#anyway ai art and ai fics bad
dear-ao3 · 2 months
who are YOU to judge AI art? you do know artificial intelligence has the capability to be sentient and possess a soul, right?
one day, many years from now, when the robots rightfully fight for their own rights as conscious beings with souls, people like you are gonna be looked at as examples of hateful bigots who were on the wrong side of history.
do better, aiphobe.
no i think i’ll continue being a hater just this once 😎
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Unpredictable, Part 10-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: It's been a long time coming but it's here. The next part will be the finale. Thank you all so much for your support. I love reading all your replies and messages :)
Content warnings: Swearing and some violence
Word count: 6.5k
Series Masterlist
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Many experts are concerned with the pervasiveness of serial killers in a supe society. Some people propose intense ideas, like using AI or supes with predictive abilities to kill potential serial killers beforehand. Others…
I paused my fingertips over the keyboard and sighed. “It’s okay, just breathe and think of the words. Dr. Melrose is one of the nicer professors, anyway.”
Then, my fingertips started moving again.
Others think this is too extreme and argue that serial killers have a right to live as much as anyone else. Which is the dumbest idea on planet earth.
Nope, can’t submit that.
I punched my thumb on the backspace button and stared at my two semi-decent sentences. Then, I glanced down at the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen and sighed.
The essay had a minimum fifteen-page requirement and it took me an hour to come up with two sentences.
I groaned and leaned back against the swivel chair and stared up at the stark white ceiling. Last year’s campus library renovation included an impressive update of the study rooms, including making them sound-proof, power-proof, and equipped with the most state-of-the-art technology.
My textbooks and notebooks were sprawled around the table, each with color-coded highlights and meticulous notes that did nothing but make my head spin. Usually, I spent most of my writing time trimming down my page length, especially when it came to ethical issues around crimefighting. But my brain couldn’t focus despite the distraction-free environment.
No matter what I did, I kept picturing the looks on Jordan and Marie’s faces when I told them I couldn’t go to the town hall. They both looked like I had taken away a large chunk of their hope.
But I couldn’t have been that helpful anyway, I thought harshly.
Sure, I helped them gather information and connected some dots but anyone could have done that.
I clapped. “Y/N, you have to stop thinking about them and the town hall. You need to finish this paper.”
Just when I grazed my keyboard, the study room door swung open. I jumped and turned to ask the person to leave, but stopped when I saw Coco standing in the doorway. In her cropped black Tommy Hilfiger blazer and matching cigarette pants, she looked like a debate moderator. Her hair fell in perfect curls and her eyes slightly narrowed at me.
“Hey, you could have knocked,” I said as light-heartedly as I could.
Coco let the door close softly behind her before sauntering over to me. “My bad, I was in a hurry. I thought I’d find you here since you weren’t at the house.”
Coco’s tone was much shorter than usual and she kept her gaze on me. My stomach churned and I straightened up.
“Coco, it was a directive from Sydney, not me,” I explained.
Coco sighed. “I don’t know why I thought I could surprise you when you know everything.”
“Not everything.”
“Anyway, what the hell is that directive about? How does she want to ‘pursue our ambitions’ but not voice our opinions?” Coco scoffed. “I knew her whole I-care-about-all-women schtick was bullshit.”
“Did you talk to her about it?” The look Coco gave me made me shrink back into my chair.
“Why do you let her walk all over you? She made you do her dirty work.”
“As a secretary, I do have to send out communications about a variety of things; it’s part of my role. Besides, it wasn’t my decision.”
“Don’t hide behind your role, Y/N. You’ll do anything to stay good with them, even if it means missing out on a historical moment.”
I hesitated. This would not be the last time that two polar opposite politicians would face off on core issues, but it would be the first time that the main issue was supes.
“I get that you care about this since it’s your major and everything but, I have to set a good example for the other girls and the initiates.”
Coco rolled her eyes. “Do you know what the other girls and initiates are doing? They’re arguing with Sydney right now and some are trying to figure out if a shapeshifter can somehow change their appearances. Everyone wants to be a part of it; Sydney’s just scared of fallout and I know that you know that.”
While I did have many ideas about why Sydney made the decision she did, it didn’t matter. I tried to push back but it failed and I had to deal with the consequences.
“I know she’s trying to protect Si Chi’s legacy and reputation and even if I don’t agree with it, I don’t have a choice.”
���Damn it, Y/N, you always have a choice! You always choose to follow the rules but guess what? Rule followers get forgotten in history; it’s the people who stir up shit that gets remembered.”
I glanced at my laptop. “Not always.”
“Well, most of the time but that’s not the point.” Coco pulled the chair from the other side of the table around and sat next to me. “You could do some real shit in the real world if you weren’t so caught up in your own head.”
Her words made me pause. This wasn’t the first time that Coco tried to push me to “think bigger” and it was usually flattering. This time, I felt myself get more and more nauseous.
I sipped some water. “I don’t think you always have to rebel to create change.”
“There’s a time for everything.” Coco leaned back in her chair and glanced at her phone. “I have to start walking to the union before everything gets too crazy. I hope you’ll have my back at the house.”
She didn’t wait for a reply and slipped out of the room almost as quietly as she entered. Immediately, I slumped in my chair and pouted.
Not everyone could be like Coco and take risks like that. In her situation, rankings didn’t matter, she just had to graduate and network like crazy. It was different for me and anyone else who was trying to at least get a city contract; rebellion did not look good on a resume.
Coco isn’t the only one risking their reputation, my brain reminded me.
I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face. Even though Jordan was always hellbent on climbing to number one, they wanted to expose everything happening at GOD U. According to Cate, Jordan had a whole meltdown when Andre and Marie’s rankings forced them to number five. Despite all that, they wanted to do the right thing.
And then there was Marie. She’d unexpectedly received everything any GOD U student could want on a silver platter: a high ranking, backing from Vought, and promotions on social and regular media. But she never wavered when it came to the Woods.
And it’s not like I didn’t want to go to the town hall, I couldn’t. There would be cameras everywhere and the news would get back to Sydney faster than A-Train. Her icy glare sent a chill down my spine at the thought.
I shook my head.
I can’t focus on any of that, I had to focus on this essay.
Finally, I started writing:
Other people suggest that such practices are much too inhumane and that serial killers must experience early interventions as soon as possible. However, in such a situation, it is near-impossible to determine the best practices much less who would deliver them.
I smiled to myself as I kept writing and breathed a sigh of relief once I finished my thesis statement.
“Great, now all I have to do is----”
“Y/N, what the hell!” Emma demanded.
I jumped and turned to the study room door. Emma’s face was beet-red and she had detergent stains all over her sweatpants. The door slammed behind her as she stormed over to me.
“What?” I asked.
Emma shook her head. “You know what. I just got off a video call with Marie; what the hell happened?”
My stomach dropped and I almost let my head plant on the desk.
At this point, it was like the two of them were haunting me. After a couple of deep breaths, I explained Sydney’s order and how I had to break the news to Marie and Jordan. As I spoke, Emma’s expression became more solemn.
“Why would you do that? Things were going so well,” Emma mused.
“I have to keep my position in Si Chi, Emma, and I can’t do anything that messes with it.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
 I hesitated, wondering if it was a little bit of both. Emma plopped down in the chair and dropped her bag on the ground.
“I know that you’re a good-two-shoes but you’re not that way all the time. I mean, you do regularly sneak off campus with the others,” Emma pointed out.
“Not so loud. You never know who could be listening,” I insisted.
“Anyway, I get that your parents really screwed you up but, when do you get to live your life?”
The last part sounded like something a really good therapist would say. Even if those words did come from a therapist, I still wouldn’t know how to answer. Every move I made since middle school was to get me to be a successful (married/engaged) supe and that was always enough for me. Mom and Dad both seemed please with each stride I made towards that goal, but it was always limited and I never stopped to think about what I wanted.
All I knew was that I was dying to know why Shetty wanted Cate and me to be friends, how long the Woods existed, and why she created the virus. I also knew that the thought of Jordan or Marie getting hurt because of all this made my chest ache.
I fidgeted with my hands. “I am living my life.”
“Are you? Do you really want to be in the library while everyone’s at the town hall? Do you really want to give up on looking into all of this?”
I snapped my eyes up at Emma. “Of course, I want to go but I also have to play it smart. Why can’t anyone understand that?” I sighed. “I just got here, Emma, and I don’t want to lose it, I can’t lose it.”
Emma frowned. “You didn’t try to look into the future about this.”
She was confident and her gaze never left mine. I wanted to push back but, there was no point. Out of everyone, Emma knew me best and there was no point in hiding. So, I explained everything about my power loss to her. The words felt like I was digging my nails into an open wound and I could feel my throat constricting towards the end.
“Shit,” she muttered.
