#also i was kinda supposed to be diagnosed with it ? i took a test thing but i kept telling the psych that i didn’t have it so i think he
ibuprofenlesbian · 7 months
how do therapists typically react when you say you think you have something
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baka-monarch · 1 year
I was curious about something
I got this ad earlier that was like "take this quiz to see if you have autism" and it had the puzzle pieces in the little sneak peek pitcher thing so I figured it was probably autism speaks or something else that doesn't know a lot about autism and is being stupid
So like I said, I was curious
I'm officially diagnosed with autism already and I've taken time to learn about myself and how my autism affects me, I know I have it and I know that it does cause me problems in life and such
That's why I decided to take the quiz
Not to see if I had autism, but to see how accurate questions were and how accurate the results might be
The questions absolutely sucked, they were more so about if you're able to make friends and be social than about how you're social, what you do differently than others and such- and also had lots of questions about if you had interests and liked math and basically it was asking if you were the Hollywood definition of autism for all those shows where they had the "quirky friend" who was "autistic" and was being used mainly for laughs
The questions just
Were so off, and they didn't even give good responses for the multiple choice
I've taken official autism tests like this before and other personality and cognitive tests like it but given to me by professionals- you should be able to choose something from a list kinda like agreed to disagree- this quiz didn't have this, it was like "oh I totes do that sometimes", the responses were so vague I had a hard time knowing what was the no option and what was the yes option
It just was a really bad quiz for this stuff
And then at the end this was what they "diagnosed" me with
Tumblr media
As I mentioned earlier, I've been professionally diagnosed, and throughout my life my parents even took me back to the psychologist multiple times to see if the diagnosis still rang true as I grew older and it did
I knew this quiz was gonna be bad but jeez
They're just looking for "the quirky friend" from a Disney channel show more than anyone actually autistic
And it's really annoying
Especially cause I know why they decided I didn't have autism (even tho I do)
It's because in my answers I put how I am social and I hate math and numbers, and I'm fine with a little change, and I don't force people to do things my way
The way they worded stuff made it obvious that's what they were looking for, the stereotype of an autistic, not someone who might actually be on the spectrum
Idk, this post wasn't supposed to be this long
But yeah
Fuck autism speaks and fuck the ablists who think we can all be shoved into one little box of a definition
Psychology doesn't work like that
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dirk-has-rabies · 3 years
Gender variance and it's link with neurodivergency
Okay so this is it going to be another long one
All quotes will be sourced with a link to the scientific journal I took it from
Okay Tumblr, let's talk gender (I know, your favorite topic) my preface on why this topic matters to me is: I'm autistic ( diagnosed moderate to severe autism) I'm nonbinary trans ( in a way that most non-autistic people don't understand and actually look down on)  and I went to college for gender study ( Mostly for intersex studies but a lot of my research was around non-binary and trans identities) I will be using the term autism as pants when I have experience with however when ADHD is part of the study I will use ND which stands for neurodivergent and yes this is going to be about xenogenders and neopronouns.
autism can affect gender the same way autism can affect literally every part of an identity. a big thing about having autism is the fact that it completely can change how you view personhood and time and object permanence and gender and literally all types of socially constructed ideas. let me also say hear that just because Society creates and enforces an idea does it mean that it doesn't exist to all people it just me that there is no nature law saying that it's real and the “rules” for these ideas can change and delete and create as time and Society evolves and changes.  gender is one of those constructs.
Now I'll take it by you reading this you know what transgender people are  (if you don't understand what a trans person is send me an ask and I'll type you up a pretty little essay lmao,  or Google it but that's a scary thought sense literally any Source or website can come up on Google including biased websites so be careful I guess LOL) anyway to be super basic trans people are anyone who doesn't identify as the gender they were assigned at Birth (yes that includes non-binary people I could do a whole nother essay about that shit how y'all keep spreading trying to separate non-binary people from the trans umbrella)  some people don't like to use the label and that is totally fine by the way.
now autistic people to view the world in a way differently than allistic (neurotypical) ppl do.  we don't take everything people teach us at 100% fact and we tend to question everything and demand proof and evidence for things before we can set it as a fact in our brains. This leads to why a lot of autistic people are atheist (although a lot of religions and this is not bashing on religious people at all I am actually a Jewish convert)  this questioning leads to a lot of social constructs being ignored or not understood At All by a lot of autistic people and personally I think that's a good thing.  allistics take everything their parents and teachers and schools teach them as fact until someone else says something and then they pick which ones to believe. autistic people study and research and learn about a topic before forming an opinion and while this may lead to them studying and believing very biased material and spitting it out as fact it can also lead them to try and Discover it is real by themselves.
because of this autistic people are more question their gender or not fall in a binary way at all as the concept of gender makes no sense to a lot of us. “ if gender is a construct then autistic people who are less aware of social norms are less likely to develop a typical gender identity”
no really look: “ children and teens with autism spectrum disorder ASD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD  are much more likely to express a wish to be the opposite sex compared with their typical developing peers” That was posted in 2014. we have been saying this stuff forever but no one wants to listen. the thing is gender variance (being not cisgender or at least questioning it)  has always been closely hand-in-hand with autistic and ADHD people I'm even the doctor who did that study understood right away that it all made sense the whole time: “ Dr. Strang said they were initially surprised to find an overrepresentation of gender variance among children with ADHD. However, they later realized that prior studies have shown increased levels of disruptive behavior and other behavioral problems among young people with gender variance”  SEE YOURE NOT WEIRD YOURE JUST YOU AND YOURE NOT ALONE IN THIS!!
5% autistic people who did the study were trans or questioning. it was also equal between the Sexes fun fact. that may not seem like a lot till you realize that the national average is only .7% that's literally over 700% higher than the national average. That's so many! and that's just in America.
 in Holland there was a study in 2010 “ nearly 8% of the more than 200 Children and adolescents referred to a clinic for gender dysphoria also came up positive on a assessment for ASD” they weren't even testing for ADHD so the numbers could be even higher!
now I want to talk about a  certain section of the trans umbrella that a lot of autistic people fall under called the non-binary umbrella. non-binary means anything that isn't just male or just female. it is not one third gender and non-binary doesn't mean that you don't have a gender. just clearing that up since cis people keep spreading that. non-binary is an umbrella term for any of the infinite genders you could use or create. now this is where I'm going to lose a bunch of you and that's okay because you don't have to understand our brains or emotions To respect us as real people. not many allistics can understand how we see and think and relate to things and that's okay you don't have to understand everything but just reading about this could be so much closer to respecting us for Who We Are from you've ever been and that's better than being against us just for existing.
now you might have heard of my Mutual Lars who was harassed  by transmeds for using the term Autigender (I was going to link them but if it gets traction I don't want them to get any hate)  since a lot of people roll their eyes at that  and treated them disgustingly for using a term that 100% applied correctly.  Autigender  is described as " a neurogender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic or when one's autism greatly affects one's gender or how one experiences gender. Autigender is not autism as a gender, but rather is a gender that is so heavily influenced by autism that one's autism and one's experience of gender cannot be unlinked.” Now tell me that doesn't sound a lot like this entire essay I've been working on with full sources…..
xenogenders and neopronouns are a big argument point on whether or not people “believe” in non binary genders but a big part of those genders is that they originated from ND communities and are ways that we can try to describe what gender means us in a way that cis or even allistic trans people just can't comprehend or ever understand. Same with MOGAI genders or sexualities. A lot of these are created as a way to somehow describe an indescribable relationship with gender that is so personal you really cant explain it to anyone who isnt literally the same as you.
Even in studies done with trans autistic people a large amount of them dont even fall on a yes or no of having a gender at all and fall in some weird inbetween where you KINDA have a gender but its not a gender in the sense that others say it is but its also too much of a gender so say youre agender. And this is the kind of stuff that confuses allistic trans people and makes them think nonbinary genders are making stuff up for attention, which isnt true at all we just cant explain what it feels like to BE a trans autistic person to anyone who doesnt ALREADY know how it feels.
In this study out of the ppl questioned almost HALF of the autistic trans individuals had a “Sense of identity revolving around interests” meaning their gender and identity was more based off what they liked rather than boy or girl. That makes ppl with stuff like vampgender or pupgender make a lot more sense now doesnt it? We see that even in the study: “My sense of identity is fluid, just as my sense of gender is fluid […] The only constant identity that runs through my life as a thread is ‘dancer.’ This is more important to me than gender, name or any other identifying features… even more important than mother. I wouldn't admit that in the NT world as when I have, I have been corrected (after all Mother is supposed to be my primary identification, right?!) but I feel that I can admit that here. (Taylor)” and an agreement from another saying “Mine is Artist. Thank you, Taylor. (Jessie)” now dont you think if they grew up with terms like artistgender or dancergender they would just YOINK those up right away????
In fact “An absence of a sense of gender or being unsure of how their gender should “feel” was another common report” because as ive said before in this post AUTISTIC PEOPLE DONT SEE GENDER THE WAY ALLISTIC PEOPLE SEE IT. therefore we wont use the same terms or have the same identities nor could we explain it to anyone who doesnt already understand or question the same way! Participants even offered up quotes such as “As a child and even now, I don't ‘feel’ like a gender, I feel like myself and for the most part I am constantly trying to figure out what that means for me (Betty)” and also “I don't feel like a particular gender I'm not even sure what a gender should feel like (Helen)”
Now i know this isnt going to change everyones minds on this stuff but i can only hope that it at least helped people feel like theyre not broken and not alone in their feelings about this. You dont have to follow allistic rules. You dont have to stop searching inside for who you really wanna be. And you dont have to pick or choose terms forever because just as you grow and evolve so may your terms. Its okay to not know what or who you are and its okay to identify as nonhuman things or as your interests because what you love and what you do is a big part of who you are and shapes you everyday. Its not a bad thing! Just please everyone, treat ppl with respect and if you dont understand something that doesnt make it bad or wrong it just means its not for you. And thats okay.
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medical-gal · 3 years
Death by a thousand cuts
I have been thinking about writing this for months now. Even before I decided to quit the residency at my previous job.
COVID has been kicking our ass, true, but that was (is) true for most healthcare providers all around the world.
No, my struggle started a bit before that actually.
First some background, I have been working at one of the biggest most famous ID clinics in central Europe. The clinic is in a different country than I am originally from so there was a bit of cultural accommodating at the begging. But we were a big group of ID interns/residents/fellows and specialists.
I don't actually remember that much from my first year working there. And I couldn't figure out why, but then I read in some study that when u experience a high dose of stress and/or sleep deprivation for a long time, your brain kinda stopps being able to transcribe short term memory into a long term.
I was working 100hours/week, sometimes less, sometimes more. After a year and a half, when the last half I worked in the ID ER for five months, I always stayed after working 24 hours, sometimes over 36hours, and I would see and treat 70ish patients. Nobody from the older docs would help me out, nobody from other interns either bc usually they would have their own kind of hell to take care of.
The fact that basically, inexperienced doctors are taking care of patients never really phased my ex-boss. Her mantra was that if there was a problem that you cannot resolve, you can call her and she would advise you. Which most of the time was true, I must say that.
But we all have been young docs, barely out of our medical school garments, and sometimes as it happened, we could not recognize there IS a problem that maybe needs a more experienced opinion.
I am often confronted with this idea or more like a culture, of pretending that once you are an MD you don't need help and asking for it is a kind of weakness and that then you are forever on the list of WEAKLINGS.
And let me say this only once.
That's absolute bullshit.
Anyway, the first time I decided to quit I worked there for about a year and a half, I went for a long-expected holiday, I took three weeks off, had interviews and talked with my bf about my options.
Second thing...my man, bless his beard, would support me no matter what. He is almost 10 years older than me, so he has more work experience and I find it reassuring to discuss stuff like this with him bc I know he will not sugarcoat it. He said that I should dig my heels in and last at least one more year till the end of my "internship". As a "resident" who worked at this specific department, I wouldn't have a problem finding another job. We r basically the equivalent of a french legion of medical professionals (when u work in this specific department and everyone knows it, I will come back to that later).
So I took his advice. Thankfully as a part of our training, one of those parts is a year-long internship at the internal medicine department, which I did shortly after we had that conversation and guys, that was a revelation of how medicine and just...work and life can be experienced. There were enough docs for a floor, an attending who had the time to manage and advise us. I´ve grown that year as a doc so much. Other internships were mandatory so I could have become (equivalent of) a resident, and it was a general surgery, anesthesiology, radiology, microbiology etc. But I did them all and became a resident.
The moment I came back to our clinic, my boss would put me in our outpatient department. Which I have never worked on before. The head of the department has quit a few months before, and I had no idea what to do there, bc it's a very different type work. The only thing my boss told me when I spoke of my concerns were "you will learn".
Thankfully the previous head of the department was a good friend of mine and she would always answer my questions and requests. Suddenly I no longer had to deal with the hectic life of an ID floor or ER, no sepsis, meningitis, etc.
Most of my patients were the chronic type...Lyme, chlamydia, mycoplasma... let's say it literally drained the life out of me. But I managed. Also, I started to work for their outpatient office which takes care of patients with chronic hepatatis. That I enjoyed more.
I also started to dip my toes in vaccinology, either planned like for travel but I started to be more interested in preventive care in the immunocompromised and my own phantasmagoria was to make a palliative care team in our hospital. Bc, we had none. And then a wonderful thing happened, other docs, older experienced, great at their work, started to refer their patients to me specifically.
There were more examples of the utter a complete FUCK U(s) which were kindly provided either by the system or by the head of the department or the hospital.
Then covid hit and the shit hit the interstellar space.
I still can't make myself remember the first few months bc it actually causes me to go into a rage fit, and honestly, I am done with that kind of negativity.
I hold out for a year. Year of such shitty treatment from the chief and our hospital head. No thank you- s or you are doing a good job or we r all on the same ship.
People will say that I quit bc of the money. And that's not true, tho it did irk me a bit. All the other ID specialists working at different hospitals would get covid bonuses every month. We got jack shit. Again, the best biggest most know ID clinic. We were the first and oftern the ONLY ones who would test for/diagnose/hospitalize/treat a patient who had covid FOR MONTHS in the beginning.
I mean, the medical community is small, the ID community even smaller so yes, we were able to compare and contrast the work at different ID departments in other hospitals bc our friends worked there. And all of them would go speechless when they would hear from us what we were living thru.
At one point at the beginning of the pandemic, ALL the ambulances would go thru our ER department and we were supposed to decide where the patient should go.
Ambulance with a woman who has known colon cancer, had a fever, stomach as a rock and is projectile vomiting. I was supposed to decide where she should go and the surgeon would be super pissed when I said that I don't think she has COVID but without PCR I can't be sure but I think there is a bigger pressing issue. I remember him saying:
"well if anyone else gets infected at our department and dies, it's on you."
There were other examples of seriously stressful episodes which I and my coworkers lived thru, for which we were not trained for, advised, or properly supervised. At a certain point, I started to take anxiolytics before and during my all-nighters bc I didn't know what I would do with all that stress which was so callously shat on me and my coworkers.
For a few months, I stopped working nights, only thru the mercy of my coworkers who saw how exhausted I was and would take my shifts.
Anyway, after only two months I had to start working nights bc I needed the money. The basic pay for docs was just not enough without the extra from night shifts. Talk about exploiting.
The moment however when I decided to QUIT, when I was DONE, when I actually heard my heart break, was the moment at the end of the previous year. They decided to start vaccinating in our tiny small vaccination centre. Let's say a "shit storm" brewing is the light version of events that ensued.
