#also i was largely fueled by spite
radioconstructed · 1 year
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#// gonna drop context in the TAGS!#scambaiting is exactly what it sounds like! you bait scammers. for example pretending to be a potential victim to waste their time. some#people can go further and get their info to report to authorities or reverse connection into their computer and mess up their operations.#Al's goal here is to improv some insane scenarios (see link for an example) and have fun wasting these clowns' time so they can't make money#(this also saves victims but she is fueled mostly by pettiness and spite bc she hates robocalls)#they do get raging tho and she is gonna have so much fun making them rage. she has her own creative insults too.#(first link is long (but worth it) but the second two videos are short)#Her focus is improv but pls remember that she's pretty techliterate (like... her operating system is a linux and she set the hotel network#up with pihole to block all ads on the network) so she is running a virtual machine in case some scammer asks to remote into her computer.#Also! Scammer Payback is a scambaiter with a large following. He collabed with musicians to make a soundtrack. The songs pass as love songs#and stuff but they're about scammers/scamming/scambaiting and it's great. It's Al energy.#Anyway she VERY RARELY goes live on camera bc she dislikes being on camera in real time as there's no editorial control#but this is the sort of thing she wants to be on camera for! she's also broadcasting.#So. Lots of fun improv with live music between calls. It'll be fun. You'll get to see her make music live. Live looping and live instruments#(I don't think city lights & rain on me are officially part of the soundtrack. it's just the same artists collabing. but they have good sax#solos and I think april fool's is The day for Al to unironically refer to herself as h*rny in a song.)#⌖ online#⌖ hellfie#OH! THE FIREARM! I had drafted Al doing an iconic moment from a pengu*nz0 video and decided to use it for this.#She has that bisexual lighting going on too. It's to match the vaporwave music and also bc it's classic youtube.
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utilitycaster · 21 days
What is the d20 meltdown about? 👀 If you don't mind getting into it
I literally don't know other than vague shit because I'm semi-avoiding spoilers. I'm making this nonrebloggable because we're in pure speculation country.
From what I have gathered, people are mad because I think the Bad Kids kill the Rat Grinders (another adventuring group that's been set up as their bitter, jealous rivals from the start) and they want...redemption or some shit? This is absurd to me like this party was set up as The Enemy from the start.
I am 4 episodes behind so I can't speak to this, and also I admittedly have a rather low opinion of the D20 fandom at large for a number of reasons despite being a big fan of D20 shows, but: I just by chance watched the scene that I would say counts as a point of no return for at least some the Rat Grinders. Like, actually some of the most villainous shit I've seen on this show amplified by how petty and small and purely fueled by jealousy the motivation is.
My guess as to why the D20 fandom is, per whispers on the wind/texting my brother who is caught up/talking to friends not avoiding spoilers, having a meltdown about it is because people have this idea of Brennan Lee Mulligan always making capitalism the BBEG, or occasionally religion or politics.
That is untrue. He does hate capitalism, and that is a theme in the (real-world-ish set) Unsleeping City, but ultimately the thing Brennan sees as the villain is a willingness to hurt, exploit, and dehumanize others for your own goals and benefit. Capitalism and religious corruption are two major examples of this, but in the end, the worst thing you can do is kill people out of a desire for power, or attention, or spite. What Brennan truly hates is what we on Tumblr call a tar pit.
Now. My much more pointed analysis? Kipperlily (and presumably the other Rat Grinders) are deeply entitled people jealous of the Bad Kids, who aren't as academically strong at times but who have leveled up through saving the world at least three times. How many people does killing rats so much that you hit the high levels of D&D save? or even help? Like congrats, you're level 14 from killing rats real good. These guys stopped the fucking Night Yorb. Of course they get the fame and glory, you entitled, self-absorbed little brats. Do you not understand how this fucking works? This is underscored by the fact that they've definitely murdered at least one of their own and almost certainly two (and a teacher to boot) at least in part to get at the Bad Kids.
And herein lies my feeling as to why the D20 fandom is really melting down. Because the loudest and most unpleasant contingent (which is probably why the server is, ultimately, shutting down all discussion channels) have always struck me as entitled self-absorbed little brats who demand precisely what they want when they want it (and also have the literary analysis skills on par with the 3/4ths of a stick of Monterey Jack cheese currently in my fridge) and they're seeing, in real time, that in this story, they're the villain.
But: I haven't seen the next 4 episodes and I could be getting the details of the plot wrong (not the first 15 episodes though, and I do not think the Rat Grinders are going to make the world's best Heel-Face turn in 3-4 episodes, and at this point they're so clearly the villains that to deny it is to admit truly earth-shattering levels of stupidity) and so: nonrebloggable. I'm hoping to catch up this weekend though on both the show and the hot goss, and if I'm right this will become rebloggable.
ETA: I am caught up making this rebloggable but I'm actually more confused, because as my posts indicated this was not even like, edgy. Like I assumed maybe there was a twist where the Rat Grinders appeared to regret their actions or something but failed to do anything about it, making this a little bittersweet? but no there literally was nothing, they went into the final battle still like hell yeah we're going to be the living worst.
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faerytreealtars · 9 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Wisdom from the elements ~ Water ✦☆⋆。𖦹°‧★🐳
Hello again, Saplings! 🌱 A new PAC today that I hope you enjoy, take a deep breath, and choose whatever images resonate with your soul and heart, Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚  
This reading is the second part of a series I am doing based on the four elements and the wisdom they can offer. Next up is water, the spirits, spites, and guardians of the sea, waves, foams, and other water bodies have come forth to inspire and guide you as you make your journey. Water is heavily linked to intuition, dreams, and emotions. It is water that helps sustain life but at the same time, she is unpredictable as what can give life can also easily take it away.
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕
Song: Black Water Lilies - Aurora
Faery-Tale: Water & Salt - "It is that what goes unappreciated that deserves gratitude the most"
[ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]
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Pile 1
[ Cards: Queen of Pentacles, The Fool & Knight of Cups (rx) + "Gift" ]
The time is coming to an end where you let emotions control you, Release the obsessive need to be in control for it does not fuel you, it merely hinders you. Imagine running a race while carrying a large heavy boulder at the same time how you ever expect to finish? Don't make things harder on yourself by feeling pressured to be perfect & always knowing what to do or what's happening next, No one truly knows the secrets to life and while it may be scary try to see the fun in living in the unknown, and taking each day as it comes. You can only control your own person so why not focus on making your character the best it can be.
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Pile 2
[Cards: Judgement, Knight of Pentacles & Knight of Swords (rx) + "Harvest"]
You have been working hard on yourself, mentally & physically and you should give yourself more credit. Feeling proud of yourself won't destroy or take away all of your efforts - No one can take away what is yours unless you let them. The time of harvest approaches & in this time don't fear speaking up more, perhaps someone else out there needs to hear your voice & story, or it is necessary for you to be bold in taking what is rightfully yours and speaking up against those who challenge your boundaries, nonetheless keep working as you have been for I'm sure you'll go far!
