#and heres my granddaughter (derogatory)
sunflowervolum-6 · 2 months
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 months
Restless Man Part III
Summary: Beau Arlen finds himself in the middle of a case with more twists than a country road.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reina Cetanwakuwa-Stanley
Word Count: 1015
Warnings: cursing, show level violence, derogatory remarks (some in native languages) poisoning, murder
A/N: The inkling for this work started when I heard Jensen singing Restless Man. This AU has elements based on historical information and canon from the Big Sky series.
*Set after the series finally 3:13 That Old Feeling.
A/N II: All Native American words/sentences are resourced from freelang.net and glosbe.com *some algorithmically generated on these sites.
*divider by @firefly-graphics
*no beta -all mistakes are mine
PT II Masterlist
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Walking into the offices of Dewell & Hoyt, Jenny nodded to her partner as Denise commented, “Ohh girl, long day?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“We took the liberty of grabbing some food, figured you’d be hungry.” That made Hoyt smile, “Thank you. I missed lunch since Beau went MIA on me today.” Cassie laughed, knowing her friend too well. “Like you didn’t enjoy every minute of being in charge.” Hoyt plopped down in the chair beside her, opening a to-go container. “Wouldn’t deny that. It was a nice break from his constant chattiness. So, do either of you know anything about this meeting?” 
“Not much,” Denise responds. “When Beau called, all he said was to make sure you and Cassie were here.” They tuck into their meals, catching up on the rest of their day, when the offices' rear entrance door opens and clangs shut. Cassie and Hoyt pull their firearms as heavy footsteps come closer, and a man appears in the back room's doorway.
“Whoa!!” Arlen raises his hands. 
“Jesus Christ Beau! We could’ve shot you!” Hoyt snapped, lowering her gun. “I texted Cassie an hour ago saying I’d be coming through the back door.” Holstering her weapon, Cassie says, “The only text I got was from Kai.” Arlen pulls out his phone and frowns at the not delivered. “Must have been in a no-service area. My apologies for starting you ladies.” 
Hoyt starts, “What’s up? It’s not like you to disappear at the drop of a hat.” Cassie adds, “Don’t forget leaving vague messages and sneaking through people's back doors.” Arlen laid the manilla folders he’d brought on the desk. “Gerald Stanley left a safety deposit box in my name containing these. They have some interesting information.” 
“That’s where you’ve been all day?” Cassie asks, picking up the files and handing one to Hoyt. Arlen grabs the extra chair by Denise, who passes him a takeout box with her usual flirting. “Yes..sorta. The bank was the first stop. After we examined the boxes…”
“Who’s we?” Hoyt interrupts, making the other two women look at each other when Arlen says, “Gerald requested that his granddaughter be present when I opened the box.” 
“You took Reina Stanley!” Hoyt’s voice rose. “What the hell, Beau? I’m your undersheriff! Why didn’t you call me?” Arlen gave her a look. “The inquiry needed to be handled with discretion, and based on your reaction, you wouldn’t been able to do that with her there.”
“Okay, moving on.” Cassie says, “You found these medical records. What did you do next?” 
“We went to Montana State University and talked to a Biotechnologist before heading to Billings to see Gerald’s doctor. They said he came in with unusual symptoms, and after a battery of tests, couldn’t be certain what was happening but, off the record, thought it was poisoning.” Hoyt, annoyed but somewhat calmer, sat her file down. “Without a definitive diagnosis or other evidence, it’s all circumstantial, not enough to open an official inquiry.”
Arlen swallowed his mouthful of food. “Reina has information that I can’t disclose but points to a hypothetical scenario that could explain why someone, or ones, wanted Gerald out of the way. That’s why I wanted to meet up. Cassie,” he pulled a paper from his pocket. “Could you look into this for me? Going through official police channels might tip off whoever is involved.”
“Oh, wow. I see why you’d want to keep this quiet.” She reassured him they’d be discreet and handed it to Denise. “You do realize this also makes Reina a suspect?” 
Arlen acknowledged that before turning to his undersheriff, “So Hoyt, you miss me today?”
“Ha! You wish.”
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Arlen is on the phone four days later when he hears a knock on his door. He sees Cassie Dewell standing there and waves her in wrapping up his conversation. “Sounds good. Thanks for letting me know.” Hanging up, he turns his full attention to her. “Hey, Cassie, got something for me?”
“Denise spoke to a cousin-in-law who works in the state capital offices about that info you gave us. They said, off the record, several months ago, Gerald dropped by to see the governor without an appointment. By the time he left, they had put the Silver City expansion scheme on hold until the department had sufficient information about the environmental impact on some type of lizard living there.”
“Wow, I had no idea Gerald had that kind of pull but smart, using good old bureaucratic red tape.” Cassie raised an eyebrow. “One more thing: the cousin said besides the out-of-state developers, a subsidiary contractor under the Stanley umbrella is involved.” 
Arlen got his confused expression. “Wait a minute, he had one of his contractors stopped? That doesn’t make sense. So we’ve got,” Arlen held up a finger, “One out-of-state developer, who I’m sure is very angry about the delay after investing time and money into this project.” 
Cassie adds, “Two, the subsidiary contractor also heavily invested. Three, other businesses in the area who would’ve benefited from providing goods and services during the development. Four, landowners that were going to make a hefty profit from selling their property.”
“And five,” Arlen says, “The Stanleys themselves.” He grabs his football, squeezing it frustrated. “We’ve got way too many suspects.”
“I agree. I want to speak to Reina,” Cassie said knowingly, "Since she’s the one who gave you the information.” Getting up, Arlen followed her out of his office. “Maybe Gerald said something she considered irrelevant that could help narrow the list.”
“You do realize she’s still a suspect. Reina might’ve fed us that information to throw us off the trail because she’s the one who orchestrated Gerald’s death.” 
“I don’t think so,” Poppernak said as they walked by and stopped at his desk. “You know something, Pops?” The deputy responded. “Maybe. I remember some gossip about Gerald forcing Holland to give him custody of Reina. Cody would’ve known...”
“Mo!” Cassie’s interruption of the overly talkative deputy was too late and saw bewilderment cross Arlen’s face as he spit out, flabbergasted.
“Cody Hoyt?” 
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
RM: @deans-spinster-witch
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queenofzan · 2 months
The Waterbending Master
So as I said, I'm rewatching Avatar: the Last Airbender. And this time, a few little things have struck me as potentially in need of improvement.
Master Pakku, his refusal to teach Katara, and his coming around when he sees she is Kanna's granddaughter.
This is the first culture in the show we have seen be extremely patriarchal (Sokka is supposed to be the man of the southern tribe and all that is left there are women and children, but they also have extremely low numbers, and honestly, it seems like Gran-Gran is as much in charge of the tribe as the chief's mom or mother-in-law as anything else). Kyoshi Island, obviously, has the Kyoshi Warriors and venerates Avatar Kyoshi; the mayor seems to be a man but Suki and the other warriors are considered leaders as well, despite being teenagers. We see several other Earth Kingdom towns and villages that seem mostly patriarchal, but apart from Sokka (and, once, Zuko) we don't hear a whole lot about what women can or can't do. The Fire Nation army and navy seem to be co-ed, although in season one we mostly see male commanders. However, working with women or taking orders from women doesn't seem to bother anyone except Sokka.
Then we get to the Northern Water Tribe, and they seem to have a pretty stratified society, with explicitly sex-segregated bending traditions. But it kind of seems like the writers wanted to have a moral about sexism without actually depicting sexism?
Pakku does say some derogatory things about how Katara's proper place is with Yugoda and the other girls, but he doesn't even hit as hard as Sokka does with the "girls shouldn't be fighting" stuff. He talks about tradition, which is...a really weird argument to make to the sole remaining Southern Tribe waterbender. Surely in the case of cultural extinction, the importance of keeping Southern waterbending alive is more important than sexism based on traditions? Like, are the traditions of the Southern Tribe completely irrelevant here? It wouldn't seem so, because the Chief does make a big deal of welcoming Katara and Sokka from their sister tribe and treating them as honored guests in their own right, not just as the Avatar's friends. So why didn't the Chief say "Pakku, we've failed to help our sister tribe at all in the last hundred years and now they're down to a single waterbender, we have to at least give the appearance of caring about them", especially since, you know, he's got the Southern Tribe's Chief's son and daughter there with the Avatar. Making sure the Southern Water Tribe still has waterbenders seems like a concern for the balance of the world, no?
And since when have sexist pigs become less sexist when presented with evidence that their crushes have been romantically entangled with someone else? Kanna has grandchildren, she got married to someone else and had children and meanwhile, as far as we can tell, Pakku has no family and never married. He certainly has no issue fucking off to help rebuild the Southern Tribe at the end of season one. Like...is it not much more common for sexist jerks to become more obnoxious after finding out they got dumped and forgotten about? Do men who want your number not usually call you a bitch instead of going, "Ah, you're right, I should reflect on my behavior?"
We also have absolutely no textual evidence for Katara's immediate assumption that Kanna couldn't stand the sexist traditions of the Northern Tribe. Apart from raising Katara, who is definitely not sexist, and raising Sokka, who is definitely sexist at the beginning of the show, we know very little about Kanna.
This is actually a pretty simple fix, in my opinion. A: make it clear Kanna does not stand for Sokka's sexist nonsense. I don't think this actually takes that much effort; some lines when Sokka is being sexist early on met with "You wouldn't say that if Gran-gran could hear you" or "Why don't you ever say that to Gran-gran?" implying that Sokka is in fact watching his tongue around his grandmother lets us know that Gran-gran has an opinion more in line with Katara's.
B: reverse Pakku's stated reasons for not teaching Katara. At first he grudgingly agrees, out of kinship and solidarity (and because the Chief pressured him and the Avatar is watching) but then not only is she a disrespectful student (by his standards) he finds out she's the grand-daughter of the woman who spurned him and apparently started a whole different family with someone else, and finds an excuse to kick her out of class. Or he sees her necklace and accuses her of stealing it, or something. Something so that his argument isn't based solely on the weirdly backwards presumption that his Tribe's traditions are more important than hers, despite the fact that hers are actively endangered.
I think we should honestly also see Pakku be more actively sexist, assuming Katara will be unable to match Aang's progress or his progress or something. He should talk more specific shit about how ill-mannered or boyish she is, or blatantly judge her excellent skills more harshly than Aang's. We should see actual sexism, not just "la la la you can't be here" which is like. Annoying but certainly not the most common or most harmful way sexism manifests. I mean, even him claiming Katara would be unable to concentrate on bending because she's at that age where girls only think about boys would be more than he does; we could even have that tie into the betrothal necklace blowup where he's like "You're fucking up because you're thinking about your impending marriage, aren't you?" and she's like "The fuck you talking about, old man?"
I just. I know they were going for a sort of, oh look, he's been reminded of his True Feelings and the sexism was just sour grapes, but that isn't as strong and it doesn't really send any message about sexism? Whereas if we had any indication that Kanna really did specifically hate that part of the Northern culture, if we had any indication Pakku has actually internalized any sexist ideas beyond "this is how it is", and we had any sense of Pakku actually grappling with the idea that the same things he loved in Kanna are the things that annoy him in Katara, and how that means he's changed, this subplot would be a lot stronger.
I also wonder uhhh what the fuck was Pakku going to say, if someone asked him why he was spying on the Avatar? We know the answer, he's literally spying on the Avatar for the Order of the White Lotus, but it looks like he's just stalking a 12 year old student after dark. It's really weird. Is he that obsessed with enforcing the sexist tradition of women not learning combat waterbending? That's also weird, to be honest! He's an old man, he should have other shit going on! Or else everyone should acknowledge that he's being weird!
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matt0044 · 1 year
Miraculous: Tales of the Jungle Book - AU crossover
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Mowgli and Tikki - Ladybug
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Lala and Plagg - Chat Noire
Artwork by joesanchez involving the most underrated Jungle Book adaptation out there.
It all for free on YouTube no less. Search Jungle Book Nantoons and enjoy a hidden 1980s gem.
So... yeah. In a world of IP renewals and brand management, I wouldn't put it past Disney to try and cash in on The Jungle Book where Mowgli becomes superheroes with his friends not unlike The Lion Guard. Basically cashing in on Marvel and Miraculous all the while.
My idea would be a fifty-two episode animated series adapting concepts from Miraculous with some story and character beats from Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli. The first season would be a relaxed pace of thirteen self-contained episodes that lay the foundation for a much meatier Season 2 and onwards involving our Cat Noir to be.
So… what about the she-wolf turned catgirl?
Lala is based on Leela, a minor character from Rudyard Kipling's novel, and expanded on in an minor on again, off again role as Mowgli's, well, mean girl. The Chloe Bourgeois to Mowgli's Marinette. So... why here as Chat Noir...e?
Well... it homages the original plan for Felix to be the Cat bearer rather than Adrien with him being standoffish towards Marinette. Here it's more like Lala sees a need to prove herself against Mowgli and vice versa.
As Chat Noire, Lala is a lot more “likable” towards Ladybug both as a means to work together and to show the hidden depth beneath the priss she parades herself as.
It would play into the overall themes of identity and belonging, especially when new enemies enter the fray.
As for the premise:
”Deep in the heart of India, a pack of wolves help uphold the Law of the Seeonee Jungle with special jewels bestows upon them and allies of other species. These Miraculous were created in a time when man and wild lived together. When harnessing the power of the Kwamis, they deemed that a bearer would assume a human form if they weren't of man already.
This was to preserve secrecy of who had the jewels and the power themselves. Animals were considered suitable since humans already tended to underestimate their kind already.
However, a nasty vie for power in what would be known as the Cold Lair resulted in a schism between humans and the wild for generations to come. A new policy was decreed: the Miraculous could not be trusted with humans lest the world falls to ruin.
Shere Khan the Tiger, one such ally once upon a time, betrays them with the Butterfly Miraculous of Empowerment and slays Alexander the bearer of the Ladybug Miraculous. The fallen hero is survived by his wife and three sons, one of whom is an adopted human boy named Mowgli.
Inspired by his father's sacrifice, Mowgli becomes a young man-cub trained by Alexander’s closest friends in the ways of the wild and eligible to be considered as a Miraculous bearer. Other young wolves step up to be considered as future defenders of the Jungle as Tikki and Plagg scout them for potential heroes to face Shere Khan, now declaring himself as Hawk Moth.
Meanwhile, the power of destruction would go to somebody that would make the mystics themselves roll in their graves.
As Akela's granddaughter, Lala grew up to be a bitch in every sense of the human's derogatory term. She was often quick with a cutting remark and to take out her bad mood on others. Lala could also be a bit of diva when it came to holding her head up a touch too high. For older pack members, they knew that she was only going through what they saw as a tomboy phase with the lack of a mother figure. For younger members... no, she was pain full stop.
Especially towards Mowgli the man-cub. She'd often cut into his hunts if they crossed paths and show him up, especially to rub in how he'd never be a real wolf. The man-cub would hardly take it up the tailbone but rarely got the last word in. Lala was the most vocal to object to him joining the pack and even challenged him to hunt more prey than her to present to Akela if she wanted his vote.
Her grandfather agreed to this if only to propose that the younger members perform a hunting excersise as a way to prepare for Shere Khan. In truth, this was a cover for the Kwamis to scout their promising new bearers. Plagg found himself drawn to Lala when it came to her attitude and related to how she didn't care about how others saw her. His hand was forced when Tabaqui was akumatized by Shere Khan, now Hawk Moth, and turned into a rock beast.
Stone Heart interrupted Lala's hunt and chased her through the woods. Quick thinking and dodging bought her time to hide before Plagg revealed himself. Lala recognized the Miraculous as that of her father's, Vermillion, and felt her bravado get its second wind. Plagg was about to explain it all when she snatched the ring and slipped it onto her wrist, the camouflage charm allowing it to seem like any other accessory.
