#btw I will not post the full fic
the-writing-ninja · 1 year
Was writing a fic about Kai experiencing dysphoria and I felt like the world needed to see these lines
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ghosttrolls · 4 months
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First passes at comics are always so wonky avsjdkdbbd
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sunshinediaz · 6 months
snippet sunday 🎄
another lil snip from deck the halls, not your family (which i have been affectionately calling eddie vs margaret buckley in my head, lmao)
Eddie rolls over and kisses Buck’s mouth. “Wanna fool around?” he asks, nosing along Buck’s whiskered cheek and chuckling when he’s tickled.    Buck sighs, feigning a put-upon attitude, and wraps his arms around Eddie. “What a romantic,” he muses, pulling Eddie half on top of his chest. “You know just how to make your man swoon.”  “Shut up,” Eddie says, flicking Buck’s cheek, but he shoves his hand down Buck’s pants, anyway, and grips his soft cock. It’s warm in his hand, velvet-like and damp at the tip; Buck hisses and fists Eddie’s t-shirt, bringing him in for a mean, dirty kiss.  Eddie groans, drops his mouth open for Buck to lick inside as he fondles Buck’s dick, stripping the length and pinching at the sticky head, and he’s lifting up to spread himself across Buck’s big body, attempting to shove down both his and Buck’s pants and underwear with one hand because the other’s in Buck’s hair, when three sharp knocks break through the fuzzy air.  “Dad? Buck?”  Eddie rips away from Buck, moving off and over and away. “No goddamn way this is happening again,” he curses beneath his breath, elbowing Buck in the kidney when he starts to laugh, and then, louder, “Yeah, baby?”  Christopher stays quiet for a moment before tentatively asking, “Are you guys still awake?”  “Yeah,” Buck answers, leaning up and adjusting his pants. He reaches over and flicks on his bedside lamp, illuminating the room in soft white light. “Come in.”
tagged by @exhuastedpigeon, @devirnis, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @callmenewbie, @jeeyuns, @daffi-990, @jamespearce9-1-1, and @hippolotamus
tagging @spagheddiediaz, @wikiangela, @thewolvesof1998, @eowon, @rogerzsteven, and @monsterrae1 if any of you wanna share something <3
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 3 months
Voldemort as a Hogwarts teacher but he's as he was the night of his resurrection, with the scales that glitter and sharp fangs and long split tongue and pointed ears and red eyes with slitted pupils and everyone is fucking terrified of him (except the older years who are scared, yeah, but just grateful to have a decent teacher while they take their wizarding SATs and ACTs because holy shit voldemort is actually really good at teaching who knew).
The one person who is fully unafraid is Harry Potter, more curious about the situation than anything. He desperately wanted to know why his prophesied enemy would abandon his goals of killing him, why he would do something as mundane as teach at Hogwarts. Harry was, of course, grateful to at least have a decent teacher in his OWL year, but he was still so curious.
Valentine's day rolled around as always, just as terrible as always, but Voldemort is spared from such a unique evil. Nobody dares to piss off He-who-shall-not-be-named... well, everyone except for Harry, who anonymously sends voldemort a single pure white rhododendron cluster and a modest box of chocolates. There are about 2 dozen small bites in the small, dark and warm wooden box with slight red undertones, wrapped in a thick green velvet strip with gold lettering that spells "Voldemort". It is gorgeous. Everyone looks at the luxurious gifts on their teacher's desk and wonders how he will react when he arrives.
The answer is that he won't. When Voldemort enters the classroom from the hall he simply glides over to his desk as usual, pausing only for a moment as he sees the cluster of flowers and what was no doubt a box of chocolates, and vanishes the offerings with a single wave of his hand. For some reason the class of 7th years seems disappointed, they really were curious about the potential love life of such an intimidating man.
What they don't know is that Voldemort didn't vanish the chocolates and flowers into the abyss, but rather teleported them to his coffee table in his personal living quarters. What they don't see is Voldemort carefully examining the flowers, amused by the meaning of such delicate white petals.
They could be a threat, a subtle message that the chocolates are poisoned, the anonymous gifter eager to see if he will parse out the message and avoid whatever fate the possibly laced dessert would lead them to. The message could also be a more heartfelt one, the sender promising to give him everything they can, riches and gifts and protection. Or maybe the flower's meaning was not for him, but rather for the sender themself. Maybe they were simply nervous, and hoped that the flowers would help them reach out to Voldemort.
That's something that always irked him, the convoluted and non-standard victorian flower code. Now, however, it send a thrill down his spine. He has no idea what the flowers mean, what the intentions behind it were. There is no note to be found, not in the box of chocolates, not on his desk. The only way to find out what it means is to wait, and enjoy the gifts he has been sent.
