#bodyguard!dean winchester
Destiel prompt
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I love you @corrupt-touch and your brain. Just sharing your awesomeness.
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winchester-girl67 · 1 year
Don’t Say A Word (Part 18)
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Summary: Y/N takes Dean on a detour when he's released from the hospital.
Pairing: Bodyguard!Dean x reader 
Word Count: 2,443
Rating: mature/18+ (minors DNI)
Warnings: language, SMUT, protected sex, p in v, unrealistic sex (since Dean is still injured), mentions of injury, kissing/cudding, cheesy/gross pick-up lines, mature themes, fluff
A/N: This part is 18+ (minors DNI). You can also skip this part without missing any of the story if that’s not your thing. (Smut is outlined by ***). First attempt at writing smut, I almost deleted this part altogether... but this is an enemies-to-lovers fic... so here it is. Also, some pick up lines actually are from google. Enjoy!
"You missed the turn, sweetheart." Dean commented when you drove past the street he'd told you to turn on a couple of lights back. 
"Oh?" You cocked your brow and bit back a smirk. 
"It's okay, you can take this left too." He said, but you sped up instead and giggled at him when he frowned. "Uh, what's going on?" 
"Left turns are hard, I'll take a right up here." 
"That would be going in the opposite direction." When you did in fact take a right, he asked, "Where are you taking me?"
"Just sit there and look pretty, we're almost there." You grinned, looking over at him and chewing on your lip. 
"Y/N, what's gotten into you-" Dean chuckled, but you cut him off, pushing your index finger to his lips and glancing back at the road. 
"Shhh... Not another word, Winchester." 
You drove him away from the city, until the road signs were few and far between and the Impala was surrounded by evergreens whipping by. It wasn't a long drive and halfway down a gravel country road, you slowed and pulled into a small dirt niche with a dock, next to the lake. Dean had told you about this spot during his stay at the hospital, promising to bring you here for a picnic and fishing one day soon. But you got too excited to wait.
The spot was private and peaceful when you cut the engine and you turned to Dean, who was already staring at you with warmth in his eyes. You cracked open the windows, hearing the chirping of songbirds echo along the water's edge amongst the rippling waves. The smile on your face grew as you stared back at him.
Dean raised his brow in question since he was still following orders not to speak. 
You laughed and shrugged playfully, "Thought it was about time I gave you a taste of your own medicine and kidnap you."
"You're not gonna tie me up, are you?" He wet his lips with a glint in his eye.
"Not this time," you teased, inching over to him. 
Dean held his breath when you brushed your lips against his in a barely there kiss, pulling away slowly as he chased your lips. You giggled when he fisted your shirt and tugged you back in, fuelling the lust in his eyes when you met him halfway, kissing him whole-heartedly this time. It got needy fast; your lips bruised against his as his palm held the back of your head and you let him direct the kiss, showing you he was ready for more. 
You sighed and broke the kiss, pressing your forehead against his as you bunched up your maxi skirt and carefully lifted your knee to straddle him. You sat higher, practically on his knees since you were afraid to touch his stomach and hurt him. Dean noticed and pecked your lips, his rough hands finding their way to your bare thighs and caressing your smooth skin. 
"Does it hurt? Because we don't have to do this right now." You sucked on your lip, your hand sliding down from his shoulder to his chest, well above the injury. "I can drive us back to your place instead, make dinner, or order dinner and we can watch something stupid on TV, or if you'd rather be alone-" 
"Sweetheart, I would love nothing more than a lazy evening with you, apart from this moment and I'm not ready for it to end. You won't hurt me, but I need to know this is what you want too." He said, brushing your hair out of your face and behind your ear. 
"I kidnapped you, remember, of course I want you." You smiled sweetly at him and glanced down at his stomach again. "How do we... do this? Without hurting you, I mean." 
"Well, it won't be exactly the way I imagined but I'm sure we can make it work." Dean admitted, red creeping up his neck and into his cheeks with the look you gave him. 
"You imagined it?"
"Shut up," he said sheepishly, squeezing your thighs with his strong fingers. You jumped when he touched a ticklish spot and he chuckled. "Of course, I did. You are so beautiful... and sexy... and smart... and badass... and stubborn... and bossy... and you always think you're right-" He breathed in your ear between the kisses he placed to your lips, cheek and neck. 
"Hey, what happened to the compliments?" You cut him off and whined, throwing your head back when he dragged his tongue over your pulse point. 
He mumbled against the skin right below your ear, "Those were compliments. I wouldn't change a damn thing about you, Y/N. You're perfect. What's-her-name's got nothing on you."
"You mean Auburn?"
"Couldn't hold a torch to you, sweetheart. You have no idea how thankful I am that I picked you up instead of her." He panted lightly and you pressed your lips to his forehead. 
"Oh so, that's what we're calling it now? That you picked me up?" You scoffed, rolling your eyes and grinning at him. "If that's the case, I would've thought you could come up with a better line than 'Don't say a word', kinda creepy." 
"Alright, how about this one then? Of all the beautiful curves on your body, your smile is my favourite." 
"...Not gonna lie, I kinda like that one." 
His hands travelled a little further up your thighs, sliding down to cup each cheek with a full palm. You shifted, feeling a warmth spreading in your centre and Dean chewed on his lip as if he felt the same heat. 
"You've been under my skin since I met you, now it's my turn." He said, unable to keep a straight face and you instantly scrunched up yours, your eyes widening with disbelief. 
"Wow! You're lucky you're injured, otherwise I'd toss you on your ass for saying something as gross as that." 
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. How about I give you a kiss and if you don't like it, you can return it." He said and you let him mold his lips to yours slowly. 
"Are you coming up with these on the spot?"
"Google," he admitted, pulling his phone out from where he'd hid it under his leg. 
"You're really adorable, sometimes."
"Only sometimes?" He winked and you shrugged, biting back a smile. "I'll take it," he grinned wide enough to show off his pearly whites, inching his lips towards yours again. 
Dean's fingers toyed with the lace hem on your cotton panties before he gripped you firmly and tugged you so you slid down from his knees and into his lap. The thin material of the sweats he wore did little to disguise how hard he was becoming between your legs and you moaned when he attached his lips to the top of your breasts that peeked out of your low cut shirt.
He pushed the sleeve of your shirt and strap of your bra down your arm, clamping his teeth into the meat of your shoulder and easing the sting with his tongue. Trailing needy kisses along your collarbone and over every inch of your exposed chest as you arched your back into him. Heat building in your stomach as his breath tickled your skin and you let out another soft moan.
Dean pushed your other sleeve down, bunching your shirt and bra around your waist and below your breasts as you pulled your arms free. He traced a nipple with his thumb and it budded at the sensation.
He sighed, “...so beautiful.”
He took a moment and released a heavy breath that littered your body with goosebumps as he admired your half naked form. His sharp teeth sank into his bottom lip and you shivered under his gaze. His green eyes flicked up to meet yours. 
"You okay?" He asked, tracing your curves with his fingertips until one hand came up to cup your face. His other moving under your panties until his fingers met your soft skin. You whimpered and nodded and he frowned, "Words, sweetheart."
"...Yes," you managed to breathe out, pulling a smug smirk out of Dean. 
He licked his lips before dragging them down your neck and chest, placing hot wet kisses over your breasts and sucking a nipple into his warm mouth. It sent a jolt through your body and you sighed shakily as you pressed into him.
He pulled away when you tugged at his own shirt, raising his arms and letting you remove it and throw it into the backseat. The shirt fell over the head of the grumpy teddy bear that Sam had given him, effectively covering its eyes from what was finally about to happen.
Your gaze dropped to the stitches and tape on his stomach, and you worried your lip for a second before he caught your eye. 
"S'okay, it doesn't hurt." He said, kissing you sweetly. You traced your fingertips over his tummy around the wound and deepened the kiss until you heard him groan, pulling away to gauge his discomfort. His pupils were blown with lust and he smiled at you as he wet his lips, "I'm not made of glass, Y/N, you can't break me."
You checked his eyes once more, then let yourself embrace the desire, losing yourself in the heat and hunger that radiated from him. You lifted yourself just enough to be able to manoeuvre him out of his sweats and reached into your purse to pull out a condom. You ripped the foil open with your teeth before Dean grabbed it away and put it on himself.
You slid your panties aside and positioned yourself against him, lining him up with your centre. Then you sank down on top of him, letting him push into you gently until he was all the way inside. Dean groaned and clutched your waist like he needed a minute and you dropped your forehead to his shoulder, waiting for the intensity to turn to pleasure. You whimpered and pressed a kiss to his freckled skin as you savoured one more long moment to adjust.
Once you felt ready and Dean's grip eased up, you pecked another kiss to the same spot and rocked your hips back and forth experimentally. Dean groaned in pleasure, delighting in you taking control as you continued to move your hips, all slow and gentle like with just enough friction. You didn't want to put too much strain on his injury, after all.
His hand trailed up your side until his fingers tangled in your hair, pulling your head back so he could look into your Y/E/C eyes. It was a look of raw unadulterated passion. One you were sure your expression matched as you rolled your hips into his. He held your gaze for as long as he could until he grunted and pulled you in for a needy kiss. It was hot and intense, but it grew softer with the need to breathe and you broke the kiss to pant against his lips.
Your thighs were burning and you bit your lip trying to keep your rhythm. Dean noticed you slow and began thrusting up to meet each bounce, gripping your hips as he helped guide your movements. Pushing his physical boundaries as much as he dared until you were trembling around him as he brought you over the edge. You moaned in his ear, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your body into him. The thin layer of sweat coating your bodies mixed together and your high continued as you grinded into him.
"Fuck,” he groaned, his muscles tensing and his arms locking around you, pulling you flush to him and keeping you there. He stilled as he came and for a minute the only sound in the Impala was a collective panting as you both came down from your highs.
