#and in case i haven't made it abundantly clear
iguessitsjustme · 4 months
For someone who doesn't want anyone's pity, Day sure lets everyone else do all of the emotional labor for him
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purble-gaymer · 1 year
oops my hand slipped
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Like, I seriously cannot stress enough how much better everything feels, and how much SMOOTHER everything goes, when those two are together.
They just balance each other so well, and the way they understand each other and play off each other and just know what to do when they're with each other...
Everything is better, everything is easier, and everything is perfect.
Okay, with (most of) my never-ending Sciles love out of the way for this post...
OMG that scene at the Sheriff's station.
I am LOSING my mind laughing I CANNOT! XD
The way Noah keeps looking back and forth between the picture and our Young Derek, trying to make the connection and not QUITE figuring out what's wrong with this situation yet (also as an aside, we freaking love Parrish actually being a good human being and a good cop and wanting to help instead of TORTURING A FREAKING TEENAGER YOU F*CKING--).
And then when Stiles and Scott, like, run in and skid to a halt and just lock eyes with him, the FACE Noah makes… XD It's such an "oh my god what now?" before he gives the "I'll handle this." to the rest of the squad.
I'm not gonna quote the whole thing, only because I'm gonna put it all in gifs instead at the bottom of the post (XD), but just...OMG THAT WAS PURE GOLD!
And the FACE Scott makes when Stiles just babbles with WAY too much detail (although, in Stiles's defense, his dad DID say to be absolutely and completely honest, so... XD). I mean, mans didn't even bother to hide his cringe as Stiles kept going.
"We were! It…it was…in Mexico."
And, like, the way he gets all sheepish now that he's actually processing what he just said I CANNOT WITH HIM! XD XD <3
And then there's the Sciles and Derek scene (back to my Sciles love!!), which was less funny, but honestly just awesome, because they handled that so well, and the way Scott was able to keep his heartbeat steady even as he lied (it's technically a partial truth and I think that's why he got away with it), and the way that Stiles was sassy and distracted as ever (somebody better explain that Eichen House letter to me sooner rather than later), but he was still able to back up his best friend the whole time, and ultimately, they both managed to convince Derek to trust them and roll with it.
And then because SCILES, the freaking transition scene was so sweet with Stiles comforting Scott over having to lie (because I do think it was the best thing to do in this situation or Derek never would've come with them or believed them), but also so funny with Scott deciding to go to Peter (which...I also think is the best call, admittedly, although that's gonna be a VERY weird phone call...) and Stiles's "Yeah I hate that guy." XD XD
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(Some of the gifs aren't loading right but the quotes are there, so it works!! PURE GOLD I TELL YOU!! PURE GOLD!! XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3)
Update: Okay, that scene between Lydia and Kira was so cute, and I fully support this new friendship in the absence of Allison (because I feel like that's what they're trying to do, at least to some degree). I mean, her little "You're a Katana-wielding, badass Kitsune, and he couldn't be more into you." and the way Kira just SMILED like...I loved that. So wholesome. I approve. <3 So of course they had to find the dude's dead body, but WHATEVER, it's FINE.
Update Part 2: Technically this happened before everything I talked about above, but I just realized I didn't talk about it at all, so...that scene where Scott and Stiles were talking about Malia was kind of hilarious and kind of adorable and Malia just really does not know how to human but I kind of love it and Stiles is really just rolling with this because he kind of loves it and Scott is just not even sure what to do with these two idiots but he loves them anyway. XD Stydia is still my Stiles OTP, but I really don't hate the energy in the current Stalia relationship. XD <3
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qqueenofhades · 9 months
I'm a little confused by the left's repeated assertion that they're "trying to hold Biden accountable" and push him left, things they've been talking about since before he was elected, and the ramifications of that at this point in time. I do think we need to be calling out things we disagree with and making our feelings known, but seeing people like Nina Turner complain about student loan forgiveness when it's been made abundantly clear Biden is doing all he can and he can't actually cancel anything as just the President (without being sued or having it reversed by Republicans - please correct me if I'm wrong and there's more he could do here?) doesn't feel like it's that? I just don't understand the logic behind people on the left adding to this narrative that he isn't trying hard enough on what we want, rather than the Republicans are preventing things from being done. We need to not sit back and get complacent, yes, sure, but I feel like the line where it goes from helpful and necessary to harmful and more beneficial to the right was crossed a while ago.
The thing is, you're confused by it because it's a bad-faith argument. Actually "holding someone accountable" means honestly assessing what they can do, what they have done, what they can be expected to do in the future, and if they haven't done it, what's stopping them (i.e. have they just not done it or are they being actively stopped from doing it by factors beyond their control)? It doesn't mean "constantly moving the goalposts to constantly criticize someone if they don't magically get everything done immediately, regardless of reality." The way Online Leftists use it, "holding Biden accountable" means "relentlessly criticize him every instant he doesn't magically transform into the Socialist Messiah overnight, the end." That's not actually a useful, honest, reliable, or constructive metric.
