vanbeeart · 4 days
ADVERT Get your baby clothes from redbubble and also get on your baby wish list.
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hellkitepriest · 9 months
for sale björk babygrow never worn
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spg-fanbot-cousins · 1 year
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More Dad!Lando, please! How about a colicky Fraiser, a frazzled yn and dad Lando to rh rescue?
Cw: mentions baby's colic, postpartum recovery from c-section
"It's okay, my love, you're okay, mummy is right here", you cooed as you changed Fraser's nappy, "nearly done and then you can feel better hopefully", you sighed, finishing it and rubbing the baby's tummy like you remembered the nurses teaching you how to do in the hospital.
You weren't even sure what time it was, having decided against staying in your bedroom and moving to the nursery so Lando could rest. Even though Fraser slept with you and not in the nursery, you still had all the furniture in there for once you made the transition and right now it was proving to be useful, even if it didn't have a clock anywhere in sight and the lack of sleep was catching up to you.
"I know it hurts, I'm sorry, my love, mummy's doing the best she can - good, good, let all of that wind out", you smiled a little before he started crying again, "Oh, baby, let's have a cuddle", you lowered your top, letting him feel your skin on his after you unbuttoned the top of his babygrow.
The cold bed next to Lando let him know you hadn't been in the bedroom for quite some time, making him stand up and look for you, heading to the nursery since Fraser wasn't in his cot either. The sight before him pulled on his heartstrings. First, because his wife and snuggling your baby, another little one you were blessed enough to bring to the world, and even if you didn't believe it sometimes, the way you looked mothering his children was his favourite - you were the best mummy for them. Second, however, it pulled on his heartstrings because it was noticeable how much it was taking a toll on you. You still looked beautiful - that would never be a question - but he couldn't help but notice the dropped shoulders, the way your movements were still slow and needing you to think before moving a certain way so it wouldn't hurt, and how frazzled you looked.
"Hey, you two", Lando cooed, getting your attention as you bounced the baby around, "would you like daddy's help?", he mused.
Your nod was all he needed to scoop the baby boy and settle him in your chest, rubbing his back as he seemed to nestle into his father's naked chest, "you're not a happy little guy, are you? Is your tummy giving you trouble, Fraser?", Lando cooed as the cries didn't quite settle.
"He was fussing so much and I didn't want to wake you, so we moved here", you explained the reason why you didn't stay in the bedroom as usual.
"You should've woken me up, love, but it's okay, I'm here now", Lando smiled, kissing your forehead softly, "maybe some massages will help? You can lay on mummy and daddy can rub your tummy", he suggested.
"I did them for a bit, but he looked like he needed some comforting too", you mumbled.
You sat on the big chair, shuffling the pillows to make yourself comfortable before Lando set Fraser on your torso, his head nestled over your boobs as his father undid the rest of his babygrow, his fingers starting to massage his belly and slowly working all that was bothering him out, "you like being in mummy's chest, don't you?", Lando smiled, "daddy likes it too, but you've all but stolen it from me these days - it's okay though", he attempted to break a smile on your tired features.
Soon enough, Fraser settled down, falling asleep on Lando's chest once he got him back to snuggle into it, swaying from side so side was you did the same, sandwiching you son between you per your husband's request, "no one is alone in this, darling", he said as he pulled you to hug his waist.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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kidsproductonline · 2 years
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Adorable blue babygrow set for boys and girls by Moschino Baby, made in soft cotton jersey. Consisting of a babygrow, bib, and hat, each piece has cute tan brown Moschino Teddy Bear logo prints.
Visit us for this Product online :  Moschino Blue Cotton Babygrow Set 
Visit us for more product like this : Moschino Designer Products  
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Hardersson x Baby!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first week at home
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You get to come home the day after you're born.
Thankfully, you sleep the entire time though Pernille stays in the back with you just in case. It's a little strange, she thinks. The last time she was home, she was pregnant. Now she has you.
Your name is decided the day you come home and you do little but nap and eat. You're a little devil that first night and wake up on the hour, every hour to cry and feed.
Pernille has to get up because she's practically your walking food source but Magda gets up in solidarity too (though it's mainly to coo in awe at you).
The next day is more active. Magda drives you all to the registry office where they finalise your name and then to the embassies to register you as a citizen of Denmark and Sweden.
You seem to like the car because it sends you to sleep every time but dislike leaving it because you cry and whine until one of them holds you nice and tight.
You seem to like affection though. You're most content in Pernille and Magda's arms and you get all wiggly and weird when you're put in your car seat or crib. Magda can't quite tell yet if you just like their presence or if it's because of their warmth. Either way, she doesn't really care, more than happy to give in to your every need.
She takes a lot of pictures of you, sending them to family members who lament about not being able to visit but promise to book tickets to Germany very soon.
The exhaustion kicks in around day three. You haven't settled since your last feed of the night and Pernille's practically falling asleep in her seat as you suckle at her insistently.
Her eyes slip closed every few seconds and she has to wrench them open each time just in case something happens to you. Magda looks to be in a similar state as she lies on the floor at Pernille's feet, snoring softly before lifting her head when Pernille nudges at her.
