#That's the last time I access Instagram settings through a computer...
yanguazalie · 4 months
Happy New Year everyone!
long story short, my Before Story project isn't progressing too well because drawing adult humans is still a learning curve. I am still trying though... But in the likely chance this doesn't get finished by February I'm going to post regularly again and that project will just get posted when I'm done 🤪
Why February? Because I've wanted to draw a dragon lunar new year pic ever since entering the fandom years ago, nothing will keep me from it!!
Hold on till February!
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eerilyiridescent · 3 months
yesterday my coworker informed me that the average attention span of gen z lasts about 8 seconds now, 4 seconds less than that of millenials. this wasn't that surprising to me, though. I've been really self-conscious of my phone usage lately, especially now that I've been constantly observing how bad it is for the general public
I'm not gonna magically heal this, but I know I'm guilty of seeking instant gratification via social media.
I've done this several times over the course of the last few years, but a couple days ago, I decided to delete most social media off of my phone. I realized every time I do this that I don't actively seek out using instagram. I do, however, impulsively tap the icon when it's on my home screen. that being said, I'm not entirely restricting my access to it. If I wanted to, I can go on my computer to do so. thing is, if I'm at my computer, I don't want to just scroll through social media for long. it feels almost wrong to do so, it isn't as "easy" or intuitive as swiping your thumb up and down.
before I deleted some apps, I tried simply monitoring the time I spend on them. I'd think, "okay, I've got time to kill doing nothing. let's look at what's going on for like 10 minutes!" but it's never just 10 minutes.
in this Business Insider article, researcher Lazaros Gonidis from the University of Kent's School of Psychology explains the obvious: "If someone is playing football for an hour every week, Gonidis said, their brain gets pretty good at estimating that duration and will send signals to indicate tiredness and that the game is finishing soon. With TikTok, people rarely put those kinds of boundaries in place. When they first start using the app, they may watch five videos. But over time, those five videos will no longer be enough to get the same dopamine hit."
I read that and thought "yeah, sure. that makes sense, but why can I set that boundary when I'm doing literally anything else??" although I still easily lose track, I'm somewhat mindful (albeit significantly more than when I'm on social media) of the time passing when I'm watching tv, painting, journaling or anything else.
AND with that said! I will always feel a hundred times more satisfied with my day if I engage in my pastimes to pass time. scrolling through my phone is not and should not be a pastime, but it has definitely become one. a very popular and expected one. and it makes me feel terrible about a lot of things.
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thesidewalksurgeons · 5 months
The Last Sprint
Sprint recap-
This final sprint was very eventful for us, it was quite an enjoyable time. It started off with us having an online meeting with Susan who is the campus coordinator and Corey from university relations. Throughout the meeting we discussed what our progress was looking like, and both Susan and Corey got a chance to tell us about more ways to spread our message. Corey mentioned that she could contact us with VCU police so they could send out a geofencing message. This sounded very appealing to us and we decided to go with it. The meeting was very successful and informative for both the team as well as Susan and Corey. We proceeded to do the in-person polling session outside of the library, like we had discussed in earlier sprints. We set up our computers and asked people to fill out the survey and they were compensated with candy. This plan wasn't the best because we picked a very cold day and everyone, including us, wanted to go home. However, we pulled through for about an hour, although we didn't receive as much responses as we wished it was definitely a learning experience. A part from that, as a team we kept on putting up our posters around campus in hopes they would stay up for as long as possible. Below are some places we hung up our poster designs.
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At this point we really just wanted to make our design visible as much as possible before the end of the course. I must say we did a great job at getting our message out. We got posted on Commonwealth Times Newsletter. Below is a picture of this post.
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The VCU police posted us as well!
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I think that by getting all of these connections we were able to reach as many people as possible. I think that having the VCU police post about our cause was way better than attempting to make an Instagram ourselves, since this is already an established social media account. Like I mentioned earlier, The VCU police began to send out an alert on the LiveSafe app that is encouraged to be downloaded by the university. This message would appear anytime people were near these following areas:
Cabell Library
The Student Commons
Harrison Street Cafe/Village Cafe area
Monroe Park
Cary Street Gym
Bowe Street Deck
This was definitely one of the cooler ways to get the message out, and it is all thanks to Corey and the VCU police. We felt very thankful for their contributions and interest.
As we kept on distributing our posters and we kept on being posted on social media, our stats on our Linktree kept on growing! Even though it wasn't hundreds of people a day, we felt it went better than expected. As of now we have 154 views! which is more than what we had on the day of our in class presentation, I am happy people really did start to take interest in our Linktree and cause.
Something I forgot to mention earlier is that we used Reddit to ask people if they had seen our posters around campus. We got a lot of responses on the post. Most importantly we wanted to hear what the people thought. The feedback we received was very helpful because we were able to print out a different design in addition to the ones we already had. People on Reddit mentioned how the poster lacked emotion, and it felt like we were trying to do the company's jobs in advertising for safety. We took this into consideration and used an earlier design which appealed to a more sentimental aspect of why scooter safety is important. This is the design below.
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We decided to go with this design as well because we wanted the audience to know that it is important to put up your scooter because of accessibility issues. I think this was a great addition to our other designs.
In the end, we really did start to notice a change in the VCU community. The scooter problem has become a lot less problematic. People seem to actually be putting up their scooters! Susan even mentioned to us that she has noticed a significant change since the start of our project. She said we are magical, I thought this was very good feedback and it made me happy to hear that from her.
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What I did this sprint-
For this sprint I really focused on putting up posters as much as possible in areas that I thought were popular. I also kept track of our Linktree to see if what we were doing was paying off. I would also go around and check to see if there were any physical changes, and there were, like I mentioned earlier people have really been propping up those scooters. I think that this sprint we really got to work as a group and we did a lot of group activities. Whether it was meeting with Susan and other officials or doing the in person polling or facetiming each other to discuss what was next.
I feel very happy to have experienced this, I think I worked very well with the people in my team and I couldn't have asked for better. I've said it before, but I enjoy team work like this because of the different ideas that go around. My team was made up of very creative people that shared their thoughts freely. I was very comfortable with them and they inspired me to do the same as them. I am a bit more shy and I take some time to adjust to strangers but they taught me how to break that barrier and express myself in a group setting. I am always a follower in groups, I just listen and I won't make suggestions. However, it was different this time and I enjoyed it even more. I got to learn a lot from everyone in the classroom as well. I feel that as a team we grew a lot. Looking back to the beginning, we were all a bit shy and wouldn't really talk to each other but we did a great job at coming together and making the project succeed. I feel that we got a lot done in this semester alone, I can imagine if we had more time we would continue to do an even better job! Something that is really valuable to me was the support I felt in this team. Even when we reached turning point in our original plan, and we had to change the entire goal, we did an amazing job at redirecting ourselves and we made that transition rather smoothly. I can say I felt really proud of us for figuring that out. I am very thankful for the connections we made this semester, including Susan, Sylvia, and Corey. We couldn't have done it without them and their interest in our project. Which leads me to the conclusion that networking and creating connections is an essential part in making a project come to life. It is important to speak up and share your ideas with people, because there might be someone who is willing to help and give you resources you never knew you could get. Overall, this was a very lovely experience for me and I enjoyed the class and the group very much.
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psychologygirl · 1 year
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication: Internet Spaces as Psychological Mediums
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Hello! My name is Mia and I am currently in a Psychology Class where we learn about technological effects of the internet. I am creating a blog focusing on the question: How does the internet change the way that we communicate interpersonally?
I will dive deeper into topics in regard to the emotions, deception, romantic relationships, friendships, and well-being!
I am going to introduce the term "Computer Mediated Technology" (CMC). CMC is the study of the way that people interact through technological mediums. Internet has changed the way that we communicate tremendously. You are able to learn, date, and form friendships. We are currently in the digital age and no longer need to be in-person to talk with people. Many internet mediums are used as psychological spaces in which you are able to communicate in an intransient sense, that is, communicate that is long-lasting. Compared to transient communication that is short-lasting, like speech. Interpersonal communication on the internet has also changed the way that we think about the mode in which we communicate. Communication used to solely be synchronous, meaning that it happened in real time. However, individuals prefer asynchronous communication, it gives you much longer response time and you can reference what people have said in the past.
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It is important to study CMC and the psychological effects of the internet because alters human behavior. Technological mediums (e.g. Snapchat, Instagram, iMessage) hold important affordances that shape the way humans interact with each other. Affordances are the features and characteristics of technology that affect the way users communicate, and connect with each other online overall! Each platform contains its own unique set of affordances. As mentioned above, Synchronicity is one of the main affordances that technological platforms has. Some other main ones are:
Broadcasting/Audience Access
Internet has shaped interpersonal communication more than we may have previously thought. Diving into and understanding key features of what makes CMC important is crucial to understand how we interact with others online.
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daisyiln3001 · 1 year
Internet Surveillance: Understanding Cookies, Social Media, Digital Detoxing, and a Case Study in the UK
The internet is the worlds largest network that gives individuals, businesses, and government agencies access to an unprecedented amount of information. Much of this information is free to search for with the use of a web browser, and is very convenient to use. However, this access comes the concern of online surveillance, and made the internet a double edged sword for privacy and security.
One of the main ways that internet surveillance takes place is through the use of cookies. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer by a website you visit. They can store settings you may have for a website, such as a login, shopping cart contents, or your preferred language. When you return to the website, the cookies you had from your last visit allows the website to 'remember' you. for example if you selected your preferred language as English, you wouldn't need to reselect anything because the site would automatically set itself to English because cookies were enabled. In other words, the website stay customised to each individual user. Advertisers use this information to deliver more targeted advertisements based on the user's browsing history.
Another adjacent form of internet surveillance is through using social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have access to a wealth of personal information from their users (Meta Privacy Policy – How Meta collects and uses user data, no date). Through making posts and searches on social media platforms, people implicitly agree share information that can be used to create more sophisticated advertising profiles. Social media is also reviewed in background checks by prospective employers.
Taking breaks from technology through a practice known as "digital detoxing" can also help you manage your relationship with the internet and reduce your exposure to online surveillance. Due to the function of smartphones and its capability of being used anytime and anywhere, people spend nearly three hours per day using their smartphone (Markowetz, 2015).
Digital detoxing is defined "as a period of time during which you do not use mobile phones, computers, etc., because you usually use these devices too much" (digital detox, 2023). This can be done by turning off notifications, deleting social media, and disconnecting from the internet for a set period of time each day or each week.This aims to help manage the stress and anxiety that can come with being continually connected. Consequently it can also reduce your exposure to online surveillance.
--(i would like to include a little bit about this case study , but it is public sector, which doesnt currently match my document structure)--
We can better understand the implications of internet surveillance by looking at a case study from 2013 - Tempora. Tempora is the codeword for a program used by GCHQ to tap into fiber optic cables and collect vast amounts of internet data[REPHRASE AND RECITE WIKIPEDIA] .This included the emails and online activities of millions of people. The program was kept secret for several years and was only revealed through the efforts of whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Snowden is a former American intelligence contractor. The documents Snowden leaked showed that data collected from Tempora shared with the National Security Agency of the United States (MacAskill et al., 2013).
What is the Internet? (2022). Available at: https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/i/internet.htm (Accessed: 30 January 2023).
Cookies - Information that websites store on your computer | Firefox Help (no date). Available at: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer (Accessed: 30 January 2023).
webjuice (2021) Social media checks – what are they and why are they important?, Experian UK. Available at: https://www.experian.co.uk/blogs/latest-thinking/background-checks/social-media-checks-what-are-they-and-why-are-they-important/ (Accessed: 30 January 2023).
Radtke, T. et al. (2022) ‘Digital detox: An effective solution in the smartphone era? A systematic literature review’, Mobile Media & Communication, 10(2), pp. 190–215. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/20501579211028647.
Markowetz, A. (2015). Digitaler Burnout. Warum unsere permanente Smartphone Nutzung gefährlich ist [Digital burnout: Why our permanent smartphone use is dangerous]. München: Droemer HC
digital detox (2023). Available at: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/digital-detox (Accessed: 30 January 2023).
Syvertsen, T. and Enli, G. (2019) ‘Digital detox: Media resistance and the promise of authenticity’, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26, p. 135485651984732. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1354856519847325.
MacAskill, E. et al. (2013) ‘GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world’s communications’, The Guardian, 21 June. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/jun/21/gchq-cables-secret-world-communications-nsa (Accessed: 30 January 2023).
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heattie4 · 2 years
Simplisafe Home Security Methods
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
Dream's discord podcast. Basically him answering questions for 2.5 hours. This will sort of be in order but I fucked up my notes so it might not be in order completely. (From 13th May 2021)
For reference the photos at the end are: A prototype of fidget spinner merch as loads of people asked, a reference photo of his favourite merch and a photo he sent of his hair to prove he wasn't a brunette.
•He said his teeth are mostly straight but he's thought about getting Invisalign. He's never had braces. He has a tiny gap in the left side of his mouth and his canines are longer and sharper (vampire arc). He's never had teeth surgery so has his wisdom teeth still.
•He thinks pineapple on pizza is good.
•He likes seafood like lobster and crab. He had crab made in an air fryer last night. He like peas. He thinks quesadillas are good and likes most food.
•He hates Coffee and most drinks
•The Dream Shorts team is Ken who is his personal reminder (Ken's main job is to spam him with texts so he doesn't forget things as he's got a habit of reading texts and not replying) and also comes up with a list of sets for Dream shorts. The builder is a friend and munchymc builder "his talent gets wasted on Dream's shorts but we pay him so"
•His editors are currently Dizzy, Firesale and Mjcr. Willz doesn't edit for him anymore
•The mask animation isn't done but Mask should be released May 21st. He wants to release them together as "the whole song is a double meaning and the whole nuance will be lost without the animation" but no matter if the animation is done the song is getting released on the 21st.
•He and Sapnap eat together often.
•He and Sapnap prefer medium rare Steak
•He wants a home gym it's something he's willing to splurge on. They currently have a weight rack but they haven't even set it up.
•"Eat the rich? Shut up shut up" - Dream
•Talked about money basically saying "Most people don't understand how money works I don't have millions in my bank account it's in assets like merch, land and warehousing for that stuff" (He's not in his landlord arc)
•He's been debating Pride Merch because of Rainbow Capitalism. He doesn't want it too be seen as a money maker and if he does most proceeds would go to charity. He's currently super busy merch wise with Sapnap joining and George in the middle of joining. He did say "Only if the LGBTQ+ community in this community wants it" He thinks he's going to at least change the merch website to a pride one. Sapnap wants to make pride merch including a rainbow flame on his.
