#bo sinclair letter
small-sinclair · 1 year
Letter from Bo Sinclair? Can be anything you come up with. He’s just my favorite. If you need an idea though, I’ll message you some. If that helps.
Let me know if y'all want a Vincent letter!
I hope you’re havin’ a good week so far. I’m sorry that I’ve been in the shop more than at home, but I want you to know I’ll be home all weekend. I promise you that much.
Anyways, thank you for fixing my breakfast this week. It’s been busier in Ambrose with the visitors and all, but I want ya to know I enjoyed the food. You always know how to make me smile in the morning… damn, I miss you. I know I'll be back before dinner, if the day permits it, but I enjoy being around ya. Maybe you can bring me some lunch? Ham and Swiss?
I know I never say this as much, but I really do appreciate you being here. You make this house feel like a home, darlin', and it's... it's nice. You bring out the best in me and my brothers. I haven't seen Vincent take his mask off in months when he's around the family. Do you know how long it's been since I've seen him smile? And Lester's been coming home more often just to help you with dinner. For a while, he never came home, but now? He does. Somehow, you bring the family closer... so thank you.
When you come down with my lunch, tell me where you wanna go. You pick dinner tonight. Let me take you out and treat ya right. Let me make up for lost time, sweetheart. If you don't wanna go out and stay in, tell me what you want me to cook. Let me take care of you tonight.
I love you, y/n. Never forget that. I'll love you until my lasts days.
Yours, Bo
P.S.: Don't forget to bring some water for Vincent! Damn hermit needs liquid. Love you heaps. Bo <3
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decaying-church · 2 years
Slashers: Loudest to Quietest in Bed
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(A/n: SURPRISE I'm not dead lol.)
Slashers x male!reader
Summary: Exactly what it says above, my lovely slasher boys ranked from loudest to quietest.
Warning: smut
Characters (in order of appearance): Stu Macher, Brahms Heelshire, Billy Lenz, Lester Sinclair, Herbert West, Billy Loomis, Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Thomas Hewit, Michael Myers.
Loudest: Stu Macher, Brahms Heelshire, Billy Lenz.
Stu is loud in general, from his voice to his personality, he's just a loud person. You didn't expect him to be any different when you were fucking him. He’d whimper and moan and beg so beautifully. His arms wrapped around you as you thrust into him. From beginning to end he was loud.
Brahms is sensitive and touch starved, years of living in a wall will do that to somebody. That sensitivity and a lifetime of being forced to stay quiet made him truly let loose. Palming him through his pants he would hold onto your wrist so tightly, panting and moaning, begging for more. You were very glad that it was only ever the two of you in the house.
It's Billy. We already know he's loud, if you didn't he’ll tell you himself. Laughing and moaning every time you touched him. His voice cracked with every shout he gave.
Loud: Lester Sinclair, Herbert West.
You and Lester are rarely alone, and even if you do get a moment of privacy, the house he shared with his brothers was rarely empty. But he was loud, loud enough to be heard through the walls of their home. You usually have to cover his mouth with your hand, but that's okay, he's into it.
You weren't expecting Herbert to make any noise the first time you fucked. Honestly, you expected him to sit there and wait for you to finish so he could get back to work but you were so very wrong. You barely touched him and he'd let out such a beautiful little noise, it made you want to do it over and over and over again. You were both so caught up with each other that you didn't realize how loud you were being until you heard banging from above and Dan’s familiar voice telling you to quiet down.
Quiet: Billy Loomis, Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Thomas Hewit
Billy technically isn't quiet, but he forces himself to be so he's down here. He bites down on his lip, practically holding his breath with how hard he's forcing down any sound. He can't stop all of them but he can stop most. Maybe if you were a little rough with him you’d hear his true volume.
Vincent's vocal cords are damaged, so it's not his choice to be quiet. You make him feel good, very good and he wants to show you that but he can't. That's okay though, you love every last one of his little pants and groans.
Bo is definitely one of those just that think making noise during sex is unmanly. You could literally have your dick so far up his ass that he feels it in his goddamn stomach and he will sit there holding back every little noise. Fucking bastard.
Thomas is just quiet in general. Despite how.. Intimidating his stature may seem, he was always very quiet. He didn't speak much, and when he did it was just so very soft. You didn't mind, it made any noises, any sudden yelps or whimpers all the more enjoyable.
Silent: Michael Myers
He's actually quite loud, but no one will ever believe you..
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Hi i'm suing your creep reader with the Sinclair boys is literally living rent free in my head.
1. Imagine.... The reader so desperate to fuck one of them Bo lets them thigh ride him nude, absolutely degrading them.
2. Now Michael Myers..... Imagine you try to stalk him to catch him in the nude. He knows you're watching. Just to fuck with you he strips down and fondles himself. But the second you try to reach in he's like "nah. Since you wanna watch so bad."
Anyways I'm going to hell, need anything?
I am guilty of charge... 😔
Also, if you go to hell, can you bring me a hell slushy, thanks.
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No because that's exactly what would happen! He wouldn't see you deserving of him touching you just yet, you've been nothing but a little freak spying on them all this time. Why should he even indulge you in anything? This is a punishment, something for his amusement alone and he wants to see how low you're willing to stoop down.
Lucky for him, you brought a shovel.
Now dear reader, I'm sorry, but in my story you have no dignity to hold onto to. So, like an obedient pet... you give him a show. Let him hear all the noises freely, and for him only. Or Vince of Les if they're romaing around the house lol
He calls you a depraved freak, a bitch in heat, willing to take anything he gives you. Do you have any shame? Willing to hump on his leg like an animal just like that, no fight whatsoever. You're so desperate it's embarrassing to watch. He just crosses his arms behind the back of his head and watches with a satisfied grin, he doesn't allow you to touch him as well or let's you finish.
Behave nicely and who knows... maybe he'll use your mouth next time.
Also a little extra because I can't help myself:
Boot-riding with Vincent, he's too busy with his art to pay you attention, you want to get off? Go on, grind on his boot and maybe he'll pet your head while you finish. He isn't as mean as Bo, you know.I have found a few bootriding fics with Vin that have been... 😔👌🏼
Dry humping with Lester, he's the one who will most probably let you have your fun, lets you sit on his lap as he stares and holds your waist in place, not letting you move an inch.
And... 👀
That's so him.
If you ever think you have power over him because you're trying to sneak up on him, you're wrong. Like you said, you can watch because he let's you watch. If you try to touch him, firm hand on your shoulder will be your only and last warning as he pushes you down on your knees for you to watch him.