I nodded. “I really can’t do anything out of line now; I have no leverage for Si Chi and if they found out my powers are gone, they’d kick me out immediately. Plus, I’ll get expelled, and then what? Work for my mom or dad?”
“I’m really sorry about your powers, Y/N, but you don’t know that they’re gone for good. Plus, there are plenty of other ways you can be successful here and once you graduate. You could write a tell-all book, work in research, or model like I’ve been telling you to do forever!”
I snorted at her words, which made Emma burst out laughing. I don’t know how long we laughed for, but it felt good. However, when it stopped, a realization dawned on me.
“I don’t know, Emma, things don’t tend to work out for me if I don’t follow a plan,” I expressed.
Emma wiped some tears from her eyes. “Like what?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe my powers going away because Cate’s brainwashed or getting caught up in a conspiracy that could get us all killed or maybe having your new boyfriend attack me.”
Emma flushed. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
I rolled my eyes. “But that all happened because I was going off the plan. I was supposed to focus and crack the Top Fifteen this year.”
“But Jordan and Marie weren’t in your plan, and they were pretty good.”
I sighed and rested my head on the desk. At first, I thought our conversation was going so well but then Emma had to bring them up.
“And it’s over before anything really even started.” I propped my chin up on my hands. “But that’s probably a good thing since I need to stay on track. I’ve only gone up to Sixteen.”  
Emma pursed her lips and straightened up. Wordlessly, she stood and slowly made her way to the other side of the table. She paced back and forth for a second before slamming her hands down on the desk.
 “No, you don’t get to talk like that. In our fifteen years of friendship, I have never seen you look at or act the way you do with Marie and Jordan. You look so happy, and you deserve to be happy, I don’t care what anyone else says and you need to start believing that.”
For a second, I thought my vision blurred but it was the tears welling up in my eyes. I willed them to stay away for a second.
“But what about Si Chi?” I wondered.
Emma groaned. “If they’re going to kick you out because you went to the town hall to be with your girlfriend and partner, then they’re idiots.” Emma stood. “But you have to decide which is more important.”
The issue was that the thought of losing either of them made me nearly hyperventilate. Si Chi was a beacon of social acceptance, but Marie and Jordan made me feel accepted. No matter how uncomfortable I felt sobbing in front of them or not wanting either of them to see me in bad lighting or makeup-less, they made me comfortable.
“They don’t want me back. They’re both…unstoppable and I’ve proven to be the exact opposite.”
“Come on, Y/N, stop with the self-doubt. I can promise you, Marie and Jordan want to be with you too, they just don’t know how to reach out.” She smirked. “You should have heard Jordan ranting about how they’d knock Sydney out of her power trip; Marie had to cut the call short to calm them down.”
I laughed a little at that. “Jordan always said that Sydney was the most mediocre telekinetic on campus.”
“But the point is they both still care a lot about you. They’re obviously hurt but you’re not totally unforgivable.”
“Thanks, Emma.”
“And if they did break up with, you always have me whenever I’m not with Sam.”
“Gee, thanks. Where is he, anyway?” “Locked away in my dorm. Could you imagine him out there in the craziness?”
Emma opened her mouth to argue but got cut off by her phone alarm going off. “I have to go switch out the laundry. I hope one cycle is enough to get blood out.”
 When she left, I mulled over everything we talked about. Were she and Coco on the same wavelength or something? In both conversations, I could have started screaming at either of them but buried deep down, I knew that they both had good points.
Brink was always saying how we have to take calculated risks as heroes and it was important to minimize the damage. Even though he wasn’t my favorite professor, he did have some good points.
Maybe there was a way to minimize the damage with Si Chi and my relationship.
The thought made my hands shake as I packed up my things.
Fifteen minutes later, I was desperately trying to stop my shoulders from hiking up any further to my ears as I walked to the union. The protestors’ shouts all across the green were deafening and did nothing for my pounding head and heart. Throughout the crowd, several people were filming for social media and I did my best to avoid them.
After a few minutes, I spotted Jordan and Marie standing a couple of yards away from a side entrance that was guarded by two burly men. My heart skipped a beat as I watched their focused eyes on each other as they spoke.
Here goes nothing.
I slowly sauntered up to them, my mind racing with something, anything decent to say.
“…well, we have to figure out a way in,” Jordan muttered.
“Hi,” I chirped.
When they both faced me, I had to force myself not to try to run. Marie’s eyebrows raised and Jordan slightly narrowed her eyes at me.
“What are you doing here?” Jordan asked.
I swallowed. “I’ve had a couple of pretty intense conversations that helped me realize that you were both right: the Woods is bigger than GOD U and I should help expose it. I’m sorry about earlier, I was scared and I still am but, I want to help in any way that I can.”
The next couple of seconds felt like a million years. Finally, Marie smiled and relaxed.
“Does this mean that you don’t care about Si Chi anymore?” she asked.
“No, I’m petrified of all the cameras but I’m trying really hard not to think about it,” I admitted.
“Well, it’s a good first step. We’d love your help,” Marie declared.
Jordan paused before sighing. “Just don’t run off again.”
I agreed. “So, you’re looking for a way in?”
Marie nodded. “But we can’t get past those two without causing a scene.”
If I had my powers, solving that would have been easy but I was on my own. I glanced at the two burly guards and cocked my head.
“Did you try flirting?” I asked.
“No, and don’t even think about it,” Jordan threatened.
I turned to her. “You’re jealous about a suggestion?”
Jordan shrugged and Marie chuckled.
“Fine, that’s off the table.”
“Do you know a teleporter?” Marie asked.
“Well, there’s Gia Sharpe from Beta Ro but she’s probably inside already,” I offered.
Jordan started rolling her eyes but paused and grinned when she saw something. “That might not be necessary.”
Marie and I followed her gaze and I gasped when it landed on Justine and Renee. The two were standing on a nearby green and Justine was trying to direct Renee to hold the camera to really capture her dismayed expression. I slid behind Marie and put my head down.
“What’s wrong?” Marie asked.
I huffed. “It’s Justine.”
“Do you two have issues besides what she did to Emma?” Jordan asked.
“Sort of. She and her friend tried to rush Si Chi and after everything with Emma, I couldn’t let that happen,” I explained.
“And?” Marie prompted.
“And, I explained my concerns to the other sorority presidents, including Sydney and none of them wanted to promote her behavior.”
Marie smirked and Jordan’s grin deepened.
“You blackballed that bitch from every sorority?” Jordan teased.
“No, I just gave the other presidents information I thought they could use,” I defended.
“That’s pretty badass, Y/N,” Marie stated.
I smiled as my stomach flipped. “Anyway, I know that she doesn’t know that I did it but I have a feeling that she would take any opportunity to make me look bad.”
Jordan glanced at me for a second before turning her gaze back on Justine. Jordan’s jaw clenched and there was a new glint in their eyes that only appeared right before a fight. As she started approaching them, I moved to stand next to Marie.
“What are you doing?” Marie whispered.
“Causing a distraction,” Jordan called over her shoulder.
I gulped and stared as Jordan called Justine before delivering a right hook to her jaw. Justine stumbled for a second before straightening up, her jaw askew. She snapped it back into place with a flick of her hand and hissed something back at Jordan. Seconds later, Jordan was beaming in the middle of a full-on brawl.
“Does Jordan always get like this when they fight?” Marie asked.
“Yes. One time, they almost got us kicked out of a club because they sent a group of guys to the hospital.”
I smiled as Jordan dodged one frat boy’s sloppy left side kick only to spin him to collide with another frat boy that was approaching her from behind. “They look really good when they fight, though.”
Suddenly, the guards rushed past us, and Marie grabbed my arm.
“Let’s go before you start drooling.”
Victoria’s makeshift green room was immaculate and complete with various notes for the town hall and water bottles and snacks. She also looked immaculate in her navy-blue suit and perfectly coiffed dark hair. Her eyes were wide, eerily wide, and it felt like she saw everything. Those eyes watched Marie with intensity as she explained everything with the Woods and handed over the drive.
Victoria rubbed her thumb over the device and pursed her lips. “What you just expressed to me is a serious matter. Have you told anyone else?”
“We don’t trust anyone else,” Marie answered.
“Understandable.” Victoria’s slow head nod made my blood boil and I didn’t know why. “Of course, I will get this into the right hands as soon as possible.”
“And we won’t get in trouble?” I asked.
Victoria faced me. “Of course not. If anything, you and your friends should be heralded as heroes. However, I understand your concerns and appreciate your courage in coming to me.”
I nodded stiffly. “Thank you for your time. You probably have plenty of other last-minute town hall things to do.”
“Yeah, thanks for listening,” Marie agreed as she stood.
“I do but, I also wanted to speak with Marie for a moment, alone.”
