#bc to give anything less than his entire life for someone he cares about is unacceptable
domoz · 1 year
tbh. my favorite tobirama ship thing is when the other party realizes that their feelings are mutual b/c tobirama does something self-sacrificial for them. bc thats just what he does for the people he loves.
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ponderingmoonlight · 13 days
Sanemi Shinazugawa standing up for you
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Pairing: Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,1k
Synopsis: You are used to no one believing in you, to get picked on by other corps member because you're a girl. Until one of them crosses the line and starts a fights. Until a certain someone stands up for you when no one else does.
Warnings: not proofread bc I have a gym date with my boy (in order to have a biceps as beefy as (y/n)'s lmao), reader gets reduced to being a weak woman when she is anything but that, bad girl energy, Sanemi being a cutie
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„I can’t believe they allowed a little girl to participate.”
“Look at her. There’s no way she survived the training of the former sound hashira, the serpent pillar and landed here.”
“Probably nothing but luck. Or she cheated.”
Don’t listen to them, just focus on staying hydrated and eating enough for your upcoming training. It has always been this way. You, a girl in a world of boys against everything. Why is it so hard to believe that you are capable of doing what they do when two female hashira show them how it’s done? You work your ass of day in and out, stayed consistent for your whole life. You’re always the first who appears in the morning and the last of them who falls into bed after practice. Nothing in life is given you for free, especially when it comes to strength. But apparently, they fail to realize this even after being a part of the demon slayer corps for quite some time.
“I bet she slept her way up.”
Your heart drops to the floor, eyes widen in sheer disbelief. You, sleeping your way up?
“Yeah, maybe she aims to be the fourth wife of him or something.”
“So that’s why he’s always going easy on her.”
“I can hear you. Loud and clearly”, you finally speak up.
They are talking about you as if you are nothing but air, as if you wouldn’t share the same air. Anger begins to rush through your veins uncontrollably. All this work only to be called the mistress of a former hashira?
“I couldn’t care less about the existence of a woman who fucked her way up”, one of them spits directly into your face.
“How are your trainees doing?”, the white-haired men questioned while staring into the sunset.
“Most of them are trash. That one though…”
Instantly, Sanemi’s gaze is glued onto Obanai who now sits next to him.
“Really? You’ve got one that has some balls?”
“A girl, to be exact. She seems decently skilled and Actually just transferred to your training”, Obanai clarifies.
“I never heard of a girl getting through Uzui’s basic training until now”, Sanemi replies while rubbing his chin.
A girl, huh? He can’t put a finger on the last time he ever trained one. But if Obanai talks so highly about you, there sure must be something going on.
“She’s got potential. Let’s just hope there’s enough time.”
“Instead of lying around like the loser you are, try training next time. I don’t need to fuck my way up, I’m all good by my own”, you bark back along with straightening your shoulders.
Who does this guy think he is? Talking behind your back like that while you don’t even know who the fuck he is.
“You’re nothing but a weak woman, I’m sure it was way too easy for you to wrap them hashira around your finger.”
You draw closer, his dreadful eyes piercing like arrows through yours. But you couldn’t care less. No, this is enough.
“Bold coming from a guy who obviously never touched a woman in his entire life. To be honest, I could give you one or two reasons for that. But it’s not my job to tell you what kind of loser you are. Now excuse me, the training session with the wind hashira begins soon and you definitely aren’t worth being late to that.”
“Why do I have to waste my time with those losers?”, Sanemi mumbles to himself while walking towards the campsite where all the trainees are located.
Or wait, didn’t Obanai talk about a skilled girl earlier? Maybe she’ll last longer than that bunch of losers. While getting closer, his eyes fall on a crowd of multiple guys cheering and staring of what looks like a sensation in the middle.
“What the hell is going on over there?”
You manage to escape his punch just before he hits your face with full force, so unexpected that your eyes widen. Did he just try to slap you? In your face?
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? We are here to get trained and not to fight each other like animals!”, you roar at him.
Another dash forward, another failed attempt to hit you with full force while everyone around you starts eyeing you up and down. This must be a cruel joke, a nightmare. You joined the demon slayer corps to fight against injustice and to support peace. But in this very moment, you find yourself surrounded by your comrades who definitely try to hurt you.
“You just have to play the smartest one, don’t you? I don’t give a damn about your little game. I will never respect a woman who fucked her way up”, he jeers back at you.
You force yourself not to cry, to not show them how much their fucking words sting. All your life, you were forced to fight against those who wanted to see you suffer, does who didn’t put trust in your abilities. Your neighbors, your friends, even your own family. Never more than a little girl with crazy dreams, never more than average with no one who believes in her.
“You have no i-“
An enormous storm of air swirling around you catches you completely off guard and almost sweeps you off your feet. You aren’t able to see anything anymore, let alone move. Fuck, what is this? Definitely not the power of that jerk from before. Your lungs feel like bursting under the immense pressure, chest so tight that you have to force air in and out. What on earth is this?
“That’s enough. Who do you even think you are?”
When the storm calms down as rapidly as it came, you find yourself landing onto the floor with your knees just in time while everyone around you bumps into the ground head-first.
“S-she attacked me! It was her fault!”
Your eyes widen in sheer horror when you begin to realize who was responsible for this. There he stands with his katana in his hand, his white cloak still flowing in the wind.
And his dreadful orbs are set on you.
You try to scream, try to defend yourself, but all of the sudden you forgot how to speak. This is the wind hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa. After all those countless sessions with Tengen and Obanai, it was your goal to get here, to impress him.
But now you’re kneeling to his feet while countless men point their fingers at you, claiming you’re the one responsible for this mess.
“So, this was you?”, he questions.
There is no doubt in the fact that his ask is directed towards you. Not when he looks at you so serious with his hand clutched into a tight fist.
“I didn’t mean to cause trouble”, you finally press out.
Defending yourself is a waste of time. With all those men saying you’re the problem, your words mean nothing. All you can do is sit here and hope that you’re able to stay, hope that the wind hashira won’t send you back home like everyone predicted.
“You have to be fucking kidding me”, he mutters with low voice.
It’s over. This is it, your final time at the hashira training. Even giving your best wasn’t enough, apparently. Not when nobody believes in you except yourself. You should have kept quiet, should have ignored their stupid sayings. You furrow your eyebrows, wild eyes going hard.
No. You did everything right. No one is allowed to talk to you in such a manner, to say all those nasty things about you. It was the only right thing to defend your honor. There is nothing to regret.
“Are you really trying to make her responsible for this when I heard your dumb ass talking shit about her? You have some fucking nerve, lying into the face of a hashira.”
Time stands still, you don’t dare to make a move while the crowd around you goes silent. Did the wind hashira really just…Stand up for you?
“Now get lost, all of you brats. If you’d be as good at fighting as in talking shit, we would have beaten all demons already.”
He doesn’t have to tell them twice. In the matter of seconds, the usual crowded area is deadly silent with only you and the white-haired man remaining. Your heart almost beats out of your chest, eyes now fixated on his back. Why would he even stand up for a stranger, especially a girl? It’s probably best if you get away from here as well-
“No, not you. You definitely stay”, he instructs you after you take one single step forward.
You freeze right in your tracks. What now? Will he kick you out, send you back to your family? What if he didn’t mean those words he said earlier, what if he’s not convinced that you are in fact innocent?
“Listen, I’m sorry about t-“
“You really have some balls, dealing with a bunch of guys like that. My honest respect for that.”
 “What?”, you blurt out.
And there it is. The most breath-taking smile you’ve ever seen, a smile that makes your heart and stomach flutter, that leaves you standing there like an idiot. You never actually believed in love, let alone to fall for someone. But the wind hashira, standing in front of you with his katana casually placed over his shoulders and his hand on his hip while smiling at you…
You’re lost. Deeply, completely, utterly lost.
“It’s clear that you’re working hard and I admire that. They have no right to talk to you this disrespectfully. I’m the only one who’s allowed to do that”, he replies with his charismatic low voice.
“Thank you for standing up for me. For a second, I was pretty sure you’ll send me back home”, you admit while avoiding his gaze.
Maybe you’re still able to prove them all wrong, maybe you will make it after all. The hashira training is your chance to finally show your true self. You grab the handle of your katana tightly. And you will do everything you can to use that chance.
“Why would I send someone like you home when you’re one of the best corps members? These guys don’t know shit about you and it’s clear that they’re jealous. Don’t listen to those people and keep up the hard work.”
The man in front of you definitely isn’t the monster you’ve heard of. The rough and loud wind hashira who has zero control over his emotions, who rejected his own brother. The man who means nothing but violence, nothing but trouble. No, that man in front of you is smiling at you, teasing you in order to become better. And you’ll do everything to thank him for believing in you.
-one week later-
“You can’t keep her for yourself any longer. Apart from Kamado, she’s one of the greatest chances the demon slayer corps have. It’s Gyomei’s turn to train her”, Shinobu explains calmly, earning one of the deadliest looks ever from the wind hashira.
Truth is, he doesn’t want to let you go. He wants to see you every day, wants to train with you as often as he can, wants to talk with you into the night. What is left when you’re not around except the effect you had on him, the admiration he holds for you in his heart? Sanemi thought he’d never be able to find love again, that no other woman would ever catch his heart. But there you are with your determination made of stone and heart made of gold.
“She’s better off with me”, he mumbles with a pout, not daring to look into the insect pillar’s eyes.
It’s clear that he’s acting ridiculous. When it comes to gaining more strength and abilities, you’re definitely not better off by his side only. He can’t just gatekeep you for his own will.
“Don’t tell me you started liking her”, Obanai comments dryly.
“Sanemi, is it possible, that…that…”
“Don’t you dare saying that”, he warns the pink-haired girl opposite of him.
Him, in love with a woman? How ridiculous…
He huffs to himself. Yeah, there is no denying in the fact that he fell a little too hard.
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls (your fic will be next) @barbuse @sunshine7queen
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cultpastorkevin · 6 months
Dependent Personality Disorder, Kevin Day, & the Edgar Allan Ravens
brought to you by an ex cult pastor w/ crippling mental issues
well let’s just jump right into it ngl (also if I miss anything or forget something give me a pass I have amnesia and a one track mind so I definitely missed stuff)
Okay so the whole Ravens always have a partner, never go anywhere alone, if one fails you both pay, etc. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks and I don’t see it broken down and discussed at length enough, so imma try to do that from a mixed personal experience & psychology perspective
The fact Jean, Neil and Kevin have all stated in books and in the extra content that not having that presence next to them was devastating (much less so for Neil okay he didn’t spend fucking years there); Nora has also talked about how Ravens are basically unable to function if left alone; you can’t send them to the store alone or leave them places or expect them to be capable of completing tasks without their other half; TSC reeks of Jean having to learn how to function without a double and it’s gonna be a trainwreck for Jeremy bc how the fuck can Jean be this old and not feel able to have a room on his own anyways—
What is Dependent Personality Disorder?
The DSM-5 refers to DPD as a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, which leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation. It is characterized by excessive fear and anxiety. DPD begins by early adulthood, is present in a variety of contexts, and is associated with inadequate functioning. Symptoms can include anything from extreme passivity, devastation, or helplessness when relationships end; avoidance of responsibilities; and severe submission.
According to the DSM-5, the disorder is indicated by at least five of the following factors:
has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others.
needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of their life.
has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval.
has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on their own (because of a lack of self-confidence in judgment or abilities rather than a lack of motivation or energy).
goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others, to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant.
feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for themselves.
urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and support when a close relationship ends.
is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of themselves.
Since I only need 5, and I don’t want to bore everyone to death, I’ll just do 5.
needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of their life
Kevin spent well, basically his entire life having everything picked out for him by others. Exy was chosen for him. Where he lived, when he slept, what he ate and when was chosen. Riko and Tetsuji dictated his every fucking step up until he left. Kevin didn’t learn anything he wasn’t supposed to learn and therefore automatically expected others to do it for him because that’s what he was taught to do. Kevin’s only skill in life is Exy, which means he doesn’t have any other skills (well he does, he just doesn’t think they’re useful or important). Ravens are taught to be dependent on each other because without each other, they’re not whole or a person; they’re dehumanized until they begin to assign responsibility to someone they think is more equipped for it, is better for it, which is usually an authority figure (in this case, those figures are Riko and Tetsuji). Tetsuji knew exactly what he was doing by creating the psychological mindfuck of an inter-dependent group that is the Ravens. He took a bunch of young adults, gave them a god, and then helped that god beat them into numb dissociation until they couldn’t think for themselves and were even afraid to.
has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval
Reminder that DPD is prevalent in people who have been excessively abused and it’s also characterized by extreme anxiety. For people like Kevin and the Ravens, expressing anything other than what Riko and Tetsuji wanted could get them killed; it wasn’t just about being terrified of disapproval or protection, it was because losing anything from the group meant you were gonna get hurt (usually badly). Jean was literally waterboarded for shits and giggles, you think Riko is gonna take someone saying no very well (Neil Josten drove him insane I can tell u that much)? Ravens have a hive mind mentality because a hive mind keeps them alive and safe. Kevin had a hive mind when he was with Riko, and I’d argue he still had the remnants of one when he was with the Foxes. Riko breaking his hand was the only thing that broke him out of it, and even then, it barely did. Kevin only started mouthing off to Riko when Neil (bless his scrungly ass) started shaking Riko’s brain like a maraca. He had someone he could depend on in those situations because, again, Ravens always do things together. Kevin wouldn’t fucking dream of shitting on Riko at Kathy’s show by himself. Kevin spent 10+ years at Evermore with his sanity hanging on the hook of a batshit adoptive brother whose approval or disapproval would dictate if he was allowed to sleep. So yeah, I’d say Kevin had a violent need to always express agreement and do everything Riko wanted whether he liked it or not because the anxiety and terror of not doing so outweighed any sense of self preservation he could have. That ties in w the next one.
goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others, to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant
Riko utilized abuse in a lot of ways; Nora put in her extra content that he had other Ravens rape Jean; imo, those Ravens most likely didn’t fucking want to, but going to excessive lengths to stay within his approval and be safe? Yeah, they were gonna do it. Tetsuji and Riko also make the Ravens never miss practice or any other shit they want them to do, regardless of the state they’re in. Which means you’re going to practice when you’ve been raped the night before; it means you’re going to practice after getting butchered all night by your other half, etc. Anyways; when Kevin works with the Foxes, he repeatedly does the opposite and basically throws a fit if someone steps on court that isn’t in shape to. This begs the eye raiser that he didn’t want those things happening at Evermore, but he did them anyways because his need for approval and the anxiety of not doing so, outweighed the fact he hated doing it. He was so dependent on Riko and staying close that he was pretty willing to toss anyone and everyone under the bus to meet expectations even if they left a nauseating pit in his stomach. Doing unpleasant things for the person you’re attached to is hard, but their praise and approval after the actions erase all previous anxieties, which then fuels a broken cycle of seeking out that approval and continuing to engage in unpleasant actions out of fear of not recieving that pending approval afterwards. It’s hard to explain succinctly the mindfuck DPD causes your thoughts to be like when you have it.
urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and support when a close relationship ends
Kevin lost Riko. You know what he gets next? Fucking Andrew. I don’t even know if I need to explain this one because Kevin’s dependency on Andrew is so prevalent and excruciatingly obvious throughout the whole series lmao. Kevin ain’t gonna admit it but he relies on Andrew like a starving man relies on garbage (no offense Andrew). Kevin’s duo dependency with Riko was shattered to its core and guess what idiot he latches onto to fill the void? Andrew ofc. I think out of everyone, Andrew is probably the healthiest until Neil comes along (still think it should’ve been a polycule but I digress).
