#anyways this is a JOKE we all know our number one wish is for them to be happy and treated fairly
nishibai · 6 months
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Hazmat Hole 1: Overture
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I went back and forth on whether to do the pilot or not, but ultimately decided not to. Pilots are meant to be an episode 0 that isn’t necessary to understanding the plot. I may go back to it after episode 8 if I’m not completely sick of this.
It starts off with a story book narration about how hell started because Lucifer was a rebel or something and just states very vaguely that he had big ideas heaven didn’t like. Also Adam was the first man, Lilith was the first woman but she didn’t like Adam and liked Lucifer better they fell in love or whatever and Lucifer gave Eve the apple and he and Lilith were banished to hell. I wish I could lie and say I was skipping over details but they used more words to explain that in about as much depth as I did there. Anyway. The important part is that Charlie is a princess of hell as the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and the angels go down to hell annually to purge excess souls.
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These two start off annoying and by god I do not see them getting any less so. Charlie is legitimately the most generic Disney Princess rip off I have ever seen in my life, complete with reading books aloud bursting into song. It’s genuinely jarring to hear her swear because you can tell the voice director basically just told her actor to pretend she’s auditioning for the little mermaid. Vaggie is annoying because she’s written like a middle schooler’s first “strong female character”. She’s the emo love interest in a B movie that was straight to video and made by people who don’t actually know what emo is.
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Appropriation Deer is literally just here to make wise cracks and occasionally move in ways that make animators cry and deviantart users in 2010 scream in joy.
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They could probably cut the budget in half by not having him in the show. Anyway no he is not here to do anything besides whine about how television sucks and emphasize that he’s only there at all because he’s into watching people fail and cry or whatever. He’s very flat as a character since he’s just there to be tumblr bait.
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Angel is here and spends the entire episode being sexually aggressive to the point of making everyone there uncomfortable and that’s the entire joke. That’s it. He’s a gay man who says penis and wise cracks and sexually harasses the men in the hotel. Because that is how vivziepop writes her mlm characters.
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We get a two for one easy joke with these two. Haha gay man is harassing a man who isn’t gay as well as haha asexual gets hit on but he says no way.
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Angel is here because “crack is expensive” and they don’t charge him rent there.
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Which he says while drinking a whole bottle of liquor to establish he’s an addict because vivziepop is as subtle as a bull in a China shop.
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And thus we are taken to our first musical number. It’s very underwhelming.
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Also Vaggie sings like she’s getting over a cold and plugging her nose and trying to do an impression of a duck.
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The opening number also leaves me with a perplexing question. Can you die in hell? Do you go to super hell if you die in hell?
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And we get our first real sexual harassment/assault joke from a giant slug flasher trying to make Charlie touch him in the middle of a musical number. I’m sure this bodes great for how angel’s abuse will be treated.
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I hate that I know this but as someone who did shamefully hate watch sausage party twice I have to point out that Adam here is literally just a rip off of a sausage party character.
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Everything down to the voice direction is literally just a rip off of the main antagonist of Sausage Party, the douche. This is probably somewhat intentional as vivziepop was a massive fan of that movie when it came out, but if you’re going to make an homage that borders on plagiarism (this is a joke I’m not accusing her of plagiarism here but it’s giving original character, donut steel), does it have to be from sausage party? Does it really? There’s other movies. Anyway he doesn’t say much, just establishes himself as a douche.
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Back at the hotel they start filming a new commercial since Alastor intentionally made their first commercial bad because he wanted to make fun of them and hates TVs just that much. Nothing very interesting happens. Angel is hot horny. Husk doesn’t want to be there. Alastor makes a deal with Vaggie to help as long as she never makes him go on TV again.
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We go back to Charlie begging Adam to stop coming to hell and killing demons by the hundreds every year and Adam says no in frankly one of the only songs that I like from this series. Sadly, it’s still terribly annoying and repetitive.
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Viv posted meme please clap.
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Isn’t this the homophobic character from the pilot? Didn’t realize she was given a male voice to imply she’s either a drag Queen or trans I guess. Great. I’m sure it’s a very artistic and respectful choice and not every other more likely reason this was the casting decision.
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The episode ends with the discovery that an Angel was killed during the last extermination so they plan to come back in just six months to kill every demon in hell. I might care if any character established themselves as anything other than a vessel to spout boring exposition and sex jokes for twenty minutes.
And that’s episode one. It’s honestly just boring and all of the explicit language sounds extremely forced and awkward.
0/10, the one okay song wasn’t enough to save it. Too much exposition dumping.
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AITA for making a stupid joke...?
I (f16) made a stupid joke, and my friend (f16) got offended. The conversation started with me talking about how I might wanna get into the profession of a mortician. My friend shortly after went "Well, you'll see a lot of dead people." I responded with an impulsive."Maybe I'll see you."
We did joke about it slightly afterward, and she told me "I will not talk to you anymore." It sounded like a joke at first, because she followed it rigth after with a "I'll send my mom to visit you, she probably knows where you life." It sounded, again, like a joke, so I didn't think much of it until after the break, where we then had biology, I sat at my usual place, where sometimes she'd come to join me. This time she went with her friend (said friend was there while I made the joke) a row behind me. She did not speak to me, or look at me. I tried not to think much of it since we are only school friends.
This morning, as I went into the classroom (I live in Europe, btw, in my country, we have one main classroom where most lessons are being held), and I waited for her. Yet when she came, she sat down and turned away from me with her chair, neither did she respond when I said her name or tried talking to her. She instead talked with someone else. All in all, she ignored me. I wrote my mother and cousin about it in the second lesson, where i was seperated from my friend. My mom recommended me to say sorry. When the lesson was over, I wanted to do that, but we had a break, and I couldn't find her at first. I then saw her in the toilet and apologized quickly. I tried to make it as honest as possible in the short time, saying that I understand that she's pissed, that it was insensitive, and that I wouldn't do it again. She didn't respond, and my wishful thinking tells me that she felt guitly because she looked to the floor. When the break was over, I met her in our classroom, where I apologized for my actions again and that I didn't have the time to give her a proper apology. She once again wouldn't respond. I changed rooms, and saw her again in history in our classroom. She once again, ignored me, and so did her friend. I also forgot to mention that said friend pushed me a bit when I tried to apologize the first time. They never asked me for any utensils directly and wouldn't include me in their conversations (I felt isolated and lonely at that time. Maybe even a bit dehuman). I later then, when school was over, found my bike pushed back, thus making my lock all messed up (it's a number lock for bikes, Google it, the gummy swirly one is mine). This has never happened before and I connect it to her due to how she was acting.
It migth be also good to mention that she was, and in all honesty, still is kind of a bully. She has tricked me and isolated me more than once. Another one is that she does have mental issues relating to suicide. But I also have to say that we joked about this in the past, with me saying things like "Well, you wanna die anyways!", and that she had never spend a second thought on those jokes. I also always helped her when she felt bad, or was having a bad time in life.
I hope that this was elaborate enough. I tried to leave nothing out. All in all, AITA?
Tldr : I made a joke about my friends hypothetical death. My friend joked a bit around with me after it, but then wouldn't talk to me anymore, even when I apologized the next day, her friend (who I'm actually pretty good with) has been ignoring me also. I share a table with them. We usually also joke around about the death stuff, so it had never been an issue. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Shoot your shot 🏀 (Pedri x Reader)
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**This one was requested by myself to myself 🤗🤭 to any man that might be reading, please take notes. An NBA match is the way to my heart 😅 any events that are the same for you? Let me know. And enjoy reading this!! ❤️**
Word count: 3070
"What are you doing during this break?", you asked Gavi while you were treating his injury.
"Just spending time with my family".
"That's nice. But please be mindful of the injury. Don't forget about your exercise routine, ok?"
"I won't. Don't worry. What are you going to do? You get a break too, right?"
"I do, but I'm not doing anything special either. I'll just catch on sleep probably", you laughed.
Not far from where you two were chatting, Eric and Pedri were sitting, waiting for a physio to attend to them...and listening to your conversation.
"Tell her to come with us", said Eric.
"What are you talking about?"
"Come on, it's the perfect excuse to spend some time together outside of work".
"And why would I want to do that? She's just our physio".
"Sure, Pedri", he said, rolling his eyes. "Everyone can see how you two act around each other".
Once you were done doing Gavi's treatment, you moved to join his teammates.
"Alright. Who needs some help?"
"Pedri", said Eric.
"Just say you don't like how I do my job, García. No need to throw me at someone else", you joked.
"Joan has a fitness plan for me, I have to wait for him".
The explanation made sense to you, but Pedri knew what was behind that request.
"Any plans for the break?", asked you Pedri, wondering if he should invite you to join theirs like Eric had suggested.
"Not really, what about you?"
"Eric and I are going to San Francisco". "Oh wow, that's fancy. What for?"
"We're watching an NBA match", said Eric, staring at your reaction and trying not to laugh.
You were the biggest basketball fan they had ever met. Once, they saw you at a Barça match and ever since, you've been having long chats about the Spanish League, the Superleague, the NBA, ...all of it. They often joked about how you were going to leave them to work with the basketball team.
"That's...you know? I'm not usually jealous of your lifestyle but I am now. I wish I had the money to do that".
It was now or never, thought Pedri. "Come with us".
Eric actually couldn't believe he had done it.
"What do you mean?"
"To the match. Come with us. We have a spare ticket so why not give it to you".
"That's too much. It's too much money and...", you kept babbling. Shocked by his offer.
"I think you should come too", said Eric.
"When are you leaving?"
