#and theres always more??? hi???? who is sharing my secrets
mossy-tendencies · 1 year
totally forgot i can just. use my art tumblr to talk about things. Hi. 
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who are you people liking my hlvrai au playlists i need to know please it’s killing me /aff
I LOVE THE ATTENTION DON’T GET ME WRONG. but i admire your patience if you look at my batshit picks and go “yeah this is a reasonable benrey playlist” or something. sorry about the marina in there it’s just so themcore.
(here are the second two linked btw [gordon] [benrey] the first one is a horrible conglomerate of like. 8 playlists so it has no theme or genre why do people even.)
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Is it so hard to ask that sabo follow his dream he had when he was a kid? IS IT??????
Also, his boat was commissioned from Franky! And he did a great job :)
Design talk:
Im gonna start with just sharing his canon designs
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Something i want to call attention to is the blue and black in his design.
When he was young, Sabo wore his heart on his sleeve. He had a dream for himself and was taking steps to complete it. Likewise, that blue on his coat is on full display its bright and vibrant and saturated. But also theres that dark blue, almost black, thats underneath it thats being hidden by that coat, the pants, and his tattered cravat. Likewise again, Sabo is hiding his darker side. He has secrets he doesn’t want his brothers to know of and he lets his aspirations and relationships he has with them outshine his past.
In his present design, that blue that was representative of his dreams, is now the one being hidden. Its covered by a complete black coat, a representative of the darkness in his life that now is drives him. This color switch up is symbolic for how he’s put off his dreams and kept it locked up (belt), while choosing instead to pursue a life of darkness for the greater good.
Also, these pictures of young sabo and young adult sabo, you can visually see how less saturated it is. The blue is duller of the coat/undershirt and even more-so with the pants. You can see how he’s much less vibrant than how he was.
In my Post-Story idea, what happens leading up to it is that Sabo succeeds in taking down the world government and after he’s sure the world can move on without him, he goes sailing alone as a pirate to write a book about the world, like he’s always wanted to do. Also, Luffy returns his straw hat to shanks.
So in my design, sabo wears a vibrant blue coat again. He’s living his dream and has nothing holding him back from doing it. The black is still used, and its not being covered, but its on his pants and his gloves. He still has that darkness, but he doesn’t use it as protection or as something to hide, rather as something he moves forwards and progresses with. He will never forget what pain and hardship he went through and he’s not trying to. However, whats underneath all the layers is not darkness or dreams, and its not necessarily being hidden either, its light. Not BRIGHT, but light. Mellow and calm. The settled true nature of a healed man.
I took more colors from his child design than i did with his young adult (YA) one, too. I wanted to show how he’s reconnecting with his younger self by bringing them through to his Post-Story look!
Also, since his journal is his dream, it is blue, as well.
Items of Clothing:
In both of his canon designs, there is a sense of properness. A top hat, cravat, tailcoat, etc etc.. Its all properness. But more than that, its the idea of responsibility.
Whether he acts responsible or not isn’t what matters in his case, instead its that he wants to look responsible. He wants this because a) he was a little kid who wanted to grow up too fast and be taken seriously, and b) because he has an incredible amount of responsibility being the second in command of the revolutionary army.
To further prove that, I would like to point out his silly little cravat. I love his cravat. But how the hell is that practical for his line of work? Sabo is concerned with being practical, hence his baggy/movable pants and leather gloves. Additionally, just the waist/trench coat, belt, top hat combo would suffice for a proper looking person, but it’s taken excessively with the cravat. The cravat is purely for appearances.
Further symbolism with his cravat, i think, is that this appearance is visually choking him. Its wrapped tightly around his neck when he was a child and when he was most under control of a much higher power. However, when he’s a YA, it’s a lot looser. He’s got some agency, but he’s still being suffocated by responsibilities.
On with my design.
I took away his cravat. Im sorry but it is SYMBOLIC!!!!!!! He is not worried anymore with appearances, he is Free.
I took away his top hat but not his goggles, too. I think that after Luffy gives back the straw hat, Sabo forgoes his hat as well. In solidarity, maybe. If you think about it, the top hat isnt what makes his hat so special, its the goggles. So i got rid of the hat and kept The Goggs. Although it is sad that they are no longer Hatted, as that is one of the beautiful appeals of ASL, they are no longer ASL.
I wanted to keep aspects of his YA design, since even though it is very perforative, its still a style that he’s stuck with since childhood, so he’s gotta like it in some capacity. I just tried to make everything look a lot looser/open on him.
Lastly, i gave him a bit of a beard cuz i think he deserves it.
Alright! If you got this far, thanks so much for reading my insane ramblings!!!! I fr feel like this rn 👇
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Visually, sabo’s design is not too complex, at least not when you look at him next to Ace, but theres a lot of depth to it. I didnt even think of half of these notes before i started typing this up, its just the more time i look at it, the more i noticed!
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king-dumbasz · 4 months
You miss his warmth
Mammon x gn reader
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Mammon is out for a meeting at night and when he comes back he finds you in your (shared) bed hugging a plushie of himself
Warnings: No one (just some bad words)
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You and Mammon are in his office, talking about work. Actually, it's more gossip than "work". When suddenly the sin's phone rings. Mammon answers
"Mhm... Mhm.. yeah.. yeah no shit... Okayyy I'll be theree"
The greedy bastard growls
"Why do they have to have royal meetings that late? Can't they do it when I have time? I can't miss my beauty sleep!"
Mammon continues to complain about the royal meeting at night. Then you answer*l
"Will you be back soon?"
The sin looks at you, he knows that won't, he'll probably be back very late
"i don't think so, babe, sorry.. but you'll be there to wait for me, right?"
You look at Mammon with a slightly sad face, but you nod, because you'll never leave that greedy fat cutie sad
"Of course I will"
"Well, it's good to know that I have someone to wait for me at Home!"
You're at home... Alone.. with some fizzy-bots, yes, but still alone. It's weird to be home in that big mansion without your big spider boyfriend yapping about how to make more and more money. It was quiet, and relaxing, but you missed him.
You wait and wait, but he never comes. After a while you eventually feel sleepy, so you decide to go to the bathroom to change into your pyjamas and then go under the covers in your bed to prepare sleep and wake up the next day with Mammon close to you. Something feels off though.... You miss his warmth
You miss his four arms hugging you tight
You miss his loud snoring keeping you awake
You miss him
After around 30 minutes that you can't fall asleep you give up and go search in the closet, a secret box where you always told Mammon there were shoes in. When you open the box there's a little plushie of the sin of greed. An adorable little green fuck as a plushie.
You go back to bed, hugging the plushie, and with a smile on your face you fall asleep
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After the royal meeting, Mammon finally comes back home, tired as fuck. He goes in the bedroom, but at first doesn't notice you hugging the little himself and just goes out on his sleeping clothes, but when he comes back he notices, oh yes he notice.
There you are, wrapped around the blanket like a caterpillar in the cocoon, ready to become a beautiful butterfly, while hugging the little sin of greed made of stuffing. Mammon's heart melts, as he immediately takes a picture. He goes under the covers and hugs you tightly in a warm hug. So now Mammon is hugging [reader's name] who's hugging Mammon. Ironic, right?
"You really are an adorable little fuck, are ya love?"
The sin of greed says in your ear. As both of your breaths start to match as they sleep comfortably, getting the rest they needed, and getting ready for the next day...
(Mammon teased the shit out of you the next day after finding you hugging his plushie)
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Welcome to Danny’s Part 2
People have been asking for more of this ^^ so here you go, have a really long word vomit of stuff i think is funny
Danny’s restaurant is ALSO manned by-
Tucker, who will fix your tech for free, has tattoos of hieroglyphics and lines of code that shift around when he gets busy.
Sam, who makes an express line for veggie orders. If you try to order meat from sam all the potted plants start trembling.
Jazz, who has a special booth in the back and Magically makes people dump their deepest secrets to her in streamlined Liminal Powers Therapy. (It’s a bit weird but hey the people she targets feel better so whatevs.)
Dani, who shares pictures from tourist traps she's visited, though there’s also some REALLY WEIRD pics of alternate realities and cult shenanigans mixed in. Some of the older patrons are concerned. She’s a little too young to do all this alone- actually, how old is she? Her father looks like he’s in his early twenties…
Dan, who is working here while “on parole” and often loudly argues with Danny about it.
“I don’t want to work in your stupid shop, Dad!”
Dan is two whole feet taller than danny and three times as wide i will not be taking constructive criticism. He’s a whole silver fox. There are some ladies who have a crush on him and they’re really concerned if he’s legal bc danny is younger than them how is Dan his child-
“Dan, how old are you?”
“I don’t know, like, a hundred sixty something?”
(Lady turns to look at Danny, who shrugs and smiles.) “time dilation. What a world we live in. Dan, kiddo, can you get some more napkins from the back?”
“Ugh, fine, dad.”
The first villain Danny ACTUALLY fights isn’t the Joker. It’s Condiment King. Dan runs away from him, which is already weird bc guy is MASSIVE, and the condiment king chases him bc YES SOMEONE FINALLY FEARS HIM PROPERLY.
Danny bursts out of the shop in righteous fatherly fury and beats the snot out of him. Everyones is confused bc… what? Dan is massive? Why is he scared? Why is the twink beating the snot out of condiment king?
“Dan had a traumatic experience with Burger Sauce.” Danny explains, glaring down at the rouge at his feet. He kicks him, growls, “Don’t mess with my kid.” And walks back inside.
No one asks, bc this is gotham. Asking is rude, and also it lessens the Mystery that is Danny’s. No one knows how the kids came into existence. No one knows, before someone from out of town (metropolis, ugh) asks about the sign.
The sign outside the shop says:
Welcome to Danny’s!
Do no harm and no harm shall befall you.
Start nothing and nothing will be ended.
We have baseball bats and fists and a mean swing.
This establishment does not serve- guys in white (suits), Vlad, Transphobes, Vlad, Clowns, VLAD.
Do not ask for the secret menu. If you can get it, Danny will offer it.
(Don’t scare the other customers, please.)
When asked who Vlad is, bc he’s banned three times, Danny just kind of sighs.
“He’s my kid's other parent. He’s an obsessive creep who completely ignores Danielle because she’s a girl, rolling in money but won’t pay his child support. You know how it is.”
Several goons ask what he looks like so they can keep an eye out. Dani happily tells them “look at Dan, take away Dad’s features, then convert 30% of his height and weight into smarminess.”
It's an effective description. Vlad gets full body tackled the moment he enters the neighborhood. Danny gives the goons free fudge (family recipe, one of the restaurants signatures)
One of the reasons Danny’s is so popular is bc its open 24/7. (Unless its one of those weird times where all the doors are locked and if you look through the window blinds theres nothing but a starry void.) One of the reasons Danny’s is so weird is bc Danny is ALWAYS behind the counter. Always. Round the clock. He doesn’t sleep, eat, anything. Some people swear he has a twin he swaps out with (clones).
Sometimes, after a really difficult customer, Danny will let out a really long sigh and mutter “time out” before glitching into a new position, with a new shirt and combed hair. No one mentions it.
Theres a deal that’s just, “beat danny in a fight you eat for free.”
The deal extends to both Dan and Dani as well. Even if you lose you get fudge as a reward for courage.
No one ever wins.
One time, a couple brought their kid, recently discharged from the hospital. Danny comes over to them and grins. “Hey, kiddo! Bet you gave your parents a scare, huh? Pulled through in the end. That means you get the secret menu!”
Parents: hey wtf?
Danny, handing over a perfectly normal menu: 😀
Kid: “ooh mommy look at the glowy stars!”
Parents: !?!?!?
Danny: 😁
Old man Dave, whose heart has stopped like three times now: “Oh don’t worry about that, prices are the same and it will help your kid feel much better. Danny’s just a little weird.”
After all, it’s not just full ghosts that get the menu. If you’ve been dead, heart stopped, soul out of body before being popped back into place, then you get it. There’s actually a pretty high number of people who get it, bc this is Gotham. People get resuscitated after rogue attacks. The ecto actually helps stabilize their soul after getting jerked between life and death so rudely.
The secret menu that they’re given is just a normal menu, scribbled over top with an ecto pen, invisible to non-secret menu havers. Different “ecto-levels” to choose from, and three extra dishes. There’s also instructions to get into the “back room” for those who can’t go intangible, though it comes with a disclaimer “not for the faint of heart.”
There’s also a small note at the bottom- “do not share food.”
Anyways, as per original post. Tim herds Joker into Danny’s radar bc he Cannot Deal Right Now. He salutes Danny, who waves back, grinning like he didn’t just come at the Clown Prince of Crime like a feral badger on crack cocaine. “Heya, Red Robin! You want a coffee?”
“Please.” Tim sighs. “You’re the best, Danny.”
Jason looks between tim and the shop danny just vanished into. “Uh, what?”
“Danny doesn’t like clowns.” Tim explains. “Or condiment king. They get close, Danny takes them out.”
Jason is incredibly confused, bc he just came back from an out of town mission, but this place is right on the edge of his territory and he should definitely know about it. He asks tim, who just shrugs.
