#This fandom is dying and I'm trying to feed it.
full-o-pans678 · 2 years
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These two were the first things that got me into mixels as a little kid. (The first episode I saw was "Murp".)
They make quite a nice duo.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
hii i love your writing and im wondering if you could please write something fluffy for tommyinnit? maybe y/n is also a streamer/cc and their relationship is well known in the community and theyre always so sickeningly cute that their friends get so annoyed!! i just think that'd be fun.
(also could i be 🌙🌊 anon? thanks!)
yeah of course!! welcome to the family 🌙🌊 anon :) ; and oooo okay, hopefully I did this right! thank you for requesting!
TOMMYINNIT ; sickeningly adorable
summary ; two streamers publicly dating, who would've guessed
warnings ; language
word count ; 562
y/s/n = your ship name
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You and Tommy finally made yourselves official in late 2021 as the Dream SMP fandom had started dying out. You waited for a while for the hype to go down because of toxic fans and weirdos online who'd care too much about your relationship, and everything turned out fine.
Most of your social media feeds were filled with support, but of course, there were always some hate comments here and there, from yours or Tommy's "fans" about each other. There was a toxic side to every fanbase, and you'd both go to great lengths to try and deal with it. After a while, you both stopped caring and accepted that giving those people attention only drove it further.
But, the toxicity was small, the love and support for you two being together was ten times larger, and that's all you could care about. From fanart and fanfiction to deep dive analysis' on Tumblr connecting your real selves to your characters, it was cute in all honesty. What was even cuter in your opinion was compilations of "adorable y/s/n moments for ____ minutes straight" videos.
You regularly binged those videos, even on stream, even with Tommy. That's what started the constant teasing and bickering from your friends. They were playfully annoyed at the two of you, which also led the community to do the same, which made him trend at #10 on Twitter for the day.
You were both grateful for your communities, and the opportunities and memories you could share online because of it.
But now, you're recording a vlog with Tommy, Freddie, and Tubbo as you hang around an arcade for the day. You split into two teams, You and Freddie v Tommy and Tubbo, to see who could win the most tickets in an hour. You and Freddie quickly went to grinding up tickets on Dance Dance Revolution, while the two T's went to try and get tickets off the basketball shooters.
You look back at Tommy, failing to make a ball in the basket behind you, Tubbo next to him, reminding him of his awful aim. You lightly smile and turn back to Freddie, already judging you with his facial expression.
“What?” You question
The boy with the dyed orange hair looks between you and the blonde across the room, an eyebrow raised.
“You’re both annoying”
You look back at Tommy, lightly chuckling as he and Tubbo begin throwing the balls at each other, aiming for the face. Freddie snaps you back to DDR, wanting to win free lunch.
"C'mon, Y/n/n, I can't carry this myself!" He lightheartedly laughs, pulling you into another round.
As you're playing DDR with Freddie, back to Tommy and Tubbo, the blonde begins to get distracted by you as well. He widely smiles, watching you bounce around on the mat while you focus on the game.
"Look at Y/n" He whispers to Tubbo, watching you with hearts in his eyes. "They're having so much fun"
Tubbo rolls his eyes. "Tommy, we need to get tickets, stop swooning over your partner"
"It can wait!"
"Half of our time is already gone!"
"I'm enjoying my view of my very happy partner, Tubbo. I'm buying lunch anyways"
The shorter brunette groans, "I'm getting a slushie then, have fun staring at them and looking like a creep"
Tommy quickly blinks before running after him, "Tubbo, no, wait!"
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imptwins · 3 months
ALRIGHT, no more messing around I suppose.
Over the last twelve months my close friend @kimberlyeab and myself have been the targets of sustained harassment by a series of "anti-ship" accounts, that may or may not be the same person, that I am not going to name up here because I do not want to give them any more traffic than necessary. This is over some of the content we make, 18+ fiction revolving around Undertale and Deltarune, and sometimes involving dark kinks. I'm going to ask you to put aside whether you think this is immoral for the moment.
Under the break below is what I wrote a few hours ago. Things have since escalated. Both myself and Kim have been targeted by email bombs on our business emails, services/bots that spam your email address with garbage signups, rendering your email address completely unusable. At worst, this can overwhelm your email service so much that your account is unable to process new emails and is eventually disabled by the provider. I'm still getting bursts of activity after over 200 emails, so I'm not sure if it's dying down, or if it's so backlogged that this is what's happening.
This is literally a crime, by the way. It's classified as cyber abuse.
On top of this, whoever has done this has access to personal information. A full legal name, first and last, was used in several of the signups, so they are either implicitly threatening to doxx us, or simply flexing that they could. Likewise a crime.
Additionally, this seems well coordinated, but there are no suspicious recent results for us in The Usual Places. This makes me believe this person is probably using some foul back-alley site like KF to organize this. I don't think the legal name in question could have been acquired by one person, it's extremely difficult to trace back.
tl;dr: whoever is doing this knows their way around the internet and is actively dangerous, they are severely impeding our lives and have the potential to become incredibly, incredibly dangerous.
Why am I posting this? Not really to get those accounts in trouble (although you should absolutely stay the hell away from them, and severely scrutinize anything they leave a mark on). I don't think they'll be punished, nor would it help since they constantly block evade, and at this point I don't think this recent online abuse crap is actually them, just someone attaching themself to their crusade. Though I'm not sure.
What I want to illustrate is how these kind of callout posts feed into targeted harassment of minorities. This is just another reason why things that make you uncomfortable should be dealt with by curating your experience using tags and blacklists and blocks, rather than trying to assign moral value to what people make. If my content makes you that uncomfortable I *actively encourage* you to block me.
It doesn't matter whether you personally dislike minorities or not, or whether you're subconsciously targeting them, or whatever. Someone else who does will latch on. That person who writes nothing but callout posts, yet they're always for small trans creators who make some 'icky stuff' and never for big-name bigots who parade their bigotry out in the open; is it because they're a sock puppet of an overt reactionary, or just because they want to feel some control over their life so they subconsciously focus on vulnerable people?
Simple: you can't know.
These people are the dangerous ones. Not people who just make content, properly tag it, and mind their own business. But these people, obsessed with ruining other people, with finding 'evil' in the world so that they can purge it? You can find their name below if you really want, and literally their entire blog is just constant callouts, broadcasting people doing callouts, trying to network with other people who do callouts. This is why these people were originally called 'antifans', their entire fandom presence is centered around tearing other people to shreds.
Do your due diligence and fact-check, before you broadcast that someone in your fandom did something awful. Make sure they actually hurt someone. I know mega-bastards will use 'you can't prove it' as an excuse, but actually analyze it a bit. It's almost always painfully obvious, I know, I spent years doing antifascism. And more than anything else, neither entertain, nor broadcast, nor embolden the kind of people who dedicate their entire existences on the internet to lateral abuse. Not just these particular ones, but ANYONE who dedicates their life to this online torch-waving garbage over fictional content. Whether they're a reactionary or just projecting trauma, whether they actually hate x y or z minority or they just happen to always go for the most vulnerable people, whether the person they're targeting makes content that makes you feel very icky and gross or not, these self-ordained Crusaders are consistently, unquestionably, dangerous.
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That's one page out of 4. Also some of them have between 10 and 80 updates in the one email from the same address. There's about 300 emails all up. And there's zero reason they can't do this again.
