#after hours of no anons
hxllishrebuke · 2 months
That anon had a strange take with kiwifarms but they also have a point. Documenting experiences is one thing having a space past and future victims can go to is important. This continuous stalking by yourself and others of twitter handles, discords, twitch accounts and the like is extreme. You have the proof of admittance, you have the proof of what Loke has done wrong, and this space can be linked any time they resurface. The definition of stalking is; "a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear," which is exactly what you are all doing. Twist it how you like, proclaim it is for the victims, but end of the day you are all following this person around like you're obsessed. And while you may not condone any hatred or rude behavior, to some degree you have to know it happens regardless. Can we just move on and stop trying to get an apology that will never come? The rpc is tired of hearing about Loke.
Who's discussing Loke outside this blog? Nobody reblogs these posts. Just mere likes and comments on the posts on this blog that you can count with your fingers. You'd have to be actively checking this blog to see if any updates are being posted. I have less than 20 followers on this account. Who is keeping the conversation going outside this blog when this blog can be silent for hours of the day now? You. Anons like you keep it going on just this blog.
Stalking? Interpret it as you like, I won't be fighting you on the matter. Loke is a groomer and scammer who shouldn't be allowed a platform like Twitch or Youtube, places where she could get in contact with minors or the easily vulnerable again. She kept trying to change her identity and sneak into communities through deceptive means. That's exactly what happened with her sneaking into the Hazbin community and they tried to hide her until someone decided to out her. Like an anon said earlier... She has a site called Aethy she can be with other consenting adults on and behave like the freak she is with no worry of being outed. Hopefully she finally just retired and moved there. There's a reason her Aethy hasn't been exposed because that site speaks for itself.
Tired over hearing about Loke? Stop visiting the blog. Unless people in your spaces are talking about it? Then you tell them to stop or block them if they won't.
She's not going to apologize. You're correct... But she also needs to stop running to new accounts to hide her identity and just stick to one and be done. Also she shouldn't aim for fame when she's done unspeakable things. If hearing about Loke annoys you so much, mute her name, mute this blog, you have so many means of just muting the conversation.
If you don't want the conversation to continue? Don't contribute to it perhaps? That does tend to keep it going.
I don't mean to be snippy, but you're using the same tactics friends and defenders of her will usually throw to discourage others from talking about her. And I don't trust that you aren't one of them.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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hey. hey anon? youa re. so right,
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dailyboatboys · 3 months
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[day 17] yummers
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nvuy · 2 months
May I also propose gap moe boothill where everyone thinks you and him fuck nasty but he’s actually rlly sappy in bed and he pins ur hands down by intertwining your fingers and he looks at u like you’re a treasure and he fucks u not just for the sake of pleasure but bc he really needs to get his feelings across
mdni. you may.
he’s one of those dudes where he beats up people all day, and after a hard day’s work, he’s so excited to go home and kiss his spouse. it’s like a reward. even if he’s done nothing notable all day, and ESPECIALLY if a mission is a bust.
he’ll come home skipping pretty much. be prepared to be picked up and spun around like he hasn’t seen you in three months.
the dynamic is basically jessica and roger rabbit.
call him your wife. he’ll start giggling.
there’s no place like in your arms. even if his hands are cold hard metal, he’s all over you. he’s genuinely like a lump sometimes. he’ll just lay over your lap and he will trap you against the couch like a cat if he feels like it.
same in bed, except more cuteness aggression. it’s like a virus. like something possesses him and the demons win over and he WILL start nuzzling into you and leaving all these marks on your neck. every time he sees an inch of skin, all his systems say “bite.”
he’s got his tongue buried inside you, but at the same time he’s gripping onto your thighs like a lifeline because WOW you are so soft and warm. he feels like the luckiest man alive.
he thinks you’re the prettiest thing in the universe. genuinely nobody can compare.
that pretty girl on the magazine cover? eh.
the supposed “most handsome man in penacony?” who’s lying… that weirdo can’t even come close to you.
god forbid you get insecure, or you have trouble exposing yourself to him. he’s ALL over you like sticky rice. he makes you feel like an aeon.
tldr; this is him
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willthespy · 6 months
Yes, I use solangelo for all my little drawing experiments. What about it?
