#SU TART!!!!
thenarryparable · 2 years
Su Tart is giving Silly Blorbo
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teainthesnow · 1 month
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this was way too much fun actually
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morethansalad · 2 months
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Vegan Pineapple Tart 凤梨酥 (Fèng Lí Sū)
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su tart from Roblox
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termiken · 1 year
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My phone's calandar says it's Su Tart day??
I'm just gonna trust that and post this... Happy Su Tart day, fellas!
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ghostwaffleheimer · 9 months
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Theydies and Gentlethems, Mr. Stuart Tart
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weirdass-cryptid · 4 months
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moodywyrm · 10 months
not to be a fucking nerd but I absolutely adore when authors (fanfic and published) include little details about the characters in their writing because it just feels so fucking real? like they add nothing huge to the plot but they’re there for the character?
like Casey McQuiston is one of my favorite authors ever and I’m re-listening to their three books, and I’m so stuck on the lil detail that Shara Wheeler’s signature nail polish is Essie Ballet Slippers. or that Alex Claremont Diaz listens to rich girl by Hall and Oates because of his dad. Or that Jane Su and August love the strawberry milkshake pop tarts. like they’re tiny inconsequential details but they just??? they get me so hard??? Does this make sense???
and Yes CMQ has been arguably one of my biggest inspirations ever since I read RWRB in like 2018? 2019? I cannot remember the exact year
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heartofwritiing · 6 months
Kiss me (beneath the milky twilight)
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paring: musicanbur x fem!reader
summary: you’re the backup singer for lovejoy, the fans don’t know you and wilbur are together, but one duet changes that.
authors note: trying to practice dialogue, so sorry if it is a little wired and doesn’t make sense idk how to write good conversation lmao, also i thought this idea was cute hope you guys like it :)
warnings: short, a make-out on stage, fluff, unedited!
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“Okay, someone ate the last poptart this morning on the bus, fess up, who was it?”
Mark, who was twirling his drum stick a few times questioned amongst the group as you and the rest of lovejoy stood in a circle backstage minus Wilbur; who was still asleep in his dressing room. Pre-show naps were a ritual for him now.
Being on tour was an experience to say the least. You never thought you’d be sharing a small space with four grown men, but here you were living on a tour bus for the next four months with them. Most days it wasn’t complete chaos, you all had your respective bunks and areas but a lot of times you thought you’d somehow died and were sent to purgatory until whoever decided to send you to actual hell.
“I don’t know but I have a stash in the bus so I know it’s not me,” you raise your hands up in innocence.
“Why do you get your own secret stash?” Mark frowns.
Wilbur liked to spoil you with snacks to hide around the bus so the other boys wouldn’t find them just to tease them, All in good fun of course.
“Perks of being the lead singer’s girlfriend,” you smirk with your chin held high.
“Im convinced now that you’re the pop tart thief,” Joe added, thumb and pointer finger fiddling with the tuning pegs on his guitar while standing off to the side. “I know all the little hiding spots on the bus and I haven’t seen any secret stash of pop tarts anywhere,”
“That was completely sus of you to say, now i think it was you!” you pointed.
Stupid moments like this made up for all the times you got annoyed with them. Though you loved them all to death they drove you absolutely insane.
“So where’s your secret stash then?”
“Ill never tell, you thief.”
A pair of arms suddenly came to snake around your waist and pull you further back until a head rest on your shoulder. A very sleepy Wilbur yawned and pressed a tender kiss to your shoulder. You smiled sinking back into your lovers arms and reached your hand up to pet his soft curls. Almost instantly he hummed and it mimicked a cats pur.
“What are you guys arguing about now?” he mumbled against your shirt.
“I wouldn’t say we’re arguing, just pointing blame for whoever stole the last pop tart this morning,” you explain.
“It was probably Ash,” Joe quips. Ash looks offended with his arms raise in confusion.
“Oh no, that was me,” Wilbur states nonchalantly.
“WHAT?!” The group erupted into protests.
“I was hungry,” Wilbur shrugs. “we can afford more guys.”
“very true,” you piped.
“well i guess this solves the great pop tart thief mystery,” Mark shrugs.
“Case closed.” you remark.
Soon the argument dissolved, and everyone spoke amongst themselves. You rocked with Wilbur side to side as you hummed no tune in particular as you leaned against him.
“How was your nap honey?” you asked.
“lonely,” he states. “I missed you,”
Your heart jumps at his sentiment. It had only been a few hours since you both woke up tangled in each other’s limbs, maneuvering out of the small bunk trying not to roll out and fall. Still, you missed him when he wasn’t around too.
“I missed you too,” you brought his hand up to your lips and gave it a kiss before placing it back down against your waist.
“you still wanna go through with tonight?”
You knew what he was referring to. Wilbur had come to you with the idea of you both singing a duet on stage at one of the gigs. At first you weren’t so sure, it was his bands time to shine and you didn’t want to take away from that. You’re the back up singer for Wilbur, you felt out of place trying to share the spotlight. After some convincing; more like brain washing you with his puppy dog eyes, you eventually caved and agreed to do it.
Now that it was so close to the performance, the nerves in your body weren’t going away. You had never really been front and center on stage before. Always in the back round hidden in the stage lights. So the thought of being in-front of a crowd of a thousand people staring at you, probably waiting for you to possibly mess up, was fucking you up in the brain just a bit.
Wilbur could practically feel how tense you suddenly got and perked his head up and looked at your face with a slightly worried expression.
“We don’t have to if you’re not ready darling,”
“No, I’ll be fine,” you shook your head. “I wanna do this with you, It’ll be fun.”
Your smile didn’t seem to convince him. He didn’t want to push you into anything but, he could sense how anxious you had seemed the past couple of days. One word from you and he would cancel the whole show if you asked. which of course was very silly of him.
You were determined to get over this fear and just go with it. With one last final hug you both pulled apart and began getting prepared for the show in an hour.
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The show was so explosive. The energy of the crowed was strong tonight, it made your adrenaline buzz with excitement. You had almost completely forgotten about your nerves when you stepped onto that stage.
The band had just finished One Day and cheers and screams rang out through the venue. You watched as Wilbur reached down to grab the towel sat beside his mic stand and whip his brow clean from sweat. He threw the towel back down and leaned into the microphone.
Wilbur had told you after One Day was the time slot you had to sing the duet with him.