"Did I hurt you?" You asked when you felt his hold relax. Your limbs like putty around him as you clung to his freckled shoulders.
"No, Y/N. That was perfect, thank you." He said and attached his lips to yours.
"Did you just thank me?"
"Shut up," Dean chuckled sheepishly against your lips, kissing you again and holding you close. "You can kidnap me anytime you want, sweetheart... Can I drive now, though?”
“Not a chance, Winchester.” You shook your head, lifting yourself off of him and plopping down into the driver’s seat. You tugged your shirt and bra up and back into place, giving him your most mischievous grin when you saw his disappointment. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” He sighed, wetting his lips as he removed the condom and tucked himself away.
“Actually, I’m pretty sure you’re the lucky one. You did just get the girl after all.” You said with a wink. 
“That’s true, I did get her and she’s pretty damn amazing.” His green eyes sparkled at you in the light of the sun setting.
Time passes fast when you’re having fun.
“You’re not so bad yourself, for a bodyguard.” You teased and reached into the backseat to fetch his shirt. You didn't want him testing those stitches anymore than he already had.
“Executive Protection Agent.” He corrected, trying to hold a hard expression that you saw right through.
You gave him a satiated smile and a wiggle of your brows as you sucked your lip between your teeth. Dean grinned, his eyes mapping your features like he was afraid you would disappear and he'd forget your face.
You started up the engine and pulled the car out onto the road, heading back towards the city. He sighed and tugged on his shirt, then leaned his head on your shoulder with his face pressed into your hair and you felt his breath cascade over your skin. You shivered when he placed a kiss to the crook of your neck and hummed.
There had been a lot of back and forth and there was no doubt you would fight again. But now that you knew things could end differently, you didn't mind and leaned your cheek against the top of his head.
You cared about each other more than either of you let on and neither one of you had to say a thing to know that was true. You were content to feel it in the way he felt you. The way he kissed you, held you, breathed in your scent. You never felt anything as strong before, you never wanted anything as bad before and you would fight for it. For him, any way that you had to.
A/N: This series is complete.

Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891 @leigh70
Forever SPN: @hobby27
Don't Say A Word: @lacilou @mlovesstories @spn730015 @hunni-bunny @ria132love @fmstafford  @spideysimpossiblegirl @houseforwhores @siospins2 @globetrotter28 @nt-multi-fandom @maggiegirl17 @iprobablyshipit91 @tigergirllolipop @stoneyggirl2 @mimaria420 @muhahaha303
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spnisthewayoflife · 5 months
Title: The Bodyguard Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52655695 *Square Filled: Bodyguard AU Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester Warnings: None Summary:
SPNAUBingo Prompt - Bodyguard AU
Dean Winchester. Singer, actor, and all-round pain in Castiel Novak's ass.
When Castiel took the job of head of security for Dean Winchester six years earlier, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. From the moment Dean Winchester walked onto the set, it was clear that their personalities clashed like oil and water. Castiel's meticulous attention to detail clashed with Dean's devil-may-care attitude, creating a constant source of frustration for both of them.
Word Count: 3,353 *Written/Created for @spnaubingo
Alternate Universe - Bodyguard, Famous Dean Winchester, Former Army Service Member Castiel (Supernatural), Bodyguard, Dean Winchester is a pain in Castiel's ass
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dadvans · 2 years
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this was the energy they had
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winchest09 · 2 years
Yours to Protect - Chapter Five
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Pairing: Bodyguard!Dean Winchester x F!Reader
Word Count: 3847
Summary: Y/N was a highly independent woman, focusing much more on her career than she did on men and relationships. She had no time to commit to something long term, opting instead to go in search of one night stands. It was fun, exhilarating, and freeing to be in control of her own life. No ties, no constraints, no commitments. Yet, while walking home after one mediocre night in the arms of another, she finds herself walking into something that would change her life…forever.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Swearing, talks of murder, talks of violence, fear, talks of anxiety, commanding Dean, dirty bathrooms - that's about it. Slow burn, enemies to lovers.
A/N: Covid still sucks - i hate it. Im so tired of being tired and there is a brain fog that comes with it that apparently just makes me forget everything. Ugh. Anyway, I’m feeling more human, getting back on my feet (even if I thought today was Wednesday...it’s not) and yeah - i hope you enjoy the new add!! 
I also want to say a massive thank you to my wonderful @deanwanddamons��​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ for being my wonderful beta, and for kicking my ass where needed. Love you <3 __________________________
Get five weeks ahead on Patreon! __________________________
Yours to Protect Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Let me know your thoughts!
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“Do you really think I’m going to go on that deathtrap?”
Y/N stood defiant, her arms crossed across her midsection as she stared at the Harley Davidson FatBoy that was currently resting on its stand, the jet black paint shining under the lights of the police garage. Her eyebrows were raised as she focused on the machine, her mind whirring with thoughts as she tried to understand why she wasn’t sitting in a car. The day just kept getting better; not only had she witnessed a murder, had to leave behind everyone she loves but she now has to risk her life on the back of that two wheeled accident waiting to happen.
“You have no choice,” Dean grumbled, pulling out the keys from his pocket and inserting them into the ignition, turning on the front beam.
“This is going to be so obvious though,” she argued back, slapping her hands against her thighs to reinforce the forcefulness behind her point, the hoody in her hands flailing around with her. “A woman speeding off on the back of a bike into the dead of night?!”
“Helmet,” he announced, launching it towards her forcing the woman to quickly catch it out of reflex, dropping the ball of fabric she was holding to the floor. Of course, her frown deepened as she looked at the heavy item in her hands, the color matching the one of the motorcycle as the bodyguard continued to talk. “With that, and the fact your hair is tucked into the beanie, who is gonna know that you’re a female?”
Upon that statement, she glanced down at her breasts before freeing up one hand to gesture towards them, her forefinger pointing between the mounds. “They kinda give it away.”
“If you say so,”Dean smirked, not even giving them a second glance as he took a step closer towards her. “Look, Princess, I’ve been doing this job for a long time and I know what I’m doing. You either fend for yourself here, or you get on. Your choice.”
“And how do I know that you’re sober enough to control one of these?!” She put forth, knowing that he had been drinking earlier that evening. Sure, she had been doing the same but she had been through enough in the past few hours to put any addict back on the straight and narrow.
“I’ve been around you for more than thirty minutes,” he grumbled, attempting to hide the next part of his sentence under his breath but she still heard it as clear as day. “Trust me, I’m as sober as can be.”
His words stung; even though she didn’t really know this man, his opinion of her hit a nerve. Sure, she can be a bit sarcastic, and stubborn, but she liked to think that it didn’t overshadow her better qualities. Even if it had, this man in front of her had been the catalyst of it all. Firstly from his overly rude greeting, secondly from the way he denied any involvement with her purely based on that first judgement, and thirdly from the way he was now ordering her around like she was some sort of soldier. There had been no empathy from him, no sympathy for her situation at all and it angered her somewhat. Of course, she knew he had a job to do but even still a simple ‘are you alright?’ would have meant wonders.
“Of all the people, why did it have to be you?!” Y/N huffed, shaking her head as she looked down at the helmet in her hands, rotating the heavy item as she tried to bite back the tears that were forming in her eyes.
“Because I’m the best damn bodyguard in the business,” Dean shot back, pulling on his own head gear as he stared her down.
“Apart from that one percent,” she murmured, louder than intended. From the way he stopped in his tracks, she knew she had hit a nerve and the journalist in her was eager to get to the bottom of that story.
“Get on the bike,” he instructed, low and authoritative, not acknowledging her comment as his fingers found the strap under his chin before he turned to face his Harley.
“Were you not taught any manners?” Y/N quipped, narrowing her eyes as she watched her bodyguard swing one of his legs over the chassis, positioning himself in the front seat.
“Get on the bike…please,” he repeated, adding on the pleasantry as he began to pull on his protective gloves. However, it did nothing to ease her hesitancy about doing what she was told. In truth, motorcycles scared her somewhat. She had always seen accidents involving them, read reports of how mangled the bodies of the riders were after they had crashed into something else. She did not intend to be another of those casualties.
“Have you been on one before?” Dean’s voice cut through her spiralling thoughts, and when her gaze landed up on him, his eyes peering through the open visor, she just shook her head.
“No…not really.”
“Focus on me, when I lean to a side, you copy the exact motion to ensure I stay balanced, got it?” He reeled off his instructions before gesturing for her to put on her helmet. “Oh, and make sure you hold on to me.”
With shaky hands, Y/N did as she was told and secured her head protection in place, searching for the clasp beneath her chin to make it as tight as she needed it to be. It was then that she bent over, nearly falling to the ground face first thanks to the additional weight she was carrying on her shoulders that she wasn’t used to, before she grabbed the hoodie she had been carrying all this time. She was grateful it closed via a zip, and quickly slipped it over her arms.
“Do I have too?” Her question came out more whiny than she had originally intended, but the thought of gripping onto the waist of a man she wasn’t really fond of for an unprecedented amount of time really got under her skin.
“No. You can risk falling off, your choice.” Dean just shrugged, his green orbs not giving away any emotion as she took another deep breath. She was about to put her life in the palm of a person she hadn’t known for even an hour. But she knew that this was a whirlwind she wasn’t about to escape from. “Stay alert, we’ve got a long ride ahead of us.”
“How long?” She asked, swinging her leg over behind him as she got herself comfy on the black seat, her feet finding the bare pedals that he had so kindly pulled out for her.  Yet he didn’t answer her question, instead he continued with a new set of instructions.
“Tap me three times on the left shoulder if you think we’re being followed. Tap me the same amount on the right if you want me to pull over.”
“That’s it!?” Y/N exclaimed, her eyes wide as the bodyguard ignited the Harley’s engine and the loud, deep rumble echoed throughout the parking lot. Almost immediately her heart was in her mouth as she watched how he shut his visor and leaned forward, his fingers wrapping around the accelerator as he revved in warning. “Dean!”
