#also yes i do remember that one girl LITERALLY exploded into worms
atlas-five · 1 month
people connecting today's episode w the corruption is so funny cuz my first thought was spiders. my mind went to the woman who erupted a bunch of spiders at trevor herbert that one time; and the ep abt the guy who lived at the hilltop halfway house, and how his old housemates still looked like themselves but had become spider egg sacs or some shit
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gwenbrightly · 5 years
Oh look! My brain decided to create a random drabble about elemental powers instead of focusing on OMAC… Oops. I guess Misako's appearance will have to wait… All the headcanons and stories I've been reading lately that mention Lloyd's powers acting up when he gets emotional made the temptation to write this too great. So yeah. This one shot can probably be considered a part of Of Milk and Cookies, and takes place just after the chapter titled Awkward. I hope you enjoy!
Elemental powers are weird, Lloyd muses early one morning not too long after their visit to Darkley's Boarding School. He can control his now – sorta – and the others can do some pretty amazing stuff with theirs – like being able to lift a sports car with your pinkie. Or spark fire with a snap of your fingers (literally). Or charge your phone using only your own energy. Or meditate inside of a freezer for hours on end without getting cold (okay, maybe he hadn't been around for that). All those things are incredibly cool, and Lloyd's not complaining, because someday he'll be able to do all of that too, which is super exciting. He can't wait, really.
But sometimes... Sometimes having powers isn't exactly the best. He's been around this weird, dorky family of his long enough to notice that there are days where things get a little out of wack. Where Kai or Zane get emotional and the temperature around them suddenly changes to the extreme, or any number of other bizarre side effects. Just last week, Lloyd walked into their skimpy apartment only to feel his hair immediately begin defying gravity due to the sheer amount of electricity filling the air. Puns involving shocking had most definitely been made. Cole and Jay's latest argument (See: whether or not pineapple is an acceptable topping for pizza) had gotten a little... heated, and the master of lightning's powers had acted up as a result. It wasn't the first time this sort of thing had happened, and the blonde is pretty sure it won't be the last. Still, he has to admit that it's a little (a lot) unnerving to deal with the aftermath of an elemental outburst... Especially... now that he's experienced his own for the first time... Okay, he'll admit it – that's the real reason he's up right now – not because he was craving poptarts. Which is what he plans to tell the others if they question it. Not that they're awake, so he's safe. For the time being, at least. Maybe he can get this glass cleaned up and replace the lightbulb before anyone finds out? If he's lucky. Lloyd slips over to the meager set of cupboards that they've installed in one corner. They have to be keeping some extra lightbulbs around here somewhere... Honestly, given what's happened during training, he really shouldn't be surprised that his latest nightmare ended with him blowing up their light source – it had been so vivid, and just… he'd woken up terrified. He hates feeling like that. He'd stared at the mess for quite some time, too shocked to do anything about it at first, but. Having all that power running through his veins was guaranteed to catch up with him eventually. He knows that, but it doesn't make attempting to quietly remove broken glass from the floor any less of a struggle. Carefully picking up the largest piece of what used to be a lightbulb, Lloyd shoves it in the garbage. Bit by bit, the debris begins to disappear. The green ninja has managed to dispose of most it by the time someone else wakes up (it's impressive that it took this long, to tell the truth). It's Nya, of course, trying hard to cover up the fact that she isn't a morning person (at all). The girl seems to have some sort of magical sensing abilities that activate whenever he's in trouble. She gives him a concerned look before wordlessly grabbing a fresh lightbulb from a shelf too high for him to reach. The samurai drags their one whole rickety stool over to the socket and screws it in with a large yawn. Then, Nya gives the floor a quick scan, looking for any remaining hazards that might exist. There are none.
"So. I earned some extra cash at the autobody shop yesterday. Wanna go get some donuts?" The girl asks her adoptive brother, eventually.
"Huh?" Lloyd stares at her, not fully processing the question. She shakes her head with a sigh. Clearly today's gonna be a rough one. He really could stand to get away from the apartment for awhile – to decompress and all that therapeutic stuff you're supposed to do when you're dealing with emotional triggers.
"Donuts, Lloyd. You know, those pastries police men are so obsessed with? I'm leaving in five with or without you." His mind may not immediately get what she's saying, but his stomach certainly does. Growl.
"That's a yes, then?" Nya says, smirking.
"Sure. Okay." He replies with a shrug, because donuts do sound awfully good, now that he thinks about it and. He's not gonna pass up the opportunity to eat something other than off brand cereal for breakfast. That would be completely out of character, no matter what the reason for doing so is. They slip out of the apartment, careful not to wake the others (though Cole's definitely going to be offended if he finds out about it later) and wander down the sidewalk. As it turns out, the nearest donut shop is less than a block away. The smell of freshly fried dough greets the pair as they push the door open. Mmm… It's only when she notices the distinct lack of customers inside that Nya realizes how early it is. A glance at her phone (which she probably should've checked before they left) tells her it's not even 5:30 yet. Oh well, if the place is open, it's not like they're intruding or anything. Lloyd perks up noticeably when she lets him pick out his own donut – a questionable decision, since he immediately chooses the one with as much frosting as humanly possible and a thick coating of rainbow sprinkles. It even has gummy worms on it. A part of her wants to scold him for being so unhealthy, but the grin on his face. She can't. So, she selects a donut of her own (powdered sugar with raspberry filling) and hands the drowsy cashier a bill. They find themselves a booth near the windows lining the front of the store and enjoy their breakfast in silence for a few minutes before Nya says anything to Lloyd.
"So. Nightmare?"
"Yup." He tells her in a small voice, playing absent mindedly with one of his gummy worms.
"I kinda figured." She comments wearily, "You gonna be okay?"
"Dunno. Hope so."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"I-I…. Don't really remember much about the dream itself… Just… It was so freaky to wake up with the light going crazy… and then it exploded, and I've never had my powers go out of control on me like that and…" Nya wraps a comforting arm around the blonde's shoulders. He leans against her, regretting having been woken up so early, and perhaps still a little shaken by the events that transpired earlier.
"I'm sure it was pretty freaky… You know you can always wake on of us up if you need to, right?" Lloyd nods unconvincing. There are no tears, surprisingly, which Nya takes as a good sign.
"I know… And I was gonna. Eventually. But I wanted to take care of the glass first – so nobody stopped on it. Thanks for helping. With the lightbulb. Being short sucks sometimes."
"Course it does. But it's gonna suck even more someday when you finally stop being such a pipsqueak and end up taller than me." Asserts the samurai. He giggles weakly.
"You don't know that that's what's gonna happen… maybe you'll get lucky?"
"I guess you have a point there. But seriously, if you have any more issues with your powers, I'm here to help. And so are the others. I mean, Kai accidentally set his bunk on fire when he first got his true potential… Maybe you should talk to him about this – I'm sure he'd understand…" Kai is a pretty okay listener from what Lloyd's seen at this point. He probably wouldn't have convinced himself to revisit Darkley's without him.
"M'kay. I'll think about it." He decides through a mouthful of donut, "Not right now though? I kinda just wanna forget about the whole thing…"
"That's valid. This can be our little secret. Betcha the guys aren't even awake yet." The girl agrees, figuring he'll share more when he's ready. She's not gonna push him. This time.
"They're really missing out. This donut is delicious." Lloyd tells her, clearly done talking about powers, nightmares, or anything related. Life's really not so bad when you've got an awesome older sister to buy you junk good. Even if it is only because your elemental abilities went haywire in your sleep.
"Totally. But they don't need to know anything about that. You, on the other hand, will be taking a nap as soon as training is over for the day. And I don't meaning laying around reading comic books. Actually sleeping will be expected." Nya stated, giving him a pointed look.
"What? But that's not fair! I just got a new one!" Lloyd groans indignantly.
"And I'm sure you find plenty of time to read it eventually. However, you also need your rest, so that's gonna have to be a priority for now." Deep down, he knows she's right. He just doesn't plan on admitting it. So, he decides to focus on what's left of the mound of pastry, frosting, and sprinkles instead. He feels better now, anyway.
" So, that happened?" Lloyd says one day, several years down the road, as he stares at a soaking wet Kai. He's not even sure where that much water could possibly have come from.
"Uh... Oh my gosh, Kai, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." Nya apologizes, attempting to use her abilities to draw the moisture away from her brother.