“Alright, so we have something special planned,” Wilbur spoke. “I wanna welcome to the front of the stage Y/N, my incredible backing vocalist!”
Cheers rang out for you as you stepped center stage into the light clutching your microphone. You smiled and wave at the crowd shakily, you could practically feel your heartbeat out of your chest.
“Were gonna play a song for you, and I need you guys to sing the lyrics if you know them, and be nice to Y/N, shes super nervous,”
A chorus of ‘awes’ rang out from the crowd and you blushed bashfully as you heard a bunch of various shouts of support.
“Thanks Will,” you playfully roll your eyes at him revealing your secret.
The song you had chosen was Kiss Me by Sixpence Non the Richer, one of your favorites. The opening chords rang out as Joe began the melody. Soon, Mark kicked in the drums and you were bobbing your head to the beat.
You glanced over at Wilbur and saw a smile on his lips as he began playing as well. He looked over at you and saw the panic glossing over your eyes in the light. Somehow it made you forget everything once you connected eyes.
Look at me. he mouthed. just keep your eyes on me.
You took a deep breath and began to sing the lyrics, keeping your eyes locked with Wilbur. Somehow it made you forget everything around you and be in the moment with him.
Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Wilbur saw how stiff you were, barely moving your limbs. In an attempt to get you to be more comfortable he moved towards you while continuing to play.
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress, oh
He leaned forward until he was practically kissing your mic. Shocked at the close proximity you kept your composure as you both sang the chorus of the song in harmony.
Kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
staring deeply into each others eyes nothing else seemed to matter. The pit in your stomach making your knees weak with the look in his eyes as they flickered down to your own lips as he sang.
You rested your left hand on his bicep, the fabric of his silky black button up grounding you before you got too light headed.
Lift your open hand, strike up the band
And make the fireflies dance, silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me
You broke apart and suddenly felt weightless. You danced around the stage as Wilbur watched you with awe and adoration. Your cheeks were hot feeling his eyes on you the entire time. You sang the next line;
Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Swing me upon its hanging tire
Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat
You moved towards Wilbur and he turned to wiggle his hips to the beat. Trying so hard to hold back a laugh, you copied his movements. You couldn’t wait to see all the videos on your timeline the next day.
leaned against his side and began singing together once more;
We'll take the trail marked on your father's map
Kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand, strike up the band
And make the fireflies dance, silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me
You dance around the stage again feeling yourself in the moment as the last notes rang out. You didn’t even process the cheers and screams as you felt a pair of hands cup your cheeks and press their lips against yours.
Your eye’s opened in shock to see Wilbur was the one who pulled you into a kiss. On stage. in front of a whole crowd of his fans. Fuck it, you thought, and melted into his touch. His lips moved against yours softly and you could feel your skin set aflame.
Your arms looped around his middle and pulled him closer to you. Hours could have passed and you could’ve kept kissing him, but eventually you pulled away for the lack of oxygen in your lungs. Chocolate eyes peered down at you with such love you had ever felt. Wide smiles broke the two of you into infectious giggles you could barely hear over the whole crowd of people screaming all around you.
Wilbur took your hand and walked back over to his mic. All your friends were cheering you on as well, Causing you to blush harder at all the attention on you but it didn’t matter anymore.
“Well, that was a heat of the moment sort of thing guys, sorry about that,” his giggle echoing through the venue speakers, everyone ‘wooed’ in response. “Had to take my moment, y’know?”
Wilbur gazed at you out of the corner of his eye to see your bashful state. Squeezing your hand he said one last thing to the crowd before he had to move onto the next song on their line up.
“Everyone please give it up for my beautiful, wonderful, talented, girlfriend!”
You were most certainly redder than a cherry at this point. The crowd was loving every second of it. Hiding your face in Wilbur's shoulder from his side, he kisses your forehead before having to send you back over to your place on stage. You very certain your twitter feed will be insane the next day.
It wasn’t long before the next song started up and you were dancing along with Leandra. Wilbur gave you one final glance behind him and you blew him a kiss to which he beamed at you before he turned forward to continue on with the show.
taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @scenefaez @joviepog
let me know if you wanna be added or removed! :)
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tiyoin · 2 months
Tbh if Trey was Yan for me, it wouldn't take much. When he's not Yan, Trey's my "I'm Ace but if he asked me to birth his kids I'd have to really think about it" character. I know he's sus...but if he was Yan I simply wouldn't even notice. Yeah, he's not normal, but Dot is silly, and would be like "huh it's weird that I pass out every time I eat one of Trey's strawberry tarts, must be allergic to strawberries" then he'd be like, "You must be right darling" and then stop serving me strawberry dishes.
I'm weak to my baker boy 😭 he would not have to try hard with me.
(for your readers who missed your initial Yan vice dorm Leaders post, this isn't just me simping over Trey Clover okay so shut up 😭)
oOooOoo dotty’s got a crush 🤭🤭
*the whole class ‘OoOo’s’ and points*
but seriously, yandere trey would be SO discreet. like you wouldn’t even be able to tell if he’s yandere or just some silly little baker boy who likes making you things 🤭
yandere trey just comes with the added bonus of daily naps! and stomach aches 😖 but dw! trey is right there with a soothing cup of tea!
the having kids with trey thing immediately stuck out to me like a sore thumb cause:
imagine a family with trey though??? IMAGINE THE DOMESTIC LIFE WITH TREY THOUGH???
living the dream of owning a bakery with your highschool sweetheart ☺️ maybe you have kids. maybe you have fur babies! all you know is that you’re living the life with your husband
though i definitely see trey as a family man, but if it’s yan! trey we’re talking about then i can imagine him playing a bit… dirty to get that large dream family he’s always wanted
maybe he pops holes in the condoms? or maybe he gives you one too many sweets! but you’re hot n bothered and about to pounce on him!!
but also, thinking about trey with an ace! reader.
i can definitely imagine a record scratch going on up there. even if it’s yan trey i still imagine him taking ace! reader’s / your emotions into consideration.
there’s gonna be a lot of subtle hinting towards family stuff. like when he makes you work the register everytime your regulars- usually families with small children, come in. or when he subtly puts his hands on your stomach whenever he hugs you from behind. OR! OR!! when you’re both walking your dog, a stereotypical family dog like a bernes mountain dog or a golden retriever; he’s gonna sometimes stop in front of store fronts and stare at the family if mannequins.