"Wednesday. I could give you the details. I...I don't have your number, but...".
"I mean, if we are travelling together, I'd have to give you my number anyway", you laughed. "For any emergencies".
Seeing you and Pedri just nervously staring at each other, Eric took his friend's phone and gave it to you.
"Add your contact, then".
You bit your lip and took the phone, doing as Eric asked. It just felt...too much. Like you were overstepping. This wasn't professional but you couldn't lie and say you weren't excited about the idea of traveling to watch an NBA game. And also about the idea of spending time with Pedri. And with Eric too, of course.
"Done", you said, feeling shy all of a sudden and just trying to concentrate on your job.
"We are going to have the best time!", said Eric, winking at you and leaving you confused. And making Pedri blush.
"Hey, Eric!"
He looked up from his phone to look at you. "Hi. You're early".
"Not as early as you".
"I actually got the time wrong and I've been here for a while".
You laughed, shaking your head and sitting down next to him.
"First time on a private jet?"
"Me? Nah, it's how I always travel".
"Well, you never know", he shrugged.
"It is the first time, yes. Also first time in the US and at an NBA match. Little trip full of firsts".
Eric was itching to ask if it would be your first time with a football player, because he was sure something would happen between you and Pedri, but that was crossing a line and he didn't want to make you run away and cause Pedri to kill him.
"There he is".
You looked where he pointed and saw Pedri and another guy approaching you.
"Hi, this is my brother".
"Nice meeting you".
"Let's go inside so we can get comfortable", said Eric, leading the way.
You felt so out of place all of a sudden. There were people you didn't know and the two you knew were coworkers. Sort of. Not really friends. The only player you could probably call a friend was Gavi and he wasn't there.
Also, flying wasn't something you were scared of per se, but the idea of such a long flight wasn't the most exciting to you. Worth it, of course. But still.
"Do you need a blanket?", offered Pedri's brother while everyone was getting ready for a nap to make the flight go by faster and get some rest for the trip.
"Sure. Thanks".
But you knew you weren't going to be able to sleep knowing how high up in the sky you were. So when everyone was resting, you got your book out of the bag and started to read.
Slight turbulences distracted you sometimes and your eyes always went to the same person. Pedri. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. So...handsome. But you didn't allow yourself to go there often.
A lot of the players you worked with were handsome. Eric himself was but what you liked about Pedri was something else. Not just looks. The little glimpses of his real personality you got to see were always hard to ignore for you because you liked what you saw. A lot.
"You can't sleep?", his voice took you out of the story you were then so immersed in.
"No, it's fine. I'll sleep when we get there".
"I could ask for a sleeping tablet or something. It's too many hours awake and the jet lag...".
"I'll be fine, Pedri", you said, smiling at his worry. "But thank you".
"Do you want to watch a movie with me while they are sleeping?"
You nodded, book now forgotten.
It was so weird to be sitting next to him. Arms almost touching. But it was also weird to feel weirded out by that since your job meant you were touching him all the time. Yet it was different. This wasn't you treating an injury.
Still, his presence relaxed you and soon you ended up falling asleep. Pedri noticed after a couple of minutes, when your head started to get closer to his shoulder.
He couldn't wake you up, he reasoned. You needed the sleep. So he just continued watching the movie, enjoying the weight of your head on his shoulder and the scent of your shampoo. He was never going to move on from this crush now.
Hearing movement behind you made you wake up and realize the position you were in. How embarrassing.
"It's fine, you didn't bother me at all".
Eric walked past you two on his way to the bathroom and smirked at Pedri when he saw you sitting together. Now he only needed to get you alone at some point during the trip. And he had an idea of what to do.
"We are going to lose her", said Eric and you could barely hear him because seeing the outside of the basketball stadium had hypnotized you.
When you felt a hand grabbing your arm, you turned to see it was Eric who stopped you from walking further so you wouldn't separate from the group.
"Sorry. This is just so unbelievable. How am I even here?"
"All thanks to Pedri", said Eric, putting his right arm around his friend's shoulders to bring him close while he used his other arm to do the same to you.
Before you knew it, he had moved back and now you were standing next to Pedri, who was trying not to shake his head at his friend's actions. He was being too obvious.
"Is this a bad time to say I'm a Lakers fan?", you asked, not knowing what else to say.
"Well, you're going to lose then".
"We'll see".
While you were finding your seats, a journalist asked Pedri and Eric if they had a few minutes to do a quick interview and they said yes. So you waited until they were done to sit and seeing they were both sitting together, you just moved to sit next to Eric.
"Why are you sitting here?"
"So Pedri can sit next to his brother", wasn't it the obvious thing to do?
You noticed Eric frowning but didn't stop to think why he was doing it. He was thinking about how he should have thought of a plan so you two were sitting together. But thankfully, he came up with a simple idea quickly.
"I need to pee before the game starts", he said, standing up and leaving.
You took a quick look at the seat Eric left empty and saw Pedri picking up his phone out of the corner of your eye. That reminded you about yours and so you started to take photos and videos of the place.
Pedri was surprised to see a text from Eric but when he read it, he let out a little chuckle. He'd have to repay the favour if his friend ever crushed on a girl like he was crushing on you.
"Sorry! Sorry! ...I didn't mean to step on your foot, sorry", you turned to see Eric returning to your seats, and struggling. "Guys! Move so I don't have to step on more feet".
"Smooth!", said Pedri under his breath.
"What was that?", you asked.
But he did move and now he was sitting next to you.
The match was pretty entertaining and you kept chatting with Pedri about it, despite how loud it was.
"Popcorn?", he offered, moving the bag in your direction.
"Thank you".
And he kept offering you more, just by moving the bag so you could reach it easily, until he just decided to put it between your seats.
"Cute", said his brother, and Pedri slapped his leg so he would shut up but only made him laugh.
At half-time, only you and Pedri stayed in your seats thanks to another one of Eric's interventions.
"Are you having a good time?"
"Yes, this is even better than I expected. And I had high expectations", you laughed.
Pedri moved away from you a little so he could take his hoodie off. It was warmer than he expected.
"Do you always wear that same hoodie? I think you can afford to buy a few more".
Pedri rolled his eyes and pretended he was leaving offended, so you grabbed his arm and made him sit down again. You've touched him so many times at work, but that felt different again.
"I mean, it does look good on you. But I was wondering if it was like a lucky charm or something too".
He tried not to stay on the thought of you thinking he looked good for too long. "No, I just like it and I'm boring, I guess".
By the time the match ended, you didn't even care about Lakers losing. Just being there had been so amazing, the result was secondary.
And also, you were all really tired, so it was time to go to the hotel and rest. Another long day awaited you tomorrow.
Everyone fell silent when you got to the table where the boys were having breakfast.
"Were you talking about me?", you joked. But they actually had been.
"No, just about today".
"What are the plans?"
"We'll go meet a couple of players we met before when we were here", explained Eric. "And then we are going to a baseball match".
"Baseball?", that didn't sound very appealing but you guessed it made sense to go to all the American sports.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to. Pedri isn't coming. You could go see the city with him while Fer and I are at the match".
Pedri tried not to react to Eric's kick but kicked him back.
"You sure you don't want to go to that match?", you asked him and he nodded. "Then I guess we could go play tourist. I don't mind going alone but it's good to have company".
"And it'd be good to have the two English translators with the people who don't speak English".
"Eric, stop pretending you're bilingual. She speaks English so much better than you", said Pedri, making you blush.
Plans were made while food was being eaten and then it was time to go meet some basketball players. You couldn't deny how excited you were about that. You had met the whole Barça squad, of course. But these were NBA players.
You felt like you looked so out of place there but everyone was being nice to you so far. Even if they had no clue who you were and what you were doing there.
"Which one do you belong to?", asked one of the players, pointing at the men you were with and making you raise an eyebrow.
"I belong to myself. But since you mean which one is my boyfriend, the answer is none of them. We are just friends".
Eric noticed the one you looked at when saying that was Pedri. But Pedri didn't know what was going on because Eric was right when he pointed out he barely spoke English.
What he did know was that some of the players were flirting with you. No need to understand what they said when he could see the way they looked at you when they talked. But you weren't interested, at all.
"Ask her out. She'll say yes and then you won't have to be jealous all the time".
"Eric, I'm not jealous".
"Right...just do something while you two are alone. It's exhausting for me to just see you being so stupid".
And Eric wasn't wrong. He had to do something.
Yourusername 🔒
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Pretty San Francisco 🇺🇸
-pablogavi: looks good! But watch out because Pedri and Eric are there too.
   -yourusername: I know.
   -pedri: she knows.
   -ericgm3: we're literally with her. Keep up, Pablito.
   -pablogavi: how was I supposed to know?
   -pablogavi: wait, why wasn't I invited? 🥺
"Gavi is so silly", you said to Pedri, looking at your phone.
"But he's your favourite", he joked. But it was something that bothered him a bit. Even if you two acted more like siblings than two people who liked each other in a romantic way but...Gavi got too much of your attention. And that was attention Pedri didn't get.
"I'm not allowed to have favourites, Pedro".
"And yet...".
Being alone with him for a couple of hours had made you a bit more confident. Also noticing how Eric was always trying to push you to be with Pedri. Perhaps he felt the same way about you as you felt about him.
"No need to be jealous".
He laughed at being called jealous a second time in just one day. But both times, it was true.
"I'm just wondering what he has that I don't, you know?"
"He's more reckless on the pitch so recovery takes longer".
"I get kicked a lot".
You looked at him and...was he pouting?