Eyes on him only because you wanted to be a weirdo and stare.
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senanatheskenana · 1 year
Zhongli comfort letter
FYI these are basically little letters written how i think characters would write them to you. These are just for comfort <3
Also feel free to ask for a specific character if you want to :)
Evermore BATB AU Xiao x reader
pt one
Pt two
 Pt three
Standalones or headcanons/ imagines
Zhongli Fluff Alphabet
Whould genshin characters break the bed?
Xiao Fluff Alphabet
Genshin guys in bed
Genshin Characters’ voiceline about you
Genshin characters with a pregnant SO
What flowers do they get you for Valentine’s day?
With crushes 
Platonic Zhongli and Daughter! Reader
Sinclair Twins with Baby Fever
Sinclairs S/O Leaves them: part 1,   part 2
Sinclairs with a single mother S/O
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okay so, my mum, sister and I spent the weekend going through boxes with old "artworks" from us that mum kept
and that made me initially think cute thoughts about what kinda stuff the Sinclairs would've drawn
then went a little sad imagining little child Lester making drawings for his parents, as children do, "FOR MOM" or "FROM LESTER FOR MOM/DAD" oooir "MOM I LOVE YOU" written on them in all caputal letters, some mirrored, Es with too many lines etc
but his parents just hardly even acknowledged it
and then brain went more positive again cause, you know who did care about his drawings? who did put them up in their room(s) and probably still has some around? yes. the twins.
imagine Lester at some point going from drawing his "family" as mom, dad, Bo, Vincent, Lester to only Bo, Vincent, Lester cause his parents never gave him much attention anyway
imagine his parents at some point finding those drawings and mayhaps feeling some kind of sadness and guilt, but at that point it's too late cause Lester has already accepted that for him family is only his brothers and him
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
I’m having gay thoughts about Bo and Severen. Like Severen and his family travel all around the south right? If they were doing their vampire thing around the 90’s-2000’s they could have gone to Ambrose.
But my head is empty and all I’m thinking about is how much Severen reminds me of Bo and now I’m going to explode from these gay thoughts. Because I’m a man and they’re men and I’m gay and they’re gay no matter what cannon says.
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Idk how many people i can request for but I'd like to request notes for @pharmacykeys and @imbleedin-out. Encouragement or just something sweet (also not sure who they'd prefer the notes from) (but I'd also like to request a note for you because you're amazing and so caring and I want you to have the encouragement you deserve so anything you'd like to hear at this moment from any or all of the brothers 💖)
OMG nonnie this is the sweetest ask!! I thought for a long time about what to write for Riri and Lily and I think I finally found something for the both of them! I think Riri would prefer Lester and Lily, Bo, but if that's wrong then please let me know and I'll write you lovely people a note from someone else!!! AND OMG NONNIE FOR ME TOO???? You're very kind🥺🥺🥺 thank you so so much omllll if there's anything YOU want nonnie then please don't be shy to follow this up with an ask for you, too!💖💖💖
For Riri (@pharmacykeys)
Hey sweetpea,
I'on remember the last time I left y'somethin' to keep a'hold of 'til I come home so I figured I'd do somethin' now. Why not tell y'everythin' every moment I can? S'not like I ever had someone I could talk to 'fore y'came swannin' into m'life. Yep, was jus' me an' sometimes Jonesy – Vincent's good mood depending – on them same ol' roads, day in an' day out. Ain't got no one t'talk to 'cept me an' I get bored o'my own voice after a while.
Tha's one of the many reasons m'so grateful t'ya', darlin'... listenin' t'me an' makin' me feel like I matter. Like everythin' I say is worth 'memberin' an' like y'don't know what y'll do wit'out me, jus' like I'on what I'd do wit'out you, either. Was long an' lonely days wit'out you... never though I'd find someone like you. Jus' look at'cha, darlin'. Beautiful.
M'real proud o'ya, darlin', an' don't'cha ever forget it. Don't want you ever feelin' bad 'bout y'reself, not for anythin' or anyone.
Love ya', sweetpea, an' I'll be back 'fore y'know it.
For Lily (@imbleedin-out)
M'chest is achin' right now an' I know it's 'cause o'ya. Everythin's cause'a you. Town's tidier, neater. Lester smiles more. Vincent eats more than he used to – I ain't so worried 'bout him now. Used to have'ta practically shove food down 'im jus' t'make sure he remembered to eat. Jonesy's got a new friend... and you already know what you've done to me, for me and 'cause'a me.
World's a bit brighter, bit bigger, wit' you here, an' I ain't afraid to say it in as many ways as I think I gotta' 'fore it really gets in and sinks in there.
I've seen you go far from here, do so much and keep tryin' no matter what shit's thrown at'cha, an' even though sometimes y'shaky on yer' feet, you still move an' that's really incredible. M' proud o'ya. Y'always come home to me, to your Bo, an' I'on know but m'sick of tryna' question it. Ain't gonna do that anymore, jus' gonna accept an' enjoy it.
Enjoy the good things 'fore they're gone.
M'always your Bo, an' I got'cha back.
And... for lil' ol' me, I just wanna know they're proud of me and they love me and that they see me, even the things I don't say out loud or share. They see the way I jump at loud noises and raised voices, they see the clenched fists and closed eyes when someone gets too close to me, they see the way I wash my hands and then wash them again if I touch a texture I don't like or if someone touches me without asking me first, they see me and they love me, and they're here. They don't want me going without a night light or with unbrushed and unbraided hair and they'll help me to help myself. They see me sobbing and then putting on the song Bo plays in the garage and then crying harder and Bo shakes his head, scoffs lightly and pulls me in for a hug (if I trust deeply, you don't gotta ask to touch me and the Sinclairs would definitely be involved in that). I want them to know I love them and I want them to tell me that I show them all the time, that I don't have to keep trying to show it because they know and I can relax now, they're not going anywhere. I just want them to know me and to love me anyway...because I look at them and then I look at me and my brain just cannot compute. They wouldn't be lucky to have me, they'd be settling. I would be the lucky one and I'd try so hard to take care of them and be everything they need and want. 🥺😭💖
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angelbarelywrites · 3 months
♡ slashers scenarios | first meeting
♡ fandoms; The Boy, House of Wax, Halloween, Hannibal, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, slashers (general), DBD
♡ characters; Brahms Heelshire, Vincent Sinclair, Micheal Myers, Hannibal Lecter, Thomas Hewitt
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; mentions of blood/violence
The most random array of characters. All 5 are my bfs tho. Also this is written very very informally because it was originally just for myself lol.