and it’ll just- it’ll just pull on your heart strings sooo much you start to seriously debate it.
i mean, what’s one child right? it’s not too big of a deal, right? i mean normally it would be, but you have trey! but also… the process :/ icky!!!!!
if you end up giving in, the gods are gonna bless mr. patient-as-a-saint trey clover with twins. and it’ll only spiral.
but at night raven, you wouldn’t even realize trey is monopolizing your time. like, you joined the science club because you were bad at potions! and it helps that you have a friendly face in case you’re nervous!
oh boy you look so skinny!! trey’s horrified! why don’t you join him and riddle, his closet friend for tea? he thinks you guys would get alone well!
need a lab partner? you’re both already in the same club so you’ll be able to do the project in the club! look how smart you are!!
you’re tired?? you can stay over with ace and deuce tonight at heartslabyul. don’t worry riddle approves since they both know you wouldn’t do anything to harm the first years rule following. but let trey bring you to his bathroom! you don’t wanna be in a bathroom brushing your teeth with a bunch of hooligans do you? trey didn’t think so. so don’t be shy when you’re following him around like a puppy, or do! it’s adorable and trey’s trying not to melt.
just,,,, HHHHH trey subtly trying to thread yourself into his life to the point you both have a routine together. to the point where it looks like you’re dating, but don’t worry!! he only sees you as a friend…
so ignore the ghost hands on the small of your back, so ignore how during a lunch rush he’ll press up against you- to shield you ofc! ignore how he always seems to intrude on your space when you’re sitting together. definitely ignore the secret touches you exchange when passing each other things.
or don’t!! cause trey would be putting in allll that hardddd work for nothing 🥺
…dot you’ve ruined me.
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izartn · 2 months
Not the Vanitas vol. 11 cover equaling Noé's desire for tarte Tatin locked behind the mirror, unable to touch it, for his desire for Vanitas.
Bc Vanitas is the center of the cover, focus et all. It's the homemade by Vani Tarte Tatin and how it symbolizes their budding relationship and feelings. Vanitas serious face incongruous with Noé stars in his eyes. His clothes which aren't the typical he wears but his secondary/emergency ones, which we saw on that chapter he and Dominique commiserate about their feelings for Noé and the clothes thing is very heavily linked to identity and specifically a sense of security for Vani.
Holy shit. Vani is not dressing as Vanitas for this cover. He's not smirking or putting a front. He's holding up that Tarte Tatin as himself.
I'm gonna start clawing, climbing my walls. Mochijun!!!!??
The sandtimer earring is completely insignificant when usually is super prominent for Vani artwork! It's there but you miss it on first sight.
Murr is also behind the window/mirror with Noé! SUS! IT'S SO SUS!
Am I paranoid or just suitably scared of Mochijun ability to foreshadow? Who knows. Not me for sure.
I'm still reeling about how obvious this cover makes Noé attachment to Vanitas and viceversa. Come on! The way we all know those stars in the eyes are for the Tarte Tatin, but also Vanitas blood and the relationship Noé has/wants with him.
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nancys4gf · 2 years
So I've been thinking about this idea for a long time and I hope you could write it. The party stays a week at Steve's house as like a sleepover but it's a week long, and the reader and steve are the mom and dad of the party,(the reader has been around a but longer than Steve because they're Jonathan's best friend ) and it's just Steve and the reader being like a married couple the whole week but instead of steve being in mom mode it's the reader and everyone it confused at the sudden change but they love it, especially steve. And the party is just gossiping and being totally confused why the reader and steve aren't dating. ( bonus points if I could get a scene where will lays on the readers chest and naps and steve gets all annoying because that's "his place")
longing glances | steve harrington
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summary: the party has a week-long sleepover at steve's house.
pairing: steve harrington x female reader
warnings: mentions of nightmares
note: dear anon, i LOVED this. i loved it so much i went crazy with it and ended up writing 5k words. it's honestly one of my favorite things i've ever written and i've had so much fun doing it. i truly hope you enjoy it as well!! thank you so much for requesting ♡♡♡
̟ ̇.˚︵‿୨♡୧‿︵˚.✩
– monday. 
when dustin proposed the idea of a week-long sleepover, you thought he was crazy. 
but as you drove the kids, robin, nancy and jonathan to steve’s house, every passing second convinced you that you all deserved to spend some fun, relaxing time together, after everything you had gone through.
after you honked the horn to announce your arrival, steve opened the door theatrically, a huge grin adorning his face. “mi casa es su casa.”
the kids didn’t waste a second before rushing in, pushing past steve. 
“dude, your pool is huge!” dustin exclaimed.
“why is this the first time you’ve invited me over?” robin gaped at the house.
“i don’t know.” steve shrugged. “just, don’t make me regret it.”
“race you to the pool!” 
“oh, yeah,” you laughed, watching steve’s panicked expression as the kids ran to the pool, jumping in without even bothering to put on their swimsuits first. “this was definitely a good idea.”
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– tuesday. 
“um, steve?” you called out, peeking inside the fridge. 
“where’s the food?” 
“right there.” he gestured.
“there’s a carton of milk and a tomato. what kind of breakfast is that?”
“add in some granola and you’ve got a champion’s breakfast.”
“steve,” you closed the fridge and put your hands on the sides of your waist. “i’ve got six hungry kids. and you haven’t stocked up on food?” 
steve opened his mouth only to close it again, and gave you a guilty smile, before turning away to look for his jacket.
“let’s go.”
he jiggled his car keys. “grocery shopping.”
— ❀ —
“can you grab some pop tarts?” 
steve nooded, disappearing further down the aisle. you had agreed to split up so it would take less time getting everything you needed, but you soon realized you couldn’t leave him alone.
“one box? do i need to remind you? six kids, and a week?”
steve looked confused. “uh. two boxes, then?”
you sighed, shaking your head. “alright. we’re teaming up, harrington.”
and so steve pushed the shopping cart, while you tossed the items in it. 
“get those,” you pointed at the fridges, and steve obliged, coming back with a significant amount of eggo’s boxes. “oh, and some lucky charms. will loves them.”
“did you sleep well last night?” he asked while taking the cereal.
“i did, thanks.” you smiled, glancing at him. “your bed is comfy.”
“i even put on some clean sheets for you.” 
