#beautiful trama
awfullyqueerwriter · 6 months
This was going to be tags on a different post, but I decided it was too irrelevant, so:
Thank you, Crane Wives, for the song Never Love an Anchor. Because like, as a dysgraphic person,
“on some level I think I've always understood that these hands of mine are clumsy not clever"
Speaks to me on such a deep level because I have dysgraphia, and my hands are “clumsy not clever”. And l've never seen anyone even speak about that as a neutral thing- let alone in a romantic way!
Like, I spent most of my life thinking I was an unlovable beast for this, so like- thank you for believing it to be valuable. And, by extension, thank you for believing me to be valuable. And not despite my disability, but with it as a part of me.
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blue-temperature · 1 year
[ESP] Ikemen Prince — Chevalier Route: Chapter 2 —
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[ Ch. 2 ]
Los pétalos de rosa profundamente escarlata volando en el aire, el hombre caído—esta escena irreal grabada a fuego en mi mente.
— Chevalier: Ahora, ¿Qué asuntos tienes conmigo?
Mientras sacude la sangre de su espada, Chevalier me mira fríamente.
(Necesito decir algo, pero las palabras solo no salen...)
Mi garganta estaba tan apretada que se sentía como si una mano estuviera apretada a su alrededor y solo un tembloroso suspiro se escapó de mis labios.
— Chevalier: Si no tienes nada que decir, entonces vete. Estás en el camino. 
Tragué, tratando de aflojar el nudo en mi garganta y, entonces recordé—
[( — Chevalier: Si te metes en mi camino, me ocuparé de ti. Ten eso en mente. )]
(Terrorífico. Esa es la única palabra que tengo para describirlo. ¡Él acaba de cortar a un hombre con sangre fría!)
Solo vagamente consciente de lo que estaba haciendo, comienzo a correr y dejo esa espeluznante escena detrás.
El viento estaba en mi espalda como para impulsarme hacia adelante, y los pétalos ensangrentados volaron ligeramente en el aire.
Ignorando la figura en retroceso de MC, la mirada fría de Chevalier se posó de lleno en Clavis.
— Chevalier: ¿Por qué la trajiste aquí?
— Clavis: Bueno, dado a tus tendencias antisociales, solo estoy preocupado por tu futuro. Interactuar con gente nueva te haría bien, ¿Sabes?
Los ojos de Chevalier parpadearon peligrosamente al otro hombre.
— Clavis: Aw, ¡No me des esa mirada! Solo estoy diciendo la verdad. Entonces de nuevo, asumo que Belle sería capaz de manejar ver actos bestiales por sí misma...
— Chevalier: ¿Oh? En otras palabras, esperabas que me encontrara en esta situación.
La esencia de la sangre mezclándose con la de las rosas solo se sumó a la inquietante tensión en el aire.
— Chevalier: Debes haberte vuelto muy presciente para prever ese ataque.
— Clavis: ¡Oh no no no! Nunca podría haber anticipado tal escena de carnicería. Fue un accidente total... En serio.
— Chevalier: Mentiras.
Sin elevar una ceja, Chevalier pateó ligeramente al intruso caído con la punta de su bota.
— Chevalier: Sin importar cómo lo mire, esto fue causado por ti, ¿No es así? ¿Hiciste los arreglos tú mismo o recibiste ayuda de algún grupo de nobles disgustados?
— Clavis: No tengo la menor idea de lo que quieres decir.
— Chevalier: Hmph.
— Clavis: Jajaja, no tienes que creerme, ¿Por qué no le preguntas a estos tipos? Deben estar ante las puertas de la muerte, pero aún pueden hablar.
— Chevalier: Lo siento, pero no tengo tiempo para esas tonterías.
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— Chevalier: Lo siento, pero no tengo tiempo para esas tonterías.
Chevalier regresó su espada a su vaina y volteó su capa manchada de sangre detrás de él.
— Chevalier: Si un día encuentro que tu comportamiento ya no es tolerable, tu propia sangre pronto estará manchando esta espada.
— Clavis: ¡Cierto! Lo tendré en mente... ...por ahora al menos.
(¡Mis pulmones... están... ardiendo...!)
Corrí y corrí, jadeando por el esfuerzo y, eventualmente, vine a parar en un lugar que no reconozco.
(¡Mis piernas aún están temblando...!)
Podría jurar que el olor de la sangre aún persiste a mi alrededor y el recuerdo de esa horrible escena me hace caer sobre mis rodillas.
— ???: Hey, MC, ¡¿Qué sucede?!
— MC: ¡Woa!
Mi corazón casi se detuvo mientras alguien grande cayó desde arriba.
— MC: ¿Luke? ¿De dónde saliste? ¡Me asustaste casi hasta la muerte!
— Luke: Estaba tomando una siesta en el árbol. ¡Pero eso no importa ahora mismo!
Con una mirada mortalmente seria en su rostro, Luke extiende una mano hacia mi mejilla.
— Luke: ¿Por qué hay sangre en ti?
— MC: Oh—
Dedos gentiles limpian el líquido de mi mejilla y cuando se retiraron, estaban rojos.
(No lo imaginé... que realmente era sangre lo que sentí en mi mejilla. La sangre de alguien más...)
— Luke: ¿Estás herida?
— MC: No, estoy—bien.
Aunque intenté fabricar una sonrisa, la expresión de Luke se mantuvo severa.
— Luke: ¿Qué pasó?
(Supongo que no hay razón en intentar ocultarlo.)
— MC: El príncipe Chevalier, él—mató a alguien.
Conseguí reunir las palabras entre respiraciones temblorosas y el ceño de Luke se frunció.
— Luke: Ah... Es probable que un asesino apareciera.
— MC: ¡¿Un asesino?! ¿Alguien quiere muerto al Príncipe Chevalier?
— Luke: No sé los detalles, pero eso dijo la última vez que tuvo sangre en él. No es el tipo de persona que puede llevarse con todos. Así que algunos nobles  lo(s contratan) para él.
— MC: Ya veo.
(Creo que lo entiendo. A algunas personas no estás obligados a gustar de Chevalier con su actitud autoritaria.)
— Luke: Pero la seguridad del palacio es muy dura, así que este tipo de cosas no suceden mucho.
— MC: Pero PASA de vez en cuando.
— Luke: Se puede decir eso.
Chevalier, quien cortó a un hombre sin dudarlo, estaba aparentemente acostumbrado a ello.
(Mientras más acostumbrado esté, menos paciencia debe tener para la gente que se mente en su camino.)
(Lo he visto perder la paciencia antes. Con esa fría mirada...)
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Froté mis brazos, intentando de alguna manera disipar el escalofrío repentino en mi cuerpo cuando siento una mano grande en mi cabeza.
— Luke: Si Chevalier te pone incómoda, puedes mantener tu distancia, ¿Si? Con ese objetivo en su espalda—entre otras cosas—quedar involucrada con él podría lastimarte. O peor.
— MC: Pero—No puedo hacer eso.
(Como Belle, tengo que mirar a cada príncipe con un ojo imparcial.)
Aunque lo sabía en mi corazón, simplemente no podía obligarme a sonreír.
Mientras miraba al piso, Luke alborotó gentilmente mi cabello.
Al día siguiente, el recuerdo de la sangre, aún fresca en mi mente, me pesaba mucho.
En el breve tiempo que tenía antes de la cena, caminé hacia el patio para un descanso tranquilo.
(¿Qué debería hacer con él?)
Hace unas horas, había empujado el sangriento recuerdo de mi cabeza y visité la oficina de la facción de Chevalier.
[( — Chevalier: Eres una interrupción para mi trabajo. Ahora vete.
— MC: Pero—
— Chevalier: Si quieres que pierda mi temperamento como lo hice ayer, entonces por todos los medios quédate. )]
(He visto de primera mano de lo que él es capaz. ¡No quiero ninguna parte de eso!)