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Brahms Heelshire//
> approximateplotofthe movie. jpeg
> honestly you mind your own business once you realize it’s a doll but assume there’s cameras so mostly behave
> you find yourself naturally coddling his doll like a real child when you’re bored, speaking to him constantly
> even though you’re not doing much to upset him, weird things do start happening around the house
> he mostly wants attention
> you leave a note one day
> “dear brahm’s ghost; i’m sorry if i’m not doing a good job as a nanny. i’m really trying my best. I hope we can be friends”
> he scribbles a smiley face on it and you’re a little freaked out / excited
> when he finally shows himself you’re really stunned. but it makes more sense than a genuine ghost
> you’re in such shock that you just. keep going with the evening and make dinner.
> but even once you come to your senses, you end up more sad than scared
> “…they left you all alone. I’m so sorry.”
> he gives you puppy eyes
> “…I won’t do that to you. I promise. I’m staying.”
> he’s even more in love with you than he first thought. even if you’re going to make him shower six times before bed.
> to his chagrin you don’t help him bathe
> but you do kiss him goodnight
Vincent Sinclair//
> bo brings you to him
> at first he’s making some big deal, “special delivery” and all that
> you’re cute
> really cute
> and bo clearly knew you’re the kind of person vincent would like
> but he’s still got a job to do
> damn it
> “h-hey- wait- i can help you—?”
> that makes him hesitate
> “i’m an artist too. i can help with the sculptures. “
> …
>“i’ll be good. promise.”
> he didn’t need much more convincing than that
> bo is surprised he kept you but makes damn sure you’re not escaping
> but you don’t even try because you just feel so deeply for vincent, and he’s so gentle
> you weren’t lying about being an artist so you’re genuinely helpful
> he falls madly in love when you help him resculpt his mask
Micheal Myers //
> Meet because you wrote letters to him
> Not to interview him or as an obsessive fan
> At first out of curiosity, then as a sort of way to vent, because he never responds
> But as it turns out your letters are the only ones he keeps or even opens at this point
> So his psychologist wants you to meet him to see if you can get him to open up- of course there’s a cash incentive
> He doesn’t say a word from the other side of the glass.
> Obviously.
> But you treat it like a normal visit to a friend and just chat mindlessly a while
> And you’re so much tinier and cuter in person
> He wants to stab you so much
> But realizes that if he killed you, he might miss you
> Ew that’s a scary thought
> Still wants to make you scream tho uwu
> He escapes
> Because he’s Micheal Myers that’s what he does
> After his spree he finds himself in your house, bloodsoaked and honestly not all that sure what he’ll do when he sees you
> You don’t even scream, just give a tiny ‘eep’
> “…Micheal?”
> He regrips his knife so he can get it over with. You’ll just tattle
> “Oh gosh- you’re soaked from the rain. And all that blood-let’s get you a shower? I can get you some fresh clothes too,”
> He’s staring down at you in disbelief
> “…what? You thought I’d try and call the cops? I like talking to you.”
> There’s something very wrong with you
> It’s kind of hot
> He puts him knife away and follows you
Hannibal Lecter//
> you’re his patient lol
> at first he doesn’t have much interest in you outside of work
> but god, you’d be such a perfect subject to manipulate with that little authority figure problem you have
> and even though you’re young
> you do recognize some of the finer things in life
> mostly his artwork and cooking. you’re really good at inadvertently stroking his ego
> he starts diving into darker subjects in therapy
> you’re a bit of a morbid person under the sunshine-y exterior
> perfect
> he’s still chipping away at something big you’re keeping from him
> he could do some digging online and through your files but where’s the fun in that
> he gets you tipsy and then starts with the psycho babble
> you finally crack
> you killed some guy that was stalking you years ago
> god that’s hot
> you liked it, at least a little bit
> even hotter
> you licked the blood off your hands and it tasted good
> he’s in love ; good luck leaving
Thomas Hewitt //
> car trouble! it’s always car trouble
> honestly when you rock up to the gas station alone Luda Mae is thinking that it’s a shame the fridge at home is already full
> but you’re the sweetest little customer
> “your name is really pretty ma’am. ever since i was little i decided if i had a daughter, her name would be Audrey Mae”
> new plan, she’s playing matchmaker
> there’s just something about you that’s so gentle
> and mildly off-putting, like the rest of the family
> she brings you out to the farm to see if they have the car parts you need
> and to stay the night, if you really need to
> you run smack dab into Thomas in his old half mask walking in- even Luda expects you to recoil at the least
> instead you turn a bit pink
> “oh gosh- I’m so so sorry sir-“
> Thomas stares at you
> You just shyly introduce yourself, talking enough for both of you
> Luda Mae is already planning the wedding
> “That’s my youngest Tommy- why don’t you show em around? Alright baby?”
> Thomas is a bit hesitant but you’re so little and cute and smell so good—
> He’s already obsessed oops
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phntmeii · 10 months
♡ Dating Bo and Vincent Sinclair Headcanons:
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❝ She always said your talent would make up for what God took away from you. ❝
[SFW Headcanons]
Pairings: Artist!Reader x Vincent Sinclair. FemBimbo!Reader x Bo Sinclair.
Warnings: Slight pervert!Bo Sinclair, Mentions of kidnapping+murders, Manipulation.
A/N: Sinclair Twins are some of my new favs. They are so delectably made I can’t- So here are headcanons BUT with describing what their specific types are instead of keeping it vague. Also, I view Vincent as a selective mute who’s vocal chords are a bit fucked up so he only speaks a few times a day so not a complete mute.
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Vincent Headcanons:
✎ Vincent hasn't had any dating experience so much of what he knows is from what Bo has told him which didn't make it interesting in his eyes. But when he sees you, all he wants to do is admire you for whatever reason.
✎ He’d specifically go after you and be the first victim he’d kidnap rather than outright kill.
✎ He tries to convince you he isn’t dangerous (to you) and does little things to prove it. Showing off his drawings, playing music for you, writing notes and letters to you.
✎ Vincent would honestly come off strong because he doesn’t understand how fast or slow a relationship to go. The moment he spotted you, you were already his in his mind.