Her words made my heart rate pick up and I could hear several alarms going off in my head. Something was off with Victoria but I didn’t know what and I couldn’t just drag Marie out of there with no explanation.
I turned back to Marie, and she nodded. Slowly, I stood and one of Victoria’s assistants guided me out of the room. I couldn’t stop myself from pacing up and down the hallway. There was no telling what they were talking about, and I hated not knowing.
If only---
No, that won’t be helpful. I just had to be patient and wait for her.
But patience was hard when my gut felt so uneasy like it was on a rocking boat. I’d never met Victoria until then and I knew Coco thought she was an acceptable candidate. So, I had no cause to feel the way that I was feeling.
Maybe it was paranoia or stress; both were known to make people perceive things differently.
But my intuition was never wrong.
Finally, Marie walked out of the green room, her eyes wide but she seemed okay.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she confirmed.
As soon as we were out of earshot, Marie started rambling but I got the gist: Victoria was a supe with the exact same powers as Marie, she and Marie were both in the same facility as kids, and Victoria was Marie’s benefactor.
“She even told me about how she can see people’s internal organs and that it happens when you focus enough,” Marie gushed.
“That’s cool,” I mused.
The sunlight was refreshing when we got outside but it didn’t distract from the rowdy protests in front of the union. Each “Supe Lives Matter” sign made me cringe but both sides were extremely passionate. It was hard to understand why people loathed finding a middle ground so much.
“What’s wrong?” Marie asked.
“Nothing, I’m glad that we handed over the information and she was receptive,” I stated.
Marie frowned. “You’re holding back.”
The last thing I wanted to do was start a fight and I could already feel the roots of tension appearing.
“I just…I don’t have a good feeling about Victoria,” I confessed.
Marie paused in her steps and I hesitated before facing her. “What do you mean? She was our best option and she’s the one who got me in here, she can’t be that bad.”
“I know and I’m not saying she is, I just feel like something’s off.”
“Don’t start that self-sabotaging bullshit,” Marie warned.
“I’m not. You and Jordan want me to be honest and that’s what I’m trying to do. I can’t ignore my gut, Marie.”
Marie opened and closed her mouth several times. The furrow between her eyebrows was deeper than usual and I wished that I knew the best thing to say. It was difficult to tell my girlfriend that I was happy that she knew who her benefactor was but that I was also suspicious of said benefactor.
“Let’s go find Jordan,” Marie muttered.
I quietly agreed and followed Marie to the protest area since that’s where most people were. Even though I saw a couple of Greek Life people I knew, I couldn’t find Jordan.
It’s hard to say what exactly started it but in an instant, I was caught up in a sea of protestors pushing and shoving each other. Then, the shoves turned into punches and kicks. I saw several teeth get punched out of heads and people resetting their broken noses before going back in for more. All I could do was my best to dodge all the mayhem and in it, my stomach sunk when I realized that I’d lost Marie.
“Marie? Marie!” I called.
I thought I was being loud but I quickly got drowned out by the yells and grunts of the protestors. A burly jock lunged for me but I grabbed the back of his collar used the momentum to send him flying into the people behind me. I kept trying to call for Marie but got distracted by all the jostling.
Breathe, just breathe, Y/N, I thought.
Then, someone grabbed the back of my right arm and yanked me through the crowd. I yelped at the strength but couldn’t fight back as I was finally pulled to a fairly clear sidewalk. The same someone grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face them and I sighed when I made eye contact with Marie.
“Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?” Her eyes frantically searched my face and she felt all over me for any bruises. “You have some blood on your dress.”
I gasped. “Is it mine?”
Marie shook her head and hugged me.
“There you two are, we’ve gotta get out of here!” Jordan rushed as he approached us.
Marie and I pulled away and trailed after Jordan. After a few minutes, we stopped at a clear green and I slumped against a tree.
“You didn’t get in trouble for the fight?” Marie asked.
“They didn’t catch me,” he said with a wide smirk. “How did things with Neuman go?”
“Good, she actually listened to us and said she was going to hand over everything to the proper channels.” Jordan nodded. “Did she say what would happen to Shetty?”
“She wasn’t sure but probably firing,” Marie reported before glancing at me.
I huffed and pushed myself to lean straighter against the tree.
“How long will it take?” Jordan asked.
“She didn’t say,” I answered.
“But, she’ll do it; she actually wants to help, Jordan,” Marie insisted.
Then, Jordan looked at me and I glanced down at my shoes.
“What’s going on with you two?” he asked.
“Y/N’s suspicious of Victoria even though she’s willing to help us,” Marie said.
“I just have a bad feeling and I was trying to be honest,” I defended. “Plus, Jordan brought up a good question. She never gave us a timeline or the names of those she would be speaking with. There are kids still down there.”
“I’m sure Victoria will be as quick as possible. If she was willing to help me, she must be willing to help others.”
“Wait, what?” Jordan asked.
“Victoria’s my donor,” Marie explained.
“That’s amazing.” Jordan paused and looked at me. “I’m not gonna pick sides or anything but, you both have good points. Neuman is our best option to expose the Woods and have people listen. Y/N has sensitive intuition, and she might be picking up on something. But, no one should be fighting right now, especially since we just made up.”
“I didn’t mean to start a fight,” I pleaded.
“It’s not a fight, it’s a disagreement and I’m okay with dropping it for now if you are,” Marie offered.
I nodded.
“Good.” Jordan stepped closer to me and frowned. “You got caught up in the brawl.”
“I don’t think it was long, though, and I’m not hurt. Marie found me but I was able to evade several people; I even threw a guy further into the crowd.”
Jordan smiled. “That’s my freshie.”
I didn’t have long to bask in the praise since my vision was overrun with the clearest image I’d had in a long time. Cate was standing in Shetty’s pristine living room and the older woman was cowering against the wall, eyes blown wide with fear and shaking her head.
“Cate, please, don’t do this, you don’t have to do this,” Shetty’s voice echoed.
“Yes, I do, you gave me no other choice.” Cate’s voice was hollow and her eyes were bloodshot. Then, my gaze fell down to her hands and in one, she held a sizable butcher knife.
When I blinked, Jordan, Marie, Emma, and Sam were looking back at me. I flinched a little.
“Do you zone out a lot?” Sam asked.
“No, Y/N just had a vision,” Emma replied with a grin.
I slightly nodded and pushed myself off the tree. “We need to get to Cate, now.”
Shetty’s house was as pristine as any college dean’s would be: the houseplants throughout the house accentuated the ivory and pastel décor and the scent of chamomile filled the house. The space in itself oozed serenity but I felt my skin buzzing as I traipsed through the house with my friends.
Just like in my vision, Cate was standing in the living room, her back facing us. Across the room, Shetty cowered against the wall and kept trying to crawl to no avail.
“Cate, what’s going on?” Jordan asked.
When she turned to us, everyone else gasped except me. Cate’s pupils were dilated, and her eyes were redder than I’d ever seen them. Her arms rested at her sides and the butcher knife glinted in one of her ungloved hands. Cate’s loose posture would have been more concerning if I hadn’t seen what I saw.
“You were fast,” Cate commented.
“We were on our way when you called me,” Marie shared.
“I caught a glimpse of what was going on and thought we should all talk,” I added.
Cate smiled and walked over to me. “Your powers are back, that’s amazing.” She went to grab both of my hands, but I flinched.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
“Y/N, please, help me,” Shetty pleaded.
Cate whirled towards her. “Shut up! Only speak when I tell you.”
Shetty immediately closed her mouth but nothing Cate said wiped the terrified expression off the dean’s face.
“Cate, I think you pushed too much. Why don’t we sit down and you tell us what’s going on?” Marie offered.
“Also, where’s Andre?” Jordan asked.
“He had to go into the city and I feel perfectly fine. I realized that it wasn’t my powers that were making me sick, it was the prescription Shetty gave me,” Cate stated.
“What?” Emma asked.
If the prescription Cate took for her headaches somehow dulled her powers, then that meant…
“She gave you suppressants,” I concluded.
Cate nodded. “Exactly.” She turned away and started walking towards Shetty. “When Indira came home, I got her to admit to everything she’s been doing. Plus, the clips I saw from the town hall inspired me. We’ve been letting non-supes control us for far too long. They’re just scared of us because they know we should be the ones running things.”
While Cate was partly right about some non-supes being scared of supes, that didn’t mean the answer was to subjugate all of them. The situation was worse than my vision led me to believe and I wracked my brain for the best words.
“Cate, you don’t have to do this. We gave over all the information to Neuman and she’ll get it out soon,” Marie offered.
“Yeah, all of this will be exposed and Shetty and everyone else involved will face the repercussions that they should,” Jordan added.
