work desk. Whenever he feels the urge to, he will pull you to the side and bend you over his desk, and without warning, he will thrust into your pussy whilst tightly gripping the back of your hair. It’s quick and get’s the job done, as most days he doesn’t have time for drawn out intercourse. It also makes him feel powerful; being able to pull you to the side and force you to take his cock from behind.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment or are they humorous). No. Pantalone is not someone who jokes around, especially during sex. If you ever try to joke around with him, he will make sure to punish you accordingly.
H = Hair (How groomed are they down there). He believes self-care is of utmost importance, especially down there. He is completely shaved and keeps up with this daily.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, the romantic aspect). He can be romantic when he feels it is appropriate; in fact, Pantalone can be very romantic, taking you out to fancy dinners and buying you expensive and beautiful bouquets of flowers. But don’t be fooled, as soon as he gets you into bed, he’ll be rough, demanding and dominant.
J= Jack off (Masturbation). He doesn’t masturbate, he believes masturbation is ‘tacky’. He knows he can pull you to the side any time he wants and fuck you senseless; therefore, masturbation is of no use to him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks). He has many. He mostly indulges in CNC and BDSM. He loves the feeling of forcing himself onto you, and being as rough as he pleases. Panting heavily whilst he’s hunched over you, thrusting into your ass whilst you moan his name and tell him to stop.
L = Location (Favourite places to have sex). Pantalone believes having sex in public is tacky and stays away from such, especially since his reputation is of value to him. Therefore, the bedroom tends to do the job, especially since that’s where he keeps his collection of sexual ‘toys’. However, he is a busy man who is constantly working at his desk, and he won’t be afraid to bend you over his desk and rail you from behind when he feels like it.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going). Whenever he sees you looking vulnerable and innocent, it turns him on greatly. He also just plays off of instinct as well; he has a high sex drive so, whenever he has the urge to have sex, he’ll drag you toward him and slam you onto his desk before fucking you like there’s no tomorrow.
N = No (Turn offs, things you shouldn’t do). He is not open to you not taking him seriously, and if he can sense you joking around this will frustrate him. Additionally, any sort of public sex or threesomes are completely off the table for Pantalone; he feels as if these activities are for ‘low lives’ and are ‘tacky’.
O = Oral (Preferences, skill). He enjoys face fucking you, watching the beautiful mess he creates all over your face. But he can’t help but eat out your cunt. Eating pussy is something he is extremely skilled at; he’ll suck on your clit while sliding his fingers in and out of your cunt until your dripping wet and begging him to keep going. And, when he feels like it, he’ll edge you and stop as your about to cum, leaving your pussy twitching and pulsing for more. What a tease!
P = Pace (Are they fast, slow, rough or gentle?). His pacing can depend on the scenario. He can be slow or fast or rough or gentle. However, he almost always prefers starting off slightly slowly to tease you and leave you begging; then suddenly fucking you hard, rough and fast to overstimulate you.
Q = Quickies (Opinion on Quickies). He takes pleasure in having quickies with you, especially during his work hours. There’s something so perverted about swiping the contents of his desk to the floor and roughly slamming into your tight ass while he’s meant to be reading through tedious documents.
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment). Pantalone cares too much about his reputation to take risks during sex, especially if it’s public sex. Being caught in such a degenerate act is the last thing he wants and needs.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they last for, how long do they last?). Long. Not only can he go for a while without finishing, but he also has the stamina and endurance to go for plenty of rounds. He can really go for hours if you let him, though you probably wouldn’t be able to walk afterwards.
T = Toy (Do they own toys or use them?). He loves using toys on you. As mentioned before, Pantalone has a vast collection of whips, toys, ropes, paddles and so forth that he takes pleasure in using. His favourite are the ropes; he likes tying your wrists and ankles together so there’s no chance you can escape him, even if you beg him to stop. The whines of pain and over stimulation are sounds that can make him cum in a matter of seconds.
U = Unfair (How much do they tease?). Pantalone takes great enjoyment from teasing you, it makes him feel dominant and powerful. He’ll swirl his tongue around your clit whilst thrusting his fingers into you, gradually increasing the speed till’ you’re about to cum. But then, he stops. He’ll leave your pussy pulsing and you begging for more, and he won’t continue until he feels like you’ve done an adequate amount of begging. Watching how desperate you get for him is a massive turn on.
V = Volume (How loud are they, what sounds do they make?). He isn’t very loud. He’ll breathe heavily and lightly moan whilst thrusting into you, but he definitely isn’t loud. However, if he’s dirty talking you, he may raise his voice slightly, to make sure you can understand every single word he’s saying to you. “Look at me brat, look at me while I shove my cock into your little cunt,” he’ll demand of you.
W = Wild Card (A random NSFW Head canon of choice). Pantalone loves lap dances. Quite frequently he’ll ask you to dress up for him and show him some dance moves. He’ll even throw money at you to treat you as if you were a stripper; then once his cock starts leaking in his pants, he’ll push you to your knees and face fuck you relentlessly.
X = X-Ray (What’s inside his pants?). Pantalone may have a cute and innocent smile, but don’t let this deceive you, he really is packing down there. Measuring out at 7 inches, his cock can really do some damage if he isn’t careful. But sometimes the pain feels too good.
Y = Yearning (Sex Drive). He may be a busy man, but this doesn’t affect his extremely high sex drive. He just can’t help but thinking about fucking your tight asshole, he loves it. Furthermore, the fact that you’re pretty much always available for him to ‘use’ makes it easier for him to act on his thoughts, rather than suppress them.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep after sex?). No; he’s too busy for that. Once he’s done with you, he’ll usually leave to continue his work. He’ll check up on you after sex and make sure you’re okay and he’ll remind you, “If there’s anything you want, tell the maids. Oh, and also, I’ve left some Mora on the bedside table, go treat yourself if needs be Princess.”
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m1d-45 · 8 months
ink, ink, ink
summary: overworking yourself all on your lonesome? not on the northland bank’s watch.
word count: ~1.3k
-> warnings: the name and title of a harbinger not shown in game. yeah.
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @ryuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept
< masterlist >
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you slumped over your desk, digging the heels of your palms into your eyes. a headache pounded behind them, the words on the documents before you losing all meaning.
it was late. later than you’d normally be up. later than what’s healthy. but the stack of unfinished files was barely as high as your nail was long, and you knew you could finish it. you just had to finish it tonight, and then you could have the next week entirely stress free. no more paperwork, no more forms… nothing.
you honestly didn’t expect being the creator to be this stressful, though you probably should have. you weren’t bothered about day to day activities, but with your permanent residence under construction, your opinion was required for everything. fabric samples for the sheets—inazuman silk or liyuen?—and tiles for the floor, or would you prefer to have rugs or carpet? the flowers in the front, gold or jade for the inlays, what style of plates or mugs? tea or coffee or both? would you like a garden in the back to rest in? please provide measurements for your clothes, as well as which nation’s style you preferred. please and thank you and we’re honored for the opportunity to serve.
you knew they meant well. you were never talked over or dissuaded, and the envoys from the nations you visited were always impartial in their descriptions. they knew you loved teyvat as a whole, and even if you had a preference for where to stay, you wouldn’t abandon the rest of the world for that one place. so they advised you about weather and the local wildlife, politely waiting when you stopped to let a crystalfly land in your hand. the people of teyvat were kind, accepting your answer with a smile and a bow, only wanting the best for you.
you suspect they knew your answer from the beginning, but nobody brought it up. it was nice to see the nations, and you never regret your final choice. especially not now, when the thought of your lover being so close to you gave you the strength to pick up your pen.
just a bit more, then you can go rest. lie down and be welcomed with warm arms, for he’s certainly long retired by now.
did you want a wardrobe, closet, or both?
would you like curtains around your bed?
how many pillows? what kind of blankets?
a tub combined with your shower, or separate?
blinds or curtains for-
knock, knock, knock.
you blink. you look up. by the time you’ve set down your pen and it’s registered to your tired mind that there’s someone at your door, the person in the other side calls your name in a soft voice.
a voice that you instantly recognize, automatically inviting in. a voice carried in the chest of a harbinger, but one that looks at you with adoration all the same.
pantalone closes the door behind him softly, barely the slightest click heard as he locks it. “when you asked to work in my bank, i had assumed you would be doing so responsibly,” he says, voice quiet. his eyes are low, shadows sharp from the candles lit on your desk, but you know he’s checking the clock the same way he knows you have a headache, silently reaching to pinch out the flame of one of the candles.
your headache eases a bit, and he wipes the ashes from his gloves on a handkerchief.
“is work-“ you wave at your desk, at the cluttered sprawl of invitations and letters across it “-not responsible?”
“at this hour?” his head tilts the slightest amount, and your already fragile will to keep working crumbles. “the only responsible thing to do this late is rest.”
you don’t fuss when he comes around to your side of the desk, sweeping your papers into neat stacks. you just lean against his side, watching as he quickly tidies everything, down to throwing away the napkin you kept on hand for ink spills.
you weren’t used to their fountain pens when you first got here, needing assistance to simply check boxes for a to-do list without the ink bleeding everywhere. your regrator was by your side even then, kindly walking you through the proper form and pressure. he’d been the one to teach you the code used within the fatui as well, and had gifted you the very pen that laid at your desk for your birthday.
the room dimmed again, smoke rising from his fingertips as he pinched out another flame.
