#a shot of brandy
nosamyrag · 10 months
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jonmoxleys · 1 year
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Baking advice brought to you by Jon Moxley and Sami Zayn A Shot of Brandi: Ep. 27 (2020) • Ariel Helwani bakes with Sami Zayn (2023)
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cosmoweirdkid · 4 months
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foolsocracy · 5 months
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my fave pastime is bullying tanner
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Starting the day with a happy Orange :)
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artist-emerald · 5 months
Bluey: New Beginnings
This is a short, one-shot fanfic I wrote after watching all of the current Bluey. I had been holding off on posting it for proof reading from others, but I want it posted before I switch over to the new year.
Hope anyone who reads this enjoys!
This is the story about a very particular family of dogs, living amongst many others in the country of Australia, and the start of a new and exciting chapter in their lives. This family was known as the Heelers, and it consisted of the father, Bandit, the mother, Chilli, the older daughter, Bluey, and the youngest daughter, Bingo.
One summer evening, the family had plans to spend an evening with other relatives at a fancy restaurant, a dinner they had been planning for weeks. “Come on kids,” Chilli said, “we don’t want to be late for our reservation!” Chilli and Bandit waited by the front door for their rambunctious daughters to come downstairs from their room. “Coming!” the children exclaimed as they quickly made their ways down the steps.
“Which restaurant are we going to again?” asked Bluey. “The nice one that has the fancy crayons you kids like.” Replied Bandit, ushering the kids out the front door. “And who’s going to be there again?” inquired Bingo, slowly skipping her way to the car. “Us, Uncle Stripe, Aunt Trixie, your cousins, and Aunt Brandy. It’s been a long time since we all had dinner, especially with Brandy.” Chilli explained in a rushed tone. “Which means you two can have fun, but not too much fun. We need you to be on your best behavior. Got it?” Bandit stated. “We promise!” the girls exclaimed.
The family got in their car and drove out towards the restaurant, and as they did, the family noticed a moving van parked in the driveway of the house just at the end of their street. Making them all a bit curious. “Ooh look, someone’s moving into that house. Does that mean we’re getting new neighbors?" Bluey asked excitedly. “It does indeed. To be honest, I hadn’t realized the previous owners moved out.” Replied Bandit. “I hope they’re friendly.” Bingo said as she watched the moving van leave her view.
The drive to the eatery wasn’t long, but the trip felt even shorter as the girls sang a little song, and the parents talked about what they were planning on ordering. Once they arrived, they struggled for a moment finding a place to park their car, but were lucky enough to snag one as another car was leaving. They all got out and met with Aunt Brandy, who was waiting outside the front door for them.
“Hi Brandy! Oh, it’s so good to see you!” Chilli said as she gave her sister a big hug. “It’s good to see you too, Chili.” Brandy said as she returned her sister’s hug. “Bandit, glad to see you’re no longer eaten by a cheetah.” Brandy said jokingly as she hugged the blue Heeler. “And how are my nieces doing?” Brandy asked as she knelt to hug the two young dogs. “We promised to be on our best behavior tonight.” Bluey said, changing her voice to a mockingly fancy tone. “We will be making only the prettiest of crayon drawings.” Bingo said, mimicking her sister.
“You haven’t seen Stripe or Trix yet, have you?” Chilli asked as she looked around for the other Heelers. “I haven’t, sorry.” Brandy replied. “I’m sure they’ll be here shortly. I say we get in and grab our table before someone knicks it.” Bandit said as he opened the door to the restaurant. They all went in and were shown to their table, passing by large potted plants and a big aquarium filled with all sorts of marine life. The children were stricken with awe at the sight of it all, showered upon by the atmosphere lit up by golden chandeliers.
The family was seated in a large table just enough in view of the front door, which was perfect so they could keep an eye on the remaining party members. Shortly after, however, Chilli got a text on her phone. “Oh no! Trix just texted me, Muffin and Socks got sick so they can’t make it.” Chilli explained in a sad tone. “Are they going to be alright?” Bluey asked, concerned for her cousins. “Yeah, they’re going to be okay. Probably ate something they shouldn’t have at lunch.” Chilli said as she put her phone away, “I guess we’ll have to eat without them.”
Bingo felt sorry for her cousins, unable to draw with the fancy crayons and eat the yummy food. But something caught her attention as she heard an unfamiliar voice at the entrance, with an unfamiliar accent.