"Plagg, Claws Out!" Lala shouted. Plagg protested but was soon drawn into the Miraculous and transformed the wolf into a half-human half cat heroine. She even struck a pose upon revealing herself to Stone Heart as if she'd rehearsed for this very moment.
Chat Noire, as she declared herself, had trouble using her extendable staff and found herself on the run again. She was saved by her agility spiking but soon found herself on a cliff. Mowgli bailed her out with his boomerang and even caught her in his arms much to her embarassment. However, Stone Heart soon came crashing down. By instinct, Chat Noire grabbed Mowgli and extended her staff to vault him to safety.
All the while, Tikki was hesitant to consider Mowgli after feeling she left Alexander to die in order to save her Miraculous. However, an Akuma attack causes forces her to make her choice.
Though Lala's haughtiness showed, she played herself off as more playful and charming like the heroes she heard of. It helped that Ladybug's ingenuity earned her admiration when they purified the Akuma. Thanks to Mowgli's human spark of creativity, he's able to utilize the Lucky Charms even when they're of devices he never heard. She even felt a rare sense of guilt when Tabaqui admitted that Lala's sharp tongue made him vulnerable to Akumatization.
Before splitting up, the two heroez gave a fist bump to commemorate their first outting. However, they had to keep their identities mum to each other lest Hawk Moth got a hold of one and squealed on the other. They took their time bantering about while slinging and vaulting through the Jungle for practice. If they only knew that their new best friends had been their worst enemies...
The challenge ended with both Mowgli and Lala finding both their prey collection to have been snatched by scavengers. With the pair of them both losing, Lala scoffed and ate crow by giving her vote for Mowgli to stay. She even told the man-cub that she'll be sure to not let him outdo her. Sharing a cocky grin with her new rivals, something changed in Lala. Small but noticeable.
And thus, the most unlikely pair became the only things keeping Shere Khan at bay..."
More pics will follow as I crystalize this potential fanfic further with concept art.
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Khuzdul Words for Fanfiction Writers
So, I recently figured out that most Khuzdul words used in fanfiction are actually incorrect--Ghivashel isn’t actually a word in Khuzdul--and I brought it upon myself to give you all a list with the actual words.  
To do this, I used a Khuzdul dictionary created by the one and only @thedwarrowscholar.  Link to his website (specifically the Khuzdul documents that I used) is HERE.
Please note that this is just a collection of words I found useful in my writings--past, present, and future--so they may not include all words used by others.  And if you have any questions about the words, please feel free to reach out to me and I can do my best to answer/explain the complexity of the words.
**There are some naughty/suggestive phrases/words in here, so be warned**
Amrâlimê:  My love; love of mine
‘Ibinê:  My gem
‘Ibin:  Gem
Ziriz Khî:  Gold One
Uslukh:  Dragon
Kurdu:  Heart
Irakdashat:  Nephew
Irakdashshat:  Nephews
Nâtha:  Daughter
‘Adad:  Father
‘Amad:  Mother
Shamukh:  Hail
Bakn Galikh:  Good Morning
Zann Galikh:  Good Night
Zelaf:  Bed
Irak’adad:  Uncle
Irak’amad:  Aunt
Gaihith:  Little Dove
Abnâm:  Beauty
Khuzd:  Dwarf
Abnâmu:  Beauty of
Finit:  Wide
Karkith:  Little Raven
Iraknâtha:  Niece
Galikh:  Good
Hulwultarg:  Sweet Beard
Halw:  Sweet
Targ:  Beard
Ra:  And
Halwûn:  Sweet One (Masc.)
Halwûna:  Sweet One (Fem.)
Ziriz:  Gold
Zirizkhîê:  My Gold One
Khagal:  Blue
Narag:  Black
Thikilkhagal:  Steel blue
Lalkîth:  Idiots/fools that are young
Ughshar:  Teacher
Gabalî:  Words
Gabali:  Word
Lulkh:  Idiot
Sasakhabiya abnâmul:  You look beautiful
Zain:  Woman/female
Abnâmul:  Beautiful
Zatagbiri ibriz khama asti:  He would melt the sun in his forge for you
Takhlibi mi razûkh:  Drops more than rain (awkward, clumsy)
Thatr:  Star
Harkulul:  Enough
Zannag:  Bosum
Zanag:  Breast
Naimu:  Lip
Anâm:  Lips
‘azg:  Eye
Kitinirakbeshêk:  Hips
Gadra allâk; Mahal hefsu binhas:  Against stupiditiy; Mahal himself is helpless
Azafr sagshari sabhari:  As you teach, you learn
Nê akhshum:  Don’t worry
Inkhi:  Come
Sasakhabi abnamul:  You look handsome
Igjijê:  Follow me
Sa’gimthiya:  Sit
Amrâl:  Love
Targhu jalatatani:  His beard withered (he is afraid)
Targdai jalatatani:  Her beard withered (she is afraid)
Halw Kurdu:  Sweet Heart
Amrâl astî:  I love you (Fem.)
Khîê:  My One
Sully iglukhul bark ra targ:  All is well with axe and beard (everything is fine)
Yasthûna:  Wife
Yasthûn:  Husband
Kud:  What
Kuf:  Why
Kud saŕakhi:  What do you need (Masc.)
Amrâl u’astû:  I love you too (Masc.)
Satthiye mushug:  You drive me crazy (Masc.)
Armani adrân sigin:  I’ve been waiting for a long time
Aktibi zûr sakhafi:  I know how you feel (Masc.)
Shosh:  Quiet/shush
Fanâd duzdnu targ usganul mi mê:  Elves have a longer beard than you
Amlanthi sulla dê astâ:  You mean everything to me
‘ubran:  Greater/Greatest Treasure
Bennar:  Supreme Treasure
Bunnanun:  Tiny Treasure
Bunnanûn:  Tiny Treasures
Agbishi:  To treasure (1st person singular)
Bannô:  Treasure
Bunnel:  Treasure of all treasures
Birza:  Golden
Kidzul:  Golden/gold-like
Bussel:  Guarantee
Kheshmar:  Supreme worry
Kheshmâr:  Supreme worries
Bershar:  Supreme wound/pain/torment
Bershâr:  Supreme wounds/pains/torments
Khemar:  Supreme youth (youngster)
Zerlar:  Supreme wish/desire
Zerlâr:  Supreme wishes/desires
Medrar:  Supreme womb
Gentar:  Supreme vow/promise
Gentâr:  Supreme vows/promises
Berzar:  Supreme sun (gold)
Berzâr: Supreme suns
Rerzar:  Supreme sun (blaze)
Rerzâr:  Supreme suns (blazes)
Thetrar:  Supreme star (glare)
Thetrâr:  Supreme stars (glares)
Medtar:  Supreme heart (morale, emotional)
Medtâr:  Supreme hearts (morale, emotional)
Kerdar:  Supreme heart (physical, trust, belief)
Kerdâr:  Supreme hearts (physical, trusts, beliefs)
Reydar:  Supreme heir
Reydâr:  Supreme heirs
Dejnar:  Supreme hope
Dejnâr:  Supreme hopes
Kherbar:  Supreme horse
Kherbâr:  Supreme horses
Nengar:  Supreme iris (flower, bloom)
Nengâr:  Supreme irises (flowers, blooms)
Mesmar:  Supreme jewel (showpiece, tool)
Mesmâr:  Supreme jewels (showpieces, tools)
Geydar:  Supreme joy
Geydâr:  Supreme joys
Benzar:  Supreme kick (jolt)
Benzâr:  Supreme kicks (jolts)
Shektar:  Supreme kin
Shektâr:  Supreme kins
Henfar:  Supreme knife (stab)
Henfâr:  Supreme knives (stabs)
Ketbar:  Supreme knowledge/wisdom
Tehar:  Supreme laugh
Tehâr:  Supreme laughs
Nednar:  Supreme boy
Nednâr:  Supreme boys
Bentar:  Supreme cat
Bentâr:  Supreme cats
‘etmar:  Supreme breath
‘etmâr:  Supreme breaths
Kekhfar:  Supreme arse
Mehdar:  Supreme blessing
Mehdâr:  Supreme blessings
Yendar:  Supreme birth
Yendâr:  Supreme births
Tergar:  Supreme beard
Tergâr:  Supreme beards
Benmar:  Supreme beauty
Nirâr:  Superiors
Narrûn:  Superior-man
Narrân:  Superior-men
Narrûna:  Superior-ladies
Narrâna:  Superior-lady
Nirar:  Superior
Ibrizinlêkh:  Sunshine
Ibrizlanz:  Sunset
Ibrizlanâz:  Sunsets
Barzîth:  Young/fresh suns
Berzêl:  Sun of all suns (gold)
Ruzdêl:  Sun of all suns (blazes)
Razdîth:  Young/fresh suns (blazes)
Ruzâd:  Suns
Ibrizbakan:  Sunrise
Ibrizbakân:  Sunrises
Ruzdul:  Sunny/sun-like
San/Sanâ:  Perfect
Mesem:  Jewel
Mesmel:  Jewel of all jewels
Masmith:  Jewel that is young/fresh
Mesmul:  Jewel-like
Ablakthi:  Cause to flex (singular)
Mablakthi:  Cause to flex (plural)
‘umdat:  Greater/greatest Heart (morale, emotion)
‘umdât:  Greater/greatest hearts (morale, emotion)
‘ukrad:  Greater/greatest heart (physical, trust, belief)
‘ukrâd:  Greater/greatest hearts (physical, trust, beliefs)
‘ukhlath:  Greater/greatest heaven
Kurdel:  Heart of all hearts
Kardith:  Heart that is young/fresh
Kardûna:  Heart-lady
Kardâna:  Heart-ladies
Kardûn:  Heart-man
Kardân:  Heart-men
Kardiîh:  Hearts that are young/fresh
Khajam:  Gift
Khajmel:  Gift of all gifts
Khajmith:  Gift that is young/fresh
Khajjam:  Gifts
Khajmîth:  Gifts that are young/fresh
Kuyl:  Life
Kuylel:  Life of all lives
Kêlith:  Life that is young/fresh
Ulkhud:  Light
Lukhdel:  Light of all lights
‘utrag:  Greater/greatest beard
‘ubnam:  Greater/greatest beauty
‘uynad:  Greater/greatest birth
‘umhad:  Greater/greatest blessing
‘undan:  Greater/greatest boy
‘untam:  Greater/greatest breath
‘undad:  Greater/greatest brother
‘umdam:  Greater/greatest comfort
‘umah:  Greater/greatest creation
‘uklam:  Greater/greatest crown
‘ukdad:  Greater/greatest father
‘uthrat:  Greater/greatest fatigue
‘uzan:  Greater/greatest female
‘ubah:  Greater/greatest friend
‘ukhjam:  Greater/greatest gift
‘unath:  Greater/greatest girl
‘ukrad:  Greater/greatest heart
‘udjan:  Greater/greatest hope
‘umsam:  Greater/greatest jewel
‘ugyad:  Greater/greatest joy
Mahdel:  Blessing of all blessings
Mahd:  Blessing
Mahdith:  Blessing that is young/fresh
Mahad:  Blessings
Mahdîth:  Blessings that are young/fresh
Nungbâha:  Loveable idiot
Nungbuhâ:  Loveable idiots
Marlith:  Love that is young/fresh
Umral:  Lover
Umrâl:  Lovers
Imrêl:  The act of loving
Marlel: Love of all love
‘atmel:  Breath of all breaths
Nai’timi:  Breathe together
‘amdel:  Mother of all mothers
‘amdith:  Mother that is young/fresh
Agnât’amad:  Mother-in-law
‘uddel:  Father of all fathers
‘addith:  Father that is young/fresh
Mahi’dêd:  Fathering (the act of)
Agnât’addad:  Father-in-law
Sigin-nadan:  Grandchild
Sigin-naddan:  Grandchildren
Sigin-nâtha:  Granddaughter
Sigin-nuthâ:  Granddaughters
Sigin-adad:  Grandfather
Sigin-addad:  Grandfathers
Sigin-amad:  Grandmother
Sigin-ammad:  Grandmothers
Sigindashat:  Grandson
Sigindashshat:  Grandsons
‘umdamud:  Tiny mother
Id-’amad:  The mother
‘uhmad:  Greater/greatest mother
Gultalut:  Tiny boar
Amdâm:  Comfort
Madmel:  Comfort of all comforts
Amdâmul:  Comfortable
Umdam:  Comforter
Gayad:  Joy
Gêdel:  Joy of all joys
Gêdith:  Joy that is young/fresh
Gayyad:  Joys
Zabadâl:  He/She that is a King
Uzbad:  King
Uzbadul:  King-like/from kings
Zabdûn:  Lord-man/king
Zabdân:  Lord-men/kings
Zabdûna:  Lord-lady/Queen
Zabdâna: Lord-ladies/Queens
Id-uzbad:  The King
Manammi:  Kiss excessively
‘unam:  Greater/greatest kiss (lip)
Manamai:  Has kissed (Fem.)
Manama:  Has kissed (Masc.)