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EDIT: this looks like the fucking propaganda posters that they throw at you in history class... i might have accidentally created solangelo propaganda, i fear
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shadowtraveled · 7 days
In your Mithrun analysis, when you say “maybe it's also particularly gentle that, in the end, there was someone who refused to even consider giving up on him.” who is the ‘someone’ in your mind? Milsiril? Kabru and the canaries? I loved your analysis, so I’m curious
OH kabru absolutely
milsiril spared him and, decades later, helped him with his physical rehabilitation, but it seems like she more or less gave up on his personhood. no more desires -> no more mithrun as we knew him -> no more mithrun. she spared him because he wasn’t completely devoid of motivation to live, and she used the single motivator he had left to eventually get him to keep himself alive, and she briefly even seemed to want to try and instill some of his old mask (even with the understanding that that’s what it was) back into him, but that fell through immediately and i think with it went her optimism that mithrun would ever… be a person again. “too late now, i guess.”
then the canaries are on good enough terms with him, but they’re practically instructed to treat him like a weapon or a tool they’re maintaining. i believe it’s cithis that tells kabru to take care of mithrun but clarifies that really what that is is just making sure he eats. ensuring his baseline needs for survival are met. and really, that’s all she was ever tasked with. when it’s all over and mithrun is cataleptic, the canaries stay physically near him, but they seem to have accepted that he’s gone—without the demon to chase, he has nothing to live for. cithis, though, seems to be closer to mithrun than any of the others, and i don’t think it’s a coincidence that she’s the one who calls lycion off and encourages kabru to try engaging with him when she hears the beginning of what he has to say.
this post caught a lot of my opinions regarding mithrun’s relationships (linking to my reblog of it because i dumped some thoughts in the tags) but tldr i do think milsiril and the canaries fall short of thinking of mithrun as a person, and that’s why their relationships with him fail him somewhat. i don’t think that’s their fault, because it seems like they were taught to think of losing your desires as a complete loss of self and humanity, but it does mean they see mithrun as someone who has already been lost. kabru is demonstrably different in that he’s able to help mithrun see a future beyond the demon, and he’s able to do it because he deals with mithrun like he’s human. because he is. and all of that stems from the specific aspect of kabru’s personality that is his obsession with people
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hwayangyeon · 1 year
i have an idea for chapter 2 of actor hee x actress y/n. Like after the stuff in the bathroom, they are back to the special party later n there’s another actress approaching and doing some intimate hessture with him, and ofc our rizzseung will flirt back with her (just for fun). Afterwards y/n will be upset and try to get him back(maybe by some suggestive ways). Then he will pull u in his car and punish u for being needy in public (party). Eventually they date offically, no more situationship. That’s my idea but u can write in ur own plot and i still be your sustainable supporter 🫶🏻 sorry for any errors in grammar or vocab cuz english is not my mother language
thank you so much for your ask, sunshine <3 i actually got two requeste for the second part and i love both ideas so i decided to squeeze both of them here. also your english is amazing, don't worry <3
so combining your ask, and one of my commenters' request about needy heeseung knocking on y/n's door, here we have:
pt. 2 of this fic (i recommend reading it first) // pt.3 here
NSFW ex bf actor heeseung x actress reader // heeseung hasn't fucked you enough so he's fucking you more (during met gala) // teasing, slightly rough car sex -> needy heeseung, oral sex m!receiving // 2.1k words sorry
after you kicked heeseung out of the restroom, you could clean yourself up and make yourself not look like you just got railed in a public space. thankfully that was also the last time you saw him, the rest of the gala was peaceful.
because some of the photographers and interviewers leaving, it was easier to get back to the hotel, change clothes, retouch the makeup (especially the lipstick that heeseung smudged), and get ready for the after-party.
you allowed yourself to get one drink. usually, you try to stay as sober as possible during this kind of event, it's easier to spot the paparazzis and avoid scandals, you really did not want to go through another dating scandal this year too.
on your way to order a martini, you noticed heeseung sitting at the bar. great. you were too naive to think that you won't see him again today.
but wait, he's not sitting alone, there's a woman beside him.