This is also the case because their version of good policy is "someone thinks the Correct Thoughts all the time and any failures to achieve it means they are not thinking the Correct Thoughts hard enough." I'm not sure how anyone could have missed what SCOTUS is doing right now, but Online Leftists remain determined to discount, minimize, or otherwise totally ignore its role, because that would mean a) there is in fact a difference between the parties, b) Hillary Clinton would not have made the same appointments Trump did, and c) they might therefore have some responsibility in not voting for her, none of which can be countenanced. As such, if Biden has failed to wave a magic wand and get all student debt erased for everyone overnight, He Is Just Not Trying Hard Enough. SCOTUS very notably outlawed his first forgiveness program? BIDEN'S FAULT!
Even though Biden extended the Covid-era payment pauses as long as he could (it was Congress that passed the law mandating an end to them, because THE PRESIDENT IS NOT AN ABSOLUTE MONARCH!), and even though he's now rejiggered the entire repayment program so that your monthly payments can get lowered to $0, these count as payments, and no interest accumulates as long as you "make" them, which in practice adds up to full forgiveness -- this still isn't good enough for the Online Leftists, because it happened after trial and error, is a partial solution, doesn't snap its fingers and erase everything, and relies on slow and careful policy work. And yet, it's going to be a lot harder for SCOTUS to overturn than just "the president forgives your debt," which was the first thing he tried to do and it didn't work! With a different SCOTUS, it might have! But we have this nightmare court BECAUSE OF TRUMP, and all the Pure Thoughts in the world won't get rid of it!
Biden is the most liberal president we have ever had, period, full stop. It's not sexy and it's not exciting and it's not something the Online Leftists will ever acknowledge, but it's the truth. And whenever he is actually and extensively pushed, he goes more left, not less. I suspect at least part of the recent negative press barrage he's gotten is because he's openly come out with a plan to raise the tax rate on billionaires to 25%, and the corporations and oligarchs that own the mainstream media Really Don't Like That. (They've always been unfair to Democrats, but look for it to be especially so.) That would be, BY FAR, the highest the top-rate tax bracket has been since Reagan. Biden is the first president ever to actually address the scam of "Reaganomics" and take credit for "Bidenomics," which actually does represent a major rearrangement of the way capital is envisioned and distributed in this country for the first time in the 40+ years since Reagan wrecked it. That's why the capitalist media is really, REALLY determined to muckrake him as much as possible, and to do Kamala even dirtier than they did to HRC in 2016.
Anyway also: Holding someone accountable also implies that you're working with them and will reward them (i.e. voting for them, engaging with them) if they do the things you expect, which is another thing the Online Leftists won't do. So yes. This. The end.
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weird-is-life · 9 months
Hiii i have a cute Spencer x Y/N idea
It’s a bit long so bare with me :)
So imagine Y/N as really confident and cool and they listen to music lots (inappropriate music for work) and Spencer is the opposite, he very rarely listens to music but one day whilst organising his files he starts humming one of Y/N’s songs (something like shake that by Eminem) and Derek overhears and goes and get Y/N and they like cutely tease him or something (you can make up the ending)
Hii lovely, thank u for requesting! I hope this doesn't suck too much🤧. Warnings: like one pet name, use of y/n, (0.6k)
Spencer's doesn't even realise he's doing something, until there's you with red cheeks and Derek with a big grin standing behind him.
Derek literally dragged you here, when he heard Spencer's humming and as he pulled you closer to him, you recognised the song right away.
To your amusement, Spencer was humming one of your favourite songs, while organising his files, up until you two came near him.
You hear Derek's chuckle as he secretly records the special, one in a million moment.
"Yes?" Spencer turns around to face you two, eyebrows raised in question.
"Pretty boy, since when have you started to like the same music as y/n here," Derek asks, smirk as big as one can get.
"I haven't, i-i just heard it on the radio," he lies, obviously.
"On the radio? What kind of radio stations do you listen to, kid? There's too many swear words in that song for it to be played on the radio," Derek laughs, clearly seeing through Spencer.
"I meant, that I heard it in the car with y/n on our last case," he responds and it's as unconvincing as his previous reply. You almost wince as the words leave his mouth.
"Right. Do you mean the case from like 6 months ago?" Derek teases, "because last time I checked, Hotch has banned y/n from playing the music in the car, for indefinitely."
"How do you know the song then huh?" Derek suspiciously questions him.
"I-I-I" Spencer hesitates and Derek sees it right then, his profiling skills working too perfectly. Damn his quick thinking.
"Wait a minute, are-are you two-"
"Yes, Derek. Spencer," you give him your sweetest smile, before you confidently answer," and I are dating. So of course, Spencer knows the song, because I play it way too often in the car, in the apartment, yeah just basically everywhere. I'm surprised, he doesn't get tired of it."
Spencer immediately shakes his head, mouthing 'never' towards you.
