#blog disclaimer
endlessthxxghts · 28 days
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Dear readers, writers, and simply friends alike,
Below are some thoughts I’ve been cooking up since I started writing/posting. I believe it to be the holy grail of my blog — what I stand for, and essentially the morals of what my writing is built off of. I wanted to have this here and ingrained into my blog/navigation for purposes of making my positionality known from the start, so people know what kind of open and inclusive space they are entering when being on my blog and interacting with me.
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As someone who is on the curvier side, physically disabled, Asian, and queer, I strive to make every story I write as neutral as possible in order to give everyone the chance at being able to experience seeing themselves in written word. I know what it’s like to be underrepresented (if any representation at all), and if I have any control over it, I don’t want another human to have to experience it either — so at the very least, I don’t want anyone to experience that on my blog.
At the same time, these stories are as much for me as it is for you. With that being said, I’m also going to dabble into certain physical descriptors. Why, some may ask? Well, that’s simple. Representation. (I do want to note that my creative representation cannot go beyond the marginalized groups I am a part of — I do not, cannot, and should not create on behalf of experiences I do not have. I also want to note that creative writing and advocating are not the same! I will always advocate for every human in every sense of wrongdoing, justice, etc.).
It’s one thing to be able to fit into the neutral “one-size-fits-all” window, but it’s another thing to actively see someone like you within a work of art (whether it be a literal painting or a book or a film).
These creations are often associated with idyllics and the notion of “perfect,” but because there’s been a lack of diverse representation early on in these creations, society decided that anything not fitting under the skinny, white/eurocentric, able-bodied, cis-heterosexual normative was wrong. And I’m here to tell you that it’s simply not true. And with my words and my creations, I will show you how that’s not true. 
Additionally, because of society’s standards that were forcibly instilled into us, we sometimes forget the capability of humans. Often we see characters (and especially within the PPCU and even Joel) carry his counterpart (whether it be an OC or a reader-insert). Now, there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with whatever you write as long as it’s original, you give credit where needed, and you give content warnings/tags accordingly. However, whenever the idea of “carrying” comes around, often the automatic assumption is that the person being carried is smaller or of a more “fit” body. And that’s entirely okay! For my stories, though, I want to clarify. This is not the case unless I specify. 
To my thicker body individuals, you are seen and you are capable and worthy of all the freak nasty shit my brain shares with the internet world. As someone who relies on other humans to carry me — you don’t have to be skinny or petite or “fit” in order for this to happen. You simply need a person who is capable, and in my stories, with any PPCU character I write, they will always be capable.
To my people with disabilities, you are seen and you are capable and worthy of all the freak nasty shit my brain shares with the internet world. I know I don’t have disabled!reader-inserts yet (this statement is subject to change! I’ve got some stuff cooking🩶), I hope you can understand — this is something that is especially close to my heart, and disability is also something that is the most subjective human experience any of us will face. I will try my best to represent this lifestyle in the way that I know best, and I hope somehow, someway, there’s details in there that we can all relate to and see ourselves in.
I love you. All of you. No matter what you look like, or what lifestyle the universe has given you. You are human, and with me, you are seen. I can promise you that.
My ask box is always open, and if there are any questions or things you’d like to address with me — I’m always open for the conversation, and I’m always open for more ways to grow personally and mentally. I’m also always open if you ever just need another human to talk to or even to listen. I’m here.
If any of these beliefs and morals don’t sit right with you, then this isn’t the blog for you, and I hope we can simply scroll along. And I also hope you can find a blog that aligns with what you’re looking for.
Endless love,
L <3
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vizthedatum · 4 months
Updated blog disclaimer
Hi! I'm Rose (Rose the artist formerly known as she her Pri).
I blog about my healing journey and personal stories. It's good, great, bad, ugly, and as honest as I can muster.
I also write and post my art!! These are my passions.
If you'd like to pay to see more of my long-form musings and pieces, you can subscribe to my Substack (I mostly post on here though... we'll see what kind of posts I make on there).
I'm a scientist by training, so there will be bits and pieces of that in there as well.
