#but it's all gonna connect eventually i promise
mchalowitz · 2 years
the woman is the king, part 8
summary: a throughline of the matriarchal scullys; be they ethereal, sharp-witted, and ill-omened.
part 1: melissa / part 2: dana / part 3: emily / part 4: scully / part 5: samantha (the interlude) / part 6: them / part 7: maggie
part 8: maggie, part 2
read on ao3
No more than two days in a motel is their first self-imposed rule to protect their identities. After 36 hours at the Leisure Inn, she spreads a map across the bedspread. 
Already clocking hundreds of miles trapezing across the Southwest, Scully is tired of the long stretches of desert. Mulder sits behind her, tracing his finger from their current location near Salt Lake City, and up toward the state of Washington. He stops a few inches short of Seattle. 
“That’s a little populated, don’t you think?”
When running from the law, an ideal location boasts less than five thousand people. Scully once found the unforthcoming communities of a small town infuriating. She now takes the silence of the populous as an advantage. 
“It wouldn’t be Seattle proper,” Mulder amends. “I have a contact in the area with a cabin. I’ve stayed there before.” 
An interconnected community of like-minded people, as Mulder would explain, have fed him information for years. He categorizes his contacts as creditable allies. Scully wonders where these people source their information to gain their expertise and resources. She heeds their abilities with caution. 
He attractively describes not-Seattle-proper by recounting his memories of a lake view, an impressively restored stone fireplace, and unequivocable privacy. It only takes an hour to map their route and pack their gear into the SUV. 
Mulder still isn’t over the unfairness of the reality of running from the law. After so many endless months of longing for her, he and Scully can finally be together, and he can list a thousand things he would run from just to be with her forever, but sometimes he dwells on what they should have. 
He reunited with Scully two months ago and neither of them have fully broached the events of the last year. It’s way too soon to wreck the elation he feels by confessing thoughts his mind hasn’t even fully accepted yet. Mulder can only attest to confronting the loneliness that almost killed them both in unspoken actions. Someday, maybe, he might be brave enough to chip away at the new hardness he sees she carries. 
He drives with one hand while clawing his face with the other. He’s never grown more than a five day beard. His face constantly itches. Scully attempts to convince him it looks rugged, like Sean Connery or Burt Reynolds, and it’s the biggest fucking lie she’s ever told him. It’s a patchy mess; an undeniably horrible disguise. 
Scully’s change in appearance is courtesy of drugstore boxed dye, a collection of large framed sunglasses, and as they criss-cross the southwest, the shortest of shorts. It’s a sight he’s grateful to witness.
Her nose buried in a crossword puzzle book, Mulder gets her attention with a gentle squeeze to her bare inner thigh. It’s starting to get dark after nearly four hundred miles of I-84 and probably best to stop for the night. 
“Any motels coming up?” 
Reaching under the seat, Scully pulls out a guidebook from the last gas station. She flips through the pages, cross referencing the map. 
“If you can last another hour, there’s a three star that sounds decent.”
“I can last as long as you want, baby,” he jokes. It earns him a giggle and a whack on the bicep with the book. 
They continue on. Scully watches the scenery through the window, having spent most of the ride focused on her puzzles, and they haven’t really talked all that much. He reaches for her now unoccupied hand to briefly bring her wrist to his lips. The next major junction leads them toward Portland. 
“My brother lives near here,” she casually comments with her eyes still focused on the passing highway.
“You didn’t tell me Bill was restationed.”
“Not Bill,” she corrects him. “Charlie.”
She still hums with uneasiness; even while asleep atop the floral duvet in their room at the Snooze Lodge Motel. It is unlikely worth its three star rating but wholly average for budget accommodations. 
Her pounding heart rouses her from sleep. No warm hand pulls her in tighter; no drowsy murmur of comfort brushes her ear. Scully panics. 
Usually, she finds Mulder writing at the desk only a few steps away, or in the bathroom, and has her nerves easily calmed. He is nowhere in the room. She assures herself she would have heard sirens or an altercation. It is still possible he is gone completely; he would go willingly to protect her. 
When Scully steps out into the surprisingly warm night air, her eyes land on movement in the pool below. A splash rises before his head breaks through the surface of the water. She pockets their room key and takes the steps quickly.
She sits on the hard concrete, submerging her legs in the water. Illuminated by only the underwater incandescents, Mulder rests his chin on her knee. She watches his soft hazel eyes; his overgrown beard scratches her palm when he nuzzles into her hand. 
“I didn’t want to wake you,” he admits without prompting to her unexpressed worry. She nods on a deep breath. 
She observes his graceful strokes; not unlike the thousands of laps he swam during the first years of their partnership while she gazed on. He begins to tire and floats on his back. 
She can thwart her endless concern for his safety during their untroubled moments. Her brainpower can refocus. Her letters must have arrived by now. Bill is likely furious. Scully pictures her mother’s shaking hands and heavy heart. 
In final, unsteady words, on a desert highway barely a month ago, she requested, “Watch out for my mom,” as she embraced her superior. A duty Skinner will undoubtedly fulfill. 
For those she calls family, Scully cares fiercely. A singular sign along Oregon highway reminds her that ferocity came with age. When she should have stood up, she retreated. Her youthful rebellion rarely applied to anyone’s benefit but her own. 
Mulder’s thumb smooths the crease between her eyebrows. Barely above a whisper, he simply says, “Tell me.” 
“I could’ve done a better job protecting my family,” Scully responds. She is being vague; purposefully making it difficult for him to articulate a follow up question. 
“It’s hard to face something you’ve tried to stop thinking about,” he finally tries. 
A motel parking lot is prime territory for a patrolman. The Snooze Lodge is no exception. Headlights nearly blind her. “We should go,” she insists to Mulder. 
Mulder pulls himself from the water. Keeping a keen eye on the cruiser, and their hands tightly linked, they watch until it disappears down the road. 
In the rosy of hue of morning, Scully listens to running water and last night’s baseball scores on talk radio. When she closes her eyes, she can imagine Hegel Place.
He emerges showered; she admires his casual nudity as he searches for clothes amongst their small collection of possessions. 
Reacquainting themselves physically fills the spaces between sleeping and a life on the lam. She considers neglecting their schedule to entice him into a second shower. 
“Mulder,” she murmurs lowly. 
However, when one of them wants to rebel, the other swoops in with rationality. “Oh, good, you’re awake,” he responds with eagerness. “We should hit the road soon.”
Her clothes for the day land at her feet. Mulder practically buzzes with high energy around the small room. “Mulder,” she finally repeats. When their eyes meet, she raises her eyebrow. 
Mulder rounds the bed to kneel at her side; no other hints are necessary. His lips meet hers in a deeply sweet morning kiss. 
Within the hour, Scully stares down another day of never-ending highway. 
He belongs to a truly skilled network of like-minded individuals; a group that aids each other in endeavors that fall outside mainstream channels and, arguably, in legal grey areas. While Scully sleeps, he receives the information he seeks in his covert, bi-weekly touch base and praises their group’s efficiency, and in due time, Mulder will repay the favor with his own expertise. 
Scully teases him with small bites from fast food breakfast sandwiches during the stop-and-go morning rush hour. She brushes crumbs off his face while he attempts to nip at her fingers. “You cleaned up your beard,” she remarks, tracing her fingertips along the even line of his jaw. 