"And it's also easier to spend more time with him than with you", you confessed, but he didn't understand what you were saying and you noticed it straight away. "I don't mean it in the way you think, but the opposite".
"Spell it for me then", he said and your heart sunk seeing his hurt look.
"Gavi is my friend. Just that. You are...you".
"That's not really explaining much", he added, but his look had changed from hurt to curious.
"I don't have a crush on Gavi".
There it was. No way back now after that confession.
"That's not a line I hear often", he joked, making you laugh. "And...the feeling is mutual. About the crush, I mean".
"You don't have a crush on Gavi either? He'll be devastated".
Pedri chuckled before walking in front of you so you stopped moving.
"Can I kiss you?", he asked, and you nodded.
Yes, that wasn't very professional. You didn't even know if it was allowed but you'd worry about it when the time came. First, it was time to enjoy the kiss you had been dreaming about for months.
One of the first things Eric did when he got back to the hotel was call Pedri to see how your date had gone.
"Nothing happened".
"You've got to be kidding me! Do you want me to go on the dates with you to tell you what to do?"
"Just leave it. Let's enjoy our last day here tomorrow. It's fine".
"So stupid...the both of you!"
Pedri couldn't help but laugh seeing how annoyed his friend looked. And he laughed again after telling you about the conversation.
The next day, your final day there, was a repeat of the first one. Eric trying to get you alone with Pedri all the time. But what he didn't know was that whenever that happened, you really made the best of that alone time. And when Eric and Fer were back, it was back to pretending for the both of you. You were having a great time teasing them like that.
But all good things come to an end and soon you found yourself on the jet, on the way back to Barcelona. Same as on the first flight, the boys decided to go take a nap. And same as on that other flight, you couldn't sleep.
This time, however, Pedri didn't want a nap either. So he invited you to watch another movie with him. He brought you closer to him so you could cuddle and his warmth made you fall asleep almost immediately.
He wanted to remain awake to both fully enjoy the feeling of having you in his arms and to make sure no one saw you like that. But he was very tired too and soon his eyes started to close.
It was when Pedri wasn't still fully asleep that he noticed a presence near him. Eric.
"Nothing happened, right?"
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codfanficedits · 5 months
Final Goodbye - Part 4 - Final Part.
Pairing: John Price & Reader
Summary: You are Death.
Wordcount: 3311 | Rating: M (18+ only!)
Warnings: MW3 SPOILERS
A/N: Different colours to identify dialogue better. Gave John a little backstory
Part 4/4.
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John Price.
The man had seen more than enough death for a lifetime. Yet it wouldn’t be the last of it. Being a soldier signed him up to a lifetime of death and despair. But unlike the others, John seemed to accept it a whole lot better. Yes he did feel guilty, yes he wished life could’ve turned out different, for him, for his team, for all of them.
But it didn’t, so he had to learn how to cope.
Even though you know his time isn’t there yet, you decide to follow him around, just a little more, just to see how he would cope. That is what you would tell yourself anyway, maybe you had been getting a little attached to this group of men.
You watch John approach the cemetery, four bouquets of flowers in his hands, a picnic basket hanging on his arm while he walks, silence lingering around him, and if he were in company, they would feel the tension surrounding him. But John is alone, except for your company, who would’ve guessed Death would’ve be such good company?
Three out of the four bouquets get placed on the ground, alongside the picnic basket, number four, a bouquet of tulips. Yellow tulips. John places them on the first grave, his hand brushes away the dirt on the gravestone. “Well, for someone whose nickname is Soap, it sure gets dirty quick.” John chuckles at his own joke. John kneels down at the grave, removing some of the weeds that had grown, using his hand to brush the rest of the gravestone clean.
“I’m sorry, Johnny.” He mutters. “Sorry I dragged you along to that mission. I’m sorry you had to catch the bullet meant for me.” John awkwardly pats the gravestone.
“If I had known that would be our last moment together, I would’ve spent the car ride to our destination telling you how proud I am of you.” He speaks, and while John knows that no one will hear his words, it feels good to get them off his chest.
“I would tell you how good you’re doing, how much you’ve grown. How much we all appreciated you. How we all enjoyed your jokes, even though some of us would rather perish than tell you that.”
“You probably already know, but Kyle and Simon joined you.”
“I wish I could have prevented this. Kyle.. He slipped right between my fingers, I never thought he would push and push the way he did, Johhny. I thought I was keeping him safe, keeping him busy, but in reality I was allowing him to die.”
John swallows the lump in his throat. “And Simon. I think I knew what was happening, I thought I knew what was going on, but I was wrong, so, so, so wrong.”
John takes a deep breath, inhaling the cold air into his lungs, before he slowly exhales. “You’ve been one hell of a soldier, Johnny, but more important, you’ve been an amazing person. I’ll see you again on the other side, take care of the boys for me, will ya?”
With a grunt John gets up from his knees, taking a new bouquet of flowers.
A colourful bouquet of freesias is put down in front of the next grave and John lets out a sigh again, staring into the distance. It is hard to read his face, and you can’t figure out what he is thinking.
“I’ve heard a lot of gut wrenching sounds, Kyle.” He finally speaks. “But I’ll never forget the screams of your mother when I had to confirm your death. The wailing will never leave my mind. I can’t erase it, no matter how hard I try.”
The captain uses his hand once more to brush some dirt of the gravestone, wiping his hands on his jeans. “I’m sorry.” He says once more.
“I really wanted to believe life had so much in store for you. I should never had let you take on that mission, Kyle. I should’ve seen the signs, the desperate attempt to prove yourself to me, to Johnny, maybe even to Simon too.”
“But the truth is, boy, you never had to prove yourself in the first place. We all saw your potential, we all saw the amazing leader you could’ve become.” John runs a hand through his short hair. “I really wish we could’ve talked about this more. I really wish you would’ve told me you didn’t feel good enough, Kyle. I could’ve shown you my point of view.”
“But, we can’t undo what happened.” John continues. “I hope you can finally feel enough.”
“Your mother misses you. Your sisters too. Simon missed you. But I’m sure he has told you by now. Or not, we both know how he can be.”
“I.. I miss you too, Kyle. I would’ve loved for you to follow my footsteps.” John sighs again. “Simon couldn’t cope, but you already know that. Take care of him, yeah? I know he probably doesn’t want it, but he missed you and Johnny.”
John gives a final pat on the gravestone. “I’ll come back, I promise.”
He takes the third bouquet, a large bouquet of sunflowers, it is being put down on the newest gravestone. “Fucking hell, Simon.” He grunts. “Out of all people, I never thought you would do it. I thought I had it under control with you.”
“At least you had a smile on your face, and I wonder what went through your mind in your final moment.” A sad smile forms on John’s face. “I hope you’re at peace now.”
“Out of all their deaths, yours haunts me the most, Simon.” He confesses. “Because with yours it felt like I really could have changed the outcome, you know.” John kneels down next to the grave.
“I.. I.. I never got to say this Simon, but I am sorry that I compared you to your father. I was trying to get my point across and I’ve used words that I shouldn’t have used. I knew it was a low blow to mention him, and I’m sorry.” He rests his hand on the gravestone. “I hope my words didn’t push you over the edge, and I know you have made that little note for me, but I can’t help but feel guilty.”
John sighs once more, looking at the sunflowers on the ground. “I.. You didn’t have a home I could send you too, like Kyle, so I’ve spread your ashes on the same spot where we send Johnny home. I hope you’re okay with it.” He adds, with a meek smile.
“You’ve been one of the toughest people I’ve ever known in my life, and I’ve met a lot of tough motherfuckers, Simon. But you? You’ve bounced back from everything.”
“And no matter how guilty I feel, the fact that you had a smile on your face brings me a little bit of peace.”
“I hope that wherever you are, that you found your people again in the afterlife. That there will be enough souls waiting for you, to show you how loved you’ve always been.” John gets up from his knees again. “Don’t try to give the other too much shit, but keep them in check for me, yeah?”
He let his gaze fall on the three graves in front of him, a sad smile on his lips once more. His hand goes to the dog tags around his neck, there are too many to just be from one person. His gaze lingers on the names engraved in the stones.
John MacTavish
Kyle Garrick
Simon Riley
“It has been an honour. An honour to have known you all, an honour to have fought alongside you. The biggest honour has been to call you all my brothers in arms.” His voice is clear, never wavering as he pays his final respect, as he says his final goodbye.
“I promise you three that I’ll keep your graves in check, for as long as I live. I don’t care if they’re empty, they will forever be a reminder that you have all existed. Your legacy will live on.”
“I miss you all, until we meet again.”
After a final salute he picks up the last of the bouquets and the picnic baskets, and he walks further up the cemetery, walking past a grave that reads Herschel Shepherd. John gives the grave a quick nod. “You make me wish hell did exist.” He grumbles, flipping the headstone off. “Should’ve done it earlier.”
He continues to walk until he reaches another grave, putting down the picnic basket and the flowers, before he kneels down again, taking out a brush to gently sweep away any dirt.
Jenny Price
“I’m back again, love.” He sighs, as he tidies up the grave, making sure to pull the weeds, but leave the flowers that have grown intact. “It has been a while since I’ve visited, but I have a good reason, I promise.” He added with a chuckle.
He gets up after the stone is clean again, her name can be read again, and he takes a step back to admire his work. “Got you all cleaned up. Looking pretty as ever.”
He opens the picnic basket, taking out a blanket to lay it on the ground next to the stone. A bouquet of heliotropes, forget-me-nots and carnations. John sits down on the blanket, next to the gravestone.
“Next month..” He sighs, something he has done a lot this evening. “Next month, you’ll be gone for fourteen years now, Jen. And I still miss you as if it is the first day.”
