#The Cohort
Emma To Bruce
Dear Bruce,
We did it! The curse is broken! Rupert is free! Long live Rupert!
In retrospect, it’s insane how much of this we tried to do by ourselves. We should have known that when we finally succeeded we would do it with a whole team present—in this case Jem, Tessa, Kit, and Magnus. (Mina assisted by raising morale and drawing all over everything with her toy stele.)
Everyone’s still here, too, and we can relax a little in a newly uncursed house. (It really is quite homey, now that it’s been cleaned up and, you know, had its demonic aura dispelled.) Everyone except Magnus, who left this afternoon in a great rush to get back to New York.
New paragraph to talk about this, actually, because I have a lot of questions that don’t have answers and I can only ask you, Bruce. So Magnus was in a hurry to get back because of a meeting Alec is holding with Luke and some other Downworlders about plans for negotiating with the Cohort. Okay, but I feel like the Cohort doesn’t have much leverage, right? The situation is way worse for them than for us. We should be able to wait them out—shouldn’t we?
I mean they have a symbolic advantage, I guess. We’re all Shadowhunters and we all miss Idris and Alicante and Lake Lyn and probably a lot of us left stuff there we can’t get back and oh right, also a lot of people lived there who have had to evacuate all over the world and want to get back. I get that. But, like…what are the Cohort even eating in there? Idris doesn’t really grow food. Are they all homesteading in there? Raising crops? Churning butter? It’s kind of hard to imagine Zara doing any of that. But you never know. I mean, there aren’t even any demons to fight in there. Which is a good reminder that Shadowhunters are definitely not meant to hole up in Idris where there’s no demons for them to fight. I feel like Raziel was pretty clear on that point.
They must be losing their minds in there. I hope they found some board games or something.
Maybe Zara has declared herself Queen for Life and she doesn’t have to farm because she just marches around threatening to kill anybody who doesn’t grow her a potato right this instant.
Or maybe we haven’t heard anything because they all ate each other in there. Or maybe they mutinied against Zara and someone else gets to threaten to kill people now.
Okay, end of pondering the Cohort. I’m in a good mood, or was before I started this entry, anyway. We’ve been hanging out with Jem and Tessa and Kit and it’s really great. We ordered in Chinese (delivery couriers are always a bit terrified to come up the driveway, but we tip them like crazy so they’ve started to know us while we’ve been here). We lit candles—for ambience instead of for dark magic, what an idea!—and ate dumplings until we were too full to move, a thing I haven’t done since Magnus and Alec’s wedding. Apparently if I am offered dumplings, I will eat them until I become a dumpling myself. To that I say: I would never reject becoming that which I love most.
Anyway. Even Kit was less broody than usual tonight! He was hanging out with Round Tom and they seemed to be getting on okay. Oh, and I almost forgot! How could I forget! The workers found a coffin buried in the garden. But there was not a horrifying dead body inside, but rather a bunch of old stuff! Using a coffin as a time capsule seemed like a weird choice to me, but Tessa and Jem made some faces and some noises that suggested there was a long-ish story there we’ll have to ask about later.
Anyway, in the coffin was A SCABBARD FOR CORTANA. I mean, right? Can you believe it? Tessa said it used to belong to Cordelia Carstairs, who was Cortana’s wielder generations ago. The scabbard needs a lot of cleaning (a lot of cleaning) but then it can be reunited with Cortana. (After all, I think it’s probably more Cortana’s possession than anyone else’s; perhaps they’ll be happy to be reunited.)
There was also a sword for Julian—what used to be a Blackthorn family sword, but this one is only a hilt, its blade is totally missing, I have no idea why. He’s talking about getting it reforged. Big shock, Round Tom knows a guy. Triangular Jerry. No, I’m kidding on the name, but Round Tom actually does know a blacksmith and he and Julian have started talking about getting that done. (Actually, what Round Tom wants to do is have a forge installed at Chiswick, which is a cool idea, but do we want another building project on top of all the others? I mean, maybe, having a forge here at the house would be pretty cool.)
