#This sounds creepy but It's not supposed to 😭
spill-to-t · 1 month
After spending "some" time on Pinterest I just noticed that Andrew Lincoln has a quite prominent birth mark on his right thigh and it's always hidden in scenes in which you see his bare legs. Only in little frames you will notice (if you pay attention)... But this isn't about the birth mark... It's about me spendin too much time on this platform 💀
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2000sflipphone · 3 months
Guys I love my friends so much, but I don't deserve them. They're all so so nice to me and I'm so awkwarddd.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 4 months
Dad!Simon Ghost Riley x Wife!Reader
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Thank you guys so much for 1k, it means the whole world for me because now once did I expect to ever have my page grown this big and not once had I imagined that I would make these many friends here who happened to be so sweet. Also to @connorsui who has been most definitely been waiting the answer to this.
So in honor of 1k, I wrote this long awaited backstory for Ghost and Lovie (Ghostie's parents) that I hope you guys will enjoy since it so happens that our beloved @ave661 has posted another Dad!Ghost render. (Credits to her again for the renders in this post <3) (Sweetie, I love you but that tag on Soap with this render was unnecessary 😭🫶)
To the people who congratulated me, through replies, likes and reblogs, I owe y'all a fat kiss. Mwahhh <333
My CoD Masterlist
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui @capuccino192 @thesnowurzikdjinn @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @trepaika @starryylies @demidemon09
Warnings/Disclaimers: Stalking (not by Simon), Typical mentions of CoD violence?, Mentions of Simon's past abuse, Creepy guy?? (Not Simon), Mentions of violent and a bit gory descriptions on what wanted to do to the stalker, This is not proofread yet.
With the words of my mother and in true reputation style, Are you ready for it?
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I think I need to say this on my account again, English is NOT my first language and all copyrights regarding the plot and some characters within the storyline belong to me. Edit: please help me y'all, I'm losing so much relevance in the span of less than a month, my recent works have gotten nothing and I'm scared that this post proves that. I think I've learned my lesson never to take breaks ever again 😭
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Simon never imagined himself in this predicament, always thinking that he'd be out there somewhere, more likely drowning himself in a mission. Not even a home, he thought that if it hadn't for your persuasiveness to interact with him back then then he'd still be back in that shitty apartment complex.
Simon placed his duffle bag on the wood of the porch, the jingling of his keys while he looked for the correct one. He tried his best to make as little noise as possible, it was passed midnight, the last thing he would want was to disturb his wife and daughter from resting.
Hauling the duffle bag in and throwing it on the couch, Simon opt to see what his girls were up to. The giggling and commotion making him smile, you both were supposed to be asleep by now but you were unable to put her to rest because she's just too hyper, so that left you to entertain her by tossing her up and catching her.
"Dada..!" A squeal from the room came, the little one snapping her head to the opening of the door making you look as well, Simon took a peek from the half-way opened door.
Adorable little thing clapping her hands together, pleased that her dad is home while sitting on her mom. She got off, crawling near the edge of the bed with no sense of danger, fortunate for her that her dad is quick with catching her before you could.
You took a deep breath from the shock, looking at your husband and smiling sweetly at him. He asked you not to get off the bed as you were about to, laying next to you he snakes his arm underneath you on your waist and pulls you in.
"I missed my girls.." He said, voice deep and laced with exhaustion, despite that his hold and gaze was the warmest it could be.
"We missed you too Si, so much." You mumbled as your eyes flutter shut to enjoy his touch. You opened them to the sound of a kiss, he kissed the little one's forehead then yours.
Sometimes you vaguely remember the first time he and you met, how it even came to be, this life of domesticity. You, him and your little girl, family is a heavy word for Simon but it was just perfect. This was the family he wanted, the family that he thought he didn't deserve and never would have.
The feeling of coming home to all this started because you were so forgetful, who knew that would be the skill that brought you to him..?
• ──── ✦ ──── •
He emptied his pockets, to the lieutenant's dismay, the box of cigarettes only had one stick left. Since he was going out to smoke it anyway, he might as well get another box from the convenience store nearby. He took his keys from the kitchen counter and headed out, hearing a little commotion that peeked his interest.
Simon never paid much mind to whatever was going on within his apartment building despite the many gossips that were present within the building and the renters. So it happens that the old lady next to his place mentions how they'll be a new tenant in the other apartment next to his.
'Thank God' Simon thought, not that he was particularly religious but he'd been hoping for the longest time for the former renter to leave because let's be honest, who wants to live next to a frat boy with no sense of shame or consideration given that walls are thin? Little did he know he'd be blessed with the next one..
"Oh- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.." Simon hears a voice from a little below him, he'd only register what had happened after the fact. Poor girl carrying this box bumped into him a little too hard, so much so that she stumbled back a bit.
You stared up to the 6'4 man blinking, he only shrugged it off to which you smiled to. You tried to make small talk since you were new and it wouldn't hurt to at least know one person right? After all, you were trying to step out a bit of your comfort zone.
"Hi.. I'm [Name].." He only stared at you for a while and replied, "Simon.." you gave him a warm smile before nodding and continuing to bring the boxes into your new apartment while your new neighbor entered the elevator.
You cut the boxes open to start unpacking, a few minutes in and you decided to go on a short break, you rummaged through the small box of food only to find that the recently bought box of tea was empty. You sighed at this, humming as you remembered the convenience store you passed by earlier on the way to the apartment.
Taking your keys and locking the door behind you, you made your way out the complex and walked a few blocks, you only started to notice how late it was with the streetlights coming on even though the sun is only about to set. That's something to get used to, hmm?
The cool breeze hits your skin as you enter, scent of faint instant coffee and many other kinds of foods and products made themselves known. You walked around for a while, checking on what other things you might need but then you tried to remind yourself that you were saving up and on a budget so you took a box of tea and walked up to the register.
You heard footsteps behind you falling in line, after placing the box on the counter, you searched your pockets for your wallet.
'Shit..!' you cursed yourself out mentally trying not to panic as Simon basically watches you frantically patting your pockets, you left your wallet back at the apartment. "You left your wallet-" Simon stated the obvious, "I'll cover it.." there wasn't even a time to argue with him, he just stepped next to you and placed the pack of cigarettes.
"I'll pay you back as soon as we get back to the apartment" You insisted to which Simon only shrugged and declined, it's just a box of tea and it's not like it'll make him go bankrupt, besides he liked your taste, the one you got happened to be his favorite brand.
Since you were headed in the same place anyway, you and Simon walked back together side by side, however one thing you did find odd was when he gently took you wrist and pulled you inward next to him, he was the one now closest to the road.
The walk back was silent, a comfortable silence. A few days after that encounter, you made sure to make an effort for him to know that you appreciated his gesture back at the convenience store. The lieutenant was alarmed by the knock on his door, opening it to find no person but a tupperware filled with buttery shortbread cookies.
He smiled at how tiny the plastic container looked in his hands, how he noticed the note attached "Thanks for the tea, this isn't that special but I hope you like it -[Name]" and the Sanrio themed stickers stuck onto the lid and on the top part of the tiny note. You ran out of sticky notes..
Simon found himself snacking on those cookies later on, oddly enough, they reminded him of his mom.. how she used to love baking back then, it was her way of escape whenever Simon's "father" wasn't home, as well as gardening.
For the first time in a while Simon "Ghost" Riley let out a smile that wasn't smug or a smirk but a genuine smile, one that had warmth to it, one that no matter how hard his mind tried to surppress it, his body refused to.
It didn't take long for you and Simon to get to know each other a bit, little by little it seemed like you two were becoming like friends rather than just neighbors. Let's be honest, who just randomly gives their neighbors weekly baked goods for the sole reason of "just because they wanted to"?
You found yourself always looking forward to the Friday nights chilling with him at the rooftop, mugs with hot tea on hand while he smoked and you read.
Listening to his stupid jokes and remarks that slowly turn into deep conversations and life things. Simon was just... far more open than he's ever been, sure he's talked about his day before to his comrades but never like this, not in a way where he's pouring his heart out, letting you in on how he feels about certain things.
He just got back from a mission, a rough one to be exact. Shoulders slumped from exhaustion as he walked the streets near the apartment complex, no space for his bike so he had to leave it somewhere private while he fidgeted with it's keys.
Simon swore that he almost jumped out of his own body, first instinct being to push you off but he recognized you. He gave you a questioning look, hands were shaking as you so desperately linked you arm around his.
"Hmm?" He hummed, hearing you mumbling something but it was incoherent to his ears.
"Behind us.. please Si, help..." Come to think if it, you never knew when Simon turned into Si. Best believe he knew and still remembers when perfectly.. not the time, there's a serious threat, he didn't look. He didn't need to, guessing by the heavy footsteps, some creep decided to follow you at this hour.
He slowly slipped his arm away from your grip and snaked it around your waist, pulling you in closer to his side while the two of you continued treading closer to the complex. You closed your eyes for a few seconds at a time hoping it would end.
• ──── ✦ A few days later ✦ ──── •
Knocking, frantic knocking was what Simon heard at his door. He wasn't expecting anyone, so why the sudden visit? He opened the door and saw you, Simon knew something was off from the look on your face, you looked pale as if you were sick to your stomach while trying so desperately to catch your breath.
"Can I please come in.. Simon..?" You asked in between breaths. You looked around you, especially behind you, body shivering a bit. He took notice of this and had no hesitation, he pulled you in by your arm. His grip firm but gentle, Simon closed the door behind him.
"Remember that guy who was creeping around when I asked for your help..?" You tried to explain but Simon already knew the moment your mouth opened. You had a stalker.. it was best to call the cops on shit like this.
Simon did his best even though not knowing much about how to comfort someone, he did well in making you feel safe without having to tell you that he'll do so, you just know it in your gut that he'd protect you even if it's just now.
Your breath picked up, slowly backing away from the door as you heard footsteps, clenching your fists and hoping that he didn't see you enter Simon's door. Simon wrapped his arms around you, keeping you in place and from further backing away from the door.
You felt his palm drag up and down your back, it was extremely warm, it stopped for a while. His arm wrapped around your waist, other hand in your hair pushing your head down a bit so it was buried in his chest while you gripped his shirt. Simon felt your trembling body against him slowly relax.
"Deep breaths, angel.." The nickname he whispered would've made you smile under any other circumstance but not right now, you needed to calm your nerves before you panic and make an impulsive decision that could hurt yourself. Like instructed, you followed along Simon's demonstration, pressing his forehead onto yours maybe just a bit too intimately.
You winced at the loud sound of banging on the door, you knew it too well. Simon shoved the handle of his combat knife in your hand, he told you that if anything were to happen, protect yourself with it.
As soon as the Lieutenant swung the door open, you could hear punches, things knocking over and among other things, your stalker's voice.
You'd never forget that, how pitchy it was. Nails on the chalkboard was the best way to describe it, how the man was cackling almost made you annoyed. Simon called on security and the man was dealt with, you came out from hiding and saw both fear and anger in Simon's eyes.
You would never know how much he wanted to tear that man's heart after skinning him alive for even bringing fear into your eyes.
Simon "I care too much for someone I just met" Riley finally saw how his knuckles and fingernails were caked with blood, went off to go wash it and himself.
Getting back to you after half an hour, you reached out for him only for him to withdraw, you looked at him confused and he looks at you with pure guilt..
Your eyes widened in realization, "Oh Simon.. I'm not scared.." you smiled at him. He reached out a shaky hand to you, hesitating before closing his hand back.
You took his hand in yours, bringing it up to your lips and giving it a small kiss, hoping it calms his nerves. Well it did the opposite, it even more overwhelming for him having you kiss his palm while you look up at him, watching you nudge your face into his palm so invitingly.
The way your lashes just sat perfectly atop your cheeks while you slowly blinked up at him. Pressing the same scarred and calloused hands that almost killed a man that night on your face and rubbing the back with you thumb.
