t-lostinworlds · 6 months
Treasure Be Damned | Nathan Drake
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》 PAIRING: movie!nathan drake x female!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: childhood best friends to lovers; angst; fluff
》 SUMMARY: Nathan wished it didn't take something drastic to happen for him to finally realize what he felt for you. And no matter how much that gold was worth, you will always be his greatest treasure.
》 WARNINGS: both are orphans (mentioned), tech genius!reader, protective!nathan, switch pov halfway thru, kinda canon divergent (a.k.a. i made slight changes to some scenes from the movie), pining, jealousy jealousy, idiots in love, some angst, kidnapping, canon level violence, injuries, love confessions and a cute fluffy ending.
》 WORD COUNT: 5.4k+
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A/N: hello! me again with another fic. this may seem super random but this was commissioned by the lovely @theslayerofthevampires ! thank u so so much hun <3 my first ever commission btw. trying to stick to a certain word count was actually quite interesting to me alskalsk but this was fun to write and i hope i did it justice!
+ also i couldn't think of a better title and the summary is kinda cheesy but we love cheese in this house so alksalkslaks
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
You and Nathan had been best friends for as long as you could remember.
When he punched a guy twice his size all because they made you cry on your first day at the orphanage, he quickly gained your trust and loyalty. It was reciprocated when you dumped all your lunch on a kid when they poked fun about why his brother left him.
You two had been inseparable ever since.
Nathan was protective of you, and you were protective of him.
As years passed, that protectiveness only grew tenfold. With it came the care and affection that went from strictly platonic to something warmer, sweeter.
For you, at least.
You couldn't pinpoint when it started, all you knew was that everything Nathan did for you suddenly felt special—like it was solely for you.
The change wasn't outright. It was a slow realization, when the little things he did made your heart grow warmer and beat faster all the same.
At first, you thought it was a simple crush—a silly phase, that with time, it would fade.
But no.
As months moved to years, it went from something that lingered to something you couldn't escape from.
The moment you truly figured that what you felt about him wasn't as simple as an adoration for your best friend was on your eighteenth birthday.
Nathan had spent all the money he saved from working odd—and honest, he made sure to make that known—jobs on a silver necklace.
Maybe you watched way too many romcoms, maybe it was all in your rose-tinted head, but there was an underlying romance in the way he stood behind you, so close and warm, as he put the necklace on for you.
With bated breath, you let him, trying your best not to melt over his simple touch. His fingertips brushed against your skin so delicately but felt electric in all the right ways.
You only regained your breathing when he finally stepped back. Yet he took it away a moment later when he gently tapped the charm—shaped like a compass—sitting between your collarbone, a fond smile on his lips when he said,
"So you'll always find your way back to me."
How could you not fall in love?
What a cliché.
Falling in love with your childhood best friend.
It would've been cute if it was reciprocated.
But whatever he saw you as was strictly platonic.
You were constantly reminded of how unrequited your love was with the hook-ups he brought back to the apartment.
You had agreed to be his roommate to help lessen the expenses. Even though you had only recently moved in together, you were starting to doubt if it was a good idea—for your heart's sake, anyway.
It didn't even stop there.
Because here you were once again, sporting an ache in your chest as you watched him flirt with a blonde girl at the bar.
As much as you enjoyed visiting him at work, seeing him flirt with the pretty customers regularly will always leave a bad taste in your mouth.
A feeling you shouldn't be entertaining in the first place. You were just a best friend. You had no right to go all green-eyed whenever you saw him with another girl.
Nathan Drake wasn't yours.
You didn't even realize that you were too deep into your thoughts until a familiar voice brought you out of it.
"You okay?"
You blinked, looking up to see Nathan regarding you with brows furrowed in concern.
"You've been glaring at that thing for a good minute now," he explained, nodding at the personalized cocktail he made for you.
He always did that whenever you stopped by, experimenting with new mixes he thought you'd enjoy solely based on how well he knew you. You give him your honest feedback in return. It was your own little game.
"Is it bad?"
"No, no, no," you said, taking a sip before smiling. "I liked it."
"Just 'like', damn. I need to step up my game," he sighed in feigned disappointment. When you didn't react as much, he added, "What's wrong?"
Nathan looked at you for a moment, lips pursed as he shook his head.
"You're such a bad liar."
"I'm not," you scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes. "You just know me so well."
"I do," he hummed, grin turning proud. "I also know when something's bothering you so, what's up?"
"Girl things." You shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. You could tell it confused him, because he was never uncomfortable to talk about those topics with you. But before he could even question it, you quickly added, "I think I'm going to head home first. You didn't forget your keys, right?"
"That was one time," he grumbled, eyeing you for a moment because he obviously didn't buy your excuse. A second later, he sighed, "Yeah, I got my keys."
"Okay, See you later," you said, gathering up your things before walking towards the door.
"Let me know if you get home safe," he called out.
You only threw him a salute in response.
It was the harsh light from the huge window in the living room that woke you up.
You must have fallen asleep on the couch in the middle of watching your comfort movie—a poor attempt at trying to distract yourself from your lovelorn predicament.
Who knew dealing with feelings could be so exhausting?
It was the smell of bacon that coaxed you out of your cocoon, though. 
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Nathan greeted as soon as you stepped into the kitchen. He threw you a warm smile over his shoulder before he continued making breakfast—shirtless, might you add. "There are painkillers beside your water in case your neck is killing you. I would've carried you back to your bed but you kick in your sleep and I've learned my lesson so…"
It did happen once.
He was trying to coax you off the couch and back into the comfort of your bed. But as he got closer, your leg having a mind of its own when you were deeply asleep, you kicked him straight in his jewels—his words, not yours.
The loud thud of him falling on the floor didn't even shake you awake, not even when he was groaning in pain. 
You couldn't even remember any of it.
"How many times do I have to apologize for you to let that go?" you chuckled, settling at your usual seat at the small dining table you had.
"Not enough," he snorted. "I still feel the phantom of the kick, you know."
"You're so dramatic." You rolled your eyes, glancing around only to catch a glimpse of that old yet familiar green trunk. It was then you noticed some of his old stuff littered around, trinkets and memorabilia he hadn't looked at in a while. Just as you were about to question him about it, you saw the excited look on his face. You narrowed your eyes, asking, "Did I miss something?"
"Quite a lot, actually," he chuckled, sauntering over to you with your breakfast for the day. Putting the full plate in front of you, Nathan leaned down and quickly kissed your forehead. "Eat. I'll tell you all about it."
You ignored the phantom of his lips on your skin.
A treasure hunt.
Nathan dragged you into a treasure hunt.
You didn't trust this Victor Sullivan guy, but Nate seemed to be adamant about finding this gold in hopes of finding Sam too. And you trust your best friend's judgment so that made Sully a friend of your best friend, much to your dismay.
"Do I look okay?" you asked, straightening out your long, black evening gown as you emerged out of the makeshift changing room.
When you didn't hear an answer, you looked up to see Nathan staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
Your face warmed. "What?"
"Okay?" he scoffed, shaking his head as if he was offended by the word you used. With a gentle smile, he gestured at you with both hands. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself," you responded with a shy smile, unable to hold his gaze for much longer. You fixed your entangled necklace, instead.
"Here, let me," he said, quickly walking over to you to straighten it out, his touch featherlight against your skin. "It's a gorgeous necklace. The guy who gave this to you has good taste."
"If good taste means licking his own ass, then, it's a bit questionable."
"Okay, gross," he playfully grimaced. "All I'm saying is that I picked the right one for you."
"You did." You smiled fondly. 
"Perfect," he hummed with a smile, his gaze slowly trailing from your necklace up to your eyes, his next words barely even a whisper. "You're perfect."
You didn't know if it was even meant for your ears but you could only stand there, staring into his brown eyes that seemed to shift from one emotion to another.
Nathan was about to say something when Sully came out of nowhere with that grumpy look on his face.
"Why are we bringing her again?" he asked as if you weren't standing in front of him.
"She's a genius with computers," Nathan said, a bite in his tone. "She's going to help us get through any security tech easy breezy."
Sully narrowed his eyes between you two before shrugging.
"Fine," he grumbled, looking you up and down before walking away. "We leave in ten minutes."
"I don't think he likes me very much," you sighed once the door shut.
"I don't think he likes anyone," Nathan said, smiling at you reassuringly. "Don't take it personally."
And you didn't. Truly.
But when you got to the auction house, it definitely felt more personal when the old man wouldn't tell you anything.
No communication. No updates. No information. Nothing.
Only when you ask Nathan directly were you able to get a grasp of what was going on or when to proceed to the next step—if he wasn't distracted.
With the countless pretty ladies dressed to the nines, you best believe he wasn't anywhere near focused.
You were angry because this was a dire situation. One wrong move could get you guys caught. You were too goddamn young for prison.
You definitely weren't bitter over something else.
"Do you always feel the need to flirt with anything that walks?" you spat when he finally reached the door you'd been trying so hard to keep open without getting caught. It took him three minutes more since he was busy chatting up some random trust fund girl.
"I wasn't—Jesus," he grunted, the door hitting him on the way as you walked past it.
You couldn't be bothered to wait anymore. You didn't look back and simply sped walk towards the power switch.
"You're upset," Nathan said once he caught up with you.
"I'm not upset," you grumbled. "I'm annoyed."
"It's the same thing."
"It's fucking not."
"Okay, geez," he conceded, pouting, "What'd I do?"
"What aren't you doing?" you asked sarcastically, harshly tapping on your phone as you tried to decode the security lock on the main switch. "Oh right, focusing on your job!"
"Christ, do you two always bicker like an old married couple?"
"Shut up!" you and Nathan barked synchronously.
Shaking your head, you calmed yourself, punching in the security code.
"Look, I'm sorry, alright? I was just trying to scope potential—"
You glared at him.
"I'm shutting up."
"Just do your thing. I want this over and done with," you grumbled, stepping aside once the circuit box finally opened.
"You're a genius," he praised with a smile, placing a quick kiss on your forehead. "Thank you."
You wished you could say everything went smooth sailing from there, but when did it ever?
Everything happened so fast.
One minute you two were walking out of the control room, the next you were being chased down but huge men.
Running in heels was not fun.
And then it was a blur, someone grabbing your arm in a way that made you scream in pain to Nathan tackling the guy to the ground, landing blow after blow to his face until blood started to splatter on the suit he was wearing.
"Touch her again and I'll kill you."
You'd never seen him so angry before.
But that anger quickly disappeared when he fussed over you, hands soft against your cheeks yet the panic and worry were evident in his eyes.
It took several 'I'm fine's and a couple more reassurances that you weren't badly hurt to get him to fully calm down and help you up so you could get out of this place.
Unbeknownst to you, there were curious eyes watching everything closely with a knowing yet wicked smile on her lips.
You thought the feeling of being outcasted was only a small blip at the auction house.
But you were so wrong.
"What happened to you?" you asked when he finally met up with you at the church in Barcelona, soaking wet from head to toe.
"Long story."
"So you brought your girlfriend with you" A girl—Chloe, you later learned—suddenly appeared.
"She's not my girlfriend," Nathan quickly corrected.
Yes, it was true.
But the way he shut it down so quickly as if the thought made him hurl made the sting harsher.
It didn't take long for you to notice how Nathan seemed to be following Chloe around a lot.
So much so that you were becoming more of an afterthought.
They were always conspiring amongst themselves. It was in their line of expertise, you supposed, and you were just the tech girl. But it wasn't like you were clueless about it. Nate has told you enough stories for you to get the gist of what was going on.
It was getting pathetic, trailing behind them like some puppy, wanting to feel included.
When Nathan argued with Sully that you were not leaving his side when it was time to split up, you could only laugh at it now.
What was the point when you were immediately alone when you got into the tunnels?
Even more as you stood by yourself at the club, watching him dance with Chloe, so close, in the guise of blending in.
Maybe if you weren't distracted you would've noticed the man sneaking up behind you. You would've been able to run before he could grab you from behind, hand over your mouth as he started dragging you backward. And maybe you were quite good at kicking someone's jewels when you hit the jackpot the first time, enabling you to escape and scream for help.
You were yelling Nathan's name, but it was the loud gunshot that caught his attention.
It was heartbreaking to think that it took you getting shot in the leg for him to fully acknowledge you.
You were overwhelmed with too many emotions that you became numb, simply letting them take you back to the safe house in silence.
"I'm sorry," he whispered as he sat by your temporary bed, carefully wrapping the bandage on your thigh after he cleaned it. Thankfully, the bullet was only meant to slow you down, not kill. "I'm supposed to be looking out for you."
"It's fine," you sighed. You knew he was being sincere. He looked thoroughly distraught when he saw you drop to the ground. You knew it wasn't his fault, and you knew he was already blaming himself enough. But with the pain and bitterness—both physically and emotionally—you couldn't stop it. "You were busy. I get it."
He frowned. "What's with that tone?" 
"There's no tone," you grumbled, avoiding his gaze.
"You're annoyed."
You shook your head. "I'm not annoyed.'
"So…you're upset," he hummed, reaching for your hands. You pulled away, carefully getting comfortable on the bed.
"I'm going to sleep," you sighed, pulling the covers over you.
Nathan got the hint, standing from his seat with a sigh, "Okay, goodnight, just…call me if you need anything."
So when you woke up in the middle of the night when a sudden sting went up your leg, you quickly yet carefully got out of bed to look for him.
You wish you hadn't bothered.
The last thing you wanted to see was him and Chloe getting cozy on the balcony, a bottle of wine between them.
You figured you weren't important enough to interrupt their moment. Besides, the ache in your leg couldn't compare to the absolute pain in your heart. It only intensified when they started leaning toward each other.
So you quickly went back to bed, tainting the pillowcase with salted tears.
"Here." Nathan kneeled in front of the foot of the bed, tying your shoelaces for you. "So, I've been thinking…"
"Uh oh," you joked.
"Maybe you should sit this one out."
Your smile quickly got wiped off your face.