"Huh?" She asks groggily," Wha's...Wha's goin' on?" Her words are slurred and she blinks the sleep from her eyes.
"She needs a change," Pernille says, unlatching you and handing you down to Magda.
Magda mechanically takes you, still completely exhausted but still awake enough to hold your properly.
You scrunch up your face in annoyance when she strips you of your babygrow and changes your nappy. It's one of the few things Magda can say that you absolutely hate. You screech loudly and kick out your little, uncoordinated limbs while Magda scrunches up her nose at the smell.
You're a little darling most of the time but she absolutely hates changing you. She thinks it's a fair exchange though. Pernille's barely producing enough milk to keep you full so there's none to express and put in bottles for Magda to use to feed you so Pernille stays as your sole feeder and Magda does the changing.
The little stump where your umbilical cord used to be looks fine when Magda checks it, a habit she has found herself doing ever since the nurse said that there was always a slight chance of infection. She tickles your stomach to distract you as she slips on a new nappy and buttons up your babygrow again.
"There," Magda says," All done!"
She picks you up and brings you into the crook of her neck. You're rooting immediately, trying to suck in her collarbone like it's going to get you milk.
Magda laughs a little, patting you on the back softly.
Day four and five happen much the same with the three of you trapped in your sweet little bubble at home.
Day six doesn't have much excitement either apart from the Wolfsburg chat blowing up when Nilla finally lets slip that Pernille has had you.
Most of the day is spent on a video call with you propped up on Magda's chest as Pernille shows you off to the camera. Everyone coos and awes over you as you yawn and clench your little fist.
Pernille swipes a finger against your cheek to show off how much you like to eat because you automatically move your face towards the pressure and start trying to root, searching for her breast.
It causes a fresh wave of coos to sound from the phone.
It makes you demonstrate your startle reflex expertly as your eyes go wide and you fling your arms out.
Magda likes to say that she knows you're going to be smart when you grow up just by how strong your instincts are but Pernille's planning on waiting until you're at least strong enough to hold up your own head to make such judgements.
"She's so pretty," Noelle coos from where she's squished between Ewa and Sara on the screen," When can we come to see her?"
"Pernille will come to you guys," Magda says as she holds you a little tighter with a wink to the camera. "We're keeping her to ourselves right now."
"Unfair," Ewa complains," Why can't we get baby love too?"
"Baby love is reserved for her mothers right now," Pernille laughs as she begins to say her goodbyes to everyone.
"How long do you think you can hold them off?"
"Probably until you leave. Frido, though, should probably get told before Nilla blabs to her too."
Magda sighs deeply. "I'll text her later."
"You better hurry," Pernille says," Or you're going to get a very angry phone call later."
On your seventh day at home, you let Magda know how you feel about her taking you from Pernille's breast before you're ready by spitting up all over her back when she tries to wind you.
Somehow, you've even gotten some under her shirt and she can feel the milky mixture slide down her skin.
Half-delirious from sleep exhaustion, Pernille finds this hysterical and laughs until she cries as Magda can do nothing but writhe in disgust.
"Pernille!" She whines," Stop laughing! Hold her so I can change!"
Pernille is still hysterically laughing as Magda feels your spit meet her waistband. To your credit, you're not crying or anything. You're just happily blowing spit bubbles out of your milk as Magda wriggles around.
"I've got her, I've got her," Pernille giggles as she takes you and mops up your face," Go and change. You smell."
"It's her fault!"
"Don't blame, princesse! She's just a baby!"
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klausysworld · 6 months
Cg klaus x little babyspace reader where she is like 1 and pretty non verbal and Klaus is Busy so he get a babysitter bc his siblings are busy too but she get abused by the sitter and is now scared of something she loved like her crib and after that elijah babysit her and when he wants to put her in her crib she start crying and sobbing out something like "n-n-n-no-no 'Ib" and holds for her dear life on him. After he put her in klaus bed and Klaus was back again he told him about it.
How would he and his siblings react to it 💖
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(Abuse mention, please don’t read if you may find this triggering and know you are not alone)
Too Perfect To Be Sorry
Y/n had never been able to keep her she regression a secret. She couldn’t help when she slipped into it and she never knew how young she could get. More often than not she was unable to do anything for herself, sometimes barely able to sit up or lift her bed so there was no chance of pretending it didn’t happen. If she felt safe, she’d slip. If she was scared, she’d slip. If she was upset, she’d slip. Almost every emotion was a trigger.
Thankfully for her, the Mikaelsons had been around for centuries and had first hand discovered most things, age regression being something they already knew of and had been apart of within a relationship.
Klaus in particular took interest in the dynamic. He enjoyed having full control over someone, and their willingness for it was what made it so much better. Knowing that someone felt so safe in his hold that they would let him care for them completely. It was a level of trust that he hadn’t been able to find anywhere else.
The hybrid had been with multiple littles over time, but often found that he moved around too much to actually keep them happy so began to pull away and succumb to your standard one-night stands instead.
