silvermoon424 · 6 months
I don't know how many people on here read (or did read) Pokemon Adventures, but do y'all remember the end of the FRLG arc? When Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow are fucking turned into stone and the arc just ends there?
I remember being in the fucking trenches when we were still waiting for a resolution to that. It took a few years I think, and the entire time I was so upset because "When will you help my friends :((((" (I was like 13 at this time lmao)
The payoff in the Emerald arc ends up being worth it but people who didn't have to wait in the trenches to see the Dex Holders survive their predicament don't know the pain the fandom was in lmao. I still vividly remember waiting for Coronis's monthly updates on the Serebii forums (Coronis was the resident manga expert who would update with summaries and pics from the latest chapter releases in Japan).
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electric-butter-slug · 7 months
Listen man, I play sonic because it's FUN. I don't play the games to challenge myself emotionally and mentally.
The difficulty of Frontiers was FINE.
Extreme mode felt like a fun challenge but i didn't actually play it on extreme all that much because Hard Mode was good enough. It extended the bosses a bit but they were still fun.
This DLC tho??? Holy fuck I am LIVID. The controls are not good for a lot of aspects of the additional characters, the towers try my fucking patience, and the bosses are insane for no fucking reason.
The stages are visual vomit and I don't even know what I'm looking at. It's too much. Suddenly there's new power ups in the stages that I've never used and oh suddenly there's an exclamation mark above Sonic's head. Usually that's like an emerald mark or something so I'll go closer! Ha! Just kidding! You blew up! For fucking real? Save all three animals! Collect 5 reverse numerical rings, 5 silver medals, now there's a hidden goal, now there's a shadow character race! I'm fucking tired. It's still visually terrible and I can't see what's happening.
Sonic goes fast? Here's some fine fucking platforming! Careful, there's no checkpoints so you better not fall or you'll have to start over for the hundredth time.
That last point goes quadruple for the towers. And what awaits you at the top? Trials. You've spent the whole game leveling sonic up? Well fuck you cuz his stats are "fixed." Fixed at what you might ask? It doesn't say. You have to google it to discover it means fixed at level. Fucking. One. And the tricks to getting through these trials? Yeah, you're gonna need to google that too. Nothing prepares you for the new skills you suddenly need to use like apparently how you can sidestep targets and parry things you normally wouldn't think to parry. And speaking of parry, only perfect parry is available! What's perfect parry? We'll never tell. You should know already, right? Time to fucking google again.
Final boss time? Better use that perfect parry. But this time at least we'll actually fucking tell you HOW to. Oh but the boss is connected to this thing with a cord. You've been attacking it for half an hour with no opening to do real damage? Better Google that too. Oh remember how we never told you you could do that sidestepping thing ever in the course of the game? Yeah now you need to do it or you'll never progress the boss. Oh you wasted a half hour waiting for some mysterious opening? Yeah it's not coming. Better just know what to fucking do I guess.
I have never needed to google anything for a sonic game until this dlc came out. I got to go through and actually have fun. This DLC has NOT BEEN FUN because I have spent more time angry about how shitty and impossibly hard for NO REASON it is. It's unfair for too long with too little payoff. The extra lore is barely worth this. I'm not even sure I care to finish the final fight anymore. I'm just tired.
Y'all who complained about the difficulty better be fucking happy now. I shouldn't be struggling like this on EASY FUCKING MODE.
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alexkablob · 3 years
Literally Emerald is making these halfhearted jabs and efforts to push JOYR away because she feels so guilty over the role she’s played in all of this, she cringes when Yang lays into her but she fully agrees with what Yang’s saying, on some level she’s pushing them away because she feels like she doesn’t DESERVE to work with them, she doesn’t DESERVE to get adopted into whatever weird dynamic they have, she doesn’t deserve any of the things she wanted she should just disappear and be alone forever because look at what she’s done to get what she wanted so far—
But she can’t, because even as she’s wallowing in her own guilt she knows she wants to help, she knows that the one and only part of the Fall of Beacon that gave her any real satisfaction the way Cinder said it would was when she helped repel that initial false Grimm attack and people smiled at her and thanked her—
And to have Oscar just gently say hey, I know how you must feel, but...don’t you want to do something about it? That they don’t trust her but they’d be happy to let her prove them wrong?
Is everything.
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real-jaune-isms · 3 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 12 Review/Remix: Creation
For only having a couple major set pieces, this was one of the most plot dense chapters we’ve ever seen from this show. Some of those were a lot time coming and satisfying as hell, and some came right out of nowhere to massive speculation and theorizing to follow. But goddamn if I didn’t love every minute of it, so let’s mosey on through to see just why that is.
We open, as many of these chapters have been want to do, with shots of the Grimm causing chaos and destruction, in this case Teryx attacking airships. JNR fly by in a ship of their own, and looking rather concerned as they approach Atlas Academy. Why the shot was framed quite like this I’m not totally sure, because it looks like they’re approaching the city itself from quite far away when really they should have been approaching from the outskirts and flying over the city itself, considering where the Schnee estate is located. Ironwood is waiting for Penny at the landing site at the entrance to the Academy, just as he and Ruby had agreed on, and he’s got a new toy. Both pistols of Due Process have been slotted into the back sides of a larger firearm, a veritable hand cannon that needs both grips just to keep steadily aimed. I think it’s safe to call this the Gun-gun we had been joking would be coming eventually since the early Volumes. The Ace Ops are backing him up, and we see a few Atlesian Knight robots loading the bomb onto an airship so he can nuke Mantle at a moment’s notice just as he warned. The citizens of Mantle are out of the mines and looking very apprehensive about the whole thing, and we are right there with them. Just as the bots have finished loading the bomb and are about to leave they start getting shot down. Ironwood warns the Ace Ops to be ready for any altered state Penny might be in and any trouble her friends might try to cause. Harriet is all to ready to follow through on the general’s terms and put down any brat who tries to interfere, and this whole thing seems to finally give Vine pause. He’s not stopping now, how can he, but he’s reflecting on the path to get here and only now has some amount of remorse about it. Elm winces at the mention of that too, while my MCU fan mind had to stop and chuckle at a pale bald man with energy powers musing on philosophy and ethics so close after the end of WandaVision. Not intentional, obviously, but a great coincidence. Ironwood gets a ping that there are intruders in the hangar, and they all surmise that’s Robyn and Qrow trying to interfere with the bombing. Harriet is ready as hell for a chance to beat them bloody after all this time STILL believing they’re Clover’s killers, but Elm makes a good point that they can’t just leave to do that because Ironwood will need backup here. Lucky for all of them, Winter is here to provide the general just that, so the other three are free to deal with their fugitive problem. With a quiet moment between them, Winter tries to see if Ironwood can be talked down one last time. He doesn’t want to hear it, and she admits she knows it would be impossible to try.
Penny soars in and lands in front of them, surrendering herself to a pair of cuffs and surprising Ironwood a bit in actually coming alone. She says she’s obeying his order because above all she wants to stop further death and she must open the Vault. The virus coming back a little to compel her to this end, or just frequently repeated phrase for the sake of simplicity? Unclear. Ironwood finally lowers the gun-gun he was pointing at her and puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder to tell her she’s done the right thing. In a cadence very much not her own, she agrees she has, and all illusions are dropped. It Was Emerald All Along!~ And JNR as well as Oscar are standing a few yards behind her along with the airship she must have been masking the approach of with the sound of “Penny” flying in. As shocked realization dawns on his face, James is kicked in the chin by a backflipping Emerald. His gun flies out of his grasp and she catches it with a grin before disappearing. Damn she really has been getting good with her Semblance! Down in the hangar, the Ace Ops arrive to see the jailbirds slicing and blasting a ton of robot soldiers. Just as they’re about to join the fray Marrow is heard giving a command and his former teammates are left frozen under the power of a Semblance they never seemed to give its due diligence. The assembled Huntsmen and Huntresses start attacking Ironwood and he counters the first few attacks rather well. I’m sure he must be pretty damn shocked to see Oscar still alive after shooting him into a pit, and for that matter probably Jaune and Ren too with what Harriet told him about their mission into Monstra. That and how little sleep he’s probably gotten recently make it very likely willpower and his Semblance are the only things keeping him going at this point, so who are we to be shocked if he starts losing to their superior numbers? And start losing he does, because Winter is on their side and helps Nora bash him upside the head. Winter and Oscar charge at James on the back of a summoned Manticore, but he grabs it by the horns and stops it dead in its tracks. So they leap off and Winter hits him in the back with some ice while he’s busy destroying the summon. With another glyph she springboards Oscar back at James and he gives him the old rapidfire cane jab. It knocks his Aura pretty low by the looks of the flickers, but he still recovers and stops Oscar on the next swing. Before he can punch the poor boy any more than Hazel already has in the last 12 hours, Winter does the most anime move these series has yet to offer us and darts past her old boss to slice him at lightning fast speed. It’s a badass sight that I cannot describe with enough words so please just watch for yourself. With that, Ironwood’s Aura is broken and he passes out then and there. Qrow and Robyn apologize for freezing the Ace Ops like this, but these times call for hard choices. Emerald reappears to get uncuffed and Winter tells the five of them to move on to Phase 2.