•He wants to create a charity that's centered around helping LGBTQ+ one day because he thinks that there's a lack of them. He mentioned that creating a charity was expensive and took a lot and was a complicated process including a board of directors but he wants to do it someday.
•He wanted to buy a bunch of houses in Florida which was a service to house mostly LGBTQ+ youth and people stuck in abusive households for free to get them out of bad home environments. But he didn't because he didn't want people thinking he was profiting of of abuse victims and LGBTQ+ community.
•He said he's terrible with time management and replying to people which is why Ken helps him (and also helps George and Sapnap). He mentioned how Sam messaged multiple times and Dream just forgot to answer but felt bad "I feel like people think I hate them..... Cause I'd be mad if people did that to me"
•He tries to reply to a few texts a day (community number). He also can't do birthday messages everyday because you can only reply at certain times so it's not abusing the system so if you get one it's special. He said he does try but it's got a weird time gap.
•Him and the manhunt winner are trying to come up with a good time to film
•He wants to stream this MCC on twitch and says his team is good.
•He talks about why he's not partnered with Twitch. Basically Twitch has a lock rate (in which you make money) and you legally can't stream on YouTube. So legally if Tommy wanted to stream on YouTube he couldn't. Someone then mentioned how Bad is a twitch partner but still streams on YouTube "Bad streams on YouTube but he has for a while and I don't think that he cares" - Dream
•He likes to reply to every donation he gets on stream and feels bad when he doesn't so he'll turn them off when he streams and wants a platform deal where he can be payed to stream (not twitch). If he gets a streaming partnership he will stream a couple of times a week. He looked in to Facebook but they don't have an alias system meaning you can see everyone's actual Facebook account and personal info, he doesn't like seeing real names on Facebook so it would require a lot of altering if he was to stream there so he's thinking it's probably going to be YouTube.
•He was asked about if his demographic was what he expected and he said he went in with no expectations, he didn't even know what stans were, wasn't really on social media so he wasn't aware of the fan culture. "You guys are a handful sometimes but it's worth it"
•He also mentioned how he and the DreamSMP changed the twitch audience demographic. It used to be male dominated in both streamers and audience and now it's almost split which is unheard on.
•He has 5 fidget spinners in his house. Two in his bedroom. Two in his office. One in the living room.
•He likes his Minecraft skin as he thinks the arm is cook and you never see the rest of his skin really. He says it's unique and different and "me". Dream: You can't even tell half the skins apart on MC.
•He's not lost the motivation to stream. Most of the times if he wants to stream he gets George or Sapnap to do it and he just turns up. It's more beneficial to them as they have donos and subs on. (Don't we fucking know it "can you say hi to")
•He has listened to Lovejoy. Says the ep was great and they're very talented and awesome. Doesn't know what his favourite song is but probably would pick One Day because the chorus slaps.
•RIP to acoustic Roadtrip. He said instead of acoustic Roadtrip we get Mask so no losses today for Dream stans.
•"With Roadtrip I went to Parker and I said Hey I have a story I want to tell through music. I have no experience with that can you help me" He said sure. He crafted the music and melodies and how things are formed where it's catchy. I have less comfort singing that. I love the song and it's my song, it's very representative of me and I'm sure I could sing it but it's a song I'd be kinds of scared to sing live, with Mask I basically did everything. I sat there the entire time and maybe an hour out if the 100 I wasn't in the call. Dream came up with the lyrics and main melody for Mask (First one he's ever come up with) "That was just notes in my fucking voice memos"
•The clip we heard of Mask was a prechorus not the actual chorus. He thinks he'd be more comfortable to do a mask acoustic and it's more melodic than Roadtrip. The chorus also has a lot of instruments similar to Roadtrip. Mask starts of slow and guitar with minimal reverb and is more raw.
• He doesn't want music to be his main thing. It's something fun to do and he's passionate about it as it's a way to express emotions. He wants to release mask then go from there. He wants to release at least one more song but has nothing on his mind currently. His two ideas were Roadtrip and Mask.
•He wouldn't quit his job to become a pizza delivery man.
•His favourite features on himself are eyes or freckles and he also confirmed that he does have eyebrows.
•He was told that Parkour warrior would be bought back some time in the near future and he got excited for it. "Even if I don't win, which I will, it'll be fun"
•Went on about his MCC team but I'm not going to put that in as we should be getting them today. He did say he wasn't on Pink but he did sound confused. (For reference he's always in Pink as it's the last team announced and keeps the hype up by announcing the biggest streamer last)
•Said he and his mum had the Mr Beast burger. He recommends because he likes the avacado. He mentioned how Mr Beast uses "Ghost Kitchens" which is basically where he gives restaurants permission to cook his food so it's restaurant quality food.
•His favourite piece of merch is the circle smile. (The pool photo on Instagram). He said the quality was bad (he worked with a different company and didn't have his own company) and it was elasticy feeling and he's planning on re-releasing it again but with good quality.
•He's started to send merch out in custom packaging. So his bags have the smile and will mostly be green. Sapnap's has the flame and is either black or white. He's also trying to make it so every order has the sticker packs for both him and Sapnap.
•He loves the coins as it's cheaper than a hoodie but still celebrates the milestones and will last a long time. He mentioned how the old coins are getting removed off the site and how if you have any of the coins your special because only a few thousand get made. He's kept around 100 of each coin that he wants to give away in person.
•He wanted to have a cool store where you could access computers that give you access to the DreamSMP in spectator mode. But it's too costly and would require too much time and isn't safe fight now. He doesn't think it'd be worth it financially.
•Most of the hoodie are black instead of multiple colours because of limited supply and covid. Getting the colours are harder because if the pandemic which hopefully won't be an issue soon.
•He wants to do a short meetup tour with Sapnap and George with a few locations in the US (and if others nearby want to join like Quackity or Karl they can). He also wants to visit Australia, UK, Canada, Mexico and Philippines and do something like that there but definitely at least visit with George and Sapnap.
•He's never been to the Philippines but his mum has. He wants to set up a place in the Philippines where he can ship merch in bulk and it would help to reduce shipping. However it would probably be big milestone merch.
•He's not got the vaccine yet but will get it when he needs to. He doesn't leave the house so he doesn't see the point.
•He's the ideas man. George's footcam video was Dream's idea. The T-shirt video was Dream's idea. Most if not all of the Dream Team's videos are Dream's ideas.
•Said he's got a similar/the same hair colour as Froy (Dream buddy at this point the only difference between you and Froy is that one of you is dating Richard Madden /lh)
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lumosandnoxwriting · 3 years
Just Peachy - George Weasley
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Title: Just Peachy Pairing: George x Fem!Reader Warnings: NSFW!! Pegging, male receiving oral, male fingering, slight fem!dom/sub!george, teasing, degradation. Seriously George takes it up the ass if you don’t like it don’t read it k thanks Summary: with the world wide web at his fingertips it’s only natural that George finds something new to try in the bedroom A/N: for the anon who wanted George getting pegged. Like I said in the warnings, George takes it up the ass so if that makes you uncomfy or you don’t like it don’t read! I’m also not tagging anyone as I don’t want to make anyone uncomfy or upset! Feedback is always welcome!
Giving George a laptop and access to the internet turned out to be both a blessing and a curse. A curse because he quickly became obsessed with browsing the internet, and he spent most of his time scrolling away on reddit or with his headphones on, watching some random YouTube video. He could chatter on for hours about a thread he found on reddit or a meme he discovered when browsing on Instagram and once he discovered how to order things off of amazon it got even worse. At least once a day a package containing some random gismo or trinket arrived at the doorstep of their shared flat, and George would excitedly rip open the box and use whatever was inside for a few minutes before jumping back on his computer to order more useless crap.
But his newfound love of the internet was also a blessing. George had figured out how to connect his laptop to the tv in his and Y/N’s bedroom, and every night before falling asleep they would cuddle together in bed, watching some tv program or film on Netflix. Along with George’s obsession with shopping for useless gadgets, he’d started to pick things up for Y/N as well. It was never anything big, a box of her favorite chocolates, a candle he thought she’d enjoy the smell off, a new pair of fuzzy socks for her to wear around the flat in the winter. Just anything he saw that made him think of her.
George’s new love of the internet also did wonders for their sex life, something Y/N welcomed happily.
Along with the random cute presents George started ordering for Y/N, he also started ordering some sexy ones as well. Her wardrobe is now dripping in different sets of lingerie and her underwear drawer is filled to the brim with lace clad panties. Their sex toy collection has nearly doubled in size, with toys for them to use together or on their own being added to the mix. And thanks to George’s Pornhub premium subscription, they’ve tested out some new positions and kinks in the bedroom as well. Some were only a one time thing, others have become a permanent part of their intimate moments, but everything has been pleasurable, nonetheless. It’s made their relationship stronger and helped George ask for things he never thought he’d want, even those that may be a tad unconventional.
George clears his throat as he tugs Y/N closer to his side, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. He can tell she’s close to drifting off to sleep by the way her chest is moving with slow deep breaths and he knows he’ll never get the chance to ask the question that’s been burning on the tip of his tongue for weeks if he doesn’t do it now. “You ever heard of pegging?” he asks into the quiet of their bedroom.
“Like clothes pegs? The things you use to hang your washing up with?” Y/N mumbles sleepily into his chest.
George chuckles and he can feel some of his nerves easing away. “No, it’s like a sex thing.”
“Like putting clothes pegs on your nipples? Sounds kinda hot,” Y/N teases, turning so she can look up at George. “Though I imagine the splinters would be a nightmare to get out.”
“Not quite,” George responds, biting his lip. “It’s, um. This thing where. The girl wears this thing, a strapon, and um. Uses it to. Ya know, fuck the guy.” George’s cheeks feel like they’re on fire, and he looks up at the ceiling to avoid Y/N’s gaze.
“Oh,” she responds quietly, reaching up to cup one of George’s cheeks. She rubs the flushed skin with her thumb soothingly, waiting for him to relax into her touch before she continues. “Is that something you’re interested in? Something you want me to do to you?”
“I. Um. Uh. Yes, I think so. Only if you want to,” George babbles nervously, reaching up to run a hand through his hair.
Y/N grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers before bringing it down so she can press a few kisses to the back of his hand. “Georgie, look at me.” When George finally looks back down at her Y/N smiles softly and squeezes his hand. “You never have to be embarrassed about this kinda stuff with me George. If you wanna try it, we’ll try it. Simple as that.”
George leans down to kiss Y/N briefly. “Just didn’t want you to think I was weird or something.”
“Of course I think you’re weird,” Y/N teases, kissing him again. “But there’s loads of other reasons for that, and none of them have to do with your sexual preferences. There’s no shame here, love. I’ll do some research and then we’ll get down into it, yeah?”
“You’re the best, you know that?” George compliments, settling back into the pillows.
Y/N hums as her eyes flutter closed, letting the sound of George’s heartbeat lull her to sleep. “Damn right.”
Over the next few days Y/N spends every ounce of free time she has browsing different forums and websites, trying to find out all she can to make sure the experience is as pleasurable for the both of them as possible. She watches far more porn than she ever thought she would, spends hours searching on various sex toy websites to find the perfect strapon and she does more research on lube than any person should ever do in their lives.
Y/N keeps everything a secret from George until the day they’d decided would be best to try for the first time. They choose a Friday, that way George will have time to recover from any soreness before he’s expected to be back at work and if they both find it enjoyable, possibly do it again.
While George is at work Y/N decides to grab the strapon from where she’d been hiding it in the back of the closet, so she can clean it off one last time and figure out how to properly strap it to her body, so she doesn’t have to fumble with it later. The harness she’d chosen has a part that settles into her slit, with ridges and bumps that’ll drag across her clit with every thrust. A shiver runs down her spine as the cool leather wraps around her skin and she tightens the straps, adjusting them so they fit tight on her hips and thighs.
“This is kinda hot,” Y/N mumbles as she stares down at the dildo resting at attention in between her thighs. It’s flesh colored and slightly curved, and it’s about 7 inches long and moderately thick. She wraps her hand around it, slowly moving her wrist as if she’s jacking off. “Fucking hell,” she groans as the ridges on the strap brush her clit, her hips jerking forward. Y/N wraps her hand around the base and grabs her phone off of the bathroom counter, snapping a picture to send to George.
Can’t wait to have you begging for my cock xx
George takes his phone out when he feels it vibrate in his pocket, figuring its Y/N sending him a sweet message. Ever since she taught him how to text a few months ago she’s started sending him little things throughout the day while they’re apart. Usually it’s a text to let him know she’s thinking about him or sometimes it’s a meme or a video she found that she figures he’d enjoy too.
So, when he opens his phone and is met with a picture of her hand wrapped around the dildo Y/N plans on fucking him with later his cheeks immediately turn bright red as he nearly drops his phone on the ground. His cock twitches in his trousers and he has to grip the counter in front of him and take a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. That image is going to be imbedded in his brain for the rest of the day, and he has no idea how he’s supposed to make it through the next few hours knowing what’s waiting for him at home.
“You alright?” Fred asks as he comes out of the back, taking in George’s flushed appearance.
George hums and nods, locking his phone and shoving it back in his pocket. “Yep. Just peachy.”
Fred gives him a look but doesn’t say anything more, and George sighs in relief, deciding to go help some customers to keep his mind off of Y/N.
“God damn,” George pants as Y/N grinds down in his lap, his grip on her hips tightening and his head tilting back to give her more room to bite at his neck.
After dinner and some more talking about what the rest of their evening will look like, Y/N lead George to the bedroom to get started. They had stood in the middle of their bedroom for what felt like hours, just kissing softly as they gently undressed each other. Once they were both down to nothing, but their underwear George settled in the middle of their bed with his back against the headboard, while Y/N straddled his waist and started to grind down against him. Now a few minutes later, George is fully hard in his boxers while Y/N continues to grind on him, her lips attacking his neck and one of her hands tugging at his hair while the other pinches and rolls his nipples.
“Feel good?” Y/N teases, twisting the nipple in her hand. George lets out a loud moan and Y/N can feel George’s cock twitch against her. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she continues, kissing her way back up to George’s mouth. Y/N tugs on his hair as they kiss, just letting their mouths move together for a few moments. “Are you ready for more?”