“I hate this stupid thing,” he laments. His nails dig into his opposite cheek. Scully tries to soothe him with a series of I knows and Maybe once your hair gets longers but she doesn’t exactly sound hopeful. 
When they finally break through the barricade of morning commuters, he can sneak longer glances at Scully. Making a bold inference that their exchange at the pool brought some peace to her, Mulder watches as her arm extends out the window; her fingers surfing the resistance of the breeze. She smoothly mouths along with songs on the radio. 
She carefully tracks their route; their map blanketing her lap as she refers back to it often. Her head snaps up from its reclined position on the headrest when he takes a different exit than their planned itinerary. 
He counters her unspoken question with a playful smile. 
"Let’s embrace the adventure, shall we?”
His supposedly adventurous detour could not be more non-descript to Scully. Only a faded cross above the main entrance gives her any indication of their whereabouts. Mulder rarely goes out of his way to bring her closer to God. 
“I’m confused,” she finally admits. 
A pair of men materialize from a side door, pushing a cart of boxes that overfills the back of a tiny blue sedan. Vivid auburn hair catches her eye. Scully’s head snaps to the reckless lunatic in the driver’s seat. 
“He’s the pastor here,” Mulder confirms. 
The rigidity of theological devotion spawned an explosive splintering of their family; a life of faith seemed like the last thing Charlie would do. She wonders briefly if anyone knew about her brother’s career path. 
What appears to be a discussion of official church business ends with a brief kiss between the two men. A breathy “oh” from her partner divulges a carefully guarded excommunication nearly fifteen years prior. 
“Yeah,” she replies as her brother drives away.
Her father denounced her youngest sibling with an unforgettable, undoubtably cruel sternness. The Scullys would never all be in the same room again. 
She believes that final gathering illustrates the pull between motherhood and matrimony. A balancing act Scully has now walked herself. 
She and Mulder so actively, so knowingly disagree on many things, while following one another unquestionably. An inconceivable notion to her parents; to love each other and differ in values. Charlie suffered for it. 
A mother’s child is forever changed by acts of finality. She wonders if her final act will be forgiven. 
Mulder opens his door in a burst of sudden movement. Scully grips his arm, curling her fingers into his bicep. She is constantly ascertaining his every intention. He should be narrating his every move to her. 
“We’re going in,” he states. His tone suggests that should be obvious. She shakes her head in refusal when he outstretches his hand to her. 
Quick fabrications of an identity is one of their vitally important, well practiced skills. “My wife and I are new to the area,” she hears him explain, describing her as a former Catholic, and how funny, so is the pastor. As they continue to converse, Scully notices the prominent accent of her brother’s partner, and Mulder offers to carry boxes to the dumpster to extend the conversation. 
“He definitely thought I was homeless,” he claims when he finally returns. “And my wife is just a face drawn on a paper bag.” 
“Don’t count out that possibility,” she deadpans. 
Mulder actively ignores her comment, although she catches his amused smirk. A bright piece of orange paper enters her hands. He bounces tigerish eyes between the paper and her eyes. She begins to scan the words. 
Charlie relates a Psalm to the crushing and ever-evolving weight of loss from his sister’s murder. Scully takes a long moment to register her new lifestyle has completely altered her sense of time; another year without Melissa was not so much as a passing thought. She wants to cry. 
Scully remembers those words on her answering machine. Melissa was safe with people she knew in California. She briefly believed her sister was pregnant with Emily during those months. Melissa vanished to reconnect with their brother. 
“What was his name?”
She slowly pieces together a theory aloud, as she has done with Mulder a thousand times before. “My sister used to write to me about a translator that traveled with her in Peru. I think that’s him.”
“You think she introduced them?” 
Scully nods; it seems like she should have something else to say. Or be more inclined to wait for her brother to return. She could comment on Melissa’s fearlessness to reject their parents’ prejudices and introduce Charlie to a life-altering love, exactly like she encouraged Scully’s own transformative love, but to say anything else would be a rightful admission of the cowardly self-centeredness of her youth. 
Instead, she only mumbles, “We should keep driving.” 
This seemingly cozy cabin was once a prison of complete seclusion and crippling loneliness for Mulder. A reminder he combats by scooping up his girl to carry her across the threshold. He plans to show the proper respect and erase every forlorn memory by absolutely defiling this place with her. With an appropriate amount of romance. Of course.
Her nose crinkles at him and she teasingly admonishes him with, “You are so gross,” as she begins to explore their temporary abode. 
“I’ve already picked where we’re gonna make out later,” he informs her with an added tap on the ass. Mulder retreats from her playful scowl, hands raised in surrender, to retrieve their belongings from the car. 
Mulder turns and slides a labyrinth of locks with duffle bags at his feet. It's the reality of this most picturesque hiding spot. A long string of numbers activates a powerful security system. He’ll probably tell Scully about the pack of wild turkeys that roam the backyard before he shows her the closet with feeds from outdoor cameras. 
While Scully reclines against a throw pillow with her eyes closed, Mulder assesses their food situation. His homelessness theory feels confirmed by the extra food pantry box that seemed to magically appear for him at the church. He’s still thankful, because it will be a few days before they can explore the nearby town, and the contents of the box is enough to get them through. 
Unpacking the final item, Mulder grins, and casually offers her a snack. She mumbles an affirmative response. It only requires a slice with a knife and a transfer to a plate but he enjoys burying the lead by slamming cupboards, running the sink, and starting the microwave. 
He presents the plate of white cake with strawberries and whip cream frosting, coming down to a kneel at her side, as he announces, “Dana-cake for my Dana-girl,” and smacks a loud kiss on her cheek. 
Mulder watches Scully hold the plate in both hands; her reaction starts with the sound of a whimper, and within seconds, she has broken into full sobs. 
Utterly unclear as to what he did wrong, listening to Scully sob for ten minutes seems like an eternity. Her favorite dessert is one of her simplest, most decadent of pleasures; a tearful breakdown was not a reaction he could have ever predicted. He only prepared to lose a finger or two trying to steal a bite. 
“Water,” he finally blurts out. “I’ll get you some water. Do you want some water, Scully?” With her unexplainable distress, Mulder reaches the point of useless panic to comfort her. He starts to stand, only to be pulled down by the hem of his shirt. 
“Where did you get this?” 
“In the food pantry box from the church,” Mulder answers in a rush; his shirt is still clutched in her fingers. “I thought you would be excited. It looks homemade.” 
With the plate held right between their noses to give him a micro view of the dessert, Scully’s voice shakes when she says, “They’re hearts.”
Mulder still has an oral history of Scully’s fondest memories from when she was sick with her cancer tucked away in the back of his mind. It seemed important for someone to have a mental record of the little things. She never told him she needed him to remember. But Dana-cake was a Scully family tale worth remembering with every detail. 
It was her childhood obsession; a summertime constant no matter where military life took them. Her mother grew the strawberries at home, hence why it required such extreme patience, and became so associated with the third Scully child that it was renamed for her. 
When Scully’s health reached a decline, Mulder made his first and only attempt at baking in his life from a handwritten index card. Scully stressed the dire importance of the heart shaped cut as she stepped in before he “ruined it.” Even the ones no one would see had to be hearts.
Because the love had to be on the outside and the inside. 
Her chest aches from heaving sobs; Scully senses the endlessness of running away. She has been given so many second chances at living and what she reclaimed threatens to fade away.