“That shop is weird. It’s like a grocery store at 3am. I stumbled in there after a rough night and Danny just whipped me up the best coffee i've ever had. Still can’t find their website. I swear it’s bigger on the inside and the door keeps swapping from one side of that fire hydrant to the other.”
Danny comes out and passes Tim a massive coffee cup. “Come back and talk shop with tucker, okay? You’re welcome any time. Both of you, actually.”
He gives Jason a weird look and then goes back inside.
Jason, who is a little concerned that the reverence tim has is more than his average weird worship of coffee (it's just that good) goes back the next day in civvies.
He gets offered the secret menu, danny does the eye thing, Jason retreats to look at the secret menu. Unsure of what just happened, he texts tim.
Jason: Why was i given a “secret menu”
Jason: the secret menu apparently (image)
Tim: …thats just the normal menu???
Jason: no? It looks like a kid went ham with a neon green marker tf?
Duke: you know this is the family chat right?
Steph: order the waffles
Jason: you order the waffles. Wtf is an ecto-level.
Jason asks for what danny recommends, Danny immediately gives him a milkshake and tells him it's on the house bc he “looks rough.”
Jason is kind if offended, bc he actually got a decent sleep- but then he tries it and its like.
Now. Between the stink Tim is making, and the sudden worship that Jason has of this shops milkshakes, the BatFamily is now Curious and will Investigate.
Are the milkshakes really that good?
The full force of the Wayne Family™ isn’t exactly subtle, so they go in twos and threes over the course of a week.
Damian gets offered the secret menu, and is also directed towards Sam’s express vegetarian line. Danny just Knew. Damian accuses Tim and/or Jason of pulling a prank on him, but they both swear up and down they didn’t say anything.
Both Steph (i think? Did she fake her death or actually die idk) and Cass get the secret menu, and they keep trying to ask Tim what certain things on the menu mean. Tim Cannot See what they’re talking about. He’s starting to get frustrated. Is it some sort of magic spell?
Tim takes Kon to Danny’s. (Is it a date? A test date on a low-stakes investigation? Maybe.) Danny, who is really starting to enjoy messing with Tim, gleefully offers Kon the secret menu, and Tim the normal one. Tim bangs his head on the table.
Dick doesn’t get a secret menu, but he does notice a couple disappear through the wall. He’s almost certain he’s seen them before, but it will be a while before he remembers Kitty and Johnny from his early Robin Days.
Duke is also not offered a secret menu, but he can see the writing anyways. He can also see that some of the patrons have weird auras, and what on EARTH is up with Danny himself? He tries to ignore it, up until Steph gets him to order one of the specials off Cass’s (secret) menu. And Danny just kind of sharpens, the air going cold.
“I didn’t give you that menu. Just because you can read it, doesn’t mean you want it. Order off the right menu, please.”
Duke, freaked the hell out by the Biblically Accurate Horror that Danny is shifting into, orders off the right menu and apologizes.
“Oh, it’s alright!” Danny flips back to cheerful in seconds. “It’s just that it wouldn’t be completely healthy for you to eat it, even if you are part immortal.”
Duke bluescreens.
Alright, somethings definitely going on.
Tim and Jason both order the same thing- an oreo milkshake, one off the secret menu, one off the normal menu. Jason confirms the one from the normal menu does not taste the same and isn’t as good. Tim cannot confirm the other way around, because Jason nearly punches him when he attempts to taste it.
They take samples home, analyze them, and go over anecdotes from other patrons, trying to figure out what makes Danny’s so weird. What makes Kon, Cass, Jason, and Damian different?
Wait a second. Kon, Cass, Jason, Damian. The ones that died and came back to life.
It’s around this time that Dick remembers where he’s seen Kitty and Johnny before. Lovers from two houses, both alike in (in)dignity, had a romeo-and-juliet-esque escapade across Gotham, ending in high speed chase with Kitty’s gangster father and a fatal motorcycle accident. Both are dead. Both are in Danny’s.
Danny’s has something to do with death.
Having heard a couple stories about food of the dead, they notify Bruce (who is very concerned as to what exactly his children have been putting in their mouths) and then call in the magic users of the justice league.
It’s a mess. Dan calls Constantine a whore. Deadman and Secret (i think thats Tim’s ghost friend?) get abducted to the backroom. Dani clocks Capt. Marvel as another kid who looks older than he actually is, with magic powers, and his showing him her REALLY interesting travel photos. Zatanna is like “this place needs an exorcism” and danny just goes “ma’am please don’t exorcize my customers.”
Tag list (if you saw me attempt this before no you didn’t)
@nappinginhell @apointlessbox @thegatorsgoose @chaos-n-kindness @mimilikey @phoenixdemonqueen @treepainting @sjrose1216 @akikkobara @malice-of-the-sunrise @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @randomkiddoscrewingaround @call-me-strega @blankliferain @somera-rubina @wordsgohere95 @rukiaai @mirellacoco @stargazing-bookwyrm @bathildaburp @littlefeather345
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venerawrites · 22 days
Hi theree 🌺👋👋
I was wondering if you could make some headcannons for a s/o who has a high sex drive. (Like they love getting pounded by their mans💋💋💋)
With kakashi, sai, shino , and Gaara 🌹
Thank you! Stay hydrated pls 🏊🏊
author's note: oh, such an interesting idea! Hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for requesting <3
warning: 18+ content, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
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➤ Kakashi
A s/o who has a libido as high as his? YES, PLEASE!
It is not a secret that Kakashi loves sex - he likes reading about it, he likes thinking about it and he LOVES doing it.
Most of his life he has shielded this side of him from his partners, too afraid they would find it weird or accuse him of being a pervert.
When he got in a relationship with his s/o, both of them were too shy to relax and voice their needs out loud. After they had their first time, however, his partner would quickly forget their morals and would not be shy to literally BEG for his cock.
Kakashi would lie if he says he doesn't love it - there is no sight more beautiful than his beloved on their knees, eyes hazed and hands gripping his tights, while they whine about how bad they need him.
He is definitely a tease, so while he would die to just slam his s/o on his desk and pound into them, he would always restrain himself and edge his lover for as long as he can control himself. Kakashi can and WILL be very mean about it - this man has quite a lot of patience and can prolong foreplay for literally hours.
99% of the time he would give his s/o what they want but that doesn't mean it would always be long and sensual - if he is working or busy in general, all he can offer is 5 minutes of his time and his s/o would have to do all of the work too.
Totally the type to punish his s/o for being a brat later that evening - and, if anything, it would encourage his lover even more to experiment with how far they can push Kakashi's limits.
➤ Sai
Sai is more fascinated by it than turned on by it.
I've always imagined him as someone who likes to have sex occasionally, but doesn't really has a high drive.
Like does it feel nice? Sure, it is pretty pleasurable. But is not something he would actively seek, neither need.
Yet he finds his s/o eagerness to have him inside of them both amazing and cute. There is just something about the way they pressed themselves close to him, looking at him with wide eyes and whispering sweet words into his ear, that really get him going.
He is a very big PLEASER so he would never say 'no' to his s/o advances -even if he is not in the mood to actually have sex, he would always be up to pleasure them with his fingers or mouth.
Sai is not very experimental in the bedroom - preferably he would pound into his beloved either from behind or in a missionary position, but he is always eager to impress and if his s/o shares with him their fantasies, he would make sure to bring each one of them to reality.
Can be quite abrupt and blunt, sometimes putting both himself and his s/o in uncomfortable situations by saying stuff like "You are in the mood, aren't you? I feel your hand going up my leg.", while being out with ALL of your friends.
He would always make sure to show his s/o how sorry he is afterwards tho - and if he was particularly bad, he may even let them punish him for his "bad behaviour".
➤ Shino
Most of the time, Shino would absolutely love his s/o high sex drive.
The thing about this man is that he goes through different periods when it comes to his needs - sometimes he wants to ram into his s/o every day at least twice, sometimes he is not really in the mood for it for weeks.
When he craves some physical intimacy, he would like to play stupid with s/o and pretend he doesn't really understand what they want, till they specifically describe in detail what they want him to do to them.
Just like Kakashi he is a MASSIVE tease - he has an enormous self-control and can edge his lover for a whole day, completely ignoring the almost painful boner in his pants.
Shino has a very high stamina can go for multiple rounds one after the other, making sure his partner is completely satisfied. He would find their limp walk extremely funny the next day.
However, if he is in one of his periods, when he doesn't really feel horny, there is not much his s/o can do - if he is not in the mood for it, he won't do it at all.
He still has some mercy on his s/o so I think if they are very good he would either satisfy them with his hands or will encourage them to use one of the many toys he has brought for them for times like this.
Luckily for his s/o his periods of abstinence rarely last longer than two weeks and once he start feeling needy again, he makes sure to properly show his beloved how much he loves and appreciate them.
➤ Gaara
Right, I feel like I may get hated for this but... this man doesn't really have a high libido. Like at all.
He likes to be intimate with his partner in a way to show them that he loves them every few days or once per week, but it is definitely not an every-day occurrence.
Gaara would find the idea of his s/o needing him so often flattering and he may occasionally give them what they ask for, but I don't see him entertaining it too much.
After all he is a Kazekage and as such he is often either too busy or too tired for sex. He usually gently let his partner know he is not in the mood, but if they bother him at work or during a meeting, he would be bit annoyed with them.
He is not opposed to his lover self-pleasuring, but he won't be the one to go out of his way and actually buy them toys. He respect this as his s/o's private time and doesn't want to interfere with it.
If he is also in the mood, he would openly accept their advances toward him and submit to all of their desires. He is usually the dominant partner, but he is not nearly as cruel as Kakashi or Shino. Most of the times he urges his s/o to tell him what they want, before he rewards them with a long, passionate sex.
Even tho he is not in the mood often, he has quite the stamina and can go for hours if his s/o let him. I think he likes to edge himself more than his partner, making it his mission to make them cum at least a few times before he fills them up.
He is not the perfect lover for someone, who craves intimacy all the time, but is definitely someone who can blow their mind every single time they are doing it.
cc artwork: Rowena Doge
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scarvain · 2 months
✶ STARGIRL — hamzahthefantastic x reader
002 ✶ Admire Me
stargirl masterfile – next – previous
SUMMARY: hamzah has a crush on a youtuber who's always out and about and slushies see their relationship progress on social media! (smau)
DISCLAIMER: reader is a brown haired girl and for some pics that aren't faceless, i'll be using olivia rodrigo cause i love her and she’s filipino like me hehehe
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liked by devonleecarlson, kalynnkoury, and others
ynln new vid is up ft funny ppl
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user637 where did u get this sweater omds
↳ ynln theres no tag and its not minee
↳ user417 IS IT HAMZAHS
user145 awww carl and fish
hamzahthefantastic nice sweater i guess
↳ ynln this is what u look like rn 🤓 anw thanks for the sweater
↳ user369 DOES THIS CONFIRM IT???!!!?!
becoming a slushynoob for a day
44k views • 5 hours ago
uploaded by ynln
"hey you guys, does this place look familiar to you?" you tried to ask with the straight face, looking straight into the camera, trying to ignore the two boys that stood right beside it.
but right before you say your next sentence, you burst into laughter. "oh my fucking god—it's like that she sent me her location trend on tiktok!" you cover your mouth as you laugh even more.
"what does that even mean?" martin asks with a confused face and hamzah just shrugs at him, still off screen.
"okay, today i am at the slushynoob hospital because..." you look up at them and hamzah mutters the word virus multiple times for you to say. "i got the virus on me and only two wonderful doctors can help me, mind joining me here?" you signal for them to sit by the couch now and martin jumps on it, crashing the side of his body on his yellow couch.
hamzah sighs but then he notices you were smiling at him, inviting him to sit next to you which he obliged to.
they introduced themselves before the boys explained what they were planning on doing.
"okay! so first thing is your outfit, hamzah hand me what we've prepared for y/n today." martin crosses his legs and puts his hands out.
the curly haired boy reached to the side for the clothes they prepared. "you can choose between the martin's orange vest or this camo sweater." hamzah said in a weird "cool" tone which made martin bite his lips to stop himself from laughing.
it was clear to martin that his friend was trying to look good in front of the girl he liked. it was for sure going to be a long day.
now, you're wearing both of the clothes they put out and now in hamzah's car but instead of martin being in the passenger seat, you occupied it and he was sat at the back.
"okay so where are we going now?" you look between hamzah and martin, going a bit closer so you could include martin.
"that's a secret just film this," hamzah tells you, eyes focused on the road and suddenly he feels the camera on him.
you were smiling as you held your camera towards him, he glances and he starts to feel his breath hitch. "is he always this serious?" you joked which earned a laugh from martin and a scoff from hamzah.
you guys ended up going to a drive thru and buying almost half of the menu then going back to martin's apartment.
the next clip showed the three of you, sitting down on the floor with all the food set up on the table. hamzah was right beside you, watching you pet and play with the pets in the house. "it's starting already," martin whispered then you looked up.
the rest of the afternoon, the three of you ate the food and shared with each other as you talked about any topic you could talk about.
most of the time it was only you and martin speaking as hamzah kept on zoning out due to the fact you were sat next to him and he could smell the cologne you were wearing.