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Pile 3
[Cards: Four of pentacles, High Priestess & Six of Pentacles + "Friendship"]
Perhaps you have been feeling left out, Lonely, a little bit of an outsider/outcast. Not to worry this cycle can end but that depends on you. We cannot control others only ourselves but are you truly willing to put in the time, effort & care to build true connections, one needs to listen to others too not just be the speaker for that is how we learn and grow from others. It is a two-way street after all. Everyone is different and we must learn to accept and see the beauty in these differences. This also means to show your true self to the world without fear & follow your intuition more often for it is through that which will shine a light out to the world and let your soul family find you. Good Luck!
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I hope the wisdom of the waters was able to bring comfort or help to you in any way, I, of course, thank you, your dear guardians and Angels as well the spirits of the water for allowing me to read for all of you!
If you are looking for more in-depth readings catered to only you, and you alone. Feel free to check out my personal readings, the link is up top or you can check this helpful post to understand how my readings will aim to help you!
-Love, Fae 🍀🧚🏻‍♀
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ceruleanwhore · 4 months
So now I'm psychoanalyzing Jin, I guess
WARNINGS: Spoilers and also TW for mentions of violence, murder, and suicide.
Ever since I started thinking about how maybe Jin isn’t actually the worst, maybe he’s just badly written, I’ve ended up kind of diving into psychoanalyzing him and now I think I can honestly say that I feel bad enough for him that I don’t dislike him anymore — he’s firmly in ‘poor little meow meow’ territory and I like pathetic men. But I just wanted to share some of that psychoanalysis here because I think y’all might appreciate it.
So I started with kinda inventorying his trauma and thinking through from what’s in the text what he would have lurking in his brain and, of course, there’s quite a lot. Growing up in abject poverty is traumatizing in and of itself, but he also had to watch his mom get sick and had to provide for them as best he could at a very young age since he couldn’t and, in the end, it wasn’t enough and she died. Then there’s the matter of learning the truth of who he is and who his father is and returning to the palace where he’d then stay and live among the same people who so violently hated his mother that they basically killed her, and then there’s Bloodstained Rose Day.
The thing with his parents, though, is that it isn’t just how he had to sit there and watch his parents fall apart and eventually die because of their doomed relationship, it’s also that day in and day out he gets to hear about how his parents never should have been together in the first place. It’s a sentiment that he internalizes so much that he makes Clause 99, and yet by saying that they never should have fallen in love, everyone is also saying that Jin never should’ve been born. Clause 99 is actually fucking depressing because it’s basically Jin saying that, if he could go back in time and prevent his parents from ever falling in love, he would, even though that would mean he wouldn’t exist. We also see this suicidal streak in Luke’s route with how his answer to that whole conflict is to just stand there and tell his brother to kill him.
I think this is largely fueled by guit, both in the case of the stuff with his parents and, more obviously, in the case of Layla’s death. I imagine that Jin might have felt responsible for his mother’s death since they were so poor and just by existing he required resources and could’ve felt like that contributed to her illness and death. There’s also the part where the king wouldn’t have spiraled the way he did if he never learned of her death from Jin and, especially since his mother did tell him to never go to the palace and he was disobeying her final request of him or whatever when he told the king the bad news, he probably blames himself for the late king’s decline. 
So what I’m seeing in terms of mental health is a bunch of PTSD and depression with passive suicidal ideation, but he doesn’t have the support system or tools to actually heal so he relies on unhealthy coping mechanisms, mainly alcohol and sex. I think that some of his biggest motivation is proving his value to himself and the people around him, like everything he does is more or less in an effort to somehow prove that his existence is worth it. It would probably be a massive internal conflict of guilt and self hatred vs. the desire to feel like, in spite of how things went for his parents, it was worth it for him to be born. We see in the story how hard he works and how valuable that work is as well as how he’s built relationships with his brothers and also takes the time and puts in the effort to get the people of Rhodolite to like him as well, and even goes so far as to try and help people from Obsidian too. 
I think the biggest example, though, is what he does in his route right after Emma arrives in the palace of forcefully inserting himself into her daily schedule by insisting on being her tutor. This annoyed me when I read it because it felt contradictory for Jin to do that after going to such lengths to avoid catching feelings and specifically trying to prevent any future Belles from falling in love with any future princes, and forced proximity is definitely bad for trying not to catch feelings for someone. However, if we think of it in this framework and consider it as a way he seeks to gain validation of his existence and worth, it makes sense because the very first thing he does is create a situation where she needs him to do exactly what he does. She passes Sariel’s test because all the questions were about what she saw when he was dragging her around town and shit but, more importantly, she then goes back to Jin and thanks him for his help and I think she even apologizes for resisting his intrusions, which is exactly the sort of validation I’m talking about.
I also think this seeking of validation is one of multiple contributing factors to his casual relationships with women. I believe it’s a combination of this desire for validation, a fear of commitment, self-soothing for all the trauma, and trying to ignore the part of him that does want the deeper intimacy of a real relationship by engaging in more casual physical intimacy. I also think that the narrative of Jin’s story takes all of those things and puts some combination of them in every interaction he has with Emma. He flirts with her when she first arrives because he wants to literally conquer his biggest fear and just fuck and dump her before he can catch feelings, he seeks validation by helping her, he goes to absurd lengths to create situations to allow himself to be around her while also trying to maintain distance to prevent feelings from developing. It all culminates in him admitting that he does want that deeper intimacy, overcoming that fear of commitment, and letting her in because he knows she’s a safe person who can give him that validation and help heal his trauma.
Now, I want to talk about Luke, Layla, and Bloodstained Rose Day. I think they tried to set up a parallel between Layla and Jin but never fully got there and the most we really get with that is how Luke is with interpersonal relationships and the part where these two are the only people he’s ever been close to. However, I do think it goes deeper than that because I think, if it were written better, Layla would be like a physical manifestation of Jin’s inner child. Just like how Layla was mortally wounded from the building collapsing and begged him to kill her in order to stop her pain, Jin’s inner child is still bleeding out somewhere inside him, begging for death just like her. I think that, when he pulled her out of that rubble and she was then bleeding out and asking him to kill her, he saw himself in her and slit her throat without hesitation, doing for her exactly what his inner child wishes he would do for himself. In the moment, I think it was more suicide than murder but then, after he did it, he then would’ve had this moment of realization that he just killed a child and that would begin the years of inner conflict about it and would contribute to stuff like his decision to make those graves.
So yeah, going through all of that psychoanalysis really helped me reach this conclusion that Jin doesn’t suck, he just isn’t written well and now I don’t hate him anymore, which is great. I just wish that the Ikemen games were better at handling their own characters because it fucking sucks that all of this and more is hidden in the text and they do nothing with it so he ends up coming across as an unlikeable dick. Especially since he is the first prince, I think it’s a real shame they did him so dirty when they had all the makings for a deep, complex, empathetic character.
