#a few in the inbox still to do
meroaw · 4 months
clearsight in "a lotta true crime" for the color palette challange?
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skrs-cats · 3 months
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set after leafpool dies, before the bonus scene w jayfeather dealing w that grief gets resolved. guess who was bitter over a certain cardboard character bitch not being included in that
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bixels · 5 months
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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minniiaa · 1 month
Do you have HC how Law and Luffy behaves when they have have disagreement with each other aka the couple fight? And how they resolve it?
I think it's must be challenging for these two knowing how both are hard to open to people about their problems and being honest to each other
AND I THINK- it'll be funny if they like like both being out of character during the fight, just imagine Trafalgar who's always composed and collected kind of person is suddenly being easily irritated, sulky, and moody. This left the Hearts unsure of what to do, because their confident captain act like troubled teenage girl out of the blue
And Luffy... Being quiet for once, always seems to lost in thoughts, even say no to usopp and chopper usual shenanigans. He still eat a lot tho, i mean it's Luffy. But it's less chaotic for once n the Strawhats dining table. The crew don't know whether they should thank god it's calm here for once or worry for their captain
maybe Luffy will ask for advice to someone wise enough for this (looking at Robin here, or maybe shell approach the captain first noticing the change in behavior?)
Please share your thoughts! 🙇
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Hmm... I didn't really have any HC about them fighting, I kind of figured they would just yell at each other until one of them caved or they just had really obnoxious i-hate-you-but-i-love-you sex. THAT BEING SAID, I like that one and so I will take it and run with it.
Law and Luffy had a fight. Sure, it wasn't their first, Law was always berating Luffy for not following his plans and Luffy had gotten frustrated with the way Law doesn't seem to care enough about those around him but this one was different. It was stupid, Luffy couldn't even remember what the fight was about in the first place but he knew that he was the one in the wrong. He said a lot of cruel things to Law and the moment they came out of his mouth, Luffy regretted them. He didn't think Law was a heartless jerk and he didn't hate him. No, he loved Law and he was just frustrated and it led him to say stupid things he didn't even mean.
But he didn't get the chance to take back his words and makeup with Law because as soon as Law comprehended what he said, he told him that he was an idiot, their alliance and relationship were over, and he never wanted to see him again before shambling back to his ship and leaving with his crew. Luffy was left there in shock. He never thought Law would actually break up with him and run away without hashing out their feelings.
See, Luffy wasn't the best at conflict resolution, he grew up with Sabo, Ace, Gramps, and Dadan and they always solved their problems by fighting both verbally and physically until they finally made up. His crewmates were the same and no argument ever went unresolved for more than a few hours. Except for the times when his crewmates almost left him, but those were different fights and they never really wanted to leave in the first place. No, he was scared that Law meant it and he really didn't ever want to see him again.
Luffy was left with this heaviness in his heart unlike anything he had felt before and he had no idea how to make things right with Law. Should he bring him food? No, Law doesn't really care about food that much and he said he didn't want to see him again. Should he say sorry and that he won't do it again? Yeah he was sorry so he needed to say it, but he can't promise he won't do it again, that would be lying. How would he even find Law to apologize? There was no telling where he went off to and the sea was a big place, especially to find a submarine that they couldn't even see if it was below the surface.
Thankfully, Robin was Luffy's knight in shining armor. She and Nami decided that Luffy is sensitive right now and Nami's tough love might not work this time. They saw the cogs turning in his head and knew that things like love and relationships aren't really Luffy's specialty. It didn't help that Law isn't the easiest person to figure out although they know he loves Luffy deeply and they were pretty sure he didn't mean anything he said, he was just angry and responding to Luffy's cruel words.
They were already planning on helping Luffy, but it was pretty amusing to watch every single man on the crew pull them both aside and beg them to help Luffy because they were freaked out by their depressed captain who had been uncharacteristically sulking and quiet with a frown etched on his face since his argument with Law.
Sanji cooked Luffy all his favorite foods and although he ate everything, he took his time instead of tossing it into his face and didn't compliment him on how good it was or smile. Chopper and Usopp tried to play games and go fishing but Luffy didn't want to, saying he wasn't in the mood right now. Brook sang him a love song to cheer him up but it only made him sadder. Franky made some special modifications to one of his robots he knew Luffy would think was awesome but he just nodded and seemed far away when he showed him. And Zoro? Well, he just took a nap with Luffy like he always does because he can deal with an angry Luffy, but a sad Luffy who was upset over fighting with his boyfriend? Well, that was more Nami or the stupid cook's specialty.
As for Law, his crew is terrified and he knows it. He's locked himself in his room for most of the time, refusing to let anyone in. Shachi and Penguin of course tried to listen through the door and they were shocked to hear that Law was just sobbing in there like a baby and it made them even more worried.
