#ai rant
piplupcola · 1 month
Some shameless POS literally used AI to steal my friend's animated film
I usually don't post stuff like this but this shit's insane and downright insulting. I graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2022, a pretty well known animation school in the US, and every animation student on their final year of college has to make an animated film for our final thesis. If you have any idea of the animation making process, you would know that making an entire film by yourself in one year is batshit insane and extremely exhausting, to the point where I'm still feeling the effects of the process on my physical and mental wellbeing 2 years after I graduated. Once more, my friends and I did it during the covid period, which was another level of hell. I was literally watching my grandfather's funeral while working in the labs at 2am because I couldn't fly home to attend it because we had to make this film. This film was our lifeblood, the culmination of 4 years of hell at school which was suppose to be our gateway into the industry. Tldr, it's fucking difficult to do, especially on your own.
So imagine 2 years later and I wake up to a bunch of messages on our alumni chat where a dear friend of mine posted a link to a tiktok video of someone literally stealing her entire film and superimpose it shot by shot and claim it as their own ad for their AI game. As animators, we aren't unaware of people stealing our films and reposting them elsewhere. Heck my own film "The End" was stolen from our school vimeo and posted on tiktok BEFORE IT WAS EVEN OFFICIALLY RELEASED, and that tiktok got hundreds of thousands of views while a year after my own real release my film is still struggling in the thousands.
But this
This is a fucking new low.
Can you imagine? A fresh graduate going through literal blood sweat and tears to make a film on their own that is so important to their future in the industry, to get them a job, with a film that represents a part of themselves to the world, just used as fodder for some stupid tech assholes? It's infuriating. It's insulting. It's literally a big fuck you to the hundreds of students who spent their lives toiling to make these films from the heart who are just desperate to get into the industry.
The animation industry right now is in complete shambles. People are graduating from animation schools with thousands of dollars in dept only to be met with a wasteland of minimum wage and lack of funding and competing for jobs with people who have already been in the industry for years affected by the massive layoffs not only in the movie but also the gaming industries. These films we make for our thesis aren't just films made for fun, they represent our lifeblood, our only opportunity to get a job as a graduate in this sea of hell. If you didn't make a good film, chances are you're never even stepping foot in the industry ever. It's our golden ticket that we would put thousands of hours through, sleepless nights and pushing through no matter the circumstances of sickness and pain it caused us.
And now some dumb fucking AI using dickbags see that and decide it's worth nothing.
Here's a link to my friend's real film. Please go watch it and support her work. I'm not even gonna link the other piece of shit tiktok because I don't want that video to even get a single extra view but here's a recording my friend made so you can see this malarkey side by side.
It's heartbreaking to see my friend's film barely getting any views while the stolen garbage is already in the thousands. I hope the person who stole my friend's work and made that shit dies in a fiery car crash and go straight to hell.
I cannot emphasise how we must not let this shit continue to happen. We're living in a fucking dystopia and unless we do something about it and support those affected by it it's only going to get worse. They're already expanded from stealing people's still art to stealing people's entire films, if we don't stop this nothing we create would ever be safe.
My friend's film:
The shameless fuckheads who stole her film:
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bowtiepastabitch · 16 days
God is dead and AI killed Her
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This isn't even a convincing ai photograph. The screenshot isn't edited, google Nietzche real quick and see for yourself. Facetune half-stache lorax is going to haunt my dreams, I think.
It's also from Medium, a site where writers make money from publishing their work for a userbase of subscribers, and the image is not even credited as AI (or credited at all). You can only read a small segment without paying, but from what I can see I suspect the text may be AI generated as well. It's incredibly discouraging as someone who is about to devote ten to fifteen hours to writing a paper and just wanted to see what the guy looked like before I got started.
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kiwikiwii · 2 months
Very Big and Very Long AI rant.
After the recent OpenAI stuff I'm gonna be here to share my two cents about the whole very realistic AI stuff, from the perspective of a very anxious and very art oriented person who loves techy stuff.
I very much would understand if this isn't your cup of tea so it's all undercut, thank you for your time anyways <3
Now. Onto the AI stuff.
