#arcane theory
mollysunder · 8 months
Lunari Heritage in Zaun
This is gonna be a reach, but from the little we've seen of Vi and Jinx's mom and younger Silco, I'd guess they were both from the same ethnic group.
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In a place like Zaun, where the people are left with scraps, any piece of jewelry sticks out. Vi's mom and Silco are both wearing similar pieces of jewelry. Silco's bracelet could likely be fitted as a necklace since it twice wraps over his wrist. Neither are wearing anything of high quality, but the necklace and bracelet in their respective pictures seem decently maintained if not worn. That's when I thought, these are probably heirlooms.
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In fact they looked pretty similar too, but in smaller scale of the princess's own pendants. I wouldn't bring this up if it weren't for the fact that Piltovans prioritize elaborate art-deco aesthetics, the more elaborately geometric the better (Councilor Shoola). So you would assume even the simplest jewelry would be a square pendant or a straight line. But no, big plain circles, and then I remembered we saw that before, on the princess Ambessa killed. Big bronze circles.
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And when we look at young Vi , you notice that she's wearing jewelry too. A simple necklace with a green (it looks green) gem. And I realized that the princess's necklace was also adorned green gems.
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I'm pulling from scraps, but it's interesting that small things these Zaunites have to adorn themselves (though not for long with the time skips) are similar versions if not simpler version's of the princess's.
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At first I thought this meant that many of the cast were actually of Ionian descent. But then in the Princess's scene a thought kept coming back to me, "Why is Mel wearing purple?". Mel, a skilled diplomat from a young age, typically wears the main colors of the nations she hosts and is hosted by. White for Piltover, Black for Noxus (Ambessa), and always with her signature accents of gold. So if Mel followed her mother to Ionia ,where green is a culturally significant color, why purple? It's because Mel and Ambessa weren't in Ionia, they were in Targon fighting the Lunari.
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The Lunari are Rakkor tribal people in the Targonian region who worship the moon, and are persecuted for it by the Solari, the religious order that worships the sun. While technically Mt. Targon is influenced by Mt. Olympus and Greek mythology aesthetic, that's more the case for the Solari. Overtime the Lunari aesthetic has been mixed it's originally nomadic culture with East Asian influences. The prominent colors of the Lunari happen to be turquoise, silver, black and purple. It was such a little thing to remember but it made me see connections I hadn't thought about.
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Suddenly everything starts to connect. The bronze coins represent the 3 moons that exist in Arcane's Runeterra. How do we know there are 3 moons, because the Valdiani piece Jinx stole was depicting their planet. In the Valdiani there are 3 orbits circling the Earth, meaning 3 moons (or satelites). Now the engraving on the gold of the princess's necklace makes sense, because it's supposed to resemble the gates at the peak of Mt. Targon. The pendant itself is shaped like the mountain with the gates fitted at the top.
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Frankly, it works for the Princess to have been Lunari and waves of descendants of the Lunari to arrive in Piltover and end up in Zaun. In Arcane, Piltover was created as a safe haven to escape the Rune Wars 200 years from the start of the show. Even after the Rune Wars ended the shipping port has likely seen waves of migrant labor and refugees from the ongoing crisis that occur in Runeterra (*cough*Noxus*cough*). It's likely that many of the current generation of Zaunites are of mixed heritage of the various fleeing people's.
It creates a whole new dynamic of the ways in which Piltover's laws, their Ethos, strips the people of Zaun from their identity and reducing them to tools for the mines. Magic is inherently a part of religious ceremonies and religion in general in Runeterra, especially for the Lunari. How do you practice your religion in a place that has banned the means by which it's conducted? There must have been more people like the Lunari who didn't have a problem with their magic, their problem was that they were being persecuted.
The remnants of family keepsakes brought over as communities fled were clung to as best as possible especially as they had to let go of part their spiritual identity. But even that doesn't seem to have lasted either. Vi doesn't keep her necklace, her mother is dead, so lost is her necklace, and we never see Silco wear his bracelet. They could have been stolen, or at best, hidden for safe keeping, maybe Enforcers get suspicious at the hint of mysticism and suddenly they want to talk.