Simon had never felt that much guilt before for hurting someone, only after he saw the look in your eyes, which in turn were not something he caused. For the first time in his life too, Simon was comforted by something or rather someone immensely..
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lonelywitchv2 · 7 months
WOAH i'm back. unfortunately, i'm not back with what you guys wanted (part 3 of strawberries, i haven't forgotten), but i finally got over my writer's block!!! anyways. here is another Regulus fic <3 and it's based on (you'll literally find half of the lyrics worked into this fic) Stargirl by Lana Del Rey and The Weeknd but i changed the title to starboy because no one actually says stargirl because it doesn't make sense (just like math)!
wc: 884
cw: pure smut, no plot whatsoever, no lead up to the smut, it starts with fucking but does end with fluff(!), choking (i went a bit crazy), some cheesiness (don't laugh, it's supposed to be a kicking-your-feet-and-giggling kind of cheesiness but i don't really write that 😭), overstimulation, this bitch never pulls out but he's wearing an unmentioned condom, cursing (obvi), having sex on the kitchen counters and tbh i was imagining this as being the counters of a kitchen in one of the houses that the Blacks owned (not 12, Grimmauld Place bc it's kinda creepy), um i think that's it.
It was then, in the low lighting of the kitchen, that Regulus knew that you were the center of his universe. The moon lit up your face, which was covered in beads of sweat that traveled down your face and dripped from your neck to your exposed breasts.
“Don’t stop, Reg- oh,” A moan interrupted your words, but Regulus understood. He didn’t want to stop, anyway, his own pleasure was overwhelming his body.
He leaned down, mouth attaching to your neck as he sucked a hickey onto the soft, damp skin. You both knew you’d have to cover it up in the morning to avoid questions, but you let him tease you with the occasional soft bite that made your breath catch in your throat. The teasing bites and his deep thrusts had your hands gripping the counter, nails scratching the marble as you uselessly searched for a grip.
One of your hands drifted up towards Regulus’ neck, gently tugging it away from your neck as you brought his face to your own, desperately kissing him, drowning out both of your moans. Subconsciously, you found your hand, which you had yet to move, softly squeezing his neck, grinning into the kiss when you felt his cock twitch inside of you.
“Can’t say I was expecting you to like that so much,” you murmured against his lips, a smirk gracing your features.
“Please….” Regulus whimpered, a sound that seemed to push every ounce of air right out of your lungs.
You removed your second hand from the counter, biting your lip when Regulus’ dick started to slip out of you as you sat up. The sensation of slight emptiness was short-lived, ending when Regulus wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you forward until he was deep inside you, moans escaping from both of you as you arched your back. While Regulus was still weakly recovering, your hand that wasn’t around his neck trailed up his torso, passing his choked neck and up to his face. Your thumb traced his plump, reddened lips before sliding right between them and into his mouth. His eyes raised to meet yours as he hollowed his cheeks and sucked your finger, muffling the groans coming up from his throat.
“I never would’ve thought that Regulus Black, heir to the noble House of Black, would be begging for me to choke him,” you said with a triumphant grin, “how would your ancestors feel if they knew what you were doing right now?”
You both knew the question was rhetorical, especially because Regulus’ brain seemed to have short-circuited to the point where it was unlikely that he would be able to form a full sentence, with all the knowledge that he was known for slipping out of his mind with each thrust into you. You could feel his high approaching, prompting you to remove your finger from his mouth, a small smirk spreading across your face when you saw his jaw go completely slack while moans poured out of his open mouth.
“Come with me,” you whispered in his ear, pulling him close to you and tightening the grip on his neck ever so slightly.
Regulus’ hips stuttered as he came, your high following right after. You dropped your hands onto Regulus’ shoulders and clung to him, nails digging into his pale skin as he kept fucking you through your climax, but still after.
“Fuck, Regulus!” you called out, tears of pleasure spilling out of your eyes at the sensation of your second high hitting you like a freight train. You looked up at Regulus, seeing his dark eyes watery with tears as he came again.
“Holy shit,” Regulus murmured collapsing on top of you as you lowered your body until you were laying flat on the counter, the cool marble a stark contrast from your burning hot, sweaty bodies.
“You did so good, Reg,” you whispered affectionately, looking down at Regulus as you combed your fingers through his hair. He looked as if he was glowing under the moonlight, his pale skin and the droplets of sweat on his body only adding to the effect.
“I love you,” Regulus said into the darkness, listening to your pounding heart as he rested his head on your breasts.
“Do you love me or being choked by me?” you asked teasingly, sitting up on your elbows with Regulus slipping his hands beneath your back to support your body, which was also supporting his.
“Both,” he answered with a grin, pulling you back into a sitting position and kissing you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and grasped at his hair, trying to get as close as possible to Regulus, even though his cock was still resting inside of you.
“And I love you,” you kissed him once more with a quiet giggle, “my starboy.”
“Your starboy?” Regulus asked pulling away from you.
“You’re a star, you’re a boy, and you’re mine. It adds up, love,” you answered, rubbing the nail indents on his shoulders.
“You’re the center of my universe,” Regulus declared.
“Always making it into a competition,” you joked, pulling him close to you and resting your head on his chest, listening to the still slightly erratic beating of his heart, “but you’re still the center of my universe too.”
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lorebeth · 10 months
HSR Headcannons
Hiyaa these are quick notes I think that different Honkai Star Rail characters would do or behave like ALSO IF YOU THINK IT'S OOC THAT'S FINE SHSKAHF I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH ANYTHING THEY DO IS REAL TO ME ❤️
Characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, March, Serval, Kafka
-He holds your hand when you cross the road (it seems like something he would do just absentmindedly, if you bring it up he won't do it again).
-He likes to take you places you've never been to, as chaotic as his person is, I think he really likes the more calmer days and enjoys finding new places with you, albeit he's also looking to run away from the authorities at the same time...
-I am a firm believer that Blade watches all types of movies, even romcoms. You enter the living room and see him watching '10 things I hate about you' and he's genuinely into it thinking about how he relates to a character.
-He has matching phone accessories with you. Kafka makes fun of him whenever he comes to work with a bright coloured pompom hanging out of his pocket.
-He is quite chill when you bring him little trinkets, he might not know what you're supposed to be doing with such an oddly shaped item, he might even stare at you blankly, but he knows the object reminded you of him and that makes him happier than he'd like to admit.
Dan Heng:
-He likes to smell you (THAT SOUNDS SO CREEPY). He loves the smell of your shampoo and has decided to buy the same one as you, however he didn't like it because March caught a whiff and made fun of him for weeks with you in earshot.
-He likes when you doodle on his hand with a pen or a marker. He also let's you do his eyeliner because you recenctly only realised he had one eye done and the other not, seeing as you start to do this more often, he buys more eyeliner and different colours for you to experiment with. (Although you both agree he looks better in red.)
-ABSOLUTELY 100% LOVES YOUR MUSIC! At first he didn't because he thought it was weird, but you eventually start catching him humming your favourite songs and you start to slowly make him play lists and organise an entire library of his and your favourite music together.
-He has matching plushies with you, you guys switch them every night and act like divorced parents who have to switch kids every weekend.
-He eats all the food in the fridge and you see him with his mouth dirty and can't help get too mad at him when he says he hasn't been in the kitchen all day. Other than his crimson cheeks, messy mouth and embarrassed eyes, nothing tells you more of his crime than his horrible acting skills.
-When he goes out, he likes to bring you back something, honestly anything. He once brought back an entire couch because he heard you needed a new one that fitted the aesthetic of your living room.
-Think golden retriever, you shall receive golden retriever.
-He likes when you praise him, it gets him happy and excited, a little shy and he just acts like he has just received the best present in the world, however it backfires when he compliments you as well. Your face heats up and even if he can't tell, he knows from your expression and attitude he got to you more than you let him see.
-She’s 100% tried to steal your clothes and you catch her every single time.
-She is so bad at hiding the fact she steals your clothing that whenever you walk into your room, you INSTANTLY sense your favourite sweater was taken hostage.
-Obviously she loves you and gives you fashion advice, but only when she’s ready will she let you borrow her own clothes. For her, this is an extreme act of love and trust.
-She totally takes your phone and blows up your storage with 100+ pictures of her or you sleeping, your phone almost shut itself down on multiple occasions 😭.
-Likes to try bake you little sweets from different planets. Due to her past, she cannot remember where she is from, so her love language is giving you things from other planets or your home planet, especially through baked goods! She’s either a cooking pro or she burns down the entire Express. It’s a 50/50.
-Loves hearing you sing. You sound like Gepard? It’s okay! She has her best smile on to encourage her lover!
-She 1000% stole your musical instrument (if you play one) and tried learning it for you if you don’t have a guitar.
-Not everything with her is musical, but she finds it does help when she’s cooking, cleaning, working in her shop, she even has a playlist that has your name on it and is full of songs that remind her of you.
-She shows you baby pictures of Gepard and Lynx. You’ve never ONCE seen her though. Kinda sketchy. Just ask Gepard and suddenly you have millions of cute chubby little Serval’s everywhere!
-That one fangirl who waits for Serval or tries to catch a glimpse? Not anymore! All the windows are now only see through on the inside and Serval has taken extra measures to keep her and your life private from her groupie. Will tell the girl to knock it off if you’re extremely uncomfortable.
-She has the passwords to every account you’ve ever made on any platform. She doesn’t go through any of them but she likes that you share that with her, she in turn lets you go through her email. That’s all she has. 🙁
-She caught you wearing her uniform once and just stayed at the door watching you say her signature catch phrases. 11/10 embarrassing, 100/10 her thinking it was cute as hell.
-She doesn’t really have time for dates or anything of the such, but whenever you really need her, desperately, she’s there instantly. Sometimes you use your trump card when there’s a creepy bug and she catches it ONLY TO THROW THAT MF IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION.
-Has a pet snake. I genuinely am a firm believer she has a pet snake that she named in your honour. If you like snakes or not, you will have to feed it when she’s gone. 🙁
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mikobeautifulheart · 2 months
Omg where is the inturder alert post 😭 😭
I. Searched thru ur masterlist and ur postsss it just disappeared 😔
HUH 👁👄👁, i'm sorry?? I've never actually written an intruder alert post, i've written stalkers, creeps, a bit of pervs but not an intruder...
but that's okay because I'm bored and that's a good idea.
TW: Attempted murder and a creepy stalking Ex.
Idk how it even came to this but...yeah unedited btw.
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When there's an intruder alert/intruder
You were waiting for Megumi to come home from a mission. It was late and you had already finished your missions for the day and got ready for bed; that was until the intruder alarm went off on your phone.
It didn't help that the sound of a window smashing was heard.
You sat still on your bed just staring at the notification. Uh oh. They were inside the house.
You were tired and recovering but in that moment you just felt adrenalin course through your vain.
Whoever or whatever came into the house was busy, you heard it kicking down doors down the hall from you. What were you supposed to do? We it looking for you?
You got up off the bed and ran to the other side of the room, as far as possible from the door. Yes you were a strong sorcerer but after using cursed energy all day your body was wearing out and you weren't sure how much more you could take.
Finally a loud sound of a door hitting a wall happened.
"YUJI?!" Was all you said in shock eyes imediatly falling on his pink hair. But as you looked at his face, you saw the black tattoos. It was Sukuna.
"Finally, I was starting to think you weren't here." He said with a smirk.
You could handle strong curses but Sukuna was something entirely different.
"I just came to say hello." He said walking closer to you.
No you couldn't give up or go down with out a fight, no matter how tiered you are you had to try.
You felt you back against the wall, your body was automatically moving to defense.
Before you even had a chance to strike Sukuna had his hands around your throat.
Was this how it was about to end? Eyes watering unable to speak, not being able to say goodbye to Megumi?
"HEY" You heard some one yell before the hand released you, making you fall on your knees.
Your eyes were wide as you looked up to see Megumi battered and bruised but still standing in your door way just looking down at you in concern.
"Uh oh brats coming back" Sukuna said stating at the hand that let you go.