Nathan glanced at the door. You followed his gaze, catching a glimpse of Chloe before she hurriedly walked away.
You pressed your lips, nodding in understanding.
"It's not what you think it is," Nathan placated.
"Sure it's not," you scoffed.
"Look, you're injured and—"
You stood up, abruptly cutting him off. You grabbed your bag, limping around the room as you gathered your stuff.
"Woah careful, your wound is still fresh," Nathan followed you around, arms out in case you stumbled. "What are you doing?"
"Leaving. That's what you wanted, right?"
"What? No!" he rushed, hands on your shoulder, stopping you. "What I meant was, you need to recover first."
"Right," you scoffed, shrugging him off before you continued packing. "Because  it's going to be dangerous and you're looking out for me, trying to protect me and all that bullshit."
"It's not bullshit!"
"You know, after all we've been through, I thought I could count on you to at least be honest with me," you said bitterly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," you pressed, harshly zipping up your bag. "If you wanted me out of the picture, you could've just said so."
Shaking his head, he argued, "That's not it."
"Maybe," you said, looking him straight in the eyes. "But fewer people, more gold to go around, right?"
That rendered him silent.
"You've known me your whole life," he started, hurt flickering in his irises. "You really think I'd do that to you?"
"I don't know anymore, Nate." You threw your hands up exasperatedly. "Because ever since you met them, I barely recognize you anymore. You've been wanting their approval so bad you're getting desperate for it. 
"And I always thought that when we get the chance to find this treasure, we'll do it together, side by side like we always do. But all I've done this whole time is be a third wheel to whatever this is." You gestured at him and the door, laughing sarcastically. "Fourth, if you include Sully."
"That's not true," he argued weakly, realization dawning on his face.
"You whisper among yourselves, nobody tells me a fucking thing, you don't even tell me anything anymore! I'm always left chasing after you because you couldn't be bothered waiting for me to catch up. Fine, I might not know everything about this treasure but it'd be nice to get filled in every once in a while instead of leaving me clueless! Hell, you're starting to forget you brought your best friend with you—"
"I didn't forget about you—"
"You didn't even notice I was getting dragged away until I was shot!"
Nathan looked away.
"All of you are always excluding me and it sucks," your voice cracked, blinking away unshed tears. "And don't think I didn't see you conspiring with Chloe last night."
He looked confused. "Last night?"
"When I came looking for my best friend for help because my leg was hurting like a bitch but I didn't want to be a cockblock so, you're welcome."
"You're not—" Nathan cleared his throat, shoulders slumping, looking at you apologetically. "Y/N…"
You shook your head, harshly wiping at your eyes, putting your jacket on. "The more it goes on, the more I think that you just brought me along because it was convenient for you. Now that I'm considered a liability, gotta leave the extra baggage right?"
"That's not fucking true!" he gritted, pulling his hair frustratedly. "You're part of this as much as I am!"
"Right. Where are we going next?"
Nathan blubbered like a fish out of water.
"That's what I thought," you scoffed, slipping your backpack on.
"Wait, dammit," he cursed when you walked past him, chasing after you into the living room. Frustrated, he called out, "All I'm asking is for you to sit this part out because you're hurt."
You stopped, slowly facing him.
"I never thought that the loneliest I'd ever feel is when I'm supporting you to chase this dream you'd been wanting ever since you were a kid," you admitted, chest tightening as you stared into his troubled brown eyes. "So, I'm not sitting this one out, Nate, I'm done." 
You shoved the cross right on his chest.
"Have fun on your honeymoon," you said, bumping his shoulder as you walked out the door.
You never looked back.
Nathan was smart in a lot of different aspects. But emotions and feelings?
Oh he was stupid as fuck.
He wished it didn't take something drastic to happen for him to accept what he truly felt for you.
Part of him was relieved because at least you weren't there when the plane fiasco happened, especially with your injury. He was appeasing his guilt by telling himself that you were safer this way.
Nathan wouldn't know what to do with himself if something worse happened to you.
But as he was decoding the postcards Sam sent—a difficult task to focus on when he couldn't stop worrying about you so much—Chloe suddenly came in with a package.
"It has your name on it."
He opened it confused, but nothing could prepare him for what was inside.
The dread and fear started to creep up his spine when he held the silver necklace he gave you.
You never took this off.
As he emptied the box in a rush, photos upon photos of you tied up and gagged, beaten and bruised with blood tainting your delicate skin, Nathan felt like his entire heart was taken from him.
'The map or her. Choose wisely.'
It came in flashes, moments where you'd been there for each other, the joy and heartbreak, success and failures—you were always there, his one constant.
Then came the moments where he dreamed about you and him, doing things best friends shouldn't be doing.
He always knew what he felt about you but he shoved it down in fear of ruining the friendship you'd built over the years. But now? Denying it seemed insignificant. Now there was a chance he wouldn't be able to tell you at all.
Nathan was losing the love of his life.
"That didn't take long," Braddock laughed sardonically, standing up from a large rock nestled on the beach somewhere in the Philippines.
"Where is she," Nathan growled, the tube map holder slung on his back.
Braddock nodded at one of her men, Nathan's heart sinking to his stomach when they dragged you in, your yelp piercing his chest when they shoved you on the sand.
Nathan instinctively tried to run for you.
"Not so fast," Braddock hummed, clicking her gun before pressing it on the back of your head. "How do I know this isn't a trick?"
"I think you already figured out I don't play games when it comes to her."
"Well, let's see," she challenged. "On your knees, Drake."
"N-Nate," you whimpered, adamantly shaking your head. Even in your state, you were still trying to protect him.
"It's okay," he reassured with a smile, hands up as he did as told.
Braddock grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you closer to where he was.
He stifled his anger. But best believe he'd already plotted so many ways to make Braddock suffer for what she did to you.
But one wrong move could cost your life.
"Hand it over."
"Untie her."
Braddock rolled her eyes but did so anyway.
"Hey, hey, look at me," Nathan whispered, your tear-filled eyes meeting his. He lifted his chin once, gaze flickering behind you. "I got you, okay? You're going to be okay."
"Enough with this sappy bullshit. Hand over the map or she dies."
Nathan slowly grabbed the map, only to throw it away as far as possible.
On cue, a huge explosion distracted Braddock enough for you to abruptly stand on your feet, hitting her under the chin with your head.
"You bitch!" she yelled, dropping the gun.
Nathan quickly pulled you aside and grabbed the weapon. With no remorse, he shot Braddock on both thighs, once more on the arm to be petty.
He'd do much worse if you weren't on borrowed time.
Nathan grabbed your hand and made a run for it.
The silence was tense.
But Nathan was focused on taking care of you first.
He was busy enough trying not to cry whenever he'd discover a new cut and bruise on you that he couldn't even dwell on the fact that you were showering together. You were both in your underwear, but still.
It was when he had you sitting on the counter as he patched you up when you spoke.
"You didn't have to do all that for me."
"You know, it hurts me so much that you think I wouldn't take a bullet for you," he sighed, finishing up a bandage before meeting your glossy eyes. "You're more important to me than you think you are."
"No, I know it's just—" You bit your bruised lip. Nathan quickly pulled it away with his thumb, not wanting you to worsen your injury. You leaned into his touch as you continued, "You've been dreaming of this since you were a kid and I feel like I've ruined it for you."
"You didn't ruin anything."
"But you should be out there looking for the gold," you said. "Instead you're stuck here with me."
"Listen to me, if I had to choose between that gold and—" He took a breath, holding your face in both hands as he stared at you longingly. "The woman I'm hopelessly in love with then…"
Nathan breathed out with a smile, "Fuck that gold."
You stared at him in a way that made him believe that he'd done it.
He'd finally ruined your friendship to a point of no return.
That until you broke out into the sweetest, brightest smile that made his heart grow and his knees weak all the same.
"It's not as hopeless as you think it is."
Nathan felt like his heart was about to burst.
"Yeah?" He grinned, giddy and warm, gently parting your legs and stepping a little closer.
You let him into your space. But suddenly your brows furrowed, frowning. "What about you and Chloe?"
"So you were jealous."
"There's no me and Chloe," he reassured, gently taking your hands, kissing the insides of your wrists before placing them on his shoulders. "Maybe I got the incredibly stupid idea to make you jealous—I know, baby, I'm an idiot—but she shot that down real quick."
"Those times you've seen me with her, all I kept talking about was you," he admitted, blushing. "I'm sure she'd grown sick of me being lovesick."
Nathan probably talked her ear out about how hopelessly in love he was with you, seeking advice on what to do because it was the one thing he couldn't go to you about.
She had been really helpful, pushing him to confess because it was better you know before it's too late, and that in this line of work, you'd never know when that would be.
If only he hadn't let his cowardness win.
"She argued with me that leaving you behind was a bad idea, and if I listened to her I—" He pressed his forehead against yours with a shaky breath. "I'm sorry."
"I know you like to take all the blame but this isn't your fault," you hummed, fingers combing the straggles of hair on the nape of his neck.
"It kind of is," he pressed, eyes watering as he thought about what he dragged you into.
He couldn't stop thinking about the pain you'd gone through all because he was being reckless. For as long as he could remember, he made a vow to himself to always keep you safe no matter what. Yet here he was, failing at that—failing you.
"I'm sorry for being such a shitty best friend this past week," he said, caressing the apples of your cheeks.
"You were pretty shitty," you teased, though he could see the way your body relaxed a little. He could tell that you appreciated hearing his apology. It must've been weighing on you since you left.
It made his heart ache.
"I was and I'm sorry," he said regretfully. "I guess I just got so caught up in this whole treasure-hunting thing that I lost sight of what's truly important to me. But still, it's no excuse. I was the one who dragged you into this, I should've been attentive enough."
You turned your head and kissed his palm, a silent way of saying it was okay. He felt like he was about to melt.
"And I'm sorry for taking so goddamn long to tell you how I feel," Nathan admitted.
"Yeah well," you hummed, smiling at him sweetly. "We're both at fault on that one,"
"Still, I'm sorry," he whispered, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. "For everything."
You nodded, a smile on your lips. "I can't say I forgive yet—"
"But hey," you hummed, leaning closer. "You have plenty of time to grovel and make up for it."
Nathan chuckled, brushing his lips against yours with a whisper, "Can I start with a kiss?"
You nodded with that cute giggle of yours, one that still echoed as he finally closed the distance.
So many things filled him up at once—soft, sweet, warm. So many emotions rattling his heart as your lips molded into one—relief, passion, love.
It was gratifying, a kiss he'd been dreaming of for as long as he could remember. But, with your fingers in his hair and his hands on your waist, your warm body flushed to his with no space in between, nothing could ever compare to the real thing.
And yes, it was going to take some time to repair the cracks that were made in your relationship. But he was willing to wait and do whatever it takes to gain your full trust back.
Nathan didn't care how long or how much work it would take, as long as at the end of every day, you came back home to him—it was more than worth it.
"Kid, are you even listening to me?"
"Sorry, Sully," Nathan said unapologetically. "But whatever the wife says, goes and her plan is usually better than yours."
"I'm technically not your wife yet," you giggled, your engagement ring glinting as you continued bypassing the security cameras using your phone.
"Technically, yes," he agreed, shrugging. "But in my head, you've been my wife ever since you put that ring on."
"Always thinking ahead, huh?" You finished up the job, slipping your phone into your pocket before turning to him with a raised brow.
"Oh yeah," he hummed, pulling you closer by the waist. "And once we get married, in my head, we already have three kids."
"Three?" you choked out a laugh.
"Let's start with one and see where that goes."
"We should definitely practice later."
"Do I always have to remind you two that this is an open line?"
"Oh we know," Nathan hummed, kissing you with a loud smack which earned an annoyed groan. He then gestured at the door with a bow. "After you, Mrs. Drake."
"Still up for debate."
"I'd take your last name any day."
"I was thinking hyphenated."
"Not a bad shout."
"Get moving you two!"
"Sully, you're getting so close to getting your wedding invite revoked."
You laughed at that.
Nathan couldn't resist kissing you once more.
"Let's go," you giggled against his lips. "We still have treasure to find."
"I'm in no rush," he shrugged, brushing his nose against yours. He was sure his eyes were glowing with pure adoration. "Already got the best one right here."
You groaned and called him cheesy but you still kissed him anyway.
Treasure be damned, with you by his side, Nathan was the richest man alive.
✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚♛ *.
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genericpuff · 9 months
I can't remember exactly what chapter but early on when Persephone went to talk to Hades during the "one day of the year the citizens get to see their king and file complaints" and side lines it (and the citizens time) to talk about Tori and Alex and his missing eye and they eat lunch... didn't Hades just conjure food instead of making them lunch or am I misremembering?
so this ask sent me on a bit of a ride because i went to go find the scene you were talking about, i knew exactly where it was but i had actually completely FORGOTTEN about the whole lunch bit that came with it
and oh, my fucking god-
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and yes, he does basically magic it out of nowhere because he casts an 'illusion' to change her outfit and they're basically in a secret room right now. So he definitely didn't prepare this by hand or ahead of time (unless he lied about the whole 'illusion' thing and he really did knock her out and change her clothes against her will, oh god no-) And yet despite this being the "woman of his dreams", he STILL feeds her like a squirrel.
This is more proof as to why Persephone was never plus-sized rep and is written purely through the male gaze. For some reason Rachel is DEAD SET AGAINST feeding this poor girl or letting her chew food onscreen, and that's just the BARE MINIMUM of like, healthy fucking behavior.
Seriously, stop reading this post RIGHT NOW and ask yourself, "When has Persephone actually eaten a meal onscreen?"
Go ahead, I'll wait.
The CLOSEST we've ever gotten to her eating a meal was that time she ordered takeout (fucking Chinese takeout???) and we never actually see her eating it. She's stirring it around in one panel and then by the end of the conversation, the food is gone.
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Even in scenes where you'd think she'd be eating, like in the scene where she stays at Hera's for dinner, they come up with some random excuse as to why she can't have a full meal.