"I mean, we all knew it was gonna happen eventually. S'not that big of a deal. But you do owe me a new tube of hair gel..." He shrugs, not particularly concerned. The reason for their... Disagreement isn't important anymore. Things have been tense for everyone since the battle with Morro. He just wants her to be okay. She's not exactly the biggest fan of her elemental powers in the first place.
"Yeah. That's fair." She agrees after a second, looking sheepish.
"Happens to all of us." Lloyd reminds her, "Wanna go get some donuts?"
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chimcharstar · 4 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
nnnnooooooo. its called holding onto my last marble.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
1. sometimes i can freak myself out going to the bathroom at night but bro. i take walks at like 11pm or whenever the hell i please. and i LIKE IT.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
i would not care to meet dick face
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
well darn i dont really knowwww!!!!!!! the big jungle one from minecraft. but i love weeping willows of course.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i didnt think
7. What shirt are you wearing?
my pyjama shirt from new vegas. las vegas. oh my god. not that i went there. my friend did. ive been wearing it for 3 days now. because its fine.
8. What do you label yourself as?
androgynouOOUUSSSSSSS i heard it described the most accurately for me as “in between blue and pink, purple is a blend while not being either of them.” yes this SPECIFICALLY. i could never be feminine while female presenting, but now that im usually read as masculine i go around seeming gay as fuck. and even though this sounds like heresy considering how i instinctively want to throat punch people who feminize me, i have comfortably considered myself a woman lately ONLYYYYYYYY BY being as butch as a butch can possibly butch. maybe without the cars. i would NEVER go by she/her NEVER NEVER NEVER. like there literally are butch women who go on T and use he/him pronouns. that brings me euphoria too and i find people reallllyyyyyy get mind-bent at this point. i really also get irritated at the idea that identifying with both lessens one or the other... thats why i like the purple thing so much. like im 100% of the thing. i was watching on queer eye, once, there was this part where all these women met up and one of them who was really masculine was saying how “a woman can look like this too” and i was like “i am probably crying for an important reason right now” and sometimes i feel attraction to women that is nOT of the ManTM just... i can do what i want. 
but my point is it’s like im only happy if i have a blend. theres even a particular quality of it i can put my finger on, like a rugged, handsome feel... and then a flamboyant, passionate feel... mix em all up... 
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
transition juice, or fucking around with cs paint with some gentle existential dread
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
this one, because my life is not hell, and i know a few basics about adulting now
12. Who told you they loved you last?
the sister. i said it for damage control because she had blown a fuse the other day. i was being very fake on purpose because i’m not being vulnerable with someone who will blow up. when she says it all i feel is pain. like cold paralyzing needles in my soul. i cant say i love you to her and mean it, even if i want to. honestly i wish people would say this to me. the most i love yous i remember are from family members putting band aids on the wreckage of our relationships, so i can feel a little twang of guilt and longing for what could have been and should have been. and feel like i should be doing something more. and feeling awkward because you both know they fucked up and it’s the elephant in the room. and i can feel their confusion and sickness causing them pain, feeling that pain for them. 
13. Your worst enemy?
hmmm. anyone who made me feel like less than i am. anyone 
14. What is your current desktop picture?
cherry blossoms and a city at night that i stole off the internet
15. Do you like someone?
like like crushes right? i fucking wish. i am so god damn sick of myself. i dont feel fuck or shit for anyone. its a fucking wasteland. yes im on T so i want to fuck anything that moves. and yet? can i please have some feelings? please may i have some feelings? not aesthetic appreciation. not moral, personality appreciation. or even just a deep respect and compassion. these are all fine things of course. but cant someone just drive me crazy? cant i have that extra spice of life? cant i just have a little bit of happy crazy? i will know a perfectly lovely person and ill WANT to have feelings for them. but i FUCKEN DONT. I DONT!!!! SHIT!!!!! WHAT IS THE MEANIGN?!?!??!??!?!1 i have fucking YET to meet anyone im more obsessed with than some really gay ocs. come on universe!!!! bring it!!! poor oscar. poor fucking oscar. whatever wavelength im vibing on man you are not on it. i wish you were on it. i wish you were on it oscar. you are hot you are hot with your bike oscar. and the rose quartz i gave you. the rose quartz you wanted. but i feel no authentic electric connection to you. i feel like all i just see is how your brain works with a coolheaded certainty. all i do is analyze what you are wearing so i can be as hot as you. maybe id like to draw you. and girls from work. you are so beautiful and amazing. i see you in bikinis on instagram. and im like oh beauty standards. look at you go, adhering to them. my heart rate goes right along at the same old pace. dont tell me this is principles. does someone have to smell bad? like edward cullen?? CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE JUST SEDUCE ME?!!!?? ID LOVE SOME EXTRA WILL TO LIVE! THEN MY STORIES WILL BE BETTER!!!! see this is the whole problem
16. The last song you listened to?
what am i to you by finn the human or actually that asgore fight song that i do not know the context of and dont want to until i play the game for myself
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
i would save this button for a karen.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
jk rowling. every time i see her face in a news article about why her bland new transphobia anvil book is pretty bland without addressing the raging transphobia in it and around it, i take a minute and contemplate shoving a pie in her face, and agonizing that i cannot do it from this distance.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
a... slave? is this a kink thing? im fucking laughing this is going to be so honest. probably a toxic person from my past i have unresolved sexual tension with, especially since i was in my abused kid shell and was a huge doormat so now im all vengeful with issues. since this is totally something i am open to considering right now i would like to browse this concept’s menu
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
yknow what? yknow what? i am just going to say all of me. i am feeling very body positive right now. i often feel isolated as fuck because of trans stuff and male body standards, but thats Also What Makes Me Special :) i like me, i like my face, i think i am very cool and unique, and i can walk fast.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
yes. but it’s a secret.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
deep sea creatures. idk. even if its small and not even ugly. i just lose my fucking mind. i jump out of my chair. i get the heebies and the jeebies.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
okay. chicken. cheese. something spicy so it wont be boring. a fuck ton of veggies so i can be healthy. and some olives, fuck olive haters.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
mexico city to see what all my friends are talking about.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
w    h       y
okay. i would go around tasting a bunch of fucking. really fancy old wines. listen i dont really drink okay. but with a very fancy old wine i can go around with a like, glass and look really sophisticated and tell gay things to gay people. hello boys. so id find one that strategically i would like the most for the rest of my life and choose it. and if its expensive i can sell it.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
i would stick a bell in the middle of it and all of us have to go there at six o’clock and throw bread at each other and fuck.
29. What is your favorite expletive?
cunt. i dont really use it ever, but boy it can pack a punch! 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
that means my trees because theyre living things? good. my phone. i need it to function. everything else i have on the clouds and i can just write on a napkin if i really need.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
i wanna say nothing because the good and the bad made me who i am and all that. and they’re learning experiences and healthy stuff. but some of my sisters abuse that has destroyed my psyche, literally just ruined my life, it would make things easier if that hadnt happened.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Okay i’m moving to... greece and i’m going to study ancient greek everything and live right on the edge of the sea where the water’s lapping the doorsteps. and im gonna learn greek by immersion
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
i am not surprised whatsoever death is a cool entity.
probably someone who died really sadly and too soon in my life (no one close to me thank god) but just as a service to society
34. What was your last dream about?
wolves with bombs were chasing me around a giant university. it was all part of the game. i was trying to protect some people... soldiers were chasing me... i was hiding under the floor... hiding from authorities and war are VERY common dreams for me
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Writer? Yes. am i saying that to sound full of myself? no. i am fighting very hard to maintain some self-confidence. i have done some writing recently and i am proud as fuck of myself. i caught myself thinking, “now that was banging, i know that was banging.” and so i just admitted it to myself.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
nooooot reeeaaaalllyyyyyy. i went in an ambulance for my face swelling up! still dont know if i needed to. still think i was allergic to the person i was talking to at the time. seriously when i stopped talking to them the hives went away. they literally gave me hives sdjfnskjndsjknfkjsfnjskdnfdsjknfjknf
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
they have inuyashas on them
39. What type of music do you like?
dark, longing, aching, angry, raw, disappointed, serious, low songs that get intense as fuck.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunrises for the concept, sunsets for the looks
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
you know what? i dont really like milkshakes. they dont feel good in my tummy even if it’s not my stomach having a fucking meltdown.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
the fuck is football
43. Do you have any scars?
yes, most of them are from dermatillomania, two big cool-looking ones on my hands from touching a cookie sheet without an oven mitt and pouring microwaved coffee all over my thumb because literally every inch of the counter had a foot of dishes on it and i didn’t simply heat up the water normally because everything was dirty
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
i want to be a psychologist and an author
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
id like a dong please
46. Are you reliable?
yeeeeeesssssss...... but the adhd wins sometimes
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
future self: even if you’re in a worse off place than where i am right now, don’t regret anything, don’t beat yourself up. sometimes it’s realistic to have hope. you don’t have to be hard on yourself all the time just because it’s familiar and natural to you. so stop thinking “if i see a note from my past self ill be filled with rueful self awareness”
48. Do you hold grudges?
yes. i feel like im saving my soul a little and taking some power back when i am able to say “that hurt, that was wrong, and you don’t get access to me anymore, i don’t have to forgive you” it’s admitting that my own pain is real so i can listen to and protect myself. i wish i was more of a forgiving person but i spent too much time trying to forgive unorganically for the sake of being moral that i just can’t, can’t can’t now. it hurts so existentially and i deserve better. time for me to be mean and hold grudges. a little mean is okay.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
a DOG  CAT????????