Finally, maybe a little less related, it is interesting how prominent Piltovans and Zaunites take on day and night aspects. The sun shines over Piltover at their best, begins to set at times of uncertainty. While in the cover of night with moon above, the strongest Zaunites strike hardest. One more thing, it is interesting how Arcane's Jinx has taken on darker tones of purple rather than stick with neon pink. I always have to go back and look at a reference to remember that her pants are purple-er than I recall.
Update: I wanted to include that the large doodle Jinx made on her cup actually looks similar to the Lunari's sigil. And the sigil remains on the cup into the timeskip, also the center moon is made smaller within the crescent like in the necklace. I also noticed Jinx's cup later has more violent bomb imagery around it.
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boorrger · 2 months
If the amnesia thing is gonna be canon we're gonna need more therapy than we're toast- 🥲
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Long story short, in their old lore Jinx didn't remember any of the things that happened in the new lore (AKA Arcane). I have a theory it has to do with the shimmer and that it somehow erased some of her memories as a side effect and that's why she's so happy and quirky later and has no conscience whatsoever. Either way IT'S INTERESTING BUT ALSO SUPER SAD 😭😭
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IMPATIENTLY waiting for when vi and jinx parallel the silco and vander “I knew you still had it in you” scene, cause oh it is happening. it is coming at us as we speak
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olwrat · 4 months
Let's talk about Sevika.
She's a damn great character, well built as someone who always and only works for someone she believes will help Zaun - her biggest motivation is helping Zaun.
Sevika is a well known figure in the lanes, both from Vander's and Silco's era, and I believe that her reputation will stay as a respected person - for a while.
Why "for a while"? Warwick.
You see, when Vander was being dragged to that chair in episode 3, he's staring at Sevika, and what we hear in the background? The blood hunt.
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I reckon every Warwick player knows what it is; it's the name of his W. And in most cases, it means a low life enemy.
What I'm trying to say? Warwick may hunt Sevika, wether because he's chasing a ghost memory of a traitor, a primor urge of vengeance, or simply because she's the low life enemy we always run across the map to kill.
Look, I love Sevika, but I truly think that may happen... I hope I'm wrong, or that at least she's able to escape and, I don't know, maybe Vi searches for Sevika looking for information
Anyway, I just hope Arcane comes out soon so I can go and cry because of it
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khaotic-neutrxl · 4 months
I kinda think that Jinx, because she worried about being weak ("he thinks i'm weak") tried to have a strong approach to things, as in through appearing with strength and violence...
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And since she's really influenced by the past as Jinx, I feel that she would really show that strength with the Vi she knew in mind, because she was someone she looked up to so much in strength/character when she was Powder.
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this scene literally shows visions of vi with her movements lololol
I mean, Powder had no other related family other than Vi really. So it wouldn't be surprising if she based parts of herself off of Vi's influence.
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Even her appearance after becoming "Jinx" sorta has a lot of references to Vi in their childhood.
Vi when she was And Powder
a kid
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And then Jinx,
who looks a little
like someone now...
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Now with her hair brushed back, and bangs moved fully to her right. Like they were done with Vi in mind (or at least influenced by), the image of her she remembered throughout her developmental years. The strongest image being when she called her "Jinx".
COMPLETELY different to the style she had as Powder, except for the metal pieces.
So I feel like if she felt the need to prove strength to Silco, she would go off what has always been a symbol of strength to her.
In this case Vi, since it shows her looking up to her, mirroring, admiring the strength she wanted to emulate. To help and make her proud.
In her own way, she shaped "Jinx" more around Vi, who created Jinx.
And for her sharpness, that can definitely be from Silco, the man who basically raised her all those years her and Vi were separated. Raised her off violence, a darker, more violent approach to the world. Enabling her developing destructive nature.
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Almost like he also learned that from someone.
Anyways that's my rant about Arcane because my tism doesn't rest ✌️ Hope you enjoyed! This is purely an analysis/interpretation/theory thing!
(update: an extension of this post)
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a1arssa · 6 months
Sevika's "betrayal"
I never thought of Sevika's leaving Vander’s team as a betrayal. In Act One, when we're first introduced to Sevika, it’s the scene where she decides that she’s fed up with how Vander is leading Zaun and confronts him about it. At this point in the story, we have no idea who Sevika is; we only know who Vander is. When I first watched Arcane, I viewed Act One Sevika as “the masses"—some random person coming in with their posse expressing their mass disappointment in Vander's leadership. We weren't supposed to walk away from the scene and think, “Wow, look at this woman's disloyalty”. This scene highlights Vander’s weakness and sets up his inner struggle between his aggressiveness and his role as a father. It’s also an introduction to Sevika as a “cog in the machine,” which is the role she’ll take up throughout the show.