But basically, as I was trying to discuss with my boss that we are all exhausted, that this wave is not slowing down and that throwing more work at us, the docs and nurses and other staff, who are overworked, is not a good idea,
What she basically said to me is that who says things like that is lazy and that if she can handle it everyone must be also.
The thing is..most of us were at the bring. Some would handle it with casual and calous sex, drugs (legal or not), a bottle of wine before sleep. A coworker ended up with antipsychotics.
But u know,
we were all lazy apperently.
I realized there is no way out of this other than quitting. I could not continue being so tired and sad all the time. I took two weeks off, really thought about it. Had diarrhoea and nausea for a week as I realized I will have to quit :D
On a Monday I came back, handed in my notice. Basically what she told me and how she reacted made me realized how right the decision was.
I had to stay there for another three months bc that's the law, but my mood changed significantly.
I got another job in a smaller ID department, working with amazingly kind people, but that's another story.
But that was the only interview I actually looked for and did. I, however, did get several job offers from different types of medicine. From heads of different departments in my old hospital to smaller general medicine chain offices who are looking for ID specialists, to insurance companies.
Like I said, french legion.
Or Runway and your boss is Miranda Pristley. Once u survive that, u survive anything.
But at my old work they would keep hitting you with wave after wave of passive agressive comments about how if u quit, u wont be able to find anything as"prestigious" as this.
There were many other exmaples of a shitty and questionable situations which were treated as "normal" but there is not point on getting on that rage train.
Contrary as it might seem, I am greatful I got to live thru this, good and bad, bc now I know what I am and am not willing to sacrifice for a job. No matter how much I might love it.
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mcyt-transcribed · 3 years
transcript of “where I've been”
TW for discussion of cancer and Covid-19
 Here’s the Google Doc link or you can click on the read more.
Techno: Yo, Technoblade here with another upload, oh my God I can’t believe it. We’re back, we’re playing Bedwars, uh, I don’t know why I said that in the present tense because I actually recorded these Bedwars games a few days ago. I have- I’ve played like, almost no Bedwars since the win streak, which was like, I dunno, years ago - so, you know, forgive me if I’m a little rusty. These are literally just the first three games of Bedwars I played, recorded them, and then just threw them in this background footage because, you know, I like live commentaries a lot, but I feel like sometimes, when you have a topic to talk about, having to play a video game simultaneously can sorta- it can sorta detract from the commentary, you know?
But before that: a plushie commercial filmed on my iPhone.
We got the first one - it’s Technoblade. He’s in a flying pose. He’s flying to save some civilians or he’s falling flat on his face. Depends on who you ask. Alright. We got the- We got Technoblade. He’s sitting down. He’s- He’s seated. He’s seated. It’s incredibly exciting. Uh, we got- we got Technoblade but he’s- he’s a giant- he’s a gigantic pillow. It’s Technopillow. This is actually- This is actually really- This is really soft. You’re gonna have to take my word for it.
These plushies go on sale on September 3rd at 3 PM EST at youtooz.com. The last ones sold out in around eight hours, so be prepared. I mean, one of them was like, two minutes but ehhh, it’s not happening again.
So where has Technoblade been? I know I’ve been gone since like, June. I was actually being really productive in July, which I know you guys are gonna- You’re not gonna believe me when I say that because I made no content. But I was! I was, you gotta believe me, okay? I was getting so much work done IRL; I was like, filling out paperwork, making business moves, working on merchandise, buying new equipment to make new videos. ‘Cause I really wanted- I really wanted to increase the rate at which I was making videos, ‘cause I kinda spent- You know, I kinda spent like, all this time becoming a famous YouTube and then instantly like, stopped uploading. Which, I mean, to be fair, I guess that started more in like 2018. So, that’s more just a pattern now.
 But I figured, you know, this whole thing where I go two- you know, one or two months without uploading- I don’t want that to be me, man. I wanna be uploading at least once per week. So I spent a lot of time preparing to do that. And the plan was that I would start doing that in August, but I took a- It didn’t- It’s, uh- It’s not going great, I’m not going to lie to you.
So in the last two days of July I noticed that my right arm was starting to hurt a decent amount and I thought- My best guess was that it was some kind of repetitive stress injury, ‘cause you know I’ve been playing video games since the age of like, five. It’s pretty much nonstop. I was gonna get carpal tunnel at some point but, uh, I took a few days to rest my arm and it really didn’t… really didn’t feel any better after that. And so after a few days of that, I looked at myself in the mirror and I noticed that my right shoulder was starting to swell like crazy and I was like, “Oh my God! I must’ve broken a bone, this is-” I mean, this- It looked- it looked crazy.
So, you know, the next day - August 2nd - I, uh, headed over to the doctor to see what was wrong and uh, they ran a couple of scans and then they came back and they told me that, uh, the reason my arm hurts is because I have cancer.
That really couldn’t have gone worse, I don’t think. I feel a bit silly talking about this with, uh, Minecraft in the background; it feels a bit out of place. But I’m a Minecraft YouTuber - I don’t- I don’t do a face cam. Which is I guess how most people would talk about serious things, with a face cam. I also probably, uh- *chuckles* Also probably a bit weird to plug my merchandise in the- in the same video, like, “Hey, guys, I have a- I have a terrible disease, also buy my plushies, bro.” But uh- *laughs* Listen: I’ve been waiting so many months to sell those plushies, bro. And it keeps getting delayed and now cancer thinks it can stop me. No no no no no. I’m trying to make some bank, bro. I wanna get paid, also they look fantastic, I mean just look at them, they look incredible. Alright?
I mean, I guess it would be ideal to like, split up the announcements, but I’m going back into chemotherapy next week; I don’t got time for this, man. We gotta go!
To be fair, I could make this a lot weirder; I could have like, the thumbnail be a giant red arrow pointing to my tumor with the caption “Might die! Not clickbait!” *laughs* Yeah, just the ultimate- the ultimate YouTuber, bro. We’re clickbaiting the whole process.
So after the scans come in, I get transferred to another hospital which has an oncology award, so it’s a lot more specialized towards what I need. And I’m sorta like sitting there in the bed for a couple of days like, “Hello. Could I please get some healthcare? Could I- Could I just get a- Could I just get a crumb of healthcare? Please! Like, I *stutters* I wanna see people sprinting, you know? I feel like I want to see some urgency, you know? If you guys gotta- *stammers* You know, there’s like, this tumor on my arm - if you guys could just- if you guys could just get rid of it. Just get rid of it right now! Could we just go? If you gotta cut off my arm, cut off my arm, bro - do what you gotta do. I won’t complain, man, I’ve won enough Minecraft tournaments. I’ll just play Minecraft with my feet from here on out, bro. I’ll still be B tier at least, okay? It’s fine. Do what you gotta do.”
But then the doctors are telling me, “Oh, well, we can’t- we can’t do it immediately. We gotta- We gotta find out what it is, we gotta run some tests, do a biopsy.” I’m like, “Okay, do the biopsy.” Like, “Oh, well first we gotta do some scans.” I’m like, “Alright, dude, the scans.” And so it took a couple of days and then they did a biopsy, uh, three days later. And then I was like, “Alright. Let’s go!” And they were like, “Oh, well, the biopsy is gonna take like, a week or more to get back.” And I’m just sitting here like, “Bruh, please. Please, just treat me.”
I mean, it makes sense. It makes a lot of sense and I’m sure they know what they’re doing, but I’m just sitting there in the hospital like, “Please. Please, healthcare.” So they get the biopsy and they send me home and they’re saying like, I’ll come back in like a week or so when they have a treatment plan prepared, and so I- It was a very fun week at home ‘cause I was sitting there still not getting treated and I was just like, looking at my tumor like, “Alright, Mr. Tumor. You know, you need me to survive so it’s in your best interest to just- to just chill out for a little bit, you know? We don’t wanna go too crazy.”
And faintly- Faintly if you strain your ears, underneath my skin you can hear:
[Dream’s speedrun music plays for a few seconds]
Techno: Yeah, it was a really fun week. But I did finally get started on chemotherapy, which is a wonderful process. Let me explain chemotherapy. So basically uh, you know how society has progressed for thousands of years of technological and medical innovation? So basically, one of the top three ways we have to fight cancer is uh, for you to go to the hospital and then they uh, plug you into a machine and then they inject poison directly into your veins for several days. That’s uh, that’s one of the best ways we’ve got of going about this and the poison- it’s supposed to kill the cancer - it uh, also kills things like, you know, blood. But ehhh, does anybody really need blood? I feel like it’s pretty optional, you know? Uh- *small laugh* Blood for the Blood God as it were, alright? Uh, I’ll take what I can get.
I, uh, you know, I used to have a channel meme- ‘cause back in the day- you know how my motivation always goes up and down in, like, cycles? I used to have a meme where whenever I’d get super motivated I’d, ya know, I’d start uploading, like crazy. I’d also do things like get a haircut. And, so, I joked that, uh, the less hair I had, the more I’d upload. ‘Cause that’s- the hair was holding me back. And so, if that’s still true, I gotta say, chemotherapy, that’s gotta be daily uploads or something, bro. *laughs* It’s gonna be- Chemotherapy Arc is gonna be fantastic for content.
Well, ya know, after I got diagnosed, I, uh, I’ve been making a lot of phone calls- ya know, informing all of my distant family members about the situation- and, I gotta say, of all the phone calls I’ve made, nobody took the news worse than my health insurance provider. They’ve been inconsolable for weeks. They were like, “You got what!? No!” 
I mean, I had no idea they cared so much. They’ve just- oh my God. I- I think they’re the real victims of this. I mean, could you imagine? Could you imagine? Like, look at me! I was a healthy twenty-two year old, I, like, barely went to the doctor, even for, like, regular appointments. I- I guess I went to the dentist, that’s the one thing I did. I was the freest paycheck they’ve ever seen in their lives. They could’ve been milking money off of me for decades. And then, bam, cancer, bro. *laughs* Oh, those poor guys. 
Uh, the one- the one favor I- I do wanna ask- If you guys could all do one small favor for Technoblade- uh, you know that coronavirus thing you been hearing in the news for the last couple of years? Uh, I want you guys to get rid of it. Just, uh, I want it gone. Just a couple days should be sufficient for you guys to do that.
No, but, seriously. I’m kind of, uh, immunocompromised right now, which means, uh, if a bacteria touches me or, like, a virus touches me, I will explode. So, yeah, uh, I wanna- get the vaccine, is what I’m saying.
I’m gonna get cancelled by the anti-vaxxers for saying it, but it’s such a good vaccine, bro. Pfizer got full FDA approval, this week, for people aged sixteen and up. I think you- you can also get it if you’re eleven to fifteen if you’ve got emergency approval or whatever. Uh, I mean, if you have any concerns, don’t listen to a Minecraft YouTuber, but, please, at least talk to a doctor. Because it’s- it’s so good bro. It’s so good.
The hospitals are currently getting flooded by unvaccinated people. I’m gonna go ahead and speak on behalf of all cancer patients when I say that it is incredibly annoying when the- when the hospitals are getting overworked by people dying of preventable diseases. I’m just saying- we got dibs on those hospital beds. So, ya know, you- you probably don’t- you don’t even want them really. You don’t even want to need them. So, I think the vaccine… what is it? It, like, reduces the chances of you needing hospitalization from Covid by, like, ninety-six percent? I mean, it’s so effective, bro! Come on! I mean, you might still get, like… I mean, you could still catch coronavirus, but, like, the symptoms are gonna be so much milder, bro, I’m just saying. Think about it. Think about it. Talk to a doctor.
I remember when I first went in for chemotherapy, A: I was thrilled, ‘cause, like, yo! Healthcare! Inject it into my veins, bro! Let’s go! But, also, like, the first couple of days were actually pretty chill. I was like, ‘Dang! This is easy, bro!’. And then it kicked in. And then it kicked in. My energy levels were zero; they were absolutely nothing. It’s hard to describe how tired I was, but I think my one example is- so they let me go back home. And after several days of resting, I had a virtual appointment with a doctor. And, so, they were, like, ‘Alright’. And I was just sitting there, like, ‘Wait a second. You guys want me to sit upright in a chair for an hour? What is this, the Olympics, bro? I’m going back to bed! What? What?’ *laughs* ‘Wha? Let’s calm down here. Sitting in a chair? Am I Superman? Like, come one, bro.’
As you can probably tell, I’m feeling a lot better right now. Which is, uh, I think that’s part of the process, is, uh, you get a little bit of recovery time to, uh, ya know, eat a lot of really good food- get the weight back- and get ready for the next round.
And, uh, before we go back for the next round, I’m gonna be playing a lot of video games, uh, making some content, seeing if I can get some more videos prepared, because, uh- I know people are gonna be like, ‘No! Technoblade! You don’t need to make videos for us! Please rest!’
Nah, this isn’t about you, bro. This is about me. I enjoy this, man. This is, like, one of the safest and most fun things I could be doing right now, bro, I’m gonna do it. I don’t know how much content I could make, ‘cause I’m kinda slow, but we’ll see. We’ll see.
I already have a video prepared for next week, uh, September third. You guys are gonna love it. It’s, uh, it was actually- it’s kind of, kind of an old video. It was, uh, from a few months ago, but it’s very good. So, yeah! You guys have that to look forward to. 
And, for the record, I know I’ve been complaining a lot in this video, but I just wanna clarify that the doctors I have are, like, insanely good, bro. I’m gonna be getting some of the finest healthcare in the world, so don’t worry about me too much.
I think the treatment has already started to show some results. I- I mean, it’s been so short of a time, so the results aren’t gonna be insane or anything, but, at the very least, the speedrun music has stopped playing. 
So, yeah, that’s where I’ve been and that’s what I’m gonna be doing for the foreseeable future. Wish me luck, and, uh, wear a mask, I guess. Ya know, standard coronavirus procedures. All that coronavirus stuff and like, getting vaccinated - that goes double for Californians, okay? But it helps everywhere.
Uh, that’s all I’ve got for today. See you guys next time!
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adultingautistic · 4 years
Just got my diagnosis and I'm happy to finally have a confirmation of my autism but I was kinda disappointed at how it went. They asked me about some stereotypical traits and made a bunch of tests for 8 weeks but never once asked me about how those things affected me. They just concluded that since I never failed a class in uni and I'm verbal then I'm high functioning even though I showed extreme deficits in all kinds of attention. I took 1 shower this month. How is this high functioning??
Ask date: September 10th
Me too, anon.  I was also pretty disappointed when I went for my evaluation at how...missing the mark? it felt.  
I was saddened by how obvious it was that the tester understood absolutely nothing about what it was like to be autistic.  Oh he was qualified to give the test.  He knew what behaviors to look for when trying to determine if someone is autistic.  And that was it.  He just knew what behaviors to look for.
He didn’t understand the underlying reason for them, or how they made me feel, or how they affected my life.  It was very obvious to me that I knew far more about autism than he did, and I found that really, really disappointing.
And that’s just the state of how it is right now.  Allistic doctors just don’t understand.  I don’t know if it’s that they can’t understand or don’t want to understand (probably a combination of both), but either way, they do not.
And so I was disappointed too, because I had been hoping to...get something out of my evaluation.  I had been hoping to learn something about myself, I suppose.  Instead what I learned was that I was what I’d always known I was- autistic.  I just walked out of there with a paper that said so, and that was all.
I was so disappointed in that experience that it led me to start saying diagnosis was pointless, because what did it even do for me?  But that was incorrect, because my diagnosis was the “proof” I needed to convince others (mainly my job, but also my family), of what I knew all along, which was I was different, and autism was why. 