We flash back to the end of the last episode where Ruby decides taking Penny to the Vault might be a risk worth taking, and we see Jaune and Ozcar immediately pick up on what she’s thinking. Why not try and use the Staff of Creation and hope it can work a twofold miracle of saving Penny and all the people of these two cities? Just then Weiss gets a text from Winter, and the gears start turning in our minds how this whole plan came together. We see Winter shoving Marrow into an elevator and looking very grumpy about the whole experience. He correctly guesses she’s not arresting him, but damn if he doesn’t get why she had to punch him to get him outta here. She rightfully tells him it was to make it look believable and she just saved his life thank you very much. He notices she’s texting someone and asks whom, and she says getting in touch with Weiss for some help is something she should have done a long time ago. Just then the elevator doors open and we get the payoff to who Robyn and Qrow were so surprised to see last episode: These two. Winter quickly sees this as a chance for even more help, and I think it is the happiest she’s ever been to see Qrow. Shifting back to Schnee manor, Weiss is going over the risks of this plan of theirs to the other 10 teens. Oscar pipes up with another danger, Atlas falling as soon as the Staff is used for anything new. The cover story about Gravity Dust keeping the kingdom afloat was only half wrong, there really is a large amount at the base of the landmass that will slow the descent a bit, but it will still be a cataclysmic landing. Jaune suggests using the Staff to get everyone in the danger areas to somewhere safe, possibly even another Kingdom, but Oscar says it doesn’t just work that easily. Especially not with HIM involved. The Staff has a sentient presence you have to deal with to make anything happen, but he’s a real card this one. He gives you what you ask for and only what you ask for, so you have to be specific and provide details or even blueprints for how to make what you’re asking for. Lucky for them Whitley has access to the layouts of Atlas and Mantle due to preparing for their earlier evacuation plan, so they’re off to a very good start. Oz still worries about Ironwood and the bomb at this point, but Weiss assures him they have a good plan for that. And we just saw what that was and how well it worked.
So now we get to see what Team RWBY is doing while ORNJ is handling Ironwood and whatever else Winter is having them do, flying an airship up to the hole Oscar left in the bottom of the Vault and having Ruby use her new Semblance skill to carry the rest of her team and Penny up through that and into the Vault itself. Klein and the other Schnees are also aboard the airship cuz someone needed to fly it and they weren’t gonna stick around in the mansion after the Kingdom starts falling. Ruby can basically fly now, no big deal it’s totally fine this doesn’t make her OP as hell, WHAT???? Okay I’m done. They get to the Vault door and with a shoulder to lean on and a few supportive words Penny opens it no problem. In the split second before Penny starts self-terminating now that this objective is completed, RWBY zooms into the grassy meadow inside this cold winter Kingdom’s vault on another Rose Express and Ruby grabs the Staff. Time stops as we see Winter escorting James to a cell in the brig right next to her other manipulative father figure Jacques, OJNRE are in front of some sort of computer monitor, and various other shots of what people are up to at this second are shown. In a cloud of blue mist emerges a man every bit as big blue and naked as Jinn was, but while she was thicc he is jacked. I don’t know how to describe his light blue hair but it’s got a ponytail so that’s fun. He seems charismatic af with a voice many assumed was Matt Mercer but is not, and seems he’s still a little steamed over how boring a request making Atlas float was. Ruby gets his attention and we learn his name is Ambrosius. When faced with a request to stop Penny from dying, Ambros informs them a limitation of his powers is resurrecting the dead. So everyone theorizing the Staff could bring back Pyrrha, or Clover, or any other beloved character were disappointed to be proven wrong. But bringing back the dead isn’t what Ruby is after, and once Ambrosius sees for himself just how atypical of a girl Penny is he understands their intention clearly. He lets them know of his rules, he is essentially a monkey’s paw and what you get may be exactly what you asked for but not what you hoped to get. They knew about this technicality problem too, so they brought Penny’s blueprints and ask him word for word to “Make a new version of her using her exact same robotic parts”. The robot parts are what have the virus, and once they use the Staff to make something new that infected robot Penny will cease to exist. But if he only removes the robot parts that will leave behind the life and soul that truly makes her Penny. It’s also not within his power to directly destroy, apparently, but it wouldn’t be killing her because it’s leaving her existing with just her soul. Yang flexes her prosthetic arm to illustrate their point that the mechanical parts are just extra. Ambrosius is enthusiastic to give this a try, but he has no idea what the finished product would be, so Ruby encourages him to get a little creative with it. He’s eager to give it a try but does warn them he can’t guarantee what the results will be, but they insist they have no other options and he does a sort of dance in the air like a full body orchestra conduction. Penny starts floating in swirls of blue mist, and in a flash of white light one becomes two. With his job done, Ambros fades away with a wink.
All of Atlas starts shaking, and ORNJE take that as their cue to start their next task: broadcasting to all of Atlas and Mantle a warning that Atlas is falling. Jaune is the one to deliver the message after some troubles figuring out how to get it working, but before he can offer any reassurance that a plan is in motion to save the masses... the broadcast is cut short along with all communications in the Kingdom. My money is on Watts being responsible, but maybe it was Atlas command on a hunch of what Ironwood would want them to do. James himself didn’t tell them to cut it off, cuz he’s still unconscious in a jail cell. Speaking of those cells, Jacques demands answers on what the hell is going on from his eldest daughter. She asserts that they will be getting everyone to safety and leaving the falling rubble to Salem for all the good it’ll do her, but Jacques is still worried he won’t be among those saved. Winter hesitates but tells him that yes he will be evacuated too. He thanks her profusely but she refuses to accept that credit. If he wants to be grateful he has to thank Weiss for deciding to free him, and that news shuts him up right quick. Weiss has been his least favorite child, yet she’s still the one to show him mercy and kindness because that’s the sort of woman she’s always been and he tried to stamp that humanity out of her. What an ass he must feel like.
Back down in the Vault, two Penny’s stand before RWBY. One looks like we’ve always known her, but starts moving and jerking around robotically with red eyes and sparks flying out of it as it collapses to the ground. The other has bare human legs, no gloves, no power sign on her neck ribbon, a natural fabric bow in her hair, and aside from that is every bit the sweet and good girl we’ve come to know. Some people say this was a mistake or a bad move to take away what made her such a unique character but... they really didn’t. She was able to grow outside of the limitations of the body she came into existence with and now lives purely as who she has always felt herself being inside. And that’s pretty cool. She’s naturally very disturbed to see another version of herself collapsing and dying right in front of her, but feels a lot better getting to hug Ruby. Penny never knew a hug could make you feel this warm inside, and gives hugs to the rest of Team RWBY. It’s very very cute and we’re all glad to see she’s doing so well now. 