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(I just noticed writing this up btw that they're all eating the same thing she is so why are they so apologetic as if they're all feasting on meat and she's just eating lettuce and cheese??? But it looks like all they're eating is greens and toast, what the fuck is happening-)
It's astounding to me at all that a Greek family wouldn't have anything more in the house for a vegetarian to eat than lettuce and halloumi. Need I remind you that Greek food is Mediterranean, it is primarily vegetarian. Beans, veggies, fruit, breads, and cheeses make up much of the foundation of Greek food so why don't they have anything else in the house; and why in the world is Zeus being all judgmental over her being vegetarian when most of what he eats - AND WHAT HE'S LITERALLY GOT ON HIS PLATE RIGHT NOW - is vegetarian???
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And when she DOES eat, it's always the tiniest morsels, like she's a squirrel or a delicate little baby who's never seen food before and whose teeth haven't grown in yet. She'll be holding utensils, she'll have a plate in front of her, but will she eat the food? Will there even be food on the plate?
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Anything we see her legitimately consume is juice. Happy little baby needs her juice, her sippy sip.
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This is honestly so indicative of how Americanized LO is. From the lack of actual Greek food to vegetarianism being treated like an inferior diet to the main female character not being allowed to even CHEW food onscreen let alone eat, like... what year is it ??? Being a vegetarian isn't a radical idea anymore, and for fuck's sakes, Greek food is readily available even in North America so it shouldn't be this hard to get right! Can we please throw out this 1950's misogyny bullshit of the man stuffing his face with steak while the woman eats nothing but grapefruit skins, hard boiled eggs, and wine??
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augustvandyne · 1 year
Sorry for the aggression… No one writes for her🥲
Maybe like R is Ginnys sister (different mom) but she never knew her mom bc she dropped her off at Zions w a note and a DNA test or something. Maybe she does online school bc she’s always travelling w Zion then she moves with him and goes over to see Ginny, Georgia and Austin bc Georgia was always basically her mom.
She then had her first day at school and meets Max and they both have gay panic and stutter bc yk gay.
Then later Ginny takes her to sit w her friends and Max is talking about this girl she ran into and swears she’s in love and R is just sitting next to Ginny on the end of the table waiting for her to notice she’s there. And she only notices when Ginny asks what the girl’s name was and Max is like, “CRAP! I WAS JUST RAMBLING AND NEVER ASKED HER NAME! SHE KNEW MINE BUT I WOULDN’T SHUT UP TO LEG HER SPEAK! Oh god🥲” and bangs her head on the lunch table and R is like, “My names y/n Miller btw” and Max just slowly lifts her head, and everyone is like ‘how did she not notice the person sitting right mf there! although very max’ then she’s like “I do enjoy the rambling though, it’s cute” then everyone is like ‘oh SHES the girl’ and start laughing at Max. R after saying this gets up and sees her friends from one of her classes and goes to max giving max her phone open on contacts so max can put in her number but she’s just broken. Abby snatches the phone and is like ‘sorry i think you broke her’ and outs in the number. R smirks and kisses Max’s cheek before going off with her other friends.
omg i actually love this. the aggression is very much needed! no one writes for our girl maxine.. she needs the love.
sorry this took me so long.. haha. don’t be afraid to request more. i promise not to take as long this time.
Gay Panic
When you found out you would be moving to Wellsbury for a while, you were through the roof excited.
You hadn’t seen Ginny, Georgia or Austin in a while, and you were beginning to miss your family! A few days after you’d arrived, your dad enrolled you in Wellsbury High School.
Ginny immediately introduced you to her friends. She introduced you to Abby, Norah, and a group of boys that you could care less about.
Your first class happened to be a drama class, where you met Maxine Baker. She drew you in with her vibrant colors and extroverted personality.
The teacher wanted to do an exercise to start out the class, in which the class paired up and acted out a scene of a play of their choice. Max loved the class, but she had no friends in it.
A new face had her intrigued and so she partnered with you.
You suggested Romeo and Juliet—because you can’t go wrong with it. Max stuttered and reluctantly agreed. She tried to get out that you should do the balcony scene, but it came out as a blubbering mess.
The first time you open your mouth, a similar things happen. Red tints your brown cheeks, as you make a fool of yourself.
Normally you can keep your cool around cute girls, but this girl is different. She’s confident and knows what she wants.
The two of you laugh off the stuttering and blushing Max grabs a book off the shelf so the two of you can act out the scene. You lean in close to her and can smell whatever perfume she decided to spray.
The close proximity has both of you blushing again.
Both of you mess up and stutter so much neither of you even finish the exercise before the teacher pulls everyone in to assign the work for the day.
The rest of your first morning is just as exciting. It’s followed by two other classes—art and study hall, where you meet some other girls. After study hall you follow Ginny to the cafeteria where you sit at a table filled with the same faces you saw this morning.
And Maxine.
You are surprised to see her at the table. But it makes sense. All the girls are more quiet than Max, which makes you believe she’s the leader.
Especially because she’s leading the conversation right now.
“So we are like acting the scene out, right, because I swear that our drama teacher hates me,” Max talks fast. “But anyway, we’re acting it out and I swear- I’m in love.”
“What happened to, uh, what’s her name?” Abby chews on a fry as she tries to come up with the name of the girl Max was all about the week before.
“Oh, I’m over her.”
“Already?” Norah barks out a laugh. “That was fast.”
Max glares at her.
“So this girl,” Brodie shrugs. “She hot or what?”
“Uh, gorgeous!” Max shakes her hands all around like she’s have a seizure. “She’s mixed, and kind of looks like Ginny. But she is the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. Like ever.”
“What was her name again?” Ginny rests her elbows on the table.
“Crap,” Max’s face falls. “I was rambling and stuttering and blushing so hard I forgot to ask her what her name was. I told her mine but I didn’t ask. Oh my God. I want to die now. I’m never going to speak to her again.”
As the girl bangs her head on the table, you reach your hand over Ginny and say, “I’m Y/N Miller, by the way.”
Abby’s mouth drops open and she laughs, “Max.. how did you not see her.”
Max is frozen in place. She isn’t blinking, talking, or breathing for that matter. She looks like she might cry.
“Um, are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, she does this all the time,” Ginny waves it off.
“What? Falls in love with girls she just meets?” You laugh awkwardly.
“Has gay panics,” Norah clarified.
“Ah,” You retreat your hand.
Jordan and Abby laugh at Max, whom is still frozen in place.
“Do you think if we nudge her she’ll tip over?” Abby jokes.
“Max, breathe,” Ginny places her hand on Max’s shoulder.
“Thank you for complimenting my looks,” You flash a bright smile. “And I enjoyed the rambling, it’s very cute.”
You see a few girls from your art class and get up to go say hi, stopping near Max, who then takes a deep breath and begins blinking again.
“Here,” you place your phone in her hand and she just blinks up at you. “Put your number in. Your cute. We should meet up some time.”
Abby leans across the table and puts the number in the contacts app, “I think you broke her.”
You smirk and grab your phone out of the redheads hand. You drop the phone into the back pocket of your jeans. Leaning down, you plop a kiss on Max’s cheek.
Max’s eyes widen and she waits for your to be out of earshot before grilling Ginny.
“Virginia Miller! How could you not tell me you were sisters with a hot, sapphic, greek god?!” Max starts freaking out. “What the F?! I let you date my brother and you gate-keep your beautifully gorgeous sister??”
Ginny just chuckles. “She has that effect on people.”
“You better text her,” Norah threatens. “Or I will.”
And Jordan doesn’t even protest.
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aloneinthehellfire · 6 months
For the RH Reader Version can we pretty please get the scene in RH4 where reader faints in the Upside Down (she wakes up in Eddie's arms)? I've been longing to find out what happened in between, like with character interactions and how she ends up in Eddie's lap? Love u and ur work btw 💜
ooh you won't believe this, but this has been saved in my drafts from where i had started writing scenes for (eddie's version) and now i get to share this with all my eddie loves <3
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Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood/death, not proof-read because i wrote this on a lunch break from uni
Set in RH4: Chapter 12: Riding To Freedom
Find all Raining Hellfire works here <3
Summary: Just when Eddie started thinking they'd never find you, you quite literally show up at their door... sporting a knife and a terrified expression.
[A/N: Whilst we are all aware that Eddie isn't the endgame, I hope we can still appreciate that they have a bond that could never be broken, even if it isn't romantic]
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When you had come creeping in through that door holding a knife, that petrified look on your face, Eddie felt so… weak.
His heart had jumped at the sight of you stood there, alive. He was so afraid when he found Steve in the Upside Down alone, rambling about you being dragged away. Part of him always knew you would survive. You were strong. Stronger than him, at least.
But now here you were, staring at them like they weren’t real, a shaky hand aiming the knife at your friends. You thought this was all in your head, you were doubting yourself, that strength he had grown so accustomed to shattering your armour into pieces. He wasn’t going to let you lose control so easily.
“Queen of the Demogorgons.” Eddie suddenly blurts and everyone looks to him, confused. He makes sure he’s in your line of vision before continuing. “That’s the name I gave you when you stopped that fight with Tommy. You… You called me King of the Freaks. Would Vecna even care enough to know that?”
You stand there for a moment, pondering the thought. He waits in bated breath for you to believe him. For a moment, he thought you wouldn’t, and then you were letting out a shaky breath and lowering the knife until it slipped from your fingers and clattered on to the floor.
“Thank god.” Robin mumbled under her breath behind him and he feels his shoulders relax.
“You okay?” Nancy asks tentatively, being the first to move toward you. Eddie watches in silent disdain as you wipe a tear from your eye, a strange look on your face.
“Um… actually…” You try, but then you’re blinking rapidly and his stomach drops.
“Y/n?” He takes one step forward and suddenly you’re on the floor, eyes fluttering shut. “Shit.”
He runs over, still calling your name. But you’re not responding.
“What happened?” Steve asks to no one particular, crouching beside you as well as Nancy shakes her head in disbelief.
“I don’t know, I don’t-” Her words are cut off and Eddie whips his head to her, following where her trembling hands hovered. Your stomach was covered by a dark red jumper. Which, to Eddie’s sudden burn of panic, he realised it was never the original colour.
“Shit, okay, shit-” Steve spits out, suddenly spinning around to where Robin stood, her eyes wide. “There could be a first aid kit around here somewhere, maybe the kitchen-”
“Bathroom.” Nancy nods, her hands already applying pressure on your stomach. “Upstairs, to the right.”
“Okay.” Robin nods quickly, flailing her arms as she finds the staircase and starts sprinting her way up, barely balancing herself.
“What do we do?” Eddie asks in a whispered voice, not liking the way your lips looked paler. He was scared, way too scared to be able to help you when you looked like this.
“We need to wrap the wound.” Steve states, much more confident in his decisions than Eddie could ever be. That’s probably why you picked him in the end.
“I don’t have…” Nancy glances down at herself, frowning. Her eyes start darting around the room. “Maybe the curtains, or the… I don’t know. I don’t know.”
As she and Steve debate over various materials, unsure of if it would only add an infection if they pressed something from the Upside Down against it, Eddie took look at himself and already knew what he needed to do.
“I got it.” Eddie decides, standing up and slipping his jacket off. Nancy looked surprised, but nodded nonetheless and started peeling away the jumper from your wound.
“What’re you doing?” Steve frowns up at him as Eddie slips his Hellfire shirt over his head. He chucks it over at him.
“Rip that up.” He orders, already slipping his jacket back on. “I don’t care how much you use.”
Steve stared at him for a minute, an unrecognisable expression on his face.
“Steve.” Nancy snaps him away from Eddie and nods, making quick work of ripping up the one shirt Eddie held dearest to him. It was Hellfire, the decision that changed his high school life forever, his way of being a hero to all the sheep in need of their shepherd. But you needed him right now. And that trumped everything else.
He’s not sure what else he can do as Nancy hisses at the blood pouring from your stomach. The wound matches those currently scattered across Steve, who was currently looking like it pained him to realise.
“She tried saving me.” He says and Eddie looks at him, noting the way Steve’s eyes never left your face. “Using those… powers. If she hadn’t, maybe Vecna wouldn’t have found her.”
“Vecna took her?” Eddie frowns. Steve didn’t inform them of this the first time he explained your disappearance.
“I think I heard him.” He nods slowly, finally meeting Eddie’s eyes. “He’s not gonna stop until he has her. We need to get her out of here before he tries anything again.”
Eddie can’t help his eyes drift to the darkened table behind him, your scratched but still worthy Walkman laying there. He had picked it up from where it had been abandoned in that dried up lake, using it to grasp onto that hope that you were alive.
“I got it! I got… it.” Robin jumps off the bottom step before focusing on them. “Why have you got your shirt off?”
Eddie glances down before slowly zipping his jacket up to hide his bare chest. “Bandages.”
“Uh-huh.” She dismisses, crouching beside Nancy and handing her the bag. “Here.”
“Thanks.” The girl breathes out, rooting through. “Shit.”
“What?” Steve frowns.
“It doesn’t have the stuff I want….” She mumbles before shaking her head and pulling out a bottle. “It doesn’t matter, I’ll use what I can.”
“She’s gonna be okay, right?” Robin asks, eyes shifting between each of their faces. “I mean… it’s Y/n. She always bounces back.”
“Yeah.” Steve says with certainty, but his expression was telling a different story.
“I did what I can, but....” Nancy leans back, your stomach now wrapped in black and white bandages, a splash of red from where Eddie’s logo was peaking through. “I don’t know what else to do.”
They didn’t have time to think about what to do next when something started humming in the walls around them.
“… hey… guys… there?”
It was indistinguishable until Dustin’s voice blared through and Nancy jumped to her feet. When Eddie looked over, he was surprised to see her eyes already on his.
“They got your message.” She smiles and Robin sighs in relief.
“What now?” She questions and Nancy’s eyes are light.
“Now we find a way to communicate.”