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haptronym · 2 years
Fanon vs. Canon #2: Quirkless people face heavy discrimination
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The second of these posts , first post is here.
This fandom interpretation pops up more frequently with Izuku than it does with Toshinori, but I don’t care, I’m going to write about it anyway. This concept is exactly what it says on the tin: that the phenomenon of Quirklessness is a black mark on a person’s reputation. It ranges from “people make fun of them” to “Quirkless people are abandoned by their parents and randomly murdered on the street.” With Toshinori, it’s often used to formulate backstories about his childhood: he was abandoned as a child for being Quirkless, or had to struggle through heavy discrimination, making Nana’s decision to give him One For All even more meaningful. It’s also used in All-Might-critical works to make him give up on Izuku (so that Izuku can go become a cool vigilante or villain out of spite, or so that some other character can swoop in and play mentor).
You only have to watch the first episode to understand why this idea exists. Izuku’s Quirklessness is devastating to him. His mother cries and tells him “I’m sorry” over it. He is bullied and mocked and told that he can’t achieve his dreams. It’s easy to look at this and conclude that Quirklessness is a terrible, tragic curse.
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But... let’s consider the circumstances first. Izuku’s life goal is to be a hero. And in this series, “hero” is a job position, one that specifically exists to allow people to use Quirks freely. Of course Quirklessness would be a catastrophic handicap in a Quirk-fueled profession. 
Imagine a basketball anime where the protagonist is 4’2” but still dreams of joining the top ranked high school basketball team in the nation. Of course his height would be a horrible setback for him. But it would be a huge stretch to decide, just based on watching the basketball tryout episodes, that anyone in their society shorter than 5’11” probably ends up homeless or murdered in back alleys. Quirks may be vital for hero school... but that doesn’t mean they’re vital everywhere.
For example, in the anime, a lot of characters get little intro sequences that briefly showcase their name and their Quirk. At first, this seems to reinforce the idea that this world thinks Quirks are the most important thing about a person. But notice who gets these special intros. As far as I’ve noticed, only heroes or hero students get them. Other characters, even recurring ones like Tsukauchi the police detective, do not get this kind of attention. It’s only done for heroes and aspiring heroes because heroes are the only group that are defined by their Quirks.
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So how does the rest of the world handle Quirklessness? First off, we learn right away that a full 20% of the population is Quirkless. That’s huge. That’s every one in five people! Even if it’s heavily skewed towards the older population, it’s still an enormous percentage. And in the past, the Quirkless population was even larger. This is not an uncommon phenomenon whatsoever. Every person in this society most likely knows a Quirkless person personally.
Of course, it’s very possible to discriminate against a large population. But does the worldbuilding seem to suggest this happens? It actually seems to suggest the opposite. One of the key conflicts in this story is that its society really doesn’t handle people with Quirks very well.
In the world of My Hero Academia, the government responded to the chaos of Quirks by banning public quirk usage entirely. This also extends to employment: people are not allowed to use their Quirks freely in the workplace unless they are "licensed" in an unspecified way. This puts a huge dent in the common idea that being Quirkless hurts a person’s job prospects: having a Quirk wouldn’t necessarily be useful unless it happened to exactly align to their work needs and they also happened to be "licensed" for it. Considering the wide variety of strange Quirks out there, having a Quirk could easily be a downside! Companies don’t have to worry (as much) about Quirkless people accidentally setting chairs on fire or being unable to fit through doors. Being Quirkless could actually be a benefit. 
This extends to things like housing as well. Vigilantes is especially direct in addressing these sorts of inequalities, like it does in these panels from chapter 37:
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Quirks are only about 200 years old, and society still doesn’t seem to have the tools to handle them. It seems to have responded by trying to suppress Quirks as much as possible. If you can’t do so, then you are often forced to the fringes of society. This is the main conflict fueling many of the members of the League of Villains, and the entire Meta Liberation Army. In this society, the ability to act Quirk-free is the ideal.
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The differences between people, and the conflict that differences cause, is brought up over and over in this series as it explores why certain people are ostracized by society and what happens when their suffering goes unaddressed. If Quirkless people really faced terrible discrimination, it would only make sense for the story to use them as prime examples of this! But it never does, not even in passing.
The most striking example of this occurs in the 3rd My Hero Academia movie, where a terrorist organization tries to use a bioweapon to eliminate all people with Quirks, leaving only the Quirkless. The story tells us several things indirectly. First: if Quirklessness were oppressed, it would make sense for this Quirkless-glorifying organization to use this angle in order to attract members: rise up against your oppressors! But Humarise doesn’t do this. It just uses a lackluster pseudo-religious argument that Quirks are a “disease.” 
Second: if Quirkless people were really a despised underclass, don’t you think these threats would have caused a huge backlash towards the general Quirkless population? Izuku and Toshinori, being former Quirkless people, should have been aware and worried about this, if it were an issue. But we see no animosity like this whatsoever. Not the reaction you’d expect if there was some kind of sharp divide between Quirked and Quirkless people.
One last note on the worldbuilding: Quirklessness is naturally getting rarer and rarer every generation. It seems like a huge waste of effort to try and systematically oppress Quirkless people out of existence when they’re disappearing just fine on their own.
So, based on the way the story is set up, it seems unlikely that there are big systemic issues that cause Quirkless people to have a disadvantage in society. In fact, Quirkless people may have a leg up in some areas. But how about the way that individual Quirkless people are treated by others?
We’ve already seen that Izuku’s struggles in the beginning of the show are largely because he’s trying to get into a profession that is not made for him. Once he gets a Quirk, he has remarkably few lingering issues about his prior Quirklessness. The only time we see it affect him is during the Sports Festival, when he is discouraged by his failure to live up to All Might’s expectations and briefly wonders whether One For All would be better off with someone more skilled who can combine their existing Quirk with its power. But this is resolved within a single conversation, and to my knowledge, Izuku never shows this kind of self-doubt again. Edit: wait, yes he does - after the Shie Hassaikai arc, he gets down on himself and laments that Mirio should have gotten OFA instead. This triggers a bunch of other emotional issues, but they seem more related to hiding his troubles than to his sense of worthiness.
The most striking thing is how Katsuki, bully extraordinaire, reacts to Izuku over the series. He is enraged when the “Quirkless” Izuku begins showing off superpowers... but it’s all because it threatens his superiority complex. And later, in chapter 117, when he puts the pieces together that Izuku got a Quirk from All Might... it might just be my interpretation, but he doesn’t seem to react the way one would expect if Quirklessness was a huge mark of inferiority. He barely brings it up, and is mostly just self-centered and guilty about All Might’s downfall. The whole fight is him trying to understand why Izuku deserved this power, rather than trying to assert that he doesn’t deserve it in the first place.
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And after this fight, Katsuki seems to accept Izuku’s borrowed power as legitimate. He faithfully keeps Izuku’s secret and there’s no talk about anything like Izuku not deserving it.
