#beet wars
mikesbasementbeets · 4 months
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jgvfhl · 1 year
Anakin: Padmé wanted to thank you all for the flowers, and the cards, and  cupcakes. And the... "Senate Guard" strippergram.
Fives: Was he awesome?
Anakin: Let's just say he was well-oiled and completely inappropriate. But I haven't seen her laugh like that in a long time.
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rosaluxembae · 7 months
We should stop arguing about which character is most motherly or whether torturing kids is good actually or whatever and focus on the one stan war that matters. Jon Snow is a beet apologist and His Grace, Tommen of House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms will bring him to justice 🙏
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear, Vector Prime.
Was there a Cybertronian in Beast Wars that transforms into a butterfly?
Dear Lepidopteran Laconic,
I am reminded of the Predacon Balisong, who in one universe took the form of an immense Troides magellanus. She was a fierce rival of the Maximal Stiletto, and their duels were spectacular to observe—both aerial dogfights, and ground-based knife fights.
Another that comes to mind is Monko-chan, an Insectron warrior who turned into a Pieris rapae and was a devoted student of Bigmos. Unfortunately, the two drifted apart due to differences of philosophy. Even though both were devoted to peace, Monko-chan believed that peace would ultimately require sacrificing lives, while Bigmos believed that no true peace could come from violence. They parted ways not long after the battle for Dross.
I’m sure you’ll be charmed to learn that Cybertron has butterflies of its own! I recall the Maximal caterpillar, Hecatron. Her voracious appetite caused Botanica a great deal of trouble, and rather than destroy the Maximals’ technorganic orchard, Hecatron voluntarily entered meditative stasis lock. It wasn’t until after the planet’s reformatting that she completed her own transformation, emerging as an iron butterfly sporting gorgeous purple wings with striking green spots.
Oh- I almost forgot. The Decepticons had a butterfly scout named Siphon in their ranks, whose talent at spotting fuel sources from above proved to be just as effective in locating Autobot resistance cels. I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of him—although, that said, he is one of the Insecticons involved in a curious case of trans-dimensional harmonic resonance, bearing an uncanny resemblance to mechanoids built by humans on Earth; in his case, the Beet-Papil robot.
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benjamin-sisko · 1 year
Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Japanese Americans incarcerated at the Portland Assembly Center published this newsletter, 6/5/1942. The Evacuazette documents life in the converted livestock exposition center.
File Unit: Unsolicited Testimony J, 1981 - 1982
Series: Unsolicited Testimony Files, 1981 - 1982
Record Group 220: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards, 1893 - 2008
VOL. I No. 6                           North Portland, Oregon                           Friday, June 5, 1942
According to state WCCA manager, Ernest Leonetti, the departure for Malheur County sugar beet fields may be delayed till Sunday night in order to include the late arrivals. He added that some of those who came here early today have shown interest in this particular outside employment proposition. As yet, the authorities do not definitely know how many are volunteering for this group.
Commencement exercises for the many high school and grade school graduates will take place in the arena next Wednesday evening, June 10. The main speaker for this occasion will be Dr. I. G. Nace, of the Council of Churches of Portland. Rev. Bernard Montgomery of Central Presbyterian Church will give the invocation. Mrs. Y. Sato is the general chairman of this program.
Exhibition of the works of art by talented persons in this center opened today and will continue until Sunday. This is the first known art display to be conducted in any of the Assembly Centers. The age of the artists range from 11 to 60 years.
The arrival of 520 evacuees from Yakima Valley aboard a special 12-car train swelled the ever-growing population of the North Portland Assembly Center to an off cial[sic] figure of 3052. The trains reached here at approximately 6:00 a.m., one hour behind schedule, bringing evacuees from Wapato, Wenatchee, and Kennewick, Washington. The newcomers were greeted by several hundred early birds, who managed to forgo a few winks. The new arrivals got off the train by families and filed through the gate into the building to register and receive instructions before proceeding to their new quarters. Soldiers that accompanied the special train helped to carry small packages of the elderly evacuees as well as aid them in getting off the train. While the new arrivals were getting acquainted with the environment a crow of volunteer workers unloaded the baggage onto the platform. The population figures are slated for another boost tomorrow with the arrival of approximately 628 evacuees from Yakima, Toppenish, and Wapato, Washington. The Yakima Valley contingent of 528 is expected to reach here by a special train by 6:00 a.m., while another aggregation of  a 100 from Lyle, Washington is due here via bus sometime in the afternoon.
A bouncing baby boy was boring into Mr. and Mrs. E. Saito's household at 8:00 a.m. today by the proverbial stork. Dr. Kinoshita attended the birth at the County Hospital.