"what the fuck?" you said under your breath while watching how he looks her up and down with his bambi eyes, giving her the sweetest smile.
you're not jealous, but you did not risk getting caught in that bathroom for him to hit on another girl now.
fine, two actors can play this role.
you walked to the left side of the bar to find a perfect spot where heeseung can see you flirting with the guy who has already had too much to drink.
"hey," you brushed his thigh, causing him to wake up from his drunken sleep immediately.
"hey there, beautiful," you did not know him, nor was he your type but he'll do for your get back at heeseung plan.
"you're so funny," you were saying whatever, the actual play was moving your hair away from your exposed cleavage and leaning slightly towards him, laughing as if he just told you the funniest joke on earth.
it worked. heeseung was now shooting darts with his eyes in your direction, missing the bartender's head by an inch.
it took him a second to leave the girl and appear next to you, firmly grab your hand and drag you out of the room. he guided both of you to the parking lot. it was a little cool outside, so he put his arm around you, still dragging you somewhere, still not saying anything.
he's not really the jealous type, he always gets what he wants, but he did not make you moan his name a few hours ago for you to laugh at another man's jokes.
you blindly followed him into his manager's car and he closed the door behind you.
"what the fuck, y/n?"
"what? did i interrupt your conversation with the blonde?" you were happy with how well your plan went.
"she's a director's daughter, i was trying to-"
"you don't have to fuck a director's daughter to get a role, heeseung."
"you're the only one i’m fucking tonight," he smirked. come on, y/n, why are you heating up from that cheesy text?
"i'm leaving," you wanted to go but he pushed you back onto the car seats.
the cold leather touched your skin and the freezing feeling made you arch your back, which he took advantage of and put his arm under it, sliding you down so your crotch met his knee. he moved it even closer when bending down to you.
"i thought i fucked you enough already, but you're still so needy," he started sucking on your neck, "you could've just said so, i can go another round."
"fuck. hee, don't, please-"
"what?" he bit your skin, "already having trouble forming sentences? i haven't even taken my dick out yet."
"no hickeys, please," it will be so hard to cover these in the morning.
"too late." he laughed into your ear softly, "i should have marked you earlier."
fuck. you were trying so hard not to grind on his leg, but he was too close and the feeling on your core felt too good too.
his lips were devouring your neck, jaw, chin as if he couldn't get enough of you. only then you noticed his scent. his perfumes... smelled like the ones you bought for him back in high school.
"i see you're enjoying yourself," he stopped kissing you and you both looked at the wet spot you left on his thigh. fuck, how embarrassing, "but you weren't a good girl, y/n."
he grabbed your jaw aggressively, almost using it as support to lift himself up. he loved touching your face, how soft your skin felt under his hands, how red your cheeks got if his hold was too strong.
"and bad girls aren't treated well," he started unzipping his pants.
he put his two fingers into your mouth, "wanted to say something?"
no matter how much experience you've got as an actress, no role could've taught you to lie that you didn't miss this side of him. there was no point in trying to kill his ego.
you moved your head to the side, trying to talk despite the obstacles, "please, fuck me."
oh you had no idea how long he's waited to hear that. so much blood rushed into his dick, and you wouldn't have seen the shining precum drop from it if it weren't for that street lamp next to the vehicle.
he took off your panties quickly, not caring that he almost made you fall off the seats, and pushed his dick inside you, granting himself that beautiful moan he kept thinking about while talking with that blonde girl.
his thrusts so deep and rough, he made it feel like a punishment. but was it a punishment if you wanted to get it?
he leaned towards you once again, grabbing your neck with one hand and covering the top of your head with another so you don't bump it on the car's door whenever he slams you with his dick.
no one could manhandle you as he does, he knows exactly how hard he has to choke you for you to see stars and still feel him stretch you out.
your nails have been scratching his back for some time now, let's hope he doesn't have to record any shirtless scenes anytime soon.
you could feel that familiar knot in your abdomen, your climax was close.
"do you hear that clicking?" he says almost out of breath, "are you kicking something with your heels?"
"what? no," you close your eyes from the pleasure, "are you?"
he gives you a few more thrusts, then stops suddenly without any warning and looks behind himself, "shit!"