“Yes, please,” George confirms with a nod. He can feel some nerves rumbling in his stomach still, but Y/N’s soothing voice and gentle hands have put him at ease. He hasn’t stopped thinking about this moment since he suggested pegging over a week ago, and the picture Y/N sent him has only  made him more excited. “Want you to fuck me, Y/N.”
A shiver runs down Y/N’s spine at George’s words, and she kisses him briefly. “Patience, love. We gotta get you ready first. I’m gonna go get dressed. Want you to take your boxers off and lay back on the middle of the bed, yeah?” Y/N kisses George once more as he nods, before getting off the bed and heading into the bathroom attached to their room.
The strapon and lube are already waiting on the bathroom counter, and Y/N takes a deep breath as she shimmies out of her panties and grabs the strapon. She decides to keep her lacy black bralette on, as it’s one of George’s favorites and Y/N knows seeing her in it drives him wild. Y/N secures the strapon like she did this afternoon, groaning as the nubs rub against her clit. She’s already fairly turned on just from the grinding and she can’t imagine it’ll take much for her to cum once she’s fucking into George. She looks at herself one last time in the mirror before grabbing the bottle of lube and heading back into their bedroom. George is completely naked now, laying back on the bed with his head propped up by their pillows so he can watch Y/N’s every move.
“God you’re gorgeous,” George groans as Y/N comes back into the room, his eyes raking over her body. The leather straps wrapped around her skin make her thighs look even more divine, and his mouth waters as he takes notice of the dildo jutting out from between her thighs. “This is way hotter than I thought it would be.”
Y/N giggles as she settles on the bed between George’s legs, tossing the lube onto the bed next to him. “Yeah? You like my cock?” she teases as she hovers over George, attaching her lips to the base of his throat. She thrusts her hips against George slowly, letting the dildo drag against his cock.
George gasps as the dildo drags across his warm skin, a shiver running down his spine. “Shit that’s cold.”
“Sorry, baby,” Y/N apologizes as her lips start to trail down his chest towards his nipples. She lets her hot breath just barely breeze across one before she flicks at it with her tongue. George lets out a low moan, prompting her to give his other nipple the same treatment.
“It’s okay. Felt good,” George stutters out as Y/N takes one of his nipples into her mouth. He can feel the precum collecting on the tip of his cock dripping onto his stomach, and he thrusts his hips up, desperate for some friction.
“Gotta be patient, baby,” Y/N coos as she starts to kiss further down George’s body. “I’ll take care of you, don’t you worry.” Y/N presses a kiss to the tip of George’s cock, pulling away when he groans and thrusts his hips up into her touch. “Don’t be naughty, George,” Y/N warns as she grabs the lube.
George licks his lips as he watches Y/N spread the lube on her fingers, his legs automatically opening a bit wider. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
“Better be,” Y/N responds as she tosses the lube aside again. She grabs the base of George’s cock with her clean hand, leaning down and sucking the tip between her lips as one of her fingers circles his entrance. She takes him down fully as she sinks the first finger into him, the noise he lets out going straight to her core.
“Oh,” George gasps as Y/N starts to bob her head on his cock, his brain focused on the way her finger feels as it moves inside of him. “Feels good,” George moans, grinding his hips down against her hand. “Feels different, but good.”
Y/N hums around George as she continues to suck his cock, the hand on the base of him twisting as she adds another finger alongside the first. She’d read many guides on the best way to prepare someone, and she moves slowly, wanting George to feel as good as possible.
Y/N works at opening up George for a few minutes, getting up to three fingers into him while her tongue teases the tip of his cock. His hips are rocking down against her hand feverishly, and little mewls are leaving his lips as his chest heaves with deep breathes.
“Fuck me please,” George begs as Y/N crooks her fingers inside of him, his hands fisting in the bed sheets. His whole body feels like it’s on fire, and he’s ready to move on to the next step.
Y/N pulls off of George’s cock and looks up at him, groaning at how beautiful he looks. His chest his flushed red and his hair is messy from his hands running through it. “Yeah, baby? You ready for me to ruin you with my cock?”
George chokes on a moan as Y/N pulls her fingers out of him, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly empty. “God yes, please. Need to feel you inside of me. Wanna be full of your cock, Y/N.”
“Such a desperate little cock slut and I haven’t even fucked you yet, baby,” Y/N teases as she lubes up the dildo. She lets out a quiet moan as she strokes it, the little nubs and ridges on the harness giving her some much needed relief on her aching pussy. “You remember the safe word, right baby?”
George nods, a whimper falling from his lips as Y/N presses the tip of the dildo against his entrance. “I remember, yes,” he confirms, taking in a few shaky breaths.
Y/N grabs one of George’s knees, pushing his leg to the side to give her more room. “You ready, baby? Ready for me to fuck you with my cock? Turn you into a little cock whore?”
“Please,” George begs. He’s rock hard against his stomach and he’s desperate for Y/N to finally sink into him. “Oh my fuck,” George moans as Y/N’s hips push forward slowly, not stopping until the dildo is in him completely and the leather straps are digging into the backs of his thighs.
Y/N rubs George’s hips soothingly, watching his face contort into some mixture of pleasure and pain. “You doing okay, Georgie? Talk to me baby.”
George slowly pushes his hips down against Y/N, a moan falling from his mouth at the sensation. It burns slightly, but in an amazing way, and George feels full in a way he never has before. “Feels so fucking good,” he whines, pushing his hips down against Y/N’s in a steady pace. “Need you to move, Y/N fuck. Please. So full of you, so full of your cock.”
“Fucks sake,” Y/N moans as she starts to move her hips, slowly pulling out of George before she fucks back into him. The noise George lets out as she starts to fuck him goes right to her core, and the feeling of the nubs rubbing against her clit prompts her to slam back into George harder. “You like the way I fuck you, Georgie? Like how my big cock stretches you out?”
“Merlin, yes,” George moans as Y/N starts to move faster one of his hands coming down to stroke his cock in time with her thrusts. “Love the way you fuck me, Y/N. Feels better than I ever thought it would.” George wraps one of his hands around his thigh, pulling his legs up to his chest. The new angle allows for Y/N to fuck into him deeper, and he lets out a long whine as the tip of the dildo finally brushes his sweet spot. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, right there Y/N please,” he begs, as he tips his head back against the pillows.
“Such a fucking slut, baby,” Y/N teases as she starts to fuck into George harder. The bumps and ridges on the harness brush against her clit roughly, and she can feel her wetness dripping down onto her thighs. George looks absolutely ethereal, and it does nothing but push her closer to her own orgasm. His chest is red and covered in a sheen of sweat and the noises falling from his mouth are going right to her core.
George groans as the tip of the dildo brushes his sweet spot with every one of Y/N’s thrusts, and he releases his cock so he can grab his other thigh and bring his leg up to his chest, allowing Y/N to somehow fuck into him even deeper. “Only for you, Y/N. Love being your cock slut.”
“That’s right, baby. My little slut.” Y/N can feel her orgasm approaching, and she wraps her hand around George’s cock, stroking him in time with her thrusts, her thumb rubbing over the tip and spreading his precum down the shaft to make her hand slide easier. “Fuck, George. ‘M gonna cum. Come on, baby. Be a good little cock slut and cum on my cock.”
Y/N’s hand on his cock pushes George over the edge, and he can feel his walls clench around the dildo as he cums, pleasure rolling through his body. Her name leaves his mouth in a loud shout as he shoots his seed all over Y/N’s hand and his own stomach.
“Fuck, George,” Y/N moans as her own orgasm washes over her, the rhythm of her hips stuttering as the pleasure rockets through her body. She releases George’s cock as soon as it stops twitching, letting her hips slow to a gentle roll before pulling out of George completely.
George releases his legs and lets them fall back against the bed, inhaling slowly as he tries to catch his breath. “Fucking Christ, I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard.”
Y/N giggles as she crawls up George’s body, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Glad you liked it, because it was so fucking hot, George. Like so unbelievably hot.” She kisses George again, running a hand through his sweaty hair. “I’ll be right back, yeah? Gonna grab something to clean you up.”
Y/N comes back from the bathroom a few minutes later back in the panties she’d taken off earlier, with a washcloth in one hand and a glass of water in the other. She hands George the water with a smile as she settles between his thighs.
“Thanks, love,” George murmurs before taking a sip, nearly chocking as Y/N runs the warm washcloth along his bum. “Could have given a guy some warning,” he teases through his coughing fit.
“Sorry, love,” Y/N giggles as she wipes up his stomach. Once George is clean Y/N tosses the washcloth on the floor for them to deal with later, before crawling back up the bed. “So, feel good?”
George places the empty glass on his bedside table before pulling Y/N into a deep kiss. “My arse is a little sore but other than that yes, incredible.”
“I’ve got some salve you can use tomorrow if you want. Figured it might come in handy.” Y/N pulls back the covers so she and George can get into bed, letting him pull her onto his chest. “I love you, George.”
George chuckles and leans down to press a kiss to Y/N’s forehead. “I love you too, Y/N. Thank you for not thinking I’m a weirdo.”
“I told you,” Y/N muses with a laugh as George grabs his wand, giving it a flick so the lights in their room turn off. “I absolutely think you’re a weirdo, a weirdo who looks super fucking hot cumming on my cock.”
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sophiainspace · 3 years
Mick & Zari 2.0 + social media
My Zari 2.0 voice seriously needs work, but I couldn’t resist a ficlet for this…
Someone bangs loudly on Zari’s door one evening. When she finally extracts herself from Catchat and opens it, she comes face to face with Mick. He’s managing to look even more sullen than usual. “The Rogues are on the internet,” he grumbles.
Zari blinks at him. “The who?”
“My old crew. I wanna know what they’re up to. Explain it to me.”
She tilts her head at him. “And what makes you think I won’t leave you in the dark out of respect for their privacy?”
Mick laughs. “Privacy? You? Nah. Anyway, it’s all public. It’s… whatsit. Social murderer.”
“Media,” Zari corrects patiently, because she knows Mick only does that as a defense mechanism, and she understands the need for shields and masks. “You seriously want to see what an old crew is doing? Why do you care?”
Shuffling from foot to foot, Mick shrugs. “They’re kinda like the Legends. You know - family. One of ‘em might as well be my baby sister. I helped raise her for long enough.” His gaze drops to the ground. “She put a thing on Twitter.”
Zari feels herself grin. “Oh! You want to spy on your little sibling using the considerable power of social networking. That, I can help with. Come in.”
Mick frowns as he follows Zari into her cabin. “I’m not good with the internet.”
“You write books, don’t you?” She opens her laptop. Probably better to start with a decent computer screen, than on a fiddly phone. She doesn’t even know if Mick knows how to use one of those.
“Yeah. On a typewriter.”
Zari sighs - she can already tell that this is going to be another evening like the torturous night she spent trying to explain TikTok to John - and opens Twitter, setting the temporal software to access the feed from September 2021. She pats the empty seat beside hers. Mick sits down at once, all awkward limbs in the small-ish chair, which is kind of adorable. “Okay. What’s her username?”
“Huh.” Mick stares up at the ceiling. “Gideon, what was the name on the thing she sent me?”
“Golden_Girl_85,” comes Gideon’s amused voice.
Zari pauses. She knows that username, a little too well. “Golden Glider is your surrogate baby sister?”
Mick sits forward in his seat. “Yeah. How d’you know her?”
Probably best not to tell Mick that Lisa Snart is quite the Twitter celebrity, in his time. Nor is Zari going to mention that she used to look up influencers through history for ideas, and ended up with a serious crush on the Golden Glider of the 2020s. “Oh, news compliations from your time, that kind of thing.” She fills out the search field, bringing up Lisa’s latest posts. “Is that the tweet she sent?”
Peering at the screen, Mick shrugs. “Couldn’t open it. Looks about right.”
Dressed in a gorgeous gold-studded leather jacket and perfect understated makeup, Lisa Snart is beaming at the camera, holding open a big duffel bag. If it were anyone else, Zari would be asking if those were real diamonds. She doesn’t bother. “She needs Instagram,” Zari murmurs appreciatively. “Or Catchat, but that won’t be a thing for a while, for her. Shame.” She catches Mick looking at her like he’s about to start glaring. “Well, that’s her account,” she says quickly. “I’d like to say it’s unwise of her to post stolen goods, but I have a feeling she knows how to cover her tracks.”
A rare smile breaks out on Mick’s face. It’s almost proud. “Damn right, she does.” He pokes the screen. “So I just go to Twitter and I can see her stuff, right there?”
“Yeah, if you can remember her username, but what you really need is to follow her.” Zari’s fingers fly across the keyboard, even as she’s internally bemoaning the lack of decent voice control. Ridiculous 2020s computers. “Let me set you up with an account. Hmm.” She smirks at Mick. “What do you want for a username? Firestarter_70?”
“I hate you for knowing when I was born,” he grumbles.
She pats his arm. “You couldn’t hate me if you tried, sweetie. And soon you’ll have just as much delicious free access to everyone else’s personal information.” She turns the screen so he can see his profile better. Well, he did turn up without his reading glasses. “There. One Twitter account, nice and anonymous. Now you can stalk as many of your old co-workers as you want.”
Mick narrows his eyes. “I want one of those little pictures.”
Zari manages not to smile. “A user icon? Sure. A photo, or something symbolic?” She doesn’t wait for an answer, scanning through search results for Heat Wave. She’s delighted to find a very artistic hand-painted image of the heat gun. She is not going to explain fan art to Mick. “There.”
Mick nods. “Ahhh. Good.”
“I’m glad you approve. And now I’ll just set you up to follow Golden Glider, and then we’re—”
“And the others.”
Zari sighs. “You want to follow the other - what did you call them - Rogues?”
Another firm nod. “That’s right.”
Her cursor hovers over the search field. “Got any usernames?”
Mick grunts. “One’s called Weather Wizard. And there’s Axel - can’t remember his code name. And Boo.”
Well, those are some ridiculous names. “You have a friend called Boo,” Zari echoes flatly.
“Ain’t her whole name. Peek-A-Boo.”
Any minute now, Zari is going to give up sighing, and take up growling like Mick. “Let’s see who Golden Glider is following.”
Mick’s eyes are wide at the screen. At least he’s entertained. “And then - what’s it called, the one Len liked. Facebook.”