In that moment Sukuna looked down at you serious. "I will kill you" Before Yuji came back, collapsing on your floor.
"What was tha..." You were cut off by your own coughing as your airways finally started to open up. Megumi rushed to you and inspected your neck.
"Y/n don't talk right now okay, i'm sorry I didn't get here sooner, I just-I'm sorry" He said as you rubbed your burning skin.
"Maybe-you should deal with Yuji first." You said in a hoarse voice looking down at Yuji's unconscious body Infront of you.
The T.V randomly turned off and the lights in your house flickered. Weird? Maybe it was the wind messing with power lines or something. You get an alert on your phone that there's someone outside of your house. Oh no.
Yuji wasn't back yet from his late training session and you were there, alone, in darkness. You weren't to scared, sometimes you would get these intruder alarms when birds or other wild life came to close so maybe it was just that. Or so you though until you heard someone rattling the door handle before being blinded by a torch shining through the window.
You jumped off the couch and ran into your bed room, locking the door behind you. There was no way any animal could rattle the door handle and shine a torch inside.
You felt your hands start to shake, if it was Yuji he would have used his key to get in, or the emergency key in the lock box opened by the code you both knew off by heart. You picked up your phone and texted Yuji.
Is someone coming over or is that you?
Someones trying to get in
Please come home
You nearly dropped your phone when you heard the front door creek open, they got in. You put you hand over your mouth and leaned against the door to hear where they might be. Heavy foot steps echoed through your hall and you heard a familiar voice...
"Y/nnnnn where are youu"
Your heart dropped when you realised that it was your Ex.
You know Exes are Exes for a reason, sometimes things don't work out, sometimes people aren't ready, BUT sometimes they turn into creeps. The reason you guys never lasted long was because of the last reason.
How did he find you? Why was he here?
You looked down to see the bedroom door knob turn.
"Open up" He said into the door.
Your eyes welled up with frustrated and confused tears, why, why?
"Y/N" You heard Yuji yell as he ran through the house before you felt the door knob being let go and a loud thud on the ground as you heard a mix of struggles and fighting.
You opened the door quickly, looking down to see Yuji get the guy in a choke hold.
"YUJI!" You said more relived then ever.
"YUJI IM FINE" You said looking down in shock, the man he was holding disgusted you to your very core as you walked up to them and kicked him in the stomach.
"Take that prick" you said as he finally passed out.
"Yuji-" You said before you realised he was hugging you and you were crying into his chest.
"I'm sorry, I should have been here" he said
"Thank you"
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AUTHORS NOTE: YES I HAVE A THING FOR THESE THINGS. I WANT TO BE SAVED FROM DANGER. I want to be wanted okay? 🥲. Anyways have a good whatever time and reblogs r okie.
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cheegu3 · 1 year
Can i request a yandere bully jungwon oneshot pleasee 😭😭
pls, I love you for this bc I’m also a sucker for bully Jungwon 😭😭
tw / trigger warning:  yandere themes, bullying, abuse, mommy issues, swearing, social anxiety/anxiety themes
pairing: bully jungwon x reader
wc: 2.2k
a/n: this was somewhat inspired by me getting bullied, enjoy my trauma lmao !!
it’s lowkey pretty sad
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐧 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫
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You stared at the wall soullessly, feeling yourself start to dissociate as the ice-cold water was poured over you.
A small gasp left your mouth, earning a mocking scoff from your bully’s mouth.
Although he genuinely felt you deserved this punishment for doing what you did - he still enjoyed it, thoroughly. Sneering at the way your body started to shake.
“ Did you really think that was gonna work? “ Jungwon asked you, throwing the bucket the water had been in to the side.
Its sound made you jump automatically, your body being used to being scared and cautious of him. Now you cursed yourself - not needing to look at your bully to know he’d look satisfied at your fear of him.
“ My parents love me “ he came closer, crouching down and lifting your hanging head up by your chin. “ They let me do whatever I want. “
You didn’t respond, only listening to not make him even angrier.
“ I’m sure for those who can’t relate, they’d be jealous. “ he clicked his tongue, trying to hold himself back from smiling again as he saw your eyes immediately look at him with a mix of panic and shock.
You were so cute when you listened to him so well.
“ I suppose, they’d want to try and ruin it. What do you think, y/n? “ he turned to you again, voice mocking.
You weren’t sure your voice would sound steady if you were to speak, so instead you nodded hysterically, praying that he’d be fine with a non-audible answer.
He hummed while seemingly in deep thought, eyeing you like a predator watching its pray.
“ I’ll let you go, for now. “ you scrambled to your feet at his words, ready to almost run away from the guy who scared you the most.
“ But..” he stepped closer again, seeing you try to increase the distance between you two. “ If you try anything again, it’ll be way worse than this “
He smirked slowly, while keeping eye-contact.
“ I’ll kidnap you. “ 
You were sure to feel embarrassed of it later but then and there, his last words sent a wave of panic in you - kicking in your fight or flight.
You sprinted towards the exit of the bathroom, gasping for air as you somehow made it outside the building in mere seconds.
Scared that he’d follow you out, you only let yourself catch a few breaths before continuing to run away from your predator.
And you didn’t stop, not once all the way home.
Your mom came out onto the step, looking concerned as she had seen you from the window.
‘‘ Are you running from someone? ‘‘ she asked, a humorous laugh escaping her lips at the look on your face.
Your eyes widened, suddenly whipping around as if you had expected Yang Jungwon himself to stand behind you.
Her eyebrows furrowed, a look of disgust taking over her features. You quickly collected yourself, knowing you shouldn’t let your antsy personality show in front of your mom who didn’t believe in all that ‘’ mentally-ill stuff ‘’.
Besides, he wasn’t someone you should be afraid of. Or at least, you didn’t want to be.
‘‘ I was thinking, ‘‘ your mom’s voice pulled you out from your thoughts ‘‘ We could go grocery shopping together, it’s been a while since we went out and did something. ‘‘ she smiled but the warmth wasn’t there, it never was when she smiled, the lack of motherly love was apparent any time she did.
You nodded, mindlessly letting yourself be pulled wherever your mom lead you. She put on her coat and then you two were off in the car, hopefully this would take your mind off of your problem.
The parking lot looked deserted thankfully, meaning there wouldn’t be any invasive, creepy or just curious eyes from those who had way too much time on their hands. You hated going out, always feeling on edge like something bad was going to happen - you suppose Jungwon was behind it.
But here he couldn’t hurt you. Your mom was with you and although she didn’t know about you getting bullied, she’d never let her kid be disrespected or taunted in front of her.
That would make her disappointed in you as you would’ve embarrassed her. Being an egotistical bitch, she only cared about herself of course.
Even if you would have told her, it would soon be buried, forever forgotten.
The inside was empty just like the parking lot, a few hushed voices came from the shelves and only one cashier was in the front.
Hurriedly you followed your mom not wanting to lose her. But just like that, in a second she was gone.
She didn’t care enough either to check if you were following or listening to her endless gossiping that you really didn’t care about - she was probably striding down the aisles completely clueless.
Although it was a really big grocery store, you were sure it wouldn’t take long for you to find her. If you walked straight and stopped looking both ways at every aisle, you’d surely see her soon enough.
However it took longer than you had anticipated, anxiety starting to grow in the pit of your stomach. She was absolutely capable of leaving without you.
Then as you turned the last aisle, you heard her voice. Peeking around the shelf you saw your mom loading up her stuff onto the band at the desk.
Relief washed over you as you quickly went over, giving your mom a small look before taking the bags out of her hands.
You started putting the items into the bags, when you suddenly felt like someone was watching you.
Your head darted up to see if your mom was, but she was busy charming the cashier. Your lips formed a thin line and then you turned your head to the right, a huge mistake.
Two pair of familiar eyes stared back at you from several rows away. Your bully was there with his friends, making his usual confidence multiply.
It felt like your heart stopped, a small gasp escaped you and you looked to your mom, wishing she would hurry up.
In the corner of your eye you saw them moving painfully slow towards you, as if they knew how much anxiety this was causing you and were playing a cat and mouse game.
‘‘ Mom! ‘‘ you couldn’t take it anymore.
Your mom’s head whipped around to give you a glare, but somehow the scared look on your face making you look so vulnerable made her stop.
She gave the cashier one last, rather excusing smile and then turned to help you carry the bags to the car.
Although Jungwon and his friends had stopped following you, it felt as if eyes bore into your neck as you turned to walk with your mom by your side.
While in the car you almost started crying. You were supposed to be safe outside school grounds - that was the only thing you’d say to yourself to bring you comfort whenever he was fucking with you.
And now that one thing was gone too. He had made you feel unsafe in yet another place. Wherever you were he could show up, mocking and looking amused at the way your body stiffened up at the sight of him.
You prayed to all the Gods above to make your mom kinder and let you stay at home because of a ‘’ cold ‘’ the next day.
But she saw right through it of course. Dragging you out of bed and shoving breakfast in front of your face before being pushed out the door.
‘‘ I’ll know if you went or not! I will ask the principal ‘‘ she added, as if she couldn’t be more of a bitch.
All the way to school, you had your head down - feet dragging behind you, coupled with heavy sighs as the scene from the day before, replayed over and over again.
You knew Jungwon so well now. There was no way he wasn’t going to use this as an opportunity to make fun of you and make you feel small; no way, he found too much enjoyment in such things.
“ Y/n~ “
A sickeningly all too familiar voice call out to you the second you stepped foot on school grounds, confirming your thoughts.
You tried to ignore him, eyes dead set on the entrance of the school. Those steps were so close yet felt so far away.
In the corner of your eye, yet again, you could see him approaching you - no need to stop as your mom wasn’t there to protect you this time.
A strong hand wrapped around your arm harshly, jolting you back as your tried to break free and keep moving.
“ Are you trying to run from me? “ he said.
You finally turned your head towards Jungwon and he raised his eyebrows. You were trying to keep up your brave face as you looked at him - but you both knew you’d fold as soon as your eyes met, it was laughable really.
“ It’s rude to ignore people when they’re trying to talk to you, didn’t you know? “ His eyes were desperately searching your face for a reaction.
You bit the inside of your lip, not giving him the satisfaction of letting emotions take over your facial expressions.
“ I wasn’t trying to. “ you lied straight through your teeth.
His eyes narrowed.
“ Apologize. “
“ What? I- “
“ -Apologize. “ he repeated, eyes never leaving you.
“ I-I’m sorry…but please can you let me go now “ your head spun as you tried your best to come up with an excuse to run before the panic kicked in. 
“ I don’t wanna be late. “
He was quiet for a few seconds, and you took it as your chance to run away but not even seconds after of you trying to reach the entrance, he called out to you again.
“ I’m not done with you. “
You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat as you made the awkward walk back, avoiding eye-contact.
He scoffed.
“ Hey. “
Your head snapped out, dread filling you. That tone was recognisable to you from miles away.
He was calling his friends over.
And soon enough they had all gathered around him, peering curiously at you as if they were waiting for a theatre show.
Jungwon smiled contently as he fixed his attention on you again.
“ Someone saw me yesterday, didn’t they? “
You met his gaze head on now, trying not to break and give in.
‘‘ Yes, so? ‘‘
He laughed and his friends made some noises, as if you’d made the gravest mistake of your life.
‘‘ Didn’t I tell you..’‘ he stepped closer, using the height difference to his advantage to make you feel small and helpless ‘‘ That it’s rude to ignore others? ‘‘
His smile was gone and he tilted his head as he waited for your answer.
‘‘ I’m sorry. ‘‘ you squeaked, head turning slightly away from him.
He was way too close for comfort and the handful of eyes watching you closely didn’t help at all.
They were watching your every move - picking you apart later based on the way your expressions changed, the clothes you wore or the way your voice went higher when talking to your bully.
It was exhausting and it wasn’t fair, you weren’t sure if you were yourself anymore. All the things they made fun of you for, you tried to change. Desperately clinging onto hope that it would make them stop.