"what?" you asked calmly, still riding off the feeling.
"the paparazzi," he pushed down your dress, helped your unaware self sit up, and jumped to the driver's seat to start the engine.
"the paparazzi..?" he fucked you dumb, "fuck, heeseung!" you tried to cover yourself with the jacket he had left you, "how could you not check for them?!"
"i did!" he drove out of the parking lot and tried to find the second entry to the hotel.
thankfully the windows of the car were tinted, but if anyone saw the two of you get inside the car, they would get the idea of what was happening there.
he dropped you off at the back entrance of the hotel, mouthed a quiet "sorry," and went to park the car somewhere else.
fucking lee heeseung.
it was maybe two hours later when you heard knocking on your hotel room's door. you were in the middle of doing your skincare, trying not to lose your mind thinking about what happened before.
"y/n, i'm sorry," he knocked again.
"go away, heeseung," you yelled from the bathroom while applying moisturizer.
"please, let me in," he's not gonna let you rest if you don't open that goddamn door.
the second you unlocked it, he opened it and got inside.
"i didn't set that up, y/n," you could see that he was feeling guilty, even though it probably wasn't his fault.
fuck, you didn't want any scandals.
"it's... okay," you went to sit on your bed, he followed you and kneeled in front of you.
he looked up at you with his beautiful doe eyes, lips in a small pout and you couldn't resist but touch his hair, revealing his forehead.
"for the record, i think you'd look stunning in those pho-"
"oh fuck you, heeseung," you wanted to stand up but he grabbed your legs, making you sit back down.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry," he kissed the inner side of your thigh, and wanted to go higher but you moved back on the bed, making space for him to go after you.
he followed you like a cat and laid down between your legs. he didn't break eye contact for a second. he's looking at you in the sweetest way possible as if he didn't fuck the shit out of you twice that day already. shit, it's making you blush.
he easily read your mind because he smirked and went back to kissing your thighs.
"isn't this the best met gala you've been to?" he asked.
"it might be."
"is it because of me?"
"no, the food's better than last year. maybe they hired a new chef."
he shot his head up, his look way different than the one he was giving you a second ago.
he wanted to sit up but you grabbed his chin, "don't act like you didn't come here because you have blue balls," making him take your place and now you were sitting between his legs.
"i needed to see you," he put his hand on your head.
"yeah, i can tell," you commented the tent in his pants.
you pulled them down enough for his dick to jump out. it was already so hard and warm. you touched it and it twitched at the coldness of your hand, "sorry," you mouthed.
only you know how to work him up like that for him to uncontrollably bite his lips and grab the sheets, almost taking them off the bed.
the way your tongue licked his full length sent a shiver down his spine, the way you sucked on his tip really made it hard for him to breathe.
you looked up to see him watch you through his half-closed eyes, poor baby.
"wanted to say something?" you decided to tease him while stroking his dick with your hand.
he smiled knowing well that you were playing with him, "please."
you finally used your entire mouth and he couldn't help but slightly move his hips to get his member to go deeper down your throat. god, you were making him feel so good.
"fuck, y/n-" his quiet moans filled your whole room, the higher they got, the closer he was, "i'm gonna-"
you opened your mouth so he can see how his liquid stays on your tongue and how you swallow it after. you look so pretty while doing that.
he pulled you closer to kiss your swollen lips and brushed off your hair that got stuck in saliva on your chin.
today was a very busy day. for interviewers having to interview so many celebrities and for... other people. it was only natural for you to fall asleep in each other's arms.
not fully awake you could feel the sun on your face. it was a nice, warm feeling. then it stopped, maybe it was just a cloud passing by. it didn't seem to be coming back, so you opened one eye. it was heeseung sitting at the other side of the bed, covering the sunlight.
"shit," he swore quietly, trying not to wake you up.
"heeseung, what are you doing?" you asked, rubbing your eyes.
"nothing!" he was shocked to hear you. that's strange.
"heeseung. what are you doing?" you repeated yourself, trying to get out of the bed covers.
"it's nothing, don't worry." he wanted to stand up but you managed to grab his phone.
it took your eyes a second to focus. he was about to post a tweet saying that both of you are happily dating.