Scrolling through Lisa’s following list, Zari gives Mick a defeated nod. “Fine. I can show you how Facebook works. Well, I can try. It’s a graveyard in my time.” She laughs. “It’s near enough a graveyard in your time, but I’ll give it a go.”
Mick nods in approval. “And what’s the one Rosa’s got… Instagram? She wouldn’t stop going on about it when I was in Central City last.”
Zari tries to imagine Mick Rory on Instagram. She has a hard-to-ignore fear that this is not going to go well. “Fine. If you promise not to post there.”
The put-out grunt is kind of cute. “Why can’t I post? Maybe I got pictures to show people.”
“Because you will offend the entire world, all at once,” Zari tells him absently. “Probably with something unhelpfully misogynistic, and not everyone knows you well enough to see the good heart under all that posturing. Do you know someone called Ragdoll?”
Mick yelps and covers his eyes. “No pictures of that clown!”
He doesn’t look much like a clown to Zari. More like a very skilled contortionist. Still, filing away the potentially useful knowledge that Mick isn’t keen on clowns, Zari keeps scrolling.
Two hours later, they’ve found all the various accounts of the Rogues, and Mick is using Facebook like he was born for it. Which, given his age, seems about right.
“Now TikTok,” he demands, bouncing in his seat. “The weasel told me he’s got a video there. If he gets a video, I want a video.”
Fascinated to have found out exactly where the limits of her patience are, Zari shows Mick out.
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vventure · 3 years
Happy Without Me
Pairing: Ukai Keishin x f!reader
Summary: Keishin invites you over to have a talk just a few months after your break-up, sharing with you how he’s changed.
Warnings: semi-dark, obsessiveness, stalking (ish), delusions, kidnapping if you squint, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1050
A/N: This is for the @haikyuucreations Valentine’s/White Day Collab! You can find all the pieces here.
A/N 2: This is something completely outside of my comfort zone in terms of feel and genre. It is inspired by the song Happy Without Me by Monsta X, and I decided to take a darker route with it rather than angst. I hope that you guys like it/give it a shot. I’ve been feeling really uninspired lately, so it was nice to get the brain working again. :) (also i didn’t proof-read this and it’s obvious how much of a kpop hole i’ve been in that my recent come back is based on kpop)
The heel of your shoe clicked crisply against the shining tile of the small convenience store as its fluorescent lights washed over you, immediately driving daggers into the backs of your eyes as your vision adjusted. In the years you’d frequented this place, your body had never become accustomed to the artificially bright atmosphere. It was something you didn’t miss now that it wasn’t part of your daily routine.
Was this a mistake, coming to see your freshly-ex-boyfriend? What was his angle in getting you to come over? To apologize for what happened? To rekindle what once was?
The text made you restless; instead of laying peacefully in bed you paced your apartment until the rug was warm to the touch. In the end, the battle within you crowned curiosity the winner over sense. You just had to know what Keishin wanted to talk to you about and you’d pick up the pieces of your heart and self-esteem later.
The voice was familiar, yet foreign in it’s newly gruff, worn-down timbre. One glance at the blonde-haired man behind the counter had your eyebrows knitting. His hair was greasy and all over the place, his jaw perpetually set even as he mechanically inhaled and exhaled the tobacco smoke created by the lit cigarette between his lips.
Dark eyes drank in your figure, still visible through the wisps of smoke obscuring his face. An unpleasant sensation slithered along your spine at those small black pools, sending waves of goosebumps along your skin.
“You look lovely,” he said--no more than a murmur--as his tongue lapped over his dry lips and his nimble fingers squelched the cigarette into oblivion in the ashtray.
“Nothing,” he inhaled, rubbing his hand over his face and beckoning you forward with two yellowed fingers.
Something in the way his eyes were locked to yours, coupled with the silent command, compelled you to step forward. The edges of your vision blotted out your surroundings as you approached the low counter Keishin always seemed to be perched behind, today being no exception. This close, you noticed the circles beneath his eyes and how much he smelled of his bad habit. Had it gotten worse? When was the last time he’d done laundry or taken a shower?
“Ar-Are you okay? You look sick,” you ventured, instinctively stepping through the swinging door that granted access to the back of the counter, your steps stuttering when you noticed the small reading nook you’d created many months ago was still intact. A fresh blanket was carefully folded atop the dented bean bag as if waiting for your return.
“I’m great,” he responded without emotion, turning in his chair to peer at you again. “Can we talk upstairs? This is too...public.”
“There’s no one here,” you said, scanning the computer screen that projected the view of the myriad of cameras adorning the ceiling. “We’re alone.”
“Please? For me?” Soft, chocolate eyes scanned your face, his pallid complexion brightening for a moment. Just a moment.
Something small--something ignorable--tugged at your stomach, but your head was already bobbing a yes, and Keishin’s hand was already clasped securely around yours, and you were already in his small loft apartment letting him close and lock the door behind you. 
“Please, sit,” Keishin prompted, using his hands to gesture to one of his dining chairs sitting facing the door. The rest of them were nestled soundly against the table, indicating he’d pulled this out for a special occasion and you couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled past your lips.
“Are you going to interrogate me? Where’s the lamp?” 
“Please sit, I just want to talk.”
His hands were wrapped tightly around the back of the chair, knuckles chalk-white through the cracked skin of his hands.
“‘Shin, you’re scaring me.” This time your laugh was more strained, less jovial.
“You’re safe here with me, princess, don’t worry,” He cooed, releasing the chair to stroke down its wooden sides softly, as if to show that he meant his words.
Heaviness settled upon your chest, making each breath a little more difficult to obtain as you walked towards him once more, hesitantly turning your back and sitting.
You reasoned that this was Keishin after-all. Up until the last months of your relationship he was a sweet, caring boyfriend who would protect you with his life if it came to it. What reason could you have to doubt him now? He’d always been a safe place for you to rest your heart.
“I saw the pictures you posted,” he nearly whispered, stepping around the chair to squat before you. “You looked like you were having fun.”
“Pictures? On instagram?”
“Mhmm, the ones you posted for me,” his hands crept up your thighs and fiddled with your fingers, distracting you from his words for a moment until they registered. 
The man before you when you looked up was not Ukai Keishin. A gleam had found purchase in his once-warm eyes; a malicious, even malevolent, gleam. The corners of his lips were tugged up haphazardly, uneven and almost...unhinged.
“For you?”
“I get the message you’re sending, Y/N. You drink to forget how good you had it, yeah?”
“What are you talking about--‘Shin are you sure you’re okay? I’m scared,” you replied, a tremble lacing your voice. The beating heart within your chest threatened to shatter through your ribcage and out into the open air as your hands instinctively ripped away from his.
“I’m great, princess. I figured it out, even though you’re really good at hiding the code. I knew you missed me.”
“‘Shin, I-” He wasn’t wrong on that part. A small section of your heart would always be reserved for him, but missing him outright? He had to be mistaken, gravely mistaken. And what was this about a message?
“I missed you so much, I never stopped thinking about you. About us, about what we had and still have. That’s why I asked you over.” The words came tumbling from his mouth like wasps out of a disturbed hive, crawling and stinging over your exposed skin as confusion manifested into fear.
“I need to leave-” Came your faint squeak, punctuated by the cold press of metal around your wrist.
“I hate to see you happy without me.”
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realthinker · 2 years
INSTAPAYZ REVIEW- Could It Be This Easy? ( An Honest Review From A Real User).
Press “One Button” = Activate The Instagram “Hack” That Forces
(WITHOUT Needing To Take Photos Ourselves!)
No Waiting…
No Extra Expenses…
No Bullcrap...
And It's 100% Legal.
Hello guys, welcome to my InstaPayz review page. This is where I would inform you and give you a detailed scope of this New-to-Market product, I will also uncover some secrets about this product that most reviews would not provide you with. So stay tuned and read calm.
Many people would have liked to know, if it was possible to make money from some sources which would have seemed UNIMAGINABLE. But guess what, it is now possible. With InstaPayz it is now availably made possible. Let's get started right away.
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InstaPayz- if you have been struggling to earn, and have relentlessly tried your best but still to no avail, this is exactly what you need. It’s finally 2022, but are you fearing it’ll be no different from the last? Are you tired of constantly spinning your wheels, and NEVER making money online? Wish you could find the one “magic bullet” that’d allow you to succeed? If you answered “yes”, then this may be the most important letter you’ll read in 2022. Instapayz simply makes earning much faster, easier, effortless, stressless, more effective for you.
What Exactly Is InstaPayz? ------------------------------------------------------------
How Does It Work? (Could it be this easy?) -----------------------------------------------
Get To Know The Creator Of This Amazing Product. ---------------------------------------
My Own Personal Experience As A User. --------------------------------------------------
Pros and Cons. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Final Take On This. -------------------------------------------------------------------
How To Get Discount and Bonuses On Product. -------------------------------------------------------
What Exactly Is InstaPayz?
InstaPayz is a kind of software with a "hack" that actually forces instagram to pay you without having to do a thing. InstaPayz Is A COMPLETE system. You get everything you need to profit from scratch, so you don’t need to spend a dime extra on those pesky upsells
All you need are two things:
▪An Internet Connection
▪Access To InstaPayz
Once you have those two things, you’re all set!
InstaPayz is compatible with ANY device, computer or laptop (as long as it’s connected to the internet it will work).
So do not just give up, there’s still a way for you to succeed in 2022…
So what am I talking about here?
I’m talking about an underground secret that’s creating multiple online MILLIONAIRES. It’s been hidden from the general public
And those who do know about it are making bookoo bucks…and are keeping quiet about it...
They're earning:
Tens of thousands
Hundreds of thousands...
Some are even making millions.
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So you can not just sit there feeling cheated, you've gotta do something about it.
How Does It Work? (Could it be this easy?)
InstaPayz is a software that generates tracfic to your instagram pages and gets you paid instantly, without any effort at all!
Step #1
Buy InstaPayz ASAP
Get yourself a copy of InstaPayz during our launch offer for an exclusive discounted price
(This low time price will increase once the launch is over.)
Step #2
Register an account on the software with the email you used to purchase and be up and running in minutes. (It's As Easy As ABC...)
Step #3
Generate Traffic
In one simple click, generate traffic for your instagram pages with no effort at all.
There are still some cool features of InstaPayz.
▪Beginner Friendly System
Whether you have 2 years of experience or two weeks, it doesn't matter… InstaPayz gives you everything you need to start getting results from scratch.
▪Works Anywhere In The World
As long as you have a computer and internet connection, you can take advantage of this $143 per hour Instagram “hack”. Whether you’re in Kenya, India, USA, Mexico, or anywhere else, InstaPayz will work for you.
▪Just A Few Clicks To Activate
This is something so easy even a 10 year old could do it… Because it takes just a few clicks to activate InstaPayz. It takes about 2 mere minutes of your time to activate.
▪100% Legal To Do
We’re practically forcing Instagram to pay us hundreds per hour, whether they like it or not… And it’s 100% legal to do.
▪Zero Expenses Required
There aren’t any hidden fees or strings attached. No buying expensive equipment. NONE of that crap. We give you everything you need...
▪No Upsells Required
You don’t need to purchase any upsells to make this work, everything is included inside of InstaPayz.
▪Works On Any Device You Want
Our application works on the internet, therefore it works on any device that’s connected online… This includes Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, or any other phone or tablet that can connect online.
We’re Just 3 Clicks Away From Receiving $143.79 Per HOUR With Instagram
Click #1: Get InstaPayz: Access InstaPayz Online On Your Computer Or Mobile Phone
Click #2: Activate: Use The Same Loophole That’s Paying Us $143.79 Per HOUR
Click #3: Receive: They Get Paid To Their Bank Accounts Or PayPal.
If you pick up a copy of InstaPayz right now, you’ll pay just a low, one time investment. That gets you full access to InstaPayz. And there are ZERO extra fees involved here. So right after you take action, you’ll be ready to succeed. >>Get It Now<<.
Get To Know The Creator Of This Amazing Product.
InstaPayz creator is Wesley.
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Wesley Virgin is a 39-year old investor and a self-made millionaire. He is a United States Army veteran and a physical trainer before he got himself into making digital courses.
Over the past 10 years, Wesley Has built a following over a million men and women, sold hundreds of thousands of digital products, earned $30,000,000 in one year and has been featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur and Buzzfeed. But the most impressive part is his fool proof Overnight Millionaire system that helps tens of thousands of enterprisers quickly get their mind aligned with success.
It’s always good to have a healthy level of skepticism. So how do you know that he is qualified to help you succeed?
For one, he has gotten over $78 million in revenue online.
He has been earning online for over 13 years now.
These are quite appalling but these should trigger you to stand up to the reality of what faces you right now!
He actually shared how he just accidentally discovered this hack which could force them to pay him. In case you don’t know about him, he worked as a tech guy for the US Military…
He liked to play around with computers… And one day, he stumbled upon a little loophole/hack inside the Instagram servers… and that was it!
On The first day he used it, it made $23.79
(It was quite low, but you gotta start somewhere)
The Second Day, he earned $67.09
(The profits nearly tripled, not bad…)
The Third Day, he earned $156.87
(His first hundred dollar day…)
The Fourth Day, he earned $204.09
(The profits still kept increasing each day…)
Also to make sure this system worked perfectly he handed it to beta testers and within 7 days they all made money.
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My Own Personal Experience As A User.
Actually, when I first heard of a software that could get me insane money, I was quite annoyed because based on what I have heard and seen so far many people that claim they will help you make money are majorly scammers. But after I heard about this product from one of collegues at work, he sounded pretty convincing so I finally decided to try it out. While I was thinking of the usual, regular scamming methods, I came to discover that this particular product was uniquely schemed, not the way regular scammers do it but this time in an unusual way. So I became so much in a hurry to find out what my curiousity would fetch me. So I went ahead to purchase the product and then... I started running into $45, $93, $174, $202... I could not believe it was real. I went ahead again to purchase for my brother and then... things began to blow up, up, up, up and up!! Far beyond my imagination.
So I would say that this software is totally easy-to-use and newbie-friendly. As you can see from what I have said so far, it is undeniably easy and simple to follow and I find no difficulty using InstaPayz.