It was clear that she wasn’t going to get a response, so in fear for her life, she lowered her own visor and gripped onto the body of the man in front of her tightly as he sped off, leaving the police headquarters behind them. The journalist actually closed her eyes the moment the bike breached the outside world, fearing that someone would be lying in weight with a gun just ready to lodge a bullet inside her skull and if that were the truth, then she definitely didn’t want to be aware of it. But after a good few minutes had passed, nothing but the cold wind wrapping around her frame as Dean weaved his way through traffic, she dared to take a peek at her surroundings.
Already, they were both crossing the long main bridge that led out of her town in a southern direction, the moonlight casting a white glow on the waters beneath them as the bodyguard continued to keep a decent yet careful speed. She couldn’t help but stare at the sight, even though she was fastly zooming past it, her fingers still clinging onto her bodyguard as hard as they could. It was giving her a sense of peace, a sense of tranquillity that she was so desperately in need of.
The mere idea that her life could be taken from her at any second was terrifying, that there were a group of dangerous criminals out there with her name on their hit list intent on snuffing out her spark. How does anyone attempt to even get on with that? How could a single soul commit to daily tasks and activities without giving in to the constant fear of death that would loom over them like a shadow? It was maddening.
Still, she knew she had to be grateful for still being able to breathe, for being given the best possible chance at living thanks to Sam Winchester, and in extension, Dean too. He had given up his evening, his plans for the next goodness knows how long just so he could protect a random stranger that spilled a glass of red wine down his white shirt. Sure, he was an asshole about it but here he was, focussed on the asphalt in front of him as he expertly transported them to wherever they were headed.
Y/N didn’t know how long she had been lost in her own thoughts, but when an orange glow peaked in through the side of her visor and caused her to squint, she recognised that the sun was rising. She had no idea how long they had been travelling for, or how long they still had left to go but judging from the fact she hadn’t used the bathroom since she had left the club, and the road they were travelling along wasn’t exactly the smoothest, the pain in her lower abdomen alerted her to the fact she was desperate for the bathroom.
Remembering what he had said to her, she tapped him three times hard on the right shoulder and saw him nod slightly, before he checked his mirrors and slowly pulled over to the side of the road.
“What is it?” He questioned, angling his head to the side so he could see her out of the side of his eye.
“I need to go to the bathroom,” she pushed out, squirming a little in her seat as she tried to become a bit more comfortable, the low rumble of the engine not helping her current situation.
“Can you not hold it?” Dean returned, sounding exasperated as he pulled up his sleeve to glance at his watch.  “We’ve got about forty minutes before we hit our destination.”
“I’ve been holding it for the past thirty minutes or so,” she shot back, feeling a little snappy as she couldn’t exactly help it. “Every bump in the road feels like a punch to my bladder.”
“Right, fine,” he sighed, turning back to face the handlebars fully before he wrapped his fingers around them. “Next gas station I’ll pull over.”
“Thank you.”
The good news was it didn’t take too long before the pair came across a rest stop and as promised, the bodyguard rode into the parking lot, stopping as close to the toilets as he possibly could. Y/N didn’t waste a second, fearing she would burst if she didn’t relieve herself quickly, and hastily climbed off the back of the Harley, not even caring that her helmet was still resting on her head. She could take that off for a break while she was sitting.
What she hadn’t anticipated though, in her quick step towards the door she was aiming for, was for Dean to fall quickly in line with her, his arm resting over her shoulders as he peered at their surroundings.
“What are you doing?” She hissed, shrugging off his touch as she stopped in her tracks, moving a little away from the man next to her.
“You said you needed the bathroom,” he returned, a small crease appearing between his eyebrows as he frowned. Or at least that was what she was assuming he was doing, considering she couldn’t see the rest of his face.
“Yeah and I don’t need personally escorting to the stall,” Y/N argued back, not really wanting to entertain having an almost stranger hearing her pee. Of course, she knew in a public restroom, that was a fact you couldn’t really avoid but she could definitely swerve Dean Winchester listening to her.
“It’s my job, Princess,” he asserted, his hands resting by his sides as he continued to stare her down.
“To give me zero privacy!?”
She knew her voice had come across louder than intended, her pitch high and squeaky as she held her ground. It was one thing to look out for her, to remove her from the city she knew like the back of her hand, to take her away from the friends and family she loved but she absolutely drew the line at having him watch over her while she emptied her bladder.
Hell. Fucking. No.
After a couple of brief moments, it appeared her defiance had paid off as the bodyguard let out a very long, deep breath. He forcefully opened the door before peering inside, using his booted foot as a stopper to prevent it from closing before he turned back to look at her. “I’ll stay out here, but you’ve got sixty seconds maximum before I’m coming in. Got it?”
“Jesus,” she sighed deeply, her fingers pulling at the strap under her chin before she lifted the helmet off of her head. That was a relief in itself, but she wasn’t expecting to be met with the gross sight she was when she rounded the corner into the bathroom.
The floor, that was meant to be black and white tiled, was a dirty brown. The lights flickered above her head, graffiti littered the walls and the amenities were as disgusting as the very ground she was walking on. She couldn’t help but curl her nose up, the stench of stale urine and blocked drains overwhelming as she tried her best to pick the cleanest stall out of the bunch - but it really was slim pickings.
“So this is what my life has become. Broken toilet seats and questionable sinks,” she mumbled to herself before finally choosing the cleanest one of the bunch. Even still, she lined the seat with paper before she sat down, releasing a long sigh of relief as she finally pushed away the uncomfortable pain.
Finishing up, and with her helmet under her arm, Y/N was quick to locate the most hygienic looking faucet before turning them on, all while searching for some soap. Thankfully, this restroom had at least that so she lathered up her palms before a loud bang caused her to jump in her spot. Her heart hammered against her ribs, the feeling of overwhelming fear washing over her like a tidal wave as she was transported back to the moment she was cowering in the abandoned building, being hunted down like a wounded animal. Yet, when her eyes landed on her intruder, she couldn’t help the surge of anger that shot itself into her veins.
“What the hell?!” The journalist spat, rinsing off the suds that decorated her skin as she frowned at Dean who was standing so very proudly next to the entrance.
“I gave you sixty seconds,” he clarified, still with his helmet on, causing his words to be slightly muffled. “Come on, we need to get back on the road.”
“Dean,” Y/N spoke through gritted teeth as she wiped down her palms on her pants before storming towards him. “If this is going to work, you need to give me adequate time to go to the bathroom and wash my fucking hands!”
“We stay still for too long, we risk the chance of being recognised,” he clarified, his voice low and his authoritative tone making a return as stared her down. “Is that what you want?!”
“Then quit back chatting and get on the bike,” he ordered, moving to open the door for her before he stood and waited for her to pass, his gaze intense before he gestured for her to place her helmet back on her head.
It took a lot of self restraint to swallow down the words she wanted to say, and instead chose to follow his instructions without further comment. She had to tell herself, over and over again like a mantra, that if she wanted to stay alive then she had to put up with this asshole for as long as it took. The silver lining was having her own room, her own personal space in whatever hidey hole he was going to put them in. That was her saving grace, the light at the end of this already nightmarish tunnel and if there was access to a decent bathroom, then she would get down on her knees and thank whatever gods were looking out for her.
While gritting her teeth, she secured the strap under her chin as she stormed back towards the bike. Dean was hot on her heels, the key already back into the ignition before she had a chance to pull down her visor. Within seconds, he was back in riding position, and she followed suit, throwing her leg back over the machine before gripping tightly to her bodyguard. He loudly revved the engine before they left the gas station parking lot in record speed, leaving nothing but a trail of dust behind.
As Y/N looked over the surroundings that passed, she took relief in knowing that there was only around forty more minutes before they would be at their chosen destination. She couldn’t wait to sleep, having not had any rest for well over twenty-four hours, and the adrenaline that was keeping her awake was starting to wear off. But of course, there was no way she was able to close her eyes and take a quick nap on the back of a moving motorcycle, so instead she fought the tiredness that pulled at her eyelids by commenting on the scenery around her. She was glad that he couldn’t hear her, because she probably sounded like a crazy person as she spoke in vivid detail of what she was seeing.
Yet her words left her as the coast came into view; a perfect serene scene of white sandy beaches and a crystal blue ocean. It caused a small smile to pull at her lips. Surely this was not their destination because being under witness protection wouldn’t equal such niceties…would it? The town they were currently riding through, the small quaint buildings and townhouses that were covered in climbing clematis were a thing of beauty and she couldn’t help but feel a small ray of hope fill her heart. If she had to live out the rest of her days, then she was glad it was in a place like this.
After five more minutes of winding roads, Dean pulled up in front of a small cottage resting just on the edge of the beach. It had a wonderful view of the sea, its walls were covered in a trailing ivy and the front door was painted a very bright pastel blue. It was delightful in every sense of the word.
He was the first to dismount, pulling off his helmet for the first time since this journey began as he stretched out his back, “We’re here.”
“This is where I’ll be staying?” Y/N asked, gobsmacked that luck was actually on her side for once. Of course, she still had to actually enter and the inner workings of the house could be an absolute dump but the surroundings more than made up for it.
“Where we’ll be staying.”
Dean’s clarification was like a tiny pin that pricked her perfect bubble. There was just a second of time, a fleeting moment where she had forgotten he needed to be by her side every waking minute of every single fucking day.
“Of course,” she sighed, pulling off her own head protection and resting it on the back of the Harley, before she started to make her way to the front door.
“You didn’t think I’d honestly be leaving you to your own devices did you?” Dean spoke up, already pushing past her so he could get there first. She just rolled her eyes at his behaviour as he reached up towards the singular lamp that stood proudly next to the entrance. He popped off the top, before pulling out a key and inserting it into the lock of the home. “Trust me, I’m not overjoyed either.”