"what the fuck, heeseung?!" you tried to yell, but your voice still hasn't warmed itself up.
"wait!" he took his phone, clicked something on it, and showed it back to you, "look."
it was a photo of you leaving the after-party together and getting into the car. great.
you fell on the bed, groaning.
"what's up, girlfriend, are you hungry? do you want me to bring you food?"
"don't call me that."
he laid down next to you and kissed your neck, "but you are my girlfriend. you don't believe the headlines?"
"ask me on a date first," you pushed him off of you.
after hotel.
pt3. here
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taifenggg · 2 months
hey hey hey it’s tantanon again and omg it’s nsfw this time?!
i just… ash i am the biggest fan of cockwarming. please please please i want to sit on tantan’s lap while we cuddle and warm him please please please i just want soft and domestic intimacy with him
welcome back LMAO
okay but theres something so intimate about the idea of cockwarming, like yall arent doing anything, but like you're still connected with one another on a different level(if you get what I mean lol)
But yes, Satan would love you cockwarming him, esp when he's reading. He can have you close to him while also solving the issue of a boner LMAOOO
If you move a bit too much, maybe he'll end up punishing you by folding you over and making you not be able to walk for the rest of the week. Who knows~
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reorientation · 5 days
zyn anon. sorry again for the long ass updates I shall stop unless I get pregnant lmao.
speaking of, have more faith in me 😭 Ive been playing it mostly safe. kinda. I don't have to stop smoking and i dont want to 😒 and all this is mostly reversible unless he gets me pregnant, so I'm a lil more cautious. and im not pregnant i checked a few days ago, not because of a pregnancy scare but just paranoia lol im definitely a dumb whore tho. we've discovered he has a breeding kink. LMAO. lol. im so fucked
anyway so, as it turns out I was right about lacking self control.
he went on a camping trip for a few days, and i was really pent uppp and so was he lol. and when i came over to his place, almost immediately horny brain took over. we just started kissing on the couch, and took it to his room. thankfully his roommates still on holiday. i got so desperate and pathetic, i begged him to fuck me even though no iud yet. he was definitely enthusiastic lol. he only took his pants off enough to take his cock out. he also ripped my panties 😒 he went to grab a condom from the night stand,
he was like "gotta play it safe now aha" and i was like
"no. go bare. 🗿"
he didn't even question it, i was so wet and i felt how easily his cock slid on me before entering.
he only ever went raw a handful of times even before my failed vow of celibacy. since he thought it was dumb for me to get plan B even if he swore he didn't cum at all in me. other than that one time. he'd tell me when he's close, and immediately pull out to finish on me.
but this time it was so primal, being skin to skin and that bare and close was insane. he had a hand on my hip, and he'd basically pull me back down on his cock but fuck lol it just felt so strong. we stopped at one point, i was still all the way on his cock and on top of his lap but no riding. is that cockwarming?
idk but I want to do it again. i felt his dick like. move inside of me during that. all we did was make out but it was way too hot.
anyway, he pushed me on my back and told me he was close, as predicted, I told him to cum in me. he asked if I was sure and not only did i beg him to cum in me.
i told him to get me pregnant 😭
i wasn't thinking properly and I got scared immediately after saying it. i was worried it was gonna put him out of the mood but it did the opposite 😭😭 he asked smth like "oh, you wanna have my kids?" and omfg he kept mumbling about it. telling me to take it all deep, telling me hes gonna get me pregnant.
i came so hard, and only with penetration. it was such a weird feeling, and before i could become rational and tell him its just a prank. pull out. it was over, he came in me while mumbling about knocking me up 😭😭 i was short circuiting lol. and it was different than last time. it felt more shakey, and he kept doing these small thrusts after I think most of his cum was already pressed deep, and then he just settled all in me. he was soft by the time he pulled out, i was way too hazed out ngl
he came a lot. some started to drip down when he pulled out, and i felt him finger it back in me.
he said he didnt nut the whole trip, and was saving his cum for me. he knew id be too horny and impulsive to make good decisions. 😒.
as it turns out, he has a big thing for breeding, but was scared to tell me incase i took it a bad way.
im terrified of having a partner who gets off on the idea of getting me pregnant but I can't stay away.
i complained that id have to wake up so early to run out and get plan B, and buying it will be expensive.
so he told me to just not get it then. and I'm like .. well .. I'm not on any birth control and im full of cum .. like maybe risking it be a bad idea. ironically, like you had once suggested, he suggested I leave it up to chance.