“what a luxury.”
steve had arranged his house this way: the kids slept in sleeping bags in the living room, robin and nancy slept in the guest room, and steve and jonathan in steve parents’ room. you were the only one who had an entire room for herself, and you still didn’t really understand why. 
“i felt a little alone, though.” you pouted. “i’m the only one that doesn’t have a roomie.”
“i can go and keep you company if you want.” he said quickly.
“steve harrington,” you gasped dramatically. “are you trying to get into my bed?”
“first of all, it’s my bed,” he turned the cart into another aisle. “and no, obviously. i’d sleep on the floor.”
“or i just could join robin and nancy. or the kids downstairs.”
“yeah, yeah, of course. i was just- i was just saying.”
you piled up some tubes of ice cream in the cart, but had a hard time picking the last flavor. 
you held up two tubes and stared at steve. “which one?”
he looked as if you were asking a question with an impossible answer. you sighed.
“will, lucas and el prefer cookie dough. but dustin, max and mike like strawberry better.”
“well, what do you like?”
“strawberry it is.” he stated, grabbing the tube from your hands and putting it into the cart.
as you resumed walking together, you glanced at steve, but he was already looking at you, quickly averting his gaze. you couldn’t help the smile that crept across your face.
“so,” he played it cool, opening another fridge. “three frozen pizzas should be enough, right?”
“six kids, steve. six kids.”
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– wednesday. 
steve was trying to barbecue. it didn’t take long before everyone realized steve wasn’t great at barbecuing. 
“you’re supposed to wait for it to heat up.” jonathan informed.
“says who?”
“well, sometimes you gotta be different, you know,” steve shrugged, placing the raw burgers and steaks on the grill. “do things your own way.”
“remember to cook dustin’s well-done. he’s sensitive about meat.” you reminded from the recliner, sunbathing with nancy and robin as the kids played in the pool. 
“ouch.” robin whined for the hundredth time.
“what’s wrong?” nancy asked with her eyes closed, finally giving in to robin’s antics.
“the sun’s too hot.”
“it’s noon, robin.” you said obviously. “did you put on some sunscreen?”
“no,” she said quietly. “it makes me look bad.”
“you’ll look even uglier when you’re walking around like a burnt tomato.”
“here,” nancy offered, while robin threw her sandal at steve. “turn around.”
for the first time in history, robin did as told, and nancy started applying sunscreen on her back. robin went quiet after that. considerably quiet. 
“hey, no running!” steve called out.
“sorry!” mike shouted back. 
“you know you’re supposed to check on the food, right?” jonathan told steve, who was walking towards the pool.
“i am!” he said, before doing a cannonball, splashing dustin in the face.
the boys fooled around for a while: dustin getting on steve’s shoulders and steve dropping him, dustin keeping steve’s head underwater, trying to see how much time he could go on without breathing. 
at some point, the sound of your laugh caught steve’s attention. robin had taken off her sunglasses, and her face was completely red and sunburned, except for the mark of the glasses around her eyes. you burst into laughter, almost falling from your chair. steve didn’t notice he was smiling. but dustin did. 
“you’ve got something on your face.” 
steve immediately started touching his face. “where?”
“here,” dustin pointed at his own chin, right below his mouth, before breaking into a smirk. “drool.”
steve scoffed and slapped dustin on the back of his head, making the boy wince and touch the area. steve directed his gaze back at you, but instead, he caught sight of eleven stepping out of the house.
“what are you doing?” she stopped, the eggo midway between the air and her mouth. “no dessert before lunch, you know that.”
eleven stared as steve dismissively, and pointed at you. “she lets me.”
she proceeded to walk away and get into the water, ignoring steve’s orders not to eat inside the pool. he glared at you, and you shrugged, a playful smile on your lips. 
“sorry. i’m the cool one.”
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– thursday. 
the kitchen was silent and dark as you poured yourself some water. you closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the way it refreshed your dry mouth. 
suddenly, you heard a noise, similar to a creak or a screech. your guard immediately went up, and before you realized, your hand was reaching for a knife. you stayed very still and very quiet as the noise got nearer, until finally, a figure appeared in the doorway.
you and steve jumped at the same time as he turned on the light. you exhaled and set the knife down, steadying yourself on the counter, your entire body shaking uncontrollably. 
“it’s just me,” steve whispered, slowly making his way towards you. “it’s just me. i’m sorry.”
you nodded as you felt a pair of arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. you could feel his warmth through the fabric of the t-shirt, the smell of his cologne radiating from his skin, filling the air with recognition and safety. 
“i was just…” you sighed. “i came to get some water.”
“couldn’t sleep?” he asked, caressing your arm. you shook your head. “why?”
“i’ve been-” you stopped. you hadn’t told this to anyone. but being in steve’s arms in the dead of night made you feel safe. you knew you could trust him. you knew he would understand. “having nightmares.”
“ever since…?” he didn’t even need to finish the sentence, you nodded your head. 
he pulled you even closer, needing to protect you, even if you weren’t in any real danger.
“i’ll stay with you until you fall asleep, hm? how does that sound?” he said, moving his hand up and down on your back soothingly.
“sounds good.” you whispered, turning your head and giving him a smile.
you walked together, steve’s hand steady on your back. but when you got to the stairs, you stopped. 
“what’s wrong?”
you glanced at the living room where six figures lay, curled up against one another, sleeping soundly. they looked so peaceful. like they were ordinary kids, ordinary friends who did normal things like having sleepovers. they didn’t look like kids that continuously found themselves in danger, seeing each other go through the worst imaginable evils.
“i…” you hesitated, almost ashamed of what you were going to say. “i want to keep an eye on them. but you go.”
steve followed your gaze, and you noticed the way his eyes softened.
“i’ll stay with you.” he said firmly. 
“you don’t have to, steve.”
he stared at you, and this time it was you he was looking at with pure adoration.
“i want to.”
with one last reassuring smile from his part, you nodded, and you two walked back to where you had come from. you positioned yourself on the large couch in the living room, while steve looked for some blankets. 
“is this okay? are you cold?” he whispered as he covered you up. the blanket was warm and fuzzy.
“it’s perfect.” you smiled at him, moved by the tenderness in his gesture. “it smells like your house.”
“like my house?” he asked confusedly.
“yeah. you know how people’s houses have different, particular smells? well, like that.”