Riko’s obsessiveness and possessiveness with Kevin was crippling to Kevin and left him without the ability to exist without a buffer. Andrew’s apathetic ass and explicit understanding of consent is needed to balance out Riko’s emotional instability and disregard for Kevin’s autonomy. I would go so far as to say it was dependency that forced Kevin to become more independent because Andrew wasn’t going to sit on his ass and wait for Kevin to figure it out or heal. Kevin only struggled into some form of functionality out of what I personally see as a crippling people pleasing need to be useful and that came from being dependent on those around him. He became semi functional (I use this so vaguely bc that man would not be functional in the real world) out of necessity and obligation to those around him, not because he actually healed or processed his shit.
Ignoring your own issues to meet expectations of the one(s) you’re dependent on is stereotypical avoidance and signs of people pleasing and also it’s a trauma response. Kevin quite literally just went “yeah well I have some problems but I’m going to push those aside bc nothing else matters besides Exy” and then proceeded for the entire series to use Exy, Neil, and Andrew as ways to try to avoid his trauma history. He’s kinda insane for that but also I get it, because placing your trauma lower than something else and then in turn obsessing over something or someone helps you compartmentalize and pseudo-function until you eventually snap and have a massive meltdown. Another thing is that when you’re living in an abusive environment you can’t afford those meltdowns. I like think that after all the shit happened in AFTG, Kevin just lost his shit for a period of time because it’s a very reasonable trauma response in victims for once you’re finally safe, you just shatter from all the pressure you’ve been avoiding in yourself. It’s only after you shatter that you can heal, and you can’t do that unless you’re in a space that you’re allowed to. And Tetsuji kept his Ravens in a headspace where they couldn’t.
feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for themselves
Ngl I’ve kinda already covered aspects of this but I just wanna reiterate what Nora said abt this specifically in her extra content that “Kevin is the one who warns Jeremy he (Jean) cannot go anywhere alone, “we Ravens don’t know how” and “Being able to go to class or the grocery store or the gym without any of his teammates in attendance is just—unfathomable” in regards to Jean Moreau’s transition into the Trojans. This is just kinda, explanatory. We’re talking about college age athletes who have been hazed and abused so much that the idea of going to a class alone isn’t even a concept to them; Kevin explicitly tells Jeremy that Ravens don’t know how to do things. They’re dependent on each other. Kevin is not only speaking to help Jean, but when he says “us Ravens” he’s including himself in that statement because he can’t either and he knows how hard it is to try to acclimate to suddenly being thrust into individuality when you haven’t had it in years. Unlike most of the Ravens, Kevin and Riko (and eventually Jean as well) grew up having that inter dependency made into a core personality trait. They hate each other and they love each other, their failures and wins depend on each other, one can’t breathe without the other suffering for it. At what point does trained and conditioned, and ultimately encouraged, dependent behavior turn into brainwashing and dehumanization until there’s nothing left of you but the one you’re dependent on?
I’m not saying Kevin Day or all of the Ravens have DPD; but what I am saying is that they have extreme traits at the least of it and it is entirely fucking reasonable to me that at least a few of them ended up with DPD or similar disorders because of the shit that happened to them in the Nest. People forget that trauma and adverse circumstances (especially from young ages like Kevin and Riko and Jean) can cause you to develop disorders or even mimic symptoms of disorders because those traumatic events caused reactions that are disordered behaviors. I feel if anything is to be nitpicked, it’s Kevin’s absolute bitchiness, because god he can be an asshole, and someone somewhere could argue because he has that antagonistic streak, DPD is entirely out of the question.
Unfortunately, the dichotomy exists of knowing when you can be bitchy and maintain submissiveness. Kevin probably learned where and when and to what extent he could tow that line when he lived in the Nest, whether it was taking out his anger and his anguish on other Ravens, on the court, or on the Foxes when he moved over. In my experience, my own explosive anger issues had to be portioned out, I had to know who I could do that to, be like that with. When and where was the correct time to lash out and when I was gonna get hit for it. Kevin isn’t stupid, he knew what Riko and Tetsuji were like. He also knew he had the upper hand in the power dynamic over the Raven’s on court. If he went for blood out of anger during practice, triggered by if Riko hurt him too much or took too much from him, other Ravens just had to take it, or worse, probably were encouraged to encourage the brutality.
All in all, I think Tetsuji created an absolute fucking labyrinth of a psychological warzone that both forced submission and rewarded dominance; it left lasting behavioral traits and triggered disorders that crippled Ravens, some for their entire lives. I wanna bet probably no former Raven went to therapy; the ones that got divvied up after the Nest closed probably were required to by their new teams, and they probably are the only generation that maybe were able to heal from it. In the extra content, Thea decided because Kevin could play again, “no harm no foul” on Riko’s end. If that’s not hivemind, culty, worshipper behavior, idk what is. That’s not a normal reaction, but it is a conditioned one.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 11 months
I don't know if you already answered this so feel free to ignore.
What is your thoughts on Yu Ziyuan? am I the only one that thinks fandon defence of her saying she is just the typical Asian tiger mom is insulting to Asian mothers? You can be strict and not be abusive and guess what? YZ is not it.
Hell the author themselves made an entire chapter to say that she took things too far too often against a single person to be simple discipline towards a disciple. It was personal and she took great pleasure in it, just bc WY decides to stay despite his treatment doesn't make it any less horrible.
Am i the only one that thinks she only accepted WC orders to whip WY because she always took any chance to do so? That if Wang Lingjao hadn't mentioned she would have to be subservient to someone of lower class she would have gleefully cut off WYs hand and not reacted at all to the Wen invasion?
That in her last moments she made sure to remind WY one last time that he would be nothing but a servant to her, to tie him with a last wish so he would have the moral obligation to give up everything to JC like a proper servant should? I wholly believe part of her sudden tenderness to JC in her last goodbye was to also rub in WY face not only what he never had but what JC was losing just to rub salt in the wound.
Just, in what universe does people see a girlboss misunderstood by the world and its sexism? sometimes i think i read the wrong books or saw a different show... am i really the only one that sees this?
Good evening anon, I've been sitting on this a bit as I was weighing how exactly to answer this coherently. So, for the short answer; I do not like her as a character nor is she supposed to be seen as anything deeper than what she is. A terrible mother and person who let resentment rule her.
The Long Answer: She is not misunderstood, she is very easy to break down. She was a jealous youth who actively agreed to a marriage where the fiancé was already lukewarm to her disposition and continued to cast blame on Cangse Sanren stealing something she never had. Note as well, as she was the one to force a marriage and insisted on this even after Cangse Sanren had married Wei Changze. She is selfish and entitled. This carries over to how she treats her children, she is not happy with her own self, so she hyper focused on the flaws she instilled within Jiang Cheng. Instead of actually supporting him as a mother should, she insults him and instead of love she actively despises and insults her own child. This is not a healthy parental figure. She was hardly there enough obviously to even think of offering care and love in a very negligent household. She laughs instead when Wei Wuxian is brought in she is more concerned about being proven right about adding another child into the household will disrupt their already volatile dislike of each other.
Not once does she praise her children she fixates on despising Wei Wuxian and being annoyed he is able to be talented naturally so much she constantly pits her son against him herself and encourages that resentment to grow in him. She does not care about anything other than her own festering hate, and sure as hell never nurtured her own with love. She is miserable, pathetic and no whatever love she may have held for Jiang Cheng was toxic and all the worse to him as she never uplifted him as an actual loving parent should.
Her treatment of Wei Wuxian is certainly just as vile given he wasn't even her own yet she stayed forever jealous all over her own stories that exasperated her own hate for Cangse Sanren and superimposed that to Wei Wuxian. She has no excuse for her treatment of any of the children under her household. Hate is a sad way to live and end life, and it stops being sympathetic when she lived and died garnering the feelings and reactions she earned with it.
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deimosatellite · 1 year
something ive been thinking about a lot is like. it seems like kazuki doesnt exactly know the extent of rei's family history? of course its probably pretty obvious to kazuki that some really fucked up things happened in rei's past but i think its definitely deliberate that kazuki seems to have been kept in the dark about things-- of course he understands that rei doesnt have a good relationship with his father, and probably knows how trapped rei is in his line of work, but even then he never really pries or tries to be overbearing to rei in that degree.
adding a read more bc this post is like almost 1000 words bc im so normal about them
he knows that rei doesnt want to talk about it, and he wants to support him in that, since he knows that rei knows himself better than anyone. of course, this doesnt negate how kazuki did everything possible to help rei when he first found him as a shell of a person. imagining how kazuki must have felt when he first heard rei exhale in a slight laugh, the first time rei didnt lean away from his touch, the first time he saw a glint of life in those dead eyes. how it was when rei first said something snarky back to him. the little ways in seeing rei becoming less like a dead man walking every day. of course, rei definitely slips into his old mindset now and then, which probably scares the shit out of kazuki at first before he knows how to let him work through it.
-not to mention rei doesnt exactly seem like the type to open up about his past, even to kazuki, and im wondering if theres something even within rei where he hasnt exactly accepted how fucked up his past is--it was normal life for him for a long time, to the point that as an adult he seemed to have accepted that he was seen only as a weapon. until being around kazuki, and eventually miri, he had his own definition of normalcy, which was of course twisted as hell by his upbringing.
but living with kazuki at first, it might as well be the first time someone's treated him like a person and seemed to even perceive that he might be deserving of basic human decency, something even he might have not believed for himself. and while kazuki was very caring for him, it didnt seem to be overbearing, seeming to give him space when he needed it and it seems even during the events of canon that he never shows pity to rei--something probably very important to rei. kazuki didnt want to coddle him, because he probably knew how that type of pity felt.
even in the montage of kazuki moving in, kazuki seems to just kind of bring himself and care into rei's life, without making a big deal out of it--moving a couch in one day, cutting his hair another, etc.. and i think kazuki probably didnt pry about why rei was the way he was, not to mention rei might not have found it important enough to mention since it was so normalized for him. they probably talked a few times about rei's parents and kazuki's lack thereof, relating to each other in a few aspects of their upbringing.
enter miri then, and imagine how it so slowly dawns on rei that this is how its supposed to be. it dawning on him that his upbringing was really fucked up, and that he somehow is part of a real family now, in a way he could never have even comprehended before. then comes the pain of realizing that holy shit, all those things that happened to me were SO fucked up and coming to terms with it all. and after the years he spends with kazuki, the year he spends with miri--hed do anything for them, and do anything to remain in a normal life with his new found family. when his father tries to take him back, tries to get rid of the two people he loved the most to push him back into that state of being nothing more than a weapon, rei doesnt hesitate to permanently disable his own dominant arm to end the discussion and leave no chance for his father to force his hand in the matter. everything had led up to this point--rei had been horribly abused his entire life in order to be used for killing, and here he ended that life. it was his ultimate sacrifice for his new family.
kazuki is then there for him in the aftermath, slowly piecing together the depths of what rei did to save their family, their relationship strengthens to something that would last a lifetime.
and thinking about how years after canon, rei finally opens up to kazuki on some random winter night when theyre together. rei had never told anyone about what his childhood was like before, and even took years coming to terms with how messed up everything that happened to him was. that it wasnt normal in the slightest. kazuki listens.
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upsidedowngrass · 7 months
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hi these are some thoughts i had about liam a min ago. theyre messy but im thinking abt them so much . blwos up (text version under the cut, tho i also put the text into the alt)
its. initially he doesnt seem OPPOSED to help or anything but he def develops just. not considering himself. he doesnt care what happens to him as long as he can do what he needs to .but i think at the most visceral he still will avoid things that Actively Will Be Painful, tho i think hes more aware of that in heavy hindsight, or when its extremely imminent (gestures at ep 14)
DEFINITIELY… I THINK TO THE SHIT W THE SMOKESTACK SM hes like. is it dangerous? yeah. could i get in legal trouble? yeah. but its what stone wants, im sure of it. and i need to do that. no matter what
bc he obv is scared of death!!! he actively AVOIDS it in ep 14. which ofc is a low bar but its like. it shows his priorities SO well
that saving the others+stopping the others+just. doing whatever stone is asking him, thats giving him … some semblance of a purpose w what he feels like is already a permenantly destroyed life that cant be pieced together, that he has nothing else, thats weighed heavier than his own safety
he DOES object to offing himself in ep 13 though. at least he says as much, but he. doesnt seem to convinced. i think it was on his list of idedas but hes scared of death so idt he wanted to outright do THAT unless hed exhausted his options entirely, and following the notes WAS his 'options'
he cant follow the notes if hes dead, and as far as he knows, dying might screw up his ability to follow them. so its not smth he WANTS and hes scared of it and will avoid it if he can, but his own safety is considered a lower priorty; the same way he didnt wanna kill airy, he didnt wanna kill himself- stopping one from continuing, follow the notes were a higher priority, but if doing that directly requires doing the first two things he doesnt wanna actually do, he would do it. which , the thing w the smokestack isnt suicide, but the lack of concern for his own safety feels cut from the same cloth, really
THE FACT THAT HE CONSIDERS IT IS SO. hes so obv at his last straw its so upsetting. i think he realizes its illogical and thats what properly deters him. if its the wrong call, after all, it could ruin his chances- he needs to make use of his life as much as he can, he doesnt actually know what comes after bc he wasnt there long enough, but he knows its terrifying- but if it had been what he needed to do he would. but it doesnt seem to be
the argument is so very much. bryce fully coming to the realization that liam isnt just unhappy. that this isnt just smth hes just adamant abt, or a surface level problem and solution- he said 'you really are a mess' abt the eggs and i think at that pt all he knows is that liams Obsessed w this, and he knows shit got worse, but that liam is dwelling on it (smth bryce, master of handling his emotions, does not do /silly) - that hes doing this for himself and is just being ridiculous. but the argument i think is when it clicks how deep seated it is. i think after liams final little outburst after bryce says liams doing it for himself, i think the calling of bryce by soda bottle, the phrasing all makes it click that hes not just a guy not handling problems well, and isnt just being stupid, that liam is actively at the end of his rope and has stopped keeping himself safe and couldnt give less of a shit abt it- and its only then that it properly clicks for bryce. which ofc bryce couldnt know this is more an observation of what that convo does, bc what it does is like. make it click for bryce just how deep seated this problem is. he cant say 'dont do that' and walk away, and i think that probably scares bryce, because hes often the one fucking himself over- and this time, its someone else doing that, and its terrifying
he ultimately follows liam out of compassion- he doesnt need the keys. the car is totalled, and im fairly certain itd cost more to repair that thing than to get another car. he doesnt need liam for that. but i dont know if, before liam says his final thing, bryce wouldve fully followed him up the smokestack. bc theres a pause in bryce following liam at the gate, and i think thats the stretch that was because of what liam last said. bc he still cares about liam of course. hes pissed and catches up w him the first time because hes fucking angry and reasonably so, bc this guy STOLE AND CRASHED HIS CAR . and is mad abt it, and wants liam to know that. and he follows him to the gate bc hes WORRIED bc liam is being stupid, but that last stretch is like. thats him deciding that. liam isnt being stupid, hes not thinking and doesnt care and that its not smth liam COULD even do intentionally, bc its not smth that occurs as smth illogical and dangerous (and that being bad) if youre out of it and fucked up and dont know how to handle it. and bryce has his own issues, and hes not an asshole, and following liam up there is just. its him acting bc he knows liams too out of it to not get himself killed, and not only does he not want that on his conscience, he knows liam doesnt deserve to have that happen to him due to being so fucked up by things that he CANNOT think straight. hes not responding well and no matter how much someone could say he should try, like bryce was wanting him to, liam isnt at that pt. there are stages, so to speak, of experiencing trauma, and theres a point where its hard to even conceptualize that you SHOULD respond better to it, even if told, because it makes everything turn on its head and its hard to follow that, no matter how logical of a person you are. and bryce knows this. that liams not not trying to heal, that hes not in a place he CAN
if that makes. any sense. i have a lot of feelings on it
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steveharirngton · 21 days
Here to say that it wasn't "out of character" for Robin to be nice to Nancy...