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Eddie sat on the floor with your head on his lap as the others rushed around him, desperately looking for a Lite Brite that was apparently going to get them home? He wasn’t entirely paying attention. His only focus right now was you.
Nancy was quick-witted, immediately figuring out the best course of action. With a little yelling back and forth, picking up on some words, they managed to decide that they needed to go to her room.
Steve had offered to carry you up, and he would have if Eddie hadn’t suggested that his bites, while they were cool, would make it a little difficult. So Eddie took you instead.
“Got it!” Steve shouted up from the stairs, Eddie paid no attention.
Every so often he would slip his finger to the pulse point in your neck, reassuring himself mostly. He didn’t want to lose you again. Especially not like this.
The first time Eddie lost you was when he decided his pride was more important than your friendship. That night on your porch steps, the look of defeat in your eye when you realised he wasn’t going to let you keep your secrets. He walked away from you, then, knowing he had lost the only person that truly cared about him.
The second time ended with a kiss, thinking it was going to be the last time he saw you. Part of him wishes he hadn’t done that. Kissing you only made each day you were gone that much more painful. He didn’t have someone to laugh with, no one to argue over Lord of The Rings, or even sit and watch those long practice sessions with Corroded Coffin. He thought he would miss your lips, your touch. Turns out, he just missed your presence. He missed his friend.
And now he thinks he might be losing you again. He’s tried so many times to wake you up, subtle to avoid suspicion from the others. They assured him you would be fine, recollections of a fainting that happened three years ago. But he wouldn’t be assured until you were awake and talking.
“How’s she doing?”
He looks up to see Steve stood there, running a hand through his hair as he stares woefully down at you.
“Um… still breathing. Hasn’t woken up yet.” It was stating the obvious, but Steve looked grateful anyway. When he doesn’t move, Eddie frowns. “You good, man?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I, uh…” He stops his thought and does something Eddie didn’t think he would. Steve gestures for him to step aside with him and he’s so confused by the matter that he does exactly that.
Carefully laying you back down, and making sure Robin gave him a thumbs up when she could see he was leaving, Eddie follows Steve out into the hallway.
“What’s up?” He asks sceptically.
Steve leans against the wall, looking like he hadn’t thought it through. It was silent for a few seconds before he finally sighs. “I’m sorry, man.”
Eddie shifts from his position, unfolding his arms. “For what?”
“I…” He begins, tightening his lips. “I know why you and Y/n broke up. I… I only found out last summer but, I, uh… I’m sorry if I ever…”
Is Steve Harrington apologising to me right now? Eddie ponders as he struggles to find a response.
“No… worries.” Eddie frowns and Steve lets out a breathy laugh.
“No, I- I genuinely am sorry.” He persists, checking with a glance that no one was at the door listening in. “I never meant to get between you. And I knew how much she cared about you, still cares.I, uh, I had that happen to me once. I know how shit it feels. If I had known, I swear to you I would never have- shit, I don’t know. I’m just sorry.”
Eddie lowers his head. This feud he had been having with Steve had apparently been completely one-sided for the last two years. He just assumed Steve knew, that you had told him everything you’d argued about, right down to the grit of it. But you hadn’t said anything. And, judging by the look on Steve’s face, you had never said a bad word about him at all.
“It’s not your fault.” Eddie sighs, running a hand down his face. “We weren’t, uh… it wasn’t gonna end well either way. Even if you weren’t there with her that night, we… we probably would have broken up anyway. I was the one that messed up. Not her. Not you.”
“What do you mean?” Steve’s brows pinch together and Eddie lets out a breathy laugh.
“Come on, I’m- I’m resident freak. I snuck around her back, hell, even my uncle’s back for months. And I was so scared of getting found out that I just used the first excuse I could find.” He admits, starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the amount he was sharing. So, he clears his throat and straightens. “I should…”
Steve merely nods and Eddie is free to walk away, back to where Robin was crouched beside you, returning to his post.
“What were you boys whispering about?” Robin asks with raised eyebrows. “Guy stuff?”
“Guy stuff.” Eddie responds with an amused grin. “Don’t you have some weird light shit to get to?”
“Okay, okay.” She raises her hands in surrender and pushes herself to her feet. “I get the hint.”
He didn’t bother looking up when Steve eventually returned to the room, running a hand through his somehow still perfect hair and helping the girls with their set up. I knew how much she cared about you, still cares, he had said. Eddie couldn’t deny how that made his stomach flip just a little.
When you had left last summer, he had expected you’d call, or write, or anything. He expected something. But you hadn’t. It invoked this deep-seeded fear that maybe you realised how much of a screw-up he was. One of the last things he had said to you was that he was dealing drugs, of course it would make you rethink everything. Him. So rather than spend each miserable day laying on his bed and smoking until the marijuana kicked in, he tried to forget you. It was sad. But it was true.
All it did, however, was make him look back on the past three years. You and him meeting, getting off on the wrong foot. Discovering mutual interests, sharing something he hadn’t shared with anyone ever. He loved being around you simply to be around you. He cherished that, and after eight long months he finally realised he wasn’t in love with you anymore.
He just didn’t expect to be thrown into the Upside Down and start questioning everything again. Why the hell was he reminiscing romance when a few short hours ago it never once crossed his mind?
You stir in his arms and he tenses, eyes wide.
A soft groan leaves your lips and he’s never been happier to hear it. Your hand instinctively moves to your stomach but he’s quick to stop you, just in case the pressure will cause you pain.
A warm smile stretches his lips when your eyes finally meet his once again, his name falling from your lips. The heavy weight of dread finally lifts from his chest, letting him breathe in the relief that you were okay.
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if you would like to request a new pov scene for the Raining Hellfire universe, please feel free to put it into my ask box and I'll get to it when I am available :)
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brwnicons · 1 year
bro, i miss you so much🥹 but on your last posts, i decide to send a request and my apologise if i did the wrong way of sending request !!!11!!1! 🫶🏼
😡💔🫂📖 with Stede Bonnet !!11!! anyways have great day/night, sweetie (´ω`) you can do other request or ignore this!!
☆ You sent it perfectly, thank you! I'm so sorry for stopping writing so suddenly. I abused too much of my hyperfocus states I grew so tired I couldn't write anything. However this time I'll be taking things easy and healthy! Btw I love sharks!! 🦈💛 ☆
😡💔🫂📖 + Stede Bonnet
1k followers event: Send me 3/4 emojis and a character and I'll try to write something <3
-> Resume: Stede and Reader have a fight and Lucius steps in to solve everything before either of you dumbasses throw yourselves off to the sea because it seems like you two can't be apart for more than 5 minutes. 1.8k words (~7 min)
-> Tags: GN!Reader, First Mate Reader, Stede Bonnet x reader, Blackbeard didn't arrive at the Revenge here, Angst?? It doesn't feel like it, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Lucius should be paid for his therapy service. Talk it through my ass, Mr Bonnet.
-> Warnings: None
Please tell me if you see any mistake!
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The atmosphere is uncomfortable and the tension surrounding the galley could be cut with a knife. Nobody talked and everyone would slightly flinch at the sound of cluttering.
The fight you had previously had with captain Stede was heard in every bit of the ship and it had been so strange to see you both shouting at each other that everyone else were left petrified. And now? You were eating with the crew for the first time in months, with a frown on your face and handling the cutlery roughly, as if instead of stabbing some steak you were stabbing Stede.
Lunch went abnormally peacefully and without any argument and when everyone was finished you headed to were Roach was cleaning up the dishes and remains.
—Let me help you— You offered Roach as you took a plate and a sponge and started scrubbing. Roach only shrugged in response and stepped aside to give you more space.
As you were both working in silence, you were able to notice his ocasional side glances on your head and his sometimes hesitating breaths, as if he were deciding whether your situation actually was or was not none of his business. After a couple of minutes he sighed and decided to ask.
— Uh... you OK? That seemed like a pretty much intense argument. We expected you two to take out your swords and all.— He tried to brush it off with a bit of humor and a indifferent pitch but you caught that he wanted something. Maybe it was comforting you (something kind of odd knowing Roach's personality) or he was trying to get fuel for the crew's gossip. Your current mood didn't let you think of his intentions as friendly and so you glared at him and left the dishes in complete silence, leaving through the door right after.
What you didn't know was that a certain scribe had been intently watching the scene.
As the day progressed the deck's atmosphere began losing its previous tension and recovered its usually cheerfulness. You grabbed a broom and decided to busy yourself with some sweeping.
— Now, spit it. What the hell happened with you both before?—
You rose your head to meet Lucius' eyes next to you. He was sitting on the deck's stairs with his hands supporting his head.
— It's none of your business, Lucius— you turned to leave when you heard him stand up.
—None of- None of my business?! Dear, you've been nothing like yourself since that fight. You both never even fight!— he approached you and put his hands on your shoulders to make you look at him.
—Remeber when you helped me when Pete and I fought? About all the corny things you told me?— You looked down at the memory of asking Lucius to recall every time he and Pete cuddled or how happy he made him —Let me help you this time—.
You accepted your fate and sat down with him in the stairs, where you hugged him tightly.
— I was just worried about the raids... Last time he got hurt and I was so scared and— You could already feel the tears building up and you hid your face in your hands. You could feel Lucius' hand on your back, doing soothing circles —I don't want to lose him, Luce! He gets so carried away he forgets about taking care of himself!—
— And... That's why you told him you would left and resign as his First Mate if he didn't stop raiding without thinking? —
—Yeah...— You sniffed and wiped off your tears with the back of your hand when you felt a thin object being put on your knee. You accepted the handkerchief with a sad smile and wiped your eyes properly.
Seeing your current state, Lucius abruptly stood up and offered you his hand.
— I'll go talk with him — He had a stern look that said that his opinion couldn't be changed because the decision had been already made.
You sighed in defeat and, accepting his hand, you stood up and shook off your clothes.
— Alright... But don't be too harsh, please—
Lucius smiled at your words and gave you a few pats in the back
— Definetly you're not the same y/n that was trying to stab a piece of meat during lunch — You looked at him tiredly, he hadn't answer your question. — Alright, I promise. I won't be too harsh with him. —
You smiled and he gave you one final hug before walking towards the Captain's cabin.
Lucius didn't even bother to knock and bursted open the door to the cabin. Any pirate captain would response to that disrespectful behaviour with the amputation of a finger at least. Instead, captain Bonnet seemed so busy weeping and sobbing in his bed, in a nest made of blankets and cushions, that he didn't hear neither Lucius bursting the door open nor his next approach.
When he was right next to his captain blanket-cocoon and Stede was still unaware of his presence, he cleaned his throat to call for his attention.
— Uh... Captain? I need to talk to you —
Stede gave a visible and violent full body flinch at Lucius' words. He turned his head to the boy next to his bed and quickly tried to act as if he wasn't crying just a second ago, his face still all piffy and red.
— Good lords, Lucius, you startled me! —
He took off the blankets and stood up with a quick jump. — Well, what do you need? I hope it's important, boy! I'm quite busy at this moment —.
Lucius huffed and approached the sofa. He sat on one edge and patted the spot next to him. — I'm here to talk about your fight with your partner. Now, move your ass here because I'm going to set some things clear —. Lucius' tone didn't admit rejection and after hearing a loud gulp from Stede, he had his captain sitting next to him, fidgeting with the edges of his robe.
— What do you mean you want to talk about y/n...? Have you talked to them? — Stede was no longer able to hide his nervousness. Yeah, he had gotten angry because his dear y/n had threatened with leaving if he didn't take care. But, still, he loved them and thinking about them being sad because of the fight made his heart break. He hadn't wanted to get so angry.
— Yes, I've been talking to them — Lucius took a deep breath and interrupted his thoughts. — I can't believe it! — He pointed at his chest — You're the one that always presses the whole "talk it trough" on us but then, you transform into a sad dog after a misunderstanding with your partner! It's ridiculous! —
— Well, I'm aware that I certainly haven't behaved‐ —
— No! — Lucius grabbed one cushion that was laying around on the couch and shoved it into his captain's face — Look! I've got the cushion so it's my turn to talk. Now, listen to me. You have fought with someone who was worrying about your health and well-being, because you're the only one able to lead a raid after having been stabbed in your damn stomach! They take care of you, they worry about you and you get mad at them because of an obvious lie?! —
Stede felt silent. He knew he had made a mistake the moment he saw you running under the ship after that fight. He had felt horribly after and as the coward he was, the only thing he did was sleep. And drink. Both to forget that he hurt you.
Lucius dropped the pillow on Stede's knees and crossed his arms.
— You may speak now –.
— Lucius... — Stede hugged the pillow tightly. His glassy eyes didn't allow him to see Lucius clearly — I'm so sorry we fought- I don't want them to leave! I mean- not because of my mistakes. — Lucius gave a hum of approval as he inquired him to keep going. Stede sighed.
— I love them so much, Lucius. When the possibility of them leaving crossed my mind I got so scared I could only shout at them... I certainly wasn't acting rationally... I let myself get carried by the heat of the moment —
— Keep going — Stede sighed again and decided to maintain his eyes in a loose thread of the pillow instead of holding Lucius hard gaze.
— Neither shouldn't I have been so reckless. We don't need the raids at this moment in time and I understand y/n is as worried as my well-being as I am about theirs. I should have had their feelings into account. —
Lucius grinned in success and clapped excitedly.
— That's good! Yes, sir! Now, how do you feel —
— Miserable —.
— Well, lucky you! I'm sure a certain someone has been happy to hear all this lament of yours — Lucius gave Stede a light punch in his shoulder that Stede answered with a instant "ow". He turned towards the cabin door and waved.
— I know you're there, y/n. You can come out now! —
You peeked out from behind the door and the moment Stede saw you he stood up a headed towards you.
— Oh, dear... — He dropped the cushion at the sight of your glassy eyes, not caring if he was already crying, and took hold of both of your hands.
— I am so sorry, y/n. I mean it. I am so sorry I hurt you. Please, I can't bear being apart from you knowing it was me who hurt you. Please, forgive me. I- —. You cut his spiraling of guilt with a tight embrace.