“What if we’re doing this forever, Mulder?”
Her throat stings. She should have accepted his offer for water. 
“Scully,” Mulder whispers quietly. A few snaps near her ear earns him no response. Her deep sleep emboldens him to pull the cord from the phone until he’s in the bedroom with the door shut. He dials and lets it ring. 
“Mrs. Scully,” he says. “Hi.”
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diss-track · 2 days
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nxuvillette · 4 months
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synopsis: you and wriothesley’s relationship ended years ago. neither of you thought you’d ever see each other again, until one night you both meet after years of being apart.
❥ pairings : wriothesley x fem!reader
❥ note : sorry for the inactivity !! i was kind of going through a slump, but i’m hopefully gonna start returning to a regular schedule. i hope you guys enjoy this !! reblogs are appreciated <3.
content warnings : nsfw [17+], fem!reader, ageless + blank blogs dni, mentions of childhood trauma (wriothesley), high school relationships (they’re both adults when meeting again !), alcohol consumption, breakups, some angst, fluff, car sex, creampie, use of pet names (baby , good girl), ex!wriothesley, vanilla sex.
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You were never the type to dwell on the past. Whatever happened back then happened, and there was no way for you to control it. Time kept moving and it wouldn’t pause for you whatsoever. It was something everyone was told to move on from. 
However, you couldn’t exactly move on from one thing in your past.
Your ex, Wriothesley.
You and Wriothesley met when you were both in high school. Neither of you were in great headspace at the time, so you two connected over the fact that you were dealing with lots of pain during that time period. He wasn’t exactly the most responsible student. He often showed up late, talked back to adults, and he gained many enemies from his impressive stature. He was intimidating. Even you felt a bit of fear whenever he walked into a classroom, but he turned out to be a really nice guy. He sat next to you in your algebra class and asked you for a pencil since he came to school without his backpack. You gave him one and then ended up chatting towards the end of the period about school and other random things.
A lot of your friends questioned why you of all people spoke to Wriothesley. He wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who would speak to girls like you. You had perfect attendance, good grades, and a pretty decent friend circle. He was the opposite of you.
Eventually, those platonic feelings turned into romantic ones the more you got to know him. Wriothesley confided in you about many things pertaining to his home life. He was in and out of foster care due to his parents passing early on in his childhood, and it led to him being moved around a lot. He wasn’t exactly good at making friends because a lot of them came from these perfect homes. None of them would understand that feeling or his story. Although you couldn’t understand it either, you tried your best to see things through his lense. There was a reason he acted the way he did. 
You two then began dating a few months later. It was a perfect relationship. He treated you better than any ex of yours would, and he made you feel safe around him. He was somebody you could rely on. Despite many people frowning upon it, you never listened to their opinions. Wriothesley was someone you thought was your soulmate. It was young love, but to you, it was everything you ever wanted.
However, you did have some problems in your relationship.
You and Wriothesley had many arguments during your time dating. Sometimes he didn’t care for himself and he would miss school to do god knows what. You wanted him to do better for himself, but it didn’t seem like he was taking you as seriously as you thought he would. It would always end with him apologizing and buying you flowers or taking you out for a date to make up for the harsh words thrown around. He didn’t like fighting with you. He knew you wanted the best for him. He just had a hard time committing to the things he had promised to you. 
He always thought you two would date for a while, but that was until your senior year. At that point, you two had been dating for almost two years. Things weren’t bad, if anything, it was a lot better than it was early on. Neither of you considered your relationship to be toxic by any means. 
Unfortunately, things did come to an end.
You knew that you and Wriothesley were on two completely different paths in life. You wanted to go off to college and begin a career, and he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his life. There wasn’t an issue with that, but you had a lot of doubt that the relationship would even work with the distance and your differences. Having to break up with him was one of the most difficult things you had to do. 
Wriothesley honestly didn’t understand why you wanted to leave him. You were absolutely everything to him, and he never was one to treat you poorly. However, he also knew that your feelings about it were valid. He didn’t know if he could handle a long distance relationship and you honestly deserve someone better than him. In a way, he knew he was dragging you down in life. He was the one blocking your way of becoming the absolute best, so he took the break up respectfully. He would always love you no matter what, and that’s what he told you. You didn’t think you would take it as hard as you did, but you knew it was for the better. 
As the years went on, you slowly forgot about your relationship with him. It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to process while in college, but you often distracted yourself by going out with your roommate and other friends you made along the way. Soon enough, it was a thing of the past. 
It wasn’t until you came home to see your parents that all of the memories came flowing back to you.
You and your roommate had decided to move into an apartment close to your university, so you weren’t home as often as you normally would be. When you came by to visit, everything felt so nostalgic to you. You hadn’t been in your hometown for a little while and you weren’t sure where to even begin. 
You don’t know how you ended up at the bar just ten minutes away from your home. It wasn’t exactly packed for a Thursday evening, so you didn’t have to worry about weirdos at the bar hitting on you. You were sitting on your own, sipping on a random cocktail the bartender had made for you. Your mind wandered to many thoughts that only crossed when you were intoxicated. Your past, random embarrassing moments you wished you didn’t let happen, and your ex boyfriend from when you were in high school. 
You disliked that you thought about Wriothesley more than you should have. You two had broken up years ago. Why would you still have these thoughts about him? Maybe you could blame it on the fact that you hadn’t exactly had the best luck with romance while in college. There was no other man who was interested in you like Wriothesley was. Most of the men around you were only looking for something short term, or just a quick fuck that wouldn’t mean anything at the end of the day. It was honestly a shame, but you shouldn’t have had such high expectations. Maybe you were a fool. 
You didn’t pay much attention to the presence that had appeared next to you. You assumed it was some random person who needed a drink just like you did. 
“Yeah, whiskey and coke, please.”
Your heart stopped when you heard the smooth voice speak beside you. A part of you didn’t wanna believe there was a possibility he was here after just thinking about him, but could luck be on your side? It took a lot of courage, but you eventually turned your head to place your eyes on the man beside you. There he was. Your ex, Wriothesley was sitting right beside you. You weren’t sure if you should even speak up and talk to him. Neither of you had crossed paths in years and you didn’t know if he would even want to talk to you. 
It didn’t take long for him to notice your staring, and soon enough, Wriothesley’s eyes made contact with yours. You never forgot the color of his ice blue eyes. He looked much older than he did before, obviously, but he seemed more mature. His body also seemed a lot more bulky than it was back in high school. Despite that, his scars still remain etched into his skin as permanent reminders of his past. 
“(Y/N)..?” your name left his lips in a whisper, seemingly shocked by your presence. 
You felt your heart rate begin to speed up from seeing his face. You didn’t think he would stay, but he sat there in his seat like a deer in headlights. You weren’t sure how to even respond. It was awkward. “H-Hi.. Wriothesley..” you said, trying to ease the awkward tension in the air. It felt so uncomfortable, but you didn’t want to leave. 
Wriothesley blinked, trying to take in the realization that you were sitting right in front of him. He hadn’t seen you in years. He vaguely recalled going to your home the day you left for college. He felt like shit knowing you were gone and he couldn’t say what he wanted to. It had been so long. It was like you were a completely different person, but at the same time he recognized you. He thought you were still as beautiful as you were the day he first laid his eyes on you. “Hey.. how are you? It’s been a while..” he turned his body to face you, giving you the chance to see his physical changes.