“come now.” his hand pats at your shoulder gently, and you sigh as you straighten. he pulls you to your feet easily, bringing you a step closer than strictly necessary. with a neat flourish, he takes his jacket from his shoulders, wrapping it around yours instead. you don’t protest as he helps you put it on, nor as he removes his gloves, flexing your hands to absorb as much of the warmth from the leather as you can.
“won’t you get cold?”
he smiles, his hand warm as he raises it to your cheek. “i was born in snezhnaya,” he says simply, “you were not.”
he puts his hand around you and extinguishes the last candle, this time directly with his handkerchief instead of his hand. he walks you out of your—his, really—office, locking it behind him with a key he tucks away just as fast as he brought it out.
once you arrive at your shared—his, again—quarters, he sits you on the bed, letting his hand linger for a moment to ensure you stay there. you wait as he moves around the house, bringing you water and food, making sure you have at least a bit of each before handing you a painkiller.
when you try to take off the gloves, he stops you with a hand over yours. there’s a thin papercut over the side of his thumb. “not yet. your office was cold, and you’ll need the dexterity.”
“won’t they get dirty?”
“then i’ll have them cleaned, or simply commission another pair.” onyx tumbles over his shoulder as he takes out the tie from his hair, running his fingers through the dark waves to check for knots. “you are my priority. not them.”
once you’re finished with your food and are adequately sleepy from the warmth of his coat, he coaxes you to stand once more. this time your proximity is not of simple selfishness, but because your head keeps drooping and he’s afraid you’ll nod off where you stand.
he removes his coat and gloves as reverently as he put them on you, tossing them to a chair to stay close to you. he lets you remove your socks and shoes then tucks you in with a kiss, glancing back at you the entire time he removes his own. it’s endearing to see you try to stay awake to wait for him, his chest warming at the clear sight of your affection.
eventually he does join you in bed, reaching out to pull the blanket over your shoulder on instinct. your hand fumbles for his, squeezing once. “thank you.”
your heart is in your ears as you watch him lift your hand, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. he pulls away with a smile, brushing his thumb over your fingers. “anytime, my lord. now please, get some rest.”
his glasses are left on his nightstand and your responsibilities were checked at the door, your eyes long closed by the time he settles you against his chest.
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ever-4sunlight · 2 months
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)
Includes: dottore, pantalone, childe, arlecchino
warnings: Sexuallity headcannons (my own opinion) and very bad English, mention of yandere actions in arlecchinos part
pronouns: none
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He is... Lets just say a little weird but talks much he will tell you about who he experimented on all night long you wont be able to sleep
If he is tired he gets annoyed easily so dont talk much when hes not in the mood
hes a smart person why should he do what you say? He will command you around
He will 'accidentally' test some of his syringes on you when your sleeping
He wont have much time to spend with you he has to work on his experiments! Nothing is more important then his job
If your to lonely he will send on of his clones to cuddle with you while he can work without feeling bad for not spending time with you
He is totally against kids why should he raise some idiots that will be disrespectful when they grow up?
Im pretty sure that when he ever has free time he wont tell you how much he loves you but will show you how much he loves you
If he hugs you his hands will be placed on your waist if he has time to touch you he will touch you
He will give you everything you want (no child) not personally of course he has to work so a clone will do that for him
possible Sexuallity: confusing me as much as kazuha. _.
His love language is probably: physical touch
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Hes tthe richest harbinger of all he will get you whatever you want it doesn't matter how much it costs everything for his love
He is working must of the time so he will send you little gifts
If he ever has free time he will probably go out with you doing whatever you want shopping or going to a restaurant he doesn't care he will go there with you
He would probably buy you a kitty or a puppy against the boredom when hes working
Buy you every type of clothing you want it doesn't matter to him how much it costs he has the big money
Hes not completely against kids but he's working to much to help you raising them and giving up his job is no option so think about it
He wont have much time to spend with you but he will feel bad leaving you alone all the time
As long as your safe everything is alright so he doesn't have to worry
If he comes back from work he will always have a gift for you and the hours you've waited
If he hugs your he wil lay you on his chest and just stroke your hair talking until you sleep
Possible Sexuallity: bi sexual
His love language is probably: gifts and words of affirmation
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Here we go with our all loved ed sheeran also known as tartaglia he is joking around like a little kid he loves you more then everything in this world
He is definitely not the smartest of the harbingers after all he is the 11th fatui harbinger the weakest and the dumbest? Im not calling him dumb im just not calling him smart
He is a harbinger he has practically no time like the other ones T-T
But i swear to you if he has a free day he will attack you with affection cuddling you for hours and telling you how much he loves you not letting go until he has to work again
If none of his fellow harbingers are near he will talk about his brother and his sister while holding you in his arms
He will hold you by your waist having his chin on your shoulder whispering into your ear how much he loves you
He will Probably never tell you what things he has done because hes scared that you will hate him for the bad things hes done
He wants kids! 100% he just wants to see mini versions of you running around (if your male just adopted or just think in omega verse:D)
His sexuallity is probably: im not sure... Bi or pan?
His love language is probably: physical touch and gifts
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There wwe go with or harbinger mommy shes not only sexy but overall just the perfect definition of toxic<3 but we still love her and she loves you too!
She's VERY possessive and if i say VERY I MEAN VERY she gets jealous by having you just talk to someone else thats not her your hers after all
Shes cold... Not only are her hands cold but shes just someone who barely shows emotions but no worries! She still loves you
If she comes home its late and your probably already asleep but she just cant help but lean your head against her chest when she lays down beside you she just wants to have her lover close!
If you disobey her your probably getting locked into your room to keep you away fron the 'danger' outside
The only person she trusts you with is herself obviously shes the one she can trust the most shes a father! She knows what she's doing
When ttalking about kids shes neutral... Just keep the screaming thing away... But at the same time its hers and it needs protection and care
Shes not talkative so dont annoy her to much!
Her sexuallity is probably: i would actually say shes a lesbian._. But for the more judgmental audience i say bi
Her love language is probably: acts of service
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bloodblanks · 2 months
the cadence within [il dottore x reader] — prologue.
The quickest way to a man’s heart is through their fourth and fifth ribs.  But few men would allow you to just skewer them like that, and Dottore was no exception. So you took the classic route. No, it wasn’t through his stomach; it was through sheer force of charisma alone.  However, charisma is shaped like a double edged blade. Pantalone sent you to Dottore’s lab like a flying dagger, and not until it was too late did either of you realize you’d been lodged in his chest. 
co-written with noodsies, however, they’re shy and wish to stay anonymous! ♡
author's note: this fanfiction will contain mature content, including explicit sexual acts, violence, dottore himself, and similar themes.
please read at your own discretion.
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“Check,” you whispered.
Queen to C6 check, in response to white’s bishop checking on F3. Your D7 pawn guarded your queen, but your bishop was stuck in B8 while his king was vulnerable on A6. His only other piece was a knight on A4.
Did he blunder?
After placing down the chess piece, you glanced back towards him, your eyes searching his face for any readable signs or expressions. There were none, save for the hint of amusement that remained eternally etched into both his features and demeanour.
You mentally sighed. Dottore was as indecipherable as ever, leaving you confused about what to do with the nagging itch that tugged at your heart. You tried to push it aside, to dig a hole and bury the feeling six feet underground where it was never to resurface again, but you found yourself unable to. Instead, you found yourself caving into that emotion, the tension thickening the very air that now felt suffocating to breathe in, each of Dottore’s answers only leaving you with more questions to ask—none of which you should’ve paid any mind to, yet you still couldn't resist, barely holding yourself back from asking the one thing you really wanted to know.
You coughed softly, clearing your throat before speaking again.
“My turn,” you tried to steady your voice and sound as confident as possible, pushing past the dryness in your mouth. “Question nineteen, are you going to continue with your plan?”
It shouldn’t even matter. If you were being rational, you wouldn’t have bothered to ask that; whether or not he planned to continue should not affect your judgement in any way. He had done enough wrong as it is, committed far more crimes than could be excused or remotely justified.
Still, you couldn’t help but succumb to your own weakness, the question leaving your lips alongside a silent prayer that you hadn’t exposed your intentions—be it the one to put an end to him, or the far worse one, the one to give up on your original task. The task you should adhere to, despite your traitorous feelings wanting to get in the way. But you were not strong enough.
Dottore’s silence permitted you to keep ruminating over the same thoughts that had ceaselessly plagued you each time you faced him, the same thoughts that had insidiously grown in intensity throughout your interactions, leaving you to realize far too late that at some point, your actions towards him became genuine.
“Perhaps,” Dottore responded at last. You fought to keep your face neutral, trying your best to mask your disappointment at his answer. As much as you had wanted to, you were unable to deny that you had indeed wanted him to say ‘no.’
As shameful as it was, you pushed for a different answer.
“You’re supposed to answer yes or no,” you stated, keeping your tone light and indifferent.
How ludicrous, you thought. Your job was to pretend to be interested in him, yet here you were, desperately trying to act like you weren’t.
“Unfortunately, Y/N, I can’t do that,” Dottore replied. “The answer is dependent on certain variables.”
“Like what?”
“That’s not a yes or no question.” His face did not betray anything, yet you could hear the smirk in his voice, evident in the satisfaction he spoke with.
“—My turn,” Dottore interrupted, and though you wanted to protest, you had to maintain an air of calmness, leaning back in your seat as you waited for him to speak.