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Anyway. The accounts in question are @snowcollecter/@brieffamilycat/@krispy-chicken-shipping/@bonniehbunny. First two are definitely them, I highly suspect the latter two are their main, or at the very least someone who constantly signal boosts them. We have endured over 12 months of:
calling for brigades against us, and at least 4 other people
block dodging to constantly screenshot and reference our posts
literal libel by accusing us of grooming a child despite screenshots, as well as both statements and direct requests to stop by both the supposed groomed child and their actual friends who witnessed all interactions we had
spamming anon asks to literally every single person that they can find who we ever interact with
using tiktok cen)sor)ship nonsense to get past peoples' blacklists and force this stuff in front of them
using no less than 3 confirmed alts with about 5 more extremely suspicious accounts in attempts to artificially broadcast themself and again evade blocks (when the original account itself is transparently an alt too)
joining multiple random discords to try to shove this stuff in peoples' faces
now spamming Kim's business email at signup services
probably being behind the attempts to doxx and raid us last year on a certain hate-monger website, since the signup spam demonstrates they're cool with bog standard channer troll tactics
They also pretty tellingly refused to even talk to this minor we supposedly groomed, who attempted to tell them personally that we hadn't done the shit they claim we did. You'd think someone who is this caught up about the safety of minors in fandom spaces would jump at the chance to help this kid, to tell them not to talk to us and get them away from us, to convince them to stay away? No, they said 'I don't talk to minors' (this is demonstrably untrue: their discord accounts are in many all-ages spaces) and immediately blocked them.
Of course. Because this was never about the safety of minors. Flip a coin; if it's heads, they're a far-right sock puppet who just knows they can use the 'think of the children' angle to drive a wedge into queer communities. If it's tails, they're just a routine runt who's projecting their lack of ability to do anything about the ACTUAL assholes of this world onto other queer people, wailing and flailing and doing anything they can to have some influence despite getting 3 notes on almost everything they ever post. Hence the anon asks, and Discord spam, and blacklist/block evading. If they can't have a platform - because anyone who looks at their garbage for more than a month at most sees how absolutely deranged they are - they'll just force people to see it.
Do they ever attack actual transphobes, which this fandom is not at all short on? Well, sort of! They did one or two callout posts about a TERF who used to run in these spaces... But didn't say anything about the TERF shit. Just the porn. The porn constantly put behind age confirmations and thorough tags/content warnings. This person spouted generic 'all-powerful trans lobby' 'social contagion' 'please look at this study about desistance I found on a hard-right website' bullshit, but no, it was them drawing aged-up highschoolers (REMINDER: NOT EVEN CANONICALLY UNDERAGE, JUST VAGUE HIGHSCHOOLERS, *AND* THEY WERE EXPLICITLY OLDER IN THEIR CONTENT!) that was apparently the greater evil.
I'm not even really sharing this to call them specifically out or draw attention to them. Regardless of whether they're a chud in a mask or just someone who severely, *severely* needs psychological help about their obsession, they're not going to stop. They've made that plainly obvious. At this point I've basically just accepted I'm going to have this deranged stalker until I leave the fandom, which I don't plan to do anytime soon so buckle up I guess.
No, I just want people to see what these people are like. How they ignore the people they claim are victims. How they employ the same tactics as doxxing websites and old channer trolls, or even outright enlist them. How they only EVER put sustained effort into taking down queer people with small platforms because going after the in-plain-sight actual bigots and scumbags would just be too much effort, a reflection of how this is about feeling righteous and powerful, not actually making the world better. They create nothing, they contribute nothing, they bring nothing but arguing and drama and isolation to the spaces they inhabit.
These kind of people are blights on the fandoms they cling to. And any time you act like their *miserable* Hays Code, Jack Thompson With A Rainbow Flag, no kink at pride, BDSM is abuse, drag queens are indecent, cover those ankles *garbage* warrants any notice at all, you deal another blow to the fandom you are in, because nobody wants to be around these little goddamn nightmares. edit: I know how red-flag any grooming allegations are, if you want the full story to that I already addressed it here. tl;dr, no, we did not let a child look at our porn let alone show it to them, we in fact stopped them from doing so. We are not in some secret private 18+ server with them, we actively ensured they STOPPED making themself unsafe, and have strained extremely, extremely hard to keep our very limited interactions with them transparent, scrutinizable, and appropriate. The only reason we even stuck around was because it became rapidly apparent they were in an abusive living situation which we occasionally gave them advice to manage, eg helping them look up boarding options, unlike the torch-waving dipshits who did NOTHING to reach out to them or help them in any way. They're doing much better, both in their home life and in terms of not following or privately palling around with 18+ creators anymore, thanks to us, and at the expense of both our mental health and reputations. You're fucken' welcome.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 months
not going to give the blog any attention or time of day but this is your reminder that the leverage crew would never be zionists or support israel whatsoever
I wasn't going to engage with it because I value my mental health but yeah. absolutely fucking NOT
y'all really think that this group of people that actively go out of their way to go against the rich and powerful, who make it their goal to help people that are oppressed, devalued by society and taken advantage by those more powerful would at all EVER align themselves with israel? bffrrn
I'm going to go off for a few paragraphs about why this is such a horrendously ridiculous and delusional idea, but I'm not going to clog up your dash so it's going under the cut. I want to respect people who already participate in activism and need fandom space for lighter things
tw for discussion of the atrocities and war crimes happening in palestine
over 25 THOUSAND innocent people have died as a result of israeli terror the last few months alone. over 10 thousand children. entire family lines have been erased from the world forever- grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren all martyred, often together as they are sheltering from bombs and bullets until they are murdered by soldiers that laugh as they shoot and detonate bombs.
you really think that eliot 'I adopt every child I see' spencer would support a regime that let a child stay trapped in a car where her family members were martyred, not let paramedics in for days and then when they finally let the paramedics approach they kill both her AND the EMS? you think he would stand with the government that arrests children as young as 6 years old for *checks hand* being terrorists (because what fucking 6 year old is a terrorist let alone any kind of national threat. they're fucking SIX). that snipes children for throwing rocks at tanks and their apartheid walls
he and all of them would weep at the picture released the other day of the little girl handing from rubble with her legs blown off.
all of them would be horrified of the bombardment that has murdered tens of thousands of innocent civilians, women, children, men, elderly alike with no fucking care. that shoots people with their hands up waving white flags. that bulldozes graveyards and digs up bodies and probably steals organs from they dying and deceased. that bombs hospitals, governmental and archival buildings, mosques, churches, holy sites, schools and universities. whose soldiers have a trend where they go through women's underwear drawers and make lewd comments about their lingerie and how kinky they must be. who make tiktoks of them playing in decimated playgrounds and signing their children's names on bombs. who force parents to collect pieces of their children in plastic bags because they have been blown apart by relentless bombing. who shoot a grandmother holding a child's hand. who murdered a woman that dared say that she was older than the 'state' of israel.
the fact that you're posting this as israel relentlessly bombs rafa, the place they were told would be the only safe place to be, where 1.6 million people are living in tents living off animal feed because no sufficient humanitarian aid (if any) has been let through
these people that advocate for comeuppance and exposing wrongs would not support a regime that actively targets and murders journalists and their entire families.
you really think any of them would actively support a genocidal sociopathic government? fucking delusional
to a certain extent, I know that people want to keep fandom and advocacy spaces separate and I acknowledge and relate to that- when we are logged on every moment of the day we sometimes need to take breaks and engage with something else for our mental health. I need that too. and there is a very thin line when you try to apply fandom to current events because in all honesty, making headcanons about how your faves would react to X horrendous event can come off as extremely tone-deaf. I get you love your blorbos (I do too!), but actual people are suffering and it can come off as disingenuous to a lot of folks when you try to talk about your characters instead of the very real harm that is going on. HOWEVER, the other account posted in the leverage tag that the crew would be zionists and started that discourse and since it was already out there in our space I wanted to make sure that people know that this blog does not support that whatsoever.
and before this gets misconstrued: antizionism is not antisemitism. I have a lot of love for my jewish friends and followers, but saying that we can't be critical of war crimes and incessant aggression because it is a jewish state is fucking ridiculous. we should be able to hold any and all governments accountable when they do bad things (this absolutely also means I think we should hold the US accountable for enabling them and I live here. every country that is complicit needs to face consequences). saying that israel is exempt from criticism because jewish people deserve a right to a homeland isn't a great take. I completely understand fear of antisemitism and discrimination, but at some point we have to think critically and acknowledge that people are dying by the thousands and standing up for that and calling out atrocities takes precedence. jewish voices for peace has some really good content about this topic
anyways there's a random blog out there posting about how your faves are zionists splattering their rancid sponge and I want to make sure my stance on this subject is very clear: fuck israel, free palestine, and no one is free until everyone is free
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rin-fukuroi · 6 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 [𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: serial killer!Blade x fem!reader
Warnings: !dark content, i guess!, descriptions of murders and bloody wounds (of strangers).