You laughed through your nose. Relief washed over you when you saw his soft smile appearing on his face. You thought he would just walk away, considering you were the one who broke up with him. “I’m good! How about you?” you asked, sipping your drink to try and calm your nerves.
He honestly was sitting there in disbelief. He didn’t think he’d ever have the chance to speak to you again. “I’m doing alright, haha! How has college been for you?” he questioned, nodding his head.
The conversation between you felt so weird. It was like you two were strangers, but at the same time you knew so much about one another. There was a time in your life where Wriothesley played such a significant role through your teenage years. You didn’t wanna see it that way, but it was difficult knowing there was so much that you missed. Did he ever get away from foster care? He was now over eighteen, so it’s not like he could be cared for anymore by a random family. Did he pursue his dreams of becoming involved in law enforcement? There were so many questions you had yet to be answered. 
Wriothesley revealed so much to you. He spoke about how he was able to go and apply to be a security guard at one of the clubs downtown, and with that money he managed to move out and get his own place. He seemed to be doing so much better in life than he was when you first met. He had somewhat of a personality shift as well. There was more maturity in his words and he listened more than he would talk. He was happy you were doing good in life. He wanted nothing but the best for you ever since you two had broken things off.
The evening hours crept up on you two, and the bar had become a little busier than it normally was. The alcohol in your veins also made you loosen up around Wriothesley. He felt the same way, but he was a little more sober than you were. He had a better grip on himself. It was honestly really nice to catch up with you. He really missed you. He didn’t like admitting it to others, but he often yearned to see your face walking around town. There was so much he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to put it into words without sounding weird or making things awkward. 
“Do you need a ride home..?” he downed the rest of his drink within his glass. The last thing he wanted was for you to go home being slightly intoxicated and on your own. 
You hesitated for a second. You didn’t want to give the wrong idea to Wriothesley, but there was the part of you that would feel a lot safer if he was around you. “S-Sure!” you replied, picking up your things off of the table in front of you.
Wriothesley stood up, leaving cash for both of your drinks which you didn’t expect. Standing beside him made you feel somewhat embarrassed. It was like he grew overnight with how broad his body had become over the years. You never thought he would be the type to work out. He talked about it a little while back, but the way he looked now was insane to you. 
The two of you left the bar and entered outside. The air nipped at your skin from the slight chill that was in the atmosphere. Wriothesley walked over to his car that was parked in the lot. It was a really nice one, too. You pulled open the passenger side door and climbed in, getting hit with the strong aroma of his cologne that lingered around his vehicle. Once he climbed in, he glanced at you briefly. It almost seemed like he wanted to say something to you, but he decided not to at the last minute.
The car ride back was quiet. Neither of you spoke, and you honestly thought that’s where it would end. 
But, it didn’t.
Once he arrived outside of your house, there was something brewing between you two that was bound to burst at any moment. You didn’t know if maybe it was his cologne or how the alcohol made you bolder, but clearly there was something going on and both of you seemed a little hesitant to make a move.
However, that didn’t last long, because Wriothesley was the one who planted a kiss on your lips. 
It felt so familiar to you. Every little memory from your relationship played in your mind, making you recall things you thought you had forgotten. You missed it all. You missed his touch, his kisses, his hair that your nails used to dig into when you would make out, the way he would nibble at your neck to turn you on. It didn’t take long for you to end up on his lap with his hands all over your body. His kisses were rough, but passionate at the same time. It brought you back to the many times you two would make out in your bedroom while your parents were out of the house. God, you missed those days. Everything was so much more simple back then. 
Wriothesley’s hands lifted up your skirt, squeezing the plush of your ass. He remembered every little part of your body. He knew you so well. It didn’t matter how long you two had been apart. “Fuck.. I’ve missed you so much..” he whispered against your lips. “You don’t know how badly I wanted to go and find you..”
A whimper came from your lips when you felt his hardened cock brush against your clothed pussy. There was a part of you that wondered if you should actually be doing this. You two were ex’s. You were meant to be apart, but there was just so much about Wriothesley that you craved. He was practically your first everything back then, and those things are hard to just forget. “Missed you more, Wrio..” you panted, looking into his eyes. “Please.. I need you.”
He was a bit taken back when you guided his hand to your soaked underwear. His dick practically twitched when he made contact with your arousal. He remembered how easy it was to get you riled up. It seemed like that didn’t change at all. 
He wasted no time and pushed your panties aside to begin rubbing your clit. Your hand flew to hold onto his muscular shoulders. It felt so good. His fingers were all too familiar to you, and you loved it more than anything else. Wriothesley then pulled you in for a sloppy kiss. He swallowed every one of your pretty moans that kept leaving your throat. He just couldn’t get enough of you. 
Wriothesley’s hand left your clit several seconds later. His fingers fumbled with the buckle of his belt. You could tell he was rushing. “I need you now.” he looked at you then down at his pants where he began to pull them off.
You watched as his cock sprang out of his boxers. The tip was leaking precum. You somewhat forgot how big he was. The girth was quite large and his size was one that you thought you wouldn’t be able to take the first time. 
He placed his forehead against yours while his tip glossed over your wet cunt. You moaned in pleasure when he made contact with your sensitive bud. “Are you sure you wanna do this..?” he was breathing heavily, showing just how desperate he was for you. “We don’t have to.. but I just need to know now.”
You nodded almost immediately. “Y-Yes! Please, Wriothesley, I can’t wait anymore..” you begged, grinding your hips against him.
Wriothesley didn’t hesitate before pushing his cock into you. Both of you let out loud noises at the sensation of being in each other’s embrace. It had been so fucking long since you felt Wriothesley inside of you. He was stretching you out completely. There was this burning feeling, but you didn’t mind it all. It quickly faded to pleasure the moment he started moving his hips into you. His hands went to your waist where he started guiding you. There was nobody else like you. He loved you. It didn’t matter how far you went, Wriothesley always had that love for you. He knew it sounded dumb to be still thinking about his teenage love, but there was so much about you he just couldn’t get over.
It didn’t take long for him to find your g-spot. He could see in your expression how good you felt when he kissed it with his tip. You could hardly believe this was happening. You never thought you would be able to have sex with him again, but you had zero regrets in your mind about it. 
Your fingers laced into his onyx colored hair. You were so lost in bliss. He was better than any lame college hookup you had before. Part of you questioned why you even decided to leave him at the time. Sure, you two were on different wavelengths in life, but he was still a great guy regardless. He treated you like a princess. He never made you feel insecure or unwanted. He was perfect. “W-Wrio..! Yes, yes! Feels so good!” you cried, digging your nails into his scalp.
His grip on you tightened as you kept moaning for him. It was like he was reliving a dream he had. You were so beautiful. He didn’t wanna keep missing you anymore. “Yeah, you like it, baby? I missed you so bad.. I never stopped waiting for you, (Y/N). ‘M always gonna love you..” he captured your lips in another kiss that left you breathless. 
Your cheeks turned hot when he said those words to you. You thought after all of this time Wriothesley would hate you for breaking up with him. There was doubt in your mind that he would even wanna see you again, but hearing that he still loved you made you feel relieved. You still loved him too. “Missed you more.. Wriothesley! I love y-you!” you made eye contact with him. 