Oh, you might be wondering about Rupert’s ring, since it’s not like he could take it with him, and he hasn’t come back for it in a ghost way. Magnus checked it out and said no magic any more, just an ordinary ring Tatiana must have enchanted to bind Rupert. But none of us is going to wear it, of course. So we put it on the mantelpiece in the drawing room. Where it will remain.
The Gray-Carstairs-Herondaleses are heading back to Cirenworth tomorrow. It’s been really great having them here, but you know, it will be nice to have them go and have it be just Julian and I here in the house, not feeling creepy all the time. That seems like good times for us.
Bruce, good times are canceled. Everything’s gone wrong. I guess I was a little too smug about how everything was going; the universe had to come and screw it up for me.
Mina is gone.
And by gone I mean kidnapped.
And by kidnapped I mean, the kidnapper left a creepy old-timey porcelain doll (with wide, dead eyes, ugh) in her place, and a note.
I had just finished writing the above stuff when I heard a horrible scream from upstairs and loud footsteps, and came out to find everyone gathered in Mina’s room staring in horror.
I immediately thought oh no, another curse, or the same curse, the curse isn’t over, and maybe you did too, but that’s not what this is. This is something else entirely. Something involving faeries. Something involving Faerie.
Tessa picked up the note, read it, and handed it to Jem with a bad look on her face. Julian was already opening the window to see if anyone could be spotted outside, and I read over Jem’s shoulder:
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nibblette · 5 months
The fact that Jod has hopped in and out of the head military ships of the Nine Houses for like 9000yrs is a trip for me. So like if your grandpa survives his time in the Cohort he comes home and was like…. “I saw God eating peanuts in an admiralty meeting, once.” And that is like the family legend/brag for like hundreds of years.
Even worse (or better?) if your ancestor banged Jod. Does he let those people survive? Or does a Lyctor or high ranking officer find a way for them to conveniently die a “heroic death in battle”?
It’s got to be so weird for people of the Nine Houses who worship a god who hasn’t come back to their solar system for 9000yrs but your random cousin of a cousin of a friend’s uncle saw God and the Saint of Patience making out in a broom closet during his time on the Erebus.
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liesmyth · 4 months
Realistically I think the Houses don't use guns because John doesn't like guns, in the same way he dresses up the Cohort “like the military wing of disco”
I think there's also something to be said about how Cohort necromancers kill their enemies to drain them for thanergy, and presumably they'd need to be at close range for that, but I'm not sure that swords vs. firearm has a huge bearing on which weapons they use. Because you can kill at close range with firearms, and guns ≠ painless and immediate.
I really think it's mostly down to John losing his mind mid-apoteosis while everyone got gunned down in front of him and deciding that his space empire would do the imperialism thing without gunpowder. That, plus the fact that their whole space navy is based on space stations and moves through spaceships.
Anyway, now I'm wondering if the Houses have any long range weapons at all. Cohort spaceships probably have missiles, but I don't get the vibe there used often. BoE / non House civilisation doesn't have stele travel and I bet they lack an armed navy; there's no ship to ship combat, which is why it was such a Big Deal in HtN when BoE sent those missiles against Cohort ships — it's not something that's ever happened before.
I think necromancers “breaking ground” on a new planet is the necromancy equivalent of bombing it with thanergy, in the same way lyctors “flipping” planets is probably the thanergy equivalent of nuking them from orbit, but do we think they have any long range ground weapons that aren't necromantic in nature?
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katakaluptastrophy · 8 months
The Blood of Eden Memorandum at the end of HTN is wild for a variety of reasons, from the ridiculous (no, you guys, necromancers do Not have Eldritch Blast, no matter what the comics say) to the horrifying (the Cohort using the exploding severed heads of enemies as projectiles...)
But let's all spare a moment for whichever poor Fourth House squaddies get sent off into the sniper-infested jungle dressed up like World of Warcraft necromancers...
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Emma a Bruce
Querido Bruce
¡Lo hicimos! ¡La maldición está rota! ¡Rupert es libre! ¡Larga vida a Rupert!
En retrospectiva, fue insano lo mucho que tratamos de hacerlo por nuestra cuenta. Debimos saber que cuando finalmente tuvieramos éxito, necesigariamos un equipo completo presente, en este  caso Jem, Tessa, Kit y Magnus. (Mina nos asistió levantando la moral y dibujando sobre todo con su estela de juguete.)