Also, we need to understand what Vander’s leadership looked like; he was more of a community leader who stepped up, in contrast to Silco, who had a bodyguard and a thriving Shimmer business and who led in a more authoritarian way.
Lastly, when Vi calls Sevika a “filthy traitor”, I don't think that was the writer's way of communicating to the audience that Sevika is actually a traitor; they were merely communicating Vi’s point of view. That's the reason why Sevika brushed the accusation off so dismissively with, “Vander had his chance,” because she’s not gonna sit down and tell Vi about where her loyalty really lies—in the nation of Zaun, not in Vander or Silco—in the middle of a fight.
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Hey [fairly long] little Arcane something I’ve never seen anyone point out…
(And I can prove it)
Showing this is the entire point of Sky’s existence in the show…she was always there for him, there was always another person who wanted to be there with him, but he never noticed because he was always to focused on himself.
Then, when he’s finally an adult, he claims his life’s dream is to “make the world a better place” and that the work he is doing is to help the undercity. But before any of that, it’s “do you think it was my life’s dream to become an assistant?”
And it is worth noting at that point, that Sky is Still There. She follows him all the way to the top, and he still doesn’t notice. Instead he, entirely in his own interest, seeks out Jayce. Someone he has never met or talked to before, simply because his story intrigued him.
Sure, Jayce signed every page of his notes, he assumed he was a moral exception to the city’s safety regulations, he thought a little speech could change the councilor’s minds, he abandoned his work for his girlfriend.
But Viktor isn’t a selfless martyr, and id argue he’s really not much better than Jayce. He worked his way out of the undercity because he “believed in himself,” not in his city nor his family, he wanted to prove HIMSELF. And he did, and it wasn’t enough for him. So he decided he was a moral exception to breaking and entering laws. And what do you know, that wasn’t enough. He kept raising the bar. True, he didn’t go on stage, but it’s because his ego doesn’t involve his image the way it does for Jayce. He doesn’t care who knows his face, but not having his invention shown was brutal to him. It isn’t enough. Eventually he realized he’s dying and immediately decided he would pour every ounce of his life into extending it rather than going out with a bang. He manages to kill Sky, symbolically proving just how little other people mattered to him compared to his own life. When he pours out her ashes, he talks to Heimerdinger, and he’s starting to realize just how badly he fucked up. But all he can find to talk to the professor about is the unfairness of death and the professor’s opinion on his own contributions. Not his and Jayce’s, or on Humanity’s or anything like that. At the end of his rope he still can’t let go of this overwhelming fear that he hasn’t done enough. It’s always personal.
Breakdown of their final scene:
Now this is why I love that final scene with Jayce and Viktor sitting in the skull-shaped pipe above the gorge Viktor grew up playing in. Viktor sees the place he had never thought was good enough somehow drained of all the life and color he hadn’t noticed was there. And Jayce, more afraid of death than anything else in the world, is sitting above a valley symbolically teeming with it. And they both finally come to the end of their egotist character arcs. It’s no longer Did I Do Enough. It’s no longer How Do I Fix This. It’s “We lost ourselves, We lost our dream, in the pursuit of Great, we failed to do Good.” They realize they’ve both fucked up, together. They’ve both been terrible, together. They know that nothing, not one thing they have done to this world has improved it. They are killers, egotists, villains. Their dreams are dead and their visions of their lives and of themselves are dead. Yes, Viktor is dying too, but I don’t think that’s the point. They set themselves the one task of saving lives and all they managed to do was kill.
So they, now changed men, make a vow. They’re going to make it right. Or Viktor does, anyway. But Jayce promises him he’ll destroy the hexcore which I think could mayyyybe possibly mean he’s tied himself into the promise as well i Sincerely Hope.