However when he got to New Orleans, the place he had always loved most, he found that he wanted to stay again. Additionally, his siblings were all with him and he was in a joint rulership with Marcel, his son-like figure and favourite of hundreds and thousands of vampires he’d turned.
So when he came across a girl who was very clearly slipping into her little mindset, he was keen to sweep her away from any eyes and take her somewhere safe. Well…his home so somewhat safe depending on the day.
Y/n was barely conscious for the encounter and came out of her little space hours later.
She woke up from her nap to find that she was curled up on a man’s chest, in a bed she did not know, in clothes that weren’t hers but with a Disney film on that she definitely did know.
She looked around slowly, frightened as she carefully peeled herself off of the man. His eyes were closed and chest moving with ear deep breath so she knew he was asleep. She crawled to the edge of the bed and dropped down only to land on a pile of pillows making her smile and pull herself up onto her feet which were covered by the footsie pyjamas she was in. She could feel the confusion creep through her as she felt the babygrow, it was soft like a teddy and covered every inch of her body except her hands and face.
A gentle stirr sounded from Klaus making her startle and scurry toward the door, her steps making near to no sound against the soft carpet. Despite her lack of noise, as soon as she opened the door, arms were lifting her up. Without hesitation Y/n let out an ear piercing scream and her legs began to swing, her hands shoving at his forearms desperately.
Klaus’s eyes went wide and he quickly got her back to his bed, putting her down and reaching for the pacifier he had gotten. “Easy love, come here” he beckoned, holding out the object like one would hold a treat to tempt a dog. But Y/n wasn’t an animal and didn’t take his bait but instead scrambled with all her energy to get away from the stranger, resulting in a very serious game of hide and seek tag.
Klaus didn’t want to use his vampire abilities and terrify the girl and so chased after her at a more acceptable pace. Eventually she ran tied and he caught her in his hold but instead of harming her like she feared, his fingers attacked her with tickles. Her body lurched and curled as she giggled and squirmed against his hands.
Finally, when she began to scream that she would pee herself if he didn’t stoppit, he gave in and put an end to his torture. Once she calmed down and rest her head against the ground, she glanced up at him. Klaus was already looking back at her, ready for her to try and escape him again but she didn’t.
Instead she just stared and curled up though her body was much less tense now and she didn’t seem so stressed nor afraid. He smiled gently and rubbed her arm soothingly.
He stayed on the floor with her for a while, just petting her while she took him in. Only when the sound of a door slamming did he pick her back up but she didn’t bother struggling. He brought her back to bed and sat her down. “Stay here for me little one, I won’t be a minute” he whispered with a kiss to her temple.
Y/n watched as he left and was left with her thoughts once again.
Confusion was the most obvious feeling inside her but she couldn’t deny the comfort she felt when his hands stroked her soothingly and his scent filled her nose. And so she waited for him to come back.
When he did he was a little grumpy so when he sat back down with a sigh, she hesitantly crawled back over to him. He smiled at the gesture and pulled her into his lap, his arm wrapping around her body and his chin resting on top her head.
“Such a sweet girl, even when you’re not in little space” he murmured and she smiled shyly.
“I’m sorry” she whispered but he shook his head
“You’re too perfect to be sorry” he stated and she giggled. “I’m very serious little one, you mustn’t ever apologise for being so lovely. You’re a pretty little baby, you know that?” He muttered, encouraging a nod out of her. “That’s right my love” he smiled.
Y/n let herself relax against him and she took comfort in his hold.
And from that day, she spent more and more time at his house. Whether it was because she kept coming back or because Klaus never wanted her to leave was unclear.
Either way it was why Klaus ended up needing a baby sitter sometimes.
After finding that she was little almost always, which of course he adored, however when something overly important was happening that involved both himself and his siblings, he couldn’t risk leaving her completely alone in the abattoir.
To begin with the woman who came to look after her seemed nice. She was polite to the Mikaelsons and smiley. Apparently she only did that for the money.
As soon as they were all out, she was taking the piss. She’d raid their cupboards and snoop around. Y/n was left to care for herself while the ‘sitter’ did just that. She lounged around and made a mess only blame it on Y/n when Klaus came home. Klaus would just sigh and pick his girl up, her features would show distress so he would tell her he didn’t mind the mess and kiss her better. The sitter took advantage of this.
She could do whatever she wanted and just blame Y/n. Klaus wouldn’t ever hurt the little girl so it didn’t matter and Y/n wouldn’t dare tell the truth, not after she was threatened.
“You think he’s going to believe a freak like you?” She spat, giving Y/n a dirty look “you fucking dare tell him a thing and I’ll make sure that entire family hates you”
“They wouldn’t-“
“Not even if you were violent? Say you bit me? Or what if you weren’t pretty hm? What if I shred your hair and burn your face? You think that Klaus will want to look at that?” She laughed and Y/n’s eyes welled with tears.
The baby sitter would tell Y/n every time that she didn’t deserve someone like Klaus, that men like him didn’t really want girls like her and that the real reason he hired a sitter was so that he could go fuck real women and get away from her clingy self.