Todo el mundo sigue aquí, también, y podemos relajarnos un poco en una casa recién des-maldecida. Realmente es bastante hogareño, ahora que ha sido limpiado y, ya sabes, se disipó su aura demoníaca). Todos menos Magnus, que partió esta tarde con mucha prisa por volver a Nueva York.
Nuevo párrafo para hablar de esto, en realidad, porque tengo muchas preguntas que no tienen respuestas y solo puedo preguntarte a ti, Bruce. Así que Magnus tenía prisa por regresar debido a una reunión que Alec está manteniendo con Luke y algunos otros Downworlders sobre los planes para negociar con la Cohorte. Está bien, pero siento que la Cohorte no tiene mucha influencia, ¿verdad? La situación es mucho peor para ellos que para nosotros. Deberíamos poder esperarlos, ¿no es así?
Quiero decir que tienen una ventaja simbólica, supongo. Todos somos Cazadores de Sombras y todos extrañamos a Idris y Alicante y lake Lyn y probablemente muchos de nosotros dejamos cosas allí que no podemos volver y oh cierto, también mucha gente vivió allí que ha tenido que evacuar por todo el mundo y quiere volver. Lo entiendo. Pero, como... ¿Qué están comiendo la Cohorte allí? Idris realmente no cultiva alimentos. ¿Están todos viviendo allí? ¿Criando cultivos? ¿Batir mantequilla? Es un poco difícil imaginar a Zara haciendo algo de eso. Pero nunca se sabe. Quiero decir, ni siquiera hay demonios contra los que luchar allí. Lo cual es un buen recordatorio de que los cazadores de sombras definitivamente no están destinados a atrincherarse en Idris, donde no hay demonios para que luchen. Siento que Raziel fue bastante claro en ese punto.
Deben estar perdiendo la cabeza allí. Espero que hayan encontrado algunos juegos de mesa o algo así.
Tal vez Zara se ha declarado Reina de por vida y no tiene que cultivar porque simplemente marcha amenazando con matar a cualquiera que no le cultive una papa en este instante.
O tal vez no hemos escuchado nada porque todos se comieron el uno al otro allí. O tal vez se amotinaron contra Zara y alguien más llega a amenazar con matar gente ahora.
Bien, finalicemos el reflexionar sobre la Cohorte. Estoy de buen humor, o estaba antes de comenzar esta entrada, de todos modos. Hemos estado pasando el rato con Jem y Tessa y Kit y es realmente genial. Pedimos en chino (los mensajeros de entrega siempre están un poco aterrorizados de subir por el camino de entrada, pero les damos una propina como locos, por lo que han comenzado a conocernos mientras hemos estado aquí). Encendimos velas, para el ambiente en lugar de para la magia oscura, ¡qué idea!, y comimos albóndigas hasta que estábamos demasiado llenos para movernos, algo que no he hecho desde la boda de Magnus y Alec. Aparentemente, si me ofrecen albóndigas, las comeré hasta que me convierta en una bola de masa. A eso le digo: nunca rechazaría convertirme en lo que más amo.
De todos modos. ¡Incluso Kit fue menos melancólico de lo habitual esta noche! Estaba saliendo con Round Tom y parecían llevarse bien. ¡Ah, y casi lo olvido! ¡Cómo podría olvidarlo! Los trabajadores encontraron un ataúd enterrado en el jardín. ¡Pero no había un cadáver horrible dentro, sino más bien un montón de cosas viejas! Usar un ataúd como cápsula del tiempo me pareció una elección extraña, pero Tessa y Jem hicieron algunas caras y algunos ruidos que sugerían que había una larga historia sobre la que tendremos que preguntar más adelante.
De todos modos, en el ataúd había UNA VAINA PARA CORTANA. Quiero decir, ¿en realidad? ¿Puedes creerlo? Tessa dijo que solía pertenecer a Cordelia Carstairs, quien fue la portadora de Cortana hace generaciones. La vaina necesita mucha limpieza (mucha limpieza) pero luego se puede reunir con Cortana. (Después de todo, creo que probablemente sea más posesión de Cortana que de cualquier otra persona; tal vez estarán felices de reunirse).