✎ When you fall for him despite his masked face and silent behaviors, you adjust and get used to him. After all, he wasn’t bad at all. He’d keep you in his room which was tidy and neat as his mother taught him, he’d make sure you were completely taken care of and he was sweet in his little notes.
✎ Vincent’s handwriting is perfect as he was taught to do. His notes would be a little formal but adorable things to find before he slinks away to his studio. “Hello, Y/N. I hope you are adjusting well. :) I wanted to know what foods you like so I can tell Bo to make them. Please write back before lunchtime.”
✎ When he discovers you were an artist as well, he was giddy and excited! Someone who knew what it was like to cycle through ideas and fixate on a project for hours on end.
✎ His few words he’d speak a day would be regarding your own art. No matter what it was, he’d tell Lester to get you the supplies for it and watch over you as you worked.
✎ His ragged and hoarse voice spoken into your ear. “Beautiful…”
✎ He’d randomly gift mini wax sculptures of your favorite animals each week that he worked on between sculptures. Each one better and better than the last.
✎ Vincent thrives on your praise. Sweet boy can’t help but lower his head and blush under his mask at each compliment.
✎ His favorite thing about morning routines were when you’d touch and brush his hair. The massaging at the scalp and tingly feeling he’d get as the brush ran down his black strands felt all too good. He’d also let you do whatever hairstyle you wanted.
✎ Vincent would draw you constantly in his sketchbook. He has pages and pages of different angles of your face, what clothing you wore on a certain day or how you posed during breakfast.
✎ Any and I mean ANY sketches you give him in return? He’s holding onto it like it’s pure gold. He hangs it in his studio where he’s at the most to view it all the time.
✎ Trusts your critiques and observations more than anyone else’s and often asks for your opinion on his pieces.
✎ Doesn’t believe that you like his face without the mask but when he sees you present him with a sketch of his half-mutilated face, he’s stunned. To see him, the truest version of him, as something you deemed worthy to spend time depicting absolutely melts him. He starts to become more willing to remove his mask around you especially if it means he’ll get more drawings like that.
✎ Bo would want so badly to tease Vincent for how he acts around you since Vincent is absolutely infatuated but Bo and Lester find it adorable and are happy Vincent found someone despite everything.
✎ He would definitely want to do those heart hands or hand holding wax molds with you and keep it on his desk.
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Bo Headcanons:
> This man’s perfect woman has to be a bimbo, I’m sorry. Someone who is perfectly stupid to overlook some toxic qualities to him and won’t suspect any of his more… violent hobbies.
> Doesn’t have to be the stereotypical busty, all-pink wearing bimbo but just a pretty but airheaded girl.
> He’d originally plan on killing you when you showed up saying your car broke down. You were pretty but so were some other victims who had come through Ambrose. But that dumb factor? Oh, now he’s all in.
> Absolute charmer and reels you in and away from the rest of your group. He’d keep making up reasons as to why you should stay for longer than lie about where your group went.
> He’d keep you sat in the gas station, seeing you so easily entertained. He’d put on that charming smile and tuck your hair behind your ear. “Seems like everyone left you behind, sweetheart. How about you stay jus’ a bit longer, hm? Still need to fix up that car a’ yours, don’t we?”
> He does absolutely use your ditzy and air-headed nature to his advantage to tease because who is he if not a teasing charmer?
> “Aww, sugar, there ain’t much goin’ on in that pretty little head a’ yours, is there?”
> He has purposefully done something to make you trip so he can catch you and make it into a whole romantic scene.
> Absolutely brags to Vincent and Lester about how perfect his girlfriend is.
> He cannot get enough of you at the end of the day. He may have gone into it looking to just use you but consider yourself a charmer as well because he’s soon completely enraptured.
> He enjoys watching you get ready in the morning. Bo will get distracted himself and end up just watch you do your makeup for ten minutes, admiring how pretty you look for him.
> NOTHING BUT PRINCESS TREATMENT!!! He can be toxic and a tease but he likes to be a gentleman too.
> He’s kneeling to put on your shoes on for you, kissing up your leg as he does. He keeps a hand on your back to guide you as you two walk together. Don’t even think about paying for anything because his hand is already in his pocket, ready to pay.
> Bo spoils you rotten. He can’t help it when you smile so sweetly at him that it’s honestly unfair. Sometimes it’s stuff at the store other times it’s stuff he stole from a victim before they met their end. You wouldn’t know, of course, so it’s always a sweet thing.
> If he’s buying you clothes, he’s picking out the tightest options so he can see your body constantly. He’s already turned on constantly by you but he wants to have you all dolled up for him always.
> Although sometimes it can be annoying to have you be so oblivious, he resists any direct insults or rude names since he knows you’ll take it to heart. He never wants to see you upset.
> He knows how much you love his Southern accent and dials it up to 11 with sweet pet names when he needs you for something.
> “Sweetheart, do me a favor an’ pass me the wrench? S’got the blue handle, honey, you know which one.”
> Favorite thing he’s seen you do is when you stole his clothing and became a mini-Bo. Wearing his hat and a jumpsuit all proud of yourself and he couldn’t help but chuckle and claim you should dress like that more often so people know you’re all his.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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charliedawn · 4 months
What if the slashers begged you to stay ?
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You were on your way to the airport to leave the country when you heard a commotion behind you. You turned around and your eyes widened when you saw your patients forcing a way through the crowd to find you. Your eyes watered when their eyes found you and they all lunged at you—surrounding you.
The Silent Trio:
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Michael was the first to get to you. He had a written sign in his hands with only one word written on it in bold letters:
You looked at the sign and tried to find the words to answer him.
"Michael…I can’t." You tried to explain.
However, Michael wasn’t in the understanding mood and shoved the sign against your chest as he groaned.
It wasn’t a request and your eyes watered. You could see the desperation in his eyes. Michael was not the type to let his emotions show, but here they were. Clear as day. He was begging you to stay. And then, Brahms arrived and wrapped his arms around you as he picked you up. He squeezed you so hard that you felt dizzy as he screamed.
He was so desperate, it brought tears to your eyes as you hugged him back. He buried his face in your chest and even his mask fell to the ground as he sunk to the floor—begging. He pulled you so close and so tightly that you almost couldn’t breathe.
Suddenly, you felt another pair of arms surround the both of you and looked back to see that Jason had joined the hug. You recognised those arms and sighed as tears finally ran down your cheeks. The three of them had found you…Michael. Brahms. And Jason.
"Don’t. Leave. Us." Jason whispered and your heart tightened as you knew that he rarely spoke—but he chose to in order to convince you to stay.
