#busy parents
dgspeaks · 2 months
Drive into Convenience: AAWireless Android Auto Adapter - Your Easter Basket Essential
As Easter approaches and parents everywhere prepare to delight their loved ones with thoughtful gifts, consider adding a touch of innovation and practicality to your Easter baskets. Enter the AAWireless Android Auto adapter – a game-changer for busy moms and dads seeking to streamline their morning routines while on the move. Just think of it: it’s the crack of dawn, and you’re already juggling…
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rose29rose2001 · 5 months
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notes-from-home-base · 6 months
Setting Realistic New Year's Resolutions for Busy Parents
With the new year just around the corner, here are some tips for setting realistic New Year's resolutions as a busy parent...
Hello mums and dads, With the new year just around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to share some tips for setting realistic New Year’s resolutions as a busy parent, as we all start dreaming about our goals for the new year. The start of a new year is always such an exciting time! I love the feeling of a fresh start that comes with turning the calendar page to January. It seems…
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art-sciencedesigns · 7 months
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Creative Home Organization Solutions for Busy Moms and Dads
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stephzuniga · 9 months
What we ate this week...We've got Sauce...
Also, week 2 of our new blog format. So, last week started with Father’s Day dinner and it actually turned out better than I expected.  I believe the phrase, “These are the best potatoes I’ve ever had” was uttered at least once.  Which was a win for me- and everyone to be honest.  Also, I got to have bearnaise sauce which means it was a good day. What else we ate last week. A Char Siu Bun Salad…
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alacartemaids · 1 year
The Busy Mom's Guide to House Cleaning 101
Hey busy parents, feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day for housecleaning? We get it. Between juggling work, kids, errands, and your own personal time, cleaning can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Our House Cleaning 101 guide will teach you essential strategies and easy routines that fit your lifestyle. You won’t need fancy equipment or extra time – just our…
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aalghul · 2 months
once again thinking about jason as duke’s robin. he’s ~4 years younger than jason, and that’s puts him at 8-12 during Jason’s time as robin. that’s prime time to get attached to your local kid vigilante before your own life goes downhill.
and if we try to keep duke’s meeting with bruce in zero year + duke’s age (so he can remember the meeting and hold that conversation with bruce), he has to be around 8. if he starts following batman through the news at that time because of the mess that just happened, the robin he sees is probably jason. I’ve literally connected the dots
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markscherz · 5 months
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‘But I am very poorly today & very stupid & hate everyone & everything’
- Charles Darwin. Letter to Charles Lyell, 1 October 1861
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 136
 There is a small child floating in the Watchtower. 
They’re visibly not human, a too-big cloak of purple (what shade no one knows, all they can describe about the cloak is purple, nothing else) hanging from them as big Lazarus-green eyes glare down in something of a pout. The child huffs, blowing white hair out of their face despite it shimmering and shifting on its own already. 
How the child, inhuman or not, found their way into the Watchtower- without setting off an alarm no less- is a concern. A very large concern, but it can wait because there is a four-year old (if the child is the equivalent of a human child that is) at oldest staring down at them. 
 “Do you know where the speedsters are?” the child piped up after an awkward stare-down, none of the league members present quite sure what to do in this situation. It was probably around time to call Batman… or they could call Flash instead. 
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tasteless-vermin · 4 months
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when she blackmails a principal to get a job ❤️
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+bonus version with @/caitmayart’s cats from aelwyn’s original art poorly photoblasted on
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littlebitofdnd · 2 months
Sandra-Lynn and Sklonda are having a "What Do We Do About Kristen" phone call as we speak
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impossibleheartflower · 8 months
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west-brooke · 3 months
Can I just say that I already love your Meet the Parents Au?
I know it only just started but damn daniel you made Donnie's dad my favorite character in no time at all.
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He’s one of my favorites too.
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nelkcats · 9 months
Fenton Street Food
"You know what's better than being a superhero? A street food vendor! Yes, superheroes can save the day, stop villains and receive hatred or admiration as the case may be, but a street vendor? They are at the heart of the action, fulfilling their dreams! They traveled the world feeding the masses, and even met superheroes, feeding them to keep them doing their duty, food carts are the centerpiece of keeping the heroes alive, they are the heroes..."