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Point Blank - Liar
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Oh, I'm so inspired by this Blade's image that I want to write even more works with him in this role... I love the creepy, disgusting and frightening Blade as much as possible (≧◡≦) ♡
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✦ He doesn't hide from you the disgusting things that his hands do. Blade is frighteningly good at things you can't even bring yourself to say out loud. He's cold-blooded, smart, and too into the taste to stop, despite how you slowly go crazy being next to him while he drags you down to the bottom of a sea of blood and corpses.
Blade no longer remembers what his first murder was like. These faces… disfigured by agony, mutilated and losing touch with this world, merged together in his mind, acquiring a completely new appearance that should haunt him in nightmares, but only you can disturb his sleep when you try to get out of his steel grip, almost breaking your bones, but every time he attracts you back, hugging tightly to his body.
— Where are you going?
Blade was never verbose, but his scarlet eyes sometimes tell you more than his words. Every time you try to escape from the metallic smell that has settled somewhere deep under his skin, from his cold body, from hugs akin to the most cruel torture, his gaze burns a hole in your nature, nailing you back to his chest, in which the barely audible beats of what should be to be called the heart.
✦ He likes to look at you when your face is distorted with disgust. You're chained to Blade like a faithful pet that follows him around, forced to just watch as his pale face is stained with splashes of scarlet blood. A weak-willed spectator who feels complicit in every atrocity that Blade's hands, which know no mercy, do. He beat, hacked, then smeared your wrinkled face with still warm blood, wanting to know when the day would come when your stomach would no longer be sick and your heart would no longer be pounding in your chest, ready to burst apart. When you finally break down.
But deep down in his mutilated soul, Blade doesn't want that day to come.
✦ He is aroused by the sight of your disgust for him, aroused by the fear that takes root in your veins, which has not left your body since your destinies intertwined. Your tears are the best part of his every performance for you. Although you start crying even at the moment when his blade pierces the body of another stranger, your tears, settling in wet spots on his cloak, are something for which he is ready to kill again and again.
— They're all dying because of you, and you can't even look them in the eye. Do you really think you can escape from this?
✦ How low do you have to fall for the universe to finally bring down its punishment on you for all the deeds that you had to witness? Aren't you guilty enough?
After all, he's right.
You really are the reason all these people are dying. And you've never even done anything to stop it, just feeding the monster, filling the void in his chest with sinful pleasure, when Blade enjoys every sound of despair, every plea uttered in a voice hoarse with sobs, every tear running down your fear-scarred face.
✦ You are the only reason Blade has become addicted to this feeling. Watching the fire go out in the eyes of his victims is so boring and has almost become routine, but the way your candle smoulders is what his blade is ready to chop fragile human bodies over and over again until he sees your eyes dim, soaked in darkness that devours his soul.
At some point, you still open your eyes, looking at his victims as if into your own reflection. They're all you. The same wounded, now devoid of soul. The only thing that distinguishes you from the corpses that Blade's heavy footsteps mercilessly tread on is your heart, which for some reason still continues to beat in your chest.
But one day, he promises, you will become a jewel in his collection.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 5 months
How do you interpret the Louis vampire transformation in the book, not the show. It seems very sexual from my understanding although Lestat is a complete a**hole. I'm starting to reread the books again it's been awhile.
…"Are we close to God when we create something out of nothing? When we pretend we are the tiny flame and we make other flames?"
nansorella, this question could be an essay answer 💗! I'm glad to hear you're rereading the books, definitely try to get through TOBT if you can, that's where the above quote came from. There's a lot of layers with Lestat giving the Dark Gift to Louis. But I'll try to keep this as short as I can, and we can always delve further in a follow up ;}
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[^X by @xxhellonursexx, read the caption on that bc it's in line with my answer on this ask! Vampiric feeding could be compared to breastfeeding, but specifically their turning is really the most comparable, a child feeding on the nutrition from their parent's own body.]
Focusing on the book, yes, my reading is that it's intentionally very sexual (even complete a**holes can be capable of sex!). Since vampires can't get pregnant, the Dark Gift is their method of sexual reproduction; I would argue that it's the most intimate act they can perform. Yes Lestat is being more than a bit of an a**hole in that moment but I can excuse it partly bc it was AR's first time writing a vampire turning and Lestat was for sure the main antagonist in that story, so he had to be sassy/cruel even in what should have been a loving moment but that's another entire discussion. Ppl can be awful during the act of giving birth, too, so... yeah... I would also argue that the '94 movie softened that scene somewhat, Lestat was positively thrilled about doing it and wasn't awful to Louis (except for when he had to break away from Louis, but that's also comparable to childbirth, which has pain involved for sure, and then you can see how sexually gratified he is laying back and watching Louis transform after they separate so ANYWAY!).
Since Lestat has so many fledglings, it was kind of a fandom joke that every time X sound occurs, Lestat makes another fledgling... maybe it's because he gets so much pleasure out of performing the act itself, and, transforming someone into a vampire, he gains a kind of parental and creative ownership of that person. It's his blood in them, after all!
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Louis describes the act of killing as being a celebration of his making, (my bold & italics emphasis added):
"Killing is no ordinary act," said the vampire. "One doesn't simply glut oneself on blood." He shook his head. "It is the experience of another's life for certain, and often the experience of the loss of that life through the blood, slowly. It is again and again the experience of that loss of my own life, which I experienced when I sucked the blood from Lestat's wrist and felt his heart pound with my heart. It is again and again a celebration of that experience; because for vampires that is the ultimate experience."
[X for a great gifset of this quote by @fetch-me-a-block]
And then in Tale of the Body Thief, Lestat's reflecting on the creation of Claudia in a similar way to how ppl talk about the creation of their children:
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[^X St. Patrick’s Cathedral, NYC, 11/7/15.]
“I lifted the long wax wick, dipped it into an old flame, and carried the fire to a fresh candle, watched the little tongue grow orange and bright. What a miracle, I thought. One tiny flame could make so many other flames; one tiny flame could set afire a whole world. Why, I had, with this simple gesture, actually increased the sum total of light in the universe, had I not? …«But why, Lestat?» Because she was beautiful, because she was dying, because I wanted to see if it would work. Because nobody wanted her and she was there, and I picked her up and held her in my arms. Because it was something I could accomplish, like the little candle flame in the church making another flame and still retaining its own light - my way of creating, my only way, don’t you see? One moment there were two of us, and then we were three. …«Are we close to God when we create something out of nothing? When we pretend we are the tiny flame and we make other flames?»
That book has an undercurrent of Claudia haunting Lestat (possibly as a ghost, but possibly as just his own imaginary manifestation of her) and pestering him about why he created her, maybe trying to provoke him into an apology, and I feel like he's able to make peace with her in his ruminations about her in that book. This is why I encourage ppl to read the canon books, even on beyond the first 3, because there are gems like this that add a richness to the characters, we can explore them along with Anne Rice 💗💗💗
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sp0o0kylights · 3 months
hey its me from the "wheres the adopt a jock update, im dying" thing. im so sorry for it. i had know idea there even was a storm and it is 100% not ur job to keep us updated bc ur doing us favour by uploading content, im sorry i took that for granted.
im also sorry this apology came late, i felt to chicken to write one innitially, i dont know if i did end up sending u one, but ur reaction to my ask came up in my feed again and i really wanted to apologise once more.