Have they made up? Yes, I think they have. They are not naive anymore at the very least and are going to handle both their relationship and their respective jobs responsibly and like adults. Does this mean they will manage it? I doubt it, to be honest. If we do end up getting the Machine Herald in any similar way to League, Jayce does have to be his narrative foil, and I don’t think the little moments of going behind each other’s backs and doing things the other wouldn’t approve of + their bridge argument are going to just not affect their relationship. I would be incredibly surprised if the Divorce doesn’t happen. Will they resolve it? No idea. I haven’t decided if I’m in camp Arcane Will Have a Good Ending or Arcane Will Have a Bad Ending yet. Either way, I do hope their relationship stays layered and complex and that they never lose respect and admiration for each other. They are narratively Two Halves of a Whole and it would honestly break my heart if they were to stop being written that way. I do hope they make up in the end, but I’m not going to hold my breath.
Thank you for reading! I am aware that my analysis are very opinion oriented and not particularly objective at all, I enjoy sharing my interpretation of the show as much as I can. That being said, there is a lot of room for discussion here because it’s all opinions, and I would love to hear yours. <33
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Arcane Analysis : Jinx didn't actually change.
I was thinking about the moment where Vi tells Ekko she can save Powder and that made me realize this was a thing I struggled understanding while watching the show for the first time.
Because there is no one to be saved.
A lot of the show is about Jinx and others accepting her new self, her new personality.
And that's something I struggled to understand because Jinx actually didn't really change?
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She just grew up.
She tried to fight as a child, and she grew up and trained, so she became better at fighting.
She used to try to build explosives as a child, she grew up, and succeeded because she kept trying.
She used to fight bad people, and she still does !
Like she literally threw a bomb at a child on ep1, it just didn't work. But she did throw an explosive at a child, because he was a villain in her head. She even did that again on ep3, and it did work this time, just a little too well-
She grew up with Silco telling her how bad Piltover is for Zaun, struggling with enforcers and firelights to sell shimmer. Of course enforcers and firelights became the bad people for her, and yes she kept fighting and throwing explosives at bad people. Without any empathy for them, yes, but she didn't as a child either (you could say she didn't show much empathy because she was a child, but you're still affected by violence even at 8, she just doesn't show empathy for ''bad people'').
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Yes she did change her name, but it seems that it's more a way to distance herself from her past, she's not a whole new person, she just wants to distance herself from what hurts her the most, she tries to escape her past, that's it. Powder just reminds her of her childhood and so of that night, it reminds her of everybody she had and that she lost there, including her sister.
And if we're speaking of her hearing voices and dissociating, that's literally the consequences of her traumas. She's not a new person because of PTSD or any other mental illness she's suffering from.
I understand Vi's point of view now, who wants to bring back her little sister who wouldn't harm anybody, but she didn't harm anybody as a child just because she failed. There's actually nobody to bring back, no Powder to be saved, no kind girl to bring out of Jinx, she literally is the same person. She attacks just as much. She makes the same explosives, she still wants to fight, she just grew up, so now, her attacks work.
I of course also understand Jinx pov because nobody accepts her ''new her'' (but Silco), but actually nobody just accepts the fact that now her plans work ?
They all see Powder as a harmless, kind but smart girl who loves playing and laughing with her friends. But she is still kind to the people that are kind to her mind (Silco, ''Chuck'' for example), she still loves to play (see the moments where she plays with Silco eye thing in EP 4, even the paint bomb at ''Chuck'' is a joke to her), she laugh less, because she lost everything, has deep traumas and actually she just doesn't have any reason to smile or laugh, but she still loves creating things (mostly explosives actually) exactly as she did as a child, the explosive she made back then didn't work, so that made her harmless. That's it.
Just wanted to write this because I feel like lot of people see Jinx and Powder as whole different persons, and even if that's what Jinx would have liked, I really think they aren't and feel like we often forgets that she does the exact same things Powder used to do, she just became better at it.
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nikolaiar · 10 months
I always find it so ironic that in the scene where Slico is talking about how Vander tried to drown him, he says “…and all while this question lingers before you, have you had enough?”
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He decided that no, he didn’t, he wanted to keep living. He made his choice.
But on the scene on the bridge, Jinx makes her choice too.