“and what does my house smell like?”
you pondered. “like steve.”
“okay, you’re not making any sense right now,” he chuckled. “you should sleep.”
he moved closer to you, covering himself with the blanket as well. it felt nice, being close to him like this.
“he snores.” steve observed, pointing at dustin, who was indeed snoring quite loudly. “of course he snores.”
you laughed together, but you didn’t talk after that. you could hear the occasional ruffle of the sleeping bags as one of the kids moved, the ticking of the clock, and the wind swaying the trees. you could also hear steve’s steady breathing, and your own heartbeat against your ears.
“thank you.” you spoke quietly after a while, just in case steve had fallen asleep. 
“what for?” he whispered back.
“staying with me,” you looked at him. you were so close you could see every detail of his face, even though it was dark. “for taking care of me, of them.” you glanced at the kids. 
he found your hand under the blankets, and squeezed it, giving you a smile. 
“you’re a good guy, steve harrington.”
what you said wasn’t new to you. steve was your friend, and you thought the world of him. and he knew that, he didn’t need to hear it in order to feel it. but actually hearing those words coming out of your mouth with pure sincerity and conviction, made his heart skip a beat. he was glad it was dark, because involuntarily, his eyes watered.
“i try,” he whispered, not daring to say something else in case his voice would break. “i try.”
“i know you do.”
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– friday. 
“sh! you’ll wake them up.”
“good, it’s already ten and i’m hungry.”
“what are they doing here?” 
“shut up!”
the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes was a camera. behind it stood jonathan, and the rest of the party, staring at you with huge smiles on their faces.
“what’s going on?” you mumbled, starting to get up, but something prevented you from moving.
something heavy, pressing down on your chest. you looked down, only to find a mop of disheveled, brown hair. 
“we could ask you the same question.”
“steve,” you whispered, slightly shaking him. “steve, wake up.”
he only whined in response, nuzzling up closer against you. everyone laughed at the sight, and jonathan took another picture. you glared at him. 
“what? this is an adorable scene.” he defended himself, smirking. 
“straight out of a christmas card.” robin chimed in.
“you’re only missing the golden retriever.” dustin said.
“steve is the golden retriever.” lucas proposed. everyone agreed. 
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– saturday. 
after a long day of swimming and playing a very violent game of monopoly, everyone was sprawled on the couches watching a movie. 
the exhaustion of the day seemed to dawn on the kids and robin, though, because they were all asleep by half of it.
will was lying on your chest, as you ran your fingers through his hair. robin always picked the best movies, and this was no exception. you were completely engrossed in it, but someone insisted on distracting you. 
“hey, that’s my place.” steve whispered teasingly from the other side of the couch, max’s head laying on his lap, while he gestured to will sleeping on your chest.
you laughed, shaking your head. you would be lying if you said you didn’t think about that night on the couch. 
“catch.” he whispered again, but when you ignored him, you felt something hit your cheek. 
“are you throwing popcorn at me?”
“i told you to catch.”
and so a war started, with you and steve throwing pieces of popcorn at each other’s mouths. steve caught a good amount of it, but you didn’t, and when some popcorn hit will on the forehead making him whine, you couldn’t help it, both you and steve burst into laughter. robin woke up solely to tell you to shut up.
after a while, the movie ended. the kids got settled in their respective sleeping bags, and the grown-ups wished each other goodnight and headed upstairs. you and steve were the only ones left, when he suddenly said, 
“shit. i forgot to clean the pool.”
“do it tomorrow.”
“no, they want to use it first thing in the morning. shit.” he groaned. “i’ll do it now.”
“i’ll help, then.”
“no, no. go to sleep. it’s late.”
“come on, we’ll be faster if we do it together.”
steve wanted to complain, but you were already opening the window, gesturing for him to follow you outside. and god knows he’d follow you anywhere.
— ❀ —
you and steve were on each end of the pool, removing leaves and eleven’s eggo crumbs. the air was sultry, the stars shining bright in the summer night’s sky.
“thank you for inviting us over.” you spoke. “we’re all having a great time.”
“sure. my house is facing some severe damage, but yeah.”
“i’ll buy you some new plates for the ones dustin broke.” you rolled your eyes. “but seriously, i haven’t had this much fun in a while.”
steve looked at you, nodding his head. 
“yeah, me too.” he paused. “i think we needed this, you know?”
after a while, the pool was cleaned. you stood together, admiring your work.
“see? teamwork makes the dream work.” you said, passing a hand through your sweaty forehead.
“it’s so hot.” steve commented, and you could see how drenched he was in the way his shirt stuck to his chest. oh, you could definitely see.
“i feel disgusting.” 
“good thing we have an entire pool for ourselves then, right?”
“yeah, right.” you chuckled. 
thing is, you didn’t think steve was being serious. but he was. his movements were so fast and sudden that you couldn’t even move out of the way, letting out a surprised yelp as you hit the water.
“steve!” you cried out from the pool. 
“better, isn’t it?” he smirked, and you swam to the edge of the pool, getting hold of his ankles and pushing him inside with you.
after splashing each other for a while, you two swam in silence, going in separate directions but eventually finding your way back to each other. 
“you know, i wasn’t so sure about you at first.” you confessed, floating on your back, staring at the stars above you. 
“you weren’t?” he asked, and you hummed in response. “what changed?”
“dustin adopted you and i was forced to be in your presence.” 
he laughed, but he didn’t say anything.
“you’re not going to ask me why i didn’t like you?”
“nah,” he threw a remaining leaf out of the water. “i can imagine why.” 
you stood on your feet now, moving closer to him.  
“but you’re better now. everybody loves you.”
“keep going,” he teased, and you nudged him. “seriously, it’s good for my ego.”
“remember when you used to call the byers’ every night, so you could make sure will had gotten home alright?” you asked, and steve laughed, a bit embarrassed. “i think that’s how you finally won me over.”
“you didn’t have to do anything to win me over.” he said. “i was sold from the very first moment.”
“yeah?” you asked, a big grin creeping across your face.
“don’t let it get to your head,” he warned, teasingly. “but yeah. you were so sure of yourself. you never thought twice before doing something to help others. i wanted to be like you, i guess.”
you stared into each other’s eyes, the only sounds that could be heard being the sounds of the water and the rustling of leaves.
you didn’t understand what the feeling in your chest was. you had been in this same pool earlier that day, with the same boy standing in front of you, and you hadn’t felt whatever strange sensation you were experiencing now. the clothes felt heavy on your body, but being alone with steve made you feel oddly light. maybe your mind was playing tricks on you. but it felt good.