And so, Voldemort enjoyed the chocolates, picking at them throughout the week. Hopefully this anonymous person would continue their efforts, Voldemort always loved a good puzzle.
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theinfinitedivides · 6 months
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so much for not writing the fic
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Using all my bisexual powers to write a tomshiv/tomgreg oneshot smut fic with a reference to Temple Grandin; talk about Succ Sundays!
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tv3headz · 2 months
I haven’t been able to post a lot this week because I’m reading a certain Radiostatic fanfic 🙃🙃 (aka the one that’s like 1,500 pages long)
But ofc I still come to feed after my previous month long break so here’s a WIP of Vox as Tv girl :3
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Program reveal if you already didn’t know I worked in ibis woahhh
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 months
does it count as "an adultery kink" if the fascination is only for the very specific dynamic where there's a still-totally-deniable thorki subtext underneath it all?
asking for the many people who have no doubt wondered this.
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foolishfalls · 1 year
kojiro nanjo headcanon is just that hes like half italian or italian in some capacity. if you even care.
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https-chaos · 1 year
Do you ever love a show/project so much you get, like, overwhelmed by how proud you are of the creators? No? I'm the only one who's insane? Cool
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Rolan always comes over every Friday night. That's the routine. Every Friday night, he comes over to Rand's house to watch Star Trek and hang out (they've both seen these episodes so many times but Rolan is still watching and Rand pretends to be interested).
Every Friday at school, Rand always asks, "you coming over tonight?" And Rolan replies "yeah."
It's every Friday, they haven't broken the routine once. Even when Rachel disappeared. Rolan was still over Friday night. But this time it was with a pan of lasagna from his parents for a grieving family. The tradition stayed the same, but things were a little worse off.
It's the same that day, the same as every day. Rand asks if Rolan is coming over. Rolan says yes. It's their routine. Rolan never breaks routine, that's just how he is. He's a man of schedule and habit, and Friday nights are the nights that he comes over and they watch Star Trek.
Rolan doesn't show up that night. He said he was going to. But he doesn't. He never comes.
Rolan always comes over on Friday nights. But not tonight. He doesn't show up.
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detentiontrack · 1 year
Hc that sometimes Anne has flashbacks about seeing Marcy get stabbed, or her first encounter with Darcy, and when she's panicking, she doesn't remember that it's been months or years since then and everyone is safe. She feels like it just happened. So Marcy makes her trace her fingers over her scar to remind her that it was a long time ago and it's healed now. She also makes her put her hand over her heart so Anne can feel her heartbeat and warmth (I hc that Darcy's skin was a lot colder than the average human's) and remember that she's Marcy again and she's safe and they don't have to worry about things like that anymore. And it usually brings her back to the present.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
*trying very hard not to fall down the research rabbithole of how recording studios work because I want to write one (1) slightly more elaborate scene of Kerry recording a song at the studio*
But also... I can finally touch upon a few of my headcanons for his various implants :3 still not nearly as extensively as I'd like to in a full post just focused on that,mbut oh well! It's a start :D
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hanayanaa · 1 year
Rosie has a history of anorexia. Within their family, they were commented on and compared, picked apart and pasted back again. It broke the young Rosabel.
They're still recovering in their 20s, although it's difficult. They still have issues with calorie counting and their body image. No matter what they do, they feel guilty and hideous.
They act silly and goofy to keep people from worrying, because they're scared of being pushed away or judged again. They want to at least be remembered as a funny and kind person, rather than the person who was so broken they were scared of feeding themselves-- the one thing everyone is hard wired to do. They're scared of everything; not being skinny enough, not being fat enough, not being happy enough, not being good enough of a person to keep around or remember when they're gone.
There were days they were in so much pain they couldn't get up. They knew they were wasting away, and the fact that they were slowly dying and losing to their own despair was the scariest. It was scary to have any hope for the future, for they couldn't see one for themselves.
Thankfully, the future came, and they're much healthier now, and happier as well. They have a family they finally feel like they belong in. A family where they were just Rosie, and not a pawn for their parents or aunties and uncles to compare to their kin.
Although, they often wonder how they would've turned out if their life hadn't been one of constant fear and worry.
They wonder what it's like to be full. They'll get there one day.
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ra-archives · 6 months
Writing is fun bc like, I get to put that guy in situations. I get to fuck them over and be mean to them but also delicately hold then y'know? And it's especially fun when you have that one character who just has your voice already.