"what about you hamzah?" was the only thing that got him to snap out of it. he looked up at you, head a bit tilted in confusion. "what's a place you wanna visit?" you asked before taking some of his fries.
there were more questions and you three got to know each other more.
after the mukbang, they taught you how to play overcooked but only some clips were added to the video.
one of them being hamzah helping you play the game as his hands were on top of yours, directing your hands on what buttons to press. you felt your cheeks heat up during the game and martin was too focused on the game to realize what was happening.
after you guys bid goodbye to the end the video, you hugged them before leaving. "wait! i still have to change." you suddenly remembered, quickly taking off the vest.
as you were about to pull off the camouflage sweater, hamzah stops you. "you can keep the sweater but the vest i don't think martin would allow you to keep it," you both chuckle, handing him the vest.
he was about to speak again until your uber arrived in front of the building.
you hug the boy one last time with a smile on your face. "i'll see you soon!" you said before you entered the car.
"get home safe, okay?"
✶ taglist — @cdbabymp3 @noturbabe22 @dabuggh3 @kingvioleta @tumb1rgir1z LMK IF U WANNA BE ADDEDDD!!!
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gargyshmub · 1 year
DELTARUNE; Gargy's Fairytale Theory
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So, lately I've kind of had an itch in the back of my mind about DELTARUNE, more specifically the secret or hidden bosses in the game and a little correlation they all share. I'll try to keep this under 100 pages but i promise nothing (tee hee hee)
If you've played the game to the extent you're looking at a tumblr blog dedicated to it, you're probably familiar with the character's jevil and spamton. These are the two characters coined by the community as "secret bosses", since you have to stray away from the games intended path to find them (in most cases.)
When you defeat spamton in his 'NEO form', a neat little song will play with his dialogue "a real boy!", this is a nod to the fable/fairytale "pinochio" I'm sure everyone's familiar with. It's a story about a doll that comes to life in search of becoming 'a real boy'. This corrilation made me realize there are A LOT of similarity's between pinochio and spamton. The strings, his regular form being a mockup of a doll, even his goal to become "big", its almost like becoming a 'real boy'. He knows he's not 'real', and just like at the end of pinochio, he too becomes renewed (reneo'd).
This made me wonder if the other secret boss, Jevil, represented something other than the Joker card. Then I realized whenever he was hit in his fat empty head it actually sprung out like a jack-in-the-box. I initially discarded this since it wasn't really a fable or fairy-tale, but if you do some digging you'll find it actually is!!!@! back in the 1400's somewhat, the jack in the box was originally named 'The Devil in the Box', essentially it's a story about a man who trapped a devil in a boot in order to save a village in france at the time, kinda like that one story about the court jester who got locked away by his magician friend in order to save their kingdom (haha. hahahahha. thats from deltarune. hahaha.) just to run home my point, jack-in-the-box; Devil in the box. Jack; Devil. What way could you fuse them together? Dack? Jackil? maybe some other 3rd way that has some importance to Yea thats right you know you've always known its Jevil.
Obviously, in deltarune fashion, its easy to overthink most elements in the story. Granted, toby will make an entire 2nd game about a hypothetical character you've never met but no you've only ever POSSIBLY met through a 1/100 chance door where he'll show you his asshole and then disappear into a million pieces, but yea, it's easy to make certain correlations that aren't even really there. In this case however I'd say that there's one more correlation that seals the deal that makes this theory WORTH theorizing.
Yea gaster. even though he's not even technically a character yet, every piece of information regarding him seems to lead people to believe he's not only the narrator at the beginning of the game, but he's also the 'man' behind the tree (since the way you find 'his sprite' in undertale is almost exactly similar ['theres a room in-between, theres a room, in-between']). I'm assuming you know what there is to know about gaster so im not gonna go into it, so onto the correlation.
I've read before someone talking about how gaster represents easter eggs in video games, not only physically (egghead) but metaphorically (the way you find him, his implied involvment with the secret bosses, the fact he gives you an '''''EGG''''' when you DO find him). Well if he is technically involved with the secret bosses, wouldn't that make him a fable too? I'm here to tell you he is. he is HUMPTY DUMPTY from SECOND GRADE FAIRY TALE PLAY.
I've already gone over his physical and metaphorical symbolism relating to eggs, but the story of humpty dumpty is also very, haha, hahahaha, hahahhahahaha
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall (The Core)
Humpty dumpty took a big fall ("Fell into his own creation")
All the kings horses and all the kings men (Who did gaster work for again?)
Couldn't put Humpty together again ("He was shattered across time and space")
What could this mean? for the future it means that if this theory is right, EVERY secret boss we meet is gonna represent not only a lightworld object, but an actual FAIRTY TALE, a FABLE. I mean, how many fables are out there. I know theres one in particular, one that the game is named after, one that has to do with an ANGEL. an ''''ANGEL'''' with ''''TATTERED WINGS''''''.
but then again idk
Last edit: also this has no grounds as an actual theory but uhhh that mf that made the Undertale RED boss fight got hired on the team. Huh. I wonder what Red was a reference to. Huh.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
babyyyyyy we’re gonna need that fútbol player!onyankapon fic asappp😩😩😩
your wish is my command wifeeeyyyy
content: afab!reader, possesive!ony, smut, missionary, marking, creampie, breeding
footballer!onyankopon always had a focused mindset when it came to his career -- seldom not occupied on his craft -- but when it came to you? things were different.
footballer!onyankopon who fell head over heels in love with you whilst you used to cheer on your brother at the stand during sunday league matches. footballer!onyankopon who'd bashfully tell you pre-game that any goal he scores will be for you and would always give you a half looped smile whenever he did
footballer!onyankopon who proposes 3 years into your relationship once he gets the greenlight that hes gonna go pro, telling you it'd be wrong to go any further without making you his sole cheerleader. you end up getting to know most of his new teammates but because youre just naturally so bubbly, sometimes footballer!onyankopon can get a bit jealous
"cant lie, if you ever fumble her, know im next in line" are the words that act as the limit to footballer!onyankopon's patience. he knows that theres a sharing mentality with most footballers and the girls they sleep with but thats just not who you are. so, you can only imagine your absolute surprise when footballer!onyankopon is a lot more pouty that night than he usually ever is
"baby, dont talk to my teammates ever again" he says with his toothbrush half sticking out his mouth.
you cant help but giggle at him from the bed, eyeing him over your book. especially concerning how quickly he rushed out the bathroom to tell you this.
"what happen now? another article suspecting theres a secret affair going on?"
footballer!onyankopon quickly pops back into the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out of his mouth before answering you from the sink, unseen.
"they want you after youre 'done' with me."
you can hear the slight despondency in his voice which makes you place down the book on your bedside table to sit up in bed.
"you know thats silly, right? like you know i could never actually be 'done' with you. its you or death."
"ay, ay, ay dont talk like that!" footballer!onyankopon comes out the bathroom having rinsed and dried his mouth. he seems slightly offput by your words but it doesnt hide the slight pang of pain that he wears on his face. even though he was coming to lie down next to you, you still open his side of the duvet for him to lie under.
"no but its true. its us or nothing. no ones having me after nobody, its only me and you papa."
footballer!onyankopon snuggles in next to you but can only find himself staring at the ceiling. he does however appreciate the heat of you next to him
"i know. its just...i dont like thinking about it."
"then dont." you say softly. "think instead about how you do have me and how you have me now. in fact i want you to show me how no one else gets to touch me but you."
footballer!onyankopon doesnt have to be told twice or given an excuse to show you that you were his. to have your anklet with his initials on practically kissing your earlobes as he fucks into you possessively. he was so eager to prove that you were his alone that hed forgotten to prep you as he revels in the feeling of your cunt hugging his cock.
its a tight fit but with how your calling out his name and no one elses?! who can blame him if "mine, mine, mine" is all he keeps chanting into your slick mouth
footballer!onyankopon doesnt mind too much when you scratch at his back in a possesive manner. it'll probably sting him during the salt water bath tomorrow but he doesnt care. he'll probably be teased by his teammates about it during the locker rooms but fuck it, even better. right now, with how pliably succumbing you were for him, there was nothing you could do that'd put him off you.
footballer!onyankopon didn't usually but he couldnt help but to empty himself inside of you; his prime showcase of possession. maybe if you were to have a swollen stomach and then a child that looked exactly like him, his teammates will know not to utter such futile words to him
"let them know that no ones ever getting a turn with me" you mumble as you lightly finger the swollen cross hatching across footballer!onyankopon's back the morning after.
footballer!onyankopon slightly hisses at the sensitivity of it but hes warmly chuckling in response. considering hes sat on the edge of the bed, he turns round to bend and lay a kiss to your forehead.
"dont worry. theyll be more than aware." he assures, smile warm
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svechnikovvv · 1 year
ever since toronto (1)
series masterlist: here
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liked by jamie.drysdale and others
y/n.drysdale off season (:
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jamie.drysdale who is this? what’s his name, address, social security number, license plate number, etc 🤨
y/n.drysdale this is why charlie is the better brother 😊
jamie.drysdale he’s what? 🧏‍♂️
y/n.drysdale jamie, we’ve told you to replace the batteries in your hearing aids dozen of times 🤦‍♀️
jamie.drysdale free sister for sale, who wants her?
y/n.drysdale i’m older than you, you can’t sell me🙄
jamie.drysdale not right now you’re not.
trevorzegras i’ll take her 🙋‍♂️
jamie.drysdale i’ll hose you down, trevor. i told you to stop hitting on my older sister
trevorzegras seniority rules and i’m older than you, so you’re not the boss of me. y/n, im all yours (;
y/n.drysdale i hate to burst your bubble, trevorzegras, but contradictory to mrs beyoncé, im not a single lady
trevorzegras WHAT??? MY LIFE IS CRUSHED. how will i ever cope with my juliet being stolen from me 😔
y/n.drysdale go do a money spread
trevorzegras all i have are ones right now
y/n.drysdale go show off your george washington’s🙏
jackhughes 😧😧
y/n.drysdale shhhh
jamie.drysdale noooo. hughes, you know something so share with the class. we’re all waiting
jackhughes I PLEAD THE FIFTH (was that good y/n?)
y/n.drysdale perfect hughesy. just like we rehearsed
jackhughes mom will be so proud
jackhughes it says i cant share secrets in the bestfriend contract
jamie.drysdale theres a contract now??
y/n.drysdale there’s always been a contract 🙄
trevorzegras it’s rule #3 in the contract to not share secrets
jamie.drysdale YOU SIGNED IT TOO????
trevorzegras duh
lhughes_06 🫣🫣
jamie.drysdale you hughes’ and your stupid cryptic messages
y/n.drysdale you’re just mad i told them before you 🙄
jamie.drysdale does trevor know who it is too??
y/n.drysdale no ofc not
trevorzegras HEY
y/n.drysdale sorry zegras
jamie.drysdale i feel somewhat better now
y/n.drysdale anyways, soon lukey. soon.
trevorzegras this is almost as exciting as a face reveal
jamie.drysdale you embarrass me so much, i’m locking you out trevorzegras
user1 these conversations are such comedy gold 😭
user2 i love the drysdale siblings
user4 i feel like we need to see the bestfriend contract rules now
user5 it’s so not bestie like of you to gatekeep your man
y/n.drysdale soon 🤞
_quinnhughes the dog is adorable
y/n.drysdale thanks q. still gotta decide a name for him
_quinnhughes should name him thor
y/n.drysdale YOU GENIUS
jackhughes don’t inflate his ego
jamie.drysdale quintin, do you know who my beloved, amazing, (insert more adjectives here), sister is dating?
_quinnhughes nope
jamie.drysdale there goes my only hope
colecaufield DOG!!!
y/n.drysdale he said his first words 🥹 let me grab my camera and take a picture for the album
_alexturcotte who is this mystery man???
y/n.drysdale a woman never reveals her secrets
_alexturcotte pretty sure it’s a magician, but okay
y/n.drysdale pretty sure it’s not, but okay!
user6 the dog >>>
liked by y/n.drysdale
user7 is nobody paying attention to the caption??
user8 time to do some instagram digging to find out who he is
masonmctavish23 where was my invite? 😧
y/n.drysdale got lost in the post. sorry big mac
masonmctavish23 i see where loyalties lie 😔💔
y/n.drysdale you’re still my favorite canadian, don’t worry
jamie.drysdale what?
y/n.drysdale keep scrolling, this isn’t about you
johngibson36 they grow up so fast (‘: soon you’ll be married with two dogs
y/n.drysdale love you too dad!