Why the fuck should she have been mean to Nancy?
Like, if Nancy was some evil bitch who abused Steve, I would have understood that.
But she's not!!!
The only bad thing Nancy did was vent out to Steve as DRUNK about Barb's death.
Her words were harmful, yeah, but maybe you kind of forgot (or just chose to ignore) that she had to sopport her best friend's death, and all the conseguences that brought, for nearly a year, and it's not like Steve did much to help her recover, aside from telling her to soppress her emotions (worst advice to give to a person with untreated PTSD).
Robin had no reason to be mean or something to Nancy.
And she also has no reason to be mean to Jonathan.
Like, Jonathan did a bad thing, taking that topless photo of Nancy (and I agree it should have been adressed), but he supported Nancy way better than Steve ever did.
And also, he hasn't done anything bad to Steve, aside from the fight (which yeah, Jonathan started, but Steve is the one who mocked him, his mom and his missing brother, in a very homophobic way), so there's literally NO reason for Robin to be mean to either Nancy or Jonathan.
What I want to say with this?
Stop treating Robin only as an extention to Steve, 'cause she's fucking not!!!!!
She's an indepent character, who shouldn't and WOULD NEVER base her entire life choices and motives around a man!!!!!!
And also stop shipping Stancy, if you clearly dislike Nancy this much!!!!!
robin canonically holds grudges. she spent years hating on steve because the girl she had a crush on, had a crush on steve and apparently steve spills crumbs all over the floor. what a dingus!
i don't know if you count rebel robin as canon, but in rebel robin it is mentioned that barb ditched her for nancy. ta da! a reason unrelated to steve!
anyways, when i said i wanted robin to be mean to nancy at first, i don't mean she should kill her at sight. it would have been better for nancy to try to be her friend instead. it would have been better to see nancy trying for once.
also, didn't you ever hold a grudge on behalf of your friend? didn't you ever want to just kick someone's ass because they hurt your friend? this isn't about making robin an extension to steve, this is about friendship.
i don't know about you but i would definitely side-eye the people who hurt my best friend.
that PTSD wasn't only happening to nancy. just because they had different ways of dealing with their trauma doesn't mean one of them is better than the other. steve was worried about not only his parents but also about nancy and her family as well. him wanting to try and move on does not make him a bad person.
ignoring the jonathan part bc i really couldn't care less about him. the reasons for robin to be mean to jonathan is stated above anyways.
she WOULD NEVER base her entire life choices around a man??? literally when did i ever say anything about her life should be revolving around steve?
steve and robin are best friends. im really worried about you not knowing what a good friendship is. friends talk, make plans, and consider each other in every situation. in stobin's case, robin has a monologue about wanting to combine with steve bc she thinks they're better together. go off and make this about something that isn't. that's what you do best.
just because i view nancy differently, doesn't mean i dislike her.
i don't ship stancy. i will however support them if they will end up together. what's important to me is steve's happiness.
that being said, i will ship whatever i want, that's none of your business.
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banging my fist on the table
please infodump about your sillies i love them so dearly 🫶🏻🫶🏻 isabel is such a darling i eat up anything with her every damn time
First of all oh my god thank you, I’m so glad you like my darling little Slytherin gremlin 💚💚 She’s so important to me and I’m thinking about her and Ominis allll the time haha
Boxd, I hope you are ready for this bc when I infodump, I infodump. >:) I’m gonna refer to this ask list here and pick a few at random because otherwise I will actually just ramble about minutiae forever hahaha
What are their love languages?
Both Ominis and Isabel’s love language is physical touch. It’s probably from being with Ominis for so long, but Isabel knows exactly what he’s feeling and how to express what she’s feeling through touch. Ominis frequently pulls her into hugs that envelop her entire body, and Isabel will comfort Ominis by touching him arm in unfamiliar or frightening situations. They give each other lots of shoulder/back rubs at the end of a long day, and Ominis will often express his protectiveness through a gentle hand on the small of Isabel’s back. No matter how old they are, they adore holding hands whenever possible. Others might think it’s kind of juvenile, but it lets Ominis know where Isabel is, and Isabel knows Ominis is doing ok.
What’s their sleep schedule like?
Their sleep schedule can be kind of chaotic, between raising children and having to take on random Ministry assignments. If they can get at least six hours of sleep next to each other, they’ll be ok. Otherwise, they might get grumpy at each other. Ideally, Ominis would love to sleep a full eight hours and take an afternoon nap with Isabel in his arms. Isabel needs a little less sleep, but is always happy to curl up with Ominis and quietly talk to him until he falls asleep.
What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone?
Isabel knew she had hopelessly fallen for Ominis when she learned how kind and gentle he was. His eyes had been slightly alarming to her when they first met, but she quickly came to realize how beautiful they are and will liken them to diamonds or stars. He was so very handsome to her, and learning about his true nature—the shy and quiet boy who just wanted love so he could return it tenfold—meant there was no hope for Isabel. Ominis knew he had fallen for Isabel when she showed signs of wanting more than just friendship. He had not previously allowed himself to even consider the possibility of a crush on her. He insisted on being a gentleman and not bothering her with his own advances, but deep down he was pining so very hard for her. His heart always skipped a beat when he heard her approaching, or she laughed at a joke he told. Being a source of comfort and trust in one another during Sebastian’s quest to help Anne during their fifth year did a lot to bring the two other.
What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Isabel is sometimes embarrassed about the noises she makes when Ominis takes her by surprise. He enjoys sneaking up on her, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her. She often squeaks, and she thinks it isn’t fit for the woman everyone calls the hero of Hogwarts—and the same woman who challenged the entire House of Gaunt just to defend Ominis. He wishes she would make those sounds more often. Ominis is often very embarrassed about his need for reassurance from Isabel. He still sometimes wakes up feeling unlovable, and it requires Isabel curling up with him and reminding him of all the ways people in his life have shown him love. She adores the opportunity to cheer him up again because she gets to also reflect on the same displays of love. She also just enjoys getting to care for Ominis.
What’s something they’ll never understand?
While Ominis feels that Isabel is the best wife he could ever possibly dream of, they both know Isabel can never fully understand Ominis’ relationship with his family. Although her mother died when Isabel was a baby, she still grew up in a happy household. It has caused some friction a few times, as Isabel doesn’t understand Ominis’ desire to seek some kind of reconciliation with his family. She doesn’t get why he holds onto every single letter they’ve sent him, despite them all being full of threats and manipulation. Ominis doesn’t hold it against her, and Isabel accepts it’s simply beyond her understanding, but Ominis holds onto the letters because it’s better than nothing in a way he can’t quite describe. When he discovers in the Daily Prophet that almost all of the rest of his family is dead, he mourns their deaths. On the other hand, Ominis doesn’t understand how Isabel can love him the way she does. By the time they are older adults and their children are grown, Ominis has a better understanding of her ability to love him unconditionally, but he will never grasp it completely. He loves Isabel unconditionally, but never gets to the point where he consistently feels he deserves the same kind of love.
How do they feel about rain?
Isabel finds the rain exciting and loves to go outside during a summer shower to get drenched before running inside to take a hot bath, regretting nothing. Ominis enjoys the rain if he can be indoors. Hard downpours interfere with his ability to navigate with his wand, and he’s afraid of thunder. The sound reminds him too much of the cruciatus curse. He’s quite happy to sit under a tree and listen to a cool spring rain, and he has been convinced to let Isabel lead him by the hand through the fields as the sky pours buckets on them.
What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Both Isabel and Ominis need each other to fall asleep. Neither sleep well if they have to be apart, and there have been very few times when their arguments have led to one of them sleeping in another room. Any time they have tried to sleep somewhere else, they ended up missing each other and reconciled in the middle of the night so they could curl up and happily drift off together. Ominis is anxious when Isabel isn’t beside him when he wakes up, as he doesn’t know if she might be in trouble. He hesitates to admit it, but he also gets nervous about having a nightmare and not being able to wake up and reach out to touch Isabel to ground himself in reality again. Isabel simply doesn’t feel right without her husband by her side. He’s warm and she enjoys cuddling up with him, even if he sometimes pulls all the blankets over to his side of the bed or pulls her into a tight embrace and she can’t move.
Do they have any pets?
Ominis and Isabel had a pet Burmese python. I’ve never been able to come up with a suitable name for him, and I really wish I had more opportunities to weave him into fics. Ominis found him in a cage in Diagon Alley to be sold off to an exotic pet collector or, god forbid, someone in need of potions ingredients. Using his parseltongue, Ominis talked to the snake and eventually bought him so he could come live at the couple’s estate in comfort. The snake lived with the family for another 18 years, living a good and long life with the Greymoores and serving as a sort of seeing eye snake for Ominis until the python died of old age. Ominis mourned his companion for a long time and didn’t have the heart to get any more pets after that. While she couldn’t communicate without Ominis as the translator, Isabel grew to love the python almost as much as her husband did, and the python was a beloved playmate for their three children, understanding quite clearly that they weren’t food.
What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Ominis loves to call Isabel his little hummingbird. She adores it, as he has been calling her that since the day they both declared their love for each other. Isabel has never really been one to give others nicknames, but she occasionally calls Ominis her beautiful serpent, given the fact he is a parselmouth. Ominis blushes every time he hears it, as it’s usually said in a playful or suggestive context. In the beginning, he was slightly put off by it, and Isabel worked hard to help him accept his parseltongue as an ability he should be proud of.
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princeescaluswords · 10 months
(contd) Like the twins want in on Scott's pack and Derek literally asks them if they'd be willing to die for him because to Derek anything less is just not gonna cut it.
Then the twins want to run bc of the Nogitsune and Derek has his whole speech about what an amazing leader Scott is.
Derek and Scott's heart to heart at the hospital has Derek going all "yeah you have the same place as protector of this town as my late mother and family and everybody needs you and you have taught me so much."
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It always mystifies me when I read certain people's criticism of Teen Wolf: The Movie. These criticisms fall into three main categories.
Too much attention is paid to Scott and Allison's relationship.
How can you bring the nogitsune back without bringing back Stiles?
Derek's death and its aftermath was pointless and unfounded.
Rebuttals of the first two criticisms deserve their own metas, but I'll give them a brief summary. If you carefully watched the first three seasons, Scott and Allison's relationship was the foundation of the show, not in terms of consuming romance, but in terms of how it helped Scott and Allison define who they are in the face of exterior forces, which is a key part of growing up. While Stiles was the focus of the action in 3B, the story was still mostly about Scott's maturing as a leader by giving him a Kobayashi Maru: a no-win scenario pitting his desire to protect others against his love for his best friend. But it is the third criticism that I'll address in this post.
Derek's death at the end of the movie is a tragedy. This can't be stressed enough, but it is also a culmination to his entire character arc. The end of Season 3A saw him renounce the fear of loss and desire for power that almost doomed him that season, made him an antagonist in Season 1 and a villain in Season 2. His departure at the end of Lunar Ellipse (3x12) symbolizes both that renunciation but also indicates his arc for 3B: what will he become?
He starts with a journey to the past. "But that's not the only reason I left. I needed to talk to my mother." He finds Talia's claws, coerces Peter into using them, and then emerges with a new vision of himself. In Riddled (3x18), he acknowledges the passing of the alpha mantle to Scott (and I would argue begins to act as Scott's beta) with "This town needs someone to protect it, someone like you." but it's very important to note that while he is inspired by Scott, he does not emulate Scott. Following another person doesn't require the obliteration of self. Derek works with Chris Argent and he doesn't take killing Stiles off the table the way Scott does. He physically attacks him. He doesn't rush to Oak Creek, because he can be more helpful rescuing the twins from what will turn out to be Kate.
We see that in the way he talks about Scott throughout the season. It may look like he wants to join the Scott McCall Fan Club, but he rejects that, even in his big speech in The Divine Move (3x24). This is the key line: "You've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader. You fight for a leader's cause." He's going to work with Scott, protect what Scott decides needs protection, and even be Scott's beta, but he's going to be his own person while doing so. He learned this from Scott who was willing to work with him in the first three season but who wasn't willing to simply do as he's told. He learned this, in a negative way, from Peter who manipulated him repeatedly, in Visionary's flashback (3x08), in Wolf's Bane (1x09), in Battlefield (2x11), in Alpha Pact (3x11).
Unlike Scott, who chooses to place the most value on life (but not above everything), Derek's more than willing to kill victims like Stiles in order to protect the town, as he tried in De-Void (3x22), but unlike his attempts to kill Lydia in Season 2, he's not doing it out of fear. In addition, as he says to the twins, he also believes he should be willing to die to protect what he cares about as well as kill. This manifests in his willingness to die in Season 4, and that willingness allows him to evolve. However, it's a reaction to what Kate did to him, not a decision to die in order to achieve an end. In the movie, however, it is an active choice. The nogitsune will never stop coming for his family, his alpha, his friends, and he makes the decision to sacrifice his life in order to prevent that. He doesn't do out of a reaction to the horrific memories of the Hale Fire; he's does it because he values family and pack; that's virtue. He's not doing because he's mindlessly following Scott or being manipulated by Peter, but out of own conviction that it is the right thing to do, which is strength of character. He faces fire, the same terror that destroyed his first family, without fear, which is force of will. He didn't mimic Scott's path to a new set of red eyes; he forged his own.
As tragic as it was, how could it be anything but satisfying?
