#articles of war
ltwilliammowett · 3 months
The Articles of War
The Articles of War are a series of regulations intended to govern the behaviour of a country's military and naval forces. The first known use of the term can be found in Robert Monro's work His expedition with the worthy Scot's regiment called Mac-keyes regiment etc. from 1637 (in the form "Articles of warres") and can be used for military law in general. In Swedish, the corresponding term Krigsartiklar is first mentioned in 1556, but the term is usually used more specifically and with the modern spelling and capitalisation to refer to the British regulations drawn up in the wake of the Glorious Revolution, as well as the regulations of the United States, which were later based on them.
England's first Articles of War were written for the Royal Navy. They formed the statutory provisions regulating and governing the behaviour of members of the Royal Navy. They were prominently displayed in all naval ships, and set out a list of criminal provisions which applied to members of the Royal Navy and others to whom the Act applied, in addition to the criminal law of England and Wales and any local criminal law.
The naval Articles of War were originally issued by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty in 1653 as fighting instructions after defeat at the Battle of Dungeness. Soon after the Restoration, they were converted into an Act of Parliament. After another defeat at the Battle of Toulon, Parliament amended the Articles in 1749, further tightening discipline. These Articles resulted in the execution of Admiral John Byng, despite a clear sentiment in the navy and in Parliament that he should be given a lower punishment. In response, the 1779 amendment was the start of a gradual process of easing the more draconian punishments. The naval Articles were retained in the Naval Discipline Act 1957 but then replaced by the provisions of the tri-service Armed Forces Act 2006.
The 34 Articles of War were read aloud to the crew - many of whom were illiterate - usually once a month, usually on a Sunday. Some captains preferred to do this every Sunday.
There were at least seven crimes for which the death sentence was mandatory: Communicating with the enemy Failure to fight Failure to pursue the enemy sedition or mutiny Burning of ships, boats or magazines Murder Fornication or sodomy against men or animals
The articles list a further 13 offences for which the death penalty may be imposed, but which may be replaced by a punishment deemed appropriate by a court martial. The remaining offences, such as refusing to work, rudeness to officers, uncleanliness, etc., could be punished by the captain or lieutenant. The lesser offences could still be punished on the spot, such as extra work or grog withdrawal. While the more serious offences, such as refusing to work, were carried out on Sunday in front of all crew members and could be punished with flogging.
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clove-pinks · 2 years
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Article — a woman, comeatable [attainable, easily accessed], is an article. 'The articles,' an agreement; also, a brace of pistols. 'My articles'—my breeches.
— Sportman's Slang, by John Bee and John Badcock, 1825.
The classic Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1823 edition) by Francis Grose is even more direct:
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ARTICLE. A wench. A prime article. A handsome girl. She's a prime article (whip slang), she's a develish good piece, a hell of a goer.
So... lightbulb moment, what are the connotations of The Articles of War ? Endless possibilities for puns about whores and/or breeches??
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thoughtportal · 3 months
This is a developing news story and may be updated as more information is obtained. If you value such information, please support this Substack.
On Dec. 1, a woman immolated herself with a Palestinian flag outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta.
Now, according to the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department, the woman — referred to in their report as “Jane Doe” — is alive and “in stable condition” at Grady Memorial Hospital, where she has been since the immolation.
After repeated requests for her name, the department stated to this reporter in an email that it “does not disclose the identities of victims”. Repeated inquiries to Grady, which is a public hospital, went unanswered. The hospital houses the Walter L. Ingram Burn Center.
“Jane Doe” is 27.
When asked if they had made any comment to tell the public that she was still alive this entire time, the official at Atlanta Fire Rescue Department said they “shared the last updated with local media via email on 12/21/23. The release stated: ‘The victim remains hospitalized in critical condition. The security guard, who attempted to assist the burn victim, has been released from the hospital.’” Several internet searches on that quote produce no results. This would also indicate that "Jane Doe" went from critical to stable condition without public notice. 