“I just need some space to get my head around all of this,” she pleaded, rubbing at her temples as she watched him check out the room before giving her the okay to enter, “and I need a shower.”
Walking inside, she was absolutely delighted to see that it was as homey and quaint as the outside. It was all open plan, the kitchen off to her left as the couch with a decent sized TV rested on the right. In the middle, was the curved stairs that would take her up a floor, and her feet were already itching to climb them, desperate to lay down on top of a mattress and sleep for a hundred years - after she’s washed away all the grime of course.
“Bathroom is just up there, first door on your right. Fresh towels are hanging on the radiator opposite the shower and your room will be the last door on the left at the end of the hall,” Dean tallied off as he checked through the cupboards and the standing refrigerator. She could only assume he was making a mental plan of what groceries they needed as she started to climb the steps. “Get freshened up, and get some rest. We’ve got a lot to go over.”
That caused Y/N to stop in her tracks, her hand resting on the guard rail as she turned around to face him, a small crease in her brow. She had just left her entire everything behind her, was in a brand new town with nothing to her name and there was still ‘a lot to go over?’
“Like what?” She asked with perplexity, that emotion mixed with annoyance to create a real interesting cocktail of feelings.
Dean seemed to notice and offered her a solemn smile as he tapped two fingers against the wood of the kitchen table, “Your brand new life.”
——————————————– Chapter Six  ——————————————– A/N: *insert evil laugh here* Tag list is open! If you want to be step into the darkness with me, then let me know HERE :)
Tags will be separate <3
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winchestersworld4 · 2 years
My Only Sunshine Master-List
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The ground falls out from beneath (Y/N) with no warning. Her life is now in danger, and it seems like no one believes her. She’s the only thing that can help Sam get the justice he’s been fighting so desperately for, but only if Dean can keep her safe. But how can he do that if even he has his suspicions? Could she truly be so blind to the ugly world around her? Could she have missed the signs? How? She’s asking herself the same thing over and over again as the guilt and anger battle themselves in her gut. When Dean discovers what she’s hiding will it implode everything they’ve fought to gain, or will it be the only thing to save her?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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justliketherifle · 6 months
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 months
The Princess & The Playboy (Part 1)
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Summary: After one of the reader's last concerts of the year, she unexpectedly runs into notorious playboy Dean Winchester, quarterback of the LA Wolves. Only Dean's a big fan and he seems to want more than just a photo if given the chance...
Pairing: NFL Quarterback!Dean x Pop Star!reader
Word Count: 4,400ish
Warnings: language, family trauma/angst, kidnapping
A/N: I promise there'll be more Dean and reader interacting in person next part! Needed to set the scene with this!
You groaned the second you were alone. You’d survived the summer tour but you were exhausted. All you wanted was a greasy hamburger, chicken nuggets, and to sleep for a month. After changing into a pair of joggers and oversized hoodie, you texted your bodyguard Eric, telling him you wanted to get out of there quietly. He knocked twice on your dressing room door before entering with a smile.
“Great show tonight,” he said. You rolled your eyes, Eric grabbing your backpack for you. 
“Like you pay attention to anything besides harassing the security team,” you said, resting your forehead against his strong chest. “I never want to tour again. I’m so tired.”
“You’re just cranky cause you’re hungry and need sleep,” he said rubbing your back. “You only have two more shows this year and then we can sit on the couch eating cookies and binging divorce court.”
“This is why I keep you around, buddy,” you laughed, taking a deep breathe before looking up. “Speaking of food-“
“Let’s get you out of here and full of some chicken nuggies.”
“Back in five,” you said to Eric thirty minutes later, your wallet in hand and panic button in your pocket. He let you go out without it sometimes but not after a show and especially not when you were in the press so much lately. 
It was nearly midnight as you walked into the nearly empty McDonald’s, a guy in a hoodie at the counter with his back to you. 
“Hi,” you said, stepping up to the other register. “Can I get a quarter pounder with cheese, a medium fry and a twenty piece chicken nugget with barbecue sauce? Oh and a bottle of water.”
You paid, the girl behind the counter staring at you like she recognized you but was too nervous to say anything.
“Holy shit,” said a male voice. You glanced left, the man in the hoodie pushing it down to reveal him in a black baseball cap. He was incredibly handsome and had such pretty green eyes. Something seemed vaguely familiar about him but you couldn’t place it. “You’re Y/N Y/L/N…and apparently you eat like a linebacker.”
“Dance on stage for three hours every night and you would too,” you said, the man humming.
“Do you mind if I get a pic?” he asked. 
“Sure,” you said, the man handing his phone to the girl behind the counter who eagerly took a few. He was practically giddy when he got his phone back, a bag of food coming out for him.
“Thanks for indulging me,” he said. You noticed a few strands of confetti on top of his hat and smiled. He must have been at the concert. He almost walked away and out the door when he spun around, parting his lips. “Can I give you my number?”
“Sure,” you said again. It was much safer to just take the number and hand it off to Eric to do a background check on the person than try a rejection. The man scribbled it down on the back of your receipt, your cashier now acting as his wing woman and making sure he had a pen.
“I uh, hope to hear from you soon,” he said, flashing you a wink before leaving. You eased when he was gone, the girl at the counter handing you your bag of food after a moment. 
“He’s so hot, isn’t he?” she said, your eyebrows raising. Not the reaction you were expecting from her.
“Mhm. Thanks for the food. Have a good night,” you said, quickly leaving. You ducked outside, Eric waiting in the backseat for you. 
“Any trouble?” he asked, nodding to the man farther down the parking lot, slipping into a large SUV.
“Just a fan,” you said, handing him the paper with the guys number. He gave you a side eye as he took it from your fingers. “He was harmless.”
“I’ll check it out to be sure,” he grumbled, stealing a fry from your bag. “Did you get me-“
“Yes I got you your nuggets,” you said, Eric relaxing back into his seat. Your driver headed for home and in twenty minutes you were on your couch chowing down. Eric was at the kitchen counter, lazily scrolling through his phone, probably grateful that you were secure in the house for the night.
You watch his eyes go wide, gaze shooting to you.
“I swear I didn’t do anything.” You kept eating your burger, Eric silently watching you. “Dude, you’re freaking me out.”
“That fan from McDonald’s posted the pic of you,” he said. You rolled your eyes and got up, sulking over to him.
“Oh tell me he’s not some whack job.”
“He’s Dean Winchester,” he said, showing his phone to you. You shrugged, walking back to the couch. “Dean Winchester? NFL quarterback? Three time Super Bowl winner?”
You stared at him, Eric groaning. 
“He’s the quarterback for the LA Wolves…he went to Kansas State the same time you did, Y/N. You probably went to his football games.” He rolled his eyes at you. “How do you not realize you’re taking a picture with a sports legend?”
“I must have missed it with all my free time over the past dozen years with all the touring and ten albums and other shit in my life. And frankly you’re the one that told me it doesn’t matter who it is, I need to be careful of everyone, whether they’re famous or not.” He sighed, putting his phone away.
“Alright, I get your point,” he said, returning to eating. “Dude’s kind of a player anyways it seems like. Nice guy but I know you’re more the sensitive guy type.”
“Emotionally available,” you corrected, plopping down on the couch once more. “Why would you think he’s into me anyways? Plenty of people are fans without wanting to get in my pants.”
“Well, it’s Dean Winchester so he definitely wants in your pants,” he joked. “Also the caption, genius.” 
You quirked your eyebrow, Eric tossing his phone over to you. You pouted when you went back to the post, actually reading it this time.
DWinchester67 Y/N Y/L/N Saturday Night Concert at the Wolves stadium. AMAZING TIME with the crew. Worth getting ragged on by the boys all week for taking them to the show just to see them belt their hearts out to #FinishLine (video soon)
Then had the awesome luck to snag a pic with Y/N grabbing a midnight snack. I was dying on the inside at meeting my crush. Sorry for being awkward when you were trying to get your grub on. Next time it’s on me ;)
Your eyes met Eric’s when you finished, his chicken nuggets nearly gone. 
“Yeah, like no reason he’s into you, right?” smirked Eric. You grumbled, returning to your late night dinner. “I’ll background check that number in the morning.”
“He’s a player that wants to have sex. Don’t bother with the background work. He’s harmless.”
“As you wish, princess,” he said with a little bow, earning himself being hit in the face with your balled up burger wrapper. “The abuse I put up with. Tsk tsk.”
“Yeah, yeah. Tell that to your generous benefits package,” you said, Eric chuckling as he double checked the back doors were locked one last time. “Eric…”
“Mhm,” he hummed, ruffling your head gently as he walked past the back of the couch. “See you in the morning, kiddo.”
“Night. Oh!” you said, sitting up on your knees on the couch, Eric throwing his head back. “It’s nothing bad! Just…can you ban everyone from the house until ten? I really want to sleep in and try to catch up.”
“You want me to fend off your team? After Dean Winchester posted that? What do I get out of this?” he teased, crossing his arms. You batted your eyes, jutting out your lip. “You got to do better than that.”
“I’ll buy you box seats to an LA Wolves game of your choice?” He looked blank faced which meant he was really tempted to take the offer. But Eric didn’t like extravagant gifts from you for doing his job. He already said his paycheck was more than enough and he barely accepted the Christmas and birthday presents you’d get for him.
You held up a finger, Eric calculating the move.
“Give me one good reason for not accepting.”
“First off, it’s too much. Second, I’m your primary protection agent and need to be available-”
“Please Eric? They’re going to be vultures in the morning with that whole post and you haven’t had a day off in six months. You’re as exhausted as I am. I’m asking as your friend, not your boss.” He grumbled, shaking his head. “Is that a yes?”
“It means I’ll think about it and I’ll see you in the morning,” he said. “We’re going to watch football all day. I’ll teach you all about it.”
You growled, Eric snickering the whole way out.