In case you are feeling confused, this product comes with a step-by-step training which is truly easy to understand. I’m sure you will be able to get started with this InstaPayz right away without any hassle! This is no normal media platform, instead it is full of other outstanding features
With the top quality stock media and the low one-time payment, this software already stands out from others. However, the best thing about this software is you can also earn extra online with it by uploading your own media and get paid. If you wonder how you can drive traffic to your offer, the creator team has the inbuilt traffic system inside for you! Make the purchase right now and you too can get the same awesome features and experience I have. You will never regret this decision.
Believe me, InstaPayz is the tool to get you a failproof route to success.
No more relying on expensive & time-consuming methods that bring minimal results.
Most importantly, no more waking up to zeros. This is not just another rehashed method. There are plenty of those in the market, that is why they decided to create something different.
Pros and Cons.
Pros: ♢Our Members Have Made $54,436.32 With This Instagram “Hack”
♢Works On ANY Computer, Phone Or Tablet
♢Zero Extra Expenses Required
♢100+ Beta Testers Profited
♢Even TOTAL Beginners Are Making Money
♢100% Legal & Ethical
♢ZERO RISK: 365 Day Money Back Guarantee
♢We’ll Pay You $300 If You FAIL…
But please try your best not to fail because you will obviously earn more than $300.
And Here’s The Best Part…
Because there are no additional expenses involved… You get to keep EVERY penny of profit.
That means, no paying for:
1.) Hosting
2.) Autoresponders
3.) Tracking Software
4.) Solo Ads
5.) Traffic
Or anything else that costs you additional money.
Cons: Nothing is without a con but the thing is... this one would not stop increasing your earnings!!
To Get It >>Click Here<<
Final Take On This.
In conclusion, if really you are tired of struggling, going back and forth, being confused, watching endless videos, unable to figure anything out, being financially unstable... this is your best opportunity to finally let the problems, headaches, uncomfortability, etc. all go.
You must make good use of this green, sappy opportunity to your maximum advantage. This product also help boost your followers on instagram. So why not take it!
How To Get Discount and Bonuses On Product.
Buying the product through my link automatically opens you to an affordable discounted price.
>>Click Here<< to get it
Once you have bought the product through my link, send me an email at [email protected] and I will send it via mail right away!
This is to state that this article contains affiliate links, and you will ve buying from my link, and I will be gaining commissions from your purchases. Thank you.
3 notes · View notes
tomtenadia · 3 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 10
Hello everyone! Chapter 10 is finally here and is a good 5k words. I hope you will enjoy. we finally get to know a bit more about Rowan and Lyria and yes, we get to meet her... have your rotten veggies at the ready.
Things are still a slow burn but our lovely are taking one step at a time... they have still too much to deal with. But we almost there. I promise.
Happy reading!
A couple of days had elapsed and Aelin was on her way to the bookshop with a box in her hands and a smug grin. Once inside the she noticed it was empty. “Rowan?” She called but no reply came. Where the heck was he? “Rowan?” She shouted louder “The shop is open and there is no one around.” With a thus, she dumped the box on the desk and the backpack behind it and went looking for him and found him five minutes later in the back of the shop, deep in conversation with the delivery man. He noticed her arrival and turned “What?” He asked at her annoyed expression. “The shop is unmanned.” Aelin explained, pointing at it with her extended arm. “It was just for five minutes.” Was his excuse. She stormed away and went back to the front of the shop getting ready for another day. Quietly she walked around the shop and took great care in fixing some of the display that looked a bit sad, then she took note of what needed replenishing and restocked some of the most popular titles. They had a few busy days and hoped for a repeat because she was enjoying herself immensely.
“I am back.” Rowan had finally reappeared. “We have been quite busy yesterday, I was just replenishing some shelves.” With a big grin painted on his face he took her hand and dragged Aelin to her history display showing her that her book was now sold out thanks to her display. “I won the bet?” She jumped in excitement, clapping her hands in front of her. “You definitely did and I have to treat you to a massive lunch.” “Told you.” She folded her arms and he smiled back. “I admit my defeat.” Rowan’s hands went up in a yielding gesture. “Good, because I have a present for you.” She walked to the counter and grabbed the box for him while he joined her at her side with a curious expression painted on his face. “Open.” Aelin gave him the box. Rowan opened the box and froze when he noticed it contained a mobile phone. “I don’t understand.” He looked at her. “It’s for you.” Slowly he opened the box and took the mobile phone out “Aelin, this is an expensive gift. I would have bought one if it really meant a lot to you.” Aelin shook her head “No, this is a present from me.” Then searched his eyes “And there might be a little bit of a selfish reason in it.” His expression was puzzled. “The night of the storm, I woke up and I was terrified I wanted to call you and realised I couldn’t. Sometimes I am reading a book and I want to share my reactions with you in the moment and I can’t.” Rowan held the mobile in his hands not sure what to do with it, but Aelin went in his help. She began showing him all the buttons, then switched it on and set it up for him. “Enter you code.” Rowan looked at her, again as if she was speaking a secret language he did not know. “It’s a four digits code that you use to access the phone. You can also set up your fingerprint recognition, but we can do that later.” “When is your birthday?” He asked with curiosity. “September 15th.” “So, 1509 it is” Aelin laughed and entered the code for him. After that she spent half an hour going through all the functions of the basic apps and how to download more. Then she went to the contact list and added her phone humber. “This is my number. Now you can call me and text me whenever you want.” She turned to him and his smile had her toes curl. A moment later she was beside him and pulled him closer and instructed him to put his arms around her neck. Rowan complied and in addition placed a kiss on her temple and in that moment Aelin took a picture of them. That picture became Rowan’s home screen “Perfect,” she muttered, pleased by her job then she turned and gave the phone to him. “You are all set up. You will have to select a ringtone.” “I need to decide which song. Can I add any song I want?” Aelin nodded “Once you have chosen, let me know and I will do it for you.” Rowan played a bit with the piece of technology in his hands that still felt alien to him. “I also have another idea.” She said timidly “Facebook and Instagram,” and again Rowan’s face was one big puzzle and she thought there was something incredibly fascinating in the fact that he didn’t have a mobile until half an hour before and had no clue about the whole world of social media. He was a rare human being. “They are platforms where people share things. Facebook you share things about you and Instagram is for photos.” Rowan flinched. He was not keen on sharing his life on the internet. “But not for you. I have a feeling you would not like that. I was thinking about the bookshop.” She explained “We can create a Facebook page for the shop, on there you can share book recommendations, you can write reviews and talk about new books you get in. You can promote the shop. Instagram you can use it to share photos of the shop and also promote books.” She continued and saw interest dawn on his features “You can advertise your shop on the visit Outer Hebrides website, so if you have tourist browsing for things in Stornoway you will appear in the list.” Rowan was staring at her in amazement “I love the idea very much.” Aelin smiled and launched herself to his computer “Good, now go and deal withe the customers while I work my magic.” “As you wish…”
When Rowan came back from dealing with the customers he noticed that Aelin was very busy at work on his computer. “You know that I will need that soon?” “Paperwork can wait.” She replied not even lifting her head to look at him and Rowan used the moment to admire her a bit more. Everyday since they had started talking, she had surprised him. In every possible way. And now she had gone and transformed into his marketing agent “Why do you care so much?” He was curious. This was not her business but she seemed to have decided to help him in every possible way. “Because independent bookshops are something precious. You are the only one on the entire island. Or at least the only one this big.” Rowan smiled at her and her eyes seemed to turn even more blue. “Speaking of which… orders… You know you could have someone create a website for you and people could place orders online?” Rowan cringed a bit. He was so old fashioned it was pitiful “I don’t know…” his hand scratched the back of his neck. “Ro,” she said, coming away from behind the counter and stopping in front of him. He realised that he actually liked when she called him Ro. “Think about it. You could extend your business from Lewis all the way down to Barra. Other islanders could buy your books online and you’d post them. Of course the postage is at their expenses, but even large bookstore chains do that.” He could kiss her. She was brilliant and he could just kiss her. “I have a friend in London who can help you with the website. You can speak of the phone, he can send you ideas via email…” he noticed she stopped. “Please tell me you have an email.” Rowan rolled his eyes “I might not be evolved enough to have a mobile phone, but I do have an email address and I can use the internet and I buy things online. I am not that much of an underdeveloped oaf.” And he noticed that Aelin began laughing and her laughter was music to his ears. “Sure. Now stop talking. You got customers.” “Yes, ma’am.” and he flashed her a military salute. Once he was done he walked behind her and stared at what she was doing at the pc. “This is you Facebook page.’ And she showed him what to do. How to create posts and update pictures. “So, do I just… talk about books?” Aelin nodded and Rowan took a step closer to her. His chest was not hard against her back. He thought for a moment she would react badly but she surprised him when he felt her leaning into him. His right hand clenched and unclenched at his side resisting the urge to run his hand against her arm, to tuck her rebel strand of hair behind her ear. He restrained himself and just leaned his chin on her head and chuckled. “What? Making fun that I am shorter than you?” “No.” He chuckled again “Just loving that you are the perfect size to fit under my chin. Sooo comfy.” Aelin turned and slapped him gently on his shoulder “Stop mocking my less developed height. Not everyone can be a giant.” “Yes, Fireheart.” And he placed a kiss on the top of her head. “What did you call me?” “Fireheart, you know, like the Queen from Cursed Kingdom.” Aelin looked at him with an expression that he could not decipher. “You remind me a lot of her.” “Because I am hot like her?” Rowan did not reply “You have fire in you. Like her. You are both these amazing women, strong-willed and intelligent…” She was staring at him and he finally removed that lock of hair from her face and his hand lingered a bit longer on her cheek. How could he have fallen so badly for her in such a short time? His head bowed slightly, while his stare was fixed on her lips, imagining how she would taste. She looked up at him, they were so close he could feel her breath. He was about to close the last remnant of space, when someone came into the shop. The two of them jumped apart and Rowan cursed the bad timing. He wanted to kick out the customer and claim the kiss he was robbed of. He stared at her while helping the customer and could not believe that she was leaning into the kiss. She wanted it too. Did it mean she had made her choice? What about Elias? She was still seeing him and could not ignore the sting of thinking of her in the other man’s arms. He was jealous. That was crystal clear. While she was busy he went back to the computer and had a look at her project and he was impressed. She had posted some photos and wrote a lovely blurb about the shop. “What do you think?” She asked, sneaking under his arm so it then was around her shoulder. “I love it.” He said softly. I love you.
A few hours had passed and around lunchtime Aelin had begged Rowan to close and go to Maeve’s to claim her victory meal. Rowan yielded. It had started to slow down a bit so they could afford to close for lunch. “Come on greedy guts. Let’s go and feed you, before you take it out on me.” In response, she gave him a massive toothy grin and grabbed his hand.
By the time they arrived a Maeve’s they were much closer and Rowan had an arm around her shoulder and Aelin was snuggling against him. Her excuse was that she loved his smell and she was trying to cover her clothes in it. “Well, if that’s not a surprise. So I guess you two have finally finished to kill each other.” Said the woman walking them to a table in a corner. “Yeah, I decided that I can keep him alive a bit longer.” “Gee, thanks Fireheart, I am so honoured by your goodwill. I am thy humble servant.” Aelin smiled “Now, stop talking, Buzzard. It’s food time.” She grabbed the menu and began reading. “Buzzard?” Aelin lowered her menu and glared at him “Yeah, when you are mad you have this predatory expression. You look like a bird of prey.” He took the menu from her and hid it behind his back. “Give me my menu.” “The magic word…” “Buzzard…” she stared in his green eyes. “Fireheart…” he returned the menu to her. “I am starving.” And at that Rowan scoffed and Aelin pinched his arm. “What?’ He squealed at the gesture “You are always hungry.” “Now shush.” She told him placing a finger on his mouth. Rowan gave her a few minutes. She was hunched over the menu and her blonde hair had spilled freely in front of her. With his hands he pulled her hair away from her face “How can you read with this wild mane of hair covering your eyes?” Then he pulled all her hair on one side and started braiding it in a nice neat braid and aelin was impressed at his skills. “Hairband?” Aelin removed the hairband from her wrist and Rowan tied her braid. He had lost control. He was aware of that. But he could not stop touching her. He needed the contact with her. After a while Aelin finally made up her mind and placed her order and Rowan did the same, albeit a more normal quantity of food. Once Maeve brought the plates Aelin was ready to dig in as her stomach had started to growl in protest. They were chatting and eating happily when Rowan froze when the door of the cafe opened and noticed who had entered. Aelin recognised the woman as well and under the table Aelin grabbed his hand showing him support. She had noticed his reaction and she wanted him to know she was there for him. Aelin noticed that it was another one of Maeve’s colleagues who served the brunette and not Maeve herself. She had a suspicion that was his aunt’s way to express her displeasure at the woman without being overtly rude. “Rowan.” Said the woman walking toward them and sitting down at the empty chair at their table. Aelin wanted to bite her head off and kick her away for thinking she had the right to sit down with them. In challenge she brought the hand that was on Rowan’s on the table, right in front of the woman’s eyes. It was petty but she did not care. “Lyria…” he finally managed to say something. Lyria looked at Rowan for a second but then her gaze shifted to Aelin and in particular on the had she was holding. His hand. “So, who is your friend, Rowan? Aren’t you going to introduce me to her?” She leaned back on the chair almost in challenge. “I am his girlfriend.” And Aelin put an arm around Rowan’s shoulder and kissed his cheek to prove her point. Rowan in the meantime was stone-faced and silent and she knew she had to fight the woman alone. Well, bring it on. She squeezed his hand almost in apology and her heart ached at his expression. One moment they were having fun, a moment later he looked like a broken man. “What do you want?” He finally managed a sentence but his tone dripped hate. “So you did manage to forget me in the end.” She whispered, but luckily for them the place was quiet “Although I think your tastes have declined a bit.” Aelin was about to punch her. Who was this woman? How could she judge someone she had never met? “I thought you liked women with… more meat.” Lyria grabbed a couple of fries from Aelin’s plate in plain challenge and gave her a smirk that brought rage through her. “I am glad I finally found a real man.” She continued, not caring about the pain she was inflicting on Rowan “One who does not spend his time reading fairytales.” Eventually Lyria stood and went to collect her order, say goodbye to Rowan and leaned toward Aelin “Bye stick.” Aelin jumped up, ready to inflict a beating, but Rowan grabbed her hand. “Leave her.” His tone was strained and that’s all she needed to sit back down and swallow her pride. “She just called me a stick.” Aelin growled “I have curves and boobs.” She sighed and crossed her arms at her chest “What a bitch.” She grabbed one of her fries and dipped it in ketchup “And how dares she touch my food?” Rowan chuckled and finally looked at her. And what she saw in his eyes hurt her. He stood “I just… I need to get out.” He was about to leave but Aelin stopped him ‘I am coming with you.” Rowan shook his head “I need a bit of time alone. Please.” His green eyes were sad again and she just wanted to go to An Lanntair and slap the woman. How dared she treat him like that?” “Okay.” She touched his face and leaned in the touch and Aelin thought it was progress. At least he was not pushing her away. “I’ll call you later.” He kissed her cheek “I am sorry…” “Go. I’ll be fine.” Rowan nodded and left.
