missdrawncoo · 22 days
Como a Star "Sans" se tornou um esqueleto.
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A história dela é o seguinte:
Ela veio de um mundo aonde vários criadores colocam suas próprias criações em um só mundo, deixando-os livremente para viver, tomar suas próprias decisões e escolher aonde viver.
O nome deste mundo é ATale, e nele existem várias divisões entre "domínios" de criações que formavam grupos e, em grande parte, viviam em harmonia.
Os pais biológicos de Star possuíam características genéticas muito específicas, além deles já serem uma combinação estranha de amores passados. A mãe de Star sequer planejou a gravidez, e por conta disso a relação entre a ela e o pai do bebê ficou complicada. A mãe dela passou por muito estresse, sofreu muito por conta das coisas que aconteciam a sua volta. E por fim, como consequência, Star nasceu com deformidades, porém estava viva. Seus pais não gostaram nada da notícia, eles rejeitaram Star logo no primeiro momento de sua vida e acabaram a abandonando em uma floresta.
Por sorte, uma mulher caminhava pela floresta coletando frutas silvestres e acabou encontrando o bebê. Ela estava enrolada em panos velhos e dentro de um cesto. A mulher fica com pena, mas ela mesma não poderia cuidar, então levou o cesto até a porta de um orfanato localizado em Duckies, um dos domínios mais pacíficos de todo aquele mundo.
Após deixar a criança em frente a porta, e bater à mesma, a mulher sai e torce para que alguém atenda e possa cuidar da criança, resolvendo não se preocupar mais com isso.
A porta é atendida pela princesa, dona também do orfanato, que possuía um grande coração e amava fazer bem a outros. Ela se sentiu mal ao ver a criança nessa situação tão precária, se perguntava até mesmo como ela conseguiu sobreviver. Ela decide leva-la ao seu castelo para cuidar da criança mais de perto, e acabou por adota-la, "tornando-a parte" da família real. (Apesar dela não poder exercer poder sobre o trono, não era importante de qualquer forma).
Eles tentavam cuidar dela e atender suas necessidades da forma que podiam, porém perceberam que sua alma aos poucos se dissipava e seu corpo enfraqueceu. Com isso, procuraram alguém de confiança nas cidades próximas para descobrir o que poderiam fazer para que ela pudesse viver.
Um dos amigos do rei, e também um inventor e cientista, foi capaz de fazer um receptáculo para a Star, de modo que seu corpo original pudesse se fundir com esse receptáculo e ela pudesse se desenvolver "corretamente". Assim foi feito, e Star ganhou um novo corpo. Foi usada nela essa base que o tal inventor dizia ser "criação de um cientista muito famoso e venerado" e que era a forma mais fácil de fazer um procedimento como este. Eles não sabiam se isso teria consequências, porém preferiram depositar suas esperanças e sua confiança naquele homem.
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Ela é cuidada e acolhida pela família, composta por: o rei e sua esposa, a irmã do rei (a princesa que salvou a Star) e os filhos do rei. Ela também acabada tendo contanto com as crianças do orfanato e do resto do domínio ao longo que vai crescendo e se tornando mais forte.
Infelizmente, em certo momento de sua vida, todos os seus sonhos e esperanças foram tirados de si com uma repentina destruição em massa e guerras, fazendo com que todos os seus amigos, família e ela mesma morressem durante este evento.
Porém, ela acabou "voltando a vida" (aparentemente não estava realmente morta) sendo teletransportada para outro universo que não conhece. Alguma coisa a trouxe de volta. Ela agora está sem ninguém, em busca de respostas e um propósito para si.
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É basicamente isso a história dela. 🙏✨
Mais curiosidades:
O seu nome na verdade é Sasha, ela ganhou o apelido de "Star" por ter um "brilho" vindo de sua alma. Também por conta de ter sido considerada a pessoa que "iluminava" o dia de outros, os fazendo alegres e os botando para cima se estivessem triste.
Sua cor tema é amarelo, ela usa mais o roxo por fazer parte da família real.
Além de ser uma Empata e um pouco de uma telepata, ela consegue ver o passado de outros em sonhos, é como se ela conseguisse "copiar" as memórias do cérebro de outras pessoas e acabar "colando" em seus sonhos, sem perceber. Ela pode muitas vezes consumir os sentimentos negativos das outras pessoas e ficar doente com isso.
Ela é muito insegura e paranóica por consequência da gravidez turbulenta de sua mãe. Ela tem uma constante mania de buscar aprovação alheia e não consegue se sentir completa se estiver sozinha.
Sans!Star na verdade era apenas uma versão "Sans" da minha antiga oc principal Star. Ela não tinha história nem nada, mas resolvi dar um pouco mais de vida a ela.