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
“doesn’t having a human-shaped robot with smoke coming out of it in the corner of your shop scare you late at night?”
“yes, sometimes i see it and jump a little”
51. Are you a good liar?
yes, when i’m dedicated. getting my birth certificate back? oscar worthy
52. How long could you go without talking?
i live like this lmao
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
once upon a time i had bangs. and a bob cut
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
yes bitch
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
yes bitch i can do a convincing british accent but i don’t want to broadcast that fact because being british is cringe and plus my name is gordon and im already trans and interested in cooking and my greatest fear is that people think i am trying to become him when i am deeply offended when people assume i make personal decisions for anyone other than myself. no one has ever actually voiced this theory to me but it haunts me late at night. i can honestly probably do any accent if i listen to it for a little bit. i find it very easy to imitate sounds and like individual speaking styles to the point of stealing them even when i dont want to. like actually this is something that just comes to me easily i think.
56. What do you like on your toast?
fuck toast. i make a grill cheese. cheese and garlic.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
i tried digitally painting a generic girl who ended up looking really simliar to someone i went to school with only i made the eyes way too small and i would show you except it’s too much work
58. What would be you dream car?
vw bug with giant monster wheels, black with flames, big booming stereo. eyelashes in a drag way. ill run pickup trucks off the road
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
i sang in the shower back when i felt free to annoy everyone in the house. oH WAIT IT DOESNT ANNOY PEOPLE WHO ARE KIND TO ME
they taught me i was annoying. ANYWAY. i am too shy to sing in the shower but id love to. i dont really do anything unusual except that i take really long in there but yknow im not actually doing what people think im doing when i take long. im literally just sitting there decomposing, head empty.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
yes, of course, i have been telling everyone theres water under mars since day one and now look. now look
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
yes. im a sagittarius and clearly it is needed because CLEARLY theres no other fucking sagittariuses
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
G, because my name starts with that and i’m just great. really, i like... it has a chonk to it. like a reliable chonk to it
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
YKNOW WHAT? im going with dragons because of the fantasy, fire breathing and so on but yknow for my wip i was going to have both dragons and dinosaurs at a reptile like shelter
64. What do you think about babies?
i think they should be loved and nurtured, but they are too much work for me to want for myself at this point of life, and you should definitely read some manuals before having one if you can because people can and do mess this the fuck up
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
you didn’t ask anything here so im just going to tell you something. i am going to tell you that i have always been so hell bent on writing even when i hate it because sometimes when things are going well i feel like i am just so in another world and i feel like im doing something im really really supposed to do. it is such a euphoria and it has an effect on my whole aura. i really wish i had never made myself stop but we can’t change the past so i shall just have to never stop again.
0 notes
rhiannon-writes · 6 years
Character Questions - Arden
1) Age? 17 years old.
2) Gender? Female.
3) Romantic/Sexual Orientation? Pan, but leans heavily towards men.
4) Height? 5’7
5) Race? White.
6) What do they look like? She’s a bit curvy, all muscle, with long red-brown hair and very dark eyes. Her defining feature would probably be her nose, which has been broken like three times and is permanently crooked.
7) Any disabilities? No.
8) Is there a meaning to their name? Arden means Valley of the Eagle. Her mother chose the name because of a huge valley nearby her home village.
9) What makes them, them? You could say that the most unique thing about her is her ability to communicate with dragons. But so many things make her who she is. She’s short tempered and funny and can charm her way into getting practically anything from a marketplace for free. She loves combat and truly loves learning at the academy, even if she doesn’t think she’s very good at it.
10) What do they want to be when they grow up/what do they want to do with their lives? She literally has no clue. Her plan had always been to stay in her little village, take care of her sister, marry someone and manage her father’s farm. But since moving to the town near the Academy she feels like she might want something different.
11) Do they have parents? What are they like and how do they act with their child(ren)? Her mother was executed when Arden was very young for her ability to speak to dragons, an ability that Arden inherited from her. After her mother’s death Arden took a parenting role over her father because he has struggled for years with the loss of his wife.
12) Do they have siblings? How do they interact with them? If not, do they wish they had siblings? Arden has one sister, Clara, who is six years younger. Arden has taken care of her since the loss of their mother, as her father had fallen apart and wasn’t in a position to care for anyone. Arden still sees Clara as more of her child than her sister.
13) Extended family? Do they see them often? She doesn’t know any of her extended family, but her father said that he had two brothers.
14) Do they like where they live? (Is it a safe place?) She lives in a small village in Erelia. It’s a farming community with only about 14 houses and then forest for miles around them. It is safe, if not a bit boring. She grew up there and doesn’t know anything different.
15) Where do they live? Are they wealthy? Poor? Middle-Class? She’s a commoner, and quite poor. Arden haggles for most things that her family needs, often trading labor or food from her family’s field for anything they might need.
16) Do they have a lot of expectations/pressure on them from family to do great? No. Her father does want a good life for her, but he doesn’t care what life that is.
17) Do they have pets? Her sister collects chickens, and they raise a few pigs every year, but Arden doesn’t really consider her farm animals to be pets. There is a small dragon that hangs around her village that she would call a pet, but she considers him more of a friend.
18) Who do they look up to the most/are the closest to in their family? She’s not really close to anyone in her family. She sees her father and sister of people that she has to take care of, people that can’t ever see her weak, and that creates a bit of distance between them.
19) This there anything special about their family? The gift of dragon communication runs in her mothers family, but other than that not much else.
20) Do they wish they lived in a different family/household? She would never outright wish for something different, especially since she doesn’t know any other way to live. But sometimes she longs for the way it was when her mother was alive, or for a life where she didn’t have to work so hard.
21) Best Friend(s)? Connor. By far. He’s the barkeep at the inn where she gets a job during her schooling at the Academy and they become close very quickly.
22) Who was their first friend? She honestly can’t remember, but she used to be friends with a lot of the kids from her village.
23) What is their friend group like? Really, she doesn’t have many friends. She has people that she is friendly to, but Connor and Darius are the only people she truly considers friends. Darius is the local blacksmith and her mentor back home in her village.
24) Do they have a love/hate relationship with any of them? No.
25) Do they consider any of their friends to be like siblings? Yes. Connor decided that he was her older brother almost as soon as he met her, and Arden certainly wasn’t going to argue with him.
26) Have they ever hurt a friend or lost one? She lost most of her friends when her mother died. She was angry and lashed out at everyone, including her friends. Those that stayed drifted away when Arden started to care for her family because she didn’t have time for them anymore.
27) Do they have a crush on any of their friends? No.
28) Do they share classes with good friends? No. She doesn’t have any friends at the Academy yet.
29) Whom do they go to the most when they need a shoulder to cry on? It used to be Darius, her mentor and the local blacksmith in her village. He wasn’t great at advice or dealing with tears, but her let her fight through it, literally, and did combat training drills with her. More recently though, it’s, you guessed it. Connor.
30) What would this person do without their friends in their lives? She would isolate herself, throwing herself into whatever work she needed to do, insisting that she didn’t need any friends until someone managed to worm their way into her inner circle once again.
31) What grade are they in? If they aren’t in school, how come? Things aren’t really assigned by grade but by age. She goes to classes with other seventeen year olds.
32) Do/Did they like their teachers? Was there a good one? Bad one? Some of her teachers are rude because of her status, but not allowed to blatantly call her out so she’ll often ignore it. Her favorite teachers though, are the combat teacher and the librarian.