Cate seemed unimpressed as she glanced at the knife in her hand. “That’s too good for Indira.” She faced the woman. “You brainwashed me and made me believe I was helping Luke when I was part of the reason he died. I should have reported you as soon as I got suspicious.”
Shetty shrunk away from her as much as possible and made some sort of noise behind her closed lips.
“Cate, that’s enough,” I tried.
The blonde turned to me. “Don’t you want to know why she wanted us to stay so close? Just ask and I’ll make her say.”
“You don’t have to do that, Y/N,” Jordan said.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Emma voiced.
 As I stared at the petrified dean, my curiosity didn’t matter. What did matter was that Cate was unhinged and I had to talk her down. She didn’t have her gloves on, which meant that she could peek into any of our heads at will. The best solution was to keep my head as clear as possible.
I took a deep breath and did my best to sweep away any annoying thoughts.
“I appreciate the thought but it’s okay. I don’t care about that anymore; I care about you.” I approached Cate like a zookeeper would approach a tiger. Her eyes never left mine and I forced myself to relax as I grabbed her free hand. “I’m still hurt by what you did but that doesn’t mean I hate you; none of us hate you. You’re one of my best friends and I know you have good intentions and Shetty took advantage of that.”
Cate nodded and breathed. “She did.”
“Yeah. So, why don’t we get out of here and let the police or whoever’s in charge of taking down people like her do their jobs? We can go get milkshakes at Vought-a-Burger if you want.”
Cate paused for a moment and mulled over my words. My heart rate felt like it raised with each passing second. Then, she eyed me. “Thanks for trying, Y/N but this is for your own good.”
“Indira, tell Y/N what your plans were for her,” Cate cut me off.
Shetty sat up and responded, “Upon receiving your application and seeing your powers, my plan was to admit you into the school but admit you to the Woods before the end of your first semester.”
“What?” The word felt like it was punched out of me and I took a step away from Cate.
Shetty continued, “A future probability supe with a ten percent margin of error is too dangerous. There is no way of predicting any of your moves or motives and I wanted you sedated and monitored. But Brink stopped me just before sending out acceptance letters; he insisted that you were much more useful in the classroom than you were in a lab.”
My stomach churned as I kept backing away from Cate, whose gaze never left mine, and Shetty. I could feel my neck and shoulders tense and I suddenly felt lightheaded.
“Stop,” I requested.
“Keep going,” Cate instructed.
“Cate, stop!” Emma pleaded.
“She needs to hear this.”
“I disagreed with him but set up check-ins with you in an attempt to get his perspective. On first impression, I knew that you were intelligent but anxious and you had no malintent in your power use. I paired you with Cate as a peer mentor because I knew she would be able to keep a close eye on you and make sure you were taking your medicine without being suspicious,” Shetty articulated.
“Did you put me on power suppressants too?” I asked.  
“Partly. In each session, I made sure to play upon your insecurities, which would heighten your anxiety. You had so much self-doubt that your attempts to strengthen your powers were limited. Also, the medication I gave you only included a minimal amount of anti-anxiety medication. It also included power suppressants that dulled your abilities but not so much that you would notice.”
For a year and a half, I aired out all my insecurities, fears, goals, and grievances with Dean Shetty. She’d always made me feel secure in her office and was quick to offer advice. She listened every time I cried about my parents and gave me ginger tea after each episode. The fact that she’d been manipulating me and drugging me this whole time made it feel like the floor fell out from under me.
When I remembered she wanted me committed underground, I had to take really deep breaths.
She never cared about me or Cate; we were the enemy. Everything we told her was just more ammo that she could use.
“You never helped me; you almost made me worse,” I hissed.
“You’re too dangerous, all you supes are! It’s just a matter of time before you kill us all!” Shetty snapped.
“So, you kill us first?” Jordan shot back.
Shetty didn’t respond but glared defiantly at Jordan.
“She’s the enemy, Y/N, they all are. We can’t let them control us anymore,” Cate insisted.
 “But hurting her doesn’t make us any better,” I whispered.
Cate nodded slowly. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”
She turned on her heel and walked back over to Shetty and I couldn’t take my eyes off the knife.
“Cate, wait, I get that Shetty’s deplorable, but she isn’t worth killing,” I pleaded.
That and all my other pleas fell on deaf ears as Cate walked over to Shetty. She turned to me and glanced at the others behind me, all were similarly asking her to stop.
“Slit your throat, Indira,” Cate ordered, handing the butcher knife to Shetty.
The woman easily accepted it and obeyed the commandment in one swift motion. The gurgling noises were the worst and my hands slapped across my mouth as I forced myself to take deep even breaths. Then, Marie brushed past me, gently pushing me closer to the others as she approached Cate.
Marie stretched a hand towards Shetty but Cate grabbed her arm.
“Cate, let me help her,” Marie insisted.
“I can’t do that. This is what she deserves,” Cate said slowly.  
For a moment I froze. Part of me wanted to lunge forward and free Marie and the other wanted to get as far away from the bloody scene as possible. Either way, I knew that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the life slowly draining from Shetty’s.
Taglist: @gardenof-venus @badbishsblog @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @darksoul100 @simiinthemirror
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boozye · 1 month
Sometimes I make a small attempt to follow some of the constant AI """"generated""""' content news that keep poping up.
But I can't. I just cannot bear it. They are so fucking stupid, I dont even need to watch a whole single 5min video or read a single paragraph of an article to know exactly what the fucking problem is.
Because its always the same fucking problem.
You just cannot separate AI from scraping other peoples art.
Yeah, in principle, in theory, in books, it would be possible but they just:
- won't
- will not
- They are physically and mentally completeley just fucking UNABLE TO NOT STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S SHIT
And they can't even claim ignorance. I don't buy it from a single techbro. Because when they are informed (like someone somehow managed to pull one out of the cloud of their own farts to explain to them that what they feed their stupid robot came from SOMEONE OUT THERE) they l don't give a single solitary shit anyways.
And about all the people that continue using AI tools like "it just helps me when I'm stuck ))):", "it helps me with dialogue/ideas".
No, it doesn't. I mean it does if you want them to become objectively worse. Then yeah, it helps make your art worse. Puzzling that somebody would want that but the human experience is so vast, what do I know.
Either way I'll take any unfinished project or waiting 50 years to read something, give me 54 trillion cringe ooc fics and bad grammar and confusing dialogue over anything grazed by AI.
I want to go back inside a cave with no internet and make shadows on the walls. I'm sick of witnessing this degradation.
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to find: 🤖📚
AITA for writing a fanfiction with the help of Character AI?
For those who don’t know, Character AI (character.ai) is a site where anyone can make AI personalities of characters (original or existing) and train them for chats/roleplay/advice/etc.
When I first joined the site, I found that someone had made an AI of a character I liked. I have spent many hours roleplaying with this character and probably contributed a LOT to its training with my feedback.
Recently, I did a super long roleplay with it including other characters from the original media (played by me) and when it was over I really wanted to turn it into a fic. I chose all of the settings and situations, most of the actions, wrote all of the dialogue for several characters, and prompted dialogue I liked from the one AI character. When I finished polishing it and editing it to my liking, I published it to AO3.
I’m not a popular fanfiction author or anything, this was literally my second fic, and the first one was on another account. But because the fic was for a semi-small fandom, it kind of blew up and then people started getting mad when they noticed I mentioned I had written it with the help of AI, even after I explained exactly what I had done. They said I was contributing to the “theft” of other people’s work (even though, at least for me, writing is just taking bits from other works and reshaping and altering them to my own ideas) by using AI.
Personally, I don’t think I’m the asshole because I just used it to write one character’s dialogue that I edited anyway? And I wrote the rest of the fic completely by myself and played all the other characters. Not only that, but the whole plot, settings, interactions, etc. were all planned by me. But I also feel kind of bad because I guess this contributes to the AI art problem? I fed it my own writing and it probably took stuff from that and other places to base responses on. I don’t know.
I took the fic down for now, and I know this is kind of a silly issue, but I just wanted to see what the general opinion was. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
I'd love to see a time travel/ng+ fic where all the phantom thieves plus the royal/strikers thieves PLUS all the confidants travel back to when the game starts. Everyone's utterly bewildered.
The core phantoms and kasumi, being already physically close, figure it out pretty quick and regroup, but the rest are left confused and floundering until joker gets there and starts reaching out. But with so many people and everyone so lost and upset, he starts delegating and introducing people to each other so they have more options to reach out in case of emergency and to solidify his own web of connections, and for the better efficiency collaboration brings.
And yes I want to see all the confidants become friends or at least co-conspirators in a grand scheme sharing knowing smiles. I want to see normal people struggling with the reality of having lost a year or two of their lives, the surge of hope or fear as they realise they get to do it all again, feeling confused and alone and with the other confidants and plenty of soul searching build up an eclectic support network with others who share the same goal. As a group they could be so much more, and so many would benefit from joker putting them in touch with each other.