Anum:  Kiss
Naimî:  Kiss together
Margel:  Feast of all feasts
Bâha:  Friend
Nuthâ:  Daughters
Nâthu:  Daughter of
Nuthû:  Daughters of
Khazdûna:  Dwarf-lady
Khazdâna:  Dwaf-ladies
Khazdûn:  Dwarf-man
Khazdân:  Dwarf-men
Dashat:  Son
Dashshat:  Sons
Dashatu:  Son of
Dushtel:  Son of all sons
Kharm:  Brother
Kharmul:  Brother-like
Nadad:  Blood brother
Nadadu:  Brother of
Nuddel:  Brother of all brothers
Naddith:  Brother that is young/fresh
Naddad:  Brothers
Agnât’kharm:  Brother-in-law
‘unna’:  Greater/greatest sister
Nana’:  Sister
Nun’el:  Sister of all sisters
Nan’ith:  Sister that is young/fresh
Nanu:  Sister of
Nanna’:  Sisters
Nen’ar:  Supreme sister
Kobor:  Beast
Ankhâd:  Colour
Irak’addad:  Uncles
Iraknana’:  Female cousin
Iraknadad:  Male cousin
Iraknanna’:  Female cousins
Iraknaddad:  Male cousins
Irak’ammad:  Aunts
Naith:  Girl
Naithul:  Girl-like
Kargel:  Honour of all honours
Akrâg:  Honour
Naikrigi:  Honour together
Nudn:  Boy
Nudnul:  Boy-like
Adkhât:  Rest
Nadnith:  Boy that is young/fresh
Nuthith:  Girl that is young/fresh
‘âmad:  Well
Dush:  Dark
‘azaghâl:  He/She that is a warrior
Id-u’zagh:  The warrior
‘uzghu:  Battle
Zul:  Memory
Zulel:  Memory of all memories
Zalith:  Memory that is young/fresh
Bâh:  Awww (expression of endearment)
Bark:  Axe
Mabelkhags:  Elf (derogatory)
Khûthuz:  Elf
Khathzûna:  Elf-lady
Fund:  Elf
Fandûna:  Elf-lady (polite)
Mebelkhâgs:  Elves (derogatory)
Fanâd:  Elves (polite)
Rayad:  Heir
Rayadu:  Heir of
Rêdel:  Heir of all heirs
Rêdith:  Heir that is young/fresh
Rayyad:  Heirs
Rayyud:  Heirs of
Raydîth:  Heirs that are young/fresh
Maznzagr:  Dagger
Zagr:  Sword
Zagâr:  Swords
Nû’:  Second
Sedzel:  Seed of all seeds
Zai anatu sullu, imrizruk emak:  At the end of everything, hold onto anything
Gamzûn:  He that is fierce
Gamzûna:  She that is fierce
Gulmalûm:  Tiny sparkle
Sulkhalûkh:  Tiny desolation/Tiny dragon
Targel:  Beard of all beards
Kurkanukê:  My tiny raven
Bunnanunê:  My tiny treasure
Rakl-gunnu:  Precious property
Merlar:  Supreme love
Thundanûd:  Tiny embrace (tiny arms)
Marali:  Elements of the love/passion
‘ukrad:  Greatest heart
‘arsûn:  Hot one/he that is hot
‘arsûna:  Hot one/she that is hot
Mamahmarlûna:  She that has been made love to
Mamahmarlûn:  He who has been made love to
Innik:  Return (come back)
Ikhdêshab:  The act of reuniting
Nazg:  ring
A’lâz:  Rise
Buzrâburmubizar:  Rivendell
Lasl:  Rose
Laslel:  Rose of all roses
Laslith:  Rose that is young/fresh
Lasâl:  Roses
Uzbadkayal:  Royalty
Barazamrâl’abban:  Rubies
Barazamrâl’aban:  Ruby
Zê’:  First
Ubah:  Befriender
Baraf:  Family
Barfith: Family that is young/fresh
Gamil:  Old
Anzagthi:  Cause to put a ring on someone
Nê:  Don’t
Mamakhaffûn:  He who continues to touch again/excessively
Khufakhuf:  Tiny touch
Khufakhuf:  Tiny touches
Khaifu:  Touch
Lakhdâ:  Bright
‘ukhadul:  Brightest
Thutrel:  Star of all stars
Zanât:  Hairs (more than one)
Kasamhili:  Please/May I
Ushmaru:  Guardian of
Rathkûna:  Hand-lady
Rathkâna:  Hand-ladies
‘uzhad:  Greater/greatest respect
‘izhad:  Lesser/least respect
Azhâd:  Respect
Id’yusth:  The partner (spouse)
Zadunâl:  Those that are rulers
Mugragur:  Tiny bear
‘utut:  Tiny being
Khuzdazud:  Tiny Dwarf
Ruydayud:  Tiny heir
Bunzanuz:  Tiny kick
Bunzanûz:  Tiny kicks
Shuktakut:  Tiny kin
Kuylayul:  Tiny life
Numanûm:  Tiny kisses (lips)
Zbdabud:  Tiny lord
Murlarul:  Tiny love
Rurkaruk:  Tiny secret
Sharam:  Scar
Malassazûn:  He who continues to lust
Ulsuz:  Lust
Malassazûna:  She who continues to lust
‘ikhlaz:  Lesser/least male
Khulz:  Male
Ênud:  Give bith to
‘inath:  Lesser/least girl
Fahal:  Belly
‘alj:  Cheek
‘alâj:  Cheeks
Gal’:  Mouth
Rugn:  Chin
Fabr:  Forehead
Khagr:  Nose
Khags:  Neck
Zamkh:  Shoulder
Zamâkh:  Shoulders
‘uzmâkh:  Greater/greatest shoulders
Kitinirakbeshek:  Hip
Madkh:  Finger
Rathkh:  Hand
Zudrakann:  Thigh
Zudrakanân:  Thighs
Khakhaf:  Arse
Balâkh:  Muscles
Azan:  Fertility
Aklâb:  Charm
Uklab:  Charmer
Uklâb:  Charmers
Madr:  Womb
Madrel:  Womb of all wombs
Madrith:  Womb that is young/fresh
Rakl:  Precious
Azlâf:  Sleep
Gabil:  Great
Naimû:  Lip of
Namel:  Lip of all lips
Lu’:  No
Kun:  Yes
Adal:  Dream
Adalu:  Dream of
Dulel:  Dream of all dreams
Naidlî:  Dream together
Dalith:  Dream that is young/fresh
Dalâna:  Dream-ladies
Dalûna:  Dream-lady
Dalân:  Dream-men
Dalûn:  Dream-man
Idl:  Dreaming (the act of)
Adâl:  DReams
Dalîth:  Dreams that are young/fresh
Lomil:  Night
Agrâd:  Dread (terror)
Anthân:  Omen
Rûrik:  Secret
Adjân:  Hope
Agnât'nana':  Sister-in-law
305 notes · View notes
ntshastark · 2 years
fuck it, i’m gonna finish this thing today
Bridgerton Season 2 liveblog: Part 5 (eps 7-8)
Episode 7
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penelope bby do you have a fucking death wish???? like, i’m not even trying to be cute, this is literally treason
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listen, i love them so much
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- Chris Van Dusen, once I get my hands on him
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my mother coming pick me up at university
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why is he like this
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(and this apparently is all i’m getting from my beloved office scene 🥲)
god i really don’t care about any of this, i just want to see kathony
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spend some time staring at her........ necklace......... did you
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Episode 8
that poor man is just a bunch of traumas under a trench coat
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oh i LOVE this wig
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oh babe your brother got there first
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oh, anthony.................
i remember a tweet complaining that half an hour before the season finished anthony and kate still weren’t together so i keep glancing at the time to see when can i start to get my hopes up
hey i just remembered lord dorset
por onde anda lord dorset, um beijo lord dorset
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i refuse to believe london isn’t big enough for two modistes, my suspension of disbelief simply does not go that far
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this dude enjoys a guilt trip doesn’t he
(i’m back to team phillip if you couldn’t tell)
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i could only dream of my hair on a good day looking like hers does after a week in bed
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missed the bicons wallowing in self-pity together tbh
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just dropping these here
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looking forward to see her journey going from this
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to this
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oh my god i had no idea how much of a quadrilha still came directly from the quadrille (speaking of which, only 25 days till june 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻)
i quite missed philippa, actually
oh fuck they actually brought eloise
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OH SHIT????????????????
damn the polin girlies are eating GOOD this episode
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this combined with her wearing yellow/orange after a whole season of only blue and purple??? poetic cinema
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the polin girlies just threw up everything they ate
(and, damn, at least in the book he was talking to his brothers, and she had a chance to give a killer answer)
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3 dead, 5 wounded
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oh wait nvm
bruh, simone’s body 🥵🥵🥵🥵
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also, not enough newton
4 notes · View notes
Asks! What's your favourite part of the danger days universe (canon or otherwise)? What's each of the four's most valued possession (if they have any)? Any thoughts on what the Girl gets up to between the mvs and comics? What's the killjoys' fondest memories together? If you had to describe each of the killjoys in one word what would those be? What movies do you think they'd like? Obligatory "i would like to hear juvie/lobby hcs if you have any" here. Uhhh, character limit (derogatory)
my favorite part of the danger days canon is probably tommy chow mein’s store, doc’s radio station, or the crash track.
for valued possessions, honestly none of them own anything memorable. there have been things (poison’s mother’s locket which got snagged and ripped off when they were escaping the city, for instance) but it’s just too hard to keep sentimental items out in the desert. that’s why they’re all privy to tattoos.
i think that they definitely could’ve done a better job with the girl in the comics, i do believe she was somewhat whitewashed, not in skin tone but in features (straighter hair, lighter eyes, etc) and it just kinda shocked me to see at first
killjoys fondest memory: i’m gonna do this collectively so there’s two for all of them. one is whenever they all go to the little oasis/pond out on the edge of zone five, it’s a popular little swimming place for joys and you can climb on the rocks to jump into the water. poison remembers sitting with kobra on the top of the rock ledge and watching jet and ghoul throw the girl back and forth between them in the water, hearing her giggle from all the way down there. the other memory is any time they have a smoke sesh in the diner. the four, cherri, pony, and really any other joy they like comes to the diner (doc babysits the girl, it’s kinda-sorta-grandfather and granddaughter bonding time) and they all just do a rotation and talk for hours until the sun goes down. lots of laughing and crying
one word for all of them:
poison: martyr.
kobra: precocious.
ghoul: catharsis.
jet: survivor.
movies: poison and jet both love horror movies. ghoul likes anything that’s on, and kobra really likes wild west movies for some reason. just let that boy watch cowboys ok
i have no juvie headcanons but i do have lobby headcanons :)
-outermost ring of battery city (or zone 1.) skirts the beginnings of zone two, and is also a lot larger than the other two circles of the city (the median, being the middle class families, and the heart of the city, where the wealthier members of society inhabit)
-mostly government-issued apartments or children’s homes, or working class that couldn’t quite make it to the median.
-despite how many times dracs will come by and powerwash the sides of buildings, graffiti never seems to stop appearing every morning
-most lobby dwellers work in distribution industries for BLI medications
-the lobby people talk a bit more like the desert people, dropping the last letter off of certain words and slurring together short conjunctions
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chuchuroon · 4 years
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Soooo after MM I have finally found my next Otome obsession Currently, the Taiwan server of Ikemen Sengoku is running a region-exclusive event that puts all the Warlords in a Steampunk AU. The outfits are too good, so I wanted to share this with the Western/JP server players! (Currently, I play on all 3 servers like the dumbass obsessive idiot I am)
More photos and information on the event story under the cut! (SPOILERS for the Taiwan Ikesen Steampunk Event). If you’d like to play on the Taiwan server, the app is named 美男戰國 (copy paste into your app store and search) and it doesn’t appear to be region-locked. Ikesen is licensed to/published by a different company (iSweety) in Taiwan, so they sometimes have artwork and events /merch that are exclusive to that region, as well as unique promo videos.
There wasn’t a promo page where I could grab the event artworks, so pardon my phone screenshots of dubious quality. I tried my best to take screencaps where the dialogue was minimal so you can get a better idea of their outfits. They’re all so good!
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A 3/4 view of Mitsuhide’s Steampunk outfit. In this event, only stories for Nobunaga, Masamune, and Kenshin are available, and a minor collectible story for Ieyasu.  In Masamune’s afterstory, he mentions that Mitsuhide has the special ability to read people’s thoughts.
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*holds back nosebleed* I’m weak to men with slender waists ahhhhhghhgh. Masa’s Steampunk outfit fits him so well (Is that a man-corset? Can we make all men wear corsets?) and of course his collar is unfastened. I love the cogwheel design on his eyepatch too.
Even Kennyo looks rather dashing, that rascal, although he’s human in this story and hates the androids (and especially Nobunaga, of course) for having killed his fellow brethren. 
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You, the (human) main character, are the granddaughter of an eccentric Duke that created sentient machine life-forms called 械偶, which I will call androids for now (The name literally translates as “mechanical puppets”). Kennyo and others sometimes refers to them as merely “puppets” (人偶), likely in a derogatory manner.
The androids are sentient and are made of cogs and wheels and circuitry, and powered by a main heart-like “core” which contains a rune. The rune contained within the core is referenced as the “soul” of the androids. Runes have different names, meanings, and uses. If an android’s core is too badly damaged, they cease to function, or die in the robot sense of the word. Even if the core is repaired, if the “rune soul” is damaged, the android wouldn’t be considered living/sentient even if the rest of its mechanisms are functioning. Runes can exist in other forms, such as carved on things like doorways and rocks and hold power. There are teleportation runes which is how androids manage to quickly travel to and from the human community when necessary. Different circuits within an android serve different functions (movement, senses, etc), much like how different lobes or parts of the brain control specific bodily functions in a human. There are different types of androids, such as battle-types and healer-types, and they can have specific protocols and purposes. The story alludes to additional types, but they are not specifically named. Androids have masters, who are typically the one who created them, although this can differ. If a master dies, an android can live without a master or choose to follow another one. Androids can have multiple masters in their life, but in the story the majority of the androids live in their own community and no longer have a master. 
Androids can obtain energy through consuming human food/drink, although it’s not described as their ideal or main method of obtaining energy (the main method was not specified). It’s possible for traces of human food and drink to remain in their system, which can eventually build up over time and cause them to break down. Androids have their own emotions/opinions and thoughts, and can touch and feel just like humans. However, there is tension between humans and androids, who fear that androids, being physically superior, may one day wipe out the humans, and fights often break out. 
After your grandfather’s death, you go to “Elfland”, a hidden, floating island-slash-sky vessel created by your grandfather that is the last standing community of the sentient androids. Within this community, there are peaceful androids, who do not want to harm humans, and anti-human androids, who will attack humans on sight, as well as a third, neutral faction. You are here to search for your grandfather’s hidden treasure, which he left you clues to before he passed away, and you’re assisted by the androids during your search. Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Mitsunari, Hideyoshi, are part of the peaceful faction, while Kenshin is part of the anti-human faction. Yukimura and Ieyasu are part of the neutral faction. In Kenshin’s route, Sasuke and Shingen are also mentioned briefly, but their faction is unknown. There was no mention of Yoshimoto or Ranmaru. 
Your grandfather the Duke had a friend and fellow android researcher whose eldest son passed away. In light of this, the Duke created Masamune in the image of that eldest son, to keep his friend company. Instead of “Master”, Masamune referred to the Duke’s friend as “Father”, and they had a close relationship.
The Duke and his friend eventually had a bad falling out that escalated to violence, and Masamune got between them to stop them from fighting each other. His “father” tried to shoot the Duke, and Masamune chose to protect the Duke. As a result of this incident, Masamune lost his right eye, and also became estranged from his father, who was upset that Masamune chose the Duke over him.  Although Yasu-bot offered to fix it, Masamune declined, saying that he wanted to keep the broken eye as a reminder to himself that “all choices have consequences” (and because eyepatches are cool). When you arrive on Elfland, he has you skydiving into your target exploration area rather than take a long time to walk there, and generally shows you around and adventures alongside you, while simultaneously protecting you from skirmishes against the anti-human androids. Ieyasu mentions that while Masamune “isn’t a battle-type android, he’s pretty capable”, but doesn’t really explain just what kind of android he is. When Masamune’s father got grievously injured, he was kept alive but was on a deathbed, suffering from tremendous pain every day. When Masamune came to visit him, he begged for Masamune to put him out of his misery. Masamune decided to do so, knowing that it would result in his father’s wife and younger son resenting him and people saying horrible things about how he’s an android that killed his own master who treated him like a son. You, of course, help resolve this misunderstanding and also see past the terrible reputation this gave Masamune, and you accept him fully, ya’ll bond over war and fighting dealing with your ex-fiance (who happens to be the biological younger son of Masamune’s father, and colluded with Kennyo to try to wreck Elfland) and discovering your granpapaw’s treasure, and become lovers. In the afterstory, Masamune recalls that his father once told him to live life to the fullest. “If you’re not doing what you love and enjoying all that life has to offer, then you’re not truly living, whether you’re made of flesh or steel doesn’t matter. Otherwise, even if you have a heartbeat and you’re breathing, you’re no different than a walking corpse. If one day, I can no longer feel like I’m alive, then I’m already dead, even if my body is still functioning.” Reminiscing on this, Masamune wonders if meeting you was all fated since then. “I’ve fallen in love with an incredible woman”, he realizes, and listens to your heartbeat and makes you listen to his - “Every movement of every cog in my body is saying how much I love you, to the point of breaking. Can you hear it?” He asks. “Let me listen awhile longer, and I’ll answer,” you reply. In true Masamune fashion, he declares he can't wait any longer and decides to get his answer directly from your body. Yee haw.