Like, I already talk like Legend and write like his narrative would be, and Wild just comes so easy. But then. That's it, then no one else gets situations but I also want situations for them too but I can't bc I don't get their character or voice and then I'm sad ;-;
Anyways yeah this is just me complaining that I decided to write from Warriors perspective and it keeps just. Not working.
Also post made as a note that I might drop a fic link soon? I need to dust off my Ao3 account but it's coming as soon as Wars stops being difficult :>
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augustslippedavvay · 1 year
it’s new year’s. you’re at a party with your friends, and steve harrington wants to be the one to kiss you, but he doesn’t know if you’d want that, too. 
you went to high school together, orbited the same circles, and now you’re both ringing in the new year in someone whose name you’ve forgotten’s parents’ basement, and you look so pretty, and every time you catch his gaze you scrunch your nose, wondering what’s on your face, maybe, to make steve harrington’s eyes find you so often, and it makes steve blush. 
you’ve only ever known him as king steve. he knows you think he’s a douche, and he wishes you’d realize, somehow, that he’s changed. he’s not nice, now, not necessarily, but he’s definitely no longer a douche. 
he’s kept one eye on you pretty much the entire night, and the closer it gets to midnight, the antsier he gets. he’s biting his thumbnail. he never bites his nails. he knows this is probably the closest thing to a chance he’ll ever have with you. he shoves his nerves down to a dark, quiet place, ignores the voice in the back of his head, and pushes off from the wall he’s been planted against. 
so he approaches you where you’re nursing a strong drink in a plastic cup, taps your elbow gently to get your attention. 
“hi,” he murmurs, smiling. “hi,” you say back, turning to face him, eyes bright.
he asks if you’d like to run up to the kitchen to grab another drink with him, and you glance at your friend. steve watches as she give you a knowing look. he doesn’t know whether it’s a good look or a bad look, but you say yes regardless. as he leads you away from her and up the stairs, his stomach is suddenly knotted in a way it hasn’t been, he thinks, ever before. 
in the kitchen you chit chat, about how life has been since you left high school. steve finds out you’re going to college in california, which explains why he hasn’t seen you around town very often since you graduated. when you ask what he’s been up to, he gives you a forced smile. “been workin’ odd jobs, you know, here and there. was at scoops in the mall for a bit,” you hum, and he smiles a little more truthfully, “and now i’m at family video. it’s not, you know, the most stimulating work, but it’s money, you know, i’m not complaining.”
you tell him that sounds fun, and he can feel the knots in his stomach making their way up his throat. he’s bombing. he’s totally tanking. he’s lost all of his charm, and you’re so bored, and he can tell, so he chugs his drink, suggests you guys go back downstairs, rejoin your friends. you frown, the skin between your eyebrows pinching in a way that makes him want to press his thumb to it, but you nod, follow him out of the kitchen.
in the basement, everyone is preparing themselves for the ball to drop. it’s 11:57 - christ, steve hadn’t even realized how late it was - and you grab his hand, lead him to the table where someone’s poured out glasses of champagne for everyone to take. she picks up the last flute, luckily, and makes to hand it to steve.
“no, no, you take the fancy glass. i’ll just grab the...grover one.”
you laugh and nod at him, watch as he picks up the child-size glass with the fuzzy blue monster on it, filled halfway with sparkling wine, and takes a sip. 
“you know something, harrington?”
steve hums, watching you over the rim of his glass as he takes another sip.
“i had such a giant crush on you in high school. i had no clue you even knew i existed.”
steve spits his champagne back into his cup, coughing once, twice, and you take the cup from his hand, put one hand on his shoulder while he regains composure.
“you - i - you what?”
before you’ve had the chance to elaborate, everyone around you starts to cheer. the countdown on the television is about to start. you grin, glancing to your left and your right, your ponytail bouncing against the back of your neck.
five, four
steve looks around as everyone counts out loud, pulling their new year’s kisses in close, and glances back down at you. you’re looking up at him with newfound hope in your eyes, and he swallows thickly, sets down his glass, and cups your face in his hands.
three, two
“this okay?” you nod and grab the back of his neck, pulling him down the rest of the way to press your mouth to his before he has a chance to make the first move, and he wraps his arms around your waist, pressing you even closer to him.
neither of you register everyone else around you popping confetti and cheersing with their glasses of champagne, too engrossed in one another. steve’s lips continue to move hesitantly against yours, and when he makes to pull away, you hold his head to yours, open your mouth slightly to deepen it. he groans into the air between you.
“happy new year, steve harrington,” you murmur against his mouth. steve sighs and presses one more kiss to your waiting lips.
happy new year indeed.
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