When Law does emerge, he's off his rocker, screaming at everyone for the tiniest things; a crumb on the floor, talking too loud, his rice being too dry, anything sets him off on a rage-filled tangent. Even Bepo can't calm him down though he's tried with many hugs and offers to nap with him. Not only that, Law is clearly exhausted. His eyes are bloodshot and the bags are worse than usual and it's obvious he hasn't slept in days. He won't talk to them and they have no idea what to do to help their poor lovesick Captain.
See, Law is great at problem-solving. It's his thing. But Luffy has always been a problem he cannot solve. Sure, he was in the one in the wrong here and he said nasty things but Law knows he went too far. Yes, Luffy was an idiot but he didn't want to end their alliance or their relationship, in fact, that was the last thing he wanted to do. Although he drove him crazy sometimes, Luffy made him happier than he'd ever been before. But he was the one who ran away and he can't just go grovel at Luffy's feet like some pathetic loser, even if he wanted to. His pride is too strong for that and he's afraid that Luffy's might be too.
Law's biggest fear is that they will never resolve this and that terrifies him because he's so in love with Luffy. Yes, he's awful at expressing it and doesn't even know if Luffy even knows how important he is to him but he truly loves him more than anyone in the world.
What if they never make up? What if Luffy hates him for breaking up with him like that and doesn't want to be with him anymore? He can't comprehend a reality where Luffy isn't in his life, he'd rather just be dead. But he can't be the one to reach out. He can't go beg for love on his knees. He needs Luffy to come back and tell him that he's sorry so he knows for sure that Luffy 's feelings are just as deep as his are. Until then, he's just stuck on this damn submarine losing his mind and taking it out on his crew which he knows is wrong but he can't help himself. Now instead of having one person to apologize to, he has 20.
After a talk with Robin, Luffy decides he is going to apologize because he can't stand the idea of Law being mad at him and hating him forever. He loves Law a lot and maybe if he tells him that and is extra nice, Law will forgive him.
Nami steps in, calling Law on the den den mushi about to rip him a new one and demand he meets up with them now. Thankfully for Law, a concerned Bepo answered instead of the captain. Nami simmers down. explaining the situation and that Luffy wants to meet up with Law so they can make up. Bepo is relieved, he can't stand Law being sad anymore and the crew is going crazy stuck undersea with their miserable volatile captain. They arrange a meeting point and Bepo turns the ship around. Law is so distraught that he doesn't even notice the course change.
That is until they surface. He flies out of his room to figure out what is going on because he didn't authorize a surface and they weren't supposed to reach the next island for a few more days.
Before he can reach the control room, seething and about to rip his crew a new one, he's met with Luffy standing in the hallway of the Polar Tang. Wait what? How'd he get here? Why? Was he just sleep-deprived and seeing things? Law is in shock, his pinched expression softening the moment he sees Luffy's big round eyes filled with so much concern and love.
He's here. He came back.
Before Law can plan his next move, Luffy launches himself into his arms, knocking him to the floor. Law can't even be angry at how much it hurts because Luffy is kissing him more desperately than he ever has before. He can feel his sorrow, his apology, and his passion. From the way Luffy's hands thread in his hair and his tongue begs for entrance into his mouth, Law can tell that he has been just as distraught as him.
He kisses Luffy back just as desperately, hungry for his affection and pulls him closer, feeling the tension that has been wrecking his body these past days dissipate. He doesn't even care what they fought about, none of that matters anyway. He had forgiven him the moment he stormed off the Sunny that day. Luffy breaks their kiss, looking down at Law with big round eyes brimming with tears and he can't help but think how cute he looks even though he's about to cry.
"Toraooo I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it, I was just being stupid. I love you so much and I never want to fight with you ever again. Please please forgive me, I'll do anything just don't hate me and break up with me," Luffy pleads, tears streaming down his cheeks and dropping down onto Law's face.
He'd never seen Luffy cry before though he recalled his brother Sabo mentioning in their brief interaction in Dressrosa that Luffy was quite the crybaby when they were kids. It warmed his heart knowing that Luffy cares so deeply about him that he would actually shed tears for him, but also breaks it knowing that his stupidity made him cry. Law heaves a sigh sitting up and pulling Luffy up with him so he was sitting on his lap with his legs wrapped snugly around his waist. He wipes the tears from his eyes with his thumb and places a hand on his cheek. Luffy is quiet for once, waiting for Law's response to his plea.
"Of course I forgive you. I forgave you the moment I left. I'm sorry too, it wasn't right of me to say those things I didn't mean and run away. I should have stayed and worked it out with you like an adult. From now on if we disagree, we'll talk about it until we figure it out, okay?" Law spoke calmly, watching as Luffy's face filled with relief.