“Question nineteen,” Dottore drew out each syllable with emphasis, “you are planning to kill me, aren’t you?”
His sentence caused you to freeze, a chill running down each ridge of your spine as you shivered, goosebumps breaking out over the surface of your skin, your hair standing on end as you stared at him, motionless, eyes wide.
That wasn’t a yes or no question. He knew. Dottore knew.
You didn’t need to see yourself to know that blood had drained from your face. There was no need for you to say anything; even if he hadn’t already known, your expression alone would be enough to confirm that everything he just said was true.
“Go on. Why don’t you answer me?” His voice was sharp enough to cut through the pounding of your heart, the pulsating of the organ reverberating in your eardrums being the only sound to muffle the deafening silence of the room.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Dottore continued. Though the syllables reached you, your mind struggled to process the meaning behind them. “Did you think I wouldn’t know?”
Dottore scoffed, indignant.
“I find it rather insulting that you think so lowly of me.”
“N-no,” you scrambled to find the right words. “I don’t—”
“—Is that so?” he said, cutting you off while clicking his tongue in mock disapproval. “Do you have a more plausible explanation for that gun strapped to your thigh, then?”
Your heart sank, his words the anchor that plunged it into the bottomless pit in your stomach. It felt like the life was drained from your body, rendering it an immobile marionette whose strings dangled from the tips of Dottore’s slender fingers. As if his words were coated in a paralyzing agent, you couldn’t bring yourself to speak further or move an inch. The only reminder that you were still alive was the harrowing thump of your pulse, each beat accelerating faster than the last.
How did he know?
For a split second you wondered if you’d been betrayed, but that was impossible. You had premeditated the perfect plan, meticulously memorized every step, and followed through with flawless execution.
With clandestine sleight, you acquired the perfect trump card—a gun loaded with bullets meant to destroy both visions and delusions. It was exactly what you needed to put an end to him, to put an end to this madness and absurdity. You’d be done with this once and for all. You’d have your old life back; exactly as it was before.
So how?
And what was more pressing than how, was the question of just what Dottore was planning to do with this knowledge. The urgency that question posed was unmatched by anything else, the answer pertaining to whether you would live or die.
You couldn’t help but wince, unable to conceal your expressions any longer. Dottore had seen through it all, seen through all your plans. You were dead, and you could only hope that your death would not be as unpleasant as some of the others by his hand. You knew what he was capable of, and you knew he was capable of far worse.
“I didn’t think so.” Dottore’s words were firm. Unwavering. And in those very seconds you were forced to accept the reality that you were going to die. This was the end.
“Go ahead,” Dottore said, slowly holding out his hands with both palms facing you. “Shoot me.”
“I won’t stop you,” he finished his sentence. You were still gaping at him, but he was gazing back straight into your eyes, unflinching.
“Is this a joke?” you breathed, unable to comprehend what was just said to you.
“Is that your final question?” Dottore returned, his words somehow snapping you out of your daze and paralysis for a split second. You instinctively reacted by reaching to your thigh, pulling out the gun that you had prepared for this very moment and aiming it directly at him.
You tried to still the tremble of your hands as your index finger hooked onto the trigger, tensing it frozen so it wouldn’t pull.
A moment went by.
“Is that all?” Maybe you were imagining things. You had to be, but you couldn’t help but feel his eyes scan your face, searching for something.
Just what was he looking for? Could it be the same thing you sought?
“Allow me my final question, then.”
You couldn’t help but anticipate, that minuscule flame of hope, that lingering spark that refused to be snuffed out, flaring back to life.
“Sure.” Your voice was low, but you knew that he had heard you, nonetheless.
“Question...” Each second felt like it had been split up into millions, leaving you to experience time a microsecond at once. You were breathing heavily, your blood pulsating in your ears and adrenaline rushing through your veins. “...Twenty.”
“There is something stopping you, isn’t there?” 
next chapter -> any interactions are appreciated (´・ω・`) thank you very much for supporting my work! ♡
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kattkeyy · 10 months
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cyxnidx · 7 months
character: pantalone
genre: smut
warnings: body worship, that one thing where people compare you to a god..? i cant remember what its called ims orru
a/n: i adore the idea of Pantalone adoring us like omfgsjdhehhe (its been a long day so any mistakes pleass ignkre, i may or may not be borderline drunk rn)
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"oh, dear." you heard your husbands voice, his tone breathy as you felt his gloved hands glide across your body. "i'd like to touch you, but.." he sighed, eyes meeting yours. "i feel even that would be a sin."
his eyes trail down your body once again. "i've done a lot in my lifetime, all without a second thought, or even no thought at all. however, when it comes to you.." he trails off. "..you; you make me want to stop for a moment. to contemplate my current decision - any next decision concerning you."
pantalone admired you deeply. not only for the fact that you were one of the few to catch his genuine attention, or to even make him stop for a moment, to stop his world from spinning, but also because your body mesmerized him.
almost to the point of obsession.
"i feel a bit odd saying this, almost like it's something dottore would say, but.." he paused for a moment. "..i feel it'd be only right of me to ask permission. to purify myself before doing such a thing - i feel it'd be necessary." he states. "i feel that even my gloves shouldn't be able to touch such a delicate surface such as your skin."
you bring your hands to his face, kissing his forehead softly. moving from his face and down to his hands, you removed his gloves and place his now bare hands ontop of you. "there's not a need for such a thing."
a smile began to etch itself onto pantalones face. a smile you recognized, yet still so vague you couldn't determine the true meaning behind it - was he manic, or was he mad?
"so divine.." he runs his cold hands along your side, kissing your forehead softly. "..such a blessing, you are." he moves down to your cheeks, jawline and collarbone whilst his hands mess with the hems of your waist band of your bottoms.
lightly, he grabs at your thighs, waist and hips. he moves to kiss what seems to be every inch of skin in the surrounding areas. "god, i love you." he'd mumble against your skin. "i adore you.. i adorn every inch of skin on your body, i have a desire to relish in your presence forever, for as long as my heart beats."
occasionally biting, he'd move to your chest and lick at your nipples for a moment before continuing his small kisses against your plush skin. "so perfect, so delicious.." he kisses your lips, eyes fluttering closed as he does so.
"a god must've sculpted you.." he tells you, moving toward your ears, whispering in a honey smooth voice. "and instead of being a bit selfish with you, unlike myself, he decided to gift me with you." he nibbles on the cartilage lightly. "..and i'm glad he did."
his fingers diligently pull your bottoms down all together while his lips dance with yours, a groan coming from his mouth when he feels even more of your warmth that was hidden under your clothes.
"goodness, darling." he almost pouts. "tell me, why haven't i began taking your clothes off quicker.."
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genshin-fanart · 10 months
pantalone: would you miss me if i died?
dottore, softly: it’s cute that you think death can get you out of this relationship.
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mxdnightlvers · 2 years
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𓆩♡𓆪
➸ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Fucking the harbingers except you’re blindfolded and tied up
➸ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Dottore, Pantalone, Tartaglia/Childe
➸ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Foursome, Exhibition, excessive mentions of cum, reader is blindfolded and tied up, slight slight degradation, thigh fucking, not proofread :>
➸ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: Afab reader
➸ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: The harbingers have me in the BIGGEST chokehold ever rn. They better be playable plz but for now I wrote this to cope with how fine they all look. Also new diluc skin makes me wanna write a smut on him :>
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You didn’t know how you ended up here. Maybe it’s because the alcohol you drank is finally taking a toll on your present state of mind. Maybe it was the alcohol that had you agreeing to this. How did an innocent party turn into this seemed like a question you would have to answer in the morning. However, you couldn’t help but shift your hips with excitement as you hear the shuffling of clothes around you. Hands cuffed above your head, eyes blindfolded and completely naked as greedy hands explored your body. You were completely exposed and helpless to the three harbingers. Body exposed for everyone to play with, to fuck and fill you up so nicely. Unknown hands played with your clit, fingering you, playing with your tits. You didn’t know who was doing what. Who was fingering you so well, hitting your g-spot every time. Who held your legs apart, making sure that your body was left exposed for them to use and who shoved his cock between your lips.
Your body was so sensitive to their touches, shifting and leaning into the slightest of touches. Their fingers quickly bringing you to your orgasm, legs quivering as you moan around the cock in your mouth. You were already so dizzy from your orgasm but you barely even had time to catch your breath. Hands found their way into your hair, pushing you further down their cock before spilling their seed down your throat. They pulled out, leaving your mouth a leaking mess. Slender fingers pushed the cum back in your mouth, your tongue eagerly licking up the unknown person’s cum. “Such a pretty little thing, so eager to be fucked by all of us hm?” Dottore hums you praises as he pushes his cock inside you- or at least what you think is his cock. Your mouth being filled with another’s cock as the last found entertainment with the rest of your body.
You knew exactly who was fucking you but you didn’t know who’s cock you were sucking, who’s cum you were swallowing. Who was stretching you apart, who was filling you up with his seed and who was leaving hickeys all over your body. Assuming it’s Childe inside you when he moans your name so sweetly or it’s Pantalone’s cock inside your mouth as he calls you a slut. You were helpless as they used your holes over and over. Filling you up with cum so much that it’s leaking out. Staining your pretty lips with their seed. Pulling out of you only to leave your messy body on display before fucking back into you. Filling every hole with their cock as you swallow load after load and having your cunt used over and over for their pleasure. Strong hands, slender hands, calloused hands, all over your body at the same time, touching you everywhere, spreading their cum all over your body. Thighs being fucked as someone slips underneath you to fuck into your hole.