Recently OpenAI has put out some new technology that's showing off some very nearly realistic videos and they're both creepy and very uncanny. About 2 or 3 years ago, the concerns about AI was already rising with deep fakes and the such and is going to start being a lot worse if this technology isn't properly regulated. This is what is prompting my very long and apparently, 927 word rant.
Going to put this in a few parts so it'll be easier to digest I hope.
About the tech.
We are at a point where the lines of AI generated content and real life are starting to blur. It's to a point where a sentence or a prompt could create scenes that look realistic enough that most people wouldn't even suspect that it's AI.
It is such a powerful and interesting technology that's slowly growing out of control. The people who are supposed to regulate the content and lawmakers has no idea what the fuck is going on and how the content is made in the first place, how are they supposed to make a change when they don't even understand what they're supposed to be tackling. The lack of understanding of how AI functions, how it comes to be, where the data was even gotten from in the first place and how it will impact society as a whole will truly be how we'll lose control of it someday. I'm not saying any of this because I want to be a 'hinderance to the future of technology', I'm saying this because the later we try to do something about it, the harder it is to do anything that is useful and effective for safeguarding artists, creators and everyone else who's using the internet. Not to mention the amount of frauds or scams that will skyrocket, children's safety on the internet being compromised, YOUR safety on the internet being compromised, people faking inappropriate images, videos and more will be a nightmare to deal with.
About art.
Many corporate companies unfortunately don't give a fuck about how the art is made and whether it's good or not but how fast it can be made and how much money can be made off of it. In their eyes, the trade off between quantity and quality is worth it. And that to me is extremely frustrating because where the art comes from should also be a part of the story when talking about art. Who the person who made it was like, how they developed a certain style and so on should be cared about and should be appreciated just like the art piece that was created. It shouldn't just be treated as another piece of thing to be fed to the scanner to be spat out as something else.
About creating.
Art is intrinsically a very human thing. People who make the argument "it's letting more people experience how it's like to create art" doesn't understand what it's like to create art. The entire idea of art is the learning, developing and polishing of the skills that you yourself develop. Taking away the steps that it took to get there in the first place diminishes the point of wanting to make art in the first place. It's degrading the time, energy and effort of the people who've already put effort into creating said art to be put out as a cheap and gross mimic of what it came from.
More emotional stuff that doesn't fit in any of the spaces above.
I saw someone use the word 'amalgamation' to describe what AI is today and that about wraps it all up. It's an amalgamation of dots and data skinned off of what there was and chained together to create an image, a video, an audio sample and more without a shred of humanity, love or emotion put into it.
I barely go on twitter nowadays, when I so, I see people sing high praises about the "the amazing advances of AI" and downplay the part of artists that were stolen for to create the technology they love so much in the first place. This whole ordeal makes me sick. It's depressing to see companies laying people off because they're seen as useless or worse than AI. It's disgusting to see the amount of talented people out there stolen from so that people could churn out heartless work at a faster pace to replace you. It's not a stepping stone for humanity, we're stepping over the ledge blindfolded.
I will never stop creating. It's what makes up a big part of me and will continue to be even if AI starts crumbling humanity to ash. One thing they can never take from us is creativity.
To the people who read this far, thank you. Thank you for spending your time to read over my word vomit that has been cooking in my head for the longest time.
To the artist that are still reading this. Remember you are irreplaceable. Without your art, this technology wouldn't have been here in the first place. Your art is invaluable. Never stop creating. Never give up, never give in.
Have a bear <3
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doctoraxiom · 3 months
It's actually fascinating to me how much the "palworld is plagiarism and uses ai" post is going around.
First of all the "AI" game that that studio released seems to be a tongue in cheek criticism of AI artists not having talent (but feel free to give me more info here, I only know what reading the product page for AI: Art Impostor tells me)
Second of all the developer being interested in generative AI for games isn't inherently a sign of plagiarism**- I intend to use generative AI for my games that is trained on MY OWN ART. It's not too different from procedural generation at that point because the algorithm itself (or it's training and fine tuning) becomes the art and you're not plagiarizing from anyone but yourself.