With this taken care of it’s time to summon Ambrosius for the evacuation creation. He seems to have no concept of time because he doesn’t realize how little time has passed and is surprised to see they’re the ones who summoned him again. And considering how thorough they were with the last request he’s probably bummed he won’t get to pull a fast one on with a request this time either. They try and ask him to make doorways all over Atlas and Mantle that will all become a single doorway in Vacuo, but he requires too much complex metaphysics and space time bending to make that happen so they alter course. Make a central location all the doorways in Atlas and Mantle will open into, and then have a single door in that big new place that will open in Vacuo. He wants to know just what kind of central location they would have in mind, and Yang says he should make one that exists outside of Remnant’s reality just like the Vaults seem to. He commends them for being so smart about it, but acknowledges that could end up being foolishness instead. As a point of reference for the doorway system, or perhaps just for where in Atlas and Mantle they should be opening, Weiss shows him a series of blueprints for the layout of the Snowshoe shipping hub and how it connects to Atlas. Using that basis he makes dozens if not a hundred or two doorways all over the two cities. They’re big gold ovals with pale blue centers, and on the other side is a big empty black void with a series of narrow walkways without and sort of railings connecting all the portals to a single large one at the end of all the converging paths. Very dangerous if anyone ends up tripping or knocking anyone else over. People are very confused to see these things suddenly pop up, but we see Joanna hesitantly step through one and see just what the deal is. Realizing it’s their way out she seems to go back and tell the others. I gotta admit, the look of this large doorway in the midst of a barren rocky place like this gave me serious ending of Kingdom Hearts 1 vibes, and I half expected Mickey Mouse to be on the other side talking about the Door to Darkness. But that’s just me. Satisfied that the job is done, they thank Ambros who tells them they were indeed disappointingly thorough and they can go now. As they head out the broken robo Penny fades away to blue dust and real Penny is rather shaken to bear witness to that. Before he disappears into the Staff for who knows how long now, Ambrosius delivers one last warning about the world of doors and paths they just created. Do Not Fall. With that ominous warning ringing in their minds the five young women head into the doorway before them with the intent to go to Vacuo with everyone else and the hope in their hearts that they’re not forgetting anything important. We see Cinder wearing a hooded cloak in the midst of a crowd about to head into one of these portals, and it becomes very clear what important thing they may not have taken into account.
Time to wait 7 days to see what could possibly go wrong now!
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calliecat93 · 3 years
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So… been a while since I did one of these. Yeah, long story short 2020 just ruined my anxiety and a bunch of other things and I just couldn’t handle doing the reviews after I feel so behind during the first half of V8. Even the six-week break didn’t do anything to reignite the motivation or help the anxiety, so I decided it was best to quit and just wait for the volume to be over. Which with how emotionally draining the volume was which may have very well impaired my judgment at the time, was probably the best decision. But V8 has been over for months now and we’re awaiting V9. So it’s time to finally finish this.
I normally do one chapter per review, but since I now know all that’s coming, I’m going to do two chapters per review. That means four total reviews, then a mass V8 review, and then hopefully things go better when V9 starts. So last I left off, we got Cinder backstory, the Ace-Ops running into YJR, and Salem breaking Atlas’ shields to finally go forward with her invasion. The dark times are upon Atlas and our heroes are running out of time. So… what happens now? Well, let's find out.
I normally break down everything moment by moment, but we’re gonna keep it brief since there’s a lot to cover.
In War as Salem’s attack marches forward, all of our heroes are in a bind. RWB wants to help Atlas while May wants to return to Mantle and points out that they can’t have both. Nora is still in need of a doctor, which causes Whitley, who overheard, to call in a character that we haven’t seen in quite a while. With JYR, they were captured by the Ace-Ops, who has now been tasked to use a bomb to blow up the whale. Our heroes negotiate with Winter to allow them time to go in and rescue Oscar and causes Ren to make an unexpected discovery. Meanwhile, in the whale, Emerald overhears Oscar/Oz again pleading to Hazel to see reason, even going as far as to give him the password to the Lamp. Not for Salem, for Hazel. This causes Emerald’s doubts to become even more concerning and with Mercury leaving with Tyrian for Vacuo and Cinder focused solely on her quest for power, she is left alone to decide what she wishes to do.
In RWBY’s 100th chapter Dark, we are at the Schnee Manor where the power blows out. But when they recall that they have an emergency generator, Whitley realizes that they can use the SDC to get supplies to the Mantle refugees. Ruby and Blake go to restore the power as Ruby is still struggling to maintain her usual optimism, but they encounter a Grimm in the process. Specifically, The Hound. Meanwhile, Penny, who crash-landed in front of the Manor last episode, tries to maintain control as Watts’ virus goes into effect. During the battle, it ends with Ruby discovering The Hound. One that utterly horrifies her…
Okay, there is a LOT to go over with these two chapters, So let’s break this down event by event.
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Let’s discuss our villains first since we have some pretty major developments. First, we have Hazel. We had just about everything that I had assumed before confirmed. The reason that Hazel works for Salem isn’t merely just because she claims to want a new world order. Honestly, I think that Hazel just fooled himself to justify his decision to himself. No, as he talks to Ozcar, the truth becomes crystal clear. Hazel has given up. He confronted her once, and all that happened was she kept coming back until he was too exhausted to fight anymore. She broke him. Fighting her was futile and by taking advantage of this, Salem set him on the only path that he had left: getting revenge on Ozpin. Even though he’ll reincarnate, he can still be hurt. He can still be killed. He can still suffer. It was all that Hazel had left, and it consumed him.
As much as I know that some had issues with Hazel’s backstory, losing your sibling to circumstances that weren’t really anyone’s fault but you still feel so angry that you just need to blame something is very understandable. I’ve been in that place. I think that many of us have. And to learn that he did try to fight Salem at first but in the end, gave up due to her immortality… can you imagine how many others likely went down that route? Wanting to fight Salem but when the horrible truth came out were left empty? RWBY went through it in V6 and barely recovered, so it’s easy to see where Hazel is coming from. It’s easy to see why he won’t believe Oz when he tells him what Salem’s true goal, the release of death via summoning the Gods judgment, is. Oscar takes over and reveals the password, trusting Hazel to decide for himself what to do. Not Salem, Hazel. Will it pay off? Only time will tell.
But Hazel isn’t the only one privy to this new information. Emerald overheard all of it. Whatever fears that she had were all confirmed. Mercury is dismissive, both not believing it (until Tyrian confirms it) and even if he did, points out that Hazel failed and fell into line. It’s going to take time for the assassin to change his mind. As far as he’s concerned, he’s on top of the world, or at least in the best place that he can be in. Better than when he was with Marcus at least. Emerald though? She’s been doubtful and scared since at least the end of V3, even earlier if we count the flashbacks in Beginning of the End. The only thing that has kept her around along with the fear of Salem has been her devotion to Cinder. But with how Cinder has been coldly dismissive of her thus far this volume and now knowing that she’s part of something far worse than she imagined, it looks like Emerald may be deciding that it’s not worth it anymore. The question is, will she act before it’s too late? With Mercury off to Vacuo, she’s on her own to make that choice.
The villains’ stuff is mainly setup for Chapter 9 but it’s good stuff. We’re getting everything in place for the many payoffs that we’ve been waiting a long time for. Many of us have been hoping for Emerald to defect. While IDT as many have wanted the same for Hazel, he’s certainly the nobler of his buddies and has shown signs of possible redemption, so I’ve been hoping for it. Oz and Oscar’s efforts seem to be paying off and Oscar taking over and playing a huge gamble is pure excellence. It’s both Oz trusting the boy and working in tandem with him showing how he is genuinely trying to be better and showing Oscar’s growth with his more diplomatic skills here. It failed to work on Ironwood, but perhaps this time he’ll have better luck.