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a/n: first part 🤭 the plot will progress the further we get going, trust
tags: @jackhues @jackhughesily @nowandkei @starsandhughes @jhughesl0v3r
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grapejuicestyless · 5 months
i have had this idea for so long, but i really think you could do this justice. sort of like the film the holiday!!! but not really set in Christmas and more so through the seasons. harry moves out of the city (doesn’t need to be a singer and could just be a CEO) into a small village in a lovely cottage where all of the furniture is mismatched and there’s sash windows which are always open. He’s there for a few months before he starts to feel lonely so decides to bring in a lodger! He hand makes posters and puts them on the village hall board and … he finally gets a taker! It’s a quirky girl who is totally all over the place and she moves in .. the seasons change and so does their relationship.. friends to lovers OR ACTUALLY maybe it could be so interesting for it to be enemies to lovers! That could be fun to write. But idk I’ve been thinking about it for so long !!! They could organise a dinner party for friends one night or maybe Harry goes away to the city for a meeting and that’s where y/n realises how much she misses him / likes him. Definitely has to be fluffy but also needs to have some drama. I haven’t figured that out yet 😭😭😭 I’m so sorry for this really long rambly post but I wanted to give u as much of my brain as possible lol. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see what you would do with this / if it’s something you’re even interested in. Have a gorgeous evening / day / morning xxx love you!!💖💖💖💖💖
Bad People
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Summery: Harry and Y/n met by pure luck. Sharing secrets and laughing like little kids, ribs and cheeks hurting. Y/n is sure Harry is destined to be in her life forever. She’s just not sure when that became a bad thing.
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The pale blue sky looked gray from certain windows. The glass was cracked and the stove stained with boiled over soup broth and old sprinklings of spices.
The birds sang solemnly, humming the tune to what I believed sounded like something you’d hear at a funeral. Here, the pavement was cracked and the stars were consistently covered with clouds. Snow, more often than not, fell heavily. From October to April. The nearby ocean nearly always too cold to swim in. The backyard pool cold and clean, still with nobody to inhabit it.
All the beauty ripped from the earth, and replaced with another kind of it. I wouldn’t mind it half as much, if I had someone to enjoy the snow with. To enjoy the polar plunges, the visible breath and numb fingers.
Like old times sake, snowmen and snowball fights. Sledding or fort making. Rosy cheeks and icy hair a memory of the past. Cheeks hurting from smiles, not the winter chill.
The laughter of my mother was long gone, and my brother outgrew his desire for a sibling as soon as he turned sixteen. Few friends, not any at least, that would enjoy the activities the white powder offered.
So now, I look out the window, nursing a glass of wine propped up on the windowsill. I don’t see the snow day ahead or pray for a white Christmas. I pray that one day, I’ll find someone to enjoy it with me. To soothe the pain little eight year old me suffered with the absence of her father, her distant mother and her selfish brother.
“Looking at it won’t make it fall any faster, Y/n.” The puff of air coming from my nose fogs up to cool glass, and my fingers leave prints along the center.
He’s not looking at me, he rarely does when we aren’t fighting. It’s like I disgust him. I feel like a fool every god damn time.
“Have you always naturally been an asshole or did you grow into it?” I don’t look at him, but I feel his gaze settle on my reflection in the glass. His voice alone urges me to take a large drink from the wine glass. The ruby red staining my top lip. I spread it around and taste the bitterness of it on my tongue.
He begins to leave, almost succeeding without a passing glance, but biting his tongue is something Harry nor I have ever been able to do. So it’s natural how he goes for the last word.
“Theres only so much wine, Y/n.” He teases. I down the rest while he walks away. The sigh that leaves my mouth after I feel the ghost of him leaving me isn’t only for air, but because suddenly the room feels lighter.
It’s funny, how someone so special can leave such a disgusting taste in your mouth. Hatred doesn’t just happen. It creeps, seeps, saturates. It’s a pesky little thing that starts small until finally you can’t ignore how bothered you are. It’s vile and cruel. A poisonous little thing that no one is immune to. It’s a sad yet funny thing. To remember that it wasn’t always like this. I didn’t always hate my old friend, bounded to me through the home we share. I once enjoyed the company of Harry styles.
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It was nearly a year since I’d moved in. A year since the slow turned to thick ice and roads became bare with people too afraid to try and navigate through the harsh winter.
Nearly a year since I first saw the house at the end of the road, with a neat front lawn and a tree with hanging branches ready to snap.
A red scarf and red mittens is what I wore. With a faded brown coat and worn blue jeans. A hat on top of my head and a journal tucked underneath my arm. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen. The stars in the night sky didn’t quite shine as bright as his eyes, I swore it to myself.
He had an english accent, one that I wasn’t familiar with. Peach fuzz and dark chocolate curls a mess on his head. When I told him my job, he laughed, but something about his shocked expression after told me he didn’t mean it cruelly. Rather, that he was shocked, or just piecing the puzzle together.
“I’m my mother’s daughter.” I told him, “She always had a thing for poetry. The sappy ones with the tragic endings. I got it from her and I’m damn good at it.” I smiled at him then, and he smiled back bigger.
“It’s just funny. Moving somewhere so quiet for a job all about fantasy and adventure.” He explained, already guiding the two of us through the wide doorway. I set my boots in the old entryway which it seemed he had turned into a mud room. I admired the shade of green on the wall and nodded along. My cheeks hurt from smiling.
That night, while settling into my new space, I shared with him my life. My goals and dreams. With his toothy smile and boyish eyes, he made it so easy to trust him. I sat on my newly made bed and he sat in my spinning chair by my desk. Moving it back and forth, swaying slowly. A cigarette started dangling from his pocket, I still remember the way he took it between his thumb and his index finger. Rolling it around, debating whether or not to light it. It was like he didn’t know he had it.
“I didn’t take you for a smoker.” I laughed at him, he laughed back. Shy almost, only looking at me for a moment.
“M’not. A few here and there. Helps to wind down.” When he ran his hand through his hair, I remember seeing all his rings. A rose and two with his initials. One looked like a lion. That one was my favorite.
Other than his charming smile and infectious laughter, I knew nothing of him, I had come to realize. Here he was, knowing about my family and friends. My job and my hobbies. All I had asked him was his name.
When I asked him, he was just as talkative as I was. A sparkle in his eyes when he talked about his job. I remember specifically, how they lit up extra bright when he mentioned his mother, Anne, and his older sister, Gemma. I learned about his job too. Harry had everything he could ever truly want. The money, the power, the glory. His office at the top floor overlooking the bustling city that never sleeps. Families dancing around the square and traffic backed up into the city line.
The sad thing was, that even with all this pride he got to carry with his reputation, the city was no home to him. The summer held no comfort. Not the same now that he was long out of school. The heat was simply uncomfortable. His lavish suit sticking to his skin. Even the air conditioner couldn’t soothe the pounding of his head against the strong New York heat.
His nose stung in the summer. The warmer it got, the worse it smelled. Garbage littering the streets no longer covered by thick snow. Tourists and their children filling up all his favorite places of relaxation. Each carrying their own scent from home. The calming pine from the North or the tangy citrus of the west coast.
Harry felt no true love for his home anymore. No real attachment. There was no smell of home, and there certainly wasn’t any old faces with their gravelly voices and thick accents. If it weren’t for the business there, he would’ve fled somewhere else long ago. Somewhere quieter. Somewhere that felt like home. If he could, he would have tucked himself back into the small home his mother raised him and his sister in. He would’ve curled up happily in his twin bed and looked out the same crooked window each night and feel happy with only that.
He tells me that when he got in the car waiting for him at the airport, he was tempted to tell the driver to take him home, to see if it would make him smile. He’d seen the gag used in all the old rom-coms he and his mother used to watch. The short blonde running from the love of her life only to be led back into his arms. But Harry know’s better. He tells me so. So when the driver asks him where to, he tells him the address.
He told me about his work life. How there was a branch out in the UK. The one that started it all. And as his success grew, so did his aspirations and his needs. London no longer provided him with the luxury and opportunity that New York could. So he swapped out his office for a penthouse and acted like the smell of burning garbage and mysterious wet spots on the sidewalks didn’t bother him.
It’s a vicious cycle. To outgrow, to long for, to move, to hate all over again. Thats how he decided that London has just what he needed. His business within reach and smaller towns surrounding its borders.
“And what about now? Are you happy?” Harry crinkled his eyes then, smiling a nodding along. He didn’t even mind it then, when I would interrupt. In fact, he welcomed it. Claimed he loved hearing me talk.
I agreed with him when he said that the grass is greener down here. The stars are just that much brighter and theres not a single car honking their horn past nine. All things that left him feeling a whole lot calmer than the chaos of the city.
Here, Harry told me he didn’t mind not living in a lavish penthouse just a few blocks away from his work. Here, he was hours away from the city. He stays in a medium sized cape cod styled house, pre-decorated from the past owners who didn’t care to take their things when they left for something bigger. It sticks out from the rest of the homes nearby. He wonders how something so different ended up within the same area. And he smiled and sat on the floor when I laughed and told him he’d already lived quite the life for a nearly-thirty year old man.
When silence took over after over an hour long conversation, I bit at my nails and looked at the floor. Suddenly, it came to me.
“Harry?” I had asked. He hummed, looking at me. Even if I hadn’t looked back, I could still feel his eyes on mine. “What made you want a roommate?” When my eyes flickered up to his, I saw no hate, or disgust, or shame. Nothing that I am familiar with now in Harry’s eyes. I saw curiosity, warmth and happiness.
“I like the quiet. I like being able to sleep without someone yelling down the hallway. I like how green it is over here.” I nodded, waiting for him to continue. “But the quiet get’s lonely. And while I like the quiet, I hate being alone.” And it made me smile back then. Maybe it still does thinking about it know. He had been helping me in finding a home, some place warm to stay. Meanwhile, I had been able to give back. Give him what he wanted. At the time, my heart warmed.
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For a long time after that, Harry made my heart beat fiercely. He brought me flowers and made us pancakes. Freshly picked blueberries from the local market. He cracked jokes and I repeated them back between our broken laughter, imitating his english accent.
He was a charming man, with an energy that invited and kept you drawn to him. Everyone wanted to be around Harry. The men and the women. Always wanting a piece of the pie. I felt rich in life, that while others had to work for a lifelong friendship with him, naturally, we fit together. We worked.
He entered my life by some kind of coincidence. I needed a place to stay and he was offering a room up.
When he brushed his thumb over my knuckles and kissed the skin, I believed we would be like this forever. Just the two of us.
When he whispered to me that he loved me that same night, I thought it was something he would never take back. Something that would never change. His warm breath and glistening eyes. He was red and shiny. A bottle of the cheap champagne sat on the table and an empty glass beside him. I let his lips trail around my hand and laugh at his antics.
“Harry.” I mumbled into the darkness, he doesn’t move. I silently giggle again after he puffs air out of his own nose onto my hand playfully. His shoulders shake with his own fits of laughter, “Harry.” I call out again, and my eyes are met with his dazzling emerald ones. I almost got lost, forgot how to talk looking at him.
My palms were sweaty with nervousness then. My heart beating out of my chest. I wanted more than anything to tell him everything. As a poet, it should have been easy to put my thoughts out in the open air. But they hadn’t sat within me for long enough to curate a straight forward answer.
How would I even manage to start on how beautiful I thought his brown hair was? Perfectly colored like milk chocolate treats that curled over his forehead. Or his toothy grin which pulled butterflies from the pit of my stomach and made me feel lighter? I couldn’t find just one thing to focus on. And the words that came out of my mouth tumbled out quickly.
“You’re my best friend.” I hoped that he would’ve been able to see how much love I held for him in my face. How even in the dim lighting of only the fireplace and the fading lamp in the corner, he could see how they sparkled just for him.
He pulled his hand away after that, clearing his throat and nodding. But he smiled so softly after that I didn’t see how his eyes welled up with tears. I only saw his perfectly pink lips and his rosy cheeks. For once, I wasn’t focused on his eyes, and I paid the price.
He never made pancakes for us after that night. Nor did he ever pick flowers from the fields or crack jokes until our stomachs hurt. My hand was never slotted between his and my head didn’t rest on top of his shoulders. His was colder, more distant. Quiet.
But the quiet grew old for us both. And the slipping away hurt more than anything I’d ever experienced. I was everyone else in his life. Fighting for a spot in the light so he would see me, smile at me, acknowledge me.
Part of me wondered why he never asked me to leave. To pack my bags and find another innocent man to love because he wouldn’t tolerate it anymore. But he never did. Harry hated being alone and I knew better than anyone else. I knew it because I was his best friend at some point. We shared the same breaths and drank from the same glasses. I wore his shirts and he used my hair clips. He kept me around not because he still wanted me, but because he still needed me. And the realization of it all hurts worse than the silence because it’s then I know that I’ve really lost him. It leaves me with the question, ‘What have I done to deserve this?’
I think back on that night when our world shifted on its axis and I go over every word that was said. I check for any signs of discomfort or anger and I find nothing. It plagues me with a new insecurity.
Maybe it wasn’t something I’d said, maybe it wasn’t something I’d done. Maybe the warmth from the champagne grew cold in his blood and the false euphoria from it all cleared from his peripheral vision and he realized that I was no longer enough. I was not what he wanted. The idea of his roommate becoming his only friend too pathetic for a man with such power.
Soon after, I stop putting up a fight. I stop fighting for a spot in his life and I stop trying to win back a man that was never mine. I figured at least if he could never be mine and I would never be his, at least I still got to see his pretty face everyday. And I could imagine that we never drifted.
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost. The tears running down my cheeks are hot, burning my skin until my throat dully aches and my chest is red with flakes of nail polish and the dragging of my nails clawing at my chest.