"What? How long?" Derek inquires, he is looking very confused at you both.
"A few months," Spencer speaks up. Looking kind of proudly at you.
"A few months?" his eyes widen," how did you manage to hide it so well for this long?"
"We have our ways," you inform him mysteriously and send a wink Spencer's way.
"Well I'm very happy for you, guys," he gives you a sincere smile," but I want to know how on earth did you get Spencer to listen to some new music.....When I tried it, he made it abundantly clear he wasn't interested."
Spencer is the one to swiftly answer, "because you are not the one, that I'm dating and also y/n's music taste is much better."
"Hey! Ouch," Derek frowns and you just chuckle loudly, " you guys are mean," he glares at you playfully, "I'm going to go before I say something really mean to you two."
"Also expect Penelope to be here in like 5 minutes, because there's no way I'm not telling it to her right now." He tells you and sets off with a devilish grin towards Penelope's office.
"Soo, you think my music taste is better?" you poke Spencer's side.
"Definitely, i like your music" he says, honestly, which makes you very happy.
You quickly give him a kiss on the cheek, before leaving."Spence, I'm sorry to do this to you, love, but I'm going to hide before Penelope gets here. I'm not really ready to answer all of her questions right now," you smile, fake sorry, at him and run away with a giggle, before he can protest.
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thelost-in-time · 4 months
Til death do us part and beyond
Divider by @cafekitsune
This fic is not going to fall in line with the Canon and may not be exactly the same as the actual characters personalities.
Anos Voldigoad x gn! Reader
Featuring an Anos Voldigoad and a reader who have a playful banter of Anos saying reader is his future monarch (since he is king) and reader saying no: but they've been married since two thousand years ago so reader is the monarch while Anos is king, and find the banter funny.
Tw: death. Also super ooc so don't fight me.
@aizawasecretlover this Anos Voldigoad x reader fic is yours 👀
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Anos Voldigoad. The demon king reborn that so happens to have stolen the hearts of men and women alike.
And yet there was one single person who his heart was set on, one single person who his gaze always lingered on.
"You should meet my parents. They'll love you."
Anos said as he put his hands in his pockets before glancing over at you, the one who would make his steady heart beat rapidly when nobody else could do so.
"Didn't I already meet them?"
You had asked him as you raised an eyebrow, because it was true. Anos did introduce his parents to his friends, and you were there when he did so.
His parents adored you, maybe more than the others, and yet nobody could explain why, nobody except the Demon King himself.
But he gave no explanation.
"Yes, but I want you to meet them again. Just you and I."
Anos said with a shrug, but you couldn't help but narrow your eyes as you saw that mischievous glint in his eyes.
You already knew what was comimg.
"Is this a—"
Damn. He didn't even try to hide it. He made his courting to you abundantly clear to you and eveyone around.
Not that you minded too much.
"Have some kind of shame, Anos. If people see you flirting so openly with your other right hand person, then it's going to be a problem."
You say with an exasperated sigh as the two of you continue to walk around, even stopping at a bakery to grab some of the treats to eat.
"They already know. I haven't hid anything."
He smirks as he carefully pulled the leaf out that had been tangled in your hair, muttering something about being careful in case there were bugs on the tree.
"In any case, you're not just my right hand person. You're my future monarch too."
He said with a proud smirk, causing you to roll your eyes. He was never going to shut up about teasing you about being the future monarch.
But was that so bad when his teasing was as gentle and loving as it was.
Before he could get another word in, he found the pastry held to his mouth and a serious look on your face.
He smiled and happily obliged. If it was cutting down on the teasing while you ate that you wanted, it was what he would give you.
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Tonight was a night that reminded you both of final night of your previous lives.
It was a night where Anos wasn't playfully bantering with you. He just stood under the blanket of the night sky and began to ponder, reminiscing, regretting.
*Back to the past*
"Anos, come on. You can't be serious."
The voice of his beloved rang out that day, clear in his head as he sat on his throne with Hero Kanon in front of him.
"If it means that there will be peace among our people, then I don't mind it. Peace is something we agreed we wanted."
He said as he stood up and looked over at you, one of his greatest friends, one of his companions, and more importantly his spouse.
"I don't want you to do this, but I know you're insistent on this."
You sigh before you looked over at Hero Kanon with a determination in your eyes that Anos was used to seeing when you wouldn't back down. It was one of the things he loved about you, but now it worried him.
"Love, what are you—"
"Kanon, kill me alongside Anos."
It was so sudden, and it was as if time froze at your words. Anos would swear that he's never been more afraid of anything until that moment. The fear of having you lose your life just so you could be together in death as well was a bittersweet moment for him.
And Kanon? He was just as stunned, and he was far more hesitant to let you meet the same fate as Anos, especially when he saw how shaken up the demon king was. It was a sight nobody had ever witnessed before. It was... unsettling that there was actually something that scared the demon king of tyranny.