They’re using you over and over and you all love it. The way you spread your legs so eagerly for any of them, not knowing who it is. The way you cum over and over for them, the way your body reacts at every slight touch. They’re drunk on your body. They’re drunk on you. And you, you’re so eager to just be stuffed with cock that every time one pulls away you can’t help but whine at the loss. You’re so eager to be filled of cum that you’ll be licking up any drop no matter who’s own. They’re all singing you praises, kissing you, enjoying you and with each time they enter you again, it’s more apparent that you guys won’t be finished anytime soon.
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fatuismooches · 5 months
Could you please write about the Harbingers spending time with the reader on their birthdays? But maybe they send what they did with you as a letter to the Traveler like the in-game feature? :D
♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬' 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ♡
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synopsis: The Traveler naturally expects mail in their inbox whenever the Harbingers' birthdays roll around. However, they didn't expect it to be so... lovey-dovey, and all about you.
includes: all harbingers w/ gn! reader
notes: I've finally finished it! I've been wanting to write something similar to my voice line post for a while, so here it is - the Harbingers sending birthday mail, except they're very down bad for you :3 Includes a letter, a photograph, and attached items with the letter! (Sorry to the Pulcinella fans, I was too lazy to write him in.)
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Sender: Pierro
It is my birthday today. Normally, I would have continued on my day as usual, but [Name] had another idea in mind, going so far as to get the Tsaritsa herself to block the door to my office and then dragging me away. It seems they were planning this for a while… The last birthday I celebrated was the year Khaenri’ah fell. What purpose did today serve when my homeland and people were gone? As the years went on, it began to slip my mind and I nearly would have forgotten the date, were it not for [Name]’s question a while ago. I thought nothing of it, but I did not think [Name] would have taken this so seriously.
They knew I would enjoy anything so long as it was with them, yet they had the entire day planned out. Claiming that I needed some fresh air, we walked through the Snezhnayan streets, the normally biting frost a bit warmer than usual. Casual browsing at some new stores that opened up. [Name]’s attempt at starting a snowball fight. And lastly… grocery shopping.
When we got back, they wouldn’t let me help or look. But I could tell from the smell exactly what they were making. It turns out that they managed to make a dish from my home country. I am not sure how they managed to get a hold of this recipe… I must have mentioned it offhandedly and they improvised from there. Of course, it’s not an exact replica, but nonetheless, it tasted delicious. Just for a few minutes, I was taken back to my previous home. That home will never come back, but I have a new one now.
And now the day is almost over. Despite their best efforts to stay awake until the end of the day, they succumbed to their sleepiness, now lying on my lap. They were supposed to read me something they made, but perhaps I’ll find out what that was tomorrow. 
Tomorrow will be back to normal again. But that is alright. I still do not believe I deserve a day like today but, if this is what [Name] desires, then I shall not refuse them again. I’ll look forward to the next birthday just as they do.
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Pierro and you in it. The Harbinger is seated at a table with a homemade dish in front of him. His giant coat and mask are placed off to the side, revealing scars from long ago. You’re glued to his side, trying to feed him by holding the spoon close to his mouth. Pierro is a grown man, the Traveler thinks, he does not need you to feed him… However, he looks quite content with this arrangement so the blonde won’t question it any further. In fact, he looks as if he’s right at home.
Attached Items:
Ancient Khaenri’ahn Dish [A meal unique to Khaneri’ah that has long been forgotten by the world. Although you clearly struggled to make it due to a lack of experience, even the Traveler can taste how much of your love was put into it.]
Khaenri’ahn Story Book [A book that contains numerous fairy tales and various stories originating from the lost nation, written by none other than Pierro himself, and illustrated by you. Apparently, it was born from you begging him to tell you stories from his home, and eventually, the Harbinger began to write them down so you could read them instead of bothering him so often. However, it made the problem worse as now you bother him to read them to you. How sweet.]
“A Day Off.”
Sender: Dottore
[Name] has convinced me to go back to Sumeru with them for a couple of days. I couldn’t care less about this day, but they were adamant about spending the whole day with me, and that they “will not be spending my birthday in a dark gloomy lab again.” 
My research has regrettably halted for a bit, but I suppose this was not a bad idea. This was the first time in many years that either of us had stepped foot back into Sumeru - we had not been back since I was expelled from the Akademiya, besides my segments of course.
[Name] and I trekked the same path we used to walk during our studies at the Akademiya. It was a good spot for studying and conducting experiments without any disturbances - that was until they started following me around. They were a nuisance at first… but eventually, [Name] began to help me deconstruct a variety of machines, which was helpful. And then would laugh at me whenever I ended up breaking them. 
Ever since I met them, [Name] has always said a lot of strange things, but their most recent comment was that they wanted to drink the blue liquid in the vial I carry around. They think it looks… tropical and vibrant. Of course, I refused them. But I had a feeling that if I didn’t provide them with it, they’d try and get it themselves. I was not interested in having to inject an antidote into them, so I came up with a solution.
I know that I am no chef, but this goes outside the realm of cooking. It wasn’t hard to create a sweet drink that would be to [Name]’s liking with the same color. They were more pleased than I thought and demanded that I make it for them more often. I do not care much for nourishment, but perhaps I’ll try my hand at it more often. They have insisted that I send you some, too. So, Traveler, is it to your liking as well? Even if it’s not, I do not care, so don’t bother telling me.
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Dottore and you in it. Despite how much the Traveler has explored Sumeru, they can’t seem to pinpoint the location where it was taken. It must really be a secret place, just for the two of you. Dottore’s mask is on his lap, revealing crimson eyes and scarred skin. You seem to have fallen asleep on his shoulder, as your eyes are closed, though your mouth seems to be agape, perhaps mumbling some nonsense in your sleep. Dottore’s expression is exasperated, but there is a certain fondness in his eyes, one that the Traveler can’t distinguish, or rather, they refuse to believe it. Did the Kamera have an editing function now? Because surely, the photograph must have been forged or something, because there was no way The Doctor could ever have such a tender look in his eyes… 
Attached Items:
Strange Blue Concoction [Some kind of legitimate drink that’s the same color as the vial Dottore carries around. According to [Name], it is quite delicious, but would any sane person dare to try anything from The Doctor of all people…? Who knows, these two might be trying to poison the blonde.]
Assortment of Ruin Guard Parts [Parts from Ruin Guards Dottore created and assembled himself. A wide variety of parts are here, including Chaos Cores, Circuits, and Devices. Wait… they seem to all be damaged and broken. Hey, did Dottore just send the Traveler his useless parts?!]
“Care For A Show?” 
Sender: Columbina
Hello dear Traveler! How are you?~ Today has been such a wonderful day. Why, you ask? Because it’s my birthday of course! ♪ The one day when I have the ability to drag my beloved [Name] wherever I want, with no resistance. Normally they protest for quite a bit, telling me I have a mountain of work to do but, they don’t need to worry their pretty little head about that. ♫ Is it that much of a crime to slack off to spend time with one’s beloved? But oh, that little routine of ours is something that I do cherish.
My dearest [Name] took me to a play. We were among the first to see it, as it was the opening day. You know, they always tell me that as a Harbinger, I should be more conscious of how I present myself. But is it really a problem to sit in their lap instead of my chair? It’s not like anyone can see us all the way up on the balcony seats, hmm? ♬ Moving on though~ The play was quite an interesting story. 
It was of an angel who fell in love with a mere human, despite how taboo it was. When the two were caught, the angel had to decide - would she rather retain their purity and remain in the heavens or fall down, stripped of her divinity to be with her human? Well, if you want to see the ending, you’ll just have to come to Snezhnaya and watch it yourself. ♪ But do tell me Traveler, if you were in a situation like that, what would you choose? … I already know what my choice would be.
Ah, but that show was not even the best part! After that, [Name] put on their own performance for me, just the two of us. It was beautiful of course, the way they convey their choice of art is always worthy of praise. But, they always seem to seek my feedback and criticism… they told me they want to keep improving to make me even more pleased but, how many times do I need to explain to them that I already believe their craft is beautiful? Nevertheless, I do indulge them, if only to satisfy my love. Why don’t you take a look at one of our collaborations, Traveler? It is quite good if I do say so myself. ♫
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Columbina and you in it. The lighting in the theater is a bit dim, so your figures are a bit faded but, the Traveler can still make out the two of you. The two of you have separate chairs but, Columbina is practically spilling onto yours, her head comfortably resting against your chest. You seem as though this is normal for you, which it probably is. Wait, is Columbina sleeping? It seems she probably got bored during the intermission… That’s why you specifically chose your clothes to double as a blanket for your wife.
Attached Items:
Music Score [A music score composed by both you and Columbina. The two of you performed it perfectly together as a present to your wife. Of course, it’s bound to be mesmerizing considering Columbina’s participation. So hauntingly beautiful, that in fact, it might end your life before you get to the end… is that an exaggeration? Well, it seems like the Traveler will have to take that risk.]
Pair of Tickets [Tickets gifted to the Traveler and Paimon. There’s no name on it or any expiration date, so it can be used to watch a single play in Snezhnaya for free, with the best seats in-house, so pick carefully. These things are quite expensive, so don’t go losing them now! Otherwise, Columbina and [Name] might ban the traveling duo from the theater…]
“An Excellent Day.”