Él era el único ahí en ese momento y el temor de que cumpliera su amenaza superó cualquier indignación que sentí al respecto.
(Pero sé que no puedo cumplir mi rol como Belle si sigo huyendo de él.)
(¿Por qué me está tratando tan horriblemente, de todas maneras? Debe haber alguna regla en algún lado en contra de intimidar a Belle—)
— ???: ¿Toda sola e indefensa?
— MC: ¡Wah!
Sentí la respiración gentil de alguien contra mi oído desde atrás, que me hizo saltar.
— Clavis: Ajaja, ¡Esa fue la reacción perfecta!
— MC: ¡Clavis!
(Él siempre aparece de la nada!)
Cubrí mi oído y lo miré, pero él solo se rio con buen humor.
— Clavis: ¡Relájate! Solo estaba viendo que lo estás haciendo bien. Ayer te veías como si toda la sangre se hubiera drenado de tu rostro. ¡Pero tan roja como te ves ahora, no tengo que preocuparme! ¡Jajaja!
La mirada de alegría en sus ojos dorados casi tenían un cierto encanto. Casi.
Intenté dar lo mejor para ocultar la preocupación que sentía momentos antes de que él apareciera.
— MC: Así que, ¿Viniste aquí para molestarme entonces?
— Clavis: Oh no, solo tenía algo que quería darle a Chev.
— MC: Bien... Pero el Príncipe Chevalier no está aquí.
— Clavis: Hmm, ¿No lo notaste? Dios mío.
(Hay una sonrisa evocativa de nuevo. ¿Qué planea?)
— Clavis: Esta es una gran oportunidad. ¿Por qué no vienes conmigo y tienes una conversación con Chev también?
— MC: No, gracias.
Clavis no falló en notar la manera en la que me estremecí ligeramente ante su sugerencia.
— Clavis: ¿Qué pasa con esa cara amarga? ¿Realmente te asusta tanto?
(Incluso si lo negara, apuesto que él vería a través de mí.)
Ya sabiendo cuán inútil era decir que no, asentí y Clavis se encogió de hombros en un gesto exagerado.
— Clavis: Dios mío, eres como un lindo conejito pequeño.
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— Clavis: Dios mío, eres como un lindo conejito pequeño.
— MC: ¿Qué?
— Clavis: Si, eres tan torpe y adorable justo ahora que me dan ganas de abalanzarme sobre ti.
— MC: Incluso si FUERA un conejo, los conejos aún tienen dientes—¡Ahh!
De repente, él sujetó mi mano y ferozmente me empujó hacia él.
Logré detener mi impulso justo antes de colisionar con su pecho, pero él atrapó mi mentón en su mano, inclinando mi cara hacia él.
(¿Qué está haciendo?)
Sus ojos se veían como si estuvieran sonriendo, pero en realidad no lo estaban y sentí un escalofrío correr por mi columna.
La atmósfera había cambiado completamente—había algo insondable al respecto.
— Clavis: Hm, quizás hay alguna verdad en como te llamó Chev.
— MC: ¿De qué estás hablando?
— Clavis: Nadie es más tonto que el que se congela en sorpresa como tú ahora mismo. En cualquier caso, estaría fuera de cuestión para una bestia querer hablar con un conejo tembloroso como un igual.
— MC: Yo—
Incluso después de que me soltó bruscamente, las palabras que siguen haciendo eco en mis oídos no se irían tan fácilmente.
— Clavis: Nunca serás una Belle si actúas así. Al menos, eres un pequeño conejo insignificante para Chev ahora mismo. ¿Eso es lo que quieres?
— MC: ¡Por supuesto que no!
(No hay razón para que yo esté aquí si no puedo mantenerme por mí misma, incluso ante las amenazas.)
— Clavis: Entonces se valiente. Se temeraria. ¡Como la domadora de un animal salvaje! ¿Ves?
Los labios de Clavis se curvaron en una sonrisa divertida.
— Clavis: No le temas a la bestia. Incluso el Tigre Sangriento se volverá una mascota si puedes domarlo. Si realmente quieres elegir al próximo rey, será mejor estar preparada para aventurarte en la guarida de la bestia.
Aunque sus palabras picaron, tenía razón.
(Es como él dice. Nadie me aceptaría como Belle si dejara que él me intimidara.)
Para enfrentar a Chevalier en una condición de igualdad, tengo que ajustar mi propio comportamiento primero.
(Incluso si tengo un poco de miedo, no puedo demostrarlo.)
(Solo así podremos comenzar realmente.)
Inhalé el aire limpio y dejé que mi nueva resolución se grabe en mi corazón.
— MC: Gracias por el consejo, Clavis.
— Clavis: Oho, ¿Así que estás preparada para domar a la bestia salvaje?
— MC: Daré todo lo que tengo. Estoy determinada a hacer que me acepte como Belle.
No fue tan fácil disipar el miedo que se había infiltrado en mi corazón, pero mi mente estaba puesta en mi nuevo camino.
— Clavis: ¡Jaja! ¿Escuchaste eso, Chev? Belle va a domarte.
(¡Espera! ¿Qué?)
— ???: No me arrastres a tus conversaciones ridículas.
— MC: Oh no...
Me di la vuelta y miré allá en el jardín para encontrar a alguien tendido en un banco.
(¡¿Qué está haciendo Chevalier aquí?!)
Él se sienta derecho y me da una mirada que hizo que mi sangre se hiele.
[ Le devuelvo la mirada. ] ✓ [ Evito su mirada. ] [ Lo siento mucho. ]
Casi me congelo, pero me armé de valor para mirarlo desafiante y sus cejas bien formadas se torcieron hacia arriba.
— Chevalier: No creo que tengas lo que se necesita para domar a una bestia.
(Bueno, ¡Entonces solo tendré que probar que te equivocas!)
(Espera... ¿Acaba de sonreír un poco ahora?)
Sin embargo, esa sonrisa se desvaneció rápidamente antes mis ojos como un espejismo.
Después de levantarse de la banca, Chevalier se dirige hacia Clavis, pasando por mi lado.
— Chevalier: Clavis, convoca al bufón a mi oficina más tarde
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— Chevalier: Clavis, convoca al bufón a mi oficina más tarde
— Clavis: Seguro, ¿Pero por qué no hablas con Belle un poco más mientras estás aquí?
— Chevalier: No tengo la intención en una simplona inútil.
Él volteó su capa detrás de él de manera elegante y se giró para irse, pero me encontré extendiendo mi mano hacia él.
— MC: ¡Espera!
— Chevalier: ...¿Qué quieres?
Sin pensar en otra manera de detenerlo, sujeto el borde de su flameante capa y él me da una mirada perforante.
(Con valentía o mariposas... ya decidí que lo enfrentaría.)
Mientras suelto su capa, él me da una mirada que podría matar—y me encontré con su mirada de frente.
Una “simplona inútil”. Me di cuenta nuevamente que él ya me había juzgado.
— MC: Si, cuando se trate de evaluar al futuro rey, puede que esté fuera de mi elemento ahora mismo. Pero me niego a abandonar la tarea que he emprendido solo porque alguien pueda creer que nunca seré capaz de cumplir mi rol.
Parece que finalmente obtuve su atención.
Mantengo mis pies plantados firmemente, rehusándome a quebrar mi mirada.
Como recién nombrada Belle, me gustaría presentarme formalmente—
— Chevalier: Innecesario.
— MC: ¿A qué te refieres?
— Chevalier: En vez de darme tu nombre, muéstrame tu valor.
— MC: ¿Mi valor?
— Chevalier: Muéstrame por qué mereces tenerme escuchando lo que dices.
(No entiendo. ¿Cómo quiere que haga eso?
No pude pensar en ni una sola palabra en respuesta. Era como si mi mente fuera un pedazo de papel en blanco.