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squish--squash · 5 months
hello squish mon beloved for the character ask game how about..... william moriarty :]
ask game here
My first impression: okay so I'll come clean- I originally watched mtp back in 2022 and my memory of my initial reactions aren't the clearest, so I'm going off the messages I sent a friend while watching it and piecing it together from there. anyway my first impression was a little confused but with a little "alright, I can get behind this!"; this was my first actual interaction with a sherlock holmes work/adaptation since I read part of The Hounds of Baskerville in like. middle school. so I really didn't have anything I was going in with other than the very vague notion that it was "based of sherlock holmes". I took a very quick liking to him and his brothers tho :)
My impression now: SWEET FUCKING SUMMER CHILD. DEAR FUCKING GOD! I'm sobbing crying throwing up- I love him so much he has so much depth to him he forces himself to be the necessary evil and plays the part so well you think he loves it but it's literally killing him inside ACK ACK ACK he's the type of guy who'd go "I couldn't care less" but actually cares so much he wants to throw up; I started a bit confused but now I understand him so much, he's a brilliant character!
Favorite thing about that character: I think it might be his determination. Like from the very beginning he's so determined to make the world a better place no matter the dark paths he takes to get there and it's like. fucking unbreakable. dude had a plan and he stuck with it and saw an end to it (even though the end was very different from what he imagined). Even when he's trying to get back on his feet towards the current end of the manga, the moment his hands fall upon a new purpose he grips it like a vice and he's off to chase it (quite literally actually. on a horse). It's either his determination or his kindness, bc the moments where he lets his little villain persona slip and reveals a soft and beating heart makes me feel violently ill in a good way
Least favorite thing: the way he saw his own life with such little respect up until the nyc arc makes my heart shatter. his plan always resulted in the very least his own end, and if a certain someone hadn't been so desperate on saving him he risked his own life I know for a FACT William would have died and AUGH it HURTS but IT MAKES SENSE YOU COMPLEX, COMPLEX MAN
Favorite line/scene: There are so many and I have to choose JUST ONE? VETOING THIS (it counts I'm american <- joking); I'll give a list actually: the bridge scene for obvious reasons; the entire nyc arc (THE NYC ARC [I'm banging my fist on the fucking TABLE and SOBBING] AAAAA) but specifically the scenes where he arrives for backup for Sherlock and Billy and the "wedding vows" scene make me especially emotional; the Baskerville arc where he takes it personally and utterly destroys the guys behind the scheme- I could continue but this is long enough
Favorite interaction that character has with another: every single panel in the manga and every single frame William shares with Sherlock Holmes is priceless I want to gnaw on steel when they interact—detective vs. lord of crime, companions beneath their masks—it doesn't matter how they're interacting I am going insane. THE CHEMISTRY is like watching a beautiful reaction between two chemicals except it's infinite; if the next arc of the manga was just the two of them interacting in a day-to-day progress I would eat it up and leave no fucking crumbs
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Honestly, I wish we had more interactions between Billy and William! iirc Billy looks up to William and I would have loved to see the two of them bond, especially after he starts working with him and Sherlock (oh well, I'll just read and write fanfics ig)
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: uhhhhhhhh. I don't really.. I got nothing. I'm so sorry but my brain cannot generate another character from a different fandom that reminds me of William LSKDHG
A headcanon about that character: here's a silly one- he gets acid reflux easily (rip); and here's a serious one- he has nightmares about his lord of crime days long after the fall, about all the blood he's spilled and all the lives he's taken. he handles it better and better with time, but it's never a good time when he has them
A song that reminds of that character: I'm not sure WHY, but "Errasuriz" by Kiltro makes me think of William; also "Before We Drift Away" by Nothing But Thieves (squish stop assigning NBT songs to your favorite characters challenge impossible)
An unpopular opinion about that character: I don't think I know the mtp fandom well enough to know what's considered popular/unpopular, and I think it's a bit too small rn for there to be a common consensus? but uhm. I don't fucking know LMAO uhm. I think he'd look better with a purple motif rather than red??????
Favorite picture: okay okay this is gonna be a two-parter but they're from the same chapter and only like. two-three panels apart but these
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anyways ty tem :D I bet you were not prepared for my unintentional essays after each question LDSGKH
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Favourite chenford scene so far & why?
this is so hard, there are so many to choose from! lmao. i have to do two because that’s what i could narrow it down to, pre-canon and canon: 
2x11 has a special place in my angst filled heart - tim finding lucy, digging her out with his bare hands, pulling her out of the barrel, and bringing her back to life altered my brain chemistry. the entire episode was so good but that scene in particular like the build up to it was beautiful and so crucial to how it pivoted chenford’s trajectory. i think that this was the scene where you could really tell how much they cared about each other and how it was so much more than a rookie/t.o. relationship. i don’t think there were romantic feelings there yet but i do think that it set the foundation for them to get where they’re at. i think it was crucial for tim to find her giving how guilty he was and how we saw that he would stop at nothing to get lucy back. the entire montage of how he sees the ring in the middle of the desert and he knows it doesn’t belong, the fact that he goes to it and picks it up and knows it’s hers. that just sticks out to me so much because it’s not like she wore it on duty like the couple of times i saw her wear it prior to 2x11 was always off shift so he must have seen her wearing it while they weren’t on duty and up until then, it wasn’t like they spent as much time together off the clock? and he’s digging with his bare hands. they all are at first but then someone brings a few shovels and he continues to dig like the desperation he must feel knowing that she’s underground and locked in the barrel that he can’t even stop for a minute to grab a tool which may make it easier for him. the fact that he’s the one who pulls lucy out like it feels almost full circle to the begging of the episode in a way because while all of them were worried about her, i’d argue that he was the one who showed the most concern or seemed the most affected. and she’s gone like they don’t get to her in time but he brings her back. he holds her and keeps her safe as completely falls apart.
this was hard to narrow down because i have loved every single chenford canon moment but i think i have to go with 5x20, that last scene with them on the couch. i'm such a sucker for tim and lucy comforting each other so it was really sweet to see them do that. but also, that scene just had so much weight to it?? they both said so much without actually saying anything. the fact that it started with lucy admitting she's worried about tim if she goes deep undercover despite the fact that she's the one who we've seen react so sadly every time tim brings up how their professional careers might have them seeing each other less. but the moment she actually says this, it's like they finally (somewhat) address the (new) elephant in the room because up until this point tim has been nothing but supportive - and he still is but you can see in his reaction once he pulls her in, how hard he's trying. the way he sighs, how his hand strokes her thigh, the way he closes his eyes and shakes his head because something came to mind and he has to brush it off. lucy's reaction is just as important too. the way she touches her chin reminded me so much of 4x01 when tim let go after the hug and she was so conflicted. i think she's just as conflicted now. i think that the reason i really loved this scene is because of how they're reaching a boiling point. they've been in this absolute bliss these last couple of months and while they still are, they're also realizing that there's a reality in front of them that they can't quite ignore. i really liked that scene bc a. chenford canon angst which we haven't really seen but b. it felt like it was laying the groundwork for what's to come because clearly the resolution to this is missing and i am excited for it because at the end of the day, they'll be okay, but it will be interesting to see how it fleshes out.
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alister312 · 8 months
how are gregstophe's approaches to their intimacy different from each other?
something i've kinda thought about but not totally vocalized in terms of how they differ with intimacy is intent? i might've danced around the concept in my touch meta but i think there's something to be considered for both of them but especially gregory when it comes to intent.
that is to say, i think gregory seems naturally very intimate with people in general. he's the type to greet everyone very cordially, be very caring to those struggling, not care about hugs and even cheek kisses are greetings (his european ass lol). and then even more so with those he actually knows and cares about! but i don't think he ever thinks much about how casually close he can be to others. it's a knee-jerk reaction, his humanitarian side combined with super his polite manners.
on the other hand, christophe does not like to let anyone near him (emotionally or physically) unless he has no other excuse or is pushed to an emotional extreme. he gives off the aura of not caring if someone lives or dies when they see each other on the street. then if they're on a mission together, he acts like they're thick as thieves and he would do anything for them. this is mostly due to the fact that he feels the importance of the mission trumps any other feelings he has and also it's a matter of life or death, so closeness is necessary.
so to me, them getting more intimate with one another revolves less around things they do and more about how/when they do them. like gregory comforting christophe not bc it's something he knows he should do bc christophe is sad, but bc it's something he wants and means to do. or christophe putting an arm around gregory with no external sources forcing/requiring him to do so. his advance in intimacy is a bit more obvious to pick up on than gregory's but they're both entirely valid and meaningful to them.
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
A Birthday Plot (Takasugi birthday oneshot)
A/N: As his legally wedded wife, I think that me writing an incredibly lengthy piece for his birthday, surprises no one. Takasugi is a character whom I utterly love, one who has helped me deal with many self issues and gotten me to accept myself. People outside the anime community will mock you if you suggest that a fictional character was enough to change your life, yet I feel no shame to admit that without him or Gintama, my mental state would have deteriorated a long time ago. Takasugi is the one who basically saved me and he's brought a great deal of happiness to my life, and for that, I will always be grateful to him and Sorachi. SO YEAH BEFORE THIS TURNS INTO A MUSHY EMOTIONAL SPEECH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BELOVED SHINSUKE 💜💜💜
p.s. i really did time this to japan time so that it gets posted the same second his bday comes. aye.
Warning: Don't get fooled by the fluff, this turns into a full mode smut. But you know, it's full of love and fluff too so uwu.
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adding this gif bcs his expression here overwhelms me and i wanna squeal.
Birthdays are special. You’ve always been a firm believer in that. When you are a child, you get to eat all the cake in the world undisturbed, getting coddled by family and friends alike. No one complains about you spending the entire day playing ‘kick the can’. No one asks you to do chores; you are free to do as you wish.
Birthdays really are special, but as time went by, you saw a less selfish reason as to why that was. It’s the one day of the year when you can celebrate and honor a person’s life and very existence, when you can return all the joy and happiness you’ve received tenfold. When you truly care about someone, their birthdays have even more importance than your own. Yet when it comes to the one you cared about, things did not come as easily.
Takasugi was never a big fan of birthdays. Even when the two of you were younger, he always spent his birthday like any other ordinary day at Shoka Sonjuku, bickering and getting into trouble with his friends. While Katsura wished him a “happy birthday” without fail, Gintoki’s teasing never seized. If anything, it was just an opportunity to remind him how another year had gone by with him not growing an inch, leading to even more arguing between the two.
At the end, Shouyou-sensei was the only one to try and make this day somewhat memorable, letting you play to your heart’s content and prepping a small gift for each of his pupils’ special day.
When it came down to you, Takasugi’s birthday was perhaps even more valued than your own. Ever since you were mere brats, your eyes had always been set on him, more so than on any of your other friends. For reasons you failed to understand, his happiness meant a great deal to you, and so, even if it was nothing but a small thing, you wanted to give him something that would make him smile.
The first present you could remember giving him was the silliest of the lot; a makeshift bouquet of freshly cut mountain flowers, one that you’d hastily shaped on your way back from the temple school when he wasn’t looking. It wasn’t much of a gift, for sure, but that was all you had to offer at the time.
The two of you paced side by side as per usual, the distance between your houses being relatively small and all. Though the walk was short, your anxiety made it feel as if you’d been on the road for hours. The fact that no one was around was enough to make your palms all sweaty, the green of the stems molding with your fingertips. It didn’t help that he’d chosen this day to keep to himself either, as if he had some sort of premonition as to what was about to happen.
Doing your best to forsake that gut wrenching feeling, you held onto the flowers as if your life depended on it. His house was the first on the line, yet rather than taking a left turn to reach your own home, you tagged along with him. Surprisingly enough he didn’t seem to mind, his attention turning to you only after you’d reached his front door. It was time.
“H-here!” You shut your eyes, extending the bouquet for him to grab. “Happy Birthday, Shinsuke-kun.”
The second he took them in his own hands, you had vanished into thin air. Your heart was beating so loud, that by the time your feet stopped moving, it felt as if your entire body was tossed inside an oven. When the oxygen returned to your lungs, you realized what a big idiot you were. Instead of waiting to see his reaction, you had ran away like a coward. What if he hated you now? What if he didn’t want to see you again? How would you face him? And lastly, why on earth would you gift a boy flowers?
Perhaps you were unsure of what that feeling that you felt for him was, but if you’d stayed just a second longer, you’d get to see how a bright shade of red clung onto his cheeks as well, his lips trembling between a frown and a shy smile.
Your second attempt at a birthday gift didn’t come until his next birthday. Despite neither of you bringing it up, the embarrassment of the flower incident managed to haunt you all year long. At times you mused over what had actually happened to the bouquet, though knowing him he’d probably discarded it. Well, that’d didn’t matter. It wasn’t a particularly bright idea to begin with, and now you were given a chance to redeem yourself. No matter what, past mistakes would not be repeated, a rule that did not necessarily apply to new ones.
This year, you had decided to put your mothers culinary teachings into practice by opting for a different kind of present, one that just about anyone would be able to appreciate; homemade cookies. Surely a birthday cake was far more suited for the occasion, but your skills were not honed for such a thing just yet. Cookies would have to do. Besides, your mother assured that they were most delicious.
The first thing you did in the morning of Takasugi’s birthday was to hide your gift underneath your desk, away from the prying eyes of your friends. For once, this was a present you could actually be proud of; packed in a small fancy box and kept together by an even fancier looking ribbon, the cookies looked as if they were straight from the bakery. Those half shredded daises you gave him last year would finally be erased from memory.
When the opportunity to approach him presented itself, you fished the box out, walking towards the boy with the biggest smile on your face. There was no reason for you to run away anymore, not when this was a guaranteed success.
“Happy Birthday, Shinsuke!”
The boy arched a brow, his curious expression studying your own and then the box, before finally relieving you of the burden. Things were moving along way better than they did last year. Or so you thought until the ribbon came off and you found yourselves staring at an empty metallic pit. Well, semi empty, that was. Other than a leftover cookie and many, many crumbs, everything you’d worked so hard for had turned into smoke.
Without saying a word, Takasugi picked up the remaining cookie, shifting it with his fingers while looking at it in disbelief. You didn’t know what to say. There was no way that box was empty when you left the house, and yet, there was no way to explain this. At least not until a certain silver-haired troublemaker passed you by with a face full of crumbs.
“Gintoki!” The two of you growled together in unison.
And that was how your birthday surprise was once again ruined.
It wasn’t until about three or four years later that you dared break through that birthday curse. In all those years that went by, you’d managed to identify those weird, swirling-like emotions as love. Or at least an early stage of it. With time, you were able to keep them under control around him, yet they remained the reason as to why you could never come up with a proper birthday gift. Celebrating another failure would not do. Next time you attempted to gift him something, it needed to be proper and well thought of, a present that equaled your feelings.
