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Good VS Bad Autism Tattoos
Many people in the autistic community view the puzzle piece as a hate symbol because it implies we're not whole people. We're missing pieces and we're problems that need to be solved. Which is why a lot of us gravitate towards the infinity sign instead! It comes in both rainbow (for neurodiversity) and gold! As the chemical symbol for gold is Au.
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theaspieworld · 7 days
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So what do you know about Tourette’s and Autism? Are they linked? Are they the same? I’m explain all that. So Tourette’s is such an interesting neurological condition that impacts about 1 in 163 people on average, and is a difficult condition to deal with at times. It creates impulses of tics, which are involuntary nosies, or sounds or movements that just occur in random succession. There is a link that exists between autism and Tourette’s and that is that they are both neurological conditions and that they both enable tics. I experience tics with autism, which are impulsive reactions to situations. For example if I am overwhelmed stressed, or nervous I have a tic that occurs where I hit my chest and cough. Tourette’s is sometimes co-occurring in autism to, so a person could be diagnosed with autism and also Tourette’s at the same time. But they are also diagnosable independent of each other, so you can be diagnosed with only autism and or only Tourette’s. Another linking factor that joins Tourette’s and autism together is the fact that there is no known cause for either of these unique conditions. If you have anything to add to this, please pop it in a comment as I read every one. Also please follow @theaspieworld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/6MnZn3QpNus?si=PZxVxhX6pOmtm0Tp https://bit.ly/4dbDHkI
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secret-sunflower · 1 year
I dont understand...
Its that feeling where you cant remember something, but you can feel the memor at the edge of your brain.
You strain to reach it, trying to catch that memory, spark that synapse, so you can retell the story.
But no matter how hard you try, you cant. And the more you push, the harde the barrier between you and that memory becomes.
Thats how I feel when Im trying to understand something, but I cant.
They said I was clever and I am smart, but why cant I understand things the way other people do?
I cant understand other peoples feelings like my best friend, Nymphae, and view all points of the story. I cant strategise and see complex patterns five steps ahead like my partner, Bluebell. I cant make change like my friend Mist, and listen and focus on what I can improve on the way he does.
I get stuck in a hole and then I cant find my way out. Its like fighting and banging against a brick wall...and it hurts so much inside, I have to make it hurt outside too, otherwise I cant feel my bones. Its all too much, all too loud. The fuzzing and the confusion and the upset and angryness and all the feelings banging and banging and banging...
And when Im done, I still dont understand. But I look around and I see what Ive done, I want to know why.
I wrote this after a meltdown because of something I dont understand.
That something, is autism.
I dont understand it, I never will. I dont understand the labels, the level system, how it works, the spectrum.
And its not because I agree with past labels....I dont. The functioning labels are not cool or useful.
But I dont like these ones either.
If Autism looks so different, why dont we make individual labels underneath 'Autism' that better represent someones needs?
Instead of level 1,2,3, they can have labels that are more descriptive, like how Adhd has inattentive, hyperactive and combined?
That way it is easier for all of us, autistic beans, psychologists and people around us to understand how it works?
Just some thoughts.
Have a lovely day.
Secret Sunflower 🌻🌻🌻
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leapard100 · 9 months
Please spread this video across the world! The whole world needs to know about this! Spread autism awareness! And subscribe to my YouTube channel! Please guys spread it on YouTube and tumblr.