He was surprised to hear that you felt the same towards him. He assumed for so long you had moved on and found somebody else while you were in university. Somebody that was better than him in many aspects. Nonetheless, he didn’t care to question you. You of all people would never lie to Wriothesley, so he trusted your words more than anything else. 
Without warning, Wriothesley’s pace picked up. His balls began to smack against your puffy clit. Your vision grew hazy from the amount of pleasure that was rushing through your body. The pit in your belly was growing deeper, implying your orgasm was on the brink of reaching you. Wriothesley could sense it, too. Your pussy was squeezing his cock so hard that he thought it would be difficult for him to even think about pulling out of you. There was so much you two had to make up for. 
“Wriothesley.. I’m gonna cum!” your hands gripped his shoulders. 
His larger hand went around your throat. You could hear the way he was grunting. It sounded so erotic. “C’mon, baby, cum all over my dick..” he said, his voice sounding deep. “Be a good girl..”
Your cunt then clamped around his cock. A deep groan rumbled in his throat as he felt his own high reach him. His cum filled your womb, making you shiver from the warmth that was spreading from your belly. You could hardly keep yourself upwards from how tired your body was. You felt yourself slumping against him. 
His arm went to wrap around your waist, placing his chin atop of the crown of your head. He honestly missed nights like these, and he wasn’t going to let it slip away ever again.
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© NXUVILLETTE ┆ all rights reserved, do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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There's a 100% Chance I'm Gonna Marry You | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: The team doesn’t even know of her existence but when Spencer can’t get a hold of her, he gets worried. Now he has no other choice than to tell his coworker about her.
Warnings: worry, guns, kicking down doors, mention of Maeve & Haley's death, fluff!
Author's note: I kinda love this like a lot???
Words: 3.4K
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Spencer was happy. Considering the things he had gone through in the past ten years, no one had expected him to ever come back to his incredibly happy and constantly smiley self. No one had ever seen him so giggly and teasing his colleagues every single day. 
If you asked his coworkers, all of them would say something different. JJ, Alex and Penelope all swore he was simply in love. Hotch and Rossi knew what was happening – years of profiling in their back pocket that would catch onto the tiniest signs and being his boss had its perks. Morgan believed he was just getting laid, finally. 
If you asked Spencer, he’d simply shrug and say, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
The truth was that he was in love, just like his female coworkers had guessed. 
He had met her a few years earlier at a bookstore. The two of them had reached for the exact same book at the exact same time, causing their hands to bump. Apologies floated through the air, followed by their awkward giggles when their eyes locked. Spencer offered to buy her the book that day and she insisted they read it together over a cup of coffee. Of course he didn’t decline, and neither did he alert her that he read as fast as lightning. For her, he’d read at her pace. 
Ever since that day, the two of them had been hanging out non-stop at bookstores, coffee shops, and eventually at each other’s apartment. It took them a good six months before finally sharing a searing kiss that sealed their relationship. 
That kiss was about a little over a year ago and now, the two of them were living together. Albeit, she kept her old address, with the help of Hotch who had called in favor, just to throw anyone that snooped into their personal affairs off. 
Without any of his colleagues knowing. 
At first, he didn’t want their relentless teasing, but then he was reminded of how the BAU’s family and partners were put in constant danger over being even slightly connected to them. Spencer almost wanted to break up with her over it, just to keep her safe. And they did, for a good week, until Spencer realized he couldn’t live without her. 
She was fine with being his little secret. Though sometimes, she wanted to get to know his colleagues after all the stories she heard from him. The gruesome details about those stories, however, she’d rather forget immediately. 
That was why the two of them kept in touch as much as they could during his cases. Quick phone calls, just to check in with one another, constant text messages, … There was never a moment where the two of them didn’t hear from one another. 
When one day she didn’t answer him, he grew immediately worried. 
That day had started early for Spencer. He'd been woken up at five am by a call from JJ, telling him to come into work as soon as he could, but not to bring a go-bag. Her eyes had fluttered open ever so slightly, but he shushed her and kissed her forehead. 
“Go back to sleep,” he whispered and tried to pull away, but her arms snaked around his neck, pulling him back. 
The girl whined and though her eyes were closed, her lips were pursed. “Gimme kiss first.” 
Chuckling, Spencer leaned down and kissed her on the lips sweetly. “I love you.”
“Mmh, love you too. Come back to me in one piece, Doctor Reid.” 
She tugged at the duvet to cozy up and doze off again. For a couple seconds, he watched her with a tender smile plastered on his face. He hated leaving the girl he loved behind. He’d much rather cuddle up to her underneath the covers. 
“I promise,” he whispered and kissed her head again before finally turning on his heel and walking out the apartment. It was always with a heavy heart that he left the apartment, but his mind was quickly occupied by the case at hand. 
It wasn’t until 10am when he received a text from her. The initials “L.G.” flashing onto his screen. It was her contact name that she had added. It stood for Lover Girl, she had told him, while putting his contact name as P.B.; Pretty Boy. 
L.G.: I actually slept until now. Got any statistics on that, Doctor? 
A smile took over his entire face. She often asked him for any statistics about whatever she was thinking about. It was her favorite thing to do, listening to him ramble off facts and statistics, which was why she’d asked for it. Even if it was merely through text.
P.B.: 55% of people oversleep at least once a week and 75% of those have missed work. A little over 30% said they oversleep once a week and 24% do it multiple times a week.
He waited a minute, she usually answered within a couple minutes and he and Morgan were waiting for their colleagues to compile their theories anyway. When her message popped onto his screen, he couldn’t help but smile even wider. 
L.G.: You never disappoint. – Thank GOD for bank holidays. ;-) 
Spencer chuckled before starting to type up a response. 
P.B.: What are you up to today? 
Before her reply came in, their colleagues filed into the briefing room where he and Morgan resided. He quickly chucked his phone in his pocket and focused on what his coworkers were saying. It took a couple of minutes as they put their heads together and piece together some of the evidence they had found. 
“Morgan, Reid, I’m gonna need you to go to the apartment building and ask around if anyone has seen Peter in the hallways that night. Alex and Rossi, you’re on the new crime scene. JJ and I will head to the M.E.”
Everyone nodded at their assignments before they got up and filed out of the briefing room. As Spencer followed Morgan out to the SUV, he grabbed his phone to check her message she had sent. 
L.G.: Just going to run some errands. Do you need anything from the grocery store? 
P.B.: Can you get me some of those rice crispy treats, please, angel? 
He put his phone back in his pocket before turning to his coworker next to him, who was sneaking glances at him whilst driving. “I do still wonder who you’re always texting with that dopey smile on your face.” 
Spencer coughed. “My-my mom.” 
“Are you ever gonna tell me the truth?” Derek asked, his thick brows raised. There was no answer at the top of that genius brain of his, so he simply grimaced and nodded his head. 
The two of them focused back on the case and went door to door at the apartment building, asking everyone if they had seen who they were looking for. None of them were much help and when they were done interviewing the inhabitants, one hour had passed. On the way back to the car, Spencer checked his phone again, but no messages from his Lover Girl this time. 
He frowned and sent her another text. 
P.B.: Back from the store yet, L.G.? Did you remember my rice crispy treats? 
It wasn’t usual for her to take this long to reply, especially when she had a day off. Her phone’s sound was always on and she had it closeby at every moment. Worry settled on his chest. He couldn’t act on the anxieties swirling around in his mind as he couldn’t just rush home mid-case. 