“Good evening. I’d like a table for me and my son here.” The voice came from a tall white dog wearing dark sunglasses. He had to be the tallest dog Bingo has ever seen in her life, and in his arms was a little dog with a cream-colored fur who looked to be only slightly older than her. “I’m sorry sir, but we haven’t gotten any tables left.” Said the reservations attendant. “Really? Nuts, that’s a shame!” said the dog as he looked at his son, “Sorry champ, looks like we’ll have to find another place to eat dinner tonight.”
The young dog’s ears drooped, “Okay daddy.” Bingo felt sad that they couldn’t eat at the fancy restaurant, but then she got an idea. “Dad, can they come eat with us? They have nowhere to sit, but we have spots for them because Uncle Strip and them can’t come!” Bingo said, pointing at the pair up front. “I’m not so sure, Bingo, we don’t even know them.” Bandit said scratching his neck. “Oh, why not? Maybe he’ll help with the bill?” Brandy protested, not taking her eyes off the father and his son. “Alright, alright. Bluey, you’re small and fast, go tell them they can come eat with us.” Bandit instructed. “Okay dad!” Bluey said as she hopped from her seat and made her way to the front door. “Excuse me, sir? More people were supposed to show up for dinner but couldn’t come. Would you like to eat with us?” Bluey asked, stopping the dog before he walked out. “Really? We would be very grateful, thank you!” the dog said excitedly, tail wagging.
Bluey nodded as she led the two to their table, the tall white dog sitting next Aunt Brandy, and his son next to him. “Hello everyone, thank you so much for letting us join you, I honestly don’t mean to intrude.” The dog said. “My name is Leo Wolfgang, and this is my son, Wasabi.” Leo said happily as he gestured towards his son. “Hello.” Wasabi said, giving everyone a little wave. “No worries, mate. I’m Bandit, this is my wife Chilli, her sister Brandy, and our daughters, Bluey and Bingo. Where are you two from?” Bandit reached out to shake hands with Leo which he gladly returned.
“We’re from the United States. Just got in today actually.” Leo said. “Is everyone from the United States as tall as you?” Bluey asked, very interested in meeting someone from another country. "Oh, you noticed that huh? Not a lot of dogs are tall like me. I’m only tall because I’m a wolfdog, part wolf and part husky to be exact.” Leo explained. Bluey and Bingo’s eyes lit up with excitement, “Wolfdog!?”
Chilli and Bandit looked at each other with concern because they knew that their kids were going to have tons of questions. “Now girls, before you start asking all the questions, I’m sure you both have, we should order our food.” Chilli said sternly. After the group ordered their food and drinks, Bluey and Bingo began asking their questions while they colored away on their provided pages.
“So, what’s it like being a wolfdog?” Bluey asked. “It’s not that different from being an ordinary dog, I’m just big.” Leo replied as he took off his large sunglass, revealing a large pair of pink-colored eyes.
“Ooh, you have such pretty pink eyes!” Bingo exclaimed. “Oh my, you’re albino?” Brandy asked suddenly. “Huh? What’s that?” Bluey asked with confusion. “It’s a medical condition that affects my body and takes out all the color of my skin, fur, and eyes. It also makes me sensitive to sunlight, so I wear special sunglasses and use special sunblock.”
“My, my, Mr. Wolfgang, you sure are quite the interesting character,” Brandy said, “but, then how did you have Wasabi?” Bluey and Bingo were once again puzzled, “what does she mean Mr. Wolfgang?” Bingo asked. “Oh, I-I didn’t mean to-“ Brandy started as she realized what she had said, but Leo gave her a look of reassurance. “No need to worry, that’s perfectly fine. You see kids, a lot of those affected with albinism are not able to have babies.” Leo explained calmly.
“So, you’re not a wolfdog, Wasabi?” Bluey asked the young dog, who was very focused on drawing a picture of a lizard. “Huh? Oh, no. I’m a Samoyed, and my daddy adopted me!” Wasabi said with a smile before going back to his drawing. Chilli, Bandit, and Brandy’s eyes grew sympathetic towards the child. Brandy even found herself clutching her hand over her heart. Leo went on to lighten the mood as everyone enjoyed their meals.