33) Do/Did they listen to their teachers or are/where they goofing off a lot? She listens to her teachers and absorbs as much information as possible. She came to the academy several years after most of the other students though, and often struggles to keep up.
34) Are/Where they a good student grade wise? She gets average grades. Not low enough to get kicked out, but not high enough to be any sort of an exemplary student.
35) Do/Did they need extra help? Yes. But she won’t ask for it because she doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
36) What is/was their school like? It’s a military academy, with a big focus on dragon training as they are so plentiful in the kingdom of Erelia.
37) Do/Did they have bullies in school? She is constantly bullied in school. Being the only commoner in a school full of nobles kind of puts a target on her back.
38) Have they ever gotten into a fight at school? Ha! Yes.
39) Have they ever done something stupid/embarrassing at school? She has done things that would probably would be considered embarrassing, but is incredibly hard to embarrass and typically laughs it off with no issue.
40) How far do they plan to go with school? If they dropped out, do they want to go back? She’s planning to graduate from her kingdom’s academy, if possible. They focus on training dragons for military purposes, but she has heard that some commoners managed to make a business of breeding dragons or training them for farmwork and thats what she would like to do.
41) Are they dating anyone? Do they want to date? Are the married? Divorced? She has no intention of dating anyone. Her life plan is probably to find a decent guy with a job and marry him like most of the other girls from her village, but she has never seen love as an option.
42) What is their favorite hobby? Do they keep it a secret? Her favorite hobby is honestly combat training. She loves the adrenaline and being able to really use her body instead of sitting around like you have to with a few other hobbies. It’s definitely not a secret.
43) If they could have one thing in life, what would it be? Probably the ability to be who she is legally. Hiding her ‘gift’ is a huge challenge and if she slips up, even once, she could be executed for it. She is painfully aware of that threat seeing as her mother met that fate when Arden was nine.
44) Do they work? If so, what is it? If not, are they looking for one or even want one? She works as a server at the Dragon’s Breath, which is an inn nearby the Academy. When she isn’t in school she manages her family and works with a local blacksmith full time.
45) Do they use social media? N/A.
46) Have they ever been to a medic? Yes. There have been a few incidents that required her to be taken to a medic, not including a few more that she probably should have gone, but refused, insisting that she was fine.
47) Do they believe in the supernatural, that there is more than the eye can see? She doesn’t discount the idea, but doesn’t actively believe either. She’s sort of a see-and-believe person, and she hasn’t seen proof that the supernatural does exist or that it doesn’t.
48) What do they do when they get angry, stressed, or upset? If she’s stressed she gets angry. If she’s angry she holds it in for about 20 minutes and then explodes. When she’s upset, she usually just tries to stay away from everyone and will often cry, something that she is ashamed of.
49) Would they consider themselves as a good person, bad person, or morally grey? She considers herself morally grey. She’s grown up knowing that a big part of who she is is already illegal on punishment of death, and managed to absorb that into who she is.
50) Does this OC have any part of you in them? (I.e, personality traits, similar background, etc) I mean she’s got the hair I wish I had. She was also raised by a single parent. Other than that not much.
51) Do you have a picture to represent them? (My question. Lol.) I do!! I found the image on Pinterest, full credit goes to the owner.
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Tag Game belongs to @curiousscientistkae
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lovemesomerafael · 4 years
Destroying The Planet To Save It   Chapter 17:  They’re Disgusting When They Explode
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Dinner was prepared by Tony’s catering staff, which meant that it was a little extravagant.  By long tradition, however, it was served buffet-style.  That was for two reasons.  First, team dinners tended to get a little rowdy, and Steve thought it was best not to give the serving staff any stories to sell to the press.  Second, dinner conversation was often about strategy and other things that needed to be kept among themselves.  
Tony always disputed both points.  Regarding the first, Tony argued that he was perfectly capable of hiring discreet staff and enforcing nondisclosure agreements.  And when he did, Steve always reminded him that it was his staff who had leaked the story about his affair with the British Prime Minister and the pictures of his debauched and drug-fueled weekend with the anchor team from the top-rated morning show in the U.S.
Regarding the second, Tony argued that half the team were spies, and were fully capable of spotting a mole.  And when he did, Steve always reminded him of the bombed-out shell of the Triskelion.
Theoretically, everyone chose their own seat in the formal dining room on the residential floor of the Tower.  Steve thought that Tony had been surprisingly diplomatic in somehow maneuvering things so that Director Coulson sat at the head of the massive oval table.  Steve himself was at the other end.  That put Tony to the right of Coulson, a subtle and graceful acknowledgement, especially for Tony Stark, of the politics of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D.  However Tony had maneuvered that seating arrangement, it made Steve want more than ever to repair his relationship with him.  
Sharon was to Steve’s left, and Bucky to his right, with Joss next to him.  Things seemed to have thawed a little between Bucky and Joss since breakfast, Steve thought. He was glad.  He liked Joss, and he liked her and Bucky together.  He also knew Bucky as well as Bucky knew himself. Steve was the only person who knew just how tender Bucky’s heart was.  He didn’t fall for women easily, but when he did, Bucky fell hard.  Steve knew the signs, and he was absolutely seeing them now.  He didn’t know what was holding Bucky and Joss back, but he wasn’t worried.  Steve didn’t know much about women, but he’d been watching them fall in love with Bucky his whole life.  He knew what that looked like.  It looked like…  well, it looked like Joss.  
Sam, to Sharon’s left, was telling a story about how he and his buddy Riley once “tactically acquired” a couple of ATVs and spent an afternoon joyriding through the desert.   Everyone at their end of the table was howling with laughter, partly because of the story, and partly because Sam’s delivery was so entertaining.  Anita was to Sam’s left, and next to her sat Scott, who was making the story even funnier with his skeptical facial expressions.  Probably the best part, however, was the way that Vision, sitting next to Wanda, who was on Joss’s right, kept interpreting Sam’s slang – both military and street – literally.  
At the other end of the table, a lively debate raged about the Battle of Baton Rouge, which the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. had fought the previous year.  Director Coulson continued to maintain that their adversary, who called himself Lumbro, had intentionally created the giant, sentient earthworms they’d fought.  Tony, however, remained adamant that Lumbro hadn’t been smart enough to accomplish that and had, in fact, been as surprised as anyone.  Of course, once he’d done it, Lumbro had proclaimed that creating an earthworm army had been his plan all along, but Tony’s theory was that he’d been trying to create a growth ray and had simply wired it wrong.
“Either way,” Clint said, “I never want to battle worms again.  Those things are disgusting when they explode!”
“They also don’t even notice when you shoot them, which is just annoying,” Natasha noted.
“Remember when the Hulk went all Dune and rode around on one?” Clint laughed, pointing at Bruce.
“Matter of fact, no,” Bruce answered drily.
Tony high-fived Clint behind Natasha’s back.  “I would kill for video of that!  All he needed was a hat to wave around, and he’d have been Slim Pickens at the end of Dr. Strangelove!”
“I absolutely insist on hearing this story,” Catherine demanded, laughing.  
Bruce facepalmed.  “I object.”
“Overruled,” Coulson said, and waved a hand toward Clint, inviting him to tell the story.
Sharon’s leg was touching Steve’s under the table, a fact that wasn’t lost on either of them.  She was enjoying watching him laugh at Sam’s story, while at the same time noticing, as always, that his laughter was reserved, as though he wasn’t allowed to just let go and enjoy himself.  She caught his eye and smiled at him, taking his hand where it rested on the table and squeezing.  She happened to be looking at him when, as conversations sometimes do, both came to a coincidental end.  Steve looked toward the other end of the table, making eye contact with Tony.
“Speaking of ‘tactical acquisition,’ I’m never gonna forget the look on The Sector’s face when his entire robot force turned on him and gave him the finger.”
Tony broke into a wide smile, filled with childish delight.  “That guy was a tool.  Nobody out-Starks Stark.  He needed to be taught a lesson.”
Coulson laughed louder than anyone else.  “It probably would have been sufficient humiliation for The Sector that his robots ended up dismantling his base for S.H.I.E.L.D.  But one of the pictures of them all giving Lumbro the finger is still my screen saver.”
“Yeah, Cap was pretty pissed at me for a few minutes for leaving the fight to take pictures, but come on.”  Scott said.
“I still have some of those robots,” Tony noted.  “They buff the floors.”