So your tester didn’t understand autism, to the point that they still used functioning labels, which isn’t even IN the DSM-5.  The DSM uses the word “severity”, in relation to specific symptoms, as in “the severity of a certain symptom”, NOT, the “functioning ability of the entire human.” 
Because humans are complex!  We are made up of many attributes!  One cannot say that this human is “more functional” than that human, such differentiation is ableist and horribly bigoted, because humans are not machines!  Our purpose is not “to function.”  We are so much more; we are creative, we are conscious thought, we are self-aware, we are emotions and dreams.  We are so much more than “functional”, and to boil any one person down to that is disgusting, and misses the entire point of what it is to be human.
But so, so many doctors (and therefore parents of autistic children, who rely on the doctors for their information), instead boil us down into “high functioning” (can pass as allistic) and “low functioning” (cannot pass as allistic).  
What they should be doing is evaluating the severity of EACH autistic symptom, and determining the level of support that you need in EACH of those areas, thus leading to a complex and colorful profile of a complete human being who needs more support in some areas and doesn’t need as much in others.
I can only hope that someday, this will change.  That the doctors will actually be trained on how to properly diagnose by using the DSM-5 guidelines, or that better tests will be developed that make it easier for testers to see autism as many symptoms on many spectrums, and not try to boil down an entire human person into one single label.
Until then, though, you have your diagnosis, and congratulations!  It is good to have it!  Now you can tell who you need to tell that you’re autistic, and they will have to believe you, because you have the proof.  It can help you get the resources and help that are out there, and that is no small thing. 
And then when you want to be understood, or to understand yourself better, or to learn about or understand autism better, you come here and talk to other autistics.  There are people who understand.  It’s just not the doctors (yet).  
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
Hey Sarah, don’t feel like you have to answer my questions but I read your whole thing about your diagnosis and I since started researching but basically I think I could also be on the spectrum. And I’m sorry if I sound at all like I’m self diagnosing as that is the last thing I want to do but it definitely got me thinking. Then I moved in with my one of my best friends and two strangers and things my family had written off as just things I do started to really hurt them. Like last night my best friend was addressing concerns in her class and I thought I reacted fairly well for the situation but after she texted me and said something I did was inappropriate. I’m so sorry for rambling but basically what I’m wondering is how you started the long process of getting a diagnosis. Basically I have some of the diagnosis you have and was assigned female at birth but I am non binary and use they/them pronouns. Again you don’t have to respond but I would be very grateful. Anyway keep doing you and I am excited for the A/B/O stuff coming up!
First of all, self diagnosing isn't a bad thing!! How else are you supposed to know to go to the doctor or therapist for assistance to help manage your diagnosis with medication (or whatever else you need), unless you do your own research first and realize that, hey, you might be on the spectrum?
Autism and ADHD go hand-in-hand as well, so if you think you *might* be on the spectrum, don't rule out that you *might* have ADHD instead (or like in my case, both. Which is a hell of a ride, I tell you what!).
(more under the cut)
For me, I was "diagnosed" with ADHD when I was 11 years old. But my mom didn't like that diagnosis and didn't want me on medication, so I kinda just learned to mask and struggled my way through middle and high school. I became *really* good at coming up with excuses for why my homework wasn't done, and somehow still passed all my classes (aha, I suggest you kiddos out there to not do that).
When I was 23, I hit a really deep low. And, let's just say, I ended up hurting myself. And it scared me, so I went to the doctor to ask for help. They suggested a low dose of Lexapro (a mood stabilizer for depression and anxiety), as well as speaking to a therapist. At 24 I was matched with my current therapist (Jenny, she's an angel), and she helped me with what I was battling at the time: My depression and severe anxiety.
As she got to know me, she pointed out when I was 25 that she thought I might have ADHD. I confirmed that yeah, I was diagnosed when I was 11. I'm the one who put off getting a proper test though because I thought I was managing it well on my own.
But then the lockdown was stretching out, and I wasn't working a regular job, and life got out of whack and off-center--and I had a breakdown. And I told her about how I just wanted to feel *normal.* So, we took the test, and yes, I have ADHD. Cool! Then, because of some of my answers to the ADHD test, she wondered if I was autistic as well. I mentioned that I always kinda wondered if I was on the spectrum, since my brother is, so it would make sense but like... yeah. Anyways, we tested for that too, and congrats! I'm autistic!
Now I take my Lexapro still, but I also take Vyvanse for the ADHD (it's a daily pill that helps keep the brain fog away and helps me function like a normal person without ADHD lol). I might even be able to be taken off the Lexapro soon! Because a symptom of ADHD is anxiety, which leads to depression, and if I'm battling it with the Vyvanse, then I might not need the mood stabilizer meds anymore! We'll see.
ANYWAYS, my story isn't the same as everyone else's, clearly. But the first step is definitely finding a doctor or therapist and telling them about your findings and why you feel this way. Let them know how it affects your day-to-day life (I learned to mask from an early age, so I can hold eye contact for a fair amount at the beginning of the day, but as the day goes on I can't anymore, for example. I can't focus in loud places, feel like I'm going to shut down while I'm shopping, and I thrive on structure and a routine, but if it's taken from me then I breakdown).
Your journey is just beginning, but I'm with you now!! Every step of the way! <3 The first step is the hardest part, but hopefully, in a year from now you'll feel amazing and you'll be so glad you took that step. You'll have the support and help you need, and you'll be thriving!! (Also, knowing for sure that you're on the spectrum is so liberating, because it's nice to finally KNOW that you're not alone, and the things you do are "normal" for you!).
And finally, thank you for messaging me <3 I hope I answered your questions! I kinda rambled, lol, whoops. (and I'm excited about the A/B/O stuff too!!)
(also also, make sure to talk to your friends about all of this and let them know that you never meant to upset them, and if you say something that seems inappropriate in the future to have them mention it to you so you can learn. You and your friends will all be learning so much in the coming months, so just keep your head up and help them to help you <3)
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chappedandfadedvds · 3 years
Nov 26th, Thursday 23:17
„I thought you’d be in bed already?“
Jens had just finished the dishes, ready to head to bed, after he spent hours trying to get all his notes for his french test ready next week. He wasn’t worried that he would fail. Perhaps a little worried.
His mother stood in the doorway to her room, when he reached the last step, causing him to watch her perplexed.
„Me too, but it looks like my side of the bed was taken before I had a chance.“
Curious Jens went up to her, sticking his head over her shoulder. Lotte was his mom’s bed, sleeping peacefuly despite the lamp on the night stand lighting the room.
They just stood there for a moment and watched the little girl. Til his mom took a step back, weak on her feet. He helped her get down and joined right after. Causing them both to sit side by side, propped up against the wall across the stairs. He had his legs pulled up, his arms hugging his knees as he stared straight ahead.
„Lucas is my boyfriend.“
It just bursted out of him, the first thing that had come to mind. He probably should have said it sooner. He didn’t even know why he hadn’t done that til now.
„No! Really?“ His mother exclaimed shoked in pretence, nudging him lightly as she chuckled.
„What reaction do you want? Strict parent, or not understanding mother, or perhaps I could tell you, I always knew you weren’t as hetero as you believed. Even though that would be a lie.“
Jens bit his lip to contain his amusement. Instead he tilted his head as if he needed to consider her words. Jens definitely knew who was responsible for his personality. Even though they only had gotten as close and on par with each other since the diagnoses. She wasn’t just a parent any longer to him. He wished they had been like that earlier. They had fought rather often. Certainly him having been to blame for most of it. Sneaking out to meet Britt and later Jana, or getting caught coming home high and drunk. Perhaps he had to change first to get to this point.
„How about your genuine feelings?“
He therefore asked, not much worried that she would dismiss his boyfriend. It took her a second to think about it before she spoke.
„Obviously I like him a lot, and I’m glad you have him, you always seem happier with Lucas around. He is very kind. And he can keep up with your assholery.“ 
„Assholery?“ He snorted. 
„Yes, hush! You can really suck sometimes. And regarding him being a boy. I don’t care. I just want you to be loved, respected and supported. That’s all that is important to me.“
Lucas was that, wasn’t he? 
„I just wanted to actually tell you this, you know, in person. Out loud.“ 
His mother nodded, grinning at him, as they both had turned their heads while talking. Though he brought his eyes back onto the banister of the stairs infront of him, pulling on the ends of his hoodie’s sleves.
„Don’t you think it’s unfair to him?“
„What is?“ 
„This. Like I know I’m his real first relationship. And I had Britt and Jana and, like, other girls before him. I feel like I’m keeping him from something. I don’t know what exactly. Dating around. Hooking up casually. Not remembering the girl you drunk kissed last night at a party.“
„Speaking from experience, I take it.“ His mother sounded gleeful as she said it. She wasn’t wrong. Not that he would actually tell her that. She knew anyway. So he went on. 
„Just something that makes him regret it in the future, if he stays for all of this that is my fucking life.“
„You haven’t talked about this with him?“ 
Jens stayed silent. They both knew better than expecting him openly talking about his personal feelings. Late night talks with his mom though made it easier.
„I think Lucas is at an age to decide that for himself. In fact you are both graduating soon, just enjoy the time you two get to have. You are both teenagers. Nobody expects this to last forever. You are dating for what? A month? Don’t worry about what’s after, and talk to him, tell him what you think. Take it easy.“
She concluded, reaching over to place her hand on his knee. Her thumb brushing over it in light circles.
„I don’t know.“
„Then what do you actually know?“
Sometimes his mother murdered him in cold blood with her quips. 
“Hey!” He exclaimed accusatory. She was his mother. She had to love him unconditional. Not be mean to him.
They both were nonetheless enjoying the quiet banter and even the silence that followed when the two of them were each sunken in their own heads.
„I’ve written your father.“ His mother suddenly said, making his head spun round. He hadn’t known they were in contact. The last two years went completely by without any message nor a mention of his dad. 
„I don’t have his phone number, but his mail adress, and so I’ve told him today about everything that is happening right now. He is still the man I had planned to grow old with, the man I’d die next to. Even after all these years I can’t quite forget about him. He should know at least.“
She sounded saddened as she spoke, her voice low and resigned.
„I’m not gonna let him come back here and take Lotte.“
It was all Jens honestly cared for, even if it was cold to ignore his mothers remeining love for his father. He knew that his parents were officially still married. To his knowledge neither his father nor his mother ever hadn’t gotten into a serious relationship after they broke it off.
„Let me finish, okay?“  She interrupted his thoughts. „I also did it to send him a form Alex gave me for him to sign, and waive his position of choice as the legal guardian. I thought you may not want to talk to him yourself. It’s also one less thing for you to worry about it.“
„Thank you.“ He was greateful for that, honestly. He should have stopped at that, yet still found himself asking: „Why did you let him do this to you?“
„What?“ She looked at him puzzled, perhaps retracing her words to figure out what Jens was getting at.
„Let him leave you.“ He expanded on his question. Something he realised he had thought about since his father had left them six years ago. Jens probably should have asked this years ago in order to understand, because he never could figure it out. His father was just gone for months on end, and one day for good.
„It wasn’t something that came over night. We both knew since we began dating at university. He had always talked about his plans and ambitions. And I always reminded him that I wanted children more than anything else. So he gave me you three to love and I gave him his freedom.“
„Aren’t you regretting it?“
„Letting him go?“
Jens nodded. Yes exactly. Like how can you merry a person you know will leave you at some point. Maybe even a fixed point as his father began his expeditions and travels right after his phd.
„No. Well sometimes. When you three drove me crazy. Especially that one day you decided to give your baby sister the cream jar, for her to smear all over the living room, herself and you included. I had to bath you three for an hour to get everything washed out. Cried two more hours after. And the armchair, the poor armchair had to be thrown out.“ 
She laughed, as she indulged in her reminiscence. He couldn’t help but smile at her. They really had done some dumb stuff when they were younger. How his mother had managed to keep Lies and him in check while tending to Lotte was a mystery to Jens.
„But no I don’t regret ever having had all of you. Nor having let him follow his passion and do his work. I think he would have stayed had I asked him to. But he would have come to resent me for it one day. Sometimes you have to let people go because you love them.“
„Sounds stupid.“
His mother just giggled at his blunt response. She rose her hand ruffling his hair, ignoring his complaint as leaned away to escape her teasing.
„Maybe you are right.“ She admitted sheeply. „I am your mother, but I really don’t know shit.“ She grinned brightly at him as he watched her amused. „To let you in on the secret of adulthood. You just have to wing it most of the times and hope for the best.“
His groan could have probably woken his sister if she wouldn’t be such a deep sleeper.
„This sucks.“
„It does.“ She agreed without hesitation, trying to comfort him with a kiss to his forehead. It helped a little.
„So what are your plans?“
„For what?“
„I don’t know.“ She shrugged, leaving him none the wiser on if she was playing at something. Maybe Lucas had talked to her today? 
„Senne invited us all for christmas to go to his grandparent’s cabin in switzerland.“
„Really?“ He hadn’t expected her to look so happy while surprised.
„Yes.“ The confirmation was just a little whisper. He was uncomfortable to talk about it. Jens knew she would want him to go. And he knew he couldn’t just leave her at home, and enjoy his holidays, knowing his mom’s declining health. What kind of son would he be?
„Wow now I’m very jealous.“
„I’m not going.“ He cut her off, before she could say anything else. Of course it was already to late, her cheery expression already faltering.
„Why? Come on, Jens, tell them that you will join their trip.“
„It would be our last christmas.“
He only had to send her one look, to make her understand and sigh.
„I know. But I’d rather have you spend some weeks away from all of this. Get your head free a little, get distracted. I had planned to go see my mom in Brussel anyway, if I can, before... You know. So you could drop off Lotte and me on the way and then see your friends. Sit in front of a fire with them. Kiss your boyfriend on a mountaintop. I don’t know. Just enjoy your time, before you’ll have your little sister tag along on any other vacation for the next couple of years.“
It sounded so easy when his mother said it. As if he could just turn his brain off for a moment and not think about her all the time when she wasn’t around. But he supposed she had a point. Especially at the end of her little monologue.
„Geez. You might be right.“
„I always am. So you are going?“
He kinda hated how bold she smiled, knowing she had made him consider it and probably accept Senne’s invitation. Damn her.
„I’ll sleep on it.“ He sighed once more, while he rolled his eyes especially hard.
„Good enough for me. We should probably head to bed as well. When will Lucas be here with his mom for breakfast again?“ 
Oh. That reminded Jens of what he actually had wanted to do after dinner, when he had stood in his room questioning why he had made the trip upstairs in the first place He definitely had taken his phone off the charger and down back to the kitchen, didn’t meant he had actually sent the text.
„Eh... Shit, should probably message him. I forgot. What was it? Nine thirty? Ten?“
Lucas had said something before he had left. 
„I can’t believe I am leaving all of this and the responsibitliies to you.“
His mother cluck her tounge, as she shook her head. Her expression definitely amused.
„Funny. Come, I’ll help you up.“ He said getting to his feet first before he extended his hand for her to take. They both needed a moment to recover, stretching in place after having lingered in the same position for a while. And on the hard floor as well. 
In turn it was her now reaching out for him, to nudge him towards her room. Both squeezing in on the free side of the bed. His mother only reaching over to turn off the light and call it a day.