Dean POV
The first game of the season was always a good one. The team was healthy. We had home field advantage for once. 
And I really enjoyed the hell out of playing football in a packed stadium. It wasn’t an ego thing like for some people. No, I loved putting on a show and entertaining people for a few hours a week, give them a fun escape before they had to return to the reality of their lives.
That’s what football had always been to me and I knew for most fans, it gave them that same sense of belonging.
And women tended to really like seeing a bunch of muscular men run around in tight pants.
“Winchester, surprised you’re here,” said Michael. I glanced over my shoulder in the locker room, a big smirk on his face. “I thought you’d be in the burn unit with how hard you crashed and burned with Y/N Y/L/N last night.”
I rolled my eyes at the taunts of the room, ignoring them as they riffed on me for a good ten minutes. When Benny walked in though they finally calmed down, Ben taking a seat in his cubby beside me.
“Let me have it,” I sighed. Benny leaned in close, covering his mouth from the rest of the room.
“If you really want that girl to go out with you, you got to do more than make an insta post. She’s classy. She’s not going to fawn over you like every dipshit you’ve dated because you’re good looking. So you better impress her.” He gave me one last look before reaching down to his duffel and pulling out his cleats.
He had a point. Y/N had never cared for cocky flirts. I could remember her in college, always spending time at parties with the shy academic guys that chatted her ear off about music theory and english papers. I swear the only time she gave a single jock attention was when she’d grab a guitar in the late hours of the night and sing a song none of us had heard before. She could stop a group of drunken college students in their tracks with a single note. Nowadays her music was all pop but back then, just her and a guitar…I’d have sworn an angel fell out of the sky straight in front of me.
No woman had made my heart swell up with comfort and longing the way she had the night I laid eyes on her for the first time. 
The years had done little to diminish a teenage boy’s crush. If anything, seeing her last night, getting to talk to her for even a brief moment, made my insides burn hotter than before. Maybe it was only a crush, an infatuation with a beautiful woman with an even more beautiful voice.
I felt Benny’s stare on me as I lazily watched my feet before me.
“You’re still in love with her.” He said it as a statement so I didn’t respond. I’d never claimed such a thing despite Benny insisting on it back in college. But he’d always been good at sensing those kinds of things.
Or at least he wasn’t afraid to say it out loud.
“I talked to her in english lit once, about you.” My head snapped up, eyes wide as he was now down to his boxer briefs, tugging up his pants. “She heard what happened to Sam.”
“Why are you bringing up Sam?” I whispered, giving him a hard glare. Benny smiled, curious since he knew not to bring him up unless I did. “Half the school offered their condolences. Of course she-”
“She didn’t. She offered…hope. Apparently her little brother went missing once too.” I turned my head away. 
“Everyone who knows anything about Y/N Y/L/N heard that story. Congrats. We both have little brothers that were kidnapped and never heard from again. Fucking awesome we can share that trauma,” I spit out. Benny leaned in close, gripping my shoulder.
“She wrote a song for her brother. Finish Line. She showed it to me long before she got famous. Look up who it’s fucking dedicated to and maybe realize there is a deeper reason why you fell in love at first sight with that girl. I have a feeling she’s the only girl in the world that could get you and you knew it long before your head did.”
I was seething, storming out of the locker room and into a trainers room next door, quickly shutting the door behind me. What the fuck was Benny thinking bringing Sam up right before a game? I could handle thinking about a girl but Sam?
I angrily typed Finish Line dedication into google, freezing at the short paragraph that appeared as the top result.
Chart topper Finish Line by Y/N Y/L/N was notoriously written by Y/L/N in her senior year of highschool after the disappearance of her younger brother, Max. Max is presumed to have been abducted while walking home from a friends house. The music video of Finish Line states the song is “For Max & Sam” although Y/L/N has never stated who Sam is. Fans theorize “Sam” is a representation of all abduction victims however…
I immediately tapped on the youtube video of the song, scrolling all the way to the end, bottom lip wobbling as I read the stark white letters against the black background.
She never gave me the time of day back then yet she knew who I was, what it felt like to have a piece of you go missing and you couldn’t do anything about it. She put my baby brother in a song for her baby brother and we weren’t even friends.
I swallowed thickly, forcing myself to calm down. 
“Sammy,” I whispered, closing my eyes. “Is this a sign or something? Is she as fucked up as I am and the world doesn’t know it? Is that why she’s never been seen with a boyfriend her whole career? Did she shy away from connections when I buried myself in meaningless ones? Are we both so screwed up on the biggest stage in the world and that’s why I still feel breathless when I see her? Tell me I’m not crazy, Sammy. Tell me there’s a reason I’m still head over heels for this girl.”
I slowly opened my eyelids, staring at coach who was staring back at me on the other side of the room by the far entrance. I quickly cleared my throat and turned to leave, coach’s whistle stopping me in my tracks.
“I don’t know who the hell you’re talking about son, but my advice as someone who’s been married longer than you’ve been alive…you know when you fall in love. That’s the easy part. Admitting it and trying to get the balls to say it to her face is the harder part.”
“Sir, she doesn’t even know I exist. Or barely knows I do,” I said quietly. “I should-”
“Your little brother, god rest his soul, wants you to be happy, Winchester. So shoot your shot with this girl so you can stop having an existential crisis before my home opener, got it?” I glanced over my shoulder, coach’s face surprisingly soft for how close we were to game time. “She must be special to tame you.”
“She had me the whole time. The rest were me trying to forget.” He nodded, picking up his playbook again.
“Then go get this girl so you have your answer,” he said. “And stay out of my training room before games. Only place they can’t find me.”
“Yes sir.” I ducked back into the locker room, Benny gave me a raised eyebrow, silently asking if I was okay. I nodded and sat down to tie up my shoes, an idea sparking in my mind before I opened instagram. “Ben, take a picture of me.”
“Good god,” groaned Michael from my other side. “Like your insta doesn’t have enough shirtless selfies.”
He snagged my phone out of my hands, sighing as he took a photo of me smirking in my cubby.
“I regret being your friend,” he said, handing it back to me while Benny chuckled. 
“Same, Michael,” I smiled back before I was on insta and typing furiously. I posted before I could stop myself, Benny and Michael sharing a look and immediately going to their own phones. But they weren’t fast enough apparently.
“Winchester are you serious?” shouted Gabe from across the room, the whole team looking at their phones now.
“Yup,” I said, standing and tugging on my under armor v-neck, my shoulder pads and then my jersey. 
“You can’t force a girl to go out with you!” he shouted. 
“I’m not forcing. I’m offering a donation to her charity if she does feel inclined to go out with me,” I said with a shrug. Benny grabbed my shoulders, looking at me like I was crazy.
“Five million dollars? That’s not what I mean when I said impress her you idiot!” he said.
“That’s what the picture was for,” I said with a wink, my phone already buzzing non-stop at the incoming flood of texts and calls. “You think she’ll take me up on my offer?”
“This fucker’s really about to get a fucking date with Y/N Y/L/N through a fucking bribe,” said Michael, shaking his head. “Dude, you’re crushing so hard it’s in psycho territory.”
“One date is all I want,” I said, smiling when coach walked in, rolling his eyes at me. “Come on boys, time to focus on the game!”
I was currently hiding in my bedroom, reading a book on Sunday evening, Eric doing his best to get my agent and manager and PR head out of the house without force. As expected, they’d reemed my ass out for not capitalizing on the Dean Winchester picture in the moment but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about hanging out with pretty fuck boys for publicity’s sake.
But I had followed him on my private account no one knew about. It’d taken a moment but I remembered who Dean Winchester was in our college days. He was flirty back then I remembered. And a good football player I guess. But I just remembered what happened in the spring semester, how the whole campus knew his pain before he had a chance to even process it.
My heart ached for a boy I’d said nothing more than a passing hello to at parties. 
I still felt that ache whenever I sang Finish Line. I’d never realized Dean went on to his own version of fame all those years ago. But I knew the hurt still existed in his heart. There was no healing it but some part of me wished I could soothe it for a moment. I forgot in the music sometimes. Maybe he could do the same when he played his games.
Maybe I really should have talked to him last night.
My phone buzzed and I saw a new post, this one of him making my jaw drop. “Hot damn you are good looking, Winchester.”
Then I shrieked when I looked at the caption.
DWinchester67 Hey @Y/NY/L/N it was fun running into you last night. How about you take me up on my offer and let me buy dinner for our first date? 
Oh and to sweeten the deal, I’ll donate five million dollars to your charity if you say yes (plus another million for each touchdown I throw tonight, those are freebies for ya). 
You got my number so waiting on you sweetheart. ;)
Eric was in the room before I could raise my head, eyes darting around the room before he determined there was no threat. 
“Jesus, girl. I swear if you saw a bug-”
“Dean Winchester asked me out. Publicly.” Eric narrowed his eyes as he tucked his gun back into the holster. 
“Okay…you made it clear to the team today you don’t want anything to do with a publicity stunt. What’s the problem?” You tossed the phone to the end of the bed, Eric sitting on the bench at the bottom to pick it up. He did a double take, eyes skirting to meet yours. “I’m doing a full background check on this man. He either really wants in your pants, to profit off you or he’s obsessive. To be honest, I don’t like any of those options.”
“Me either but five million dollars to the charity? Plus more? That could help kids, Eric. We could find a safe way to do this, right?” He pursed his lips, nodding once.
“One date at a place of my choosing. My team will be there in the background and I’m going to talk to this boy and let him know all of the ways I can kill him if he tries anything.” You smiled, Eric handing the phone back. 
“You’d kill your favorite football player for me. You’re too sweet Eric,” you chuckled. He stood up, adjusting his sports blazer.
“You know why I stuck with you when my agency assigned me to the Princess?” he asked, a dry laugh leaving his lips. “You always listened to me. You didn’t always agree but you listened and we could have conversations. We could have conversations about safety without you acting like a brat or me like an asshole. You respected me and that earned you loyalty all these years later.”