También había una espada para Julian, lo que solía ser una espada de la familia Blackthorn, pero esta es solo una empuñadura, su hoja está totalmente desaparecida, no tengo idea de por qué. Está hablando de reorganizarlo. Gran sorpresa, Round Tom conoce a un tipo. Triangular Jerry. No, estoy bromeando sobre el nombre, pero Round Tom realmente conoce a un herrero y él y Julian han comenzado a hablar sobre cómo hacerlo. (En realidad, lo que Round Tom quiere hacer es tener una fragua instalada en Chiswick, lo cual es una idea genial, pero ¿queremos otro proyecto de construcción además de todos los demás? Quiero decir, tal vez, tener una fragua aquí en la casa sería genial).
Oh, es posible que te estés preguntando sobre el anillo de Rupert, ya que no es como si pudiera llevarlo con él, y no ha regresado por él de una manera fantasma. Magnus lo comprobó y dijo que ya no había magia, solo un anillo ordinario que Tatiana debe haber encantado para atar a Rupert. Pero ninguno de nosotros lo va a usar, por supuesto. Así que lo pusimos en la repisa de la chimenea en el salón. Dónde permanecerá.
Los Gray-Carstairs-Herondaleses regresan a Cirenworth mañana. Ha sido realmente genial tenerlos aquí, pero ya sabes, será bueno tenerlos y que solo julian y yo estemos aquí en la casa, sin sentirnos espeluznantes todo el tiempo. Eso nos parece un buen momento.
Bruce, los buenos tiempos se cancelan. Todo ha salido mal. Supongo que era un poco demasiado presumido sobre cómo iba todo; el universo tenía que venir y arruinarlo para mí.
Mina se ha ido.
Y por ido me refiero a secuestrada.
Y por secuestrada quiero decir, el secuestrador dejó una espeluznante muñeca de porcelana antigua (con ojos anchos y muertos, ugh) en su lugar, y una nota.
Acababa de terminar de escribir las cosas anteriores cuando escuché un grito horrible desde arriba y pasos fuertes, y salí para encontrar a todos reunidos en la habitación de Mina mirando con horror.
Inmediatamente pensé oh no, otra maldición, o la misma maldición, la maldición no ha terminado, y tal vez tú también lo hiciste, pero eso no es lo que es esto. Esto es algo completamente diferente. Algo que involucra hadas. Algo que involucra a Faerie.
Tess tomó la nota, la leyó y se la entregó a Jem con una mirada mala en su rostro. Julian ya estaba abriendo la ventana para ver si alguien podía ser visto afuera, y leí por encima del hombro de Jem:
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Texto original de @cassandraclare ©
Traducción del texto e imagen @carstairsa 
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wubbelwubbwubb · 2 years
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And I won’t leave her now... nobody should ever have to watch their cavalier die.
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bookworm-jedi · 2 years
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The blackthorns will return in the wicked powers.
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De Emma à Bruce
Cher Bruce,
Nous avons réussi ! La malédiction est brisée ! Rupert est libre ! Longue vie à Rupert !
En y repensant, c’est dingue que nous ayons essayé de faire plein de choses nous-mêmes. Nous aurions dû nous douter que lorsque nous réussirions enfin, ce serait avec toute l’équipe présente – en l’occurrence, Jem, Tessa, Kit et Magnus. (Mina a aidé en nous remontant le moral et aussi en dessinant partout avec sa petite stèle.)
Tout le monde est encore là, et nous pouvons nous détendre un peu dans notre nouvelle maison dé-maudite. (Elle est assez chaleureuse, maintenant que nous avons fait le ménage et que, tu sais, nous nous sommes débarrassés de son aura démoniaque.) Tout le monde sauf Magnus, qui est reparti à New York en quatrième vitesse cet après-midi.