“come on,” he said after a while. “let’s get some towels.”
after rummaging through his closet, steve handed you a shirt. he turned back, and you turned back as well. you heard his movements as he took off the wet clothes and put on the dry ones. a shiver went down your back, due to the act of intimacy you two were sharing. 
when you were dressed, you turned back, and he did too. 
“you know, i have clothes.” you grinned. “i have a bag full of them.”
“i know.” steve broke into a smile. “i just like seeing you in my clothes. that’s all.”
you averted your gaze as your cheeks warmed up, but you could still feel steve’s eyes on you. 
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– sunday.
jonathan was showing you some pictures outside, while the rest of the party sat around the table having breakfast.
“is that your shirt?” dustin suddenly asked steve, pointing at you through the window.
immediately, everyone directed their gazes towards where dustin was pointing.
“holy shit,” max said. “it so is.”
“so what?” steve asked, feigning indifference. nancy and robin shared a look.
“why is she wearing your shirt?” nancy inquired.
“yeah steve, why is she wearing your shirt? did she run out of clothes? did she lose them? did she manage to get them all dirty?” robin insisted, and steve waved her off.
“she liked the shirt. so i let her borrow it.”
“it looks big on her.” eleven commented.
steve looked down, smiling to himself. “i know.”
“you’ve never even kissed?” max asked very seriously and very incredulously. steve stared at her.
“i’m not answering that question.”
“that means they did!” lucas exclaimed, and max nodded frantically. 
soon, the breakfast table was in uproar. max, lucas and robin were asking for details, dustin was screaming at mike that he owed him twenty dollars, and will, eleven and nancy watched the scene entertainingly. 
“no, no! shut up, everyone! no, nothing’s happened. jeez. you’re like a group of possessed parrots.” 
“i’m confused,” dustin started. “why aren’t you guys dating?”
“yeah!” max exclaimed, and steve was genuinely surprised at the girl’s interest in his (nonexistent) love life. “you guys already act like you’re dating.”
“they act like they’re married.” lucas corrected.
“you’re perfect for each other.” dustin went on. “you both like horror movies, you always laugh at her terrible jokes, she laughs at yours. not to mention you’re the ones who take care of us.”
“yeah, and she makes you decent.” robin remarked.
“and you make her happy.” eleven pointed out, and her profound, sincere comment managed to turn them all silent.
you and jonathan walked into the room, taken aback by the uncharacteristic quiet.
“what’s going on?” 
to make matters even more suspicious, everyone shouted ‘nothing!’ at the same time. you raised an eyebrow, but decided not to engage, sitting down next to steve and stealing a piece of bacon from his plate.
“i like your shirt.” max told you.
“thanks. it’s steve’s.” you said casually. 
you watched curiously as the rest of the kids tried to contain their laughter. you looked at steve, but he just shrugged, a faint flush on his cheeks. 
— ❀ —
things were changing with you and steve. you noticed it in the way his gaze lingered on yours, making every moment of eye contact a breathtaking incident. 
and now, at the bonfire the kids had insisted on having since it was the last night of the sleepover, you saw it in the way he looked at you first whenever he made a joke, or when he gave you the best s’mores. 
“bonfires always get me so emotional.” robin expressed. “they remind me of the last nights at summer camp. i feel like we’re saying goodbye, or something.”
“no one’s saying goodbye,” steve rolled his eyes. “i’ll be seeing your little sunburnt face before i get the chance to miss you.”
robin glared at him. 
“expect to see a lot of me this summer,” dustin added. “you won’t be able to get me away from that pool. or your nintendo.”
“great.” steve said sarcastically.
“you know,” you said, taking the s’mores steve was offering you. “even if we’re not saying goodbye, this is still our last night doing this. we can get emotional if we want.”
“no, don’t start!” will cried out. “you always cry when you make speeches.”
“i won’t make a speech.” you rolled your eyes. “i just want to say that… i never thought i’d have a friend group like this. that i’d ever feel this comfortable and happy. and, honestly, after all we’ve been through, i think we’re bonded for life.”
you gazed at your friends, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. “don’t you think?”
“yeah.” mike agreed, and the rest followed, agreeing quietly.
“i don’t think i could ever forget you guys.” max said. “even if i wanted to.”
lucas wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she smiled, resting her head in the crook of his neck. 
“whatever happens in the future, let’s promise to protect each other.” nancy spoke.
everyone nodded, a silent promise hanging in the air as the friends leaned against the person sitting next to them, looking for comfort in the people they trusted the most in the world. their family. 
— ❀ —
everyone had already gone to sleep, but you lingered by the stairs with steve. it was your last night here. if something was meant to happen, it was now or never.
“so, last night here.” you commented, playing with your feet. 
“yeah.” he chuckled awkwardly. “i mean, not mine. i live here. but yours.”
he didn’t say anything else, and neither did you. you looked everywhere except at each other. 
“it’s been a… very insightful week.”
“totally.” you agreed, even though you weren’t sure what he meant by ‘insightful’.
steve finally looked at you, and you hesitantly looked back. the look in his eyes made your breath catch in your throat: you were pretty certain it was now. 
“we should get some sleep. it’s late.” he concluded after a moment, putting his hands in the back pockets of his jeans.
“oh.” you nodded your head, furrowing your eyebrows, doing your best to hide your disappointment. “yeah, sure. goodnight.”
you motioned to go up the stairs, but he had to go upstairs too, so you ended up bumping against each other. you both chuckled awkwardly, walking together.
when you finally got upstairs, both of you glanced at each other’s respective rooms, lingering. okay, maybe downstairs wasn’t now or never, you thought. now was now or never. if he wanted to make a move, this was the perfect moment.
“alright. goodnight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” he said and quickly walked away, shaking his head and muttering a ‘what?’ under his breath.