When there was no answer another hour later, Spencer knew something was up. He tried to call her when he and Morgan were waiting on the rest of the team to regroup, but it went straight to voicemail. 
“Hiya! You just missed me, but leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.” 
The sound of her voice calmed him down a little bit, but the fact that it was her voicemail only made his worry grow. Two steps forward and one step back, it felt like. 
“You okay, Reid?” Morgan asked when he noticed his coworker in distress. 
Spencer internally groaned at the fact he couldn’t tell Morgan what was stressing him out because he had decided to keep his girlfriend a secret. Especially at a moment like this when there could be something wrong with her. For all he knew, she could be hurt. The exact reason for keeping her a secret in the first place.
“Uhm, yeah,” he lied. “Yeah, I’m okay.” 
It was crystal clear that Morgan didn’t believe his coworker but with the height of the case nearing, he decided not to press any further. It was only hours later, when they closed the case, and Spencer was clearly spiraling that he decided to ask further. 
“Reid, seriously, what’s going on?” he asked when Spencer hung up his phone for a fifth time, not getting the answer he wanted. 
Spencer sighed and chucked his phone in his pocket, his hands trembling as he did so. “I-I need to go home. Something’s wrong.” 
“With your mom?” Morgan asked as he watched Spencer rush out the BAU. The resident genius didn’t even bother to answer, which left Morgan with no other choice than to simply follow behind him. “Hey, Reid!” he called when he caught up to Spencer near the SUV. With furrowed brows and trembling hands trying to unlock the car, the younger man looked up. “Let me drive.” 
And with that said, Derek and Spencer got into the car and drove off to Spencer’s apartment. Derek wasn’t even sure what he was in for, but he trusted Spencer enough to follow him blindly. The two of them entered Spencer’s apartment building and rushed up the stairs to apartment 23.
A scream echoed through the door and reverberated in Spencer’s chest, causing his heart to plummet to his stomach. Derek and Spencer both reached for their guns, ready to shoot whoever’s hurting this screaming person. Another scream came from inside and Derek quickly and swiftly kicked down the apartment door. 
Another scream, but this time because of the sudden disruption. Once Spencer was certain there was no immediate danger, he holstered his weapon, as did Derek. His eyes scanned over his girlfriend. She had her hair scraped back into a messy bun, an old CalTech shirt of his that reached just beneath her bum and underneath it the tiniest of shorts that were barely visible. 
Once her heart had calmed down from the near-heart attack, she tugged the earphones out of her ears. “Fucking hell, Spence, way to give a girl a heart attack.” She threw a cushion from the couch at him. 
“Me?! You weren’t answering any of my calls or texts! I thought you were kidnapped,” he argued before stalking up to her and taking her into his arms into a much-needed hug. 
She pressed a kiss to his jaw. “I’m sorry, I was too wrapped up in that new Taylor Swift song and singing along.”
“Ah, that was the screaming about,” Morgan muttered, shaking his head with a chuckle.  
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” Spencer whispered and kissed her head before remembering there was someone else in the room. Coughing, he looked up at his coworker and only slightly let go of her, keeping an arm around her shoulders. 
“So, you’re ready to tell me the truth now?” Derek asked, a smirk on his face. 
Spencer smiled down at the girl. “Morgan, this is y/n, my… girlfriend.” 
The girl reached out a hand for him to shake and Derek did, but not without eyeing her up and keeping that teasing demeanor. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Spence has told me so much about you.” 
“Wish I could say the same about you, but unfortunately, Boy Wonder never mentioned you once,” he told her, chuckling. “How did you keep this a secret from all of us?” 
Spencer shrugged. “I thought it would be better to keep our relationship a secret from everyone to keep her safe. We all know what happened to Haley, I don’t–” He inhaled sharply, unable to get the words across his lips. Noticing his sudden tensed shoulders, she interlaced her fingers with the ones on the hand on her shoulder, squeezing them reassuringly. “She kept her old address, just so no one could trace her back to me. Only Hotch and Rossi know.” 
“I wish we could’ve met under better circumstances,” she told him, gesturing to her appearance. 
“Shut up, you look cute,” Spencer reassured her and kissed her temple again. 
The smile never left Derek’s face as he looked at the sight in front of him. “I’m happy for you, Reid, you know that, right?” he asked happily, a hint of pride in his tone that caused her insides to grow mushy. 
From Spencer’s stories, she could tell the team cared about him a lot, but hearing it in real life and seeing it in Derek’s eyes and face meant the absolute world to her. She knew he was safe whenever he was with them, she knew she didn’t have to worry too much when he was out at work. They would protect him no matter what. 
Sensing Derek wanted to talk to Spencer alone, she excused herself and removed herself to the bedroom where she looked for something more appropriate to change into. All while keeping an ear on the conversation between the two coworkers. 
“I know,” she heard Spencer mumble. “I’m just scared, you know? She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t want that to be taken away from me… again…” Heat crept to her cheeks as she listened to her boyfriend talk about her. 
“I get that,” Derek said. “She’s important to you – she’s family. Family of yours is family of ours, Reid. You don’t want anything to happen to her, and neither do we. We’d do anything in our power to protect her.” 
“Like we did Haley and Maeve?” 
She knew all about Maeve and Haley. Spencer had explained everything to her. It scared her to death that something like that could happen to the family of the BAU agents as much as it scared her something terrible could happen to Spencer. 
“You know that was out of our control, Reid,” said Morgan. 
A short silence fell and she knew Spencer inhaled deeply before continuing. “I know, but what if the same thing happens to her? I can’t lose her, Morgan. I wanna keep her safe, out of harm’s way.” 
“Don’t you think your best shot at keeping her safe is to have us informed about it? At least then, we can keep her safe and help you protect her,” he explained and she couldn’t help but agree with her. With her heart a little heavier and her outfit changed into jeans and a top with her hair down, she walked out into the living room. 
“He’s right though, baby,” she mumbled, capturing the boys’ attention. 
Spencer sighed, “Y/N.” He shook his head. 
“Don’t “y/n” me, Spencer. Your little family sounds amazing and I wanna be part of that, too.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, placing her head against his chest. “I know you wanna protect me, but don’t you think we both got a better chance if we got them in our lives, too?” 
Another sigh heaved Spencer’s chest, causing her head to move along with it. “Okay, you’re probably right.” He kissed the top of her head before looking at Morgan again. “Text everyone to come over here for dinner.”
“We don’t have enough food for that many people, honey,” she gasped, almost in a panic. 
Spencer shrugged. “We’ll order Chinese.” 
Within half an hour, the entire team had arrived at Spencer’s, one by one getting acquainted with the one he had kept secret for so long. Neither one knew why they were invited to apartment 23 but when they did find out, their reactions melted y/n’s heart. 
First, it was Penelope. The chirpy, colorful blonde she had heard so much about. 
“What’s the emergency? Are you okay, Reid? I–” she stopped in her tracks when her eyes landed on the girl beside the resident genius. “Who–Wha–” she stumbled over her words, her brain short-circuiting. 
With a smile, she reached out her hand to shake Penelope’s. “Hi, I’m y/n.” 
“Reid’s girlfriend,” the brunette that had come up behind her moments after, deducted. 