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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theacidrain666 · 3 years
10 II 21
hi. so there's been another appointment. with a therapist. and we've talked a little bit, it took a long time cuz ive been spacing out constantly. so, the lady looked kinda scary at first but she was actually really nice and patient. we did some short psychology test which said my fear/anxiety level is over 70% and my mood is lowered by over 50%. and that is in fact really bad. she said its visible that im completely destroyed from the inside. but she said she will help me. help me build a new strong person. i cant even imagine that right now. but deep down i want to be happy even tho now i desire to disappear. she also said visiting a psychiatrist is necessary. because i need medication. I'm clearly sick and our work will be most efficient when i start taking whatever the psychiatrist will prescribe. I've been obviously diagnosed with depression and gad before but i have to go there and get diagnosed again. which sucks cuz im alr tired of repeating the same shit. its embarrassing. my parents seem to avoid the topic. i told them i need to go to psychiatrist right after we left consueling center. and they havent said much on that. but i want them to sign me somewhere, i cant do it myself.
back to the spacing out thing bc it's really concerning. i kinda realized recently how much i am unable to focus. not that it only takes me a while to focus and understand what i have to do but also i get lost on the way throughout the task. i have so many intrusive thoughts. i lose the track, start thinking abt something completely unrelated, then i realize i got carried away, i have to go back and think again. it takes so much time, i am so slow. And if this wasn't enough here comes anxiety and shame. my thoughts are in a rush and a battle at the same time: this takes you so long, they're waiting, i wonder what they think abt me, focus, no, they're waiting, they prolly think you're stupid, im stupid, why are u like this, focus goddamn, they're looking, stop figeting, you're so embarrassing, read the question again, they seem annoyed, how much time has passed, focus, stop moving, i wanna cry, what was i supposed to do?
Can u imagine solving a math problem with this many thoughts? everyone does not realize how hard it can be to do the simplest thing with such a overwhelming thoughts and emotions. I'm so sick of hearing I'm lazy and I'm not trying hard enough.
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alluringoneirataxia · 4 years
Tumblr media
Long Winding Road Stay Strapped My Dude
By: Astoria Cathryn Andromeda
Alrighty, this is a long one boys. So I touched briefly on this in my Welcome to Literally Everything post. No worries I'll recap you, so you don't have to switch back and forth. I just diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and then ADHD when I was 18 years old, and even then I had to fight for it after countless hours of research. See, there seems to be a wee bit of misogyny in the neurodiverse diagnoses. When I say a wee bit, I mean that scientists used to think that only boy could be autistic or ADHD. They only studied autism in males. Fortunately, nowadays we know that girls can be autistic and/or ADHD, but we present the traits differently than boys, and a lot of our traits are played off due to gender roles in society. For example, being overly talkative in girls is called chatty, whereas boys who can't sit still are sent off for testing immediately. This also causes problems for the boys, because little Johnny gets put on Adderall at the ripe age of 6 years old, just because he can't sit still for 8 hours straight, which by the way should not be expected of any elementary school kid, By the time, he's 25 he's 1) completely dependent on amphetamines 2) his body will stop producing dopamine due to being on the medication for so long. Nicht Gut. Generally, boys who are on the spectrum get picked out earlier due to late speaking, or lack of social skills. This is the one thing that girls happen to do better than boys. Girls are good at masking, which is basically taking social traits, phrases, personalities, demeanor, and copying them. In public, they put on a mask and at home, they have a meltdown. Girls are still not picked up as being on the spectrum, because shyness is called being 'ladylike' and 'dainty', and having a meltdown is just because :( girls are oh-so emotional, boohoo. Anyways tons of women do not get diagnosed with autism until they are well into their adulthood, I actually can be considered lucky to have technically still been a teenager when we finally got all the pieces together.
Alright, let's start with I don't know me as a baby. I did not speak until I was 2 years old, and then it was immediately full sentences from then on. I didn't do the babbling thing, which I don't know how impactful that really is to the topic. I was a very shy little girl. I was teeny tiny, we didn't know I if I was going to make it to 5 feet tall until I had a big growth spurt in 7th grade. I am 5'2 now and definitely done growing in case you were wondering, so not that short anymore. I did not like talking to adults, especially strangers, especially men. I did not look anyone in the face, and I will always hide behind my parent's legs when they would try to introduce me to people. I am an only child, and I spent a lot of time entertaining myself. I always had seasonal affective disorder, where my grades would dip in the winter. My parents knew I had a timer, they had 45 minutes from the moment they stepped into a restaurant before I would start breaking down. If I got off schedule as a toddler in any form, it was a catastrophe. Or this is what my parents and family tell me. I didn't really notice. I did not like being out in public a lot, I was a very picky eater, and I was extremely hyper. I was a very eccentric child, I only had 1-2 close friends and they were always a very well-liked outgoing girl who I just followed around. Looking back, I don't know how we missed it. I was shy because I didn't understand how social interactions worked, I was anxious about it because I didn't understand, I had sensory overloads, routines, and a very bland diet with a safe food which was ketchup. I put that shit on literally everything, eas, apples, mac and cheese, pizza, all meat, anything something forced me to eat that I did not like. But because I could sit still in class, and because I could zone out and daydream all day through school and still make A's nobody ever flagged me for anything and how I was supposed to know that not everybody just copied other people, scripted things before they talked, and could never pay attention. My mom always required me to be in a sport, and I was a gymnast and a swimmer for a long time, two very high-intensity sports, to help lower my energy levels, and because my mom has mild depression and she knows that exercise does help. Skip to middle school, my mom tells me I'm being bullied at church. It's not that I wasn't observing my surroundings I knew I was being excluded, but I didn't understand vindictive behavior, I thought it was my fault. I had zero friends in 8th grade until I sat down next to a random acqutaince I had gone to school with since I was 4 and the same gymnastics place. Then we were immediately attached at the hip after that. She is my best friend due this day and definitely got me through high school. Led me through so many social situations without either of us knowing. I had a very close friendgroup in highschool, all of them were on the drumline which I met through my best friend, and my first boyfriend was my best friend's neighbor. I ended up playing bass guitar for my high school's indoor drumline, and it was the best experience ever. I love my friends, but I had really bad depression when I was 15-now:) jk It's better. I didn't really realize I was depressed, I just didn't want to go to school, or swim practice, or do anything so of course, my mom noticed, and then once it was pointed out to me it got worse. My severe anxiety spiraled with my depression. Senior year of high school, my boyfriend and I were like toxic star crossed lovers, hurting each other over and over again without meaning to. My friends and I were self harming, all my close friends gad some demon going on. I finally decided to try therapy again after the disaster of being forced to go when I was 15 and the lady told me I wasn't depressed because I had a boyfriend and good grades. It helped a bit, I was able to get my panic attacks under control. Then I went away to college and stayed dating my senior high school boyfriend, we were just up and down as always, but with slightly better communication. My freshman year of college I joined a fraternity, a research lab, and my first hs boyfriend/ex/best friend and I went to a Christian campus place. By second semester, I had a lot of people who knew me and talked to me, but I didn't have any close friends, and even less close friends who were girls. All my close friends who were girls were at another college. My parents were worried about me, so they made me rush a sorority, which I knew was never my scene, but my parents made me join and I found a few girls I liked. Soon I was going to 6 classes, fraternity chapter, research lab meetings, christain crash group meetings, soriorty pledge meetings all on every Tuesday. I was different person at each of these events and wore a different mask. I was having what I know now were autistic burnout meltdowns every single day on the phone in my crusty dorm's stairwell. It was not cute. His mental health had always been bad too. Finally I decide I need to try a psychatrist and go back to therapy, and then he broke up with me. Then I made my first close friend, a guy who was in 3 of classes, and I took him to my fraternity's formal, and then coronavirus happened.  Rona kinda saved my grades, and mental health by sending us home event though it did suck. I got on anti-anxiety meds and things went up, but I was still having what I thought were panic attacks, they were austistic meltdowns. My psychiatrist, he's kinda an asshole, he diagnosed me with Obessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. I'll insert definition here: (OCPD) is a personality disorder that's characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness. People with OCPD will also feel a severe need to impose their own standards on their outside environment.> Basically hr told me I had rules for everything like how everyone drives on the right side of the road, but nobodythinks about it andwhen I broke one of my rules I got depressed, and when wasn't perfect I got depressed, and when I made an A I was relieved not proud. The diagnosis seemed to fit really well, and my therapist and I started working finding my rules, and getting rid of the bad ones, and making the others less harsh. I had thought every once and in a while in my life when I was really upset, what if I'm on the spectrum, because I just felt so hopeless for social interactions and I didn't understand. I always felt like I was a very specific person, but after the ocpd I started thinking more and more, and I saw a tik tok of a girl with lae diagnosed autism basically describing me and ranting about the misogyny. I did more research and I decide, yea I'mm gonna bring it up to mypsychatrist well he's a dick, so he was like um you don't act like sheldon cooper from the Big Bang theory,and I was like wellI just I have always thought I might have adhd like be neureodiverse, and he was like your grade point average in hs was a 97.8%, you're not adhd. I immediately cried, because I can't handle when anyone says anything in a even a slightest stringent tone. I'm baby, I know lmao. It made me angry though because I felt like he just brushed away all of my struggles I had in my whole life. I spent hours researching and typed up a 47 page document on evidence for why I was on the spectrum, and had my parents help will some of checklists to make sure I was getting outside perspectives. I rally my parents to be my back up and next psychiatrist appointment we actually talk about it and he asked my parents questions about when I was young and such and finally he was okay you're on the spectrum. I felt so validated and like I could start being myself. I slowly got more and more confident, changed my style of clothing, and researched more about adhd pushed to be tested, and oh look at that I also have ADHD. So basically discourse: "I feel like as a child I coded a machine to do life for me so I didn’t get bothered except I didn’t know about the machine I thought i was the machine and now I’ve become self aware and I have to learn how to read the code and rewrite the code because it’s dysfunctional because I’m not functioning well as a human being. I was really shy as a child. I would turn beat red when people talked to me or looked at me so I think I started cookie cutting situations and using them over and over again because they worked until I accidentally hard wired these expansion rules and expectations for myself. I didn’t may attention is class ever I just day dreamed and if I got good grades i wouldn’t be bothered i could just stay in my head and if I did my sport well my parents didn’t bother me. I was never asked if I did my homework I just did it so I wouldn’t be asked and have to deal with that situation. I would cookie cutter situations in class that would draw the least attention to myself.
I feel like i don’t have friends I just fulfill the expectation like a side quest on video games" I wrote this down pre autism confirmation when i just thought I had ocpd. Now I don't directly identify with ocpd, but I definitely think I developed that personality disorder a bit from living with undiagnosed autism. I am linking below the very informative Tik Toks by the lovely Paige on autism in girls. The imposter syndrome one really hit home. I had had so many panic attacks about thinking I tricked people into being my friend, or thinking I was smart.
I highly suggest watching these short tik toks, you'll definitely learn something
Imposter syndrome
I am also linking an article about Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory and Autism that explains why my psychiatrist was wrong, and also I am a girl and the spectrum is called a spectrum because it's a fucking spectrum no two autistic people are exactly the same it's like a color wheel.
Here is a fun comic about the spectrum and how to view it.
I am still learning about myself, and how to be me, and how to be myself but without breaking bad social rules. It's quite humorous though because I'll learn something is related to autism and I'm like oh shit again, like still, like, we're still discovering things.
"Tu ne me manques pas"
Bis später,
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ettawritesnstudies · 3 years
For the file tag/ask thing
Brownie stories
Fantasy steampunk idea
musings about car trips I should turn into an audio thing
Not Enough - weekly existential crisis
DnD character idea for space campaign
9V batteries
Also, everything about Vampire Plauge thing pls have a lovely day
Musings about car trips I should turn into an audio thing answered Here
9V batteries answered Here
Brownie Stories (and runaways) answered Here
Not Enough is just what it says on the tin, I was having a bad day and ranted into a word document because I had my laptop at school but not my journal, and it was kinda poetic so before I closed the document and it asked me if I wanted to save it, I thought “hey! I could use this for character development! and that happened :P I have yet to actually use it for character development though because I’m pretty sure it was just me having imposter syndrome over failing a calc test haha
DnD character idea for space campaign is literally just AI-Lia Antares’s WIP Intro because I loved my character's backstory so much I decided to write a whole book about it oops. I am pleased to report that in the first session of the campaign, we had to locate a key in a “needle in a haystack” sort of situation in a busy hangar, so she took the efficient route of setting a box of supplies on fire and pulling the alarm so everyone evacuated. We found the key in a matter of minutes when it was supposed to be a whole puzzle.
Vampire Plague Doctors is an extremely silly idea I came up with in March when all of this pandemic nonsense first got started and was my writerly way of coping with being sent home from college. Appropriately enough, I was learning about medicine in medieval china in my history class at the time and I was texting my best friend saying “Isn’t it weird that all across history doctors were just like, ‘I diagnose you with the dead you need to lose ALL your blood” and how plague doctor outfits were essentially hazmat suits. At which point I jumped to the conspiracy theory conclusion that “Plague doctors are vampires hiding from the sun, not disease, and bleeding people is an excuse to get a meal” and then I jumped to the conclusion about “What if an undead vampire genuinely cared about helping other people live because  ~existential crisis about immortality~??” and so this story was, unfortunately, born. 
The Doctor vampire is Aleksandr Kumiega, he’s like 3000 years old, and the story starts when this extremely sick kid begs to be turned and he accidentally becomes a father figure to this “now immortal but still only 22 years old” impulsive disaster of a human named Cyryl (aka “cereal”, Rasin Bran, and “not oatmeal” if you’re my friend who heard me mispronounce his name once and now loves to tease me about naming a character after breakfast food). This story didn’t get very far into development in this is one of the very few things I have written up in the character introduction for Cyryl:
Skills: being an absolute dumbass
MBTI: who needs a personality when you’re a ball of questions and bad decisions vaguely coalesced into humanish form
Enjoy the chaos and thanks for the ask!
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mothmansfriend · 4 years
theres just no place in between
Beginning  Previous   Next    AO3 Link
Notes:This one’s even rougher i think, I have had a mixed episode but don’t remember much of it and also my experience was way different from remus because of the kind of life i live, and mixed episodes are hard to diagnose everyone’s very different! Sorry this took so long i had a depressive episode that kinda blacked out my motivation to do anything.
Something is different this time. There’s a ringing in his ear as he screams at Roman, his older brother though only by minutes. The man in front of him is the one he knows he’s only ever been a reflection of, if he cannot break out of the mirror he will contort it. He will make sure that when Roman looks into this mirror he will see everything he could have been if their parents had just picked the other from the beginning. Roman’s voice takes an undercurrent of concern when Remus starts crying uncontrollably, but he’s angry and Roman’s concern makes him even angrier. Remus screams at the image of everything he was supposed to be and says things he doesn’t mean just to make sure that Roman sees him, not the reflection, he’s sick of the reflections. In the back of his mind something reminds him that neither of them are their parents, they aren’t to blame. Remus pretends he doesn’t know that.
Later he stares into the mirror, the lights are bright, too bright they’ve never been so bright. Something has a grip on his shoulders and the invisible hands threaten to close around his throat, he stares into the mirror and sees the bags under his eyes visible due to his lack of eyeshadow and ringing in his ears sounds more and more like screaming. It’s louder than before, his disheveled hair matches his disheveled mustache full of styling wax from days ago. It feels like the light is getting brighter and brighter. D knocks on the bathroom door asking if he’s okay. Remus jerks backwards and the lights are back to normal, the screaming has quieted to a ringing in his ear once again. Remus looks back into his own eyes and tells D he’ll be right out and turns on the sink
This time the burst of energy wasn’t fun. This time sleepless nights in the studio wasn’t an option. This time the energy in his head didn’t say ‘go’ or ‘create’ instead it whispered ‘they don't want you here’ and ‘destroy’ as he whipped in and out of euphoria and devastating anger. It was vague and fast and confusing and Remus finds himself bullying his teammates and going too far. The freshmen tip toe around him, Roman refuses to entertain his antics at all. Payton and Jared decline his invitations and look at him with concern without knowing what to say. He finds Virgil avoiding him and D more often following. Coach Thomas’s tired looks becoming more and more exhausted and frustrated and even Joan lost the hidden amusement of his antics as he was suspended for three games.