You stared your hands in your lap. “My parents lost one child. I don’t want them to lose another.”
You were surprised to find him come closer, sitting on the edge of the bed, turning to face you. He tucked your hair behind your ear, smiling softly. 
“Don’t lose hope now, kiddo. I’ve always admired that about you.” You looked away, Eric stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Someday we’ll find the truth. I promise.”
“My mom wishes it were me,” you said, shaking your head. “If I didn’t make my parents so much money I’d think they’d be plenty happy to let some crazy fan take me away forever. All because I was five minutes late to pick up Max and he decided to walk home.”
“Hey!” Eric gripped your shoulders hard, hard enough that you felt the strength of his hands down in your bones. He was always so gentle you with guiding touches here and there you often forgot he was as deadly with his hands as he was a weapon. 
You met his gaze, Eric sighing.
“That is not true and you know it.” His stern expression softened when you shook your head.
“She told me the day we had a funeral for him Max should have been there and I should have been the one missing. So I know, Eric.” He pulled you into a hug, letting you squeeze him tight.
“I know she did,” he whispered, your chin resting on his shoulder. “She has so many regrets from that time and knows what she said broke something with the two of you. But I have had countless conversations with them over the years. I know you trust me so trust me when I say, you are their world and it would destroy them to lose you. She always asks me if you’re happy because she says you put on your fake smile for her. She doesn’t blame you one bit for it.”
“I hate when you have points,” you said, closing your eyes, getting another squeeze from him. 
“Happy to help my buddy. So you don’t give up on Max yet, alright? Everyone else has. If he’s out there, he needs you to keep going for him.”
“No wonder your team adores you. Soft cuddly bear under all the threats of violence aren’t you?”
“It’s how I land so many chicks,” he chuckled. He kissed your temple and stood, cracking his back. “Respond back yes if you want to. Let me look into this Dean Winchester before you agree to anything else though.”
You hummed, clearing your throat when Eric was in the doorframe. “I-I do remember one thing about Dean in college. He had a younger brother Sam that went missing too. Never found him.”
Eric kept his back to you for a beat, nodding once. 
“Do you think Dean is a bad guy?”
“Gut check says no. Probably just wants a hookup,” he said before stepping out and pulling the door shut fast behind him. “Rowan, I swear to god you bother this girl tonight and I’ll shove my glock up your ass.”
“He asked her out! I need to talk to her!” he yelled back on the other side of the door. You sighed and put on your noise canceling headphones before going to instagram and tapping on his post. 
Y/NY/L/N @DWinchester67 One date. As friends Winchester
Not five seconds later you received a winking emoji and “friends” in response. 
“Dear god, you’re going to be a handful, Winchester.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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ardentpoop · 3 months
“tfw 2.0” summarized bc I can’t sleep
sam: the devil’s (and everyone else’s) favorite punching bag bc he always gets back up. technically able to kill people with his mind but dean violently cut that power off. also technically an ex-vampire. born to fall. dean’s brother-wife and moral compass.
dean: bully cop if we’re being honest. god’s specialest boy and “daddy’s blunt little instrument,” except he turns out more twisted and fearful-wrathful than daddy was at his lowest. born to kill. sam’s brother-husband and overzealous bodyguard.
cas: sentient nuclear weapon powered by celestial jizz… in a trench coat. ancient being who mystifyingly doesn’t act his age most of the time. if he would’ve just talked to sam half the times he wanted to talk to dean he’d be far less of a walking disaster. born to follow. considered the winchesters’ pet by all the cool demons.
jack: the devil’s estranged son. able to bend reality to his will. a literal baby who speedran sam’s trauma arc(s) and cas’s corruption arc(s). born to die. ostensibly samndean and cas’s kid except sam’s in charge of the mom shit and cas’s in charge of the dad shit and dean’s in charge of threatening to murder him when the mood is right. 😇
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bigfan-fanfic · 6 months
Dragon's Wings (Prince!Reader x Knight!Dean Winchester)
Could I request a proper fic for knight!Dean? Maybe the day when his prince finally gets through to Dean and helps him understand what he's feeling.
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It had been several days since Sir Dean Winchester of Lawrence had been appointed your personal bodyguard.
And you still aren't talking to him.
With his brother an advisor at court, it only made sense that Dean would have spent time with you - he was nearly always around the king unless on a campaign.
And the first time he saved you from a pack of assassins, you had more than a little bit of a crush on him.
Dean was exciting, funny in a crude way that was a welcome change from the rehearsed witticisms of court, and not bad to look at when he sparred shirtless in the courtyard with the other knights.
And his devotion to your father - to you especially, was thrilling. He wished to keep you safe.
But this devotion came at a cost, it seemed, for Sir Dean could not bring himself to believe he had even a chance at earning what you had already most ardently bestowed upon him.
Your love.
And he refused to believe he did not need to earn your respect and affection through his service.
Like this most recent time, that got him the appointment as your royal bodyguard.
He fought a dragon - on his own, that was said to threaten the kingdom with its presence.
And you had spent a sleepless week fearing his demise - no word, no notice.
So yes, you are a little ticked off at him.
"Did I do something wrong here? You're kinda quiet."
"You could have died, Dean."
"But I didn't."
"How do you think I would feel if you DIED, DEAN?"
Dean pulls you into a hug. "My prince. I didn't die. I barely got injured. I'm alright."
"I don't want you to die."
"I will be around to keep you safe."
You wriggle out of his grip. "I don't care about that! I love you, Dean, I love you! And if you died, I would be heartbroken!"
Dean freezes. "But I... haven't earned it yet."
"You don't earn love, fool!"
Dean looks still a little stunned, but a growing look of understanding dawns on his face. "Well, look at that. I've... always had to earn love. My father when he trained me. Lads and lasses at the tavern would only pay attention after I fought a monster off. The king, by protecting you. But... you're just... giving me your love."
"That's how it SHOULD be." you sigh a little bit. "I don't need you to prove anything to me."
He nods. "That's... I don't think I can ever stop feeling like I need to prove myself to you, my prince. But I can honor you by... by believing you when you tell me things."
"Like 'I love you?'"
"Yes." Dean grins. "My prince, I love you, and... my heart is singing to hear you feel the same."
You throw yourself into his arms, and he lifts you bodily off the floor with his strong arms around your waist, and he crashes his lips against yours.
It isn't a kiss like the fairy tales, not perfect and shining.
But it is real, and true, and full of passion, and it is yours.
He is yours.
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peppermeinkisses · 2 months
My fav fics and more written by people ˙⋆✮
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Smut = red (A - Z) white = not smut
Adam Milligan -
Never been kissed ~
By - @gilverrwrites
Bucky barnes -
Billy Hargrove -
Besides, I'm coming with you ~
By - @annwrites
Welcome home soldat ~
Bucky relapses into the winter soldier
By - @winterarmyy
You’re Mine, Sunshine series ~
Bodyguard bucky x fem!reader
By - @urdepressedslut
Castiel -
Don't bet on it ~
By - @hollybell51
Jacob Custos -
Werewolf Nick and Jacob ~
By - @love-toxin
Arrangements ~
By - @basicinstnct
Jason Todd -
Migraines ~
By - @jasntodds
Jesse pinkman -
Long day ~
By - @an-angel2u
Max Brinly -
Heart beat ~
By - @hxckett
Sam Winchester -
Interrogation ~
Vamp!reader x sam and dean
By - @mggsv
Size matters ~
By - @bunnysbrainrot
Closer than friends ~
By - @stylesparker
Sokka -
Do you? ~
By - @bouncybongfairy
Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter -
Routine check up ~
Hannibal x reader x Will
By - @ihavemanyhusbands
Haunting ~
Will graham x reader
By - @lauriegraham01
Moaning Sensually ~
Yandere!Hannibal x reader x Will
By - @jokingmisfit
Arguing with will ~
By - @ihavemanyhusbands
Wayne Mccullough -
Shoplifting ~
By - @kaicubus
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 12: Fake Dating
When You're Lyin' Here in My Arms | @nickelkeep Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 7,240 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Idiots to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Everyone Thinks They're Together Summary: Cas' twin sibling Hannah is getting married. No big deal, right? But when the invite comes asking who his plus one is, well... Cas knows that it's not a good sign. In a panic, he asks his life-long best friend Dean to pretend to be his boyfriend. There's no way that can go wrong... Right?
A family affair | @milfdean4dilfcas Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7,332 Main Tags/Warnings: idiots in love, fake/pretend relationship, light angst, pining, Post-Episode AU: s15e18 Despair (Supernatural), the finale does not exist in this house, toddler jack kline, Parent Dean Winchester, Parent Castiel (Supernatural), Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Dom/sub Undertones, the smut is in the last chapter Summary: When the preschool director mistakes them for a couple, Dean and Cas decide to play along to avoid awkwardness. As they pretend to be a loving pair, they're forced to navigate the challenges of hiding their true feelings from each other. But as they fake romantic gestures and affection, the lines between reality and fantasy start to blur. Will their fake relationship become the catalyst for real feelings, or will it drive them further apart?
Welcome to Pit & Paradise | @seidenapfel Rating: Mature Word Count: 11,193 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Empty deal never happened, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Case Fic, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Coming Out, First Kiss, First Time, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester Summary: When Claire calls, asking for help to hunt a shifter in an LGBT+ resort, Dean and Cas suddenly find themselves as husbands on their honeymoon. Forced to play a couple, Dean and Cas both have to face their hidden dreams and feelings. It’s all fake, or isn’t it?