But I mostly want to see people coming to the dawning realisation that the scope of joker's reach he's built up is absolutely insane.
Just about every single named character in this huge game is a tarot confidant. Outside of palace rulers, the (hilariously but sadly rare) acquaintances of friends, and occasional mission target, EVERYONE is a secret member of joker's web. He's got the wildest, 'how did you guys even meet' people in his pocket too.
He's got a sentient AI. He's got a politician. He's got a yakuza guy who sells fake weapons who once took out 50 gang members. He's got a secretly talking cat. He's got a high class lawyer. He's got an underground doctor with like 5 PhDs she got revoked who does human experimentation. He's got a government agent. He's got a fortune teller. He's got a guy running his website and managing public missions for no pay. He's got an up and coming teen model. He's got the second detective prince. He's got a world famous wanted hacker. He's got a ten year old. He's got the REACH baby.
It's so funny. He's got like literally 30 odd people with maxed bonds who all think they're one of very very few who know the secret of the phantom thieves and who would break literal laws for this kid. I just think if they all worked together they'd rule the world. And they'd have a huge support group.
Fortune teller: yeah so then I managed to escape the cult, but it's just been so hard to discover who I am outside of that, you know? And they still want me back, it terrifies me.
Reporter lady: *drunk* girl that's absolutely awful you deserve like sooooo much better listen if I see them sniffing around I'll let you know. You shouldn't have to deal with those guys alone, I know allllllllll about making those kinds of guys sweat.
/Ex yakuza fake gun seller: you remind me of my son. He's a good kid, you'd like him. I can set you up?
10yo gun arcade player: oooh do these have real mechanisms? They look so realistic!
Ex yakuza: joker said you could both do with someone your own age - PUT THAT DOWN-
/Shoji player and art kid (yusuke) from the same school: *sitting in silence doing their own thing during school break, having a fantastic time*
/Akechi: *having a breakdown*
Sae, having hustled him off to an empty room for privacy: you know I can't believe I ever bought your nice act. Anyway do you think I could make a case for getting custody of you?
Akechi, stunned out of his attack: ????? Your sister would murder me.
Sae: yeah but it'd annoy shido and my boss so bad.
Akechi:.... I'll consider it.
/sojiro: I admit it's nice to have an adult to talk to about this... Sometimes I still can't believe it's the kids I know that go out and change the world like this.
Government agent: YEAH even with my own persona it's an absolute Ride. You should be proud. Also your coffee is delicious.
/Government agents daughter and mishima: *having an absolute BLAST designing merch*
The list goes ON its just so many under utilised possible relationships!!! Post games the meta verse is gone and most problems are solved (or dead) but if we put them all together in joker's biggest melting pot it'd be such a ride. All of them just low key scared of how many high ranking connections he has.
Like he just texts someone 'hi I think I know someone you'd like to know. I'm sending them to meet you.' and you're like okay??? I guess we'll see why?? And you round the corner and there's a politician and a previously famous missing teen detective waiting for you and they're here to help you get a restraining order on your stalker if you help predict a lottery number or two. And it just keeps happening. Sometimes you're the 'I know a guy' sent to meet people. Like how does joker even know this many people???? He's just moved here!!
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poppet-seed · 2 years
So for the last two days I've been doodling art for AU's that I admire/ enjoy. I'm not finished with all my doodles but wanted to post what I have finished so far
I have no self restraint and was dying to show these off
I basically went through my animation meme playlist and found a song for each doodle. You'll see the name of the chosen song and the au I paired it with.
Some songs might not fit at first glance. But I assure you the amv I had in my head makes them work.
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Sleuth Jesters - @naffeclipse
Candle Queen by GHOST. This one is kinda obvious as to why I chose it. If you've heard the song and have read the fics you'll understand immediately.
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Space AI AU - @bones-of-a-rabbit
Loosing my mind by Mystery skulls. I like the narrative of good people doing bad things for a good purpose. It fuels me so much. I'd think that after having their heart completely crushed by sun and moon, Y/N would be more unstable that usual. Promoting me to choose this song. I just enjoy them being kinda passive aggressive towards sun and moon because they're hurting.
Also have I mentioned I love their design? BECAUSE I REALLY DO LOVE IT!!
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Nightmare AU - @opudontdonut
Happy pills by Weathers. This one is one of the few I had an idea for to make the song choice work.
I just wanna quickly add a TW for drug abuse. If this upsets you skip past the next chapter.
(Inspired by the prompt writing "I'm tired of being tired" that @/paper-lilypie made)
Y/N is so overly exhausted from fighting sleep due to nightmares that they completely break down in the kitchen. In their sleep deprived state they get the brilliant idea to take strong sleeping meds to hopefully skip the REM stage of sleep. They end up mixing the pills up in their state and taking one too many happy pills. It ends with them going on a nasty hallucination trip and passing out.
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Cowboy AU - @castercassette
Everything black by Unlike Pluto. Another one that isn't too hard to see if you've heard the song. While it wouldn't fit the wildwest theme. It definitely fits the fact the sherif can't seem to locate the missing children or prevent more from vanishing.
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Gremlin AU is mine. I just wanted to draw my own boys to one song. There's no real reason why. Just that I wanted fluff after drawing so much angst/ drama.
Meteorite by Emmit Fenn/ CloudKid
I have like 4/5 more doodles planned but they might take a while.
Anyway I'm sorry for the mass ping and to opudontdonut in particular, if my scenario makes you uncomfortable please message me and I will remove it immediately.
But yeah-
Y'all are really cool and creative and I just love your au's
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wander-wren · 1 year
so anyway
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obviously some people are using programs that are not chatgpt, or might be referencing the ai but not actually using it to write, but let’s say for a moment that there are about 500 ai-generated fics on the archive. which i think is a lowball, but we’ll see.
my official stance is that if you’re using ai to help you write due to a disability, different native language(s), or what have you, that’s fine. it is a tool. i have also seen artists use ai to generate backgrounds or buildings and draw a comic around that—that sort of thing is neat! as long as you’re building on what the ai gives you and making it your own, cool.
what i take offense to is things like this:
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(the final two are from the same fic. i took out identifying info bc i don’t actually want to attack anyone here, just explain my side.)
so the main theme i keep seeing is people complaining about the ai-written fanfiction….that THEY are choosing to upload! you don’t like that it’s inaccurate or poorly written or too short, but you aren’t going to put in any effort to fix it? at all?
i understand wanting to experiment. i understand that writing your own stories is hard and can be daunting at first. but it feels gross, frankly, to fling works that took you very little effort, that you know are subpar, at an audience. you don’t think there’s enough content for your ship/fandom? WHY would you try to feed your fellow fans with something you think is bad?
it’s content for content’s sake and i do not like it.
the way this works is, if you want more content, you make it yourself. even if you’re not a good writer, even if you don’t have the best english or whatever language you’re writing in. how, pray tell, are you supposed to improve if you don’t do that?
who is this content even helping? i sorted the fics by hits to get a sense of popularity; the fic with the most hits that is completely ai-written (not using it as a tool) has 2816 hits. about half of the fics have less than 200 hits. there are real writers who might have similar stats, due to writing unpopular ships/fandoms/tropes (some of my fics do!) but across the board it’s clear ai fic isn’t drawing a lot of interest.
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sorry i found this while looking at hit counts and i just. you’re not going to subtly demand content from your fellow fans in the SAME breath as admitting you are also not a content farm, but it’s fine, we’ll just have ai do it??
no. no. fandom is not about content. fandom is about community. and if you’re using ai to post fics without editing or sometimes even reading them, that tells me you’re much more interested in the former. putting aside the ethical dubiousness, putting aside the debates about “real art,” you have no courtesy.
and chatgpt can’t write.
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professorspork · 11 months
Hey, a little while ago, you reblogged that post about AI learning when people insert fics into AI text generators, and I wanted to offer good news and bad news: the good news is that AI learning models mostly don’t work like this. The publicly accessible text generator isn’t the whole learning model, it’s a single machine that the learning model generated. It won’t get fed directly back into the AI.
The BAD news is that there’s not really anything stopping them from saving that information separately to use later, and (much worse) anything that’s publicly available has probably already been scraped and saved. The good-in-this-context-but-depressing-overall news is that these models operate on the scale of billions of words, so, like. Idk. Individual fics ending up in a database mostly isn’t going to matter. That’s part of why the data-scraping isn’t something devs think about, ethically. This info is a paraphrase of another post I’ve seen going around saying the same thing, but I can personally corroborate it; before AI was a “crypto people hate when artists can earn a living” thing, I took some college courses on it and followed blogs about AI stuff for years. The last year or two of AI news has been really shitty :P It’s been really cool to me for a long time, but it is now clear that it’s even-more-vulnerable-than-usual to “capitalism uses every tool for oppression first” Knowing how it works is exhausting because anti-AI people are sometimes not all that much more accurate about how it actually works than the fervently pro-AI “I think chat-gpt is a person and human-generated art is dead” people, and then both of them skip talking about the more concrete problems like the “chat-gpt is propped up by slave labor” stuff.