Later, when (spoilers ahead for anime-only viewers) Quirklessness becomes a plot point in explaining why Izuku can wield One For All without shortening his lifespan, none of the vestiges express much wonder about Quirklessness itself; they don’t say anything like “to think that such a despised condition would have such a fortuitous upside...” It’s just treated as an interesting oddity.
There are three other confirmed born-Quirkless people in the main series so far: Toshinori Yagi, Melissa Shield, and Yuga Aoyama. With Toshinori, we don’t learn much about his experience being Quirkless, just that the world was in turmoil during his childhood and he felt compelled to make a difference. He doesn’t talk about what it felt like to be Quirkless, because trying to get personal feelings out of him is like pulling teeth. 
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He does tell Izuku that Izuku can’t “become a hero like All Might” without a Quirk... because of course he can’t. All Might can’t be a hero like All Might without a Quirk; no support items could possibly bridge that gap. Otherwise, he doesn’t give any overtly negative opinions on Quirkless people throughout the course of the story and is overall pretty cryptic.
Melissa Shield, on the other hand, has a whole mini-comic all about her Quirklessness. Here’s how her peers behave towards her:
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Far from the witch-burning hatred we see in fanfic. They’re friendly with her, they’re trying to include her. The main thing she struggles with is not overt prejudice, but a feeling of being different. (And again... she is probably not as alone as she feels. Remember that 20% number.) 
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But luckily, during the comic, All Might teaches her that you don’t need a Quirk to be someone’s hero, and her dejection lifts. By the time we see her grown-up in the movie, she seems happy and well-adjusted, and discloses her Quirklessness voluntarily without any apparent distress. She even seems confused when Izuku expresses pity towards her. She’s in a prestigious academy, studying to be a scientist, and there are no signs that her Quirklessness is hindering her goals.
Aoyama has a less clear picture of his childhood, but like Melissa, there were no indications of bullying or oppression, only a fear of being different. It wasn’t even him who felt this fear the strongest... it was his parents, who entered into a deal with the devil to grant him a Quirk so he could be more like everyone else. Did they do this because Quirkless people are shameful pariahs in this society and they wanted to protect him, or because they were vain and wanted to keep up with the Joneses by making sure their kid was as flashy as everyone else, even if it meant consorting with crime lords? Maybe it was a little of both. We may never know for sure.
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The takeaway from this is that none of these characters show evidence of widespread oppression because of their Quirklessness. Izuku is the closest thing to an exception - he was ostracized, and targeted by a bully, but his situation was complicated by his hero goals, and Katsuki seemed hellbent on putting Izuku down even before he knew Izuku was Quirkless. Quirkless people suffer from a fear of being different... but “being different” is not something unique to Quirkless people. People with inconvenient Quirks are shown to suffer much more because of their Quirks than we see any of the Quirkless characters suffer for being ordinary. 
In conclusion: both from the worldbuilding and from individual histories, there’s not a lot of support for the idea that Quirkless people face marked societal difficulties, or are considered lower-class, except perhaps in the context of a hero school. They might feel left out and different, but that’s a far cry from being randomly targeted for hate crimes.
Even if there’s little canonical backing, it makes sense why Quirkless discrimination would still be an intriguing concept to explore. It’s always poignant to explore the story of someone who lacks the thing everyone else has. Plus, the distinct lack of canon coverage leaves plenty of opportunity for fandom to fill in the unexplored possibilities.
But according to the official story, the condition of Quirklessness seems about on par with being born short in a world where some kids want to grow up to be basketball stars. Can it cause discrimination? Yes, for sure. People will discriminate over the most trivial things, and many Quirks can provide intrinsic benefits that a Quirkless person will miss out on. But it seems like something subtle, not on the level of a widespread hate campaign.
Once again... I'm not some kind of expert, I forget basics about the show all the time. I'd love to hear your rebuttals or additions on the topic. And fanfic is valuable and fun because it explores topics in a different way than canon does.
(Thanks to @journalxxx for lots of help and input on this post)
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thrandilf · 4 months
i feel this in a creative work sort of way and idk if im like. i doubt im Alone in it but idk how common of a problem it is like what if i am just being a freak but
i actually think i can do what im setting out to do re writing a book series. i think i can do it well. i have clear and defined goals and i Know it'll be years of work
the hang up is like...
i guess i feel like the entire world expects me to fail
i dont think i will, but i never mention to people being a writer and having stuff im working on unless theyre close to me/Also other writers
see, with fanfic, it made sense to hide it away wrt irl. i mean we live in a society fic has a bad general public rep that i can tell, lotta ppl think it isnt Real writing, ect
im just surprised i still have this sense of fear/shame ig abt my own could be published years later writing
like i dont tell ppl i write at all because if i did id expect them to think im just gonna fail, like i dont have it in me, like my ideas are bad, like any kind of bad faith/hurtful thing abt writers being worthless or how much of a longshot it is for anything to take off just Haunt me all the time and so i still self isolate my biggest hobby/frankly whats a part of my identity and has been since i was in elementary school
not being a fueled by spite person makes it kinda hard bc if i ever do mention it i feel like ill have to just get defensive, but also ppl tend to not be like oh you're doing/making x thats Stupid i probably wouldnt hear it to my face
but i dunno
i just feel depressed. and a large part is probably that moving from fanfic to og means i can and will have more ppl seeing it bc it isnt fandom dependent, but its still smth i reflexively Hide bc of how i think ppl will view me/that its like im wasting my time or kidding myself when i dont believe that but its. augh
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mai-komagata · 11 months
vulcan control meta
Ok, so some theories on vulcans based on last episode (i mean i always had these theories, just nice to see them more explicitly shown). It isn't an issue just of emotional/mental control. Humans can develop emotional and mental control. And i think characters like Amanda and Michael prove humans can do that too. The thing is, Vulcans have much better physiological control over their bodies. I expect much less of their nervous system is autonomic or functions sympathetically. For example: if vulcan spock wants to appear skeptical, he can raise one eyebrow and one eyebrow only. They don't even realize they do it this way. It's just how their muscles work. If human spock wants to display an emotion, his whole face twitches uncontrollably. A lot of that humans can learn to do, they can train themselves to move muscles separately. But I'm guessing that level physiological response comes automatic for vulcans. Likewise, their tone of their voice is likely normally monotone, unless they force it not to be. But muscles, although they might move in groups without thinking, they are still largely voluntary nervous system actions. If a vulcan doesn't want to feel pain, they can just ignore it. Its like they have the pain sensor, they understand it is painful, but if they know it isn't hurting them, they can ignore it. They don't have the same reflex reaction to pain. If they find something arousing, they don't react to it without voluntary control. It is something they turn on voluntarily if it is the right situation. It seems like they can control how their kidneys function, for example as well. If they need food, they don't necessarily experience that as a constellation of disparate symptoms that affect their whole body, either. They know when they are low on fuel and they eat. They can enjoy food just as much (like T'pring's dad clearly does), but they don't have to -- it is another physical stimuli they can detach from. So what is my point here. That vulcans aren't less emotional, or more emotional, or more logical *genetically.* But they control their reactions to stimuli (whether mental or external) voluntarily, in a way human physiology cannot -- I cannot will my vasopressin levels to be different. And their philosophy is a stoic philosophy that views their bodily reactions with detachment. A human can follow a stoic philosophy and practice and learn that detachment. But their physiological reactions are different, and some of these things come as second nature to vulcans. Human spock is a bit like he was drunk (well he also was drunk in one scene). For the first time, he isn't voluntarily in control of all his bodily processes, and used it as an excuse to indulge in that feeling. He doesn't need to learn how humans react to humor and do all those movements to pretend to fit in. they just happen. But he can rally and keep it together if need be, and he could longterm learn that control. But it isn't a better or worse way of living and they aren't better people for it (sometimes it makes them worse). It is just something that societally comes easy to Vulcans b/c of their physiology. That said, ultimately, Vulcans are telepaths. They engage in emotional closeness via telepathic communication, not physical displays, so they can create personal connections in spite of their lack of physical displays. Spock feels disconnected from his mother without his telepathy b/c that is how he has been close to her all his life. That isn't something that can be learnt, but it is a reason michael (and even spock, to a smaller degree) would adapt to live differently when not around vulcans all the time, b/c it would get lonely. Vulcan control isn't *desirable* in a non-telepathic society.