At least that was the thought, until the four of you officially joined the war. With Shouyou-sensei’s rescue being your primary goal, no one had the time nor the mind to fool around anymore. Not when death and destruction loomed right around the corner. However, Sakamoto’s eventual arrival did have an impact, restoring some of that past liveliness in your lives. After all, soldiers or not, you were still teenagers. A little fun here and there when the war was in a stalemate wouldn’t hurt.
With Takasugi’s birthday approaching, you found it hard to concentrate on anything other than finding the perfect gift, while he seemed to focus on literally anything else. When he wasn’t in the middle of fighting over every single petty thing with Gintoki, he was constantly working on new strategies and tactics, doing his best to predict every possible enemy movement in advance. His dedication was admirable, earning the respect of many fighters among your ranks. Yet that perseverance of his limited your gift choices, rounding them down to tools of practical usage. How unimaginative.
Time kept flowing, and you’d been unable to come up with a good idea, until one day you overheard an argument between him and Gintoki. The latter was accusing him of being unable to see past a meter because of his height, while Takasugi put the blame on the overgrown flora. It didn’t take long for things to get heated between them, each trying to bring the other’s head onto the ground in a contest to see who could reach lower. While an entertaining sight to behold, you had no time to spare on watching, not when you had finally come up with the greatest idea.
On the day of his birthday, you found yourself aimlessly circling through the woods. According to Katsura, the boy set out for the forest around noon, hoping to scout the area before nightfall. It wasn’t unlike Takasugi to take on objectives all by himself, refusing to ask for help even in the face of daunting tasks. Aware of that stubborn nature of his, you decided that rather than waiting around for him to return, it’d be better to go on the lookout yourself.
After searching just about every nook and cranny of the place, you were unable to find any sign of Takasugi, or anyone else for that matter. He might as well have turned back from a different path, leaving you to stand all alone in the desolate woods. The sun was about to go down and the first batch of stars were already appearing upon the sky. It was time to go. Finding him in the dark would be impossible anyway.
Having let out a disheartened sigh, you were about to give up when the sound of leaves rustling from up above caught your interest.
“Shinsuke?” You asked, perplexed as to why his face was buried between branches and leaves. A pair of sharp green eyes looked down on you, with the boy’s back leaning against the trunk and his arms crossed over his chest.
“Y/N.” He acknowledged without budging an inch. “Why are you here?”
“I was looking for you. Zura said you’d be here.”
The light hum of the cicadas was the only answer you received.
“I came here to bring you this.” You went on, ushering him to grab the bag from your hands. “It’s your birthday, remember? When I saw this I thought that you might find some use for it and I uhm…” Panic seeped through your words as you watched him take the pair of binoculars out. “I hope it’s to your liking. Happy Birthday!”
Takasugi carefully examined the object, his gesture reminding you of how keenly he had once studied that cookie you gave him. Though you couldn’t tell from down there, he seemed at the very least interested, bringing the binoculars to his eyes and then looking far into the distance.
“You can use these to spot ambushes or enemies in general, but you could also use them to gaze at pretty things from up close. I’ve seen you stare at the stars or the sea or other pretty things such as-“
“You.” He interrupted, the direction of his binoculars shifting.
The second you understood the meaning of his suggestion, you felt your entire face turning red, an expression he could easily spot with his new toy. Did he really mean what he just said? Did he really find you pretty? Did he actually look at you? All sorts of thoughts spiraled through your brain, until you realized that he wasn’t done talking.
“…should head back in. I’ll take care of things and join shortly.” At the sound of his words, you felt a weird rush of embarrassment and disappointment, resulting in your legs picking up a quick pace on their own.
Just when you thought you’d been able to escape, the sound of his voice made your feet come to a halt.
“Oh and Y/N?” He hesitated, briefly contemplating his own words. “Thank you. I really appreciate this.”
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That was the first and the last actual gift you managed to give him. The war, your defeat, his injury, sensei… all those events that transpired changed Takasugi in unimaginable ways. Just like the rest of you, he’d lost so much during those years, yet he refused to ever let go. Ten years had passed since then; ten years of him living his own life as if it was borrowed; ten years of him throwing himself down the path of vengeance.
Although it was hard for you to see him progressively destroy himself, you knew that without a purpose he’d truly lose it. You understood that better than anyone. After all, you’d spent all these years by his side.
Perhaps you really were Takasugi’s final selfish need, a remnant of the past he couldn’t forsake. Be it persistence on your side or tolerance on his, you clung onto one another like no one else, promising to see the end of things together no matter what that meant. This was your pledge.
Considering birthdays during such a crucial point of your journey wasn’t the most sensible thing to do, yet part of you could not completely abandon your previous way of living. Even when he had no intention of celebrating the occasion, you found yourself reflecting upon the past times, wishing that just this once, you could return to the girl who schemed around his birthday plans.
“Why are you in such deep thought?”
The sound of his voice made you turn around to the direction of your bed. Despite being all dressed up, he was still sitting idle, not particularly willing to leave the comfort of your covers.
A light frown of his as you approached him was all it took to make you smile. Even when you’d grown accustomed to seeing that face on regular occasion, it didn’t seem to lose its appeal. He remained as endearing as ever.
You hummed softly, taking a seat by his side. Bringing up the past would likely turn the mood sour and foil all plans for the day. You had to carefully consider your choices before giving him an answer, or else everything you’d worked for would go to waste.
Takasugi patiently awaited your response, his eye trailing down to his fingers, mindlessly tugging at the roll of bandage between them.
“I was thinking about going to the city today.” You admitted, claiming the bandage from his hands. He stood still, watching as you pushed the hair off his forehead, wrapping the fabric around his left eye with great care.
“What for?” He asked, a pout taking shape on his face. Even when he let you handle such things for him, he’d much rather be the one taking care of himself. At the end, past this imposing and striking appearance, lied a bullheaded child.
“To replenish your stash.”
“My stash?” He arched a brow.
“Well…” You chuckled awkwardly, doing your best to play the part. “Can you blame me? This heatwave is unbearable and-”
“You drunk my yakult?” He interrupted, shooting you a glare.
“Yes… but I was planning on compensating you, as you see!”
It didn’t matter whether you upset him or not, as long as he took the bait. All you wanted was for him to be distracted enough so that when you reeled it back in, he’d be sure to follow. After all, this was nothing but a carefully planned ruse to get him to celebrate his own birthday.
With an apologetic smile, you cupped his face, ignoring his unamused expression.
“I’m sorry, I know you don’t like it when I touch your stuff.”
He shook his head, some of his annoyance dissipating.
“Would you like to come with me? It’s been a long time since we last walked together, and well, carrying all that yakult by myself would be exhausting.”
“Just how much did you consume?”
If anyone heard the conversation between the two of you, they’d assume that you had committed a grave sin. His tone was stern and his expression strained, as if you’d just revealed to him that you’d sided with the Bakufu. Seeing such side of him resurface brought great joy to you, relieved that this part of him had survived the war.
“All of.. it?” This was a big oversight. Checking his actual stash beforehand completely slipped your mind. You could only hope that the amount was formidable enough to pique his interest.
“Three refrigerators?”
You widened your eyes, finding it hard to believe that he actually kept this much inside the ship.
“Y—yeah! I told you I was quite thirsty.” You chuckled, hoping that your plan wouldn’t fall apart now.
Takasugi kept quiet, his expression tensing up once more before relaxing into a curved smile. Fooling him was hard, but when it came to his beloved beverage, you could only hope his excessive defense would drop even for a bit.
“You’ll pay for this.” He said in a rather ominous tone, briefly erasing the thoughts from your mind.
“O-of course!” You nodded, returning your attention to the unfinished wrapping of his eye. Going about three more times over it, you tucked the loose ends in the back, making sure that it was secure enough. “So, you are coming?”
He sighed, rolling his eye ever so slightly. Success!
Unable to contain your excitement, you flashed a smile at him. Today would be so much fun. Even if he got mad about you disrespecting his wishes, he was bound to forgive that little scheme once he got to see the actual surprise you’d planned. Or at least, so you hoped.
Leaning closer to his face, you pressed your lips softly against his bandaged eye, earning yet another annoyed scoff from him.
I’m sorry, Shinsuke. But this is the only way.
“All set, let’s go!”
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Surprisingly enough, Takasugi seemed to be in a far better mood when you met up on the docks. Once you’d finished fixing his bandages, he went back to his own room, giving you time to change into something nicer. After all, you wanted to look pretty on his birthday. A light blue kimono decorated by cherry blossoms was your outfit of choice, paired with a silky pink obi. Your hair was shaped in a slightly excessive updo style, kept together by a dark blue hairpin.
On second thought, maybe this was too much for a walk in the city, a fact that he also took notice in.
“You look…” He furrowed his eyebrows, seemingly searching for the right words.
“Weird? Is it too much? Should I get changed?”
“No. Just…” He walked closer, leaning as close to your face as his hat would allow. “Pretty.”
You had to suppress the urge to attach yourself onto his arm, with your entire face lighting up at his comment. Maybe if you were alone, he wouldn’t mind, but in front of all his comrades, he still had to keep appearances up. It’s fine, you’d have enough time to show your affection for him later on. For now, moving things according to the plan matters more.
On the way to the city, the two of you walked side by side, the conversation unsurprisingly falling back to the topic of work and his goals. If one thing about Takasugi remained the same in all those years, that was his tendency to throw himself into his personal aspirations, which was basically another word for ‘workaholic’. Still, you were never bothered by that. This was one of his many charms.
Things on board had been quiet for the most part, and so when he asked you if anything interesting had occurred, you didn’t have much to say. Truth was, you spent more time inside the ship than he did. While Takasugi was busy going from spaceship to spaceship, personally handling the meetings with the Harusame, you stayed back, the main focus of your job being babysitting the new recruits.
Still, it wasn’t as if you could complain. Your communication skills rather outmatched your battle prowess. If anything, you’d be dead weight on the battlefield. Besides, the majority of the time, there was always a funny story to be shared with him.
This week’s story involved one of the newest members of the Kiheitai, the son of a farmer who’d joined about two months ago, eager to serve the cause even when that meant leaving the warmth of his home behind. For the most part, he seemed to adjust well enough, if one overlooked the whole Matako incident.
“What is the Matako incident?” Takasugi inquired with an already entertained expression. He was well aware of how ridiculous such stories could get.
The infamous Matako incident was a series of events that followed Takasugi’s latest trip to one of those planets with over ten syllables in their names. While he was gone, there was a small gathering to celebrate one of your most recent alliances with another mercenary tribe. As expected, everyone was in a joyful mood, drinking perhaps more than they could handle.
One of those people was the new recruit, who’d drunk until he could barely stand on two feet, slurring and bumping his way closer to your table. At first, you thought he needed something, but when he dropped onto his knees before Matako, you knew what was up. A love confession followed, with the man struggling to express his sincere feelings. At the end, all he managed to do was throw up all over her skirt, resulting in the blonde firing bullets at his feet until he dropped into the sea.
Takasugi snickered out loud, his right eye falling shut while he laughed.
“The poor guy was bedridden for an entire week after that.” You chimed in with a chuckle of your own. “Matako refuses to apologize and he hasn’t even looked her way since. What a tragedy.”
“I told you not to let fools aboard.”
“He is not half bad with a sword. Plus, I do understand where he’s coming from.”
“Fools tend to relate to one another.” Takasugi sneered, earning a playful nudge to his shoulder.
“That’s not it!” You protested. “It reminds me of how hard I tried to make you like me back then.”
“Hmm? There was no need for you to try.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I wonder…” He smirked, the tone of his voice rather suggestive.
Before you could ask further questions, Takasugi stopped walking, making you realize that you were standing right outside Edo Mart. Damn, all this mindless talking had you completely forget about your plan. If you went yakult shopping this early, then everything would fall apart.
Sliding in front of him, you extended both hands and legs in a dramatic manner to block his entrance. Perplexed, Takasugi tried to move past you, yet you stood in the way again. His confusion progressively shifted to annoyance, and you knew you had to say something, or else things would take a turn for the worse.
Bringing your arms to your stomach, you put your best strained expression on, making it seem as if you were in severe pain.
“Can’t we get something to eat first? My stomach is killing me.” You protested, keeping up the tormented grimace.
“I’ll let you have one of the yakult.” He argued, attempting to push past, when you clung onto him with both hands, pressing your face against his chest as if you were about to faint.
“It’ll be too late by then… please, let us get some food now.” You pleaded with teary eyes.
With a sigh, Takasugi pulled you back on both feet, briefly glancing around him. Except for a few exiting customers, no one seemed to notice the dramatic scene unfolding right in front of their eyes. The last thing you wanted was for people to realize that the two of you were wanted terrorists with a large bounty placed over your heads. But then again, who would assume that terrorists went yakult shopping in broad daylight?
Indulging your whims, Takasugi stepped away from the door, letting you lead him to wherever it was you wanted to go. One would assume that your destination would be some sort of food selling vendor or restaurant. So when the two of you came to stand outside a pastry shop, naturally, he failed to hide his own surprise.
“You need cake to quench your hunger?”
At this point, making stuff up was becoming second nature. Surely it was getting ridiculous, but what else could you do?
“Well… I heard cake is a good counter to nausea.” Plus, a birthday celebration with no cake just doesn’t feel right.
“I told you to quit exchanging letters with that idiot.” At the mention of your childhood friend, Takasugi clenched his jaw, despite him being the one to bring him up.
“It’s not that, it’s just that I… damn, I feel nauseous again.” You feigned dizziness, with your hand covering your mouth.
Following your gesture, Takasugi seemed to be taking your theatrics more seriously. Inspecting you from head to toe, you felt his stare pierce right through you, an expression of visible dread overtaking his features.
“Y/N. Don’t tell me you…” He insinuated with a hushed voice.
“What?” It was then that you realized how he’d been fixated on your belly all along.
“What?! Of course not, that’s not it!” You assured him, frantically waving your hands up and down as if to erase his suspicions. “I just can’t remember the last time I had cake and well I… uh…” Even now, he didn’t seem fully convinced that an unplanned pregnancy wasn’t behind today’s shenanigans.
“Be right back!” You yelled, throwing yourself into the store as fast as possible.
Just how much worse could things get already?
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Not long after, you came out of the door with a sole piece of strawberry shortcake in hand. Had you opted for more than that, he’d most definitely grow suspicious, if he weren’t already, that was.
Though reluctant at first, Takasugi agreed to take a seat for as long as you ate your dessert, settling down at a table by the door. For a guy that was hunted down by the entire police force of Edo, he seemed overly relaxed, with his head hanging back and his legs stretched underneath the table. Perhaps all those recent diplomatic meetings had finally taken their toll.
“Feeling any better?” He asked, peering at you through his half-shut eye.
“Mhm, much better!” You grinned, pushing yet another spoonful past your lips. “Want some?”
He was about to say something regarding sugar rush and idiotic samurais, when you stuffed his mouth with cake. Your gesture most definitely caught him off guard, a muffled grunt evading him as he stubbornly pursed his lips around the spoon. In the end, he was left with no other choice but to swallow.
“How is it?” You asked as he took the spoon off your hands.