— Of course I forgive you, you silly —. You pulled apart to take his face in your hands — I shouldn't have said that I would leave. You know I wouldn't, I love you —
— Oh, dear. I love you too —. He hugged you again and you could smell the vanilla scent of his hair.
— Well, then. I'll let you two lovebirds to it. No need to thank me I see! — You heard Lucius' fake offended tone but before either of you could thank him, he dissapeared behind the door.
— He's quite a mediator... —. You giggled at Stede's thoughtful expression and hugged him again.
That night you picked out the book for the night reading. You fell asleep quickly, leaned on Stede's side. A soft blanket covered you both and although tiredness didn't allow you to distinguish his words, you could feel the deep rumbling of his chest while he talked.
And next morning, you woke up next to him in the captain's cabin. He had his head on your chest and his arms encircled you. He snored softly as the golden light from the morning sun made his hair glow.
How could you leave?
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1whimsicalgal · 4 months
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Who was the creator of the apparatus that was used in filming the famous meat hook scene? That would be Dottie Pearl and Bob Burns. Together, the night before we were to film, as I recall, they stayed up into the wee hours getting IT ready, but how did they do it? Imagine if you will, a bikini bottom made of Parachute strapping. Now imagine needing to conceal the bikini gadgetry under some red corduroy short-shorts and backless bathing suit. Now imagine you need the girl wearing the apparatus to be hanging, dangling from a meat hook, that must hold her weight of 110 pounds, and simultaneously making sure no meat hook actually touches her bare back.
The idea was that the audience sees that meat hook coming ominously close to her back, how do we accomplish this safely? You add another piece of parachute strapping about 9-10 inches, sewn with great care to the top back of the parachute strapping in the back of the bikini. The strap was hidden underneath until The Scene of the drop shot. It had to be hidden inside, out of site until the actual drop by Leatherface as he struggles to hold on to the screaming, writhing, hysterical young woman, who’s trying with all her might to escape this impending terrifying disaster.
Next challenge: You need something on the end of the attached strap, something incredibly strong. They decided a large steel parachute ring, that could be guided by someone crouched below, spotting her, as Leatherface waits for his cue to drop her, would be perfect. The steel ring Must Go over the hook and hold her weight. No room for mistakes.
Another clever part of Pam’s meat hook apparatus was Dottie sewing in the twisted legs of panty hose that had great strength and could be pinned underneath the front edges of Pam’s tiny backless bathing suit top, hidden underneath, which helped to keep the apparatus and suit together, long enough to get the shot.
Yes, they used pantyhose, which btw, only became the rage in the early seventies. Fact. It was for all women, freedom… from garter belts. Yes, we actually wore hose, individually attached to garter belts up until then! A little history: In 1974, actress Julie Newmar successfully filed a patent for “Pantyhose with shaping band for cheeky derriere relief”, a garment innovation made famous through the costume she designed in the 1960s for her role as Catwoman in the TV show Batman.
So, when Pam is hanging on the meat hook, held up only by the strapping and stainless steel loop, what happens? Right, that’s when they added lots of foam cushioning, where 100% of the weight inevitably goes. 😬 My sincere thanks for that!
I vividly remember, Tobe calling cut, and looking out to a line of cast and crew, mouths aghast at what they’d just witnessed. You could hear a pin drop. It seems there was a deep collective sigh. We did it. We got the shot that I later heard some one refer to it as “the money shot”, which at the time went right over my head. What’s a money-shot? For me, that was the moment when it crossed my mind, “Hey, maybe we have something here.”
We began filming that scene around 9 AM and finished in time to enjoy our caterer, Sally Nicholaou’s, delicious lunch. It was fast. The awful part? The blood they used was karo syrup based. There are 3 seconds of blood dripping into the bucket below Pam’s dangling feet, maybe only 2 seconds. I Hope It Was Worth It!! Think Texas heat, Karo-syrup, and flies, plenty of flies. UGH. Dottie and I ran outside together, and landed at the windmill, me ripping off everything as Dottie took the water hose and sprayed me forever, until I was finally free of all remnants of sticky-icky karo-syrup, parachute strapping, shorts, bathing suit, et-al. LUNCH!!! ♥️🪝
Thank you, Dottie Pearl. Thank you, Bob Burns. Dorothy J. Pearl - January 19, 1950 - July 22, 2018 (age 68 years) Robert Lewis Burns Jr. November 24, 1950 – April 3, 2015 (age 65 years)
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Hiya, I am the anon from a post you reblogged regarding Michael Sheen and his female co-star from Amadeus (her name is Lily btw and she looks like a version of Sarah Silverman). For a total of 4 weeks he was rehearsing in my work building and I saw a few instances between the two. In the last week he was rehearsing on site I saw them lunching together. Both respectively on either side of a table reading their scripts quietly with no interaction. They weren't talking, or looking at each other. Just eating and reading. Towards the end of their lunch together, she got up and gave Michael a big hug whilst he was sitting down. Honestly it looked like she was consoling him. From the moments I have seen of them together I get a sense she really admires him and looks forward to being around him. Although it sounds like a stretch I do also get a sense that she is quite flirtatious. There was an occasion where Michael was sitting at a table and she was sitting on a table leaning toward him (cue imagery of secretary trying to pursue her boss). I do get the impression on his end that he is being careful around her. Perhaps he finds her attractive? Or perhaps he's trying to keep his distance because of his family situation? I also read your observations regarding AL not posting about Christmas and her family coming in from Sweden. Honestly I think they're coming in so that they can look after the kids and give her a break. She probably is exhausted herself because Michael has not been at home. But it definitely appears like he lives an exhausting separate life from them. I mean on NYE and NYD he is doing 3 performances in total. His regime must be sleep, eat, work, repeat and with his kids in tow that leaves little room to breath and have Mum and Dad time. So it makes sense to have trusted family over to look after the kids. On Tuesday I did get to see opening night of Amadeus. Was trying to spot a platinum blonde AL in the audience. I was pretty close to the stage maybe she was towards the back of the theatre. I kinda thought that she would post some kind of praise about Michael having a successful opening night, alas no. Michael and Lily kiss twice, and I could tell who the fans were in the audience because they were gasping when it happened. Or maybe they were gasping because it was uncomfortable to watch. I found it uncomfortable out of pure jealousy than the actual scene itself. He genuinely is a profound performer especially when the performance goes for 2 hours and 50 mins his stamina to be on point is remarkable. Anyway here is my tea. Simply observations. I do wonder if there is some connection between him and Lily. I wonder if she has become his confidante away from his home life while he is in Sydney. I can't imagine he has people to talk to that aren't his family in town so she just might be the respite he needs. Sorry for this being so long. Hope it is of some interest.
Hi, Australian Anon! Yes, I did see and quite enjoyed the message you sent to @problematicwelshman​, and I found it all very interesting, just as I do this. So I appreciate you writing in to share some more info with me! I love that you have this firsthand experience of Michael and have gotten to see him in the weeks leading up to the opening of Amadeus.
I think we’ve always known that Michael takes the weight of any production he is in on his shoulders, and I am sure that is especially the case here, where he is in the leading role. So to then have two small children and AL in tow on top of all that must undoubtedly be exhausting, and as you said, it would make sense for her family to fly in from Sweden to give her a break (at the very least, to attend the official opening night of the play after the previews, which seemed to be last night, rather than on the 27th). 
It’s also fascinating to hear about his interactions with Co-star Lily (who I am going to call such to distinguish her from his daughter Lily). I think we know that Michael has had a tendency to engage in dalliances with his co-stars (Lizzy Caplan and Caitlin Fitzgerald from MoS and Rachel McAdams in particular come to mind. David is a whole other separate case...). And Michael being magnetic and having a level of charm that just naturally draws others to him is not at all surprising, nor is the thought that CS Lily might have become enamored with him.
What’s interesting to me is his deliberateness in being careful around her. I can certainly understand the reason why, with him very publicly being there with his family (by “very publicly” I mean it being mentioned or noted in multiple interviews with the Australian media, all of which felt like deliberate PR). But it seems like just having another woman look his way makes Michael uncomfortable, or possibly afraid that whatever arrangement he and AL have in place will go to hell if he’s even slightly suspected of cheating. If that is the case, I find that a very strange and sad way to live, being in a relationship that seems to be so greatly lacking in any kind of trust.
I had hoped that if AL made a post regarding opening night, it would shed some more light on the strangeness of recent events. But what she posted did not do so, and managed to make things even weirder than before. AL seems to have used opening night to promote herself, as the caption barely mentions Michael (not even by name) or the play, and the pictures are of her posing with the poster of him the way a fan would. There is also not a single picture of them together. (Yet interestingly, they did take a picture when they went to see David’s play Good in October...)
As you said, it seems like Michael and AL are living separate lives together (which I also alluded to in this post) while in Australia. I completely understand the exhaustion of taking care of two little ones while Michael is working and that that is most likely why her family flew in, but the blanks you’ve filled in regarding CS Lily add to an already complicated/strange picture.
Thinking about AL’s caption on Insta, I feel like it was really her trying to seem “deep” and like she knows anything about the play/opera, but in reality, I don’t see her as much of a classical music aficionado, and I have a feeling she found the play boring. You mentioned CS Lily being his confidante while away from home and I could see that, too. AL is his actual girlfriend--not to mention an actress herself (supposedly)--but he apparently needs respite from her and seemingly can’t talk to her about anything, least of all this role and his preparations for this play which has consumed his life for the past month. I one hundred percent believe Michael has been talking to David on WhatsApp or Zoom, but he seems like the kind of person who needs someone to talk to in person as well, to feel their energy and body language in the room with him. It’s very likely, then, that CS Lily has become that.
I also appreciate the tea on the kisses between Michael and CS Lily, because no doubt that has created some tension/attraction (which I think is natural and a normal part of a performance, because you need that to effectively convey the emotion of the scene). But kissing someone for a few takes on a TV or film set is different from kissing someone every night on stage for a month straight, so who knows if that’s been part of the conversations he and CS Lily have had (or part of why AL has seemingly distanced herself from Michael since they arrived in Oz).
So yes, those are my thoughts on the whole situation. I think it will be interesting to see what unfolds as the run of the play continues (and after it ends later in January and they go back to the UK, for that matter). I guess we’ll see what happens...
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finn-m-corvex · 7 months
I see ur doing the writer ask game 👀
so 1, 4, 8, 14, 16, 48, 23, and 31 for the ask game! (it's alot sorry-)
1 - Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Multi-chapter! I love fleshing stuff out and seeding ideas and all that good stuff. Lightning in a Cubicle was supposed to be one thing but now it's like, at least five I think. Same thing with Survivors. When I start something I go all in!
4 - Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Would you believe me if I said that it just kinda happens?
That's not entirely true but it also kind of is. One of the things that I trained myself to do when I was younger was constantly narrate my life; my brain is always writing even if I'm not actually writing, and that's what spawns new ideas. And it's not an "Oh I should have a sandwich for lunch," but more like a "'I should have a sandwich for lunch,' she thought as she walked down the sidewalk.'
Also I think about something that I wish someone else would write and I think "well ill just do it myself"
8 - Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
The middle! It's so underrated. I know everyone gets hyped about climactic scenes and bombshell beginnings but there's something about the middle that's so endearing to me. You don't have to worry about tying up loose ends or making sure you get stuff right nearly as much.
14 - how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
Yes and yes! I'm an empath, so reading emotional scenes tends to get me very much fucked up. I project a LOT during emotional scenes, but I also have to keep in mind what emotions are actually supposed to be felt during the scene.
Writing tip for you guys: if your character is angry/irritated/anything like that, shorten the sentences. Make the writing choppier. Cut out the fluff and the adjectives and everything like that, because people don't like doing extra work when they're angry.
16 - How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
TOO MANY TO COUNT. I have a couple babies waiting in the back to be published, but I can't put them out until I get some of the stuff I already have open done. One fic idea I am nurturing right now is something with Jay dying based on my experience with being revived (do not recommend btw).
23 - Best writing advice for other writers?
You have to make a hundred bad things to make one thing great.
31 - Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Plot! Everything that I write starts with a plot that I then adapt the characters to. I think a lot of people get stuck because they think up a hundred characters but those characters don't have a clear direction. By starting with a story and then creating characters, your characters are automatically in-tune with your plot and themes and you know where they need to go. That's how I made Beta, Dee and Talon!
48 - What do you look for in a beta?
OOOOO I'VE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THIS! I've never had a beta before so I'm not sure. Definitely someone who knows their stuff and their way around, but also someone whose flexible and good with anxiety. I also need someone who can put things in a way that doesn't trigger my RSD.
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marigoldwitch · 2 years
Is this an unpopular opinion?
Can we all agree that recording someone having a mental health crisis and antagonizing them while doing it is ridiculously inappropriate and unnecessary?
And before you come at me with the whole “Karen’s are using crocodile tears to get away with…” I get that, and I agree 100%. But I honestly believe a lot of y’all can’t tell the different between someone experiencing a mental health crisis and someone just acting entitled.
I saw a video of a woman having a mental breakdown at self checkout after a strange man touched her and tried to physically move her because she cut him in line. I know your first thought is “well she cut him in line” which is true but he’s an adult man, not a 5 year old, and he could have used his words instead of physical touching her. And in the video the woman apologizes and says “I didn’t realize you were in line and you touched me, that triggered me” and this man’s response was to further antagonize her while recording her. Talking about “you saw me” and “you’re a bitch” and blah blah blah. Which makes her act even more emotional and further triggers her. And then he tried to touch her again. He kept going at her instead of saying literally anything remotely appropriate like “I shouldn’t have touched you, that was inappropriate. But now that you know I was actually next in line I think you should wait til I’m finished to checkout.” Turns our the woman was a victim of a recent SA and having a strange man touch her randomly triggered an emotional response. And the only person in that video that’s trying to help is another woman telling the man to just go to another register, while he’s still going on and on and on about how “she cut in front of him” like their in grade school or something. The video ends before a resolution so idk what happened after she started crying and asking people to back up away from her and give her space.