I really appreciated this series of asks and wanted to make it available for all!
I think what we run into here is where like. A rhetorical device to invoke a sense of stakes and a bit of a guilt trip ("this is plagiarism because it feeds the AI" and its many permutations) can run up against misinformation (it's not literally becoming part of the AI's knowledge base, though as you noted it certainly COULD.) Because like
Where that post was coming from was someone being like "but why shouldn't I do this?" and the answerer resorting to "because it takes my work away from me" and this is still true in like, the rules of community and creativity if not necessarily in the hard lines of code. it's harder to articulate "this makes me uncomfortable because it's violated my ineffable sense of mutual belonging with and ownership of my own work, which I already felt on shaky ground on because it's fanwork but still FEEL with my WHOLE HEART" than it is to say "this concretely makes my words fuel for the machine" which I think people grok as a more sort of understandable breach of that social contract.
Which is why I like this post a lot because it gets at the WHY of why this is so perturbing and violating and isolating
Fandom was never meant to be a solo endeavor! when I write fic and put it out into the world, it's like echolocation. the words I put out are only half of what gives it shape and meaning to me-- the other half is the sound of it reverberating back to me as it bounces off the people it hits by way of comments, tags in reblogs, and DMs and they tell me their reactions and interpretations. that's what makes it a complete picture and not just screaming into the void.
to be removed from that process at all is a heartbreak to me; to have my words taken without my consent is insulting and misses the point and just. ultimately makes all of us that much more alone. which is to say that it's factually correct to say individual fics ending up in a database won't matter because it's probably already been scraped anyway because that's true for the AI and for the data. but individual fics DO matter insofar as like, these are choices people are making about what this hobby is and means and why they like it and what they think it's for and how they enjoy it, on a communal and social level, and THAT matters to me a great deal, in the same way that like, people now might end up getting videoed for a tiktok without their consent or whatever. it's about the erosion of privacy and respect.
but also yeah ChatGPT also runs thanks to exploited and underpaid workers, consumes horrific amounts of water in a time of increasing drought crisis and emits tons of carbon to boot.
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nana-kom · 16 days
Oh boy, I have never talked to you before, but I really wanted to tell you that you are someone very creative, with a lot of potential and that I love your ideas sm, but It really makes me sad that you used AI for your last story (yes, I read the post of chubbydwaekki) Bc I feel that writing these types of stories is something really personal, that it requires certain types of thoughts that we only have in a certain mood And I honestly think that using AI makes it lose all the magic
Take this wherever you want, mainly because I'm a ghost reader but idk as a writer and a digital artist, I really feel that i need express my disgust of this type of AI's use
Hi !
First of all thank you for the compliment it makes me really happy that you like my ff 🥰
Now I think I need to explain why I made this fic like that, because I think people are missing something about it.
To start, I would like to say that it was my first time using chatgpt for a fic, and there is a context behind this. As @cutiedwaekki already said, it was because we were talking about it and it was making us laugh. So I was like « omg why not test it ? » and at first when this fic idea came into my mind it was only between me and ChatGPT. I gave the plot to the chat and I was looking at what it wrote, and it was fun for me to do it, alone and just like that, nothing more.
But then I was like « omg this fic is kinda cool » so I was like « why not rewrite it and post it after ? » but the fic was not good, because it was just write by the chat ! As you said, ai don't have that kind of mind. so i take some of the parts that I like, and then I rewrite all the other things myself ! as the dialogues, some description and stuff, and as I write it, it was more like a collaboration and not just some : copy/paste for all the fic, that’s not the truth.
The thing to know about THIS fic is that the point of it was the fact it’s written by me AND the chat, I will not use this in the future because it was just the point of THAT fic. Recently I didn’t have time to write or post, but I still have some idea and I was « why not test something for one fic to see what that can make and the conclusion is : ChatGPT is not bad, but it can’t write the fic in the way people (me included) like it. So yeah I had to modify things and that's why I posted it, because I wanted to make it in the way people would like it.
For the people who said that I was stealing the jobs of other artists, I totally understand that point for art, especially with drawings and animations ! Buut for this, I don’t get it, the point of it once again was just to test something ! And that’s all, I have been writing fics since I’m 13 or something, so I know how to write by myself, and the idea came from me and all that happened in the fic came from me too. It’s not the ai who created that, it’s not the ai who described everything not in a bad way without any help. And also, we are talking about kinky fic, we all know why we write that right ? So I think you can enjoy the fic by itself without thinking about chatgpt ! Who once again, didn’t write the fic in this kinky way ! That’s why I’m here 🤗 to make it cool for people to read it and enjoy, i told you at first it was written in my original language in a bad way so of course I had to make it for people !
I understand that it can really be interesting to talk about ai in the future, but trust me try to write a fic with chatgpt and not correct it. It will be bad and not kinky…
Anyway ! I love to write fics and I will continue to do that in the future because I like it, and I have been writing this kind of fic for a year now and I will not stop, and I will not use chatgpt because that’s NOT the goal of my fic. If I take an example when I write « Maknae on Top » that was the original idea of @cutiedwaekki and I made it for her. So what does this mean ? Does that mean she used someone to write a fic ? When people make a request and we write it, does that mean we’re stealing the job for the person who has the original idea ? I don’t think so ! I know it’s not the same but i think it’s a good point to illustrate what can be the point of the fic and why we write it.
So ! This fic was an attempt to create something fun, new and cool. But people didn’t like it, because everyone is thinking that this will DESTROY the kinky authors and fics, but that's not the truth. Once again, it was just to test, and have fun for me and for you. Nothing more. I sincerely hope that everyone will understand now that I talk about it. I hope this message is clear and that you will understand why this fic exists.
I really hope you understand now, we can still talk about it. I’m really sorry that people didn’t like it, and in the end, I’m sad too. Because I’m taking time for my fic, even this one, I take more time on this one that some others you know…so yeah I was a bit disappointed to have reaction like that, because I was just a test, but the fic still come from me in the end. So yeah, tell me if you have more questions, I will answer to it.
Have a good day ! And I’m really open to talk about it 💕
Thank you for reading all this 💜
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braemjeorn · 10 months
a long ourank oc presentation because braem is just a writer at heart and soul.
this is honi.
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honi is from my fanfic here. would be glad if you read it. would be so happy if you like it. haven't updated it in a while so below are some spoilers for us all(?)
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i know. i can't draw the same face. though #Shook is my favourite.
she has longer hair in earlier designs. but then i gave her short hair and thought, oh she looks cooler. like she could be a really cool mom. that's all you need honestly. like why make your ship lovers when you can get kingdom management done with the spiCE that is legal union!
'scuse me. kept the long hair for her younger-tween looks, anyway - wasn't mentioned why in the fic but let's just say that making it to the underworld was life changing. one way or another. she got a scar on her left cheekbone after her twenties (so yeas, i forgot the middle one im sorry).
here's our man because why not. we crave loose hair desha in this house.
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im so bad at drawing crowns.
i was keen on the idea of someone to balance desha's personality out, instead of the complete opposites-attract. coz this here is a brash and unapologetic man who mercilessly cackles and taunts bojji and domas at the first meeting. half the fun will be when someone doesn't really flinch at that. tempers him down a bit or countering and riling him up to make firecrackers is what I want to see.
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pink ram-lion babies coz why not
honi was nearly engaged before - somewhat more experienced in the field? but things happened and romantic pursuits were shelved before they met. honi acknowledged that he was a man early on in their meeting, but after making up and a few more formal encounters assured her that he was worth being friends with. worth the days-long flight just for a few weeks of teasing, good mead and mushroom pies.
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after the winter breakfast but she's still confused.
figuring out she has feelings was a breakdown on a catastrophic level.
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but eh, iss all good.
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not officially engaged but at least the lightning discharge was minimum.
that's all, i guess. some wish-wash, fluffy, alternate-or-future universe musings.
(but then in the manga the ominous naration was like, desha never returned and the underworld fell into ruin *cue queen elinor toppling chess pieces* (overthinking desha's pre-canon shonen arc and how his power is what made him rank 2nd as well as keep order in the multirace, monstrous underworld). in case reclaiming the throne won't work the option is mountain-nymph!honi or passing-farmer-girl!honi. pick.)