I'm so sorry for those you lost in this horrid storm and I'm so proud of u for pushing through, everyone is and I hope u know that.
I know this apology doesn't make up for anything but I just wanted u to know that I took in what u responded, u were well in ur right to be pissed off, and I now know for future to type my messages in a kinder way so they don't get taken as a ride remark, I hope u know I didn't type what I said to be rude, not that it matters in anyway.
we're all looking out for u and wish u all the best, have a great day
It's all good fam--I honestly had a few of these messages between here and A03, some a lot ruder that yours, and yours just happened to be the first one I saw when I managed to get a few hours with proper access to Tumblr (Ie not on the craptastic app on my phone, which refuses to let me answer asks and crashes when I try lol.)
Thank you for apologizing, it does mean a lot, and it takes a lot of courage to do it.
It's a weird lesson to learn sometimes, that people who don't know you as well won't always know you're joking/your sense of humor, or may not mentally be in a space to fully comprehend it as a light prod instead of a "hey dude where's my content."
I think it's also a good reminder that fandom is a community first. I know there's a lot of discussion centered around how we're sliding into a more content mill like vibe vs that community, and that a lot of us are getting impacted by it a bit--I'll be the first to say I was more touchy even before the trees because I've had a lot more weird, demanding comments lately than I ever used to get. Not just in ST either--I'm seeing it on my older fics, in fandoms that are significantly smaller and typically very drama-less. While my policy normally is to delete and ignore, sometimes it builds (and then two trees almost kill you by collapsing your house and you start biting heads off after being stuck in a hotel with your family for two weeks.)
Anyway, thank you sincerely, for apologizing. It did not go unnoticed <3
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
Germany, Canada, Philipines, and Saudi Arabia with a S/o that haves and loves cats
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this bitch loves when he comes back of his job and the 3 cats are there waiting him + his lovely S/o
thats heaven ofc
loves to feed them small pieces of meat from their lunch or breakfast (ham, sausages, meat, etc.)
buys you cat stuff and toys for them
loves waking up with 3 furballs with him and s S/o
doesn't let you scold them or say bad words in front of them
"SWEETIE NOT IN FRONT THE CATS-" proceds to cover the cats ears
"[insert name of the cat] WHY DIDYOU BROKE THE CORTAINS-"
"i was playing with the laser and with him sorry!"
"i broke it!-"
bro yeah with ur nails u broke like 55 dolars cortains
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cat man vibes
loves your cats and he loves you!
but he doesn't love the result in his clothes
"[insert one of the cats name] i have to clean my jackte again!"
haves to buy cat toys because they probably play and broke one of his raccoon hats
and the bad result of that
is that ur babys don't have whiskas for a week
"thats what they get! chasing that raccoons its hard!"
loves buying them cat treats,
definitly one of ur cats its a fatty one
and he loves that
he would try to take one of them(or all) to hunt
spoiler now he has like 7 more hats
"okay why i am sleeping in the coach"
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like germany he defens them and buys you cat things, and toys for them
ok but now explain why one of them was climbing of one of the cortains
"ok but aare you okay? one of my cats hurt you while you was playing with them"
you can't sleep in r bed 'cuz the cats are in ur place
imagine this
you send poland to buy some things and he comes back with the things you asked
food, toys,sweets, clothes, beds, things, etc.
just him being a cinnamon roll,
Saudi Arabia
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(since i take a break of the fandom [before i start this blog] i don't know how some ppl think that saudi A acts, so here is going to be the typical scary man but a soft man when you know him better)
i feel like your kitties are going to be scared of him
but after a lot of cuddles, cleaning everything, pats, and toys ur kitties will love him
its like their dad lmao 😭
"i love our little cats,... but please keep them away from my S U I T S "
this man definitly haves one of those sweaters with a cat on it
if ur cats are the ones that chase mices, flys, etc(idk my cat chases flys lmao) just to bring them to him
he will feel alabated.... and when the cat is not watching he will throw it but everyone here would do that so ssshhhh
If you give more attention to your cats than to him, he gets mad and won't give him whiskas.
although if you give them to him without him noticing- well he realizes
"/opening the [cabinet/basket/drawer] where his food is supposed to be/"THERE WAS 41 WHISKAS, 4 1 , NOW I WATCH JUST 38! E X P L A I N"
"THEY WHERE- wait you counted the food envelopes and you memorized how much it was?
"oh look [cat name] brought us another cricket, awww"
{YESS ANOTHAR REQ, okay its been a hell wirte with my throat feeling like I'm dying,but meh, with 1 or 2 pills it goes away, back on topic, the limit is 4 blabla, ehmmm, I've been getting a lot of questions from Countryhumans lmao, I love writing for them, miss spells, etc etc, just say it}
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dotthings · 3 months
It's time for certain brosonlies to stop lying.
My old twitter is gone but I have the archive and I've had enough with this nonsense so I'm going to share a summary of what I was thinking about SPN and S9, on twitter, January 8, 2014.
Here's what I brought to the table at the time:
The brothers are close but how can their rifts and conflicts heal without change or growth, and not advocating for the bro bond to go away, advocating for more character development and less toxicity
Not about the brothers working separately, but the characters having more insight about themselves, how they treat each other, others around them, "instead of the show mashing the same button over and over presented as if it's new"
Yes they will still fight monsters
The repetitiveness at this point in the story (S9) was turning some fans off the story
Pointed out how this repetitiveness and toxicity harmed Sam's story not just Dean's. Sam robbed of agency, Dean shut in to being Sam's caretaker, the reliance on hurt Sam and dying Sam over and over.
There was more growth in early seasons. S1 Sam and Dean were getting to know each other again after being separated for years, this made for a strong arc and conflict and growth in S1
Questioning why others in the conversation were so against character development and growth, especially given the first few seasons felt more dynamic in that regard, and why character development is something treated as inappropriate and out of place in some areas of the fandom
Stories need contrast. If they get mired in the same dynamics over and over that harms the story
Sam and Dean do in fact have other story points besides just each other, why not develop those a little more
The mis-use of the label "codependent" for things that are, in fact, things people do for their family, or extended family, anyone they love, while Sam and Dean do have some aspects that veer into an unhealthy zone, given their background of trauma. But doing things for people you love are not on the show, or in life, confined only to blood ties
Pointing out that people don't get cured of codependency. It abates, it becomes manageable, it's not that the unusually close nature of Sam and Dean's bond will go away
But keeping them stop-gapped isn't great storytelling.
Dean's domesticity isn't demeaning, and Dean being caretaker isn't demeaning. The domesticity and showing Dean's nurturing side is part of fleshing out the character. However if he is limited to solely a caretaker role, that's limiting
Expressly saying that Dean's caretaking of others not just Sam is also an issue--if his entire role is caretaker, whether for Sam or for his friends, that's limiting the character.
Pushing back against the idea that Dean only cares about Sam
Dean's lack of self-worth, Dean believing his only worth was looking after Sam
That the fandom insistence that Dean's only role should be to look after Sam is not in fact Dean-positive and if the canon reinforces that, it's a problem
The way canon wasn't going deep enough to address the strains on the brother relationship. It was showing the rifts, but not really addressing it at the root causes
Brought up how most TV shows are structured and paced where normally there'd be more balance and how SPN's structure was limiting the story and character growth and the characters--for Sam and Dean. Not just Dean.