Btw, I’ve had people cut in front of me tons of times at check out, I just do the normal adult thing and let it go. Sometimes I realize the person didn’t notice I was in line and sometimes it’s obvious they feel entitled and more important so they just cut me because they’re assholes. Neither situation is worth even more of my time wasted pressing the issue like a kid who got cut in line at lunch and it’s pizza day lol. I’m not that pressed.
I say all this because the internet has y’all forgetting how to act in public and forgetting that people actually do experience mental illness; that this display of mental illness makes people appear irrational and act out. When someone is experiencing a mental break they’re going to react to their surroundings, and if they’re surrounded by people antagonizing them they’re going to continue to act irrationally.
I don’t think recording is wrong. I actually think it’s helpful so that the authorities can better do their jobs to determine the best course of action/ treatment options for someone who is causing a scene. However I do not think it’s necessary to further feed into someone’s mental health crisis by continuing to press the issue to get a reaction out of them. Especially if that person is a complete stranger and you know absolutely nothing about their personal life.
And yes, we can tell when you’re recording and antagonizing with the intentions of getting a bigger reaction out of someone. A little crying from being triggered by a strange man touching you can turn into a full blown panic attack when 4-6 other people start shoving phones in your face and yelling at you. If you really think that person is a danger to themselves or you, call 911 and let them handle it. Stop pushing them over the edge for internet clout.
And if they’re a “Karen” the best way to handle them (in my experience) is to completely ignore them and act like they’re not there. And if they’re a Karen causing a problem, record them and just let them expose themselves. Don’t add commentary. Don’t antagonize them for a bigger reaction. Let them dig their own grave. Let their behavior speak for itself.
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roy-dcm2 · 2 years
DBZ Dead Zone Reaction
This is a repost of a reaction/ review of the DBZ movies that I did.
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I’ve got time to kill this week, so let me rewatch and talk about the DBZ movies.
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<It's pretty clever that they show Garlic Jr. as huge and imposing on the poster.>
I love “Dead Zone.” Maybe you remember, Toonami loved to use this thing for clips during the commercials, because you want to lead with your best foot forward. It is spectacular looking. It kinda has the “thick line” style that is the mark of a good anime.
Although this “movie” is amazingly short, only 40 minutes. They do very well with only 40 minutes, as you can guess there are really great, but short, fight scenes of Goku vs Garlic’s minions.(Those people made such a big deal about Goku’s moves in Broly, they need to rewatch this.)
I used to be convinced that this was a perfect “inter-quel,” bridging the gap between the original Dragon Ball and the start of DBZ. Like, Goku became “Strongest Under the Heavens” so his only logical match ups would be Demons. Maybe that was the direction his life was going, he was just going to rid the world of demons. With some creative editing, you could make this fit 100%, but there are contradictions between this and the start of DBZ. (Krillin meets Gohan and Kami here, Goku calls Gohan his son, Piccolo also shows off that he’s also using weighted gear before the fight with Raditz. )
BTW, the original name of this movie is “Return my Gohan.” Considering that “gohan” is a type of rice, it seems like after getting married, Goku is going to spend his next adventure chasing after his lunch.
I really like Garlic Jr. I love how he adds a little more to Kami’s background. These fillers (the Garlic Jr Saga + GT) were really good for fleshing out more of the importance of the “Guardian of Earth.” There’s also a bit of theme of family in this. Garlic is taking revenge for his father, Goku is rescuing his son, in a way Piccolo is Kami’s son.
Garlic’s minions can power-up by growing bigger, like they get 20% beefier, this is a great set up for Garlic himself actually HULKING OUT. This is before Goku got any flashy power-up, so the saving grace was that Gohan was able to go berserk for the finally.
They could have also fleshed this out a little more by establishing where all this is happening? As I was rewatching, I assumed this was taking place in “Makai World,” explaining why the sky is perpetually orange, and where Garlic Jr’s castle came from. But after Garlic loses, the orange sky shatters and there’s the regular blue sky behind it.
But, at the time, the best thing about it was that it was mainly in universe. The Original Dragon Ball only had Alternate Universe movies.
7/10 - It looks really good, but its really short.
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thissugarcane · 2 years
qaf rewatch: 4x08
I'm starting to see an overall pattern emerge in season 4: a three-act season, which means I can sort of see the overall ripping-apart-and-stitching-back-together I need to do. which is good!
I don't remember what happens in this one other than... brian's cancer, the worst of it, I think? (if you're wondering, btw, why I'm not focusing too much on brian and justin's scenes, it's because I've rewatched them lots so I already remember them very well lolol obsessed? moi?)
first scene:
babylon! hot dancers in tighty whities made of satin, big cocks, brian in his sleeveless button up looking a lot like season 2 brian, actually. being fondled and hit on by all the guys-- oh wait, Vic
babylon in Brian's dream
vic being a sarcastic asshole, just like brian usually -- Vic says brian has "one of two choices" (stay young or get old) -- shows a bunch of old, not attractive old men
"turns out, you're everything you never wanted to be, kiddo: old, diseased, imperfect". now when vic says this, it's Brian's subconscious obviously... but it's interesting to think that Vic might say something very similar to this! (but with a very different tone, aka: you gotta accept you aren't perfect Brian but that is not a bad thing, it just is, you know?)
new scene: brian wakes up in hospital
brian wakes up "in recovery" -- now let me tell you something about general anaethesia: you don't have hallucinations? like. I've been under twice, two different types
new scene: ben, michael and hunter biking
talking about debbie and whether she's doing okay, and the rage movie -- michael's still thinking he's gonna be rich and famous from the movie deal
things are still a lil strained between ben and michael
new scene: emmet and deb choosing a headstone
deb, emmett and michael looking for a headstone, deb picks the biggest and weirdest tombstone (also the most expensive) - for $27k. "it's solid marble"
Deb: "your uncle vic was a size queen. he woulda loved it." deb wants to spend so much money to prove she loved him
new scene: the diner
mel and ted waiting for her food, justin is serving without deb and swamped
justin is pissed but just from work
brian shows up after his trip looking terrible
justin is casual and happy to see him but pushes brian off
mel is eating everything in sight
brian offers justin a lift and justin says "It's okay, I'm sure you have plenty more important things to do" -- this is sort of where Justin has given up thinking brian finds him that important :/ and maybe where hollywood has sunk into his brain.
new scene: in the corvette
brian making excuses for not contacting justin and justin just keeps finishes his sentences and says "don't make excuses"
brian drops justin off at PIFA - so Justin is back in school, by... wait Vic died in February so he joined for winter term I guess
this is where Brian genuinely says "by the way, I missed you" and Justin pulls an Ethan: "prove it."
justin's still insecure from brian turning him down before he left?
this is where justin says "I'll see you... [unless I'm in] hollywood"'
new scene: at the gallery
lindsay, sam shows up
I don't honestly care about any of this, but you know what we can say? lindsay has terrible taste in men.
new scene: at a fancy restaurant
michael, justin and brett keller
brett keller is impressed that they made a gay superhero who actually fucks
michael does most of the talking
brett: "I will personally chop the dick off any studio exec who tries [to make rage straight]"
brett is flirting with both of them, charming them and trying to impress them (e.g. he takes a call and says "hey. colin." and mouths "farrell" before winking, but doesn't actually give them any guarantees on paper.)
new scene: at deb's
emmett brings deb some lunch while she's looking at her diner vest and buttons; she won't eat
he's asking about going back to the diner and back to work
horvath at the door - I honestly can't remember when carl and deb broke up
Emmett: "we've got some fruitcake leftover from christmas" -- can't be too soon into january
deb says no to a "bite to eat" with carl
new scene: at the loft
justin raving about brett keller and brian is quiet (obviously not feeling well) but trying to be encouraging
wearing those ugly old briefs
justin: "you know you look really tired." Brian: "just jetlagged. I'm fabulouso, senor"
this is where Justin hears the message from "doctor rabinowitz from the john hopkins oncology centre"
new scene: at the lesbians
sam, charming Mel
Mel says Lindsay went to Carnegie Mellon had a few paintings in exhibits
Sam says "every artist is egocentric"
the three of them in the attic aka lindsay's studio and he doesn't have anything good to say about it, but he does point out that it matters what she thinks about it
sam's a bit like ethan, actually: egocentric and narcissistic, but honest about the work
new scene: at the comic shop
justin confronts michael by saying "did you know?" and then tells michael about the cancer
tells michael what happened, that brian went to johns hopkins
Justin: "if he didn't tell you, and he didn't tell me, then who did he tell?" michael: "my guess is nobody." Justin: "that he has cancer." Michael: "well, um, I'm sure if he wanted us to know he would have told us." etc.
so, here, this is a good point michael, if brian wanted you to know he WOULD have said something, so you should be quiet about it! but otoh, you are the one that fails miserably at this, so like.
new scene: kinnetik
two people walking around: a guy and a brunette woman in a red top bringing information into the meeting
five people in the conference room: brian, cynthia, ted, a youngish looking white guy (art manager?), and a black woman (senior exec/ account manager?)
Brian: "endovir sales are up 15%, since we launched their last campaign and they'd like to rebook next month's issue of the Advocate as well as Pause and Heat. So ted, we're gonna need rates." Ted: "Oh, I'm on it." Brian: "and we're also gonna need a new campaign to follow this one."
The guy (art director: "I already have some sketches for you to look over." The black woman: "and I've got copy to go with them."
Brian: "excellent. What about, uh, Brown Athletics? Did we get the contracts?" Cynthia: "Came in yesterday, with a ten grand deposit." Ted: "Already in the bank..." Ted, looking at Brian, concerned: "Brian? You okay?" Cynthia: "Brian?"
Brian: "Yeah. Uh. Yeah, I'm just. Excuse me. Just a second." he goes into his office to sit down and Ted follow.
Ted: "Brian?" Brian: "I'm fine." Ted: "You sure as hell don't look it, you just about fainted in there." Brian: "I'm just a little tired from my trip, that's all." Ted: "Well, maybe you should go home, you know, we can do this tomorr--" Brian [almost yelling]: "I said I'm fine. Now let's finish the goddamned meeting." Ted: [under his breath] "Don't be so testy"
new scene: at the diner
debbie serving, but getting the orders wrong
Emmett shows up and deb admits she's taken a double shift
Harold, "a friend of Vic's" shows up. says how Vic always was talking about how great their relationship was. makes her feel worse and she drops the tray before starting to sob.
new scene: at deb's place
emmett, deb and michael: arguing about whether deb can go back to work, she refuses to take their help or listen to them
deb keeps saying "you don't understand, you don't have a fucking clue." and michael finally says "why don't you give me a fucking hint"
new scene: at Sam's place?
he is now grossly negging her. "no one could believe someone who's as hot as you could be smart or funny too".
sam: when lindsay says she'll maybe make art like the one piece of hers he liked "maybe someday." "that's just excuses. if you're an artist, nothing stops you." I do really think that this is why lindsay doesn't want justin to give up on striving and be with brian: because she did give it up to be a mother and now regrets it.
otoh, she isn't an artist, not really, because, yeah, justin wouldn't ever give it up. not if he went to dartmouth. so I agree with the fic that says she's jealous of his talent as much as resents her giving up her dreams for the family.
wait, sam just drops trou and lindsay almost drops her pad of paper. so he really is brian only straight. and grosser.
next scene: babylon
"wet willie contest" - justin staring at the cocks, brian telling justin about all the cocks on the stage
michael shows up and is all gross, then brett shows up and brett is not impressed (but then neither is brian so)
brett is all "I'm gonna recreate this for the movie" and ben is a bit of a prick, but also not wrong when he calls brett out for doing projects that mean nothing
justin goes to find brian and lies about not feeling too well to get brian to go home
next scene: at michael and ben's
they're arguing about brett keller, michael: "there is nothing wrong with being successful" ben: "as long as you don't sell out."
ben calls michael naive, and michael calls ben jealous. both are right.
hunter is all sad in his bed hearing his dads fight
next scene: at the loft
brian... is he drunk, letting justin get him undressed? definitely feeling shitty. and justin is doing so very well at being kind to him, letting brian pretend.
brian: "I thought you had food poisoning." Justin: "I guess it was just a tummy ache." justin: "tell me about ibiza." brian: "like I died and went to homo heaven. beautiful guys all dressed in white. and everywhere you went, smelled like, lemon scented air freshener." justin: "sounds great."
brian: "I even fucked a matador." justin: "no way." brian: "ole."
as brian passes out, justin starts crying. this is so sad.
next scene: at ted's condo
michael slept on the couch and ted is an ass when he wakes him up
since michael's on the couch, ted must have a one-bedroom
ted says he did the same thing with emmett's business. ted points out: "you can't turn yourself into a failure to make your relationship a success" when michael thinks about dropping the movie thing
next scene: at the comic store
brett looking through the comic bins, brett says "guys I'll be in touch"; justin is definitely dragging
justin says he should tell brian and michael says he can't and is then an ass (michael: "I love him enough to honour his wishes")
next scene: at horvath's office
emmett telling carl all of deb's grief problems and that no one can get through to deb but maybe carl can
next scene: in lindsay's house studio
mel points out lindsay is happy and mel is glad she has inspiration (but also seems to see that lindsay has a crush)
next scene: at the loft
brian and michael smoking up and eating chinese, shooting the shit
brian insists that mikey tell him the story of linda hurley, aka linda the hurler. she hurls on him in our town on stage when they were supposed to kiss
Brian: "and now hollywood is calling on Rage. the movie." michael asks if he's gonna come to the premiere. Brian: "Why wouldn't i?" Michael: "I want it to be at that theatre. you know, the one with all the stars footprints?" and is all "michael and brian, immortalized forever, just you and me".
this is actually a poor plot point, but whatever.
michael starts crying and brian's all concerned or whatever. michael: "I know. I know you didn't go to ibiza. I know you went to john's hopkins and you had surgery, for... oh god. If I lose you I don't know what I'l do."
and of course brian has to now comfort him. so Brian does: "hey. I'm okay, I'm okay."