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Yet Silco can’t let her die. Even though throughout the whole show, Silco has always wanted Jinx to choose, or atleast stated he did. He even went as far as to mimic when he had to make this choice, (when he “baptized” her ((couldn’t think of another way to put it lol))
But when she chose the option he didn’t, he couldn’t handle it.
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So he made the choice for her. I think this is when we should’ve known he’d never give over Jinx for the nation of zaun.
This scene symbolizes that he’s willing to betray his principles for love. The principles he’s murdered and done horrible things for don’t matter when it comes to Jinx.
Anyways this has probably been mentioned before but these characters aren’t the only ones who’ve “had to face a choice like that.”
Other characters that come to mind are;
Vi and Caitlyn (they are tied together)
Ekko (debatable)
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perkashi · 2 years
She's gay your honor. 🏳️‍🌈
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We already knew this but still.
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mollysunder · 8 months
You know how lots of characters in Zaun wear makeshift shoulder guards, including young Silco? Practically everyone wears the sameish mix of ambiguous cloth on top of something thick. Silco’s shoulder pad briefly stands out from the rest. I noticed that the back of Silco's shoulder pad looks like the same pattern and leather material Jinx wears on her bikini top in the game.
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Is it a coincidence, maybe. But Silco keeps Vander's old knife from the day Vander tried to DROWN him, what if he kept the clothes from that day too. He doesn't wear them anymore, maybe he just keeps it in a box to rememnber who he used to be, and how it almost git him killed.
Plus, I like to think Jinx likes to tear apart his clothes to turn them into her own outfits!
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mirconreadzztuff22 · 4 months
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boorrger · 19 days
🌈THEORY🤓☝🏼🌈 i think vi's hair is going to turn a lighter shade of pink after her long time on Piltover and the sun ☀️(if they set it forward in time)
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proffesionalalpaca · 8 months
Rewatching a bunch of Arcane content got me thinking about Viktor (because favourite character).
But more specifically on Viktor’s transformed hand.
The Hexcore granted Viktor an exchange with the shimmer and it reformed his entire leg, allowing him to run and probably do more than what little we saw before that gift was taken away.
Sky’s life, to the Hexcore, was only worth a hand, instead of healing Viktor’s whole body like he wanted…it took a life & gave back a new hand, something he didn’t need transforming. To me the exchange did not seem right, the gift was not equal to the price compared to what we saw the Hexcore grant previously.
So I started to think; what if this new hand wasn’t just a hand, but now an extension of Viktor able to access & manipulate the arcane itself. A new hand by which to forge magic-infused technology, creating things no one else could: life-like prosthetics, powerful machines & sentient automatons.
Imagine: Viktor is tinkering with the hex-claw or around some hex-tech crystal, he waves his augmented hand and the magic responds to him. Maybe he can create spells by drawing runes in the air, teleporting himself short distances or even shut down other Hextech devices like Jayce’s Mercury hammer with the wave of his hand (which Jayce would have to modify to prevent this tampering).
Viktor’s exposure to hextech over the years, the Hexcore augmentations and/or latent ability have made Viktor able to manipulate the arcane like a mage, a Hex-mage if you will (which was the initial early development concept of Viktor in LoL, and I think they’ll lean more into for his Arcane iteration).
I feel that there will be a greater consequences to Sky’s death and why that hand demanded such a cost. Also I think it’d be cool to see Viktor go into a proto-machine herald form where he’s figuring all this out, being touched by the arcane in a way that regular people can’t experience, maybe even seeing the world like a mage does and losing his mind a smidge.
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khaotic-neutrxl · 4 months
kind of an extension of this post:
(just more theories lol)
i feel like jinx also really imitated vi on other physical levels too, always making her designs/explosions pink like vi, even in her main weapons like her guns and bombs
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and in general her designs too...
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(even the candles, i love the color palette of this scene esp for this reason lol)
like in a way, for jinx it's a fighting color, or a color of strength
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dastardlydumb · 4 months
In the new teaser for arcane with singed and Warwick, is singed pumping his own blood into Warwick?
It could possibly be an explanation for why Warwick doesn’t just chase him down and kill him once he gets loose. I mean if he tracks the scent of blood and singed just smells like his own blood it’s like a decent ish camouflage.
Probably not an intentional effect on Singeds part though. it just looks like he had to use his own blood for Warwick since I can only assume blood donations are hard to come by in the undercity.
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