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ironwhumper359 · 10 months
Whumper prompt 3, have fun~
The Tenets of Growth: Pt. 1
The Path of Cultivation
CW: submission, allusions to torture, religious themes, religion used to justify torture, whumpee turned whumper, stress position
Word count: 1500~
“So, what did we learn yesterday?”
Aster considered the question carefully as she knelt at her Cultivator's feet. She’d learned long ago, when she was merely a Seed, not to speak a single word without considering whether or not it could be misconstrued by the harsh woman as too stupid, too clever, or too disrespectful in general.
"We learned that life...does not flourish without decay. That the rot and filth that surrounds us need not kill us, but can enrich our surroundings and make us stronger. But if we succumb and become a part of it, rather than use it as fuel, that is when we cease to grow and begin to wilt."
Aster desperately wanted to sneak a glance up at the Cultivator's face, to gauge her reaction to her words, but she kept her eyes fixed on the ground, hands clasped behind her back and her head bowed low.
"Then you have learned well," the Cultivator said, and relief and pride flooded through Aster in equal measure. "Rise, and accompany me. There is something you must see."
Aster obediently got to her feet, hands still folded behind her and head down as she walked, but her breath came a little easier after the words of praise. She walked through the Nursery's winding corridors without truly seeing her surroundings, placing her full trust in the Cultivator to lead them on the right path. As was true in all practices at the Nursery, this was to remind her of humanity's dependence on the Goddess Perivyta for all things, but Aster longed for the day she would finally Flower and begin to learn the layout of the halls for herself.
Finally, they stopped in front of a door, and the Cultivator pulled a key from somewhere inside her robe. Unlocking the door, she stepped back to allow Aster to enter the room first. As was customary, Aster stepped inside and immediately knelt at one side of the door.
"Her Ladyship Lantana, Third Cultivator of the Durtham Nursery enters," Aster announced, and the Cultivator swept into the room. Aster rose long enough to close the door behind her, but before she could kneel again, the Cultivator grabbed her by the arm.
"Hold," she said simply, and Aster froze. "You are very close to your Flowering, Initiate Aster," the Cultivator continued. "And in spite of your early difficulties Sprouting, my fellow Cultivators and I have taken note of your growth."
Aster bowed her head.
"I am grateful that your ladyship saw the weeds at work in my heart and Pruned them in time to allow me to flourish," she intoned.
"Your growth is my growth," the Cultivator replied lightly. "Lift your head, Initiate, and observe the room."
Aster did so, and a wave of nausea rolled over her. They were in a small cell, sunlight from a single barred window shining into the room and illuminating a large patch of rough, exposed earth in the middle of the stone floor. A long shadow was cast by a single metal loop bolted to the floor, and Aster could feel her heart beating faster in her chest at the mere sight of it.
"You may speak, Initiate," the Cultivator said, and Aster swallowed.
"Your ladyship, I...I thought you said that my growth was sufficient?"
"Did I also not say that you are nearing the time of your Flowering?" the Cultivator asked, and Aster nodded quickly. "I have meditated upon the will of Perivyta on where to assign you for specialty study, and it has been laid upon my heart that you are to walk the Path of Cultivation."
It took every ounce of Aster's meticulously crafted self control to keep her mouth from falling open. The Path of Cultivation? Her? Aster had only heard whispered rumors of what the path for initiates was like, but everyone knew that to be a Cultivator was the highest honor in the order. Everyone else, not just the initiates, but the Sowers, Tenders, and even Pruners had to answer to the Cultivators.
"I have spoken with the other Cultivators, and they have agreed," Lady Lantana continued. "However, the Path of Cultivation is unlike the other paths of the order. Training is only given to one initiate at a time, and only when the circumstances are right."
Aster nodded absently, their mind spinning with a dozen questions. Why was only one initiate trained at once? What circumstances? What was even the difference between the Path of Cultivation and the Path of Sowing, shouldn't it basically be the same information? Why was she the one chosen, out of the dozen or so Budded initiates who were nearing their Flowering?
"Praise Perivyta for her goodness, for she has provided us an opportunity," the Cultivator said. "This morning, the city courts delivered a guilty verdict to a notorious thief that plagued the streets for months before he was finally caught. He is being transferred here tomorrow, and the First Cultivator has agreed that you, Initiate, shall undertake his Cultivation."
"I...I am honored, my lady," Aster stammered. "But...forgive me, I just...would expect such an important task to be carried out by one with more experience."
Or any experience, she thought, but did not say.
"The Path of Cultivation is not one to be walked lightly," said the Cultivator. "It is one thing to plant a flower in a bed. It is quite another to coax fruit from a tree that has been set upon by rot. Initiates purposely are trained with initiates sent to us by tribute or sentencing, so that in the future they will have the skills necessary to deal with any difficulties in their future plots."
Aster swallowed, then nodded.
"I understand, my lady. What are to be my first steps?"
"Tomorrow, you will start your studies, beginning with the performance of Ritual Re-Planting. But first, you must demonstrate your readiness to walk this path. This cell is to be the site of your study, and must be consecrated. Assume your meditative position."
Aster turned around, and for a moment caught a glimpse of the Cultivator's sharp face before bowing her head again. The expression was unreadable, and Aster forced herself not to squirm as she knelt on the patch of dirt.
She brought her arms out from behind her, clasping her hands over her heart and curling low to the ground. She pressed her forehead to the earth and counted silently to three before straightening again, resting her head on her still clasped hands.