Michael: "I wasn't supposed to tell you. I told him not to tell you." Brian: [suddenly worried? concerned or angry?] "who?" Michael: "Justin. he uh, overheard the doctor leaving a message on your machine and he called the hospital." and immediately brian is no longer all reasonable and reassuring michael, pulls away, shakes his head.
next scene: at debs
deb is watching the shopping network, holding the phone?
carl is at the door, tries to comfort her and brings up "so much left unsaid." then he tells the story about how his wife "celia" died [lung cancer]. and how she was scared to die alone, and he promised not to leave or let her die alone, but he left, because he was so angry at everything, he went out and had a drink "I had so many I lost count". when I got back she was dead.
carl points out that deb isn't forgiving herself -- then she breaks down for real.
next scene: at ben and michael's
ben and hunter; hunter asks if michael's coming back or not and ben's like "of course he's coming back".
hunter points out "what happens to me if you guys break up?" and when Ben's like "no one's breaking up!" hunter's like "I'm just asking in case I have to make other arrangements."
michael comes back and apologizes.
brett keller sent the option agreement -- and michael tells ben "yeah, we're gonna do it."
ben is obviously not that happy but trying
next scene: at the loft
justin comes in while brian is sitting at his kitchen table tearing up cigarettes, "I picked up some movies, thought we could stay in and watch them."
brian's angry (lashing out in fear, obvs): "what'd you bring? terms of endearment? Love story? my boyfriend has fucking cancer?" <- this is the first time Brian's said, out loud, that he's Justin's boyfriend, isn't it.
Justin: "Why didn't you tell me?" Brian: "Maybe because I didn't want you to know. Or maybe because it's none of your fucking business!" Justin: "Brian. I'm your partner." Brian: "Not anymore, I don't want you here, now get the fuck out." Justin: "Cut it out." Brian: "I said get the fuck out." Justin: [here, his voice starts to break] "Brian, I love you and I wanna help you." Brian: [who actually puts his hands on Justin to throw him out] "Get the fuck out!"
aaaaand, no music, no extra emotion, that is the end of the episode.
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mechazushi · 6 days
Story Idea 6#
French Take The Lead but GAY, staring Michael Buble's Higher and Sabrina Carpenter's Looking at Me.
Honestly. What it says on the tin. Had this in the old file cabinet in the back for a year I think, and with the late news of Ice Adolescence being dropped and its Pride Month, here's a story for some one to take and make popular to spite Mappa execs
So I have no names for these people so its going to be Brother, his Sister, and the newcomer Hip because it stars a brother, his sister and a guy that did hip hop. Also, in case this wasn't obvious from the Take the Lead reference, they're all black. Brother is bald, btw (still handsome, just bald). And they live in France, kinda important?
Story goes as this. Brother and sister are an unbeatable ballroom dancing pair and have won several awards. There's no bitter rivalry undertones, they get along very well (with typical sibling shenanigans) but after a while, they decide enough is enough and part ways for a bit, wanting a break from the dancing scene. Few years later, they get back together and they are bored. Yeah, it was nice to get out of the spotlight for a while, but since then they have both been looking for different dance partners and have been failing miserably.
As they are discussing this on a lunch date, they walk through a local park and stumble across a live dance demonstration. It's a group of locals doing a free Hip Hop show and looking like they're just having fun. Both of them stop to watch and Sister gets really into the music. As a joke, the two of them try to make an improvised tango routine on the spot. This gathers both the crowd and the hip hop group's attention. Taking the competition in stride, the break dancers invite the ballroom dancers to a friendly dance off. The siblings agree and sh*t gets real. Halfway through the dance off, the other main character stumbles into Brother's arms and he instinctively plays it off. Hip and Brother look each other in the eyes and decide to floor it and go with the flow of the music. It's a lovely display and left the crowd feeling like the song ended too soon.
After the show, the siblings approach Hip and ask if he'd ever be interested in trying ballroom. He initially says no, but thanks anyway. They give him their number and separate. Something happens and now Hip need money (or some other excuse as to why he needs to try ballroom dancing/ add stakes) He goes back and, for whatever the reason is, explains upfront why he's doing this. (There would be no late stage misunderstanding of motives arc if I was going to make this myself, but I'm leaving this to public domain, I.e. you can if you want...I guess..) either way, he's ballroom dancing now.
How this gets gay, though, is explained by the second episode. Brother and Sister are trying to teach Hip how to dance fancily and its not going well. Hip is paired with Sister initially and he's stepping on toes and missing beats somehow. Once it becomes clear that Hip might need a different way of explaining, Brother steps in and miraculously, Hip is a better dancer now. Couple more rounds of this and It becomes clear that Hip can dance, but only if he's paired with Brother. So now the rest of the show is shipping fuel for Hip and Brother getting together and , you know, the actual plot of the story. Probably winning a competition or some typical bullsh*t. (But we're not here for that-we're here for french flavored yaoi 😁)
There is also a reason why I mentioned Michael's song Higher and its not that its a perfect tango song. I had an idea for a scene where Hip is thinking about quitting and Brother is trying to convince him not too. They're at the Arc de Triomphe and for those of you that may not know this, It's the square arch building in France and there's a massive roundabout surrounding it. And there's no lines separating traffic, its chaos.
Hip unknowingly walks out into traffic and almost gets hit by a car. Brother saves him, but is now stuck in traffic with him. Higher starts to play as the two of them find their rhythm again dancing through traffic, literally. At one point in the song, Brother manages to toss Hip into the air, slinging him one-handed over a car, and its played up as it's in slow-mo, with the two of them looking each other in the eyes in amazement, realizing that this is possible... they are possible. They make it to the other side safely and Hip reconsiders leaving behind his dream/goal.
There's another scene where the three of them walk into a more local, less stakes competition to practice in front of a crowd. The bouncer won't let them onto the floor as they're male-male partners and the rules haven't been changed to reflect the new times (This is a one off time for a joke i'm trying to set up, hold on). Hip gets pissed and has to walk away. Sister comes up with a brilliant idea and drags Hip into the bathroom. Ten minutes later, Hip and Sister changed outfits, with Hip looking deceptively feminine. Brother gives Hip a long hard look, evaluating the outfit while Sister douses herself in praise for the idea. Brother becomes lost in thought, wondering if this is possible (maybe a little questioning of his sexual identity as well). Unfortunately, he's staring right at Hip's chest in the dress.
"Excuse you, my eyes are up here." says Hip. An embarrassed Brother drags Hip to the dance floor and passes the bouncer, while the bouncer doesn't question anything. On another note, they won fourth place in the local competition.
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dorizardthewizard · 2 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 6
6: Stick to the Status Quo
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Backpack alert! And Jason was actually carrying school books, there's hope for you yet boys
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Love Ryan and Kelsi’s little glance at each other after Sharpay huffs off. I imagine they're not best friends yet since it was Ryan who flippantly told Kelsi they'd rearranged her song for the audition, but they bond over Sharpay's antics sometimes and obviously get much closer in the second movie.
What is this cafeteria area, it’s so nice? Mine had a hole in the ceiling that they’d cover up with a sheet of paper on parent’s evenings
“Bob, we need the cheerleaders in the jock group” “But sir, how will we know they’re cheerleaders and not girls from the other factions of the school?” “Make them wear their warmup gear in every single scene of course!”
Zeke decides really quickly after the Troy musical news to spill his secret, have they even spoken to Troy about this yet? Guy must have been waiting for the right moment for ages
Zeke: I bake Everyone: WHAT?!
This will never not be iconic. Poor Zeke he looks so sad ToT
Martha: Look at me and what do you see? Intelligence beyond compare!
We stan a confident queen <3 Also I love that they chose a plus sized girl for this
Ahhhh the “skaters”……..
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I’m obsessed with orange shirt guy’s reaction and how he just misses the next dance routine because he’s having a breakdown by the stairs
I like how in the next sequence we can see the groups mixing more as they dance, it basically represents what’s happening in the school as a whole since the audition. Everyone jokes about how they’re singing and dancing about how certain people shouldn’t be singing and dancing, but that’s not actually happening. It’s non-diegetic! An abstraction! A representation of the turning of the social and political landscape!
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What I love about this song is you can go through it frame by frame and find fun little details or interactions in the background. Like here, Chad throws his basketball and it's Zeke that catches it (they face off in the background of another shot too). He dribbles it for a bit but loses it at some point in the song and pops out the crème brûlée instead. Love cheerleader girl who’s just trying to read on the side lmao. Or go against the status quo, as the cheerleaders were previously portrayed as shallow and not interested in topics deeper than discussing their nails, but here she is studying during lunch break, no longer caring if that makes her uncool.
Also I love that part of the choreography is literally just,, ruffling Chad's hair. And those girls in the top left swaying a bit? Yeah that's my level of dance skills too
Martha got done dirty, with the others it’s “stick with what you know!” and “keep your voice down low!” but with her it’s “she has gotta go!” LOL no wonder we never see her with the geek squad again
I had to copy and paste the spelling for crème brûlée I am nothing if not dedicated
That sudden burst into song after Gabriella and Taylor turn up is iconic
And now cello boy is just miming playing the cello??? WHERE DID THE CELLO GO
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Hahaha the way it looks like Gabriella and Taylor are the only ones aware that they're in a musical
I had to comment on this song bit by bit because there’s so much to point out lol, I love Stick to the Status Quo it’s S tier I don’t care. It’s more musical-like than the other songs and it works really well since there are some spoken parts with the confessions. Also it’s just so chaotic, it's impressive what they managed to do with the choreography here and the transitions flow really well. The chorus does sound a little.... quiet? At times though? I think they get better at making the audio sound a bit more natural as the movies go on.
People say it’s silly that everyone’s so against people having hobbies, but that's taking the message too literally imo. High school cliques are a thing (although maybe more so in the US from what I've heard), and let's be honest a lot of interests or methods of expression are deemed "cringe" today, let alone back then before nerd culture became truly mainstream. Gender is a big divider too - we're still socially conditioned to think STEM and sports are for boys while the arts are for girls, plus things like the misogyny directed towards female gamers. And for the boys, 2006 was a time when the tiniest expression of something deemed "feminine" would result in you being called gay. So yeah, the message is still relevant today but even more so back then.
Plus even outside of such extremes, I feel we do tend to put ourselves in boxes. Just look at how many people believe in that left/right logical/creative brain stuff, people taking the Myers Briggs personality types so seriously, or those teenagers on tiktok trying to decide between aesthetics. Especially at that age, you're very concerned with constructing a consistent image of yourself and might feel nervous trying new things or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, because "that's not my kind of thing".
Ooo I like Sharpay being manipulative of Darbus, showing her as a good antagonist. Not just in the way she acts towards the protagonists, but how she sweet talks others and shows a completely different persona to get what she wants. Girl can act, I’ll give her that.
Ryan just looking at his food LOL mood
Chad’s smile as he goes “What's up? Oh, let’s see…” while contemplating murder is so funny I love that delivery
Chad: Zeke is baking… Crème Brulee!
As opposed to the other stuff being baked in Albuquerque around this time…...
I love how Troy’s reaction is to immediately show interest and enthusiasm for Zeke’s new hobby! Supportive bro! Shut up Chad, don’t be mean to Zeke >.<
I like the detail that after Chad tells him to shut up, Zeke goes up to the skater guys, who seem to have made up as they’re sitting together and cello kid has his cello out. It shows that despite the most outspoken people like Chad and Sharpay, there’s a shift in the school. Generally I love the school scenes in this movie because there’s always something going on in the background, it feels so lived in and like you're watching a play in person
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Yeah Chad’s being a bad friend here obviously, and there's a lot of ways you could read into his reaction. There's the general toxic masculinity, but he also bought into the school hierarchy and enjoyed his position on top with the rest of the jocks. Maybe he just doesn't get it because it's genuinely basketball 24/7 with him and he defines himself by his interests, maybe he just hates change (wait a minute... autistic Chad?), maybe the concept of Troy being less interested in basketball and hanging out with Gabriella makes him feel like his friendship is threatened.
aaaaand maybe deep down he's in denial about his own "unmanly" tendencies and doesn't want to confront that part of himself
But this also shows why Troy is the captain. Chad puts basketball and his own ideas on what's best for everyone above his teammates' feelings, so while he is more dedicated and commands the attention of the team, I feel a captain should be a bit more emotionally intelligent.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
You guys want to hear some real petty drama
This couple (nasty they are) keeps sitting with me at lunch (disgusting)
Lemme set the scene so at my school we have like tables and booths and two of the booths are up against the wall and there's two long seats facing each other yk restaurant style and then they are more booths off to the side of those I normally sit in the first booth against the wall so that's where encounter 1-4 happens the fifth one is in the booth behind the first one so and also everytime I have sat in the booth first and then they go and just decide to sit with me (this actually makes me boil with anger)
First time this happened I was already having a really pissy day so I just glared at them. I was so uncomfy I didn't eat my lunch. so these two are like all up on each other 24/7 and like kissing and sharing food and like sitting on top of each other. if you're in your own booth sure maybe it's weird but you're in your own area not my business but like I was sitting in the booth first and then you come and sit down next to me unprompted and I'm just supposed to be chill with you trying to jump each other's bones every two seconds? And one of them got a slushie and then they were sharing it with two spoons (sure whatever) but then they did that thing where you cross arms yk the thing ppl do when they eat wedding cake and the guy missed the girls mouth and the slushie got on her shirt and he went "oh no baby 🥺 you got it on yourself you made a mess 🥺" like in a baby voice yk you get it and then wiped her shirt for her. dude get away from me
Then second time at this point I'm boiling dude pick somewhere else to sit it's not like they ran out of seats these two get there relatively early so they're just sitting there for funsies and I'm like annoyed and uncomfortable bc again they are all up on each other
Third time again I'm sitting alone Im in a booth and these two walk over and sit on the other side of this booth and are again all. Up. On. Each. Other. Get a room it's nasty people are trying to eat
Fourth time I'm sitting with my friend same booth same side and they come and sit on the other side
Then today I sat in a different booth near the first one that I normally sit in bc they make me so incredibly uncomfortable that I'd rather just move someone else and then I see them and there is a girl sitting in the first booth right and they're standing there next to her like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️ okay and then they ask the girl if she can move bc it's "their spot" which bitch this is not an assigned seat situation this is first come first serve eat or eaten (it's a highschool cafeteria its not that big of a deal) and this girl obviously goes "uh no?" And they're like "but it's our spot" and she's like "still no?" And then they just stand there like they've lost all options (which they haven't btw there was another open booth next to them) and then they come and SIT IN MY BOOTH and they drop their bags and the girl walks off to go get a tray but her boyfriend stays there and I'm upset and frustrated so I said "why do y'all do this?" And tbh I thought I whispered it to myself but then he turns around and goes "you're one person stop hogging it😡" which first of all there are so many other seats youre the one hogging up other people's personal space and secondly I'm not one person so now you just look foolish and they sat there for the rest of the lunch period all up on each other
And I know it's a dumb hill to die on and it's really petty but these two gross me out so much and they're just so entitled that I've started plotting how I'm going to get them to go away
Here's my plan next time I get there I'm going to sit in the other booth not the first one they have decided is theirs the one behind it and I'm putting my bag on the other side and sitting opposite my bag and then if they say anything "sorry someone's sitting there" and then if they say anything after that I'll just be crazy petty and be like "I wouldn't want to hog a booth but I have friends I'm eating with today sooo"
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #102
(taken january 17th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given? I worked extremely hard in art class making an anatomically correct heart out of clay that I painted and then put in a shadow box with a poem I wrote dedicated to him as the background for Jason once. I think I gave it to him as a Valentine's Day gift. I sometimes wonder if he still has it.