You didn’t know that it was just you, no matter how much you changed - it wouldn’t change the fun for them, because your nervous system had already ingrained a fear of them.
It was so obvious now, even as you’d try to meet his eyes with a brave look on your face. Something would flash behind your eyes. 
Maybe it was all the times he’d made you feel worthless; his mockingly evil laughter ringing through your ears the second the corners of his mouth stretched into a smirk, reminding you of what that expression had meant in the past.
Jungwon hummed at your answer, his eyes already locked on something behind you. You followed them and turned, seeing your friend standing a few meters away.
Her head snapped down as she felt your bully look at her. It was almost enough to make your eyes burn with rage, but he wouldn’t win this time.
She always just stood there, doing nothing and saying nothing - perhaps too scared to become the next target. And that should make you understand but it also made you feel so much hatred, you knew that if you were in her shoes you’d say something, stand up for your friend or even go to your teacher; anything!
So, why did no one do that for you? Why did everyone pretend not to see or hear, even as your face carried a horrified expression any time Jungwon and his group were near, even as you stopped going to the cafeteria in fear of running into him or even as your breath quickened when you were turning around corners in school...why?
‘‘ She won’t help you, you know that. ‘‘ he voiced your thoughts, seeing that your facade was starting to crumble down at the sight of your friend.
And then he did win, like he always did - you finally broke down and the tears started flowing as you began sobbing uncontrollably.
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uhohwhathaveidone · 1 year
Dude I’m obsessed with your writing I’m so glad I came across your page omg 😭🙏 I Hope you don’t mind me requesting a Omnis gaunt x reader fic that would be about the reader being a pureblood like omnis being arranged to marry each other and the both don’t get along and then later on they both start warming up to each other and also start caring about each other one day the reader catches a slytherin girl flirting with omnis which makes her jealous to the point the reader is tempted to transform the girl into a damn chicken and Omnis immediately knows the reader is there so after the girl goes away Ominis starts teasing the reader which causes her to be flustered and then out of nowhere the reader quickly gives him a kiss (I’m so sorry if this sounds cringe but I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers and I can’t help but imagine omnis and the reader be like that at first)
"You're supposed to be my husband you idiot <(‵^′)>"
Marriage? (O.G)
hehe OG. Anyway, this is pretty long, if I do say so myself. I listened to a classical music playlist so I kind of got into it. Also, I think my nose ring got infected and now the tip of my nose hurst really bad, so I have to deal with that for a bit. Apparently you shouldn't use rubbing alcohol and stuff and only like saline solution but....my old college friend stole my solution and I keep forgetting to buy more. Anyway, no warnings, fem!reader, whose also in Slytherin. Its just the good old angst/fluff enemies to lovers trope. I've never written for Ominis before, and let me tell you, I kept typing Seb on accident before correcting myself. And thank you so much for all your requests, im still chipping away at them! Anyway, Enjoy <3 pt2, Marry Me
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You stood beside your mother, grasping onto her dress as you stood, watching your father talk with another man. Beside him sat a strange-looking boy. You noticed how his eyes were very different, unsure how to describe them if anyone ever asked, but his hair was laid nicely, done by his mother, no doubt. He was dressed in a rather fancy attire, one you would normally see at one of the many high-end parties your parents would hold, at it seemed to match the dress you wore perfectly. Your mother held a glare as she looked at your father, who shook hands with the other and walked over to you, kneeling down to your height. “Darling, I want you to meet Ominis Gaunt, the boy over there.” He pointed to the boy, who you now know was named Ominis, who didn’t wave or even acknowledge you. You huffed, crossing your arms. “Why must I meet him? He doesn’t look very friendly.” You complained, sending a childish glare his way. Your father sighed, placing a hand on your small shoulder. “You’ll be married to him in the future, so it’d be best if you met now and got along beforehand.”
“Marry him? That’s stupid! I don’t want to get married!” You shouted, running to hide behind your mother. She only sighed as she turned to you, patting your head. “Just go say hi to him, ok darling?” You puffed your cheeks as she ushered you towards him, leaving you there to go make small talk with his parents. You stood there, glaring at the strange boy. His eyes were creepy, and they only seemed to get creepier the more you looked at him. He didn’t speak a word, staring off into a corner of the room the two had been left in. You took a breath and brought your hand out, outstretched to shake his own. “Hello, my name is y/n. You’re Ominis?” He nodded, turning his head in your direction. He didn’t take your hand, nor even look at it. You grew impatient, feeling like a fool. “Well? Aren’t you going to shake my hand?” You asked, gesturing to him. “Right, sorry.” He said, and stretched his own hand out, moving it around in the air. “Seriously? Come on.” You sighed, grabbing his hand, and shaking it once. “You act like your blind, or something.”
“I am…blind.” Ominis said, furrowing his brows. You glared at him, still upset about the embarrassing handshake. “Clearly.” You turned to walk away, looking in the direction of your mother. “How boring, I refuse to marry someone as boring as you are.” Ominis glared in your direction, beginning to dread the arraignment your parents had set up. “I wouldn’t want to marry someone as spoiled as you, either.” Your cheeks heated up in anger as you turned to him. “I am not spoiled!” Ominis shrugged, “Could have fooled me.” You huffed as you stomped over to your mother, grabbing her hand. “Let’s go, mother. I refuse to marry someone like him, he’s boring and rude.” She sighed, looking over to your father as he narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have a choice, sweetie. Your father already set it up.” “Well then Father is a fool, I wish to go home and never see him again.”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, little lady.” Your father scowled, crossing his arms. “It has already been set that you will marry Ominis, and even if you wanted to avoid him, it would be impossible.” You stomped a foot onto the cobbled ground, pouting. “And why is that?” You asked, glaring over at Ominis, who had made his way over, somehow. “You’ll be attending Hogwarts next year, same as him. No doubt you’ll be in the same house as well. You must get used to it.” Your father placed his cup onto the table, bowing his head to Mr. Gaunt. “I refuse!” Your mother grabbed your hand and began to walk you out, promising to let you out into the garden when you made it home. You smiled; finally being told something you like to hear. Your father only sighed as he stepped into the carriage behind you, pinching the bridge of his nose. “She’s only ten, it’s quite the age to be set up for marriage.” Your mother reasoned, still holding your hand. You looked out the window, focusing on the world going by instead of your parents’ voices. “It doesn’t matter, we were the same age when we were told that we would marry.” He looked over at his wife, who refused to make eye contact with him. “And I resented you for a long while before we got to that point. All I’m saying is to give them time. Children their age don’t want to get married, they want to see the world.” “She has no choice, one way or the other.”
You stood amongst the crowd, watching as students were called up and placed into their houses. You fiddled with the ring your mother gave you, looking around anxiously. You watched a girl walk up to the front, sitting on the stool. You let out a shaky breath as you watched her smile and run to where the other Ravenclaws were. “Nervous?” You groaned, turning to Ominis. “Not one bit, but I would mind some personal space, you know.” Ominis shook his head, “You can’t lie to me. I can hear your breathing.” You glared at him, knowing he couldn’t see the anger that had made its home in your features. “Keep your ears away, just because you can’t see doesn’t mean you can use your hearing to spy on me.” Ominis shook his head, backing away slightly. “Still as rotten as always. Remind me to never try and help you with anything.” You scoffed, “As if anything I need help with would use your assistance.” Your name was called then, and you gave Ominis one last glare as you made your way through, sitting on the stool.
“You have great wit, you do. Bit of a temper… but not to everyone. I see. A rival already, perhaps? Your mind is strong, but there are other parts…yes.” You sighed as the hat rambled to itself, looking around. “I’d say… Slytherin!” You released the breath you had begun to hold, heading to the table where your father had sat many years ago. A girl waved her hand to you, patting the seat beside her. “Come sit here!” You nodded as you made your way over, taking a seat beside the brunette. “Hello! I’m Anne, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” She offered to shake your hand, and you gladly took it. “My name is y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” Anne smiled at you and pointed into the crowd. “You see that boy, the one with the brown hair near the front?” You shook your head, noticing that there were a long of boys in the assembly with brown hair, including Ominis. “There’s quite a few of them, Anne. You’d have to be more specific.” She sighed, trying to find an easier way to show you. “Oh! He’s standing by the other boy with brown hair, I saw him earlier, blind I believe?” You sighed, knowing she meant Ominis, and quickly spotted him. Beside his stood a taller boy, brown hair, just like Anne said. “I believe I see him now.” Anne smiled, “Good! That’s my twin brother, Sebastian!” You nodded, watching as the two boys got closer to the front of the group. “He’ll definitely be in the same house, I’m sure of it.” You could only nod, watching as Ominis was called up to the stool. Your father’s words replayed in your head, “No doubt you’ll be in the same house.” You shuddered, glaring as Ominis was, indeed, sorted into Slytherin as well.
You thought that would be the end of it, you’d be sorted in the same house, but otherwise not have to deal with each other. You were wrong. You shared many classes with Ominis in your first year, second too. Your friend, Anne, had also become his friend, along with her twin brother Sebastian. You felt your insides bubble in anger as you realized that you had to share friends now, unable to get away from the boring boy you were cursed to marry. Anne had come up to ask you once why you were sort of rude to Ominis, but kind to everyone else. You brushed it off, replying that you just didn’t get along with him. Ominis had let it slip once, though, in front of Anne and Sebastian.
You watched Ominis become more aware of his surroundings, able to navigate around furniture with ease now thanks to all the practice. He was annoying you, always bringing up the marriage situation whenever he tried to help you with something. You thought that maybe you hung out with Imelda too much, as you dragged some of the furniture around a bit, just barely noticeable to anyone. You then sat back, talking with Anne and Sebastian, eyes trailing to Ominis as he walked into the common room. You watched as he took his normal route, around tables and chairs, but his route was disrupted. You watched in glee as he ran his side into the arm of a chair, hissing in pain as he grabbed it. Sebastian quickly stood up, moving to help Ominis.
“Pretty clumsy, are you?” You teased, placing your arms behind your head. Ominis glared in your direction, already on to your plan. “I do hope you lose the habit of moving furniture before we get married, I’ll be dead before we even reach the wedding.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Perhaps that was the plan, my dear.” Anne and Sebastian looked between the two of you, confused. “Wait!” Anne spoke up, “Is that why you don’t like Ominis? You’re forced to marry him?” You nodded, gesturing to Ominis, “He called me spoiled when we first met.” Anne looked at Ominis, seemingly offended for you. Quickly, Ominis retorted. “You called me boring and rude! And said to “stop acting like I’m blind.”” You held back a laugh, “To be fair, no one told me you were blind before-hand.” Ominis sighed, exhausted. “Could have asked, you know.” “Be pretty rude to walk up to a boy I just met and go “Hello, I’m going to be your wife! By any chance, are you blind?” Although, that would be pretty funny.” Ominis shook his head.
By the time you made it to your third year, Anne had been pestering you constantly to try and be nice with Ominis. You could only sigh, telling her that she sounded like your mother. You continued to banter with Ominis day after day, insulting each other and pranking each other. The fourth year arrived, and Sebastian came along, informing you that Anne was unwell and unable to come back. Down a friend, you were stuck with Ominis and Sebastian, and you began to grow tired of making fun of your soon-to-be husband.
You walked into the potion’s classroom, taking your seat next to Ominis. He looked over at you, and you blew air from your nose. “Rough night last night?” Ominis asked, stating the obvious, but you could no longer fault him. He was unable to see the dark circles that had formed under your eyes from the study session you had last night, flipping through the chapter you would be going over today. You had always been anxious during Potions, the fear that one wrong ingredient would possibly cause an explosion was the key element that made you study so hard. “Yeah, you could say that.” You responded, grabbing your book, and opening to the page you were on before you finally surrendered to sleep. “You know, not every potions class is going to end up in flames.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “You never fully know until it happens.” “Of course.”