“Which of your parents is a wolf?” Bingo asked, wanting to learn more about Mr. Wolfgang. “My dad’s a wolf, and my mom’s a Husky.” Leo responded. “Do you have an siblings?” Bluey asked.  “No, I don’t have any, but I do have lots of cousins.” Leo said, emphasizing on the amount. He told them all about the different sites in America, as well as animals and food. Wasabi talked to the children about the games he plays and how he learns everything at home. Occasionally, Brandy would catch Wasabi staring at her, and each time she looked at him, he would give her a big smile. When his dad asked him why he keeps staring at her, Wasabi simply replied, “because I think she’s pretty.”
“So, Leo, how long are you Wasabi here on holiday?” Bandit asked. “Holiday? Oh no, this is our new home. We just moved in!” Leo answered excitingly. The family’s ears all perked up after hearing this. “Big house at the opposite end of a one-way street?” Chilli asked. “Yeah, you know the place?” Leo responded. “Yeah, that’s our street!” Bluey exclaimed. “We’re gonna be neighbors!” Bingo celebrated. “Wow what a small world! You here that champ? The Heelers are going to be our new neighbors!” Leo said rustling Wasabi’s head. “Hooray!” Wasabi threw his hands in the air in excitement, which was then followed by a noise coming from under the table.
“Uh oh. Daddy, my leg fell off again.” Wasabi said, shaking his father’s arm. The table fell silent as they all looked at Wasabi. “Did he say his leg…fell off?” Chilli asked. “Yeah, it happens from time to time,” Leo said as he reached under the table, “here it is! Now let’s get this back on bud.” Leo held up a prosthetic leg with the same coloration as Wasabi’s fur.
“Aaah, it is a leg! His leg fell off!” Bingo exclaimed. “I was in an accident when I was a baby. I lost part of my left leg.” Wasabi said as he was stood up so that his prosthetic could be reattached. “Made it myself. That’s what I do for a living actually, I design and make prosthetic limbs for those who need them.” Leo explained, making sure Wasabi’s leg was on tight.
“Does it hurt?” Bluey asked. “No, but I do get ghost itchies sometimes.” Wasabi said as he sat back down. “What are ghost itchies?” Bingo asked. “It’s where you feel like you have an itch on somewhere you can’t scratch anymore because it isn’t there.” Bandit explained. “There was a severe car crash one night. His parents didn’t make it and his leg was so banged up they had to amputate. That’s actually where I met Wasabi, and I couldn’t stand the thought of him going through life by himself. So, I adopted him, and it was the best decision I ever made.” Leo explained quietly to the parents.
“Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom.” Wasabi said suddenly. “Oh okay. We’ll be right back.” Leo said as he got up to escort his son to the bathroom. They now noticed that Wasabi has a bit of a limp in his walk due to his prosthetic.
“I like them.” Bluey stated. “Oh yes, they are very interesting.” Bingo added. “I agree. I hope we become good family friends.” Chilli toasted. Chilli then felt a tap on her shoulder from her husband, “hey babe, look at Brandy.” Bandit whispered. Chilli turned to see that Brandy was still staring in the direction of where Leo and Wasabi went. “You doing okay, sis?” Chilli asked, nudging her sister’s shoulder. “Oh! Y-yeah, I’m alright. They sure are something huh?” Brandy said with a hint of embarrassment.
Chilli and Bandit gave each other a smug look. Time passed and everyone had finished their meals. Leo was so grateful for the Heeler’s generosity he returned the favor by paying for the entire dinner. The Heelers said goodbye to the Wolfgangs and Aunt Brandy, and as they drove away Chilli was watching through one of the mirrors that her sister and Leo were still talking. A big grin came to her face when she saw Brandy write something down on a piece of paper and give it to Leo, both of their tails wagging.
“Babe, she actually did it!” Chilli said excitedly. “Aw, did I miss it!?” Bandit said trying to catch the act in the mirror. “What did you miss?” Bluey asked suspiciously. “We think your aunt likes Mr. Wolfgang.” Chilli said in a cheeky tone. The girls looked at each other and giggled. The family enjoyed their ride back home, knowing that they’ll see their new neighbors soon.
Days turned to weeks, which then turned to months. The Heeler family had become great friends with the Wolfgangs. They introduced them to their community that they know and love, to the food that they loved to eat, and the games they liked to play. The Wolfgangs in return, introduced the Heelers to foods and games they had back in America. And of course, they all had their fun with their differences in vocabulary.