JYR and the Ace-Ops
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Like with the villains, their stuff is contained all within War. But boy do we have plenty to go over. With Atlas in utter chaos, to the point of all the citizens having to hide in a subway, Ironwood has decided to have Winter and her team bomb Monstra. Which makes sense… except that Oscar’s in there. Needless to say, JYR isn’t happy about that. But Harriet, Elm, and Vine remain committed to their ‘we have no feelings’ routine. Even though it’s so obvious that they’re lying through their teeth. Ren’s Semblance confirmed it, but it’s not hard to tell. Elm and especially Harriet are hiding their feelings through their anger and doubling down on following orders. Vine does try to remain reasonable, but otherwise retains his emotionless demeanor. Marrow… he just clearly doesn't want to be there anymore. He’s still trying to remain comitted to what he’s doing, but this and Chapter 9 are going to be changing that big time
And WInter? Oh Lord Winter. She wants to do the right thing but is bound to her loyalty and duty to Ironwood and Atlas, and she doesn’t know which one to follow. Her orders? Or her heart? The choice may seem like a no-brainer to us, but to Winter it’s more complicated. She feels that she owes Ironwood so much. Because of him and the military, she escaped her father and his control. I think that she does realize that this point that she’s just exchanged one puppetmaster for another, but she doesn't know how to cut the strings. We see some signs of hope, both in the last volume when she allowed Weiss and the others to escape, and here when she grants JYR’s request to go into the whale to find Oscar before the bomb arrives. She knows that if Ironwood finds out she’ll be in trouble. She remains conflicted, but it’s still a signt hat it’s not too late. It allows her (and Marrow forthat mater) to remain sympathetic while others like Harriet… well, they’re not making it easy, let’s leave it at that.
That brings us to Ren. He’s had it hard thus far, his emotional control slipping, his split-off from Nora, and everything that built up the last volume coming crashing down. He’s been pushing everyone away, but now? He can’t afford to do so. Not with Oscar in danger. When Harriet says that teammates are replaceable, he strongly disagrees. He and Jaune would absolutely know how wrong this is. They’ve never replaced Pyrrha after all. Even if one considers Oscar part of JNR, he’s never been considered the new Pyrrha. He’s just Oscar, their friend. When he finally admitted that to himself, it allowed Ren’s Semblance to evolve. Instead of simply masking emotions, he can now see them via colored flower petals. Yes dear readers, Ren is an empath.
This development is perfect/. It happened at the right time, Ren finally admitting his feelings for those that he cares about instead of internalizing them and pushing those people away as he has been with Nora. It’s a natural evolution of his powers. He can mask emotions to protect others from the Grimm, and now that he can take it off he can see beneatht he masks of others. Harriet and Elm’s rage. Vine’s uncertainty (I’m assuming anyways based on what happens later). Marrow’s sadness. Winter’s collection of so many different colored petals, reflecting the war that she is having with herself. Now that Ren is beginning to open up, he can now help others do the same. Semblances reflect the on using them, and I think this says a lot about what Ren is truly meant to be and will be in the future.
Schnee Manor
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Now we get to the meat of this post. Let’s go over the events in War first. While our heroes are safe at Schnee Manor, they’re conflicted on what to do. May wants to, and by Dark does, go back to Mantle since things are just as bad there and they don’t have the military to save them. Weiss however? She wants to help Atlas. Despite everything, Atlas is still Weiss’ home and there are still family and innocent people that she wishes to save. She’s a Huntress, that’s her job. May however? Her family dismissed her when she was their son, and she made it very clear that she is in no way their daughter. Which first, that was a brilliant way to add that representation. Kdin confirmed that May was Transgender last volume, but now we have undeniable proof in the show itself and it was perfectly delivered. She also makes a good point, Mantle has no protection. The whole reason that RWBY went against Ironwood was that he chose to leave Mantle to die. At this point, it does seem like the heroes can have it both ways. It worked in the past, but not here. Not anymore. But even May admits as she leaves that at this point, there might not be anythign left to do for either city. It’s just… bleak. Even moreso than in V3.
This of course hits Ruby. Normally, her optimism and hope carry her through. It was practically what got the heroes through V6 alive and well. But now? No. Even she can’t deny how bad things have gotten. When she and Blake go to turn on the backup generator, it’s clear how conflicted she is. She wants to help everyone. She chose to send the message because it seemed like the best chance to save everyone. But the longer that she waits, the more unlikely it all seems. She’s becoming utterly overwhelmed. Honestly, with how 2020 went, I find this very relatable. You w\see all the suffering caused by COVID and the horror of the police brutality against Black people and so many other awful things we’re still in the midst of. You want to do something. You want to help everyone and want things to just be okay. But when you do, all of it weighs down on you because you simply can’t help everyone. As Klein said, you can only focus on what’s in front of you first. You feel helpless, scared, maybe even angry. But we’re only human. We can only do what we can a step at a time in whatever way we can, even if it’s just being a shoulder to lean on. It’s at least something.
This leads to something that I have practically been begging CRWBY to do for years now, have Blake comfort her. We’ve had very scarce Ruby and Blake interactions, but it’s always been pretty clear that Blake trusts Ruby and has followed her lead faithfully more or less since the team formed. I think it was very fitting for Blake to be the one who reached out to her as it calls back to when they first talked in Volume 1. Back when Ruby expressed her love of books and wanting to make the world better like the heroes that she would read about. How Blake admired her goal but also viewed it as rather childish. Considering everything with the Faunus oppression, the White Fang, and of course Adam, who could blame her? But Ruby gave her hope. Ruby got her to see that they can make the world better. That despite everything, it’s their job to protect everyone and to move forward. Ruby’s been able to push them ahead so much, and they all still need her. It’s what Ruby needed to hear and it shows how far that both girls have come since those early days at Beacon. Which since this happened in the 100th episode, was very fitting.
Now I’m not gonna say too much about The Hound here. The entire fight scene was awesome and the thing stalking through the Schnee Manor? It somehow felt more horrifying than The Apathy did in Volume 6. How do you manage that?! Whitley and Willow ultimately killing it via the armor was also pretty cool and it’s nice to see the civilian characters getting involved, showing that they don’t have to be helpless like with the ship captain and crew back in Volume 4. Then the final revelation, that The Hound was not only human but had Silver Eyes… yeah Ruby’s reaction could not be more justified. I’m gonna go into my thoughts more in the 11-12 review since Ruby goes more into her feelings there. But the revelations that this one scene caused… yeah, it’s added a whole new level of horror to not just Salem, but the Grimm as a whole. It’s kind of a bummer that The Hound was killed off and it just feels so soon, but with how so much is going on at this point… yeah I’m gonna forgive it especially since the death still leaves a lot to think about in the future.
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So let’s talk Schnee family! First, Willow. I like how they handled her here. She’s an anxious mess, which makes complete sense. She has to keep forcing herself to not drink, but without that coping mechanism, she’s so anxious that she ends up running out of Weiss’ room in utter panic. Fortunately, she’s still able to get her act together enough to be of help. She uses the security cameras to warn Weiss and keep an eye on The Hound. Which also allows her to see it heading for Whitley. But instead of waiting on Weiss and since Whitley understandably doesn’t want to listen to her, she does the right thing: act like a mother and save her child. Including actually using her Glyphs to summon a Boarbutusk. Yes, Willow. In a jam-packed volume like this, it’s nice to see these bits of character development for even the minor characters and it was done well here.
Then we have Whitley. I’m gonna admit it, it feels like his change is pretty rushed, but again we have about a million other things going on. Plus I guess the worst situations can bring out the best in people. That’s certainly the case here. He over-hears RWB and May talking and decides to call Klein, who is apparently a doctor, not only a butler (the temptation to NOT make an ‘I’m a doctor, not an X’ joke after getting into Star Trek is REALLY hard XD) to treat Nora. Which Weiss’ reaction to seeing him and him not at all blaming her for being fired was just beautiful. But it’s Whitley making a decision. Not due to his father’s influence. Not to get Weiss’ attention. He did it because Nora needed help and it was simply the right thing to do. The fact that he acted independently makes Weiss so happy that she hugs him. It surprises Whitley… but you can tell that he’s happy about it.