He has a special ability which can disable the functions of other androids temporarily. During your research you discover that he was made in the image of the famous historical warlord Nobunaga Oda, who once united Japan. You guys are already lovers when the story begins. Human-Android tensions are high, and what’s worse is that Mitsuhide has been sneaking around meeting humans (including Kennyo) and making shady ass deals. You discover your grandfather’s treasure hidden behind a door with a riddle written in ancient Japanese, a dead language that only you know because your grandfather taught you. The riddle reads: “What can save both the humans and androids and allow them to live in peace?” and the answer is “love”, and the door opens when you write out the character for love in Japanese on the entrance. Inside the treasure box you find in the room, you learn secrets that could be used for both great and terrible deeds, including the knowledge of how to create sentient androids and how to destroy them, how Elfland was created, and various other secrets about androids. You decide to hide them again to prevent this knowledge from getting into the wrong hands.
Human-Android tensions escalate into full out war as Mitsuhide informs the humans how to gain access to Elfland and where to attack. Kennyo and Nobunaga cross swords and Nobunaga is nearly outmatched when Mitsuhide appears, revealing that he led the humans here intentionally because he wanted to herd the bulk of the anti-Android fanatics together in one location and collectively wipe them out in order to effectively stamp out future threats of war. He apologizes for being late as he was delayed by Hideyoshi-bot almost killing him. Nobunaga just laughs and tells Mitsuhide he deserves it for worrying Hideyoshi, and a spiteful Kennyo reveals that he has been modified with Android parts to become stronger, and activates this power to try to land a killing blow on Nobunaga - only to discover that Mitsuhide has even plotted everything this far back in advance, and way back when Kennyo was being modified, Mitsuhide ensured that he had faulty parts installed. Heheh. Mitsuhide:2, Kennyo: 0 In the afterstory, it’s revealed that one of the secrets you learned was the process of turning an android into a human. Androids can perform what’s called a “soul contract” with each other; when two androids perform this, they become linked and know each other’s thoughts and feelings, and if one Android dies, the other also loses power to their rune core and dies as well. However, if an Android performs a soul contract with a human, they can become a human (but there are unspecified risks involved, and success is more or less regarded as miraculous), and share a life. Since Nobunaga’s primary protocol was to protect Elfland and the vault that guarded your grandfather’s treasure, and that duty has been completed, he wishes to become a human so that he can grow old with you and share the same lifespan. You establish the contract and miraculously he’s turned into a human and ya’ll enjoy fun kinky times where you both know what the other is thinking and feel what the other is feeling (oh boy).
Healer-type android and constantly frets about the fact that he’s not a battle-type and therefore weak, and wonders why your grandfather created him this way. He claims to not like humans, and he blames himself for not being able to save the Duke, but you help him understand that it wasn’t his fault and that you are thankful he was able to stay by the Duke’s side and keep him company when he passed. He complains about having to repair Mitsunari-bot (who we never see). He is reluctant to get involved with humans, though this is revealed that it’s because he believes humans are too frail and die easily, and he didn’t want to experience heartbreak again. One of the lines he mutters to himself (well out of your earshot of course) is how the existence of people like you and your grandfather is the reason he could never bring himself to fully hate or reject the humans. He has a workshop and appears to not differentiate between factions when it comes to treating those who need it, as he mentions having repaired Ken-bot before as well, who is on the anti-human faction.
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The text translates to “My emotional circuits have been broken since a long time ago”. I chortled to myself for a good, long minute at that one. 
Anyway, Ken-bot is a battle-type android who also happens to have “protecting you” written as his top/primary protocol by your grandfather, which is why he goes along with all your endeavors despite belonging to the anti-human faction of the androids. He constantly emphasizes the fact that, as a battle-type droid, he is only capable of fighting and causing destruction. His emotional circuits aren’t completely broken, and he still has an obsession with sake and dried plums, which, according to Sasuke-bot, Ken-bot partakes to a degree that leads Sasuke-bot to believe Ken-bot is trying to drink/eat himself into an early grave. 
You learn from your grandfather’s journal that he originally created Kenshin as a battle-type android, but that he desired to have Kenshin protect his legacy (the androids on elfland, and his granddaughter) rather than simply for fighting and destruction. He saw Kenshin as a protector, not a destroyer. You try to tell his to Ken-bot and also confess your feelings, which seem to cause Ken-bot’s emotional circuits to malfunction even more. “I don’t understand what you mean when you say you like me,” he says brokenly, and during the height of the human-android battle decides to stick you in the safest place possible, which is in a... dun dun dun-geon. He then throws himself into such a battle frenzy against the humans that invaded Elfland that Yuki-bot (instructed by Sasuke-bot, who we never actually see) comes to release you from the dungeon and take you to Ken-bot in order to save him from himself. Ken-bot believes the only way to achieve lasting peace is to wipe out all the humans. You challenge him by saying he should then kill you, since you are a human. Just as you seem to be about to convince him, a shot rings out, and Kenshin shoves you out of the way, his core taking a hit from protecting you. Shingen-bot and Sasuke-bot also having taken serious injuries, the anti-human faction have no leaders, and retreat. 
You take an unconscious Ken-bot to the Oda forces to seek Ieyasu’s help. He says that the rune powering Ken-bot’s core is damaged too badly, so you find the hidden treasure of the Duke, hoping to learn a way to restore Ken-bot. Ieyasu suggests attempting the soul-contract to try to convert Ken-bot into a human as a last ditch effort to save him, as it allows the bonded pair to share their lifeforce, but he stresses that there’s no known record of it succeeding, and you may shorten your lifespan as a result. Your grandfather’s records also mentions that would only work with high-level androids. Yasu-bot also adds this flavor text that by attempting the soul contract, “You will share and endure all of the hardships, feelings and memories from the past of the other person”. You, of course, plow forward without hesitation, to which Yasu-bot gives his typical sigh of annoyance. “As expected of you”, he comments simply, and adds “I can see why this emotionally-broken idiot would be changed by you.”
After what feels like a long and painful dream, you wake up to find Pinocchio - I mean Ken-bot - has become a real boy! He confesses his feelings to you, Yasu-bot fills you both in what happened with current events while you two were unconscious, and slaps on an added warning to Kenshin of “Don’t ever make her cry again. There’s more people than you can imagine who hold her in high esteem, and they’re all incredibly annoying people...and will be much more difficult for you to handle now, as a human” - to which Kenshin answers with a typical bloodthirsty threat and by grabbing and hugging you possessively. Yasu-bot shrugs and says he doesn’t want to meddle in between “an annoying couple” anyway, and makes an offhand snide remark about how neither one of you make him worry any less than Mitsunari-bot does, checks up on you two one last time, and hurries out the room like he can’t stand to be there for another moment longer. Which is smart of him, since in the Afterstory ya’ll basically exchange mushy ass words with each other and do the nasty.
annnnd there’s the Steampunk event as I experienced it. Hope to see some Steampunk AU fan creations of our favorite warlords in the future!
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alchemic-elric · 5 years
EdLing Week 2019 Day 1 Prompt - Fears Rating -  PG - 13 (for swearing / triggers)  Triggers -  mentions of child abuse and neglect ; prosthetics due to injury ; drug mention ; alcohol mention ; derogatory language towards the disabled 
Written as a part of @edling-week​
Part of v; You are my Summer / v; modern 
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He’d met him in his Sophomore year when they were assigned to work together on a lab project in Chemistry. The new student who just appeared this year and everyone was unsure of. They said his dad was some big shot - some corporate big wig who had deep pockets and even deeper connections. No one knew if it was true or not - no one dared to ask.  The only thing that anyone seemed to care about was that this new kid - Ling Yao was his name - has as equally deep pockets and seemed to have little care when it came to spending money on others.  So the people that did take the time to speak with him were superficial with him at best. 
Not Edward.
Edward came from a family where money paid the bills and it kept food on the table but it wasn’t good for much else. Edward came from a family where he was raised on love and considering his condition he had to be. There was a terrible accident when he was just eleven years old and in a split second decision the pre-teen had thrown himself over his sibling to protect him from harm. Successful however he was - he’d lost an arm and leg in the process. He doesn’t have a lot of clear memories about it as he woke up in the hospital and the only thing he would do is yell for his brother until someone came to calm him down. 
He’s been on prosthetics ever since. As luck might have it - if one could call such a thing luck - he lived with his foster family, the Rockbells - as Pinako (a family friend) took the two young boys in when their mother lost her battle with cancer when Edward was only seven. She didn’t want them to get swept up in the system she’d said - so when her boys landed themselves in the hospital in critical condition - when her eldest landed himself missing two limbs due to amputation - Pinako and her granddaughter Winry went straight to work trying to build him the best prosthetics they could. 
Because Luck - yes as luck would have it - Edward’s foster mother built prosthetics for a living. He’d even asked them to print the outer casing to look like a steel arm and leg. Looked pretty bad ass in his opinion.  He still had to use a cane to get around most places but he could function well enough on his own. He just needed some help with things here and there.  
So when he’d been assigned the new kid as a partner, the whispers started. Started about how Elric got lucky because he got paired with someone so capable or how the new kid was going to get drug down being stuck with someone who was so different from everyone else.  Edward never paid these things much mind - he had to learn to ignore them years ago and he had to learn to ignore the mocking when he would show up to school in a wheelchair because the pain was especially bad that day.  Some days were more difficult than others considering he and his brother had basically opposite schedules but he always figured out how to make due. 
The whispers grew worse with the way he introduced himself. 
“Hi!” He’d announced boldly holding out his prosthetic hand to the other with a smile on his face. “I’m Edward. Edward Elric. You can call me Ed though if you want.”  Came his next set of words with no fear as to how the other teenager would think of him.  They were sixteen now and he’d been in this half shell of a body for five years. There was no point in being ashamed of it now. 
He was alive.  He was alive and that meant he could still be with his family. That was what was important - at least that was what his therapist was always telling him. 
He’d expected the other to pull away from him, to at least at his hand with some kind of concern or disgust about it as everyone else normally did but instead it was taken with a firm grasp and given and as equally firm shake. “Ling Yao, but Ling is fine.” 
And their friendship was born. 
They were inseparable and Ling wasn’t shy about spending money on his friend. Edward almost always refused him however, saying things like ‘I’m not friends with you for your money Ling.’ or ‘I didn’t ask you to do that, I know I’m not well off but I can pay for things myself.’  They were foreign things for one to say anyone from the Yao family as everyone around them was almost always using them for something. 
Not Edward. 
Even after a year, when Ling got his license and a fancy new car, the disabled boy never once asked him for a ride or tried to use it to his advantage. He was just fine with his own two feet and the help of his brother. His cane could get him almost anywhere. 
The nature of their relationship changed however when Ling didn’t come to school one day. He’d been fine before - and it’d only been since after school just yesterday that he’d seen him. He didn’t seem sick.  Still something about the whole deal didn’t set right with the blond so he’d asked his teachers for any work they’d like him to give to his friend before he loaded himself up on the local bus route and made his way over to the Yao household after that school that day. 
He was met by an older woman, who looked him over with a confused look. She’d never seen someone like him in the household before and Edward had never been here so he hoped it would be okay that he stopped by.  
“You - are?” She started and he smiled at her  as wide as he could. 
“I’m Ling’s friend from school. I’m Edward.” he sounded with a smile. “He didn’t come to school today so I brought all the work he missed. I hope it’s okay that I’m here. Can I see him?” 
The woman smiled, an awkward kind of smile he’d never seen before. One that said something about her and the place she seemingly worked in. It said something that made Edward feel like they didn’t get many guests. 
“Young Master!”  She called. “Young Master, you have a guest.”  The woman spoke, stopping in her work leading the young man inside the rather large home. 
Truth be told, Edward had never seen a house so large before. He had known that Ling’s family was well off but he hadn’t been expecting this. 
When he appeared though, Ling came stumbling in - obviously tired - obviously in some kind of pain but the younger teen straightened his posture as soon as dark eyes met with gold. He looked surprised to say the least. Confused along with it as he stared at the disabled boy as if trying to process why he was even here. 
“You didn’t come to school today, I got worried.” the blond announced.  “But I brought you everything we did in class today. I didn’t want you to fall behind.” 
Again with the confused look as he shuffled through his messenger bag and pulled out the pile of papers he’d stuffed in one of his many folders.  An unsure hand reached out and took them from him, looking at him with a skeptic look. 
The hesitance in his voice was more than apparent, so Edward spread his lips out wide as if to give his friend a reassuring smile. 
“I can go over it with you if you like.” 
That hesitance was still there and it only turned to a look he’d never seen before when the sound of footsteps came from behind them followed by a voice he didn’t know. 
“Ling, who is this? I don’t remember permitting you to have friends over.” 
Edward turned to see a man in a crisp button down and a tie. Short black hair and neatly kept facial hair to match. His hand was on the railing as he stood with importance at the top of the staircase.  
“Father I - “ 
There was something about the way that Ling spoke that Edward didn’t like. There was something about the way his shoulders tensed the minute he saw him that left a bad taste in Edward’s mouth but apparently this man was Ling’s father so despite his own issues concerning his father that didn’t mean he needed to disrespect someone else’s. 
“I’m Edward Elric.” He announced, giving a small bow as he clutched onto his cane for support as he leaned forward.  “I’m a friend from school. I came over of my own accord. Ling didn’t come to school today and I got worried. So I brought him today’s assignments so he wouldn’t fall behind. I work part time as a tutor so I was going to go over them with him if you’ll allow, Sir.” 
Again there was something about the way this man carried himself, as he smiled - as he came down the stairs - as he stood in front of him and loomed over him for a minute before offering his hand. 
“I see. I’m Ling’s father, Wu Yao. I appreciate the concern for my son’s studies but if you’re going to come over like this please call ahead Edward. I tend to work from home from time to time and I would hate for you to interrupt a meeting, but you may help Ling with his work.  I’ll have the staff prepare dinner. You’ll dine with us, won’t you?” 
“Of course, Sir.”  Edward took his hand with the same vigor he shook his son’s. Showing little fear of the man before him, even if there was a twist in his gut that told him he should be scared.  “I just need to call home and let them know where I am.” 
There was a pause in the way the man held himself as Edward felt eyes look him up and down for a moment - as if taking him all in before there was a smile that really didn’t feel like a smile before he spoke again. There was something that felt like there was some kind of hidden mystery underneath it all but this was his first time here after all and first impressions were everything so Edward returned the smile in his own bright way he had about himself. 
“Of course. You can study in Ling’s room, I’ll have the staff fetch you when food is prepared.” 
There was a puzzle here that Edward was almost unsure if he wanted to put the pieces together for so he’d leave it for now as he gave Ling’s father a small bow again and shifted his attention to his friend who lead him through the maze that was this beast of a home to his room...and it was as equally large. 
Everything in this house seemed to be large - much larger than anything Edward was used to and even then he’d shared a bedroom with his brother for as long as he could remember so to think about having such space to yourself... He couldn’t help but stop to marvel a little bit. Though that was one thing missing - all the of household assistants that the Rockbells had installed for him considering his situation. It wasn’t a problem - he had his cane, he could get by. 
He couldn’t help but notice the smile on Ling’s face however - how his expression changed as he cleaned off the table in the far left hand corner in his room so the two could set and work on the pieces that Edward had brought. He watched him, moving over to help just as quickly as he was able but as he watched the other he noted how he didn’t seem sick so then why didn’t he come to school today?  He seemed just as normal as ever except for the slow reaction of his motions and his movements looking the slightest bit pained.  
Did he hurt himself?
He noticed them when he took seat, the V neck of Ling’s shirt hanging just a bit too low as he leaned over and gold eyes couldn’t help but catch the sight of a blotched skin in dark colors mixed with yellows making for a mess spread across his chest. 
Bruises? But how did he...?
“Ling are you okay?” The words left him without a second thought or a moment’s hesitation. “Your chest - did you hurt yourself?”  There was no shame in his question nor was there any hint that he felt like he was being invasive. No, Edward was clearly worried about his friend and that emotion showed without question through his tone. 
“It’s nothing - I’ll be fine.” 