"Thanks be Perivyta, by Her grace I grow," she murmured, tucking her chin to her chest.
She extended her arms out and up until they were raised above her head, palms facing upward in a gesture of acceptance. 
"You are to remain in meditation until I return," the Cultivator instructed. "At that time, if your heart is prepared, you will undergo your Flowering."
Without another word, the Cultivator turned and strode out of the room, leaving the door open behind her. Aster saw her feet disappear, but did not lift her head to watch her go. She inhaled deeply through her nose, held it for a moment, then released it through her mouth and began to murmur softly to herself. 
“Perivyta, Sower of Life, from whom all life derives. All life is your holy and sacred gift, and we give thanks to you in all we do. We are your Purest Seed, created from your being and scattered by your hand into the world to produce your fruit. The Earth is your holy gift to us, yet we also are your gift to the Earth. All we take from it, we return to you in glory. As you nurture us body and soul, so we shall nurture others, and their growth shall be our growth, and our growth shall be your growth. You are the holy giver of life and the holy giver of suffering; when we flourish we rejoice in your bounty, and when we suffer we rejoice in your Pruning. We submit to your will, that at the end of our lives when we are gathered into the Great Harvest, we may be counted among the fruitful and brought to your Table of Plenty. Let us not stray from your ways, lest we be cast aside with the chaff and burned in the fire of your hearth.” 
Aster had never been good with time, but she’d once heard another initiate say that it took less than two minutes to recite the Tenet Prayer. Of course, that was if you were simply reciting the words with the goal of reaching the end; Aster found that if she slowed down and focused on each line, connecting it with the deeper meaning of each tenet in her mind, the prayer would take even longer. Which, on the one hand, made the time spent meditating seem to pass slower, but on the other hand, at least it gave her something to think about other than the deep, persistant ache that was already beginning to develop in her arms. 
She closed her eyes, and began again. 
“Perivyta, Sower of Life, from whom all life derives…”
Author's Note: Aaaand that's where I'm leaving off this first installment! Don't worry, there's more coming very soon, and while it won't necessarily have less world building, it will definitely have a lot more whump! If you'd like me to make a taglist for this fic, let me know and I'll definitely do that!
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furrama · 4 months
I saw this macaroni and cheese TikTok uploaded on Tumblr late last year and it looked so good. Like watch it, isn't it the most delicious thing you've ever seen?
Did you watch? Okay, I made it. Went to her website and followed the directions exactly. My advice is to not make it.
The reasons are simple: One, it's just. Too much cheese. Like it looks good in a video, but if you put that much of those kinds of cheeses into something there's going to be. So much oil. Just everywhere. Even if you take care not to overbake, it's going to be overflowing over the sides of your casserole dish. Did you see in the video that at some point she had a pan under it? Like she put it in the oven filled to the top (which is asking for spill over anyway) and then we cut back and there's an oily pan for a second? Yeah, you eat this and you will be on the toilet for days. Did it taste good once you blotted up some cheese oil with paper towels? Yes. Was it worth it? No.
The second reason is that it's stupid expensive to make this recipe. The cream and cheese add up, it's going to cost like 30+ dollars depending on cheese brand and availability. Macaroni and cheese should be affordable, this recipe isn't.
My hunch is that this was made to be a video first, and I wasn't supposed to take it seriously.
I have spent the last couple of months fueled by something akin to vengeance, trying to make a good mac just to spite the video, and after talking to my dad who used to manage several Luby's Cafeterias and searching online and stealing the chicken bouillon in the noodle water idea from the video, this is the cheapest and best version I have after making it and fiddling around several times. And you will not die of cheese grease. Probably.
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Macaroni and Cheese Recipe
You will need:
11/7 casserole dish, aluminum foil, a cheese grater, a little oil for the dish
2 cups of small dry elbow macaroni
4 tablespoons of nonfat dry milk
2 tablespoons of all purpose flour
1 teaspoon of kosher salt
1 teaspoon of chicken bouillon powder
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon of white pepper
1 and 1/4 cup of boiling water
1 tablespoon of butter
1 pound block (16 oz) of sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 pound block (8 oz) of american cheese (check the deli counter for this one, you need to be able to grate it. And yes it's worth it, the way it breaks down in hot water is important to getting creamy sauce.)
Roughly 6 hours before eating boil water for macaroni in a medium sized pot, and put the bouillon and salt in the water. Cook according to package directions, then set aside in the water to cool. Stir the noodles once in a while to break them up. Make sure they stay just covered in water. Once lukewarm put in the fridge with a lid. Noodles should get big but not mushy.
Also roughly six hours before you will start the cheese sauce. Grate all of your cheese. Add the milk powder, flour, white pepper, garlic powder, and butter to a large bowl. You can optionally add another 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt here. Pour in boiling water and whisk together. Then add half a cup of shredded american cheese and half a cup of shredded sharp cheddar. Whisk them together until smooth, about 2-3 minutes. Then let it cool, then cover with plastic wrap or a lid and put it in the fridge. This will help it thicken up. Mix the rest of your shredded cheese together and put it in the fridge until it's time to bake.
When it is time to bake set the oven to 350 degrees. Oil the bottom and inner sides of your casserole dish and set aside. Drain your noodles thoroughly, water likes to hide in them and it can cause your mac to become watery. Then put the noodles in the bowl with the sauce and combine. Then add another cup of the mixed cheese and stir. Put the mixture in the casserole dish and cover it with foil. Bake for 30 minutes.
Then take the foil off and cover the top with the rest of your shredded cheese mixture. Bake until the cheese melts. You can broil it until brown spots appear but that will separate out some of the cheese grease so be aware.
Let the dish rest for 10-15 minutes. Enjoy!
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(Costs about 12 dollars a dish too.)
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batbeato · 2 months
What would be your thoughts on George if he was transgender? I'm curious, because a very very very large part of his upbringing was Eva attempting to outdo Krauss in, if not being the perfect heir, raising one and, usually, I think I've only seen portrayals and analysis of what that would mean for Battler and Jessica.
You have one of the best (at least in my opinion) understandings of the characters, and I read your Jessie+Yukari fic (and they were...so...cute! Also, good on Krauss and Asumu, there!), so I was wondering what you thought of this scenario.
I'm afraid I don't have a very good grasp on George's character, but he seems to have had a pretty strict upbringing in regards to his education. Being raised to become the perfect heir would also meaning confirming to the gender role of a man - even though he (she?) wouldn't truly feel that way. Or alternatively, be so deep in denial, actively wading into the closet so far back s/he ends up in Narnia.
As much as Eva loves George, I don't think she'd react well to him being transgender. Considering...everything, especially in the Ushiromiya family. This sounded more thought out in my head, but it's all kind of bleeeehh written out, sorry! I wanted to ramble more and my mind just went absolutely blank.