Sender: Capitano
Today is my birthday. However, I have never been very adept at celebrating this day. I realize that it is the norm to celebrate one’s birthday, but I have never felt the need to. Though, ever since I became a Harbinger, my recruits have always wished me well today. Unfortunately, when the bolder ones ask me what I have planned, I have nothing interesting to respond with, always prompting them to urge me to do something… In the hallways, I always hear conversations along the lines of even though being a Harbinger is busy, I deserve to do something nice on my birthday. But in reality, it does not bother me at all. Is it really that strange not to do anything on one’s birthday?
When [Name] found out how I normally spend my birthdays, they shared a similar sentiment and promised to make this one “the most eventful and fun and best one I’ve ever had.” They said that since this is our first year together, they need to make my birthday an excellent one. Although I tried to reassure them they needn’t try so hard for me, they were insistent. However, true to their word, I would say my birthday did end up being an excellent one.
One thing about [Name] is they never fail to teach me something new. In this case, they taught me what it means to celebrate a birthday, and I’d say I learned a lot. As stated by them, there is no exact or definite way to celebrate. It is what you make of it. And they, knowing the kind of man I was, chose the activities accordingly. (There were a few mishaps but everything went well for the most part. It is not customary to break a few knives while cutting cake, so I feared that I may have ruined things, but [Name] reassured me it was normal.)
So all in all, today was an excellent day. However, I am faced with a problem now. What should I do when [Name]’s birthday comes? Should I do the same thing they did for me? But would they think that is low effort and unoriginal? I do not wish to disappoint them. Traveler, do you have any ideas? Also, please ask Tartaglia for me as well. The last time I spoke to him, he tried to ask me for a duel.
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Capitano and you in it. The snowy forest terrain looks as picturesque as ever, but what really draws attention is the man and his lover in the middle. Mostly, the Harbinger who has a squirrel or two perched on him, not to mention the few birds that made their nest in the fluff of his coat. And even some cats? Where did they come from?! Well, it’s best not to question it. It’s rather endearing. Rather, one should question how silent and unmoving the Captain is in an effort to not disturb all the animals. Just ignore the deer in the background waiting for some attention too.
Attached Items:
How To Celebrate Your Birthday Pamphlet [A collaboration between Capitano’s Fan Club and [Name]. The fan club loves you immensely because you help to put their long-awaited plans into action. The numerous activities in this guide (blowing out the candles, feeding each other cake, gift giving, lots of affection, etc) were written out by the club and dutifully carried out by you. There were also birthday punches, but Capitano was confused as to why you were tickling him.]
Capitano and [Name]’s Picture Book [Don’t tell anyone this, but Capitano has a tendency to name all the creatures of the forest near his mansion. At first, he went there to train, but decided against it after seeing all the animals around there, because he doesn’t want to scare them away. What he did not expect was to befriend all of them… you came across him one day talking to them after searching for him. How can he tell them apart? Even you don’t know. But this book is dedicated to all of his animal friends, with pictures taken by you of course. So if the Traveler happens to visit Snezhnaya someday, make sure to be nice to these little guys!]
“They’re Annoying…”
Sender: Wanderer
It is that time of year again when my birthday rolls around. You know very well I do not care much for this day, but once again, there are always annoyances at my every turn… Both Lesser Lord Kusanali and [Name] always prove to be a thorn in my side on this day. In the past, I usually spent my birthdays under the sakura trees in Inazuma, visiting [Name]. But, things have changed now. I no longer am who I once was, and my relationship with [Name] is no longer the same. They have forgotten me, and our past together… but Lesser Lord Kusanali has forced us to interact again numerous times, leading to our current relationship. Lesser Lord Kusanali always pats my back, saying that time will lead us back to each other… how irritating. 
Speaking of her being irritating, she decided to tell [Name] that today was my birthday, a horrible decision. Now, they’ve run all over Sumeru looking for me, until they finally found me in the House of Daena. Panting and gasping for air, all I could hear was them sincerely apologizing over and over for not knowing my birthday. They promised they’d get me a late birthday gift, even though I kept repeating that it was unnecessary. Unfortunately, it has always been hard to get things through their thick skull. All I know for sure is that Lesser Lord Kusanali definitely planned this and that she will tease me to no end the next time I see her… 
Still, they dragged me through Sumeru City. According to them, they knew I wouldn’t like anything too fancy, so they brought me to an alleyway. Your typical textbook dark and narrow one. And at the end were… cats. Many of them. [Name] turned to me with a smile and said they bet I didn’t know about this secret kitty haven, and that it was a perfect gift for someone like me. I do wonder if Sumeru’s sun has made them crazy sometimes.
But, this birthday wasn’t as boring as I thought it’d be. So… that’s nice, I guess. Actually, Lesser Lord Kusanali had assigned me a paper to write. A paper on [Name], on my own birthday. She said that she wasn’t going to read or check it, but it was for my sake. How preposterous, right? How would anything like that help me?
But tonight… I feel as though I’ll make some progress on it.
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Wanderer and you in it. The puppet is at the top of the ladder in the House of Daena, searching for books (most likely forced to by the Dendro Archon), but your figure can be made out at the bottom. You seem to be waving and beckoning him to come down, so he can have a good time with you for his birthday. Wanderer doesn’t seem very excited about it, but… he will always indulge you, the person he can’t deny he loves. Hmm? Why is he using a ladder instead of his Anemo powers? Well, perhaps the puppet doesn’t like drawing attention to himself.
Attached Items:
Essay Concerning Inazuman Society and Politics [An essay Wanderer has written during his time spent in Vahumana. What, did the Traveler really think he’d send the essay he wrote about [Name]? However, Paimon couldn’t make it through the title page, and even the Traveler struggled through it. But, it seems to be your favorite essay of his, considering all the notes you made in it, not to mention the noodles you drew when you got bored… Wanderer probably scolded you for that but, it’s never in bad faith.]
Tricolor Dango [A plate of dango that [Name] brought for Wanderer as a treat. It seems that they are unaware of his dislike of sweet food… But the puppet did not want to hurt their feelings considering the thought and effort they put into his birthday, so he did not decline it.]
“A Lavish Tea Party.”
Sender: Sandrone
Unbeknownst to me, [Name] recently had a variety of sweets from Fontaine imported. It seemed like they tinkered with my bots once again, to get them on their side so I would remain in the dark… they can be such a hassle to deal with sometimes. However, this means that their skills are ever improving, as I’ve been improving my Automatons to be much more complex. As expected of my assistant. Speaking of, they’ve also imported some other things that I’ve been wanting for a while. Hopefully, they’re up to standard this time, or they’ll have to be returned. Ugh, I hate dealing with the Ninth whenever that happens…
Though back to the subject, it seems that [Name] has once again needlessly gone out of their way, since today is my date of birth. Although I don’t like being distracted from my research, and I see no need to waste time just because I happened to be born today, this break that [Name] has prepared for me isn’t too bad. I have not attended a proper tea party in far too long. The fools I have for agents can never set it up correctly.
[Name] is not someone who dresses up very often, but they always make the effort to match their attire with mine. Something that other people should learn from, but alas. Though, I wish they did it more often. Not even the most well-crafted doll could match their beauty. Have I told them that? No, they should be smart enough to figure that out by themselves.
Regardless, I must cut this letter short. After this, I want to work on an Automaton with [Name]. I have held off on it because they have expressed interest in it, and since we are together now, it is the perfect time to work on it. I was expecting them to get huffy at me working today, but it seems that they are pleased to work with me. I wonder why.
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Sandrone and you in it. A wide array of treats and sweets are plated on numerous platters, along with ceramic tea cups waiting to be filled with piping hot tea. The surrounding robots are also fashioned in a similar style as her, perfect attire for the tea party, holding additional trays of desserts. (Can these robots eat too?) You’re pouring your wife her favorite kind of tea as you’ve already set her plate, while she sits patiently with her hands folded. Despite Sandrone’s doll-like features, one can see a small smile on her face.
Attached Items:
Instructions For A Perfect Tea Party [Sandrone’s set of instructions as to how a perfect tea party is conducted. Some of the rules seem nonsensical and impossible to many, which is why no Fatui agent can ever live up to the Harbinger’s expectations, as she will not accept anything less than what she desires. However, you are the only person who has managed to fulfill all the rules to a tee, which is one of the reasons she greatly favors you. Sending this list to the Traveler and Paimon is also her way of saying they are never invited as they will never be able to fulfill the rules in a way that satisfies her… how rude!]
Clockwork Toy of Sandrone [A Harbinger toy from Leschots Clockwork Workshop in Fontaine. They seem to have dabbled in making toys of the Harbingers as they said they would, and who better to start with than the machinery genius herself? Of course, Sandrone can point out numerous flaws with the design and components, and probably criticized it heavily to you, but you still seem to love it, because it’s of her! Unfortunately, your wife doesn’t like that very much… why settle for something inferior when you could have it in much higher quality? So the Harbinger decided to make a toy of herself that lives up to her standard. The Traveler can have the faulty one…]
“Another Year Passes…”
Sender: La Signora
In the past, I used to be quite fond of birthdays. In Mondstadt, I would always celebrate it with him every year. But after he died, birthdays left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I never dared think about doing anything on this day ever again. How could I, when he was no longer by my side? But today is my birthday again, and I find myself happy. Why? Because of [Name], the person who taught me how to love again. Admittedly, I pushed away the idea at first. But after some more reflection, I decided it wouldn’t be fair to [Name]. The past is the past, and the present is the present. If [Name] wants to make me feel special on my birthday, then who am I to stop them?