“uh, yeah, thanks.” you mumbled, walking into his room. 
you shut the door behind you and rested your head against it, letting out a groan. 
you turned and turned on the bed, but sleep wouldn’t come. you kept going over this past week, wondering if you had imagined all the longing glances and touches and subtle flirting. 
wondering if the night at the pool, or the night when you had slept on the couch, or the morning at the supermarket hadn’t meant anything to him. like it meant to you.
not knowing was driving you crazy. so you decided to give in to your curiosity and impulsivity and got out of the bed, going over the things you were going to say when you confronted him.
but when you walked out of the room, you were surprised to find steve already in the hallway, wide-awake, his hair messy and his clothes wrinkled. 
“oh, hi.” he said, startled. 
“hi.” you replied, all your bravado and courage fading away as soon as you looked into his eyes.
“is everything okay?” 
“yes, yeah. i was just… it’s nothing,” you chuckled sheepishly. “where were you going?”
“i, uh,” he looked away. “i just wanted to make sure you didn’t have another one of those nightmares.”
“oh,” you nodded your head. “yeah, i’m okay. thank you.”
“good. great.”
“i should…” you took a step back. “yeah, goodnight.”
being in steve’s presence was dangerous. especially when you were so worked up and sleepless and confused and he was looking like that. 
you practically ran back to steve’s room, not daring to cast him another glance.
throwing yourself on the bed, you put the pillow over your head, trying not to scream. what were you doing? were you insane? you had almost ruined your friendship with steve just because you were being stupid over things that didn’t mean anything. not only that, but messing things up with steve would have perpetual consequences on the entire group, and you couldn’t do that. not when all of you had just promised you’d always be there for each other, no matter what.
naturally, you convinced yourself you should apologize to steve in case you had made things weird. so you got on your feet again, and you opened the door.
only steve was already there, his hand raised, about to knock. 
and you forgot whatever it was that you wanted to tell him. you forgot about your worries and your fears and your imagination. you didn’t know what you had imagined and what you hadn’t, you just knew what you were feeling right now, as steve stood in front of you, his eyes showing an urgency that resembled your own.
you had spent the last hour going over possible things you could say, but at that moment, words were the last thing on your mind. because he was cupping your face with his hands and he was kissing you.
he was kissing you, and you didn’t waste a second before kissing him back, your hands finding its way to his hair. his mouth was warm and your hands moved about his body, pulling him towards you. it was just him, him and him and him. 
he kissed you with so much force you stumbled back into the room, and he followed, his hands not leaving the grip on your waist. in one swift movement, he put one hand on the back of your neck, and he shut the door with the other.
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– monday. 
everyone was already in the car, except for you. you were standing with steve on his doorstep.
“are you busy tonight?” 
“i haven’t even left yet and you already miss me?” you teased.
“maybe.” he grinned, and you felt so lucky, so ridiculously lucky, that you were the one he was dedicating that beautiful smile to.
“i’m free.”
“can i… pick you up?” he asked, interlocking his fingers with yours. “at seven, maybe?”
“sounds good.” you nodded, breaking into a smile. his gaze fell to your lips for a moment, before finding your eyes again.
he kept playing with your fingers, simply gazing at you. you realized that it wasn’t that the whole world disappeared when he was looking at you. the world was still there, but he made it better. 
steve placed one hand on your cheek, pulling you closer to him. he planted a soft, short kiss on your lips, before pulling away and planting another one on your nose.
“i’ll see you tonight.”
you said your goodbyes, and as you walked to the car, you were greeted by a tumult of screams and shouts as the kids cried out “i knew it! i knew it!”.
“yeah, yeah,” you said, rolling your eyes but not being able to erase the smile from your face. “now, seatbelts.”
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yuesya · 10 months
Suguru has a conundrum.
“Say ‘aaah,’” says the white-haired gremlin sitting across from him, full of mischief. A fork laden with warm cheese tart is held out in front of his face, right before his lips. “C’mon, Suguru! It tastes really good, I promise!”
The sorcerer purses his lips, doing his best to level an unimpressed look at his companion. “… Really, Shiki?”
A sly little smile is his only response. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Suguru snorts. As a Special Grade sorcerer on par with Satoru, he highly doubts that Shiki failed to notice the first year students conspicuously crouched behind a set of outdoor dining tables on the other side of the street. He makes a mental note to help them train up their stealth –learning to properly hide their cursed energy is one thing, but learning to actually blend in is another. The three of them are getting many strange looks from the passerby… and they all seem completely oblivious to it.
… Probably because they’re too engrossed with spying on their teachers, the little rascals.
“Su– gu– ru–” He does his best to ignore the strange flip-flopping sensation that rises in his stomach upon hearing his name drawn out like that, genuinely pliant and pleading beneath the blatant teasing. From the way Shiki’s smile widens, his reaction does not go unnoticed. Damn. “Won’t you humor me? Just one ‘aaah.’”
Suguru sighs, resigned.
“You’re having entirely too much fun with this,” he accuses her, although without any real heat. Like her brother, Shiki is entirely too playful… and stressful for Suguru’s blood pressure.
Unable to deny her, Suguru opens his mouth and eats the cheese tart.
He’s aware of how it looks from the outside, a man and a woman sitting down at a cafe table together, with the woman feeding the man a bite of her food. But, it’s the only way to soothe Shiki over unless he wants her to be huffy the rest of the evening. It’ll take forever to smooth over her ruffled feathers, and then he’ll also have to deal with Satoru dramatically flopping over him the next morning to complain about how he was ‘bullying’ his little sister.
… If anything, Suguru was the one getting bullied between the two of them!
The man determinedly stares her in the eyes as he eats the cheese tart proffered out to him, biting down and closing his lips over the fork, before slowly drawing back. If Shiki is going to embarrass him in front of their students, he’s not going to be the only one going down here.
The girl’s smile doesn’t waver as she retracts her arm and returns to eating her cheese tart, seemingly unaffected. But Suguru is long familiar with both Shiki’s and Satoru’s habits, and it’s minutely gratifying when her gaze flickers towards the side in a nervous tell, and her cheeks color faintly. She shares that with her brother –Satoru also blushes easily.
Shiki’s gaze returns to him, and she pouts. “You’re terrible.”
“You’re the one who started it,” Suguru responds childishly, instinctively.
“I did,” the girl admits easily enough, to her credit. “But you’re still terrible!”
“And you’re incorrigible,” he shoots back.