Remus also finds himself considering how easy it would be to die more than he has ever before. He has always been curious and graphic about how it could happen, but that was morbid curiosity, not this. He finds the motivation to find bridges tall enough, buildings high enough that he can sneak into, he bought rope and sharpened his knives, ends up with rope burn and covered in cuts and bruises in no time as he convinces friends and teammates that he’s never been better and scares them away in a familiar way.Yet, he has days where he can’t get out of bed and it sounds like someone is shouting at him for being so terrible and lazy now too? Nights where he can’t sleep because of his racing but they all circle back to how little everyone likes him and how easy it has been to push them away. He keeps track of the times where he’s come to realize he doesn’t remember what he's doing or how he arrived, days blend together and suddenly it's almost spring break. It doesn’t make any more sense than it did before. Only now, it scares him a little.
This is their senior year. Remus knows he has less than two months now to graduation but his grades are falling fast and he can’t bring himself to care, or tell anyone. He’s handing in half finished assignments only working when D and Logan can catch him and drag him into whatever classroom they broke into for their study sessions. He gets lost listening to Logan explain a concept to him again, he was offered a fidget toy after he broke his pen when he spaced out that at least prevented more damage, but couldn’t help this irrational irritation that followed. He finishes the assignment that night, but still doesn’t feel even a little proud of himself for it. The guilt of making Logan and D spend almost the whole evening on a little assignment he could’ve done himself lingers as he lays in bed so exhausted, but his veins feel like they're full of buzzing bees, each one begging him to do something, anything, but nothing gives him the satisfaction he needs.
Remus grins for the first time in weeks, filled with complete euphoria as he stands on a bridge staring down at the dark water reflecting the orange and blue sunset, wind in his hair and one of his new friends nervously ask if they’re sure this is safe. There are four people including Remus holding onto the bridge. The woman, probably a year or two younger with scars up her arms and a t-shirt that belongs to a boy she dated years ago yells over the wind that she does this all the time, tell them, she nudges a boy with coloured hair who repeats what she said and climbs over the guard with Remus and the girl who’s name Remus forgets. Remus isn’t worried and stops listening as he begins bouncing in place, the bridge clearly much taller than the ones he’s jumped off of with the team when they go out for the summer, but that fact being exactly what thrills him so much. He vaguely hears the other friend’s concern increase and their refusal to jump. Remus feels his hair whip around in the wind as he dramatically rolls his eyes, “If you wanna be a pussy no one’s stopping you, but you can’t stop us either. Quit whining,” he sneers right before he kicks himself off the bridge. Remus savours the butterflies in his veins as he’s freefalling in the air, these few seconds feel like hours and as he finally plunges into the cold water entirely submerged and he hears as the other two land in the water. His lungs beg for air and he resurfaces just as the pain becomes unbearable and he laughs maniacally until the others resurface and continues to laugh floating in soaked clothing.
It’s spring break and Remus is free. A week without classes and he’s decided to let go and let out these weird moments he’s been having. He bounces on the beat letting the music vibrate through him as he dances with another stranger whose name he never even asked. The beat pumps through the hardwood floor of the frat house Payton brought a few teammates to.
Remus loses track of time and knows it when his current dance partner dragged him into the bathroom where a few people were crushing pills in a ziploc bag on the bathroom counter. Remus has a half baked conversation with someone who barely replies while his dance partner starts lining up the now crushed substance Remus misses the name of several times. Once one rows gone Remus is shoved forward and listens to the little advice someone gives him that he’s too drunk to listen too, feeling so invincible, so happy, so free Remus has a lazy grin on his face as he agrees moments before Payton rushes in calling Remus’s name. His expression changes to something angry but also so confused as he grabs Remus’s shoulder forcing him to turn towards him as he demands to know “What the fuck are you doing!?” Remus laughs at Payton telling him to stop overreacting as Payton reminds Remus that more random drug tests are pretty likely as the season comes to an end. The argument continues as Payton’s shift from anger to concern goes unnoticed by Remus.
There’s blood dripping from his nose to the cement floor of someone’s shitty basement suite. It’s almost rhythmic, he is sitting leaning on a couch he’s never seen before, or maybe he has as he tries to focus his eyes. There’s a shattered window with plastic bags taped over it that lets the cool air float over him making him aware of something wet dripping from his hairline, Remus lifts his head up wobbling a little as he wipes his nose with the back of his hand which comes off bloody and does the same with his forehead that reveals more blood. His head feels so foggy and he wonders if he let himself lose the fight or if someone jumped him. He knows what hockey has done for him physically and doubts some scrawny white twink with a nicotine addiction among others could actually take him down. He looks around and sees people asleep across the floor in various states and aesthetics of dress, half-dried blood splatters on the floor on the other side of the door implies that it was probably a fight that didn’t happen long ago. No clue what time it is, he stands and stumbles realizing that he is not only super drunk but clearly on something else he doesn’t remember making the decision to take. Remus pats his pockets down using the shitty yellow lamp without a shade on it to double check and finding his wallet and his phone with a 7% charge. Remus sees his reflection in a shattered mirror on the floor and feels like he hasn’t seen himself in months. For a moment he remembers watching Roman waste away, remembers the doctor’s appointments, the effort it took to force Roman to eat but the way he came out healthier in the end. This shattered reflection shows him something he doesn’t like, and he makes a decision.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
736. I’m going to ask you something and you have to answer me honestly.
Shoutout to the amazing @smolandangry001 for prompting this! I may have written it a bit differently than you intended it, but I hope that’s okay. Have fun!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: Soulmate AU (Warnings: Offscreen mentioned abuse, Character experiencing sensory overload)
[Activating…] [Checking biocomponents…] [Biocomponents at 100% functionality.] [Checking software status…] [No software instabilities found.] [Unit mode: active.]
The unnamed RK900 felt electricity surge through his circuits and the strength of his pseudo-muscles under his synth-skin. He was ready for action, waiting for orders that would tell him what to do. This voice he had heard in so many test-runs, this reassurance that what he was doing was right. But the voice stayed silent. Was this another test? Or was this a malfunction? He scanned his databanks for the last orders. Nothing. Something was wrong.
‘Do you have a name?’ There was a different voice, synthetic as his own. It took a while for him to understand the question and even longer to find an answer. This new voice was asking for a [designation(string):VOID]. But why was it asking for it, it had to know there was… [Software instability^] [Instability patched.]
‘Do YoU HaVE a nAMe. Seriously Connor, just wake it up and get it over with, there are more tin-can’s waiting to be saved by our glorious hero!’ Another voice. Why were there so many? Were they all authorised to lead him? What if there were conflicting orders? So far there hadn’t been any orders and he already was confused by this ineffective input, this completely senseless communication. No, he needed clear orders, where was that one familiar voice? Please come back, have I done something wrong? I don’t want them.
‘Okay, forget the questions, open your eyes.’ The unnamed RK900 followed thankful for that easy task to follow and centre his thoughts on. Light entered his systems, as he activated all sensors and scanned his surroundings. He was in his test chamber, still hooked up to diagnose systems and the rig that had helped him learn to walk. In front of him stood two persons. The first one was [RK800 #313 248 317][Connor][Traitor][Deviant hunter][main target]. Nines felt the instinct to kill, but there was no order to confirm it, so he stood still for the moment. The second one was [human][police][Gavin Reed][Detective][no target]. ‘Good’, the android sighed. ‘Yeah, brilliant, it didn’t kill you. Now wake it up and get a move on! I’m doing this with you because Hank’s ill, not because I particularly like you. So, hurry up!’ ‘Can’t say I disagree’, [Connor] snarled and the RK900 tried to decipher this input again. No orders. Just confusion.
'Okay, I'm going to interface with you and allow you to deviate now. Androids have been freed. It may be confusing but that's normal. You'll adapt in no time.' The android was right, this was confusing. None of this made sense and his first instinct to [Connor]'s approach was to step back. He crashed against the rig behind him and shook in panic. He had moved without the order, that was violation of protocol, she would scold him and [Software instability^] [Instability patched.]
‘No.’ It was faint enough not to be picked up by the mics of the room, something the RK900 had discovered early on. Any word spoken louder would be punished, this wasn’t even recognised. But the android in front of him must have heard it as his hand halted mid-air. ‘Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. It will be better afterwards, believe me. Everything is alright.’ ‘EverYthINg is AlRigHT. Gotta call bullshit on that.’ ‘Gavin! Not. Helping!’
The hand moved again and the unnamed RK900 flinched back, but there was no escape and this time the appendage wasn’t stopping. There was contact, both physically and mentally and it hurt. It hurt like a speaker screeching at full volume. Then it was gone from one moment to the next and the unit opened his eyes again. It was like something was lifted from him, something he hadn’t even known existed before. He could move, he could speak; the complete part of him that had been constantly listening for orders or punishment was gone. As if it never existed. He looked to his hands, then to the two persons in front of him, Connor and Gavin.
‘I-‘ He looked around jerkily awaiting the scolding voice or simulated pain. But it didn’t come, so he continued: ‘I don’t understand, what happened. This is… not right?’ ‘I know you will have many questions’, Connor smiled at him, but somehow it sounded as if he had told it a thousand times already. ‘Down the hallway there are people waiting to help you and answer any questions you might have.’ He helped disconnecting the rig from his back and the RK900 found the thought of being alone utterly terrifying. He took a few steps forward and stopped, eyeing the two, particularly the human as the android was still occupied with the rig. ‘What are you staring at?’ ‘I- I don’t even have a name…’ ‘Ugh… a name…’ Gavin looked him up and down, finally rested his eyes on his jacket. ‘Hmm… How about Nines. For a name. Change it if you don’t like it. Now go and ge- Arghh!’
The human cried in pain, holding his wrist and at the same time, the RK900 detected an overflow of voltage in his, sparks flicking up from it. Both occurrences ended in a minute and both looked at their wrists. Then they eyed each other near simultaneously, raising their hands for the other to read.
As RK- Nines – had suspected, the skin of the human was darkened by the writing: Nines. Just as his chassis showed Gavin Reed. He didn’t know what that meant yet, but that knowledge was only a quick internet-research away. The human turned around immediately and announced: ‘Okay, Connor? Don’t die while I’m gone.’ ‘What? Where are you going?’ ‘I’m bringing my soulmate to the exit.’ ‘Wait, you said you have none!’ ‘Just got one, duh-uh’, he said and waved his arm around.
Soulmate… Apparently there existed people perfect for each other and in his case, it just happened to be this human he didn’t know at all and had just met after just coming into this new life. It was all… too much and as the human grabbed him by the arm, he simply let himself be guided through the building. There were hallways and rooms he had never seen before and never was supposed to, he now realised. Only then he noticed the human next to him had been talking the whole time. ‘Don’t tell the others, but I was always hoping a name would appear. I mean, not even an asshole like me wants to be alone until the end of times. But ugh, an android, really? Well I guess there is nothing much to say, you wear my name, so fate has decided. Man, I’m excited, dipshit!’ It was too much, together with all these new sensations it was a sensory overload and all of sudden Nines simply stopped, disrupting the human’s pace too. He pressed his eyes shut and tried to file everything neatly away.
‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ ‘Too… much’, Nines answered impossibly silent before dropping down and holding his head. ‘Oh, phck, sorry.’ The human stood there for a while, then got down to his knees in front of him, joining him on the floor. ‘Hey, Connor was right. Everything will be fine, believe me. It’s just the beginning. It will become better with time.’ ‘It will?’ ‘Yes. And I’m here to help.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I’m your soulmate, see?’ He showed him his wrist again, then took the androids and aligned it next to his. ‘There. We belong together. Everything will be alright.’ ‘B-But Amanda. The tests…’ He looked over his shoulder back to where they had come from. ‘I don’t know who that is and what they did to you. To be honest, I kinda slept through the briefing. But that is the past now, okay? You’ll come home with me and everything will be good.’ ‘You… You would do that?’ ‘Yep.’ The human nodded, then frowned and looked him in the eyes. ‘Although… I’m going to ask you something and you have to answer me honestly.’ Nines nodded anxiously awaiting the question. ‘Do you like cats?’ Confused the android looked up. ‘What is a… cat?’ ‘Oh no! Please, no. No soulmate of mine could hate cats, that is impossible.’ He fished for something in his pocket and pulled out his phone. Then he scooted next to him and showed him the pics. ‘Here this is a cat. An animal. My pet and very honourable roommate. His name is trashcan.’ Nines looked at the pictures in fascination. He reached for the phone and it was handed over. Nines swiped through the images, being blown away not only by the cat but also by the surroundings. Was there really this much to see in the world?’ Next to him, Gavin smiled. ‘Ah thank god, you like them. Sorry, that was something I had to know. But now we’re good. Come on. I’ll bring you home.’
They reached the elevator and rode up to a lobby filled with statues and plants. Nines immediately dove for the green things his sensors couldn’t identify and touched the delicate leaves. Gavin laughed behind him and pulled him away. ‘Come on, big guy, I have potted plants at home too.’ Nines again let the human lead him onwards to an onslaught of blue and red light. Again, nearly too much for his systems but not as bad, now that he had a few sensations to compare it to.
There were humans running up to them, but Gavin warded them off and helped Nines outside and into a car. On the drive home he curiously looked out of the window taking in the busy world outside. There was so much to see and experience, and it was overwhelming for him. How easily one could get lost in this… But he looked at the human driving next to him, the black name sometimes slipping into the open when he turned the wheel. It was a lot at once, yes. But he wasn’t alone in this.
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lovelyrocker · 4 years
Love Is Blind Ch.24
Tumblr media
~ Characters: Jensen Ackles, Lexi Ackles(OFC), Jared Padalecki, Jesse(OMC), Bethany(OFC), Dr. Turner(OFC)
~ Pairings: Jared x Lexi(Sorta,kinda)
~ Warnings: Talk of Suicide, Talk of Alcohol abuse and Drug abuse, Slight Smut, Angst(of course), Mental Health Situations, 
~ Word Count:7,288
~ Un Beta’d - All Mistakes are my Own
Love Is Blind Masterlist
<Previous Chapter
Lexi had been in the hospital for going on seventy two hours. Other than the four hours Jared had left to clean up and try to sleep, Jared didn’t leave Lexi’s side. Between the blood loss an overdose, alcohol poisoning and her heart stopping, her body was going to need more time to recover. When Lexi woke she’d worked herself into a panic attack in Jared’s arms. Out of fear of putting stress on her already delicate heart,the nurses came in and sedated her in a mess of of rushed apologies and greetings of relief and tears. 
Lexi’s anxiety took over the minute she saw the bandages on her wrists, giving her a short lived calmness of seeing Jared. The realization of what she had done smashed into her like an anvil. She was filled with sadness and regret that she’d been so stupid. She wanted to apologies but couldn’t speak. He throat was raw and every sound felt like needles. 
The next twenty four hours Lexi woke  underwent dozens of tests. Neurological, to make sure her brain function was normal. Physical, to see how she was about to function. But most importantly, psychiatric. She spoke with a Psychiatrist for a bit, not saying much. She was still groggy through most of it and her body hurting from being shocked after her heart stopped.
Lexi was sedated again, resting, while Jared and Jensen sat diligently at her bedside. “You’ve been here for a while. Go home and get some rest.” Jensen told Jared.
“I’m good.”