It made Y/n pull away from Klaus. She would hide in her crib that he deigned and pretend she was too little to sleep in bed with him. Often she would actually slip into her little space when she was in her crib, she would snuggle her teddies and eventually drift off.
But she wasn’t ever relaxed enough to go as young as she truly needed to be. Not when she was anxious that Klaus didn’t like when she behaved like that: “incompetent and pathetic” the sitter described it so Y/n tried to not go any younger than a toddler as of late. And when the sitter was actually there was even worse. She tried so hard to stay in big space but sometimes the stress and discomfort caused from the woman would cause Y/n to accidentally fall into her little mind.
That was when everything got worse.
The babysitter would treat her like an animal, installing more fear which only made her cling onto her little side to try and block out what was happening. But again this made things worsen. It was a viscous cycle.
The sitter had dragged Y/n by the wrist, ankle, hair or whatever else to get her out the way.
On the occasions the mikaelsons had the sitter stay over night, she would throw a party and force Y/n into her crib and put something big and heavy over the top so she couldn’t get out. Like a caged animal.
Y/n would scream and cry for hours, the sitters friends would laugh and poke fun at her until eventually she passed out from exhaustion.
But again she wouldn’t tell Klaus, she didn’t know how and she didn’t want to bother him. She knew of the sorts of things he dealt with and she didn’t think this would compare to life and death situations.
However that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try and ask for someone else to watch her if they could. Which was why Elijah was looking after her today.
He was more than happy to watch her, especially when Klaus spoke to him and was concerned with her recent behaviour.
“She’s been acting odd, she won’t sleep in her crib but she doesn’t want to touch me, she won’t drink from her bottle but can’t hold her glass stable enough. She won’t snuggle her teddies but won’t let go of a pillow instead and she won’t…she won’t call me Daddy. In fact she tries not to address me at all.” He whispered to his brother, his expression showing clear upset and confusion.
“I’ll look after her Niklaus, perhaps I can see if she’ll say anything to me? She might’ve done something bad and think you’ll be upset?” He questioned but Klaus shook his head
“She knows i wouldn’t ever hurt her, punish her maybe but it doesn’t hurt her. Somethings wrong, she won’t talk to me…she might trust you” he muttered, his voice broken at the thought of his girl trusting his brother more than him but he gave in and asked for help.
Elijah nodded and they spoke a small while more before Klaus went off out and Elijah went up to find Y/n.
She was dressed in some of Rebekah’s clothes though it was clear that she wasn’t comfortable in them and she kept her eyes on the floor even when he addressed her.
With a small sigh he came over to where she sat on the bed and squatted down infront of her. “Y/n?” He repeated softly, locking his eyes on hers “are you alright my dear?” He asked and she nodded silently. He gently cupped her hand in his and caressed the back of it “how about you put something a little comfier on today? We aren’t going anywhere this morning, it’s better to be warm and snuggly” he offered, going over to the drawers and pulling out some joggers and a pretty top that read ‘I 🩷 my Daddy’.
Y/n quietly did as she was asked and let him help her get changed, he frowned when he saw her wearing such an uncomfortable bra. She rarely wore a proper bra, it irritated her when she got little and they all knew it from times she would be out in public and would whimper to Klaus about it. It was why he bought her so many soft, wireless ones. But now she was subjecting herself to it when she was in her own home?
Elijah gently moved his hand round to unclip it, Y/n knew Elijah was safe and wouldn’t dare ever look or touch her in any way that she found uncomfortable so she didn’t react much though she couldn’t deny the little moan of relief when the item was removed and her top was slid on.
Shyly she look up at him, seeing him fold the other clothes and put them aside before turning back to her and lifting her up. He pulled her against his chest, ignoring how she tried to get down. He took her downstairs to the kitchen and got out her baby bottle, filling it with chocolate milk and sliding it towards her but she only stared at it.
He frowned and came back over to her. “Y/n, darling, what’s wrong?” He whispered, concern painting his face. “You aren’t yourself little one” he murmured, in response she only glances at him, her eyes showing an element of hurt.
Eventually he managed to get her to suck on the bottle and after many hours, he finally got her to slip fully. Which was how he ended up with her babbling in his arms as he made his way upstairs and to her and Klaus’s bedroom. “Such a good girl” he smiled as he went over to her once adored crib.
Just as he laid her down in it, a switch seemed to flick. Her eyes suddenly went wide and her breaking shattered. A cry left her lips and she clambered back up his body hysterically. Elijah let out a sound of surprise as she clung to him, shaking her head and sobbing. She begged him not to put her there, her poor body shook and she began to cry for her Daddy.
Elijah held her tight, quickly calling Klaus who hurried home but despite Y/n wanting him, she still wouldn’t go to him. Her mind told her she was embarrassing for him.
Klaus grew more distressed as he tried to make her look at him, to have her attention and provide her comfort.
It took far too long for her to get into his lap, still sobbing her apologies repeatedly.