"I have to, Jason." You said and their bear hug almost killed you as the three of them answered in sync.
You closed your eyes and sighed.
At this point, you knew you’d never catch that plane…
The Sinclair Brothers:
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Bo was far from stupid and he knew that if he let you go with your suitcase…He would never see you again. He was not one to beg. He didn’t like showing weakness. But, this was a very important moment and he knew if he screwed up, you’d take that plane and never come back. So, he tried. He begged. He begged earnestly as he knew you were a sucker for lost causes…
"Please. Stay. I need you, darlin’. If you want me to get on my knees and beg ? I will." He dropped to his knees and grabbed your thighs tightly. He wanted to pin you down and refused to let go and he buried his face in your stomach.
"Bo. I need to go, darling. Come on." You tried to pry him off—but he wouldn’t let go. And then, things only got worse when Vincent arrived and suddenly hugged you from behind. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and started sobbing. Vincent was far more sensitive than Bo and thought that they had done something to make you want to leave.
They didn’t care about the people around them.
They just knew that they needed to bring you back home.
When you finally came back home with them, you could see the surprise painted all over Lester’s face as he saw you come back. He opened the door and you stood up before addressing him an apologetic look.
"…I am sorry, Lessy. I couldn’t go."
Lester’s shoulders slumped and he smiled sadly. He had helped you escape, but it was all for nothing because you were already a goner.
He hugged you.
"…I am glad you didn’t."
The Bastards:
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Freddy refused to let go. He tackled you to the ground and you thought he would kill you, but you didn’t expect it when he just held you tightly against him.
"No !" He grabbed your arm and pulled you back into his arms as you attempted to leave. "Please, sweetheart. Don’t leave. Stay. Stay with me. I am an asshole. A bastard. But, fuck. You succeeded in making a man outta me."
He hugged you closer and tears strained his scarred cheeks. He kissed your forehead and you bit back a wince at the feeling of his dry and chapped lips. But, it was the first affectionate kiss that Freddy had ever given to anyone since he was reborn.
He was begging you to stay. And Freddy never begged before.
And then, you saw Pennywise appear behind him with a mischievous grin.
"You staying anyway, pal. I kinda messed up the planes. You ain’t leaving."
Your eyes widened in shock.
"Which one ?"
His smirk grew.
"…All of them."
Your eyes widened as you realised he had set fire to all the planes outside…
Norman Bates:
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"Darling. I know I’ve made mistakes. A lot of them. But, I know that letting you into my life wasn’t one. So, please. Stay." Norman said and grabbed your hand before you could leave. He was desperate. He knew he fucked up and wanted you to stay, even thought he was perfectly aware of his own sins.
Norman is a wordsmith. He would tell you all the sweetest things just to make you stay.
"You make me better." A lie. A sweet lie just for you. A lie you believed for so long…until you found the skeletons in the closet. Literally. Half a dozen body bags all piled up. You looked at him and sighed before pulling away.
"…If am not making you better. I am making you worse."
You both knew the truth and Norman opened his mouth to deny, but other words came out.
"…Maybe not. But, you give me hope." He confessed and then took your hand before bringing it to his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.
And you knew there and then that you were doomed. Because even though you knew he was a monster, you also knew he had you wrapped around his little finger…You would do anything for him. And even though you knew you had to leave, your eyes stared right into his and you couldn’t move.
You both knew you were too attached to leave, and that was you greatest enemy…yourself.
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slashers-and-rats · 9 months
Do you think... You could do headcanons for the slashers X a mute/nonverbal reader? Like just how they'd react to that & how they'd adjust to alternate forms of communication and stuff like that (Which slashers are up to you, but if Brahms and the Sinclairs were there I'd start squealing and giggling fr)
rat chat: i will provide but i don’t like bo so I’m leaving him out he’s a BITCH
Slashers with a Non-Verbal GN!Reader
featured slashers: brahms heelshire, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair
Brahms Heelshire :
i think brahms would be a little perplexed at first, especially since you’d start out as the house nanny. one of the rules is to talk to the doll, but you find ways around it. you hum along to music when you feel up for it, and usually leave little letters near the doll. sometimes, during lesson time, you even throw in a little bit about sign language, and pretend to teach the doll new words.
when you first meet brahms outside of the walls, he’s quick to show off the things you taught him while he was watching you. he’s kept all your letters, tucking them away in his pockets so he can carry them around with him, and he poorly mimics the few signs you’ve been showing off. it’s a bit heart warming, despite the odd situation you’re in.
once you two have really settled in with each other, he gets into more of a groove with things. he finds he likes the silence. it’s not like you’re not around, you still amuse him in other ways. he likes that he gets to be the chatty one. he practices reading aloud with you, and you show him how to sign some simple sentences, and you continue writing him little letters that he collects. he even finds an old music box to stick them all inside. he keeps them very safe. they remind him of you.
i don’t really think it would effect him all that much. as long as you give him love and affection in your own ways, he’d be so happy. i think his favourite thing would be making you make other noises. y’know, not words. like he’ll sneak up on you and scare you, and hear you yelp, and he’ll snicker to himself. or when you two are alone, and you make a cute noise, he melts a bit. it’s the little things for him.
Vincent Sinclair :
in my head, vincent is selectively mute, so he’s pretty much immediately on board with you being non-verbal. there’s no questions, there’s no needing to get used to it, you two are just two quiet people. he finds it comforting, if anything, since he’s able to so easily relate to you.
you guys pass notes to each other like you’re exchanging secret messages. it’s especially amusing when you’re around the other brothers, and you’ll slide vincent a note, making the other brothers upset they don’t get to know what you guys are talking about. vincent always keeps these very private. communicating with you is a privilege, not a right, and if you choose to be selective about who you talk to, he is not going to let someone else change that.
you guys learn sign language together. bo never saw the use in teaching vincent, and his mum had tried but he stopped practicing when she had passed. so, he was very rusty, and you had similar experiences. you had tried to learn, but never found much use since the people around you didn’t know anyways. so, when you two met, it became a small hobby between the two of you. you explored the town, found a library with some books on asl, and pretty quickly you two were practicing in his little workshop whenever you had a chance.
i think a lot of your comfort with each other comes from the fact that you guys don’t need words to communicate. you can tell without needing to be told when either of you are upset or frustrated, and it’s easy to see when you’re happy. vincent has memorized all the little details of your expressions to know exactly how you’re feeling, even if you’re not open about it. it’s harder for you, since he wears the mask, but you’ve learned his body posture is a pretty big give away on how he’s feeling. you two just know each other really well.