I think that really encouraged Whitley. Jaques isn’t there anymore. There’s no one controlling his fate anymore. It doens’t matter if Whitley defies him now, Jaques can’t do a thing about it. It’s Whitley who realizes that they have the resources and ability to send supplies and help to Mantle. It’s him who goes to his father’s office to get the process underway. Even when The Hound comes in, he still makes sure to give the authorization before making a run for it. With the fear of his father gone and Weiss showing more support, Whitley is showing that he’s not a bad person. He was very much like his sister was; someone trapped and forced to succumb to the toxic influences to survive. He didn’t have the support that Weiss did, nor the skills that either of his sisters had that let them escape. But he’s taking those steps now. He has an attitude still, but he’s kind of where Volume 1-3 Wess was; a major brat but one very much on their way to improving. If Whitey ends up taking over whatever remains of the SDC or outright remakes it, I think that he’ll be a fine leader while his sisters continue as Huntresses.
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Finally, we come to Penny. I should probably talk about Nora as well, but since Chapter 11 is when she expresses how she feels ike how Ruby does, I’m going to hold off until then As far as Penny goes… God, I… it just hurts. Knowing how this ultimately will end only makes it more painful to go back through. But just as Chapter 5 made it look like Penny would finally be allowed to choose for herself, Watts ruins all of it. This is a girl who is utterly trapped. Ironwood bound her down by isolating her and then forcing the protection of a whole city on her. Pietro, while well-meaning, was over-protective and allowing that to keep Penny held by her strings. He let go… and look at how it ended. The Maiden Powers, while something that Penny accepted, now has her targeted on all sides and she can’t escape them while bound tot he responsibilities that come with it. Now we have Watts’ virus and despite her best efforts, she can’t stop it.
It’s just… heart-wrenching. Especially when Nora wakes up and calms her down by reminding her that whatever is trying to take over is only a part of her, not the whole being. It works… for a few moments. But in the end, all that Penny can do is succumb. This girl truly has no control over anything. Not over her own life. Not over the abilities that she possesses. And now not even over her own mind and body. She keeps having her strings yanked back and forth, wanting to just snap them off but all her limbs are held in place so she can’t. Watching her act utterly robotic, blankly describing how she will open the Vault then self-terminate… it’s just so wrong. Not to mention her coming dangerously close to being carted off to Salem with only Ruby managing a Silver Eyes blast saving her. It was hard to watch back when these premiered but after the finale? It’s just… it’s just so cruel.
Both of these chapters were excellent. War is mainly a setup chapter and ho boy the event that it sets up for… Chapter 9 is gonna be fun to talk about! But it also had plenty of pay-offs, especially for Ren and great moments like May’s scene, Salem conducting the Grimm, and it just captures the bleakness yet determination of our heroes perfectly. Then Dark… boy is that chapter title appropriate. Again great moments like the Ruby and Blake talk, the entire fight sequence, and probably the most horrifying revelation thus far. There’s some minor stuff like the jailbreak as well that made RWBY’s 100th chapter, as well as the chapter to kick off the return after the six-week hiatus, a thrill to watch. That's not even going into Alex Abraham's spectacular score, especially when the big reveal/death of The Hound happens. Just... it's just perfect. It can feel like there’s just so much going on that it gets hard to keep up with at times… but to be fair, that’s how our heroes feel as well, so I supposed that’s appropriate.
Chapter Stats
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Favorite Character: Lie Ren
Favorite Scene: Ren unlocking his emotion-reading power
Least Favorite Scene: RWB sipping tea. It’s not a bad scene, but them just kind of standing by while the chaos is going on… it just feels a tad out of place.
Favorite Voice Actor: Kdin Jenzen (May Marigold)
Favorite Animation: Salem conducting the Grimm attack.
Rating: 8/10
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Favorite Character: Ruby Rose
Favorite Scene: Ruby and Blake talk
Least Favorite Scene: I got nothing. Everything here was perfect.
Favorite Voice Actor: Arryn Zeck (Blake) and Jason Liebrecht (The Hound)
Favorite Animation: As horrifying as it was, The Hound reveal.
Rating: 10/10
Final Thoughts
When I watched these, all I could really do was stare wide-eyed. Even though I knew that this volume was going to be intense, somehow I wasn’t prepared for any of it. Certainly not for everything in these chapters. But all of it was just so freakin’ good. Does it feel emotionally draining? Yes. It was a big part of why I’m only getting to these several months later. But was it still worth watching? Absolutely. Compare Dark to the first chapter of Volume 1. RWBY has come such a long way. A lot of things both good and bad have happened in between, but it’s still going and I plan to be here until the bitter end. With quality like this, it gives me a good reason to stick around. So six more chapters/three reviews to go.
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Beginnings: Abbie Reed
This is a set of stories about the past and events that brought everyones Hartfeld favorites together. Once all parts have been told I hope to incorporate them into a slightly altered storyline about the Hartfeld gang. Though I will not get to far ahead of myself.  This second story brings us into Abbie’s past her struggling family and her financial solution. Some names have been changed to fit with in my story line. I found myself always having a hard time writing Abbie because I didn’t know who she was or where she came from really. So I hope this helps!
All character rights belong to PixelBerry and their Choices stories The Freshman, The Sophomore, The Junior and The Senior.  TAG LIST: ( this is a tag list from all of my pervious Freshman related fics. Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed) 
@jared2612  @katurrade @annekebbphotography @emerald-bijou @jellybean-marshmellow @jollybouquetangel
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Poverty tends to come with judgement, or disgraceful glances. But those that live in it sometimes are the happiest people of all.  A perfect definition for the slums of Los Angeles county especially in summer of 1994. Life in poverty is so looked down on by the elite surrounding those small areas. But the same elite do nothing to help or change it. But in Compton, California some of the hardest times created moments of the strongest friendships. It was under these friendships that Abbigail Reed was born. She would not have to share blood with those around her fro them to consider them family. Abbigail would carry with her the love of her community for her entire life.
      June 17th 1994 in the fluorescent lit room of the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital Whitney, Jeanie, and Angela sat awaiting the birth of their best friend Luna’s child. Passing their time by watching the riveting car chase only a few miles away from them as police followed O.J. Simpson and Al Cowlings through multiple freeways. The three girls who share the same stunning deep skin tone sit on the edge of their seats as the watch the White Ford Bronco pull up to O.J. Simpson’s Brentwood Home. But they are quickly interrupted when a nurse steps in front of the television.
      “Hey!” Whitney screams waving her hand insisting the young girl move aside “I cannot miss this. You better RUN! OJ!” she continues to yell as the nurse moves aside out of confusion and then speaks to the two calmer friends.
      “It’s a girl!” The nurse reveals to the two listening parties “Luna is in recovery right now you’ll be able to see her soon I promise. But I can offer the opportunity to see little Abbigail if you’d like.” She finishes kindly.
      “Yes!” Jeanie and Angela yelp at the same time standing on their feet quickly to follow the sweet nurse.
      “Whitney read about it later, life is literally happening in front of you!” Angela jabs grabbing Whitney’s arm and pulling her away from the Television.
      The nurse leads them in front of a viewing gallery and points out the small girl wrapped in a pastel pink blanket.
      “That’s Abbigail!” Whitney who is all of a sudden interested in the events surrounding her screams “She’s so cute, beautiful skin just like her mother.”
      “And not a trace of her dead-beat father” Jeanie adds as the nurse walks away uncomfortably. “Little Abbie you are going to be the most loved child in all of Compton.” She adds waving at the sleeping child through the window.
      Abbigail Reed was indeed one of the most loved children in the neighborhood. As she grew up she was surrounded by passionate and loving women. But Whitney, Jeanie and Angela would be the most constant. They would each pass on a trait to the young girl. Whitney gave her passion for life, Angela her patience and Jeanie gave her understanding and culture of the world around her both past and present. But most importantly her mother Luna Reed gave her love, so much encompassing love.
      Luna Reed was born in 1975 in the same small town she’d give birth to her own daughter. Her best friend all her life would be her wise father, James, who passed to her the same love she’d give to Abbie. At the young age of 3 Luna’s giving mother passed away. Leaving James to teach her to trust someones soul, and love even their darkest parts, just as her mother had. James, who wanted to the best for his girl but could rarely provide it. He worked day in and day out at the mechanic shop down the main street of the town, but he only scraped up enough money for a trip to the movies or a nice dinner once a month. Leaving Compton eventually seemed impossible to Luna and she began to settle into the life she had been given. Sharing the best of it all with her loving father after the passing of her mother at the age of 12.