That got a full belly laugh from Steve, who was looking at Tony with undisguised fondness.  “I did only ask you to disable them.”
Tony shrugged.  “What would’ve been the fun in that?”
Bucky piped up, “Don’t take that from him, Tony.  Captain America isn’t above that kinda thing, himself. In Azzano, he tactically acquired four hundred ice cream bars.  Gave one to every guy he rescued from Krieschberg.”
“You gotta be kiddin’ me,” Sam groaned.  “Even when he’s stealin’, he’s a do-gooder.”
While everyone was laughing about that, Steve and Bucky shared a quick look that spoke volumes about the other things Steve had obtained in Azzano by less-than-pristine means.  Blankets, which were hard to come by, because for weeks after being rescued, Bucky couldn’t seem to get warm.  A blue coat Bucky came to love, for the same reason.  Extra rations, because for reasons they didn’t understand at the time, Bucky was ravenously hungry pretty much constantly.  Those things had saved Bucky’s life, and Steve’s unwavering, unquestioning devotion had saved his sanity.  And he’d done the exact same things when he’d once again rescued Bucky from Hydra.  It had just taken a little longer the second time.
There was no need for words, or for the look to last more than a moment.  
Throughout the meal, Vision was uncharacteristically quiet.  From across the table, Tony watched him.  He didn’t like what he was seeing.  AI or not, Vision reminded Tony of himself when he was distracted by a particular type of problem.  The kind where you know the answer, and you want the answer to be something – anything - else.  
“Hey, Angry Birds,” Tony grunted, tossing a crouton at Vision.  “Cheer up, will ya?  It’s a party. You’re bringing us all down.”
“I am sorry.  I am still working on some questions having to do with the ‘resource’, the missing link between the machines – “
“Yeah, I know what the ‘resource’ is.  And I’m a capitalist pig; I don’t pay overtime.  So punch out already.”
“Yes.  Of course,” Vision said, turning to smile vaguely at Wanda.  
Shit, Tony thought.
Bucky turned toward Joss and Wanda.  “How’d it go after you kicked us out of the gym?  You figure out the aiming thing?”
Wanda smirked at Joss, holding her goblet of ice water up.  “Did we?”
An ice cube rose, dripping, from Joss’s glass, floating slowly and gracefully across the table.  It slowed considerably, then briefly wavered before plunking into Wanda’s goblet.  “We made some progress.”
Joss turned to Bucky and was rewarded with a smile that rendered her briefly incoherent.  All she could do was beam at him, overwhelmed by how beautiful he was and pleased beyond words at his reaction.  The moment between them was long enough that Steve and Sharon shared a raised-eyebrow glance, silently acknowledging their mutual belief that Bucky and Joss would find their way to each other.
“Well, if you wanna talk about aim,” Sam announced, putting an arm around Anita, “This is the woman to see.  Put me to shame on the firing range a little while ago.”
“That ain’t hard to do,” Bucky muttered.
“Naw, man, this girl is the real deal.  I’d put her up against you or Barton anyday.”
“Agent Herrera is the highest-ranked marksman in S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Director Coulson put in.  “I could tell you stories about shots she’s made in the field.  Of course, then I’d have to kill you, and that’s poor manners at the dinner table.”
Clint raised his glass to Anita in a silent, impressed toast.  
“My demand for a raise will be on your desk in the morning, Director,” Anita said, dipping her head humbly.  Coulson simply smiled at her and gave her a nod.
Natasha spoke up, aiming her comments down the table at Sam and Anita.  “I want to know what it’s like at one of Jarman Arias’s house parties.  Even in Europe, people talk about them.  Some of the stories I hear...”
Sam sat up straighter.  “Agent Herrera and I were there on a mission,” he said defensively.
“A mission, I would add, for which they insisted they needed some of my best weed,” Tony noted.  “And Sam, don’t ever try to act innocent on the job.  It’s not a good look on you.”
Sam huffed.  Anita merely laughed.  “If the stories in Europe say that Arias stocks his parties with celebrities and more booze and food than a cruise ship, they’re true.  And I’m also going to have to go to Confession for some of the things I only heard about happening while we were there.”
“Such as?”  Catherine asked.
“I’m not sure some are actually anatomically possible, but I did see that rapper, the one who does ‘Ass Onna Fly’?  He was…  There were… Well, now that I think about it, if I told you at the dinner table, it would be worse etiquette than Director Coulson killing you all.”
“Was that when he was in the cabana?” Sam asked.  “And there were all those women wrestlers with him?”
“Yes,” Anita answered, blushing now and taking a long, unnecessary drink of water to cover as much of her face as possible.  
“I think I mighta happened by there a couple times.”
“A couple times?”  Catherine asked.  “Not sure that qualifies as ‘happening by’.”
Sam ignored the comment, and the guffaws that followed. He frowned a little and asked Anita, “What were they using the plastic flamingos for?”
Her head came up and she looked at him quizzically. “Those were decorations, Sam.”
The table erupted in laughter.
Steve wasn’t sure whether it was the excellent wine, or the chance to enjoy camaraderie with this group, whom he had feared at one time would never meet as friends again, or his brief talk with Director Coulson earlier.  Something, though, was making him feel better than he had in a while.  The chaotic meal, with so many side conversations and the general convivial atmosphere, the frequent outbreaks of laughter and reminiscences, somehow ironically quieted his mind.  
He looked at the group of people sitting around the table, beginning with Bucky, whose mere presence was the most solid support Steve had ever known.   He knew Bucky’s abilities, knew that Bucky would make any mission succeed or die trying, and knew that Bucky would protect him long before he’d protect himself.  Looking at Joss made him think about the three newcomers who were part of the team handling the current threat.  Each of them brought significant assets to the table that Steve knew he could rely upon in what was to come.  Wanda and Vision, of course, were known quantities, both with extreme superpowers and unquestionable commitment to the Avengers.  The same was true of Bruce, who provided both superstrength and superintelligence.  
Director Coulson’s tactical and strategic expertise, not to mention his clear thinking in a crisis, were as dependable as the tides. Steve had definitely had his share of struggles with S.H.I.E.L.D. and other authorities interfering in what had to be done, and he would never be free of the effects of the betrayal by Alexander Pierce and the Hydra cancer that had riddled S.H.I.E.L.D. before the Battle of the Triskelion.  But Coulson had always been true.  Steve trusted him, and by extension, his new S.H.I.E.L.D. as far as he could trust any government organization.  Much farther than most.  
Clint and Natasha, of course, were as rock-solid as Wanda and Vision.  More so, since Steve had known and fought with them longer.  Alone, they were formidable and nearly unstoppable. Together, and as part of the Avengers, they were a big reason Steve really needed to chill the fuck out.  He smiled to himself, thinking that.  And also because his eyes then landed on Sam, who had turned out to be the best chance meeting of Steve’s life.  Sam’s skills and abilities, and the flexibility he brought to the team as another airborne member, were invaluable.  But Sam himself was a gift to the Avengers.  He kept them hopeful.  He had the skills and compassion to help them work through things they encountered that would otherwise crush them.  And he was just damn fun to have around.
Which brought Steve to Sharon.  He looked at her and squeezed her hand where he held it under the table.  She was so much more than the beautiful woman with the irresistible smile he’d first known as his neighbor.  She reminded Steve, in the best possible way, of his mother, because she had that same quiet, unflagging strength and an unshakable belief in him.  Steve’s mom would have adored Sharon.  Hell, Steve adored Sharon.  He shivered a little at that thought. 
Since the day she’d lectured him and then seduced him, something fundamental about Steve had changed.  Sure, everything between them had changed so much that he already couldn’t imagine how he had ever maintained his distance the way he had.  Sure, she was now a constant presence in his mind.  But it was more than that.  She’d challenged him.  She’d kicked at what he thought was a coping strategy and shown it to be a dangerously flimsy delusion.  
She’d also given him the answer, and it was sitting around this table.  Coulson had said exactly the same thing: rely on your team.  Don’t pretend you can, or have to, shoulder the burden alone. Steve felt oddly emotional as he looked around the table again, his eyes finally coming to rest on Sharon, watching him.
“You OK?”  She asked.
“Yeah,” he answered, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “I think I’m gonna be just fine.”
 When dinner was over, fairly late, the team stood and began to say their good nights.  The muted ding of the elevator was heard through the din, not because it was loud, but because it was unexpected.  All eyes turned toward the door, to see Pepper Potts step into the room.  