It was short, quick - blocking almost - a clear cut way to tell him to drop the subject and for now Edward did, but that didn’t stop gold eyes to constantly glancing down and watching as the collar of the other’s shirt moved. That didn’t stop him from counting them and committing the sight to memory because there was a pit in his stomach that told him it wouldn’t be the last time he saw such markings covering his friend’s skin. 
Dinner was prepared before they knew  it and it was then that Edward really took in the family dynamic of the household.  It was a spread out set up and Ling sat (and ate) with his head down the majority of the time. He was almost completely silent for the most part, only a handful of times looking up from his plate even as Wu took the time to glance towards Edward and speak. 
“Edward was it? Tell me, do you have any siblings? What kind of family do you come from?”
 He spoke in a way that almost instantly made the blond feel like he was made to feel less than the other man in some way but despite this the teenager rolled his shoulders back sat up straight and spoke proudly with a smile stretched from one side of his face to the other. Gold made direct eye contact as the teen spoke in full confidence. 
“Me n’ Al live with our foster mother and her granddaughter Winry. Al’s - well Alphonse - is my little brother and Winry is like a sister to me. The Rockbells are family friends, so when Mom died Grams took us in.” He explained only to watch the man break eye contact with him and spend more time focusing on his meal than what the child was saying and there was something about the way he did it that spoke less of shifted focus and more of purposeful dismissal.  
“I see, so then how did someone like you meet my son?” 
“He was my - “ Ling attempted to add to the conversation but Edward only watched as he saw the older man give his son a look he couldn’t quite place and speak in a tone he couldn’t quite understand.
“I believe I was talking to your friend, Ling.” 
The teen said nothing, dropping his head down and returning to silence. and  as the next question came - so once again Edward spoke with confidence in his voice not one to be backed down by someone’s social standing - not one to really give it much care. 
“We met last year in science class. Teach’ paired him up with me for lab and I guess we just clicked. Ling’s a really great guy. My best friend I’d say - well I mean next to my brother.”  Edward laughed happily, smiling brightly in his friend’s direction and gold noted the slight upwards curve of the other’s lips at the words ‘best friend’.  But oddly enough it was after Edward’s claim of friendship that dinner soon came to an end, Ling’s father rising from his seat and making a move to leave the room. 
“When you’re done please see that one of our chauffeurs takes Mr. Elric home, Ling.” He spoke in a way that sounded almost like an order and he watched Ling’s shoulders drop again as he nodded his head obediently. 
“Actually.” Edward interjected. “Ling can just take me home.  He’s been trying to get me to ride in that new car of his for a while now and this is the prefect time.” 
Wu turned in that moment, locked eyes with the teenager only to find him looking back at him not breaking eye contact for a second. There was something fowl going down here and he was going to get to the bottom of it. 
“Very well. When you two are finished, please take Mr. Elric home. Be quick about it, I would hate to have something happen to you in that part of town.” 
There was silence until it was clear that the Elder Yao was out of the room to which Ling looked up from his plate and gave Edward a stare of urgency - a stare that almost silently screamed ‘Are you insane?’ But it wasn’t as if the Elric understood why he would do such a thing. 
The car ride home was mostly quiet too. 
It became quiet conversation that lead to awkward silence. 
“Are you sure you’re fine?”  “Yes.” “But your chest is really beat up.”  “Ed I’m fine.”  “Are you positive?”  “Ed...” “I’m serious. If something’s going on you know you can talk to me right?”  “Edward.”  “Okay Okay, I’ll drop it. I’m just worried about you, okay? If there’s anything you need, you come to me - got it?” 
And nothing else was said past that. 
The next few weeks were awkward and there was a day or two when Ling didn’t come to school again and it was in those times that Edward made sure to count the number of bruises that peered out from Ling’s collar and the ones that appeared when he moved so his sleeve slid up just a little too high. 
There were more -  more layered on top of old ones still struggling to heal but there was something about his friend that seemed off in a different sort of way today. If was the first time he’d had the other approach him in such a way. He came up to him more casually than he normally did and he did so making sure Al wasn’t around. There was a relaxed air to him that had only ever shown up a few times in the year he’d known him. 
Ling tossed his arm over Edward’s shoulders and pulled the shorter boy closer to him. “You’re coming home with me tonight.” He sounded, leaving the blonde to just stare at him in confusion. “I don’t care what you gotta tell Al, but you’re stayin’ at my place. Dad’s outta town so we don’t have to worry about him for a few days and it’s Friday so there’s no class tomorrow.” 
“Ling I wo - “ 
“No No No, this isn’t a request Ed. You’re coming home with me. I just need you there okay?” 
And how could he refuse his best friend with a request like that? 
So he found his brother and explained the situation - that Ling wanted him to come crash at his place for the night and that’s where he’d be. It was innocent right? They’d probably just play video games and watch movies while they talked about stupid things and ate junk food like teenagers usually do - like they usually did whenever they got done with that day’s homework for the past few weeks.  It wasn’t as if he hadn’t started spending a significant amount of time at Ling’s place ever since his little adventure to check up on him. 
Oh but Ling had so much more planned. So much more than Edward ever could have guessed. The minute they got home Ling’s phone was in his hand making call after call.  Take-out orders placed all over town, and he was sure he heard Ling call almost every person in their grade. Before he knew what was happening the house was flooded with people, food, alcohol and loud music.  (And well other substances that Edward wasn’t sure what they were but he was also sure they weren’t legal.) 
It was so loud in here it was hard to think and it was hard to move. Even with his cane in hand it was hard to navigate the flood of dancing and mingling bodies.
“What’s Elric doing here?”  One sounded in disgust. 
“Seriously who invited the cripple?”  Another sounded, giving Edward a shove causing him to stumble a bit and put his weight down on his cane so he didn’t lose his balance. 
“Whoa Whoa! Don’t touch him. He’s Yao’s. He’s fond of him for some reason.”  Came a third one who scolded them with a glare. 
Well Edward certainly didn’t know what they meant by that, but regardless he needed to find Ling and ask him what the hell was going on. This is not what he thought  he meant when he said that he was supposed to crash here with him for the night. He didn’t sign up for a party and he certainly didn’t want to attend one.  This was far too difficult and far too loud and far too - why was he acting like this? Because his Dad was out of town? 
The entire situation just made his stomach turn again as he found himself putting the pieces in the puzzle even though he told himself not to. 
He’d found the dark haired host dancing with some girl in one of the far corners of the living room, and a cup of alcohol in his hand. Edward groaned, snatched the cup from his hand and promptly dumped it off the edge of the balcony. The blond then took his friend by the hand and started leading him through the crowd as if to find some place quiet so he could yell at him. He certainly couldn’t do it here - he couldn’t hear himself think let alone speak. 
That place ended up being Ling’s bedroom as the world would have it. 
The raven looked at him with a look that spoke of the intoxication that was in his system - there but not enough to take away coherent thought. 
“What the fuck Ling?!” Edward sounded, as his eyes came to narrow. “You told me I was coming over to crash for the night! You didn’t tell me you were going to throw a fucking party! And look at you! You’re almost drunk and doing whatever you want with whom ever you want - are you even still there up there?!” 
But those lips spread out into a smile as the taller teen just walked towards him with a look in his eyes that Edward had never seen before. Was it the alcohol? Had he drank that much? Had he got himself mixed up in things he shouldn’t of? 
“Ling.”  He spoke in a firm tone as he felt his back come to press against the door of his friend’s room. “Ling you’re drunk.”  
“No I’m not Edward.” 
That smile spread wider as he was before him, in front of him, arms raised to press against the door on each side of his head and before the blond had a chance to react or retort the younger was leaning in capturing his lips with his own.  Edward stood there - wide eyed - frozen in place enough to drop his cane to the ground as Ling pressed their lips together roughly, and open mouth kissed him a few times nipping and pulling at his bottom lip. 
“I can’t get over how cute you are.” 
His face flushed, bright red as he felt his cheeks burn. He didn’t know what to do and he couldn’t get his body to move. Even if he could his cane was on the floor, so he did the next best thing and put his hands to the other’s chest and he pushed as firmly but as gently as he could to signal to him that he needed to back off. 
“Ling you’re drunk. You don’t mean that.” 
But instead Ling just kissed him again. 
“You’re acting out. If you need to talk to someone I’m here but this isn’t the way to handle things.” 
There was a pause as his friend pulled back, looking at him a bit confused and a bit disappointed. 
“I - I  - I think I need to go home now.”  
Ling’s lips pulled into a frown but regardless he leaned down and picked up Edward’s cane and handled it to him.  The blonde’s mind was ticking a little too fast to put this puzzle together because this wasn’t right - if his father was actually - if he truly was - then wild parties weren’t the way to handle it...because something told him that with the way Ling was acting this wasn’t the first time he’d pulled a stunt like this. 
There was so much wrong here. So many things that didn’t feel right as he walked through the house and took in the sounds and the smells and sights of too many bodies in one place at the same time engaging in activities that didn’t seem safe for any of the members involved. He had a lot of time to think about it as he waited on the front porch for his brother to come get him after he called home and he had even more time to think about it on the ride home and that night before he fell asleep. 
Something about Ling’s home life just left his stomach churning - it just left him scared for his friend. It left him - worried.  
But Ling - Edward pressed his hand over his lips. Did he - did he - how did he think of him...and was it okay if he thought of him like that - too? 
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Killing Me Softly
trigger warning for mentions of rape
Someone Must get Hurt and it Won’t Be Me
The smell of burning wood and bodies filled the air and sneaked through the cracks in their hiding place. All the screams still rang in her ears even though it had died down hours ago. Had it been hours? Minutes? Seconds? In the end, Aethelswith didn’t know who was alive, dead, taken, or tortured. Sooner or later, the Heathens would find her and the children who hid in the bell tower cupboard.
Aethelswith gathered the courage to speak putting on the facade of bravery to calm the children hiding with her.
“Bridget, Avery, Lorna, I need you to stay here. You must promise me not to leave until the Heathens are gone” she whispered to the frightened children.
“You're not going leave us right princess?” poor blind Beth pleaded. Visibly shaking with fear.
“ I have to go, they are looking for me and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you. You’ll have to look after one another. Will you promise me that? “ Aethelswith asked.
“Of course princess, if any of those Heathens come near us I’ll protect Leorna and Beth” Peter replied cheerfully masking his own fear.
“More like I’ll be protecting you.” Leorna quipped back despite knowing her lame leg prevented her from running like the other children. Aethelswith knew that if the Heathens found these children they would waste no time in killing them. Twisting the ring off her ring she gave it to Peter.
“ After the Heathens leave you will need to head to York. Show this ring to Lord Benton and tell him what happened here. He will take care of you.” She told them trying to maintain a facade of strength.  She began moving out of the tight cupboard space knowing she had to seek out the men that had ruin this safe haven: The Sons of Ragnar.
The stone corridors were eerily quiet as she snuck through the halls. It was as if she was entering a strange kind of purgatory as she descended through one of the stairwells. The silence wasn’t one of quiet reflection or prayer, it was the silence of death.  The only thing she could hear was her own rapid heartbeat and the slow breathes she was taking in order to calm herself down. Maybe they already left… they took what they wanted and left. She told herself, naively trying to convince herself of the better outcome. Motionless she took a look out one of the narrow windows in the stairway. What she saw was out her nightmares.
Limp dead bodies cover the grounds as Heathens took no notice of them as if they were just dirt under their shoes. The remains of burning buildings lay in ruins while men took pleasure in the women they took alive. They looked as if it was just another grand day for them as if they didn’t take the lives of innocents. A voice spoke to in her head ‘This is your fault. If you weren’t here this wouldn’t have happened. You're the reason they’re dead’. She slowly sank from the window trying to swallow back the tears and the guilt. It was the time to hate, to have no mercy for any enemy, mourning would be for later, anger and revenge would fill her heart now.
Finally, Aethelswith strode softly through corridor trying to make it without being spotted. She could hear two voices coming closer. It was now or never. It would be better to surprise them than or for them to surprise her. Making a swift movement out of the dark she made her way towards the men, increasing the sounds of her steps. ‘Only a few feet from them now’ She thought as they suddenly became aware of her presence.  A rough, calloused hand went grabbed her neck nearly crushing her neck.
“Er den lille sauen tapt?” the mocking voice crooned. He had unforgiving black eyes, queer tattoos covering his face, and her opinion, the most ridiculous haircut she has ever seen. Another hand started caressing her face with an almost tender touch but spoke with an equally dark voice.
“Nå bror, jeg vil ikke at du skal skade den vakre jenta for mye. Afterall, er hun ikke modig for å komme ut med å leke med oss?”. The one who spoke had cold ice blue eyes, similar facial tattoos, an attractive face, and a stupidly long brunette braid. She wasn’t going to even bother to translate what they had said to her. It was no doubt something derogatory that didn’t warrant a response. She straightened her back and spoke with all the confidence of a queen in their language.
“Jeg er prinsesse Aethelswith, og du vil bringe meg til å se ragnars sønner”. A rather surprised look came over the men as the hand slightly loosened around her neck. She continued speaking in their language.
“I am sure that the sons of Ragnar would like to see me unharmed and taken alive. As the granddaughter of King Ecbert, they would like me as a hostage.” slowly moving she carefully removed her earrings. They were gold with little blood red jewels in the center. It one of the few jewelry pieces she had taken with her, and now they were even more necessary to bargain for her safety.
“As payment you may have these.” putting out her hands with the earings, seeing if it would be enough to persuade them. The blonde eagerly took them, as the brunette began to speak again.  Quickly, she began translating what he was saying, silently thanking God for the lessons in the heathens language that she had been taught growing up.
“Why would you come out now little Princess? Were getting tired hearing your Christians dying? Hmm? Surely, you know what the sons of Ragnar will do to you.”   He questioned, almost, she thought, with some pity in his dark voice. “You should have stayed hidden,” he whispered as he took her arm not ungently but with urgency to take her away.  
“If I am to die on this day, then I would like to it to be over with. I believe you call it fate…” She took a pause, speaking more to herself than to them. “ Perhaps it’s my fate to die today after all the suffering I caused. Perhaps God wants me with him Heaven.” she mused to herself ignoring the snort by the blonde man. Thinking back on how this happened. thinking why had God forsaken his people in their time of need. Thinking about how this might have been her fault in some way.
The paper faded in and out view before her. It was of no use concentrating on minuscule details of the report on the springtime plow in Streoneshalh.  Aethelswith’s fingers gently tapped against the writing desk in the room she had been given at Streoneshalh. It had been about a year since Ragnar had died at the hands of King Aelle. Now, King Aelle’s limp body was lying in the forest where he had put Ragnar to death. It was only a matter of time before they came for Wessex despite the blind belief of her grandfather that the Sons of Ragnar wouldn’t attack.
Staring out the window, her blue eyes surveyed the peaceful happenings below. The everyday tasks went unencumbered in the courtyard. Townspeople and farmers went about their business in blissful ignorance. She briefly saw Joan and Sarah heading towards the barn. Joan easily recognizable with her bright red hair escaping through her veil while Sarah blonde braids wrapped around her head under her headscarf. Please God, do not let them come here, Aethelswith thought. After the kindness some of her family had shown Ivar, would he still want of all them dead? One side thought “Yes, of course. We sent his father to his death.  They’re Vikings all they know how to do is rape, plunder, steal, and murder.  Naively she believed he would come through. No, he made me a promise… doesn’t that count for something? she thought while tracing her lips.