The Exception to Every Rule | @mittensmorgul Rating: Mature Word Count: 58,784 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Actor Dean, Bodyguard Castiel, Stalking, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Bed Summary: When Sam was accepted to Stanford, he finally convinced Dean to move to Los Angeles to pursue his acting dreams after sacrificing for four years to support Sam throughout high school. Dean never imagined landing the starring role in a Hollywood blockbuster film franchise, but in just two years he’d gone from obscurity on the Lawrence Community Theater stage to become one of the fastest rising stars in the country. He's adapting pretty well to this new life in the spotlight-- until one unhealthily obsessed fan prompts Dean’s agent to hire a specialist from Seraphim Security to watch over him. Enter Castiel, one of Seraphim’s newest “Angels,” and the only one available to take on Dean’s case a week before Christmas. With Dean’s life on the line, Castiel does his best to maintain a professional distance, but with every passing day they’re both finding themselves making more and more exceptions to their rules.
A Crash Course in Computer Safety | @debatchery Rating: Explicit Word Count: 85,269 Main Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Slow Burn, CIA!Cas, nerd!Dean Summary: On the day of his 29th birthday, Dean receives an email from his old nemesis: Michael Milton, the guy who got him kicked out of college and stole his girlfriend. The email contains encoded images with top secret CIA/NSA intelligence – and now their only copy is in Dean’s brain. Both agencies send their best operatives – Castiel Novak and Victor Henriksen respectively – to handle their accidental asset and protect the invaluable data in his head. To justify their sudden appearance in Dean’s life, they adopt covers: Victor as Dean’s new co-worker and neighbor, Cas as his new boyfriend. Needless to say, Dean’s brother and his girlfriend are thrilled to see him in a relationship they believe to be real. Clearly, there’s no way this could go wrong. (NBC’s Chuck AU).
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winchester-girl67 · 2 years
Don’t Say A Word (Part 14)
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Summary: Dean surprises the reader and finally gives into the feelings he's been harbouring for her.
Pairing: Bodyguard!Dean x reader
Square: Soft under the hard exterior @spnfluffbingo​
Word Count: 1,892
Warnings: language, some angst at the end, mistaken identity, kidnapping, reader held against her will, arguing, brief mention of death, pining, jealousy, slow burn, rough kissing, soft kissing, fluff
A/N: Dean has the worst timing... Written for @spnfluffbingo​.
Dean was looking at you with fire in his eyes, for a long time; you could practically hear the blood rushing through his veins, if that was possible. And that’s when it happened again.
He grabbed you and slammed you up against the wall, pinning you there and kissing you roughly. You squeaked, admittedly surprised at his neediness and the way he gripped your waist, pressing you impossibly further back into the sheetrock. It wasn’t at all like you thought and yeah, you thought about it from time to time. There is a thin line between love and hate after all. It was messy, uncoordinated and slightly competitive as you both fought for control. Of course, he was winning since you were losing focus with your spine pressing into the wall and when he bit your lip you sucked in a shuddery breath.
"...Wait..." you breathed against his lips, keeping your eyes closed when he leaned back. Blinking them open after a moment and meeting his soft, worried gaze. "Too aggressive," you said, feeling your heart beating twice as fast as it was supposed to.
It hadn’t been unpleasant, there was definitely a spark that each of you felt. But you didn’t let your guard down often and you knew how you wanted this to feel, in this moment. You wanted that soft side of Dean that you’d only seen once in the cabin that night during your truce and you wanted him to let his guard down too. You wanted to be vulnerable together and the look in his emerald eyes seemed to get that.
Dean cupped your face gently, brushing his lips against your flushed skin softly and pressing a shy kiss to your cheek. He pecked another to the tip of your rosy nose and then your other cheek. You relaxed into him, enjoying the build up as he continued to press slow, wet kisses to every inch of your face and down your neck.
With this new pace everything felt ignited. That spark burned like electric butterflies in your chest and you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him down to you or you up to him, you weren’t sure. It was something you never really felt before. Your mind clouded by the warmth building in your stomach.
The pad of his thumb brushed back and forth over your cheek bone and he pulled away, just enough to feel his hot breath fan against your kiss swollen lips as his eyes met yours. That was it, you saw it swimming in the greens of his eyes, his guard was down. Almost as if he had completely let go of that pent up anger and frustration that had been building between you two since you'd met. You gazed up at him with a soft smile, Dean checking your expression for consent before he sucked in a breath and chastely kissed you on the lips again. Tenderly this time, moving his lips over yours at a snail’s pace. Nice and slow.
"S'more like it," you sighed, tightening your arms around his shoulders and pulling him back down to you.
Feeling his scruff scratch against your cheek as you nuzzled your face into his neck and sucked a mark to the skin. Dean groaned softly in your ear, the sound of his voice making you weak in the knees. That's when you noticed the red mark your lipstick left on his skin and pulled away, dropping your arms to your sides. Doubt flooded your mind as he met your gaze once more.
"Are you kissing me just because I look like Auburn?"
"Why would you say that?"
"I don't exactly look like myself right now and you usually hate me. This doesn't make any sense to me." You rambled, biting your bottom lip and tasting the smeared lipstick.
"I'm not."
Dean grabbed your hands and placed them on his shoulders again. You held on tight when he bent his knees and his large hands met the back of your thighs, lifting you up with ease. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his hips bump into yours with every step as he walked you into the ensuite and set you down on the marble countertop next to the sink.
He stayed between your legs with one hand on your thigh above your knee as if to keep you in place and one searching the drawers next to you. Easily finding makeup removal pads and a cleanser on his second try. He added the solution to the pad and gently wiped your lips until the hue was mostly your own; brushing his own mouth off on the back of his hand since a bit of lipstick had rubbed off on him as well in the heat of the moment.
"Close your eyes." He said, preparing a fresh pad and you complied. You kept your hands in your lap, holding the hem of your dress that kept riding up.
You felt his warm breath on your face, drying the solution when he lightly dragged the pad over each eye. You shivered, not because you were cold, but because it all felt undeniably sensual. You sucked on your bottom lip, enjoying the feel of goosebumps forming on your skin. Creeping up the base of your neck, running down your spine and spreading throughout your extremities.
Every sense felt heightened with your eyes closed. His hand was back on your thigh, higher than before but not uncomfortably so and you don't know why, but you slid your hand over his. As if you didn't want him to pull away. Heat radiated from his body, seeping into your skin at the close proximity and you pouted your lip when he seemingly finished wiping off your makeup.
"There, all you." Dean smiled when he was satisfied he'd gotten the most of it.
You opened your eyes and he motioned to the mirror behind you. You turned in your seat to see your reflection looking like yourself again and smiled back at him. Dean leaned in to kiss the crown of your head and you turned back around to face him, sucking on your lip nervously. He cupped your cheeks in his hands and chuckled softly, pulling your bottom lip free with his thumb so he could capture it between his with a kiss.
"All I see is you, Y/N." He said, gazing into your eyes and letting out a heavy breath that you felt in your hair. "I lost somebody close to me, my client before you, and... I don't know... Maybe, I wasn't ready to get back in the field. But I did and I liked you. Your sarcasm knows no bounds and you didn't take any of my shit. I've never met anyone like you and I quickly started having these feelings that I didn't understand because I hadn't felt them in so long. Maybe ever, not really this strong... I'm not the type that opens up like this and I'm not even sure I'm doing it right."
"You're doing fine," you nodded, reaching up to hold onto his wrists, the pad of his thumb brushing over your jaw line.
"I got caught up in playing that part, the jerk secretly crushing on the pretty girl, when I really just wanted to be your knight, your protector. Call it me metaphorically pulling your pigtails in the schoolyard, call it whatever you want. Fuck," he breathed, pulling a hand away to palm his face. "I don't know if any of this is making any sense."
"It is, keep going." You pushed, pecking a kiss to his wrist.
He smiled and gave you a sheepish nod, "I didn't realize any of this in the moment, it wasn't until the thing with Sam-"
"There is no thing with Sam." You assured, shaking your head.
Dean seemed to finally accept your answer and let his free hand drop to your thigh again. Warmth flooded your centre and your knees tightened around his hips.
"I know you probably don't, but I'll kick myself when this is all over if I don't ask- Is there any chance you feel the same way?" Dean asked, seemingly holding his breath.
You smirked, letting him sweat a little for old time's sake, "...There's a chance."
"How big of a chance?" He grinned and tilted his head, "Just so I know what I'm working with and how much damage control I have to do."
"Enough of one."
"'Enough'... Like this much?" He repeated, holding up his thumb and index finger with a small space in between.
"More like this," you spread his fingers further apart with your own, letting him know that he had more of a chance with you than he thought.
You weren't doing it just for him. You couldn't deny the want your body felt for him and you thought you owed it to yourself to give Dean a shot, get to know the man behind that gruff bodyguard façade. So far, from what you saw of him opening up, you liked that gooey centre beneath the hard exterior.
“So I can kiss you again?”
“You can kiss me as much as you like.” You beamed up at him and he closed the space between you. You felt his hand push up the hem of your dress and toy with the bottom of your shorts, “De...” You breathed, he reluctantly pulled his attention away from your lips and locked eyes with you. “I’m still on my period. S’not exactly a kink of mine, if you know what I mean.”
Dean chuckled, lowering his head into the crook of your neck and pressing a warm kiss to your shoulder. Then he raised his gaze and rested his forehead against yours, pushing your hair back when it got in the way. The look on his face was a mix of levity and affection; you weren’t sure anyone had ever looked at you like that and it was something that you could easily get used to. Something you never knew you wanted, likely for a very long time.
“Me either, sweetheart. This dress just does things to me you’ll never understand.” He blushed, shifting between your legs and pulling off his grey henley, leaving him in a simple black t-shirt.
He tossed the soft material over your head and tugged it into place, helping you with the sleeves. In the end the shirt was nearly the same length as your dress, but you were grateful for the added warmth, even if Dean had done a pretty good job warming you up as it was.
“You okay with the kissing though?” He asked, pecking your lips chastely as an example and you chased the kiss, humming and nodding. "Good,” he mumbled against your lips.