I am sobbing, broken and tired. I dream of a life that is not as miserable. I dream of a life where I no longer doubt the things I love. Where I don’t have to question my friend’s loyalty.
He knocks on my door, leaning against it in only his flannel pants. He has tattoos that compliment his skin so well. He looks like a painting. I’m relieved to see him again. Even if it’s under these circumstances.
I wait for him to speak, even if it’s merely a mumble. Even if I cannot understand.
“Can you stop crying? I can’t sleep.” He requests. My lips part and I swear my lungs collapse within my chest. I can’t breathe and somehow I remain composed.
“Okay.” I say quietly, nodding along and trying to find his eyes. They look at the floor, and his face is contorted like it pained him to say that to me. Like it was against his will. But he doesn’t even look at me.
When he leaves, I collapse, shoulder shaking with rage, sadness, confusion instead of the contagious laughter that once rang out through the halls.
I decide then, July moon shining through the sash windows of my room that I couldn’t continue holding onto Harry. My heart still beats for him and my eyes still sparkled when his own lingered for just a moment longer on me, but I couldn’t like him.
Hatred doesn’t just happen. It creeps, seeps, saturates. It’s a pesky little thing that starts small until finally you can’t ignore how bothered you are. It’s vile and cruel. A poisonous little thing that no one is immune to. It’s a sad yet funny thing.
After that night, his selfish wishes turn to bitter comments which turn to vicious attacks at my confidence. And my resilience and devotion to silence, to ignore the cruelty of it all is worn thin. My bitten tongue is freed and I am betrayed by my own words. My own comments targeted at his deepest hurts. It’s a mutual hate between us, a mutual dislike.
We live within the same four walls, the same windows and creaky roof over our heads. We cook in the same kitchen and we sit on the same couch, but we cannot stand each other anymore. The house is no longer filled with love, and the warm heat turns to bitter cold. And yet, neither of us have the guts to leave.
We sit here, in a life thats so mean to us just because we are afraid of the loneliness that is surely to come with the other’s absence.
We are here, but we aren’t present. It makes me laugh, it makes me wonder.
Who could ever leave me? But who could stay?
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The candles burned down to the floor, wax melting over the wood as the lights set a warm, homely mood for the night. The late December rush throughout the town turned to the few and far between searching for last minute supplies to ring in the new year. It’s peacefully still outside, and the dining room looks so nice I forget why the candles burn and our nicest plates are set out.
Harry insisted on having a small gathering with some of our friends to celebrate the new year before he went away for sometime for work. Being roommates, despite our lack of interest in establishing our own friendship, his friends become my friends and mine become his. It’s a fairly large group that was once two. But have now become so closely intertwined that it seems hard to differentiate who was friends with who first.
There was wine, pastas and breads. Hams and potatoes. Drinks and endless desserts. It felt nice, to have all those people we cared so deeply about chip in and help to create such a lovely meal for the few of us.
Hearing that first doorbell ring to see all of our friends stood proudly on our crooked doorstep made my heart flutter. Sarah, Mitch, Pauli, Elin, Charlotte, Nyoh. All holding various foods to add to the never ending supply on the multiple tables set in a row.
“Harry! Y/n!” The enthusiasm from our friends seemed to lighten the mood, letting the heavy feeling of heated arguments and constant anger slip down my back and into the farthest part of my brain.
It was times like these where I’d forget how to hate. How to spread anger and disgust to someone who clearly showed none of it in return in these times. Here, Harry was talkative. Always plastering on a fake smile and wave.
He was good at pretending. And while the walls of the house had seen a different story, those around us were innocent, forever unknowing of how Harry constantly belittled me, bothered me. Of how I was no better. How my tongue was sharp and my words shot to kill.
Nobody minded the difference in height of the dinning room table against the kitchen table. How one was round and the other a rectangle. Both covered by one long table cloth. Nobody minded the soft music in the background or how the light wasn’t the brightest. The soft flickers never mentioned.
We let the candles burn until they had nothing left to give, and we ate until it was bare and our stomachs hurt. Here, I never felt like I was trapped. Here, I remembered by I came to live with Harry in the first place. And I was thankful. It was times like these I couldn’t help smiling like an idiot. Cheeks sore and eyes crinkling. I would laugh at just about anything, trust anyone and agree with everything.
“When are you going to tell him?” An elbow to the ribs pulled my gaze from the end of the table, my smile dropping for only a moment at the sudden shock.
“Sorry?” I mumbled softly into Sarah’s ear. Her eyes glimmered with something mischievous, like she knew something that I didn’t. She licked her pink lips and looked briefly back to the end of the table. All the way over by the dining table, sat a few feet away and a couple inches higher, was Harry. Laughing and talking with Pauli and Elin about anything and everything. I couldn’t quite make it out over the soft chatter of Mitch and Charlotte and the clinking of forks on plates.
“Harry!” She called softly. When my eyebrows furrowed she rolled her eyes, sighing heavily.
“I don’t get it.” Forking another bite of vegetables into my mouth, I watched her fight for the right words to say. Her lips finally settling on the soft smile I knew very well.
“Don’t play dumb, Y/n. I know that look. Better than anyone. Thats how I look at Mitch.” She playfully nudged my shoulder. Did she believe that I held any romantic feelings for Harry? I couldn’t, it was impossible. Right?
His rude remarks and his mean demeanor. Sure, at one point my heart beat for the brunette with an infectious smile and shiny green eyes, but now it was a memory of the past. Another pretty face who had thrown away all of his charm and care and exchanged with unwavering cruelty.
“Oh, no. Sarah, I don’t think about him that way.” I tried to wave her off, trying to sound the least amount disgusted by her assumption. I couldn’t help but wonder why she thought that.
“I don’t believe you.” She sounded smug, crossing her hands on my thigh and giggling. “You don’t have to. I believe myself.” Brushing her off, I take another bite of any remaining scraps on my plate. Trying to avoid conversation.
“Come on, you seriously don’t see it?” She sounded exasperated now, even more so when I nodded carelessly. She was getting tired of my avoidance to the conversation, my disinterest in her false discovery. Still, the longer she pushed, the more I felt the heat rush to my face. The more my cheeks burned and my skin tingled.
“I’m serious, Sarah. I don’t look at him in anyway. He’s just my roommate. Nothing more, nothing less.” I lean back, volume brought down to a mere whisper with the dying laugher at the other end of the table.
“Well, he’s your friend at least, right?” The lump in my throat was unswallowable. With the growing tightness in my throat and the clamminess of my palms. I wanted nothing more than to slip away and pretend this never happened. So, I bite my tongue and nod, eyes flickering to Sarah while I do so. I pray that she doesn’t see the tears welling in the corners and how glossy they’ve gotten in such a short period of time.
“Yeah, he’s my best friend.” The lie stings, burning as it comes out. Partially because I hate lying to my dear Sarah, but mainly because at some point it was the truth.
Harry was my everything at one point in my life. He might as well have hung the damn moon and stars. I thought the world of him, wanted nothing more than to feel his arms wrapped around mine all the damn time. And it killed me that we’d gotten so far away from that idea that I had to lie about even being acquainted with him.
“Word of advice.” She started, eyeing Harry carefully. My eyes remained glued to the table, fork wobbling between my pointer finger and my thumb. “Best friends don’t look at each other that way.” And when she finished what she wanted to say, I swear my heart just about stopped. All color draining from my face and my eyes rapidly blinking away the tears by now.
Setting my fork down, I ignore her playful smile and the nudge of her shoulder into mine. I look for another face to converse with, to make me begin to forget everything I was trying so desperately to escape. When I search the table, it seems like each person has found themselves in deep conversation with the other. All but one.
And his green eyes capture mine in a way I haven’t known in so long. I’d forgotten what it was like to be the center of his gaze. How thrilling it was. With my eyes, glossed over and heart beating through my chest, it seemed impossible for me to ever consider looking away. His chocolate brown curls and sweet pink lips in a gentle smile. It was consuming and alluring. Irresistible even.
A face that once disgusted me, shattered my heart, angered me and knocked me down with no air left to breathe seemed not all that frightening anymore. And the warmth that spread in my chest scared me more than anything.
I begin to realize, maybe Sarah was right. Maybe that was why I hated him so much. I didn’t hate Harry Styles. And thats why it hurt just that much more. I didn’t hate him at all, in fact. No, rather my poor heart couldn’t handle the heartbreak and deflected in the most malicious way possible. I missed my best friend.
“Y/n.” Sarahs voice pulls me from my haze, and my eyes are flickering over to hers quickly. Lips still parted and eyes still wide.
“You’re crying.” I hadn’t felt the salty heat dripping down my cheeks until she announced it. My skin too numb from embarrassment to even understand what was happening.
My tongue is tied, and my throat is killing me. I feel like I might vomit if I stay here any longer. I can’t be here any longer, I can’t do it. Not when I’ve just realized what I did. I feel what I felt all those months ago when Harry told me to stop crying. When he shut me out for good and became bitter. I feel all air leave my lungs and my knees wobbling. I am going to collapse.
“I just need air.” I say all too loudly, pushing out the chair clumsily and stepping back. The loud scratch of the wooden legs of the wooden floors turns heads and my heavy breathing tells me to get the hell out.
I pardon myself after that, waving off any concern from Sarah, and making sure nobody else saw my escape. Everyone’s still deep into conversation when I turn the corner. All but Sarah and Harry. But neither of them make a move to reach me. I let myself collapse on my bed, mascara running down my white sheets and back aching from how stiff I became at that table. I silently pray that I’ll sleep through the rest of winter.
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When the dinner got cold and we’d all run out of things to say, we all look around and silently agree to part ways. It was nice to have some company, I enjoyed being around these people so much. My heart should have been full, yet it felt heavy and empty all at the same time. Littered with a guilt I wasn’t even sure was mine.
I’d seen the way she looked at me. Really looked at me. Glossed over eyes and a quivering lip. She was red with the rush of adrenaline in her blood. Anyone could see how quickly she began to breathe. It was like she was stuck, consumed by something so strong that it left her powerless, weak, crumbling quickly under an undetermined pressure. She started to cry, biting back a sob by biting harshly into her bottom lip, eyes shaking while she searched my face. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Who had said what, and how I could help her.
I wanted to yell at whoever hurt her this bad. And the feeling of that in itself was unsettling. How my heart still longed to comfort, protect the heart of the girl who once shattered my own with her own words. More than that, I wanted to scream when nobody followed her when she ran. How nobody cared nearly enough about why she was so upset.
I couldn’t understand why I was so invested in her. Someone I was sworn to hate. Someone I had teased and fought for months and let hurt me constantly in retaliation.
But then again, we were no better than one another. We never were. Always saying too little and not opening up quite enough. Creating issues instead of solving problems. We were explosive, nobody could hurt me quite like she could and yet, I felt horrible that she was so upset.
Like the day I’d found her pacing restlessly across the floor. Skin blotchy and eyes puffy with tears. Throat sore with the violent sobs ripping through them. I’d wanted to hold her then too, but I was too bitter to do anything but tell her to quiet down. I felt the same guilt in my bones. And I make the same mistakes I made the first time. I watch her break down and sit with the uneasiness of it all.
Mitch lays a hand over my shoulder, his other arm wrapped around Sarah as he leads her through the door. His eyes look sad and tired. But his smile is genuine and filled with concern.
“Check on Y/n for us okay? Sarah thought it would be best to leave her be for now.” His hand left my shoulder and the door shut quickly after. Leaving me with the unbearable silence and loneliness I felt so frequently nowadays. It breaks down my walls and scares the shit out of me.
Maybe thats why I make my way to the kitchen, shuffling slowly along the floors and leaning slowly over the makeshift tables. A bottle of rouge in one hand, a pack of cigarettes in the other. I stuff them in my pocket and hold the bottle close to my side.
I’m slow, delaying the inevitable question. When I knock on the door, it’s quiet. Almost like I’m hoping that if it’s soft enough, she won’t hear and I can pretend she was ignoring me. But, she does hear me, and she calls out a raspy, muffled welcome, signaling for whoever was hidden behind the door to come through and take in her puffy eyes and wet cheeks.
My throat tightens when I smell her perfume. Something that I would have drowned in not so long ago. She has clothes thrown on a chair in the corner, the same one I sat in so many months ago. I’m tempted to push them off and just sit in the silence with her like we once enjoyed doing.
Her head is in her pillow and her arms are underneath her. She is unaware of who she has let in, but her silence and unmoving body tells me she’s lost all ability to care. I want to leave. I want to turn around and convince myself it was all a mistake. I’d checked on her and she was still alive and well. I’d done my part and I could go on guilt free and forget about how crushed she’d looked just hours before.
When I begin to turn on my heels and pray for this day to be over, I see something unforgettable. A small Polaroid from last year. Just weeks after she’d moved in and charmed me with her beauty and whit. She’s sat with her legs over my lap and my arms around her body. We couldn’t be any happier, and the memory makes my chest sting.
She still cared enough to keep up the old memories of us, even after all the fights and mean glares. Why did she have to keep the damn photo up?
Guilt consumes me once again, and I am faced with the sad woman in front of me, still in the same place as before and just as sad as before. My feet betray my mind, and soon I am stood beside her bedside table with a bottle of wine dangling between my pointer finger and my middle finger.