Lester Sinclair :
lester is pretty used to the idea of people being non-verbal cuz of his brother, so it doesn’t take him as much time as others to get used to it, but there are still some bumps. i think, since he’s such a funny little dude, he finds your silence kinda hard to judge sometimes. he’ll tell a joke, or tell a silly story, and you’ll just crack a smile. he never truly knows what you’re thinking, since you never tell him, and so it takes him awhile to get used to being comfortable with just not always knowing.
i think he’d be someone who immediately does everything he can to be better about it tho. deep down, he really cares. he cares about his family, he cares about the town, he cares about you- he puts as much effort into those things as possible. so, he’ll put in the effort to learn ASL behind your back, and surprise you with it on a date or something.
he likes talking to you, and getting good at knowing what you’d say if you did speak. his favourite joke is to make up a conversation between you both and play both parts, and whenever he says something in your voice, he waits for you to nod or shake your head so he knows if he’s right in his assumption. he’s usually pretty accurate tho, since he watches you a lot.
he really does watch you A LOT. since you guys can’t have conversations about your interests, he just finds other ways to figure it out. while you’re reading, he’ll peek over your shoulder. he’s always a page behind tho, but he still gets an understanding of what you like. when you’re riding with him in his truck, he lets you pick the music, and notes down every song you repeat. when you guys are eating, he watches your face to see what you like and don’t like. he just likes learning about you, even if it isn’t as easy as learning about others.
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sleepingdeath-light · 29 days
bo sinclair + segmented smut alphabet ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (part of an event)
letters used ; c / f / k
masterlist(s) ; here
minors and ageless blogs do not interact
C — Cum
anything about cum
Bo is a cocky, sadistic motherfucker and will take any chance to degrade you when you’re being intimate. One of his favourite ways to do this is by finishing onto your face or chest after you go down on him — or, alternatively, by jacking off on his own and having you kneel in front of him with an open mouth just so he can finish on your body. It also doubles as a way to mark you as his in an undeniable way and to reaffirm your role as his submissive.
F — Favourite Position
self explanatory
It’s a close tie between the mating press and doggy style, and Bo will swap between the two depending on his mood (or, more aptly, how much frustration he has to take out on you).
K — Kinks
some of their kinks
To call Bo ‘kinky’ may just be the understatement of the century as there are very few things that the man wouldn’t be up for (and actively enjoy) at least once or twice. A small list of his favourites would include:
Degradation — if you don’t call the safe word bo can be really fucking brutal with his degrading remarks and no he won’t stop just because you start crying (he gets off on that too and will just get even more cruel in response)
Dominance — there is a 0% chance of you ever getting this man to give up his dominant role for more than a few seconds as a cruel joke, he just loves having complete control over you
Sadism — he’s a serial killer with little regard for human life, so it goes without saying that he has something of a sadistic streak in him (of course he knows your limits and won’t actually go so far as to try and kill you, but he does get off on making you wince, cry out, and weep from pain — bonus points if anything leaves a mark)
Marking Kink — he just likes making sure that anyone that visits ambrose knows that you’re taken without him having to intervene like he did back in the day (of course they’ll die whether or not they flirt with you, but that’s bo’s go to reason as to why he’s so intent on leaving marks on damn near every visible part of your body)
Knife Play — this is just one of the many ways that bo will mark you up in the bedroom, and he has even considered carving his own name into the flesh of your lower stomach just to leave a permanent mark of his ownership on your body, but he’s always safe about it and makes sure that you won’t get seriously hurt during play or after the fact (he may be a sadistic bitch but he doesn’t actually want to kill you)
Bondage — bo fucking loves it when you’re completely and utterly at his mercy and has been known to just leave you tied up in the basement after a lengthy edging session to take care of something or another (he also has a whole photo album dedicated to pictures of you all tied up and nude, but that’s strictly for his eyes only and he’s not above killing someone just for accidentally taking a peek)
CNC — again, he loves it when you’re completely at his mercy so having you playing the perfect victim (crying, screaming for help, trying to run, begging him to stop) while he ties you up, threatens you, and has his way with you really gets his blood pumping (unless you tap out, at which point you’ll get to see a rare glimpse of ‘nice bo’ as he makes sure you’re okay and he hasn’t gone too far)
Humiliation — this ties in really well with his degradation kink and mainly encompasses the physical acts he does to degrade you (one of which being highlighted under the ‘c’ section of this alphabet)
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musclefilia · 11 months
COD combine with Slasher which one would be which? Im thinking like Soap - Ghostface, Ghost - michael myers?????
That's actually a really good question...
COD guys as movie slashers
I think König is closest to Vincent Sinclair. I think its pretty obvious why. Both of them are tall, built, socially challenged and like to wear masks to cover their faces. He would probably be a good boyfriend (slashing aside). A total romantic, head over heels. Loves to make little wax sculptures for you.
I see Ghost more as a Jason Voorhees type than Michael Myers. He doesn't really shares that sadism aspect with Michael, and I think Jason captures his cold "get shit done" side. Definitely quick to get attached to the girl he thinks is "the one", and is a bit delusional.
Soap is definitely a Ghost face (I guess there's technically two ghost faces in the movie? but whatever this is fanfiction). Smug, and loves to play with his food. If he found a girl he liked, he would take his time breaking her down. Calling her house, leaving spooky messages, leaving letters and other gifts. Eventually it would lead to him "asking you out" and well, you can imagine however you'd like that to go lol.
Alejandro is TOTALLY Candyman (super underrated slasher). Unlike the standard movie slasher type, he's suave, and comes off as weirdly romantic. Probably has the easiest time "woo-ing" his love interest, after all how could you suspect such a nice handsome man like him of being anything but a gentleman?
Graves reminds me a lot of Bo Sinclair (not sure if he counts as a fully fledged slasher, but who cares). They're both country side pricks, total twins. You'd have to be a strong woman to tolerate him, he'd probably be kind of a shithead, but a loyal shithead.
I can't really think of any for Price or Gaz... If you guys have any idea's send em overr (°◡°♡)
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lebenspurpur · 2 years
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AN: I literally have posts about other slashers I could work on, but the Vincent obsession keep coming back.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, anxiety, once again not proofread
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Groaning, you massage your throbbing temples with two fingers as you stare at the blinding white screen. You can feel your eyes starting to tire from dealing with the blue light of the pc for too long, but it can't be helped. You promised Bo you'd send at least three applications today, and thus far, you're only done with two of them.