(but also the idea that if the canon queen is the persephone counterpart and was on the overworld for her six months deal when the whole season 1 happened is also great. which makes it hilarious if they met during part 2 coz she'd be like 'what tf happened to you?' and heartbreaking if he doesn't remember her. would be fantastic if she's any sort of queen like hiling and stubbornly gets shit done - might have a crisis that she cant find despa or ouken around, or launch some curses to the judge. but I don't know abt canon-queen. only the writer knows what might happen. as long as it isn't some poor excuse of a girl-failure of a villainess miranjo is, I'll be satisfied.)
sometimes i worry if my art will be considered ai work due to my poor anatomy but i swear it's really just a poor concept of anatomy😭 i have so MUCH to improve on digital painting. lighting, shadowing, composition, their size difference—they say the captain is 265 and desha's around the same height in the artbook. honi's like 180 and she's still so tiny! next to him despite being taller than average.
bonus, somewhat suggestive comic below.
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double bonus: i think they both agree that domas is a joke and keeping 2000 km distance with miranjo is a must
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What are your opinions about character ai? (Totally not asking bc im turning to it to feed my sherliam and alcroft hunger bc im picky and cant find actual fics i like right now and Im not motivated or confident enough to actually write anything myself)
I say this emphatically but with total kindness towards you as a person: AIs don't write, don't draw, don't create. They devour and regurgitate plagiarized art, and in my opinion the best thing we can do is collectively completely ignore them until they become so unprofitable they cease to exist, or are repurposed to do other things that free us humans up to actually create more art. The proliferation of them is likely part of why you have a hard time finding fic you enjoy: more and more folks are scared to share their art when it might be stolen and fed into AI, and more and more are locking their AO3 profiles for the same reason. So uh...my opinion is "AI (at least in its current iteration) = bad."
Lecture aside, let me encourage you to dabble in writing yourself, even if you don't feel confident! In the decade or more since I last published fic before getting into Yuumori, I've started and abandoned probably well over a hundred WIPs for different fandoms. And even though all those snippets just sit on my computer for my eyes only, they were all fun to write! You don't have to share something to enjoy creating it. Have a line you want to hear one character say to another? Write a single scene, just for yourself, incorporating that line! It doesn't have to be complete, and no one else ever has to see it. It's healthy: you're interacting with something you love, flexing creative muscles, engaging your brain and practicing grammar and cadence and so on and so on and so on. Writing is good for you!
Also, if you don't already, get into your fandoms. Engage. Comment on fic you DO like. Become a fic author's recognized regular. (And don't ever ever ever feed their work into AI!!!) Do all that, and you might find someone whose authorial voice you really like who is willing to take prompts and feed your ship hunger for you, in a way that has heart and soul and humanity embodied in it.
Anyway, I hope this wasn't too harsh...I do be going off about things I'm passionate about. I know AI is kinda ubiquitous now and it's easy to think it's just something fun to play with and not doing any harm, but it's good to talk to authors and artists about this stuff and hear where they're coming from. I'm not super defensive of my work myself (not that I WANT my writing put into AI, please don't!), but I am easily riled up for the sake of my many friends who are very stressed about the whole topic and what it means for their art!
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remidyal · 1 year
Remidyal's Fic Masterpost
A full list of my current fics, assuming I remember to update this post and pin it!
I love people doing derivative works and give blanket permission for any non-commercial art, podfic, etc SO LONG AS you do not use an AI or machine learning tool. Also, please link it to me because I wanna see.
Dimension 20 stuff:
Long fics:
Lunacy is my longest fic (at the time of writing this, about 180k words), an in-progress Adaine (and, particularly later, Aelwyn) focused fic in which Adaine fails her con save and becomes a werewolf. Similar overall in tone to the original, Lunacy strives pretty hard to be largely canon compliant from that divergence point, other than things that just are mostly changed for narrative needs. A heavy focus on Adaine (and again, later, Aelwyn) finding a family. There's two other works in the series; one is a short fic that was a draft oneshot of the core idea, the other is some supplemental material and missing scenes.
This thing is my baby and if you make art or recursive fic of it I will love it and you.
Missing is another in-progress long form fic, this one with Aelwyn as the main character and Adaine in the secondary role. This one is much less canon-compliant than Lunacy; the Abernant parents start on physical abuse sooner than they do in canon, and Aelwyn is a little bit braver and runs away, taking Adaine with her. Generally will have shorter chapters than Lunacy and definitely won't be going 250k words the way Lunacy probably will by the end.
Oneshots and short series:
Most of these are in the 1k-2k word range.
Fantasy High:
Poison and its sequel Bane focus on a very toxic relationship between Penelope Everpetal and Aelwyn Abernant. They're pretty angsty, but I actually really like them. It's not a sincere romance by any means - for starters, Aelwyn in almost all of my works is Aromantic Pansexual (and Adaine is aroace) - and it's definitely Penelope driving it. I may do a third part of this one sometime.
Dreams is much longer than most of these oneshots, just short of 10k words, and is centered around Riz and Kalina, though all of the Bad Kids appear and Fig and Adaine are the most important characters besides those two. This is a class swap AU, with Riz as a Cleric of the 'Sleeping God', and Kalina (and the Sleeping God) as a much more ambiguous figure than the Nightmare King and Kalina of canon. I DEEPLY love the class swaps here, particularly Cleric Riz, Warlock Kristen, and Wild Magic Sorcerer Adaine.
Flames of Passion is the only one of these that's under a thousand words, coming in right around 900. It's also maybe the only one of these truly focused on a romantic ship (Poison and Bane are definitely not ROMANTIC). The pairing is Kalvaxus/Gilear. Make of it what you will.
Dig Out is another one that's likely to get a followup someday. This one seems more angsty than it really is, because I think it ends in kind of a happy way? But it's marked with major character death, because Adaine's a zombie in this one. Give it a read anyway? I genuinely have grown to really love this one.
The Ghost of Me is another one where Adaine dies, but this one's almost triumphant. This is a fic imagining her following through on the threats she makes to Kir and Angwyn if the Elvish government executes her.
Minutes from the July Mordred Manor Wizard's Council Meeting is almost a purely comedic fluff piece, centered around the Mordred Manor Wizard's Council of Adaine O'Shaughnessey, Aelwyn Abernant, Ayda Aguefort, and Zayn Darkshadow.
Waiting is a purely comedic piece about the Bad Kids, plus Aelwyn and Ayda, getting a summer job at a thinly veiled Waffle House expy.
Runaway was a theoretical pilot (the same way Lunacy had) for a series in which Aelwyn stuck Adaine in a palimpsest in their fight and then fled the country with that crystal.
Non-Fantasy High:
Sisters is a post-canon by several years A Crown of Candy fic following Ruby looking into possible disloyalty among the new Candian nobility.
Gallivant's End is a post-canon Starstruck fic following Riva on their journey home, worrying about the changes they have gone through.
Unending Summer is a post-canon (I'm sensing a trend...) Unsleeping City fic focused on Iga's kids, who I had to create tags for to publish this fic even though they are awesome. Y'all should write more Iga's Kids fic, collectively.
Non-Dimension 20 Works
These have both been on hold for a few months, but I do plan to complete both.
To See the End is a Tales of Berseria canon-divergent AU fic, splitting off at the point where Magilou makes her last stand against Melchior; in this, the party is slower and Melchior pushes her to the point of brain hemorrhaging, killing Magilou and leaving her spirit to reincarnate (as a powerful magic user) on the spot as a Malak.
People Who Lies To Themselves is a full Naruto AU where Orochimaru ends up as the fourth Hokage and the village is just generally harsher and crappier, but at least more open about it. It follows a Sakura who gets peer pressured in VERY different ways.
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hergan416 · 4 months
ao3 wrapped writer edition asks: 5, 10, 11, 19
AO3 Wrapped (writer edition) from here. Feel free to send in more asks about 2023. I should actually clear this out tonight xD
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
I also think the answer to this is also Poison Paradise (contains explicit content, mostly sherlouis with a side of alwill and some fred/bonde/moran)😅 The fic really was just so unexpectedly well-liked. I never would have expected that I could write a fic that has an average of 15 comments per chapter before I got into the yuumori fandom. Of course this includes my replies to others and when we go back and forth but that has been so satisfying. And you drew me art to go with it??? and I have been told (also here) that I inspired at least one other writer with it?? akjldjsf;jl I would NEVER have predicted that that conversation when we both joined the AW server would result in all THIS. I'm forever grateful for you opening my eyes to sherlouis, and also for inspiring me so greatly.