Thank you for your faith, ahaha. Not sure it is merited but I appreciate it <3
Honestly, I feel like George being trans would be... very difficult for their family to accept. Like, Eva loves her son a lot, and she worries a lot about forcing George to be the "perfect Head", but in the end despite her worries she still gave George a very strict upbringing and George is a lot closer to his easygoing father than he is to his very strict mother (who also wants to arrange a marriage for him). He doesn't even clearly express that he isn't interested in an arranged marriage to Eva. He just plans to spring his engagement with Shannon on her and everyone else in the family. A big public show of things, probably to make sure Eva has less of a chance to force him to change his mind or marry someone else. It's... not really the actions of a person who trusts his family to be normal about him disobeying expectations.
If George was trans I can imagine them repressing it, because they were raised with a lot of stuff about gender roles and misogyny and just. Yeah. I can imagine their relationship with Shannon being a sort of "look, I can be Normal, I am definitely a Man who loves Women" (is actually a trans lesbian using attraction to women to deny transness). Would add an extra layer of "fucked up" to the whole thing where the jealousy of Battler is more about Battler being a man (something they're supposed to be but aren't deep down) and being jealous of Jessica is about Jessica being an open tomboy not conforming to gender norms or expectations of being a proper lady (ignoring or just being ignorant of the fact that Natsuhi punishes her for it, or just that Jessica can keep being a tomboy in spite of Natsuhi's disapproval/punishment).
I just feel like George... wouldn't be open about it. At all. Not even to Shannon. Another tragedy of Rokkenjima where if only people had opened up they'd have found they weren't alone in the terrible misogynistic patriarchal society they feel so trapped and lonely in. And it would probably fuel George attempting to fit into the masculine, patriarchal expectations where they're supposed to take this leading role of a provider/leader and treat women a certain (terrible) way and they're trying very hard to fit those expectations to the point where they're blind to how it hurts Sayo even as they try to improve and self-reflect because it's ultimately a defense mechanism to hide their transness and perceived 'otherness'. Lots of internalized transphobia there.
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unknown-lifeform · 5 months
Breakfast headcanons for the first class Soldiers, please! Who cooks, who skips it entirely, who steals who's cereal, etc. 😉
I mean Angeal is obviously the "most important meal of the day" kind of guy. He just is, nothing surprising about that. But he also doesn't have time to cook a full meal every morning, because SOLDIER schedule is hard. So when he doesn't have time he just has a nice coffee and something like pre-boiled eggs he keeps in the fridge and some bread and go. He's probably a savory breakfast kind of dude tbh. If he has the free morning he may just make a whole three courses meal for it.
And Zack's probably the biggest appreciator of Angeal's breakfast cooking sprees. Dude's a vacuum cleaner. If Angeal makes breakfast Zack is gonna be there, first in line, and quickly place like a dozen pancakes and four scrambled eggs on his plate. Absolute menace, will have everyone around him have to fight for their portion. But if no one is cooking for him he's probably not cooking for himself. He might just get a bowl of cereal. Or have leftover pizza for breakfast, possibly without even bothering to re-heat it in the microwave.
As for Genesis, theoretically he is the kind of person who would love to be brought a whole banquet in bed, but in reality if he has a large breakfast it ends up sitting on his stomach for the rest of the day. He is forced by his own body to just have a small breakfast - or straight up skip it - and then snack through the morning. So he can't even properly enjoy Angeal's big breakfasts, he has to eat his breakfast dumbapple and then eat again before lunch. If he wants a whole breakfast he has to have been awake for like two hours to properly enjoy it. He might still steal something from Zack's plate out of spite tho.
And Sephiroth likely has a very "it's just fuel" approach to breakfast. He is aware that his body requires food to work, that his mind would very much enjoy caffeine to work, so he just eats the right proper amount of food and then goes on with his day. But he doesn't quite have a concept of what breakfast food is. Like if he needs a certain amount of carbs then it doesn't matter if it's pancake, bread, pasta, rice, or boiled potatoes. If he needs protein he doesn't see why he shouldn't make himself an hamburger if he wants. Assigning foods to specific meals feels dumb. He may also do things like pouring half a bottle of maple syrup straight into his coffee to sweeten it because who's gonna stop him? Genesis? He can try.
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felassan · 1 year
Mark Darrah's latest Mark Darrah on Games YouTube video, "Triage Games - So You Want To Start a Studio" is interesting and worth a watch.
The video description reads "So you want to start a studio? ENOUGH questions! How about some answers? Let me go through and answer the questions for myself", and contains a link to Triage Games' website.
Quote of interest from the video:
"So you wanna start a video game studio and I keep asking you all these questions. Why don't I take some of my own medicine and walk through my answers to these questions. First, a bit of a revelation. I arguably already have a video game studio, it's called Triage Games. It is a studio that exists at the moment largely to support my consulting business."
He explains that Triage Games sometimes focuses on helping out other studios, and sometimes focuses at other times on game development. It's not currently doing any game development on its own at the moment. He continues:
"Let's talk through the questions and talk through what my answers would be. Why? I left a pretty high-paying job back in 2021. Money would not be the reason for me to start a studio that would be making video games. I could in all likelihood find another Executive Producer job and go back into the industry at a AAA studio and basically go back to the job I had before. So if it was about money, this is not the way to go about it. Three years ago, four years ago, five years ago, I could certainly see spite being one of the answers that I would give for the 'why' question. I like to think that I've moved past that. Like I said, spite is an effective fuel but it burns really dirty so getting yourself off of that kind of motivation is a healthy thing to attempt to do."
[source and link to full video]
also, assuming that Mark's consulting on DA:D is via Triage Games or that Triage Games as Mark's studio reflects his strengths and what he can be hired to consult on/regarding. considering that, here's some info from Triage Games' website on some of the services it offers. presumably the stuff focused on the end of a game's dev cycle is what's relevant to what it could entail, being that DA:D hit the Alpha milestone.
"FROM STARTING GUN TO FINISH LINE [...] And the end: Triage Feedback Response Finishing
Start Strong - Set your processes and structure up to help you build the game you are trying to make - Develop a culture of "Completion Urgency" to get more done and use completion to drive quality - Craft your pitch to lean into your storytelling strengths and cover your weaknesses
Finish Stronger - Know when your feature is "Great Enough" - Reacting to external sources of feedback and integrating new ideas into your planning without destroying the plan - Prioritizing bugs, issues, features, and changes to guide your game through the final stages of development
Process - The way that you set up your team sets up the cultural norms that form of that team. How do you want your team to react and respond - Processes like the Hourglass and Dailies can help foster a culture of completion urgency. Once you start getting things more done, they will help move the entire project forward
Triage -Triage is an invaluable tool for guiding and landing a project. We can help you set that up and get you running the room like a seasoned pro  - Different prioritization models and balancing bugs against features - Who should / shouldn't be in the room? - Just need someone to stamp down the chaos?