Penelope’s eyes widened before taking the girl into her arms. “Oh, my God! I knew it! I knew our Boy Wonder was in love!” 
Giggles filled up the apartment. Spencer and y/n couldn’t help but lock eyes, happy this was the reaction from his coworkers to his news. “Happy to meet you, too, Penelope.” 
“Hi,” the brunette greeted when Penelope pulled away. “I’m Alex Blake.” 
One by one, the team filed in, greeting y/n as though she was part of the family. With Chinese food scattered around the dining room table, the whole family sat, ate and asked the couple all the questions they needed answers to. 
“When did you first meet?” The blonde y/n has come to be known as JJ. 
Y/N glanced over to Spencer and took a hold of his hand, entwining their fingers in his lap. “We met at a bookstore, we were reaching for the same book–”
“Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver,” Spencer interrupted. 
“That one,” she concurred with a giggle. “He insisted on buying it for me and I insisted we read it together.” Her nose scrunched up while her lips pressed together, remembering how adorable Spencer was that day, and still was. 
“Damn, boy,” Derek commented. “Didn’t know you had game.” 
“What do you do?” Alex then questioned, moving on from their meet-cute. 
“I’m a primary school teacher,” she responded. “I try to mold and form these brilliant little minds to become something that somewhat resembles this genius’ mind.” She placed her free hand on Spencer’s head and lovingly squeezed. 
A collective bubble of laughter spread through the apartment, causing y/n’s heart to flutter. She loved being around Spencer’s friends. They were lovely and brought out the best in Spencer. While he always had his guard down when he was with her and showed her his soft side, his friends brought out a completely different side in him. A side she had seen before, but never with people other than her. 
For an entire night, the team asked the couple questions, told stories about Spencer even she didn’t know yet and she easily returned the favor. It turned out to be a lovely night that would be grafted into the couple’s minds for a long time. 
“I enjoyed spending time with your friends,” she told him when they were cuddled up in bed afterwards. 
As soon as they hit the mattress, their limbs entangled and her head ended up on his chest. While his hand trailed up and down her back, hers was drawing patterns on his chest. A position they had found themselves in almost every night. 
“Mmh,” he hummed. “They loved you.” 
She let out a giggle. “Of course they did.” 
A laugh rumbled Spencer’s chest, reverberating through her head. It was her favorite sound and feeling in the whole wide world. She lifted her head from his chest to properly look at him, finding him looking up at the ceiling. From this angle, she had a perfect view at his sharp jawline, his curls sticking out here and there, and his long lashes fluttering to keep himself awake. 
“Got any statistics, Doctor?” she then asked, putting her head back in place, right over his heart to hear it beat just for her. 
She could feel him turn his head to look at her. “About what?” he asked. 
“Anything,” she answered. 
He sighed. A content sigh, one where you could hear the smile in his breath. “There’s a hundred percent chance I’m gonna marry you,” he muttered and kissed the top of her head. 
A smile curved her lips upwards while her eyes slowly shut. Her body was completely relaxed, her heart fluttering in his presence. She could see their entire future flash before her eyes. Spencer getting down on one knee at the bookstore, her father walking her down the aisle while his friends and coworkers and his mom sat in the pews. She could see ten tiny toes and ten tiny fingers. 
She could see forever with him. 
“There’s a hundred percent chance I’m gonna say yes.” 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeeee @unnowhatthisistbhh
Criminal Minds Taglist: 
@boimlers-gonna-boimm @samsbirks @tinaasthings @dysphoricsanity @love4lando @elenamoncada-ibarra @r-3dlips @magstheslayer @astess 
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abbyromanoff · 8 months
hiii! can I request a yelena x reader smut? Maybe something like yelena was gonna assassinate r but decides to fuck her instead? lol
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PAIRINGS: Yelena Belova x reader
WARNINGS: smut, mentions of murder, mentions of assassinations, aggressive!yelena, gun kink, degrading, blowjobs on gun lol, cunnilingus, boot humping, darkkkkk fic, threatening, sex on a rooftop, crying kink (kinda), think that’s all :)
Yelena watched with a grin as you continued your desperate humping against her boot just as she asked. The gun pointed at your temple was teasing, a reminder of what could happen if you didn’t comply. You weren’t planning to be in this position anytime soon, but your plans seemed to change the moment the woman tackled you onto the concrete.
Your best friend, Kate Bishop, was the main reason for this, at least that’s what Yelena claimed. She was looking for the woman and her partner but stumbled upon you. Her first thought was to ruin your chance at even trying, but she decided to give you a single chance. You begged her for mercy so effectively, she would have listened to the sounds for the rest of her short life if she could.
“Yele- f-fuck, I can’t take it anymore, Yelena. I’m gonna cum-“ You were interrupted by the sounds of her trigger finger clicking, sending you into a quick, frantic reaction as you instantly started to move faster.
“You cum, you die, Y/N.” The use of your full name made you gulp, you knew she wasn’t one to lie. She always kept her promises, and you weren’t going to be the first to change that. In all honesty, she had noticed you long ago while scoping out another target, but now that she was seeing you again she couldn’t let the opportunity go.
“I-I’m sorry, I won’t!” She chuckled dryly, your submission offering her a sense of arousal. She lowered the weapon, pressing the cold metal against your lips and forcing you to part them. She took advantage of this and forced it into your mouth, grinning as your eyes fluttered shut and your tongue maneuvered around the object continuously. You imagined it was her cock, the plastic inching further until she’d reach the back of your throat, effectively bruising the tissue.
“Look at you, sucking off the same gun I was gonna use to blow your tiny brains out. Mm, such a cute little slut.” You tried thanking her but she was faced with only gags and mumbles failing to leave.
“Such a nasty little girl, I bet you’re not even ashamed.” She started. “And I think that if Kate were to walk out here right now, you wouldn’t stop, would you?” Tears glossed over your eyes and explored the skin of your cheek and she smiled in response.
“Called it.” She eventually let you breathe as she removed the object from your mouth, only to unbutton her bottoms and force your head closer. Her pants dragged down along with her undergarments and you nearly came at the sight alone. Your tongue collided with her pulsing clit and you guessed your actions had been the cause of this. She wasn’t nearly as bad as you, but you were going to make it so she was.
“F-fuck, that’s it.” Her hips thrusted slightly as she chased her appending orgasm. You kept your tongue still, letting her take control as you greedily drank her thirst. You continued a grind on her boot, you truly didn’t care how dirty it may be, you were just as dirty and disgusting.
“Don’t stop, whore. Keep going for me, just like t-that.” Her chest heaved as she bit her lip harshly, tasting blood seeping into her mouth and groaning at the metallic taste.
She seemed able to sense your slowness and finally found a part of her that was willing to let you off easy. She sighed gracefully, looking down at you as she fought the urge to smile. You looked so small compared to her, so weak under her gaze. She pulled your head back for a split moment, eyeing the line of spit that connected you to her weeping cunt.
“Here’s the deal: you’re going to make me cum, and then maybe I’ll consider letting you. Then, I’m gonna take you home and fuck the shit out of you. After that, we’ll never see each other again, and you’ll have no idea who I even was, deal?” You nodded desperately, although saddened by her ending. You didn’t want to leave her just yet, consider it selfish but you wanted to stay by her side, even if that meant the possibility of putting other's lives in danger.