(¡Fui elegida como Belle de la nada! No tengo nada de qué presumir como lo hacen los príncipes. ¡Pero aún tengo valor!)
Mientras estoy parada ahí, luchando por poner mis pensamientos en palabras, Chevalier se acerca a mí—
— Chevalier: Esto no va a ningún lado.
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growingsting · 2 months
Through all the pain
I stand strong
There may be rain
Or am I wrong?
Tell me all the things
You’d like to hear.
In through one
And out the ear
I know who I am
And what I want
You’re out of gas
And I am light.
No more pain for I am love
And for you
Are not above
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neververy4 · 9 months
(If the marvel movies were animated)
*Two guys arguring, but they're the same voice actor*
Main character on the sideline: "Wow it's almost like they're talking to themselves, huh?"
Film Critic: "You don't get it! Yes it's the same actor, but this person has been having personal real life trama, and this is him working it out. It's beautiful, every line is spoken deep from the heart!"
Taylor Swift Fan: "I can't believe they played Taytay's "I hate Queers" song here!!?! It's SUCH a fitting song for this scene!!! My favorite song from her 2027 release "Punk Life"!!!! "
The Dragon you're letting stay in your shed: "Hey I have a question, yeah it's about that car in the back field, the one that's not moved in a while. Do you still need it? Is it valuable, or is it just junk and you don't care what happens to it? Can I have it? No no, it doesn't need to be working, I don't want to drive it. I have other plans."
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《Lies of P / Reader》
{When a traveler from another world becomes entangled with the world puppetry and lies..}
{"If I said your a beautiful girl.. Would it upset you?"}
I think these two will honestly go through a whole lot of ☆TRAMA☆ together.
P just trying to understand your words as you explain that Krat was not your home.
He just gives you such a sweet look as you sing the song, "Cheers" under your breath boredly.
Just P and a (Y/N) from another world gives so much for me to work with!
"P..?" You blink, eyeing your companion as he holds your hand. Having gone used to holding the porcelain hand as he looks ahead. His grip... It was VERY tight. "Uh-Ok ow.. OW Ow Ow-!?"
He forgets that you aren't like him...
He knows your more fragile than he is, yet he can't help but be... Comfortable in your presence. Your fun answers and determination ignited something within his "Heart".
It beats, it yearns for more.. More than to be human. Something that can be with you until-
P retracts his grip as you cradle your hand. Trying to shake it off as best you could, smiling at him with reassurance, even if it was a clear lie.
《I hope you enjoyed my Drabble! Thank you! Comments and reblogs, hearts are super appreciated! I was inspired by a Fionna-like Reader! I HONESTLY WANT MORE!》
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lovelywritinglady · 11 months
hi can i have insted a uzui x reader wifes inclodid where reader is havin a panic atac becaus of trama (it cud be from enifing ) and than you
Absolutely I can! Hope you enjoy!
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It’s Gonna Be Okay
Tengen Uzui x Gender Neutral Reader
You began having a panic attack after meeting the wives. You just got married to your husband and meeting his beautiful wives caused your nerves to spike. You begin questioning why someone like him would want someone like you. Angst, fluff, your gender is not confirmed.
Your Pov
They were beautiful, just like the paintings my father use to hang inside our house. They were like angels that were too bright to see. I knew about my husbands wives and that never bothered me. I just wish I knew how beautiful they were. From their piercing eyes, warm smiles, and strong bodies, I felt like nothing in comparison. Why the hell did he marry me? He's on a level of his own. He is the most handsome man I had ever seen.
My negative thoughts started spirling out of control. I kept asking myself, why? In comparison to them my hair did not shine so brightly, my smile did not match my face structure, and my eyes were a dull shade of e/c. I was trash, I was nothing. I'm not even a skilled demon slayer or ninja like them. The best skill I have is basic yard and kitchen duties. I do not belong in a place surrounded by such elegant beauty. What did my husband even see in me?
"Why, why, why." I whispered to myself as my breathing became heavier.
"I'm such an ugly creature, so why did he marry me?" I said louder as my breath quickened and my head began to spin.
"Am I just a joke to him?" I questioned curling up in a ball on the floor.
My breath quickened and tears flooded my face like heavy rain on a metal roof. my whole body shook with terror and confusion. I felt as though I would break in half at my very thoughts. The same questions kept reacurring in my head. Why me? If they are so beautiful then why would he fall for me? Why would he marry someone else if he has them? Why? Why? Why?
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." A voice said but my erratic blocked it out as another thought in my scrambled mind. I then felt a large pair of arms pick my fragile figure from my spot and an immense heat radiated all over my body. My head rested on a strong surface as a big hand rested gently on my head, pressing me closer.
"Shhh, my love its gonna be okay. What troubles you?" The calming voice said. I didn't answer, but this voice began to soothe me slightly.
"I-I-" I stuttered confused as to who I should be talking to. Then the hand that was touching my head moved to my chin and my head was tilted upwards and at last I saw the comforting figure of my husband. This caused my nerves to spike once again. For I thought that by him holding me, I was burdening him further.
"Hey hey, its okay, its okay. Y/N, sweetness, I need you to take some deep breaths okay?" Tengen said concern lacing his tone. I shakily nodded and began taking unsucessful deep breaths.
"Very good, keep on trying you're doing so good." he cooed with a reasurring smile. My breaths still shaky, began to calm. Despite my anxious thought, his voice was silky. Like fresh honey collected on a crisp spring morning.
"Love, do you think you can tell me what's going on? If you can't right now that's okay. Take your time." He cooed looking at me with his fuscia eyes.
Just then my wives walk into the room. All with concerned looks across their faces. I look at them still focusing on my breathing. They all knelt down, but not touching me.
“Y/N, hey what’s going on?” Hina asked
“Yeah what’s wrong and what can we do to help?” Makio questioned
“I’ll do whatever I can to make you feel better!” Suma exclaimed.
“Girls, not right now. Y/N and I need some time together. You can see them later, okay?” Tengen stated gently as to not hurt their feelings.
“Alright” Makio and Suma grumbled waking out of the room. As they did they both looked back with loving smiles that made my heart flutter slightly.
“We will all be here when you are ready.” Hina said giving me as smile as well. She then left the room.
I took some more time to breathe so that I could tell him what was on my mind. I was completely hesitant, but once again his voice soothed me and gave me the courage to tell my husband what was on my mind. The whole time I was talking he was rocking my still shaky body, as his eyes never left me. My head was in the crook of his neck as my tears slowly began to cease. Once i was done, he began to speak.
"Sweet one, you are so incredibly beautiful and talented." He confidently stated
"Why do you think that?" I whispered burying myself further into his neck. As his hand stroked my hair.
"Its very simple, you just are. I love you because I love your soul." he cooed
"But-" I started
"But nothing Y/N you're a flashy person and that's why I married you." He chuckled
"I'm not beautiful though." I cried
"Of course you are. You are just as beautiful as our wives. You know, I'm proud that you're my spouse. I'm proud because I'm married to the most wonderful person. I love showing you and our wives off. You make me a better man and nothing could convience me otherwise. Hell, even if you turned into a demon I'd still love you because you are worth everything. I would gladly give up my life for you because I love you." He stated with tears beginning to form in his eyes.
"I love you too." I cried out hugging him harder that I ever had before.
"I'm so sorry that you ever had to feel this way. I will do my best to help you never feel this way again." He stated
"But what if I do? What if I panic again?" I questioned looking into his striking eyes
"Then I will do my best to soothe the demons of your mind." He said kissing my forehead. Now, let me run you a bath and I have one of the maids cook your favorite meal. How does that sound?" he questioned as he stood up with me still in his arms, which caused me to giggle.
"Sounds like a plan, love." I said with a smile gracing my still tear stained cheeks.
"That's my lover!" He exclaimed rushing out of the door as our laughter rung throughout the house. We passed our wives who also began laughing and I knew that I truly did belong here with them.