I used to have many disclaimers, but I always attempt to tag all my posts. If you'd like to see my previous disclaimers, please go to my previous blog disclaimer.
If there is anything you do not vibe within this blog, you don't have to stay or listen to me! Kindly unfollow, block, and ignore.
And if you like my content, please consider buying me a coffee or donating! I put a lot of work into my poetry, writings, spiritual musings, and disability work.
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occasional-pip · 1 year
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You may notice that some of the content on this blog is recycled from past, deleted content from a year ago! 
The reason for this? I’m just emotionally attached to it now <3
Anyways, just a heads up! Thanks for the patience 
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ur place for abundant incorrect quotes abt whatever ship has my fancy, every hyperfixation I've ever had, complaining, hcs, occasionally maybe writing, poorly made edits, and history stuff (small disclaimer: i post nsfw things sometimes so please be aware if that makes you uncomfortable!)
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TL DR; My blog my rules
Disclaimer, I love the evil characters and try to hit any one of them I can reach with the redemption stick. I try not to engage in fandom drama and discourse, I'm here for the fun and community. Basically, I may be on your DNI, so interact at your own pace/risk/whatever
MINORS DNI, as this is a heavily NSFW saturated blog. It was the robot dicks that got me in this fandom, and the fandom lead to me staying. Yes I frequently use the fanon terms, I highly enjoy using the fanon terminology as it was the fandom itself that truly drew me in. But also because I can, so I will, and we see the shows do it a lot too.
I am always excited for engagement, so feel free to send an ask, tag me in stuff, or make stuff based on some of my posts! Just please tag me in it as I absolutely love getting feedback and attention🥰
Tags I frequently use:
(#tfp au) arguably the main au on this blog
(#fic reading) I'll liveblog fics I'm reading, and (#fic snippet) or (#fic snippets) reference when I'll select out a screenshot of a paragraph or so because i just need to show you guys that shit
(#comic reading) for various transformers comic read-throughs
(#Fic rec) or (#fic recs) what it says on the tin
Here are some named aus we have created! This post WILL be updated, and as I mention frequently I forget about aus just as easily as we create them😅
I made a discord server! Now, I'm still figuring out the roles and settings in order to give y'all as much control as possible, but hey it's here!
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persephonaae · 4 months
TERFs die mad: you just reblogged a nasty transgender person with pronouns and all who did this historical look to explore their cultural history as well as express their own nonbinary identity in a way that resonates with them. An edit I wish I didn’t have to make on this post
I’ll try to post the actual pictures I took soon, but I was bored today and wanted to shirk some other responsibilities, so I decided to do some general vague Minoan or Mycenaean look since it’s been on the mind and also my hair was looking really good today and I wanted to take advantage of that haha
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risingsunresistance · 27 days
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shallowrambles · 1 year
Hey. The minute I describe myself as an understander or tell you I'm right, just...stop listening to anything I say.
I like this take / I prefer this / I stand by what I view as... are all what I mean.
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revengeromance · 2 years
so long hot girl summer hello faggot fall
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placenta-please · 2 years
I feel I should make a bit of a disclaimer since my queue has gotten to well over 200 posts and idk when certain posts are gonna surface:
I have spent multiple hours over the past day or two following blogs from all over this site. I made a point to follow people from all across the political/ideological spectrum. I was tired of being in an echo chamber and decided to change that. I plan to add more blogs as I find them.
That being said, I obviously don’t agree with everything everyone posts, but if I do agree with a take or I see a meme I enjoy I will like and/or reblog it according. This doesn’t mean I agree with everything on that blog, and I think that’s okay.
I feel it’s necessary to add that if I don’t agree with a blogs takes I’m not going to message them with hate or try to change their minds. That’s not the point of what I’m trying to do here. If I do message a blog, it will be with honest, good faith questions to try to better understand what they believe. I used to be a vitriolic hater but I’m putting that in the past in the interest of better understanding my fellow earthlings.
That’s about all I have to say, so y’all keep posting hot takes and memes and we’ll see what happens lol
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daily-trey · 10 months
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Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea A very merry unbirthday to you!