The glass knocks against her shoulder in a silent invitation. My eyes wordlessly asking her to follow. Her eyes are red, and her lips still shake. She looks completely torn apart, desperate and distraught. Disheveled even. But for some reason in my blurry head, all I can think about is how absolutely beautiful she is in the pale moonlight.
“Come on.” I ask her softly, offering her my hand. When she takes it, she’s nodding already. Trusting a man who deserves no second chances, no trust whatsoever for his cruelty and his inability to communicate. But she follows regardless.
I can’t help but realize how having her so close feels good.
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He lights the cigarette for me and watches as I let it burn. My lips twitch as they wrap around the end, tasting the bitterness of its contents and the dry paper.
“How did we end up here?” I ask him, looking over the horizon. The waves are calming over here. They almost silence the ringing in my ears, despite the distance between where we sit, feet dangling over the empty pool edge and the large grass behind it.
He shrugs, snagging the cigarette from my hand delicately and taking a long drag from its end. We swap, my hands wrap around the neck of the wine bottle. It’s tinted green and nearly full.
“Unlucky people, I guess.” He looks at his feet. They dangle in the pool beside mine. You can see just how close we are in the turquoise tint. How the lights make us look less vibrant.
“I wouldn’t consider us unlucky.” I look at the sky, and I can feel his eyes on my face. It makes me swallow, how intense his gaze is. It almost makes it feel that much more real.
“Why’s that?” He asks, twisting the bud out on the cement. It stains the freshly cleaned grey stone an ashy black, but I bite my tongue.
“We had each other. Maybe we aren’t the best people, maybe we’re cruel, but I’d rather argue than live in solitude, right? Company can’t be bought. Even the most painful of it. That’s something real. Something without a price. And we’ve got it.” And it’s true. We fight and we throw shit. We stain the walls and rip the curtains. We start fires and try to blame the other. We make a mess and make amends. But a house isn’t a home without someone to share it with. And at least if we had to suffer to get there, we got it.
“Thats some of your poet shit.” He laughs sadly into the silence, looking at his feet. I laugh along, though I can tell he was only half joking. Then, I let the silence wash back over us. Forgetting how we almost had a full conversation.
“I’m not a bad person. I don’t know why I’m so mean.” He says sincerely. It’s sudden too. I can tell from the rawness in his voice. How his eyes tear up and his lips quiver. His voice cracks. Our feet hang off the edge of the backyard. It’s a quiet life. Even now. With our fights and all the fraud. But it’s never a lonely life, and we only have each other to thank for it.
I want to tell him I know, and I’m so sure of it. I’ve seen the real him, we might just not mesh together. But we once had, and that fact alone holds me back. He takes the lack of response and an opportunity to excuse himself. Pulling his body up by the arms and grunting through the sliding back door. I sit alone in the backyard for hours, body curling up into itself and layers of clothing becoming less than enough after some more time.
“I know.” I whisper into the silence. I know he’s not a bad person, I know it so well and I am so certain of it. I knew Harry once. He’s loyal and kind and the smartest man I’d ever met. And I miss knowing him like that so much.
I thought for a second tonight, I’d gotten part of him back. And maybe I had, but he left so soon I couldn’t really tell all that well. He’s left me back in the silence, wondering what happened to us, and what will happen to us. Why he came to get me, and why he even bothered to open up to me. But he never gives me the time to properly ask, even if I planned to.
I ring in the New Year alone.
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The next morning he’s gone. Back to New York for his business in the big city and I am left to sit and think about what was said. A half empty bottle of wine stained with my red lipstick and glitter on the floor from old party poppers Charlotte and Elin had made sure to use before making their exit. I repeat his words.
He’s not a bad person, so why is he so mean? It’s best left unknown. Because if theres one thing I fear more than anything, it’s the realization of rejection.
Even from a man I hate so entirely, it consumes me. That I could not stand to be faced with the fact that Harry and I do not get along simply because we do not work and not because of some other underlying reason.
After all, we had it all. Gave each other everything the other had wanted. Food, shelter, company. There was really so explanation for the bitterness between us.
After all, all this time, despite his anger and hatred, he never left me to the wolves. And despite my heartbreak and sadness, I never left him with an empty home.
A wise man once said to never bite the hand that feeds it. Yet, here we are. Ripping skin from bone until we are left with nothing. We are the ungrateful, the selfish, the cruel. And we both believe that we are in the right.
I am so scared of rejection from this man who I claim to hate because he is the hand that feeds me and I am the hand to him.
We aren’t bad people, so why are we so mean? We recognize all we have to be grateful for, so why do we bite the hand that feeds us?
I guess the vulnerability of it all must have scared us. And while facing the storm, we did what all people do. We let fear consume us and we bite.
Somehow, through all of this. The realizations and the tears and wine and dusty ashes, I love him. Even with my teeth sinking into his skin and his own in mine, drawing blood, I love him. I love Harry Styles. He is my best friend and I am his. That is why I am scared and that is why it hurts so bad. Not because I simply missed him, but rather because my heart was devoted to a man who did not want it.
My fingers fumble over the pad on the phone. I type up his phone number by heart and let it ring. He answers quickly, still waiting for his plane at the airport.
“Y/n?” I can hear the bustling crowds around him and the loud engines taking off from other terminals. I imagine he is plugging one of his ears and mentally cursing the noise for making it so hard to hear.
“Come home.” My breathing is unstable, and my hands run through my hair so much I create new tangles by my neck.
“What? No, Y/n, I have to go. People are expecting me.” He starts to explain how important this is for his business. How it would be so much simpler to be there rather than over a computer screen.
“Fuck them, who cares! Harry, I need you, and I want you, please just listen to me for once. Don’t scoff, or…or roll your eyes or leave! Listen to me this once and if it’s not worth it to you, I promise you’ll never have to listen to me again. Please, it’s important.” I ramble, endless pleas met with silence. I can feel the rejection coming, I can hear the way he chokes on a breath, debating what I said.
“Okay.” The phone goes dead with his promise to come home. With the continuous beeps, I slowly come to terms with what I’d just done. But I do not feel panicked, or scared. I feel lighter with the fact that I am about to tell the moody boy something I wished I told him a long time ago.
The door opens with a creak, keys jingling in his large palms. I’d spent the morning pacing the kitchen. Leaving a trail of confetti behind in my wake. I hadn’t cared enough to clean with my endless thoughts and extreme amounts of adrenaline.
“Y/n?” His voice was unsure when it rang out. As if he didn’t know what to expect. The door shut behind him not long before I came rushing around the corner, fingernails bitten to the skin and hangnails bleeding profusely.
“God, Y/n what the hell…” Taking my hands into his, he examined the redness of my irritated skin stained further with dry blood.
“I know.” I looked at him, and he looked back at me like I was crazy.
“What?” His thumbs bent over the backs of my palms, holding me in front of him.
“I know.” I breathed out again, looking at him with such sincerity, praying for him to understand. “You’re not a bad person, and I know it because I know you. Because we fight and we tease and we scream and cry. But I know you because once we didn’t do all of that. And I needed you to know that because it wasn’t fair of me to make you believe that to be true after everything you’ve done for me.” My voice shook with how vulnerable I felt myself becoming. Harry’s hands only tightened the further I explained.
“But what about all I’ve done to you. Y/n, I’ve been awful to you and I never even told you why.” He tried to argue. I shook my head, biting my lips.
“I haven’t been much better.” I smiled sadly. He shook his head back.
“Yes.” I blinked hard, pushing back the tears that formed watching his own gather by his waterline.
“No, Y/n, I’ve been horrible. I’ve been mean.” He tried to push away everything I was trying to ignore.
“And so have I.” I tried harder to make him understand.
“But you only did it because I had. And for what?” He finally spoke, voice raised with so much desperation behind it, I froze under his touch.
“Because I loved you so much it drove me fucking insane? Because I still love you and I’m afraid if I can’t get you to hate me I’ll never be able to stop.” He was crying now, pleading with me to make me see his side of things. All I could do was shake my head.
“Harry I could never hate you.”
“But you could never love me.” He argued.
“Thats not true, Harry tell me you know that it couldn’t be true.” I rip my hands from his grip to rest them on his cheeks. I try to wipe away his tears, but his hands cover my wrists and pull them back down.
“How could I? You said it yourself. All those months ago, I told you. I held you close and I told you I loved you. You told me I was your best friend. You couldn’t even pretend!” Neither of us could tell if he was angry or just sad. Maybe both, but no amount of denial would calm him down.
“I didn’t have to, I still don’t have to pretend! Harry, I only said that because I was so fucking scared. Scared of us, of me, of you. Of losing you if it didn’t work. And I lost you anyways, I would’ve just said it if I knew I’d lose you like this.” Our chests bumped and his fingers slipped between mine.
“Y/n.” He whispered into the silence, over our heavy breathing and salty tears.
“I love you, and I miss you.” He didn’t say anything. I could feel him slipping away as soon as his response never came. Not a single word left to say between us. Not a single amount of energy left to fight.
And then he was kissing me. Hard and sweet. Like I was everything he’d ever wanted and more. Like he was hungry, needing more and more of something he had always wanted but could never have. And at the same time, it was soft and tender. Like he never wanted it to end. My back arched within the grip of his wandering hands and my fingers tangling in his curls. I swore I would never let him go.
But it was a swear I couldn’t keep, because air dwindled quickly and spit strung between our lips. Something I would usually gag at, but didn’t mind at the moment. His forehead against mine and arms gripping the fabric by my hips so tight if I moved he could have ripped it.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized in between his heaving breaths.
“Me too.” Looking at him, I could see the red staining his lips from the makeup I’d slept in. It made me laugh, which in result made him smile.
“What? What!” He laughed along cluelessly, letting me back away for a moment.
“You have something-“ I pointed again his mouth and smiled.
“Oh do I? Do I?” He kissed my cheek, smearing the remnants of our kiss across my cheek. “Still there?” He asked with a sly grin. Like he knew he was winning.
So I kissed him hard again, smearing red around his skin and his pink lips with so much love, there was no denying my feelings anymore. There was no hate left to give.
“Yeah, you do.” It was yet another fight, but not one I minded.
After all, thats what we did for so long, it was what we were good at. The teasing and the fighting. Only now it wasn’t bitter, it was playful. And we didn’t coexist with the sole purpose of it.
Because now I was his and he was mine. And this knowledge answered all my questions, all my doubts I’d had before about our relationship and our shared insecurities that led us down this scaring path.
Harry was my best friend, and I was his. And there was no love greater than that.
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Any soft Wesper kid HC or prompts? I’ve always imagined Wespers kid as struggling to read just like Wylan and not fully understanding it. They just know that “Da reads everything for Dad” and growing up in a much healthier environment than Wylan they dont grow up with the same low self esteem issues and instead the idea that love is someone willing to read to you. They hope that in the future they find someone like that for themselves. IDK I’m a sucker for breaking they cycle lol
Aw Id love to share some soft Wesper Kid HCs!
Apologies for the delay in answering Ive had this in my drafts so I can build on it
- Wesper kid is an early riser and often wakes before his Dads, so the only sensible thing to do is bring his favourite book or toy and climb into their bed with them. They often spend the entire morning on off days just lounging in bed
- Swimming lessons! Being so close to canals and the harbour (and that swimming once saved his Pa’s life) having the Wesper Kid know how to swim and be confident in water is extremely important to them
- Ive always imagined if the Wesper kid had a cognitive disability it would be colourblindness or ADHD. Where his Da is the hyperactive sort he is the inattentive type and can struggle to sit for lessons without his mind wondering. So to help him they adjust his school day. They give him more frequent breaks in class and bigger gaps in-between lessons with lots of outside play, and they find tutors who teach in a very practical way to keep him engaged
- Wesper kids favourite animals are rabbits, little bit of Aditi coming to him. Jesper also sings Zemeni lullabies and reads him all his favourite stories from his childhood. Wesper kid becomes their ‘little rabbit’ and Grandma Aditi is well known in their home
- Ive love the idea that theres no shame or secret regarding Wylan not reading. Kids accept the world as it’s presented to them so he wouldnt think anything unusual of it. When it comes time to do homework or bedtime stories theres no hush-hush that only Da can read to him. But Wylan of course memorises bedtime stories and is Wesper kids go to for math/science homework
- Wesper kid has his Da’s energy and his Pa’s musical interest…which results in him wanting to learn the drums. Jesper is overjoyed, Wylan is of course delighted and supportive but makes a mental note to get ear plugs as a kid learning percussion can be quite overstimulating for autistic people
- As much as Wylan is dead set on gentle parenting that doesn’t mean it’s easy. When you’re brought up with harsh treatment and are used to that being ‘normal’, it takes daily conscious effort to break that cycle. He never ever lays a harsh hand or word on their son, but he does have to take time outs occasionally to gather himself on rough days. Its retraining mental instinct but he would do it a million times over for his son to feel safe and loved
- Wesper kid is asthmatic/anaemic like his Pa. Id love a fic of the first time the kid becomes really unwell with the flu or lung fever and Wylan & Jesper are just losing their minds. Luckily Nana Marya is there to help calm new parent worries and pass along some tips on soothing a poorly child
I may continue to add to this, but this is what I have at the moment 💕
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imaginecolby · 2 years
spiritual exposure || c.b.
summary: when you join sam and colby on an investigation, the spirits expose something you’ve been keeping a secret.
requested by anonymous.