She graciously returned all the greetings as Tony crossed the room toward her.  It was hard to tell whether the expression on his face was more stunned or relieved. Smiling sweetly at the group, Pepper then turned her attention to Tony, who slowed as he approached her, almost reverently.
“I am so glad to see you,” he said hoarsely.
“I know,” she answered, giving him a molten look as she reached out and grabbed a handful of his tie and shirtfront.  “Come with me.”
Pepper pulled Tony through the doorway, and very quickly the sound of the doors to the private penthouse was heard.  No one saw Tony or Pepper again that night.
 Director Coulson excused himself fairly quickly after that, saying that he had some calls yet to make that evening.  Everyone else drifted toward their various rooms, trying not to appear as eager as they were to be alone together.  
Soon, only Bucky, Joss, Wanda, and Vision were left in the area outside the dining room.  It was really too early to go to bed, Bucky thought, at least to sleep.  Besides, he couldn’t get what Clint had said out of his mind, and if he had a chance with Joss, he wanted to take it.  Maybe she did just need time.  If so, he’d give it to her.  But he wasn’t going to waste this opportunity to spend time with her, even if it wasn’t going to be romantic.  Yet.
“You know what?”  He said brightly.  “I’ve been in this building all day.  I need some fresh air.  What do you guys say we go for a walk?  Just to get out for a while.”
Joss nodded.  “That sounds nice.”
“Oh, yes, I’d like to do that,” Vision agreed.
Wanda muttered, “No, you wouldn’t.”
“I wouldn’t?”  He asked.
“No.  You and I need to finish going over those reports.”
“Oh, yes,” Vision said.  He turned to Bucky and said, in an oddly stilted voice, “Yes, I’m afraid Wanda and I need to go over those reports.”
“We’ll see you at the meeting in the morning,” Wanda said breezily, putting her arm around Vision’s and moving toward the door to the stairway.  “Good night!”
Bucky and Joss watched them go through the door, and clearly heard Vision’s voice echoing in the stairwell.  “I recognized the code phrase.  Why don’t we want to go for a walk?”
“Shhh…” Wanda’s voice responded quietly, but not so quietly that Bucky’s enhanced hearing didn’t pick up the whispered, “They need some time alone.”
Joss’s perplexed look told him that she hadn’t heard that.  “What just happened?”
“Apparently ‘going over those reports’ means that, uh… Wanda wants to be alone with Vision.”
“Oh!”  Joss smiled.
 Secret Service agent or not, Joss might have been a little hesitant to go walking the streets of Manhattan in the evening.  It could be a little risky in D.C., and she didn’t expect that it was any different in New York.  Tonight, however, as she stepped through the lobby door as Bucky held it open for her, she chuckled a little at the possibility of some unfortunate soul trying to mug her with him around.  
“What’s funny?”  He asked as they set off at a leisurely pace down the street.
“I was just thinking that I probably don’t have to worry about street crime tonight.  I don’t imagine anyone’s likely to mess with you.”
Bucky shrugged.  “Probably not.  But I think you’re still pretty safe.  How many?”
“How many what?”
He gave her a look.  “I’ll tell if you do.”
Joss smiled when she realized what Bucky was asking.  “Four. Three knives.  One gun.”
“Yeah?  What do you wear on the street?”
She pulled back the side of the jean jacket she wore to reveal a Wilson Combat EDC X9.  
“Huh,” was all he said.
“Six.  Four knives.”
“I clocked the S&W on your hip.  What’s the other piece?”
“Sig P365.”
That led to a pleasant conversation about the relative merits of different handguns, both concealed carry and tactical.  They covered several blocks, not hurrying or heading anywhere in particular, just enjoying the cool evening and the bustle of the city.
As they approached tiny Greenacre Park, with its artificial waterfall, they noticed a group of five girls in their late teens huddled together on the steps, giggling and looking at them.  For about half a block, Bucky and Joss simply continued with their conversation, both watching the girls curiously but not mentioning them. When they got within fifteen yards or so of the girls, they stood as a group and two stepped into the sidewalk.
Their body language was hesitant and nervous, the two on the sidewalk cradling their phones in their hands and standing very close together as though for support.  All of the girls continued smiling and giggling.
“You’re Bucky Barnes, aren’t you?”  One of the girls in the sidewalk asked, when they were close enough.
“Uh, yeah.”
The girls who had remained on the steps stood now, too, and stepped up to huddle together with the others in front of Bucky, giggling now more than ever.  They all had phones in their hands.
“Can we take a selfie with you?”
“Yeah, sure,” Bucky said, clearly uncomfortable but trying to be polite.  
Joss, backed away as the girls surrounded him.  None of them even appeared to see her.  They began to talk over one another, telling Bucky how cool they thought he was and that they were “such huge fans” of his while he stood helplessly shifting from foot to foot, grinning awkwardly and trying to keep them from getting behind him.  This was going to be fun to watch.  
One of the girls who had waited on the sidewalk was the first to stand next to Bucky and hold out her phone.  He graciously asked if she wanted him to take the picture, since he had longer arms.  She breathlessly agreed, suddenly all nerves, while he put an arm loosely around her, held the phone out, and snapped the picture while the other girls took pictures of their friend and Bucky.
“Hey, Bucky, do you have a girlfriend?”
He pretended not to hear the question as he asked the girl next to him her name.
“Who’s cooler in person, Captain America or Iron Man?” One girl asked.
“Don’t be a dork, Brianna, he’s Captain America’s best friend,” another answered for him, following her announcement with a disgusted sound.
“Does Tony Stark have, like, just gobs of money?”
“I guess so, we don’t really talk about it-“
“Jessie, shit! Of course he has gobs of money, everybody knows that!”
The other girls took turns standing next to him, with Bucky patiently taking a picture with each girl while the others whispered, giggled, and photographed the process.  
“We think you’re really great,” one of the girls gushed, and the others hurriedly agreed.  
“Uh, yeah, thanks…”  Bucky looked progressively more uncomfortable.  He shot a look at Joss, who gave him a mocking smile.  
“I bet you never get cold now, ‘cuz you got frozen so much.”
“I thought it was so cool how you took out that bad guy in Poland with one shot like that.  You have the coolest guns!”
“I liked when you stabbed that gross monster with the huge head right in his eye.  That stuff that squirted out was so gross!”
A chorus of “Eeeeeeeew!” followed.  
“Hey, what’s the Black Widow like?  Is she just a total bitch?”
“Well, no, she’s-“
“I have pajamas with you on them.  I wish I would have known we’d see you, I could’ve brought them!”
“Hey, will you take off your jacket so we can see your arm?”  A girl with a tattoo of Captain America’s shield on her ankle asked.
“I don’t really…  Um…  Shouldn’t you girls be at home this time of night?”  Bucky’s look at Joss this time was a clear plea for help.  She let him see her laugh at him, then waded in.  She was, after all, a professional at this kind of stuff.   It was a little different with the President and the public, but not much.  And a group of horny teenage girls had nothing on a pack of rabid Congressmen.
While the girls objected that they were plenty old enough to be out after dark, Joss slipped smoothly into the center of the mob.  She took a stance in front of Bucky, her back pressed against his chest, and one hand behind her on his arm.  With that hand, she began invisibly to pull him in the direction they’d been walking.  
“OK, girls, thanks!” She cried, drowning out their giggling and questions as she stepped backward, pushing Bucky into moving.  “Thank you so much, but you know, Sergeant Barnes has a world to save, so he needs to get going.”  
The girls loudly voiced their disappointment, but as if held by a forcefield, they stayed where they were as Joss pulled Bucky away from them. She kept her back to him and pulled his arm until he was free of the circle of girls, then slowed down and pushed him to continue walking while she covered his retreat.  “Thanks, girls,” she called pleasantly, still facing them to make sure they didn’t follow.  Bucky looked back and waved a little, then ducked his head and made tracks while the girls called their goodbyes to him, still basically ignoring Joss, but somehow also compelled to obey her and allow him to leave.
Bucky could still hear the girls frantically giggling and gushing to each other as Joss jogged up beside him, trying to be quiet about her laughter.  The girls’ ecstatic comments continued to reach them for a while.
“He’s so cute!”
“Isn’t he just so nice?”
“He asked us all our names!  Holy shit, Bucky Barnes knows my name!”
Bucky groaned as Joss chuckled under her breath. “It’s not funny.  It’s so not funny,”
That just made her laugh harder.  “I’m sorry, I’m sure that must be kind of a pain, but if you could’ve seen your face…”
“Yeah, I’m sure it was hilarous.  Ugh.  Anyway, thanks for the rescue.”