In sponsoring their 2nd movie, "Sun Valley Serenade," the Recreational Department ran up against much difficulty in the form of a faulty projector The first showing was held as scheduled on Tuesday night, June 2, but the second showing billed for 9:30 was held over till Wednesday night. Approximately 2000 persons viewed the gay, romantic, musical, spotlighting the nations IA Band, Glenn Miller and his orchestra. A short subject entitled "MagicCarpert[sic] of Movietone" was shown as the added feature.
[within box with dotted outline]
ANNOUNCEMENT! The EVACUAZETTE will not accept mimeograph orders from other departments on days of publication.
[page 2]
                            [underlined]EDITORIAL STAFF
                                            Editor-in Chief
                                             Yugi Hiromura
Associate Editor.......                                Feature Editor......
                     Umeko Matsubu                                   Tokiyuki Aoki
Business Manager.....                              Sports Editor......
                     Ted Tsuboi                                               George Hijiya
News Editor.....                                          Art Editor.....
                     Taka Ichikawa                                         Chiseo Shoji
                                      Published Semi-weekly
                                  Distributed without charge
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law
To help other people at all times
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
The scout oath, watchword of a million American Boy Scouts.  Words familiar to millions of other follow Americans.  The Boy Scouts of America, the admiration of a nation.
Here as well as else where, the boy scout perform their daily duty of service in a typical scout manner.
In this center, the boy scouts carry on with their duty, being prepared whenever the need arises.  Being of service to the entire center in every possible way, besides their regular drum and bugle practices.  Each morning the boy scouts raise old glory to the mast; and each evening lower her to rest.  Ushering, guarding, first-aid, and numerous other lines of work are a part of the daily routine performed by the boy scouts.  From dawn to dusk, the services of the boy scouts never cease.
They need no words of praise or gratitude, for the tasks they perform are part of their duty to aid other people at all times.  And seldom are words of appreciation expressed to the boy scouts for the public knows too well that the tasks performed by them are in the line of their duty.  Without expressed words of praise of gratitude, the boy scouts carry on, knowing there is a job to be done.  
To the boy scouts add our words of sincere appreciation.  The cooperative spirit of the boy scouts has proven invaluable to all of us.  That their spirits has proven invaluable to all of us.  That their spirit has proven invaluable to all of us.  That their spirit of cooperation should be a practice we must all acquire some day in the near future.  To you, we say "Thanks a Million."
Services in commemoration of the dead which have been held annually will not be discontinued.  A joint Memorial Day service, sponsored by all the religious organizations, will be held in the Chapel, May 30, from 9 to 10 A. M.  After the services, the priests and the ministers are to go to both cemeteries and also to Mt. Scott.
With Reverend Terakawa as chairman, the following program has been arranged:  Flag ceremony, opening address, meditation, flower offering, sacred chanting, incense offering, scripture reading, prayer, sermon, sermon, closing address.
[inside box with caricature of an Asian man with glasses, collared shirt, tie, and a large pencil behind his ear]
[in bubble letters]SCOOP.
Hello everybody!  I think I will quote a letter from a girl friend this time to show you how much they mis me on the outside.
My dear Stinky:
I miss you so much up here that I think I will add another boy friend to my list to make up for you Of course, honey, he can never take your place as he has money, looks, clothes, and the cutest sport coupe and stuff that you never had.  Have you still got that mop-hair full of knots?  Remember, sweet, on those full moonlight nights, when you and I used to sit under a spreading apple tree --- and untie the knots in your hair?  My goodness, it seems like a long time since you slapped me in the face and broke your hand, well, I'll always remain true to you so don't worry, and write back soon.
Lovingly yours
M. H.
I guess this letter will prove to all you bums that I have some personality and from nowon[sic] please show some respect for me.  Nuff said, as I hate to talk about myself all of the time
I stood by the gate and saw them pass,
Sorrowful, yet eager and then alas,
With misty eyes and cheerful shouts,
"Be seeing you , in a month or there-abouts."
With feeling of anxiety and of aweness
I stood by the gate and saw them pass.  
[within box]
All Senior and Regular Boy Scouts will meet, Monday evenings in the Arena starting at 8 P. M.
Boys interesting in scouting are urged to attend.
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nekofantasia · 10 months
“Can you hear my heart beet?”
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“It’s because it IS a beet.”
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shymaidxn · 10 months
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*t-poses* i have been summoned
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quincybf · 2 years
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PACIFIC RIM (2013) / ROGUE ONE (2016)
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Oh yea this is me and my brother’s guild greetings.