Ko-fi | Commissions
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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💙❤️Happy Holidays!❤️💙
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t4toro · 11 months
hey sorry but they goyified your inherently jewish written character. yea. yea no they tried catering to a wider audience. yea they made him scorf down a pile of bacon. i’m so sorry
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silkscream · 5 months
smut idea if you wanted options idk i live to serve (my liege) but stress fuck with peter bc uni is killing him and he’s on the streets every night and happy won’t get off his ass so when you crawl into his bed in just a t shirt and underwear he quite literally goes insane
18+ mdni!!!!!!!!!!!
god peter is so fucking pathetic. he barely has time to himself. barely has time to fucking breathe. yet, when he's alone -- when he knows that he'll at least be alone for the night -- he occupies his time by palming his cock at the thought of you. he thinks of your plump, pink mouth, how it circles his cock. how it sucks heart-shaped bruises on his neck and his broad chest.
and there's a night that he's free -- he means it loosely because he has to wake up the next morning to immediately volunteer. then, his schedule is packed with exam moderation, which he also volunteered for. he's busy as hell, and you'd gotten so used to it that you decided to occupy yourself without him. when you don't text back within five hours, he feels crushed.
but you don't leave him waiting for long. it's his night off, after all. you're excited to have him around in general. the two of you indulge in a marathon of your favorite tv show (you're mostly rewatching because peter had been too absent to watch the season with you, though you don't tell him this) and cooking dinner together. fulfilling his domestic fantasy, ravishing you in sweet kisses.
but peter also craves you in a way he can't say out loud. well, he can -- he's a big boy, he can tell his girlfriend that he wants to fuck her. but it's been a while, and the way you make your sleepytime tea and do your skincare routine discourages him from trying anything.
but then he watches you crawl into your bed with just a t-shirt -- his t-shirt -- and panties. he joins you, spooning you, though he's weary of the growing length that's probably prodding the back of your legs right now.
"want something, peter?" you tease.
he groans in frustration. he doesn't have the energy to play this game with you -- dancing around what he really wants. so he grasps you tightly, hands exploring your hips as he hovers over you. you're pliable underneath him, so soft and sweet.
peter wishes he had all the time in the world just so he could eat you out for hours. but he's been denying himself of you for weeks. he hasn't been able to be next to you in such a close capacity for weeks, either.
so he fucks you easily. there's no resistance -- you were wet by the time his bare cock was even prodding in between your folds. he still feels bad that he wasn't able to prep you (he really fucking wanted to eat you out), but you're still wet enough for him. the way you want him is enough.
peter has to pace himself, knowing that he might finish too quickly or hurt you in the process with his super strength. he drinks in your moans with his mouth, caressing your face with his calloused hands.
his hands have known blood and deep gashes. punches that would send his opponent across a parking lot. but now, his hands are gentle, just for you. he uses them to explore the softness of your body. he uses them to worship.
"love you, baby," he rasps weakly.
"love you, too," you coo. "cum inside me, please. wanna feel it."
and he does. he always does -- loves to listen to you and give you what you want. peter will cherish this moment until the next time he gets to be inside of you, even if the mission tomorrow is quick to finish. even if the mission tomorrow occupies him for days.
he'll come back crawling home to you. always.
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I am so tired of tf2 "found family" (in that Tumblr "this character is The Mom, this character is The Dad, these characters are The Kids, nuclear kind of way) I'm sorry. Wowww you think Pyro is mentally a baby and can only understand the other mercs through the lens of "parents" and "siblings"? Should we throw a party? Should we invite Meet the Pyro
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doctorofmagic · 2 months
Guys, I need to make a quick disclaimer.
I'll *NOT* be reblogging AI art in any circumstances. If I do, it's because I don't have the required skills to recognize it or it wasn't tagged as such. In this case, please contact me so I can undo the reblog.
I support artists with my whole heart and soul and I'm aware of how harmful AI art is as a tool that simply steals and steals. I don't want to feed the machine either.
This is not a call out post, of course. This is just my position as someone who follows many artists and supports their work.
Thank you.
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