"No. I won't allow for your life to be cut so short. Why would you even think of something like that, my monarch?"
Anos asked as he gently grabbed your arm, looking at you with a desperation in his eyes that was never ever seen before. It was quite heartbreaking for you to have to witness such a sight, since your husband had no fears except losing you.
"Anos, it's not living if it's not with you."
You told him, your tone gentle as you gently held his hands and interwined your fingers, almost hearing the heartbeat of the man in front of you that you'd exchanged vows with.
"I can't... you..."
He couldn't get any words out yet, his heart heavy, trying to think of ways to convince you not to go through with it.
"Anos, I love you. And until death do us part, but even death can't separate us. And hey, we could always reincarnate together."
You say, holding back your own tears over all this. But you told yourself that at least one of you needed to be strong, and if your husband would fall apart, you'd be the one to hold him together, because you loved him as much as he loved you.
"You better find me, my beloved, otherwise there's going to be problems."
Anos said softly as he rested his forehead against yours, hugging you close to him as the two of you just teared up together, embracing the warmth together one last time before you would need to reincarnate after two thousand years.
"I'll find you. I promise. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again."
You told him as he leaned in and kissed your forehead, gently cupping your cheek before he rested his forehead against yours again.
"Likewise, I'll also think of you until we meet again. Not only was I enchanted to meet you, but being married to you is one of the best things to ever happen to me."
Anos said as you two just let the moment engulf you a little longer before pulling away reluctantly and nodding to Hero Kanon, who had been silent to let you have your moment.
It was time.
*Present day*
Anos didn't even know he was crying, nor did he even sense your presence until you gently wiped his tears and gave him a hug, having already figured out what he was thinking about since he was clenching his fists hard enough for his knuckles to turn white.
"You remembered our final day before reincarnation, didn't you?"
You asked him the rhetorical question as he hugged you back, hugging you as if he would lose you once more.
He hummed in confirmation, and you gently rubbed his back.
"Then let me remind you of our marriage. Think of the good times, my love."
You mumble, and he hummed once more as he too, remembered the first time you both got married.
*Even further back to the past*
You and Anos had just finished fighting a battle alongside each other before he gently cupped your cheek and wiped the blood off your face.
He began to speak as you had set down your sword to instead turn your gaze to him, wondering what he would say next.
"You've always been at my side."
He spoke once more, carefully choosing his words as the stars seemed to shine extra bright that night. It was a clear night.
"Yeah? You're not planning on firing me as your most trusted knight outside of Shin, right?"
You joked as you gently elbowed him, causing Anos to smile before he gently held your hands, looking deep into your eyes.
"Marry me."
He was so blunt that you choked on your spit, letting out a fit of coughs.
"Come again?!"
"Be my monarch, rule alongside me. Be mine."
Anos spoke again, kneeling on one knee in front of you as he held one of your hands in his, and his other hand rested over his heart.
"You're kidding."
In all fairness, you both had discussed it multiple times, but you always assumed he was kidding due to his rank.
"I've never been more serious about anything in my life. You and me. Through this life, and every other lifetimes. No matter how many times we have to be reborn, I will find you and you'll continue having my heart."
His confession was so real, straight from his heart. And you knew he meant every single word, because he looked at you like you were the only one in his entire world.
"You know what? Let's do it. Every birth from now and potential reincarnations, we will be born together, and we will never part."
You said and Anos smiled, standing up as he wrapped his arms around you and gently pressed a kiss to your forehead, a soft look in his eyes.
"I never thought that I would fall in love until I saw you, and I would never fall in love again until I find you again. And I would never fall, unless it's you I fall into."
Anos made his promise to you under the stars, the two of you accepting your love with the stars as a witness to your love and marriage.
*Present day... again...*
"I was lost within the darkness, but then I found you."
You tell him as he looks at you with love even to this day, as your heart and gazed filled with as much love for him as he had for you.
Anos smiles and kisses your hand, lightly tracing your ring finger as he looks at you, no sign of the cocky and teasing Anos Voldigoad that he shows to others. Only the man who fell in love with you.
"Now... ready to meet my parents as my lawfully wedded partner?"
"I'm ready as I'll ever be."
And with that, he held your hand, both of you linking your fingers as you walked home together, talking and laughing under the night sky.
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*In another life, modern timeline*
An alarm went off, and when you had checked it, you couldn't help but smile since it was Anos who set the alarm.
He set a little message for you before sending you a text so you could go downstairs.
As you walk downstairs, you pass by Izabella and Gusta who both wish you a happy wedding anniversary with Izabella getting emotional at the fact that you're the spouse of Anos, and how thankful she was to be your mother-in-law.
And once you go downstairs, Anos had a smile on his face as he held his phone in one hand, and a bouquet of your favourite flowers in the other.
"I confirmed our reservation to your favourite restaurant. Are you ready?"
He asked with a soft tone as you took the flowers and put them in water before you looked over at him with a loving look.