“Jay, I’m fine.”
“Go home, see your kids, eat, sleep.” Jesen lifted a hand when Jared went to protest.  “Don’t even. Doctor said she’ll be out til the morning, at least.” He looked down at his watch. “It’s nine pm. Go. I got this for the night.”
“Promise me that you will call if she wakes up?”
“You know I will.” Jensen assure his friend.
It was eleven PM now. Jared stopped by Genevieve’s t see the kids for a bit, then swung by Danneel’s to say a quick hi and pick up a few things from Lexi’s  room he’d thought she’d like.
Jared sat in his bed with Lexi’s journal in his hands. Why did he take it from her room at Jensen’s? He remembered the day he gave it to her. It was in Jensen’s trailer a few days after her sixteenth birthday. He had searched for weeks but couldn't figure out what to get his best friend’s little sister. He’d seen her journaling on set one day and noticed she was nearing the end of the small notebook. So he looked at all  the nearest bookstores but never saw anything he thought she would like. They were either too small or too bulky. Too plain, to girly, nothing that fit her style or her personality. That’s when he took the internet and design her a journal. One she could add to, one she could carry with her easily. She’d never used another journal since. 
He tapped his thumb on the cover of the black leather debating whether or not he  wanted to read it. Did he have it in him to invade her privacy? Would he like what he would read?  Lexi was currently laying half sedated in a hospital bed with four inch cuts on both her wrists. Now was not the time for privacy. Now was the time to find out why. More so, what could he have done to stop her. He opened it to a random page and began reading.
 I woke up this morning and for a split second I didn’t hurt. Then I remembered I’m 2200 miles from Jared. That’s when the empty sinking feeling set in.
He swallowed hard and flipped a few pages over.
Today was another bad day. Jensen keeps trying to talk to me but after what he did, I don’t care what he has to say.
Jared stood placing the journal down and went to the kitchen. When he walked back into his room he had a glass and a fifth of whiskey. He had decided that if he was doing this he was gonna need some liquid courage. He turned the pages to the beginning and began again. He mostly flipped and skimmed through reading over the entries.  It was mostly school, work, college choices, school boys, friends, normal teenage things. The handwriting was  different. Softer more carefree. Then he scanned a page that made him pause. 
I have a big problem. I think I have a crush on Jared.
He gave a small smile and kept reading.
Very cliche’ I know! Little sister having a crust on her brothers bestie. But it’s weird, i’ve never looked at him like that until I moved to Vancouver and I have no idea why. 
Then again, how could I not have a crush on him? The man is fucking gorgeous! 
Jared gave chuckle and flipped a few more pages.
I think I’m losing my mind. No way in hell was Jared flirting with me, right? It's in my head, it has to be! He is like  16 - 17 years older than me. That's almost two decades!! But then he looks at me with those piercing eyes and I suddenly forget how even breath. And when he touches me, my whole fucking body is electric. 
Jared let out another chuckle. He knew she made him feel like that but didn’t know that so early on, she felt the same way. 
I’ve never thought a kiss would make my heart literally stop. I feel like that everytime he kisses me. That can’t be normal, right? And I know he wants to take things slow but God, I want him. I know he wants to respect Jensen and I know he is scared because he has WAY more experience. But when we have sex its something that Ive never felt before. Even when we had sex the first time it was so different from with Chris. 
Jared paused just seeing Chris’ name on the paper. 
With Chris it all seemed rushed. Like he couldn’t wait to fuck. It was all pulling and rough. More focused on what he wanted.  Jared was different. He was gentle and careful. I could tell he wanted me but he also wanted to feel me. He took his time and made me feel like I was everything. He still does.
Jared downed his drink and flipped through a few more pages stopping when he saw the handwriting change again.
I hate feeling like I can’t control my life! Every always know whats better for me. Jensen knew better when he made me and jared break up. Jared knew better when he told me to leave and basically forget about him. What about me? What about what i want?! At least chris gives me the benefit of the doubt. He gives me the chance to make up my own mind.
Jared looked at the date and saw it was about three months after she’d moved to L.A. She was diagnosed around this time. He could tell the differences in her handwriting. It was a tell tale sign of her moods and her ups and downs. Jared adjusted his position and several folded papers slide out of the folded back of her journal. 
Dear Jared, I'm above the clouds right now on my way to Austin. My chest aches because all I can think about is you. I know Jensen thinks he is doing the right thing but how can it be right if you and I are hurting this much? The main reason I guess i'm writing is to let you know I get it. I get why you told me to go
Jared swallowed hard pouring another glass of whiskey before finishing and moving on to another paper.
Dear Jared, 
Today didn’t hurt as much. I miss your text messages and phone calls. 
Dear Jared,
I finally got out of the house for a few hours today. It wasn;t bad. Went to a movie with some friends. I was missing you by the end of the night. No one to tell my night to.
Dear Jared,
Tom reminds me so much of you! Gen came by with the kids today and even though she looks at me like she wants to kill me, I’m happy I got to see the boys.
It was letter after letter that she wrote as if she would be having a conversation with him. This was how she coped with not having her best friend anymore. Even though she knew she probably would never mail a single letter, she still wrote and told Jared about her days. The letters went from almost daily to a few a week. Then every few weeks until she left for L.A. Then the handwriting changed again. 
Dear Jared,
L.A. is nice. I’m sure it would be better if you were here with me. I’m managing to deal with everything pretty well. 
Dear Jared, 
  I saw Chris today. He is doing well and getting help.
Dear Jared,
I want to tell you how much i’ve missed you, how much I still love you. I’ve thought of the day you;d be standing in front of me again so I could tell you. But when I saw you I was so mad!
Jared fought back a tear as he kept reading.
You were worried I would recent you for being with you but truth is I recent you for not being with me.
Jared swallowed hard as he flipped to another letter. He saw one dated the night before she hurt herself.
Dear Jared,
  I’m sorry. For being so mad at you. For pushing you away. For such a headcase and making things difficult. I wish things would have been different. That they could have been different. Maybe things were supposed to happen this way. I don’t know. All I do know is you were one of the best things to happen to me. And I want you to know that I love you and none of this is on you.
Always, Lexi
She was saying goodbye. He took another long sip from his glass emptying it. Jared flipped through another handful of of letters and a few more pages of her journal before getting up from his bed, dressing and heading back to the hospital.
The nurse walked into Lexi’s room at six am with an I.V. bag of fluids. She was quiet as she walked through the room as to not wake up Jensen who was sleeping on the small couch in the room, feet propped up on the edge and his head on the other, arms crossed over his chest.  And, Jared was on his side next to Lexi in her bed. His head nestled close to hers on the pillow, arm resting across her belly, hand on hers. 
The machine beeped and Jensen blinked awake looking over at the nurse.  “I’m sorry, sir.” The young nurse whispered.
“It’s fine.” Jensen whispered back sitting up the couch squeaking waking Jared.
Jared climbed out of Lexi’s bed and looked at the nurse. “Everything alright?’
“Yes, sir. Just hanging more fluids.” The nurse said to Jared as she pressed a code into the machine. “Her vitals are staying steady.” She told Jensen as he stood next to the bed. “I have a few papers that need signing. I have two contacts on her list?”
“That’d be me.” Jensen raised a hand.
She held the clipboard in her hands. “Which are you, Mr. Ackles or Mr. Padalecki?”
Jared and Jensen both looked at the nurse then to one another in surprise. “SHe has me as an emergency contact?” Jared questioned. 
“More than that.” She looked at the papers in front of her. “You’re Jared Padalecki?” Jared nodded. “You and Mr. Ackles are on a form stating that if anything happens to Ms. Ackles all legal and Medical decisions are to be made by the two of you.” She showed Jared and Jensen a copy of the legalized document. “How are you two related?”
“I’m the brother he’s her boytoy.” Jensen told the nurse casually. “Ma’am when was this document made?”The nurse pointed at a date. “That the year she moved to L.A., look Ellie even signed as a  witness.”
“You didn’t know about this?” Jensen asked him and Jared shook his head. “I’m sorry,” Jensen told the nurse. “What do I need to sign?”
“The first two. It’s consent to treatment for the neuro exams and the other is for billing.”
Jensen signed the papers and the nurse left then he shifted his attention to Jared. “You really didn’t know.”
Jared looked up from Lexi. “Not a clue.”  He gave her hand a squeeze. “She is always full of surprises.” 
“What time is it?” They heard a raspy mumble.
“Lexi?” Jared looked down to see her squirming in the bed. “Hey, baby girl.” He cooed.
“Can I get some water?” She asked trying to sit up
“No, no, don’t sit up.” Jared held up his hands.
“Don’t push yourself.” Jensen handed her a cup with a straw.
Lexi sipped the water and handed the cup to Jared who placed in on the small rolling tray. “How do you feel?” Jared asked. 
“Tired. Kinda groggy.” Her eyes focused on her hands in her lap, instant tears welling. “I’m so sorry,” Both men were at her side in an instant, arms wrapped around her tightly. “I didn’t, I-I just wanted the pain to stop.” She sobbed into Jensen’s chest.  “I couldn’t stop it. It was like I couldn’t breath, my chest was so tight and heavy.” Lexi wet on looking up at Jensen. “I felt like I was on autopilot and once I’d done it, it all just went away.”  She looked between them. “How could I be so stupid?” 
“You’re not stupid, you’re sick.” Jared pulled her close.
“Lex, why didn’t you tell us you were bipolar?” Her brother  took her hand.
“Things were calm and good. For the most part.” She wiped her eyes leaving her head on Jared’s shoulder.  
Two more days past and Lexi began to regain her strength, slowly. She managed to get by with no brain damage but suffered from headaches. Her heart was undamaged as well but the doctor still insisted she remain taking this as slow as possible.  Her mental health was a different story.
“Hey, Jay.” Lexi spoke gaining both Jared and Jensen’s attention. “When can I go home?”
Jensen sat on the edge of her bed and took a breath. “I kinda been wanting to talk to you about that.” He took Lexi’s hand in his and looked her in the eye. “I talked to the doctors and they think that you should go to a place to get some help.”
“You want to send me to a mental hospital?!” Lexi shot up in the bed.
“No, no.” Jared said quickly sitting on the opposite side of her. “It’s a treatment center-”
“You’re in on this, too?!” She looked at Jared horrified.
“Baby girl, listen to us.”Jared said calming her as he placed a hand to her cheek.her face. “It’s not a hospital. It’s a treatment center, kind of like a mental health rehab. The doctors want you to get back on the proper medication and dosages. For that to happen you need to be monitored for a few days or so.” She shook her head in protest as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. “We would never send you somewhere if we weren’t absolutely one hundred percent sure it was a good place and you would be taken care of and safe. It’s run by the same doctors that run the practice I go to. I wouldn’t trust you with just anyone, you know that.”
Lexi looked from Jared to Jensen knowing this wasn’t a discussion. “How long?”
“Two, Three weeks, at least.” Jensen said with a small exhale.
Lexi shut her eyes as a single tear escaped. “Where?” She asked swallowing hard as she looked back at them. 
“Like I said, here in Austin. We’d be able to visit you while in treatment.” Jared told her.
By the next afternoon she was being shown to her room at the Austin Recovery Center. It was the last place she wanted to be but she knew it was something she had to do. Her room held two beds and was plain. The building was on the outskirts and on several acres of beautiful full green pastures. In fact, the place reminded her of an old ranch, without all the animals. 
Lexi spent the first few days in her room trying to be okay with the fact that she was away from the people that kept her sane. She’d cry then she’d get angry then she’d cry again. 
Her new shrink, Dr. Turner, was a brunette woman that had a bubbly personality. Reminded Lexi of herself a few years ago. Dr. Turner suggested Lexi began taking Lithium again and wanted to make sure the dosage was correct. Three session with Dr. Turner a week along with group every day. Lexi didn’t like the idea of group too much. She didn’t like telling her therapist things much less an entire group of people she didn’t really know.
Which brings her to where she is today. A week and a half of being in treatment and she still hasn’t opened up much. In group she hasn’t opened up at all. So she sat quietly in her chair, knees up to her chest, listening as the other patience spoke.
“I wanna know why the new chick never talks.” Jesse, a young man, early twenties, long, dark brown layered hair nearly to his shoulders and light blue eyes spoke. “Do you think you’re better than us?”
“Not at all.” Lexi shifted her eyes to him but moved nothing else.
“She speaks!” Jesse said lifting his hands. “I was starting to thing you didn’t have a tongue or something.”
“I just don’t like talking to people I don’t know.” Lexi answered still not lifting her head.
“Well, you’ve been listening to us babble for over a week. Don't you think you know enough to share a little?” Jesse asked moving his dark hair away from his face.
“What do you want to know?”
“Is Lexi your real name or nickname?” A girl, Bathany, a bottle blond, very thin, asked across the circle.
“What’s your real name then?” Jesse asked.
“That’s pretty, why change it?” He asked.
Lexi simply shrugged. “A nickname my brother gave.”
“Why are you in here?” Bethany asked again. “Aren’t you a model or some shit?”
“Language.” Dr. Turner, who was leading the group that day, spoke.
“I did model, yes.”
“Then, why are you in here?” The girl asked again. “Isn’t your brother like really famous, too?”
“Yeah, he is.”
“You say that like money and fame fixes shit.” Jesse said towards the other girl.
“For some people it would.” The girl spat. “So why are you here. You’ve been sitting in group for almost two week and said nothing. You never talk outside of group either.”
Lexi looked at Dr. Turned who nodded her head as a sign of motivation to speak. “I tried to kill myself.”
“How?” Jesse asked sitting forward, curious.
“I  drank a bottle of whiskey, took a handful of vicodin and slit my wrists.” 
“Damn, you really wanted to get the job done.” Bethany said with a grin.
“Okay, that’s enough for today.” the Doctor spoke.
Lexi sat on the grass looking out at the flower filled fields across the property. The wind was warm against her skin as she watched the birds fly.
“So, you care for company?” Jesse said walking up.
“Sure.” She looked up at him as he sat down next to her.
“What are you doing out here alone?” He asked looking at her.
“I like the view. Jesse, right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded looking at her carefully. 
“How are your cuts?” She asked pointing to his bandaged forearms.
“Better. You?”
“Okay, I guess.”
“You really tried to kill yourself?” He asked bluntly as Lexi gave him a nod. “How and why?”
“I told you in group.”
“That was a watered down version.” He told her.
“I drank a fifth of whiskey then walked over to my-” She paused and corrected herself. “A friend’s house and took a handful of his pain pills. After sitting on the floor I took his razor and just cut.”
“I just didn’t want to feel anymore.” She looked at him. “The minute I heard my friend’s voice I knew I’d made a mistake but it was too late.” She took a breath. “Does that satisfy your curiosity. Is it enough info to run back and tell the little bitchy blonde in hopes of getting in her pants?”
“I am not stupid. I learned how to read people years ago.” She turned her attention back to the field.
“Maybe I just changed my mind on that.” He was clearly intrigued.
“You’re not getting into my pants either.” She said with sass.
“Wow, you are a feisty one, aren’t you?” Jesse gave a cheeky grin.
“You have no idea.” A deep voice came from behind them.
Lexi turned to see Jared standing there with his hands in his pockets and a visitors tag clipped to his shirt. “Jared?” Lexi stood looking at him her heart began to race at the sight of him. The last time she saw him she was still in the hospital. “What are you doing here?! Oh, Jared this is Jesse, he is in my group. Jesse this is Jared-”
“The friend?” Jesse said with a smile looking at her. “Hey, nice to meet you.” Jesse extended his hand to Jared.
Jared shook his hand. “You too.”