I did take plan B after. twice lol. im still really anxious, but incredibly horny and I didn't know both could exist at once
he's arrogant now too. ill go over after work and when we're about to fuck, ill ask him to wrap it. and he's like "nah, don't feel like it tonight". he also threw out his condoms. but even if i bring my own he doesn't use them 😒
my birthcontrol method was to start riding him when he's about to get close, and pull off before he's about to cum. but he caught on and now just grinds me down on him as he's cumming
i told him about my detrans kink and he leans heavyy in it. or he probably is just an actual straight man. he reminds me daily that he can't believe i ever thought i was a boy. he doesnt even say it in a kinky way like he just means it. lol :/
im pretty much always thinking about it. everytime he finishes in me, im stuck dripping his cum for two days, and im still paranoid that ill be carrying more than just his cum from this blip up lol. and also, you taught me more about post nut clarity right. he told me to risk it maybe half an hour after he came. surely hed have post nut clarity and not actually want a baby, right?its weird to feel fear and horny at the same time.
have more faith in me 😭
I told him to cum in me. he asked if I was sure and not only did i beg him to cum in me. i told him to get me pregnant 😭
Oh, I certainly have faith in you, Anon. I know you're going to do just what you're supposed to. 🖤
Come on, sweetheart. Do you really expect to make it out of this without him putting a baby in you? You begged for him to knock you up, took a week's worth of his cum in your unprotected pussy, and then just lay there blissed out and hazy while he made sure every drop ended up inside you.
Sure, you took Plan B afterwards. But now he knows what kind of girl you are, and that you won't stop him from keeping you full of his cum. Sooner or later, you'll be ovulating, and you'll conceive for him.
And that makes you dripping wet, doesn't it? Knowing that your straight boyfriend, who never thought of you as anything except a girl, is doing his damnedest to give you a baby bump. That you already came off T for him, and now you're taking his load in your fertile pussy whenever he tells you to.
When the day of your IUD appointment comes, I hope he just holds you down and fucks his cum into you, instead of letting you go. Clearly, he'd be justified: you can't possibly claim to be a reliable source on what you really want.
You thought you wanted to be a boy, but you eagerly turned back into a girl the minute a straight man got his cock into you. You thought you wanted to be safe, and then you begged for him to knock you up. Hell, you thought Zyns were worth whoring yourself out for, and you don't even like them. Why should he think that not wanting to have his babies is the one way you really know your mind?
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spearxwind · 2 months
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i have signalis on my wishlist and know nothing outside of the steam trailer and description and also people calling it yuri so i had to personally tell you that this post is Scaring Me.
You should absolutely play signalis the lesbians are real however they come with The Horrors and they are inseparable from each other
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lylahammar · 10 days
pansexuality is inherently lgbtphobic please get over your internalized biphobia
No way are we seriously still having this pointless shit fight in 2024
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kingkatsuki · 8 months
i’m feeling horrendously soft for our man tonight. like boyfriend bakugo specifically. what are some of your fave hc’s of him as your boyfriend?
is he different from the beginning vs a little ways into the relationship?
I feel like it’s always the little things with him.
Like he knows you always forget your water bottle in the morning, so he makes sure he fills it and puts it in your handbag before you leave.
Puts the heating on when he knows you’re due home so the house is warm and ready for you, also puts a hot water bottle in your bed before he leaves for his night patrol because he knows you get cold without him.
I want to commission someone to write something like this for me because it’s one of my absolute fave Bakugou headcanons but I think he leaves you the cutest little post-it notes around the house, especially if he’s going to be at work all day. From reminders to drink more water, dumbass— to telling you how pretty you are or how much he loves you.