Shiki lets out a small ‘hmph,’ leaning back in her seat as she carelessly flips back a lock of long white hair over her shoulder. Hair extensions, apparently, but the way it looks and the way she acts makes it appear as if it’s the real thing. Admittedly, it’s a little startling to see Satoru’s body with long hair like this, and Suguru still isn’t entirely sure about the feelings he has about seeing Shiki –Satoru– in a dress from an obviously feminine angle, no matter the number of times he’s seen them like this already.
… But that’s nothing new on his end. He’s felt this way for years, and at this point Suguru is resigned to the fact that this is going to be his default state around Satoru and Shiki for the rest of their lives in perpetuity.
Somehow, the thought is both full of aching fondness and headache-inducing despair.
“You look like you have something on your mind.”
Suguru shakes himself out of his thoughts. “It’s nothing. Are you done with your food?”
“Mhm,” Shiki nods absently, dangling the fork in her mouth –the same fork that she’d used to feed him, he realizes. Suddenly, Suguru can’t taste the lingering creamy flavor of the cheese tart in his mouth at all anymore.
Shiki eventually releases the fork from her mouth with a small pop and a soft ‘ah.’ She twirls the utensil over her fingers, then levels it directly at him with a sharp little smile that’s all Satoru.
“You know us, Suguru. We don’t play around with our food.”
… Yeah, there’s no doubt about it. These two are going to be the death of him someday.
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c-sket · 6 months
Pinkie pie id pack pls ??? ^^
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pinkie pie ( mlp ) id pack
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names : miette , amias , rose( tte / tta ) , confetti , funfetti , vanille , fresa , fraise , dulce , sugar( ette / esse / yne ) , azúcar , globo , ballon , bow( sie / sy / ine ) , ribbon( ne ) , velvet( te ) , crepe , puff( ette ) , tart( lita ) , parfait , dolce , bon - bon , ettie , cupcake , buttercup , butterscotch , yippee , cakepop , poppet
pronouns : bow / bows , ri / ribbon , ribbon / ribbons , cake / cakes , sweet / sweets , su / sugar , sugar / sugars , candy / candies , pi / pink , pink / pinks , cupcake / cupcakes , puff / puffs , crème / crèmes , bake / bakes , pas / pastry , pastry / pastries , flan / flans , batter / batters , whisk / whisks
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ghostwaffleheimer · 10 months
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griffin-girl-r · 8 months
Created: 15.09.2021
Finished: 10.02.2022
Edited: 08.10.2023
Age: 16
Word count: 752
Warnings: Drowning, Pools
Request: No
Note: This is the first ever story I wrote for the Marvel fandom and it's based on a joke I read 4 years ago.
It was a normal day off at the compound for the Avengers.
Natasha was sitting on the couch with Steve and Clint beside her, Tony at the table, reading something on his laptop.
Thor was probably in Asgard, but most likely in the kitchen eating pop tarts.
Bruce in his lab.
And you decided that going for a swim in the outside pool with Bucky was a good idea.
You were so wrong.
Bucky came running into the living area and stopped to catch his breath, while moving his hands up and down.
Your mom, Natasha, was the first one to understand that something was wrong.
She was a spy after all.
"James?" Natasha questioned a still-silent Bucky, raising her eyebrow, as she turned to face the man
"Bucks? What's wrong, buddy?" Steve asked his best friend, concerned
"Hey, guys. Y/N is in the pool and I don't think she's waterproofed." Bucky tried to explain the best he could in his panicked state, only to gain confused looks from everybody in the room
Silence settled over the room before Tony spoke.
"I think he's trying to say that Y/N is drowning." Tony said absent-mindedly, not raising his head from whatever he was doing on his laptop
"Oh." The red-haired ex-assassin simply said, turning her attention back to the TV
It took Natasha three whole seconds to realize what Tony had said.
"SHE'S WHAT?!" The woman yelled and shot up on her feet
"Affirmative, Miss Romanoff. It appears that your child is indeed struggling to stay above the water." F.R.I.D.A.Y. confirmed
Your mother sprinted towards the outside pool, faster than she had in her whole life, with the boys hot on her heels.
When Natasha saw you just floating above the water with your face down, her heart tightened in her chest.
Steve used his super-soldier speed and reached you faster than the others, jumping in to pull you out.
When the rest of the team finally arrived, Steve was already laying you on the ground.
Your mom threw herself on her knees, next to your head, and she moved the wet hair out of your eyes, with tears in her own, as Steve leaned forward to hear your heartbeat.
Not there.
"Not good, not good, not good." Steve panicked hard
He started CPR and instructed Natasha to blow air through your mouth.
They started to get more desperate when they saw that you weren't reacting.
"Come on, baby." Natasha quietly sniffed "Please."
Just then, you gasped for air and choked on the water that was in your mouth.
Natasha quickly turned you to one side and she sighed in relief.
After catching your breath, you looked around, taking in your surroundings as your mind was still in a hazy state.
As you did your eyes landed on the one person that always made you feel safe.
"Mama." You whispered, your voice weak
Natasha pulled you in her arms and hugged you tightly to her chest "I'm here, baby. You're okay. Everything is okay." A few tears escaped her eyes
She looked over your head at Steve and mouthed 'Thank you', to which he answered with a nod.
"I'm glad you're okay, kid. You kind of scared the shit out of us." Your Uncle Clint said, patting your back "Especially your mom."
"I'm sorry." You muttered, with your head resting on Natasha's shoulder
Your mom took a deep breath and slightly pulled you away to kiss your forehead "What happened, my love?"
"I-I was getting ready to get into the pool when Bucky came and pushed me in a little bit too hard. Then he just laughed, thinking I was joking." You explained before sighing "I guess that he ran to you when he figured it out that I wasn't." And with that, you jumped into your mother's arms again
"Why don't we get you to Bruce for a small check-up? Huh?" The woman smiled and motioned to her best friend to help her lift you
Clint quickly lifted you up and let you support onto him, as he started to lead ypu towards Bruce's lab.
When you and Clint were far enough, the ex-assassin turned to face Bucky, who was ready to run any second.
"We can discuss this." Bucky laughed nervously, raising his hands in defense
Let's just say that Bucky won't push anyone else in a pool for the rest of his life. Natasha made sure he learned the lesson.
Permanent taglist: @natsxwife , @dannipotatoo , @mmmmokdok , @lizlil , @lovelyy-moonlight , @ravensinthedaylight , @youralphawolf72 , @observeowl , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @circe143 , @kassies-take , @sheneonromanoff , @darkstar225
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