And indeed they did pamper me. They always pamper me but, today it was much more than normal. Breakfast in bed, massages, hair brushing, helping me put on my clothes, opening doors for me, fancy dinner and wine after work. I don’t think there was a single moment where they weren’t trying to do something for me. It gave me a good chuckle, which made them embarrassed. But truly, it made me happy. I had… forgotten what it feels like to be cared for on my birthday. It’s a foreign feeling but, I hope that the foreignness eventually goes away after some time.
However, I must tell them that there’s no need to overexert themselves just because it is my birthday. Although I do enjoy the extra treatment, it does neither of us any good for them to fall asleep before the night is even over. But, that’s okay. There is always next year, yes?
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Signora and you in it. You are fast asleep on the Fair Lady’s lap, a peaceful expression on your face. A similar one is on Signora’s, as there is no one else around, and she can let her guard down around you. There are a few of her flame moths scattered around the room as well, a few on the two of you. As her blonde hair spills onto your face and body, one can only guess what she is thinking.
Attached Items:
Tea Break Pancakes [Despite Signora’s history with her home nation, it’s said that she still enjoys the cuisine from there. So, you like to cook her food from there whenever you can. It might not be as good as a professional’s but it provides her a taste of home. A taste of your love, which is her favorite flavor.]
Rose [It’s no secret that roses are Signora’s favorite flower. Beautiful yet thorny, alluring yet dangerous. There are many kinds of roses with all sorts of meanings in this world, but you two have been seen exchanging only one kind - a red one. Whatever could it mean?]
Sender: Pantalone
When I was a child, birthdays did not mean much to me. After all, how could one focus on their date of birth when it seemed like life was full of nothing but curses and suffering? It was only another day of working to survive. But when I met [Name], they changed that. With them, the day began to have… meaning. Purpose. It wasn’t anything grand, but they made it special, distracting me from another day of poverty. Even with their meager earnings, they never failed to gift me something, even if it was of little to no value, or not the best quality… I cherished it. No one else had ever thought of me so much. When I look back, every time my birthday came around again, my love for them only grew more.
Now that we are adults, my only wish is to repay their kindness and spoil them with as many gifts as they deserve. However, there are a few issues with this. There are times I find myself more disappointed with the world than usual because it has yet to create something that would be a suitable gift that would be on par with my love for my dear [Name]. However, whenever my spouse gifts me something, their thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze me. How is it that they always manage to gift me something wonderful and touching? When I questioned them about this, they raised an eyebrow and gave me a strange look. It seems that I will not learn their secret anytime soon. How unfortunate.
Not to mention, dearest [Name] gets upset when I spend “ludicrous amounts of money” (their words) on them, especially on my birthday, so they’ve “forbidden” me from doing so today. They are rather persistent on this, and their long lectures and expressions are rather amusing, so I’ll indulge them… for now. Do you think they realize I’ll just spend double the amount the next day? Regardless, birthdays are always well spent with [Name], and I plan to enjoy this one fully, just as I have in the past because they are the one who makes my birthday a day worth celebrating.
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Pantalone and you in it. The two of you are taking a walk in Snezhnaya, browsing stores and the like. Even though it is Pantalone’s birthday, he seems insistent on trying to buy out a few stores for you once again… so in order to prevent him from doing that, you’ve hidden yourself in his coat, stopping him from walking properly. The Harbinger seems rather entertained by your antics and your head popping out of his coat… he should make you do this more often. It’s perfect for head pats.
Attached Items:
Pantalone’s Spare Change [As it is his birthday, Pantalone is feeling more generous than usual, so he is sending a bit of funds to the Traveler. There is no need for any repayment, take it as a symbol of the Fatui’s goodwill. (However, it would do good to proceed with caution… this is the Ninth, after all.) Opening it up, the duo expects to see an average amount of money, but instead are presented with a couple of million Mora… if this is what Pantalone is willing to send to the Traveler, how much does he spend on [Name]?! Paimon doesn’t want to imagine the number!]
[Name]’s Guide to Gift Giving [A piece written by you to detail how you always choose the best gift for Pantalone, unbeknownst to your husband. Opening it up, the Traveler is very curious as to how you manage to win over the Harbinger every time, a man who has everything he could possibly want at his fingertips. But instead, only one sentence is written on the paper - “I don’t know how I do it either.”]
Sender: Arlecchino
Birthdays were not very much celebrated in the House of Hearth, especially when the former Knave was around. However, that changed when [Name] came along. Years ago, I still remember when they gifted Lynette her first tea cup set. Freminet, a collection of spare parts that he ended up using to make another clockwork toy. And probably the biggest hassle… gifting little Lyney a white rabbit. However, I do appreciate my lover’s efforts. The children always look forward to their birthdays much more now, some even going as far as to drop hints about their desired gift and give puppy eyes to [Name] when the time rolls around. I have to remind my children not to get greedy, and to be grateful for what they already have…
I also remember the first birthday they gifted me something as well. A part of me expected it, considering the way they behaved, but still, it was an… unfamiliar feeling, to be gifted something. And, it was also the day little Lyney and Lynette presented their first amateur magic show to me. Of course, they had much to improve on, but looking back it was a suitable birthday gift, considering how much I’ve seen the two grow now. Needless to say, I appreciate [Name] very much, for what they have given me and my children.
My birthday has come once more, and [Name] is celebrating it as they always feel the need to. Really, even if they did nothing, I would still appreciate it, considering all they’ve done. The sweets they gathered this time were exceptional, and we had a lovely chat, before taking a walk through Fontaine. They say that the flowers that grow in the wild are always the prettiest, especially the Rainbow Roses.
Ah, last of all, if you could do me a favor, that would be greatly appreciated. You have been in Fontaine for a while now, yes? It would be a great help to me if you could point me to some good operas. [Name] and I have watched many in Snezhnaya, however, we don’t often have the chance to watch any in Fontaine, with our work and all. Thank you. And please, do not bore me or waste my time.
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Arlecchino and you in it. You two are sitting in a field in Fontaine somewhere, with Rainbow Roses to the side. One of them has been tucked into the Harbinger’s hair, while you seem to be focusing on creating… a flower crown? Despite the pinkness of the rose greatly contrasting with Arlecchino’s whole dark red, black, and white look, she seems to not mind your antics and waits patiently for you to complete your work of art. Of course, as a Fontainian, she knows very well what Rainbow Roses symbolize, and won’t turn down the physical manifestation of your feelings.
Attached Items:
List of Yummy Hidden Gems [A list of great places to buy sweets from in Fontaine, courtesy of [Name], passed on by Arlecchino. Sure, Hotel Debord and Café Lutece do have some excellent sweets, but there are many hidden restaurants and bakeries that provide delicious treats as well! Do stop by and give them a try. Arlecchino favors many of their products. If one needs a similar list for the other nations, do tell.]
Slice of Birthday Cake [An exquisite slice of cake cut from Arlecchino’s birthday cake. She doesn’t care much for the tradition, but [Name] always buys one anyway as an excuse to treat the children from the House to something nice. You know you shouldn’t spoil them so much, but you can’t help it!]
Sender: Tartaglia
Hey comrade! How have you been? Sorry if my handwriting isn’t the best. I sparred with [Name] for my birthday, and they really roughed me up. Not that I mind, I asked them to go all out. Normally they don’t like fighting with me, because they always insist they don’t like hurting me, but they couldn’t say no to me today. You know, I would like to see the two of you fight. It would be an exhilarating experience.
But anyway, after they patched me up, we took a dive in Fontaine’s waters! You know, whenever I visit Liyue, we often go to cool off in Yaoguang Shoal, but Fontaine’s oceans are so much different. The scenery, the terrain, the greenery, the wildlife… good thing I bought them a waterproof Kamera. Speaking of wildlife, [Name] and I befriended a blubberbeast. [Name] instantly fell in love with the creature, and I feel as though they gave a bit too much attention to it, but, seeing them smile is the best gift I could ever ask for. Maybe I should gift them a plushie of it? However, it is a bit amusing that something that looks as defenseless as that could pack such a punch!
Did you know this, Traveler? Apparently, Romaritime Flowers represent loyalty. [Name] gifted me a bouquet which I was initially confused about since I usually give them flowers instead. But after some quick research, these flowers mean unbreaking oaths. It was a bit ironic really, for I should have gifted them instead as I always swore to be loyal to them, my family, and the Tsaritsa, but it was a wonderful gift. Not to mention the delicious meal they prepared. They’ve been busy researching the best Fontaine recipes for me, so I could make them for Teucer and the others back home, but maybe I should just drag them to Snezhnaya so they could do it instead… I never leave anything but empty plates whenever [Name] cooks for me, but they’ve packaged some for you too, Traveler!
Next time we fight at the Golden House, I’ll bring [Name] along too. Do you think you can hold your own against both of us at the same time?
Attached Photograph:
A picture is included with the letter that has Childe and you in it. You two are under the sea, with a Blubberbeast between the two of you. The creature is nudging you while Childe looks on amused. It seems that it’s been begging for some more attention, food, and head pats. Maybe some tummy rubs too. Apparently, you named it Big Cutie, because well… it’s a big cutie! Unfortunately, it seems to have a little bit of a grudge against the Harbinger because he accidentally attacked it.