Notices when your shampoo/conditioner/lotion etc is running low in the bathroom and makes sure he puts a new one out so you’re not naked in the shower when you realise there’s none left (he’s definitely guilty of stealing it so he smells like you anyway—)
Always brings you home your favourite treats when he’s working late and knows he’s coming home to you. He’s the worst for seeing things in shop windows when he’s out on patrol that he thinks you’d like or that remind him of you and buying them for you. He spoils you so so much.
Bakugou gets so adorable whenever he’s asked about you in interviews or in public, you can quite literally see his face change as he answers the questions without hesitation— even if he was on the verge of exploding.
His favourite position in the evenings when you’re relaxing together is laying between your thighs with his head on your chest while you play with his hair. And he’ll definitely grumble and grab your wrist if you even attempt to stop.
Sometimes when he’s had a rough day he likes to come home and bend you over whatever the closest surface is just to take it out on your cunt. Either burying his face between your thighs or sliding his thick cock inside your warmth, either way it instantly heals any bad moods he’s in. Especially if he’s had an afternoon of non-stop meetings.
He has an engagement ring for you picked out during your first month of dating. Because he’s so certain that you’re the one, he doesn’t hesitate when he finds one that’s perfect for you. The only reason he doesn’t ask you straight away is because that fear of rejection is still so prevalent in him he doesn’t want to jepordise what you have already.
Bakugou always knows when new concert ticket/video game/book/toy/plushie releases are and he’s ensuring he’s logged in and prepared with his credit card the second the sale opens to get you whatever it is you want.
He’s SUCH a dry texter, but he’s always sending you texts that are just an ‘x’ which he uses as a kiss or to say he loves you. It’s something so quick and simple that shows he cares, and you usually get them more often when he’s about to go out on a mission, he’s out with the guys for the evening or into a long meeting.
He’s honestly so cute, quiet and shy when you first start dating, you actually worry that he doesn’t actually like you. And when you tell him that a little further down the line he’s blown away, because he’s never liked anyone this much in his whole entire life.
Another one of my fave headcanons is when you’re about to have sex he’s turning around all his All Might figures in his room so they don’t “watch” you having sex. So much so that you end up convincing him to have them displayed in a different room😭
You ask him to do a silly roleplay scenario early on in the relationship, and you suggest doing a hero/civilian scene but he gets way too into it because he wants to impress you and ends up doing the worst impression of All Might ever.
He learns your Starbucks order by your second date. He’s just perfect like that.
100% airport dad. Makes you get to the airport six hours early, even if it’s a domestic flight because he thinks somethings going to go wrong. Speed walks through, gets huffy when you try to stop for coffee and insists on holding all the documents in his little black folder.
Gets the worst sweaty palms when you first start dating because he’s so nervous, so he always gets worried about holding your hand. Pulls away from you to wipe his palms on his jeans first whenever you try to hold his hand, even if you convince him it’s okay.
Finds it hard to even look at you sometimes, because you’re just so pretty and he can’t comprehend how someone like you exists, nevermind is also interested in him.
I think Bakugou gets extremely overwhelmed by your love sometimes, and he finds it hard to articulate so he can seem like he’s shut down. But stick by him because all those feelings are bubbling up inside him and he doesn’t know how to deal with them properly yet🥺
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pianokantzart · 3 months
Movie Toad when he met Mario: "You're my best friend!" Movie Toad when he meets Luigi: "You're my other best friend!"
Mario: "Okay, you're moving a little fast there. I won't argue, but I'm a bit suspicious." Luigi:
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nvuy · 2 months
Boothill is a “your pleasure is my pleasure” kind of guy do u agree 🎤
mdni. im snatching the mic. i got carried away ty anon for giving me an excuse to ramble about this loser.
he takes pleasing you very seriously. this is serious business. it’s like his day job.
he’s half-convinced he was given a second life just to cross paths with you, so once he’s got you, he’s not letting you go. not for a while, at least. he’s stuck to your hip like glue. wherever you go, he’s most likely right next to you.
he’s always making sure you’re catered to first.
it’s the same in bed.
he’s extremely touch starved, so while he’s got his hand between your legs, he’s also busied himself nuzzling his cheek to yours to feel you helplessly panting against his skin. or, his ear is resting against your heart. whatever works for him in the moment.