Whatever happened to the first person you ever loved? I have no idea what he's up to these days. It's probably better that way.
What is the biggest difference between you and your best friend? I am very emotional and he's barely at all. Or at least, he doesn't know how to show it.
Do you currently have a job? No, but I'm kinda regularly looking online... and it's stressing me out.
What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I don't remember, but something good. My mom's brother gifted her a vacuum cleaner once when she mentioned all she really wanted to buy for herself with the inheritance was a quality vacuum.
Could you win a staring contest with someone? Absolutely not, eye contact is extreeemely uncomfortable for me.
Name the last video game you’ve played. Girt and I are still playing Silent Hill 2. <3 We're in the prison area now, so making real progress.
Name someone who has changed your life for the better. The psychiatrist I went to for many years since my partial hospitalization program. I only ever left him because my insurance changed and he doesn't take Medicaid.
Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? Yeah, in German.
Do you ever get carsick? No.
Did you used to watch Blue's Clues? I sure did, I loved it. I got so emotional when Steve's actor published that video a year or two back addressing our generation.
What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I just... wouldn't. Especially if I didn't know the person very well, because I don't know their living situation or if they have access to (hot) water, etc. Also as someone who has difficulty showering enough out of self-worth issues, I just don't think it's a good idea. I guess MAYBE I would if it was someone I was very close to and they were going to like, an interview or something, but I can't even imagine how I'd manage to do it.
Which movie’s musical score is truly memorable? Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron stands out.
What’s your favorite scene from the movie Titanic? I don't really remember because I've seen the movie only once a very long time ago. The last scene is super memorable though, where Rose throws the necklace (I think it was a necklace?) Jack gave her into the ocean. God did that movie make me cry, I remember that well. It's funny, I actually saw it while in the mental hospital and pretty much everyone was crying, like goddamn what a choice for mentally ill people at their worst lmfao
First kiss: quick, sloppy, and forgettable or passionate and memorable? It was quick and painfully memorable.
What is your favorite band's most popular song? Ozzy's is pretty obviously "Crazy Train," and I'm going to assume "Du hast" is Rammstein's because it was featured in The Matrix.
Are you listening to music right now? Yeah, I have "Little Dark Age" by MGMT on. Girt got me into it a long time ago.
Have you ever made the opposite sex cry? Yes.
Do you say the "H" in the word “herb”? No. I did for a very long time though, until I learned considerably late that it's silent.
What have you thought about most today? Girt and how he's coping. He's talked more with me today and seems a bit more perked up, but I'm still worried. I wanna see him really, really bad. This question prompted me to decide I'm bringing him lunch tomorrow btw lmao
If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be: Probably like a little toy computer and a mini model of my iPod. OH and don't forget a pill organizer lmfao
What type of food do you eat at your grandparents? My grandma tended to make all the things I didn't like, honestly, lmao. Though granted we saw each other super super rarely.
I find the thought of childbirth… fucking TERRIFYING and disgusting. "It's a miracle!" no bitch that is horror beyond our comprehension
What sea creature scares you? GIANT SQUID
What was the last thing to make you cry? Thinking Girt was going to leave.
What serial killer do you find most disturbing? Gotta be honest, I don't know nearly enough about like, any in order to give you a proper answer.
Who knows a secret or two about you? Jason, Girt, Mazzy, Tez, Mom... Really any of the VERY few people in my real, face-to-face life who know I RP. I guess the Joel situation I got in as a pre-teen could been seen by some as a secret, especially when SO few people know, but it's not something I'd deliberately hide anymore if it was relevant to share and haven't felt the need to conceal it for many, many years. I'll fully admit I was a backstabbing snake.
Where is your sister right now? I would assume they're home now.
Does anyone regularly tell you they love you? The two very regular people are Mom and Girt, but I feel like Mazzy and Tez do it a notable amount too.
Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? I have multiple, but I am ACTUALLY considering taking them down, amazingly. I really, really am thinking of lessening the decor in my crowded room and making it a more nature-based, peaceful location that I can go to to feel safe and relax soundly.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates.
Do you share your bedroom with anyone? My snake Venus' terrarium is in there, and Roman almost always sleeps with me. He sometimes roams to other places in the house to snooze during the night, though.
What’s your crush’s/boyfriend/husband’s name? Donald Jr. but I've always known him as Girt.
And their occupation? He's worked in a tire factory for like, a decade.
Do you think it’d be cool to have your body mummified after you die? No, honestly. I completely respect the cultural reasonings and even find mummies super fascinating, but for me PERSONALLY, I'd be very grossed out by the idea of it being done to myself.
Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes; I'm buying Girt lunch and bringing it to him at work, and I'm going to try and stop by the tattoo parlor to drop my deposit on my tattoo and get the appointment date!
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? To a degree. Sometimes they're just too excruciatingly ordinary/expectable, but I do very much enjoy a well-written love story.
Would you or do you allow your children to watch television? Yes I would, though especially when young, I would try to set limits. If I have kids, I really don't want them to face a technology addiction like I have. I want them to take adequate time to be present in the real world that is directly before them, experience this one trip they've got on Earth.
Can you read music? Not well anymore. Some things, sure, they've stuck with me, but not a lot.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month? Honestly, way too much. I have been very bad with fast food lately and it needs to stop.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house? Not with my current one yet. He prefers coming over here.
Is your mother diabetic? She is, actually. Runs in the family. Her sugar level is VERY volatile so she can't mess up/miss those meds. It frighteningly regularly goes so low that she has to take emergency measures like glucose tablets and stuff.
Are you? No, but it's something I really do need to watch. I don't think I'm considered pre-diabetic anymore, my doctors keep track of that stuff closely and have told me I'm good right now, but I know I'm still at high risk for it just by genes, personal history, and lifestyle. And I do NOT want it. Diabetes has either affected or straight-up taken too many people in my life.
Would you like to learn how to make ceramic pottery? Eh, not especially. I mean, I'm not AGAINST it, but I'm just not very interested.
Ever sang someone to sleep? No.
What was the last TV show you were hooked on? Lol Girt and I went on a nearly full-day binge of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives the other day when he was here. We have streaks where we just let the episodes keep going and going and going... lol. It's interesting stuff though and always makes us way too hungry.
Have you ever started a book and never finished it? Yeah. I remember in specific I once got pretty damn deep into this MASSIVE book that was a story about a guy who adopted/raised a baby fawn or something like that but I just like... randomly stopped. I do think I tried reading it at too young an age though, it was pretty advanced, even for me at the age I tried it. I just found it with some googling: The Yearling. Apparently it's a classic. Maybe one of these days I'll try it again.
Do you have a favorite drummer? Who? Not talent-wise but I definitely have a bias for Rammstein's Christoph Schneider because he is a fucking PEACH
What about a favorite guitarist? Who? Again, talent-wise I really don't know, but I make it obnoxiously obvious I adore Rammstein's Richard Kruspe because he is one of the most charmingly chaotic and adorable human beings ever sobs I'm not supposed to be into 50 y/o men help
Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? I feel like this would surprise people that know how overly invested I get in some things/people, but I don't and never have. Never even read any. Nothing against it, it's just not my thing.
Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? ^ oh, got ahead of myself
Have you ever thought somebody was plain-looking, but found them attractive once you got to know them better? I initially thought Jason looked kinda weird but then through just loving him he became THE most attractive person on the planet to me when we dated, like genuinely.
What specifically about them made them so beautiful? Look man it took me years to get OVER this dude, I ain't doing this lmfao
What is your #1 dealbreaker with friendships? For a friendship... hm. Being manipulative/gaslighting me over things is a very strong contender. I could also never, ever be friends with a person who thought they were better than everyone else. Well, I could never do that AGAIN. Been there, done that, no seconds please.
Are you interested in fashion? No.
Do you like Led Zeppelin? I enjoy some songs, yeah; "Kashmir" is fuckin legendary with one of the best riffs ever and I also *technically* love "Stairway to Heaven," but it's my #1 trauma-associated song that I physically CANNOT listen to so haven't for many, many years. My mom absolutely adooooores Zeppelin.
Have you ever seen a real-live cop chase? IIII don't think so? Maybe?
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Rooose, what were your thoughts and ideas for the hanahaki plot? I'm dying to know!! :p
heathers anon
Oh okay, I thought you didn't want me posting it because it would involve spoilers! I have copy/pasted your idea about a hanahaki Betty Finn/Veronica Sawyer AU with my thoughts below! :) I think it's a great AU & exploring Veronica's old friendships apart from the Heathers is a really fun concept!
Betty Finn has Hanahaki Disease (I'm assuming you know what that is because I hear you like pain :p), and the person she's crushing on is the one and only Veronica Sawyer. Honestly even without the threat of death looming over her this ship is already angsty as fuck. It starts with the bit in the lunch room (when Veronica bumps into Betty but Betty is the one who apologizes) and then Betty coughs up some petals (btw did you know Veronica, like Heather, is a plant name? I didn't!).
I admit I had to google hanahaki disease when you first sent this but I think I get the idea. I didn't know that Veronica was a plant name! Apparently, (according to Google) it represents fidelity & love
In this story Hanahaki is so rare that the few documents for it have not been translated, so she needs someone who can read and translate either Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Which gets her in contact with the Heathers. Before considering surgery, which is most likely not covered by insurance, she tries a number of ways to kill the flowers growing within her by herself. Not helped by the fact her family, with the exception of her black sheep of a brother, isn't exactly a fan of her being gay (and neither is she because she's religious and thinks the petals is divine punishment. I know jack shit about religion lmao so I need to study!). But ultimately, Betty decides to get the surgery because she feels it's better this way. Veronica's happier with the Heathers - she's even dating one. Betty's a thing of the past. Veronica wouldn't even notice. Besides, she doesn't want to die. So this really is the best option. Even with the side effects.
Ooh this is interesting. I can see it being super painful if she's trying different ways to kill the flowers. Such angst potential! I like the idea of her black sheep of a brother maybe helping her out. Also internalized homophobia & religious themes oof...& when she can't even deny it any more thanks to this disease it gets even more oof
The story starts when she gets the surgery. The main side effect of the surgery is that she forgets Veronica entirely. And Veronica has no idea - she just knows Betty went through a really big surgery and she's trying to be there for her. Y'know, to make up for all the times she wasn't (like her birthday party). I know Hanahaki fics are centered around the victim suffering but MAN poor Ronnie when she finds out OOF. EVERYONE knows about Betty except Veronica. So the fic is just Veronica trying to be a better friend to a very selectively amnesiac Betty, who's falling for Veronica again because this beautiful, smart, sweet girl she has no idea how she knows about her is spending so much time with her and making her feel butterflies.
I almost feel - not worse, but just as bad for Veronica in this AU. You could really focus on her shock & horror when she finds out the reason Betty is going through this which I'm super here for.
My problem is I don't know how long it takes her to realize what's causing her body to do this to her, or that there's a name for what she's going through. Originally I had it all happen in a day (lunch scene, petals, at home Betty writes in her diary wow something weird happened, thinks about it, goes to Martha's for movie night, spends the whole time thinking about Veronica, even more petals, thinks about Veronica at night in bed, comes to the conclusion it's definitely because of that) but that seems way too fast. and I don't know how long timewise I want it to be (a month? several? what season? what year are they actually? does summer matter?) I do have the plot but no structure and a lot of vibes lol aaaaaa
I mean, they are seniors in canon but you don't have to go with that per se though because it's an AU. I say just consider what year makes sense for you. That's my advice. Summer does matter because it wouldn't be the school year. You could still have parts of the story take place in summer, but it's something to keep in mind. You could have this fic take place throughout the school year, maybe? Like, maybe autumn is Betty realizing that she's got this disease. Then winter is her trying to recover & Veronica trying to be there for her. & spring is when the truth comes out & perhaps things start to come together & Veronica knows the truth & they form a relationship? If that's the ending you're going for of course. If it is, there's some nice symbolism with spring being the ending & it's all about new beginnings.
Anyway I think it's a great idea! :)
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