      In High School Luna would meet her three best friends and she would carry them with her for the many years to follow. She was especially thankful for Angela whose family was the most well off of her friends. Angela became like a sister to Luna, on days when Luna couldn’t afford a lunch Angela was there with an extra sandwich. Angela was there as a shoulder to cry on and in early December of 1993 her shoulder was the wettest it would ever be.
      In January of the same year Luna Reed had accepted a front desk job at a hotel in Hollywood. The commute was long with the busy freeways of Los Angeles, but the payoff was worth it. She was finally able to contribute to the hard work her father had done for so many years. But the pay wasn’t the only part of work that excited Luna. She was falling for a boy, a stranger really, and she was falling far too fast. Jackson Louis was a business man who frequented the hotel, he had fair skin dark hair and piercing green eyes. But those eyes wandered all over the beautiful and foreign unblemished skin of the front desk worker who checked him in month after month.
      In May, Jackson checked in for the 10th time that year when Luna finally got the courage to ask the man the questions she’d been wondering for months.
      “Mr. Louis what brings you back to town so often?” She spoke softly -her voice a perfect melody to his ears- as she organized the stack of papers, he’d signed in exchange for a hotel room key.
      “I’m a business man Miss Luna. I like to say that I can see a bit into the future... and there is a wide market for renewable energy especially in a crowded town like Los Angeles.” He explained never taking his eyes off the striking girl behind the desk.
      “Well we are happy to have you here, and pleased that you continue to stay with us.” Luna spoke her automated sentence she’d given to all of their repeat guests. Though her tone of voice may have meant it more now.
      “Can I be honest Luna?” Jackson chuckled in his question watching Luna respond only with a nod. “I was offered a room at the four seasons for this trip.” He continued shaking his head at the offer he’d denied. “But I wanted to come back here, because…” he trailed almost embarrassed to admit what his love-struck heart had done. “I wanted to see you again.”
      Shocked Luna dropped the mess of papers and keys she’d already been nervously  fiddling with, as the papers flew she hid her blushing cheeks by lowering herself behind the desk to clean quickly. But to her surprise the wealthy business man was there behind the desk with her handing her the papers he’d caused her to drop.
      “I didn’t mean to cause all this” he laughed “I just thought after all these months I should be honest. Miss Luna I’d like to take you to dinner tonight when you’re off if you’d like that.” He offered gently.
       Fighting her instincts to be afraid or to judge the man who was offering up his evening to her, he thought carefully about the response to give. Could she trust him? She certainly wanted to. After deciding to follow the advice of her father and trust the soul of the person before her she answered only with a nod worried that if she opened her mouth a giddy squeal would come out. After standing again and dusting off her skirt she finally built the courage to speak. “I’m off at 6:00” she whispered through her infectious smile.
      “I’ll meet you right here at 6:00” he nodded before taking the room key from her and heading toward the elevator.
      The hours that passed were the longest Luna had ever worked through. She couldn’t believe the events of the morning. She talked through her entire lunch break using the work phone illegally for her personal call to Angela who was equally as excited for her friend. With Luna’s luck her relief had arrived early and she was able to step into the public restroom in the lobby to freshen up for a few minutes. As she looked in the mirror she tried to see past her insecurities. She flattened the wrinkles of her shirt and took a deep breath before exiting the restroom and seeing the tall man waiting there for her.
He was striking, though she didn’t expect any less of him. He’d lost the suit jacket he’d dawned this morning and wore a white button up shirt tailored to him sleeves rolled tucked into a pair of tan suit pants. When he saw her step into view his eyes perked up. She was the vision of perfection that had brought him back time and time again.
      “Hi!” she spoke immediately regretting the amount of excitement she fit into one word.
      “Are you ready?” he responded surprisingly with almost the same level of happiness.
      Using her signature ‘silent nod’ again, Luna walked by his side down the street. She’d feared her whole life the thoughts of others but she was in Los Angeles this was the city of Angels. All around her the world was yelling. As they began their walk down Hollywood Boulevard, she saw so much diversity and love around her. On her late night walks through the crowded city she’d normally kept her head down walking from her building to her car she’d never once took in the acceptance of the town around her. A smile plastered it’s self a cross her face and Jackson quickly noticed.
      “What are you smiling for?” he questioned keeping a slower pace next to the shorter woman beside him.
      “Just this city. it’s full of angels isn’t it.” She offered letting her loving eyes wander to so many different scenes around her. Some of two men holding hands, others of interracial couples, single mothers and even the homeless forming friendships and sanctuaries with one another. “I just feel lucky to be here.” She nodded “that’s all.”
      “I’m lucky to be here with you.” Jackson said smoothly, but he was taken back by the observations she’d made. Could the girl beside him truly see the beauty in this world in every single person she passed? Was that even possible? He needed to know her better. Gently reaching his palm out to her, Luna’s tender heart skipped a beat. She accepted the offer and laced her fingers through his quickly.
      The night seemed to go by to fast as she learned more and more about the gentleman who’d rung the bell ontop the desk so many times. Jackson Louis was from Seattle Washington, his favorite place to visit was Los Angeles because he could finally see the sun “as it was meant to be seen” he’d say. He was 5 years older than the 18-year-old girl now sitting crossed from him at the restaurant of her choosing. At 23 years old he’d already acquired a Master’s degree from the University of Washington something he’d begun working on at only 16. The privilege of his skin was apparent in his upbringing. But to him the colors of their flesh did not matter. He never looked down on the stories of her childhood; he never questioned the sadness in her life brought on by a hateful world. He embraced them and began to love them as much as she did. That first night as he walked her back to her car parked in a garage 4 blocks from the hotel itself, he searched her face for permission to kiss her.
      She watched his eyes wander from hers to her lips and back, she knew what she wanted. She may have been young but she was not dumb. Stopping their nervous banter, she stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his own as he softened in return. Shocked by her bold gesture he wrapped himself around her slender frame and she followed the movements in return. This night would be the first of many spent this way in the following week before he returned to Washington. They’d come to learn each others passions, fears and ambitions. They’d swapped stories for their vastly different upbringings and shared many kisses before the week was out.
But in early June he returned again. This time with the news that he’d officially be moving to The City of Angels so that he could be closer to the woman he viewed as his own Angel. By the end of the month Luna was a 30-minute bus ride from the first person she’d ever felt this way for.
      The long hot summer brought on hotter nights as she accepted his offer to move in with him. She felt guilty not paying for a portion of the place so with her extra dollars she would constantly keep the kitchen stocked with as many delicious fruits as she could purchase. And she filled the air with the smells of her incredible cooking. Everyday she became more and more excited for his return, she was happy and even thought of Jackson left butterflies in her stomach.
Luna was still giving a portion of rent for her father’s small Compton home knowing that he wasn’t able to work the long hours anymore. On July fourth Jackson was welcomed into that home for a Fourth of July like he’d never experienced before. Luna’s father quickly approved of the young and accepting man. He saw the way Jackson excited Luna. The two of them were in sync and it was infectious to those around them. James truly believed things were seeming to look up for the Reed family.
Jackson had surprised Luna for her late July birthday by fixing up the long list of repairs in her father’s home, free of charge. By now even Angela approved of the white skinned lover her friend had taken up. Though Whitney and Jeanie remained skeptical of the foreigner.
As mid-September rolled around another blessing came into her life, Luna was pregnant. She’s always wanted to be the mother that time had not granted her own. And while she was fearful of what a disgusting society began to think of her, she knew the only opinion that mattered was that of the small child growing inside this woman who only ever radiated compassion.
On an early November morning before he left for work Jackson woke his love laying his head gently against her slowly stretching abdomen.
      “Luna…” he said softly listening to some sound of his growing child beneath.
      “Yes?” Luna asked running her hands through the deep locks of the man she’d too quickly fallen in love with.
      “Would you consider marrying me?” he questioned and to her shock she sat up shoving him off her.