Stretching, you let the foot that has been propped up on the chair for way too long fall on the floor and ignore the numb burning of the limb. Only a few more minutes, and then you could start cooking. And then, after some cleaning up and doing dishes, finally you could sleep.
Your eyes wander to the small clock on the bottom of your screen, but the white numbers dance in front of you. Blinking a few times, you try to rid yourself of the sleepiness gathering in them, and when you glance at the numbers again, they're unfortunately all too readable. Already so late, you think to yourself, fingers resting on the keyboard once again, ready to keep typing.
Your head feels foggy, and it takes a lot of discipline to get it to stop fussing and focus on the task at hand. The next few minutes are going to be spent trying to make your personality attractive to yet another employer. The thought depresses and frightens you.
You don't want to work. Not really anyway. But Ambrose needs the money, and you're the only one without a daily occupation. Bo works at the station and deals with the incoming tourists, Vincent has his art and Lester already works the entire day. You don't want to be a burden, no more than you already are.
You know the boys are struggling even if no one tells you anything. Lester is the only one that ever started working somewhere, while Vincent and Bo always rely on others to fill their pockets. The savings they made in good years are slowly dwindling, and your unpaid presence doesn't improve their situation either. Guilt settles in your bones whenever you think about the burden you're putting on the Sinclairs.
A floorboard creaks behind you and with a way too loud and embarrassing shriek, you spin the office chair around, ready to feel a knife twisting a hole into your back.
You're lucky, it's just Vincent who looks almost adorably flustered at being caught sneaking up on you. "Sorry.", he signs after a second or two, but the crinkling of his eye and the slight shifting of the mask tells you that he's not feeling all that apologetic.
"You're going to give me a heart attack one day.", you breathe out, hand splayed over your racing heart. Breathing deeply, you turn the chair around again. Something dark moves in the corner of your eye as Vincent leans over your shoulder, soft breathing brushing against the holes in his mask.
His head tilts once he notices your tense posture and your shaking fingers hovering over the keyboard. Nonetheless, you keep your gaze on the screen, re-reading the same sentence over and over again in hopes that he'll leave you alone again. You know that as soon as Vincent will try to comfort you, the tears will flow and never stop. And you don't want to deal with that right now.
His fingers find your thigh right as you notice the letters in front of your eyes blurring from the fluid in them. Your gaze drops to your lap as he turns the office chair around, crouching down to look at your face. Worry sparks in his azure eye and the hand on your thigh moves to lift your chin.
As his fingers lift your face, you glance up at him, clinging to the familiarity of his masked face with anxiety in your heart.
His sweater-covered arms open a little, an invitation you gladly accept. Sniffling, you slide down the office chair and kneel in front of him, suddenly smaller again.
His arms wrap around you as you throw yourself into them, the woolen sweater scratching your bare face. Vincent smells like smoke and wax and rain, and you hang onto him like a drowning person, hoping that his warmth will encase you.
The artist's hands gently run up and down your back, smoothing out the sobs you cry into his shoulder. A small part of your brain acknowledges that the tears might soil his clothes, but you push it away. Not now.
You don't know how long it takes for you to calm down, but you know that after you're finished, the anxiety has given way to a complete feeling of fatigue. Still, you feel better than you did before.
"Thank you.", your lips brush against the soft skin of Vincent's neck, arms still connected around his torso. The Sinclair hums as an answer, head moving away to tenderly peck your forehead with his wax lips. The loving smile on your face wavers as his hands move from your back, and you nearly pout, until you realize he wants to sign something.
"I think you need to get some rest.", his hands move slowly and emphasized, making sure you get that he's not taking no as an answer.
"But the applications-"
"No buts.", if signing could be stern, Vincent's would fit the description. You give up, not really grieving over the loss of the task.
"Will you join me then?", the hint of a teasing smile grazes your lips.
"If your majesty insists."
"They do.", an affectionate feeling blooms in your chest as his eyes crinkle in a smile and Vincent uses your moment of weakness to stand up and pull you with him. As he tugs you out of the small room, hands intertwined, you finally feel the tiredness catching up to you. The walk to your room seems too long, and you silently thank Vincent for supporting your slumping body.
Yawning, you stumble after the dark-haired man and when you finally reach your shared bed, you swear you've never seen a more glorious sight. Vincent chuckles as you bury yourself in the sheets, pulling off his thick sweater and abandoning it on the floor as he joins you.
The second his arms envelop your torso, your eyes close with a sigh, and you move closer to your lover, trying to get as close as possible. Relaxation settles in your core, a feeling you missed dearly. It's fed by the soft sensations of Vincent's fingertips on your skin.
As your focus turns more and more drowsy and the welcoming arms of sleep come closer and closer, you register Vincent moving while he takes his mask off, and you smile into him. You would be fine.
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Meadow's Masterlist for Michael Myers & Thomas Hewitt & The Grabber
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My list of works is growing and growing, so I split my masterlist up. Here is the list for the fics I've written for Michael Myers, Bo, Vincent and Lester Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt and The Grabber. Created and last updated on 24-04-2023. All my writing, even the shorter pieces that don't go onto AO3, are reblogged over at @myers-meadow-archive for ease of keeping track and archival purposes.
The link to my list for my other masterlist with Otis Driftwood, other horror writing and several other fandoms is here.
The links are in order of fandom, the newest writings are at the top.
Reblogging my writing is very much appreciated, but reposting it, on any site, is plagiarism.
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Michael Myers
Feeding him by accident (sfw, oneshot)
Sunday roast (sfw, oneshot)
With s/o who likes being picked up (request, headcanons)
RZ Michael Myers x female therapist: New urge (heed warnings, oneshot, 18 +)
Wrapped with a ribbon (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Through lace curtains. (18 +, drabble)
Valentine's Day in Smiths Grove (sfw, oneshot)
Care for me, 18 +, heed the warnings for each chapter. part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. part 5 (final)
Stargazing (fluff, sfw, oneshot)
Untitled fluff (sfw, oneshot)
Shapes on his skin (fluff, sfw, oneshot)
Floral and fading (smut, oneshot)
Priest! Michael Myers (RZ) 18 + heed warnings
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Bo, Vincent and Lester Sinclair
Bo Sinclair x reader: Planetarium. (angst, comfort, sfw, oneshot)
Multi-chapter fic Vincent x OC x Bo/Poly Sinclairs. The Ambrose Summer Vacation. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. (ongoing, 18 +)
Vincent Sinclair x gn reader: art and comfort request.