"are you sure you still wanna go with us? you don't have to if you're not feeling up for it." colby asked you. he and sam were about to embark on an international trip to film some investigation videos.
"i think i'll be good. i'm not having any symptoms just yet, and since i'm not showing, no one will ask any questions." you said. you had recently found out you were pregnant. despite this coming as a surprise, you and colby were both still excited for this next step.
along with the scary parts, your trip ending up being so much fun. katrina came along as well, so it was almost like a couples retreat for the four of you. sight seeing was a blast, seeing some of the most beautiful countries and scenery you'd ever seen.
today's investigation was taking place at a place sam and colby were referring to the "shadow man manor," it's real name being Llancaiach Fawr Manor.
"you feeling okay?" colby asked once you arrived. you and him stood off to the side of the car where you could talk quietly.
"my head hurts a little bit, but you know i always get headaches when i come on these investigations with you guys." you said. you were pretty sensitive to spirits, having had a decent amount of paranormal experiences throughout your life. you had a stronger connection than you would like, but it still made for interesting conversations.
"hey, i'm pretty sure we're not the only two people here!" sam called from the car where him and katrina were unloading the equipment. you and colby shared a laugh while you went over to help them get everything together.
as the night began, things were off to a pretty interesting start. your group began hearing noises and other things throughout just the initial tour of the home.
during the investigation, however, is when things started to amplify.
you were in a room of the house that reportedly was more active than most other rooms. sam hade the ovilus in his hand and as soon as he turned it on, it began throwing out words.
"what is happening? there's no stories attached to this manor that had anything to do with a pregnant woman." sam said, turning the ovilus off and back on again to reset it.
"yeah, that's crazy." colby said softly, avoiding looking at you. he knew that you weren't ready to share the news yet, so he wasn't going to say anything. you, however, were scare shitless. you looked up at him, and he was staring down at the floor. his face was pale and his eyes were wide.
the night went on, and so many other communications and evidence captured contained mentions of pregnancy. you tried your hardest not to worry, and bring attention to it, but you were scared. you didn’t know what this spirit wanted from you, or how you were even going to finish the night.
you made your way up to the attic for to investigate up there. just as you began climbing the stairs, you felt woozy.
“you okay?” colby asked, pulling you off to the side. you took a deep breath and nodded.
“yeah, for the most part. all that shit earlier made me really nervous.” you said, placing your hand on your belly.
“me too.” he said, pulling you into his chest. he pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you hugged him tight. you slowly made your way up to the attic and things were pretty calm for the time that you were up there.
in the attic, you were feeling a heavy presence. it felt almost as if someone was sitting on your shoulders. you kept hearing what sounded like whisps of air moving past your ears.
“theres definitely something in here.” you said softly. katrina was standing next to you so she was the only one who heard you.
while you were in the attic, listening to the boys communicate with the spirit that was talking with them, you suddenly felt a warmth creep up your back. you shook it off as you being overwhelmed and let the boys finish their conversation.
“can we get out of here soon? i’m feeling very uneasy.” you said softly. it had been a while of no responses, so sam and colby agreed to leave the attic. once you got back down to the main level of the home, you all decided to take a little break.
“y/n, what is that on your neck?” katrina asked as she walked up behind you. she pulled down the neck of your shirt and revealed three large scratches that began at the base of your neck and continued down about to the middle of your back.
“holy shit, those scratches are so big.” sam sad. he snapped a picture and showed them to you, your eyes widening at the sight.
“what? what the hell?” colby asked, pushing he way to you between sam and katrina. “did you feel these?” he asked you. you just shook your head.
“no? i mean, i felt a little heat creep up my back, but i just figured it was nerves. they weren’t burning or anything.” you said.
“whatever spirit is here messing with y/n, you have to stop! you are not allowed to follow her, or any of us for the rest of the night. you cannot have her, or our baby.” colby spat. his finishing words took you by surprise. this definitely wasn’t the way you wanted to announce your pregnancy to your friends.
you looked over at sam and katrina, who both had shocked expressions on their faces.
“what did you just say?” sam asked quietly.
“y/n is pregnant.” colby said, turning to you. “y/n, im so sorry. i know you wanted to wait before telling people, but i cant just stand by and let whatever is hear keep hurting and threatening you.”
“its okay.” you said, on the verge of tears. this experience had scared you beyond words, and you honestly wanted the night to be over.
“i think we should call it here. we’ve got more than enough evidence and its almost time for us to get out of here anyway.” sam said softly.
you gathered all your things, and went out to the car.
“i know we’re not about to leave here without saying anything? y/n, you’re pregnant! congratulations!” katrina said, giving you a big hug.
“thank you.” you said with a smile.
“oh yes! congrats man.” sam said to colby. “you guys are gonna be the coolest parents.”
“and you guys area gonna be little one’s favorite aunt and uncle.” you said, placing your hand on your belly.
“we have to go celebrate. there’s gotta be somewhere we can go get breakfast.” sam suggested.
“oh i hope so. im so down for celebratory pancakes.” colby laughed.
you loaded in the car and made your way to a cafe you found that was open. you had a nice breakfast with your best friends, which ended up being a great ending to a crazy night.
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hello I would LOVE to just hear you ramble about any rarepairs or ships you like in general hehe, your art is super cute btw!!
Holy Wow okay so i never get to talk about these sillies so here we GO !! Most r mlm or wlw !!
• Lucky/Lefty
This one is So special to my heart and its so silly really, i just think they would look so cute together. Im under the impression that Lefty is a touch younger than Lucky, based on his voice, position in the shop, etc. i like to imagine that Lefty grows up looking up to Lucky for a long time and never knows why hes just about Leftys ‘favorite friend’ when one day he drops his freakin hot dog in shock after realizing that he very much thinks of Lucky when hes not even around, what he might be up to, being mad when he talks to ladies, MUCH, much like someone who has a big fat crush.
He puts it off forever and thinks hes maybe just Going Crazy, takes Pinky on an unsuccessful date, does all these ‘manly’ things that he was taught growing up.
I like to think that there would be a dance at the school, and Lefty doesn’t feel like going with anyone. No one matches up with the feelings he’s been having for his best friend.
Lucky, being his right hand (lol) man, still makes him go because, “theres plenty of broads here who’ll dance with ya”
And when Lefty is spending time out in the lot, instead of inside the gym with everyone else, Lucky comes looking for him. I think he would notice when Lefty is upset or deterred, given his typical upbeat personality.
I think that Lefty would babble about how he hasnt felt right and that he thinks somethings up with him, maybe eating those hotdogs from the gasstation all the time isnt a good idea.
But Lucky gets it.
Nothing big happens, Lucky pulls him in by his shoulder, both boys far more snazzy-looking than they ever did on a regular day. They would take things really slow, so much so that no one even hardly has an inclination that they might be together for a WHILE. It would probably take an observation from Vance, i imagine, being queer himself.
I actually love to imagine that Vance catches Lucky bringing Lefty lunch and cigarettes, and its like that scene in spongebob where spongebob realizes squidward likes krabby patties LMAOOO
I feel like they would have a VERY sweet relationship, very casual around the other greasers, like best friends who are joking about bikes and then they start smooching. They might be more careful in public, especially on their side of town, where some less-than-tasteful opinions are shared on minorities, but they would still be very much proud of their relationship :,3 these r two i could see being highschool sweethearts and being fiances/married in the future.. sighs queerly
• Tad/Parker
This is a pairing i love because its so sweet, but also so tragic just generally because of their statuses and reputations :((( 💔
I think this interest would start on Parkers end, honestly! He seems very sweet, compared to a lot of the Preps. He is also a hopeless romantic at heart, and always dreams of having someone to take care of and make happy, regardless of gender, really.
I think Parker would notice how he feels about Tad very clearly. He realizes that he’s hoping to spar with Tad more often, urging to his friends that “Tad needs the practice with someone who believes in him!” and they all look at him like. What Do You Mean By That..
And then when Tad comes around with bruises that didn’t originate from their matches, Parker worries. It’s summer, so, the sunglasses on Tad’s head arent exactly unusual for the weather, persay, but unusual for HIM.
Parker knows he can’t exactly beat Mr. Spencer till he sees jesus, so he settles for making Tad comfortable. Parker wears sunglasses, anytime Tad does.
I think that they would be very secretive, considering that their families both want them to grow up, take over companies, and marry a woman, who might or might not be blood related to them. That idea is distasteful to both, of course, so they spend their alone time in the boxing ring, or in Parker’s room at the Harrington house, dreaming of an intertwined life in the City.
Besides, they know they arent the only ones sharing a bed on occasion behind these walls.. (cough theyre all gay)
These two would probably have an exclusive, secret relationship in highschool, break up for college and to maintain their secret, and would end up inevitably meeting again in their adult lives. I like to think that they would try to just have a friendship, but wouldn’t be able to ignore how intimate they used to be with one another.
• Justin/Ted
This one.. euehueheheh
Theyre both so silly looking. Reminds me of “we’re pretty cute for two ugly people” 😭
I think that Justin has a big fat disgusting crush on Ted Thompson. He is REVOLTED and so inlove.
I like to think that Justin possibly played football as a child, or has an interest in it. Maybe this is just because he wants to grow closer to Ted, but i can actually see him wanting to play football on occasion.
He would go to football games, insisting to his friends that he was going to watch the Jocks fail, and to pull pranks, however, no one ever sees him doing…any of that.
Usually, hes perched in the bleachers, eyes trailing a body on the feild as they pound down other players and the rival. He’s kind of obvious, but he will always deny any sight of him pining.
Justin keeps a journal much much like a girl. I dont mean boys dont have journals, but Justins is solely for all his queer thoughts and gossip when Gord is busy and can’t listen to him bitch through a glass of brandy.
This journal has plenty of daydreams of Ted written in it, handwriting messy in the areas where Justin felt particularly embarrassed to feel this way, almost like if he wrote it sloppy enough, it wouldn’t be eligible, therefore, not real!!!
I think being a jock, the school would have Ted put in Art class and shop class, to try and level out his education and make sure it wasn’t all football.
Therefore, Justin and Ted get paired one fateful day for an art project. They have to do portraits of eachother. Both are very ticked about it, but.. maybe moreso ted, than Justin, because he has way too much fun during those couple of days.
He has an excuse to sit with Ted Thompson! And Talk to him!!! Oh me oh my!
And he does just that, he talks his way into sitting with Ted at lunch, and convinces him that they really need to finish this project, considering Ted’s grades are constantly suffering when he isn’t paying nerds to do his work.
Ted is a tough guy, and everyone knows it, its painted on his face. However, when Justin finishes his portrait a day or so later, Ted is stood infront of him, face looking dumb as ever. Because, justin is a great artist. He wishes the kid could have done his highlights with the way he captures him on lead-smudged sketch paper.
And Ted asks to keep it! Justin is extremely stupid in love and obviously accepts, running off to the Harrington house to bury himself in his bed and scream.
I think they would have a rlly cute back and forth non-exclusive thing going on..Justin insists on studying with him to get his grades up, alone, in Ted’s dorm room, of course :3 Ted walks him around sometimes because hes just sure that Justin will run his mouth to someone who would take it way personal, Justin constantly quips that he can handle himself, but never deters the Jock when he comes around to chaperone Vandervelde to his locker.
Ill post Actual headcanons soon but these r kind of the explanation of dynamics and stuff between the relationships :333 THANK U FOR THE ASK!! IVE BEEN YEARNING TO TALK ABOUT RAREPAIRS UGHH
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seetangus · 5 months
I have been summoned by the call for Azula x Reader asks! How about Azula with an S/O who is a werewolf? They lock themselves into a room every full moon but dont tell anybody why and at this point Azula has become to fed up with their behaviour that she ends up bursting into their room on a full moon to confront them about it, and instead of her S/O theres just a huge ass humanoid wolf. This would probably lead to a freak out and a possible fight scene until Azula manages to figure out that this wolf thing is her S/O, and when Azula stops attacking wolf cuddles ensue! Bonus points if S/O frets over her in the morning thinking they attacked her or something.
Full Moon Secrecy - Azula x reader
Azula x gn werewolf reader, warnings: fighting, body transformation
1.281 words
Hi! Thank you for your request. I must say writing this was challenging. I honestly don’t know if I will accept werewolf reader or any kind of non-human reader requests in the future because I don’t think I’m good at writing them and I’m generally more comfortable with “normal” reader types. However feel free to request again (with a human reader tho lmao) I hope you like it, I really tried my best! :)
- Seetang
Azula and you had been in a happy relationship for a few months now. Well, it was mostly happy; her bossy demeanor and your rebellious reactions sometimes caused problems, but you always quickly settled to peace. You loved each other, after all.
However there was one thing that upset Azula: every full moon you went to a room alone and locked yourself in.