“Baby girl” he whispered, his tone so gentle it broke her heart “you’re too perfect to be sorry” he uttered, a reminder of the first time she was with him. He rocked her soothingly, his hands all over as he tried his very best.
Slowly, her tears came to a stop and she settled against him. He kept her wrapped in his hold for a while before coaxing some words out of her.
With much effort he was able to figure out it was something to do with the baby sitter, he promised that nobody bar himself and his family would ever look after her again.
When she fell asleep in his arms, her face stained from crying and her clothes ruined from how much she had sweat from the panic, he cleaned her up and got her changed back into the same snuggly onesie as the first night she spent with him.
He didn’t put her down but instead carried her around, even when he went to his siblings and told them that he needed them to get the sister over immediately.
When the disgrace of a person arrived, Elijah quickly took Y/n into his hold while Rebekah also sat with them. She stroked Y/n’s hair comfortingly and listened closely to what was happening. Klaus and Kol had the woman by her throat compelling her her for answers on what she’d done to Klaus’s girl. After being forced to admit every horrible thing that she had done to Y/n, Klaus and Kol did their worse. Borderline maimed her.
Klaus then destroyed every last thing that the monster had used to destroy and ruin Y/n’s feelings of security and happiness.
He had to get rid of all her clothes, he refurbished his whole room and got her all new little things in an attempt to make her feel better.
Y/n appreciated the gesture but couldn’t just slip back into her ways. It took a lot of time from all the Mikaelsons. They cared for her as well as they possibly could and did everything possible to help her feel comfortable.
Slowly she felt safe enough to slip.
Klaus was ecstatic the first few times she went all the way. He wouldn’t ever let her go, he’d have her in diapers so that he could take care of everything and have her without an ounce or worry. He’d bounce her, rock her, feed and nurture her.
Klaus frequently reassured her that he loved her being little and that he never wanted to feel uncomfortable again. He just wanted to love her and keep her safe forever.
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atypicalamortentia · 8 months
They Find Out You're Pregnant
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Synopsis - The Hogwarts Legacy characters find out you're pregnant!
Warnings - Slightly NSFW.
Notes - All characters are 18+!
Word Count - 0.8k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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SEBASTIAN SALLOW isn’t surprised at all. The two of you had been having raw sex for months after you both agreed sex felt better without protection. It was only a matter of time before you fell pregnant. You waited until your first scan to tell him. You made a little baby box with the scan photo, your positive pregnancy test and a little babygrow with your expected date on it. Sebastian’s eyes lit up when he opened the box. Although you hadn’t been trying for a baby, he was excited. He pulled you into a hug so bone shattering that you were genuinely concerned he’d crack one of your ribs. You both talked into the night, coming up with baby names and talking about how the two of you had never thought you’d ever end up having children. Sebastian seems more excited than you, but after all, he isn’t the one that has to push a human out of him.
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OMINIS GAUNT is over the moon. He’s the type of man to use protection until you’re both ready to have a baby, and when you finally are, the condom comes off. Ominis already has a variety of names picked out along with schools and various other things. Ominis finds out with you. After all, you had been trying to make a baby for a few months now that when you missed your first period, he ran to the shop to pick up a test for you. He was just as nervous as you were whilst you were awaiting the results. When the test came back positive, he’d begin to cry. Tears of joy, of course. He was determined to give your baby the life he never had growing up. He is prepared for every possible situation. Probably the best person to have a baby with. 
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GARRETH WEASLEY is shocked. You only had unprotected sex one time when you were drunk??? He can’t seem to get it into his mind that it only takes once. He can’t shake the fear he feels when you show up to his home with the positive pregnancy test in hand. At first he’s in denial. It’s not that he doesn’t want a baby with you, this just isn’t how he thought it would happen. He wanted a memorable baby making story, but he can’t remember anything from that night other than the two of you woke up naked next to each other the next morning. You're both filled with fear, but after talking it through with each other you realise that you’re both ready to take this step together. It doesn’t take Garreth long to become excited at all. A mini-him! He hoped that your baby had your eyes and his red hair. Oh they would be the cutest baby ever. Will throw out obscure names that you obviously have to veto. 
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LEANDER PREWETT is full of love and excitement. You’re actually having a baby with HIM. Of all people, you chose to start a family with HIM. He almost can’t believe his luck. You’re just as excited as he is when you first find out, running to your shared bedroom and throwing the pregnancy test at him. His eyes widen with surprise, but he stands from his laying position on the bed and pulls you into a passionate kiss. “I can’t wait to meet our baby,” he says softly into your lips. Even though you only find out at roughly 13 weeks, he cradles your stomach claiming that he can see your small bump forming. As soon as he finds out you're pregnant, Leander is talking to your stomach, explaining who he is and how lucky he is to have met you. Leander is so sweet to you and does everything for you as soon as he finds out you're expecting. Don’t even try to do something yourself, he’ll do it for you, don’t worry. 