Aelin finished her lunch, paid Maeve and left the cafe with renewed purpose. She marched to An Lanntair. She entered the venue and walked to Lyria trying to fight the urge to punch the woman. “Out.” She ordered. Lyria looked at her confused. “Follow me. Outside. Now.” Her voice was a command. Once the two women were outside Aelin finally let go of her anger. “How dare you?” Her voice was full of rage “How dare you treat him like that? Do you have a heart? That man loved you. You were engaged to him. How can you be so mean?” “You are definitely not his type.” Lyria said with a bored expression. Aelin growled “What I am does not matter. What matter is how you treated him and I cannot stand that.” Lyria laughed “Gods, you are in love with him. You just fell for the most boring man alive.” Aelin’s hand clenched “he is not boring. He is a very interesting person, and he is funny.” Lyria’s mocking laughter reverberated in the street “Funny? Rowan funny?” “Maybe he was not funny because of you. Maybe you are the boring one.” Aelin spread her arms and challenged her “Maybe you are the one who is not his type. He likes them with a brain, by the way.” And this time she noticed a reaction in Lyria. “Well, if you love him so much he is all yours. I haven’t had any need of him in a long time.” Aelin was second away from inflicting some form of physical pain on the woman, but then she noticed Lyria’s expression change and a veil of softness appeared in the lines of her face “He was a good man before his injury, and I believe he still is. But after his injury he had to stop competing and something broke in him.” She looked at Aelin “I still loved him deeply at the time. The shop became his new dream. I followed and supported him for a while. He proposed and I said yes, the realised that I was in love with an old version of Rowan and I just left him.” Lyria sat on the bench in front of the community centre “He is a good man. He is sweet and caring. He is perfect for someone.” She finally confessed and Aelin could note a spark of the love she once had for him “But not for me. He became this man obsessed with family and after he proposed he started talking about the future. Our future. He wants the whole romantic deal. I didn’t and I still don’t care for all of it. He deserves to be with someone who can give him that.” Her brown eyes now bore into Aelin’s “And if you can’t give him that, don’t even start this relationship. I hurt him enough. He does not need more pain.” And with that she left and Aelin was stunned at the woman’s words. She felt like crying. She had to talk to Rowan but she had no idea where he went. A text could get her that answer but she doubted he would answer. He clearly needed time alone. So her steps took her down to the marina, she watched the morning ferry dock and people disembark, then with new resolution walked back to the bookshop and opened again without him. The afternoon felt wrong. Not having Rowan in the shop left her with a sense of emptiness. Later in the evening, Aelin was about to switch off the pc and close for the day when she noticed his screensaver. Recognition dawned on her. It was a picture of Butt of Lewis and, if her mind was not playing tricks, she had heard him once mention the fact that he loved that place. She had her answer. Quickly she closed up the shop, locked the door behind her and swiftly ran home. A gut feeling told her that Rowan was at the lighthouse.
It was half an hour later when she arrived at her destination, and when she spotted his car she knew she had been correct. But now doubt settled in her. He had clearly come to this place to stay alone and think and she did not want to intrude. But she could not remove from her mind the hurt expression she saw on him at the cafe. She had to do something. Try at least. And if he’d end shouting at her… well. She’d take that. She got off the car and slowly walked to him. His back to her he was sitting at the edge of the cliff and he was staring at the sea crashing against the cliffs. She was behind him when she heard his voice “I am okay.” He said gruffly. Aelin’s chest tightened. That was not the voice of a person who was okay. Quietly she sat beside him in silence. And for a while they sat side by side staring at the sea. He would talk when he was ready. She was not going to push him. “So, I opened the shop all by myself for the afternoon.” His head whipped to her side and she could spot a weak hint of a smile. “And we had a successful day. I placed a few orders for you and I think I got Miss McKinnon obsessed on a couple of series.” Rowan did not say anything, he just grabbed her hand and pulled her to him “Come here.” A moment later, Aelin was sitting between his legs, his arms wrapped around her and his chin on her shoulder. “I am sorry.” He whispered “It’s just…” Her hands were on his on her abdomen “Shh… no, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain yourself.” His arms were tighter around her and she leaned into his chest. “I had a chat with the bitch.” She felt him stiffen at her admission “I gave her a piece of my mind.” “I have no doubt about it.” “Ro, what happened to you? She said you changed after the injury.” Rowan sighed behind her. For a moment she thought he was not going to answer. That was a far too personal question but she needed to know more in order to understand this wonderful complicated man. “I was good. I loved swimming.” He told her “There had been talks as well for me to compete in the qualifiers for the Olympics. I was living the dream. I was still in Glasgow and had to balance uni and a professional sport but everything was perfect.” The pain in his voice was now clear and deep “Then I got back here and I did manage to continue to train. Lyria became my girlfriend and she loved the spotlight.” He sighed again “What I told you the other day was not the complete story.” She squeezed his hand, she hadn’t told him her whole story either “I kept competing for a while and I did manage to get into the qualifiers for the Olympics. Then one day my life just crashed and all went to hell. During training in the gym I was doing weights. An idiot bumped into me. I dropped the weights suddenly and ripped muscles and tendons. I needed surgery and in a matter of days my dream of the Olympics was gone. Recovery took a very long time.” Aelin gasped “that bad?” Rowan nodded “Butterfly stroke was my specialty. It’s a complicated one and after surgery it became impossible to do it again.” “I tried it once. I looked like a demented whale. It was embarrassing.” And finally she heard Rowan chuckle. “I took it badly and for a while I was… cathartic. But Lyria still was beside me. Then the idea for the bookshop came. I had always loved books and I thought that was the way for me to follow a new dream. And you know the rest.” Aelin twined her fingers in his “It’s a nice dream.” “It is.” “I think Lyria always resented me for my injury. I was famous in town and she loved being stopped and having other girl jealous at her for being with me.” “So I assume her current boyfriend is a Hollywood star.” Rowan squeezed the hand back. “I doubt it, but definitely someone with money and a big job. She… likes to be spoiled, and me being a professional swimmer paid a bit more than being a lousy bookshop owner.” “You are not lousy.” Her head turned and searched for his eyes, to tell him how much she believed him. “She sounds very shallow.” Rowan sighed again and Aelin felt a pang of guilt for making him talk about a part of his past life that clearly still did hurt “She wasn’t always like that. She changed a while ago. Her company of friends had changed and they became a sort of bad influence.” The wind had started to pick up a bit but Aelin had no intention of going back home and she decided it was time to tell Rowan her complete story. Her full reasons for moving in the middle of nowhere. He had opened up to her, she owed him at least that. “My story is not complete either. I told you about my failed marriage, but there is another reason while I escaped.” Rowan kissed the top of her head “You don’t have to.” “Yes, I do. You told me yours and I need to tell you mine. I want us to be honest to each other.” He gave her a squeeze in response. “I told you I was a doctor. I was working in St. Mary’s Hospital which is one of the major trauma centres in London. I slaved to be able to work there. They had a limited numbers for interns and I did manage to get in. Once I was officially a doctor I started to slave to make my way up the ranks I kept working like a madwoman and did all I could to become one of the best. Then a few months ago our head of department announced he was going to retire. And I knew I was going to fight to get that job. I wanted to be the head of the cardio thoracic department. It was my dream, my goal. At the interview I thought I had the job. Two days later I get a phone call telling me that unfortunately the position had been given to another candidate.” Aelin breathed out to calm the rage. “I would have accepted it if they had chosen a candidate better than me. But they didn’t” “Let me guess. Daddy’s little boy or girl got it.” Aelin nodded “The son got it. This idiot who barely made it through med school got it because his dad pushed for it.” Aelin stood and began pacing feeling the need of release all the anger that surged in her every time she talked about that “I was in the middle on the divorce with Chaol. This was the last nail in the coffin. I kept going back to work but I hated it. So much.” With a swift movement Rowan stood and stopped her, placing his hands on her shoulders making sure she was facing him. “Then one day I saw a picture of a Scottish island and I decided that I was out of there. I took a sabbatical. Two week later I was on a plane to Glasgow. A week later I was here.” And the tears came back in full force. Rowan’s arms went around her and she sagged against him and wept until she was spent. “I am glad you came.” That was as much as Rowan could manage to tell her that he was madly in love with her. Baby steps, he kept telling himself. They clearly were far too hung-up on whatever happened before and they both needed time to heal, but he felt like they were finally getting there. Having Aelin in his arms was wonderful enough. He was happy to take anything that she was willing to give him just now. Even if it was just embraces, caressed or holding hands. He would wait for her. “Ro, when I said girlfriend before…” “I know, it’s fine.” And he squeezed her tighter then kissed her head. “I have an idea that will cheer you up hopefully.” She looked up at him and gave him a big smile “I am all ears.” “Tomorrow is Sunday and you know everything is closed on the islands and so is my shop. So, how about an adventure?” Her arms were around his neck in an instant “Yes!” “Let’s go back in the car, it’s getting cold and I’ll tell you my plan.” Aelin ran and Rowan laughed. And a few minutes later they were on their way back. “So, we are leaving the islands tomorrow. We are taking the ferry back to Ullapool. There are a couple of amazing spot that I want to show you. We need to take the ferry at 8am which means check in will be from 6am. Will you manage?” “Are you kidding me? I’ll be up and ready whenever you need me to.” Rowan’s hand went on hers and smiled her back “Good.” Once back in town Rowan drove Aelin home, feeling overprotective and all. She got off the car and he followed her in front of the house. “I’ll come and pick you up at six, is it okay?” “Perfect.” “Wear something comfortable but also layers and a windproof jacket. The forecast for tomorrow is really good, but it’s Scotland.” Aelin nodded. He brushed his hand gently against hers “I’ll se you tomorrow.” Aelin kissed his cheek “Tomorrow then.”
Once she was in the house she squealed in delight and texted Lysandra with an update. She was giddy. And finally happy.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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I know there are guys like this, Melissa thought to herself, guys like this all over the place. Guys that collect pictures of girls, built girls, save them all on their computers to do...ewww...whatever it is they do with them. She had some guys like that, still, she knew, as Instagram followers, even on her new, now-private profile. There was a smattering of guys, she knew, who basically stalked her, perved over her every post. She tended to indulge them, from time-to-time, throw them a little bone here or there, some cleavage, whatever. It was fun, for a while, she’d get a kick out of it, casually teasing these guys who simped for her. But it had kinda gotten old. Now it was more her friends who seemed to love it, love seeing it, love laughing at the guys. It was harmless enough fun, and these men were just sorta silly and pathetic. I just didn’t think Dr J was one of them…
She had needed to see for herself, have some time to process. It was eight AM but she’d needed to see for herself, all these pictures of her that Randi and Marisela told her he’d supposedly been hoarding on his office computer. On a Tuesday like this one she’d have plenty of time; he’d be doing his rounds at the hospital until mid-morning, when he’d return to the office. She’d closed his door so she’d be undisturbed as the other girls drifted into work. Melissa knew she needed to come to terms with this, and see what was on his computer for herself, especially after what Marisela had told her about what was going on….that kinda made her mad, too.
Okay, there it is, right where Marisela said it’d be, she thought. On his hard drive, the folder labeled “Protected”. Let’s see if this password works...
oh, my…
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For some reason Melissa had found herself earlier this morning, while getting ready, almost unconsciously putting on heavier makeup, applying more layers of gloss and lipstick than she knew she should. She’d found herself pulling out a striped red dress, one that cinched too tight to her waist which - despite everything else getting bigger these days - seemed to be, if anything, slowly disappearing. This dress clung too tightly to her torso, she realized, its horizontal stripes only emphasizing the size of the bust she’d packed tightly this morning into her new, bigger bra. This dress was also wayyy too short, she knew, revealing too much of the long, flawless legs that she’d tanned to a deep olive in her week in the sun, sculpted in the gym to heavily-muscled perfection. It covered her overly-shapely rear, she also knew, but left little to the imagination as to its full size; her ass had grown huge, recently, and this dress surely did nothing to hide that. The heels she chose - yellow and too tall, really, to be appropriate for the office - would only highlight the muscle tone of her already large calves, make her glutes look even fuller, shift her weight to pull her shoulders back, further emphasizing her bust and exaggerating the already unmistakeably feminine aspects of her gait. Her hair, as well, she’d fluffed out more than usual this morning...why? The one thing she found herself foregoing, though, was perfume. I’ve been making enough of that myself, already, she’d thought, I don’t need it.
Oh, no, look at all this, Melissa lamented, finally opening the folder labeled “Melissa” and then audibly gasping at its contents...countless pictures of her. Where did he find it all? How much time has he spent collecting these?? She began to scroll through the thumbnails, everything from current images grabbed from her Instagram to old modeling pics he must have found in the internet to...where did he ever find these ones from Hooters?!?
Suddenly she was overcome when an image of him - sitting in this very chair, looking at these pictures and rubbing himself, sliding his hand into his pants - flashed into her head.
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Is that what you do with these? Why else would you be...collecting them? Oh, Dr. J...not you, too?
As she marveled, wide-eyed, beginning to grasp the enormity of his collection, of just how many pictures of her he’d accumulated, it dawned on her: he also has dozens upon dozens of pictures of her in a bikini, from the past week - on his ph-..oh, wait. Oh god. He’s downloaded them all into here already...there’s a whole folder, a new one, called “conference”. 
Part of me wishes they never told me...
She flashed back, for the moment, to early yesterday morning, Monday in her new office with Randi and Marisela…
“...we got in last week, finally, Marisela cracked it,” Randi had said, “I just knew he’d have a porn stash. But that there’s so much of YOU in it…?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry Melissa,” Marisela had added, “The guy’s a total perv. We’ve known that for years…”
If nothing else she marveled, as she scrolled through the thumbnails, at his diligence, I haven’t seen some of these in ages. 