“No problem.”
“How come they just obeyed you?”
“Because I told them what to do,” she shrugged.  “Did you see how nervous they were?  Nobody really knows the rules in those situations, because there aren’t any.  So if you act like you have authority, people usually listen.  It only works for a minute or two, but that’s all you usually need.”
Bucky nodded and made a “huh” sound.
“Sorry I laughed.  You did kind of look like you hated that.”
“I did.  I do. But Pepper says I’m not allowed to pull knives and growl anymore.  Which sucks, ‘cuz that at least felt natural.”
“Bet it worked, too.”
“Damn straight it worked, and I don’t know how else to get out of those things.  Steve invents emergencies.  Scott just takes off running.”
“What does Tony do?”
“Tony?  You kidding? He loves that stuff.  He stands and signs autographs and takes pictures until finally the people have to find a reason to get away.  Clint seems to be really good at it, he’s really cool with people and then he just makes it seem natural to leave.”
“And Natasha?”
“No one has ever approached Natasha for a selfie.  No one would dare.  Which really pisses me off, actually, because what about me?  Aren’t I a deadly Russian assassin, too?  I’m scary, right?”
“Absolutely.  You are the night.”
Bucky let out a hoot of laughter, which made Joss laugh, too.  
0 notes
“You could always try talking to her.” MJ repeats without looking up from her book. She knows that Peter will ignore her advice, again. As soon as you became the topic of conversation, Ned and Peter wouldn’t listen to her. It didn’t matter how right she was. And MJ wonders how long she can handle this, because it’s starting to get annoying. “Y/n l/n looked so good at that party.” Ned continues his discussion with Peter. “Definitely.” Peter and Ned both continue to ignore MJ. “Y/f/c is her color. That might be her best dress.” MJ wonders how much more of this she can physically put up with. “How would you know? You weren’t invited.” “It was all over Instagram,” Peter says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Yeah, he stalks her instagram all the time,” Ned adds. Peter glares at his friend. “I don’t.” “Peter, you’re literally an avenger, talk to her.” MJ could explode. “She doesn’t know that!” He whisper hisses. “She probably doesn’t even know I exist.” “Then why is she walking over here?” MJ replies smoothly. “What?” Peter whispers before turning around. Sure enough, you were approaching their table. Peter looks around, trying to find anyone that you might actually be looking for. “Hi,” you say as soon as you’re close to the table. “You’re Peter, right? We had history together last year.” “Yeah, I’m Peter, always been Parke—Peter Parker.” Peter mentally kicks himself. “Second period history, last year. I remember. Mrs. Hanson loved you and you loved the class except when we had those detailed reports, you always kinda scrunched your nose whenever we were working on them.” Why did he let himself sound like a stalker? He mentally kicks himself again. “Yeah, some people have a problem controlling their mouths and my issue is mainly facial expressions,” you laugh slightly. “Anyways, you’re in the first AP chem class of the day right?” “Yes,” he replies a little too quickly. You smile slightly. “Is there going to be a pop quiz today? Because some of my friends said they heard there would be. I’d ask my friend Eliza, she’s in your class, but she’s at the dentist today, so...” “There’s a quiz, but it’s not that hard,” Peter finally says. “I mean, it’s based on the homework. So as long as you did the reading and answered the questions you’ll be fine.” When Peter sees your relieved expression, he has to bite back a smile. Calming down had somehow made you prettier. “That’s great. I’m still a little iffy on the whole chapter, but I understood this weekend’s homework.” You smile and Peter’s heart all about stops. “Y/n!” A blonde girl in a black crop top calls behind you in the noisy cafeteria. You turn your head and hold up two fingers to tell her to give you two minutes, not wanting to just walk away mid-conversation. You hated that kind of rudeness. Meanwhile, Peter’s amazed. You had the time to go to the party that one of your popular friends had thrown, participate in community service at the animal shelter, and finish your AP homework. Not that he’s stalking you. It’s not stalking if you happen to post something on Snapchat/Instagram, and he just happens to remember. And then go follow the account of an animal shelter that you tagged on your Instagram story. “Y/n!” The same blonde calls again. “Sorry, I better go before Cheyanne gets a detention,” you turn to leave. Peter sees his one, miracle chance slipping away and he’s debating whether or not to say something else. “Test, Chem test.” You pause after Peter blurts that out. “There’s a chem test next week and if you feel like you don’t get something from this chapter I could go over it with you.” You don’t answer right away. Peter panics and adds this next part in a rush or words, “Imeanonlyifyouwantto.” “That’d be great,” you smile again and Peter could just die. Peter quickly grabs a pen and scribbles his number on a napkin and hands it to you. When you reach out to take it, your fingers brush. Peter wonders why his spidey sense can’t warn him about things like this. “Thanks,” you fold the napkin and put it in the pocket of your jeans. “Y/n!” Your friend yells again. “See ya later,” you add. “Yeah, See ya.” “You gave y/n your number!” Ned high fives Peter as soon as you’re out of earshot. “I stuttered and I sounded like a stalker,” Peter face palms. “Maybe she didn’t notice?” Ned offers. “That was hard to watch,” MJ turns a page in her book. “If it had lasted longer I could have drawn you in your biggest crisis.” Peter sighs, “Sorry, next time I’ll try to extend my humiliation.” “At least she has your number and a reason to call.” Ned tries. Peter gets through the school day doing everything he can to avoid making eye contact with you in the halls. Not that you look at him in the halls, like ever. When he goes on patrol later that evening, he keeps checking his phone. Everything is relatively uneventful, so Peter finds himself checking your Snapchat. He remembers what Ned said, about him stalking you on social media. “Karen, why am I like this?” “Like what, Peter?” Look at him. Turning to his suit AI with questions he can’t even word correctly. “Hey, get off of me.” A voice distracts him. Peter stands up on instinct and looks down from the roof he’s standing on. He’s beyond surprised to see you standing there, still wearing the outfit you wore to school. “Is that the girl?” Karen asks. “Y/n.” Peter wonders why he talks to Karen so much. “Yes.” A guy Peter recognizes from school is walking really close to you. Football player. Annoying. “Come on, everyone knows you’re easy.” “Shut up,” you try not sound as hostile as you want to be. Were the occasional rumors that you were easy annoying? Yes, a little, especially since you’ve never even kissed a guy before. But people talk and life could be a lot worse. And your friends know the truth, right? Even if they push you to go out more than you want, especially with homework. They get you, right? “Get off of me.” He’s pushed you into the wall a little more. Peter reminds himself that right now he’s Spider-Man and this is definitely a situation that he needs to stop. Peter quickly gets off the roof and intervenes, getting rid of the guy. “Are you Alright?” “Yeah,” You smile a little, “Thank you, for that.” “Just a day in the life of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.” You squint a little. “You sound familiar.” Crap. Peter clears his throat. “No, I’ve never met you.” There’s silence again. “Do you want me to walk you home?” You two walk side by side. It’s a little too quiet for a minute. “You know I’m not as slutty as that situation made me seem,” you say randomly. “Not that there’s anything wrong with slutty, it’s just not me. I’ve never even kissed anyone before.” This takes Peter back. No, he didn’t think that you slept with everyone on the football team (not that he’d care if you had), but he never thought you’d never have kissed anyone. “I didn’t think you were.” “My friends like to talk, and make jokes. People take it literally.” You shrug a little. “I guess sometimes it has to make me wonder how well they actually know me. It’s easy to see someone a certain way, but it’s even easier to get that mixed up, y’know?” Peter could have never guessed that you felt like that. Ever. “I do.” You laugh, “I have no idea why I’m telling you this.” “It’s easy to talk to a mask.” — That was about four months ago. After learning how you felt, Peter decided to try to be your friend. Like a real, genuine one. It started the day after he talked to you at lunch. You had texted him asking about AP chem. After a study session that involved more talking than actual studying, a friendship was born. “Hey, loser,” you pop into Peter’s room after May let you in. “You’re the loser,” he smile. You roll your eyes and flop onto his bed. “I can’t stay for long because I have so much homework.” “So do I. We could do it together,” he offers. “Yeah, that used to be fun, and then you started running out on me every time.” You unzip your backpack. Peter scratches the back of his head, feeling a little guilty about his Spider-Man duties. “I won’t this time. I promise.” You don’t say anything. “When we finish we can watch a movie, and I have that ice cream you like.” “Parker, keep offering me ice cream and I’m going to fall in love with you.” Peter wishes what you were saying wasn’t a joke. You wish that Peter could see you loving him as something more than a joke. “Catch,” you hold out a gummy worm from your back pack and toss it at Peter, who catches it smoothly. You both end up watching Star Wars and eating ice cream. Peter Parker made you feel like yourself. Being with him made you feel like you were no longer living your life like someone in a picture. “You know at one point you’re going to get a girlfriend that’s going to replace me in this scenario,” you mumble. “No one could replace you,” Peter says a little too seriously. “You’re too weird,” he adds to ease the mood. “Wow, when the weirdo says I’m weird, I know I have to worry.” You watch Peter roll his eyes. “But in all seriousness, there’s no other person, dork or otherwise, I’d want to eat ice cream with while watching Star Wars with.” Peter smiles, which makes your heart feel warm. “Aww, you like me.” “No, I don’t,” You scoff, “you’re weird and I called you a dork.” You sit up a little bit more, nervous. “But, actually, do you like anyone? Like in a boyfriend-girlfriend way?” “Yes.” His voice is so soft you can barely hear it. You want to know and also never want to talk about this again. Your bubble with Peter is perfect. “Spill.” “No.” “You’re so rude,” you glare at him. “I’m not going to tell anyone!” “Okay, fine,” Peter agrees before bending a finger at you, telling you to scoot closer. You listen, scooting closer. In fact, you’re so close to him that if your head hadn’t been turned to the side, your lips could’ve brushed. “I’m Spider-Man,” he whispers into your ear, making you shiver slightly. This makes you laugh like crazy. “Peter I’m serious.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Is this because you think I’ll meddle?” “Maybe a little.” You don’t move away from him, but you’re glaring at him. “I won’t—“ He cuts you off with a look. “Okay, but my meddling is only for your own good.” “Y/n/n,” he sighs, “let this go, please?” “Fine, then I won’t tell you who I like.” This feels like a major mistake. Peter stiffens. “You like someone?” “Um...you know I—“ Something in Peter tells him this is his now or never moment. “Let’s say it at the same time.” Oh, shit. You’re going to have to hear him say some other girl’s name when you say his. “Fine.” “One.” “Two.” “Three.” On three, both of you say, “You.” After that, you both kind of stare at each other in shock. “Can I kiss you?” “I think I’m going to be mad if you don’t.” The kiss is perfect. Soft, passionate, and something else that makes it addictive. “We should’ve done this a long time ago,” you say as soon as you pull away for air. “Then let’s make up for it.”