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AMIT THAKKAR is just as shocked as Garreth. He’s also slightly afraid of bringing a new person into the world. It’s a lot of responsibility. You explain to him that the two of you can do it as long as you’re together, and that seems enough to convince Amit. Once the fear subsides, he’s just as excited as the others. He goes baby clothes shopping before you even know the sex of the baby, buying the cutest gender neutral clothes he can find and surprising you with them when he comes home. He can’t wait to meet the baby and has a counter that counts down the days until your due date. Like Leander, he won’t let you raise a finger around the house once he finds out you're pregnant. All the house chores are for him to do, the cooking, the cleaning, everything. You just stay put, comfy and growing his child. That will make him the happiest man alive. 
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weeesi · 17 days
Chaos - May Prompts (17)
“Sherlock? Tesco had only twelve—”
The first thing John notices, incidentally, is that the dishes are clean and balancing precariously within an inch of their lives on the solid square foot of the draining board.
The rest of the flat resembles a rubbish tip, if said tip consisted of a weird combination of chemistry equipment, case files, medical journals, and the ubiquitous detritus of baby stuff. Oh, and also made noise. 
Something drips, something splats, something oozes, something beeps, something—he’s pretty sure—might’ve been on fire earlier. Something smells too sweet—or maybe sour?—and something else that could only be Rosie’s distinct brand of nappy pressie hits the back of his nostrils like the principal note in 221B’s potpourri. Stained babygrows cover his chair, colourful blocks teeter on Sherlock’s, and a well-loved copy of Dear Zoo stares at him from a pile of flannels. CBeebies blurbles quietly in the background.
A lingering cloud of baby powder shifts like a weather pattern when John crosses the room.
Rosie—neat as a pin, hair brushed, tummy full, bum in the air like a Christmas goose—is tucked into her little nest, snoozing away.
“You got her to sleep,” John whispers.
“Controlled chaos,” Sherlock mouths from the sofa.
John gently tugs the Peppa Pig plaster out of Sherlock’s hair and kisses him.
Thank you to @calaisreno for the fun prompt series! Tags in replies. Thanks for reading! <3
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orange-peony · 15 days
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Thanks for tagging me @artsyunderstudy and @blackberrysummerblog!
I've been working on my accidental baby acquisition fic, and I blame entirely @cutestkilla for this part (Simon's POV):
“You look truly scared for the first time. A lot more terrified than usual. Is it because of that?” the Humdrum asks, pointing at Lucy, who is still blissfully asleep in my arms. I hold her a little closer, wrapping my hand protectively around her tiny and defenceless body.
I won’t let the Humdrum hurt her. He will have to kill me first.
“What do you want?” I ask.
“What do I want,” he parrots with a little chuckle. He starts bouncing his infernal red ball and moves around the room, looking at Lucy’s things. He runs his hand on the neat pile of babygrows carefully folded on the sofa. He picks up one of her squidgy, colourful toys and says, “We never had any of this.”
I pause, and for the first time I really look at him. At how young he looks. How raw and famished, his eyes alive with the hunger and the need and the desperate rage I remember feeling at his age. I always felt like there was no hope for me. That no one would ever truly want me. That no one would love me.  
And a little drarry:
When he slides his hand at the nape of Draco’s neck, in that warm and silky spot where the last part of the braid unravels for him, Harry can feel Draco’s skin under his fingertips. He watches grey eyes fluttering close, pink lips parting on the tiniest of gasps. And then he feels it, like a stroke of lightening coursing through him. The old bond pulsates and sends a spark of pleasure through his body.
Draco’s eyes open in surprise, staring at him in shock, as if he could feel it too. And Harry thinks he shouldn’t, because this makes no fucking sense. The bond was dead when Draco left. Neither of them should be able to feel it after such a long time. So, what is this warmth spreading through his chest, threatening to make Harry fall apart and reach for Draco to press his mouth to his and feel that long forgotten and blissful tingling of the bond every time he kissed Draco?
Tagging (apologies if you've already done it and I missed it):
@pato-roldnart, @bubble-gumhead , @excalisbury, @pocketlessdruid, @itsphantasmagoria, @cutestkilla , @fatalfangirl , @hushed-chorus , @facewithoutheart , @thewholelemon , @alexalexinii , @you-remind-me-of-the-babe , @larkral , @letraspal , @regretfulcorrine , @rimeswithpurple , @leithillustration , @littlewinnow , @imagineacoolusername , @emeryhall , @shrekgogurt , @wellbelesbian , @mooncello and @j-nipper-95
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vanbeeart · 29 days
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(via "Green Haze" Baby One-Piece for Sale by VannyBeeArt)
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
Toms baby taking their first steps 🥺🥺
“Do you want to go see Daddy?” you ask Miles in a sing-song tone. 
He blinks up to see Tom sitting on the other side of the living room, back leaning against the sofa. Tom holds his arms out encouragingly, hoping his baby boy will finally toddle into them. 
Miles had been learning so much recently, he was now able to pull himself up with the help of a chair, a table leg or a helpful family member. When he managed to get himself standing, he would take an uncertain step, before collapsing to the ground and babbling to be picked up again. He just hadn’t quite figured out the whole walking thing. 