      Looking directly into his eyes with happiness and fear. Would she? Would she vow herself to someone she’d truly met only a few months before? Was she crazy? In the silence she questioned what he’d asked her, had she heard him right?  Sure, the pregnancy was unexpected but she’d never say it was unwanted. Could this be the path to the family she’d always dreamed of, “Can you say that again?” she asked her voice weak.
      “My angel… would you marry me?” Jackson smiled as he spoke quickly correcting his choice in words. “No, not would you Luna Michelle Reed”, he paused dramatically wobbling on the soft mattress until he was perfectly positioned on one knee. “WILL you marry me?” he said though he had no ring to show.
        “Yes! Yes!” she cheered pulling him from his unstable kneel her lips quickly locked with his own. She couldn’t believe the blessing that this year had brought to her. But all of it came to an end at Thanksgiving.
      Luna and Jackson agreed to join his parents for the heavily family-oriented holiday. It was then he planned on announcing his engagement, and later the pregnancy. Though his biggest mistake was not giving one warning of her race to his conservative family. He thought he’d done it to protect her but now she was weak in front of their stares. Luna knew Jackson loved her she felt it in her soul that the feelings and the events of the year were all true. She did not doubt this, but she knew money was stronger than love these days and that’s exactly what his father held over his head.
      After the announcement of the engagement Jackson could tell announcing the pregnancy would make things even worse. So through a few glances and shaking of heads he and Luna kept their secret. The silence and stares of the evening were suffocating him because he could not make his siblings and parents see the incredible human, he’d brought to them.
That evening Mrs. Louis showed Luna to a spare bed in the attic giving her as much kindness as she was able before leaving her alone. As the aging woman turned to leave Luna stopped her.
“Mrs. Louis” she spoke trying to fill her voice with respect, though she felt the racist bitty deserved none.
“Yes?” the unknowing grandmother of Luna’s child responded.
“I just want to thank you, truly. For letting me stay here and more importantly I wanted to thank you for your son. You’ve raised a remarkable child, he has more love in his heart than I think can fit.” Luna chuckled and to her surprise she was met with a kind smile.
“Thank you dear.” Mrs Louis spoke softly, now questioning every wrong glance or judge-mental thought she’d given to the kind girl in front of her now. Luna could see the internal conflict on the woman’s face. She longed to be kind, but her upbringing had taught her not to be in this scenario. Luna wouldn’t torture the woman’s conflict anymore and released her with a gentle “good night.”
Luna knew that Jackson would come to her before returning to his childhood bedroom so she waited up. But the discussion she’d heard in the office below the floor boards scared her more than any terrors of the creaking dark room around her.
      “Are you serious Jackson bringing her here?” Mr. Louis yelled at his middle child “With no warning?”
      “I didn’t speak of it because I knew you’d react this way!” Jackson yelled back “Luna is the most captivating human I have ever crossed paths with if you could only see that; if you could only open your mind long enough to let your heart love father.” Jackson protested as their yells began to turn to whispers.
      “Jackson Nathaniel Louis, you will leave that girl behind or you will never hear from our family again. Not your siblings, not your mother. We will not be shamed by the selfish actions of your wandering dick.” His father spat at him, “Financially you will be ruined, your investments and the career you’ve begun to build. Do not forget who has funded it. So my son you must make a choice, It is your family, your money and your childhood or it is her. When you finally decide I hope you leave that god forsaken city forever.”
“Please!” Jackson pleaded, “Father she is everything to me.” even through the hushed tones below Luna could hear the pain in his heart. How could she let him leave his family. Disgusting as their views might be they were his life, he’d been sharing stories about them since their first date. Luna had at one point been thrilled by the love he carried for his family, but now it only scared her.
      Luna had been right, Jackson did come to bid her goodnight now, she held in her tears as she heard him enter the small space.
       “Luna...” he trailed and while her eyes were dry his were not. He slumped into her lap as conflict formed in him.
       “Jackson, I love you. I don’t know what this all means. I don’t know why mankind can harbor so much hate in the color of someones skin. And I don’t know why you have to face this trial of choice. But I do know, I love you, I love every ounce of you and the kindness, acceptance and change you’ve given me.” she explained though she never received a response. The pair of the slept together in the small bed in the attic. Against the wishes of his family they laid closely breathing in the air of prejudice that Luna had known all throughout her childhood.
       Her travels back to Los Angeles with Jackson were almost completely silent. She feared deeply the thoughts in her head and a week later the fears became the strongest reality. As she entered the apartment after a long day at the hotel, she found it as it had always been, though a few personal belongings were missing. Resting on the pillow of the bed they’d spent so many nights together on was a note from the father of her growing child.
      “My Angel,
      I apologize for the hurt that this news will bring to your life. I must return to Seattle, to be with my family indefinitely....
After reading the first line written on the page, she crumpled it beneath her hands wanting to forget its words not willing to read the rest of them. She wanted to forget the mark he’d left on her and in her. He was gone and she was truly dying inside.
      Jackson had given her only one kindness in his absence. He’d paid the rent on the apartment for two more months and he’d left behind the expensive furnishings he’d bought for her. Keeping what she knew her father would need and selling the rest to earn money for her child after the rent was up she moved back to the small home of her past. The following months brought her to her lowest but regardless of the father, Abbigail would pull her out of her darkness on that fateful July day.
       Growing up Abbigail had taken interest in art at a young age creating sidewalk art with her many pieces of chalk and then moving on to the finger-painting on the pages around her. At 8 years old her class had an art show and her entire family attended including her three eccentric aunts Whitney, Angela and Jeanie. After winning a few candy prizes for her work Abbigail would be given the greatest news her small mind could think of.
      Luna had again found love in an unforgiving man who after knocking her up would leave once more. But Luna knew the blessing that Abigail was so she only felt love for the second daughter growing in her now.
      “A SISTER!” little Abbie screeched. “I’m going to have a SISTER!” her small body jumped with excitement as she hugged her mother’s waist band.
      And a sister she did have, Angie born in 2002 was named after Angela and was the brightest star that shined to both Luna and Abbie. Their little family would stop there and not grow again but the three girls would be as tight as they could. They trusted each other and leaned on each other in every moment of weakness.
      At 17 years old Abbigail began to wonder just as her mother had if she would ever leave this small and debt-ridden life. She dreamed of the East Coast and the adventures that it could bring with its rich history. The art she could create with the inspiration of time astounded her. But she knew she could not put her family in that kind of financial peril so she had decided on a few community colleges around the city. But her curiosity peaked and she did secretly send out one application to Hartfeld University in Connecticut; assuming a girl with her financial background would never be accepted.
      When the letter came, she ran directly to her bedroom and read the words out loud to herself as tears formed in her eyes “Welcome to Hartfeld! It is with great enthusiasm that I write to congratulate you on your admission to the Hartfeld University class of 2019!” but she wasn’t alone, her now 11-year-old little sister was standing behind her silently.
      “You’re going to Hartfeld?” she questioned startling Abbie in her tears.
      “Angie, no we can’t afford it… but I wanted to know for myself that I could get in. Don’t worry I won’t leave you.” Abbie said wrapping her arms around her petite sister as her tears fell. She wanted to go, she wanted to leave this place. But she knew her fate would end like her far to loving mothers.
      Again, Abbie  didn’t know that the same loving mother stood just outside the room hearing the entire thing. Times had changed since 1993 and with the joys of social media she didn’t think twice about the actions she took next. After a few hours of diligent searching with the help of Jeanie who’d gone back to school to learn more about the modern age of technology, Luna found what she was looking for.
      Dialing the number into her dated cell phone she waited as the ring was finally answered.
      “Jackson Louis’s office my name is Shelby how can I help you?” a secretary spoke quickly as Luna could hear the typing of her fingers in the distance.
      “Shelby! This is Bethany Louis, I was hoping my brother was there. I couldn’t reach him on his cell.” Luna mocked the voice of the girl she remembered clearly from Thanksgiving those long years ago.
      “Of course, Bethany! He’ll be delighted to hear from you, let me transfer you.” Shelby exclaimed as the call fell silent before ringing again.