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Thank you so much for reading💜Thanks for the request!
Please feel free to request, comment, and repost
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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crownmemes · 4 months
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Pretentious & Poetic Sentences, Vol. 5
(Pretentious sentences from various sources for muses that like to speak in grandiose sentences. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Men of business frequently find their personal lives disrupted by the larger portraits they paint."
"Not everything mad is madness."
"When fruit is rotten, it cannot ripen again."
"I simply can't abide rudeness."
"I am what I am. If there are self-made purgatories, and we all have to live in them, mine can be no worse than someone else's."
"Death is just a change, not an end."
"A man needs something to proceed himself, other than mere rumour."
"It's like I'm having the most beautiful dream and the most terrible nightmare all at once."
"There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal."
"There's a strain of cruelty on your shining armour."
"There is no room for gods."
"The human brain can be an unpredictable mystery ride."
"I'm just wondering what it was that took the life out of your face."
"The quieter we become, the more we hear."
"I take my coffee black as midnight on a moonless night."
"You know more than most that we can never escape being animals."
"Is this real, or some strange and twisted dream?"
"Fear of pain is worse than pain ever was."
"Guilt or grief; which one can you bear?"
"Hell is going to follow me wherever I go."
"Sometimes, pain can drive a man harder than pleasure."
"Death is for other people, not for us."
"Replacing the quiet elegance of the dark suit and tie with the casual indifference of these muted earth tones is a form of fashion suicide."
"Wishful thinking is existential dread’s bastard child."
"Why gamble with money when you can gamble with people's lives?"
"A dream you dream alone is just a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."
"I suspect you're becoming more and more human all the time."
"A god cannot survive as a memory. They need love, admiration, worship."
"Don't search for all the answers at once. A path is formed by laying one stone at a time."
"Only a fool fights in a burning house."
"Perhaps we're dead already, and we just don't realise it."
"We make the bad things that happen to us our fault. It's a way to imagine we have some control, which we don't."
"We all have our darker side. We need it; it's half of what we are."
"Your mind is like a diamond. It's cold, and hard, and brilliant."
"Man stagnates if he has no ambition - no desire to be more than he is."
"I was told that you were here. I should have felt it in the air, like static electricity."
"A man who doesn't love easily, loves too much."
"Trauma is the closest thing we have to time travel. The moment of trama is imprinted on our mind, indelible ink on paper."
"Love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice."
"When this kind of fire starts, it is very hard to put out."
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sarejima · 1 month
i am a starving child and am requesting kyman fanfics to soothe my hunger (PLS recommend ME SOME)
Unfortunately I'm a green and inexperienced mother but I'll do my best!! (thisll be long as i cant keep from waxing poetic about fics i like)-
The love of my life and one of the best things I've had the pleasure of reading period is “Know your Enemy” by Elsen. It's beyond perfect to me enough so that even though it may never be finished I'm sort of satisfied. Eric's characterisation is beautiful and literally just as hilarious as in the show itself with the way he schemes and jumps over nonsensical hoops in his head in order to satisfy his self image in processing his feelings for Kyle and unwitting desires to submit to him. The plot and setting in and of themselves also somehow complement his absurdity. Also has just the right amount of perversion. (Okay I'm done sorry)
Another genius Cartman channelfic that I was audibly giggling at due to the insanity of his mental gymnastics is "I crush everything" by Rainbow_Convection which is quite short and mainly deals with him "processing" his feelings
(The above person is really good at writing compellingly about manic impulses and emotions so check out their other fics too)
On a similar note and also exploring implications of Cartmans outright deluded conscious, this time through Kyle's perspective, is 'Imaginationland 4: a tale of two Kyles' by Sinshipsahoy where it's revealed to Kyle (in increasingly horrifying ways) that Cartman's mind is (literally) swarming with him.
(This guy also has a worryingly well written corpse desecration fic so if that's your cup of tea)
In the 'I'm with Stupid' series by numbknee Eric gets together with Kyle and is annoying and fiercely loveable and everything's great until Kyle realises that sadly Cartman's views on relationships/love in general- but especially with Kyle, his 'enemy'- had been significantly skewed from the start due to an aversion to vulnerability, stunting their progress. I especially like the fourth and last fic/chapter.
Kinda depressing but in 'Sharing Last Names' by serpenrzbreath an adult Cartman's Kyle obsession is partly due to lamenting, while in the depths of denial, his own collosal wasted potential as over the years wasted rotting and room-bound due to severe mental instability but also just lack of trying, one of the only things grounding his shame is Kyle's comparative success, and when a time of reckoning comes an unwilling(?) Kyle is all he feels like turning to. However he soon learns that pity and concern is much more confusing and enraging than ire.
Some more Kyle focused fics are
'Love and the other thing' by Gumdroppy where we get an equal amount of Kyle and Eric perspective- Kyle who revealed his love for Eric as a kid first and loves Eric WAY too much for his own good(to the point where his friends feel the need to take measures to ensure his best interests) and Eric who perhaps fell harder- worships the ground Kyle walks on- but can't seem to help the kneejerk hurt and abuse that flows from his hands. Bonus points for jealous Stan and Kenny being an angel.
Ans also by Elsen 'How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let My Mortal Enemy Eat My Ass' which is really hot with a compelling theme of overcoming Kyle's past trama what can I say
'It's basically a weird cat, right?' By Verimakea is a adorable fic about adult Kyle who by chance meets Eric in raccoon form(and then not-so-raccoon form) in which Cartman has separation issues and Kyle is forced to battle loneliness and incteasing mildly worrying feelings for this addition to his life.
Some other concepts:
'Baby, Just Say Yes' by shortstackedcheesecake96- a beautiful wonderful fic where the palpable chemistry between a (surprisingly earnest about the subject and a talented actor) Cartman and (quite good novice) Kyle get cast as Juliet and Romeo respectively. There's so much compelling teenage awkwardness where they both appear to be unwillingly drawn to each other despite everything in ways they feel they really shouldn't- Kyle especially is almost embarrassingly captivated by an Eric in his element- and it's such a pleasure to read; just thinking about some scenes has me wanting to reread it lmao.
(This writer also has a lot of enticing and well-written smut too)
'Fake it 'till you make it' by mewtwos is another fic I hold so so close to my heart in which Kyle and Eric have to fake date for a bit, until they realise that these fake displays of affection draw them in a little bit too hard; make them a bit too lightheaded, and by that point the reel has already been cast. It's insanely well written.
'Expertise' by Mewtwos where Eric is a little too eager to practice kissing with kyle and they have a little awakening
'To Be Wanted' by Verimakea- a Cowboy au where Kyle takes it upon himself to capture Wanted Sheriff Cartman, but things quickly gp array and they and up stuck together in one place for an indeterminate amount of time, with Kyle put in a position where he often has bo choice but to rely on the other. This writer is seriously skilled at painting subtly erotic/suggestive imagery, and writing complex emotions into characters through their actions so its quite the fun leg-kicking read lol.
'Copacabana' by Senkenwoo is a bittersweet fic about jaded middle aged retired performer Kyle recalling how he lost his charming and endearingly annoying bartender lover
Some unconventional smut cus y not:
'Laid To Rest' by gosh_zillah in which Kyle has a deep seated desire to be a cocksleeve and subsequently gets watched in his sleep by an enthralled little audience for a bit(among other things as he proves to be quite perceptive lol)
"You're in his DMs? i'm in his walls, we are not the same" by ratherblue - Eric watches Kyle have smexy times thru a hidden camera; implied mutual pining. Also Kyle's trans
'Cause I'm a free bitch, baby' by knumbknee where Kyle sees an Eric in proper drag for the first time and is transfixed
'sleep tight' by bloodylamb is a quirky little sleepover somnophillia fic where Kyle's mildly vocal about his Eric-disposition in his sleep if you're good with dubcon.