Sharp began the class with the description of the potion they would be making, lecturing for about five minutes before letting the students begin. You sighed, reading off the measurements as you placed them in your pot. You had it memorized, thanks to the night before. You read how the potion was supposed to react, and how it reacted when ingredients were placed when they weren’t supposed to. The potion would blow up, and you refused to let that happen. You took a quick glance at Ominis, checking up on him, only to quickly look back at his hand in horror. He had grabbed the wrong ingredient, of course, and was seconds away from placing it into the cauldron. Quickly, you grabbed his hand, pulling it away. “Ominis! You really must double check before you start adding ingredients!” Ominis looked at you, surprised. “What do you mean?” You sighed, taking the moss out of his hand and placing it away from the rest of the ingredients, replacing it with milkweed. “You were about to blow yourself up, is what I mean. If you’re unsure, please check with me first. Imagine what I’d have to tell your parents if you blew yourself up.” Ominis listened to you ramble, a soft smile on his lips. You had started to become kind to him as you made it to your fifth year. Sebastian joked and said you were finally maturing. Ominis swore that, sometimes, you had been looking out for him as the three of you walked down the hall. Who else would tug on his sleeve and pull him slightly over before he bumped into a statue?
You had stopped talking, returning to your own potion. Ominis placed the milkweed into the cauldron, giving it a quick stir. “Thank you, by the way.” He said quietly, reaching for another ingredient. “Don’t mention it, you probably would have blown me up too, honestly. Here,” You said, grabbing his paper with the instructions on it. You had learned a spell a while ago that changed writing on parchment, and had tweaked it to turn words into brail. Waving your wand quickly, the ink turned to raised dots, and you quickly labeled the ingredients he was using. “So, you don’t blow us up again.” Curious, Ominis grabbed the paper you placed in front of him, running his fingers down it. He smiled and felt a slight warmth in his cheeks. You ignored him and continued to work.
It became a habit in potions now, where you would watch Ominis as he worked with his potions, making sure he was using the right ones. In other classes, you began to help each other, slightly. There was still the teasing and slight insult, but otherwise the two of you were rather tame. You began to walk with Ominis around the grounds, describing things to him when you didn’t have classes to get to. Ominis enjoyed the walks the two of you shared, enjoying the descriptions you made. Sometimes, you would purposefully describe something in a weird way, waiting for Ominis to catch on and tell you how crazy that would be, but sometimes he didn’t. Sometimes, Ominis would become engrossed in your voice, it always had a calm tone to it, even if you were acting out against him. It was one of the first things he noticed when you first met six year prior; the soft voice you used when addressing your mother, how it sounded annoyed when you asked if he was going to shake your hand, the stern tone you used when you told your father that he was boring and rude.
You grabbed his sleeve, shaking him from his thoughts. “No, no, no, where is it?” Your voice was panicked this time, one that Ominis never really heard much. “What’s happened?” You dropped to the ground, searching through the grass. “My mother’s ring! It must have slipped off my finger! I can’t find it.” Your voice cracked, and Ominis knelt down and found your shoulder. “Are you sure you didn’t take it off and leave it by your bed?” You shook your head frantically, tears swelling in your eyes. “Never! I never take it off, not anymore.” Ominis could hear you begin to cry. You had worn the ring to your first day of Hogwarts, a gift from your mother. You told him once about it, how its silver band curled around a pale yellow stone, Hufflepuff, the house your mother was in. You had taken it off every now and then if you were planning on dueling Sebastian or caring for creatures, but during the break between fourth and fifth year, your mother had passed suddenly, and you refused to take it off after that.
“I don’t know where it could be! I can’t remember when I had it last,” You wept, and Ominis found you once again and offered his hand. “I may not be the best help, but I can help us retrace our steps.” You looked at him, confused. “How?” “Well, you’ve been describing our walk this whole time, so if we go back along the same route and give it a good look-over, I’m sure you’ll spot it.” You nodded, taking his hand as he pulled you up, taking your hand and recounting the path you took. “I believe we left off at the tree with the pink flowers?” You nodded, moving back to the tree, guiding Ominis behind you. You scanned the ground as you walked, not seeing any sign of it. “Not here…” Ominis thought back again, “We visited the fence with the strange mushrooms growing on it, yes?” “That’s right!” The ring wasn’t there either, but Ominis refused to let your hopes down. “I remember you talking about the small pond where those giant toads lived, perhaps it’s there?” The two of you made your way back to the pond, and you searched through the grass. Ominis joined in, sifting through with his fingers, coming up to a round metal object with what felt like a gemstone attached to it. “Here it is!”
“Ominis! You’re a genius!” You shouted, running up to him. Ominis smiled, stretching his hand out. You looked at him, puzzled, not reaching for it as you tried to figure out what he was doing. “Give me your hand, I know you’re not blind.” You chuckled, placing your hand in his. Slowly, he guided the ring back onto your finger, closing your hand with his own. “There, best that we don’t lose it again, yeah?” “Right, thank you so much, Ominis. I have no idea what I would do without you.”
A few weeks had gone by, and the two of you had seemingly gotten closer. You helped each other in class, point out if one of your favourite food was at supper, and take the usual walks, which did not lead to you losing your ring a second time. Ominis had made sure that you wouldn’t, taking your hand with the ring in his as you walked, “A precaution,” Ominis said. You were unsure where you stood with Ominis at that point, unable to tell if you were getting along because you had to, or because you wanted to. You didn’t even know if you actually liked him, thanks to the arraignment; you felt conflicted, unsure if your feelings were real or made up to save face for your families. You weren’t going to ask Ominis how he felt, of course. You pushed the thoughts aside as you walked into the common room, ready to collect Ominis and head to the dining hall.
You looked over to the couch, eyeing where Ominis sat. Beside him sat another student, who had begun to play with her hair as she talked with him. Your eyes narrowed as you walked closer, disgust painting your face as you listened to her awful attempts at flirting. “So, I was thinking. Maybe we could go by the lake? It’s quiet there.” She said, and you glared daggers into the back of her head. Shameless fliting was one thing, shameless flirting with Ominis? A death sentence. Hexes ran through your head, the idea of turning her into a chicken and leaving her in one of the pens stuck out, another, turning her into a toad and leaving her to live with the other toads in the crowded pond. Ominis heard the small noise you made when she tried to get closer, and he smirked. He knew you were there, probably standing behind her as you glared at her, something Sebastian had described to him anytime Poppy would get picked on. You had made it your habit to stand behind your “victims” until they turned around and met your dagger-like gaze, threatening to hex them if they didn’t get out of your sight. Ominis could only imagine what scene was playing out before him, and he broke into a smile. The student took that as a good sign, “I’ll meet you there then.” She got up and turned to grab the book she had placed down, gasping as your presence startled her. “You have to stop sneaking up on people like that, y/n!” Your gaze never broke, “My apologies.”
The girl left, leaving you to huff in annoyance as you waited for Ominis to stand. His smile never left as he slowly got up and walked to you. “It’s quiet there? That’s so stupid! She needs to work on her flirting skills.” You crossed your arms, turning to walk to the door. “Is someone jealous?” You scoffed, as you exited the room, “Why would I?” “We’re supposed to get married, I’m basically your husband already.” You shook your head, pouting. “We’re not married yet, so why should I care?” You walked along the empty hall, the sound of your shoes hitting the cobble echoing around you. Ominis chuckled, “So I can…go to the lake with her tonight, then?” Your cheeks heated up and you began to stutter. “The- the lake? Absolutely not! Why would you-“ You took a breath in and sighed. “Go on then, go have your fun.” You stopped walking, turning to Ominis and crossing your arms. Still smiling, Ominis shrugged his shoulders and turned to walk away, and you huffed in annoyance as your face turned bright red. You quickly grabbed his arm to stop him, “You’re not…actually going to go, are you?” You asked, hanging your head and looking down at your feet. You heard him chuckle, as he turned, guiding his hand up to find your face. “I wouldn’t need to if my wife-to-be would stop being so stubborn.” He felt your cheek burn as you looked up at him, debating what to do.
Without a second thought, you quickly brought your lips together in a quick kiss, hoping that Ominis would understand. You pulled back just as quickly, watching his face heat up just as yours did, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. “There she is.” “Shut up.”
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biscuitblinkeu · 3 months
Are you hurt? [5]
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Park Chaeyoung x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2314~
ToSumUp: Lots of surprises in one day, yes? You don’t get quite the warm welcome coming home from grocery shopping.
A/N: Chapter dedicated to my anon, happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the chapter <3 Also, just wanna say thank you guys for being patient and for all the nice comments! P.S this chapter was supposed to be way longer but I had to cut it off because I wasn’t gonna finish the gaps at the end before Anon’s bday ended 😭
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Rosie was asleep on the couch when you came home, her hair spread across the cushions like a river of flowing gold. The odd position she was in let you know she tired herself out, she even forgot there was a potato chip still in her hand. Laughing under your breath and highly amused, you fixed the cover over her. 
You felt compelled to get cameras— a recurring thought— to catch her doing something silly or find out whatever it is she does when you’re not home to end up like this. It would be similar to those pets on social media who respond to the talking animal-like object with a secret camera… and they would tilt their head in confusion or bark. 
But, again, Rosie’s not a dog. 
You shook your head, an action you hoped got rid of such thoughts (no matter how many times she reminded you of one), and situated yourself on the ground beside the couch, you stared at her face for a while, admiring her beauty. It’s something you know you’d never get used to. Your gaze dragged across the bit of freckles on her nose and cheeks, to her long eyelashes that were dark against her skin. You watched as they fluttered as she dreamt. 
A sigh left her lips, and she turned to her side, facing you. She had a soft pout shaping her lips, and you found yourself staring at them longer than you should’ve. She was so adorable asleep… What?
You blinked owlishly, heat rising to the back of your neck after realizing how creepy you were being. The last thing you wanted to do was make her uncomfortable. Just as you were about to retreat, you realized the potato chip was still nestled between her fingers, and, worried she’d crush it and make a mess, you reached out to pluck it from her hand, only for her eyes to flutter open. They were bleary, clouded with sleep, and caused a stir in your stomach. She blinked at you, a blush slowly appearing on her cheeks.
Startled, you toppled onto your elbows. “R-Rosie?“ You stammered. 
The crisp sound made you both look at the chip now crushed in her palm. She sat upright, now thoroughly embarrassed and wide awake. 
A smile grew on your face, and you dismissed the apologetic look she was giving you. “Here,” you said, grabbing the empty chip bag on the nightstand. “You can put that in here.”
“Did you sleep well?” You asked when she finished transferring the crumbs into the  chip bag.
Rosie nodded with a yawn, stretching her arms above her head. The action revealed more of her slender stomach and the soft curves of her waist.  It was distracting, and you quickly tore your gaze away from the sight to focus on the chip bag in your hands, thus not noticing the sly smile on her face. You played with the sides of the bag, pinching the aluminum plastic between your finger tips. She tapped your forehead to get your attention again, her brows raised in question, and mouthed How was work?
“Ah,” you said, relieved for a distraction. “It was fine— same old stuff. We have a new worker joining us, and so far she seems nice, a little clumsy though. I’m in charge of helping her out.”
She knew by now you weren’t one to love interacting with people— you would rather stand back and observe, finding interest in the actions of others, how they moved or expressed themselves. She thought that was why you were able to read her so well, how you were able to understand her despite the fact she didn’t have a voice. 
However, she didn’t know why she felt a twang to her heart at the mention of your new coworker, a feeling of unrest growing in her stomach. She felt anxious about today and didn’t know why the feeling still lingered. 
Rosie reached for your hand with a frown, noticing a bandage wrapped around your index finger. 
You looked at it, remembering your little accident earlier. “Oh, it’s nothing serious, just a shallow cut. The stapler nicked me when I was trying to refill it.” 
A staple..er? Rosie stared at you quizzically. 
“It’s a tool used to clip stacks of papers together and it’s sharp in some areas. I was refilling it when it clamped down on my finger,” you explained. 