Nouveau paragraphe à ce sujet. Parce que j’ai beaucoup de questions qui restent sans réponse et je ne peux les poser qu’à toi, Bruce. Bon, Magnus était pressé de rentrer pour assister à une réunion qu’Alec a organisée avec Luke et quelques autres Créatures Obscures au sujet des négociations avec la Cohorte. D’accord, mais je trouve que la Cohorte n’a pas grand-chose à faire peser dans la balance. La situation est bien pire pour eux que pour nous. Nous devrions pouvoir attendre qu’ils se décident à sortir… tu ne crois pas ?
Enfin, je suppose qu’ils ont un avantage symbolique. Nous sommes tous des Chasseurs d’Ombres et Idris, Alicante et le Lac Lyn nous manquent à tous. Nous sommes certainement nombreux à avoir laissé des affaires là-bas que nous ne pourrons pas récupérer et puis, c’est vrai, il y a aussi beaucoup de gens qui vivaient là-bas et qui ont dû évacuer pour aller aux quatre coins du monde et qui veulent rentrer chez eux. Je comprends ça. Mais, je veux dire… qu’est-ce que la Cohorte peut bien manger là-bas ? Il n’y a pas vraiment de cultures à Idris. Est-ce qu’ils sont tous devenus fermiers ? Pour s’occuper des récoltes ? Et battre le beurre ? C’est difficile d’imaginer Zara faire tout ça. Mais on ne sait jamais. C’est-à-dire qu’il n’y a même pas de démons à chasser. Ce qui nous rappelle que les Chasseurs d’Ombres ne sont absolument pas censés s’enterrer à Idris là où il n’y a aucun démon à chasser. Il me semble que Raziel a été très clair sur ce point-là.
Ils doivent devenir fous dans leur enclos. J’espère qu’ils ont trouvé des jeux de société ou quelque chose pour s’occuper.
Peut-être que Zara s’est déclarée Reine à Vie et qu’elle n’a pas à cultiver quoi que ce soit parce qu’elle se contente de parader en menaçant de tuer quiconque ne lui fait pas pousser une pomme de terre à l’instant.
Ou peut-être que nous n’avons pas de nouvelles parce qu’ils sont tous devenus cannibales. Ou peut-être qu’ils se sont tous retournés contre Zara et c’est quelqu’un d’autre qui menace de tuer les gens maintenant.
Bon, assez de théories sur la Cohorte. Je suis de bonne humeur, ou du moins, je l’étais avant de commencer à écrire cette page. Nous passons du temps avec Jem, Tessa et Kit et c’est vraiment génial. Nous avons commandé chinois (les livreurs ont toujours un peu peur de monter l’allée, mais nous leur donnons d’énormes pourboires alors nous avons commencé à être connus depuis notre arrivée). Nous avons allumé des bougies (pour l’ambiance et pas pour de la magie noire, qui l’eut cru ?) et avons mangé des raviolis chinois jusqu’à être trop rassasiés pour simplement nous lever, ce que je n’avais pas fait depuis le mariage de Magnus et Alec. Il faut croire que si on me propose des raviolis, j’en mangerai jusqu’à en devenir un moi-même. Moi, ce que j’en pense, c’est que je ne refuserai jamais de devenir ce que j’aime le plus.
Bref. Même Kit était moins morose ce soir par rapport à d’habitude ! Il discutait avec Round Tom et ils semblaient bien s’entendre. Ah, j’allais presque oublier ! Comment puis-je oublier ? Les entrepreneurs ont trouvé un cercueil enterré dans le jardin. Mais il n’y avait pas du tout un épouvantable cadavre à l’intérieur, mais plutôt un tas de vieux trucs ! ça m’a semblé bizarre d’utiliser un cercueil en tant que capsule temporelle, mais aux têtes qu’ont fait Tessa et Jem et à ce qu’ils ont marmonné, j’ai cru comprendre que c’était une histoire assez longue que nous leur demanderons de nous raconter plus tard.
Enfin bref, dans le cercueil se trouvait UN FOURREAU POUR CORTANA. C’est incroyable ! Tu le crois, ça ? Tessa a dit qu’il avait appartenu à Cordélia Carstairs, qui était la propriétaire de Cortana il y a plusieurs générations. Le fourreau doit être bien nettoyé (vraiment bien nettoyé) mais ensuite il pourra être réuni avec Cortana. (D’ailleurs, je crois qu’il est plus la propriété de Cortana que de quiconque ; peut-être qu’ils seront contents d’être réunis.)