he’s absolutely smitten with how warm you get. he’s always, always, pressing himself against you one way or another. just touch all over his face, please and thank you.
he’s all for kisses too. sometimes, when he’s having a bit too much fun, he’ll get all mushy and gross. not that he already isn’t, but it somehow gets worse.
he’ll bite too. not enough to make you bleed, but enough to leave an angry mark for the next few days.
actually, he just nips you all the time. it’s a weird thing he does. don’t point fingers in his face. he’ll try eating them. he’s very strange in that way. sometimes you can be gesturing at nothing while you talk, and if your fingers get too close to his face, he’s trying to nip at them like a teething puppy. you got used to it.
great tongue too. bonus points because it’s actually real. he works his magic with it, but only after you beg enough. you gotta work to get your hands on the merchandise. his mechanics are expensive, so play nice.
if we’re getting into unserious business, the robocock is great fun. it’s got smooth ridges and it’s cold. probably customisable, too. it’s definitely possible, but whether he’s gonna wander up to some poor mechanic and ask them to add some special features… well.
either way, your pleasure is always his priority. his hobbies consist of biting every single exposed expanse of your skin and exploring new ways to make you squirm.
it’s bad enough you having to deal with this lump of steel and scrap—frankly, he doesn’t even understand what’s so appealing about it—but if you enjoy bouncing on his lap, go ahead. do it all night for all he cares. as long as you have that pretty dizzy smile on your face by the end of it all. it makes him melt into a puddle of liquid metal knowing how good he makes you feel.
he’s also VERY susceptible to puppy eyes. they’re your greatest asset, and his biggest weakness.
you figured that out after you pleaded with him to put on these clothes you bought him (and, yep. these clothes have just as many cut outs as his usual attire). you can also use them if you want to do his hair. please convince him to wear it in a high ponytail more. he has such a nice face, and it also stops his neck from overheating. those poor fans need a vacation.
it takes some convincing, especially when you show him the hair tie is actually a red sparkly ribbon. you’re going to ruin his tough guy persona. but he’ll drop anything for you, so he’ll comply. on the condition that you give him smooches afterwards. it’s also an excuse for him to indulge in how your fingers feel against his scalp.
puppy eyes, crying, begging, whatever, usually get people he’s apprehended nowhere. he doesn’t care for theatrics. not at all. a criminal is a criminal at the end of the day.
but you? aww, how can he say no to your angel eyes? wanna fuck his face? you didn’t even have to ask! just watch the teeth. and feel free to pull his hair. wanna ride him until he short circuits? sure! if you can keep up. he’s all yours.
and when you’re done, his aftercare consists of coddling and pinching your cheeks. he’ll prattle on about nothing. the subject will change to gushing over how pretty you look in his bed, to the weather tomorrow, to how he misses the taste of spaghetti. he’ll even kiss all over the marks he’s left on you. probably kicks his feet too.
he’s still so energetic it’s mind-baffling. he’s so casual about it too, acting as if he didn’t beg for you to cum on his face just ten minutes ago.
but that’s robot stamina for you. or maybe it’s just a boothill thing. who knows?
after a while he’ll calm down. i still haven't decided if he can sleep, but once you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll lay next to you and draw patterns on the nape of your neck with his fingers.
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
Bold of you to assume Stick isn't also black out drunk with them and Brick and Burton have to drag all three home
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Awww….This is funny but also kinda cute ngl-
Also I’d totally see Mr. Stick fighting Peppino (while drunk) over something stupid- which is why Brick had to call his husband 😭 (and of course because he’s also drunk but that’s kind of the main issue-)
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raceweek · 3 months
Wdym alex almost died? I missed this somehow 😭
WELPDSJKS sorry to be the one to break it to you but yeah when he had his appendectomy he went into respiratory failure after and had to be put in a medically induced coma in the ICU (x) he came back at the next race in singapore (x) which had everyone including george like right😐okay. and it was all very concerning but it was mostly fine (if you ignore the fact his performance coach said his lungs didn’t recover for the rest of the season) but yeah he raced at singapore and he wore a special helmet that he auctioned that raised £84k for an orphanage in thailand! (x) september 2022 was a hell of a month in alexland
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