He rests his head against the stone. “I miss the boys.” He whispers, almost as if he is afraid to confess it to her. “Blaming myself for it too. If you see them, take care of ‘m for me, please. Show them the love you’ve shown me.”
He takes out a small bottle of wine, and a cigar, leaving the picnic basket open. “I can only hope that Death guided them, the way you have been guided.”
“It’s been nearly fourteen year, love, and I still wake up in the middle of the night, searching for you, hoping you’ve just been in the bathroom and you’ll come back to lay next to me. I would give everything, Jen, and I mean everything, to just hold you once more, to feel your soft skin against mine again.”
“Being a captain, having my own taskforce, it all means less when I can’t share it with you. It all means so little, knowing that I won’t be able to hold you again, to hear your sweet voice ever again.” John opens up the bottle of wine he had brought, taking out the cork before he takes a swig, not bothering to take a glass. “You know.” He chuckled softly. “If I close my eyes and focus really hard. I can even hear you scold me again for drinking wine straight out of the bottle.”
“I finally had an orange again.” He mutters. “They apparently make special tools to help you peel them. So I can finally eat them again. It has been fourteen years, and I finally had an orange again.” He shakes his head. “I cried. I cried while eating it, the taste reminded me so much of you, the scent of the peel almost intoxicating. I remember how your hands would smell like orange the whole day after you’ve peeled mine. And I miss it, Jen. Fuck, I miss it so much.”
He falls silent, a stark contrast with the floodgates of words that spilled over his lips just seconds ago. His voice cracking when he speaks again. “It has always been you.”
“No other woman comes even close to you. It is weird, but I don’t even want another woman, I don’t feel the need to see someone, feel someone. Hell, I prefer to lay alone in that large bed, because when I fall asleep, you’re waiting for me in my dreams. You’re there, waiting for me to come home again.”
You’ve been watching him, while you sat on the nearby bench. Jenny Price. You remember reaping her soul, her husband had walked in on you, and he was the first mortal to see you, and to live to tell the story. But John kept it hidden, maybe that is why he had grown so strong, so tough, because he knew that death wouldn’t be an ugly thing, but an old friend waiting for you to come home again.
You’ve seen enough, as you get up from the bench. His time isn’t there yet, and you have enough to do anyway. Your gaze lingers on the captain, his head resting on the gravestone, his eyes closed as he brings up the memories he has with his late wife. It has become routine for him at this point, talking to her after a mission, visiting her whenever he could, keeping her grave as clean as he could. But for now you let him be. He deserved to have this little peace of mind before he would get sucked into the chaos of his day to day life.
Life goes on for the both of you, you have been reaping souls, he has been doing missions, neither of you meeting, although you take away the lives he has ended.
But his end is near, creeping up behind him, lurking in the shadows. Maybe he could feel it, maybe it was the universe apologising for taking away his wife, for taking away his teammates, but John finds himself at the cemetery again, talking to his old teammates, making sure that the weeds have been pulled, the flowers are fresh again. He updates them on his life, on the missions.
“We’ve done it.” He sighs, to no grave in particular. “We found Makarov. And I’ve put a bullet between his eyes, Johnny. Made sure he knew it was in your name. You should have seen the look on his face.”
And you remember, taking Makarov’s soul, it was safe to say the Rus was less than pleased, especially that John took his soul.
“Your mom is doing well, Kyle. She is still grieving as much as a mother does, but she is doing well. She finally got you that golden retriever you wanted as a kid. Named it Gaz, in your honour. Your sister graduated from her studies. She made sure to mention you in her speech. You would be so proud, Kyle.”
“And Simon, we have a mental health program dedicated to you, making sure that we can talk more open on base about mental health. So we can prevent that others feel the need to do what you did. You’ll live on.”
He moves on, once more laying out the blanket next to the grave of his late wife, sitting down next to her again. “There we are love.” He said with a grunt, lighting his cigar.
His gaze falls on the sky, looking at the setting sun. “You’re looking beautiful tonight.” He tells her. “I like it when you paint the sky orange. I never realised orange was my favourite colour until I found you in the sky every day.”
Maybe he could feel it, maybe your presence was looming to much on a cemetery. But John closes his eyes, breathing in the cold air into his lungs. He opens his eyes, seeing you in front of him.
“It is good to see you again, old friend.” He says.
“Oh, you can skip the formalities.” He grunts. “I always thought I would die on the battlefield, not next to Jenny.”
“It has become a full circle, she passed in your arms, you will pass next to her gravestone.”
His eyes flash dark when he is reminded of how his wife had passed. “I never got to thank you for guiding Jenny.”
“It is what I do.”
“I know, but still. She was so scared, and you took that fear away.”
“I am glad that I could do it.”
“So, it is my time then.”
“Mhm, it is your call.” You respond. “But it will happen within the next few minutes.”
“Hm.” He answers with a murmur, as he rests his head against her gravestone again. “Wake me up when it’s done.”
You take place on the bench again, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath, his breathing turning steady as he falls asleep next to her gravestone. Sleeping together one last time.
You’re a patient creature, you have all the time in the world, so you wait, wait until his chest stops, until his heart stops beating. Before you can say a thing his soul leaves his body. John doesn’t talk to you yet, instead, he looks at his body, resting against the gravestone of his late wife.
“What a sight.” He sighs, turning to you.
And you just nod.
John turns to you. “I imagine that I also get to ask some questions before you bring me to the afterlife.”
“Anything you wish.”
John’s soul walks over to the bench you’re sitting on, having a view of the graves of his teammates and his late wife. “Do you think I am a bad person?”
“I am in no position to answer that question. For me and Life there is no such thing as a good person and a bad person. You all just exist with free will, and it is up to you how you use it.”
“If you were human, you would be a politician.” John snickers at his own joke.
You let out a sound that represents a huff. “Is this you calling me a bad person?”
“Only if you would be a British politician.”
“I would rather stay Death.”
He looks at the upcoming moon. “Did you guide my teammates too?”
“All of them.”
If he would be still alive he would be releasing a breath. “Glad you did.”
“They all wanted to know how you would cope.”
“They did?”
“Guess they cared more than I thought.”
“Of course they did.”
“Why was Simon smiling?”
“Why would I have something to do with it?”
“Because I know you wouldn’t have want him to die alone.”
“That much is true. I asked him his favourite memory. So he could die thinking about something happy.”
“And Kyle’s mother told me he has tried to call her and left a voicemail, I assume that is your doing too?”
“Why not?”
“Kyle’s upbringing was different from Simon’s.”
“As Death I do not discriminate, between the sinners and the saints. Life can be difficult and unfair enough. Why would I make their process of dying hard too?”
“That.. I.. I never thought about it that way.”
“I had no reason to grand you and Jenny some more time together, I had no reason to explain the afterlife to her, or to answer her questions about dying. Yet I did. Just like the universe does not need reasons to allow events in someone’s life to happen.”
“I see. Well, I think it is beautiful.”
John looks at his body, limped against the gravestone of his late wife.
“How did I die?”
“Your heart gave out.”
“Guess all those years of cigars, whiskey and stress finally caught up on me.” He chuckled. “I never noticed anything though, I mean I’ve been a little tired lately, but thought that was just the stress.”
You just tilt your head.
“Heart diseases are something else.” You sigh. “A silent killer.”
“Learned that the hard way.”
His gaze shifts from his body to the gravestone next to him and he holds out his hand.
“As much as I liked seeing you again old friend, I am ready to go home, for the first time in fourteen years.”
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dozing-marshmallow · 5 months
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The house was empty with just you and Chris.
And you were a long way from having children with him.
So, you asked him something that wasn’t as demanding as children, but all the more loveable.
At first, he refused,“We already have enough pets in our backyard, (Y/N)!”
He means those wild animals...?,“Those aren’t pets, Chris... They don’t live with us and they can look after themselves.”
“Oh, so you want a feeble animal to depend on you like the sick freak you are?”
When he said it like that...
“Joooooking! It’s a joke, don’t be sad!” he pets your head,“Let’s go get ourselves a dog.”
A dog? But he’s already owned three in the past. Why not get a kitty instead?
“Eh. I’d prefer to get an animal that likes me.” what a flawed answer.
“Chris, cats do like their owners.” you explained, doodling the head of a cat on his hand with a marker,“Just because they’re reserved, it doesn’t mean they hate you.”
He begged to differ,“Mhm. Walking away whenever I try pet them is love, yeah? No thanks. Dogs don’t have a social battery, much like me, and they all love me. They don’t just sleep around all day, they want to spend time with me.”
Okay then.
You make it to the pet store with him, taking longer than you guys thought it would to actually look at the dogs.
After all, the store had tarantulas, snakes, fishes.
Things you saw most of the time on the island, but looking so different seeing them in a tank.
“Aw, Chris... Look at this Turkish Angora.” you cooed at the pretty kitty at one point, who stared up at you with captivating blue eyes.
He takes one look at the white furry face,“Meh.”
“You just wanna look at dog pens?”
“Duh.” he responds condescendingly, frown twitching at you being the one wasting time.
“Alright.” you scoff, going ahead,“Don’t look me like you weren’t gawking at that axolotl for fifteen minutes.”
“They’re cute!” he tried to justify, catching up to you.
You finally get to the dogs, this aisle naturally being the loudest part of the pet store with their barking and playing.
“There’s so many choices!” you exclaim, leaping from one stall to the other,“Shih tzus, western terriers, beagles, dachshunds! Ah! They have everything here! I wish I could take all of them home!”