I'm sure you weren't expecting to be waterboarded by text and for this I apologise
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markrosewater · 8 months
I Mark!!! I'll join to the voices of the LORE side and say that there'never enough articles.
5 main chapters for a story is barely accettable and many times it seems too short, but it's ok. The side stories are a cool to see other parts of the sets wich aren't the main focus (like the commander stories).
The "Planeswalker's Guide" is THE most important lore article, cause not only tell us many things about the world, but also help us to see what changed between visits and the "Legends of" tell us something about the legends of the set, so wr know how they fit, what they fight for excetera.
Considering how much you are secretive about lore and worldbuilding stuff, these are the only things we can use to know more about you beautiful worlds.
I think the biggest problem with WOE is also that you builded the set around ten stories wich we see in the set, yes, but we don't have a contest. For example, why Totentanz helps Lord Skitter, what gave him? Is Syr Armont in love with Yeva or another Redtooth werefox? Is Obyra the child of Talion? Did Ash whent to the Grand Ball to party hard or
We can't hope these info coming from random interview. We love this articles because they are are only window and only key to deciphre the 90% of your intricate "Trama".
Hope it could help you, cause we don't want the lore parte to disappear from this IP.
The creative team wants to produce as much outward information as possible. There are just a lot of worlds and stories and cards and sets for them to create, so they can get quite busy. I hear that many of the Vorthoses want more information, including some types of articles that we used to regularly do. I will communicate this to them. I'm just trying to understand people's preferences are, so the creative team knows what to prioritize.
Different players care more about different aspects of the cards, and we're aware the creative/story/world is super important for a particular portion, so thanks for sharing your insight and passion.
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What do you find most beautiful about Astarion?
This is a great question, and there are three parts to that.
The writer in me loves the nuances that Astarion has through his many options/story lines. He is not the “vampire”, he is person who is a vampire. He’s not a victim, even though he has had trama. Astarion is not good or evil; he has nuances like someone you’d know outside of the game.
As a viewer/ audience member, he feels real. The amount of life that is put into this character from all the working parts done by the writer(s), actor, and animators crafted him so much he feels like a real person. I sometimes have to remind myself that this person is a game character, not someone from real life .
As a person who has similar relatable experiences with the characters, I feel seen in a way that feels less like a bug under a microscope, and more of a comfort. I could see being friends with Astarion in real life. I don’t want to “fix him” or “save him”. Like I would any friend I would support him on his journey.
Astarion is one of those characters that starts a conversation. When you talk more about him I feel like people learn more about themselves, and that’s what good , well fleshed out characters do.
Everything about him is beautiful, even the parts that challenge me.
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hazzyking · 6 months
Don't mind me, I'm hyperfixated on my characters shared trama
My writing is bad but I wanted to put this on "paper"
Thoughts I've had while playing the game
And no. My character is not a barbarian she's a Rouge. Just a really angry Rouge
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"Lovi, are you sure you want to do this?" Klarach asked as they walked through the castle, her voice echoing softly off the moist walls.
"As long as Astarion sleeps through the day. Yes" she sighs heavily as she approaches the pool of blood in the crypt "seven hells" Lovissa gasps at the grousome scene before her.
"By the gods! What the hell did he do!?" Klarach gasped looking over the mulataded body of Cazador.
"I-it didn't look this bad when I found him... I swear" Lovissa gasps looking over the gaping stab wounds "dosnt matter. Can't get any dedder" she said as she pulled out a golden scroll of revival.
"Are you sure about this, Soldier?" Klarach asked. "Took us a long time to get him this close to death" it didn't matter what her friend was saying. She was already reciting the words on the scroll and watched Cazadors body come to life, the vampire lord groaned in pain looking up at Lovissa.
"Finally tired of your toy are we?" Cazador struggled to speak, Lovissa's lower lip quivered as tears threatened to spill from her eyes "Sorry, death has a no refund policy"
"Fuck you, you fucking sick fuck!" Lovissa screamed taking the knife in her hand and stabbing him in the throat. As Cazador gurgled on the monsoon of blood that erupted from the gash, Lovissa continued hacking and stabbing violently, screaming loudly.
"Well, can't say you two weren't made for each other." Klarach sighs, just watching the scene unfold. As if it was act two of Cazador's death. Lovissa screamed in his face as she stomped in Cazador's skull, his fingers still twitching with what little life was left in them. Lovissa caught her breath and pulled out another scroll. "Why don't we let the dead rest in piece?" Klarach suggested placing a hand on Lovissa's armored shoulder for a brief moment as the leather seered under her touch.
"Don't fucking touch me!" Lovissa seethed as she recited the scroll again.
"Right..." Klarach watched as the corpse barley reanimated. This time, Lovissa bent his fingers back. The bone cracked, erupting through the crypt. "What if Astarion wants to visit again? How are we going to explain... this?" Klarach asked, looking over the body. Which looked worse now than when Astarion left him. "Why don't we"
"He doesn't deserve piece... he doesn't deserve death, " Lovissa muttered softly as she killed Cazador for a third time."He deserves centuries of pain. And suffering, " Lovissa cried softly."How could he... take such a beautiful person... and ruin him. " Lovissa sobbed softly, mourning for the man she would never know because of Cazador's cruel ways.
"I wish I could hug you..." Klarach shudderd as she knelt down next to Lovissa."You both deserved better, " She said. "But now you both need to move on." Klarach said softly, urging Lovissa to leave the crypt in the dust.
"Everytime I look into his eyes... all I see is what this thing did to him" Lovissa motions to the now unrecognizable corpse. "I want to take it all away" She cried softly wiping away her tears.
"When night falls, you can tell him that." Klarach smiled a gentle smile. "Let's get out of here. Before we make matters worse"
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blue-temperature · 2 years
[ESP] Ikemen Prince — Chevalier Route: Chapter 1 —
 Mi primer trabajo como Belle es presentarme a los príncipes. Gracias a dios que es fácil llevarse bien con ellos. Al menos, eso es lo que pensé...
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[ Ch. 1 ]
Aunque había leído muchos, muchos libros de romance, nunca había experimentado el amor real.
Cuando dije esto, la bestia que conocí en el palacio se mofó de mí.
“El amor es innecesario", dijo antes de darme la espalda, su capa llena de sangre ondeando detrás de él.
Solo, hizo su camino hacia el trono.
No hay duda de que esa bestia—como yo—nunca ha conocido el amor.
Era la tarde del segundo día (desde) que me había convertido en la Belle del palacio.
— Leon: Bienvenida a nuestra oficina, MC.
Me encontré una pequeña montaña de libros en una pila desordenada frente a mí y todo tipo de documentos dispersos en el suelo debajo de los pies.
La oficina que la facción de Leon comparte era un absoluto desastre.
— Jin: Mira por donde caminas. Nunca sabes qué podrías haber por ahí.
Antes de que siquiera terminara, pisé algo que se deslizó debajo de mí, casi haciendo que perdiera mi balance.
— Leon: Demasiado tarde para eso, supongo. ¿Estás bien, MC?
— MC: Si, estoy bien. ¿Pero por qué hay botellas de vino vacías en el piso?
— Leon: Ah, el culpable está justo allí.
— Jin: Mi error. Solo tomé un poco aquí ayer.
— MC: ¿Bebes cuando estás trabajando?
— Yves: ¡Siempre! Ayer pasé toda la mañana ordenando este lugar, ¡¿Así que por qué ya está así de desordenado otra vez?!
— Jin: Nunca aprendes, ¿Verdad? Sabes que nuestro jefe es desorganizado.
— Licht: ...Jin, no tienes espacio para hablar.
(Huh... Solo en los pasados treinta segundos, ya estoy comenzando a entender a los príncipes de esta facción.)
Ahora que estaba viendo su lado más humano, el nerviosismo que tenía comenzó a dejarme.
— Licht: ...De cualquier modo, ¿Por qué estás aquí?
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— Licht: ...De cualquier modo, ¿Por qué estás aquí?
— MC: ¡Oh, cierto! Hoy, comienzo directamente mis deberes como Belle. Así que pensé que debería hacer rondas para saludar a todos. Y es por eso que vine aquí.
— Yves: ¿Comienzas hoy? ¿Así que solo vas a jugar con tus dedos en tu primer día, hmm?
— MC: ¡Por supuesto que no! Sariel me enseñó modales. Estuvimos todo el día con ello, de hecho.
(Y fue tan placentero como caminar en brasas calientes, pero al menos aprendí mucho.)
Mientras pensaba en cuánta etiqueta me metí en la cabeza en las pasadas veinticuatro horas, me giré hacia los cuatro príncipes.
— MC: Entonces, permítanme presentarme formalmente. Mi nombre es MC. Soy una plebeya que normalmente trabaja en una biblioteca, pero espero conocerlos a todos mientras sirvo en el rol de Belle.
Levantando el dobladillo de mi falda, hice una profunda reverencia, después del cual cada príncipe respondió formalmente de vuelta.
— Leon: Así que, ¡¿Trabajaste en una biblioteca entonces?! Si te gustan los libros, apuesto a que Chevalier y tú se llevarán realmente bien.
— MC: ¿El príncipe Chevalier? Oh—
[( — Chevalier: No importa a quién elija Belle. No cambia el hecho de que seré el futuro rey. Si te metes en mi camino, me ocuparé de ti. Ten eso en mente. )]
(Ugh, ¡No es posible!)
— MC: Si, me lo pregunto.
— Leon: Créeme. A menudo tiene su nariz enterrada en un libro. Aunque admito que no sé que lee exactamente.
(Suponiendo que AME los libros, dudo siquiera poder hablar en términos con él.)
— Yves: Hablando del Príncipe Chevalier, ¿Vas a visitar su facción también?
— MC: Si, lo haré.
— Yves: Bueno, puedes hacer lo que quieras. Incluso si eso es bastante temerario de tu parte, supongo.
— MC: ¿A qué te refieres?
La mirada de Yves hacia mí se volvió compasiva. Y Jin y Licht comenzaron a poner miradas preocupadas también.
— Jin: Para los novatos, el tercer príncipe es propenso a la travesura—
— Licht: Y el séptimo es un mujeriego bueno para nada.
— Leon: Luego hay un oso de peluche que ama la miel.
(No estoy segura de a qué se refiera con eso último, pero—)
— MC: ¿Así que están diciendo que todos son un poco peculiares?
— Yves: Exactamente. Y por eso, las cosas podrían ir mal para ti...
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— Yves: Exactamente. Y por eso, las cosas podrían ir mal para ti...
— MC: Oh, debes estar exagerando. ¿Cierto?
(Pero estoy por ir a conocer a un problemático, un mujeriego— y a un hombre que me mira tan fríamente, todo en un solo lugar.)
(Cuando pienso en eso, no puedo evitar sentirme un poco nerviosa.)
— Yves: Si insistes, supongo que puedo ir contigo.
Yves cruzó sus brazos y ofreció una sonrisa arrogante. La vista de eso, junto con la oferta pretenciosa, endureció mi resolución.
— MC: Gracias, pero estaré bien. Después de todo, es mi trabajo determinar por mí misma qué tipo de personas son.
(¿Cómo podría cumplir mi rol si dejo que ese tipo de charla me intimide?)
Ante mi declaración, toda la cara de Leon se iluminó y me palmeó ligeramente en el brazo.
— Leon: Bueno, si algo va mal, no dudes en llamarnos. Somos tus aliados, después de todo.
— MC: Gracias, Leon.
(Estoy segura de que estaré bien.)
— MC: Entonces, si me disculpan.
El cielo estaba teñido de un rojo profundo más vívido que el de una rosa. En mi camino a la oficina de la facción de Chevalier, mi pie se atoró con algo— Y una cantidad de hojas y pétalos de flores cayeron sobre mí con la fuerza de una cascada.
— MC: ¡Gah!
(¡Apenas puedo respirar!)
— ???: ¡Dios mío, caíste! ¡Ajajaja!
(¡Esa voz!)
Conseguí quitar la gran cantidad de verdor que me cubría y abrí mis ojos.
— Clavis: Bienvenida, Belle. Me temo que soy el único aquí ahora.
— MC: ¡¿Clavis?! ¿Tú hiciste esto? ¿Por qué?
— Clavis: Oh, solo pensé que te daría una bienvenida apropiada—una que no olvidarías pronto.
(¿Casi ahogarme en materia vegetal es su idea de una "bienvenida apropiada"?)
Clavis caminó hacia mí y apartó algunos pétalos obstinados de mi cabeza.
— Clavis: ¿Así que no te gustó?
— MC: ¡Por supuesto! Voy a tener que quitar tallos de mi cabello por días ahora.
— Clavis: Jaja, bueno, podría haber sido incluso más extremo con mi bienvenida.
— MC: No, eso está bien.
Su sonrisa evocativa me hizo mirarlo por un momento antes de inspeccionar la habitación limpia y ordenada en la que me encontraba.
— MC: ¿Dónde están los demás?
— Clavis: ¿Quién sabe? Nokto probablemente esté tonteando con alguna jovencita justo ahora.
(Así que supongo que lo que los otros príncipes me dijeron no era una exageración.)
— Clavis: Luke usualmente toma una siesta a esta hora. Probablemente esté en el patio, pero no molestes el descanso del pobre chico, ¿Bien?
(Eso es extraño. Pensé que este sería el momento del día para los asuntos oficiales.)
— Clavis: Y Chev está—digamos—en el medio de algo... ¿Tienes curiosidad?
— MC: ¿Curiosidad? Bueno, yo—
— Clavis: ¡Ya veo, ya veo! ¡Por supuesto que la tienes! Entonces supongo que te llevaré hacia él.
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— Clavis: ¡Ya veo, ya veo! ¡Por supuesto que la tienes! Entonces supongo que te llevaré hacia él.
(¡Hey, no pongas palabras en mi boca!)
— MC: Dijiste que está en el medio de algo, así que preferiría no molestarlo.
— Clavis: Oh, no es la gran cosa.
(Tengo mis dudas al respecto.)
La sonrisa satisfecha de Clavis era innegablemente sospechosa.
— Clavis: No te preocupes. La gente puede llamarlo “Bestia Brutal” y “Tigre Sangriento”, pero incluso Chev no se enojará por una breve introducción, ajaja.
(Espera, ¿Qué? ¿Bestia Brutal? ¿Tigre sangriento?)
— MC: ¡Recitar sobrenombres horribles no me hace sentir mejor en lo absoluto!
— Clavis: Si él te mata, podemos preocuparnos entonces. ¡Se valiente, ahora!
(¡Este hombre es imposible! Pero yo tampoco me he presentado a nadie de esta facción además de él. Tendré que armarme de valor y hacerlo.)
Ignorante de mi debate interno, Clavis ofrece animadamente su mano.
— Clavis: Ahora ven. ¡Algo maravilloso te espera!
(¿De qué está hablando?)
La rica fragancia de las rosas me envolvió mientras contemplaba la hermosa vista ante mí.
— MC: Increíble... ¿Así que este es el jardín de rosas?
— Clavis: Sep, este es. ¿Es tu primera vez aquí?
— MC: Sí. ¡Es hermoso!
(Este país tiene muchas rosas, pero nunca había visto tantas floreciendo en un solo lugar.)
Mientras caminábamos junto al camino entre hileras de adorables flores, pronto noté una figura adelante.
— Clavis: Ahí está él. Bueno, adelante.
— MC: ¿Qué? ¿Yo sola?
— Clavis: Es mas divertido de esa manera, ¿No lo crees?
(Realmente no puedo leer a este chico en lo absoluto.)
Clavis empujó ligeramente mi espalda y, aunque vacilé por un momento, comencé a caminar hacia el otro hombre...
[ Buenas tardes, Príncipe Chevalier. ] ✓ [ (Primero observaré y esperaré antes de hablar.) ] [ ¿Podría tener un momento de su tiempo? ]
— MC: Buenas tardes, Príncipe Chevalier.
Hice un saludo inofensivo y Chevalier lánguidamente se giró para mirarme.
El momento en el que me enfrentó completamente y sus fríos ojos azules se encontraron con los míos, sentí un pequeño escalofrío de terror recorriendo mi columna. Y de repente encontré muy difícil componer un solo pensamiento.
(¿Qué... es eso?)
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(¿Qué... es eso?)
Mis ojos se clavaron en la mancha roja tan oscura como el vino en su capa blanca.
(Espera. Eso no es vino...)
Una esencia metálica poco común a la vida cotidiana mezclada con la esencia de las rosas.
Tomé una fuerte respiración mientras notaba algo más.
Las rosas alrededor de Chevalier estaban todas teñidas del mismo color de rojo—no solo las rosas, sino también las hojas. Y cerca, un hombre yacía quieto como la muerte en el piso.
— MC: Príncipe Chevalier, ¿Qué sucedió aquí—
— Chevalier: Si no puedes saberlo por tus propios ojos, entonces eres más que tonta.
(Quiero decir, puedo inferir lo que pasó, pero no puedo creerlo O entenderlo...)
Líquido rojo brillante goteaba desde la hoja de la espada en la mano de Chevalier.
Mientras comprendía lentamente toda la gravedad del asunto, mi cuerpo entero comenzó a temblar.
— Clavis: Bueno, has hecho un gran espectáculo de nuevo, ¿Eh, Chev?
— Chevalier: Clavis, limpia esto.
— Clavis: Aw, esa no es la manera de tratar a tu hermano menor, ¿No es así? De nuevo, algunas cosas nunca cambian, jaja.
(¿Cómo ambos están tan calmados? ¡Un hombre está muerto en el piso!)
— Chevalier: Ahora mi ropa está manchada por este parásito.
Entre la escena irreal sucediendo delante de mí y  las palabras inhumanas siendo pronunciadas, comencé a sentirme mareada.
— MC: ¡¿Cómo pudiste—?!
Me detuve abruptamente.
(No, no debería saltar a conclusiones aún. No conozco la situación. Ignorante como soy de la situación, ahora no es momento de decir alguna crítica.)
Mientras me tragaba las palabras que casi dije, Chevalier caminó hacia mí.
— Chevalier: Una decisión sabia.
— MC: ¡¿Wah?!
Me tiró del brazo, haciéndome caer al suelo con una fuerza despiadada.
(¡¿Por qué fue eso?!)
Miré hacia arriba para ver el destello de un espada mientras se balanceaba hacia abajo justo a mi lado.
— ???: G-guh... ¡Aaaah...!
La figura que estaba parada detrás de mí se derrumbó lentamente al suelo. Fue entonces cuando sentí algo tibio goteaba en mi mejilla.
(¡Él—Él mató a alguien justo en frente de mí!)
— Chevalier: Lo que estabas por decir podría haber sido un grave error de tu parte.
Me sentí completamente aturdida por lo que acababa de pasar y no me atrevía a hablar.
El extraño golpeó el suelo con un ruido sordo, enviando pétalos profundamente escarlata a volar en el aire. La sofocante esencia de hierro del fresco charco de sangre creciendo a mi lado me hizo sentir mareada.
— Chevalier: Si no quieres terminar como esos dos, te sugiero que conozcas tu lugar, idiota.
(La “Bestia Brutal”... el “Tigre Sangriento”... él es ambas cosas y peor. Mi dios...)
Mientras sacudía la sangre de su espada, Chevalier miró fríamente hacia mí.
— Chevalier: Ahora, ¿Qué asuntos tienes conmigo?
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kenziejones16789 · 1 year
note: okay so this story did not turn out the way I hoped and I didn’t know how to end it because I really feel like azriels trama needed to be addressed better and after the fact and I was planning on making a bit more angst at the end but I’m not sure how I want to write it so I might post a better version later .
Azriel couldn’t stand fire, it may have been an irrational fear to anyone else but it always brought him back to the darkest days of his childhood, he would always be the one sitting farthest away from the fire out of range of the warmth and the danger, it was not a thing he ever thought he would come to terms with i fact up until a few years ago the small apartment he called home had never had a fire lit in it but then you came into the picture and he would do anything to make you happy including let you light a fire in the hearth so that you could curl up next to it with your book, there was still fear but you made it better you made everything better, my mate, my love, my saviour.
It was a cold day when it happened Azriel and you walked hand in hand through velaris enjoying the cold fresh air and the bustle of people rushing from the warmth of one shop to the next, azriel couldn’t help but admire the way your cheeks flushed red with the cold and he was beyond happy that it had you slowly inching closer and closer to him he couldn’t wipe the smug smile of his face because you where his and you wanted him and you here happy and everything was perfect.
 And then the screaming started and it only took one glance between the two of you before you started running towards the horrific sounds, he smelled the problem before you even reached it the acrid smell of smoke pushed it’s way down his throat slowly suffocating him he hadn’t realized you had kept running he was frozen to his spot flashes of his past holding him down all his muscles where locked and then all of a sudden you where there your voice in his head telling him it was okay, when azriel snapped out of his trance he realized you weren’t beside him at all which could only have kept running and he bolted seeing the destruction the fire had cause was worse than he imagined there where two buildings caught in the inferno and no matter how hard he search he couldn’t find you in the crowd and then when it was too late he saw you run into the building.
Azriel couldn’t breathe he tried to follow you but his knees gave out, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t breathe, he needed to help you but all he could do was hyperventilate and call your name over and over the panic was blinding he was living his nightmares he had to wake up he had to help you, you needed his help, he couldn’t breathe, he didn’t pay attention when someone put a hand on his back, he didn’t hear the words they told him, he couldn’t breathe and then the building collapsed.
Azriel was sobbing he still couldn’t breathe and he didn’t want to he wanted you he was still crying when someone knelt in front of him and took his face in there soft familiar hand stroking his cheeks “Az, hey it’s okay, look at me please darling you are okay” slowly he looked up and when he saw your beautiful y/e/c eyes he started crying again and pulled you into his arms holding you tighter then he ever had “you can’t do that” he sobbed “you could’ve died, I can’t loss you, I can’t.” You stroked his dark hair “someone needed my help Azriel, i had to help them” he was shaking when he nodded, he knew the sacrifices because he had made one similar all of our family had it was a side effect of being in the inner circle and he didn’t realize how much he hated the obligation until today until he nearly lost you.
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #270 - Prince And The Revolution, Purple Rain, 1984
I fiori sulla copertina, che sono la caratteristica comune ai dischi di Aprile, in questo caso cadono a cascata a lato della sua foto, in sella alla motocicletta. Viola. Il disco di oggi, uno dei più celebri della storia del rock, è un mix inarrivato di creatività, megalomania, successo. Arriva nel momento in cui Roger Nelson, in arte Prince, si sente stretto solo per il mondo della musica. Mondo il quale padroneggia come nessuno all’epoca: a 13 anni il primo gruppo (Gran Central poi Champagne) nella sua Minneapolis, a 19 è già capace di scrivere e autoprodursi un intero disco, caratteristica che la Warner Bros. nota subito: For You (1978), Prince (1979), Dirty Mind (1980) sono tutti scritti, suonati, arrangiati da lui, una sorta di One Man Band che mischia funk e rock, Little Richard con Sly & The Family Stones, che ammicca seducente, tanto che i Rolling Stones lo chiamano ad aprire il loro Tour del 1981. Scrive con un ritmo esagerato, un disco all’anno, nel 1982 arriva addirittura un doppio, 1999, capeggia in tutte le classifiche, la rivista Rolling Stone gli dedica una copertina fotografato da Richard Avedon. Al massimo della fama, l’idea del cinema. La trama è semplice: The Kid, interpretato dal nostro, è un giovane cantante che si esibisce in un night club in competizione con altre due band a Minneapolis. Ha un gruppo di spalla, The Revolution. Vive però una situazione familiare deprimente, a causa dei suoi genitori litigiosi e violenti. Incontrata la cantante Apollonia, si sente attratto da lei e ne è ricambiato, ma la donna gli confessa di volersi esibire con un gruppo funk rivale, capeggiato da Morris, il quale ostenta in maniera sprezzante e provocatoria la propria volontà di distruggere Kid nel successo e nell'amore. La carriera di Kid appare a questo punto in declino, ma un ennesimo litigio dei genitori, finito con il ricovero in ospedale del padre a causa di un tentato suicidio, determina una riflessione da parte di Kid e la conseguente decisione di prendere in considerazione un pezzo scritto dalle ragazze della sua band, che porterà alla composizione del brano Purple Rain, restituendogli successo, stima e amore. Purple Rain, prodotto dalla Warner Bros, non sarà ricordato negli annali dei Film più belli, discorso a parte merita la colonna sonora. 9 brani tutti iconici, e tutti potenzialmente singoli di successo, costruiti con una facilità di creare “ganci musicali” che diventerà il marchio di fabbrica del piccolo genio di Minneapolis (piccolo perchè è alto 1,59m). Registrato in parte live nello studio di registrazioni di Prince a Minneapolis, con certosino lavoro di sovraincisioni post produzioni, si parte con il Rock di Let’s Go Crazy, poi Take Me With U, scritta per le Apollonia 6, il gruppo di Apollonia Kotero, sua spalla nel film (il suo contributo al successo di altri artisti con le sue canzoni è notorio e fenomenale). Prince ha la capacità di riscrivere canzoni in pochi minuti, come The Beautiful Ones: scritta per una delle musiciste della sua band Revolution, che era in dubbio se lasciare o meno il fidanzato, viene usata nel film come momento musicale nel momento in cui la protagonista Apollonia è in contrasto tra lo scegliere Kid oppure Morris. Computer Blue è un brano quasi sperimentale, che nei crediti vede comparire John F. Nelson, padre di Prince anch’egli musicista, come regalo alla linea melodica che gli donò durante una chiacchierata con la chitarra in mano. Darling Nikki è il primo brano cult, famoso per i supposti richiami alla masturbazione, che spinsero una avvocata, Mary Elizabeth Tipper Gore, a chiedere all’associazione Parents Music Resource Center di segnalare con apposito adesivo, il Parental Advisory Sticker, testi con allusioni sessuali. Altra canzone torrida e spettacolare è When Doves Cry, famosa anche perchè non ha la linea di basso, che diventerà altro brano culto. Ma l’apoteosi, dopo le belle I Would Die For U, con il suo meraviglioso Mid-Tempo e Baby I’m A Star, già autocelebrativa, c’è la canzone clou, Purple Rain: un misto tra il rock dei Rolling Stones, una ballata malinconica e le invenzioni di Jimi Hendrix, 8 minuti di classe, dimostrazioni di capacità musicali, del suo talento cristallino di chitarrista, apoteosi di un cantante che all’epoca si sentiva una divinità. Il film decuplica in incassi i costi di produzione, il disco vince un Oscar, con Purple Rain migliore canzone Originale nel 1985, due Grammy, diventerà solo negli Stati Uniti 9 volte disco di platino, nel mondo venderà 30 milioni di copie, e il successo porterà in classifica tutti gli album precedenti di Prince (Dirty Mind disco di Platino nel 1984, anno di Purple Rain). Il percorso incessante di un disco all’anno continuerà per dieci anni, fino al 1993, periodo nel quale riprova il colpo di Purple Rain con un film e colonna sonora nel 1986, Under The Cherry Moon (film in bianco e nero, francamente orrendo) e la colonna sonora, Parade, uno dei suoi capolavori, uno dei dischi del decennio che precede il suo capolavoro assoluto, Sign O’ The Times (1987) che è il suo testamento musicale incredibile. Vivrà con tormento l’oblio e la caduta di fama dopo questi anni memorabili, fino alla sua morte, avvenuta per overdose di medicinali, nel 2016: nella sua casa studio di registrazione sono sbucate decine di migliaia di idee, canzoni registrate, linee musicali, a dimostrazione di un talento sconfinato, per quanto fragile e iconoclasta.
Buona Pasqua!
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dodgerboxd · 9 months
hello i’ve come to ask you about mr hannibal lecter and why he’s done nothing wrong ever
(aka permission to rant about anything u want :} )
~ @trannigraham
im choosing to rant about mr hannibal lecte rand how hes done nothing wrong ever <3 (I DONT BELIVE THAT BTW. HE IS A BAD PERSON. I AM AWARE OF THIS) ANYHOW. here's why he's not a bad person. 1) mans got PTSD something nasty!!! basically his whole persona is a trauma response, it's just such a clean, polite, dignified one that no one, not even him, can really tell. Everything about who he is was shaped from that moment in his childhood, and now he eats people. and are you really gonna get mad at a guy for coping the best he can? 2) people is literally his safe food stop being ableist. 3) look at him. just like. just look at him for a little while. anit he cute. what a cutie. this guy? this guys evil? no way. hes a cutie pie. let him do whatever he wants forever and always. 4) i lied eailer not everything about who he is is shaped by his trauam. everythign about who he is is shaped by his trama and also love. his love for the beauty he finds in death and decay, his love for uniquness, his love for the finer things like fancy meals and silly suits, and above all else his love for will. hes just a lover. a big stupid guy with sosoosososo much love in his heart. how could that be evil. hes literally a big smart but sosoosos stupid teddy bear guy and id wanna have a nice dinner with him and i wouldnt even care that its people. also hes me.
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harrysolaf · 6 months
Shadows of Eternity
The Past
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Harry Styles.
The worlds most greatest artist to exist in his lifetime. That's how the people in Eroda viewed him anyway. Most say too much excitement goes to your head and you take in for granted.
He did at some points and sometimes he didn't.
There was a point in time where I used to love sharing to beauty of my art to the world. Until that day. One single moment can change your life and you don't even know it yet. The night live fresh in my mind constantly pounding for a way to escape. I was there two years ago standing by the alley way when it all went down.
Oh, her screams bouncing of the walls into the outside air. I don't know who she was but all i remember was her smoothing voice turning into pain. Shortly end with a loud shot that made her go quiet. From her voice she sounded young, i never got a look at her face. I'm glad I did because I think it would of haunted me even more every day. Asking why i didn't help her when she was screaming for it. Why did i just stand outside the alleyway and let them kill her. I just couldn't move, I felt immobilised, and didn't want to get hurt either. That may of been the drugs messing with my mind but I just ran after that one single shot.
Now I wished I helped her life from going through such a traumatic event. I live with the trama every year, month, day, minute, and second. Even if it isn't my own. No one found the body from what little I've heard. They did hold a lovely ceremony for her in the centre of town. None of her family came to find any piece.
From what anyone heard about her family is that they always acted if she was never there. Even as a baby she was still treated that way. Still to this day no one in town still knows what she looks like, and her grave is left unmarked because no one would say what her name was.
So, I named her Matilda in my mind. To hopely help ease the haunting nightmares that cause my heart to weaken and my stomach to drop.
Constantly affecting my subconscious mental and physical wellbeing. Just like it did to her.
Leaving her in complete fear and utter vulnerability.
As someone once said " One of the hardest things you do will ever have to do, my dear, is to grieve the loss of a person who is still alive." Its true to say the least.
All the love x
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