Attached Items:
[Name]’s Special Macarons [Rainbow Macarons but with a special twist from [Name]. On the top and bottom of the sweet treat are… faces? Very detailed ones too, with colored hair and eyes! Ah, the faces are none other than [Name], Childe, Teucer, and all of his other siblings! Oh, and macarons of Traveler and Paimon were made as well, how kind! Childe says they’re quite delicious, and he is a great cook, so they must be.]
Freshly Caught Fish [Fish caught by Childe. It seems that the two lovers also went fishing after diving a bit, as one knows how much Childe loves to fish. Sadly, your fishing skills still pale in comparison compared to his and you barely caught anything… That’s alright though! No matter how long it takes, he’ll always happily help you hone your skills!]
2K notes · View notes
my-cherie · 11 months
pairing ꒱modern! step-dad! pantalone x male reader warnings ꒱ step relationships (though reader doesn't know it), cheating on pantalone's part, a few pet names (darling, sweetness, pet), grinding, dirty talk, praise. wc ꒱ 600+ thoughts ꒱ small genshin drabble bc pantalone doesn't get nearly as much appreciation as he deserves, this man is HOT, y'all. inspired by the abba song with the same name. NOT BETA READ.
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You hadn’t seen your mom in a long time. Ever since you moved away for college she barely contacted you, so to say you were baffled when her wedding invite came in would be the century’s understatement. Putting on your best suit, you messed with your hair a little more and tried your best to straighten your tie, before giving up and just deciding to go like this. Not like you were trying to impress anyone.
While you were on the way to the ceremony, you checked the invite again. This was maybe your mom’s third husband ever since your dad left? You weren’t sure, but maybe this “Pantalone” (as you came to know his name from the invite) would be nicer than your other step-fathers.
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… The place was fancy. You almost wish you hadn’t come, because the venue in itself already seemed straight out of an expensive magazine, with the full-on white decorations, roses and tulips and baby’s breath everywhere and a ton of seats in the middle of a cute, meadow-like wedding venue and now you were sure that this Pantalone guy was at least filthy rich, because your family sure as hell didn’t have the money for this place, even with the money your mom managed to get from her past failed relationships.
You stumble amidst all the guests, making small talk with some cousins, aunts and uncles, before finally settling into the back of the garden, nursing a glass of white wine that you were sure cost more than your apartment. Trying to look for anyone else you knew besides the few relatives you had talked to, you were disappointed to see only strangers. 
Fuck, was your mom gonna take too long to come out? 
“Hello,” you startled, who— “do you mind if I wait here as well?
Oh, that’s a very pretty man.
He’s wearing probably the most expensive suit you’ve ever seen, with a beautiful blue tie, silver glasses and— Is that a fucking Armani suit?
“Sure dude, uh,” you shift under his attention, distractedly biting the inside of your mouth, scrambling for a common topic you could talk to this stranger about, “do you know the groom?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” He chuckles in amusement and you realize suddenly that he seemed a bit... bored. He was just observing everyone and not moving to greet any of the people in the venue, even though you can see that quite a few people seemed to wave and smile at him.
The unknown man seemed to not want to socialize with anyone else, besides you, that is.
You mess with your tie again, trying to distract yourself from the beautiful, beautiful man besides you. Your tie just never seems to sit correctly on your suits, no matter how many times you've watched those tutorials on Youtube about how to do the perfect tie.
“Do you need some help there?” The man — fuck you forgot to ask his name — asks, clearly seeing you struggle.
“Please, if you could.” You smile at him, embarrassed.
He comes closer, slowly redoing your tie for you, and you stare at his face meanwhile. 
Without meaning to, your eyes are attracted to his lips and you bite your own again, thinking about how they look very much kissable. When you look up, he’s already looking directly at you, a smirk playing at his lips and his eyes muddled with arousal.
So you weren’t the only one to feel the pull of attraction between you two then, good. You weren’t even enjoying the wedding anyway.
(The man kisses hard, you dimly register, your body hidden away from view by the way he’s holding you, kissing you breathless.
His knees are slowly grinding your dick and fuck if it doesn’t feel good, making you moan each time he does it, holding his hair tighter.
“Do you like it like that, darling? Does it feel good?” He talks dirty like he’s made for it and when you don’t answer, he pulls away the tiniest bit. “Answer me.” 
And you have to gasp for breath, he has already made you into such a mess in a few seconds, it’s humiliating, but not enough for you to not beg him.
“Yes! Yes, it feels amazing! Please, please—“ You don’t know his name, god damn it all. He seems to notice your predicament, because he snickers a bit.
“The name’s Pantalone, sweetness.”
You give him your name as well, completely forgetting that your mom’s soon-to-be-husband has the same name as the stranger ravaging you. Even though it’s a very clearly unique name, your brain has been completely taken by his ministrations, hazy and distracted.
“Cute,” he says, before going back to kissing you to oblivion and starting to grind against your cock with his own, clearly hard and wanting to continue just as much. 
“I’m going to enjoy ruining you, pet.”)
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secretivemessenger · 2 years
For the 1k event i'm requesting
Prompt = 100. “You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough last night?"
With Pantalone, they're in a meeting and mc is sitting next to him, suddenly, mc's hand trails towards Pantalone's thighs and slowly rise up to his dick but before his hand could reach his crotch, Pantalone grabs his hand.
At the end of the meeting they both walk out but Pantalone grabs mc's hand and drags him into an empty room, rest is up to you
Keep quiet
Bottom Pantalone x Top male reader
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: OOC Pantalone! Implied partners with benefits! Past sexual sessions mentioned! Hand job! Public sex!? Almost getting caught! Then actually getting caught! Nipple play! Reader has a big cock! Belly bulge!
Note: sorry for the long wait dove^^ but here ya go , also changed the plot up a bit if you don’t mind😗 also reader is a fatui harbinger or else how tf he gon be in the meeting room🤨
1000+ Event
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Every one of the harbingers was standing far away from each other in that room that looked like a corridor —a single long table seated in the middle with a total of 12 wooden chairs.
In that freezing meeting room, the only sounds that could be heard is the sound of chilling silence, as hard stares were being thrown around towards one another.
You barely held back the laughter inside because of their silly little staring competition, asserting dominance is what Childe said it was, but you were far too amused to complain about it.
All of this was happening because the so called “leader of the harbingers” was not yet present , which is not that surprising because that old grandpa —as you liked to call him— always shows up to these “very important meetings” whenever he wants, sometimes you’ll be kept inside for hours till he finally decides to show up, unbearable but you still managed to bare with it somehow.
The sound of the large door opening attracted the attention of all as everyone’s faces turned to face the newcomer who entered the room, with his charisma and charm, Pierro walked inside the room scanning it with his eyes behind the mask.
Making sure everyone was present he made his way to the table sat down on the chair at the beginning of the table , all without saying a word , once he was fully seated he spoke out. “You are allowed to sit down now.” And just like little trained obedient puppies, everyone followed the somewhat order without a word of complaint, you chose the nearest seat to you which luckily was right next to the one with all the glory, Pantalone.
What you and pantalone have is somewhat complicated, you weren’t exactly lovers nor friends, a sex partnership is what it should be called, you were made to sign a whole 100 page contract before starting this, it was surely stressful but definitely worth it.
The smile on Pantalone’s face never leaving his lips as he looked at the leader listening carefully to what he had to say, and all you could do is stare at him, his face looked so pretty, almost hard to believe such an elegant person was begging like a slut to be stuffed by your fat cock just yesterday, such a two face~ a cute one atleast.
Just thinking about it excites you, remembering the way you held onto his slim hips as you pounded his hole till it stretched to the shape of your cock , making it so no one other than you can use that pretty hole of his, useless to everyone but you.
You can still hear his choked out moans inside your head, his little cute whimpers his shameless cries the way he stuttered with a moan everytime he tries to speak , at the end he just lost all his energy and passed out leaving you to continue fucking his passed out body.
Absolute good times, you wish to go back to yesterday just so you can fuck him again and again and again, such an unhealthy obsession you have developed for the infamous Pantalone, but you truly can’t be blamed he is majestic after all.
As these thoughts and memories flooded your mind like a disease you felt the heat moving straight to your cock, you can definitely get hard just by thinking of the things you two have done, meanwhile eyes slowly turned onto you which brought you out of your very deep thoughts.
Cold and amused stares were sent your way along side some glares , you might’ve been too obvious with spacing out this time, a small oops left your mouth, you heard a small chuckle from your “partner” before he averted his eyes back to Pierro, and so did the other harbingers.
How embarrassing getting caught daydreaming about fucking one of your fellow harbingers, if only they could read your mind they’d be truly flabbergasted, to know about the horrendous thoughts that fill your mind.
Looking back at the leader you tried to focus your attention on him again but it was very hard, alot of uninteresting words came out of his mouth, you’ve only listened for few seconds and the feeling of boredom started consuming you whole.
Looking back at the man who has your mind in a choke hold you couldn’t help but admire him again, the way that little tank top of his looked around his upper body, if you squint a bit you’ll even see his cute nipples through it, and the way these tight jeans sticked to his legs like magnets, making his thighs look unsurprisingly charming and so grab-able, you just wanna squeeze it and squish it.
But who were you to keep your desires hidden? And so that’s exactly what you did.