“Good girl. Now make me cum, you slut.” You did as she asked and instantly started up again, taking only a few minutes before her juices flooded your sore mouth. Your jaw was aching to be shut and your tongue was begging to rest, but your body was fueled by the arousal she fed you.
“Oh, fuck! Mhm, y-yeah, fuckin’ cumming, baby.” Her Russian accent made the pit in your stomach tighten even further, and you were shocked you hadn’t broken her rule yet. If it wasn’t for the gun in her hand that you knew was fully loaded then maybe you would’ve.
“Let go,” She asserted. “Now!” The weapon was once again teasing your forehead, the cold material sending shivers throughout your weak body as your legs shook. You looked down, admiring the puddle that formed and the soaked shoe she wore. She chuckled hoarsely, grasping your chin and forcing you to return your gaze to her. Your pupils were blown out, your mouth parted, and your eyebrows furrowed as you whispered your gratefulness through chapped lips.
“Oh, you’re such a cute plaything.” She kept her promise that night, taking you home and fucking you until there was no breath left in your lungs. She brought you to your house to not expose her location, and you weren’t able to ponder on the fact that she knew your address without asking. Although, you guessed you were the first she broke her promise for, as she continued to stop by your apartment. She never gave you a warning when she’d arrive, she’d just knock on your door quietly and slam you into the wall when you opened it, kissing you with hunger before kicking it shut and taking you to the bedroom. There wasn’t a night that she stayed, always choosing to leave in the late nights when you slept. But you hoped that day would come soon enough, and you hoped that if you kept this up, she’d never go near your friends again.
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freyito · 5 months
"ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴘɪʟʟᴏᴡꜱ" || ᴊᴏʜɴɴʏ ᴄᴀɢᴇ & ᴋᴇɴꜱʜɪ ᴛᴀᴋᴀʜᴀꜱʜɪ
✧ a/n: can't believe my first piece of 2024 is a part 2 to this booby fic... but goddamn i need my head in kenshis boobies rn. it'd make everything better...
🗒 cw: gn reader cause everyone can have boobs, bonus points!, not proofread
✎ wc: 750
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⎯ Johnny Cage
Good GOD does Johnny love burying his face in your chest any time he can. He mainly does it when he's had a bad day. It's a great way to destress, he says. He promises there's nothing more to it. And he's right.
Sure, Johnny can be provocative and that charm doesn't exactly disappear. But seriously, this is like way too comforting for him. The stress of directing, making something worth it, it all dissolves when he's face first in your chest.
And he talks. He talks and talks. Will not stop yapping. His entire day, whatever he's done, something about movies. Every word muffled because he refuses to leave, or even lift his head off your chest.
So, when you return home after a particularly bad day, you decided to try Johnny's method of destressing. Johnny's on the couch, watching The Princess Bride for like the 27th time. It's the perfect time to strike. And strike you do.
Before he can properly welcome you home, your face is pressed between his tits within seconds. Sweet, sweet heaven. You understand now. You understand everything. Your stress dissipates, tensions of the day gone, immediately.
You can barley hear Johnny giggling and joking, you're too caught up in a euphoric daze. You only lift your head when it feels like you can't breathe. Johnny stares down at you with the biggest knowing grin ever. He's not gonna make fun of you, even with that hint of mischief in his eyes.
⎯ Kenshi Takahashi
Kenshi is disciplined, he likes to think. So he doesn't he really even think about burying his face in your chest. On top of that, he's pretty busy. The OIA, the Taira, the Yakuza... it's a lot. You don't seem him at home much.
However, in those rare moments he gets with you, some time's he'll lay his head on your stomach or your thighs. He enjoys the kind of connection, some sort of contact after a hard day of work. It grounds him.
But oh, come on. We've seen how big this guy is. Massive tits. C'mon. It takes you a while to build up the courage to go for it. But when he's wearing tank tops, compression shirts, etc... it's so hard to restrain yourself.
Kenshi KNOWS. Sometimes he does it on purpose. But when you start stalking him, keeping your distance, plotting... he wonders what's gotten into you. He makes it a game, kind of. But you're winning. As hard as he's trying to keep up with you.
You find the perfect time to execute your plan. You two are cuddled up late into the night, savoring the rare moment of touch. Without warning, you seize your chance. You roll over onto his chest, head first into those big naturals. Silence cascades over the both of you. Oh, it's even better than you imagined it. Soft... warm... inviting... it's a shame he keeps them hidden. Kenshi doesn't know how to react. Eventually, after several minutes of agonizing silence (and pure bliss between this guys pillows), he finally wraps his arms around you and even pulls you a bit closer.
⎯ Hanzo Hasashi
Hanzo also considers himself controlled. He's above acts like that. Or so he thinks. He won't outright plank into your chest, but when there's downtime, he quite enjoys laying on your chest, with your arms around him. Reading a book or something. That's just the way he likes to wind down.
We've all seen the side-boobage on this man though. Untapped market right there. It'd be a shame NOT to put your head between those pecs. Like, it'd be a sin not to.
One night, during some much needed time alone, you find yourself wrapped up in Hanzo's arms. It's a quiet night, he's finding it hard to fight off sleep. He's been busy, and it's been a hell of a week for him.
His defenses are down, so you take up the opportunity. Awkwardly, you wiggle in his arms, flipping from your back to your face. What awaits you is reminiscent of the gates of heaven. God, you could live like this.
Hanzo's mind is fried, so he doesn't quite understand. To him, you feel more like a weighted blanket. Which ends up making it even harder to stay awake. He's trying to savor every moment with you, but sleep is quickly catching up with him. Waking up to you still resting your head on his pecs however... part of him is glad he was too tired to understand.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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gothic-thoughts · 5 months
(Zoro he don't mean nothing to me baby, I promise)
Sanji Vinsmoke x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Pirate!Reader
CW: Reader's fed up wit Sanji's flirty self, Reader's on top, she/her pronouns, afab parts mentioned, hate fucking, riding, edging, vulgar words(he's a whore🙄), damn near porn w/o plot
Word Count: 1070 (give or take)
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"Heh, s-so territorial. Ungh, sugar~"
Sanji let out shallow pants as I slowly lift myself up and down his sensitive shaft. He slowly bucked his hips up against my pelvis, desperately looking for more friction, earning another harsh slap to his thigh. The blonde Frenchman tugged at the ties that kept his wrists connected to the wooden poles of his headboard. 
"Knew I’d probably get a rise out of you but, ngh, didn't think you'd go this far."
"Shut up." I groan, clenching around him, "You know what you did."
"Yeah, I do, so you can...ngh, st-stop now."
"Do you?" I stop moving, "Has it finally sunken into that thick skull of yours?"
He pants heavily before chuckling "You're mad at me because I'm too charming. But isn't that why you--shiiit."
I clench around him, "You know what you did."
My arousal dripped down his sensitive shaft as I bounced on it with soft moans in his ear. His hips bucked as he struggled and panted, trying to keep it together but soft moans still came out anyway. I abruptly stop bouncing and look at his blissed-out face, as he starts gasping again.
"(Y/n), s'il vous plaît. Just..." Sanji gulps, "Just let me c-cum, please. I'm fucking begging you." 
"And I'm not fucking listening. I told you not to hang out with her again."
"She asked me to help her move something! Y-you can't be completely mad!"
"I am. You think I don't know how often you hang out with Nami's sister?"
"And nothing happens but harmless flirting, baby. