#Tiamat Stronghold
bolyde · 3 months
Followers of the Radiant Bahamut
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The Followers of Radiant Bahamut is a cult that started in the Frozenfar in the early days of the Spellplague. The followers are under the belief that Bahamut and Tiamat are actually the same entity, representing elements of rebirth and destruction.
The leader of the group, Rikard Opalshaper, is said to have received a vision while recovering from the effects of coming into contact with Blue Fire, in which they saw a prism refract perfect silver light into the the shades of Tiamat.
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In approximately 1398 DR the group began to consolidate power in several outposts. They were charging large arcane batteries for unknown reasons.
In 1452 DR the group began to recruit or kidnap arcane casters from rural towns. Most were never seen again.
In 1460 DR a group of adventurers attacked a stronghold and freed a group of over a dozen captive arcane spell casters. Doctrine uncovered from the stronghold spoke of a Vessel to contain Radiant Bahamut. It is unknown what steps had been completed, but that the arcane batteries were intended to power the ritual.
1465 DR all strongholds within the Frozen North had been vacated, the group seemingly disappearing into thin air.
In 1488 DR clerics, paladins, and other supplicants wearing symbols similar to Bahamut encrusted with 5 colored gems have been spotted traveling major roads.
1490 DR Rikard Opalshaper, leader of this offshoot of belief (previously presumed dead) spotted in Baldur's Gate.
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
Loadind Screen Tips! The Flower From Tiamat's Fire~
Wiki | The Flower From Tiamat's Fire | Loading Screen Tips Masterlist
Tips about paths:
When you make choices, focus on Fire or Sword and don't try to balance.
When things are difficult, Nikkal will solve her problems differently depending on how many Fire or Sword points you have.
Willpower points will be useful in many different situations!
High Willpower can help you in situations where people around you are trying to pressure or manipulate you.
Low Willpower might make you fail in certain situations.
Tips about gameplay:
It's just as useful to become friends with humans as it is with mages. Try gaining the support of both sides!
If you help or support a character, they'll return the favor sooner or later.
Important choices affect the end of the story. If you make many correct choices, your characters will be better off!
Some diamond outfits are more than just nice to look at: they can also give you extra points.
Your choices influence the plot, even if sometimes you might think they don't.
Some choices influence the plot in hidden ways.
If you watch adverts regularly, you can save up diamonds for exclusive scenes.
By buying diamond scenes with another character, you can improve your relationship with them.
The lives of other characters might depend on your choices. Choose wisely!
Listen to what your interlocutors are telling you. Their words might carry a hint that will help your next choice.
You can choose diamond scenes with different characters, but sooner or later, you'll have to decide who stays with you for good.
Tips about characters and plot:
Many characters in this story have important roles in Sumerian mythology, as this story is inspired by it.
In this story, Tiamat is an ancient goddess who created this world and left it after a war against her own creatures.
In this world, the Anunnaki are insect-like monsters, created by mysterious magic.
The horses in this story are not only a convenient way to travel, but they are also intelligent conversation partners.
This story is set in a world full of magic and magical creatures. You won't find firearms here. For now...
The Five are the great mages who rule over all the lands of this world. Well, almost all...
Water mage Enki is the strongest of the Five and the head of the Lords. He's considered a kind and fair ruler, at least among mages.
Fire mage Shamash is the second most powerful among the Five. Cruel and inflexible, he enjoys war and carnal pleasures above all.
Air mage Enlil is the third most powerful among the Five. For some reason, he's never far from Shamash for long.
No one knows how powerful is Kingu, nor what is his element. He's very secretive and doesn't appear in public, sometimes not even for the ceremonies.
Earth mage Ishtar is the weakest of the Five, but she makes up for her lack of power with her craftiness and her alliances with useful mages.
The Five are given the titles of Lords and Lady, as they are the rulers of almost all the lands in this world.
Each of the Five owns their own lands where they rule, but for the ceremony and other important events, they all gather in Enki's lands.
Ur is the glorious capital of Enki's lands, the main stronghold of the Lords, and a place where to find any delicacy or fun known in the world.
It's been about a century since a slow but persistent war broke out between humans and mages. This significantly affects life in Enki's lands.
Humans and mages don't get along, mainly because of laws that are unfair to humans.
The Salute to the Five ceremony is an event in this world that happens without a regular schedule. Usually, its beginning is announced by Enki.
Mages can live for several centuries. The stronger the mage, the longer they'll live.
A mage's natural death is a rare but beautiful sight: the mage's body crumbles to dust, and their soul mixes with the source of magic.
Children's Homes are refuges for young mages and humans who have no one caring for them. In most of them, mages and humans live in different wings.
The House of the Lion is a magical academy run by warden Niall.
In the magic circles, Niall's academy has a reputation as a strong, but very free-spirited institution.
Forest spirits are half-magical creatures inhabiting the forests of this world. It is believed that they have special abilities.
If you put four fingers of one hand against your collarbones, you'll show the utmost respect to your interlocutor.
If you put your index and middle fingers against your collarbones, you'll show respect to your interlocutor, but not as much as with four fingers.
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The Everlands - Inhabitants and Histories
A brief overview of the various races on this planet, their origins, and their histories.
TW: Discussion of war and death
Player Warning: This is knowledge of history that the average person may not know. If your character is learned in history or has a source, proceed. If not, proceed anyway its cool, but dont. Like. Metagame with this shit , i WILL drop rocks on you (irl)
The War
First evolving from primates, humanoids took a back seat on the domination of the Everlands for the first few millenia. Trumped by the impossible to defeat Giants and Dragons, humanoids were consigned to simple lives. Kingdoms, Empires, Societies and Tribes all rose and fell in attempts to establish some sort of long lasting power among the chaos of the Giant-Dragon wars.
Once the Giants and Dragons had nearly wiped eachother out, and retreated to their strongholds, hordes and lairs, humanoids began to flourish.
Gods began taking an interest, and various groups began to take shape, imitating their patrons. The Goliath folk of Jathmeysal, the Wood Elves and Hill Dwarves of Kiris, the Mountain Dwarves and Gnomes of Morseth, the Halflings and High Elves of Iubria, and the Yuan-Ti of Okzur were the main players on the stage in this early stage of the now 3 millenia standing civilisation of humanoids.
The Founder Deity Annam, the Creator, working together with Pylor, the Life Giver, made the Giants, a race of collossal bipedals that were created to suit the various environments of the Everlands. It was Annam that first took an interest in life as creations and subjects rather than pieces of observation. They wanted to be worshipped, and proposed a pantheon to the few other Founder Deities at the time.
The Giants were master craftsmen, building grand fortresses and castles all accross the planet. Each was built as an offering to Annam, as Annam created them, so must they create for Annam.
Chosen by the Founder Deity siblings Bahamut and Tiamat, reptilians began growing in power (and consequently size) in a bid to out-perform Annam's Giants. Bahamut gave his chosen the various natural metals of Everlands as their scales, keeping his natural Platinum to himself. Tiamat took her multi coloured exterior to designate her chosen, giving the Chromatic Dragons their colours.
All Dragons envy the Giants for their grand constructions and gifts of creation. To create a longer dynasty, Dragons began associating their power with their possessions, as structures can fall but a collection of wealth can only be redistributed, never destroyed fully. Hence, their obsession with treasure of all forms and gathering a horde began
The First Wars
Bahamut and Tiamat disagreed with Annam's choices to require worship from their creations. The draconic siblings wanted to create a race in their image, but ones that could, in time, rise to their level as equals, while Annam's giants were always capped in power by their worship. This led to a millenia of wars on the Everlands, and the first Divine Champions being born. A few special Giants and a few special Dragons were gifted stronger power to help in their conflict. When slain, their remains scattered the lands, creating springs of magical potential and relics of power. Over time, the war grew slow as each race had lost so many of their numbers they could no longer sustain both a dominant empire with a population and a war. They left the fields of war and returned to their homes, in mountains, caves and seas, leaving the continents to the humanoids.
The Feywild grew in parallel to the material plane, a chaotic land of free nature and wild magic. Governed by mutual understanding of rules, its inhabitants lived free lives, with the only controlling aspect being that of promises. A fey's promise is magically binding, as long as both parties agree to the contract.
The wild lands could only be controlled by those few chosen of Elas, Titania and Pyria, the Queens of Summer and Winter. They founded their courts, in which political agreements would shape the face of the fey realm. Although not in all-out war, the courts are in an eternal feud. Infrequent skirmishes for land, swinging of allies to either side, and the rare challenge of champions keeps the feud running, as both sidea dont want to rism a full scale conflict.
When humanoid races first started making a mark on the lands, fey ambassadors began travelling through the rifts in the planar walls. These ambassadors seeked their own wealth and power in these new lands, but also to garner allies for their respective courts.
It was one of these ambassador's families that made the most impact on the material plane. In a bid to expand her power, Pyria, during the reselection of champions, chose a mortal elf, Ianix Menalor, to be her champion. In a time of peace in the Fey realm, a champion was not needed in the courts, and so her champion conquered the lands around him. Toppling the first empires on Iubria, Ianix created an empire built on the power of the Fey, and as such an ally in future for the Unseelie court. When he died, he ascended to immortality as Pyria's champion, and left his lands to his children. Trsizara founded Ostintan, a monarchy ruled by advisors, appointing her envious younger brother Ruith as the duke of her father's old kingdom.
The sudden power vacuum when Ianix died caused the planar walls to shatter. The fey realm, shadowfell, and material planes almost crashed, until Elas inteferred. She, along with Nyx, separated the planes, closing the borders. Any fey left on the material plane were trapped, never to return. Only the few permanent portals remained, and they were kept secret by a few of the ambassadors left on the plane. The families of Itharin, Amastacia and Philos kept the portals safe, as any stress on them could break the fragile barriers, and send the material plane into chaos.
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heroforge-official · 1 year
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Time to introduce you all to another daring band of heroes. (Top to bottom)
Balamar Ungart. A mischievous young dwarf of the duergar variety, capable of turning invisible and doubling his size in battle. Though a rogue by nature, Balamar is also a member of the Druidic circle of the moon, and boasts shapeshifting abilities that come in handy on his many heists. A very mysterious little fella.
Barry the Consolidator. An elfman monk who trained at a mountaintop mine start under Shaun, a master of the arts. Barry has since become something of a megalomaniac, intent on cultivating an army to do his bidding and to seize control of the powers that oppress the people of the land. When he and his travelling companions happen upon a treasure trove, they use the funds to build a stronghold where the Barrison is born.
Ercis Tenebrae. A mischievous young tiefling with a penchant for petty theft, public unruliness and the odd murder. He has a blood pact with Dendar the Night Serpent, a powerful elder god who might once have seen promise in him, but has since continued to sponsor him out of a sense of abject curiosity, simply fascinated to see what he’ll do next.
Hecate. Named for her mother, Hecate is the result of an unholy union between a human man and a devil goddess of witchcraft. Having spent the first few decades of her life shut away in a cave by her father out of shame, Hecate has very little knowledge of the outside world, but is intimately familiar with the ebb and flow of wild magic.
Orilos Orneryhorn. Plagued by the memories of what has been taken from him, Orilos is a veteran city watchman of a long since destroyed settlement in Wesfolk. When his home was besieged by a cult of Tiamat, who succeeded in killing the village elders, Orilos helped the survivors to safety and was then drawn to the church to serve Bahumat. More recently, he has felt a calling to travel abroad to begin his adventures anew; somewhere deep within him, though he does not know it, he senses a greater evil on the horizon.
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wsgparagonskt · 2 years
Adventure Background
Evil dragons stirred into action by their dark queen, Tiamat, threatened the settlements of the Savage frontier for a time. Ultimately, they were defeated and forced to withdraw to their lairs, while Tiamat was banished to the Nine hells. Fear of the dragons' wrath has faded quickly with the coming of a new threat: Giants. The people of the North are no strangers to giant incursions. Frost giants have long claimed the spine of the world as their demesne (Domain), and hill giants are known to scrounge for food in the untamed hills. But now, in the past couple of months, giants of every kind have emerged from their strongholds in force to threaten civilization as never before - and not just frost giants and hill giants, but also stone giants, fire giants, and cloud giants. All of the giants are in an uproar. Reports of giant attacks throughout the North have reached the coastal cities of Luskan, Neverwinter, and Waterdeep, stoking fears that the giants are waging war against humans, dwarves, elves, and other small folk.
Dragons are the ancient enemies of giants. Thousands of years ago, the last great empire of giants - Ostoria - fell after a long and brutal conflict with dragons. Little of Ostoria remains in what is now called the Savage Frontier. The civilizations of small folk have taken over the land once ruled by giants. Although evil giants make occasional forays into territory settled by small folk, their ambitions have long been curtailed by their lack of cohesion and the imposition of good-aligned storm giants and cloud giants whose memories of ancient, glorious Ostoria have faded over time.
The recent efforts by dragons to bring Tiamat into the world and the attempts by small folk to thwart them so upset the giant gods that Annam the All-father shattered the ordning between the giants to break his "children" out of their complacency, pitting the six giant types against one another while keeping some semblance of order within each type. In so doing, Annam has spurred cloud, fire, frost, stone and hill giants to challenge the established hierarchy and reforge their destiny. All the giants sensed the upheaval instantly, and now the giant types fiercely compete against one another, striving to create a new ordning through their deeds and accomplishments. These giants' calamitous endeavours have not only put the settlements of humans and other small folk in jeopardy but also attracted the attention of the giants' ancient enemies - the dragons- who will not abide the rise of another giant empire.
Small folk can only speculate as to the cause of the giants' unrest. It remains to be seen whether the old ordning between the giant types will be restored, or whether a new hierarchy will replace the old one, knocking the storm giants from their lofty perch.
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silvertsundere · 3 years
DND Session Summary 17
me: Human Fighter not me: DM and Human Bard @griffmstr | Halfling Cleric @kite33 | Human Pally @megaboy335 | Half-Elf Sorc @byzantine-love-machine
long story short, the person that was playing the bard decided to quit so DM is playing their character until the end of the dungeon to keep the encounters balanced, and gonna figure out what to do in terms of story after it
- we continue exploring the dungeon and find some more puzzle pieces like the ones we found last time and a locked door with a guy reading a book by it. We decide to go to the door near the entrance we think is where the pieces go - there we solve a “tetris” puzzle and open the door to a treasure room with a ton of treasure including a Cube of Force, Ring of Telekinesis, Ring of Shooting Stars and Ring of Spell Storing which we divide among ourselves - we go back to a group of wizards, a teacher and 5 kids, which we found last time but didn’t interact with and as soon as I enter the room to try to talk with them they turn hostile and attack - with 1 spell I instantly kill 2 kids and damage the teacher also, when it gets to the Cleric’s turn he notices that the kids have some kind of glowing chain around their necks, which break after the teacher dies and the 3 alive kids run off.  - basically killed 2 kids for nothing because we didn’t notice that soon enough, although the teacher also didn’t have a tongue so couldn’t have communicated anyway (we found some other tongueless slaves in a previous enemy stronghold) - in that room we found a loose wall that lead us to an older part of the dungeon where we find some items pertaining to the Cult of Tiamat and some stairs that lead down - before going down we went back to the locked door where I asked the guy that was next to it nicely and he opened it for us - behind the door was a library with a man organizing the shelves and there we found the missing pages from the university’s library that we were looking for and some others too - I try to open a door stealthily but it had an alarm spell on it and a bunch of enemies on the other side - while in that room the Pally’s armor was glowing a lot, which it does when certain races are around (orcs, goblins, giants, trolls, etc), leading us to search around and find that one of the walls was an illusion and lead to a cave filled with dozens of enemies - the Fighter and Sorc synch up and cast Wall of Fire and Fireball (from the ring) and obliterate most of the enemies, making quick work of the rest - in that cave we find a couple chest with a buncha random stuff, some gold, and women’s panties which the pervert Cleric instantly (takes at the same time I said he was going to), which actually belonged to the grandmaster wizard we defeated in the previous room - this was a good stopping point and we leveled up too so we stopped there to take a rest and get our level up stuff and be ready to go downstairs next time
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soulslayer2020 · 3 years
D&D Backstory - Lynn (Tyranny of Dragons)
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Lynn Historia is chamberlain to the Green Wyrmspeaker and former prince of the Misty Forest: Neronvain. She’s remained as his right-hand-woman for years with unwavering loyalty. Yet all of that is about to change with one simple scouting mission...
The faint sound of the waterfall outside could be heard echoing through the stronghold as cultists walked throughout its halls, going about their morning tasks. In one of the many chambers stood a moon elf with long black hair and blue eyes with golden flecks. She wore purple and gold robes and leather armour - her master insisted that the cult allow her outfit to match his own. She finished attaching the golden clasps to her bangs before adjusting the green dragon pendant on her neck - a gift from her master. She gazed at herself in the mirror, standing proudly in her room. “Not bad, good looking!” She chuckled. “Thank you, Lynn. You’re not bad yourself.” Lynn jumped before spinning around to see another moon elf had entered the room, a slight smirk on his face. Neronvain; Green Wyrmspeaker, former prince of the Misty Forest, and Lynn’s master. Well, ‘master’ was more of a technical term for these two. Lynn was one of the very few people Neronvain saw as an equal, if not a friend, as they both shared similar views. Lynn’s family, the Historia’s, had served the royal family for generations, and Lynn had the honor of being chosen as Neronvain’s chamberlain and bodyguard. When the prince had been exiled by his father over a heated dispute on how the kingdom should be run, Lynn followed him into exile, her loyalty not wavering in the slightest. While she had some doubts about the Cult of the Dragon’s ideals aligning with Neronvain’s, she had full faith that he’d make the right choice.
“Hardy-har.” Lynn stuck her tongue out at the Wyrmspeaker, earning a light chuckle from the ex-prince as the two exited the room. “So, what’s on your agenda today?” Neronvain asked as the two walked through the stone halls of the stronghold. “Scouting, mostly.” Lynn replied, fastening the green and gold clip of her cloak, “There’s been a few reports of outsiders lingering where they’re not supposed to. So I’m bringing a small group to make sure the area’s secure and take out any threats if need be.” “Would it not be easier for Chuth and I to deal with them?” Chuth, otherwise known as the Emerald Assassin, was the adult green dragon companion of Neronvain. Each of the cult’s Wyrmspeaker had a draconic companion of corresponding colour: black, green, white, blue, and red - each colour matching those of Tiamat’s many heads. “It would, but the reports say it’s only a few people at a time that tend to linger. No need to waste Chuth’s time with something that can be handled with minimal effort.” Lynn replied before grinning, “Speaking of, don’t forget you promised to take me for a flight.” “Yes, yes, I’m aware. Not like you’d let me forget.” Neronvain chuckled, giving a playful eyeroll, “But you know how Chuth can be. He’s stubborn. He’ll have to want to let you ride him, that’s not up to me.” “Stubborn.” Lynn echoed with a smirk, “Just like his Wyrmspeaker.” Neronvain gave Lynn a playful nudge in her shoulder, causing the latter to giggle, as they arrived in what seemed like a weapon storage room. “Well, I better wrangle up my squad and get a move on.” Lynn said as she took two daggers, flipping them into the air and catching them before tucking them into her belt, and two shortswords - both had a green gem embedded in the hilt with Elvish engraved on the blades, one translating to Jaded Fang and the other, Verdant Claw - which she placed into sheaths either side of her, “Scouting shouldn’t take more than a few hours.” “I’ll hold you to that.” Neronvain replied, “Stay safe out there. Can’t have my right-hand dying on me.” “Hey, it’s me!” Lynn grinned as she turned to leave, “Being careful’s all I know!”
“Harpers!” “It’s an ambush!” “Hold fast!”
Lynn dashed towards a Harper, barely dodging the arrow shot at her as she struck down the ranger. The scouting party had been ambushed by Harpers: a semi-secret organisiation devoted to preserving history, maintaining balance between nature and civilisation, and promoting good in general. Lynn respected them, but protecting the cult came first. Lynn spun on her heel, using the sword in her offhand to strike down a Harper that tried to flank her. However, she didn’t notice a third Harper rushing her. Before she had a chance to dodge out of the way, she was backhanded by the fighter’s shield and knocked into the rushing rapids of the Grayflow river. Lynn tried to claw her way to the surface as the river dragged her away from the battle grounds when she felt the back of her head hit something hard and everything went black.
“...ngh...” Lynn groaned as her eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright afternoon sun. She was lying on her side on a riverbank, her swords scattered beside her. “Where...agh!” Lynn clutched her side as she tried to sit up. “Whoa! You okay over there, ma’am?” Lynn looked up to see what seemed like a few fisherman rushing towards her from further down the bank. One was a male human, another a male halfling, and the third was a female wood elf. “I...think so?” Lynn replied as she was helped to her feet by the human. She was a little shaky but managed to steady herself. “Are these yours?” The elf asked as she held up Lynn’s swords. “Uh...maybe? I...argh!” Lynn clutched her head as a sharp pain rung through it, “I...can’t remember...” “You don’t know?” The halfling said as the fishermen looked at each other in concern, “Do you know where you are?” Lynn shook her head innocently. “Do you know your name?” Lynn thought for a bit. Another pain shot though her head but it was duller than the last and eventually faded as something came to her. “L...Lynn...Lynn Historia...I think.” “Are you alright? Are you hurt?” The elf asked. “I...ah!” Lynn went to rub the back of her head but flinched in pain. The elf glanced at the back of Lynn’s head, “Oh dear, that’s a nasty bump. Whatever happened to you, it seems like it was enough to knock some memories out of you...” “Is...there a way to fix it?” Lynn asked. “I’m not sure. I’m not as good a cleric as I am a fisher.” “Maybe someone back in Daggerford can help?” The halfling suggested. “Good call.” The human agreed before turning to Lynn, “Would you be okay with us bringing you back to town. You might be able to rest up there and get your head looked at.” Lynn nodded.
“The hell happened?!” Neronvain exclaimed, startling Chuth a bit, as a group of beat up cultists entered the green dragon’s lair. “Harpers.” One of them spoke up, “They ambushed us by the river.” “And this is why you should bring me on your little scouting missions.” Chuth growled, settling back down to sleep. Neronvain glanced at the group as his expression shifted to one of concern, “Where’s Lynn?” The cultists looked at each other in a mix of fear and shame before one spoke up, “Captain Historia...got knocked into the river during the fight. A Harper caught her off-guard and she fell in. We couldn’t find her after the fight. We could only assume the worst.” Neronvain clenched his fists tightly but maintained a calm composure, “Have the clerics tend to your wounds. Out of my sight.”
The cultists quickly left Chuth’s chamber, not wishing to draw the Green Wyrmspeaker’s ire. Chuth cracked an eye open as Neronvain began pacing back and forth with a frustrated look on his face. “You’re angry.” Chuth stated, matter-of-factly. “No. What gave it away?” Neronvain replied through gritted teeth, earning a low growl from his dragon companion. He sighed, “Sorry, sorry, you’re right. It’s just...she was the only one I had left from...” Neronvain sighed in defeat as he sat against one of the chambers rocky walls. “Letting your emotions control you will only end in disaster.” Chuth began, turning his head to face his moon elven rider, “Besides, it is too early to lose faith in your chamberlain, is it not? They only stated that they could not find her. There is still a chance she survived. You claim to have full faith in Historia, so prove it.” Neronvain was silent for a moment before speaking up, “You’re right. If our positions were switched, she wouldn’t give up on me. I’ll send word out to the other Wyrmspeakers; have their factions keep an eye out for Lynn. If she’s still out there, we’ll find her.” “Good. Now...” Chuth got to his feet and stretched out his verdant wings, “Shall we see to getting a bit of revenge?” Neronvain smirked, “I thought you’d never ask.”
A few weeks later...
“Ooh! You’re pretty!” Lynn stared in awe at a butterfly that had perched itself on a wildflower by the side of the road. She pulled out a notebook and drew a rough sketch of it on one of the pages. A few weeks ago, the kindly fishers had brought her back to Daggerford. While she was able to heal her wounds there, she had no luck in getting her memories back. She had remembered a few things, however, such as how to wield a sword and a few languages she spoke. But nothing major. She refused to let it faze her and instead made the most of her situation by becoming a travelling mercenary, helping those she came across. She also purchased a notebook to record her day-to-day exploits in case she lost her memories again. But there was one thing she always felt was...odd. Anytime she looked at the strange dragon pendant around her neck for a long time, she would begin to feel nostalgic, as if she was missing something or someone, but she couldn’t remember who or what.
Lynn finished her drawing and placed her notebook back in her backpack as the butterfly fluttered off. She was about to continue southward when she noticed a caravan heading north towards Greenest. It was a mixed bag - mostly humans but she swore she could spot what seemed to be a water genasi and a tabaxi. Letting curiosity get the better of her - as usual - she followed it.
Little did she know it would set off a chain of events that would set her on the path to destroy what she once swore to protect...
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Changeling Princes pt 3
-Thomas takes a small group of soldiers and those who worked with him on the solution, leaving Valerie to run the kingdom. Tiamat is livid when they arrive at her stronghold. But Talyn is with them and they've prepared very carefully. She has no choice but to hear them out.
-It turns out that the fae magic surrounding changelings works much the same as the laws governing the fostering of an enemy's child during war. As such, if the exchange was made by use of treachery it is invalid. Tiamat bribing the guard and various servants of Thomas's kingdom means that she has no magical claim to Roman. Therefore she won't be able to use her powers to stop them from taking him.
-She is incensed. But try as she might, she can't pick apart their reasoning. So she tries to demand the changeling back as payment, fully planning to attempt another switch. This is when Thomas pulls out the document.
-It's an adoption certificate, naming the changeling Remus and legally making Thomas and Valerie his parents.
-They have her over a barrel. There's nothing she can do to them without her own magic backfiring on her. She turns Roman over to them. They ride off safely while she curses and furiously tries to think of a way to revenge her shattered pride.
-When they return there is finally a celebration to replace the birthday Roman didn't have. During it they introduce Remus to the kingdom as Roman's brother and also a prince of the realm.
-That night Thomas and Valerie settle the two babies into their single bassinet. They are fascinated with each other. They babble what almost sounds like a conversation and pat each other on the face and chew on each other's fingers. After a while they fall asleep curled into each other with Roman's hand grasping Remus's shirt. With eyes closed and sleeping peacefully they're indistinguishable from actual twins.
-And that's how they'll be raised. As brothers, happy and safe, knowing they are loved because their parents fought so hard to keep them both.
The actual fics I'm working on take place when the twins are 15-25, and deal with the prophecy, the fallout of this back story, and general fae weirdness. I have roles for everybody(and I do mean *everybody*) The whole au will eventually be moroceit and intruanalogical. But I needed this bit for reference. Enjoy 😊
Part 1, Part 2
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alexdeschanel · 4 years
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Hi there,
Being in quarantine, I started checking my folders for no apparent reason, and you know, I came across ‘Aion’. OMG… Viewing screenshots, I felt great nostalgia for those good old days.
Aion is one of the most beautiful computer games in the MMORPG genre that I have ever played. More precisely, this is my first game of this genre.
I remember how I chose a race of Asmodians without giving it a second thought. They attracted me their unusualness, wrapped in mystery, demonic look unlike the Elyos with their arrogance and imperial bearing. They just looked like ordinary people. Next to ordinary.
I must confess I have always liked to have beneficent influence, so my first character was a cleric as he had skills of HP restoring.
As soon as everything began, it was extremely fascinating: that mystical atmosphere, wonderful background music with a beautiful singing voice at times, burning desire to complete the most difficult quests as soon as possible, for example, get rid of the Black Claw Elites, and learn some new skills like Resurrection or Flash of Recovery. It was so nice to see a dead player, heal him and get a deep gratitude from him. I think many people understand me well, especially Clerics and Chanters, and now Bards as well.
To be perfectly honest, I was not quite a skillful player in the early days to demonstrate my healing skills in practice because there was a strong desire to learn to stand up for myself than heal. I was motivated only by my wish to get… Nevertheless, I become quite a good healer with Benevolence by trial and error. I even remember it was possible for very few people to defeat me, except for Spiritmasters with their Fears and Assassins with their Stuns. You must admit that it is so pleasant to gain a victory. It concerns everything.
Unfortunately, there appeared to be less interest in this project with each update, and it was extremely frustrating because the spectacular game turned into a sad trash which differs in no way from other MMORPG games. I was under the impression that the person, who was responsible for the project development, just killed it.
The first thing, that I was upset, is receiving a lot of XP and gifts. Instead of raising the maximum level, the developers could remove all sorts of items and gifts that contribute to the rapid development of the character as well as return the original complexity of the quests and missions. Try and remember how people got Fenris or wings of the Circle. It was vitally needed, but now you are getting such a lot of experience, so many things became useless.
I think any kinds of players are much more pleasant to enjoy the gameplay when you need to make every effort to receive a reward. They have a goal. If they want to have a high-level character, they will do it themselves without any help. It is worth nothing that the very first players achieve everything themselves. For example, in Verteron, you cannot imagine how good it was to eliminate the monsters at the Tursin Garrison as most of them were elite, and it was not possible to go alone. Or the Fire Temple, full of a great number of monsters, with Kromede bristling with life to defeat which we must have got into the full group. Now two characters can do this. No adrenaline.
The second is modern items, tainting the fantasy atmosphere. Instead of creating motorcycles, making Gunners and Aethertechs and so on, they could create, for example, Masters of hand-to-hand combat like in Blade & Soul. By the way, I do not know so far who copies who because I have a huge suspicion that Aion and ArcheAge have the same ideas at times.
The third is ubiquitous rifts. I understand well that they have to be, but not everywhere.
For example, it is much better to remove any rifts in Inggison and Gelkmaros, when level 50 is reached, you will get permission to go there as it used to be and you should possess the two fortresses to have an entrance to the Silentera Canyon to visit the Beshmundir Temple or get to the enemy territory. They should also return negative effects to any rifts and set a level limit as it used to be. The level 65+ character has nothing to do in the initial locations and vice versa.
The fourth is Newcomers’ Server. Most of the players are just sitting there to get the maximum level, and when you decided to teleport to the enemy territory, you can see only tumbleweeds. What is the use of having enemies then?
The fifth is Abyss. This location is losing its meaning with each new update: if earlier people were going to the sieges, dungeons to earn some Abyss points, and then it lost all sense of its existence in the last update. It is worth noting that we do not have the equivalent of this wild location with its mysterious battle soundtrack in other games. I was impressed by Frozen too, but it does not mean that we got to cover everything with ice.
The sixth is skills. They should return a complexity of the skills development, the cost of ancient stigmas, and their former system one. Players used to have a goal to earn kinah, which were deleted as far as I know, and Abyss points to get skills. Coins, medals and so on were personal. The players are now taking everything on a silver platter. That is not interesting for anyone.
The seventh is a Soul Healer. They should remove all his ability to the blessing and regaining the HP, MP and flight time. It is sufficient that players can regain their recoverable experience. People sincerely used to ask Clerics and Chanters, especially the last one with his Blessing of Stone, to buff them, and now pay no attention.
The eighth is a storyline. They should return the previous one, so that players have an opportunity to go to the dungeons again, for example, the very same Fire Temple or Alquimia Stronghold to get uncommon skills. Now many important moments are flying by if they were not deleted yet, of course. Recently they made a group entrance to the Haramel and Kromede’s Trial. Like Edie Britt said: ‘What the hell you have been smoking?’
The ninth is minions. Instead of making them, it would be better to create a well-designed system for domestication of wild animals as they promised. It is much more useful and interesting. Instead of it they made transformation into Minions.
The tenth is equipment. They should remove the use of high-level equipment, its complete destruction and a 100% gain by magic stones. I think, many people remember when they inserted them into equipment and kept their fingers crossed. It was a sort of mental stress, you know. There is also need to rework the system of enchantment jewelry as the careless localizers put it in the game shop for real money at a high price, thereby destroying the game balance.
The eleventh is initial locations. They should return all of them because players should perfect the tactic skills of the chosen class as well as the attack zone in previously inaccessible locations Theobomos and Brusthonin. The twelfth is locations. They should return Sarpan and Tiamaranta as well as North and South Katalams. If they made a decision to get rid of those locations later, during the course of events in the Atreia history, they could deny the high-level characters every possible opportunity of teleporting there. New players do not know who Tiamat is.
They could create an open world and a wide stretch of water to make people set out on incredible adventures on open spaces of the huge world with powerful raid bosses and fierce sea battles.
As stated above, as a result of the advent of the open world, they could add peaceful areas for building of houses, it is precisely that building of houses which is of interest to us, and not buying them at an auction, in which you can set, for example, tables for crafts, and in the surrounding area you can grow materials used in them, for example, having collected seedlings or seeds in the wild using Essencetapping or Aethertapping. It is also necessary to develop a system of trade in order to earn money through the delivery of commercial cargoes.
Develop a system of raising the level of the legion, improve graphics and game mechanics. In other words, instead of creating a lot of second-grade projects, it would be better to do one, but great. How long are the Linage and the World of War Craft on the market? People are still interested in.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that most of the changes, like I said, were taken from ArcheAge, for example, hairstyles, the same skills of the High Daeva that in the above-mentioned game are called Ancestral levels and skills, and Archeage, in turn, created fly gliders in the form of wings.
I think a partial destruction of the game began with version 3.0. We all know about the existence of the so-called Master server, which is not available in many countries, but this is not what players need.
About one of the last updates, it is better to stay silent because most of the content was removed, simplified in the extreme, there was created a powerful Dragon Lord Ereshkigal, but pretty soon you have to kill her. Is it over? Of course not, now there is the next stage of mixing with ArcheAge: they created a location in which it is necessary to care for environmental protection, and in Aion it is a location with the laboratory polluting it.
I think if the developers were truly interested in developing their magnificent project which they killed, then it would have a great success. But now it is, like I said, the next sad trash.
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dndhomebrewguy · 4 years
Dragonfang Labyrinth
The Dragonfang Labyrinth, an ancient and long-abandoned shrine to the Scaled Tyrant Tiamat. A megadungeon in my world in northern Skarstar, specifically bordering and built into the Beong-chtang Mountains of the Frosthide. The Frosthide is the name for the collective North full of cold and is prime Frost Giant and White Dragon territory.
My players, please do not read past this. I trust you to honor this wish and not force spoilers upon yourselves. Thank you.
Built by the dragonfangs, as Her followers were called, so they could conduct worshipping her in peace. They bordered the Mountains and kidnapped members of the Ungabrok Goliaths and the Whitefur Firbolgs to function as sacrifices in the name of Tiamat. They would conduct these sacrifices up front and withim just a few rooms of the dungeon, taking daggers made of dragonscale and carving the hearts our of the innocents they killed. They carved Her story in the walls of the dungeon, telling of Her upbringing, Her fight with Bahamut, and Her eventual banishment. They know she has not forgotten and, thriugh sacrifice, they meant to release her again.
That was, until the High Caellantar of Skarstar Asanandra Maezarin, known as the Blood Empress discovered this. She ordered her soldiers to storm the dungeon; and storm they did. Though a good number of Her dragonfangs escaped, there was still a bloody massacre that day, permanently staining the walls with cultist blood and the hallways with the bodies of those who died. The Blood Empress did not care to bury the bodies, simply commanding the dungeon be sealed.
Inactive for 20 years after that, Vallexaran, a copper dragonborn with his group of worshippers, along with Teshai, a tortle, had found it. Unsealing the ancient hole was met with a horrid smell and even worse visuals. The bodies laid decomposed and filled with insects, but a necessary bloodbath in the eyes of Vallexaran. For what will bring more attention from the Scaled Tyrant than continuing the work She wants? They decided to rebuild.
Taking more time to carve out the dungeon, making sure they would not fail as the previous cult had, they built a complex behind the underground graveyard. They filled room after room with punished creature and murderous puzzle to silence any adventurers who've heard of a 'megadungeon' in the mountains. They wanted people to die, so they could carve out the hearts of these foolish adventurers.
Was that enough? Were coffins full of reanimated acolytes of Baphomet and pits full of Gibbering Mouthers enough? No. Of course not. They wanted to use the resources Tiamat gave them. They couldn't contact Her, however. It was frustrating as the sacrifices continued but the communication could never happen. Until it did.
Granny Magdalene Severes, a Bheur Hag native to the mountains, had left her coven after brutally murdering the other two. She covered her floors in blood and cried out to Zariel the Fallen Warlord, an archdevil that she had already worshipped, for a gift. Something to help her. Zariel answered, saying that Baphomet is encroaching upon Her territory, upon Her Avernus. Through bloodshed would Zariel's power grow, so she gave Granny Magdalene a purpose. Go to this underground stronghold where blood is constantly being shed and do it in Zariel's name. Granny Magdalene smiled and agreed.
Armed with her companion, a Bone Devil named Casas, Granny Magdalene navigated each and every puzzle and enounce expertly, much to the chagrin of Vallexaran and Teshai. She told the duo that she had direct contact, probing. The two fell in her trap, asking if it was Tiamat. Smiling, Granny Magdalene lied, saying it was, in fact, Tiamat. They welcomed her and she established herself in the dungeon, opening portals to the Nine Hells and accruing a small militia of devils.
That's where the party is now
((hey y'all. Welcome to the thing where I talk about my D&D world. This is a megadungeon I had to deal bc the party really wanted a megadungeon and who am I to not oblige? It fits mt love for dungeons and the Nine Hells. I like it, I really do))
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sosei · 4 years
player's choice re: character (both is an option of course~) but 23, 24, 40, 65, 98?
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23. If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
Get his family out of the Cult of Tiamat and Draconia earlier. Dartak is a simple man, so he likely wouldn’t think beyond wanting try to prevent facing the consequences of Tiamat’s betrayal. But the person we call “Dartak” would never have been “born” under those circumstances, he would’ve remained Regulus.
24. Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
Dartak would tell you that its Rook. She’s a fellow soldier and understands that sometimes you need to get your hands bloody to get things done. 
But my gut is telling me that the answer is Kai. Despite their fundamentally opposed ideologies, they both are fiercely protective of the party. Their dedication to their own causes and loyalty to the party itself gives them a lot of common ground, despite everything. Dartak may complain about the “Bahamut types” in the party weighing them down, but if a party decision is made in their favor, he will go along with it.
40. Where does your character feel the most at home?
Since Dartak has not had a “home” since Tiamat’s betrayal, the closest thing he has rn is “with the party”. He does have a stronghold of his own thats under construction, but he hasn’t lived there and thus cannot see it as his “home” yet.
65. What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
VENGEANCE Given that we do not have much in the way of official info on Draconia’s culture and cuisine before it fell, I am having a hard time coming up with something specific. But given his race and background, I think I’m gonna just say “some expensive Draconian meat dish”. He doesn’t drink anymore, for his own safety. But when he did I think he’d have a taste for wine. Buuuut given that I do not, and I dont know shit about wine I’m gonna leave it at that.
98. What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
“Do not trust Her.”
23. If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
The immediate thought was to “go back and stop himself from being locked up for three years for no good reason”. But the thing is, more good has happened after his imprisonment than before, stuff that never would have happened if he hadn’t fled and stumbled upon is Pact Weapon. 
Unlike Dartak, Lesti can recognize that the events that are the foundation to who he is as a person are important to reach his current happiness, even if they were horrible and traumatizing. Part of me wants to dunk on Dartak, saying its bc Lesti is smarter than him, but its more that Lesti is just generally happier as a person.
So he would either choose to go back a save Brill, a young squire travelling with the party who was killed by ghouls early on during our adventure, or save Nulg, our orcish intern who was killed by a demon. As Lesti percieves the latter as his fault, having acted as an unwilling conduit for the spell that summoned the fiend, I think that would be his first choice.
24.  Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
The immediate answer I went to was the Tiefling triplets. But honestly, despite us all being the descendants of fiends, we don’t share as much in common as you’d think. Lesti’s background was gloomy and involved several years of captivity, and his escape brought him to Midgard and the triplets. 
Now there is another party member whose backstory involves exile and a period of captivity, which ended with him meeting the party and then having a vastly improved life, and that’s our Ravenfolk Rogue, Glimmerbeak.
40.  Where does your character feel the most at home?
In the Alehouse Drakes “Clubhouse” with the party, no contest.
65.  What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
Lesti grew up on the blandest food imaginable, so his “favorite dish” changes quite frequently since a lot of the food he has encountered since arriving in Midgard is miles better than what he ate prior to that.
Which is kind of just a fancy way of saying “wow I really do not think about my characters’ food preferences a lot, do I?” xD
In all seriousness though, I think I’d say the food he has liked to most so far has been the seafood we ate on our first night in Harkesh, the capital of the Dragonkin Mharoti Empire.
98.  What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
“Do not travel alone and be careful around strangers. Find people you can trust and stick with them.”
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poisindonottouch · 4 years
D&D, social isolation, and you
So, I have a standing Friday D&D game, and we’re currently 68 sessions and 21 months into our game. We’re up to 12th level, and are currently working through Against the Giants (from Yawning Portal). We’re in the Fire Giants Stronghold. It’s getting good.
I was thinking of activities I can do home alone, and I was thinking about D&D related things. I’m the DM of our campaign, but I’m running a published adventure, so a lot of the prep is done for me.
Anyway, a few years ago, I ran myself through Storm King’s Thunder, on paper. I wrote up 4 (and then added two more) characters, and ran them through the whole adventure. It was a lot of fun, because I hadn’t read through Storm King’s Thunder before, so it was a surprise for everyone.
So I was thinking, maybe I can do that again? I have Princes of the Apocalypse, The Rise of Tiamat, and Yawning Portal (which has a bunch of adventures in it.) I might even have characters rolled up (though I really enjoy making characters, so that could be part of the fun.)
Also, I have pdfs of a few more things, so yeah. D&D alone. I enjoy it. It’s like writing yourself a story, with dice.
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firebird-6 · 5 years
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So back to limply planning dnd campaigns that will never happen.
There’s a forest in the region I’ve been building that is inhabited by shit so dangerous that no-one goes in the forest but the shit in the forest also rarely leaves. I had never planned what the dangerous shit so it was time for that now.
There are a bunch of classic dnd tropes I haven’t used yet so i started listing them before smashing them all together. Barbarians, Cultists, Demons (properly), Oozes, Any Large and Organised Band of Baddies. I’m referring to them in my notes as the Goopy Gang. Its just a cult of Jubilex. They’re led by a tiefling warlock/barbarian called Levi who has been granted an Avatar of Jubilex (somewhere between a Deva, a Cambion and a Paladin. I made an Avatar of our paladins god already so I used the same principals) to assist with his eventual invasion of the rest of the region. They aren’t leaving the forest until they have built up the resources and manpower to start a bandit camp (Strongholds & Followers) and are also growing an Aspect of Jubilex (in the classic sense as in Aspect of Tiamat in Red Hand of Doom. Basically using the demon lord stats from MTF). 
There are two semi-undead goliath zealot barbarians with slime up in their brains that are like fucking indestructible even before the Avatar casts revivify on them when they fall. I’m not using the bullshit half-undead rules, they’re just humanoids, don’t worry about it. The last main character of the cult is the ooze shepherd druid who isn’t like a die-hard member, he’s more just an ally out of convenience and hangs around growing oozes to keep the forest defended. His staff can cast alter self so he’s also able to go to nearby towns to purchase things like tools and weapons for the cult.
The black spikes are a kind of mechanic for these guys. Levi has some magic daggers that deliver the black spike curse if he hits with them three times at once (it turns out warlock barbarian is a monster multiclass). It makes a black spike burst out of the wound that imparts an 8 hour poisoned condition, reduces the targets hit point maximum by 10 for every black spike that lasts until the black spike is removed and the acidic-ooze-weeping wound is high-level healed and blessed. Because the villains don’t appear to suffer any of these conditions despite being covered in spikes, the negative effects only occur if you aren’t a follower of Jubilex. Maybe you have to have given up your soul to it or smth. The Avatar’s pseudopods also cause black spike wounds as well as destroying everything non magical with acid.
It’s actually been really interesting blending these abilities together like I’d highly recommend using paladins and warlocks as villains but making them unconventional in some way. Like the Avatar has the oath of the ancients aura but also has a Foul aura (as in the jubilex statblock) so I’ve fused these abilities and souped them a little to turn the Avatar into this very ‘battlefield control’ character. Levi has the cloak of flies eldritch evocation only I’ve changed it so instead it’s a slime aura that is always active when he’s raging which makes it easier to run and more evocative imo. Also like I’ve used some Xanathar spells so he has an interesting battle plan when he’s in combat. Mage armour from the evocation, shadow moil or maybe sickening radiance or maybe summon greater demon before raging and getting stuck in. He has tiefling innate casting so he’s got a hellish rebuke ready (or acidic rebuke in this case) as well as some custom innate spells from the abyssal cult section of MTF like blur or gaseous form. I think he’s genuinely scary and, as I mentioned, potentially a game breaking multiclass though he is lvl 11 so perhaps he doesn’t compare to say a lvl 11 fighter. I might do some play-testing before running him to check.
This was a lot of fun and a lot of work for something that will likely never become a part of the campaign. Thoroughly enjoyed it tho.
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norwes · 5 years
Mantel of Flames Theory
   So with everything that is going down in the game so far. I have some theories/ predictions for the campaign and where its going in the future. Two years we’ve been going strong but we all know, soon, with just a few more arcs. 3 in total, from my understanding. Then this epic story comes to an end and the world our characters leave behind will shape the world for our next campaign. 
   So with that in mind, I have a few predictions for upcoming events.
God of being an Asshole
   Tiamat and her dragons are going to be double crossed by Tharizdun and his cult. Tiamat is gonna take the brunt of the forces attacks and dragons will become even rarer as a result. She will be cast back into her prison, one way or another because I don’t believe Tharizdun will honor his word in letting them rule together. Everyone will be double crossed by him. Especially if Church and State fails their mission.
Tiamat’s Angles
   I also have to wonder where the hell are Tiamat’s angles are. Tharizdun’s are the Vassals we’ve encountered but we’ve only seen 3. What happened to the other 3? It’s not that I want to fight even more fallen angles, but I want to. Also, I want to take out the threat wholly and completely. Hunting down each and every last one. Burning books to prevent these sealed gods from ever having a chance to step onto the mortal world. Who knows what the solution is to that question. Is it even possible to kill a god?
   This part isn’t so much a prediction as it is a question. I think I remember Disaster Master saying something about Tiamat’s angles having already disappeared. Which brings up some interesting questions if that’s the case. Like, how did Tharidun’s make it so long and can this type of method be used to bring angles back? Or changing up some of the things?
  Alistair’s Arc
  Alistair is going to lose his kids. Be it one or all, Ali is going to lose them. He's gonna be unable to save his babies from his brothers. I also believe that Alistair can at least talk some reason into Ram. Unlike Lachlan, Ram does have a heart and is a real good guy. I think the kid most at risk is Magnus or Lilith. Magnus because he’s roaming and has encountered Torm followers before. Sure he has a guardian with him but they won’t be able to hold their own against Ram and Lach. Lilith is at risk just because she is so close to Alistair and where their home base is at the moment. But Lilith has more protection going for her. She has her team, school, close contact with the princes and the lead high guard in training. I doubt Mordred would let either Ram or Lach from kidnapping her. The twin boys are also at big risk but Maev and Morgan are watching over them. Alistair is going to have a rough time and at one point will transform. Bros will take it as some sort of sign. Given his transformation is White, Gold and a Pink/Purple creature and Bight Blue eyes. Close to Torm’s colors and a complete opposite to how Alistair normally looks. They will absolutely not see it coming. At least I hope not, cause that would mean they’ve been close and stalking the group for quite some time. That in of itself is a scary thought.
Canary’s Blade Quest
   She won’t kill Ryder but she will end up killing his gang members. Ryder is going to be heavily wounded/ maimed. He will be back and expose where the Shepard Ranch is which will spell disaster for the whole group. Emotionally, it’ll wreck everyone. How I think Ryder will do this, is by bugging on of Church and State with a magical tracker. Or something. Cause, sure, the Keep is relatively guarded, the city has defensives but the ranch home? It’s wide open for an attack, if it’s an onslaught, I don’t think even the angles could defend their babies if they brought down the fucking hammer.
Strong Hold near Blue Harbor
   Just a random thought hit me, we know where the enemy stronghold is- or at least one. It’s where reports of other Forerunners have been created. This is something that is in dire need of investigating and swift handling. Try and weaken the enemies as much as possible for out big show down. But why do I get the sinking feeling we are gonna for sure, have to at least face down Tiamat’s seal breaking. Do to it being the weaker of the two and with her have the ‘stronger’ forces aka the fucking beyond ancient dragons.
   I think this is we’re our first break out move will be and be the place that we’ll get to see if the Black Dragon we helped will join our side or not. I think it’ll have our big confrontation with at least one of the fallen angles. My guess the fallen angels that holds onto Althea’s soul and it’ll be Canary who must take it out. A big reminder is that we only have one shot with the blades. Three angles and three who have earned the right to wield them once in battle. We will be forced to ration out and choose which PC goes against which Fallen Angle.
   After the fight against the Strong Hold, we will then experience a massive counter attack. Which could cost us some of our NPC friends. Toxin and Waren being the most likely to fall during this assault. In my opinion. They will be trying to kill the other Fallen Angle’s proxies as many times as possible to speed things up and restore their power faster. Seeing as we’ve killed one angle. We will also have to be on high alert for assassins and shady traps because they have lots of connections and will be trying to eliminate us.
The End
  Marion and Ceric will have an epilog of marriage and their kiddos/ descendants will be in the next campaign. Given that we win and both make it through the final stretch of Mantle of Flames. (I honestly hope we have a cute little epilogue and that’s one of the scenes, those two are absolutely diabetes. Big fucking wedding of just yes) Even if the world ends, fucking get married in heaven. Doesn’t matter, their cuteness shall be eternal.
  I look forward to seeing what the epilogues hold for us at the end of Mantle of Flames. I’m so excited that this is soon coming to a grand conclusion. When we end this arc (Althaea’s) I cant wait to see what our “Else where” description is. Hinting at troubles ahead. Cause I absolutely love those things.
   Half angles will be protected, at least by Alistair and his cult. Ali really doesn’t want to kill any of the half angles, despite what anyone hast to say. Striving towards erasing the idea they are abominations but a strong symbol between morals and the devine. (At least that’s what Alistair will push) Symbols of unconditional love and a promise that the moral plane is not simply a playground for the gods. Cause all the half angles are just good bois! It’s a worthy cause to get behind- same with ending slavery... that’s something Church and State also have to do.
   I also think there’s going to be some sort of... I’m not quite sure what to call it but, the Church and State crew will have a significant mark on history. I don’t think I’d be like becoming gods ourselves, but perhaps some sort of lore. For fucks sake we’re going to slay angles. Be it for our failure or our victory. I wanna see how we’re going to affect next campaign! (I already have so many ideas for my next character for the next campaign)
   The nymphs are totally going to rat and inform the Wardien brothers of Alistair were about and who’s he's been in contact with. IE, Church and State. Canary and Althea is sort of our secret weapon because they weren’t present. Also, Ali is totally going to tell her how and where the Nymphs are... if she's like some help... getting even... after all this. Rats get bats after all. Unfortunate for this group of Numphs to unwittingly step into the wrathful crosshairs.
Welp, that’s what I believe we’ll have to experience in the future. Some of it is vague but as well continue onwards I’ll get more specific and see what predictions are right or not.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 6 years
Any Regrets?
Background: My character (Rogue) uses a tactic of polymorph and a Tongues imbued magic item to infiltrate an enemy as a mute then after gaining their trust (using Performance to become like them in every way) will use his new allies to accomplish his goals. The side effect being, a good Performance can affect his psyche. Context: Polymorphed into a lizard folk to infiltrate a cultist stronghold I turned the lizard folk defenders into allies by proving myself to be one of them and gained the upper hand against the human cultists with the help of my three companions. DM: (After a prolonged battle.) Eight remaining human cultists are barricaded in a tower, refusing to come out in fear for their life. Me: I get the party to help me prepare a meal. I add a delayed acting poison to the food (roll poison skill 17) and bring it as a peace offering (roll 19 Persuasion), even eating some of it to prove it is safe (I make sure to take the antidote in time). DM: Lured out from hiding under the guise of hospitality, the cultists agree to eat and leave the stronghold. (Rolls saving throws vs poison.) At about the same time during their meal, eight of the cultists develop symptoms of severe poisoning. Five of them foam at the mouth, bleed from their eyes and fall over dead. The remaining three survive but are now Poisoned. The Party: (Looking at the slow and silent carnage unfolding before their eyes, their gaze goes from the cultists to my character and back. Mouths agape, eyes wide, they are horrified.) We just helped you poison eight people! Me: Don’t look at me like that, we all killed like twenty of them just a few minutes ago. We need to clear the bodies. The last three won’t be able to put up a fight now. The Party: (OOC) We’ve never seen your character kill outside of combat before and you just killed or maimed eight people without even drawing a sword. We’re in shock, none of us say a word. We just stare. Me: (IC) Fine, I tell the remaining cultists to pick up their dead and follow. DM: Roll Intimidation with advantage. Me: 19 DM: (rolls) Sick with poison they comply, carrying or dragging their comrades behind you. Me: I drag any they can’t and lead them to the pit with the tentacled monster in it they were saving for us before. Once there I have them make a piled offering of bodies and assume my natural form. DM: (rolls) They are clearly shocked. One says, “What is going on here?” Me: I say, “You were planning to summon Tiamat to kill us all, you know that, right?” DM: They say, “Who are you??” Me: I say, “Not you.” Then I signal the tentacle monster it’s time to feed. DM: (rolls) The tentacle monster slorps them all into the pit where they are no more. Me: I walk back to the Party. The Party: Remind us to never let you polymorph into a lizard folk again. Me: Yeah, probably not a good idea.
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silvertsundere · 5 years
dnd session 9 highlights
something I shoulda said in other highlights but never crossed my mind but now I know cause I’ve seen posts of other people talking about stuff >be me, human fighter >be not me: halfling cleric, half elf sorcerer and human bard and paladin (at least they’re human I think) aight with that out the way here’s some highlights from this time there’s a really spicy one near the end and some cool teamwork near the end and it’s bolded right before so you see it. so check it out at least
- after last session where we did some sidequests to burn time while the warlock spent some time dechiper the message he got from his patron - we now get called “the heroes of riverville” because of saving their town and even helping them so much after - we start this session with him telling us about it. turns out there is some sort of tablet with informartion about the lizard people and their whereabouts after the war of giants, which we think is what the tiamat cleric, that wants to bring back dragonborns, might be looking for - this tablet is located in an ancient dwarven mine located south west of a town south east of where we were - while we’re talking about this an important looking man, that turns out to be the noble in charge of this town, shows up in the place we were staying to ask us for help - apparently there was a orc warband moving in on redridge (south east of where we were) and they need reinforcements considering the orcs number at around 500 and the town only had about 150 guards and that’s with some reinforcements already arriving - the noble man said that he had already sent news to the bigger cities in the country but he said he had 5 horses ready and that the help of 5 adventurers wouldn’t be nothing to scoff at - after some discussion we decided that the girls would go to redridge and we’d go back to our og gang and go in the mine NOW WITH THAT OUT THE WAY - we were starting to get ready to leave and the warlock asked if he could come with us and we didn’t see why not - after traveling for quite a bit we got to a canyon where the warlock said it was located. we saw a bridge and some ruins (which I got a 20 and figured out they were indeed dwarven, specifically duergar) and a bit down along the canyon wall we saw what looked like an outcropping that continued into a cave so we decided to go in and check it out - it was p easy to get down there even tho it was 150ft down cause our pally has boots of flying - we continued inside the cave til we came across a big ass door, with 4 colored stones above it, and some like decorative carvings - on the right and left walls next to the door, there were 2 murals, 1 had dwarves and elves living happily under the sun, and the other one didn’t have a sun, it still had dwarves and elves, they didn’t look as happy but looked like they had some kinda new found power cause their eyes glowed - after a while of fumbling around for what to do, we turned off the torch we were carrying and the eyes on the mural started glowing and dwarven language showed up on the door. - it was riddles. easy ones too. took as a while to figure the first one out but the rest went smoother. I’ll post them too so YOU can try to figure them out 1. "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? " 2.  "What disappears as soon as you say its name? " 3.  "You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy." 4. "I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?" - Bard answered 1, I did 2, cleric did 3, and paladin did 4. for each correct answer the stones above the door started glowing and in the last one the doors opened inward and we carried on. - after we walked a bit more we came across another door, entered and it was what seems like a dwarven stronghold of some sort, we heard sounds of metal clinking and when we looked around a bit found dark gnome slaves mining away so we knew we were in the right place. - right after we entered were just standing around talking about what to do and a duergar patrol passed us by without even noticing us somehow - we looked around a bit and were spotted by a gnome that attacked us and alerted 2 dwarves in basically mechs and scrapped with them for a bit - this all without alerting another group that was like 40ft away so lol - we continued exploring the place til we came across a storage area with a buncha assorted minerals in boxes that looked like they were getting ready to be transported :squint: - there was a door, which we went through, and another one that was locked, that I wanted to check out but party wanted to move on :shleep: - we carried on and came across a group of 2 duergar and a drow but didn’t feel like fighting them cause they were out the way so we went back and explored another way - we came across a long ass hallway and instead of all going and being spotted or something, we decided for the sorcerer to try to sneak through and scout cause he has darkvision. - we on in a straight line for a bit then suddenly said “oh man. now that’s scary. a corner.” - he kept going and managed to notice a fishy thing in a wall (or ground) and it was a treasure cache of some sort which had a stone of good luck. - he then came back to us and we decided to enter the double door that was on that hallway. - we opened the door, and it creacked, revealing that was some sort of barracks for the duergar, and there were 3 inside. - we fought for a bit with them. - I failed an INT saving throw and got possessed by the mage and attacked the sorcerer doing like half his hp BIG MONKA - however because of moving around and stuff the dwarven foes happened to be all in a straight line, perfect for the paladin’s lightning javelin, he threw it and vaporized the first one and did some nasty damage to the one that was hit with the physical javelin (it got stuck in him) - we kept fighting and the sorcerer got a crit fire bolt on the penetrated guy and turned him to ass releasing the javelin from it’s meaty prison - and the next turn the cleric’s spirit weapon killed the mage NOW THIS IS THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE THING - while searching around the chests in the barracks we didn’t find much of value - however..... - we found some lewd pin up pictures of drow females in one of them - immediately the bard and cleric say “I WANT TO TAKE THE PICS WITH ME” - both squint at each other - “let’s roll for it then” - both roll - bard gets 8 and cleric gets a 10 - dm: “are yall seriously rolling for this lmao” - both: “hell yeah we are” - after this we continued on exploring - we came across a door that the bard try to check with mage hand like usual but it got dispelled as it touched it - the sorcerer looked at it but could only figure out it was enchanted in some way but not what the effect was exactly - so we kept going to see if we could find another way into that room - we came across another door that we thought might get into it - we were tired of doors creaking and alerting people so we poured some oil on the hinges of it with our alchemy jug and then opened it slowly - bard saw 2 armored drow warriors inside a room that looked like some kind of library or archive, which may have the tablet we’re looking for, and came back to decide how to do this this part was p cool too - what we decided to do was bait them out the room with a noise or something. the sorcerer was gonna use minor illusion to create an explosion noise and that was it. but then the bard remembered that he had glyph of warding now so decided to use the explosion noise to bait them out to the ward. to make sure they stepped on the ward the cleric said he’d use prestidigitation to create a tiny fire so they’d be like “wth” and go check it out - and well.....it worked perfectly YAY FOR TEAM WORK - the drow came out drawn by the noise, moved to go checked the fire, the first one stepped on the ward, both of them failed their saving throws and took 5d8 damage. - however they still lived sadly - after a bit of fighting the bard was spooked cause he got hit and cast fear on both of them. and it worked. on both of them. making them both BOOK it back into the room after so much cooperation to take them out. - I ran after them and the sorcerer came too and cast haste on me but one of the drow that broke free from fear already used some item and spell making it so I couldn’t see jack shit in or outside the room, she also did the same thing like outside the door of the room - the next time he could move she slipped through us and went to try and attack the bard - when it got to my turn I managed to get out the darkness and with my hasty buff still up I ran up on the other drow that was still in the room and was like “I got 4 attacks so I’m gonna obliterate him” but..... I didn’t - I missed the first 2 attacks and hit the 2nd 2 so the haste didn’t even matter. the guy didn’t even die from the attacks smh - after a bit the sorcerer came out the darkness into the room as well and noticed the guy, casted lightning chromatic orb and electrocuted him to death - meanwhile outside the paladin attacked the drow outside but she lived. the cleric attacked with inflict wounds and missed. the bard tried vicious mockery and didn’t do much damage - it came back to me and I just chilled cause I couldn’t get through the darkness to the drow anyway, probably, meanwhile the sorcerer starting searching the room and found some papers in undercommon, which neither of us speaks so we just sat on our asses for a bit - outside it was the paladin’s turn again and he managed to finish the drow off and that dispelled the darkness yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
and THAT is where we left off. I rushed out cause I wanted to go have dinner but I don’t think they did anything after I left. we’re waiting for next session to see what the papers said cause warlock is fancy and can read anything
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