“And have my house smelly and scruffy? No thanks.” Chris sneers, no compassionate thought spared towards any of the breeds you mentioned,“Let’s just find one already.”
One of them will melt him,“Look at the chihuahuas here!”
“Hmm...” he peers down at the bundle of the tinier dogs, yipping at him, haven’t touching his interest.
“What’s with that look? Chriiiis.” you knew what could be going through his head,“Chihuahuas aren’t as bad as the media makes them out to be!”
“It’s not that...” his voice creeps with uncertainty,“They’re just...well...permanently small, aren’t they?”
“You mean you wanna get a big dog?” you twist your head to the end of the corridor, seeing there were quite a number of pens you have yet to look at,“There should be some down there!”
And there were! “Now we’re talking!” Chris eventually approves, watching the batch of huskies.
“They’re very beautiful... Though I was hoping I could pick up the dog.” you had every right to estimate that. These dogs were probably taller than you if they stood on their hind legs.
“Tough luck, dogs aren’t made to be carried.” Chris scornfully responds to your dream, before sighing,“If it means that much to you, I suppose we can get one as a baby... Hm...”
He had difficulty picking. You were fine with any breed, so you proposed to him,“How about I go buy the dog essentials while you pick the one you want?”
“Really?” there was this paw of gratitude that glittered his eye for a second, before he bashed it away with an egoistical,“I mean yeah sure, whatever, I know the one I’ll pick is gonna be right anyway. See you in a bit.”
You internally grieve from the way these dogs you met earlier looked at you as you walked past them. How long will these precious animals need to wait for the perfect family to take them home? The one... Such a shame he stuck to his word this time.
Whether Chris wanted to or not, you were definitely going to personally put some more money towards animal shelters.
By the time you were done paying and had carrier bags of dog treats, bowls, a bed, and toys, you set off on your journey back to the dog aisle to reunite with Chris, just for it to be completed halfway through as he had thought the same, newly sporting something in his hand too: a lead attached to a picturesque polar bear like dog next to him, with its tongue hanging out in a smile.
“I decided to get the Samoyed.” he grinned,“I was stuck between that or the German shepherd, but then I thought, why not get something new?”
“Aw...!” you bend down to pet the dog’s fur, the Samoyed, who was very welcoming, even cocking its head to invite you into doing so. The vanilla strands of its body fluffed in mighty submission under your hand, feeling too heavenly to be tangible,“Such a pretty dog! Is it a male or female, and did you give it a name yet?” you didn’t hear your voice pitching higher.
“It’s a boy dog, and no, I haven’t figured out a name yet, which is weird, since I am fantastic at those.” his tone too mystified at his current lack of creativity.
A random suggestion popped into mind after looking into the eyes of the big dog, noticing his being very similar to Chris’,“How about Lavender?”
“Lavender? Seriously? I can’t imagine calling him that! He’s not even purple! It makes no sense!” Chris criticised immediately.
Sheesh, you didn’t think it that bad of a name,“Alright then, what were some that you had?” you asked, straightening your legs back up.
“Snow orrr Snowball.”
“...Lavender, it is.”
Perfectly timed, Lavender let out a howl, sugaring Chris’ lemon mouth into stroking him with adoration.
“Aw!” he was back in the shoes of his fans,“I love this dog!”
Who couldn’t? He hadn’t been with Chris for a whole day and his person had already changed. Dogs... Purer than man could ever be.
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sunny1616 · 1 month
Deluded Pt. 1
Matteo Riddle x Reader
Summary: You and Matteo have a toxic yet addictive bond. Both of you know it and can't help but feed into it further. But what happens when the limit is found and crossed?
Warnings ⚠️: toxic relationship, swearing, arguing
"Sttawpp Matteeo.. i have to get to class..." Matteo, has you trapped in an outdoor alcove at the courtyard. His hands bracket your hips, and his head is nuzzled in the sweet spot between your neck and collar bone. At your request for him to stop his perusal of your neck, he responds with a giggle that tickles you under your jawline. "This is no joke! McGonagall will kill me if i show up late for the third time this month!!... MATTEO IM SERIOUS.." You then brace your forearms against his chest and push off.
"Comme onnn. That old witch won't notice. Know-it-all-Granger takes up all her attention in that class. I know you dont want to go, so why are you wasting this precious, precious time?.." At the last two words, his face is back on the same sensitive spot. And you wiggle again with less will to end it.
"Ughhh, at this rate, we both won't ever graduate. Don't you ever take anything at least a bit seriously?" This was partly a jest, but you also wanted to know if Matteo had the right priorities.
"Why do you have to ruin the mood? Who the fuck cares about school? Both our families are loaded anyway. You could work at any department at the Ministry even if you didnt pass Divination. Besides, no one goes to classes anyways. Blaise, Crab, Goyle, and Theo- even Pansy doesn't give a shit most of the time! BE MORE LIKE HER AND STOP KILLING MY BONER" He ends with an annoyed exasperation. You just gape at his complete disregard for school. Sure, you weren't a stellar student, but you gave at least 60% of an effort. Better than 0, duh?!
"I dont want to be like all those people!! If i want to do something worthwhile after grad, imma have to learn a thing or two to be of some use. My mommy and daddys money can't buy that STUPID!!" Eyes wide, you think about picking up your bag to leave, but before you can reach down, he's already hissing again.
"Holy fuck... your such a fucking tease right now. Fine. Go. I dont give a fuck. You're not irreplaceable, there are 20 other bitches that'll gladly take your place with me right now over some dumbass class." He then frenziedly takes out a cigarette and lights it. Not even looking at you.
After a pause and a breath, you finally say, "Wow. How fucking fragile are you? You cant even go a minute without having your dick wet can you? Its pathetic... Im sorry that i have other priorities than you, a raging manslut!! And since you have 20 other girls under me, i invite you to go to them because im sooo fucking done with your ass. They're all probably waiting oh so patiently too for me to let you go. Too bad for them to soon figure out what a DISAPPOINTING MESS YOU ARE."
"Haha yea right. Let's see how you like it when you can't have me. You're gonna wish you had chosen differently. While i on the other hand get to finally HAVE SOME FUCKING FUN. GO DRY YOUR PUSSY OUT WITH MCGONAGALL AND TRY NOT TO GET RUG BURN WHEN YOU CRAWL BACK TO ME." You're already halfway across the courtyard and dont even turn back when you scream:
You sort of speed stomp across the yard to reach the hallway. Then quickly go to the changing staircase to get onto the right set of stairs in order for you to arrive to class on time.
Now that the nerves of almost missing class have subsided, you are now fuming about everything else. How could he say all those things to you? Though you know Matteo and what he's capable of your delusional thoughts creep in to ask; did he truly mean all those things? He won't actually hook up with other girls, right? Deep down, you knew the answer but still refused to trust it. Matteo is more unlike his father than he is like his father. But in regards to keeping true to his threats, you could say it runs in the family.
Author note: i hope yall are angry at Matteo. Hehe. Part 2 coming soon!
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testmicyuri · 3 months
Top 5 Chase Petra songs based on how Testmic coded they are. Number 3 will shock you!
#5: Soapy Water
Alr starting off here we got soapy water. There’s not much to note here bc it’s a simple breakup song. But we all know how Testmic is.
Lyrics that fit:
“So give me a heart that ain’t broke, A refund or even a joke.”
“Party’s over, boo fucking hoo.”
“We don’t need one another, I’d go as far to say, That I am doing more than fine”
“Hope you have reached the same conclusion To a separate point of view, And this is not deja vu”
#4: Paranormal
This one is slightly more Testmic bc of the hate conveyed
Lyrics that fit:
You wanna tear me up
“You wanna tear me up, You gonna talk about it or do something about it?”
“If looks could kill I'd be the first to go, You got your eyes focused in on my soul, You wanna drag me to the great below. You gonna stare at me or try to do something?.”
“Is this a story I made up on my own Or do you really want me dead and gone, A fabricated death wish all along.”
#3: Pacific
Th is song is the mic ii song of Chase Petra’s discography. With so many mic ii lines it can’t not be number 3
Lyrics that fit:
“and everyone was confused didn’t know why I was blue couldn’t show them my wounds”
“had to bluff after the game knowing it wasn’t the same I put a smile on my face.”
“I’m sorry x8”
#2: Temporary
I’m telling you, there is not a single lyric in this song that isn’t extremely Testmic coded it’s amazing
Lyrics that fit (the most):
“This is the heart you'll break in good time. The bloods already on your hands.”
“Vulnerability takes my ability To speak and I can't stand Imagining the consequences of Our choice to take a chance.”
“I am temporary I leave nothing but a dull ache And I am not a tattoo, I won't be there to remind you Of the reasons why we were When I'm gone.”
“And this is not a game I swear I am so scared But please don't let it go just yet If I'm gonna break might as well make it perfect.”
And #1 Goes To……………………………….
Have you ever wondered if the Testmic conflict in HtP got a song that fit them perfectly? Well they did.
Lyrics that fit (limiting myself to 3):
“now we’re circling around the ring its one v. one and heres the thing you may be better in a fight but I’ve got more to lose tonight.”
“hit me where it hurts, the bruising will be worth the freedom I have earned from letting everything burn hypnosis, I don’t need roses.”
“did you forget that I am not a pacifist, a scar well earned from a love that was well-worth it, did you forget?”