It was one of the worst places to be on the defensive with a thick fog covering the area. Against the East Cliff, facing the North Sea, on the river Esk, and a two days ride York,  an attack by the Heathens would be an easy win. Surely, it would be safe enough to protect her and the people living here, right?  Why would her grandfather send her back here if it wasn’t safe?  Surely, the Heathens would not know of or search for her. Unless King Aelle had told them before his death about sending his daughter Heluna there. Surely, the man wouldn’t have been such a coward as to bargain his own daughter away in exchange for his own life? Aethelswith knew he didn’t like her mother’ s affair with the priest Athelstan, or fraternizing with King Ecbert, or painting of the Holy Scriptures but surely he still loved his children. The brief interactions with King Aelle left her with mixed feelings for him despite being her grandfather. He held ridiculous notions towards female intelligence and their place in the world. As for Heluna, she had few interactions with her to form a definite opinion but seemed like the perfect Christian princess.
As if her worst fears were realized, the eery ringing of the church bells began to ring, but not for mass or to signal the hours. A cold sweat broke out among her skin as she dared to look back out the window. Black smokes mixed with the heavy fog, while the people scrambled to get away from the oncoming slaughter. The blaring sounds of foreign horns signaled the cold call of death.  
No! No! Anyone but them. Anywhere but here! Please, God, do not abandon us!
A sickening feeling played within her mind. They were here for her or, at the very, least the demons would find her. Rooted to the ground she forced herself in a blind flurry out of her room. The corridors teemed with a flurry of rushing nuns and women running to escape the inevitable. Trying to move through panic to get somewhere, anywhere but here. Making her down the stairs through the suffocating amount of people an arm pulled through the crowd with a surprising amount of strength.
“ Aethelswith, come with me” an elderly voice called. It was Sister Edith, her confessor. She was one to the oldest member of the convent and it showed with a heavily wrinkled face and slightly bent back. She led Aethelswith away from the crowd with surprising speed and towards the ringing bell tower.
“Sister, we have to leave this place. It isn’t safe anymore!” Aethelswith stated. Wondering if the old lady had gone senile.
“ Oh, I  know that, but you won’t be any safer out there. Out there you’ll be easy prey for those animals” she responded. As if it was the most natural conclusion. “Besides” she continued, “ I’ve been here for twenty-five years. I’m not leaving anytime soon.”
“ But, they’ll kill you” Aethelswith whispered, not understanding why Sister Edith wouldn’t save herself.
“Well, I think I’m ready to join God in his kingdom. I’m too old to escape now.” Sister Edith chuckled. “Now, go and hide and wait for them to leave. I have to go find Princess Heluna”.  With a kiss on the cheek and a firm hug, Sister Edith shooed away to a safer place knowing that this would be their last goodbye alive.
Her heartbeat continued to hammer against her chest as she looked for a place to hide. How long would it take them to get there? 10 minutes? 5 minutes? 45 seconds? She was working with borrowed time and she knew it. Trying to reach higher ground, she ran through the various halls and staircases. She heard suddenly the quiet singing of a child with her hand tracing the wall. It was a sweet voice that belonged to a small girl, that could be no more than nine or ten.
“All glory, laud, and honour  To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children  Made sweet Hosannas ring,”
Aethelswith quickly grabbed hold of the girl only to see that the girl was blind with a cloudy unnatural look.  Was she left behind? Could she not keep up with the others? Why didn’t anyone help her?
“Hello. Who are you? My name is Bridget...  Did Sister Mildred send you? “ She spoke without a worry in a dreamlike state. Her hands started feeling the clothing to see what she was wearing, trying to tell if she was friend or foe.
“ My name is Aethelswith, and we must hide quickly. The--” Aethelswith whispered quickly pulling her towards the belltower but she cut off by the girl.
“ Princess Aethelswith!” Bridget paused trying to make what Aethelswith suspected was an attempt at a curtsey. Bridget continued in an excited voice “ It is so wonderful to meet … I remember when you came by Tamworth in Merica… before the plague came and-” she was about to continue when a crash came from outside the building. She quickly ran to one of the windows to the sight of Hell. The heathens had crashed through the gate like wolves descending on a wounded deer. They were cutting down various townspeople that had tried to take refuge from the slaughter in town. More men took the nuns that had not managed to escape, defiling their holy virtue. She could picture it in her mind, the men burning the holy church, the rape of the holy women, them dragging her beaten body to the one who had promised her that no harm would come to her. He would mock her with his hauntingly beautiful blue eyes and taunt her naivety that she had entrusted him with such a promise.
She swiftly she turned from the horror before her and grabbed the hand of Bridget. Running as fast as she had ever done in entire life, all but dragging the girl to keep up with her. They needed to find somewhere to hide and fast. Before the heathens had made it to the upper levels.  Begging God she silently prayed give us shelter, give us mercy, protect us, please merciful Lord.
“They’re here, aren’t they? The Heathens. I can’t hear the bells ringing anymore.” Bridget whimpered. Her face was contorted with fear, knowing that the heathens had invaded their home.
“Yes, they are here Bridget-” Aethelswith paused, the bells, the belltower… “ I know we can hide Bridget.” Running with renewed effort, they went through the small door that led to the belltower. Gripping each other hands they climbed the stairwell together. Spotting the small cupboard opening only to find two other faces peering back at her. Ignoring them she pushed Bridget in the cramped space and wiggled herself in as well.
It was dark in the cramped cupboard space but she could barely make out the other little faces with her. One that she recognized was the face of a reedy pox-marked, flaxen-haired boy. His name was Avery, an orphan from a village about 20 miles north of Streonshalh and usually worked in the barn. The pox had nearly wiped out the village a 5 years ago, but he had survived by the grace of God. The other face was of a pretty girl with a mop of brown curls. She had a crutch by her right leg. Aethelswith remembered a letter that she had been sent on the status orphanage she was the patronage of at Streonshalh. Lorna, age eleven, beamed crushed her leg in a house fire. They were able to save the girl but not her father.
They were looking at her for what to do, for her to step up a show no fear, but instead, she was saving herself and hiding. Inside she felt like a coward, but another side of her thought was it truly wrong to try to save herself?
“Now children, we will have to be very quiet and we might have to stay here for a long time. Do you think you can do that for me?” Aethelswith whispered, and was met several nodding heads. Trying to comfort the children around her, she wondered how long it be until the Heathens would stop destroying the sanctuary around her and figure out that Princess Heluna and her were here under their noses. Surely, it wouldn’t take Ivar long to figure out that the best to cripple and taunt her father was to use her. The comforting knowledge that her father loved her now made her sick. What type of sick torture would they use on her to get back at him? For the first time in her life, she feared Ivar the Boneless.
The tightening around her arm intensified as the tow Heathen lead her to their destination. The sounds of laughter and the smells of food and alcohol were becoming more apparent as they closed, but it couldn’t stop the sickeningly sweet smell of death from sneaking into her nostrils. Then, she saw it, the bodies of the dead piled outside the church’s main door. They were heaped like discarded garbage instead of human beings.
A black feeling crept up inside, she dug her fingernails into her skin. They aren’t human, these heathens, they are the vilest creatures of this Earth. These good Christian people had never done anything to warrant this defilement. This is my fault, she thought to herself
Staring at the bodies, she started searching for anyone she knew, praying that she didn’t know any of them. But then she saw Sister Edith. It was almost like she was sleeping, but the blood stains coming from her chest betrayed that thought. It can’t be her, she didn’t deserve this.  Sharp breaths were coming in and out of her chest willing herself not to cry.
“What is the little christian going to cry” the blonde mocked cruelly. Black thoughts clouded her mind as she gave him a look that would scare the vilest demons in Hell
“ I promise you, you’ll never see me cry, not in your wildest dreams. If someone must get hurt it won’t be me.” she hissed.
“You sure about that,” he sang back, but before the blonde could do any more the brunette interceded,
“That’s enough brother. We made a promise. I intend to keep it.” He almost commanded as he looked back at her with what she thought might be the smallest bit of empathy.  He opened the church doors to an array of tall brutes of heathen men some with her Sisters of Christ.
She straighten her posture to that of queen, fully intending to show no mercy, give no quarter, and make them pay. Her thoughts as she entered the place that used to be for God were now a place for vengeance. You’ll wish you never met me, never betrayed me, and never set a foot in this country. For what you did to these people, you’ll regret ever crossing me.
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The Second Coil of Bahamut Turn 4 Translation (German to English)
Playing the newest patch I noticed some massive differences in characterization between the English and German version (looking at you, Asahi), so I picked up the keyboard again and - much like with the Royal Menagerie - did some direct comparisons of both. But before looking at new content I decided to look at the wildly discussed cutscenes surrounding Nael van Darnus. So here it is, in case anyone ever wondered what Nael was like in another localization (and why apparently only those who played the English version of the game ever wondered about her gender). 
Bold: English Localization
Plain: German transcription
Cursive: Literal translation
(Alisaie) That... that surely cannot be Dalamud? How-- Where are we!?
Dalamud?! Aber wir sind doch in seinem Kern! Wie können wir ihn dann von unten sehen?!
Dalamud?! But we're inside its core! How can we see it from down here?!
(Nael van Darnus) The final resting place of Nael van Darnus.
Darf ich präsentieren? Das luftige Grab von Nael van Darnus!
May I present you? The lofty grave of Nael van Darnus!
This is a grave for the undeserving.
Ein Opfer – zerstört vom Produkt seines eigenen kranken Geistes.
A victim – destroyed by the product of their own sick mind.
And for the crime of trespassing upon my god's sanctuary, this place shall serve as your grave too!
Und bald ist es auch das Grab von neun kleinen Würmchen, die sich vorwitzig bis hierher vorgewagt haben!
And soon it shall also be the grave of nine little worms, which had the audacity of daring to come here!
(Alisaie) No!
Oh, nein … Bei allen Göttern!
Oh, no! … By all gods!
(Nael deus Darnus) In the hour of his failure, Nael van Darnus felt the currents of aether begin to bear away his essence. But before oblivion could claim the last of him, a divine will reached out... and I was born.
Als damals mein Äther zerstob, rettet er meine Seele … Er gab mir meinen Körper zurück … und neue, wahrhafte Stärke!
Back when my aether dispersed, he saved my soul … He gave me back my body … and new, veritable strength!
Then did the words of my god resound in mine ears...
Nun ist der große Gott tief im Inneren verborgen, und ich bin seine Wächterin.
Now the great god is hidden deep within, and I am his guardian*. (Note: Guardian is expressed as explicitly female.)
“Bring unto mine enemies crushing defeat, that they might know despair without end! And claim thee thus the victory which thou wert once denied!”
Kein Sterblicher verdient es, einen Blick auf ihn zu werfen. Ihr habt es getan, und dafür sollt ihr büßen … Die gesamte verdorbene Welt soll es büßen! Die Zeit der Läuterung ist nah!
No mortal is worthy of gazing upon him. You did so, and for this you shall suffer... The whole putrid world shall suffer! The time of catharsis has come!
(Alisaie) ...'Twould seem that little remained of Nael's essence when Bahamut plucked him from the brink of oblivion. And the result was this strange... simulacrum. Nevertheless, her aura bespeaks great power. She channels the rage of the elder primal himself...
Nicht zu fassen – Nael ist eine Frau? Ich hätte schwören können, Großvater sagte … Aber viel wichtiger: Hat sie nun Bahamuts Stärke erlangt?!
Unbelievable – Nael is a woman? I could have sworn grandfather said... But more importantly: Did she gain Bahamuts strength?!
(Nael deus Darnus) Lord Bahamut! Thy wish is my command! None shall 'scape Thine unquenchable fury!
Allmächtiger! Erhebe diesen schwachen Körper zu deinem Werkzeug! Nimm mich und verleih deinem Willen Gestalt!
Allmighty! Ascend this weak body to be your tool! Take me and make your will manifest!
Come, ye dull, unthinking beasts... bare your teeth!
Ich bin die verkörperte Katharsis! Der Anfang und das Ende … euer Ende.
I am the embodiment of catharsis! The beginning and the end... Your end.
They will avail you naught in the calamity to come!
Nun wird die wahre Siebte Katastrophe über Eorzea hereinbrechen!
Now the true Seventh Calamity shall befall Eorzea!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Alisaie) Poor creature. Would that you had never been born.
Du hast dein Leben zum zweiten Mal verloren, Nael.
You lost your life a second time, Nael.
You had surrendered your physical form, and collapsed into aether... But Bahamut denied you death, and imprisoned what little was left of you in an aetherial shell resembling... what, I wonder? Images from your memory, perhaps?
Als dein Körper vor langer Zeit starb, verschlang Bahamut den Äther deiner Seele, und so lebtest du fort … Doch nun ist dieser Albtraum vorbei. Auch für uns.
When your body perished a long time ago, Bahamut devoured the aether of your soul, and this way, you lived on... But now this nightmare is over. For us as well.
But that shell is now broken. And your primal deity seems disinclined to sustain your existence.
Dein Gott hat dich verlassen.
Your god has abandoned you.
(Nael Deus Darnus) My “primal deity”? I kneel to no eikon! What need have I to beg the favor of such filth!?
”Gott”? Hah. Wer, der dem auch nur ein Funken Verstand, ein Rest von Stärke geblieben ist, huldigt verfluchten Götzenbildern?!
“God”? Hah. Which person, who is left with even so much as a sliver of sanity and strength, worships a fucking primal?!
I am Nael van Darnus! Legatus of the VIIth Legion...
Ich bin Nael van Darnus, Legatus der VII. Legion des Garleanischen Reichs. Niemand lenkt mein Schicksal außer mir selbst.
I am Nael van Darnus, Legatus of the VIIth legion of the Garlean Empire. Nobody determines my fate but myself.
No... A moment... My thoughts are clouded... and this body is not mine own. Could it be that you spoke the truth? Was I ensorcelled by the lesser moon's ancient prisoner? ...That will not happen again.
... Ausgerechnet mich musste dieses primitive Götzenvieh besitzen. Welcher Hohn! Mein Geist, die scharfe Klinge der Vernunft, betäubt und in die Knie gezwungen – von der Bestie, die mir dienen sollte!
… Of all people, this primitive idol* had to possess me. Which mockery! My mind, the sharp blade of reason, numbened and forced to its knees – by the beast, which was to serve me! (Note: Idol is actively formulated as an insult here. To express idol the word 'Götze' would have sufficed, but instead Nael chooses the compound word Götzenvieh. 'Vieh' literally translates to cattle, but is also used as derogatory word for any sort of undesirable animal.)
(Alisaie) You speak as if Bahamut no longer controlled you! But that's impossible! Once a primal ensnares a mind, it cannot be freed!
Sie erinnert sich … Bahamuts Einfluss ist verflogen.
She remembers... Bahamut's influence is gone.
Unless... Unless Bahamut simply relinquished his claim. What need has he of a broken spirit bound for the aetherial realm?
Jetzt, da sie besiegt ist, hat er keine Verwendung mehr für Nael. Endlich kann ihre Seele in den Äther zurückkehren.
Now, that she's defeated, he no longer has use for Nael. Finally her soul can return to the aether.
(Nael van Darnus) Ohhh...that I should fall prey to the very influence I sought to purge from the land. The irony is galling.
Hmph. Ich nutzlos für eine Götze der Wilden? Größer könnte die Schande nicht sein, die ich über mich gebracht habe -  über die gesamte garleische Nation! Wäre ich nur zu Äther zerfallen, ohne jemals davon zu erfahren.
Hmph. Me useless for an idol of the savages? There is no way the shame I brought over me – over the whole garlean nation! – could be any bigger. If only I had disolved into aether without coming to know about this.
But do not assume that all of my actions were chosen for me. It was my will that the Meteor project be resurrected—mine and none other.
Aber glaub nur nicht, dass alles von Anfang an sein Werk gewesen sei, Mädchen! Das Projekt Meteor war die Frucht meines Geistes.