Third of all- knockoff games have existed for-fucking-ever and if it's derivative enough it's not plagiarism. And if you're talking about "plagiarism" of the gameplay since palworld has mechanics from several other genres pretty much copy pasted- I hear you- but no one throws a fit about doomlikes being exactly like other doomlikes, or soulslikes straight up copy pasting souls mechanics without even bothering to come up with an in-universe justification (looking at you, Jedi Fallen Order). I'd argue this is actually more creative than that to turn mechanics from multiple other franchises into a cohesive gameplay experience because putting a mechanic into a totally different game is actually really hard to fine tune into feeling good for the player!
Is a work derivative enough to add something new? Or combine old works in a new and novel way? Palworld definitely seems to combine several known mechanics in a novel and fun way. In the very worst case it's in a grey area.
Also the recent anti-plagiarism mass movement was created to protect small creators from getting bullied out of their due. Who are you trying to protect here? Nintendo? Pokemon was a rip-off of digimon and the jrpg's of that time. You gonna get up in arms about that?
This knee jerk hearing something is indirectly related to AI and assuming everything associated with it is stealing and bad needs to stop.
**Also I can't find any direct evidence that they tried to use AI in development! Lots of people expressed interest in generative AI before the techbros hopped on the bandwagon and tried to monetize it as an art-stealing machine. This is not an admission of guilt.
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sling-b · 7 months
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reposting this from twitter
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esperata · 11 months
Recently, I locked my fics so people had to be logged in to read them. This was at the advice of AO3 themselves who'd found the site had been trawled to feed AI generators. A bit late to stop that but better than nothing. But now I learn individuals are actively taking fics to feed chatGPI anyway, either because they want updates faster or alternative versions.
Honestly, people feeding our fics to AI without permission to create their own is just making me so depressed. Why do I even bother? I labour over these, try so hard to convey emotion, and apparently computer generated is fine.
I won't stop writing because ultimately I do that for me, but damned if this doesn't make me want to stop sharing. If it's just going to feed AI, and the number of people commenting is dwindling, what even is the point?
Ultimately we're heading so real artists and writers are too overwhelmed by false creations that we don't see the point of adding our labours of love into the mix. But I guess no-one will mind 'cause by then the AI will know enough to reproduce it anyway, right?
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What are your opinions about character ai? (Totally not asking bc im turning to it to feed my sherliam and alcroft hunger bc im picky and cant find actual fics i like right now and Im not motivated or confident enough to actually write anything myself)
I say this emphatically but with total kindness towards you as a person: AIs don't write, don't draw, don't create. They devour and regurgitate plagiarized art, and in my opinion the best thing we can do is collectively completely ignore them until they become so unprofitable they cease to exist, or are repurposed to do other things that free us humans up to actually create more art. The proliferation of them is likely part of why you have a hard time finding fic you enjoy: more and more folks are scared to share their art when it might be stolen and fed into AI, and more and more are locking their AO3 profiles for the same reason. So uh...my opinion is "AI (at least in its current iteration) = bad."
Lecture aside, let me encourage you to dabble in writing yourself, even if you don't feel confident! In the decade or more since I last published fic before getting into Yuumori, I've started and abandoned probably well over a hundred WIPs for different fandoms. And even though all those snippets just sit on my computer for my eyes only, they were all fun to write! You don't have to share something to enjoy creating it. Have a line you want to hear one character say to another? Write a single scene, just for yourself, incorporating that line! It doesn't have to be complete, and no one else ever has to see it. It's healthy: you're interacting with something you love, flexing creative muscles, engaging your brain and practicing grammar and cadence and so on and so on and so on. Writing is good for you!
Also, if you don't already, get into your fandoms. Engage. Comment on fic you DO like. Become a fic author's recognized regular. (And don't ever ever ever feed their work into AI!!!) Do all that, and you might find someone whose authorial voice you really like who is willing to take prompts and feed your ship hunger for you, in a way that has heart and soul and humanity embodied in it.