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yeetathebeeta · 14 days
Was watching star wars, I love you so much anikan! :)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"PRISONERS TO BE EMPLOYED ON CANADA FARMS-MITCHELL," Toronto Star. May 13, 1943. Page 2. --- Dominion May Take Italians From Tunisia - Preferred Over Germans ---- ORDER IS PASSED --- By H. R. ARMSTRONG ---- Ottawa, May 13 - Plans are under way to employ prisoners of war on Canadian farms to help meet the agricultural labor shortage, Hon. Humphrey Mitchell stated today.
An order-in-council has been passed authorizing such a move. and is being tabled in parliament today by the minister of labor.
There are not many Italian prisoners of war in Canada and labor department officials believe German prisoners can be used only to a limited extent. It is probable that Canada may accept a considerable number of Italians captured by the British in Tunisia, and that these may be employed in Canadian food production.
If German prisoners are used at all officials say they will have to he "very carefully selected and probably employed only in concentrated work like sugar beet raising, where they would be more easily guarded while at work."
South Africa is using thousands of Italian prisoners in farm work.
Experience there, according to information received by Canadian authorities, is that the Italians give little or no trouble when employed on farms and make good workers. Prisoners working on Canadian farms will be paid, Mr. Mitchell stated.
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jellorat · 9 months
9/1/23 Garden Update
I had a small surgery on the 24th of August, so I haven’t been as up and around as usual. However, my garden keeps on going. Here’s some update thoughts on where we are at with it. Glacier Bush Tomatoes from Botanical Interests. The tomatoes have gone wild. Like I have more tomatoes than I can handle for two of us, especially since my wife has GERD. So it’s really like one of us, and…
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cozage · 8 months
congrats on 2k!! for the event, I was wondering for option one, with Sanji, zoro Luffy and laws reaction to their s/o covering their face with kisses, leaving lipstick marks?
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law Total word count: 730
Lipstick Stains
Oh you already know this man is inches within his life. Nothing gets him so weak in the knees like physical touch and affection. 
He relishes in your kisses during the moment, letting you go on as long as you want. You can never give him too many kisses, really. 
After the fact, any time he passes by a mirror, he stops to admire your love and your handiwork. He just stares at all the marks you left on him for a few minutes, his hands lightly passing over each one. 
Some of the crewmates (Zoro and Usopp) make fun of him, but he just smirks and says “What, boys? Jealous?”
He struggles to wash it off. He’s a very clean person, but he hates to wash his face after you’ve marked it all up. You can very often find light traces of your lipstick still across his face the next day because he scrubbed so gently while bathing. 
Whenever you cover his face with kisses, Zoro…tolerates it. He doesn’t love it, but he doesn’t hate it either. 
Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t look at himself in the mirror much, so he doesn’t notice the red-stained marks you had left all over his face in the process. 
A few things tipped him off when he went down to dinner, though. Sanji is stifling a laugh at him, which isn’t uncommon. But Robin is also giving him a cheeky grin. Usopp and Luffy are both looking anywhere but at him, trying not to burst into laughter. 
And you…your cheeks are flushed red with embarrassment. He rushes to the bathroom and looks at himself in horror. It took him a minute to realize exactly what was all over his face, and he let out a small string of curses as he grabbed a towel and desperately scrubbed at them. 
He comes back to dinner, his face beet red (from embarrassment and excessive scrubbing), and sits down next to you, pretending like nothing happened. 
After that, he always ALWAYS checks himself in the mirror after you come visit him. 
Luffy loves to battle with you on who can give the other person more kisses. Everything is always a game with him. 
He wears your kisses around without even knowing it for a while, until Nami says something about it. 
At her words, he rushes to the mirror and looks, admiring his face and all the proof of your love. He’s kind of jealous that you can mark your kisses so easily. 
That’s when he gets an idea. The next time you two have a kissing war, he offers to put on lipstick as well, that way you can tell for sure who won. 
And that way, you get to see proof of his love too. 
The two of you parade around the ship with your faces covered in shades of red and pink, showing off your new designs and laughing the entire time. 
Law is not a man who enjoys physical touch. But if you’re alone…he’ll allow it. Sometimes, he might even enjoy it. 
Especially if he’s in his study and you come in and curl up in his lap, softly kissing his face to try and get him to come to bed. You can be very persuasive. 
“Go on to bed,” he finally says, shutting his book. “I’m going to get some water and I’ll be in a minute.”
He doesn’t pass by a mirror, or else he would’ve noticed the new addition. Instead, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo see it as he grabs water from the kitchen. 
“Love the new look, Captain!” Shachi teases, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. “You should keep it like that!”
Law reaches up to inspect his cheeks, but he can’t feel anything. He looks at Bepo, confused. 
“It’s kind of…everywhere,” Bepo says, trying his best not to crack a smile. 