So here he was now, his dad’s whole family surrounding him and taking turns to try to help him walk. For the past few weeks he’d often entered the room giggling and standing on Tom’s feet while Tom held his hands, insisting that Miles just had to get a ‘feel’ for walking before he’d do it on his own. All afternoon his uncles had taken turns holding his arms above his head and assisting him as he waddled around the carpet in his tiny baby socks. All the exercise had certainly worn him out, and after a nap he was back in the living room, sitting firmly on your cross-legged lap as you pointed to Tom. 
“Look, Daddy wants to see you!” you whisper in Miles’ tiny ear. “Why don’t you walk over there? I know you can do it.” 
You gently lift him up, helping him balance on his feet as his chubby legs wobbled slightly. He giggles as you support him with your hands on his waist, the contact tickling him through his dinosaur patterned babygrow. 
“Come on mate, come see your ol’ dad,” Tom encourages, eyes only on you and his baby. He stretches out his legs, crossing them at the ankle and pats his lap, gesturing for Miles to come closer. 
Miles looks at his dad, seeming to consider it before turning and burrowing into your stomach, a tangle of tubby baby limbs and fuzzy hair. You laugh, wrapping your arms around him and placing a quick kiss to his head. 
“Tom, your son’s got stage fright,” laughs Harry from his spot on the sofa. 
“Miles,” Tom calls, before letting out a fake sniffle. Miles takes no notice to Tom ups the act, hiding his face in his hands and letting his shoulders shake. 
Miles wriggles on your lap, turning to look over his shoulder at his dad. He blinks at Tom while he continues to fake sob. Miles whines so you help lift him up again, turning him to face his dad. Miles furrows his brow in the exact same way you’ve seen Tom do a thousand times when he’s concentrating on something. Miles watches the carpet carefully as if to check it’s still in the same place, before taking one uncertain step. The entire family holds their breath as Miles watches Tom, taking another, and another, and another-
He trips suddenly, one foot getting caught on the other and you think that maybe Tom does have spidey senses with how quickly he stops pretending to cry and stretches his arms out to catch his son before he hits the ground. He scoops Miles into his arms, cradling him close to his chest as the family cheers for Miles.
“Did you walk all the way over here?” Tom coos to his son in between quick kisses to his temple. “All by yourself? Aren’t you a clever boy?” 
Miles buries his grin in Tom’s chest, unable to hide the pride in his face at his dad’s praise. 
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
you guys coming through with the dad!tom blurbs 😩 keep em coming !
please consider reblogging if you enjoyed- it really helps a writer out
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trashytoastboi · 10 months
Could I request a pregnancy and parental headcannon for killer I loved your others and killer is one of my favorite. I love your writing!😍😍
Heyya! Of course bean ^^ so sorry for the late reply and long wait, hope you enjoy~
Headcanons: Killer x F! S/O - Pregnancy and Parental 
(Female pronouns) 
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🍜 Honestly, probably some of the most unexpected pieces of news Killer ever anticipated on hearing. He had been preoccupied with survival and grandeur dreams of elevating Kid to be the pirate king. While navigating the craziness that was the grandline and the new world. So hearing {Name} tell him the news of her pregnancy was very unexpected. She waited, hoping to find an opportune moment but one never arised, so in perhaps a little more casual manner than she wanted, she delivered the news over sharing a bowl of pasta.
🍜 Well after the initial choking on his noodles, Killer had to take a moment. He gathered his thoughts, being the worry wart he weighed the pros and cons of the news. {Name} knew Killer, so his outright lack of a reaction was expected but still anxiety inducing nevertheless. “Are you sure?” Was Killer’s first words, {Name} confirmed once again and explained being checked three times by different doctors who all confirmed the news. Truth be told, Killer felt so out of depth but still he concealed a smile beneath his mask. 
🍜 Killer is the pique of information, he knows every good food, bad food, and expected symptom. Everything, in fact he was so involved that he developed morning sickness. The condition is better known as sympathetic pregnancy. Killer becomes a bit overbearing and tries to restrict {Name’s} contact with anything dangerous and begins to think in extremities. {Name} does calm him down, explaining that all that information is very vital and his concern is valid, but she knows her body as well. Sometimes all it took was placing his hand on her stomach to feel those over energetic kicks to really calm him down. 
🍜If he could, he would literally carry her everywhere. {Name} refuses, but Killer still offers all the time. To make up for this Killer does frequently insist on giving {Name} foot massages, knowing that her feet will hurt after too much walking and standing. The rest of the crew also got a tad annoyed by Killer’s baby proofing of literally everything on the ship. Or accidentally neglecting duties because he is too distracted reading all those parenting books. 
🍜Had roped Kid into preparing a whole bunch of stuff like toys, a crib and even a mobile. The crew honestly got so excited thanks to Killer that there was a silent war over who would be named the official godfather. Though Killer had already dubbed them all the uncles. Killer also grew insanely adept at sewing because he made a majority of {Name’s} maternity clothes and some babygrows, one in just about every colour. 