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1-99, it's been a while :)
I know :) but mostly cause all the ones I’ve been seeing are ones we already done or are kinky as shit and that’ll possibly be awkward.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
-Batman-Jaden Smith. Retrograde-James Blake. H.E.R- Focus.  Loyalty-Kendrick Lamar.  Location-Khalid. Blind Man-Xavier Omar.
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
-All of my ancestors.
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
-I don’t know where I put my books and technically the only book I have near me right now is two of my diaries which are strategically hidden in my room and that's a book, right? So anyways, “I think she was talking about me, I hope. I've been thinking about it with a smile on my face since.”
4: What do you think about most?
-college and everything i'm neglecting to do
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
-”Your glasses should be here in a day or two.”-dad
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Without. Just underwear. The less the better honestly 😉
7: What’s your strangest talent?
Lol Nothing will prepare you for what I have to say... So every once in awhile but not very often something will happen to my eye and if I press the part by my tear duct next to the bridge of my nose it’ll make a squeaky sound. I think it’s linked to my allergies lol
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
-Boys go to mars and girls go to jupiter? Haha idk
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
-Never had the pleasure.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
-Probably last week tbh
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
-fear of having someone slice the back of my knees
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
-I was always more of a sticking foreign objects in my mouth kind of kid (that sounded so bad lol)
13: What’s your religion?
Agnostic I think.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
-Fucking around on my ripstik. At the beach, or just walking around exploring.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
-Neither honestly.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
-Not much of a band person but my favorite artist right now is Chance the Rapper. Green day was good at some point though.
17: What was the last lie you told?
-Probably that I support my dad getting a second job and that I stayed home all week when I didn’t. Both told to my parents. You may be an angel but I am a horrible person inside lol
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
I’m half stud, and half muffin. Style wise. Named by my sister.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
-weakness: no perseverance. strength: finding the good in every bad situation and coming up with clever ways to do things either for fun or to solve problems.
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
-Michelle Rodriguez 😍
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
-A frustrated scream, a lot of cussing, a strong urge to punch something. But this only happens if I'm completely alone and can’t hear me and i'm not thinking about consequences. Which is quite literally never. Otherwise, I get very very quiet.
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
-I have a collection of empty water bottles littering my bedroom floor right now?
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
-Depends on the conversation and person. But I like video chatting with you to remember what you look like and sound like sometimes. Its also fun 😊
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
-I’d say it’s a nice improvement.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
-hate: pure silence because it is most definitely not silent. Love: the sound of grocery bags being carried into my house lol
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
-What if I stayed in gymnastics or tae kwon do
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
-Thats complicated. I believe something happens to the dead and I’m not sure “heaven” is the end destination. Humans are aliens. We are not special and if people believe we are a lone here, their dumb af.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
-My fan and Bob the teddy bear
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
-Nothing, my allergies are killing me right now.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
-Nothing's quite made that much of an impression for me to remember such a place.
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
-Theres no snow on the East Coast..I think
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
-Jidenna. He has an interesting look.
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
-Life is a grand experiment to test all that can make or break us.
36: Define Art.
- A ketchup stain on a white t-shirt.
37: Do you believe in luck?
-Depends but yes.
38: What’s the weather like right now?
-Blue skies, the sun is shining, a couple baby clouds and the wind is blowing the leaves outside my window. Seems hot.
39: What time is it?
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
-Yes. So many close calls but no not yet.
41: What was the last book you read?
-Book 3 of The Testing series called Graduation Day by Joelle Charbonneau. College interrupted my finishing it.
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
-Love it.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
-Shoshoes, Worm.
44: What was the last film you saw?
-Dawn of the Plant of the Apes or maybe Kidnap
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
-Sprained my neck and back
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
-No there scary up close but one landed on my ass once.
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
-Starting old shows that have like 10 seasons
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
-Don’t quite remember but possibly. Nothing to crazy I’m sure
50: Do you believe in magic?
-I believe that there's a possibility for it one day.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
52: What is your astrological sign?
-Aries 😈
53: Do you save money or spend it?
-Both. Not a good combination
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
-Movie tickets
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
-One real one.
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
-lol no.
59: Where were you yesterday?
-In my room
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
-My shorts are pink and black.
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
-Less clothes the better, remember.
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
-Make em laugh
64: Where is your best friend?
-Home finally I think?
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
armyofchaos of course, elaxisfae, prettyboyshyflizzy, aniefiok, sixpenceee
66: What is your heritage?
-Who knows.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
-Talking you and playing Assassins Creed
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Biggest turn ons?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
-Sorry little guy, I’ve got bills. But I'll call the cops or get someone's attention to do it for me.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
-A: the important people will know. B: Complete my promises. C:Hell yea, the hell is after this life??? What happens to my inner voice? Me???
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
-Trust is love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
-Off the top of my head, Yoga by Janelle Monae and Jidenna.
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
-Laughing and communicating
77: How can I win your heart?
-By giving a damn.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
-If I’m to be honest, those pills.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
-Being friends with you
80: What size shoes do you wear?
-All my shoes right now are men's and those are size 8
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
-”Here lies a gay potato”
82: What is your favourite word?
-Fuckernaut. I call ppl that in my head quite often. Yes, that includes you.
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
-Oh my god, honestly, definitely, seriously, jeez… I have a problem, help lol
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
-Currently,Drake-Marvins Room.
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
-Black, army green, burgundy.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
-Some kind of stone stairway/hallway. I should really update it.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
-That fucking orange cheeto with legs.
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
-Depending on the person “How do you really feel?”
90: Turn offs?
-Trump supporters
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: where are your parents from?
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
-When my mom started getting sick
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
-We’ll go with Kehlani today.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
-You already know where 😊
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
-Yup, a couple of dumbasses.
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
-Not inside the car but out the door on the side of the road.
98: Ever been on a plane?
-When I was little.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say.
-You stupid fucks.
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