Anyways that’s all. ✨Stan Testmic ✨
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hopelessromanticcs · 6 months
list i made of the things he did (i made the list before it got bad and the cheating and lying and manipulation started)
copy and pasted from my notes app:
- he'll ignore me the whole day and then deny doing it or just say mb. makes me feel like i'm just being weird about it
- he is an asshole to me when he doesn't [like] like me
- didn't stand up for me when his friend called me ugly and spread lies about HIM and is still friends with that friend and doesn't care and doesn't acknowledge that his friend is an ass and brushed it off with stuff like "that was fucked up 😂" . 🫥
- always says he can "maybe" hang out and then never does
- never asks to hang out first
- rarely starts a conversation first
- only really started talking to me again when i made a joke about giving him head
- likes crazy girls but then shit talks how crazy his exes are
- doesn't give me the time of day
- always sending mixed signals and i can never tell if he likes me or not
- i always feel like i'm annoying him and he never reassures me
- when i was just friends with him and i was asking him about who he was taking to the dance and he said it was gabby bcus he knew that would make me insecure and when i called him out on it he held no regard to my feelings was an utter ass and blocked my number when i tried tl call him and all i did was be civil and mature (and he never apologized) and then i bawled my eyes out for like two hours at my friends house
- his girlfriend was an asshole to me and he didn't care
- always starts talking to me the moment i start to think of pulling away bcus hes such an ass (it's a cycle: three days nothing one day everything three days nothing one day everything ... )
- calls girls whores and fat shames them
- says "i always make time for you" like gaslighter much
- holds no regard to my feelings and doesn't really care about me unless he feels like caring about me DESPITE ME BEING THERE FOR HIM NO MATTER WHAT
- if i try and call him out on any of this he pretends it doesn't happen and then i feel like i'm crazy and i forgive him
- charasmatic when he wants to be, asshole when he wants to be so he lets me drift away like he doesn't want me and then pulls me back to him knowing i will forgive him
- didn't stop talking to the girl who very visibly made moves on him and hit on him and would leave our fts to talk to her and noah
- for a while flirted with me and then said we were just friends-- "i wouldn't date u but ur hot"
- makes me feel like shit about myself and i cry over him constantly
- didn't immediately tell me he didn't cheat on me when i asked him
- says all these things "i wish i was with you" and dhit but then never starts anything when he - very often- comes to [my town he used to live in] (even if he is seeing family- he'll still see his friends and not me)
- comes to {my town he used to live in} constantly and i've only seen him ONCE since we broke up and it was only for an hour before he insisted he had to go
- i will literally beg for him to see me and he knows how much i want to
- either he knows how much he's hurting me and doesn't care or is oblivious to my feelings - both awful
- doesn't ever really take it seriously when i'm trying to have a serious talk with him
- awful at responding
- never calls me and says no to ft
- snaps me shoulder pics most of the time 🫥🫥
- i love him and i don't think he loves me.
- will say he can maybe see me and then waits a long time before canceling and wastes my time and gets my hopes up and then i get depressed
- says he can't see me because of his family but then goes out with his friends
MIND YOU, if u say smth like "obviously he didn't like you" you don't know the way he talked to me and acted like he did like me and complimented me and flirted and whenever i confronted him he'd make me seem crazy and say "i like u i would never"
anyways glad that's over but like no way after all the shit he put me through he's suddenly a good guy with this new girl???
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thatfreshi · 1 year
10 2 word prompt ideas for you to do whatever you wish with 🧚‍♀️ you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to just wanted to spark inspiration
hot tub
mutual comfort
bed rest
hidden feelings
travel destination
sensual chemistry
carnival date
left flustered
long distance
good intentions
So I only did one of these, but everyone feel free to request the other ones if they like them! I really liked this one <3. Thanks for still interacting with my stuff even tho I'm so busy. Hopefully I get some more time to write consistently now. Anyways, I went with carnival date for this one, and I hope you all enjoy :3
It’s the week of your anniversary. In fact, it’s coming in a couple days, and this Sunday, you woke up sad that there were no plans. There’s not a whole lot to do in LA when you’ve lived there for what feels like forever. Sure, tourists get excited, but you’ve seen it all a million times. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you turned to look for Mark, who was not in bed, which was a normal occurrence. He’s probably somewhere in the house writing or working on a video or whatever other million things he has to do. You don’t resent him for it, it just sucks that everything is so adult all the time. You work, you pay bills, you email people, blah blah blah. 
In preparation to begin yet another week of those boring adult things, you make your way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, considering Mark will probably be ready to finally eat by the time it’s done. However, when you turn the corner, Mark is already there with coffee made and some Postmated breakfast.
“Good morning my love.”
He smiles and pours you a cup of coffee, pushing one of the ordered bags your way.
“What’s all this?”
You ask before leaving a kiss on his neck.
“Well, I wanted to surprise you. I know things have been kind of stagnant so I thought for our anniversary this year, we could try something different.”
“But our anniversary is Wednesday, you’re three days early.”
“Well, my plans for today can only happen today.”
You sit down on the counter and open your bag of fast food breakfast. The two of you usually only order out like this when you’re busy.
“So, what are these plans?”
He goes to lean against the counter next to you.
“A magician never reveals his secrets. Although, we do have to get in the car in like 20 minutes, so you may wanna save that breakfast for the road.”
In a whirlwind of brushing hair and teeth, finding clothes for some sort of occasion, you get ready in about 15, giving you time to finish your coffee before leaving.
“Wow, my surprise is sweatpant material? Really?”
“Listen, you said out of the ordinary, so I went out of the ordinary. Which for me is comfortable.”
He laughs at you as the two of you walk to the car, which he would usually insist on driving, but this time he doesn’t really have a choice in the matter considering you have no idea where you’re going. 
Sometimes on long car rides, the two of you like to play improv games in the car. Although thinking back on it, he probably only played Change as much as he did to distract you from where he was driving. It led to a lot of funny moments though, and you haven’t laughed that much in a long time. After about an hour of humorous quips and tear-inducing laughs, you make it to a rather large parking lot, that seems to lead to nothing.
“Aw, you’re so sweet, you brought me nowhere!”
He furrows his brow at you.
“Very funny. We just have to walk a little longer.”
You oblige, walking down a couple of suburban streets and making jokes about how Mark has to match the number of cracks he steps on while on the sidewalk. He pouts about how it’s not his fault, and you start matching his steps as a sign of ironic unity. Many steps later, Mark stops in his tracks and asks you to close your eyes. After you close them, the two of you walk a little further, and he tries to keep you from wobbling all over the place.
“Alright, you can open em.”
When the light hits your eyes, you’re met with a very strange sight for the area. A full-blown carnival is right here, in the middle of nowhere.
“What, where did you even-”
“I have been trying for so long, to find something fun to do this year, and like no one knows about this. They barely advertise, and so I figured no one would recognize us here, and we can just have fun.”
He smiles at you, squeezing your hand a little, almost in child-like excitement. You pause, not knowing what to say for a moment over just how perfect it is.
“Do, do you like it?”
You realize that he needs a response here, obviously.
“Yes! I just, I’m shocked. Like this must’ve taken so much research and-”
“It’s no big deal, I just wanted us to do something for us.”
Barely anything else is said between appreciative looks and the entrance into the carnival, which is pretty small and sparse, just the way you two like your activities. You spend the whole afternoon enjoying rickety attractions, gorging on hot dogs and funnel cake, and eventually made your way to the ferris wheel.
“You know, I’m happy this is going so well. The last time I brought a girl to something like this, she threw up, everywhere.”
You laugh as the operator closes the cart door, and you and Mark cuddle in the comically small seat.
“You know, I needed this. Like I really, really needed this.”
You almost tear up at it. Perhaps it’s the emotion of the anniversary or the stress of life, but something just gets to you as the sun starts setting and the ferris wheel cart rises to the sky.
“Well, then I’m happy I picked right.”
Mark moves to kiss you right as the sun hits your eye through the window, the light turning to dark orange through your eyelids as you share a once-in-a-lifetime moment, where time freezes, and the air feels better than ever before. As your bodies part ways and the ride begins to end, the sun starts setting and the air gets crisper, like Homecoming time in high school when Autumn rolls around. The two of you walk off the ride, practically wrapped around each other, leaving to see whatever the rest of the night leaves with you. After all, with a sense of childlike whimsy, love can get up to some wild adventures.
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futelco · 1 year
Druids of Sisyphus Gardens Log
Like most years before it, 2022 was a fantastic year to be Druids in the woods. We enjoyed all the calls we received, even when the Callers needed to “talk at” more than “talk”.  This year we worked on a very quick explanation for callers thinking they called a wrong number. We love accidental calls too!
2/10 Voicemail. “Hello, my personal teleportation device has apparently left me in Portland, Oregon, in the year 2022. It is approximately-“ click
3/16 Caller just wanted to thank me or anyone for the Futel node on Taylor. Said they just have a burner phone, and Futel is just great.
4/8 Voicemail. “The prisoners have escaped from Sub-Unit 4 Alpha! Please initiate aerial search immediately! …Just kidding, this is a prank.”
4/10 Caller and I said “hi” and “hello” to each other four or five times. The traffic was really loud, but the caller was happy to have a new Futel in the neighborhood. We chatted about the weather and the Party Line zine. Caller claimed to be the printer. We wished each other great days.
4/28 Voicemail. “Keep pushing those trees up the hill!”
5/28 Operator called, and it was the clearest sounding Futel call ever. Hope those phone sanitation stations are still active. Save the human family.
6/28 (Caller was laughing throughout the entire call.) “Who is this?” The Druid of Sisyphus Gardens. “What is this?” A free phone, you can call anyone for free. “Free? I just put in a dime (haha)” You didn’t have to. “Why would anyone need this? (hah)” Well, not everyone has a cell phone. “But how does anyone make money off of this?” It’s a non-profit. “Now that’s how you make money, non-profits. (haha!)”