Il y avait aussi une épée pour Julian : ce qui était auparavant une épée de la famille Blackthorn, mais il n’y a plus que la garde, la lame a complètement disparue, je ne sais pas du tout pourquoi. Il songe à la faire reforger. Surprise : Round Tom connait quelqu’un. Triangular Jerry. Non, je blague pour le nom, mais Round Tom connait effectivement un forgeron et lui et Julian ont commencé à planifier ça. (En fait, ce que Round Tom veut faire, c’est installer une forge à Chiswick, ce qui est sympa, mais est-ce que nous voulons rajouter un chantier à tous les autres ? Enfin, peut-être… avoir une forge à la maison serait assez cool.)
Tu te demandes peut-être ce qui est arrivé à la bague de Rupert, puisque ce n’est pas comme s’il pouvait l’emmener avec lui, et il n’est pas revenu la chercher d’une manière fantomatique. Magnus a vérifié et a dit qu’elle n’avait plus rien de magique, c’est juste une bague ordinaire que Tatiana a dû ensorceler pour retenir Rupert. Mais personne ne va la porter, bien évidemment. Alors nous l’avons posée sur le manteau de la cheminée dans le salon. Où elle va rester.
Les Gray-Carstairs-Herondale repartent à Cirenworth demain. C’était très agréable de les avoir à la maison, mais tu sais, ce sera sympa quand il n’y aura plus que Julian et moi ici, sans que ce soit effrayant tout le temps. Je pense que nous allons passer de bons moments.
Bruce, les bons moments, on annule. Tout va de travers. Je crois que le fait que tout aille bien m’a rendu un peu trop suffisante ; il fallait que l’univers vienne tout bouleverser.
Mina a disparue.
Et par disparue, je veux dire qu’elle a été kidnappée.
Et par kidnappée, je veux dire que le kidnapper a laissé à sa place une vieille poupée en porcelaine inquiétante (avec de grands yeux vides, beurk !), avec une note.
Je venais juste de finir d’écrire ce qu’il y a avant quand j’ai entendu un horrible cri venant d’en haut et des pas très bruyants. Quand je suis arrivée, tout le monde était réuni dans la chambre de Mina, frappé d’effroi.
Je me suis tout de suite dit : « Oh non, une autre malédiction, ou la même malédiction, nous n’en avons pas fini avec la malédiction. » Et peut-être que toi aussi, mais ce n’est pas ça. Ça n’a rien à voir. Ça a à voir avec les Fées. Avec le Royaume des Fées.
Tessa a pris la note, l’a lue et l’a donnée à Jem avec un regard sinistre. Julian ouvrait déjà la fenêtre pour voir s’il y avait quelqu’un dehors, et j’ai lu par-dessus l’épaule de Jem :
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Texte original de Cassandra Clare ©
Traduction d’Eurydice Bluenight ©
Illustration de Cassandra Jean ©
Photomontage d’Eurydice Bluenight ©
Le texte original est à lire ici : https://secretsofblackthornhall.tumblr.com/post/694568297733177344/emma-to-bruce
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i-have-not-slept · 2 years
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totally not concerned about this at all
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hopestrope · 11 months
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vickchan2 · 2 years
What if Mina was kidnapped to be used as leverage tool against the Clave? 
Emma said Magnus had to leave in a hurry because of a meeting Alec is holding about plans for negotiating with the Cohort and she even wondered what they could possibly have as leverage. 
What if they kidnapped Mina to use as leverage?? And what if Janus was the one sent to get Mina? 
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ziorite · 2 years
Zara: downworlders are filth and scum !!! nephilim blood must remain pure and true !!
Manuel, selling everyone out for a single quarter pounder: damn thats wild
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ecoamerica · 24 days
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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Manual: I blame you
Zara: how is it my fault?
Manual: I didn’t say that it was your fault. I said I was blaming you
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liesmyth · 1 year
Who are the Houses fighting, anyway?