He wiped his tears, the smile that Law cherished so dearly blooming on his face. Law realized that he forgot one very important thing in his response. "Oh, and I love you too, you idiot," he grumbled with an eyeroll though he knew Luffy would notice the soft smile that grazed his lips as he said the words he probably didn't express enough.
Luffy's face lit up even more as he pulled him in for a bone-crushing hug, burying his face in Law's neck, Law quietly rubbing his back and savoring the closeness even though he felt like he was going to stop breathing any second.
"So does this mean we're not broken up anymore?" Luffy asks peeking up at Law after a few moments of comfortable silence between them.
"No, we're not broken up. We never were, I was saying stupid shit," Law tsked at his own insolence.
"Sooo should we go tell our crews that we made up? My friends have been really worried and the polar bear seemed like he was too when he talked to Nami," Luffy asked and although he was right,
"We should, but not yet. I think we still have some more making up to do in my room. I think they'll get the hint if we don't come back for awhile," Law leaned in close, his lips grazing Luffy's ear as his hand slid down to gently caress the small of Luffy's back. He felt Luffy's body shiver under him, giving him the exact response he wanted. He had Luffy here, putty in his hands and he was absolutely going to take advantage of it.
"Ohhh, are you talking about the makeup sex thing Nami mentioned when I was leaving?" Luffy perked up, his cheeks stained with an incredibly endearing blush. He silently thanked Nami for putting that idea in his head.
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Now let's go before I decide I can't wait until we get to my room," Law said bluntly, already feeling his arousal building as Luffy rocked himself against his lap ever so slightly, showing him that he was very much interested in exploring this unexplored territory in their relationship.
"Okay, take me to your room so I can show you just how sorry I am, Torao," Law didn't have to be told twice, standing up off the floor with Luffy still wrapped around him like a koala on a tree.
"I look forward to it," he murmured with a devilish grin as he made his way towards his quarters, casting his room so it would be clear to anyone who came near that he was busy and also preventing them from hearing the terribly wonderful things he and Luffy were about to do with each other after their first, and hopefully last real fight.
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
ok here's the thing. as much as drag queen!dick grayson is a FULLY developed thing in my head. i have no CLUE what her drag name would be. i've thought about it so so sooooo hard and nothing sounds right.
i don't think it would be something close to his actual name or vigilante persona. i haven't fully established this in a post yet, but in my head, the drag is not associated with dick or nightwing whatsoever. it's a completely separate 3rd identity he lives with, so it's gotta be something different.
(taking suggestions if anyone has any)
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wyrmswears · 9 days
(if you are new here, this is the au)
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you won me over with this one
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chryblossomjjk · 8 months
just found out that jungkook interacts with people who aren’t me
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mickeym4ndy · 16 days
if you are doing the headcanon questions, 1, 4 & 17, please? 🖤🧡
Hi! Thanks for asking🧡🖤
1. Where do Ian and Mickey go for their first international vacation?
So I know it’s not international but I always thought for their first vacation after parole, they’d go visit Fiona in Florida (idk if it’s canon that’s where she is but I do think a lot of ppl tend to hc her there lol). Mainly because I think Mickey learned to swim in the ocean in Mexico and really loves the sea and every time they go to the lake beach in Chicago he’s like “it’s just not the same man.” So soon as they can leave the state, they head down to Florida and Ian gets to experience the ocean for the first time, but what he loves the most is getting to see how happy Mickey is. The way Mickey talks about Mexico I think he’s the type of guy to just love a sun and cocktails and relax on the beach vacation.
So in a similar vein for an international trip, I think they’d go somewhere in Mexico if it was safe for Mickey. Anywhere with warm weather and a beach, really. Maybe Spain either!
4. Do they have another anniversary besides their wedding? (First time they hooked up / kissed)
I hadn’t thought about this before! But I don’t think they remember many dates from the early days tbh. So maybe they celebrate the day Mickey got out of prison too. Like the first day of the rest of their lives sorta thing.
17. Do they share shampoo and soap or do they each get their own?
Ian picks it and Mickey just uses whatever Ian buys lol. Ian definitely buys stuff based on what he thinks would smell nice on Mickey though.
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tenderhungering · 22 days
i’m going to be extra free tomorrow earlier during the day, so my inbox is open! be that for any questions, headcannons, suggestions, little hellos! i’d also love to hear if my musings make any sense. i’m a bit insecure about my writing and it’s my first time (publicly) speaking so much on characters! i thrive under chatting about them like i know them and their nature. i’m literally in their universe as their therapist,,,
i’ve been doing a lot of late night with the devil writing so i’d love to hear about that more however i do have my list of fandoms in my masterlist for now if any of those other ones interest you! doesn’t have to be fandom related though, like i said you’re free to just drop by and say hi as well!
thank you to everyone who keeps asking me questions though oh my goodness you guys are the sweetest ??