6/26 Caller from Detroit reported that it was actually hot in Detroit. Said that they had been to the Shakespeare festival in southern Oregon, and that they are really stoked about a working street phone. We co-lamented about the loss of the last working street phone in NYC.
6/30 A senior in high school was looking for Druidic advice. We spoke of school, hiking, and taking time out for friends.
7/17 Detroit called looking for the Druid, I confirmed it was the Druid. It was 89℉ in Detroit and 90℉ here. We talked about the weather, fire, and life. “OK.”
8/9 Portland caller wanted to visit the Druids. I asked if they knew anything about our woods, or if they were a random stranger. They knew about it from Futel, and are scared of the internet and the I-5. I gave them instructions anyway. As of 1/7/23 they haven’t shown up.
Sometime in late summer, I obtained a secret way to call the Upright Futel rotary phone. I called just as they had just repaired the phone moments before, coincidentally. The Upright operator was confused as to how the Druid was calling just then, and confused me in turn, and then a mob of customers entered, immediately ending the call.
9/3 Caller wanted to visit the Druids’ meditation retreat in Forest Park. This place does not exist, and I could not provide further information or wisdom to their inquiries. They asked if there is an option to call a priest instead.
9/25 Voicemail. “Who ARE you?” followed by “The Girl from Ipanema” for a full minute.
11/11 Answered as the Druid of Sisyphus Gardens. “I was trying to call myself” I explained that I was not them, but they weren’t sure. I told them that it would be really weird if I was, and maybe this was a missed connection with their True Self. Then they handed the receiver to their friend, and I explained what happened to their friend, as they explained it “telephone-style” to them/me/us. “Thanks!”
11/5 Caller was looking for Brad. They told me Brad was the one with the knowledge. When it was clear I didn’t know Brad, they recited a long poem and then asked what I was doing. I told them I was chilling with my sweetie and they asked about my favorite things to do. I told them about building animal habitat sculptures. They thanked me for doing that, and then started joke-workshopping for a future open mic standup, and after that, another long poem. Then they asked me to send them money. No way, I replied. So they offered to volunteer. I directed them to the website.
11/5 The same caller regaled both Druids on our “party line” - a new feature, we added another phone to the kitchen. Regaling us, all while the Futel line constantly rang loudly for another line, that no one ever answered. More poetry and jokes in between dialing tones. Caller said they pressed over 30 buttons before reaching us.
11/5 Same caller spoke to the Druids of poetry, jokes, life and their health issues while drinking vodka. I thought these calls would automatically hang up after 15 minutes.
11/5 Same caller thought I was a different operator. Said that they had just talked to two people out in the woods and if I minded if they drank during the call. They started telling me the same jokes they were workshopping, and if I wanted to hear a poem. I said “no”, and hung up.
11/5 Probably the same caller. Picked up the receiver, then hung it up.
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I don't think this whole situation has any effect on Harry's career. Literally nothing has changed, except the jokes, which will be forgotten in a week. There's no point in breaking up with Olivia if this hype doesn't affect him in any way, he literally has no loss. What we're worried about doesn't make sense, it's more our wish that all this reflects badly on Harry's reputation because we want them to break up. In fact, no one even blames Harry. He doesn't have a problem with sleeping with Florence or "stealing Olivia" away from the family, etc. People don't give a shit, they love him anyway. His team knows it, we know it, Harry knows it.
But the situation with Louis is weird, his numbers and fan activity have dropped significantly
Unfortunately, anon, that’s not the experience I’m having with my circle of friends and colleagues outside of the fandom.
That’s also not what I’m seeing on Film Twitter spaces or in the comments of blue-checked accounts on different social media platforms. He’s being mocked and trashed. And it’s not all translating to unwavering support or unlimited cash flow.
See: DWD dramatic drop in sales after the first week and it’s overall underwhelming performance at the box.
See: His mother being harassed for his association with Olivia because she tagged her on a post about seeing DWD the week it premiered.
See: Harry Lambert having to close the comments on his IG posts because people were leaving hateful comments after he chose to style Olivia for a photoshoot.
You’ve made me realize this must be what his team keeps telling themselves and Harry himself.
It’s not that bad. AIW is still top of the charts. He’ll be fine. No one cares. He doesn’t have to break up with a Olivia. Who cares if he slept with Florence? That helps the het narrative anyway, eh?
I’m sorry but that’s just not true.
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lenathesingingcat · 2 years
For day 11 of @themiserablesmonth and the prompt “Wish”, here’s me projecting my own Tragic Backstory™️ and feeling better by doing so!
TW: discussion of an OC who killed themselves (off-page, nothing bad actually happens within the fic but it is talked about) and the effects that has on friends.
Wish You Could Be Here
Enjolras was often awake after midnight working on Les Amis’ activism, but what was unusual was for anyone he knew to be up at the same time, at least to his knowledge. That’s why the text confused him, but he read it through.
I miss you. I know you’ll never read this, but I wish I could talk to you, I wish I could see you again. I thought I’d got better, I’d stopped blaming myself for not messaging you enough, but then… I don’t know. I went to some karaoke place, and someone sung a song from a show you were in when we were little. When she sung the part about her child, about their bright, hopeful future, I just cried. Who knows what your future could have been… I just wish I could see you again, even just once.
Enjolras quickly texted back, This is my new number. I’m very sorry for your loss.
A new message arrived. I’m sorry. I never meant to disturb anyone, especially at this time of night, or, well, morning. Didn’t know this was anyone’s number, at least anymore.
It’s alright, I’m up late too, working. But it sounds like you need to talk to someone.
Maybe I do, but none of my friends even know about this. I’m not about to drag them into this now, when they all have bigger things to worry about.
Enjolras considered this, before replying, Well, how about me? I already know, and I could listen, or help you find someone more qualified than me. Your friends may have “bigger things to worry about”, but my priority is helping whoever needs it.
It was a few minutes before the person replied, and Enjolras started to worry, but then a reply came through. It isn’t really something I can express via text.
Then I’ll meet you. Do you know the Musain?
If you’re sure I won’t be bothering you was the reply, and this made Enjolras all the more sure.
I’m sure. Tomorrow, after lunch?
Don’t you mean today? was the reply, followed by, I’ll be there.
The next day, or the same day depending on how you look at it, Enjolras waited. To his surprise, Grantaire walked in. He probably shouldn’t have been too surprised, since all of Les Amis came here quite a lot, but he called him over.
Grantaire looked surprised too, but he sat down anyway. “Enjolras? What are you doing here?”
“I’m waiting for someone. I thought maybe if you don’t have anywhere to be, I could talk to you.”
“Actually, I am meeting someone here. Some random stranger who thinks they can solve all my problems. And before you try to tell me just how sketchy that sounds, I know, I’m still not sure if I’m about to get murdered. But then, that would solve my problems, wouldn’t it?” Grantaire tried to play it off as a joke, but Enjolras could see the sadness in his eyes.
And then it clicked.
“I can’t believe this! You were the one who texted me?”
“Impossible.” Grantaire seemed sure. “I have your number. I would have known I was talking to you.”
“I had to get a new number! Some people who are against our cause found out my number. I put all this on the groupchat for Les Amis, asking everyone to text my new number so I could add them to my phone, but…”
“That explains it. I’m not part of the group.”
Enjolras looked at him in surprise. “Why not? I sent you an invite to join…”
“Didn’t think it would make much difference. After all, I never contribute anything…”
“That’s not true, Grantaire. You point out how we could fail, and we use that to make our plans better. And… well, you make us happy. You make me happy. I know I’ve never expressed that before, but - ”
“And it seems pretty convenient that you suddenly express it when you find out that I need help! You think it’s your job to save everyone! But you can’t. I learned the hard way that some people can’t be saved from their own minds…”
“But most people can, and so we have to try. And you must understand. Look how much you’ve been hurt by what happened. Don’t do that to Les Amis.”
Grantaire looked at the floor for a moment. “I never thought of it that way…” he admitted. “Alright, I give in, if only for Les Amis, since you’re convinced I mean so much to them.” He laughed, then turned serious again. “Will you help me find help?”
“Of course.” Enjolras resisted the urge to pull Grantaire into a hug, to tell him the real reason why he needed Grantaire to stay. This wasn’t the time. If it went wrong between them now, that could make things much worse. So he would wait. And then he would be there.
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
there was a married couple in front of me in line at this bakery today and the man gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then they talked some more and then a few minutes later he gave her a kiss on the forehead, his arm around her the whole time 😖 what got me even more was that the couple was middle-aged, like they weren’t young.