But don't think everything from the beginning was his doing all along, girl! Project Meteor was the spawn of my own mind.
Yet it seems that my grand designs were destined to fail. Even the ungentle release of death was denied me...
Wenn mir auch ein Tod in Würde nicht gewährt sein mag – die Größe meines Werks könnt ihr nicht leugnen! Mir steht die Herrschaft zu! Allein die Umstände waren gegen mich.
Even if I may not be granted a dignified death – the dimension of my opus cannot be denied by you! I deserve sovereignty! It was only the circumstances which were against me.
(Alisaie) Nael, please. You must tell us more of the Calamity. I must know the truth of what has befallen the world...and what has become of my grandfather, Archon Louisoix.
Wir wollen wissen, was bei der Siebten Katastrophe wirklich geschehen ist. Sag uns, was ist mit meinem Großvater passiert? Hat Bahamut ihn getötet?
We want to know what really happened in the Seventh Calamity. Tell us, what happened to my grandfather? Did Bahamut kill him?
(Nael van Darnus) You are Louosoix's grandchild? Ah, the fates are generous with their cruelty.
Ah, du bist das Enkelkind des Weisen Louisoix? Tja … wer hätte ihm ein solches Ende gewünscht? Zu schade.
Ah, you are the granddaughter of Archon Louisoix? Oh well.... who would have wished such an end upon him? Too bad.
Continue on, if you would have your answers—they await you at the terminus of your path. But know that this path leads only to despair. The light of truth was ever harsh and unforgiving...
Wenn du deine sogenannte Wahrheit ertragen kannst, dann geh nur weiter. Du wirst die finden … und bereuen, dass du je nach ihr gesucht hast.
If you can bear your so called truth, then go ahead and carry on. You will find it... and regret ever looking for it.
(Alisaie) Why do you say this? Grandfather will be free once we put a stop to Bahamut's restoration, will he not? What are you not telling us!?
Aber … wenn wir Bahamut töten, dann wird doch auch mein Großvater gerettet! Seine Seele wird sich befreien und zu uns zurückkommen, oder nicht?
But... if we kill Bahamut, my grandfather will be saved! His soul will free itself and return to us, isn't that so?
(Nael van Darnus) Steel yourself, child. Only unbending resolve and merciless strength can conquer what lies ahead.
Törichtes Kind. Stellst du dir so den lauf der Dinge vor? Die Welt folgt eisernem Willen und gnadenloer Macht, nicht den Wünschen kleiner Mädchen.
Foolish child. Is that how you imagine the course of things to be? The world follows steeled resolve and merciless power, not the wishes of small girls.
The weak can do naught but weep under the pall of their own misery. As did the frail child I once was...
Auch mir beugte sich niemand, als ich noch wünschte statt zu fordern. Tritt aber mutig ins Licht, und dein Name wird die Geschichte überdauern.
No one yielded to me either, when I still wished instead of demanded. But if you take a courageous step into the light, your name will outlive history.
(???) Silence, chattering raven. Your wretched wings are broken, and you shall soar no more.
Es ist genug, Silberschwinge. Du wirst diese Welt nun endlich verlassen!
That's enough, silver wing. You will finally leave this world now!
(Nael van Darnus) My crimson moon... Your brilliance sears mine eyes...
Nein … Verfluchter … gib mir meine Stärker zurück! … Sie gehört … mir!
No... Blasted... give me back my strength! …It is... mine! (Note: There's many ways to translate what Nael calls ??? here. Blasted, cursed, fucking, damned … take your pick, but she certainly isn't happy.)
(Alisaie) I recognize that voice, Warrior of Light. But never would he say such words...
Diese Stimme … sie klang so vertraut!
This voice... it sounds so familiar!
Come, let us finish what we came to do. All will be put aright when the final hulk lies dormant. Grandfather will be himself again.... I'm sure of it.
Wir dürfen unsere Mission nicht vergessen. Lass uns die Maschinen zerstören, die Bahamut erhalten. Das wird auch meinen Großvater befreien – egal, was Nael uns glauben machen will!
We can't forget about our mission. Let us stop the machines, which maintain Bahamut. This will free my granfather as well – no matter what Nael wants to make us believe.
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So Many (Years) I Was Afraid of Love (Love, Love) (Benlos)
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one million years later but @undertalker33 here ya go bud this one’s for you
it’s kinda parallel to canon but i do my best
i put a keep reading cause it gets p long
title’s from “Love, Love, Love” by As Tall as Lions
“You mustn’t trust them,” the elderly lady pleaded search for sympathy as she turned into the arms of her granddaughter.
A look of sorrow and understanding flashed across Mal’s face. “I’m so so--” she began.
“No, you stay away,” Chad interrupted, stepping in front of the weeping woman.
“Don’t do this, Chad,” Ben muttered with a warning edge to his voice.
“What?” Chad questioned, with betrayal laced in his tone. “They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids, kindness? Fair play? No way, okay?” He turned to Mal and pointed an accusatory finger. “You can barely go anywhere without your little spell book in tow.”
“Hey--” Ben began.
Chad cut him off with another point at Jay. “You enjoy hurting people.” Jay’s face contorted into one of anger and regret. Chad turned his gaze onto Evie last. “And you...you’re nothing but a liar...and a cheater.” He glanced back at his peers with an arrogant smirk, as if he was the victor.
“Hey,” Carlos glared. “Lay off them, Chad.”
“Oh, well, if you don’t like it, then why don’t you run back to your mama?” Chad mocked. “Back on the Isle, where you all should still be.” He glared back with a raised eyebrow and a derogatory smirk upon his face.
Jay bristled at that. He stepped forward, prepared to lay his fists into Chad’s face, but was stopped by leather-clad palm on his chest. “Why don’t I just run back to my ‘mama?’“ he repeated with a glare. “Because I don’t have a mother. My ‘mama’ was not the person I ran to. She was never there to listen to my emotional struggles. She was never there to listen to me at all. She only ever talked to me to tell me what to do next or what I was doing wrong. I was just another accessory to her, along with her furs.” Carlos huffed out a noise between a sob and a scoff. “No, actually, below her furs. I don’t have any fond memories left from her. Only scars. Mental...” He took off his left glove to reveal his battered, rough hands, covered bruises, scars, and cigarette burns. All those who saw it gasped at the sight. “...And physical. The only people who have spared me a second glance were Jay, Mal, and Evie. I grew up with them. They’re the closest thing to a family I have ever had. And if you want to take that away from me...” his lip quivered as tears formed in his eyes, making his eyebrows furrow even deeper, “...then you deserve to be on that Isle more than I ever have.” He threw the one of his discarded gloves on the ground, turned and took off running. Everyone was stunned into silence, rendered motionless. Except for one certain prince.
“Carlos!” Ben called as he ran into the forest after Carlos. Thinking he had lost him, Ben paused to breathe heavily, looking around helplessly, when he heard a small sniffle to his left. He looked towards the sound and saw a bit of white hair peeking out beside a tree. He made his way over and knelt down next to the crying boy.
“Hey,” he greeted with a small smile.
“Hey,” Carlos sniffled.
“We wanted to come see you.” He held up Dude with a smile. Carlos let a sad chuckle come out as a small amused smile crossed his face.
“Thanks,” Carlos sighed as he picked up Dude. “At least someone’s my friend here.” He frowned and combed his fingers through Dude’s fur.
“Listen, don’t sweat Audrey and Chad. They’re just scared. They feel threatened by you guys on what they consider their ‘turf.’ And when they saw you guys making friends so easily, I guess they...got angry.”
“Oh, man,” Carlos sighed. “Now I get it. I took you away from them. God, can I do anything right?”
“Hey, hey, no. You didn’t do anything wrong. If they’re petty just because I like someone other than them, then that’s their fault. Besides, Chad’s been such a jerk lately, I’m not even sure if I want to be his friend. And Audrey...I don’t even remember why we started dating.”
“Really?” Carlos asked, incredulous. “You mean...you wanna break up?” Carlos winced at the slightly hopeful tone in his voice.
“Yeah, I actually, uh...kind of have my eye on someone.”
Oh, Carlos thought. Of course, he does. He’s a prince, he could have anyone he wants. Why would he want me?
“Oh,” Carlos voiced his thoughts, “really? Who do you have in mind?”
Ben smiled and looked at Carlos. “Well,” he began. “they’re really cute. When they love something, they launch themselves into it. They get this light in their eye when they talk about it. They’re cute. They love dogs and chocolate, probably more than they should.” Carlos, finally catching on, looks down as he chuckles and blushes. He sniffles once more before meeting Ben’s eyes again. “He’s got all these freckles around his face, like stars in a beautiful night sky. It’s really cute. Seriously, you’re so freaking cute.” They shared a chuckle. As their laughter died down, leaving a light air of satisfaction and comfort, they found themselves close, staring into each other’s eyes.
“Is this the part where we kiss?” Carlos whispered.
Ben chuckled in response. “Traditionally, yes, it would be,” he smiled. They leaned into each other’s space, meeting in a tender kiss as their eyes floated closed. Ben’s hand came up to cradle Carlos’s neck, rubbing his thumb behind his ear. Carlos reached up his hand to hold Ben’s wrist and gently stroked along the prince’s veins, as he leaned up into the kiss. At that moment, there was nothing to worry about. No semantics of labels and backgrounds and naming feelings. At that moment, the only thing that mattered was them. They remained locked in that moment until the felt soft fur brushing up against their throats and a warm wet nose pressing under their chin. They broke apart, chuckling at the dog’s silly antics. As their laughter died down, Ben reached into his pocket, where Carlos’s other red leather glove rested. He held out his hand with a smile. Carlos, though he was a bit confused at first, placed his hand in the prince’s, as Ben slid the glove back over his damaged fingers. Once the end had reached the white-haired boy’s wrist, he placed a delicate kiss over the back of it. He looked back up into Carlos’s wide brown eyes.
“I want to make sure that you never feel like you need to wear these gloves,” he whispered affectionately with a loving smile. “So, Carlos Oscar de Vil, will you do me the honour of being my date to the Coronation?”
Carlos smiled so wide he felt like his face was going to rip right open. He didn’t think he had ever felt this happy before. Was this what love was? Having somebody who made him so happy, happy beyond belief, belief that it was possible that he could be this happy, was allowed to be this happy, belief that it was possible that someone this amazing could exist? Someone he could easily see himself spending the rest of his life with, not because he was forced to, but because he wanted to? Someone whom he valued and who valued him? More than materialistic views, more than advantages in a society pitted against you, more than what you could bring to the table? Did he even want to be in love? Well...to him, that answer was clear as the Enchanted Lake.
“Prince Benjamin...it would be my pleasure.”
Love, love, love, love After some time, it’s something I find true Love, love, love, love, love Love’s not a grave it won’t decay on you Love, love, love, love So many days I was afraid of Love, love, love, love, love
this was longer than i had expected and i hadn’t planned for it to be a songfic but uh...i hope you like it m8erino and sorry again for taking so long
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happynaturalhair · 5 years
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As I Reiterate We Are In The Truth For 2159 Years There is More 2 Come Autochthon Aboriginal Original Native Americans Indigenous 2 America Dr.King Said We Was Exile In Our Own Land & We Were Here B4 Plymouth Rock In His Speech He Never Once Mention Us Being Stolen From Africa & Brought 2 America it Was Alex Haley & Jessie Jackson Marcus Garvey All the Pan Africanist Promoting The LIES It is Now Evident In 2019 The Gig is Up & The #Autochthonsofamerica Are Woke & Know Thy Ancient Selves In The Event U Don’t Boo 👻 I Feel 4 U & Gonna Pray U Break The Spell I was Cast Under The Spell Despite My Great Grandparents & Parents Telling Me We Are Indian Not African Until My Mom Typed Out Her Family Genealogy & Had Her Grandmother 👵🏽 As Indian Yamassee & She Sat On Her Hair & On her dad side Her Grandmother 👵🏽 was Indian & Sat on Her Hair My Dad Grandmother 👵🏽 was Indian Mohegan Mohawk & Cherokee She sat on her Hair & Guess What Their Great Granddaughter Goddess Chief Iskitani Hatapushik Nitakomi aka Little Butterfly 🦋 Under The Moonlight 🌝 Sits On Her I Am Keep’n My Great Grandmothers Culture & Tradition Know Thy Ancient Selves Ancient Ones 🦋🌝👊🏿🐢🌴👸🏾👑🤗😘😍#thehiddentruth #about #drmartinlutherkingjr #truthrevealed #truthhurts #ageoftruth #knowyourtribe #researchyourfamily #researchyourfamilyhistory #indigenous #autochthons #autocthonsofamerica #knowyouridentity #wearenotafricanamericans #wearenotafrican #africa #is #a #colonizing #term #derogatory #means #slave #savage #facts https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_0c2YnxvP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6a6d1f0fwtqn
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Story time. 
(Content warnings: derogatory language regarding LGBTQ community, mention of depression, trauma.)
I had a bad day at work last week. Like, really bad. Crying-in-the-back-room-and-wishing-desperately-not-to-exist-kind-of-bad. But let me back up.
I had a shit time finding a job after I graduated from college. I moved to two different major cities, interviewed for several dozen positions ranging from research assistant to barista, and eventually had no other choice but to move back home with my dad.
I grew up in a really conservative part of rural white Pennsylvania. It was pretty normal to hear classmates use homophobic slurs, racist language, and rape jokes in everyday conversation at my high school. Trying to figure out all of the beautifully weird things that I am was really difficult when I was a young person. Trying to cultivate a sense of self-worth was next to impossible.
Fast forward to the summer after my first year of college. My dad, a pharmacist, had just opened his own drugstore (potentially jeopardizing my family’s ability to front the fraction of tuition that I hadn’t managed to cover with financial aid, scholarships, and federal loans) and I was obligated to return to my hometown to help him run the place. It was hands-down the worst job that I have ever had. Anyone who has ever had to work for their parents knows how awful it is to be micromanaged by someone who has it in their power to not only hold your paycheck over your head to make you do whatever they want, but who also controls your ability to go home and feel safe and secure after the work day is over. 
I was pretty much the store’s only full-time employee, often working overtime (though paid minimum wage!), and our customers were the county’s most infamous. And since it was just my dad and me in there, they would come in and feel entitled to pretty much do and say as they pleased. I remember one nasty old woman who would sidle up to the counter, order her prescriptions with a glare, and pointedly say to me, “You know, you remind me of my granddaughter... She looked just like you... Used to be such a sweet person, and so smart too; she had gotten her PhD you know. But then she left her husband and became a disgusting LESBIAN. What a waste. Now she’ll never amount to anything! Sick in the head, that’s what people like her are.”
It’s difficult to reproduce the viciousness in her tone through a Tumblr post, but believe me, there was venom in those words. This happened each time she came in. Like clockwork. And like clockwork, I would look over to my dad, pleading silently for some sort of support -- to see him laughing. Cracking up! I talked to him about it after work one time. Got really upset. “It would be really nice if you didn’t laugh at me when someone said something that offends me and insults who I am. In fact, it would be nice if you stood up for me and told them not to say those kinds of things to your employees in your place of business.” He blew his lid and shouted at me that he was not going to make his drugstore a political battleground.
Anyway, after that summer, I swore to myself that I would never again work for my dad. Six months after I graduated college, two cities, and more than a few burned bridges later, right back there I was. If I didn’t have so many problems with the word, I would say that it felt emasculating. Instead, I’ll just admit that crushing depression pretty much consumed me for those first few months. But that’s a pity party I’d like to keep somewhat private.