You chuckled, pushing the cake towards the center of the table. No matter his lackluster comment, it was obvious that the dessert was to his liking, with his spoon stealing bites off the plate every now and then. Your first objective was completed.
“So, what was it that you liked about me?” You dropped your spoon, leaving the remaining bits for him to dig in. “You said I didn’t need to put in any effort.”
“I figured that if I left you behind, you’d probably die on your own.” Takasugi shrugged, a smirk appearing on his lips the moment he picked up on your pouty expression. “That and because… you prove to me there are still things to be preserved.”
“I do?”
“You still don’t get it? This planet is a home for idiots. At least one should remain to upkeep traditions. A pure-hearted idiot like you would do just fine.”
You weren’t sure if he meant to compliment or insult you. Knowing him, the one went hand in hand with the other.
“You really look down on me.”
“Do I?” He teased, licking the cream off his spoon. “Don’t worry. At the end of the world, I’d feel much more confident caving in the arms of said idiot.”
Once Takasugi finished his cake, the two of you hit the road, resuming your original yakult replenishment quest. Or at least, that’s what he thought. The day was far from over and so were your plans.
After a while of strolling through the streets of Edo, the wonderful scent of lavender led you to a local flower shop. Admittedly, this wasn’t part of your schedule, but when you came to remember those sorry daisies from back then, you figured that a bouquet would add a nice little touch.
His ears perked up at the sound of his name.
“Can we stop for some flowers? I want my room to be a bit more lively.”
Rather than giving you an answer, he gestured towards the door. You had to admit, he was far more agreeable than you’d expect him to be.
Considering the impulsive nature of your purchase and the large variety the store provided, making a choice was rather difficult. Roses smelled divine, but they were too much of a cliché. Spider lilies were beautiful, yet a symbol of death. Clenching your fingers around your purse, you found yourself unable to make up your mind, despite the florist being eager to assist.
Just as you were about to go for one of the more ordinary assortments, a bouquet reminiscent of the one you once gave him caught your attention. Perhaps revisiting the past wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
Back then you had been too eager for the both of you to forget, yet now you couldn’t help but wonder whether he remembered or not.
“Daisies…” He smirked, picking at one of the petals with his thumb and index. “Aren’t you a bit too old to be plucking flowers?”
Holding the bouquet out of his reach, you scoffed right in his face.
“I don’t need to do that to be certain of your affections.”
A muffled chuckle followed your words. Despite neither of you willingly admitting to it, bickering with one another like this had always been a welcome break from the harsh reality. Such were some of the memories you treasured the most.
“What’s next?” Takasugi asked, seemingly having given up on the idea of yakult shopping.
You looked at the sky; the sun beamed at its peak. There was still time for you to pick his actual gift up, though perhaps it’d be better to get it sooner than later.
With a smile, you took a step forward, pouring back into the streets side by side.
Noticeably, the pace of your steps had slowed down, with Takasugi stealing glances at the windows of the shops. He didn’t seem particularly interested in making a purchase, though he did end up buying some tobacco for his kiseru. Shopping with him like that made it seem as if things were back to what they used to be, with the two of you looking like an ordinary every-day couple.
At times, you did muse over what it’d be like to lead a normal life with him. Had the outcome of the war been different, would things also be different between you? Would he end up making an honest living without having to look over his shoulder? Would you be leading the kind of life your family hoped for? Would the five of you gather up and share drinks like you once did?
Though such a life was enticing, it was far from reality. No matter how many chances you were given at a normal life, you’d always choose life on the run as long as that meant you got to run with him.
After a while of browsing the stores, you reached the entrance of a workshop, one that belonged to an acclaimed artisan. Naturally, figuring out a suitable present for Takasugi involved hours upon hours of you bending and twisting your brain around his personality and interests. Unlike back then, he wasn’t just a mere friend to you anymore. He was the man you shared your life with; your gift had to reflect as much, and that was how you came to pick said artisan for the job.
“I placed an order a while back. Mind if I grab it real quick?”
He shook his head dismissively, settling against the wall.
Your entrance was followed by the high-pitched ring of the doorbell, its sound notifying the owner. He was a man in his late 50’s, with a prominent jaw and a receding hairline of gray color being among his more striking features. Upon seeing you, his marble-like eyes lit up in recognition, a most welcoming expression carved into his face.
Luckily, he cut straight to the chase, ushering you to follow him to the back where he kept his creations. Though small, his desk overflowed with all sorts of items, from time-worn clocks and antiques, to complex jewelry and sword handles. That was one of Edo’s most versatile artists for you.
The man went through the piles of objects until he fished out a shimmering handguard. You took a step closer to inspect it, the gold color twinkling within your orbs. It looked exactly as you’d pictured it, if not better. The wings of the butterfly were perfectly engraved, identical to the ones his yukata sported. It was perfect, it really was.
Satisfied with the results, you thanked the man, slipping the money across the busied counter before making your way outside.
“I wasn’t late, was I?” You asked Takasugi, smiling at the sight of him.
Perhaps you were more excited about this than he’d be, though you could only hope the gift appealed to his tastes.
He turned to face you, with his arm lazily hanging out of his yukata. Approaching him, you quickly shoved the handguard inside your obi, concealing it from him. This was not the time nor place for him to receive his present.
“Only about a hundred years too late.” He scoffed, pulling away from the wall.
“My deepest apologies, supreme governor general-sama!” You clasped your hands together.
Irked by your comment, he was about to scold you over the excessive use of formalities, when a third voice chimed in, catching you both off guard.
“Takasugi! You won’t be getting away this time!” A young man with chestnut colored hair roared, aiming at you with a bazooka from within a car. The Shinsengumi!
Before you could react on your own, your hand was clenched in Takasugi’s as the two of you ran through the streets. A shot followed, the cries of the passersby echoing in your stead.
There was no time for you to look back, with the man quite literally dragging you into a maze of back alleys. The passage was too narrow for the police vehicles to pass, yet you both knew how they’d stop at nothing to get to him.
For a second, you were tempted to shake him off, aware that he had a better chance running on his own. It was because of you that he’d gotten himself involved in this mess. You shouldn’t have been so naïve as to think that such a leisurely time in the city was still an option, yet not for one moment did he let go of you. Even if your body gave out, he’d keep the two of you moving no matter the cost. That’s just who he was.
After entering what seemed to be the millionth alleyway, you spotted what appeared to be the beginning of a forest, a series of pine trees popping behind the final rooftops. Normally you’d hate to ruin your newly bought kimono with mud and twigs, but you were left with no choice. It was hide or fight and, admittedly, you stood no chance like this.
Takasugi was the first one to go, creating a path for you with his bare hand. Using a sword would be easier, though that'd leave an obvious trail for your pursuers to follow. It had been so long since you had heard a siren or a gunshot, but it was still too soon to rest assured. You had to keep going, and so you did, until the trees thinned out to an open field.
Surprisingly enough, you’d ended up standing right above the city, having a perfect view of the streets you previously roamed, as well as the docks. Somehow after all that running, you’d come closer to your starting point than before.
While you were busy inspecting the area below, Takasugi let go of your hand, his back disappearing past the rows of trees as he attempted to survey around.
What a disaster, you thought to yourself, wincing at your own stupidity. Had you gone to Edo Mart as planned; had you purchased the gift in advance, you wouldn’t be finding yourself in such a mess.
It was pure luck that your kimono suffered no heavy damage, other a couple of attached leaves, that was. At least you both survived, and so did the-
Where is the gift?
Throwing your hands all over your body, you patted down at the fabric, attempting to locate the handguard. You definitely remembered placing it inside your obi right before the chase ensued, but it was there no more. Not just that; somewhere along the line, your fingers let go of the bouquet. This really was an all-for-nothing disaster.
“Looking for this?” Takasugi asked, holding an object right above his head.
The handguard!
“You know, had I known of your scheming skills in prior, I’d have you replace Takechi.” He semi—jokingly said as he slowly made his way towards you.
“Next time you try to deceive someone, better make sure your lies check out. I can’t believe you don’t even know how many refrigerators we have on board.”
It seemed like even before the two of you set out on your little adventure, he knew all along. He knew, yet he’d willingly followed through on your plan as if he didn’t.
Sighing, you brought your hands to your face, brushing them over your eyes.
“I’m sorry. Really, I didn’t think it would end like this, I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“It’s fine. Let those filthy dogs chase after their own tails.”
“They lost us?” You asked, receiving a nod as a reply.
The safety of you two mattered more than a stupid birthday present, though that didn’t prevent him from triumphantly waving it in front of your face.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged, a hint of a smirk trembling upon his lips.
“I was curious to see how far you’d go. Besides, leaving you unsupervised would lead to you doing more stupid things, wouldn’t it?”
“Well…” There was not much to be said, considering you were responsible for the outcome. “I suppose you are right.” Your voice was so meek, with your eyes looking at him like a puppy in the rain.
“All I wanted was to surprise you, but I couldn’t even manage to do something as simple.”
“You surprised me plenty.” He argued back, his gaze falling back at the handguard.
“I had this one made for you. I know that after everything, celebrating birthdays must be about the last thing on your mind, but…” You coughed, clearing your throat. “But you can’t prevent me from celebrating the birthday of the man I love. Such a day is precious to me, just like each and every day we get to spend together. I am grateful for all those days, I am grateful that you were born and I am grateful that I got to meet you.
“Shinsuke, you aren’t a samurai who only destroys. So far, you’ve been able to protect me through everything with that sword of yours, putting your soul on the line more times that I can count. This isn’t much, but hopefully it’s enough to protect you too.”
Your speech left him speechless, as he sheepishly stared into your eyes. No malice, no gratitude, no nothing.
“But uh, there is no need for you to use it if you don’t like it! You’ve been going without one for years, so perhaps you find no use for it and I could always return-”
In a rapid movement Takasugi unsheathed his sword, cutting through the air and your words in half.
“Has no one told you that asking for a gift back is rude?” He scoffed, installing the handguard at the base of the sword. Thankfully, it seemed to be a perfect fit.
Once he was done looking at it, making sure that it wouldn’t fall out, he attached his sword back to his hip.
“So you like it?”
Flashing a smile at you, Takasugi moved closer until no distance remained between you. With his hand reaching forward, he cupped your cheek ever so softly, a callused thumb rubbing at your skin as he gazed into your eyes. Somehow you’d forgotten all about your question, falling victim to his charms all over again like you always did.
“I love it.” He breathed his answer right before he claimed your lips with his.
You closed your eyes, finding comfort in the warmth of his mouth and the certainty of his touch. It didn’t matter how long you’d been running or how far the Shinsengumi had chased you. This moment right here made it worth the trouble. He was worth the trouble.
“Happy Birthday.” You whispered on top of his lips, feeling them stretch into yet another smile.
Even when he pulled away from the kiss, he didn’t pull away from you. His hand kept holding you in place, while the rough edge of his hat bumped against your forehead.
“Next time you are definitely paying for this.”
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The rest of the afternoon went by in relative peace. Somehow you were able to avoid any further run-ins with the Shinsengumi, the sole sign of a police vehicle being the distant echo of a faraway siren. Even so, Takasugi seemed to be on the edge, with his fingers itching to grab the hilt of his sword at the slightest of sounds. Considering everything that went down, you could hardly blame him. Besides, you were too preoccupied fawning over his sword’s new appearance, feeling all giddy that he got to carry a part of you everywhere he went.
After a while of trailing through the city, the two of you managed to reach the docks. Your feet were borderline killing you, making you wish that Takasugi offered you a ride on his back like he did when you were children. Of course you never dared to ask such a thing, especially when he’d spent more than half the day glaring at you. This was far from the ideal birthday you’d planned in your brain. You hated to admit it, but there was still so much for you to learn in terms of scheming.
By the time you set foot on the ship, the sun was fully submerged into the waters below, leaving nothing but a lovely shade of saturated orange behind. Though you didn’t mind traveling through space, sunsets in Edo were a sight you would never forsake. There was no place like home.
“Ahh, what a fun day!” You exclaimed, stretching both arms above your head.
Takasugi closed the door behind you, undoing the strings of his hat.
“Fun… well, that’s a way to put it.”
You watched as he leaned against the dresser, setting his hat and sword aside.
“Come on! The weather was nice, the cake was nice, the flowers were nice, the gift was nice”
You pointed at each of your fingers as if you meant to count through every positive happening of the day, only hesitating when you reached your pinky.
“You were nice.”
He tilted his head, his lips curling into a crooked smile.
“Suggesting that I normally aren’t?”
To count all the times he glared, threatened or even killed someone these past few days, you were in need of at least three sets of extra arms. Despite that, you knew better than to consider Takasugi the evil bastard terrorist that the Bakufu and the rest of his enemies made him out to be. To count all the times he’d smiled at you, all the times he’d saved you, all those times when you’d felt as if your entire world had collapsed only to find yourself in his arms; to properly count those times, you’d need more fingers than the entire Kiheitai had to offer.
“Hmm… You have your moments."
He seemed satisfied enough with your answer, his expression softening up as the two of you shared a look. Words meant nothing when your eyes spoke for themselves, one’s image etched into the eyes of the other, adorned by sheer adoration that neither of you bothered to hide. Behind closed doors, there was no reason to.
“I’d better go get some rest.” You mumbled, a forced yawn breaking through the tension.
It wasn’t that you felt particularly sleepy, but after spending the entire day with him, he was bound to have at least a few unfinished tasks to tend to. A day of mindless fun was not enough to switch his work habits.
You were about to return to your own room when, all of a sudden, the door fell shut before you, a palm preventing it from opening.
“Oi, oi. Where do you think you are going? " Takasugi taunted with a sultry voice.
“My room?” You peered over your shoulder, a curtain of dark purple blocking your vision.
“I thought you wanted to celebrate my birthday. Go on, celebrate it. Day’s not over yet.”
The way he looked at you was enough for you to understand what “celebrating his birthday” implied. Such an amorous look was only preserved for you, with his green hue undressing a little less than your soul and a little more than your body.
Even without touching you, the attraction between your bodies was palpable, drawing the two of you closer together. His hands that constantly ached for a fight were now aching to hold you, and who were you to deny him?
The moment you turned around, you caught sight of a victorious grin, both of you aware of what was to follow. You rolled your eyes playfully, unable to hide your own smile as your hand reached forward. Grabbing a fistful of fabric, you pulled Takasugi down to you, until his body met yours and your lips met his. He sighed softly, his fingers dropping from the door around your waist, capturing you in a tight embrace free of any reservation.
You surrendered yourself to his touch, letting go of his yukata’s collar while his grip only tightened, pinning both your bodies against the door. Unlike the unbearable summer heat, his warmth was more than welcoming, enveloping your entire body down to your hips and thighs. You felt feverish, throwing your arms over his shoulders for him to take over.
Takasugi drew your bottom lip between his teeth, languidly lapping his wet tongue over it before sliding it into your mouth. You tilted your head to the side, a soft hum dissolving at the tip of your tongue as you explored each other's mouth anew. Even when you had memorized his taste, you couldn’t help yourself but seek more of it, completely in love with everything his body had to offer you.
The lack of air had your head spinning around, your only source of oxygen being that of his lungs; the only one you ever needed. With his hips pressing your waist down, he made a mess out of your thighs, your slick entrance drooling for him to fill you up in every way imaginable. Perhaps offering yourself to him as a gift would have been a far better choice than all this running around, you decided, gently bucking your hips forward.
Regrettably, Takasugi was the first to pull away, his sharp breath tickling your nose and lips. Through half-lidded eyes, you took in each other’s image, lust clouding both your features while you drew air from one another, avoiding to close the distance just yet.
His hands reached lower onto your body, possessing your every bit, with your own hand dropping down to his chest. You felt how frantically his heart beat for you, just for you. Time and time again you came to realize that this heart, this body, this man… they all belonged to you. Even if the two of you came to lose everything, you’d still be each other’s most prized possessions, a fact that not even revenge could forsake.
“What are you smirking for?” He asked with a smirk of his own.
Shaking your head, you guided him into another kiss, quick to wipe that cocky expression off his face. Whether you confronted him or not, he’d never admit to being wrapped around your finger, though there was no need to. The way his body reacted to your own spoke volumes, with his mouth granting you access once more and his hips utterly attuned to yours.
In no time, his hands were tugging at your obi, each string of your kimono coming undone between his fingers. You felt the fabric loosen up around your curves, the expensive silk curling into a ball across the tatami.
Left in nothing but your undergarment, you were exposed to his touch, fire spreading through every part his fingers came to brush. You leaned forward until your lips found his neck, smearing open-mouthed kisses all over. He was always the one to mark you with his mouth, acting as if he wanted the whole world to know you were his and only his. It was about time you returned that favor.
Parting your lips, you pursed them at the base of his neck, sucking at his skin until his pale complexion turned into a bright shade of red. Perhaps he’d have a hard time covering that one up, a fact that filled you with unprecedented pride. No future scolding or frowning could take that away from you, though at the moment, he seemed too preoccupied to even care, attempting to fill his hands with as much of you as he possibly could.
Satisfied with the result, you puckered your lips up, peppering gentle kisses down his collar bone, while you held onto his shoulders for support. You couldn’t help but notice how he felt stiffer than usual, your fingertips bumping across the various knots that his muscles formed. Your previous assumptions seemed to be correct, all those exhausting work meetings had taken their toll on his health at last, leaving him nearly drained.
You pulled away from him, catching your own reflection in his eye. Even when the things you were doing were far from innocent, there was a certain purity in his gaze, as for once, the thing his right eye saw had nothing to do with torment, turmoil, or vengeance; tranquil passion having cleansed all that.
Slowly, you brought your other hand to his cheek, watching as he pressed a feather-light kiss in the center of your palm. Your heart skipped a beat, seemingly forgetting all about the words you wanted to share with him. Fucking hell, he had no business looking this lovable, you pondered.
“Let me take care of you.” You requested, brushing a couple of disheveled purple strands off his eye.
Though skeptical at first, Takasugi came to agree, leading you both towards his futon. In a theatrical move, he lifted both hands, prompting you to strip him off his clothes. Snaking your arms around his torso, you took advantage of the position, placing your head on top of his shoulder while your hands worked on undoing his obi. The blue fabric dropped onto the floor, with his purple yukata following soon after.
For a second, you caught yourself gawking at his bare body, your eyes trailing the entirety of him up and down. Thin white lines sprawled across his near flawless complexion, remnants of past conflicts and nearly forgotten treacheries. His body that was hardened by battle and shaped by hardship, remained the most beautiful thing your eyes encountered, a spectacle only second to the sublime features of his face.
Even after all these years, you found it hard to believe that someone had the power of making you feel as if you were experiencing them for the first time all over again, yet Takasugi managed to do just that.
Before he had the chance to reprimand you over your excessive stalling, you brought both hands against his chest, pushing him down onto the covers with great force. At once, his green orb narrowed into a perfect slit, sheer fury taking over his expression. You fought the urge to laugh, ultimately failing to suppress a high pitched giggle that sneaked past your lips.
For most, receiving such a menacing glare from the leader of the Kiheitai meant certain death, yet to you, it only made your heart flutter within your chest. How could you feel any dread when he looked just like that stubborn kid you’d countless of times sparred with in the past?
All funny thoughts dissolved the moment his hand found yours, forcing you to violently crash on top of him. Even then, you couldn’t quite stop laughing at his frown, only pausing to press a hasty kiss atop his crinkled nose. I love you so much, Takasugi Shinsuke. So damn much.
Ignoring his silent protest, you lowered yourself down his thighs, making sure your hands could still reach his upper body. In reality, you’d never attempted to give him, or anyone else for that matter, a massage, though when you came to see how tense he was, you couldn’t possibly turn a blind eye. You wished to bring him some relief, just as he had so many times done for you.
Taking a deep breath, you placed both palms flat over his chest, slowly dragging them up and down his shoulders. You started by applying pressure to your wrists, rolling them hard against his stiffened muscles.
Takasugi began to relax, his scoffing giving way to a contented expression. As promised, he refrained from touching you, with his emerald orb slowly disappearing behind his eyelid. You kept on kneading his hardened skin, gathering all strength on your fingertips as you rubbed him thoroughly, glancing up lest you hurt him.
With each stroke, he appeared more delighted than before, his low breathing producing a sort of melodic sound. You were pleased to see him enjoy himself, though maintaining your movements was quite tiresome for your inexperienced hands. Still, you tried your best to switch both the pace and the pressure up, overextending your little massage session as much as possible for his sake.
Distracted by your technique, you failed to notice how you’d been grinding against his crotch all along. Each time you pushed against him, your hips would follow, pressing down against his over and over again, until a hoarse moan disrupted his once steady breathing.
You froze in place, your eyes quick to spot the red shadow that bloomed across his cheeks. Perhaps the massage was far from being the only reason behind his delight, you realized once you glanced at the solid tent between your thighs.
“Looks like your shoulders aren’t the only stiff thing about you.” You teased, softly palming his clothed erection.
“Go on, then. Take care of that too.” Takasugi cooed, his hands softly brushing over your knees as he compelled you to keep going.
Your fingers worked on undoing the knots of his fundoshi, at last setting him free. His cock sprung between your palms, already at its full length. Slowly, you traced over a vein, your fingers closing in once you reached the head. His reddened tip was already glistening with precum for you, eagerly awaiting to disappear within one of your needy holes.
Drawing your thumb over it, you spread his thick essence all over, inducing a muffled sigh to fall out of Takasugi's lips. You loved how sensitive he was to your touch. Even when getting him to this state wasn't your intention, you couldn't help but smile knowing how hard you'd gotten him.
Bringing a second hand down his length, you clenched your fingers into a pair of fists, firmly pumping him up and down. His size made it hard for your palms to cover all of him, but your gestures compensated plenty for that. Your right hand remained below his head; four fingers lightly twisting around him, with your thumb repeatedly brushing over his tip. At the same time, your left hand came to cup his balls, another moan failing to remain within his lips.
Though Takasugi had never been particularly vocal as a lover, when you were stimulating him like that, it was impossible for him to keep to himself.
“Hm, this doesn’t seem to be working.” You noted once you heard him curse out loud. “If anything, you are stiffer than before… Should I try something different?” You asked, your hands stopping only for a moment.
Despite his eye being shut for the majority of your playtime, he was now watching your every move with bated breath. Slowly, you let go of his cock, bringing your hands between your thighs to pick your undergarment off the way. He wanted you to expose yourself so badly, yet for now he was content with merely glancing at the hardened peaks your nipples formed below the creamy linen.
You lined your hips with his own before finally, sinking down onto him, his entire cock sheathing deep within your gummy walls. His grunt was overshadowed by your moan, the sensation of being whole enough to make you shudder. He was stretching you so good while all you could do was gush over him, your womb aching to be filled to the brim with his seed.
It was his turn to smirk, your reaction bringing him great amusement. Normally he'd be the one to push you down, pleasuring the both of you until your lips could barely shape his name, but for the time, he remained perfectly still. He loved to see you struggle, knowing that even when you'd been together since you were teens, you were still overwhelmed by him.
“Something wrong?” He asked in a condescending tone, conveniently forgetting all about how a moment ago he was the one to lose himself in your hands.
“N-nothing at all.” You stuttered as you attempted to regain your composure. If you gave him the chance, he’d overthrow you without thinking twice.
Dropping your palms back onto his chest, you raised your hips, figuring that it’d be easier for you to keep going with just the tip inside. At a slow pace, you rocked your body against him, sensually drawing circles with your hips all the while maintaining eye contact. His smirk persisted, the only sign to betray his true feelings being that of his fingers as they clenched around the covers below.
“Something wrong?” You taunted in the same tone he used, taking full advantage of his vulnerability.
Takasugi let go of the sheets, bringing both hands around your hips.
“Nothing at all.” He answered with greater confidence.
Even with his fingers gripping you, he didn’t do as much as to guide you in any way. He merely held you in place, patiently awaiting for you to pick your pace back up. Besides, your little mind games brought him plenty entertainment already.
At a much slower pace than before, you repeated the same movements, fully aware of the fact that his patience was gradually wearing thin. You weren’t even sure whether you actually meant to take care of him or test your limits anymore, seemingly achieving both. Either way, you could tell you weren’t the only one having fun with this.
Biting down your lip, you lowered your hips, allowing a little more than half of him to sink into you. It took every bit of self-restraint not to go all the way, your own juices making it easier for him to get sucked deeper into your pussy.
Reaching a hand behind your back, you found the base of his shaft with your fingers, keeping it steady enough for you to lightly bounce onto it. Takasugi pressed his lips together in a straight line, with his fingertips applying slightly more pressure than before. He didn’t cave in just yet, though when your fingers traced over his balls, he couldn’t help but dig his fingertips right into your skin, a bruising sure to follow.
Motivated by his reaction, you tried to sync the movement of your fingers to the movement of your hips, bouncing faster when inevitably, his cock slipped outside your lips. You looked down, hesitating to drive him back in.
Shamelessly, you brought the tip to your slit, wetting it enough for you to glide it over your throbbing clit. A delirious whine evaded your lips, the delicious feeling clouding your mind as you frantically tapped the two together. Even when tonight was all about him, there was no way for you to help yourself, not when it felt so damn good.
Having had enough for the moment, you were about to go back to riding him, when Takasugi rammed his dick so hard into you, that you had no choice but to collapse against his chest, your cry making him chuckle.
“That’s unfair!” You pouted, attempting to lift yourself back up.
“Unfair?” He whispered. “Unfair was having to go all day long without doing this.”
Before you could ask what ‘this’ meant, you felt his hands crawl down your butt, forcing your bodies to grind against each other.
“Why would I need another gift when I can have you, hm?”
The newfound bliss caused your vision to go blurry, the thoughts in your brain replaced by the sole sensation of his cock twitching deep within your heat. Had he asked you earlier, then maybe you’d have an answer to his question, but right now all you could do was bite down at your lip, while he hit all the right spots.
To your surprise, he appeared in no hurry to chase after his much awaited high, merely enjoying the warmth you offered him. Placing two fingers below your chin, he compelled you to look at him, a loving smile erased by your lips. His hands pulled away from your rear, Takasugi allowing you the freedom to move around. Losing yourself in yet another kiss, you claimed his cheeks with your palms, your tongue meeting his while he snaked his arms around your waist.
Tears formed at the corner of your eyes, slipping past your shut eyelids as you both moved against each other, fucking one another in sync with your kiss. Even when it felt like your heart was about to explode, you couldn’t bring yourself to move away from him, relishing every last bit of his body.
“You are more than enough.” He refused to let go, mumbling the words straight into your mouth. “You are mine.” His teeth tugged at your lower lip, before cushioning it all over again. “Mine.”
His sudden confession made your eyes widen, the sheer possessiveness of his voice sending chills down your spine. You always thought that you were the one who chased after him, though right now you were finally able to feel how tight his embrace was, a certain desperation pouring into his kisses as if he feared you’d slip away from his grasp.
“Shinsuke, I-” You began, only to be hushed by yet another kiss.
“Let me handle things from now on.” He said, completely inebriated.
With a small nod, you ushered him to take action, not caring about who got to take care of whom anymore. All you wanted was to finally become one with him.
A swift move of his was all it took to bring you down, your undergarment flying off your body. It was his turn to gawk at you, a slight smile hanging from his lips once he got to savor what you’d kept from him for so long.
The bandages over his head had come undone, their edges drenched by his own sweat. You reached to his face, pulling them out of the way when he claimed your fingers in his palm, pressing your hand down onto the futon. He had no intention of letting you lift as much as a finger.
Once more, he turned the tables on you as he rolled onto his side, pulling your back tight against his chest. With no distance left between your bodies, Takasugi snaked his arms around your waist, one hand spreading your legs open and the other cupping your breast. He kneaded at your soft skin, flicking both your nipples between his fingers, while his lips traveled to your nape, smearing your back with hot kisses.
With his fingers locking behind your knee, Takasugi steadied it around his torso, opening your body for him as much as possible. Unable to resist, you brought your hand between your thighs, gently rubbing circles over your swollen clit. Even when you hadn't had a drop of alcohol, the feeling of being utterly engulfed by him made your head spin.
Sighs evaded your lips one after the other, your fingers clenching around his bandage, while you kept on pleasuring yourself, continuously chanting his name. He was the only one who could make you feel so good, even when the fingers that touched you were yours and not his.
Once he had enough of groping you, Takasugi lowered you onto him, adjusting your position so that he could comfortably penetrate you. His cock brushed over your entrance, eager to slide past your pink lips. Nodding in confirmation, you nestled your head into the crook of his neck, breathing into the faint yet intoxicating scent of sandalwood and cedar. Despite everything, he still smelled so nice.
Taking in your blissful expression, he caressed your hair softly before finally pushing his way in. A strangled sound dropped from your lips as you bit down onto his skin, unable to contain yourself.
“Relax” He muttered in a mellow tone as he thrusted again, earning himself another of your pretty whines.
Each moan of yours sounded like the finest of melodies to his ears, knowing that each whimper was meant for him and him only. Perhaps he relished your reactions more than anything, fixating his pace according to the pitch of your voice. The louder you cried, the harder he went, ferociously rutting his hips in you as if there was no tomorrow.
His hand dropped from your knee onto your stomach, traveling down to your clit. Without disrupting his movements, Takasugi started to rub at it like you previously did, causing your entire body to jolt at the stimulation. Your moans turned into a series of desperate cries as you squirmed on top of him, unsure of whether you were trying to cling harder or to run from the overwhelming pleasure he offered.
“Look at me.”
He instructed in the same gentle voice and you followed, meekly gazing up at him as his lips took over yours. He didn’t care that all you were capable of doing was drool over his jaw, too fucked up to reciprocate the kiss. All he wanted to do was claim your sounds as his own, letting none of them go to waste, swallowing each and every one of them.
Soon, the only sound to remain in his room was that of your cunt squelching, eagerly taking the pounding he gave you. Your hands grabbed at one of his arms, holding onto him while ushering him to go faster. He grunted at the sound of your words, mercilessly keeping it up until your walls started to clamp around his cock.
His pace grew sloppy at the sensation of your cunt clenching around him. You could feel your own legs shaking, pure ecstasy spreading all the way down to your curled up toes, while he chased after his own climax. He was so focused that thin lines were formed upon his forehead, with his brows furrowed together.
"I love you"
Those three little words were all it took for Takasugi to fall out of pace. Thick ropes of his hot seed came pouring into your guts, filling your insides to the brim. His strained expression was completely relaxed when he dived forward, capturing your lips in yet another desperate kiss. Those words that he never allowed himself to say, were easily conveyed by his touch, assuring you that he was as utterly in love with you as you were with him.
Eventually, he pulled away from your mouth, though he remained attached to you in every way possible. His cock was still buried within you, loosely fucking his cum deeper into your hole, until he had no choice but to go limp. You felt his warm essence pouring down your thighs, clinging onto your skin just like he did. His arms remained wrapped around you, holding your body as close to his own as possible. There was nowhere else you’d rather be.
“I’m so happy you were born.” You broke through the silence, once you’d managed to regain your voice.
A hearty laugh followed, with his lips softly pressing onto your forehead.
“Are you now?” In less than a heartbeat you nodded against him, completely certain of your feelings on the matter.
“I guess your birth was one of the less unfortunate events in this world.” He admitted, going back to his usual snarky self.
Too elated to stoop to his level, you nuzzled your head into his chest, your arms caging him within your tight embrace. The light had completely faded from the room, with only the moon attempting to illuminate the space. Mindlessly, Takasugi caressed your shoulder with his thumb, while you hummed a soft tune, one that turned out to be none other than the happy birthday song. Skipping pretty much through all the lyrics, the only words you came to intonate were “my darling commander” right before the end.
“You make it sound as if you only sleep with me for my title.” He scoffed, though not particularly bothered.
Angling your chin to face him, you spared one of your brightest smiles.
“Of course not… my darling Shinsuke.” He was quick to dismiss you by tapping your forehead with his palm, doing his best to disguise his own smile with a hasty frown.
“I never thought someone could actually be fucked silly, but you seem to have lost every bit of common sense.” He mocked, too prideful to ever accept such a term of endearment from your lips. “Now go fetch me my pipe. I need a smoke if I am to tolerate you a second longer.”
Urging you to get up, he pushed you off his arms, forcefully rolling you onto your side. The duality of a man, you murmured under your breath. One moment he could whisper the most loving things to your ears, and the other he went back to treating you as if you were his personal maid. If all those fangirls of his knew of the mistreatment you endured, they wouldn’t stand for it, yet there you were, blindly searching through the darkness for the light switch.
“You know, you were the one who went all like ‘Y/N, spend my birthday with me, I long to nest between your thighs, please surrender yourself to me’.” You nagged, purposely messing up his previous words. “Deal with the consequences.” You went on as your fingers located the switch, light pouring into the room at once.
Surprisingly enough, he seemed to have nothing to counter your childish taunts, resorting to a mere huff. That’s right, he couldn’t even dispute your claims, victory was yours.
“Where is it again?”
He lifted a finger, pointing towards his dresser. You followed, going through the drawers one by one in search of his kiseru. Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen him smoke all day long. It was rare for him not to have it on him, considering how he seemed addicted to the rush the bitter tobacco had to offer.
“You know though, smoking right after sex is such a cliché. Who does-” Your sentence was cut short once you peered at the contents of the final drawers, finding more than you’d anticipated.
You blinked your eyes, wondering if you hadn’t actually left the bed, pure disbelief making you question your senses. His kiseru was right there, resting next to a small metallic box, one you could have sworn you’d seen before. Picking it up in your hands, you took a peek at the inside, your suspicions confirmed at the sight of a worn pair of binoculars. Their condition was beyond poor, though there was no doubt; these were the very same binoculars you gifted him all those years ago.
“I never expected you to keep anything from back then.” You admitted, placing the objects back inside the furniture.
“I kept you, didn’t I?” Takasugi shrugged, accepting the kiseru from your hands as he worked on lighting it up.
You stayed silent, lying next to his side. All sorts of thoughts went through your brain, while you traced back to each of your memories in an attempt to analyze his past behavior. The binoculars and the cookie box… could this mean that he returned your feelings long before he admitted to it?
“I will allow it.” His voice interrupted your thoughts, a light gray ring of smoke spiraling past his lips.
“You can celebrate my birthdays.”
Your eyes widened, an expression of pure awe beaming upon your features.
“I’m only doing it for the free massage. Don’t get full of yourself.” He was quick to add.
“Then, how about we go somewhere nicer next year?” You suggest, forgetting all about his comments and your own contemplation.
Your hands traveled all the way to his neck, with your eyes pleading him for attention.
“I hear Waiiha planet is dreamy this time of the year. Or we could go over to Kagoshima for something quieter. Or-”
A cloud of thick smoke came to hush your words.
“By next year, nothing but ruin will remain.” He smirked, pulling the kiseru away from his lips. “I shall bring this rotten world before your feet.”
“Can’t you at least keep a place for the two of us?” You pouted.
Takasugi tilted his head as he took in your expression, finding himself smiling at your stubbornness.
“As long as we are both around, there will always be a place for us to run to.”
However romantic and grandiose his words came off, you failed to suppress a laughter. He always did that, using such fancy expressions to sway and misdirect you, but after all these years, you’d like to believe you knew better than to fall for it.
“You are so full of shit, Bakasugi.”
His smile twisted into a sneer, with his eye narrowing into another of his infamous glares. Using that ‘nickname’ on him, always irked him beyond compare.
“Can’t you keep Kyoto at least?”
He took another puff, blowing smoke towards the window.
“I can consider Yamagata.”
“Kanagawa?” You pleaded, pulling your entire weight on top of him.
“Don’t push it.”
“What about Hokkaido?” You weaved your fingers through his hair, slightly ruffling them. “I could make you a flower crown.”
Takasugi claimed your hands in his, dragging them down his chest before letting go of them. His expression softened, making it seem as if he didn’t completely oppose your proposition.
“Hokkaido…” He repeated, in a soft manner, one that caused little stars to spiral within your orbs. “Sounds like an enticing destination… for me to spread your ashes.”
“Hey, don’t be so mean!” You protested, throwing a punch at his chest while he giggled.
The two of you kept bickering over potential vacation destinations for quite some time, throwing names of different places until there was no planet, country, city or village left to name. Neither of you agreed to back off, with each insisting on a suggestion of their own.
Without admitting to it, secretly, you wished that by the time his next birthday came around, you’d both be around to celebrate it. Whether it was upon a hilltop or the edge of a coastline, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that you'd see the end of things with him, standing side by side like you'd done every moment up until now.
No matter what, you'd see this one wish through; no matter what you would never let go of him.
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russilton · 2 years
Ye no, George is clearly a non-ordinary omega, of course it doesn’t mean he can’t be a mega cunt who serves on main when it’s needed, and as it was stated many times before, frame does not define a being. Lewis for ex being defined petite and omega is so risible bc he’s clearly an alpha and somehow manages to look broader than George that is quite taller than him. Changing the topic a bit, I have no idea how George manages to be so clumsy and effortlessly elegant at the same time 💙
I mean, TO AN EXTENT, there is nothing that can truly define what makes someone a/b/o because just like sex and gender in real life, it’s a societal construct- BUT WE AREN’T GOING INTO THAT TODAY
It’s also why I never like to say someone CAN’T be something. I respect people’s right to write omega Lewis but I’d rather die than write or read it.
It’s just super not for me, something something I use Lewis to experience gender euphoria and George to experiment with gender expression. Putting Lewis in the position of omega gives me the opposite, just a sort of skin crawling dysphoria. On the flip of it, I’ve read one alpha George and Alpha Lewis fic where the entire purpose was how George was non traditional, emotional, and wanted lewis to fuck him anyway. That’s the only way I can ever envision reading that (and the author did a great job)
And that’s literally, specifically a me problem. But also, I like to make stupid jokes. When I say “Lewis is an alpha we won’t be discussing it” like, I have my reasons, but usually I’m just dicking around with my friends. We are writing about straight sports people experiencing fictional dynamic heats, the moral bar isn’t on the floor, it was thrown out of the window the second we entered.
I like writing about Lewis as an alpha because I can explore both how he bucks alpha tradition but also would be criticised for not doing so. Everything Lewis does is controlled, careful, and weighed up against how others perceive him, he has never treated betas or omegas poorly, and his more than happy to be told what to do by his omega race engineer, beta stratergist, and so on. He is calm and non aggressive, only getting angry in the car, height of restraint out of it. He would be accused of being a threat in the paddock if he was anything less, but his easy and light nature also gets him accused of hiding a different designation because he doesn’t get to get away with what alphas like max or fernando do.
On top of this I’ve got a thing for exploring alpha bonds and networks! We often talk about how omegas cling to others but it’s really interesting to flip that and discuss genuine non toxic masculinity for alphas, the way Lewis seeks omegas in his circle for comfort non sexually, betas for balance. How he and Toto handle their disputes calmly despite both being alphas. And then there’s Lewis and Val who I could talk for HOURS upon HOURS ABOUT. How their brotherly bond keeps both moored when they’re struggling, how they release tension with wrestling around and nipping and rumbling. How as much as Lewis can laugh when he finds George and Bono working on new, elaborate nests, he grins just as warmly as George rolls his eyes when he falls into their bed reeking of happy brotherly cuddle time.
And on the flip side I like writing and talking about George as an omega because it’s so much FUN. There’s a side of it where I use stories around him to explore what sexism would be like for omega members of the paddock, how he and his body would be treated differently, to explore trauma surrounding periods and getting wet when you don’t want to. About feeling betrayed by your own body.
But sometimes I just like having fun! I like contrasting their leadership styles, how like I’ve said before, Lewis’ roll as an alpha is often protective and rounds up the pack and keeps them stable. George pushes them forward, higher, faster, he has faced so much to get here and he uses that drive to keep going, to ask for more. I like interweaving that with Lewis to create this balance, push and pull, ambition and positivity. I like then taking that to the track and reminding everyone how none of it matters as soon as the helmets go on.
They fit well together for the same reason I like writing about normal George and Lewis! I like how they’re so different but so so similar, how they respect each other. How they build their lives together
And of course, a/b/o smut is kinky as shit and I LIKE it, sue me.
Idk what this is, a long tangent on why I like a!lewis and o!george? That got accidentally deleted like 4 times? Sure
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single-malt-scotch · 1 year
me rambling about technical function of limited life time! this is just observations, really dont mean to make a jab at who put to together, but this season made me realize just how manual things are, and how changes are being made mid-series.
last episode there was no announcement message for people getting kicked out of the game. so they added that last minute, cool. but then cleo dies at the same time as bdubs and her message gets message up. instead of "username" in big red text with lower text being "ran out of time" the red text got replaced by cleo's "-1 hour" text. obviously i can see how it is working and for a last minute add in i can understand it got fucked up, but cleo didnt realize he was out because of that.
additionally one other small issue had is when people run out of time, and are killed by someone or anything, it doesnt get to show how they died in the chat it seems. which is even more confusing for ppl trying to figure out their times, and last episode ppl didnt even realize who died (which again, good they changed that.). From a coding perspective, i am not entirely sure why it would leave it out- i guess the mechanic for dying by the timer is completely unrelated or overwriting the last hit they get (the kill takes out an hour but the time kills them, not the killer).
for those who weren't thinking about it too- last episode they did give everybody the ability to give themself time which seemed very much needed so grian wasnt the only one doing it. of course this led to some conflict about who got time- and in the end i dont care personally, but i imagine that being a lot more to handle for individual players than a simple boogey every so often.
ill have to watch grian's pov bc he says he killed bdubs but it seemed to me he probably blew up from impulse. seems way more likely he lost his health that way (of course dont know what hearts bdubs was on so.) but the lack of death message makes it unknown for the most part.
i find it interesting how much of this is unplanned and kind of figured out on the fly. makes me wonder if they ever pre-test more than maybe a few commands. i was in the process of wanting to make my own thing like this and was getting stressed about how to code it but uh, looks like this was pretty bare bones and manual, more than i realized. which i guess is less of a worry for me in terms of making something myself, but a worry in the sense of moderating a game like that lol... props to grian for managing LL but especially for Limlife where i cant even imagine dealing w that for he first majority of the season where he was the only one doing it apparently. it is a lot to figure out-- and i bet its not something that comes to make people's minds when they think about playing a datapack of LL.... but now with one's for Lim life existing, or boy you're asking to do a lot if thats the case.
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casfonsecasantcs · 1 year
Tumblr media
❝ pancakes and packed lunches, plain tees and faded jeans, long nights curled up on the couch, at home haircuts by the bathroom sink, the lingering scent of lemon cleaner and coffee grounds, a bit lip and a silent tongue, searching eyes, taking one for the team, trying her best to do what’s right. 
NAME: Cássia Fonseca Santos
AGE: Twenty-eight
BIRTHDAY: October 19th, 1994
OCCUPATION: Private residence housekeeper and barista at The Midnight Club
HOMETOWN: Providence Peak, Colorado
POSITIVE TRAITS: Diplomatic, cooperative, fair
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Indecisive, co-dependent, gullible
OTHER: tbd
first generation brazilian american.
although she grew up in a house with very little, what her family lacked in money they made up for in love. even though they’ve since moved back to brazil to take care of her grandparents cas still speaks on the phone with her mom and dad every single day
aka family is everything to her, even the kind not directly related by blood.
speaking of which... cas is all but attached at the hip to @boyd-connors and has been since early childhood. he’s 100% her “person” and the level of co-dependency between them likely borders on ridiculous.
when boyd’s ex girlfriend left him unexpectedly to raise their daughter alone cas didn’t even think twice about stepping in to help out. they currently live together with his eight year old, matilda/mattie, in a small two bedroom downtown.
from the very start cas committed herself to doing anything and everything in her power to be what he needed and give mattie the best life possible. she’s worked a lot of odd jobs over the years but has been @nathanccrane’s housekeeper for a few months now and recently picked up a second job working part time at the midnight club. 
safe to say her entire life revolves around their friendship and little patchwork family. 
she claims she hasn’t dated seriously over the years because it’s too hard to explain their situation let alone find someone who’s cool with it, but the truth is cas may or may not harbor some deeply buried, less than platonic feelings for her best friend that she’s never acknowledged, even to herself. 
is about to have her life turned ass over tits soon when she learns his ex and mattie’s real mother, nadia, is back in town. won’t want to feel threatened by it? but absolutely will bc without boyd and mattie in her life she’s really not sure what she’d have left. 
would give anyone the shirt off her back and is far more likely to bite her tongue than speak up, unless its in defense of someone she loves. is very much a “peacemaker” who always strives to keep things civil but don’t mistake that for her being a doormat. cas is scrappy when she needs to be.
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