🍜 Killer had been imagining the moment when he would first see and meet his child. He never knew what he would feel, or how he would react. Newborns admittedly looked a little uglier than he expected. He couldn’t fathom how such a tiny and fragile human existed. Killer never once sat and thought about how everyone started as babies, it’s not one of those things he thinks about but seeing his child and just how tiny they were, they could practically fit in the palm of his hand. 
🍜 So hesitant and afraid to hold the tiny baby. Takes a lot of encouragement and reassurance from {Name} before Killer feels secure enough to hold his child for the first time. He remembers being nervous, but also excited. The soft bundle of warmth that made some weird noises while remaining fast asleep in his arms. Much like {Name} the process of learning to be a parent was an arduous one, Killer was more afraid of accidentally hurting them than anything. 
🍜 10/10 Killer would do anything for this tiny human, no questions asked. The feelings of being a parent was not just the anxiety, the questions of if he was doing it well or even regretting mistakes where he could have handled it differently. It was an inexplicable and sometimes overwhelming feeling of love and joy even from the most mundane things. Looking forward to seeing them grow but at the same time being sad about it, a bittersweet feeling. 
🍜 In terms of how Killer tries to shape his parenting is a little on the strict side. He explains the best he can, to a level that could be understood by a child for the rules he enforces. He is permissive at times when it can be afforded and does indulge and encourage curiosity unless it something that could be detrimental or dangerous for them. On some things he is immovable and stubborn. A fair example was when he put his foot down, not allowing his babybean to eat too many sweets in fear of them getting stomach aches or cavities. Killer was devastated when they said that they hated him though. 
🍜 Before making any big decisions or needing some form of council he always fell to {Name’s] wisdom, she always explained things in a different way or could see things differently. Sometimes he didn’t know if he was doing this whole dad thing right, he felt insecure in himself despite always trying his best. He knew that sometimes his intentions couldn’t easily be conveyed or could be misunderstood. Killer truly wants the best for babybean, and constantly tries to work to achieve that.
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Can we please have dad mick flying with the kids like it’s Harriet’s first flight
"C'mon guys, follow mama", Mick urged Sebastian and Aurora as they walked to the jet, climbing up the stairs after you as you greeted the crew, "this is Harriet's first flight, so we're hoping she'll be good", you smiled, already preparing everyone in case she started crying.
It couldn't be called crying, not the sounds your daughter was making, "her wails are not going to soothe, are they?", you said as the engine roared, getting ready for take off, while Rora and Seb tried to distract her, soothingly speaking to her, "it's going to be okay, little one" and "it's only for a couple of minutes, Harriet".
As soon as it was safe to stand up and walk for a bit, you tried to do it but your little girl still wailed, cries not soothing for one second, "I can take her, liebling", Mick called, holding her small body against his and letting her nestle on his chest, undoing the buttons on his shirt a little and undoing the upper part of her babygrow, letting her skin come in contact with his and after few kisses on her head and a couple of soothing words, Harriet seemed to have found her happy place.
"Do you think it will always be like this?", he mused, seeing your daughter nearly falling asleep on him, "it should be interesting, right? Imagine being on a flight with other people and they all get to see my semi shirtless husband cuddling our baby? That would surely make many heads turn", you wiggled your brows.
"I turned your head, didn't I? That's all I need", he smirked.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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footballerimaginess · 7 months
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Footballer Imaginess Does Halloween Experiencing your first Halloween with your new born Hakim Zieyech Word Count: 353 Being in Turkey with your newborn and getting to experience Halloween with your newborn daughter.
"What shall we do?" Hakim asked as you showed him as she was dressed up in her pumpkin babygrow, looking adorable. "I'm not too sure, what events are going on right now. Halloween themed obviously" you asked Hakim as he grabbed his phone. "I'm not sure, I have asked the boys but they said they do trick and treating but she is too young for that and it would only be us having the sweets" Hakim smiled as he took your daughter from your arms. "Oh really,maybe we can do some crafts we have paint or maybe carve a pumpkin and do a cute photo of her in it" you suggested as you took her again into the dining room. “Aww that sounds perfect, so assuming I need to go and grab a pumpkin if there is any that is” Hakim smirked.
“That would be great thanks babe” you blew him a kiss as he headed out to go and get a pumpkin. - Hakim came back with the biggest pumpkin he could find. “Do we think this is okay?” He laughed as you smirked. "Yeah think that will be perfect, right I will try and scoop it all out and then put her in it. Only if it works that is" he laughs. You watched on carefully as he scooped all of the inside of the pumpkin which was going to be used for soup making which was perfect for this time of the year. "Ohh Hakim she looks so adorable in there" you felt like you were going to shed a tear as you watched him carefully place her in the pumpkin as he held her small body to keep her up right as she was too small. "It feels so weird how she is actually ours" you laughed. "It is, but she is just so perfect and fits into our life so perfectly" you cuddled up to him before snapping lots of photos of your little girl as she sat in the pumpkin looking adorable.
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 days
Ingrid resorts to putting those vest babygrows on under cubs outfits so she’s always covered and Cub is too small to figure out how to take the baby grow off
Cub getting put in overalls because she can't work out how to undo the buckles
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