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thisbrownteacher · 1 year
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Looking for a fun #socialization activity for your learner? Homeschool? After school? NonTraditional Child? Reluctant Reader? 4-12 Years Old! Offered FREE by a Certified Teacher and Librarian Who Just Wants to Give Children an Opportunity to Interact with Each Other and With Books 📚 in a Low-Pressure, Stress-free, Online Environment. COMMENT; ‘books’ for more info! And if it’s not for you PLEASE SHARE THIS POST! Spread the Word! Comment: books 📕 Free Socialization for Kids Who Don’t Really Get Down With Too Much Socialization! Free! Online! From the Comfort of the Child’s Own Home! Type: ‘Books’ in the comments for info. Parents Encouraged and Welcome!! FAMILY FREEBIES: www.pico.link.com/drumkids . #neurodivergent #neuordiversity #autism #autismawareness #actuallyautistic #adhd #neurodivergentkids #autistickids #autistic #aspergers #autismspectrumdisorder #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschooled #homeschoolfun #homeschooler #homeschoolfamily #homeschoolteacher #homeschoollife #blackhomeschool #homeschoolMOM #homeschoolDAD #blackhomeshooling #blackhomeschoolFAMILY #inclusion #asd #anxiety #autisimMOM #autisimDAD https://www.instagram.com/p/CorW52JOKe2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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talktoangel2 · 1 year
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Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. The symptoms of autism can vary widely, but some common signs include:
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traceerane · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (EAW)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (EAW)
When the series aired its first episode, a lot of people were saying that it’s almost just like an enhanced version of other stories with the autistic genius plot weaving his or her way in the real world. Good Doctor, an original korean drama series, talks about a guy with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who despite the disability made it possible to achieve his dream of becoming a surgeon, his…
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skooc-official · 1 day
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Worldwide Autism Awareness Day, celebrated on April 2nd, acts as a unified voice for building a more empathic, generous, and inclusive society for people with autism. This important date aims to draw public attention to autism, positively influence early diagnosis and intervention, and form an environment that will accept people with autism.
At Skooc we believe in bursting all the stereotypes associated with mental health and have come up with a team of top psychologists in India to help you get over these hurdles and build a better world for each one of us. For more read- https://www.skooc.com/blog/advocacy-and-awareness--the-importance-of-world-autism-awareness-day
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usnewsper-politics · 1 month
Rising Autism Rates: How the Environment Affects Kids' Brains #autismspectrumdisorder #earlydetectionandinterventionstrategies #environmentalfactorsandASD #increaseinautismrates #potentialenvironmentalriskfactorsforASD
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sandygordon32 · 2 months
Pediatric medical courses offered by the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS), are specially designed to prepare doctors and pediatricians to provide superior care to children with autism. Here, we will discuss Autism Spectrum Disorder in detail and how joining a MAPS pediatric medical course can help a pediatrician offer better healthcare to ASD child patients.
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theaspieworld · 23 hours
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Here are 10 famous people with Asperger’s syndrome you never new about before!! There has been some amazing people through our history of science and arts that help shape the world we know today. This is largely down to how they perceived and saw the world. Because of that, autism played a huge part in this. Here are 10 of the most interesting historical icons that were and are on the autism spectrum. 1.Albert Einstein Influential scientist 2.Issac Newton Influential scientist 3.Hans Christian Andersen famous impactful author. 4.Charles Darwin Philosopher and famous scientist. 5.Thomas Jefferson Early influential American politician. 6.Andy Warhol Very influential artist and photographer. 7.Nikola Tesla Amazingly clever scientist. 8.Steve Jobs Creator of Apple. 9.Lewis Carroll Famous children’s books author. 10.Stanley Kubrick Highly inspiring film and movie director. Please leave a comment if you have anything to add, I read every single one. Also please follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/croP1NoZIz4?si=dZ9mkXHdpSU2UpO1 https://bit.ly/4dlN5m4
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secret-sunflower · 5 months
Funny Speech of an Autistic flower
Hello Sunflower friends!
I wanted to talk about something, atypical speech patterns!
I did not know my speech was connected with autism at first, except for being non speaking sometimes, but I find it really interesting.
In real life I refer to myself in 3rd person. Ill be like "Sunflower is feeling upset at you!"
This is cause I dont have a good idea of emotions, and I find them incredibly difficult and confusing, especially if there are emotions in me and around me with other people. So I separate myself from the emotions because its easier, and so I talk in 3rd person often.
I used to try to hide this because I thought it made me seem childish, but it helps me when Im struggling to explain how I feel, or manage my emotions.
I also refer to other things in 3rd person too. Like Ill say to my partner "Bluebell can help me?" Instead of asking "Can you help me?".
I think cause I feel like a burden alot.
Also I sometimes speak in weird language of my own. Ill shorten sentences. Alot of time, I message my best friend, and say "How Nymphae?" Instead of "how are you?". I dont really know why but it helps.
It makes it easier to speak alot sometimes as well. Which is nice. Its so hard to talk alot, and I used to get in trouble by my family for not speaking enough, but I just didnt want to. Sometimes it makes people take me less seriously, even if I have good ideas. But that's a story for another time.
I hope someone relates to this! 😊 Do you ever speak in a funny or different way?