"I sure am. Happy anniversary, my king."
You say, wrapping your arms around him to give him a warm embrace and gentle kiss.
"Happy anniversary, my monarch."
He mutters as he looks at you with love as well, noticing how both your wedding rings were shining in the light.
You loved each other in every life, and would continue to do so for every life too.
For not even death could do you part.
It was a love til death and beyond, and your vows said it too.
Until death do us part and beyond.
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Hello! Please like and reblog my fic. I put so much effort into it and I already know there's not many fics of this man, so please give me support on this so I don't get lost in the Tumblr void.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
fj;adjkl;asdflkjklj;sdafklj; that's how I feel about this lesson I'm losing my mind and while I don't really have time to write a post about it I'm going to anyway - please note I'm very unhinged
Spoilers for Lesson 30 below (including the locked lesson 30-A)
I am going to END you.
Normally I am totally on board with scheming against Lucifer because even though I don't hate him the way Mephisto does, it's really funny when people try to mess with him.
Because of Mephisto's meddling, I had to tell Solomon that his cake tasted bad and he was so sad.
I was yelling at my phone the whole time! I was saying no you have to let me lie to him, I will tell him every day that everything he cooks is delicious and I'll eat it all too even it ends my life because LOOK AT HOW SAD HE IS.
I know I said before that I wasn't sure if Solomon was trolling everybody, but this lesson has made it ABUNDANTLY clear that he ISN'T.
I mean, unless he's really good at acting incredibly sad that is!
Which I don't think is the case!!
Please, please I felt sooooooo bad. I chose the option to lie because I didn't want to hurt his feelings, forget the stupid trial, but it wouldn't even let me!! The game was all nope you can't do that, you'll lose the trial. And I was yelling at my phone then why did you even give me that option!?!?
My poor sweet sorcerer... and then AND THEN I lied for Luke instead which was all well and good because I didn't want to not lie for him either, but he was so upset about it he started crying?! Crying loud enough that Simeon and Solomon could hear him from OUTSIDE!!!!
Please my poor heart can't take this. I was not built for these kinds of shenanigans.
And as if all of that wasn't terrible enough, now Levi thinks I'm only making pacts with all the bros so I can leave them and while that's actually true it also makes me feel terrible?!?!
I haven't gotten to the hard lesson yet so I don't know if it gives further insight into any of these circumstances, but I haven't had quite this reaction to a lesson in a long time so I had to write some of it out.
And the way Solomon's just like oh yeah Simeon told me about the trial. Do you want to go back to where we're from? Etc etc like not even mentioning how you crushed his heart not that long ago!! I would have been explaining right then and there all about why I said what I said and that he should never give up on cooking it doesn't matter if it doesn't taste good as long as it makes him happy!!
Okay okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for this train wreck of a post. I just had a lot of unexpected feelings.
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jinxed-sinner · 3 months
I will genuinely be so mad if Lilith and Lucifer’s dynamic is portrayed as (presently) healthy in season 2 and onward. I say presently because I do think that in the past they probably had a healthier relationship than whatever's going on now.
Because Hazbin fans are Hazbin fans, let me clear something up: I don't think Lucifer and Lilith's relationship was always toxic. That is made abundantly clear in both the first few minutes of Overture and in the pictures (paintings?) Lucifer has in his room. However, I think currently and possibly for the rest of time, their relationship can't be healthy.
Lucifer and Lilith are king and queen of Hell respectively. Lilith ditched to hang out in Heaven, essentially leaving Lucifer to rule Hell on his own because that's not Charlie's responsibility yet. Like she just up and left him to rule Hell and make sure Charlie was doing okay for 7 years (as Charlie specifically mentions that she hasn't talked to Lilith in 7 years. Frankly this also tells me she's not a great mom).
Lilith is implied to have literally pulled Charlie and Lucifer apart. You can literally see his heart break in pieces as Lilith walks away with Charlie in her arms during the flashback scene in More Than Anything.
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someone give this man a hug please
Do you really think Lucifer would be happy to hear Lilith was chilling in Heaven for however long doing nothing? You know, the place that caused him so much trauma he panicked when Charlie brought up talking to them??
Might be a stretch, idk, but I wouldn't be surprised if Lilith shaped Charlie's view of Lucifer. Charlie mentions that Lucifer doesn't want to see her unless it's to get something from her, but we can see quite clearly in Dad Beat Dad that that's very much not the case and Lucifer does want to see her. Speaking from experience, as well as bringing up Lucifer's autism coding, depression and autistic burnout (both of which Lucifer seem to be experiencing when he's first properly introduced) can make it hard to do things you actually want to do; hell, it comes off like he only makes rubber ducks to pass the time at that point because he throws one and says "Who am I kidding, this sucks!"
I do not see a possible way Lucifer and Lilith can have a healthy relationship. Her behavior reminds me way too much of my own mom, who I haven't seen in probably around a decade at this point. Similarly Lucifer reminds me somewhat of my dad. The dynamic between these two hits too close to home because my parents are also separated because their relationship was toxic. Lucifer deserves so much better than Lilith yall.