The both of you, losing track of time, wrapped up in the feel of the moment rather than the danger of what was going on around you. You were blinded by the lust if not more than that.
“Is it just me or is there something wrong with this picture?” You heard a voice say from the doorway, both you and Dean turning to see Dick leaning against the frame. “Actually, there's more than one thing wrong, I see. You are not my sweet Auburn.”
A/N: Read part 15 here
 Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891
Forever SPN: @hobby27
Don't Say A Word: @lacilou @mlovesstories @spn730015 @hunni-bunny @ria132love @fmstafford  @spideysimpossiblegirl @houseforwhores @siospins2 @globetrotter28 @nt-multi-fandom @maggiegirl17 @iprobablyshipit91 @tigergirllolipop @stoneyggirl2 @mimaria420 @muhahaha303
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Fulfillment - Flufftober 19
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Summary: Dean finally lives the life he deserves and dreamed of.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Wife!Reader
Side pairing: Sam Winchester x Eileen Leahy
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, overprotective Dean, implied smut, cuddling & snuggling, Dean is a horny dog, a hint of dirty talk and dirty fantasy
Rating: Teen
Idea by: @elle14-blog1
Trope: Pregnancy
@warmandfluffybingocards: Square 16: Breakfast in bed   
@anyfandomgoesbingo: Square 7: Decorating the nursery
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Your last battle was the day Dean told you he loves you. He didn’t want to waste another moment without having you in his arms.
Chuck, or God if you want to call that jackass so, fell without glory.
Jack went to heaven, and Castiel accompanied him to make sure no one tried to abuse the young man’s powers ever again.
Since that day, you have been living a normal life.
While everyone else dreams of a more exciting life, you are happy to have a normal and boring life.
While you turned your back on the hunter’s life, you turned the bunker into a warm and cozy home. (We don’t talk about the room where Dean stored all the weapons.)
Only because you stopped hunting doesn’t mean Dean doesn’t act like an overprotective bodyguard when it comes to you. You’re his wife, the future mother of his children, and the reason to keep on going for him.
“Sweetheart,” Dean pokes his head inside the kitchen. “No…no!” He tuts. “I told you; I’m going to make breakfast.” Your husband watches you run one hand over your grown belly while stuffing a pickle into your mouth.
“I’m having cravings,” you chew audibly while your husband makes a fuss. He doesn’t want you to leave your bedroom or the bed. If it was up to Dean, he’d wrap you in a dozen blankets and never let you leave the bed again. “And no one is going to attack us here.”
“You don’t know that” your husband argues. He steps inside the kitchen and wraps his arms around you, making you groan. “I need to keep you safe and happy.”
“Last night you made me very happy.”
Dean snickers as he remembers the way you were writhing on his cock.
“I remember you were a begging mess, Y/N. Loud and naughty. Just the way I like you.”
“Dean, we can’t make out in the kitchen again. Sammy will kill us,” you whine as your husband kisses down your neck. “I mean it, baby. We can’t get caught again.”
“But getting caught is half the fun,” Dean laughs in your neck, making you giggle. “Alright. If you are a good girl and go to our bedroom to lie down, I’ll make you the best breakfast you ever ate. I promise it’s not my dick.”
“You’re lucky I love you, Mr. Winchester. You’re a very naughty man,” you chuckle as he whispers dirty nothings in your ear. “If you don’t want to end up getting caught by your brother and Eileen, we better go back to our bedroom.”
“Sex before breakfast. I knew you were the one…” He hums in your neck. “But after you’ll eat all the delicious things I’ll cook for you…”
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“A red rose, and food, huh,” Sam watches his brother carry a tray filled with breakfast and a single red rose out of the kitchen. “Did you leave some food for us?”
“Sure, Sammy,” Dean grins. “My wife needs the food. I wore her out.”
Sam shakes his head. Sometimes his brother has no shame…or like ever. “Luckily she’s already pregnant or you’d get her pregnant.”
“Who says I won’t get her pregnant again?” Dean chuckles. “We are having twins. Next time, I’ll fill her with triplets.”
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“What do you say? Will she like it?” Dean shows his brother and Eileen the U-shaped pregnancy pillow he got for you. He has it draped over his shoulder to show it to Sam. “It’s good for the babies and her, right?”
Eileen smirks as her brother-in-law excitedly tells them about all the things he bought for you and the babies.
“It’s nice of you to get the pillow,” she finally says. Dean looks adorable with all the stuffies tugged under his arm. “What do you want to do with the rest?” She questions.
“While Y/N is having a nap, I’m going to decorate the nursery. We are almost done, but she’s a little under the weather this week. I’ll finish it and show her everything when she feels better.”
“Do you need help?” Sam offers willingly. “We are going finish the nursery faster if we work together.”
“Are you sure, Sammy?”
Sam flashes his brother a smile. “Well, I’m counting on your help when we are having triplets…”
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“I love the pillow,” Dean states as you and your husband lie on the bed, the pregnancy pillow wrapped around your bodies. “They were right. It’s perfect for snuggling and cuddling.”
You grin as Dean moves impossibly closer to hide his face in your neck. “I heard you finished the nursery.”
“Sammy and Eileen helped. If there’s something you do not like, blame Sammy.”
“I know that I’ll love it,” you mumble sleepily. “Just like I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart, and the little beans,” he whispers in your ear while moving one hand to your belly. “I’ll always protect you and our babies. Always.”
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hashtagdrivebywrites · 4 months
I am *dying* to know about #12 rn. Care to let me see a snippet? Maybe expound on its virtues? 🥺
Ahhh okay, so this one started as a silly "wouldn't it be hilarious if Jason's dad was actually John Winchester" thought exercise (because my sense of humor is shot) after I forced one of my friends to watch UTRH with me, and it just. spiraled, violently. It's still ass-deep in chaos page hell, but I've been describing it as, "Red Hood and Justice League Dark: Great Value Edition".
* Older Scooby Gang * Sibling/Family Reveal * Reverse Identity Reveal (the bulk of the team doesn't know Jason is Red Hood (or an active vigilante at all) until the situation calls for Red Hood-level interference) * Danny "I am in desperate need of a trusted supportive adult" Fenton * Good Friends Tucker and Sam * Clueless Dean and Sam
"So," Sam opened both hands and held them apart, gesturing first at the little-big asshole that had kicked everything off just by existing, "you were dead."
Jason shrugged his stupidly huge shoulders, "I got better." The following 'And?' went unspoken but clearly implied.
Oh, Bobby was going to lose his damn mind when he got a hold of this kid.
Sam paused, needing a moment to process the fact that they were too late, again, before he angled his disbelief at the skinny little punk standing with his hands in his pockets and flanked on either side by his friends like bodyguards.
"You were dead."
The teenager coughed into his fist, "Uh, about that."
Sam paused. "You…weren't dead?"
The kid made a face and wobbled his hand in the air, all 'so-so' like.
"What," Dean shifted, every Hunter-honed instinct firing off in the back of his brain, "What the hell does that mean. Did you die, or didn't you?"
"I'm," He stopped himself, brows furrowed as he looked up thoughtfully, "An overachiever?"
"Technically you're an underachiever since you can't commit to a bit," The Kid Body Guard in the Beret helpfully pointed out.
The "underachiever" in question looked like he might argue, but ultimately agreed with a loose shrug of his shoulders. "Rude, but okay."
"What the hell does that mean. Sam."
"I don't know, Dean."
"And both of you have died," A woman cut in, heels clicking on the tile, "I was dead for fifteen minutes while on a case in Star City last December. Legally, Velma is also dead. You boys aren't special."
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konigbabe · 2 years
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smut: ☆ ┊ angst: ❃ ┊ fluff: ♡ ┊ hurt/(no)comfort: ♧
my latest pieces ——  eleusinian mysteries; pearls before swine REQUESTS CLOSED.
navigation • faq • AO3 • headcanons • infopost • ko-fi
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NSFW alphabet with John Price [☆] NSFW alphabet with König[☆] NSFW alphabet with Keegan P. Russ [☆] A to Z kinks [masterlist]
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JJK season 2 writing week [masterlist; finished] Satoru Gojo NSFW week 2023 [masterlist; finished]
lucky pick [☆] ↳ You offer Toji assistance in winning a boat race so he finds a way to thank you.
steal the thunder [∅] part i; ↳ There might be something more in play after you two met.
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single dad AU [masterlist]
mosaic of us [☆] — plaga Leon ↳ Hidden in the village, Leon's condition keeps deteriorating. mornings like these (don't last forever) [♡] ↳ Beneath you, he’s a masterpiece. A work of art. Canvas to be explored. heavenly sin [☆] ↳ It's been known that Leon is one kinky bastard.
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feast of pleasure (Simon “Ghost” Riley x König x Keegan P. Russ x fem!reader) [☆] ↳ A friendly atmosphere; until someone asked, “Would you rather kiss him or me?”
heartburn [☆; ❃; ♧] ↳ John stomped into the shared bedroom, legs freezing upon the sight of you. the version of me and you [☆; ❃] ↳ John was the one constant in your life, the one person you could always count on. propinquity [☆] — bodyguard AU ↳ You have to deal with a bodyguard who is anything but pleasant to be around. the taste of scotch [☆] ↳ John Price enjoys two of his favorite things on Earth…you and Scotch.
lose composure [☆] ↳ You and Keegan as friends with benefits. little storm [☆; ❃] part i; part ii; part iii ↳ Keegan thought getting both of them out of the enemy lines was an easy job.
the five times you meet cmdr. graves ↳ The five times you meet Cmdr. Phillip Graves and the one time he surprises you.
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TANGERINE (Bullet Train film)
the codeine scene [☆] ↳ Tangerine was a man filled with intense hatred towards you
DEAN WINCHESTER (Supernatural tv show)
drinking game gone wrong [☆] — MOC!Dean ↳ You and Dean give into each other after months of mutual pining.
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