Fast forward to last week a few minutes before I wound up in the closet crying like a ninny. My coworker Heather was talking about a gay man that her husband knew at work and called him “gayer than a three-dollar bill.” Now, Heather is the kind of straight person who manages to convince other straight people that she’s gay-friendly. But when you go around doing things like calling gay men “flamers” behind their backs... Look, if you’re not willing to say it directly to a person’s face, then you know that you’re saying something offensive, and you should really just stop.
So, I got annoyed, and said that I didn’t quite understand the phrase “gayer than a three-dollar bill.” At which point, the staff pharmacist, Harry, cut in. Harry is what some people would call crude. I call it meanness thinly veiled as humor. He said loudly, “Well I think the real phrase is QUEERER than a three-dollar bill--”
Alarms started going off in my head and I tried to stop him from talking by saying, “well, historically, that’s a pretty offensive term, and I’d prefer if you didn’t use it.” I didn’t even get the first word out. He steam-rolled me every time I’d try and his voice just kept getting louder.
“--you know, that’s what people would say, QUEERER than a three-dollar bill, but it’s because you’d never see one of those, QUEERER than a three-dollar bill, she’s saying he’s QUEER.”
He tacked on the end as an afterthought, “But yeah, that’s definitely more offensive.”
Allow me to pause here and mention that I don’t... really have any inherent problem with the word ‘queer.’ Hell, I identify as queer. I majored in Women’s Studies in college. We throw that shit around all the time! It’s a noun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb, and a whole body of academic theory. But... as with any word whose origins lie in oppression, despite the work that has been done to reclaim this term by the communities it was once used to hurt, the weight of the word is still incredible. It is still, in many contexts, a derogatory term. And this was one of those contexts.
After my experiences working at the drugstore that summer after my first year of college, I learned not to expect my dad to advocate on my behalf with regards to pretty much anything -- least of all my identity as a queer person. This is difficult when I am also his employee. At another place of employment, I would have gone to my manager, spoken to them about this upsetting incident, and worked out a solution. If necessary, I would have quit. But those things aren’t options in this scenario, where my boss is also my dad. Which means all of those years of mustering the self-worth to feel angry, to self-advocate, to know that I deserve to *not* be reduced to sobbing and ashamed of myself for it in the back closet at my place of employment -- just have to be quietly put away for another day, another year, however long. 
I can’t expect anyone to advocate on my behalf. And you can bet that Harry isn’t facing any repercussions for his behavior. Apparently, he brought it up with my dad at the end of the work day after I had gone home and said, “your daughter is really sensitive, isn’t she?” and my dad just shrugged and said he didn’t know what had happened. No apologies. To the contrary, I was implicitly blamed for having gotten upset.
However, I am surprised to find that I am being given the option to opt out of having to work with him this week (I can’t say anything about future weeks). In other situations, I’ve not been allowed to change my work schedule at all. To digress, there’s an assistant pharmacist who comes in once a week to help out. He’s an old man who never fails to trigger trauma-brain relapse for me whenever I have to work with him because of his tendency to get... touchy. My complaints about this have been dismissed, and I have had to keep working with him until very recently, when I managed to argue my way out of working on that day of the week for unrelated reasons.
Anyway, I am allowed to take off for the two days that Harry works this week. This is good, because I would rather not deal with the tension of working with this person. But I am upset at the idea of sacrificing my hourly wages because of this asshole.  I am angry with myself for letting him get to me enough to make me cry. But I’m more angry that his derogatory language goes without so much as an apology while my paycheck gets reduced in what feels like an awful concession to my own marginalization as a bisexual nonbinary person.
I am sorry to say that there is nothing in this story that I have heroically overcome. There’s no moral, there’s no hidden meaning, there’s no inspirational message. There’s just a microcosmic example of systemic oppression, the personal experience of traumas being triggered, and the lack of financial autonomy to declare independence from relatives or move away permanently. If you’ve taken the time to read all of this, I appreciate you.
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positivelyamazonian · 7 years
Asky anon to do what I do best: ask (? So, did Lady Angeline and Marie Cornel ever met? If so, what happened? If they didnt, what would happen if they met? Like, their toughts about each other. That's it, Anon out. PS: *crossing fingers to not trigger any important spoiler*
Welcome back to my humble abode, Asky anon. :) So, headcanon time? Let’s go for headcanon time! Take a seat, I’m gonna be long and boring as usual ;D
I’ll try to answer without giving major spoilers because I’m not sure how I’ll do what you’re exactly asking - and there’s a chance I won’t do it at all, but just in case you want to avoid any kind of spoiler, don’t read below this hot Chris Hemsworth! :D
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Now, let’s go for it.
In general, Lady Croft is pretty much uncomfortable with anything related with Kurtis, and that includes his branch family - or the only member that’s still alive, Marie. We can say she is there for Anna, because she wants to be with her grandaughter and because she sees her as a chance to redeem herself from what she did to Lara - provided that there’s no way things can be fixed between her and Lara.
But that starts with Anna and ends with Anna. As you’ve already seen, she tries to avoid Kurtis and she doesn’t want to know about him or his past, or his family. 
Now, has she ever met with Marie Cornel? It’s been 14 years since Anna was born and it would be a bit absurd if they hadn’t met - just for the sake of being realistic. Anna has spent a lot of time with both grandmas - in the Navajo nation with Marie, living among the Diné (as they call themselves), but also in Surrey, England, with Lady Angeline. Now, Lady Croft is not really fond of travelling for need - she just enjoys travelling for pleasure, but Marie is used to move across the world - practically is the only kind of life she has ever experienced. 
So, we can say they had indeed met. What happened? You can imagine Lady Croft’s reaction when realizing the other grandma is a Navajo Indian (btw, I know the Diné people hate the word “Indian”, so, sorry for that, I’m using the word from Lady Croft’s point of view). I wouldn’t call Lady Croft a racist in the strict meaning of the word, she’s not really evil in her heart, but she’s a British lady, raised among highborn people, and the only contact she has had so far with other kind of people are just fantasy imaginations about how helpful is she being with all those charity balls and donations she used to attend with her husband, Lord Croft. She’s maternal at best with “those poor people who need our help”, and yeah, that’s a form of racism - well-meaning, but racism anyway. She’s not just aware of it, and she would certainly be horrified if someone called her a racist. 
Then, we can say she’s not amused or delighted to see the other grandma is an American Native, and much less when she discovers that - oh, wait, nope, spoiler here. *zips mouth*
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It’s not a big deal anyway, but I don’t like to spoil what I’m certain I’m gonna include ;)
What about Marie Cornel? As you can imagine, she’s pretty used to be seen as different by most of the white - and even non white - people. Even her own son’s not alike to her - Kurtis resembles his father, Konstantin. 
Of course, being used to be looked at as different doesn’t meant she would take any shit on that.
The chief police leaned over and examined the photographs taken from the crime scene. Then he sighed and threw them on the table, and looked at the two women before him. A young and an old one - two Indians, one from the very India and one who must be a red-skin or something…
“I’m Navajo, inspector.” Marie said. “Stop looking at me that way.”
- LILITH’S SCEPTER, chapter 36, Purification
Marie will deal with this gently and politely most of the time, except when she’s nervous, upset or feeling weak in any way. Then she’ll explode or act uptight. She’s a tough woman, enough tough to earn Lara’s admiration and respect - as you’d probably noticed in Lilith’s Scepter. In fact, both Lara and Marie recognize and respect each other because they’re so alike - tough women used to fight their way on.
Of course, Lady Croft knows nothing of this and she’d be certainly derogatory - for she despises Lara’s way of life. Only that she’s too polite and educated to say this to the face. Lady Angeline will never act rude or unpolite towards Marie, but her face expression will betray her most of the time - and Marie gets this. Under normal circumstances, the Navajo woman will avoid any kind of confrontation - just as for the same reason Lady Croft will avoid that too: Anna.
That means they’re enemies? Of course, not. They just avoid each other, and it’s much more Lady Croft’s attitude than Marie’s. They’ve been raised in different worlds, they are the opposite kind of woman to each other, they simply can’t understand each other. So, most of the time, they will tolerate each other for the sake of their common granddaughter, and that’s all.
What’s Marie’s opinion on Lady Croft? She just sees her as Kurtis sees her, as everyone who’s not highborn would see her - and how Lara sees her too. But further details will be provided in the fanfic, not here. :)))
In general, Marie is very polite and diplomatic - but she’s also fiercely proud of her Navajo origins as much as she will have no restrains to fight whoever despises her for that, and she’ll certainly remember anyone trying to throw shit on her that the blood of the Diné - the Navajo people - is also running through both Kurtis and Anna’s veins.
Just imagine Lady Croft being reminded her grandaughter is half-blood. Well, rather than half-blood, a mix of Navajo blood and ancient German blood combined with aristocratic British blood.
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Ok, enough of this nonsense. Ana out :D
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rtawngs20815 · 7 years
The Country Club Republican Strikes Back
ROSWELL, Georgia ― Once upon a time, Georgia’s 6th Congressional District might have flickered into your mind while you contemplated the Republican electorate. Suburban and white, this collection of affluent commuter towns 45 minutes north of Atlanta is a maze of spiraling subdivisions, upscale retail stores and well-funded schools ― a veritable paradise of automatic sprinkler systems, Mercedes-Benz GLS-classes and C-suite types with names like Chet, Bobby and Judd.
It’s not surprising, then, that seemingly every Republican in the area has declared for the race to fill this typically Republican seat vacated by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price ― though the actual number is closer to a dozen. This is, after all, the district that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and, later, Sen. Johnny Isakson once represented.
One reason the 6th has served as an incubator for some of the state’s most well-connected Republicans is its concentration of wealthy donors and proximity to Atlanta. There’s no shortage of ambitious Republicans with potentially deep war chests.
But why are Democrats also pouring millions of dollars into the race? The answer lies in an opinionated former reality TV show star with a heightened sensitivity about the size of his hands.  
Hostility to President Donald Trump and his populist message runs deep here. Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won this district by over 20 points in 2012, yet Trump defeated his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by a scant point in November, and it was Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) who carried it in the Republican primary.
Needless to say, the commander in chief’s message of upending the economic order, to say nothing of his personal indiscretions, does not necessarily resonate in a place with a thriving Talbots. Put another way, the president who so closely identifies himself with the country clubs he owns and operates is actually anathema to many traditionally center-right country club Republicans.
Democrats smell blood in the water, and hope dearly to deprive congressional Republicans and Trump of some of their early mojo with a win or unexpectedly close loss.
In an interview with The Huffington Post, Jon Ossoff, a 30-year-old former Democratic congressional staffer running in the district’s open primary, stressed that grassroots enthusiasm and turnout by nontraditional Democratic constituencies will be key when voters head to the polls on April 18.
“There’s been a huge intensity of grassroots support here,” Ossoff said. “I don’t think it has much to do with me, but with the times.”
“The north metro [Atlanta] area has become younger and more diverse,” he added, “but more importantly, it’s a very well-informed electorate here, with discerning voters who look at candidates rather than parties.”
Dissatisfaction with the president was on full display at one of Ossoff’s field offices last week. While hostility to the opposition party is to be expected at a campaign office, what was surprising was how many first-time and Republican volunteers were present. When a campaign staffer asked a group of roughly 25 volunteers how many had never participated in a political campaign, nearly three-quarters raised a hand.
“We’re appalled,” said Patricia Gagne, a retiree from Johns Creek. “Before this election, we never did anything like this.”
“Where we live, people are very Republican as a whole,” she added, “but we see a crack, that people with any sense are starting to see that this is not what they thought it was.”
“I don’t call him President Trump, I just call him Donald Trump,” added Patricia’s husband, Walter Urbanavitch, a retired aeronautical engineer and Air Force veteran who served a year-long tour in Vietnam. “I think he’s a disgrace. He’s not presidential, he just tells lies.”
Though Ossoff is one of five declared Democrats in the race, he has quickly emerged as the party’s favorite, earning endorsements from the area’s two Democratic congressmen (and Ossoff’s former bosses on Capitol Hill) ― Reps. John Lewis and Hank Johnson. Outside money is pouring into his coffers, too; progressive groups including Daily Kos and MoveOn.org have funneled millions of members’ dollars to his campaign.
Republicans are sufficiently alarmed that the National Republican Congressional Committee ― the GOP’s House campaign arm ― is pouring resources into the race, and one GOP super PAC spent $1 million in the district to air an ad hitting Ossoff for his youth, featuring a clip of him in college dressed as Han Solo.  
Unease with the chief executive pervades the Republican field as well. One candidate, Judson Hill, a former state senator and assistant U.S. attorney during the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations, has gone to great lengths to burnish his Republican bona fides ― touting endorsements from Republican heavy hitters like Rubio and Gingrich, the district’s former representative. However, he’s keeping a healthy distance from the president.
Hill has the look and bearing of a polished Georgia politician, with a Southern drawl, neatly-coiffed hair and a broad smile. He invited HuffPost to tag along last week as he went door-knocking in one of the district’s wealthier areas.
After setting out from ― what else? ― a country club parking lot, Hill provided background on both his campaign strategy and the neighborhood, discussing his attempts to drive up the vote in his former district and pointing out local landmarks, such as where his parents previously lived and the imposing residence of a Chick-fil-A board member.
“I usually do this by myself,” Hill said as he trudged up a hilly road flanked on both sides by several immaculately maintained, thousand-square-foot homes. “It’s good to get my steps in.”
Hill is somewhat less open to talking about the president. Between chatting with constituents about whose son was in which military branch and whose daughter was enrolled in which middle school, Hill dodged HuffPost’s more probing questions about the numerous scandals and setbacks already plaguing the new administration, focusing instead on his own record and conservative agenda.
“I’m thrilled we have a Republican in the White House,” Hill replied, before quickly shifting to his experience in the Reagan administration. Indeed, “Republican” seems to be the nicest adjective that many Republicans in Georgia’s 6th ― and across the country, for that matter ― can lay at this decidedly unorthodox president’s feet.
The current front-runner, former Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel ― already a conservative star from her stint at the Susan G. Komen Foundation, when she engineered the breast cancer organization’s temporary decision to cut off funds to Planned Parenthood in 2012 ― has also distanced herself from Trump. Her website features no mention of him, outside of links to favorable articles that also happen to say the president’s name. Only two candidates ― businessman Bruce LeVell, who ran Trump’s diversity outreach, and businessman Bob Gray ― have fully embraced the president’s agenda, and both are considered longshots.
Where we live, people are very Republican as a whole. But we see a crack, that people with any sense are starting to see that this is not what they thought it was. Patricia Gagne, retiree from Johns Creek, Georgia
Still, Republicans are heavily favored to carry the district. The GOP possesses a strong registration advantage, and though Trump did only beat Clinton by one point here, Price cruised to re-election in November with a 23-point margin. The real referendum will be on how able the GOP is to retain its base of business conservatives that make up so much of the district’s electorate.
It’s voters like David Livingston who have Republicans worried. Livingston, a retired telephone company employee, has lived in the area since 1974. He’s a lifelong Republican and believes in the need to reform the tax code ― a perennial GOP policy objective ― but can’t bring himself to send a member of his own party to Congress. Indeed, Livingston found his way to one of Ossoff’s field offices to volunteer.
“I guess I’m a RINO, actually,” he said, jokingly referencing the derogatory acronym that stands for “Republican In Name Only” and is usually hurled at center-right politicians by conservative activists.
The last time Livingston got involved in a campaign was in the 1960s, when he volunteered for Republican Claude R. Kirk’s campaign for governor of Florida. Now, 50 years later, with two granddaughters whom Livingston says benefit from the Affordable Care Act that Trump and the GOP are trying to dismantle, he felt compelled to act.
“They got way too conservative,” Livingston said of the party he still belongs to. “I was a more moderate Republican.”
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