Your hands gripped tightly at the inner side of his thighs under the table, his body jolted up in surprise at the unexpected touch, he looked straight at you with questioning eyes, you just smiled and signaled him to shush and give his attention back to Pierro, the look of panic in his face never eased but he still slowly turned his head back around , trying so hard to ignore the feeling of your hands squeezing his thighs.
Slowly going up towards his clothed cock, his breath hitch at your slow movement, these little touches you gave his made him incredibly weak, the feeling of your hands at his growing bulge was unbearable so he gripped tightly at your hands and glared at you, expecting you to stop he almost let out a moan when you squeezed at his cock.
As his other hands held on tightly to the chair’s leg, you started massaging his cock till it was rock hard inside his pants, breathy sigh’s left his lips as concentrating with whatever is going on has become unbearably hard, the way your hands slipped inside his pants then to his boxers made him flinch so hard as he looked at you in a panic state then looked around seeing everyone deeply focused on Pierro’s important talk.
Once your hands wrapped around his wet leaking cock an uncontrollable moan left his mouth, at the same time he smacked his fist on the meeting table to cover up his sound, the so called important talk was cut out by Pantalone’s loud smack to the table.
“Regrator, is something wrong or did you just feel the need interrupt what I had to say?” Pierro spoke while looking directly at Pantalone waiting for his answer, the moment he tried to open his mouth to answer you started fisting the tip of his cock squeezing and jerking it up then playing with it using your fingers, he tried his best not to whimper and cry out, scared he might embarrass himself infront of his fellow harbingers he stayed quiet as his heart shook with fear and excitement.
“You chose not to answer I see, this meeting was prepared by the tsaritsa herself , so make sure to arrange a meeting where you can talk to her about this kind of behavior , yeah?” Pierro said with his intermediating eyes, as Pantalone glared daggers at you for getting him into this unnecessary trouble while you only smiled at him still playing with his pretty cock “Y..yes” Pantalone answered in a stuttering tone taking all of his energy to not moan out while talking.
A sigh left Pierro’s mouth before going back to whatever he was saying, as you continued to jerk him off moving your hands up and down, looking at his sweaty face as it no longer holds that smile.
He smacked a hand against his mouth as his chest raised up and down, his body was shaking and trembling because of you, he almost teared up as he felt himself about to cum, before he gets anywhere you pulled your hand out completely.
He looked at you in shock , he opened his mouth many times to say something but nothing came out, you just smiled at him before turning your head to Pierro completely ignoring Pantalone, no matter what he tried to do you ignored him through out the whole meeting leaving him to suffer with the painful hard on you caused.
Pantalone was absolutely furious , how dare you do all this to him just to deny him from his release , and so once the meeting was over it was no surprise to you when Pantalone grabbed your hands and started dragging you away , while you just let yourself be pulled by him , you stopped in your tracks once you reached the hallway leading out of the building.
“Oh? Where are you planning to take me?” You asked playing the clueless game knowing damn well where he was gonna take you , “Stop wasting my time by acting dumb , let’s go.” He said in an annoyed tone
“You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough yesterday?”
You said in a mocking tone while a smirk presented itself on your face. “Doing such things in the meeting room , weren’t you the one who was being a horny mutt.” He confronted you , ��Me? Are you sure? Cause I’m very sure you were the one getting turned on”.
Slamming him on the hallway wall. “You liked it, didn’t you?” You said as the smile on your face stretched more “Liked being touched like that knowing that everyone in that room could’ve possibly caught us , caught you enjoying yourself like a damn slut.”
His body twitched at your words and you didn’t fail to notice it , a small chuckle escaped your mouth , “Are you done now let’s g-” He tried to sound intimidating while saying it but you didn’t even give him the chance to fish his words.
Pressing your kneecaps on his visible bulge made him release a desperate moan , his body already feeling hot. “Why waste time in going to your building when we can do it here?” Hearing your words he looked at you like you were crazy or something “Oh cmon.” You started planting little kisses on his neck. “You were really enjoying it in that meeting room.” Moving your kisses higher till it reached his ear. “C’mon, it’ll be fun I promise.” You ended it with a small blow on his ear making his body shiver with chills.
Silence was the answer you received from him and you decided to take it as a yes. You slowly started by taking off his shirt leaving trials of kisses till you reached his cute buds , starting with small licks before taking the pink buds in your mouth he didn’t try to push you away instead he wrapped his hands around your neck pulling you closer as small gasps left his mouth.
You continued Sucking at his nipples till they were all red and hard , just by you swirling your tongue on his nipples made him breathless , lost in pleasure he didn’t even notice you taking off his pants until the air brushed against his hard cock stealing a gasp out of him , as you slipped your fingers inside his gaping mouth. “Suck.” You ordered , oddly enough he obeyed without making sure to get your fingers all wet , how adorable it was the way he sucked on your fingers , making you wish it was your cock instead.
Alot of thing were going on at one time , you fucking his mouth with your fingers all the while you still continued to suck at his nipples , it made his body so shaky and sensitive he barely managed to keep himself standing.
As hard as it was for him as it was for you , you who’s cock has been hard all this time without even touching it , you left yourself needy and gave all the attention to Pantalone instead.
But you too were getting desperate , so finally deciding to give yourself the attention you deserve you slowly started stripping your lower half naked , finally freeing your cock from its confinement. Pantalone stared down at your huge cock his drolly mouth looking very hungry for it. “See this, this is what fucked you good last night.” You said as you stroked yourself infront of him.
Swallowing his spit his sweaty face turned flashy red as he slowly took all the courage he had to speak his mind. “Fuck me… Please..” With the amount of desperation in his voice you couldn’t decline him beside it made you much more harder than before , as a laugh came out of you. “Gladly~” You said as a big smile planted itself on your face.
You moved too fast for his unfocused eyes , in a matter of seconds you took a hold of his legs and made it wrap itself around your waist , before plunging your fat cock inside his hole , and the loudest scream left him , Pantalones eye’s opened wide as his tongue lolled out , uncontrollable gasps and breaths lefts him because of the feeling of your cock inside his guts.
While pantalone was still getting used to your cock suddenly invading his insides , you looked down at his little tummy that you can clearly see the traces of yourself in.
It made you proud knowing that your cock was so deep inside of him it bulged in his stomach , pressing your fingers down on the bulge made a small cry leave him as he digged his nails onto your shoulders drawing blood , but you didn’t mind that it was actually cute.
Not much time was needed for Pantalone to adjust thanks to the fact that his hole was still lose from yesterday , so once a certain time passed you started moving your hips starting by slowly fucking him , this gentle pace didn’t last for long as your movement became more faster and rougher by time.
Shameless moans of your name left Pantalone’s mouth completely forgetting you two were still in the hallway and some of your other “fellow harbingers” were still present in the building , but you didn’t mind getting caught because then they’ll know that he was yours and yours only.
You pounded into him while gripping on his ass and stretching it , you raised his body and brought it down with your thrust drawing another slutty moan out of him , moving your hips you continued to fuck into him roughly watching your cock move inside of him watching the way his face twists with every thrust , he looked fascinating.
The both of you were close to cumming , it felt like a need to you to cum inside of him , to fill him up with your cum you can feel yourself getting closer just by thinking about it , your thoughts were cut off at the sounds of a very small gasp , very small you almost missed it.
Looking to the side you saw one of the fatui agents , you recognised from his uniform that he’s one of the dept collectors , how long has he been here you wondered , giving the fact that he have a visible hard on it must’ve been a while , you two were so lost in pleasure you didn’t notice him at all , truly hilarious.
Without stopping your thrusts you continued fucking into Pantalone who’s eyes were closed as he continued moaning absolutely clueless about everything other than the cock moving inside of him , as a smirk came up your face you put your finger on your lips signalling the agent to shush.
The agent nodded his head nervously and went away with his life , knowing damn well if Pantalone was to know he will surely end up without a head , but he didn’t really leave he knows how dangerous it is to stay but he couldn’t leave for some reason , so he hid behind the wall thinking you wouldn’t notice and started taking care of his own problem
you couldn’t contain the small laugh at the dumb agent as you continued to fuck your cock into his puffy hole knowing damn well that little agent was jerking off to you fucking Pantalone.
🏷: @gaybitchfx @vyloy @peter-the-pan @saelipse (your food) @valeksei (totally didn’t forget to tag you) cuse you said to tag u in important shit
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becstxr · 5 months
'Princess... Darling... Sweetheart... Lovely... Angel... Babygirl...'
Petnames... that was something the two had common apart from both being Fatui Harbingers and highly unhinged that is. But the two each had a set, both had only three names they would use for you. Dottore would use Darling Lovely and Babygirl whilst Pantalone would use Princess Sweetheart and Angel. To others when they hear those simple names and the person they are reserved for, they will most likely die within the hour, you where reserved for them, and them alone. You were their soulmate as they where eachother's, anyone who laid there filthy eyes on you would have them cut out and be used for experiments, whilst their family's and familiars would lose their jobs and bank up a great debt.
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ruumirmir · 30 days
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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ੈ♡˳ A comic based on @eluxcastar 's oneshot: First Blood ੈ♡˳ Author's note - Screaming crying throwing up I used up every drop of my artistry to make this within the last three days. Lord above help me my neck hurts. Anyway I put my entire ruumussy into bringing out the gut wrenching descriptions riri penned down. God bless them. Also this is my first comic ever I hope it's readable ong
ੈ♡˳ Warning - Graphic description of Blood & Violence under cut
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