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moonshine-muffin · 6 months
I'm seeing many discussions on whether or not Fearne should take the shard and her reasons of not wanting it and they are all good and valid, but there is also a meta level to this that I haven't seen anyone discuss yet.
I think ASHLEY didn't want Fearne to take the shard, because she believed it was meant for Ashton and she didn't want to intrude on his storyline. That's what I took from her last appearance on 4sd and Fearne also said it in game. I think both Ashley and Tal (and a lot of the fandom at the time) thought that Ashton was meant to take both shards and that all the warnings were just a challenge that they had to overcome. Now that Matt has made it abundantly clear that that is not the case, it might change Ashley's mind and with that Fearne's.
I think the real question in the whole debate of whether or not Fearne should and will take the shard is, if Ashley wants Fearne to have a power up. I can see it go both ways. The shard might change Fearne's mechanics and make them more complicated and Ashley might not want that. Or she's curious what it will do and she'll take the shard.
In game it's easy to go both directions. Fearne's concernes regarding dark!Fearne are valid, but the right conversation with Nana Morri or Bells Hells (especially with Orym) can ease her concerns and change her mind without pressuring her.
I personally want her to take the shard because I want to see what it does and also thematically she's the only fitting candidate in Bells Hells in my opinion.
But in the end it depends on Ashley and the cast will not pressure her into changing her character in a direction she doesn't want. Of that I am sure.
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ferminadaz · 6 months
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I find it funny that I haven't gotten down to watch the series earlier. The picture I used for the post, the most horrifyingly magnificent image from the series, is something that's been hanging on my wall for years, whilst I had no idea it was from the series, so you can imagine my pleasant surprise, when I saw it on the screen.
But to the series.
Of course I had to go down the rabbit hole of hannibal fandom on tumblr and though it doesn't surprise me that people are still rooting for season 4, I myself cannot identify with the sentiment.
Why? Because for once I'm not yearning for more. The story, for once, and for once in the longest while, feels complete. The story said everything it had to say, not less, not more, just enough. Usually, when I finish something that has such hold on my heart, I tend to go through everything concerning it, from youtube, tumblr to pinterest and fanfictions. I need to re-immerse myself in that particular story universe, exhaust it and enjoy it more. But for some reason, in case of Hannibal, I had no such inclination, even despite loving every second of the story.
I was trying to discern the reasons for that, since it's so unusual in my case. I think it's because it feels so intimate, as if I shouldn't interfere, only feel happy I was able to observe and enjoy it from afar. Maybe, the closer Hannibal and Will got, the bigger the distance between them and the viewer got. Gosh, I'll never cease to admire the intimacy the writers managed to create between the characters, it's such a rare sight really.
But back to the premise of this post - why there never should be a fourth season? The series have its charm precisely because it ended the way it did. If there was season four, things would have to be said explicitely, would have to be elaborated on, which would straight up collide with the whole motive of the series - the motive of unsaid and untangible.
We never get to feel Will's emotions, the minds of the killers, Hannibal's apetite, none of it. Nothing is said directly, only in a roundabout, concealed fashion of metaphors and similes. The magic would be completely lost if anything ever crossed the threshold of explicit.
And the creators made it abundantly clear in the final episode. It all came together: the "see?", the beauty, both of them, their relationship to themselves and also one another. It was the ultimate ending, phenomenally tied together. We know they survived and we shouldn't know more than that. Those three series have been a foreplay of intimacy between those two, can you imagine how intimate the fourth one would have to be? It would straight up feel like imposing, like breaking into someone's home to watch them change their dirty underwear.
The story, the chracters we knew, the era they went through, ended there and everything beyond is a story for another time, story unseen by anyone, their very own story.
I pray there will never ever be season four, let the sleeping beasts lie.
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Hi Kat. I've been reading your posts on communication and they have spoke to me.
When my partner and I first started dating, the first thing we agreed on is that we will both persue good communication, but I think that's harder than we both initially thought.
I don't think I'm quite feeling myself. I have an anxious attachment style on a good day, but recently I haven't really been sleeping or eating (robot baby, long story), so I'm probably pretty out of it. I've told my partner about my worries before and they have made it abundantly clear that they care for me deeply and have no intention of leaving, which I am going to choose to trust. But I still worry.
I'm not able to categorize this worry whatsoever. I think I'm kind of worried that my partner is bored with me since they haven't been talking much, but I know logically that's probably not the case. They've been busy hanging out with family and enjoying their break while I have been busy doing. Whatever it is that I'm doing and I know that I'm probably pretty out of it right now.
Do you think I should communicate this worry? That was a rhetorical question I know I probably should but I'm just not sure how to phrase it and I certainly don't want to make my partner feel worn out by having to provide constant reassurance. Obviously I know me and my partner best and nobody here is a therapist, but it can be a nice bit of perspective to hear outside opinions when you're lost in the sauce. I'm kind of hoping someone else has gone through the same thing and can tell me their tales of woe and triumph.