Bo Sinclair x fem OC: Sweet treat. (18 +, oneshot)
Ambrose Boba Tea Shop AU Vincent/Mango boba; Lester/Black milk tea
Vincent x you/female reader x Bo Drabble
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Thomas Hewitt
Letter by letter (sfw, oneshot)
Musings of Luda Mae (Sfw)
Kiss your boyfriend (dark, oneshot)
Safe with him (dark, spiritual sequel to Kiss Your Boyfriend, drabble)
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The Grabber
Eggs for breakfast (request)
The Grabber x Max's girlfriend: The rhythm of life (heed warnings, one-shot).
Punishment (18 +, heed warnings, drabble)
Birthday headcanons
Male reader headcanons (request, sfw)
Request masochist reader (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Helpful people get rewarded (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Request for apprentice reader (sfw)
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Divider by @/firefly-graphics
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Slashers on Valentines day
Happy Valentines day everyone. I'm single so I don't really have anyone to celebrate with but who cares when I still get chocolate and can watch a campy slasher movie centered around the holiday. This is kind of a random selection of slashers including Danny because he's my baby girl and I saw really cute Valentines day themed fan art of him. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy <3
Includes: Hannibal Lecter, Harry Warden, Candyman, The Sinclair brothers, Amanda Young and, Danny Johnson
Warnings: Mentions of murder and gore kind of
Hannibal Lecter
He's obviously cooking for you today. You're not to step foot into the kitchen because he's taking care of all of it himself. You're getting spoiled today and that's final.
He's going to buy you something expensive that you'll love. It might be a ring or a new bag, maybe an entirely new outfit. Whatever he sees fit to give you. He doesn't expect you to get him anything but if you do he's very thankful.
He's probably taking you to the opera with him. Something high brow and fancy for his lovely s/o, nothing but the best for you on a very special day.
I can see him spending the evening drawing you too. You're probably in his study, drinking wine and doing something relaxing while he sketches you and recites love poems.
Harry Warden
He's going to be busy murdering people on Valentines day so he's not going to be able to do much of anything with you.
But he is going to bring you whatever he thinks you'll like. Flowers, chocolate, a card addressed to one of his victims, whatever he finds he's giving you.
He doesn't really enjoy having decorations up for Valentines day. Having pink and red themed decor is fine with him but explicit Valentines day decorations aren't his jam.
While he isn't there on the actual day, he's going to be there after Valentines day and that's when he's going to shower you with love and affection.
It's going to a very romantic day overall for you. Lots of your favorite flowers around your house/apartments waiting for you when you wake up. Maybe some chocolate but probably a little honeycomb too.
He's going to steal you all of the gifts he gets you. Mostly expensive jewelry he thinks you'll like or you've pointed out to him.
Oh and he is most definitely writing you a love letter pages long, listing off every detail of why he loves you and what he would do for you.
Of course he's going to be spending the entire day with you. You're not going out but you're going to enjoy time spent with him in your house together.
Vincent Sinclair
He's going to give you whatever gifts he can make/get you for the occasion. He doesn't have access to most traditional things for Valentines day so it might just be a painting or a love letter, but he's trying ok?
He wants to spend the entire day with you. He usually spends a lot of time with you anyway but especially on this special day. He'll keep Bo away so he doesn't make stupid comments about you two, and Lester won't bother you at all.
He might want to try slow dancing with you since he's never done it before and he sees couples do it in romance movies all of the time. He might suck at it but he doesn't really care because it's with you.
He's going to end the day with a nice dinner between the two of you. He pulled out an old cook book to use for this and he did a pretty good job at cooking it too.
Lester Sinclair
He's going to get you all of the stereotypical gifts, chocolate, flowers, a card, etc. He just loves you so much and he wants to spoil you every once and awhile you know?
He's going to take you out to an actual town where the two of you can really be a couple. You're probably just going to be walking/driving around and getting dinner but it's the thought that counts.
Lots of physical affection too. Like he wants to always have a hand on you today. He thinks that he can't fully express how much he loves outside of giving you hugs, kissing you, holding your hand, etc.
He's probably taking pictures of all of this. I can see him being a sentimental person so spending a special day with you is something that he's going to want to document.
Bo Sinclair
He thinks the whole idea of the day is stupid. But that doesn't mean he isn't going to do something special with you for Valentines day. He can be a gentleman when he wants to and today is one of those days.
He'll probably get you flowers. Nothing too special, he'd ask Vincent what flowers to get if he doesn't know your favorite flowers are. I feel like Vincent could go off on a big thing about the different meanings of flowers but he knows Bo doesn't care so he'll just say roses.
I feel like he would maybe get you a ring that matches one of his. Partly to sell the idea that you're married to victims, partly because he's a possessive guy and likes the idea of you always being reminded who you're dating.
He also expects you to be romantic. He knows you can't do much because you can't leave town without him but he still expects you to do something like cook him something special or write him a love letter if you're that kind of person.
Amanda Young
She also thinks Valentines day is stupid. She's never been much of a romantic and probably has never been in a healthy romantic relationship, let alone an actual relationship.
Like Bo she's still getting you something. If you're like her she's getting you a gothic box of chocolate and maybe flowers (They do sell gothic boxes of chocolate and I'm in love with them).
She will happily go out to dinner with you. She somewhat expects you to plan it and pay for at least half of the dinner. I can see her getting dressed up if it's a more fancy restaurant and looking so pretty.
She's also going to rub it in Hoffmans face that she has a partner who loves her and that she got spoiled while he probably sat home alone doing whatever he does.
Danny Johnson
He's going to make a scrap book of all of his favorite pictures of you and share it with you. Pointing out the ones he likes the best or ones with fun stories behind them.
Because he's an obsessive little shit he knows all of your favorite things and he's going to get them for you. Expect to find your favorite flowers, candy, drink, etc on your kitchen table in the morning.
Maybe does a romantic photo shoot with you. He wants to pick out some aspects of it but will let you pick out outfits to wear. He's going to spend half the time actually taking pictures and half posing you so he has an excuse to touch you.
If you're as morbid and crazy as him then he's going to get you an actual heart. It might be human, it might be an animals heart he got at the butcher, ok it's probably a real heart that he says is an animals.
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