Have a lovely day,
Secret Sunflower 🌻
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realhonestsimple-blog · 4 months
Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Last year was a rough year. I had a co-worker who caused a great deal of anxiety, was more controlling and the type who liked everything being carried out her way. I felt more and more that I needed to speak up and have my opinions heard. I prefer doing my work more efficiently and in an organized fashion. I don’t hoard materials and supplies and want meetings or gatherings to start and end in a…
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thisbrownteacher · 1 year
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Accentuating the positive is not #ablelist. It’s common sense. 💯 Don’t @ me. #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #autism #autismawareness #adhd #homeschoolmom #homeschooling #blackhomeshooling #inclusion #kidsdrumlessons #asd #anxiety #autismmom #autistic #aspergers #autismspectrumdisorder https://www.instagram.com/p/Cll2Xs4OLR1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scienza-magia · 4 months
Multa milionaria al fondatore dei bitcoin
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Il giudice ordina a Craig Wright di pagare oltre $1 milione. A seguito della scoperta di nuove prove, il processo tra Craig Wright e gli sviluppatori di Bitcoin Core è stato rinviato a Febbraio. Negli ultimi giorni la battaglia legale sull'identità di Satoshi Nakamoto e sui diritti di Bitcoin ha preso un'altra piega, visto che un giudice britannico ha riprogrammato il processo tra Craig Wright e gli sviluppatori di Bitcoin Core per il 5 Febbraio. Nel 2016, Wright ha affermato di essere Satoshi Nakamoto, l'inventore del Bitcoin (BTC), e ha citato in giudizio 13 sviluppatori di Bitcoin Core e un gruppo di aziende, tra cui Blockstream, Coinbase e Block, sostenendo la violazione dei suoi diritti d'autore sul white paper del Bitcoin, sul formato dei file Bitcoin e sul database della blockchain Bitcoin. A rappresentare il gruppo nella causa è l'associazione no-profit Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA). Il 15 Dicembre, durante una revisione pre-processuale, il giudice Edward James Mellor ha permesso a Wright di presentare altri 97 documenti a sostegno della sua tesi. I documenti sarebbero stati trovati a Settembre in due unità USB rinvenute in un cassetto della sua casa, che includevano file LaTex — il sistema open-source di preparazione dei documenti utilizzato per redigere il white paper di Bitcoin. Gli sviluppatori di Bitcoin hanno accusato Wright di aver fabbricato prove, falsificato e manipolato metadati e prolungato di proposito il processo. Secondo loro, i nuovi documenti sono emersi solo quando hanno depositato 50 prove per dimostrare che i materiali presentati in precedenza da Wright erano stati falsificati.
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L'ultima sentenza del giudice britannico Mellor sul caso. Fonte: BLDF. Inoltre, il giudice Mellor ha concesso agli sviluppatori una seconda richiesta di garanzia, ordinando a Wright di pagare entro il 5 Gennaio ulteriori 800.000 sterline (~1 milione di dollari) per coprire le spese legali degli sviluppatori nel caso in cui perdesse il processo. Wright ha già depositato 100.000 sterline (127.000 $) come pagamento di sicurezza. In aggiunta, il giudice ha ordinato a Wright di pagare 65.000 sterline (82.000 $) per coprire i costi del COPA relativi alle prove degli esperti sul suo Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Wright ha dichiarato di avere una disabilità dovuta all'ASD e ha prodotto una relazione che delinea gli adattamenti necessari per il processo, compreso l'elenco di tutte le domande del controinterrogatorio. Durante il controinterrogatorio, la controparte pone domande per chiarire o screditare la testimonianza di un testimone. La richiesta di Wright è stata contestata dagli sviluppatori, che hanno assunto un esperto per sostenere le loro affermazioni. Di conseguenza, Wright potrà accedere a LiveNote Screen e scrivere domande su carta solo durante il processo. Il codice Bitcoin è open-sourced e distribuito gratuitamente con licenza del Massachusetts Institute of Technology, consentendo agli utenti di riutilizzarlo per qualsiasi scopo, comprese applicazioni proprietarie. Nella sua argomentazione, Wright sostiene che gli sviluppatori di Bitcoin Core sono una "Bitcoin Partnership", che controllerebbe Bitcoin. Read the full article
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