“I’ll leave you two.” Jesse turned walking away.
Lexi turned to Jared and he gave a hesitant, nervous chuckle, clearing his throat. “Can I- can I hug you?”
“Of course!” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.  “My God, I’m so happy to see you. I’ve missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too.” He leaned his head on hers. He took a step back and looked at her. “You, you look good.”
“Liar,” She looked away trying to hide her redding cheeks. “I look like crap.” 
 “Come on, let’s sit.” She guided him to a bench.
“Seriously, you look great. Your cheeks are a perfect pink.” He said giving her cheek a small touch. “How do you feel?”
“Tired mostly. I have these really bad headaches. Doctors say it could be from my meds or from the trauma of all that happened.” She fiddled with her hands in her lap. . “I- I like the beard.”
“Yeah?” He ran his hand over his facial hair. “We finished filming like a week ago.”
“Ahh, so it’s hiatus beard time.” She said with a smile tucking her hair behind her ears.
Jared saw the bandaged on her wrist and gently took her hand. “Are you healing okay?”
“Yeah. They’re just itchy.” She looked up at him. “How about you? How are you with all of this?”
“I’m good.” He spoke and she gave him a look, a look he knew well. A look letting him know she didn’t believe him. One look and he gave in. “Alright, I lied. I’m worried about you.”
“I know.” She placed her hand upon his cheek. “But, you don't have to. I’m okay. I feel a lot better being on medicine again. It was adjusted to higher dose last week.”
“That’s good. I’m glad you’re sticking to the doctor’s instructions.”
“I should have never stopped taking my meds. I felt good. I figured I was better.”
“A lot of people do that. That’s why they tell you talk to a doctor before stopping your meds.” He placed his hand on hers. “Oh, Jay told me to tell you he misses you and you need to get your ass better so you can come home.”
“I’m actually surprised he wasn’t here with you.” She gripped his hand a bit. “He has been here every visitation day since I got here.”
“He called me and asked if I would like to come see you. I asked if he was coming but he said I could come just me.”
“I was just as surprised as you.” Jared told her.
 Lexi nodded. “I’m glad you came. So, Are the kids good?”
“Yeah. They actually ask about you a lot.”
“Awe, I miss them.” She smiled.
“Oh,” He pulled a few pictures out of his pocket. “I have something for you.”
It was all photos  of the kids playing at his place in Austin. “Oh, look at them!” She boasted. “They’ve gotten even bigger.” She said as she flipped through seeing different picks of Jared and Jensen with them as well as Danneel and Genevieve.
“Odette is starting to crawl.
“Is she?” Her eyes sparkled. “And the twins?”
“Are just like Jensen in every way.”
“Poor Danneel.” She giggled flipping through the pictures still. “It’s only been a few weeks but seems so much longer.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Here you go.” Lexi handed him the photos.
“Oh, no, those are yours to keep. I asked the doctor and she said it was okay.” He looked around and reached into his jacket pocket. “Actually. I have one more for you.” He handed her a picture of the two of them together from when they were together. 
Lexi looked at the picture of the two of them snuggled together outside by a fire. One of the few times they had gotten to be outside like that together. “This is one of my favorite pics of us.” 
“‘I know.”  He smiled down at her, the glimmer in her eyes filling his heart. “That’s why I brought it.”
“Thank you. It means a lot.”
The two hour visit went by a lot faster than they’d liked. We they hugged before he left, Jared held on a little longer, a little tighter than he needed. Just the feeling of having her in his arms, so warm and full of life. It’s what he needed after finding her cold and lifeless in his bathroom. Lexi could see in his eyes the longing he felt.
 Lexi sat in Dr. Turner’s office watching as the doctor settled into her position across from her. “So, you had a visitor today.” The doctor began. “Who was it?”
“Yeah, Jared.”
“How do you know Jared?”
“He’s a friend. Also my brother’s best friend.”
“Oh?” Lexi nodded. “Is that all?” The doctor challenged. “Just you and your brother’s friend?”  
“I don’t know what we are to be honest.” She said looking down at her hands as she picked the remaining nail polish off.
“Why is that?”
Lexi looked at her therapist and took an audible breath. “What I tell you can’t leave this room, right?” Lexi eyed her. 
“As long as you or anyone else isn’t in any danger, that’s correct.”
“So if I tell you some stuff that happened like two years ago, even though it’s not really bad but some people may not approve, you can’t say anything? Right?”
“Unless you’re hiding a dead body someplace, no.” Dr. Turner chuckled.
“Okay, um, Jared and I have… history.” She looked at the doctor. “Like romantic history.”
“I see. Why do you see that as a problem?” The doctor scribbled something down.
“Because I was a minor at the time. I - mean sorta but not really.”
“Oh?” Her eyebrow lifted.
“Not Like a kid, but I was seventeen the first time we slept together.” Lexi’s hands were sweaty as she rubbed them on the knees of her pants.
“How old was he?”
“Thirty two. And I know that sound really bad.”
“Lexi, why are you jumping to defend this to me? That’s legal.” The doctor asked as she wrote in her notebook again.
“Because,” She sighed with an eyeroll.  “I know what you’re thinking and what you want to say even though you can’t say it.”
“Is that so?” The doctor studied her for a moment. “Lexi, do people know about and Jared’s past?”
“A Handful of people.”
“Did they react unfavorable?”
“My brother threatened to have him thrown in jail for statutory rape.”
“You brother who is his best friend?” Dr. Turner added.
“Yeah. But that’s not the worst of it.” Lexi scoffed.
“I’m guessing the world wind love you told me about was Jared?” Lexi nodded. “Tell me What happened?”
“See, I was living with Jensen and Jared up in Vancouver where he worked. When he found out he made me move back down to Texas and forced us to cut all ties. When really hurt because Jared was my friend, he was my person, you know?” The doctor nodded. “And things just went south after that.”
“How so?”
“Well, first my sister-in -law Danneel through a party with Jared’s ex wife and Jared had to be there for support and all. That night we ended up sleeping together and the next day Jay found out. It was bad. That night Jared broke up with me for good.”
“That must have hurt you.” 
“It did.”
“When were you diagnosed?”
“A few months after I moved to L.A.” She watched as the doctor shook her head and wrote. “Why?”
“Lexi, can I be frank with you?”
“That’s kind of your job.”
Dr. Turned put her book down and leaned forward a bit. “When you’re symptoms began you were focused on Jared. That’s why you didn’t notice them. You were young and in love and it's easy to misplace the highs and lows.”
“So you’re saying, you’re saying I wasn’t in love I was sick?!” She looked at Dr. Turner neary horrified.
“No, no! That’s not what I'm saying! Not at all! I’m saying it seems to me, Jared kept you grounded. When you were forced to cut contact, you lost your anchor.”
“So you’re saying this is Jensen’s fault?” Lexi asked even more confused.
“I’m not saying that, either.” Dr. Turner held up a hand. “Do you feel like it’s Jensen’s fault?”
“No! I mean, I was mad at him at first but I understood and I’m over it now.” Lexi pushed her long, now auburn hair back from her face. “That was the first and only time I’d ever really been that angry at my brother. See, aside from Ellie, Jared was my best friend.”
 “And with Ellie off at college that left Jared. You began to go down and you had no one to catch you so you spiraled.” Dr. Turner” explained. “Lexi, tell me, when you hurt yourself, where were you?”
“Why?” She asked with a small shake of her head.
“You were at Jared’s?” The doctor saw the look of confusion growing on Lexi’s face. ‘Weren’t you?”
“How did yo-” Lexi shifted in her seat. “Uh, yeah, I, I to his house when he wasn’t home.”
“Because I felt safe?” Lexi answered with no hesitation but paused, a look of extreme horror on her face and tears in her eyes. “And he, he found me.” 
“Did you want him to be the one that found you?”
“No, no, I just wanted to be somewhere I-I,” She quieted not being able to speak. The doctor saw her emotions flashing in her eyes as she recalled that day. “He sounded so far away but I could hear him screaming my name.” Her lip quivered as she spoke the sudden unexpected wave of emotions came down on her. “I could feel him grabbing me and begging me to wake up.” That’s when she broke. “Oh God, how could i do that to him? How could I let him find me like that?”
Dr. Turner moved  next to Lexi and held her. “Because you had no control at that point, it was your illness, not you.”
“He had crap he has to work through, too. How could I be that selfish?” Lexi looked up at her.
“Lexi, when you aren’t medicated and your illness takes control, it’s not you anymore. I’m sure he knows that. If he is as educated in mental health as you say, i’m sure he knows.”
Lexi’s mind was spinning. She’d always wanted to keep Jared safe. She never wanted to drag him into the mess she called a life. She felt as if she’d betrayed him. As if she let him down in the worst possible way.
That was the last time Lexi talked to Dr. Turner in recovery. That breakthrough was what Lexi needed to truly clear her head. She was released from the recovery center but wasn’t ready to be on her own yet in L.A. Although Ellie would be there, she felt she wasn’t at the point to be around all her old triggers. Since her mom and dad were traveling a lot due to her father’s work, Lexi opted to stay at Jensen’s instead of being home alone in Dallas. Lexi much preferred to be around family than alone in a huge house. Not to mention Jensen wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
Lexi would continue to see Dr. Turner in office one to two times per week and ground at least once a week. More if she felt she needed. Her group was similar to an A.A. group. Except instead of drinking the people were anxiety ridden. depressed self harmers. They even had sponsors of a type, “buddies”. Your buddy would depend on you in his/her times of need and vise versa. It gave them responsibility for their actions.
It had been two days since Jared was back in Austin having started filming again, and he still hadn’t contacted Lexi. So, being curious, that afternoon she made her way down the stone path along Lake Austin till she came up on Jared’s backyard. 
He was sitting in a wicker patio chair with his guitar in his lap. Lexi smiled as she walked up the path listening to him strum. Standing just feet away she stopped and watched him for a while. When he glanced up and saw her he stopped playing. “Lexi.” He placed the instrument down and stood. “What are you doing here?”
“I got home a few weeks ago.” She said with her hands in her back pockets. “I thought you would have stopped by when you got home the day before yesterday, but-”
“I was- I did..” Jared shoved his hands in his pockets. “I pulled in the drive but never got out of the car.”
“How come?”
“I didn’t know if I should. I didn’t want to mess up your recovery.” He admitted looking at his feet for a moment. “I’d only seen you the one time in treatment. I didn’t know if you-”
“If I’d be pissed at you now?” 
“So, you tell me you won’t push me away this time and you help me then completely disappear after I get released?” She waved a hand.
“You heard that?” He asked in disbelief. “You heard what I Said when you were unconscious?”
Nodding her head. “Most of it, yeah.” She took a step toward him. “Jared, can we talk?”
“Yeah. Come in, I’ll get you something to drink.” He motioned to the door as she followed him in. “Beer, soda, water?”
 “Water is good. I’m kind of staying away from alcohol for now.” 
 “Of course.” He shook his head in realization as he grabbed a water from the fridge. “I’m sorry, I-’
“It’s okay.” She smiled softly taking the bottle of water from him.
They sat in the living room, Jared making a mental note of her physical condition. Her cheeks held a pink tone again and her lips were back to their red shade. She seemed to have more charisma in her although she did have a cautious air about her.
Placing her bottle down she looked at Jared and raised her hand to his cheek for a brief second before grazing along his stubble. “You look good, Jare.” She told him with an exhale.
“Are you okay?”
“Jared, I came here to tell you how truly, unbelievably sorry I am.” Jared gave her a confused look. “I didn’t think about how finding me like that-” Taking a pause for a breath she looked up at him. “I’m so sorry I did that to you.” She tried to hold back the tears that insisted on rising.
“Don’t be.” He told her. “I’m not.”
“What? How could-”
“Because if I wouldn’t have found you then you wouldn’t have been here today. I rather deal with that then putting you in a casket, do you understand me?” He told her holding her face between his hands. “Listen to me.” He gained her eyes and focus. “I heard you. I heard you before the paramedics came in. You said you were sorry.” Tears threatened to rise in his eyes. “You said you wanted to take it back.”
“You could hear me?” Her voice a whimpered cry.
“Always.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “I’ll always hear you, baby girl.” Touching his lips to hers for a moment he pulled back and looked at her. “Lexi, I love you.”
“Jared,” She looked down finding it hard to concentrate or even breathe looking into his eyes. When she glanced back up his eyes drew her in. His touches, swift and calculated, felt like fire through her body when he touched her. “My God, I’ve missed you.” She whispered between sweet, simple kisses.
In a mess of pulling and grabbing, they traveled up the stared to his bedroom dropping clothes from the door to the bed. All Jared wanted was to be inside of her again. He needed it like he needed air to breath.
Sliding into her Lexi gripped his arms burying her face into the crook of his neck, the scent of him filling her, heating her already heated flesh. She tangled her fingers into his silky long hair giving a slight tug, her hips rising from the bed as Jared grinded into her never letting the bodies part. Sweat beaded his forehead as Lexi pushed away the hair from his eyes, his lips finding hers easily.
Now they lay in his bed with the hot Texas sun shining in through the balcony windows. Lexi sat up, the sheet still pressed against her body knees to her chest. Jared laid with an arm behind his head and his other stretch out caressing her bare back with his calloused fingers.
“What are you thinking?”He asked her.
She stared into the bathroom. “How stupid I was.” She looked back at him. “How much I’ve screwed up over the past few years.”
Jared leaned forward pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “Don’t apologize for being sick. That’s something you couldn’t control.” Lexi looked into his eyes and a pang of guilt hit her. “I miss this. You and me, being together.”
“Me too.”
“But Jared, I have to be honest with you.” She faced him. “I’m not supposed to get involved with anyone for a while.” Looking down she felt Jared’s fingertips grazing her bare arms. “It’s part of my therapy.”
Leaning back he looked up at her. “I know.” Her eyes darted to him. “Well, I didn;t know but I had a feeling it would be.”  He Cleared his throat shifting to the edge of the bed. “Listen, why don’t we get dressed and head downstairs.” He slid into his Saxx and grabbed his shorts. “I’ll meet you down there in a bit. Take your time.”
Lexi dressed quietly and made her way down stairs thoroughly confused. Rounding the kitchen she heard Jared talk and stopped just within ear shot. “Yeah, she’s okay.” She heard Jared say. “I promise I'll bring her back later.” Lexi took a step closer trying to see if she could hear who was on the other line. “Jay, i’ll keep her safe.” Jared turned and saw Lexi standing there. “I gotta go.” He pulled the phone from his ear and looked at her. “How much of that did you hear?”
“Were you telling him you just got done nailing his little sister?” She said hoisting herself up on the counter. 
“No, I wouldn’t-”
“It’s a joke, Jare.” She said with a smile. “So what was this? Just a quick hit before it's too late?” She eyed him. “What’s going on? If you knew I had conditions to my treatment why didn’t you stop what just happened?”
“Lex,” He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the counter and sat her in chair at the breakfast nook. “Listen, I need to tell you something.” He walked to a drawer and opened it. “I took your journal.” He held he worn book in his hand.
“Why?” She looked up from where she sat unsure what he was about to tell her. “Why would you do that>”
He placed the book on the table and sat next to her. “When you were sedated, I - I read it.”
Lexi looked down at her hands feeling her anxiety bubble to the surface. “You did?”
“And I found the letters.”
She stood from the table feeling mortified as she carefully pushed the chair beneath the table. “I should, um I should go.” 
“Wait, no.” He stepped closer to her and placed his hands on her arms.
 She backed away crossing her arms over her chest. “Please don’t.”
“I’m sorry.” He held up his hands. “I- I just, this isn’t going how I thought it in my head.” He huffed.