Another image flashed into her head, again him sitting at this desk with these pictures - god, he’s much smaller than me, isn’t he? He wouldn’t fill up this chair nearly as much as I do -  with his pants unzipped, pulled down his hips, he’s groaning. Looking at these pictures, zooming in on that one. 
His legs are so skinny compared to mine, she thought, as she felt her own body unconsciously flexing, his arms and shoulders so thin and weak. 
Why...why did this make her shiver a bit? Why did her mind keep picturing him...wanting to see him when he’d opened up this folder and started to-
But he shouldn’t be doing this! It’s like cheating on his wife. No matter what’s going on between him and Sheryl, he’s still a married man. Melissa could understand why Sheryl’d be mad. Yes, but…
Melissa flashed back again...
“Why are you so shocked?” Randi had asked her, “They’re all like this, every single one. Every single boss you’d ever had.”
At first, she admits, she was shocked. She couldn’t believe what they’d told her, shown her with the screen caps from his desktop - it can’t be!! this is the honorable, upstanding, respectable Dr J!! He’s not like the rest of them, all those other guys, is he?? Obsessive, fixated...
After the initial shock, the disbelief, she got kinda angry - she took this job thinking she was going to be valued for her brains, education, skills. She thought this job would allow her to develop in ways that other jobs, with other bosses, hadn’t. She’d always been a special girl, different from the rest. She had a unique way, she knew, of “growing into the job” - it’s what her mother called it. “Rising to the challenge of a new endeavor” she’d said, become what would allow her the greatest success. Problem had always been, though, that the best way to succeed at her old jobs had turned out to be the same. At Hooters it made sense, even in high school. But with frustration she’d found the same thing happened to her at Nordstrom’s, at the DMV, and at the Dealership. Instead of getting smarter, learning more, becoming more able and capable, she’d just gotten...curvier. Added cup sizes, inches to her hips. This job, after finally getting her degree, was supposed to be different. But now, seeing this screenshot of dozens of pictures of her from her boss’ porn stash, she was finally convinced that, once again she was hired just for her tits. She knew, of course, that he’d found her attractive. That he, being just a guy, could be pretty easily manipulated if she set her mind - and hourglass figure - to it. That she could get what she wanted at the office, be successful in her new position, because of her appearance. That would explain the two - no, three - new sets of bras. Why she’d torn through her yoga pants last week. His tastes were for curves upon curves...lots of guys’ were. And she figured she was growing faster here than at the old jobs because, well...she had become his friend. She’d spent more time with him. She’d grown to, well...really like him, more than she’d ever really admit. So maybe there were other things fueling her, uh, developments. But, again - he was married!
It was so confusing!
She could help it, another image came to her. This time he was still here alone in his office, maybe after hours, doors locked, knowing he’s alone - but now he was blatantly jerking off, pants down, around his ankles. Jerking off and leering at these pictures of her, this time looking - ohh why is this doing this to me?? Making my heart race?? - even smaller. He seemed to be shrunken, a small, small man, wide-eyed and staring, unblinking, at his screen. He was grunting, like a little animal, and shaking back and forth with his efforts.
She flashed back again...
”I know, I know,” Melissa had said, bemoaning this new situation, as if she was grieving some loss, “I know I had him up on a pedestal. I know it was maybe unreasonable. But now….now what am I supposed to do?”
“Missy, relax,” Randi had replied, “Just think- who was able to take him down off of that pedestal? Who did he have pictures of on his computer in a folder that he’s accessed...look at this...more than -four hundred- times? You! You! Face it You got where you are not just through hard work at school. You did hard work at the gym, building yourself in other ways. Despite everything you rose up at Hooters, at the DMV, at the dealership. You are YOU, and that’s what’s bringing you all this success. You as a person, your mind and your body.”
”I guess you’re right…” Melissa had said.
“Of course I am,” Randi had replied, “Use it all, use all you got. Not just your degree-“ At that she’d reached out and grabbed Melissa’s huge breasts, hands sinking into her pliancy, “but these too! Women have to use everything they have to take what they can get.”
The next image, in her mind, was one where he’s dramatically smaller still: How did he even get into the chair? He’s so little... His feet, dangling above the ground, hovered over his pants, now in a pile. He’s naked, in fact, and he’s so small he can barely see over the desk to the monitor, can barely reach his mouse to scroll, to click, to open picture after picture after picture of her. His groans and grunts have changed to whines and he sounds so needy as he’s trying and trying and trying to-
Groaning herself, Melissa was nearly overcome with the thought, and had to catch herself from sliding her hand between her own thick, bare thighs. What was this warmth? What was this subtle swelling in her chest? Why is this doing this to me?!? 
She flashes back again
“I guess it can't be helped, looking the way I do...” Melissa said, still in half-pout.
 “Don't feel bad, Missy, this is good,” Randi said, as Marisela just watched, observing these two, trying not to judge, learning, “Look at these folders he has - it’s not all of you. Look at all these pictures, these videos. It’s...worshipful. He’s in sheer awe of these women, and you’re one of them.”
Melissa nodded, new wheels, gears in the machinery of her inner self that she didn’t know existed, cranking to life, beginning to turn.
“You can use this to your advantage - to our advantage,” Randi added, encouraging her friend. Though remaining quiet, Marisela’s own pulse had begun to race, listening, hearing the subtext, thinking back on the conversations she and Randi had had. For her own part, Melissa’s feelings were still conflicted. Petulant anger and outright female outrage were at odds with the genuine affection she felt for him, an affection that more and more had been turning into...something deeper. A tugging at her belly. Something rich and wonderful she saw blossoming, when she closed her eyes and thought of him...thought of holding, thought of-
“If he honesty gets off to this sort of thing,” Randi pressed on, pointing at folders in the screenshot image from his desktop, folders labeled “Breast Expansion” or “Amazons” - “if that’s what he really wants....well, Missy. You could make him the happiest man on earth...”
Original morph in the first image by Migsanch, and help with some of the dialogue by Antares.
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yaypinecones · 4 years
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Here are fan made fetch moduses. They’re not mine but it gave ideas what they would look like and write my own descriptions. Feel free to use them as you wish :)
Camera Modus: It can take pictures on one focused object to 35-50 cm away on the fetch modus card camera (top right). After taking a picture, it would create a clone of the object on your captchalogue inventory. It can be a great practice to take pictures, just don’t take pictures of yourself.
Instagram mode- It doesn’t really do anything special except put any radon filter in your fetch modus over what it displays. It’s dumb, but hey it gives you a ton of likes. likes actually don’t exist in your modus or an app for it.
Snapchat mode- I’m not sure why you would need filters to captchlogue an item. If you use this one, I definitely recommend the dog or flower crown filter.
VSCO mode- It’s more about the aesthetics to be honest. Not for those who dresses up in long over sized shirts with a bunch of poofy hair ties and purposely drop their water bottles to make weird noises
Limit: can take 10 film inventories, more than that can eject the last inventory. The object you want to captchalogue has to be on the cameras focuse or else the picture would look blurry and would not clone the item.
Book Modus: A simple modus that comes with a actual book. When you captchlogue an item, it would gives you their description and their captch code. It would also receive a page inside the book as it could give more its abilities, uses, history, common location, and combinations with other items. Pretty useful and it’s possible to captchalogue the book itself. You don’t wanna carry it around all day.
Academic mode- Yup all that math, science, language arts, health, and history you’ve read for school is coming back to you. What sucks is these books are the books you’ve read before when you were younger...so they’re probably out dated. Which sucks.
Encyclopedia mode- AKA Wikipedia, Dictionary, or Thesaurus if you want to call that. Basically find what word you want and look through the entire book to find what it means or what’s similar to it. I doubt you want find the amounted of pages it has because it never ends. Sometimes too much words can lead you the short end of the stick or just completely lost.
Journal mode- A thought of someone their own writing to collect their ideas and observations. You can make your own journal if you want. Like writing down what your doing or your grocery list. Actually just write what it feels like to you.
Magazine mode- Now we’re on the good stuff. Good stuff as in gossip and trends. What? At least there’s something to entertain yourself than looking through those stressful words every single to time. You just need to relax and read the latest celebrity gossip. OooOo.
Newspaper mode- Wait how can there be a newspaper in a book? Well at it lets you know what happening daily in other places or locally. Contains huge headlines, unnecessary words, really big photos, and a lot of advertisements.
Limit: There’s no storage limit on this fetch modus but it’s recommended to have 12 items. Unless if you want to have a bunch of words thrown into you to the point it becomes a encyclopedia. Also item eject? What’s that? Uh oh.
Money Modus: This lets you store any item but you have to access the item by inserting a specific amount of money. It is very different in every item. Isn’t it a mix of an ATMs and a shop? I don’t know, but at least they are in a reasonable price. This is not meant for cheap scapes. Sometimes the capchalogue item is has the similar price to real life price list. [Ex. A real life a fridge cost $1,000-2,000]
Currency change mode- Your not sure why people need a specific currency. This setting is so stupid, it makes you wonder who needs this?
Bank mode- Yes you heard it right, you can store money in this fetch modus. It’s great for people that has no where else to store their money. This can be your own personal piggy bank.
Limit: This has unlimited storage. The bigger and expensive the item, the more expensive the price you need to access the item. The more you store items, you need to spend a lot of your money. No, you cannot argue the card to lower the price ya silly goose.
Mask Modus: A modus where you wear many persona’s. The mask are in variety in colors that represents a certain character. You can also type a certain personality on your own personas. To capchalogue an item, you have to match a certain persona that matches or similar to the item.
Limit: The maximum storage contains 16 items. Over 16 items would refuse the recent item unless you remove an item or combine one of them. If successful, the item would be capchalogue and freely gain access with wearing a mask. If your didn’t match a right mask or was unsuccessful, the modus card would eject the last item you capchalogued at you.
Binary Modus: You can summon any item by converting the letters into binary coding. This modus must be navigated manually and you can also search for item numbered too.
[Ex. 01001001 01000011 01010101 01010000] Wait a second...Eww man.
Limit: Unlimited storage unit and when summoning an item, it has to be a real thing. Sorry but no bear-cat-rabbit-elephant thing or completely made up words  would appear. Especially, you can’t summon huge items like a building or the sun. That can just break your modus. Please limit yourself there buddy.
Dominoes Modus: No, sadly you can’t order pizza. When you capchalogue an item, many dominoes from the card spill out and you have to assemble each and every domino to the other.
Limit: there are 6 inventories you can capchalogue. Nothing more, nothing less. More than 6 would eject the last item.
Dartboard Modus: You can freely capchalogue an item, but retrieving an item can summon a dartboard. You need to throw a dart at one of the rings or bullseyes. The less important items are on the large farther rings and the more important ones art in the smaller rings and bullseyes,
Limit: you can store 82 items. Now that’s a lot but you need to have good aim. Hitting the center of the bullseye can randomly give you an important item for the future.
Prey Modus: When an item is capchalogued, it would spawn a small animal. These animals would depend on what the item is. if the user wants to get the get the item back, they will have to fight and kill whatever creature the item has been allocated to. once the creature is dead, the item appears
[Ex. a computer mouse would spawn a weak mouse (ayy)]
Limit: You can only store 8 slots and over more than 8 can have an animal come out depending on the item. Hopefully you don’t eject any important items. Anything important would release an animal that is not a prey or maybe a replica of the first guardian.
Shuffle Modus: Every time you capchalogue an item, it changes every second with other items you also capchalogued. It can be lucky or unlucky depending how your going to draw this.
Limit: It can hold as much as any items. The more you add items, the more frustrating it gets to retrieve the item you want.
Backpack Modus: This modus can store items by the cards weight which is also a backpack. You can simply open the backpack to retrieve and item. You can capchalogued the backpack itself, but I don’t think your fetch modus can handle the weight you put into there.
Limit: Feel free to store the amount of junk you can carry as it can weigh you down. It acts like a normal backpack. What else should I say?
“Stack” Modus: Haha no, it’s a Massive Ejection Modus you fool. It may look like a normal stack modus but can intensity eject massive amounts of items at once that are multiplied by 100. Once you want to retrieve it, 99 copies eject violently from the captchacard and explode out of your card. Its mostly going to destroy mostly anything and injuring anyone near you.
Limit: Basically you only have one slot inventory and that’s sad. Is this modus even legal!?!? Ejecting 99 items at someone can be potentially be a strife specibus. Just saying.
Wardrobe Modus: This modus can capchalogued any articles of clothing. Attempting to captchalouge something other than clothing will result in said item being sent somewhere you can no longer receive. This is pretty useless like the other mentioned modus we talked about.
Hat mode- A place where your hats can live in harmony with other simpleton hats.
Earrings mode- Fancy, expensive, or cheap earrings can come join.
Glasses mode- Look at you nerd. Or cool kid. Whatever you are.
Shirt mode- Look, there are many things you can put on there. The most likely to be over flowed.
Pants mode- Or skirts, shorts, or anything that goes on your legs
Socks mode- A hell place where all sinful gross smelly socks and clean socks go.
Shoes mode- Just don’t put those dirty shoes on the wood. Keep them clean and dry.
Limit: you have unlimited storage and only meant for clothes. This is perfect for people that don’t know where else to put their seasonal clothes to. Summer, fall, winter, spring, you name it.
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notafrogblog · 3 years
Who wants to read an entire fucking essay I’ve been writing over the last few months it’s about viddy games wooooooo
Video Games's Popularity
16% of entertainment hours in 2018 were spent playing video games, according to a study by The NPD Group, an American market research company (Stych). Video games have become more and more popular as they have become easier and easier to access through consoles, computers, tablets, and phones. Video games and gaming have become some of the most popular topics to watch on youtube, twitch, and other platforms, which is shown by the fact that youtube has a trending section just for video game content. I myself watch video game content whenever I get the chance. Merriam Webster defines video games as "an electronic game in which players control images on a video screen." If you use that definition for video games, it means gaming is a lot more widespread and prevalent than you'd first think. It would be a struggle to find anyone below the age of twenty who's never played a video game in some form. There are thousands of people in online communities who discuss video games and the people who play them, on sites like Reddit, Twitch, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, and more. Video game music, posters, clothing, and general merchandise is popular and lucrative for the companies that make and sell the products. People continue to invest their time, money, and energy into playing and enjoying video games. Video games are such a big part of the online community and my life that I decided to take this opportunity to learn more about them.