Feedback Response - Mock reviews, usability testing, focus tests, QA reports; there are lots of sources of feedback. - Whether you have a plan and want validation, or don't even know where to start, we can help! - We can synthesize the feedback from multiple sources and help you craft or refine the best path forward from where you are
Publisher Support - We help publishers too! - Whether you just want someone to take a peek, or need to restructure from the ground up - Check out that acquisition target - Help get that game that's been stuck get to the finish line"
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I'm also largely stepping away from all the truther conspiracy shit. There comes a time when you realize how much the largest events in the world are fueled by some amount of evil, and the only real thing that can be done is to not engage in it, or burden your mind and heart with what you can't change or make better. And it's a mark of maturity to understand this without counting yourself as evil for doing so. I got my own life to live, and I want to make it and those closest to me the best I can in spite of it all.
True. Though I think "I can't change this" is half the appeal for conspiracy types. If you're a wannabe rugged homesteader, you can front online and make up stuff, but ultimately you either have to bust your ass growing your shitty spice garden or live with the fact that you're a fraud. If you're a conspacy theorist, that's it. Accomplished. By just knowing about (and talking incessantly about) these kooky narratives, you can successfully declare yourself a warrior of truth and justice and never have to actually do anything
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circa-specturgia · 2 years
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WIP Intro: Prometheus
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Authors note: This is an intro to a WIP of mine! Prometheus is essentially a sort of spite-fueled VLD-inspired fanfic/fix/rewrite of sorts with elements taken from other science fiction media I love, Ie Interstellar, The Martian, SCP and others! Hope you enjoy this little taste!
The Prometheus. A top-of-the-line spacecraft carrying a super liminal propulsion engine, a device which warps the fabric of reality to allow the ship to travel faster than light without violating any of the principle laws of physics. The pinnacle of human space flight engineering.
The crew a group of prime-chosen PANASEA astronauts; each with an objective on their mission. Seven of earths best and brightest.
A few tests had already been done, including an unmanned vessel sent to the Alpha Centauri system, a drone, which was to drop off its payload of research gear and habitats for the crew of the Prometheus for the actual mission, as well as a test flight with a crew of 3, to Mars and back. This test flight was a success, and the final green light for the preparations beginning for the Prometheus missions: Missions to send humans to set foot on the planets of another star system for the first time in human history.
The crews mission, Prometheus Prima, is set to last a sum total of almost exactly 180 sols, 6 months away from Earth, with a month of travel to the Alpha Centauri system, this journey being one which would normally take about 4.5 years to complete traveling even at the speed of light. 110 of these days are designated as on-site exploration, setting up habitats and gear for future missions, as well as gathering data in all fields of their knowledge.
The definition of a void when talking about space and all the stuff related to that is simply put “A place with a lot less stuff than space usually has in it.”
The Prometheus, after the crew enter stasis and activate the SPE, passes through a form of wormhole, a form of which which does not allow them any way to head back, and once they exit it, they find that they are stranded.
Not only this, but their location does not match any readings of the observable universe, giving one possible result: They are outside of the observable universe, at a distance exceeding 46.5 billion light years from earth. To put it plainly? There’s no possible hope for getting back to earth any faster than several hundred million years no matter how far they’d push their engine.
The crew had ended up not only in a place that far away, but also in a supervoid, one that, by estimate of the crews astrologist and astrophysicist, far too large to reach even the edge of it in hopes of finding a world to at would be semihabitable…
The position they find themselves in seems hopeless: Too far from earth to ever get home, in the middle of a void with near to no stars or planets to at least land on and try and live out their lives, ship systems failing, and an affliction beginning to affect the crew, one that none of them can figure out…
While cruising through the void, something comes up… Just a blip, for a moment, than another… Finally, a few minutes of constant feed: A rogue planet somewhere nearby, within range of just a few days cruising. Hope.
But the planet they alight into orbit to does not appear to be one formed naturally… It’s surface of slate and stone is broken by jutting angular cliffs that seem too clearly cut to be natural… Too designed. Too artificial. Constructed.
First contact.
And so they descend…
Hope this teaser got y’all interested! I might post the first chapter sometime soon cause I’ve had it written a while ago and would only need to rewrite/edit it, cause the above is just a first taste of the first half of the chapter! I’ll be sure to pin y’all in a taglist if you let me know, but for now:
Taglist! ✨ @keyboardandquill @athenswrites ✨
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flysafepapi · 1 year
Vikings ask do you think if ivar was around when hvitserk started doing drugs that he would've abandoned him like ubbe or bjorn
Ooh, good question.
I don’t think so, but I definitely think Ivar would’ve done the whole “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” thing.
Largely, I think he would’ve been supportive with helping Hvitserk in dropping the habit, but it wouldn’t be sort or comforting support at all, more like taking away any that Hvitserk might’ve stashed away and threatening everyone with death if they even think about saying yes if/when Hvitserk tries to find more.
I can also see him forcing Hvitserk into training the younger kids super early in the morning, or some other routine activity that he can focus on instead of the urge to take drugs again, but also something that’s not pleasant at all so it’s like a punishment for even falling into it in the first place at the same time.
Honestly I don’t think there’s much Hvitserk could do that would make Ivar abandon him, especially because that goes both ways, sure they might not always like eachother sometimes and don’t exactly always agree on everything, so Ivar wouldn’t like it at all but he’d still stick around. He’d make his dislike about it extremely vocal though.
But on the flipside, if anyone’s going to understand why Hvitserk fell into it, it’s going to be Ivar, you can’t tell me he didn’t consider it more than a few times on the days when his legs were really bad. He just didn’t also fall into that same spiral because he’s fueled by anger and spite instead.
But on the other hand, I feel like he’d been harsher than the others, on the basis that he himself never fell into that spiral, kinda like “Bro, I never did that shit and out of all of us I actually had a reason to, you need to get your shit together.”
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pigeonfancier · 1 year
The best thing about teaching Fox to sit and watch the birds is that he gets so pissy about it. He can handle it for about fifteen minutes max, and then you see the mental switch flip where he decides that he's going to go do literally anything else. So far, that's been "furiously washing his tail" (twice), "going to slap the shit out of HLM" (three times), "attack the mirror" (once), and "go chirp-sing at the dog until she comes to investigate, then go sit in one of the rooms she's not allowed in" (multiple times, because he is an old man fueled by spite).
But he also fusses and meows and will lead you to the window to open the curtains if you don't let him watch them, so he gets a little metaphorical hate watching as a treat.
The best thing about making time to watch the bird feeders, though, is that the birds are such dicks. House sparrow wars are the way of the species and I'm used to seeing them! But I've been luring new bird species like the downy woodpeckers in, and there's nothing quite like seeing a sparrow hop onto the suet feeder, hopeful, stars in his eyes..
.. and the downey immediately just slaps the shit out of him with a wing, without breaking a step, and the sparrow has to retreat back to the (empty, large, magnificent) other feeders. I didn't even realise they were aggressive! But then again, sparrows will make anyone aggressive.
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