Thinking about the Cohort and the Houses’ endless military campaign in TLT. Thematically, I love the idea of John being at war for thousands of years with the descendants of those who betrayed him etc., but in practice, the logistics of the war just... don't make sense.
We know the Houses have been at war for a long time. Thousands of years, an insane amount of time fighting the same war. “Eternal war” could be a plausible scenario between two similarly-sized forces locked in a stalemate, but this hasn’t been shown to be the case. It would maybe be plausible if the Houses were shown to have a super ineffective offence force, but this again isn’t the case.
Troop casualties seem to be relatively common (lots of "went to the Cohort and died” mentioned) but at the same time is a massive fucking deal in HtN that BoE destroyed three ships and took out eighteen thousand people. It throws the entire into disarray and warrants a sudden reassignment of the Emperor’s Guard to the combat front to make up for it. So yes, their conquest strategy relies very heavily on sending in the infantry to die, but not to the point that every battle is a slaughter or those numbers wouldn’t cause that reaction. They seem to be a fairly effective force, and and before canon era they hadn’t lost a ship in a THOUSAND years.
Speaking of conquests. A lot of the fighting “lore” that is mentioned in the series involves ground fighting and planetary conquests, but all of the action that is actually described as having happened in the series was either putting down uprisings or dealing with fringe groups. Blood of Eden are an insurrection movement, not an enemy force, and no inhabited planets are mentioned that are outside House control. They are not a conquering force, they are an occupying force. That we know of.
So who exactly are they fighting? Actually who even is left to fight? Like, at some point, you HAVE to run out of planets to conquer. You HAVE to run out of non-House humans to subdue — and travelling cosmic distances without necromancy is very hard. The FTL ships and their descendants can’t have spread that far; they were strained for resources, jumping blind, and I doubt they had an easy time of it.
Some speculation:
Aliens. Like, I’m sure this is not the case, but everything would make SO much more sense if they were fighting an alien empire the next galaxy over, and the ongoing occupation of BoE planets and Empire building is part of that. I give it a 0% possibility of being true but still. Aliens.
Massive unreliable narrator failure. There IS a space empire next door built by humans but nobody mentions it because it didn’t have tits so Gideon didn’t care and everyone knows anyway.
Plot hole. Even the best authors have ‘em! Let Tamsyn live.
Free square ????
Enigmatic John Quote of the Post:
[Talking about the death of Dominicus if he were to die] I can only hope you’d all be dead already. Oh, there’d still be Cohort ships … hold planets … a scattering of us … but we would be so few, and so many people hate us, and my work is not yet done.
WHOMST, John. Notably, all through HtN he keeps talking about the tattered remains of Blood of Eden slithering out of the shadows, a group of maniacs, died with Wake etc. so I doubt he means them. So. WHO.
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flyingfanatic · 1 year
WTF is up with the Cohort rank structure
I realise there are many other, larger issues to have WTF moments with about the Cohort, but.
How many branches of service are there? Where did the rank system come from? What military is John basing this all on? Or what fucked up info did he give to Gideon and Pyrrha?
On the Erebos we have Admiral Sarpedon, one Admiral of many fleets. Okay, NZDF only has one, but it’s a logical step if you’re gonna have a huge space navy. More brass. Sure.
But then we have first lieutenants. That’s a rank in the USAF and a few others, but not the NZDF. We also have Sergeants on the Erebos which, again, makes most sense if the system is based on the USAF: the Cohort Fleet being commanded by the “Navy”, hence Admirals; while the boots-on-the-ground section of the Cohort are closer to Marines, who can hold the rank of First Lieutenant or Sergeant.
If that’s the case... why? Why is John basing the Cohort on the USNAVY, of all his possible options? Did he just want to have a little private giggle about having Space Marines? Then why not go full hog and base the ranks on the damn space marines as well? It would fit with his whole eternal emperor spiel.
And why call them the Cohort then use modern ranks? That’s more in-keeping with his passion for Latin, although a term for a sub-unit is an odd choice, but why stop there? Why use modern terms, instead of Roman military terms? Why not Legate, Praefectus, and Pilus?
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superannylovestuff · 1 year
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