This is what brosonlies keep characterizing as me being rude, me attacking, me trying to push my DeSTieL AgEnDa, me being insane.
All because I had the temerity to treat Dean as a whole person instead of thinking his entire function in canon should be to spoon feed wounded and sick Sam, and because I had valid concerns about stop-gapping for both Sam and Dean, Sam being depicted again again as helpless and lacking agency, and Dean's role being narrowed, and where I even full on said, it would be a problem if Dean were confined to the caretaking role with anyone else he loves too.
I barely even go here any more but sometimes I remember how much I dislike the brosonly lane. How they target fans just for treating Dean as a whole person. How they resent you if you treat Sam as a whole person too. Because deep down they want eternally helpless sick wounded Sam so Dean can tend to him. They hate on shippers but the way this lane continues to treat both brothers, as characters, all for the sake of their fanon ship obsession, is still terrible. And very little has changed in 10 years.
They still hate character development. They still are so obsessed with their fanon ship that they don't even see Sam and Dean as fleshed out characters, they favor Sam, but even Sam gets chewed up and disregarded and lost in the maw of their shipping obsession. Nothing Matters But the Bro Bond. Sam and Dean who.
Feel free to discuss any of my old points about S9 if you'd like. I will be blocking and deleting any hateful or trolling comments.
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ohmeadows · 5 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
i wasn't tagged, i just wanted to do it 😌
How many works do you have on AO3? 10 currently. if we’re counting all past accounts and orphaned works… easily 50-60.
What is your AO3 word count? currently 149,834. if we account for the grand total, well. more. ha.
What fandoms do you write for? i’ve been in quite a few, mostly video game ones, but right now it’s mostly only honkai star rail on my mind though i have the odd rhaenicent idea rattling around.
What are your top five fics by kudos? you and me are a twisted fantasy (kafhime enemies to milkies), i’m on a leash called you (kafhime with dom himeko), da capo al fine (kafhime time loops), the dew of dying stars (ruanliu mara body horrors and cannibalism), and spark (kafxuan horny).
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes, i try to most of the time! i had a lapse this fall where i just didn’t have enough energy to do it for months on end, but i cleared my inbox of that backlog on january 1st. i’m trying to be more consistent going forward.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? none i can link bc orphaned or on old accounts, but i do love a good angsty ending if it makes sense for the way the story has been going. kinda aching to write one again i won’t lie.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? most of them are quite happy in terms of endings! i know people doomed so hard about da capo was going to have a sad tragic ending but that was… never in the cards for me. i already have it written and i’m very excited about getting there.
Do you get hate on fics? sort of. i wish people would offer up critiques instead of just leaving comments like “ew this is unhygienic”, “disgusting”, “can’t believe i read 8 chapters just for BOTTOM KAFKA” or whatever else pointless stuff i’ve deleted.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? mostly, yes. i think 99% of my writing stems from a very clear and vivid image of a sex scene, and then me building backwards to root that sex in a way that feels natural and consistent to both characters. and i'm always looking for some new angle in smut, or else it'll bore me, so that means exploring new kinks or dynamics each time.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? no, i frankly hate crossovers and it’s one of my blocked tags on ao3.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? oh yeah lol. sucks! what can you do! it always amuses me because if these people just bothered to talk to me in the way of “hey, i love x idea, i want to do my own take of it, can i discuss some ideas with you?” i’d be 100% down to help nurture that. i reblogged a post about it the other day but i definitely feel that fandom community has turned into a fandom clout competition which feeds into this, too many of us looking for a quick boost in some imaginary clout chasing.
Have you ever had a fic translated? several, yes. for a while i had a bunch of old fics translated into russian. it always flatters me that people would go through that effort with my works.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? yes, i’ve written a ton of unpublished wips with others and enjoyed the process, and then one i co-wrote with junie and published in an old fandom. i’d love to do it again, tbh, it’s incredibly energizing and fun, but wrangling two people’s creativity together over an extended period of time is always a lot of work and agreements, as well as being able to actually produce. you both need to trust each other and deliver.
What's your all-time favourite ship? uhm. i don’t know. i really don’t. ships by themselves don’t make me feel that excited, weirdly enough, but rather what people make exist in them. i have absolutely lost interest in compelling ships because the fandom de-fanged them, pulled their punches or morphed every single aspect about them into “uwu soft healing together”. (i could go into a long rant about how healing tends to be kinda… ugly…. in interpersonal dynamics. but that’s for another time.)
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? most of my unfinished wips i’m completely at ease with leaving behind in the dust. most. i do spend a lot of time thinking about a dorothea/rhea court drama au.
What are your writing strengths? visuals, i think. i have a very vivid inner eye when writing and the scenes play out like a movie for me, so i pay a lot of attention to the choreography and details of the scenes, where everyone’s hands are, and so on, to try and translate my inner vision to text. i can be a very harsh editor which means i’m always looking at what effect each scene is striving for — does it make sense for it to meander, or does it need to be snappier, sharper?
What are your writing weaknesses? i feel like my vocabulary could do with enrichment. i spend a lot of time looking up synonyms because they never stick in my head, and most of my reading books is spent noting down words in a notepad i’d like to use. sometimes i leave too much to be fixed in editing instead of putting it all down in the first draft. i don’t like involving too many characters so sometimes i think fics can get a bit too narrow — and sometimes i can play that for good effect, i guess.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? if you know it, sure, if you want; or at the very least use a beta who knows the language. i tried reading some fics that made use of my mother tongue and my god was it jarringly obvious google translate as well as irrelevant. i think it is worth asking twice what effect it will have for the reader and if it will come off as jarring.
First fandom you wrote for? lord of the rings! man i loved my mary sue silly era.
Favourite fic you've ever written? completed: spark. the amount of research i poured into it, as well as dedicating myself to convoluting fu xuan’s internal voice and outlook on things was some real hard work, but satisfying in the end. incomplete: the dew of dying stars. this one pushed me to research more, think harder about what i wanted to convey, and make them be worse. it’s been a very fun shift in how much i allow myself to dig deep, and relaxing and trusting the audience more. truly a new level of sicko weirdo fic for me.
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setaripendragon · 5 months
Hello, I'm intrigued by "404 Battalion Not Found". Can you tell me more ?
Yes! =D
So, this one was inspired by a line in... General Jocasta, I think? Also borrows heavily from fandom's tattooine slave culture and the lore established in... the Double Agent Vader series?
It's a timetravel fic where Cody wakes up as a tiny clone toddler and basically makes it his mission to save as many of his brothers as he can, by slicing the decomissioning droid and making it sedate rather than kill the decomissioned clones.
This causes more problems than it solves. He has to deal with trying to hide, feed, and supply an exponentially growing cadre of enhanced (and thus bored) toddlers, most of whom have some form of 'disability', some of whom are actually very badly sick.
Eventually, Cody manages to get them a way off Kamino via a freed slave turned cargo freighter pilot, who recruits some other people to help them set up a refugee camp/outpost on a mostly uninhabited planet, where they grow up more or less running wild on a deathworld.
The fic probably isn't going to quite cover this except maybe in an epilogue, but eventually, when the clone wars start, this little colony is going to be like 'those are our brothers out there, dying for no good goddamn reason' and call for volunteers to make up a rescue battalion that everyone else is very absolutely sure should not exist.
Hence the title.
The fic was originally meant as a short backstory oneshot to a bigger Cody/Mace timetravel fic I had planned, but it grew out of control on me (as per usual with my backstory ideas ^^"). The first chapter needs some serious reworking, and I'm still a couple chapters away from finished, but it's mostly plotted out, I just wandered away from Star Wars before I quite managed to finish it.