PDA in the form of a kiss on the cheek and or forehead always gets me more than, like, let’s say groping or full-on making out, but even more so when the couple isn’t young, like it just gives me fuzzy feelings, you know? old couples being so affectionate with each other in public always always ALWAYS squeeze my heart, in a good way. like, man, i want that. i wish for that kind of love. i wish for the kind of love where my partner doesn’t hesitate to kiss me on the cheek or forehead in public just because they can and they want to, and they’ll do it until the day i die 😖
but then i hear my coworkers hatefully speak about their spouses and joke about wanting to get divorced and i just go 😐 again. then i hear about more divorces and abuse from my own relatives and i just go 😐 again.
like it’s just a cycle at this point. like goddamn. i know marriage is not a walk in the park because i’m not stupid, and i understand that people do vent about their spouses whenever they displease them because that’s normal in any kind of relationship, but the people surrounding me just sound so miserable and their stories just make me go “maybe a divorce is in order” (internally, of course.) it’s like watching someone get mauled to death and people keep telling me that’s normal and i’m like no it’s the fuck not?? what are you talking about?? it’s normal to hate your spouse and talk shit about them 24/7?? i’m supposed to want that for myself??
now that i think about it, i remember this one tweet where it said something along the lines of “growing up i didn’t understand why in movies straight couples were depicted like they hated each other but now that i’m a fully grown adult i realize that yeah movies were never wrong after all because the number of times i see couples irl who literally hate each other is astounding like i thought that was just fiction but it’s not”
anyway i don’t know where i’m going with this rant. it started off cute because i couldn’t stop thinking about the couple but then it just spiraled so i’m so sorry for that 😔
I think you're seeing the conflation of a few different things: 1. Many people are still influenced very young to marry and follow "traditional" lifestyle paths. 2. We grow and change in life, it's very normal that someone who is a decent partner for us in our 20s isn't still the right partner in our 40s, but divorce and ending long-term relationships is still a drastic life change that it can take a lot to actually do. Furthermore, not everyone has the safety or security to end a relationship that isn't right for them anymore. 3. People sometimes use dark or critical humor as a way to vent or bond with others going through similar rough times, but it can get out of hand, make problems worse, and be really shocking to people not inside of that. 4. Some people really are just mean-spirited assholes who think they're part of a cool club if they mock their significant other. (There's literally a whole genre of this under Boomer humor that's just really sad and not funny to me.)
And probably a million more things! I think it's incredible sad! But on the bright side, there are plenty of relationships that are exactly that sweet and supportive one you saw. There is life after a young relationship too. There's no way to know whether that middle aged couple is a new romance or an old one and that's beautiful.
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calyssmarviss · 2 years
Spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi Part V
So last week i had two people to scream at bit now I’m back to shouting at the internet instead.
I’ve seen, uh, not exactly spoilers but hints and inside jokes because i went on tumblr a bunch of times today forgetting it was Wednesday and i have high hopes for this one
Oh yeah Obi-Wan and Leia were both pretty badass in the last one, trench-coat incident notwithstanding
Karen Miller was on that balcony in spirit
See, Vader’s blowing hard just thinking about it
Mhm I’ve fought GoH battles on that bridge
Vader: onto more important matters: where’s my boyfriend
Ew. Grand Inquisitor, really?
Field trip to Jabiim let’s go
Why didn’t they drop her to Alderaan before. I could probably answer that but i would need to go to my maps and, oh, fuck it
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Yeah so it would have not taken much more time to drop Leia first but idk maybe it would be harder to travel through the Core worlds with the increased imperial presence… like, checkpoints on the lanes and pitstop planets
How long can they travel without stopping anyway?
Vader staring into hyperspace is… something. Idk what but it gives me feelings okay.
I’m just like him when i go to new planets in Borderlands 3 i stand i front of the ship and wait for the reveal.
Why is it all so dark on Jabiim i can’t see shit
That second hand lightsaber stand
“It’s not her, it’s Vader.”
Why are they like this. I mean. He’s not wrong but still.
“He’ll attack next. He hasn’t the patience for a siege.”
why is this so funny to me
“How do you know?”
*flashback to Wild Space*
Oh it’s a little bit weird to see them both with blue lightsabers and i watched some Clone Wars a few days ago.
Man that haircut. I know people who must have wept with joy from seeing the return of Wolfman Kenobi.
That back to back.
“Mercy doesn’t defeat an enemy, master.”
Oh Hayden, I’ve missed you so
“Which is why you’re gonna lose.”
I feel like I’ve written a scene just like this.
God we’re only eight minutes in.
I paused on a really pretty shot of the destroyer right in front of Jabiim i wish i could take a screenshot so bad rn
I’m such a fucking nerd i see a pretty planet and a couple fighters and i want to cry
Ooh, this feels very Last Jedi suddenly. Without the salt and the foxes.
Why? Are they blowing up the door when they apparently can lock down the place? How could they lock it down? What the fuck are they doing.
“I’m going to need a ladder.”
Oh right, it’s Lola. Already forgot.
Yeah so they couldn’t ask Lola to keep the front door open?
Why is it so dark?
Bail mail!
“We’re in trouble.”
No shit. What were we even doing checking our emails and spilling our backstory when the Empire is right at the front door
Here comes the Negotiator!
“Lord Vader will have you at any cost.”
“You mean Anakin.”
that’s beautiful payback for episode 2
“I was too weak.”
“They were the only family I knew. And he slaughtered them.”
“You’re not helping him are you? You’re hunting him.”
“Let me help you.”
“Why would i trust you.”
“Because we want the same thing.”
“Do you, Obi-Wan? Do you really want Anakin dead?”
Girl heard the stories you know. Two halves of a same warrior and all that. Damn, maybe she even spotted the Open Circle insignia on one of the thousands warships you put it on. Who knows.
“Where were you? When he was killing my friends?”
NOT WITH HIM AND THAT'S WHY WE HAVE THIS PROBLEM. He went to Utapau and took Anakin’s single braincell with him.
Hey no not the mute droid
I swear those two motherfuckers have been having a… Force bond discussion of a sort since Obi-Wan has been aware of Anakin being alive.
“Tell her to stand down. Kenobi is already ours.”
What was i saying?!
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“There’s no way out, Master.”
Yeah this is not a memory i think. That’s mental battle.
Oh no his face when he says
“Admit you are beaten.”
That’s unfair man.
Who wrote this show? I have no idea. Anyway.
Here i paused to full on cry for two minutes and then realized why the girl were talking about praise kink regarding this episode
Also this show is making me feel strangely validated about past writing choices
“It’s over. I’m going back.”
“Vader wants me.”
Joby and Andrew we need to talk.
Obi-Wan said there were other ways to fight than lightsabers and m’y thoughts immediately turned dirty until i remembered the state of Anakin right now
Man i hope those Force ghosts are having the best time
“You’re not bringing him to me. I’m bringing him to you.”
Well fuck for a second there i misheard i thought he was bringing her to him like hi babe here’s the traitor in your inquisition but no what he’s actually doing is breaking my heart again
“We could end this together.”
Ben you’re tearing this family apart
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“Because all he’ll see is me.”
We get it okay. He’s obsessed with you.
Think none of the stormtroopers hear that little convo?
And… they just bring him back inside?
“There. Your weapon’s gone. It’s over.”
Hayden has such a pretty smile.
“Your need for victory, Anakin it blinds you.”
So much could have been avoided if he’d just told him he was a good boy.
“Where is he.”
He asked once more, with feeling.
Leia baby, they need you to haul ass. Not me though. Take as much time as you want. This is fun.
Leia vs Lola
From spy to lamp torch
Why weren’t those people already on the ship
That’s SO sexy 🤩
I found my next desktop picture Vader’s back on main stage
I’m so disappointed this was so hot listen i don’t give a fuck about those innocent people Anakin deserved to win this one for sheer badassness
He didn’t even get to see him :(
So what they’re saying is that he’s still a Padawan lol give him some pearls to clip to his helmet
Hahaha Reva what did you think would happen.
Well i guess he did give her to him in the end
Hahahahaha he’s playing with her
He doesn’t even have his lightsaber out
🎶 This is the Vader Show 🎶
And it’s beautiful
Bye Reva
“Did you really believe i did not see it, youngling?”
Hey, the Rebels fans were right about that guy! He’s not dead!
“Our hyperdive is down. And they’re behind us.”
So what say you, General Kenobi?
What is that?
Oh it’s his comm
Back to Tatooine we go!
“I’m sure it’s nothing.”
You look like you’re gaving more than a bad feeling about this.
Hey Luke.
I / II / III
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insfiringyou · 2 years
I’m gonna confess something stupid here, but I really think you guys should know how much your works can make someone feel. I think I have read practically everything of Yoongi and Jeong Sun and I come back here from time to time when I want to get sad lol yes sad because this couple is so simply perfect… I guess from all couples they’re the most honest and intimate with each other and my god they’re so genuine and affectionate, so mature ughh there’s something about them I can’t quite explain (I really wish I could put into words what these two have because honestly any word to describe seem so small compared to everything they have), but the mutual love and respect they have for each other is so delicate and intense at the same time. I lost the count of how many times I needed to stop reading in the middle of a private moment to cry and then get back lmao. anyways your work are truly divine and so well done, it’s always the number one on my list.
Awh this means so much, and actually we understand completely. Not in a big headed way. Just in a 'this is how we both feel about them too' way. We've cried writing their fics. On several occasions. In public. (we usually outline the fics in the pub! Though I no longer drink). Not just the sad moments either. I'm (admin M) usually the more emotional of us as Yoongi is my bias, but I remember admin N suddenly crying out of nowhere when we outlined the part where they hold hands in 'Coffee Date' (to truly appreciate this moment I think you need to know the previous fics to get the context.) We've also cried thinking about their future together, growing old together. One eventually losing the other. It's not something we dwell on as it's too much, but it's literally always there in everything we write between them unspoken. Like the sense that no matter how long they have together, it would never be long enough. But also, it would....because they know the other loves them every single day. I'm getting emotional just writing this - so thanks alot! :( I Joke-
But we get it...I mean, we wrote it! Even though it doesn't usually feel like we are...everything about this universe feels mostly out of our control. And this means the world. And I truly hope maybe others feel the same!
And also, most of all, we love it when readers re-read or read our fics for the first time and let us know what they are thinking. Even if it's like a small moment in a particular fic that strikes them. It really is fun to hear!
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