While researching this paper, I found different types of sources than I was expecting. Many articles on video games are outdated, poorly written, or simply didn't contain much information. Most possible sources were game reviews, tabloid-esque gossip, or talked about events occurring recently in the gaming community. These weren't very helpful for the type of topics I wanted to discuss. When I set out to write this, I expected to find more analyses of video games or game genres as a whole, or perhaps more in-depth writing. Although I did find articles that were in-depth, they were often very niche, scholarly, or outdated. Video games as a culture moves indescribably quickly, with new games always being released. The vast amount of content and places to share said content on the internet makes video games so widespread, it's near impossible to categorize and talk about video games a whole, rather than individual games or franchises. I suppose that's why there are so many game reviews. People are always looking for new games to play, new content to view. I did my best to find articles and sources I could use to talk about video games a whole, as a culture, and as a complex and nuanced form of entertainment. Part of my own interest in video games is due to the large variety of games and game content available. I would consider myself fairly knowledgeable about video games, especially after researching this essay. But I don't know much about games as a whole, or why people play them. As much as I love to talk about and watch video games, I don't play them often myself. I wanted to know what made other people love playing video games so much. Both my brothers are very engrossed in their respective games and consoles, and I found myself wondering what compels them to put their time and energy into something that doesn't give me that same satisfaction. Which begs the question, why do people play video games? What keeps them coming back? What makes video games so enjoyable?
I started by looking in the school databases, and on credible sites like the Washington Post and the New York Times. Video games is such a broad topic, but many articles focused on specific games or events. While I researched, I wondered what is so compelling about video games. I had some hypotheses. Video games often have a plot, a list of tasks to complete, or some sort of storyline. I found an article about the stories and plotlines of first-person shooter games, one of the most popular genres of games. In the article, David M. Leeson explains what differs between a multiplayer and a single-player shooter: "Most multiplayer shooters are gameplay-driven: play sessions consist of one or more matches, in which players compete with each other (either individually or as teams) to win the game, either by scoring points or capturing objectives. Most single-player shooters, by contrast, are story-driven: play sessions consist of one or more levels, in which the player is told the story so far and then must overcome a series of obstacles to find out what happens next." Already this provides some insight into what compels people to play video games. Multiplayer shooters, such as Fortnite, some Call of Duty games, Battlefield games, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, depend on other players to keep you interested. Winning a match is the main objective. In single-player games, the goal isn't to win a round, it's to complete the story. In a way, this makes a single-player shooter similar to a book or a movie. The difference between them is that the player takes an active part in moving the plotline forward, which keeps the player interested and motivated to find out what happens next.
A storyline isn't the only thing that can be necessary to keep a player motivated. The gameplay plays a big role in keeping the player interested in continuing the game. Games have two main parts, speed and strategy. Speed-based games rely on fast reflexes, immediate feedback, and quick thinking to be enjoyable. Games like these require you to be in the moment the whole time, ready to react to whatever is thrown at you. Games that are more speed-based include titles such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and endless runner games such as Temple Run or Subway Surfers. Despite being very different games in style, aesthetic, plot, and goals, these all rely on speed as a main mechanic. Another aspect of games is strategy. Strategy-based games take a slower route, and are more based on planning and thinking before you act. Strategy games often have some sort of back-and-forth mechanic between the player and some sort of other entity, usually a non-player character (npc) or the game itself. This includes games such as battling games such as Pokemon, storyline games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, and many mobile games. Strategy games require the player to think about what they want to do before they do it, and often have multiple storylines or options for how to play the game or what to do when. All games have elements of both strategy and speed, but usually one takes precedence over the other. Each category of game has its pros and cons and its own problems.
There are a few problems with speed-based games that the developers must remedy for the game to be enjoyable. Firstly, games with speed-based mechanics are often very easy to pick up and learn. Many Super Smash Bros. players will mash buttons or spam attacks rather than use combination attacks or the full variety of moves available. Speed-based games must introduce a learning curve for players to learn new skills, become better at the skills they already have, and some sort of challenge that requires those skills to be used. Another problem with speed-based games is the lack of variety. One character with only one set of moves can quickly become boring to play. Most games don't have this problem, with many games having multiple characters. Breath of the Wild, however, only has one playable character, Link. Nintendo keeps BotW from becoming boring by having Link have many weapons and clothing to collect and choose from to use, food items to temporarily boost stats, and a way to upgrade Link's health points as the game grows more difficult. Many endless runner games (i.e. Subway Surfers or Temple Run) lack this attribute, which causes players to become bored of them after playing for a while. While they may include customizable or lots of character choices, the changes are purely cosmetic and don't impact the gameplay.
Strategy games have issues as well, most notably those to do with speed. Strategy games often have a slower pace, and making the pace too slow can cause players to become bored. This was an issue with the role-playing game Final Fantasy VII, a 1997 turn-based rpg by Square Enix. Final Fantasy VII is set to have a remake by Square Enix, the first part of which was released on April 10, 2020. An article I discovered addressed some flaws in the original game as well as what the remake should have to make the game better. The article reads: "Modern releases of Final Fantasy VII include an option to speed up combat by a factor of three, and after turning it on, you quickly learn that you almost never need to turn it off to more carefully manage the flow of battle, such is the monotony of just attacking and healing over and over. This speed boost is greeted by latter-day players as a crucial "quality of life" improvement. It doesn't matter how many oakleaves you've acquired in 22 years; when letting the player essentially skip the gameplay is treated as a godsend, you don't have a very good game." (Vogt) As said in the quote, the ability to speed up gameplay shouldn't be necessary. The gameplay is also described as monotonous. Games must be interesting to keep players motivated to continue playing. Keeping players interested in the game is a big part of video game making.
Game designers and developers must put player enjoyment first when making a game. Even if the ultimate goal is to make money or gain popularity in the community, player enjoyment is what leads to a game's success. If a player isn't having fun playing a game, they won't recommend it to others, or join an online community about it, or even continue playing it. For this reason, I decided to find information about the process of game design and development, where ideas came from, and how enjoyment of the game came into the mix. I found an academic study of a game jam in 2013. A game jam is an event where multiple groups of game makers come together to make games in an allotted time using a given prompt. The study discusses multiple aspects of the game jam, including initial ideas, prototyping, and game development and testing, the latter of which is shown in the quote here: "Participants [in the game jam] removed systems within the game (e.g. attacks requiring combinations of buttons rather than single buttons) or reduced the total number of components used (e.g. fewer game levels or types of enemies). Swapping mechanics occurred when already implemented systems were buggy or dysfunctional or when playtesting (personally or with others) showed them to be overly complex or unintuitive." (Zook) This quote shows how game developers must think about how the players will interact with mechanics, especially mechanics they aren't used to. Mechanics are how you do things in the game, whether it be with certain buttons, an item, movement, interaction with the environment, or a combination of these. Mechanics must be easy to pick up on and learn for beginning players, but difficult to master so as to keep players entertained. The quote shows how initially complex mechanisms such as button combinations or buggy systems can be unintuitive for the players, and therefore need to be fixed. If a player has difficulties with the game's function, it won't be fun to play. Games must be fun if they want to keep players interested.
For this paper, I interviewed one of my friend's younger brothers, an avid player of video games. Ian plays video games for a few hours every day, he says, on xbox, nintendo switch, and mobile devices. In the interview, he says that what he thinks makes video games enjoyable is having fun. Although he plays video games more suited to younger users, there were a few things he had to say about games he disliked. The main things he didn't like about games were the difficulty (too hard, too easy) bad graphics, or he "wasn't as interested as he thought he was." His viewpoint as someone who plays a lot of video games is very useful for the question I'm asking. Difficulty of games is something that is hard to balance for game developers. As discussed earlier, the mechanics must be intuitive so the player can pick up on them easily. However, if the entire game is easy, the player will get bored, just like Ian did.
"What makes video games enjoyable?" is the question I've tried to answer. So, what does make video games enjoyable? I'd say it's a variety of things. Video games are so complex, and what makes them entertaining is even more complex. There's such a huge variety of video games available to play, on dozens of platforms and consoles, and in many different ways. Expecting to find just one answer for such a broad question would be unjustifiable. So, I've determined a couple things that make video games enjoyable. As Ian said, games should be fun. Fun means different things to each person, so different games will be better for different people. Different difficulties and styles of games will be different for different people. A more casual game style, like mobile games or kid's games, might be more enjoyable for a gamer like Ian. However, strategy based games such as Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, or shooting games such as CS:GO might be more suited to older players. In short, what makes video games enjoyable is the variety of games there are to play. Games are for everyone, and each type of video game has people who enjoy it, and people who don't. There is no one clear answer to this question. Unfortunately, this means that if I want to be more involved in playing video games, I'm going to have to try some games and find out what I like. If you're interested in video games, I suggest you do the same.
Works Cited
Jabr, Ferris. “Can You Really Be Addicted to Video Games?” New York Times, 22 October 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/22/magazine/can-you-really-be-addicted-to-video-games.html. Accessed 2 November 2020.
Leeson, David M. "Northrop Frye and the story structure of the single-player shooter." English Studies in Canada, vol. 37, no. 2, 2011, p. 137+. Gale In Context: High School, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A294194389/SUIC?u=midd34407&sid=SUIC&xid=e5b85bc6. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.
Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/video%20game. Accessed 5 November 2020.
S., Ian. Personal interview. December 2020.
Stych, Anne. “Americans' favorite forms of entertainment are digital.” bizjournals, 28 March 2019, https://www.bizjournals.com/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2019/03/americans-favorite-forms-of-entertainment-are.html?page=all#:~:text=The%20shift%20to%20digital%20is,research%20by%20The%20NPD%20Group. Accessed 2 November 2020.
Vogt, Ryan. "For all its greatness, Final Fantasy VII wasn't a good game. Let's remember why." Washingtonpost.com, 7 Apr. 2020. Gale In Context: High School, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A619723232/SUIC?u=midd34407&sid=SUIC&xid=0b17c660. Accessed 11 Oct. 2020.
Zook, Alexander and Mark O. Riedl. "Game Conceptualization and Development Processes in the Global Game Jam." School of Interactive Computing, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, http://www.fdg2013.org/program/workshops/papers/GGJ2013/ggj13_submission_4.pdf. Accessed 11 Oct. 2020.
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halleyj96 · 3 years
🏆 Learn How To Be More Productive With Notion 🏆
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Notion is not at all an unfamiliar name, as it has been countlessly praised on social media for its aid in productivity. For me, I heard about Notion about a year ago, but only until last week that I started trying out this application (after hearing praises from my boyfriend nonstop) and I have to admit, I'm hooked.
So, what exactly is Notion? And why should you start using it asap?
1️⃣ What is Notion?
Simply put, Notion is a note taking application, just like Evernote. It impresses users with its minimalistic interface and a whole lot of tools waiting to be discovered. But, Notion doesn't stop at being "just a note taking application", it's a solution to better productivity, an all-in-one tool that you need for your personal life as well as your career.
2️⃣ What does Notion offer?
For me, Notion is like an online computer, where you can create an unlimited amount of folders and files. The only difference is that you can access to this computer anywhere you want as long as you have internet.
These are, generally, what Notion comes to offer it users:
- Unlimited pages & Blocks. - Infinite Hierarchy - Pages within pages within pages. - Tables & Databases - Categorize your data exactly how you want, and reference data from other tables or projects. - A web clipper browser extension. - A lot of premade templates. - Sync data between devices. - Native Android, iPhone, Windows, and Mac apps.
3️⃣ Why you should use Notion:
- Not just a note-taking application: You can journal, manage projects and time efficiently, etc. Almost everything is possible with Notion.
- Simple, clean, unlimited: You can create unlimited amount of folders and files and everything is navigatable through pages' map.
- Quick reference with @: At any point in your typing, you can enter an @ to create easy references to pages, people, and dates.
- Easy embeding with /: The forward-slash ( / ) character works just like the @, but for embeds. You can perform nearly 100 tasks with the forward slash.
- Teamwork 24/7 with a click: You can add people and change members' roles in each page (same thing as Google Doc). You can also keep a record on all the changes made in each page.
- Drag and drop blocks: In Notion, each paragraph, each header, each picture is consider a block of information. You can drag and drop these blocks wherever you like.
- A lot of templates to choose from: It's great if you can design your own template, but for someone who knows nothing about designing like me, templates are my life saver.
- Available on all devices: From Android to iPhone, from Mac to Windows, Notion is available everywhere.
- Import/export data easily: Notion allows users to import from various sources (like Evernote, Trello, etc.) and export data as HTML, PDF, or Markdown.
- Reasonable price: For most people only upgrading to "Personal Pro" plan is enough. And this plan is only $4/month, a pretty cheap price compare to what you can get out of this application.
4️⃣ Free Personal Pro plan upgrade
Now that I have done my part introducing Notion to you, I'm going to share a tip on how to upgrade your Notion Personal plan to Personal Pro plan FOR FREE.
However, this tip only works for those who have university emails. For example, my university email is halley*****@kookmin.ac.kr so I am eligible to get the Personal Pro plan for free from Notion.
All you have to do is sign up or sign in with your university email. Then click on "Settings & Members", on the left side, choose "Upgrade". Skip all the promotional stuffs about all the plans, scroll down until you see "Students & educators". Click "Get free Education plan".
If your email is eligible to get the plan for free, you just have to hit confirm to finalize. But if your email is not eligible then... I'm so sorry it doesn't work out for you :<
5️⃣ My personal opinion on Notion
I actually started to read a lot more after using Notion's "Reading List" template. The reason is because I can save the articles I read and kinda... decorate them the way I like. So I read to collect information and to create cool looking archives as well.
I also made a list including all the movies I watched and all the movies I want to watch. Took me a while to list everything out but the result was unexpectedly neat and satisfactory.
Lastly, I planned this post by Notion. From research, draft to official posting, I went through all the stages with Notion and I am 100% satisfied by how much help Notion offered me. I usually draft in Note, which is a mess because sometimes I cannot distinguish the main ideas I wrote down and the ideas that were still in consideration. Notion gave me a template that is clear and easy to follow, my writing had never gone to smoothly before, istg.
My conclusion is, just give Notion a try, I'm sure you will fall head over heel for it soon.
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