Her mouth made an ‘O’ shape and she nodded, but you could tell she still didn’t understand. Either way, you were prepared to answer anything she asked you— who were you to deny her curiosity? 
“Are you hungry?” You asked, standing up. It’s been a while since you ate lunch, and knowing she had just woken up, she was probably hungry as well. You opened the fridge and staring back at you was a jar of mayonnaise, a single egg, a half of tomato, and two pieces of cheese. You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering how you didn’t notice the lack thereof earlier. “Looks like I’ll be going grocery shopping,” you murmured, closing the fridge. Your grandmother always told you to buy ingredients, which you took to heart, cooking your meals instead of ordering out. She also insisted you become a chef one day— which obviously didn’t happen. 
Rosie was watching you from over the couch, and when she noticed you were staring back at her she looked away, pretending to be interested in her hands. 
“Do you want to come with me?” You offered tentatively, noting her mannerisms. She definitely wanted you to ask– if the way her head whipped toward you and began to nod rapidly, if the way her eyes brightened and a smile tugged at her lips was any indication. “Then that’s settled, why don’t you put a coat on? And some warm pants.”
The doors to the grocery store slid open with a mute whoosh and a bell sounded out as you walked through. Rosie, still holding your hand (to which she insisted on the moment you walked out the door to make your way here), appeared shocked at the technology before staring in awe at the assortments of fruits and veggies that lined the entrance-aisle. You believed it was safe to assume she’d never seen a supermarket before, or seen this much food in one place, and it was evident that she had no idea what to do and looked quite apprehensive. But, she followed you closely behind nevertheless.
You grabbed two large baskets after realizing all the carts were being used (or missing), handing one to Rosie. "Can you hold this for me?... Thanks." You then began your journey of looking for ingredients. For tonight, you planned to fry something, perhaps chicken-- spicy chicken-- and maybe some white rice, vegetables and whatever else you find.  Your eyes fell on an aisle marked "spices," and your eyebrows furrowed, you definitely need to restock (flavorful food comes at a price, after all). Rosie seemed to realize where you were headed because she took the lead, yet peered over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure you were still there.
Every few feet Rosie would hold up an item she plucked off the shelf, and when you nodded she would put it in the basket before walking away with a smile to find something else. You simply shook your head in amusement, glad she was having fun. Figuring she would come back and find you, you moved to the next aisle slowly, so she would still be able to locate you nearby. You did this because you knew how it felt being separated from a parent in the grocery store, lost but trying not to look lost as you searched for your family, a growing sense of dread worming its way into your stomach the longer you looked.
Rosie wandered the aisles with a subtle boldness– she wasn't as uneasy as when she first walked in– looking for something else to find. She liked the smiles you would give her when she found something useful. She liked the smiles you gave her when she found something useless, too. Either way, she was on a mission. Or, maybe it wasn't a highly important mission because the moment she passed an aisle that contained brightly packaged, illustrated items, she swiftly turned and entered it. Her eyes widened, and she looked at the different packaging, with, what she believes is edible, a variety of "foods"-- all shapes and sizes. Everything looked so appealing, and she was simply dying to know what was inside. Maybe you would get it for her?
As Rosie was contemplating which package to get, she was approached by a group of guys– looking like they were in their early adult years or so, unbeknownst to her. One guy who was being jostled around and whispered to was pushed towards her, the others staying behind and snickering behind their hands. He took a deep breath, pulling his phone out his pocket.  “Hi, I think you’re really cute and wondered if I could get your number?”
No answer. 
He tried again, yet still received no answer. He looked back to his friends who merely shrugged. So he waited. They gave her a moment to see if she was just “lagging behind” but she kept staring at the packages—practically burning holes into them. But she was thinking hard. Very, very hard and intensive.  Which one should she choose when they all looked good? She’s never had this type of food, and never had to pick something out for herself, either. The servants in the palace would do it for her, not trusting her ability to pick out something that's not….”human-originated”. Would you like what she got? 
Would you smile at her again for her choice?
She wanted to know. 
Completely absorbed in this new task, Rosie took both of the packages and walked away, leaving the guy standing there dumbfounded.
“What just happened?” He murmured.
Just as you were about to go off and find Rosie, feeling that she was taking longer than usual to come back, she entered the aisle, looking very serious. She stopped in front of you. “Rosie?” You questioned, then the candy packages she held garnered your attention. “ Oh, are you interested in those? Do you want to try them? They're a little sour, but I’ll get them for you.” You smiled at her, relieved nothing bad happened, and found her behavior endearing.
You put them in the basket before informing her you were done shopping, the two of you making your way to the self-checkout. She trailed behind you like a puppy (yes, the reference again), grinning so hard her cheeks began to ache, feeling accomplished and happy beyond belief. She smiled at me again!  And she knew it was something she wanted to see a lot more, a sight that made her heart speed up.
You arrive home with arms with multiple bangs strung on them. You unlock the door and let Rosie in first, instructing her to put the bags on the dining table. As she’s doing that you make one trip to the kitchen with bags, put them down, then go back for the last of them. 
You’re just outside your door frame, bending down to reach for the bags, when the wind gets knocked out of you, and your arm is pulled behind your back. “What–” Your leg is swept from under you and you fall to the floor with a thud, a hiss leaving your mouth, a pounding beginning to resonate behind your skull. You groan, feeling pain throbbing where your body made contact with the ground. 
A shiny black shoe invades your vision, and you hear a woman's voice. 
“Where’s Rosé?” She demanded, and you had a feeling it was something you were expected to answer, but you didn’t have it in you to care. 
“What?” You murmured, blinking rapidly, trying to get a grip. There was a weight on your backside, keeping you down, and you figured its whoever is wearing those black shoes. Must be a tough guy.
“Don’t play dumb, human,” came a gruff voice. Ah, so there were really two people.
"Aren't we all human here?” you mumbled, finding what he said weird. This smart comment earned you a tug on your arm, which was already pretty far pushed behind your back. You yelped.
You heard a sigh of frustration. The woman spoke again,  “Get off of her, KK.”
Just as he was removing himself off of you, rapidly approaching footsteps were heard, and a body shoved him away, running to your side. “Rosie?” You furrowed your brows. She should go back inside, you didn’t know if these people were dangerous or not. Nonetheless, she helped you sit up, and you did so with a quiet hiss, meeting her frantic eyes. She checked you over, and when she deemed you okay she whipped her head to the side and glared at the woman and her bodyguard. And what a mean glare it was; you’ve never seen that look on her. 
The feline-eyes woman appeared shocked at the action, and in a meek tone called her name. “R-Rosé? What— why are you...?” 
Why is she protecting you? Her captor. You’ve done horrible things to her. 
The woman looked unsure, confused. 
“Um…” Your uncertain voice disrupted Jennie’s train of thought and her eyes flickered to you, something akin to annoyance passing through them. She glared at you with such ferocity you thought you might actually see flames emitting from her eyes. You winced internally; you don’t even know this woman (Rosie seemed to, though) and can tell she already hated you. “You two seem to know each other, right? Why don’t you take this inside?… I don’t want to bother my neighbors.”
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shiny-jr · 2 months
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH I literally cannot put into words how much I loved the latest Damnation au chapter- I was literally seconds away from putting my phone down to get back to work but as soon as I saw a glimpse of the fic, I just couldn't help but put everything on hold
I was really impressed with how you included Epel into the story in a way that just about correlated to Epel in canon (like how he was actively opposed to hit position in the castle). Like taking into consideration of the time period and the possible reasons why Epel would be relevant there in the first place despite not being in the original tale- SO WELL DONE!! Not to mention Vil going out of his way to find potential successors really emphasizes his hatred for Neige (poor guy😭) Also the way you write about Rook??? I knew he'd be creepy but gyat damn your writing only increased the feeling of it ten-fold. Especially in that scene after he climbed through the window and interrupted MC and Vil- Literally foaming at the mouth i was like 'holy crap this is it, we're gonna get exposed' cause aint no way Rook WOULDN'T know. Everything about him was unnerving yet so charming?? I really don't know how you do it but the way you just write them is just so accurate👏
As a Vil simp, every scene with him in it had be giggling and kicking my feet✨ I was pleasantly surprised with his advances towards the MC though- like hubba hubba... I ain't complaining though! The tension in those scenes were just *chefs kiss* Every moment with him just oozed authority and power, like I'd be on the edge of my metaphorical seat just waiting for the moment he calls out the MC
Like holy crap you really know how to set your scenes- like legit every time I Rook or Vil were in a scene, it genuinely felt tense. Also props to MC for looking out for #1 (themselves) even at the expense of ruining someone else
Anyway excuse my rambling lmao i'm definitely gonna be re-reading it again ^^
Sounds like another happy reader. And yes, Epel's part was difficult. Mainly because, well, Epel is based off the poisoned apple, so how is he supposed to play that role? In my mind, the poisoned apple is a tool used by the Evil Queen. So, what is similar to a tool? A person to manipulate, which is how I came up with the idea of heir. Combined with the fact that Vil obviously takes a shine to Epel, as he spends time meticulously perfecting his habits and mannerisms in-game. Which fit the scenario I was to use, of a King claiming an heir and drilling instructions and behaviors in their mind to manipulate.
Rook and Vil were easy to place into roles, due to who they're based off of. But it was difficult coming up with scenes for them, since the Huntsman and Evil Queen don't have a lot in the movies. Especially the Huntsman.
For Rook, I actually considered writing a scene were MC followed him as he scoped out the meadow or the moment when Rook was to escort Neige to the meadow, but ultimately I decided against that as it would overcomplicate the plot and give more time to Neige instead of Rook. I needed a way to properly portray Rook's watchfulness and the unease it spawns, which I figured should fit the setting. A carefully worded conversation knit of lies and unsaid threats and fears is much more effective when the reader is picturing hollowed stone halls of a palace instead of a colorful meadow. At least, that was my thought process there, which is why most interactions with Rook are in settings such as those.
And finally, Vil, who I decided to write a few more interesting scenes for purely because I know a good amount of my followers love that pretty man. There were multiple concepts and scrapped ideas I've already forgotten by now, different things that never made it to my keyboard, like a tense dinner scene and back-and-forth bickering. But some of those just didn't fit the feeling I wanted, or was out of character for either the MC or others.
Anyways, now I'm rambling. Sorry. I hope the second read was just as enjoyable as the first!
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
25 ASKS! WAHOO! :DD 🎉🎉🎉
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Oooo what would DJMM be? A full sized birthday cake perhaps? XD
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(Post in question)
:0 It was?? Thank you! :DD I'm glad you got some use out of it! <XD
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(Post in question)
XDD She probably has, and no doubt she'll do it again!
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the way I made him!! :}}} 💖💖💖
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I mean.. sending me a drawing of your character that has nothing to do with any of my stuff? None of my characters are in it or anything? I don't see anything wrong with that..
But still, comments/asks are the easiest, safest and absolute best way to show your appreciation for my artwork. Genuinely, it is.
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Oh its a horrible place. Its a kingdom ruled by a corrupt and evil king. The royal guard is corrupt and full of mostly evil snobs that abuse their power. There's plenty of food but none of it is given to the people.
Everyone is overworked, everyone is starving, there's murders in the streets. Its awful..
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<XD I've heard of Murder Drones but I never got around to watching it for a shallow reason. That reason being- now don't kill me!-... I don't like the art style 💔 specifically the way the characters look/are shaped. I know that's not a great reason to not watch something but its why I didn't want to watch it- 😭💔💔
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Yes yes! Its the two golden kids. Although they aren't a reference to the missing children-
Its a bit hard to tell, but its supposed to be little Stanley and Stanford pines from Gravity falls! <XDD
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(Also thank you!! :DD )
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All I can say is those smiles are creepy! Put some teeth in there and close that mouth! XDD
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I actually have yet to draw him. I should do that sometime-
Just imagine the Spade King but much bigger and more.. grotesque..
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(Post in question)
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Oh yeah its very likely :00
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@null-hydrangea (Post in question)
OOOO THAT'S REALLY MORBID AND ANGSTY-- But sadly no <XDD Its just an artificial separation anxiety of sorts.
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XD I'm glad! :}}
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Woah, that sounds like a cool character! :D
Also thank you!! I'm glad you like my Octonauts stuff! :}} I'm sure I'll come back to it sometime XDD
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@skeletormasterofevil (Post in question)
The buddy system is an A.I. programming that I created solely as a tool to make angst
The buddy system is a connected A.I. program that Glamrock Fredbear and Spring Bonnie both have. Its a program that tells the animatronics to always be in the same room. The further away from each other they go, the more distressed they become :(
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:DD Thank you! And thank you for the littol frog guy! 💖🐸💖
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I imagined the whole group is sitting around a camp fire and they're all talking a bit about where they came from and what their AUs were like. Jevil talks about how he and Seam were under rule of this horrible King. And how Seam was the court magician and he was the court Jester..
River makes a comment; "Oh.. You must just despise anything Jester related then, yes..?"
Jevil nods "Oh yeah, cant stand the stuff."
Then Grillby says, "..Then why do you still wear your jester hat?"
There was immediate tension between Seam and Jevil. But Jevil thought of something quick. "...You really wanna know why I don't take off my hat?"
Grillby: "uh.. yes..?"
Jevil creates all this suspense around it and then he goes. "Its becuase I'm bald under there, and you all would probably go blind from the reflection if I took my hat off." Cue giggling from Goner kid and a couple snickers from the group. The tension dissolves and the subject is changed. No one really thinks to bring up the hat thing again after that.. they all somewhat just accepted that as the answer.
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Thank you!! :DD I love drawing them, so I'm glad you love how they look!! :}}}
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If that worlds Seam is anything like mine, he wouldn't have been able to follow through with it.. Imprisoning him is one thing, executing him is just not something he has the guts to do..
And if their Spade King is anything like mine? As punishment for not obeying his orders, he would have just killed them both. :(
Hypothetically though.. if he DID kill Jevil.. and then later on saw my groups Jevil? I feel like he'd freak out. Thinking he's some kind of vengeful spirit or something. "I killed you, I saw you die- you've been dead for years- there's no way that you're really here-" He'd push him away out of fear and maybe even run away..
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He probably did.. :( 💔
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mywritingonlyfans · 1 year
the prompts are so cute idek which ones to ask for, i lowkey want them all 😭😭
042: "My parents are coming over in 10 minutes so please put some clothes on" and
058: "We’ve become the clingy newlyweds you always complained about. "
i took a while because i almost gave up out of embarrassment, you were the only one who sent 😅 but here we go with something!
here's the prompt list.
He was running late, which was typical of him, but this time it was your fault. You were supposed to wake him up a few minutes ago, but his serene face and angelic expressions were too precious to be interrupted. You had been gazing at him for quite some time now, dressed and ready, anxiously waiting for your parents who had just called to let you know they were on their way. They would be there soon, and you had failed to wake Alex up on time as you had agreed, to which he had eagerly consented, fearing any behavior that could make your parents dislike him (which was certainly impossible).
"It's cute, but you've been smiling at me for a long time now, and it's startin' to get a lil' bit creepy," he lazily smiled, stretching with a comforting grunt. You smiled in response. Indeed, you had been sitting by his side for quite a while. He had a soft post-sex glow, flushed cheeks, as well as a disheveled mess of hair perfectly spread across his forehead. Not to mention, he wasn't wearing any clothes, with just a thin sheet covering his lower half, but still revealing the tantalizing connection between his abdomen and legs. It was a sight that was hard not to admire cautiously. You bit your lip at the thought, not feeling bad about it.
"Have you been awake for a long time, babe?" he asked, to which you were certain, judging by his expression, that it was the second time he had asked since you weren't paying attention. He held onto your waist, analyzing your face and the exposed skin of your chest through your thin shirt. You remembered a time when he had told you that he wished he could verbalize his feelings like you, in just a few words and complementary gestures that made him feel enveloped by you. But the look he was giving you, along with his warm fingers gently caressing your skin, screamed and overflowed with the same reciprocity, and just as intense.
"Not for too long, just enough time to shower and brush my teeth," you let your forehead rest against his, grazing your lips on his nose, cheeks, and mouth multiple times, causing him to slightly close his eyes and surrender to your touch. You hadn't been living together for very long, but it felt as if every minute of it made Alex wonder why he hadn't done it sooner.
"You could have woken me up," he playfully nuzzled his nose into your neck, pulling you closer to him. "I could have join you, little one. You smell so good." You chuckled, snuggling even closer. "I'm glad you don't think I'm stinky." Your hands held his face, allowing you to gaze into his bright and puppy brown eyes. You couldn't help but kiss him all over again. At some point, he placed his hands over yours, making the golden rings clink together, a sound that made both of you laugh, unable to describe the sensation.
You had lost track of time, not even remembering why you had gone to him in bed after the phone call. You could even affirm that you didn't recall the phone call at all until the doorbell rang. You looked at him with wide eyes, the realization that you and him should be ready by now. "Don't tell me it's your parents," he raised his eyebrows affectionately, holding back a laugh. He knew you well enough to expect that you had let time slip away.
"I'm sorry, I should have woken you up, but you looked so adorable, I couldn't bring myself to do it." His cheeks turned rosy, and you loved the effect you had on him so much that you did it on purpose. You always did it on purpose, no matter the situation. He quickly got up, with you clinging to his neck, and hugged you tightly while trying not to let the sheet fall to the ground. "I'll let them in and give you a few minutes to get dressed," you declared, disentangling yourself from him with a sigh that clearly conveyed that this wasn't what you wanted to be doing. Alex chuckled, pulling you back towards him by the waist, and you could feel your hairs a bit crazy on the spine as his lips brushed against your shoulder.
"Come on, Alex, I know it's my fault, but you have 10 minutes to get dressed and join us downstairs," you whined playfully, not even trying to break free from his embrace. Your instinct was to pretend you weren't home, but Alex wouldn't disappoint your parents.
"Just one more quick kiss," he requested, and you obeyed, hearing his satisfied exhale as you dashed towards the door. Alex swiftly put on his pants like never before, and as soon as he slipped on the same long-sleeved shirt from the night before out of sheer haste, he saw you reenter the room with a shout that you were already on your way as the doorbell was echoing through the house, and you grabbed his coat for yourself, something he didn't hesitate to allow. His clothes had become yours anyway, he helped you get decent on his piece. It was burning cold. You looked comfortable and that made him happy.
"Hurry up," you whispered with a teasing smile before leaving once again, and all you could hear was his voice, still hoarse and marked by sleepiness, saying, "We've become the clingy newlyweds you always complained about, y'know." He found himself happily running his fingers through his hair, unable to contain a silly grin.
As for your parents? By this point, they had become accustomed to how clumsy you both were when it came to each other, and living together only amplified that situation. Everyone expected it, and they, as well as all your friends had grown used to it.
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dottydoesstuff · 7 months
The Killing Moon (steve harrington x reader)
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AHHhhh i've never written a fic before so i hope its alr 😭
its based off the song The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen
warnings: Unrequited (????) love, hurt no comfort, angst, kissing, alcohol, parties, swearing and a guy that smells like cabbage (lmk if i missed any) no use of Y/N, reader is described to be wearing a dress but no other description other then that
1.1K words <3
Steve Harrington is a stupid, stupid man. He knew that, really, he did. It was being proven to him time and time again, his own stupidity and poor decisions were being thrown back in his face. His poorest decision to date was not confessing his perennial love for you before you found someone else. It's not like he didn't have a chance to tell you, you're his best friend, you see each other everyday without fail. He'd had an infinite amount of chances but ultimately was too much of a wuss to do anything. 
Steve sighed as he grabbed another drink from the makeshift bar that had been set up on Tina's kitchen table and started shoving through the crowds of people to find somewhere quiet to wallow in self pity. The banging music and general cheerful mood of the party was getting too much for him. Unfortunately fate was not on his side, it rarely was. Karma for being such a dick in highschool he supposed as he heard a laugh. A laugh he has heard a thousand times before. A laugh that haunts him. Your laugh. 
You were here. With him. 
You hadn't seen Steve, not when He was distracting your every sense. You looked….. Ethereal. Too good for this world, far too good for Steve and definitely too good for that guy. Steve didn't even know what you saw in him, you had told Steve about him, raving about how great he was and how you were sure that they'd get along. His name was  James or Jake, maybe josh? Steve couldn't remember, it's Jeremy’s own fault really, he should get a better name. Steve watched as Jack-Josh-Jake’s half smirk bewitched you and his hands wandered to the hem of your dress. Steve stood staring, never occurring to him that he probably looked rather creepy, as he cursed whatever higher power there was for letting that smug bastard be born. He just couldn't understand, this guy was barely 6’, had god awful hair and vaguely smelt like cabbage. What was the attraction? 
After around two minutes of Steve trying to explode Jason (?) with his mind he spotted the door to the back garden and started to make his way over there whilst vowing to brush up on his telekinesis skills so he could throw that guy through a wall or something. 
He sat on a lonely bench on the porch facing the garden, watching the moon as it cast dancing shadows, holding his drink with white knuckles and trying not to let his thoughts linger where they shouldn't. 
“Hey stranger”
The sound of your voice made him jump which made you giggle slightly. He would make a fool of himself again and again if it meant that he could hear that noise every time. 
“What you doin’ sitting out here all by yourself hmm ?” 
you said as you sat down next to him, close enough that he could smell the liquor on your breath and the heat radiating off you. 
“Oh nothin’ just .. chillin’” 
Steve grimaced at his response 
“Well can I just chill with you? ” 
You chuckle while nudging his shoulder slightly.
Steve looked you in the eyes for the first time that night and gave a small nod. He didn't trust himself not to say something absolutely insane like how he was so in love with you that the smell of your perfume was more intoxicating than the beer he had been half heartedly sipping on or that the feeling of your arm against him was occupying so many of his thoughts that he probably couldn't even tell you where he was right now or how-
“Stevie, can I ask you something ?” 
Stevie, oh god you could ask him for his arm and he would saw it off and present it to you without hesitation. 
“Yeah whats- whats up ?” 
“I don't know, it's probably stupid, I'm just worried about you, y’know? you've been acting… different?”
“You're worried about me?”
“Steve, I’m always worried about you” 
Steve couldn't fight off the grin that erupted on his face. His entire body felt hot at your confession. He was pathetic. 
“Why are you smiling Steve, I'm serious, is something going on?”
It was his chance, probably his last one. He was going to do it, tell you he loved you and wanted to date you and have children and get married, well probably not all that, he might come off a bit intense. You sat looking at him expectantly as he turned to face you. The words died on his tongue as he realised how close together the two of you were. 
“I-” Steve started “ I just wanted to tell you-” he couldn't finish the sentence.
“Tell me what, steve ple-” 
He cut you off as he cupped your cheek and kissed you.
A surprised sound left your mouth before you slowly close your eyes and sunk into his lips.
Your kiss was cruel, cruel as he knew he would spend the rest of his life trying to find some semblance of it and would fail to. Cruel in the way your lips fit so perfectly with his, flawlessly moulding together and cruel in the way that he knew that there was no coming back from this. He was absolutely fucked. He was kissing his best friend, his best friend who was the one person he could not lose, his best friend who belonged to someone else. 
Maybe it was fate ,he thought, maybe he was meant to be sat out here and you were meant to find him and this was meant to happen, or maybe it was the sheer might of human will and his lack of self control or maybe it was cheap beer and hormones. Whatever it was he was glad of it. 
Slowly, you pull away, your forehead resting against his, eyes closed and expression unreadable. 
Steve had never felt so content, he was in such a state of bliss that it was a rather rude awakening then the patio door banged open shattering the delicate bubble that surrounded you both. 
You jumped up at the noise, whipping around toward the door. 