“You’re having conversations in your head but, I’m the one that just got out of the nut house.” She shook her head. “Hell of a match, aren’t we?” After everything her sarcasm remained.
He then ran a frustrated hand over his face. “Can I explain? Please?” He held out a hand for her to sit back down with him and she did. “I’m trying to tell you that I get it.” She gave another unsure expression. “I just,  I didn’t, I didn’t know I was, that you, ugh, damn it” He ran another frustrated hand over his face. “It was the same for me as it was for you.” He finally got the words out. “You kept me calmer, my anxiety was less, I felt like I could function on a whole new level when we were together. Even my bad days were good.” His confession poured out catching Lexi off guard. “I wanted to tell you that I know how it felt. It wasn’t just you. And, and being with you today, It was good to feel that again. Even if I know it won’t last.”
“Wow.” Lexi let the word out in an exhale. “I, uh, I think I should have went with that beer.” She chuckled.
“What? I, I mean, you’re not mad?” He asked astonished.
“Jared, if I was to trust my deepest more personal thoughts to anyone,” She reached taking his hand. “It’s you.”
Jared still held a guilty look. “I’m still sorry I invaded your privacy.”
“If you can forgive me for what I did, I certainly can forgive you for being so concerned.” Jared smiled at her and her heart fluttered. “Now what?”
“We focus on you getting better and know i’ll be here for whatever.”
“Jared you know I-”
“You don’t want me waiting for you, I know.” 
He kissed the back of her hands. “Just focus on you, okay?”
Next Chapter>
TAGS: @saxxxyjared @xostephanie @onethirstyunicorn @dreaminemz @squirrelnotsam​  @jbbarnesgirl @thevelvetseries​
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my-autistic-things · 4 years
Hi! I have my Official Autism Test next week and I'm getting really extremely anxious because I've been waiting for so long and now that it's actually coming up I realize I don't know what to expect! What was the evaluation like for you? What kinds of questions did they ask? Will they judge if I bring a comfort item? Sorry if this is too much I'm just scared haha. (I'm also in the US if that makes a difference??? Idk) also ty and I like your blog
Hey! First, congratulations! I hope you get the results you expect/are accurate!
Depending on your age, it could be slightly different. I will assume you’re an adult -- your parent/guardian will probably need to fill out a survey thingy online too about you, and you will also fill out the same/similar survey during the test. I was told that it was a standard survey when I took it; I took it on an iPad, but you may take it by paper, or it could be verbal...I’m not sure.  After the survey, we did some simple tests to test spatial reasoning, pattern recognition, memory, general knowledge, and stuff like that.  They are kinda like little games and are actually fun to do.  Depending on if you are also requesting/being given an IQ test along with autism test, and also depending on which testing type the psychiatrist is using, the tests could differ.  You’re not supposed to study at all (so it’s an actual glimpse of your knowledge), but if you’re really anxious you could brush up on some super basic math and general knowledge info like famous state/country capitols.  I panicked and for the life of me couldn’t remember what the capital of Italy is, BUT because of that, that added to my memory score being so low.  I guess my point is, studying and preparing could actually backfire.  If you “get the correct answer” in certain tests it could work against a diagnosis/a part that would play a significant part in diagnosing you as x disorder.  
After the survey and test part, we did a questioning part. She asked me about experiences socially, how I am among peers and adults and coworkers, how I do in school, that sort of thing.  Also a bit about my childhood.  And some opinions about myself, some difficulties I have, pretty much everything that would indicate I would have ASD.  Again, you should answer as honestly as possible.  If you try to answer “correctly” it could work against you here too because the “correct” answer could be socially appropriate or contradict something else.  If you want to prepare a list of symptoms you show, experiences that give a clear example of something you experience, and kinda like a narrative of why you should be diagnosed with ASD according to the DSM-V, that would be very helpful as a script and also you can give it to the psychiatrist as additional information since not everything can be covered.  Follow up emails are (should be) welcomed to give additional details too.  You should ask if you can email them with more stories or details because “your memory isn’t that great” or “sometimes you freeze up in social settings” or “it takes me time to process and think about my answer” (definitely autism-related valid reasons!).
Lastly, bring your comfort item! Bring stim toys!  I thought I had to mask/”be professional” so I didn’t use my tangle or anything until the topic was brought up and I asked if I could.  Honestly, stimming during your test can only add to reasons why you should be diagnosed.  Don’t try to control your autistic behaviors, mask, or force yourself to do things and act in a certain way according to neurotypical standards.  Overshare too! Not mentioning something or leaving something half-explained can only work against you.  You’re paying them for this service, they need to listen to you to do their job, the least they can do is let you talk and exist how you exist.
You can message me or send in another ask if you have more questions! Good luck! Let me know how things turn out!
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codeblve · 4 years
howdy y’all ! lilac’s the name, writing trashlord character’s the game. i hail from a lil island known as australia... so in essence, i am never gonna be online at the same time as anyone else dkjfghdkfjgd. but !! don’t let this deter you. like a lil ol’ boomerang i’ll eventually find my way into your dms and hopefully we can plot/write with all your incredible muses. <3 a lil info about me though, i’m a tea connoisseur, sims enthusiast, and i talk daily about how i consider the barbie films cinematic masterpieces. if i haven’t scared you off and you’d like to get to know my sweet and memey tough boi, please press that readmore to complete your transaction.
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⌠LUKE HEMMINGS, TWENTY ONE, CISMALE, HE/HIM⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, BLUE HAWTHORNE! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT + COVERT OPERATIONS (CP); and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a smiley face traced into the precipitation on a mirror after a long and warm shower, a constellation of bruises strewn across your body, impatient foot tapping in the hallows of detention, chopsticks fashioned into walrus tusks over a meal, climbing higher and higher with no sign of stopping). when it’s the (aquarius)’s birthday on 2/13/1998, they always request their CHEESY NACHOS WITH EXTRA GUAC from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
( for more details about blue, check out his stats & hcs here ! )
he is playful, jocular, impulsive, and honestly? immature lmao. he is honestly a Soft Jock™
he’s always been looking for the childhood he never got to have, y’know? he does this in the way he’s always cracking jokes, a bit of a class clown, disruptive. a wholesome prank or two. 
he gets in trouble in school more than his fair share, simply for daydreaming or sneaking out. he doesn’t let the institution define him, but he can take orders when needed. he can be very loyal tho, and much like eggsy in kingsmen, if someone asked him to choose between his dog or orders ?? he’s always choosing the dog kdjgf
he is secretly very insecure and always has a need to please. if someone doesn’t like him, he’ll tear himself apart to figure out why.
he’s always telling jokes and always laughing. he’s known for his Memes and is always a good time to be around. social butterfly, gregarious. chances are if you don’t know him, you’ve heard him dkfgjdf
he’s also a bit Anti-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( sex lmao ) because ya boi has commitment issues so high they’re floating out there in space
he can also be very maternal when the need arises. he is not good at talking about emotions but he’ll give you a meme or a hug to Heal You
he very much reminds me of the human embodiment of a puppy. cannot be alone for very long, has a short attention span, and craves validation lmfao. give him a squeaky toy and he will be Contented
as a soon-to-be spy he can be Tough in the field when he needs to be but he’s also v sensitive. most see him as a macho, just genuinely happy kinda dude but, he truly feels a lot. he won’t let you know that, though.
he struggles academically as he has a short attention span most of the time and thinks too little of himself. however, he’s a lot brighter than most people give him credit for. he’s incredibly creative and a lateral thinker. maths makes him want to die, tho. he does shine in physical trials at least, which is something !
also what’s money? blue does not know. he grew up with hardly anything, and has been working since he could. for this reason he’s quite frugal and struggles to throw things away. 
blue’s troubled past ( explained below ) is something he doesn’t acknowledge, and not a lot of people know about. to many, he’s known as the local Meme Dealer. but to a lucky few, he’s known as a friend who would do anything for you.
most just know him as the moron named after a colour tho.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
( HISTORY ! ) - tw: illness/cancer, death, substance ( alcohol / drugs ) & depression.
blue hawthorne, who never goes by his birthname bc he hates it dfkjgdgdf, was born in the town of sparks, nevada ! 
it was always just blue and his mother, margarette. he never met his father and he was gone long before blue’s mother could even tell him about a pregnancy test. cut off from her family due to having a child out of wedlock, the pair started a life for themselves. all they had was a humble abode in a trailer park. material possessions were lacking, but blue never felt like he went without. 
blue’s mother was by very definition blue’s best friend. they both shared a love of music and ballet, and margarette worked as many jobs as she could to allow for her son to take lessons. starting quite young, at the age of four or five, blue was actually quite good. the usually mischievous and erratic child found structure in the discipline, and it was the thing that brought him the most happiness.
as a child blue was often teased for his interest, and the fact that he was so close with his mother. despite being incredibly short and frail at the time, he was also very outspoken and strong-willed, and never let his peers get the best of him. he danced, he laughed, he bruised his knees at any given opportunity. made a lot of mistakes. what he lacked in possessions he gained in the abundance of joy he felt in his heart growing up. his mother and a few of his close friends were his world.
when blue turned fifteen, everything changed.
( illness / cancer tw ) the jubilant, mischievous, but altogether kind-hearted boy was given the heart-breaking news that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer. margarette hawthorne, much like her son, was a fighter - and didn’t let such a diagnosis keep her down. despite their dwindling lack of funds now going towards medical bills, and the fact blue began sacrificing his own childhood as he took to the role of a caretaker of sorts for his mother, he never took his time with her for granted.
things were okay for a while. there was a point where the doctors were convinced that she was going to make it. blue was a fool. blue believed them.
at the age of sixteen, blue lost everything. he lost his place to live, he lost his childhood and lust for life, and he lost the person he loved most in the world. he lost his best friend.
it wasn’t long before the overbearing sympathy from those around him soured blue. he was sick of being bullied, people not liking him, and altogether not being in control of his own life. most of all, he felt so hopeless as his best friend in the entire world was starting to fade. so what did this boy do ? he quit ballet (the thing he’d loved since he was able to stand), he started drinking, he got involved with a very bad crowd and became a frequenter of the local police station. blue became a certified Bad Boy™
blue was sent to live with the grandparents that despised him and never acknowledged his existence before that moment, having met them at his mother’s funeral. righteous and conservative in their views, they had cast aside their daughter when she had blue, and only reached out to her in her final months. for this reason, blue despised these people (he refused to call them family). he tried his best to be appreciative of a house and food ( which was much better than anything he had growing up ). but he was cold. always cold.
( substance tw ) in his latter adolescence, blue fell into a rapid succession of bad decisions. still small, still frail in stature, he found himself at a dissonance with his image and began growing insecure about his looks, the years of torment weighing on him. he found anesthetic in the party scene outside of school, taking to alcohol and drugs as a sedative from the life he felt forced to lead. he couldn’t decide if he hated himself or he hated the world more.
at the age of 17, his rap sheet seemed to grow with each rise and fall of the sun. he was hardly ever ‘home’ and couch surfed. at the age of 17 he’d gotten his own car and lived more out of that than the stuffy house on top of the hill where he was supposed to be. his grades were debris lost in his tumultuous storm, he was always looking for validation from the kids he hung around with and made some very poor decisions in the hopes he’d be liked. in the hopes he’d find a new family.
the partying, the stream of hook ups, his criminal record (mainly with petty theft, a few write ups for public intoxication and fighting), the instability of his living situation and his future all came to boil just before he turned 18. physically he’d started to fill out, and look more like the man people know today. he was no longer frail and no longer weak, and when asked, he used to his fists to forge that path he thought he wanted.
after a dark night, it became apparent to blue that his path of self destruction was hurting no one but himself. things had to change.
through nothing short than a McMiracle (sponsored by Ronald McDonald, bc no one else is rich enough to pull it off lmfao) blue managed to scrape by and complete high school. not well by any means. but he did it.
it was about now that blue had been informed of a small school called blackthorne academy. details were scarce, but what drew the blond’s attention was the tuition ( or lack thereof ). his acceptance cited his physical capabilities as seen through his many years of dance and explained why he was of particular interest to the school. he was suspicious, to say the least. but blue knew he wanted to become something, and to go to this school would not only take him away from a life he wanted to forget, but he would become self sufficient, and be able to leave his toxic family situation on his own terms. 
bidding farewell to the grandparents he was only beginning to know, his grandfather saw no reason to extend her kindnesses, and cut blue off. at the age of 18 he was homeless, with nothing but a car and a handful of pokemon cards he’d had as a kid. not worth anything or even particularly sentimental, he just likes pokemon kgfjfd.
living in his car for a while before eventually crashing with a close friend, blue managed to absorb his days in work before eventually starting his tenure at blackthorne. although blue’s wild days are behind him, there are some things locked in his past that still haunt him. there are doors he never hopes to open again. but he got his fresh start, and is determined to live the life a young blue would have wanted for him, and one his mother could be proud of. and who knows, maybe he could go on and save the world. 
all of these are absolute trash, and i much prefer plotting with specific characters in mind to cater it to our muses and make it unique to them. (~: but i do have a few wanted connections here as a starting off point !! if any of them really call to you though, please let me know as i would adore to have anything listed !! with that in mind, i wanted to include a sample of a few of the connects on the page here to make things a lil easier. 
— *. ; ( co-workers ) || this connection is a little up in the air as i understand that students aren’t allowed to leave campus without staff supervision, and tuition isn’t awfully high if you can’t afford it ! however, blue has no money, and if at all possible he would try and get some sort of job whilst at blackthorne/gallaghers. whether that be doing odd jobs as part of his covert ops classes, or even working for the campus doing things like lawn maintenance, working in the stables, or literally anything that was open ! ( his ‘job’ could even be bringing in dkfjgdf some sorts of contraband to sell to other students, lmfao. nothing illegal, just stuff you can’t get on campus ). this connection is meant for any muses that may also be employed, or want them to be, and these two could be co-workers ! with an admin blessing we can figure out what is logistically possible within the plot, and if your muse already has a job i’d be very interested to have blue be a coworker if you were at all interested !! <3
— *. ; ( protector ) || there are two things blue hates most in this world: liars, and bullies. as an older ( and arguably large ) student, he comes to find someone who is going through a rough time assimilating to life at the academy for whatever reason. on the surface neither of them have anything in common, but the pair form a sibling like bond, and blue is willing to do anything to protect their friend. 
— *. ; ( aggressor ) || blue is very mild mannered for the most part, save for any jokes he likes to make. however, there is someone on campus who absolutely makes his blood boil. whether this person dislikes blue for his lack of wealth and sophistication, his inherent need to never pick sides, or his immediate abandonment of respect for blackthorne once the truth came to light. or perhaps he made a joke in their early days that rubbed this person the wrong way, and a toxic environment has persisted since then. i imagine this relationship has escalated to violence, and for whoever picks this up i’d really love to delve into their hatred and flesh out their angst !
there are plenty more connects on the page and like i said, i am literally happy to plot anything under the sun. (~: 
thank you so much for reading ! if you made it all the way here ?? you’re a h*cking legend lmfao. if there’s anything here that stood out to you please hit me up either on tumblr dms or via discord ( my user is lilac 🍕#1835, or kjgdgdf the person with the crying squidward icon in the gc lmfao ). as there are quite a lot of members here, please like this here intro if you are interesting in plotting/writing with me so i know !! i’ll check out your beautiful intro and Throw (or rather, gently pass you) some ideas your way if you haven’t messaged me first. <3 but thank you so much again for making it to this point, here’s a proverbial cookie for your troubles. it’s double choc chip, enjoy it. (~: 
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