Bluey and Bingo introduced Wasabi to their cousins, Muffin and Socks. The two girls took some time getting used to Wasabi’s handicap, but in the end, they saw him as any other kid they can play with. Wasabi showed interest in wanting to go to school with other kids so he could make more friends, so his dad had him enrolled. Wasabi ended up being in Bluey’s class where she got to introduce him to all her friends.
As more time went on, the Heelers got to see more and more of Wasabi after his dad started dating Aunt Brandy. Wasabi would come over for play dates while his dad and Brandy went on real dates. The children would play their games, and sometimes talk about what the adults were doing on their romantic dates.
This would continue for several months, until one fateful day.
Bluey, Bingo, and Wasabi were all in the kitchen drawing with crayons and talking about what they want to do in the future. “I think I want to go to space when I grow up.” Bingo said and she doodled a crayon rocket ship. “I want to build robots when I grow up. The robots would take care of all the hard work so that everyone can relax and play!” Wasabi exclaimed excitedly. Bluey was about to speak when the tablet began ringing, “Oh, who could that be?” Bluey asked as she picked up the tablet to answer.
She was surprised to see it was her Aunt Brandy video calling them, “hi Aunt Brandy!” Bluey said happily as she waved to her aunt on the screen. “Hi Bluey! Where’s your mum, I need to talk to her!” Brandy sounded very excited for some reason. “Okay, let me get her…Mom, Aunt Brandy is calling for you!” Bluey shouted into the house so that her mother could hear her.
A few moments later Chilli walked into the kitchen wondering what all the fuss was about. “Hey sis, what’s up? You look like you’re about to pop.” Chilli said as she took the tablet from Bluey. “He finally did it, Leo asked me to marry him, and I said yes!” Brandy squealed in excitement as she showed her sister the engagement ring on screen. “Brandy that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you! Any details about the wedding?” Chilli’s tail was wagging vigorously for her sister. “Nothing yet, lots to plan. Do you want to be my maid of honor?” Brandy asked. “Of course I will, I’m your sister! I would have been devastated if you hadn’t asked me.” Chilli replied, joking about the last part. “Thanks Chilli, you’re the best! We’ll be by tomorrow morning to pick up Wasabi, bye!” Brandy said before ending the video call. “Bye sis, don’t have too much fun.” Chilli said in a cheeky tone before hanging up the tablet.
Chilli turned around to find the three kids standing in front of her, eyes wide, and tails wagging, “a wedding!?” They all shouted. “You all heard that did you? It’s true, looks like Leo and Brandy are getting married. But we don’t have any details yet, so we’ll all need to be patient until they tell us.” Chilli told the excited children. “Mrs. Heeler, does that mean Brandy is going to be my new mommy?” Wasabi asked with big, hopeful eyes. Chilli couldn’t help but give him a reassuring smile as she knelt to his level. “Yes, it does, Wasabi. And do you know what else that means?” Chilli asked him. “What?” Wasabi asked back, confused. “It means you’ll be our new cousin!” Bingo said, jumping for joy. The kids then all celebrated with a momentous, “hooray!”
Plans for the wedding were underway as more time had passed. Leo and Brandy decided not to have too big of a wedding because Leo has a very extensive family. Everyone who was invited said they would be able to attend, which included: the Heelers, Stripe’s family, Nana Heeler, Grandpa Mort, Leo’s parents, and the closest of Leo’s cousins. Wasabi was made the ring bearer while Bluey, Bingo, and Muffin were all made flower girls. There was going to be a special wedding cake, a band, lots of delectable food, and it wouldn’t be a wedding without a photographer.
The wedding was planned to be late fall because Leo’s family needed to fly in from America and didn’t want any delays or nasty weather interfering with the flight. The ceremony was set to take place outside, while the reception moves into a large gallery they had reserved. After all the preparations were made, and all the fine details made to perfection, the day had arrived.
Before the ceremony, everyone had the chance to mingle and meet one another. The Heelers met Leo’s parents first, Dusty, his mother, and Timber, his father. Timber, being a full-blooded wolf, towered over the other dogs, just like his son. His fur was a dark gray, he wore an eyepatch over his left eye, and he walked with a cane. Dusty was an average sized husky with gray and white fur. She seemed to have a lot of energy for an elderly woman, and she was so excited to meet everyone.
Then there were Leo’s cousins, a group of three huskies who introduced themselves from oldest to youngest: Buckets, Bolt, and Danger. Buckets was a male, black and white husky who works at a tree farm in Alaska. Bolt was male, brown husky who’s training for the next Olympics. Lastly, Danger was a female, red husky who works in pyrotechnics. They were Leo’s closest relatives growing up, almost inseparable, and they said they wouldn’t miss this wedding for anything in the world.