Aaron Bushnell immolated himself at the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, explaining “I will no longer be complicit in genocide” and shouting “Free Palestine!” repeatedly as he burned alive. So, his case — unlike many other self-immolations including Gregory Levey, Raymond Moules, Timothy T. Brown, Malachi Ritscher and others — has received some attention. Thus, “Jane Doe” being ignored fits with the usual pattern. Bushnell is the exception — probably because he livestreamed it. See “Ignoring Immolators Lulls the Society to Sleep.”
As Bushnell was burning himself alive, an officer pointed a gun at him, barking orders as if he constituted a threat. A security guard, Michael Harris, sustained injuries working to rescue “Jane Doe” — but there were similarities, where she was actually viewed as a potential threat.
At one point, the police report for “Jane Doe” refers to it as being a case of “arson”.
Much of the media coverage and general discussion of her self-immolation in December focused on if she had done damage. The Atlanta Police Chief said: “We believe this building remains safe, and we do not see any threat here.” The Israeli government released a statement: “It is tragic to see the hate and incitement toward Israel expressed in such a horrific way.”
Police records indicate that they obtained a search warrant and entered an apartment they believed to be associated with “Jane Doe” — initially using a drone:
The drone was able to relay information as to the layout and the belongings inside. After it was deemed "safe" entry was made with bomb technicians. While clearing the apartment no improvised explosive devices were located.
The police report also noted:
During the search a Quran was found in the bedroom along with a [sic] Arabic dictionary and a Hebrew dictionary. The bedroom bookshelf contained books related to fiction and fantasy. A "Drug use for grown ups" book was on the bookshelf as well. Two journals were seized from the bedroom. A thumbdrive was seized from the bedroom as well. A laptop computer was seized from the kitchen counter. A copy of the search warrant was left in the living room of the apartment. The front door [of] the apartment was secured before law enforcement left the premises.
When pressed for more information in compliance with an Open Records Request under Georgia law, Atlanta Fire Rescue Department claimed: “There is an ongoing and active investigation for the incident in question, which is why the only releasable information has been shared via the incident report. Investigative documentation is not available for release until the investigation is closed.”
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sleepyminty · 1 year
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Something incredible just happened on twt right now
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cree-future-rabbi · 25 days
"In Our Name: ..." an article written by Jewish students at Columbia University.
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sayruq · 3 months
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soracities · 6 months
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Audre Lorde, from “The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism” (1981) [ID in ALT]
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justwannabecat · 1 year
“That’s it! I give up!” Phantom yelled. As though he had said something blasphemous, all fighting stopped as the participants stared in confusion. “You humans think you’re the paragon of all existence, proclaiming that anything different is lesser. Well we aren’t! We’re just as sentient as you are, and we have thoughts and feelings! You just choose to ignore it so you can justify your xenophobic actions!”
Phantom turned to Technus, who had frozen in shock as Phantom went on his tirade. “And you! Tell the other ghosts I’m done saving them, too, because none of you care! You don’t care if property is destroyed, or if humans get hurt, or if other ghosts get hurt! All you care about is your stupid Obsessions! You’re too caught up in your own mind to see what you’re doing to everyone around you!”
“But your Obsession is Protection, is it not? You’ve never stepped down from a fight-“ Technus began. Phantom didn’t let him finish.
“My Obsession is Space! If I had my way, I’d spend my nights stargazing, or maybe even on the moon! Instead I’m stuck cleaning up your messes because you can’t control yourselves!” Phantom growled. He glared at the crowd of people who had gathered, curious as to why all fighting had stopped.
“Humans are cruel and hateful. Ghosts are ignorant and careless. I’m tired of wasting my time protecting both sides from the other and being blamed for it. I quit. If anyone dies, or is captured, it’s no longer my problem.“
Like that, Phantom vanished.