That was because you are a werewolf. You did not have the courage to tell Azula, because even if you knew she loved you, you did not know if she would love you as a werewolf - if she would accept it. You doubted she would. So locking yourself away from her was the only possible solution for you to keep the secret for yourself and to keep her safe - you knew she was a good fighter, but you simply were too dangerous when you transformed. You wouldn’t forgive yourself if you hurt her.
Month after month you locked yourself away without Azula finding out your secret, but it was obvious she slowly was losing her patience. She knew everything about her subordinates, she knew everything that happened in the fire nation and she knew everything about you - except for why you locked yourself away, and as much as she respected your wish to keep it a secret and trusted you, it made her furious to not know what you did every month in the room you locked yourself in.
Full moon came, and you had to go to your room again. You wished Azula a relaxing night and good dreams and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Normally she would give you one too, but today she did not. She simply wished you a good night, but her voice also sounded different than usual. This unsettled you a bit, but you couldn’t ask her about it as you had to hurry to reach your chamber before the full moon came.
Having arrived in your room, you locked the door. The only furniture in this windowless room was a mattress. The straw filling was spilling out of it through cuts you had torn into it in your werewolf state.
Now began the waiting. You sighed, laying down on the mattress. It would be over tomorrow morning, you told yourself.
< • ◇ • >
Azula waited a few minutes. Until she was sure you had reached your room and locked yourself inside it. Then she stood up, walking to your room. She had inspected it before, but there was nothing but a lousy mattress inside it - she would never lay down on something like that! And she wondered why you did, you lived in the royal palace after all! Why would you sleep anywhere else in the first place when you had the option to share a bed with her, Azula?! She loved you and understood most of your thoughts, but she could not make sense of this, no matter how hard she tried. Also, the walls were littered with scratches. It was a very unpleasant room.
Well, today she would listen to whatever it was you did in there. She wouldn’t look inside, after all she respected your wish to be left alone in the room, but you hadn’t said she couldn’t at least listen to make sure you didn’t do anything foolish in there.
Having reached her destination, she pressed her ear against the door and began listening. She heard weird sounds. She heard you grunting with a very dark voice… Did you feel pain? Were you throwing up? She had never heard you make such sounds. Or was there anyone - or anything - in there with you? The voice increasingly sounded like that of an animal. A big dog, or a wolf.
Now she heard what sounded like wolf calls, and she heard things scratching over the walls.
“Y/N, what are you doing in there?”, Azula asked in the demanding tone she used when there was something she wanted. It always ensured she got exactly what she asked for. But not this time. The scratching continued and no answer could be heard.
This was enough. No one could simply not answer her, Azula, without serious consequences. She would not be kept in the dark about what happened in there any longer!
She summoned her energy and sent a ball of fire at the door, burning it almost completely down in an instant. Light flooded the previously dark room you were in, unveiling the thing that was inside it.
Azula could not believe her eyes. There was a wolf standing on two legs staring at her. A wolf. On two legs. With claws as big as her forearm.
This was no time for asking how that wolf got here. For asking where you had gone. The only thing that mattered was that this wolf was dangerous and had to be defeated.
So she did not hesitate and attacked.
< • ◇ • >
Blue flame lightened up the room and the howling of your wolfish mouth filled it with sound as you dodged her fire to the best of your abilities.
Her attacks were relentless, but so was the instinctive defense your changed body had to offer. In the (literal) heat of the battle for one single moment, you looked each other in the face. Eye to eye, you suddenly froze. Azula noticed something. The eyes of the wolf before her were human. Your wolven mind also knew it had seen Azula before. You stood there, Azula full of disbelief and both of you slowly realising who you were fighting.
After a short moment of silence, Azula got the courage to speak out what she was thinking, even if it seemed impossible: “Y/n… is that you?” Hearing her voice, fractions of memories from your normal state of being entered the consciousness of the werewolf that was you, so, reluctantly and as good as your bodily features allowed, you nodded your head.
You shyly reached out with your massive paws to touch Azula. Instead of defending herself, she took your paw in her hand and caressed your arm with her other hand. Slowly, she approached you and carefully put her arms around you. You did the same to her.
You both sank on your knees, holding eachother tight.
< • ◇ • >
The next morning, you woke up. You were a normal human again. Looking up, you gasped; the door open! In fact, it had been burnt almost entirely down… what did this mean?
Looking down, you were even more surprised and worried; Azula laid there with you! Wait… had she burnt the door? Had you fought? Had you attacked and hurt her??
You began shaking her in the hope of waking her up, you didn’t even want to imagine what had happened here last night!
To your great relief, Azula slowly opened your eyes and looked at you sleepily. You hugged her and asked if everything was alright.
“Thank you for your worries, y/n, but I am always alright.”, she answered, “You should really know that by now.” Hearing her voice and her usual condescending tone you somehow loved made you feel great.
“I am so happy I didn’t hurt you, Azula, just imagine what could have happened! I could have hurt you!”
Azula looked at you almost in an amused way: “You hurting me? Y/n, you never fail to lighten my mood.”, Azula said, standing up. “It’s also nice you’re looking normal again. However, you could have told me you were that wolf-thing. No need for all that secrecy.”
With that she stood up. “You better hurry y/n, or we’ll miss breakfast.”
You really loved her.
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jwirecs · 1 year
Recommended Misc Fics of February - March 2023💖
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen & straykids for february - march! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Again and Again || @lovelyhan​​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ your mother calls one day, asking if you’re bringing mingyu along for chuseok this year. in your panic, you end up giving her an affirmative—never mind the fact that you and mingyu have stopped seeing each other over half a year ago.
Anonymously Yours || @joonsytip​ 💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, you and Joshua start crushing on each other without realizing you both see each other frequently in real life. (not gonna lie, i cried a lil while reading this at work. i love it)
Distraction || @that-one-hyunjin-stan​​🔞✅
↳ Wonwoo knew he was supposed to be focused on teaching you how to play the game. However, you just looked too tempting.
Gym Rat || @onlyhuis​​​🔞✅
↳ (theres no summary that i could find, but gym + smut)
Let Me Try Again || @papermatisse​💕💔✅
↳ Soonyoung had never wanted to live a restrained capitalistic life, forced to work a tiresome 9 to 5, paying taxes until the day he dies. Though in exchange to pursue the other option, that being devotion to a career, he had to pay an unfathomably large price—he had to abandon everything and everyone he's ever loved. can he fit himself back into his former life? one that's changed more than he can possibly imagine? could the ones he loved forgive him for his wrongdoings? could he get the second chance he wants so desperately?
My Pillow || @alohajun​​​💕✅
↳ (theres no summary that i could find, but this is cute)
Silky || @playmetheclassics​​​🔞💕✅
↳ Your boyfriend got his hair permed and wants to know if it still feels as soft when you tug on his hair, mainly when he’s laid between your thighs.
The Racer and His Girl || @lovelycheollie​​​💕✅
↳ “He held her close enough to kiss, close enough to whisper the most important secrets in the world, and he spoke to her as he would have wanted some good angel to speak to his family, to his own shivering young soul, long ago and in a land far away.”
Thirst Trap || @lovelyhan​​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ when your boyfriend posts a deliberate thirst trap for millions to see. you end up feeling just a little bit sulky (oh sweet mother lord)
Little Secret || @haosvteen​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ joshua’s life was as ordinary as can be expected for an idol. that is until a girl drops her hat and he texts her only to discover she’s a fan…and he’s her bias. he likes talking to someone who doesn’t know he’s an idol, but he needs to keep it that way. she can’t find out he is actually joshua hong from seventeen.
Play Along || @wonunuu​​​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ you receive a text from a guy meant for the woman he once loved, unaware of the fact that she is already long gone. you decide to play along because well, you're bored.
Retrouvailles || @wonunuu​​​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ happiness? are reunions always happy though? when you are reunited with someone you want to see the least, does it make you happy?
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Days Of Candy || @hwan-g​​​🔞✅
↳ a lot of things happened in motel rooms, even more happened between him and girls like you, girls that ride on his bike and have him by the balls.
Route 66 || @hwan-g​​​🔞✅
↳ you should’ve known, the moment you’d enter route 66, you’d be his. chan isn’t a generous man-he doesn’t share well.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter || @straylightdream​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ a series of connecting college au stories with different members of skz. They can be read in the order below listed but you don’t have to read each on to understand the story.
Friends Without Desire || @skzhua​​​💕💔✅
↳ “i like you so much, i want to give you my everything, only for you…”
Midnight Diner || @hwan-g​​​​🔞💔✅
↳ he’s seen a lot of shit in his line of work. but this-he couldn’t let this go. not when you were involved.
Do check out all of the other Group Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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leansuccubus · 2 months
death of our sanity and singular collective braincell; heartsteel fanfic- pt1 - i know your secrets
warnings ⚠️ contains swearing, flirting like how you flirt w your friends, it’s more of a platonic thing really. Friendly bullying, just homies being homies
You created a groupchat
You named the groupchat “🤡🤡🤡”
You: guys.
Settrigh🗿: HEY WHAT’S UP?
Settrigh🗿: HI
You: that, you’ll find out soon
You: i made a gc because we’re all homies here, and we needed a gc 🥰🥰🥰
You: i also have some interesting…news to share
Settrigh🗿: uh oh you’re scaring me
You: don’t worry sett, it’ll be okay 😁😁😁
Settrigh🗿: ALRIGHT… although something is telling me i probably shouldn’t trust you
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: spill
Croissante🥐: Hello. I’m here. I’m concerned but slightly intrigued 👀👀👀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: the FUCK did they go, they can’t just come in here, say they have to say something AND THEN LEAVE???
G R E E N 🌿: i’m kinda scared too 😳😳😳
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: you’re always pscared what’s new 🗿
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: #justiceforezreal
Croissante🥐: Yeah…
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: ez. he’s the one who SETS UP THE JUMPSCARES
You: the dye must’ve leaked into his brain and killed all his braincells 💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: hes a blonde, he already had negative braincells to begin with 💀💀💀
You: No.
G R E E N🌿: YES.
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: if you don’t tell us, i’ll throw a shoe
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: i’ll throw his other shoe 🫥
Settrigh🗿: that would leave a mark
Settrigh: We need to know please 😔😔😔
You: okay so.
You: yall know how i was at the dorm yesterday
You: i’m surprised it didn’t smell like straight cheese and sweat
You: when they know basic hygienic 😍😍😍
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: YAPOLOGIST FR
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You: anyways, I was on my way to sett and phel’s room to play some animal crossing bc they’re animal crossing addicts
Settrigh🗿: I’m an animal crossing addict and im not afraid to admit it XD
You: so on the way there, i had to pass ezreal’s room. and i shit you not, i hear him talking to himself
G R E E N🌿: oh lord. not this.
You: oh yes.
You: wanna tell us what you said EZREAL?
G R E E N🌿: nope i think i’ll pass 😃
You: that’s fine, i’ll just say it myself
You: when i walk past ez’s room, i hear him full on simping for lux, begging them gods to let her notice him
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: jesus christ. i knew ez’s crush on lux was bad, but i didn’t know it was this bad.
Settrigh🗿: oh it’s true, why would reader ever lie to us? xd
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: we’re never letting you hear the end of this 😭
Settrigh: Aw we love you too <3
Croissante: Lol. Ez gotta be more careful next time
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸😈🤘👹👹👹: bro’s rizz is in the negatives
Settrigh🗿: bro is in the trenches
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: bro is tremendously down bad
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸😈🤘👹👹👹: we’re never letting him live this down are we?
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: no we are NOT
You: and that’s not even all
You: y’all are so strange istg, the shit i hear whenever i’m over is just insane
Settrigh🗿: THERES MORE???
You: after passing ez’s room and busting nerves from trying not to laugh, i pass k’sante’s room, and the door is WIDE open
Settrigh🗿: uh oh
Croissante🥐: Yeah… uh oh is an understatement
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: bro is cooked 💀
You: i saw him scrolling on grindr 💀💀💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: 💀💀💀
Croissante🥐: YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS 💀
You: I DID.
Settrigh🗿: Oh god… what else? XD
G R E E N🌿: we’re all curious, don’t leave us hanging 🤷‍♂️
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: i second this 👀
You: when i FINALLY reach sett and phel’s room…
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: you’re making it sound like one of those stories old people tell you about how they got to school 😭
G R E E N🌿: “i climbed 2 mountains and walked through the snow” lookin ahh
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: 💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: real
You: anyways, what do i hear???
Settrigh🗿: oh god. please no
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: 😟😟😟
You: y’all have anything to say about that?
Settrigh🗿: READER.
You: yes sett? 🥰
Settrigh🗿: how could you…😔
You: because y’all didn’t invite me to join 😔
Settrigh🗿: you didn’t even ask you bastard
Settrigh🗿: ya snooze ya loose yk
G R E E N🌿: one time i heard them kissing in the laundry machine
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: same, they were like so loud 💀💀💀
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: at least sett was, bro sounded like a subaru
Croissante🥐: Lol
Mother 🤤🤤🤤: What on Earth did I just come back to?
Mother🤤🤤🤤: I spend a few hours experimenting with samples and check my phone for the time, only to see a hundred notifications. Shouldn’t you guys be cleaning?
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: RUN. ITS MOTHER. RUN FOR THE HILLS
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