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stylesrecord · 10 months
i wonder if he still does this or has discovered the capabilities of google calendar
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causeimanartist · 4 months
I just want you to know you're one of my favorite artists, especially your depiction of the trinity just being the cutest trio in the world. I think your characters always seem so happy (oddly even grumpy Bruce) and it's infectious. Thanks so much for every piece of art you've ever shared with us!
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Thank you so much!! I honestly love sharing my art because with just a few exceptions (like that weirdo on my most recent Wonder Woman drawing) - everyone is just super kind and leave such nice comments in the tags! The reception I've gotten over the years means so much to me
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skeletoninthemelonland · 11 months
Just a small announcement. I’ll be mass deleting asks and restarting all over.
If you have asks related to Behind The Codes, please send them here. 
I apologize for the delay! 
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that--unusual-person · 4 months
in regards to the last few reposts, i’ll be going on a hiatus from tumblr and will try to become more active on my insta/twitter till things clear out
insta: von_unusual
twitter: @thatsunusually
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yanyanderes · 1 year
me crawling out of my coffin to tell my followers i’m not dead i swear
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little ramble in the tags-
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hrokkall · 1 year
TMA NEURON ACTIVATION what avatars would the scrybes be 👀👀👀
I don’t know if they’d all be avatars or just plain manifestations (maybe a combination of both) but I’d imagine it would be:
Leshy - The Hunt (self-explanatory)
Grimora - The End (equally self-explanatory)
Magnificus - The Spiral (was going to say The Eye originally for the joke, but he just seems like a Spiral guy—less in the “lying” way and moreso in the “twisting infinite patterns that entrance and confuse and disorientate” way but he’d trap someone in a wizard maze too if push came to shove. As a backup though you could consider the flesh because of. Gesturing vaguely to the wizard pupils).
P03 - The Web (A little bit of a weird choice but I think it fits with P03’s whole “self-preservation” deal that it strings along the player in order to accomplish… plus there’s the obvious World Wide Web pun here. Specifically I feel it would be a manifestation that ends up trapped in a computer and having to operate from there, similar to how the Spiral’s Lichtenberg Figure was trapped inside of Ex Altiora.)
If Inscryption as a whole were to be given as a statement though (as in, say, Luke calls into the Magnus Institute and talks about his experiences with the haunted cartridge retirement home he found in the woods) if you had to put it in a TMA category I’d say it would be a manifestation of the Extinction (four AIs fighting for dominance; a malevolent, world-ending string of code beneath them… feels pretty extinction to me).
And then some other characters as a bonus lightning round:
Kaycee - Touched by the Desolation, ultimately becomes an avatar of the Hunt to escape her fate.
Luke - Probably touched by multiple entities just because I think in all universes he should be having a hell of a time. Maybe he’s like Martin where every entity wants him like “Oh this guy will be SO easy to kill/manipulate” and then he ends up surviving (or dying but dying normally) by making decisions So Horribly Bad that not even Fear Incarnate could’ve predicted them.
Amanda/Sado - Manifestation of the Stranger. Obviously. (Carla is probably touched by the Stranger as a result; I just generally like the idea that Sado is loyal to no one except for her)
All of the underlings (if they exist) are touched by/manifestations of the same fear as their Scrybe, but aren’t avatars. Maybe not the bots though; unless they’re just a team of poor ass software developers who are suddenly compelled to keep this mysterious program up and running and adding features that even they don’t know the meaning of. Meanwhile Magnificus’s pupils are his students (similar to the situation with Robert Smirke), Grimora’s ghouls are people she bound to the end to save them from a grisly fate, and Leshy’s woodsmen… idk they’re like his drinking buddies or something and they go hunt monsters on weekends.
Not all of the minor characters are directly affiliated with any entity though. Characters such as Rebecha are completely unaligned (or if she has had any run-in with an entity no one is going to Ever know about it. At most I can see it being a Georgie Barker situation); the Woodcarver is actively ensuring she doesn’t become bound to any entity, despite Leshy’s influence; the Mycologists claim that they aren’t bound to any entity, but they’re collecting Leitners like trading cards for their “experiments” so it’s less so “unaligned” and more so “race to see whether the Corruption or the Flesh or a third secret thing stakes a claim first”.
The Bone Lord is definitely an End manifestation (unlike Grimora, who is the only one of the Scrybes who is most likely an avatar as opposed to a manifestation or a secret third thing) but I have no idea where they would fit in. Or maybe an extinction manifestation. I have no idea. They’re there though; not leaving them out
Don’t ask about the Hex cast here. I know by making Rebecha relevant they exist by extension but I have No idea where they’d fit in aside from being assorted statement givers (and maybe Lionel as one of those figures that shows up in multiple statements and makes people audibly groan every time there’s THIS GUY again but he’s just a normal dude who happens to be in a lot of places. That’s pretty fitting considering the plot of the game)
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mattodore · 7 months
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