      Luna felt her chest swell with fear as the ringing stopped and a voice, she’d feared hearing from came from the other side. No doubt the perky secretary had told him who was on the line as he greeted the call with a personalized welcome.
      “Beth! Lovely to hear from you!” Jackson spoke delightfully.
      “I’m sorry to have lied.” Luna began hoping he would be haunted by her voice, and he was.
      “Luna…” he whispered rising from his desk and closing the door of his office.
      “I vowed that I would never call you, or contact you after what you had done to me. But it’s been 17 years and  while you’ve been faithful with your child support payments, that I’m sure the lovely blonde wife in your social media profile doesn’t know about. It’s time for a bigger favor.” She explains quickly hoping her words attack him.
      “What do you need Luna.” He replies flatly still regretting his past.
      “Abbigail was accepted to Hartfeld University.” Luna boasts pridefully. “She’ll be going, and you will pay every penny.” She adds her demands but is met with silence.
      “Fine.” Jackson speaks moments later “But when she finishes, I’m attending that graduation and you will tell her who I am.” he fights in return
      Luna had hidden Jackson from Abbigail avoiding the topic of her father at all telling Abbie “You don’t need a father to have a father figure.” Her bitter heart accepted the child support but denied Jackson any contact. The last he’d seen of Abbigail was a 6th grade portrait.
      “Fine, if you can even find the courage to face the daughter you left behind.” Luna agreed knowing that by 4 years from now Jackson would have something else he’d rather do than attend the graduation of the daughter he left behind.
      That night at dinner Luna told Abbigail that she would be attending Hartfeld and that she need not worry about the finances, that the town would be covering them. Whitney, Jeanie and Angela all aided in the lie saying that they would be offering money to the cause as well. And when summer turned to fall Abbie packed her things and headed out into a world far different than any she had known before.
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January 1 - 22
Emerald City
Season 1: Episode 1-2 – The Beast Forever / Prison of the Abject
While looking for her mother, Dorothy Gale is swept up in a tornado and lands in a mystical world where the powerful ruler of a kingdom faces the wrath of witches and a mythical force. While trying to find a way home, Dorothy meets an amnesiac wounded soldier and a young man trying to free his best friend from a mysterious woman.
Talk about a change from Judy Garland’s Oz. Instead of munchkins we get men who try to kill her for being a witch. These two episodes captured the audience straight away and make it look like this will be a great series. Vincent D’Onofrio always brings his whole heart to a character, and it seems this will be no different. So far I am hooked on this series, and look forward to seeing more. The darkness, the grittiness, and the all-around feel of terror is a pleasant change from the “follow the yellow brick road” musical introduction to Oz we are all accustomed to.
Season 1: Episode 3 - Mistress-New-Mistress
After a close call, Dorothy and Lucas learn the Wizard has sent his guards to kill her. In Emerald City, the Wizard seeks advisement from his counsel as he begins to lose control and the witches begin to show their power. Meanwhile, Tip and Jack venture to the City of Ev to find a cure following a life-changing revelation
This episode was somewhat of a filler that builds up to the big reveal on all sides nearing the ending. The biggest one must have been for Tip, or for Dorothy, which both will change their lives for ever. Dorothy now has a reason to stay in Oz and explore exactly what her discovery means. Tip now has a new life to live and a new identity to overcome. This certainly intrigues the watcher to see more next week.
Season 1: Episode 4 - Science and Magic
Dorothy and Lucas are approached by a mysterious young girl who has lost her way. Following a tragic accident, Tip finds herself caught between two powerful forces - Glinda and West. Elsewhere, the Wizard pays a visit to a village and exacts his authority over its citizens. Meanwhile, Jack has a life-changing experience that leads him on a surprising new path with a unique woman.
And here is the pay-off from last week’s episode. This episode really was titled well. We see how magic and technology are really at odds in Oz, and how advancements have come a long way in both worlds. The transformation of Jack is heartbreaking, but he seems to adapt quickly. Tip’s lure to magic feels more believable. She had just gone through a hellish realization and wants to change her life. Who else would she turn to but a witch? And who called it between Dorothy and Lucas? It was so very predictable. I loved the subtle way of the Wizard threatening. He does not yell or scream, but does things very quietly. This is when D’Onofrio really shines, when he can be menacing and threatening, but doing it quietly. He plays such amazing villains. I cannot wait for next week’s episode.
Season 1: Episode 5 - Everybody Lies
Desperately seeking revenge for the death of her sister, West tracks down Dorothy and uses enchanted interrogation techniques to get the information she needs. The Wizard seeks the aid of the Kingdom of Ev to build a weapons arsenal to help him defeat the Beast Forever. Meanwhile, an old acquaintance may hold the key to Lucas recovering his lost memories.
Season 4: Episode 1 - The Six Thatchers
One mysterious case in particular baffles Scotland Yard - but Sherlock is more interested in a seemingly-trivial detail. Why is someone destroying busts of the late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher? Is there a madman on the loose? Or is there a much darker purpose at work?
Welcome back Sherlock! The banter in the beginning of this episode was amazing. It made the time we had to wait for this season all worth it. One of the best jokes was about Sherlock updating Twitter while he was supposed to be dead. It really set the mood for the episode. We knew it was going to be good when it started out with amusing banter. His tendency to fixate on small details, such as the destruction of the bust of Margaret Thatcher really shows us the quirky side of the character. It really made for some interesting dialogue. And as per usual, his attention to detail pays off in the end.
Season 4: Episode 2 - The Lying Detective
Sherlock faces perhaps the most chilling enemy of his long career: the powerful and seemingly unassailable Culverton Smith - a man with a very dark secret indeed.
This episode was difficult to follow, which was by design. It was seen by Sherlock’s perspective, and so it was hard to figure out if we were seeing what was reality, or what was hallucination. It made for an intriguing episode, and an even better payoff at the end. I particularly loved that “favorite room” lines. They made the villain even more menacing. And it makes us wonder if Sherlock was in fact visited by the woman, or did he hallucinate that as well… well right until the very end where our question was answered. It was a very well done episode indeed.
Season 4: Episode 3 - The Final Problem
Long buried secrets finally catch up with the Baker Street duo. Someone has been playing a very long game indeed and Sherlock and John Watson face their greatest ever challenge. Is the game finally over?
Wow, what a season finale. What can be said about this episode. It was so cleverly done and laid out that the audience was hooked all the way through. The puzzles set forth for our protagonists were difficult and thought-provoking. Psychology lay beneath every problem set for them in this episode, including the final problem. It is certainly true that all of the siblings of the Homes family are sociopathic, but they deal with their psychosis in different ways, from intelligence, to cunning, to experimental even. The truth about Redbeard’s story was shocking and heartbreaking, to the audience, as well as to Sherlock. It was interesting to see how his sister provoked his emotions at every turn. How she manipulated him into every situation she wished. The girl in the plane problem was extremely thought-provoking, and without giving it away, it brought everything full circle in the end. Such an amazing way to end this season.
Season 2: Episode 11 - Stewardess Interruptus
After Lucifer and Chloe have an interrupted "moment," the tension between the two of them makes it difficult to investigate the murder of two victims, who happen to be Lucifer's ex-flames. Since Lucifer seems to be the only connection, interviews are conducted with his recent paramours and a surprising connection is made that helps lead them to the killer. Meanwhile, Charlotte continues to try and manipulate Chloe and Lucifer's impending romance and a larger threat is revealed.
You almost have to feel bad for our dear fallen angel in this episode. All he’s trying to do is prove how worthy he is of Chloe, and his ex-lovers get dragged in for questioning. It’s really one of those episodes that remind us that this show is really a guilty pleasure. It was entertaining to watch, not to mention the tension between Maize and Dan. The reveal at the end was intriguing and makes you look forward to next week’s episode.
Season 2: Episode 12 - Love Handles
Lucifer and Chloe investigate a mysterious masked killer who is poisoning college students. They also try to make sense of their new relationship, after a long-awaited kiss. Meanwhile, Charlotte visits Linda for advice on a touchy subject
Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
Until Next Time...
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