Have an excerpt:
Warily, Gerda looks around the cockpit, paying more attention to the little things. The drawer under the dash isn’t quite shut, though nothing seems to be missing when she opens it to check. There’s a scuff-mark on the arm of the co-pilot’s chair that Gerda’s pretty sure she would have noticed before now. If it weren’t for the missing crates, she might have dismissed it all, but with everything put together, she’s pretty damn sure something’s not right here. She gets up, planning to go tell Eedi they’ve had an intruder on the ship, only to freeze in place, half-turned and half-upright, when she spots said intruder attempting to back away down the corridor to the bunkroom.
It’s a toddler.
A human or close-human toddler in a grey onesie, their skin only a little lighter than her own, but their hair dark instead of ruddy, cropped short and just a little curly, staring at her with an almost angry look of defiance on their chubby little face.
“Hi,” Gerda says, for lack of anything better to say.
“Hullo,” the toddler says, slow and wary. They don’t sound frightened, but their eyes dart around the cockpit in a way that suggests they’re looking for a rescue, or an escape.
Slowly, Gerda stands up properly. The kid clenches their jaw as they stare up at her. Gerda crouches down, a little awkwardly between the two pilot’s seats, and offers the kid a smile. “I’m Gerda, and this beautiful lady is the Tanager,” she introduces, patting the pilot’s seat as she names the ship. “What’s your name?”
The kid’s eyes narrow at her. “Cresh-Cresh-Twenty-Two-Twenty-Four,” they say, rattling the number off by rote, and a chill goes down Gerda’s spine.
“That’s a number, not a name,” Gerda says, very softly. The kid – Gerda is not going to call him by a registration number, she is not – only blinks at her, not even confused past the wariness he’s still regarding her with. “Is that what people call you here?”
The kid nods. “My brothers call me Twenny-Four,” he offers.
“Brothers?” Gerda asks, pulling up a mask over her growing horror, a mask she hasn’t wanted to use or had to use in years. A mask she’d hoped she’d left far behind her. “I have a brother, too. Well, he’s my wife’s brother, which makes him my brother, but there’s only one of him. How many do you have?”
“Ten-thousand-one-hundred-and-five,” the kid answers, then shrugs. “Less than that.”
Gerda’s going to scream. “Less?” she asks, even though she doesn’t want to know. She does not want to know. …She needs to know, anyway.
“The defective ones get taken, and they don’t come back,” the kid explains. They – he, probably he if he’s calling them all brothers – still haven’t stopped watching her like she’s a threat, despite the factual, bland way he’s been answering her questions. He’s one eerie kid, Gerda can’t help but think. His vocabulary is too good and his diction is only slightly warped by childishness. “Some didn’t come out of the tubes right, but they took Eighteen because he cried too much and Twenny-Six because he was growing feathers instead of hair.”
“Do you know where they took them?” Gerda asks around the lump in her throat.
“The decommissioning centre,” the kid answers dutifully. Gerda closes her eyes and takes a moment to just breathe through the horror. Kids. Babies, killed because they cried too much. Gerda’s no stranger to the horrors of the galaxy, but there’s something about the clinical wording and the kid’s well-trained apathy that shatters her own carefully built defences.
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re-bee-key · 1 year
Hey Willow Fandom, I have a wild theory. Im doing a rewatch, and I'm at the scene in The Gales where Graydon reads the Pnakoptic written on the Mother's Gate. And as he is reading, the world shakes. Specifically when he mentions the Wyrm's Harbinger.
And when we get to the end of the season, Graydon wakes up in the Wyrm's domanion. With what seems like an illusion of Elora. (I have mixed feelings on if she is Wyrm Illusion Elora or Corrupted Future Elora.) And she tells him she needs him. To bring her light to the world. Very creepy Wyrm shit.
And, when the Crone is dying, she tells Airk he is the chosen Harbinger.
And this got me thinking, there must be some kind of prophecy for the Harbinger. Just like there was for Elora. Whispered hopes among the evil who serve the Wyrm.
I think in this prophecy, it must have been said that the Harbinger would be a man of great power. One to rival Elora's.
Which is why the Crone kidnaps Airk. Because he has the blood of Bavmorda, which should, in theory, mean he has great magic potential.
I think Sorsha suspects this, and that's why she gives the warning to Kit.
But I think the Crone got the prophecy wrong. I think Graydon was the dark prince promised. I mean, heck, still at a beginner level, he impressed the Crone with his magic. If the Wyrm were to guide him and lend him his magic, then Graydon could have unlimited potential.
Graydon is the Harbinger.
Which is why the ground shook when he read the bloody runes. Its like a narrative forshadowing of his destiny.
Or, at least. Thats my theories. Im pretty sure the writer gave him such a minor, comedic role to make it more shocking and novel when this is all revealed.
I also think it lends to a potentially cool "fuck destiny" moment. That i think everyone in the party needs to have.
Anways. Thanks for coming to my rambling ted talk.
Side thought: I saw on some fandom wiki that Pnakoptic is a reference to a Lovecraft story. And I think that is so interesting. Like. This means the Wyrm is more than some lazy "fantasy devil lord of darkness" reference. No, the Wyrm is a straight up Lovecraftian elder god.
Its interesting that he's a wyrm. Because worms bore holes into things. Their bodies snaked and nestled snug inside. Like a parasite it feeds and the thing dies.
I think the Wyrm is doing that to the planet. We see him in his own realm. But we are told he's actually some place sleeping. So what if is just a dream realm we see. And his real self is snaked deep throughout the world. His body appearing on the surface occasionally as we see when Elora looks out the door.
Eldricht gods are beings of illusions and nightmares and horrors beyond compression and possession. Above all, they are of unknowable madness and manipulation.
Also, a key thing. They are beings of knowledge.
Graydon is the smartest person in the party. He's basically done nothing but read his entire life.
Most people in eldricht horror stories that try to understand elder gods knowledge go mad. And maybe thats what the lich process is in Willow. The Crone and all them are corrupted by the power and knowledge the Wyrm can give.
Which brings us to Graydon. Maybe he's smart enough that he can learn without getting too corrupted. His mind in tact, so the Wyrm can have a tool, not a puppet.
In most Eldricht stories, people who mess with dark magic die. I know Graydon "died" so this is a mooy point. But still.
I hope, that the show continues to subvert tropes and that there are themes of fighting against destiny. And we see Graydon either not becoming the Harbinger, or using his Harbinger powers for good instead of evil.
Ok, second ramble over.
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fancyfade · 7 months
I got into DC recently and latched onto Talia like a baby duckling. Like even before I fully understood her as a character I was ready to fight for her honor, which is when ran into your blog on her tag.
The Talia brainrot has been really rotting my brain SO you got anything Talia related? Arcs you wish were explored. If you were put in charge of a Talia run what would it be? Outfits you saw, or made up, that you think she would rock? Do you know any other blogs that are normal (as in they know Talia's OG characterization) about Talia? HCs? Your bio says you like Star Wars, so what Star Wars character do you think she would be friends with? (I think she would be friends with Satine Kryze) Who do you think she would despise? Do you think she would be a Jedi? If so what era do you think she would thrive in? What's her favorite Shakespeare play? Do you think she would have a favorite quote from him? (I think it would be Beatrice's "I will eat his heart in the marketplace" from Much Ado. Beatrice's relationship with Hero is so personal to me and I definitely think that's the type of cousin/ older sister Talia would be). Something DC brought up once about Talia, but you think it should be explored more (WHO IS AMALA DC??? WHAT IS HER FRIENDSHIP WITH TALIA TELL ME MORE).
Oh most importantly: How do you deal with comics that completely screw her up? I'm reading Tomasi's Batman and Robin and GOD I barely get through the beginning of Vol 2, and I know there are comics that do worse with her. So I know I can't just drop comics that do a nasty job with her because then I should just quit Batfam comics in general and try some other fam and I have NO idea where to start with that and ugh.