Bluey and Bingo were disappointed there weren’t any other kids for them to meet, but Wasabi explained his other cousins weren’t able to come and if they did, they would have needed a much bigger party room to celebrate.
After everyone had gotten to know each other better, it was time for the ceremony. The flower girls danced around dropping colorful petals along the ground, while Wasabi followed suit behind them holding the rings. The room was filled with tension, joy, anxiety, and love as everyone watched the bride walk down the aisle towards her groom at the altar. They exchanged their vows as they gave each other their rings and sealed it all with a kiss as the bride and groom became husband and wife. There was cheering, clapping, tail wagging, and a big wolf howl from Timber.
Everyone then went into the big ball room for the reception where they had food, drinks, and plenty of music. But before things got started, Cousin Buckets had a speech prepared. “Hey everyone! Best man Buckets here! Just wanted to say a few words for the newlyweds before we get too crazy. I wanted to say how happy I am for Leo and his new wife, Brandy. I’m glad I got to be here and witness these families coming together, and I know everyone else back home would have loved to be here too. They do send their best wishes though! Growing up, we knew Leo was different, and we respected him and loved him. I see him more like a brother to me than a cousin. I’m glad he found someone to love and share his life with. Cheers!” Buckets said as he raised a toast, to which everyone raised a glass in response.
Before he sat down, Buckets saw Wasabi tugging at his sleeve. “What’s up champ?” Buckets asked as he knelt. Wasabi whispered into Buckets’ ear, gripping a folded piece of paper. “You got it, bud!” Buckets picked up Wasabi and tapped on the microphone to get everyone’s attention. “Excuse me everyone, I know we’re all hungry, but Wasabi here says he wrote his own speech for this occasion.”
Leo and Brandy looked at each other excitedly, wondering what the little Samoyed was going to say. “Thank you everyone for being here. I would like to thank my new Uncle Bandit for helping me write this speech. When I met Miss Brandy and her family at the restaurant, I thought she was the prettiest lady I had ever seen. Whenever she looked at me, I couldn’t help but smile, and whenever she smiled, my tail would wag with happiness. Sometimes I could tell that my dad was sad because he didn’t have a wife, or that I didn’t have a mom. But now, my daddy is very happy because he has a wife, and not only does he have a new wife, but I have a new mommy!” After hearing the speech Brandy got up from her seat and ran over to the little boy and hugged him tightly as happy tears ran down her face. The crowd applauded Wasabi’s speech and affection for his parents. “I love you, my little champion, and I’m going to love you forever.”  Brandy whispered to her new son, and she kissed his head as she held him tight.
The reception went on naturally; with food, drinks, dancing, and plenty of photographs. After the hours flew, and the liveliness calmed down, Leo, Brandy, and Wasabi all went home as a family for the first time. Where they would live happily forever, and ever.
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fleabag & claire, fleabag | hallelujah, haim | wasted, brandi carlile | siblings as a circuit
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six-of-ravens · 30 days
tonight is going very well. made one of my fav recipes. dancing around the apartment to chappell roan. made an affogato (with maraschino cherries bc for some reason I have a jar of those?). playing totk for the first time in many weeks. a little drunk. it's a mood it's a vibe.
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Cody: Hear that, Max? Married couple, dude.
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goldenloverss · 3 days
The cody/mjf/brandi polycule is so very funny to me . Barely any of these guys like eachother what are we doing here. Cody's the only one who likes both of them, brandi and mjf have a hate/respect relationship, and mjf just barely likes cody . Cody and brandi r the only ones truly in love here
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jeffcbliss · 8 months
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Brandi Carlile - Snapdragon Stadium; San Diego, CA (10-3-23). @brandicarlile
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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nosamyrag · 8 months
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centralpark1981 · 29 days
i’m so guckigg drunk my godddfff
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yuulllii · 1 month
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Take a shot for me
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
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**Shots of the Movie**
Glass Onion (2022)
Director: Rian Johnson Cinematographer: Steve Yedlin
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Babes, this is a one-shot. No one does it like the Brandi Carlile Band.
This vibe brought to you by “it’s 2015 and we got dropped by Columbia so we’re genuinely an indie band for this album cycle”
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