Anyway, I hope this wasn't too harsh...I do be going off about things I'm passionate about. I know AI is kinda ubiquitous now and it's easy to think it's just something fun to play with and not doing any harm, but it's good to talk to authors and artists about this stuff and hear where they're coming from. I'm not super defensive of my work myself (not that I WANT my writing put into AI, please don't!), but I am easily riled up for the sake of my many friends who are very stressed about the whole topic and what it means for their art!
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spacefacedtragedy · 3 months
I wanted AI that helped people talk or see the world around them.
I wanted AI that helped fight depression or offer a reason for people to get together
I wanted AI that helped disability slowly just become a nuisance, not life ending.
I wanted AI that could help us redesign our roads, or remake cars to be fully sustainable
I wanted AI that helped us and themselves create a world that's not only survivable for the poor, but being able to achieve the coexistence we've lacked. Where nature and machine live in harmony, needing the other to survive.
Don't let capitalism convince you that the future needs to only be in money. You, and the creations you make, are worth more than being used. Do not confuse capital worth with individual worth.
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knackeredforever · 4 months
Ok this is probably gonna be a long rant but it’s for things that I’ve thought about for a while when it comes to the “ai” craze.
I’m ranting about what I’m ranting about is “ai” or what this hellhole of the modern internet has attributed the title “ai” to a fucked up form of machine learning that steals / plagiarises the work of others without their consent. For the rest of this rant I’ll be referring to “ai” as machine learning because that’s what it actually is algorithms programmed to copy others work.
The name “ai” is purely used to make the machine learning software sound more marketable and cool, artificial intelligence as most people envision it still doesn’t exist machine learning is basically constantly iterating program learning by being given fitness values that the outcome with the highest fitness value is used as a baseline for all the other runs to learn from. The machine learning does this by constantly taking over peoples work trying to use this work to guess what a prompt entered by a user wants in response and that’s why machine learning software would ask users whether they were satisfied by the outcome of the machine learning (I’ve used machine learning alot so I’ll shorten it to ml from now on) that will be the fitness value if the user enters yes that will give that ml outcome a higher fitness value therefore further uses of the ml software for that prompt of similar will give results similar to the high fitness value outcome.
One annoying outcome of the machine learning boom is because of its given name of “ai” when ai is used in the context outside of machine learning people now immediately assume it’s machine learning one example is video games which have used the term ai for decades e.g. enemy ai but now using that term makes people think it’s using machine learning even when it isn’t. One example I can think of was dragons dogma 2(I think? ) where developers were discussing the games new ai systems which journalists immediately assumed meant machine learning despite the fact it didn’t.
Another form of machine learning is the so called “ai voices” which is just taking audio sampling of people’s voices copying it and using it to try to say things those people didn’t originally say. It’s genuinely terrifying especially for people like voice actors who many have spoken out of the use of “ai voices” to replicate their voices who now have to worry about people using their voices to say offensive shit and people thinking it’s the original voice actor that said it. Another element that personally pisses me off is voice acting at an unprofessional level basically for shitposts to give an example my YouTube feed used to be filled with shitposts of people doing impressions of characters or performing the glorious task known as sentence mixing taking already existing audio and manually editing it to create new audio this is very different from machine learning as in machine learning new audio is created by trying to simulate copied audio samples from someone else. While in sentence mixing no new audio samples are created the audio is just edited to sound like something else is being said.
But now my YouTube feed when it comes to shitposts of this variety are usually filled with ai voice shitposts usually made by very small YouTubers but bigger ones also sometimes use it. This pisses me of for various reasons such that a lot of these videos that would have previously contained admirable amateur voice acting or sentence mixing now have bad incredibly flat machine learning voice acting and if your not willing to put the effort in the voice itself then I don’t think the video is probably gonna be very funny.
But another element that saddens me when thinking about this is the fact alot of people probably got into voice acting through doing shitposts online so the fact alot of people aren’t even trying to do these voices and that means they could have missed out on the realisation that they really liked voice acting and deciding they wanted to pursue it further.