Yes, I definitely think you should communicate this, but I think you should make sure to do it without accusing your partner of not caring. Instead, try to say something along the lines of "I am struggling a bit more than usual with my mental health lately, and I keep becoming afraid that you don't like me anymore. Not because you are doing something bad, but because my brain is being mean. So it would mean a lot if you could provide a little extra reassurance for a while." Best of luck with having that conversation!
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mrmidnight · 2 years
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✨ "In case I haven't made myself abundantly clear, I'm never going back to Hell." ✨
#Lucitober2022 Day 23 — "Beach"
Wingman might be my favourite episode. There are so many little moments of acting brilliance where you go "Oh shit, he's the Devil." 🤌🏼
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yvesdot · 4 months
LRB I actually think it's worth stating explicitly that the reason I haven't named explicitly the people/work that inspired KAY RAINIER is that I have zero interest in pulling attention to people who wrote something fannish for fun and have since moved on with their lives. More below for KAY people who are interested! Not relevant to the original post.
No matter how praiseful I could be, I don't think it's polite to send 'outsiders' who are inherently not primed to get the appeal to find somebody's hobby work after the authors themselves have moved on. Like any work, there are undoubtedly things that could fairly be critiqued by new or old fans, and leaving a work up on the Internet does not imply an interest in having it suddenly gain an audience, or a willingness to defend its contents.
I also think there's something that could be interpreted as weird and obsessive about having something like KAY RAINIER grow out of a fanspace in the sense that it is just so long and unwieldy and 'serious', and while much of that comes from my own mind and what I have added, maybe people don't want someone to be inspired by their work to do an entire 200k+ word duology plus bonus AUs and drabbles! Maybe they're not comfortable knowing what changes I made, or that I made them at all. The creation of a thing inspired by another thing-- of thinking "hm, what if this was like that?"-- could itself be interpreted as an unwelcome criticism; a kind of "I'd like this more if it was like [the thing I'm trying to write]," whether that's true or not.
To be abundantly clear, I am okay with someone doing all of this with/to/about/because of my work, and I don't believe in copyright or 'intellectual property' or whatever-- but I am also alive on this Earth and generally empathetic to other human beings, and I have no interest in bothering anyone whether or not I agree with the source of their bother.
So! The people who inspired me remain unnamed, out of respect for them, their work, and what they've most recently said about it. In case you've been wondering, that's what's going on with that.
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in case I haven't made it abundantly clear by now:
If you still support Harry potter or jk rowling I hope you walk into traffic <3
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strawberryjamsara · 1 year
I haven't fully read a father's world yet but I would like to hear your thoughts about chapters 9 and 10
Ah… Sara’s birthday from the outsiders perspectives…
So I started Keiji’s chapter with a flashback that wasn’t in the game. I’d put it somewhere around day 3, after the intensity of the Sou confrontation has worn off.
It mostly exists because I needed a reason for Keiji and Gin to know it was Sara’s birthday but I think it helped show a lot of what was lost. Gin Sara and Keiji, a found family that fell apart, not only because Sara gave herself up, but because Keiji chose to be absent from Gin’s life.
Then there’s the whole sharper than he liked comment on Keiji’s part about Sara when she points out his bad cooking. While it’s a simple thing about his bad cooking skills it also highlights how she can see through him emotionally and has pulled some of his secrets out of him, despite his initial hopes of using her as a pawn and… Ugh. Keiji. I love fucked up men.
And Kai… fucking Kai. I don’t really have all the time to touch on Kai in this fic since he’s dead (but I have a friend @datastate who’s working on a fic where Kai is alive for bad end so look forward to that) but at this point in the game Sara still probably doesn’t know who Kai is, but, she’s learned about his presence in her life not as a stalker and that he’s just gone and she can’t ask anything and what about meals, was he in charge of those, if so shouldn’t she take charge? Because she’s always taking charge of that stuff.
Cut to present day. The death game is over, Sara is gone, and if Keiji was having a self-destructive spiral before the death game occured, it’s increased tenfold with all the new things he holds guilt for. He’s still working on a quest to save Sara (that he knows won’t amount to much. He’s just doing it as a self inflicted repentance.) and part of that repentance is giving her something on her birthday.
There’s really not much to it, since Keiji isn’t financially well off, and of course he feels guilty for that too. He’s so in need of punishing himself for any transgression. So the Sara hallucination appears.
The Sara hallucination was a planned part of the story since before I wrote the first chapter, and it sort of gets hard sometimes since I don’t want the Sara to take up more spotlight than Mr Policeman. They’re both traumatic things he feels guilt for. But yeah, this chapter is about Sara and she’s the sole one who shows up here to celebrate her party, and give out all the worst case scenarios Keiji might be thinking because yeah. He really has no idea what’s going on. He’s just creating horrible scenarios in his head.