The Fentons celebrated, not even noticing Technus make his own escape. The crowd murmured, worry just as prevalent as confidence. The few phones that were recording the event were put away, and later the footage would be checked. Unfortunately, most recordings were corrupted beyond recognition.
Most, but not all.
Amity Park. Ground Zero for the start of the war between the Living and the Dead. Humanity and Ghosts.
Why it had only recently escalated to this, Batman couldn’t tell. His research found that there had been a portal opened to the Realms years ago, and the laws passed just a year after that. Most of the town was stuck behind an information blackout that the government refused to give access to. Whatever happened, Constantine assured him that it was almost certainly the government’s fault.
After almost three weeks of trying to get beyond the firewalls, he finally figured it out. “Research” that claimed ghosts were nothing but evil. News articles calling “Phantom” a troublemaker. Forums that spoke about how “Phantom” ruined the town while fighting other ghosts.
A video, old and grainy but still clear enough to be used as evidence. A glowing, white-haired boy that told everyone he was done. That he was tired of fixing everything. Of saving everyone. That nobody was good, everyone was bad, and they were on their own.
They used to have a hero, but Phantom left. Without him, both sides tore at each other until there was nothing but an all-out assault. They needed to stop this, but without a mediator they would not make it through to the ghosts.
If they could find Phantom, perhaps they could fix everything before it was too late.
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necr0mancers · 5 months
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star wars journalism
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
I know you said it as a joke but please, tell us more about the Au where Longtail is a mutated ferret, does he do the weasel war dance
he absolutely has to now
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sheyri · 1 month
Reporting bots in the asexual tag is quickly turning into my favourite hobby
It's actually kinda nice of those bots to deliver a wide variety of content. Tiddies, nutrition supplements, travel, some arabic texts. I even had a crypto post just now!
And if you're not a bot, but wrongly use the tag on a post that has nothing to do with asexuality at all, you just get caught in the crossfire. Sorry not sorry.
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girlzoot · 2 years
Heck did not know any French, and he listened to these people talking with some awe, some distrust -- a part of him had trouble believing people could communicate by sounds so alien. And all around lay the detritus of war, scattered along the beaches and across the field and into odd corners of the countryside: discarded gas masks, tires, gasoline cans, empty food tins and cartons, fallen telephone cables, parachute containers, deserted gun emplacements, overturned and exploded transports and boats and tanks, rolls of concertina wire, stacks of life belts, mildewed underwear.  Homes reduced to door frames.  Burned and abandoned bulldozers.  The skeletons of goats, cows, dogs, horses.  Plastic sheets and bags in all sizes.  Paper handbills and flyers strewn amid smashed furniture, fragments of shattered glass.  In town the treads of passing tanks were rapidly destroying the cobble streets.  The fallen shop buildings and churches and hotels and houses had the appearance of sand castles bludgeoned by a wrathful child. In one hedgerow, an American Sherman tank hung precariously in a gap it had created only to meet there its demise.  Looking at the disabled German panzer tanks lying about, Heck though unhappily that they appeared considerably larger and more fearsome than the American Shermans.  In training he had been assured that the American tanks were faster and more agile, but when it came down to it, he thought, wouldn’t anyone rather have more steel and a bigger gun? ---Nick Arvin/Articles of War
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mittthrawnuruodo · 1 year
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ND-5 & tags
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ceresprime · 2 years
the realization that I could be tried for desertion
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(Articles of War 1778, section VI article III)
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oatm1lkdr1nker · 11 months
can you fucking believe we were supposed to get a Whole Entire trilogy dedicated to obi wan but we fucking DIDN'T bc of how much everyone hated solo: a sw story ???? absolutely bonkers and do u know what was even more fucking bananas. cody was supposed to be a rly big part of it. him and obi-wan were gonna fucking. fucking raise luke. codywan nation we were ROBBED
source: x
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kitkipper · 1 year
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AU where Cody and Obi-wan lead a clone liberation before the end of the war
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