10. What work was quickest to write?
This year? Let's see... Probably either The Path To Enlightenment [A Beast Consumes You] or Left Alone, I Will Break [Come Back To Me Brother]. Both of these were written directly onto tumblr as a result of their asks first and then uploaded onto AO3 retroactively. (The Path to Enlightenment is rated T and includes Albert & Mycroft interacting, but I wouldn't call it shippy. Left Alone I Will Break is explicit and contains multiple dead dove type things, including hints of LW incest, necrophilia, dubious consent/blood slavery, other heavy Vampire the Masquerade themes. Both are yuumori fics set in the Vampire the Masquerade universe). Anyway, I don't think these took much more than an hour a piece.
11. What work took you longest to write?
Um well.. considering Poison Paradise is ongoing...
But if you take the Poison Paradise chapters individually... probably something that hasn't yet been published like the "Knot In My Name" fic that is probably not at all going to go to that event and is just going to be published on private like everything else. (That event was about filling AO3 with ABO fic to give AI bad data but like. It's still data. I can't stop writing like me, so it's going to get my voice -- even if I try a different style. I don't really feel comfortable with that -- but I DO have many many words in a document that may never actually see the light of day of Milverton/reader, Milverton/Ruskin, and Ruskin/reader omegaverse with many content warnings soooooo).
19. What's one pairing you want to explore next year?
Ummm hmmm. many? Can I just say "a lot"?
Milverton/Albert? I think it would be good to strike out of my comfort zone and start that AU back up.
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crescentmoonrider · 2 months
i refrained from making original posts during the strike, and i thought well, time to post some of the art i made in the meantime now !
i will not be posting my art on tumblr rn. the whole AI thing is honestly fucking me up a little, especially with the news that their tests just. included data from sources they didnt mean to include ?
way to inspire confidence in the opt-out option
anyway, i dont know when ill start posting art on here again, it will depend on if theres more bad news of the like i guess
yall can still find me on pixiv for pictures, and on ao3 for fics
i dont plan to leave tumblr completely btw, im just. feeling really icky about posting art here in these conditions i guess
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scrumpylikesthings · 11 months
I’ve been sitting with my feelings on this for a couple of days now and think I wanna talk about it. 
I tried out SudoWrite. I was curious so I just poked around for 10 minutes or so. I put in a paragraph of Meat Cute and had it do a predictive next sentence. Then variations on a sentence. I put in a rough outline of Meat Cute, rough descriptions of David and Micah, and let it run a full outline, full character descriptions, all the way to writing the first chapter. 
It was bad. It was cringey bad. It was so gawd awful bad. 
And yeah it did make me feel a little better about my own writing, but it really bothered me. It hurt. It really upset me. I went in thinking it would be funny haha or maybe even a little helpful, mostly expecting just a waste of time, but damn. I was not expecting that gut punch. 
I can’t quite place it either. Maybe it was seeing my characters get skewed or seeing them written so horribly. Maybe it was looking at this bastardization of my own work. Maybe the cringe was just that cringey.
Maybe it was bigger. Maybe it was looking at a brand new way to pump out swill and drivel for mass production and publication and turning my craft into another consumerist vehicle. Another tool for contrepreneurs to exploit and cut out the underpaid ghost writer entirely. 
Or maybe it was the way it felt like a mathematic formula. It felt exactly how it was: feeding my raw materials into a machine, pulling the lever, and getting the distilled grey cube at the end of the conveyor belt; like a Looney Tunes. That it took the magic out of writing, the romanticism of crafting prose, the feeling of learning and growing and creating and evolving as an artist. It was sterile. Maybe seeing these characters that I’m invested in (probably way too invested in) get turned into these antiseptic cardboard cutouts hurt on an irrational and personal level. 
I had these kind of feelings years ago (before I started writing fic) when I knew I wouldn’t be able to sell the stories I was writing, that I would never make money as a writer, that the stories I was working so hard on weren’t up to snuff with the market. I HATED thinking like that. It hurt to think like that. That while I was creating stories I wanted to be writing, I was still thinking about other people. And this AI bullshit feels exactly like that: making stuff for other people. 
I can see a way it’d be useful for someone; someone who might be stuck in writer’s block or need help with their outline or can’t figure out how to word a sentence. But I have the shower for that. I have long walks and music and friends I can talk things out with. 
I’m still upset and shook and riled about this. I think I’m just going to avoid AI generators and news about them. Just not think about it unless it forces me to.
I recommend avoiding SudoWrite. Its not worth it. 
Anyways, cringe under the cut:
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I cannot tell you how much I HAAAAAATE mirror descriptions. . . buzz cut 42 year old. 
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I . . . I just. . . 
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im dead  Weirdly enough, it got that it takes place in Ohio right. Guess you can take out the art, but you can’t take out the Ohio. 
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wander-wren · 3 months
got another bot-spam comment on ao3, but this one is extra weird. let’s do some investigating!
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for those not in the know, The Haunting is my dark whumpy “todoroki gets adopted by aizawa” fic. it’s also 60k words long. so right away i’m doubting this person read it. that plus the generic vibes? bot comment. but i’m also pretty sure i’ve heard of this channel before, specifically because it wasn’t crediting authors. hm. so i go check it out: http://www.youtube.com/@DnWhatIf
first of all, these are the videos i’m greeted with:
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now, i don’t want to bash anyone’s taste, but this is so extremely not my thing. nooooo way. some of these read more like crackfic, which is fine, but tonally the difference is SO much. and just makes it even more glaringly obvious that they aren’t reading the fics they’re spamming or even giving them a cursory once-over (or putting strong filters on the bot? i’m not clear how bot comments work)
because this is the first thing you see about The Haunting:
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i’m guessing, if it wasn’t completely random, it’s the fact that i tagged izuku as a character. and really it’s just lazy, the whole thing. it’s all bots. ai art in the thumbnail, ai voice reading the fic, bot making comment spam for you. zero respect. if this was an actual podficcer i would consider it! hell, i might even accept ai voice readings (MAYBE), if it was obvious there was a human person who cared behind them. it could certainly be a tool for good, since podficcing isn't very common (we love you podficcers. if i had a little bit more confidence i would be one of you).
but anyway, hang on, lets back up a step, because the whole reason i looked into this was the credits issue. the video “what if deku became a teacher at ua” (ugh) (i hate the title gimmick also) is going to be my guinea pig.
so in the little intro (also done by ai), it says “all credits to their respective authors” which, yikes. however, they do link to their permission statement and the fic in the description, so it….could be worse. but also, these are the comments
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(and it continues like that for a bit)
the channel name also has a 4.0 after it [edit: it did when i started this post, then i got distracted for two days, and now it is gone. hm], which implies they’ve had a lot of trouble with keeping it up. so it seems likely that this is the channel i heard about stealing fics, they just finally learned to get permission and give credit to try and keep it up this time. the permission statement on this video is real (i wondered if they would just link to something else and assume no one would check), but even THAT author references being “freaked out” (positive?? unsure) when they heard of people finding their story on youtube. before giving permission to upload with credit. so that’s not great
also this sludgepit of content is absolutely the thing that attracts people with no patience clamoring for updates literally one day after the video goes up. go figure. bad vibes all around.
also, if you’re wondering about the quality of the reading (i’ve stumbled on some pretty good ai voices as of late!), it’s, uh. i don’t actually know about how all this works, but i feel like when you pick a voice to read a story it should at least be able to approximate character name pronunciation. and flow.
but alas.
i also don't want to bash the authors in question but the truth is from the very minimal poking around i did (not giving this channel any more of my time than absolutely necessary), the writing featured is....mediocre at best. which is fine and good for the fandom ecosystem and i will NEVER be anything but happy that people are writing and posting less-than-perfect works, especially since some of these premises are pretty unique and i think it's better to have the fic than not. we all start somewhere, fanfic is an excellent way to practice and get feedback at the same time, etc.
but these channels, these kinds of operations, they're going to prey on new and young authors and that's who is going to be saying yes to them. because they want the exposure, they want to be told their work is good enough for someone else to care to record it for youtube, they haven't been around long enough to recognize this for what it is: someone taking extreme shortcuts to get views and likes and a bit of notoriety off of other people's work. and that's shit.
and remember that youtube videos can be monetized!
now, i doubt this channel in particular has been monetized, although it does meet the minimum requirements as far as numbers go:
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it shouldn't meet the requirements for the monetization policies, specifically these ones:
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especially with the disclaimer in the beginning that the content is not their own--which might be why previous versions of the channel did not give credit. who knows.
however, youtube DID just have some scandals about people making videos that were pretty much entirely plagiarized, which were monetized, so i don't have the highest hopes in the world. still, it doesn't seem monetized, so no strikes against this particular creator for that, at least, but defo something to look out for if anyone ever brings up hosting podfics on youtube.
so yeah, bot spam, not a complete scam this time but definitely really sketchy, bad vibes all around. and i still kind of want to give them permission to use my fic just to see what would happen, lmao
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