“Ai”’s are machine learning plagiarism algorithm that are now forcing people online to be part of their sample size whether they want to or not social media’s are stealing artists work to replicate it worse for lazy people even fucking mspaint is doing this now MS FUCKING PAINT.
I’m sure there might be some good uses for this type of software but so far the main people who use and advocate it are corporations trying to get out of paying people for their art and lazy people.
What proves to me on a personal level that machine learning is used for nothing more than laziness is that in my computer science class we are almost finished with a long individual project and it’s one that I mostly really enjoyed working on my own game which was the good part. The worst part was every fucking computer science lesson where I had to hear other students talk about ways they could use machine learning to do their work for them so that they don’t have to do anything themselves no one cared about actually making something, something they wanted to make. All they wanted was something easy and I have known a lot of these people for years I’ve overheard their conversations most of them do business studies and when it comes to talking about their passions when I overhear them it’s always what job will get them the most money what can they do to make girls to be with them for their money. It won’t surprise you that most of these guys watch videos in computer science lessons on ways to be alpha males. (Unfortunately my computer science class is only guys) so I know machine learning isn’t a tool to help artists it’s a tool for people to bypass the art creation process due to laziness.
Now a second personal anecdote so about a month ago I went to a university open day with my dad for a game development course as that’s the career I want to pursue without getting into personal details my dad doesn’t exactly want me to go to this uni or course he debated me on several points about wanting to go to this uni and I argued why I wanted to go their but then he said that he had problems with me wanting to do game development because “the entire industry will mostly be ai generated in a few years anyway” my dads job has nothing to do with game development in the slightest he made this assumption probably because of news stories saying how machine learning was the future of all industries and that all jobs in those fields will disappear.
And honestly I’ve never heard a statement in my life that made me want to pursue game development more.
I want to pursue game development to create games by my own hands to have something that is truly my own not for money but for the love of creating games I wanna make.
I refuse to let all art become nothing more than having stolen slop fired back at users written inputs because if someone didn’t create it what is the point of art at all.
Art is human expression and machine learning is an attempt to replicate the human expression but it will never win.
That’s why I don’t want to support the use of machine learning online wherever I can because it goes against everything I stand for even if it means criticising something I like for using it as I want to support art not stolen non consensual machine learning.
I’m sorry for the long rant but this is a collection of things that have annoyed me for a while.
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sambeawesome · 13 days
Really sad to say that I can't in good conscious recommend Pixabay anymore for artists. The front page is littered with AI, & they openly allow AI images on their platform. A company I once donated to because I believed in their vision, really a shame. Disgrace to the community.
Unsplash does NOT allow AI generated images on their platform, so they are still safe to use and support! Cheers for genuinely caring about the art, photography, and stock community. <3
This is a good reminder to stay vocal and hold companies accountable, while also supporting the companies (and individuals! Lots of stock providers who work by themselves!) who stand strong against AI.
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moonlovesskunks · 7 months
One thing I hate about AI is that it's revealed this gross, selfish sense of entitlement in humanity.
Even if AI art was hypothetically taken from completely ethical sources, I would not be in support of it.
People say that AI is democratizing art, which is an argument that only makes sense if we are viewing art exclusively as a product to be consumed (which is insanely devaluing to artists, but that's besides the point). And to that I say, no, it's not democratizing art because art is available to literally anyone who either just pays an artist or cares enough to learn how to draw it themself.
This is just the thing, people who say this don't want to pay an artist, they don't want to learn how to draw it, but yet they still think they should have access to it. That sense of entitlement to things someone would usually have to either pay for or learn to make themself is beyond me.
People want to generate AI art because they want art without wanting to learn how to draw or paying someone else to, because they think they are entitled to art just because they want it.
People want to generate an AI essay for them because they want a good grade without actually doing the assignment and writing an essay, because they think they are entitled to that good grade just because they want one.
People want to generate AI coding for them because they want a program without actually learning how to code or paying someone who does, because they think they are entitled to a program just because they want one.