Happy birthday Sara! Onto Gins chapter!
So again, with Qtaro, it’s hard to get him in focus in this fic with him being dead and all, but I thought Gin comparing Shin to him was a good idea, because Qtaro also wasn’t the best to Gin at first, but Gin stuck by him.
Still Gin is having trouble coping with Shin. He isn’t stupid. He knows he set up the monitor with Joe. And he knows there’s people dead because of him. And he also knows that part of the reason Sara made her decision was because if the death game went on people (including herself) could die and there was one person preaching death to all.
But still, he’s a good kid, a kid full of love, and if Shin is trying shouldn’t he give him a chance? Especially if his mom insists?
Side note but despite the running gag of Gin accusing Shin of fucking his mom I did not intend for that to be any more than a kid letting his imagination run wild.
But Gin also doesn’t want to cause trouble for his mom is something I make abundantly clear in this chapter. We see in the game how Gin clearly wants to help everyone and runs into danger, and how he hates being treated like a little kid, that he wants to be seen as someone strong who can help his mom. He shouldn’t have to because he’s just a kid, but he doesn’t have the best home life what with his drunken dad, so he thinks he should step up as the “man” of the house.
Oh and he’s also extra making sure now because he accidentally signed his moms life away to Asunaro. His good intentioned want to help her was twisted into having to follow them for her safety and because of that he’s extra paranoid, and extra sure he wants to help. Again, it’s not fair on a child but it’s what he wants.
Nana is trying her best but (as shown in later chapters) she doesn’t truly understand the scope of her child’s problems. She wants to, and she honestly does the best she can, but she has no idea what the death game was like, and she’s mainly focused on caring and providing as much as possible, and she’s especially keeping a close eye now that he’s left the death game, which is good, Nana is a good mother, but Gin isn’t happy.
And then telling Shin it’s Sara’s birthday… Shin is still unsure how to feel about the… concept of Sara. Sara has still not quite registered to him as a human being. The death game had him in hatred mode, slowly coming to an understanding, before she sacrificed herself, and then the “Kanna was my sister” reveal threw a wrench in his trying to reconcile with her… but Gin wants this! Make the kid happy!
Of course Shin still is just a person, and not a baker for that matter, so most he can provide is a premade kit, not what Gin wants. It sorta stings, and Gin blames it on Shin’s hatred of Sara. And okay, sure, you could maybe say that, but that’s not all that’s at play here.
And… Gin also in a sense idolizes Keiji, even after he left him. He was the Mr Policeman, who was nice to him and Sara, not the enemy like Shin. Surely he’d be nicer. Surely he wouldn’t have left me right?
Still throughout the process Gin and Shin come to reconcile. This time when Gin brings up Sara, Shin actually makes an effort to speak and show concern instead of trying to change the subject. Gin realizes he missed Shin’s birthday and forces him to celebrate, (and also a reference to the fact the last person he celebrated with was Midori) and it shows to Shin, he’s still part of this day. Sara isn’t some christ figure to everyone who he can’t dare to walk with. She was a person.
It’s also significant how everyone thinks Sara has no birthday party, but she does, and it, much like everything else is a way to manipulate her. Her birthday is when she finally ‘gives in’ to her father and accepts that she ‘should be happy with what she has’ which I think is a much worse fate than having no party :,)
Anyways happy birthday again Sara!
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trustherkindheart · 2 years
Rapinoe is an interesting case here. She has been great for club but it is very very clear that she is not good enough for country anymore. Club and country are two different levels of soccer. I don’t like that she is being called up a ton when a better, younger player could be called up in her place. However, there was that weird interview or something where she said that she’s going to be more of a “player coach”, to help guide the younger players. Tbh I think that’s partially true and partially bs. It’s an excuse to keep her on the roster.
Here’s the thing about Andi. I get why people think she is a great player. In my opinion she’s just fine, not great. More recently she hasn’t been doing well and I agree she should not have the starting spot. There are two issues with that though: a) we have one other player who plays a similar role, Coffey, and Coffey is not yet ready for the starting role imo. b) Andi has been consistently one of the better players for the Spirit. But like I said, club ≠ country. I bring the points up because it explains why Vlatko keeps bringing her in.
Anyway, all in all we are fucked if Vlatko does not make a drastic change in his managing style, or if he is not fired.
Rapinoe's club play has been so good that I haven't been mad at her being on the roster up until now. But this window made it abundantly clear that every single player on the roster needs to be able to be a starter, and Rapinoe cannot be. I don't know if it's possible to hire her as some sort of coach/staff position while she's still playing league but if there's any time to make an exception, it's now.
I don't think either Sully or Coffey to blame for the issues nor the solution to them. The system really didn't even work that well with Ertz in the 6 (mind she was injured during the Olympics) and no one's Ertz. It's the system that really needs a revamp more than an individual player succeeding or failing in that lone 6.
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