Maybe if Danny repeated it enough times he'd start to believe it, though seeing the monstrosity that was the Fenton food cart he highly doubted it. More so because it had fucking guns hidden next to the mutant and very alive Hot dogs (which by the way were not sellable, they were the mascots of the brand).
It all started when Jack Fenton talked about his dream of delivering his favorite food around the world, that fueled Maddie Fenton's idea, and since Jazz was in college and Danny was on vacation no one could stop them.
Soon Danny became a victim of his parents' eccentricities. Although the halfa had to admit that selling in Gotham was a lot of fun, thieves didn't think it was worth mugging him and the Rogues themselves bought his food of dubious origins.
It was almost a shame to have to change cities because Batman was getting too suspicious but Metropolis was waiting for him. And he would be back eventually; some bats who had enjoyed his strange roving food stall had waved him off with handkerchiefs, wiping away fake tears. Danny appreciated it.
Besides, Red Robin affirmed to him that he would recommend him to Superboy, so he wouldn't run out of customers anytime soon. He wondered if he should stop by Central City, the Flash Family ate a lot didn't they?
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hughmanbean · 5 months
False Corpse and Supposed Defilings of a Collegue and Child
So, we all love misunderstandings and miscommunication. Obviously. So, Danny's ghost form is very much frozen at 14, and he is working with the Justice League on the basis of Ghostly MattersTM. He was able to make a duplicate of himself for class because he had to help the League with a very important matter with guidance from Vlad, but it was very much rushed and just outright died at the end after it got back.
So Vlad has to bury it, but someone sees him doing that. Anyone, really. Dash, Lancer, Val, someone not in the know. And Danny isn't seen for a while. The League do not think Danny is an immortal God, and "know" he's a dead trans boy from Illinois who wants to save people.
He makes offhand remarks about Vlad, and even if the two of them are on good terms now Vlad's actions seem outright despicable without context. Danny's used to Vlad's ridiculousness so he doesn't see him in that light and can't really conceptualize that it could even be considered.
"You know how it was, obsessed with me and my mom, despised my dad. Said I took after her."
"Oh you know, he made a daughter with me, not that I had a choice in it. I love her with all my heart, though."
"Yeah, he was a real fruitloop. Ranting about I would be his and all that."
This is very much concerning so the League, so they investigate, and the person who saw lets it slip. They also do spot Ellie, and she just chats with Danny's work friends she heard so much about. Doesn't outright say she talks with Danny still, or she knows him presently. Says how much she loves her papa, and hasn't seen her dad in forever. (A collective wince from the JL since, well, said dad is dead.) Mentions how Vlad's a bit stressed, probably from DalvCO contracts. They also see Vlad acting so goody goody with the Fentons, take that as you will.
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sir3n-s · 1 year
Italian Steve Harrington hcs because why not:
He was born in Italy (ovbisouly) but moved to hawkins when he was around 10 or 11.
He speaks fluent Italian, it's his first language, which is why he asks what certain words mean so much. He's still expanding his English vocabulary.
He always writes his notes in Italian, he was forced to stop writing in Italian at school but after he graduated he started again. Robin keeps trying to read his little notes but she doesn't know Italian yet. (He has a journal that's in Italian because he knows Robin keeps trying to read it)
He teaches Robin Italian because she wanted to learn. Mainly so she could understand what he mumbles.
When he's stressed, scared, or angry he'll start rambling/yelling in Italian. No one understands him but Eddie always gets him to calm down. Robin does too but for some reason Eddie does it the best. Unless he's arguing then he has to be reminded to speak English.
He's an amazing cook, everything he makes is good. Steve tries his best to introduce everyone to certain Italian dishes.
He has several of his grandma's old cook books.
During the holidays his parents force him to fly out to Italy to see the rest of his family. After the age of 13, his parents are already there waiting for him.
He insults people in Italian so they don't understand him. Dustin, Mike, and Robin are normally the victims.
Sometimes he'll just switch into Italian and has to be reminded to speak English.
He loved living in Italy but refuses to move back because all of his friends (family) that matter live in Hawkins.
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