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fafaweng · 1 year
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🧛🏻 ❖ THE VAMPYRE:A Tale. (吸血鬼:一個故事。) ( The Project Gutenberg of The Vampyre / 吸血鬼 的 古騰堡 計劃 ) 作者:John William Polidori ( Author:約翰·威廉·波利多里) ► [ gutenberg.org/files/6087/6087-h/6087-h.htm ] ✻ 發布日期:2009年10月21日 ( Posting Date:October 21, 2009 ) ✻ 發布日期:2004年07月 ( Release Date:July, 2004 ) ✻ 首次發布:2002年11月03日 ( First Posted:November 3, 2002 ) ✻ 最後更新:2012年05月25日 ( Last updated:May 25, 2012 ) ✻ 語言:英語 ( Language:English ) ❖ 1819: Entered at Stationers' Hall, March 27, 1819 ( 於 1819 年 3 月 27 日進入文具店 ) Gillet, Printer, Crown Court, Fleet Street, London. ❖ LONDON PRINTED FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES PATERNOSTER ROW ❖ Title page for The Vampyre:A Tale (London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1819) by John William Polidori in Houghton Library, Harvard University 🩸 ❖ 您可以根據 本 電子書 或 ► [ gutenberg.org ] 上的 Project Gutenberg License 的條款複製、贈送 或 重新使用。 ( You may copy it, give it away or Re-USE it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at ► [ gutenberg.org ].) 🦇 ❖ About Author / 關於作者: John William Polidori ( Author:約翰·威廉·波利多里) John William Polidori (07 September 1795 – 24 August 1821) was a British writer and physician. He is known for his associations with the Romantic movement and credited by some as the creator of the vampire genre of fantasy fiction. His most successful work was the short story "The Vampyre" (1819y), the first published modern vampire story. Although the story was at first erroneously credited to Lord Byron, both Byron and Polidori affirmed that the author was Polidori. Macdonald, DL (1991y), Poor Polidori, Toronto:University of Toronto Press. ( 約翰·威廉·波利多里 (John William Polidori, 1795 年09月07日 - 1821年08月24日) 是一位英國作家和醫生。他以與浪漫主義運動的聯繫而聞名, 並被一些人認為是奇幻小說吸血鬼 類型的創造者。 他最成功的作品是短篇小說《吸血鬼》(1819年), 這是第一部出版的現代吸血鬼故事。儘管這個故事最初被錯誤地記為拜倫勳爵所著,但拜倫和波利多里都確認作者是波利多里。Macdonald, DL (1991), Poor Polidori, 多倫多:多倫多大學出版社。) 🕯 #THEVAMPYRE #ATale #吸血鬼 #一個故事 #TheProjectGutenbergOfThe Vampyre #吸血鬼的古騰堡計劃 #JohnWilliamPolidori #約翰威廉波利多里 #Vampyre https://www.instagram.com/p/CndRSFdvRoh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
I do love that Jet seems to be very aware that he's working with a bunch of children.
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Like yeah, he's not my fave character and he has issues but he was basically singlehandedly parenting like a forestworth of traumatised orphans and i respect that.
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14h03m · 1 year
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꒰ 📼 ꒱ .゚guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all.
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universetopieces · 1 year
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Close up – not five steps away – she could see much more about their appearance, but her attention was held by something lively and aware in their gaze, by an intelligence. These creatures were as different from the grazing animals nearby as a human was from a cow.
Chapter 7 “Mary, Alone”, The Amber Spyglass
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three-atoms · 10 months
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HIS DARK MATERIALS S3E04: Lyra and Her Death
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sol-rambles · 2 months
I need to sleep, that man makes me so genuinely furious from, literal, minute. one. of seeing that horrible horrible nasty man.
ugh, taking FUCKING JOY in Kristen's crying, trying to convert her BACK to Helio, the god she left, to allow Cassandra to have no followers, to allow Cassandra to rebecome the Nightmare King. UGHHH he's just so AAAAAAAAAAA.
Also, fucking expelling her, ougghhh I just need to see what bullshit reasoning was behind this. Ohhhhhhh, how I hate him. He is apart of the changing of Sol, if that's what Bakur was talking about.
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gentlepowerthings · 11 months
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Atal Litton Furniture Adv. 1980
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omgindiablog · 4 months
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Atal Bridge, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India: Atal Pedestrian Bridge is a pedestrian triangular truss bridge at Sabarmati Riverfront on the Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It has a design inspired by kites. Inaugurated in 2022, it is 300 metres long and 10 metres to 14 metres wide. Wikipedia
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goated33 · 4 months
Season two Lucifer is very emotionally talked into going to therapy but now he has to deal with lexapro sleepiness so he’s just napping half the time we see him
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adhoori-kahani · 6 months
बेनकाब चेहरे हैं, दाग बड़े गहरे हैं,
टूटता तिलिस्म आज सच से भय खाता हूं,
गीत नहीं गाता हूं,
लगी कुछ ऐसी नज़र बिखरा शीशे सा शहर,
अपनों के मेले में मीत नहीं पाता हूं,
पीठ मे छुरी सा चांद, राहू गया रेखा फांद,
मुक्ति के क्षणों में बार बार बंध जाता हूं,
गीत नहीं गाता हूं,
गीत नहीं गाता हूं....
- Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
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unorthodoxx-page · 1 year
Sorry if this has been asked before, but will Splinter and/or Draxum appear in A Tale of Spirits?
No, it's just the core five. I can now safely talk about this without spoilers! April's appearance was purely by accident. She just happened to be touching Donnie when the contract took effect. It's why she doesn't have a mark on her arms (That's why I had Suki mention that her arms are bare).
But yes, it's just Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, and April.
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wilcze-kudly · 6 days
Siblings in turmoil; the Katara+Sokka /Bolin+Mako comparison
So after making this post about the interesting parralels between our two favourite pairs of siblings, I wanna play around more with the parallels and similarities between them. Mind you, this will not be a one to one comparison, since both pairs of characters are simply much too different from one another to perfectly fit into one archetype.
This post serves more to compare these characters, their respective dynamics. You know. For fun. Because overanalysing traumatised children is fun now.
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I think the set of similarities that jumps out at us first is the one connecting to Katara, Mako and their respective losses.
I mean, it is very obvious. Kid witnesses horrific, violent death of parent(s), keeps a dead parent's belonging around their neck, acts as their other sibling's parent to some degree.
If we look to the other corner, Sokka and Bolin have some surface level similarities. They act more as comic relief, and seem less affected by their circumstances than their siblings. They also somehow are incredibly popular with the ladies (and guys). It's that ole autistic rizz.
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Mako and Katara's losses are the, let's say, centrepieces of their characters. To some extent, the pain and horror they went through as children, guide them through life and influence how they see the world and how they make decisions. You know, as trauma does.
Both of these characters had to step up and fill a void left in their and their siblings' lives.
Katara is on multiple occasions described as "motherly", which does make sense. Katara's loss of her mother impacted her tremendously, and it most likely shook her family dynamic to the core. Therfore, Katara takes on certain maternal characteristics. She also fulfills the chores that a mother would in a traditional household.
It is important to note that Sokka also takes on a typically parental role with Katara. However, rather than filling a void left by a mother, he fills the void left by a father. Hakoda and the men of the village leaving was not only very traumatic for Sokka, but also a very heavy shift for the rest if the village. Sokka being the only man, even only teenage boy leads to him not only taking on this role in his family but also the 'leader, chief, provider' role that men traditionally took on in their environments. This is still emblematic in how protective Sokka is of his companions, often even shielding them with his body, putting himself in harms way.
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In Bolin and Mako's dynamic, however, Mako takes on both parental roles. To some extent. Where Sokka and Katara still had a certain amount of adults who could take care of them, Bolin and Mako were completely alone. This leads to Mako's care of Bolin being more focused on literal survival than emotional wellbeing.
Korra: [Side shot; unsure.] So, why is Bolin running around with the Triple Threat Triad, anyway? Mako : [Uncomfortable; evasively.] Well, we ... we used to do some work for them back in the day. Korra: [Dismayed look on her face.] What? Wha- Are you some kind of criminal? Mako : [Defensive and angrily.] No! You don't know what you're talking about. I just ran numbers for them and stuff. We were orphans out on the street; I did what I had to do to survive and protect my little brother.
Now, Bolin is the outlier in this group. Rather than stepping up into a caretaker role, Bolin seems almost intentionally like a child. This may seem counterproductive to Mako and Bolin's survival, but I'd argue that Bolin acting in this hapless, childike role is very important to the brothers' codependent dynamic. While it would seem like the better option for the brother's to both be able to be independent, the leader/follower dichotomy they have may actually have felt safer and more direct for them. Also, by being more easygoing and cheerful, Bolin is able to support Mako emotionally.
I can even make an argument of Mako infantilising Bolin, and stifling Bolin's growth (not deliberately or consciously, of course) because of the comfort this type of relationship brings.
It's also important to note that Bolin's behaviour also had the added benefit of endearing the brother's to people. The whole reason they became pro benders is because Toza took a shine to Bolin and whem the brothers were kidnapped by the Red Lotus, Bolin immediately pivots to trying to befriend them. When you combine this with the fact that the brothers probably lived off of the kindness of strangers as children, his demeanour starts to look like a behaviour learnt in order to survive.
Katara and Sokka aren't nearly as codependent as Mako and Bolin. They do both parent one another to some extent, Sokka has unconsciously replaced images of his mother with Katara. While on the flipside, Sokka often tends to try and steer Katara's actions, not unlike an overbearing father would. Katara, unlike Bolin, however, doesn't take direction well and will often outright disagree with or even mock Sokka.
Sokka: [Camera closes in on Sokka and Katara next to each other.] I know you all wanna fly, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk Katara: [Leans forward at her brother and smiles.] Who made you the boss? Sokka: [Points his finger at his chest; to Katara.] I'm not the boss, I'm the leader. Katara: [Amused.] You're the leader? But your voice still cracks!
Both Mako and Katara have strong caretaker instincts. This is mainly how they express affection. You can see this not only in their relationships with their siblings. Another their romantic relationships with Korra and Aang respectively. The difference here being that Aang is quite receptive and willing to reciprocate Katara's caretaker type love, whereas Korra has different needs in her relationship. It's honestly quite fun that Korra's first love interest has a very similar love language to Aang's wife, and Korra and Mako braking up is a very good way to differentiate these two Avatars even further.
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So that's it, Mako and Katara have a lot of similarities and Sokka and Bolin have some as well. That's it case closed. Except not so because we I'm here to disagree with myself.
Where Katara and Mako differ, is how well in tune they are with emotions, both their own and those of others. Katara is very, very open about her anger. She's very quick to escalate conflict and she feels emotions very strongly. A stark comparison to this is Mako's very avoidant approach to conflict.
This, once again makes sense with their environments. Aside from the loss of family, Katara has had a huge amount of her culture stripped away from her, a wound made even more painful by Katara being the only waterbender in her tribe. She's also just a naturaly passionate and determined person, I think. While, for Mako, anger and conflict usually could mean that either he or Bolin are going to get hurt, especially at the time when they were running with the triads.
Now, the main thing setting Bolin and Sokka apart, is also the thing that ties Sokka and Mako together.
Mako is... cynical, very jaded by the world. His pessimism and distrust of others shows how broken down he was by his difficult childhood, growing up around dangerous people.
Sokka is similarly jaded, as we see at even the beginning of the show, with his stark oppositon to fun and potty breaks.
Where Mako and Sokka come together, is that they were both tasked with protecting their family members, with Sokka also having to step into that role for the whole village. For them their rolee of protectors force them to always consider the worst possible outcome and any potential danger.
Sokka: I'm coming with you.
Hakoda: You're not old enough to go to war, Sokka, you know that.
Sokka: [Desperately.] I'm strong, I'm brave, I can fight! Please, Dad!
Hakoda: [Lays a hand on his son's shoulder; grimly and sadly.] Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most. And for you right now, that's here, protecting your sister.
Contrasting Mako and Sokka's pessimism is Bolin and Katara's powerful optimism. Hope is what drives these two forward, as well as their huge compassion for others, both human and animal.
Mako: What are you doing? Are you trying to get us in trouble with Shady Shin? Bolin: No! I just ... Maybe I'm not as mean as you! Maybe I just can't turn my back on people when they're down!
This often causes arguments between the respective pairs of siblings. Mako and Sokka wanting to protect their siblings from danger, while Bolin and Katara's need to help others draws them into risky situations.
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Katara : Well, what was I supposed to do? Sokka: Leave! Do nothing! Katara: [Angrily.] No, I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me!
The difference between Katara and Bolin, of course is that Katara is able to stand her ground for her strong morals, while Bolin, due to his upbringing, is much more "go with the flow".
But it is still a very interesting and compelling comparison, the younger sibling, full of hope and kindness, and the older sibling who shields them from danger.
I really enjoy these two pairs of siblings, and they easily make for some of my favourite dynamics in the show. I like that while they have certain overt similarities, there's much more to this comparison than meets the eye on surface level.
I think Sokka and Katara's relationship is incredibly wholesome, yet rather deep, watching them both mature side by side is very satisfying, if not a little sad. Bolin and Mako's relationship can be frustrating, but also fascinating. You can tell that they mean everything to one another, despite how dysfunctional their relationship can be.
Avatar has a knack for writing wonderfully complex siblings and the main two pairs of siblings are no exception. This is one of my favourite aspects of the show.
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Anyway, that's been me telling you that these two pairs of siblings have both similarities and differences. Glad you sat through the stupid rant. Tune in next time for when my dumbass tells you that the sky is blue and the grass is green.
Bye bye
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dimetrodone · 1 year
Mildly tempted to make a neocities for the sole reason of posting the weird little “mon” sorta monsters I’ve been brainstorming lately 
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shingetsu-online · 3 months
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^literally me. looks down at you with nothing behind my eyes
wgat is this specimen from /gen
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muncedes · 5 months
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this is absolutely absurd. being criminalized for a post standing up against genocide and he’s suddenly “guilty” of inciting religious hatred?
instances like this where people are demonized for calling out the ethnic cleansing of palestinians takes away from the very real religious and antisemetic interactions that are taking place in france and every other country in the world.
youcef is guilty of nothing other than using his platform to speak up against israel
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