“babe, i've been lookin’ for you” 
His speech was slurred as he sauntered towards you. Steve thought Jackson’s face had never looked so punchable.
You walked towards the unwelcome intruder and grabbed his arm, giving him a small smile as you dragged him back inside, not sparing Steve a glance. 
Steve felt his heart crack and dread fill his stomach. This was it, you would never speak to him again, he would become a drunken mistake, a mere annotation in your story. His own thoughts devastated him as he looked back up at the sky, the blue moon looking back down at him. The only thing that comforted him now was the knowledge that he was yours, unabashedly and perpetually, his heart lay with you and it was yours to keep. Steve just hoped you would be a little more careful with it from now on.
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chemicallywrit · 7 months
It’s Audio Drama Sunday and this week was full of bangers! This list is not comprehensive but it is what stuck out this week. Let’s goooooooo
🔥 The Heart Pyre continuously leaves me with the perfect impression of being in middle school reading under my desk. It’s so good it feels like I’m getting away with something. Maybe it’s because Rena is such a relatable protagonist. She’s just a normal girl! She’s just a little teen! What is she supposed to do! And that makes her even more heroic. As always, the choice this week was impossible and I can’t wait to see how it shakes out. Also, Logan And Finn Should Kiss 2k24. @theheartpyre
🗡️ SIDEQUESTING 😭 This episode is so SWEET. I love when Rion grows a little—Sidequesting is episodic and doesn’t lend itself to like, substantial character development. That is fine; it’s not the point of the show. It makes the moments Rion does grow, though, stand out like little jewels. This episode shone. @sidequestingpod
🗝️ Palimpsest is doing its slow burn thing, referencing itself over again as its name suggests it will do, and in this story, I am Very Concerned About That Man Lenore Married. He is condescending and dismissive and he is isolating her, and I DO NOT TRUST HIM.
📼 Within the Wires—oh my gosh, I literally screamed when the canned noises stopped. What is your game, Tony? What do you want with Brian?
🅿️ Podcube was short this week—Podcube is always short—but this episode had me cracking up at work. I love that this team manages to find new conflicts somehow. Man vs man, but they’re assassins and one of them is convinced the other is in love with the target. Why does this work? Why is this so funny? Please listen to Podcube. @podcube
🩸 Hemophobia continues to make my skin crawl. This episode reveals that the characters are Church of Christ, which, for those who don’t know, means they have a really specific set of beliefs about baptism that I KNOW are going to be perfect fodder for the Horrors. And yet it’s all so normal so far. Creepy. Oh, another thing this episode does is portray with perfect gut-wrenching clarity how strange and awful it us to be a devout teenager, and in like, four different ways. Incredible work.
🎣 Eeler’s Choice has some FANTASTIC sound design this episode as Ran comes into their own as a storm chanter—FRICK. I am worried about them. And their new ship. Please be careful and don’t get eaten by fungus. @eelerschoice
✨ Stories from Ylelmore is brand new and SO GOOD, oh my gosh, I am in love with the earnest delivery, the characters who are absolute BABIES, the genuine fascinating mystery. I can’t wait for more. @storiesfromylelmore
🍔 Midnight Burger’s THREE HOUR FINALE brought us home with Clementine. It wasn’t what I expected, and I think that’s kind of Midnight Burger’s MO. The fact that the tone of the dialogue, that the characters themselves, are so cynical and hard—it will trick you into believing that it’s a cynical show. Maybe it is! But it also fights over and over again for the idea that things can be fixed, that love matters, that you can save people and you have to try, you always have to try. And sometimes you win. And that’s how the universe is meant to work. It kills me every time. Also, shoutout to Alan Burgon, always the best, who I love to hear doing his actual accent. @midnightburgr
🐦‍⬛ Leaving Corvat. Oh my word. It’s a wellness cult. Sleeper’s in a wellness cult. I am really pleased with the development his character’s showing, being decisive and brave.
🍵 Gastronaut is going some places and I am OBSESSED. The relationship between Oscar and Polity is everything to me, and the fact that Oscar has gotten to the point where he refuses to ignore his responsibilities, he refuses to leave people behind—he is sometimes stupid, but he is trying and I’m proud of him.
🧟‍♂️ We are getting to the final episode of Precious Cargo in the Dead and y’all….it’s gonna get juicy. I’m not exaggerating, one of the zombie actors used watermelon to get things sounding juuuuust right. Our next story might be even better, too, I can’t wait to show you.
Thank you for reading! If you like what I do, buy me a ko-fi!
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leejungchans · 2 years
i like you : l.c
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༉‧₊˚✧ for my 1k event !
requested by @joshuas : also! chan (svt) with a female reader and university au <3
a/n: hi ms shuawife <33 ty for requesting and also ty for the idea 😭😭 i owe u for all my chabbles (chan drabbles) ideas 💗
word count | 1.1k
pairing | lee chan (svt) x female reader
genre | fluff, university au
warning(s) / includes | food mentions (please lmk if i missed anything!)
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“People are staring,” you comment lightly when a group of high school kids walk past your table and spare you and your date a peculiar glance. Chan looks up from his noodles as the teens head further down the street, their silhouettes merging together in the darkness, only illuminated by the occasional street lamp or neon sign.
He turns back to you and shrugs, a small smile playing on his lips when he says, “Maybe they’re just jealous I have a beautiful date.”
“Stop it,” your cheeks grow warm, “I’m not.”
“You are, though,” Chan insists. “You look…” he gestures to your outfit, a satiny dress that your roommate lent you because all your other options suddenly seemed horrific as you were getting ready, “beautiful. Not that you don’t already, obviously, you still look pretty in your normal clothes—not that this dress can’t be ‘normal clothes’—oh God, what am I saying?”
“Chan,” you interrupt gently with a smile, putting a pause to his panicked rambling, “I get what you mean. Thank you. You look really great too.” You mean it. Butterflies have been fluttering wildly in your stomach ever since he picked you up in a crisp white shirt and black slacks, sleeves rolled up and top few buttons of his shirt undone.
The rosy flush on his cheeks spreads to the tips of his ears as he returns the smile, and your heart can’t help but thrum loudly against your ribcage at how radiant he looks when he smiles, the little scrunch of his nose, the twinkle in his eyes as he shyly runs a hand through his hair... You think you could sit here all night just admiring him. In a non-creepy way.
Chan’s next words come out much quieter as he looks down at his bowl of half-finished instant ramen. “I’m really sorry our date didn’t turn out as planned.”
“A little improvisation isn’t always bad,” you say lightly, feeling a twinge in your heart at how guilty he sounded. “Plus, I like it here, genuinely.”
Truth is, neither of you quite knew what to do for your first date. You just knew you liked the bumbling boy who sat next to you in your Modern History lecture, who asked to borrow a pen each time because he always forgot, who slid you candies whenever he noticed you were seconds from dozing off. You had a spring in your step for a week after he asked you to be his partner for your final project, but nothing could’ve ever prepared you for being asked out by him.
Ultimately, he took his older friends’ advice and suggested going out for dinner at a nice place. Traditional, classic, can’t go wrong, that’s what they told him.
It’s not that something went wrong. The dressing up part was fun, but it’s when you got to the restaurant that things started feeling off. Chan was a gentleman as always, yet he felt more like a stranger on your date than when you were in your class of over a hundred people, and you knew he was freaking out over the same thing no matter how hard he tried not to show it.
So while his older friends may not agree with your decision of leaving early for instant ramen and convenience store snacks, neither of you can really bring yourself to care. The air feels so much lighter here—no judgy servers and patrons casting looks at the two awkward, out-of-place university students, and certainly no overpriced meals that really just consisted of three bites of food. (How was either of you supposed to be full from that?)
Who cares if 7-11’s plastic outdoor chairs are creaky, or if your ramen is starting to get soggy, or if your soda is losing its fizz quicker than Vernon can give up on studying for his Economics exam? You’re happy.
“You like it here?” Chan echoes in utter disbelief. “B-But this place hardly screams first date.”
“Any place can be a first-date place depending on who you’re with, though. And how much you like them.”
You don’t think you’re helping much judging by the pout that seems to have settled on his face permanently. Is it too early to think about kissing him?
“I guess…” he murmurs, “it’s just that I think… you deserve a lot better than a 7-11.”
“Honestly, I’d rather eat with you behind a dumpster than at a place where we couldn’t be ourselves.” He cocks an eyebrow at you, and you falter slightly. “Well—maybe not a dumpster, but you know what I mean.”
Chan nods timidly, still unsure.
“My point is, I don’t like you any less just because we’re at a 7-11 and not some fancy place.” He can’t help but give his full attention to you—not that he doesn’t already—as your eyes glow with fiery determination. “You can take me here again for our second date, and our third, and our fourth, and I still wouldn’t care because I like you.”
Oh, how embarrassing, you were definitely being a little too intense just now. You reckon the burning sensation that erupts across your face is what molten lava would feel like if it ever came in contact with your skin. The stunned look on Chan’s face worries you. You’ve never had an outburst quite like this one in front of him, what if this scares him off?
The fierce glint in your eyes mellows back into something more neutral as you smile sheepishly. “Sorry, I came off a bit strong, didn’t I?”
Fervently, Chan shakes his head. “No—well, maybe a little, but I appreciate it!” he adds hastily upon seeing how your face fell slightly. There’s a strong urge to reassure you that he found your mini spiel more touching than anything else, that he feels comforted knowing now you didn’t find tonight a complete bust.
“Thank you, you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that because I really like you too,” you try not to smile too widely at how cute he looks with his bright pink ears, “and I’d love to take you on as many dates as you want.”
You beam sweetly, and it causes your cheeks to puff up and your twinkling eyes to curve into crescents. You’re so pretty it makes his pulse spiral out of control, soon enough he’ll feel his heartbeat all the way down to his toes. How is it only your first date and yet he’s already completely wrapped around your finger?
Chan thinks he’ll fall out of his chair when you reach across the small table to lay a gentle hand on his. Despite this, he secretly hopes you don’t let go. Your skin feels soft, if he had a little more courage he’d flip his hand around so he can intertwine your fingers.
Your eyes shyly flicker up to hold his gaze; maybe it’s just because he’s horrendously down bad, but he sees the entire universe in them.
“I’ll look forward to every single one, then.”
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a/n: shy dorky uni bf chan 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
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ok ok remember that extra long early morning class from like five posts ago?
so for context the school was closed that day only super intense classes were coming in. my class wasn't the only one, my bff's class was supposed to come in, too. just those two classes, keep in mind. her class is on the third floor, mine is on the fourth and her class starts one hour before mine.
so i come early by like 30 minutes and all the lights are off and all the doors are closed except the lights in the corridor leading to my friend's class so i was like oh they're in there cool and i didn't think much of it.
i started wandering around the school because it was so dark and creepy and cool i literally felt like a ghost. there was a sound of someone turning on a tap and running water so i guessed it was from the bathroom downstairs where my bff's class was but it startled me and kinda made me uneasy right so i wanted to go back downstairs and when i opened the door to the stairwell mr. teacher dad was there and gave me the scare of my life (on purpose mind you he knew i was up there snooping). so i hung out with him and whatever and this creepy cat was following us. i got into a fight with the cat, the cat won.
so my friend's class ends an hour before mine so i told her to come up and visit before she goes back home but she didn't. so when we took a break me and one of my classmates went down to the third floor and the lights were still on but we went all the day down the hall to my bff's class and it was empty so i called her really upset that she left without talking to me and she didn't pick up
i was like ok whatever she's probably tired.
then when i got back home i saw a text from her that was like "oh sorry i didn't come by my class was canceled"
what do you mean your class was canceled
realizing that i'd been the only person in the entire school genuinely freaked me out i'm so shook. like ok maybe the guy in charge of opening the building opened that class because he thought they were coming in. but my class on the floor above wasn't open and the lights were off in the whole corridor even though they knew we were coming in too.
guys my school is haunted 😭
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