Just anything about Talia.
Also, I know I typed a lot and if you don't want to answer some of them that is 100% fine! Or if you want to answer them in parts across different posts. I just need more with her.
hmmm so talia arcs i would like to see
well probably b/c i am just re-reading lexcorp, but i would like a more satisfying end to president lex stuff and lexcorp talia. I feel like he just kind of grabs the idiot ball, unless I am remembering the end to this saga wrong. like IIRC it was due to him being stupid in batman/superman and not any of the people trying to take him down... which is SUCH a shame b/c a story of talia teaming up with the superman characters and helping them take down lex could be so interesting. like. we saw talia feed calvin carson info to get him to go to the press about lex. we saw clark go undercover* to try to find some dirt on lex after lex covered up his crimes. lois got a lot of dirt on lex he conveniently made disappear about his involvement in OWAW . i want to see this all come together in a satisfying way!!
for star wars, I think Satele Shan (from SWTOR era) interacting with Talia could be very cool! both in I just think both characters are neat, but also for some interesting mother son parallelisms and contrasts. Talia initially wants Damian but then realizes she has to give him up to avoid him being raised in the league and to protect him from his parents possibly dying on him, Satele I don't think we see a ton of reason why she gives up Theron, but in general I viewed her as a character who did not want to be a mother, and she knew that she couldn't be theron's mother while still fulfilling all her obligations to the Jedi and fighting the sith, and that's OK (Fandom hates this). I think seeing them interact and team up to stop a bigger threat could be cool.
Also would be cool: To see Talia interacting with Imperial Agent's crew (again SWTOR :P). Talia in her lexcorp era often feels very much like she'd fit in with the vibes they are going for in that story, which is that no one really trusts anyone completely, or in many cases at all. A lot of her time in Lexcorp she has no allies and has to play all her cards very close to her chest as she's dealing w/ very dangerous people. especially if you go with defector-imperial agent (who defects in chapter 2 to... that guy who's name i forget since it's been a very long time since I played swtor IA. ardun?). B/c my understanding of defector IA (I've never played it b/c Aereinys is too mad to consider it, even tho she also hates the empire at that point) would, being a double agent appearing to work for the empire and having to pull off missions successfully for them to stay useful, routinely work against people who otherwise would be on her side, while working for people she finds morally repugnant.
For Jedi stuff I think Talia would want to be one of those chill nerdy Jedi who meditate and study. But if we go with her in canon plotlines a Jedi Shadow would work well :P
I don't read much shakespeare so I can't say much for what her favorite Shakespeare play would be. if we're going w/ Talia + literature appreciation, I can see her liking Hombre Pequeñito (link) which is admittedly a short poem and not a play but :P
For dealing with comics that completely screw her up: I honestly just write my own headcanon stuff and that's my canon now. It is helped a little by the fact that new 52 created a big break in my mental continuity, b/c they messed up so many characters I care about (Babs, Cass, Jaime), so all of DC from 2011 til now is very much "I do what I want". So there is stuff to re-write but less stuff.
I got my own fanfic (link) for how pre-Morrison Talia can meet Damian, and that's what I hang my mental canons on for them.
I do know that people who are reading Ram V's TEC run say it's got pretty good Talia, I haven't read it yet but hopefully they're getting her back on the right track.
for other blogs that are good about talia u might find some in my talia al ghul tag (link)... there are a lot of good blogs tho. @brucetalias, @immortaldino, @fluffykitty149, and @arellas are often who I think of for the Talia fans!
*for like 1 issue ;_;
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gatalentan · 1 year
We love and support your AvaMel side but I always laugh when I see something about them bc I remember that Janelle’s tweet 🤣🤣
Ok so for those who don't know, Janelle got tagged in an AvaMel ship fanvid, and replied to one of the quote retweets on that fanvid. I've censored op here for privacy:
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Two things can be true:
1. Janelle is allowed to be weirded out by being tagged/seeing ship content. That's her face & those are her co-workers. She's a very private person who mostly keeps fans at arms-length and that's healthy. Ava isn't Janelle, but she has her face (and so does Lisa), so fanvids in particular when accompanied by an explicit caption I can imagine would be really weird to see. As fans we know the diff between real-person and fictional shipping but from her perspective you can see how that would be more nuanced and complicated. Unfortunately, the Twitter algorithm now puts stuff on your feed - regardless of if you follow them or not - based on how it has pigeonholed you, and as a person who sometimes tweets about Abbott/Ava because it's her job, the algo assumes shes a fan and dishes up Abbott fandom content to her whether she likes it or not, so she sees stuff she doesn't wanna see even if she isn't tagged; she wasn't tagged in that QRT, but she still saw it, so we can see that's what happened here. A big problem there is that seeing stuff that makes them uncomfortable can make actors change how they approach the character(s) in future which sucks for everyone. We can't control the algo but on the whole it's better to not try and expose actors to ship content as much as possible because there's scores of ships where the actors became hostile to shippers as a result of being repeatedly exposed to content they don't want to see, or even just getting fatigued by an unintended ship overshadowing the rest of their acting effort. Unfortunately social media giving a lot of access to celebrities is a very double edged sword and difficult to balance, especially when some actors (cough lisa cough) are so far over the line of what's considered normal fan interactions that it gives unrealistic expectations for celebrities that are more private. Actors aren't your best friends, they don't owe you interactions or unconditional support just because you're a fan, they're strangers and real people with their own thoughts and feelings. Everyone has their own limits and boundaries and are allowed to express that and they're entitled to not be comfortable with fan work that uses their image.
2. Actors/creators not supporting a ship doesn't mean we still shouldn't be allowed to play in the sandbox. Work Wives isn't gonna be canon either, but that's not going to stop me from enjoying it. I'm 32 and if I didn't ship stuff just because it didn't have creator support I'd have spent twenty years with nothing to ship at all. As queers we have to carve our own space out where we can see people like us and make a meal out of scraps because otherwise we wouldn't get to engage with media the same way cishet people take for granted. Unless a show is Queer™️, a vehicle for a character's queerness and a major topic of discussion, we rarely get canon queer characters, let alone characters where it's treated respectfully without one of the pair getting fridged or dying. Even The L Word, Queer™️ as it was, killed off one of a major pairing. We deserve to see ourselves across the whole spectrum of genres, not just in Queer™️ TV, but it simply isn't there, so we make it for ourselves in fanwork. In fanwork you can play with these characters however you want. You can give them a soft landing where they're safe (or the opposite, explore darker themes for a light-hearted show). You can give them the type of stories that would never have the space to breathe in the works they came from. You can take them out of their environment completely and put them somewhere else, you can change one thing that changes their whole dynamic, or you can just write absolute filth. Either way, fundamentally they're fictional characters, they do not exist and they don't have free will, only what you put into them as a viewer. We're not about to make Janelle make out with Lisa, but in fiction, Ava and Mel can, and as fictional characters they represent a dynamic we don't see a ton of with two older women, not teenagers/young adults which is the predominant type of representation we get for WLW in TV. So I'm gonna keep shipping AvaMel, I'm just, y'know. Not gonna put it where Janelle might see it. Easy.
Some good vids on this topic: Is Shipping Gay Culture? (James Somerton) | Artists & Fandoms (Philosophy Tube) | Parasocial Relationships: Strangers Aren't Your Friends (Naomi Cannibal) | An Exhaustive Defense of Fanfiction (Sarah Z) | Why We Ship Characters (The Take)
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jupitersrising · 3 months
Overall Masterlist
Hello! I already have a Camp Cretaceous: Survival of the Fittest Universe Masterlist, but I originally created this account to interact with all fandoms that I write for/am in so I thought I'd make one big masterlist to include everything.
I post fics on Ao3 under the same username (Jupitersrising) and post on Tumblr if I get motivation!
[Link] to "Survival of the Fittest Universe" Masterpost :)
[Link] to ao3
Fic Masterlist (All Fandoms):
--How To Burn Bright (and fall so far)
--Post-Canon Found Family
--Brand Bowman's Guide
All She Is To Me (Is Everything): JWCC, complete
All The Screams Sound The Same: JWCC, complete
The Rickety Bridge: JWCC, complete
Country Roads and Unknowns (i don't think i'm ever comin' home): JWCC, complete
Runaway: JWCC, complete
Survival of the Fittest: JWCC, in progress
all our bloody teeth: JWCC, complete
i found something in the woods somewhere: JWCC, complete
Brand Bowman's Guide To Making Dino-Nuggets: JWCC, complete
Brand Bowman's Guide To Bisexuality, Break-Ups, and Brotherhood: JWCC, in progress
The Winnebago at the End of the World: Stranger Things, complete
The Strange Happenings of the Harrington House: Stranger Things, complete
We Didn't Start The Fire (It Was Always Burning): Stranger Things, in progress
Adronitis: Stranger Things, complete
a rebel without a clue: Stranger Things, complete
This Is Me Trying: Stranger Things, in progress
All The King's Horses and All The King's Men (Couldn't Put Us Back Together Again): AFTG, complete
Bullet Holes Aren't Fixed With Band-Aids: AFTG, complete
Can You Spot The Numbness In My Heart (oh, my love, it won't start): PJO/HoO, complete
The Logistics of Love (and other bloody, beaten things): PJO/HoO, in progress
no grave can hold my body down, i'll crawl home to her: Disney Descendants, complete
i'd tear off cupid's wings for you: Disney Descendants, complete
Dried Flowers (and other dying things): The Raven Cycle, complete
i've been searching for a trail to follow again: OTGW, complete
Fandoms I Interact AND have (Tumblr or Ao3) content posted for:
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (JWCC)
Stranger Things (ST)
All For The Game (AFTG)
Percy Jackson Universe (PJO, HoO, ToA, The Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase)
Descendants Disney [Only the movies]
The Raven Cycle (TRB, TDT, BLLB, TRK)
The Magnus Archives/The Magnus Protocol (TMA/TMAGP)
Over The Garden Wall (OTGW)
Harry Potter; Marauders Era
Due to recent circumstances surrounding ai and some situations in larger fandoms, I've decided to include this: I do not allow book binding of any of my fanfics for any monetized purposes; I do not condone reposting my works on other sites (whether or not you credit me); my fanfics should not be posted to any rating sites for published works such as Goodreads or Storygraph; I do not condone using my fanfics to feed ANY ai training programs or ai generators. 
LAST TIME UPDATED: April 12th, 2024. Depending on when this was last updated all information may not be relevant or entirely accurate.
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, July 28
Did you know that if you can't 100% commit to making a newsletter post the same day every week, you can swap to a different day as needed or even skip a week? Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Dawn's Vacay by apachefirecat (Dawn, Spike, PG/K+)
Dead by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, Dawn, PG/K+)
Impressed by apachefirecat (Spike/Buffy, R/M)
An Amble Through the Zoo With You by cornerofmadness (Giles/Jenny, teen)
Moving On Up by apachefirecat (Giles, with many mentions of other characters and pairings, PG/K+)
Camazotz ("Stands So Far" Series) by madimpossibledreamer (Giles POV, not rated)
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The Magic Of Motherhood by JamesTheIceQueen (Tara/Willow/Faith, M)
give them all that they can drink by eagle_eyes (Angel/Cordelia, T)
put on a brave face by bodytoflame (Tara, Willow, G)
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Eight Terrible Dates (And One Happily Ever After) by Holly (Buffy/Spike, collection rated NC-17)
Monsters in the Dark by Holly (Buffy/Spike, collection rated NC-17)
A Mighty Woman with a Torch by fortes775 (Doctor Who crossover, Buffy/Spike, R)
Retirement by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Video Games by eternallyec (Buffy/Spike, Xander & Spike, collection rated R)
Surprise Party by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Twice Broken, Thrice Burnt - Chapter 1 by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Buffy/Spike, E)
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Encased by Sunshine, Ch. 20 by acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Through the Years, Ch. 27-28 by DarkVoid116 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Vampire's Guide to Dating the Slayer, Ch. 24-25 (COMPLETE!) by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Art of Dying, Ch. 29-31, COMPLETE! by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, R)
Because I could not stop death, Ch. 4-5 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, R)
Vanilla and Spice, Ch. 26-38 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
The Truth Shall Set You Free, Ch. 8-10 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Up and Away, Ch. 4-5 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, R)
Home Movies, Ch. 11-14 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Hi Daddy, Ch. 1-4 by SzmattyCat (Buffy/Spike, OC, PG)
Moving Day, Ch. 1-7 (COMPLETE!) by mcgnagallsarmy (Buffy/Spike, )
Flukes, Ch. 1-2 by MillennialCryBaby (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Best Wishes From San Francisco, Ch. 1-2 by Kanita (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Roots Reaching Light, Ch. 1-3 by Lmrln (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Replacement, Ch. 1 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, OC, PG-13)
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What do you mean I'm Magical Nobility? Ch. 29 by KnightofTempest (Harry Potter crossover, Xander, FR18)
Healing After Heaven, Ch. 2 by Kate (Highlander crossover, Buffy, FR13)
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Encased in Sunshine, Ch. 20 by Acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Don't Fall for Rock Stars, Ch. 74-79 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
From Hell with Love, Ch. 4-6 by temporarytitle (Buffy/Spike, R)
Five Steps to Falling in Love, Ch. 1-5 (COMPLETE!) by Wojtekstan (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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After making a 3d model of the Magic Box I decided to try making the training room. by sumyonggai0000 ()
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Drawings: Can Your Pussy Do The Vamp? part 1-4 by Wojtekstan (Spike, G)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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For reals, "Walk Through the Fire" has probably the most bone-chilling lyric set... by DiscussTek
Why does it feel like more thought and ideas were put into season 6 than season 7? by jdpm1991
I think this subreddit is pretty harsh on the comics by joebocop89
How do you rank the Buffy Halloween episodes? by nfw22
Best musical moment in the show excluding Once More With Feeling? by jdpm1991
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Beep Me Pod | 7.21 – "End of Days"
Angel on Top - 5.19 Time Bomb on Stitcher
[Recs & In Search Of]
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CharlieOak86868686 recommends a video about the networks Buffy was on
[Fandom Discussions]
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Video: Is Glory Underrated? by RachM
Favourite Giles episode: a poll by nightshade
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Wes - ingrained paranoia feeding his fear? by Stoney, Priceless
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Poll: Which antagonist are you choosing to work for? by InfiniteMehdiLove
How I started watching BTVS .... Too lazy to look for the remote by sunnycoast37
Who’s coming out alive, Bobby [from Supernatural] or Ripper? by Spacityroller
The Order of Taraka is so lame by DiogenesClub91
Just finished my first ever watch of Buffy and (Buffy is my sister, my best friend) by lavenderspr1te
Why do you think they decided to include Amy commenting on Joyce’s death but not Riley in S6? by Simple-Formal-8588
Pop culture references in Buffy by UpstairsReasonable71
Buffy Summers appreciation thread hosted by Opening_Knowledge868
Hulu thumbnails are nothing but spoilers by bethdubv
Is Spike's wedding date human? by sushibananawater
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But You’re Just A Girl (Helpless) – Insect Reflection by Emily
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Older Buffy Books no longer on Kindle/ Amazon by Louzeyre
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Juliet Landau on Twitter: "Come join us [with James Marsters] this SAT /29/23 IG live 11am PST" (Streamily and Instagram)
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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