No. You do not deserve anything that you want. If you want a good cover for your book, but you don't want to pay an artist to draw one or you don't want to learn how to draw one yourself, YOU DON'T DESERVE A BOOK COVER.
If you can't hire someone else to do something for you or learn how to do it yourself, why should you have that thing you want?
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winterlilith · 2 months
No AI could replace my job of being the weakest fucking gay on earth, I melt from a lass even talking to me I’d like to see a robot spontaneously combust the way I do from a woman looking at them for too long
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lynbaccha · 2 months
Honestly, all this AI bs is tiring me out.
Not only I'm scared this will wipe out every industry I'm suitable to work in, but that also my skills and time get stolen. I didn't emerge with this artstyle, despite what AI bro's might believe. I started drawing in 2008 referencing BDZ, on print paper and pencil from grocery store.
Now, it's 2024. I have drawn, not every day or week, but very much every month at minimum. It has helped me through shitty times. I wanted to make a profession out of it.
Now... I just don't see future for me. Aside as a wellfare person my country's goverment calls "parasites" and "freeloaders".
Every place is crazy over AI. Twitter. Now Tumblr. Where the fuck can I go next? I'm tired on fighting this, I'm tired of hearing about this, bc news rarely are good. Hell, even Wacom has used AI this year, and I don't fucking believe their explanation how that went down. Mistake, my ass, you just wanna quick buck, assholes.
I have been in Tumblr for years, and I have lost some of my original files. I can't nightshade everything. I just... Can't.
I just wanna quit art and rot. Because truly, now, there's no point in continuing in this journey. Only journey that could have gotten me ANYTHING regarding life I once wanted.
I'm tired. I can't do this.
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Still thinking about how I had just got done playing Bramble: The Mountain King and being bored afterward (typical when I finish a good book, movie, or game). Being the curious person I am and also having a totally normal "fixation" with monsters, I played around with the craiyon tool or whatever and typed in "sexy troll." As anticipated, the AI tool lacked creativity. It gave me "sexy" Branch from the Troll movies.
AI does not recognize that human wants are often complex and vary from one person to another and are shaped by their environments and individual experiences. AI just guesses what is popular and steals art to create something that it thinks you'll like based on generalizations. AI is like that boomer relative that sees one person of your age/race/ethnicity/gender/etc do something and assume everyone else like you does the same thing only more annoying. And I hate it because movie studios actually want to rid themselves of human artists for this lol.
AI doesn't understand what makes Hellboy sexy to women. AI doesn't understand that when some people type in "fairy," they're not looking for Tinkerbell. Only a HUMAN could have created Pan's Labyrinth because AI thinks fairytales need happy endings.
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theoneandonlypixel · 4 months
Dunno if I ever said it, but if i have its worth repeating: Fuck AI Art, Fuck ChatGPT, fuck OpenAI and all the other large AI projects that crawl stolen data. I dont hate AI, it has a large use in data management and data analytics, but the people whose data is used have to give their fucking consent and be paid. I do hate AI Image generators with a passion though, there is literally no way for it to work without it being stealing or forgery. Anyway back to revlogging random shit.
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idkbishsss · 1 year
I just realized if writing get replaced by AI, you’ll never see someone make a spelling/grammar mistake again.
“Oh but IDKBISH! That’s a good thing:)”
no.. no it is not
Spelling and grammar mistakes shouldn’t happen a lot with in your text, you do want it to be fully readable! (And it’s fine if you have trouble with that kind of stuff I do to.)
But if you see some forgot to but a comma in a long beautiful paragraph, it makes it feel more human. You know? Real people make mistakes all the time. Again! You want your writing to be readable, not have those mistakes. Especially in a professional setting.
But what about a fic on AO3? You’re going to never see a amazing fic with a few words misspelled every again if we start using AI.
(Things that help you with this kind of stuff is fine by the way)
You’ll never get to see a young person learn something new about writing ever again.
If everything is replaced by AI there will be no more cute little human mistakes and that makes me sad!
Idk though. Maybe I’m wrong and this is a good thing. Or maybe these kind of mistakes need to stop.
I just wanted to rant a little, so thanks for reading:)
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