Law quickly rushes to a mirror and finds his face covered in lip marks. He races out of the room without another word and back to you. 
“Y/N,” he says, trying not to get angry. “Next time, please inform me when you’ve…redecorated.”
You giggle and pull him into bed, adding another kiss mark to his forehead. Scrubbing it all off can be a problem for tomorrow.
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banthaboyboba · 1 year
Why favorite thing about making Star Wars polls is making people have to google EU characters
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Going to Victoria’s Secret with Percy Jackson…<3
“stay here” you said to your boyfriend. You stood in front of a child play area.
He shook his head wrapping his arms around you.
“Please Perce” you begged your boyfriend. You really didn’t want him with you when you enter Victoria’s Secret. You were fine with any other place, just not here…
“No…” he pouted squeezing his arms around your body
“please…” you asked with puppy eyes, a trick you had mastered.
Fine," he grumbled and let go of you. "Do you have everything you need in case of a monster attack?"
Yes, mother," you sighed at his protectiveness, "I have everything."
"Your dagger?" He questioned. " Your cellphone? What about-"
"Percy!" You interrupted him. "I'll be fine. We don't even have cellphones. You're only a couple of feet away from the entrance," you reminded him.
Ever since the war with Gaea, he's become way more overprotective in thoughts of losing you.
You thought it's adorable, but he could sometimes cross the line.
"You're right," Percy shook his head to himself. "You're a big girl."
You kissed his cheek, and then walked into Victoria Secret. You threw a quick look over your shoulder to make sure Percy isn't following.
He wasn't were you last saw him. He was with a little girl, helping her up a pair of steps that lead to the slide.
Your heart melted at the sight, he looked so cute with children. Your mind even wandered to the thought of Percy and you having kids one day, that little girl being your daughter.
You smiled to yourself, heading to the panties section. You chose a few pairs of panties, and then headed to the bras section.
You wanted to make this quick, you didn't want to make Percy wait long. You already knew what you were looking for.
"Uh, sir," you heard a female employee near you speak behind a rack of bras. "We need to ask you to leave. We're having complaints from other customers."
"I can't," you heard, this voice being much deeper and more masculine. "I'm here with my girlfriend."
"I'm sorry, sir, but until you have proof, we need to ask you to leave."
The people around you began to mutter, some pointing.
You almost laughed at the guy behind the rack of bras, thinking what type of pervert would come in here and claim he had a girlfriend when he clearly didn't. 15
Behind the rack, the figure rose to his feet, beet red.
You continued to think what a lunatic the guy is for spying on girls.
That was until the pervert turned out to be your boyfriend.
Percy sent you an bashful look. 41
You sighed. "Ma'am, he's… he's with me," you spoke, your face flushing red.
The employee nodded and left to fix the underwear close by, but she kept an eye on the two of you.
Percy wouldn't meet your eye.
"I told you to stay and wait," you scolded him.
"But I wanted to be with you, (y/n)."
You tried to muster some anger, but you couldn't. He only wanted to spend time and be with you. You began to think how sweet it was. You kissed your boyfriend, catching him by surprise.
You pulled away, looking at the selection of bras to choose.
Percy chose one, picked it up, and held it to his chest. "How about this one, (y/n)?" He asked, the bra he chose being blue with jewels decorating it - almost like seashells. "I would look hotter in this than you," he smirked. He slid his arms through the loops, looking down.
The employee near by looked ready to call security to escort both of you out.
"Percy!" You attempted to scold, but ended up in laughter.
He took off the bra and placed it back. Only this time, he chose an even larger sized bra. "This one fits much better," he felt himself as if he had boobs. "Yup, much better," he said as he smiled innocently at you.
There's nothing innocent in that smile.
The employee spoke to the mall security guard from a far distance, throwing glances in your direction.
"Uh… Perce," you began to place down the panties and bras you selected. "Put that back, we're leaving."
"Why?" He looked at you confused. "Aren't you buying these?"
"I was but not anymore," you said as he took off the bra. He followed your gaze and then understood what you meant.
"Come on." You laced your hand with his and started to take off running leaving behind your cute pantries you sadly didn’t buy.
“Hey!!” You heard from behind you, Percy took off in a sprint dragging you along to the bathroom and locking yourselves in a stall.
“Fuck. I love you…” Percy exclaims before kissing you, your mouths moving in perfect alignment. You guys were soulmates… your hands reached up each other’s shirt’s ,he pushed you against the wall before taking his hands out of your shirt and gripping your ass causing you to moan lightly, gifting him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. “Percy…” you grumbled in between kisses. “Yeah?” He replied in a haze.
“we forgot Annabeth at Cotton on Kids…”
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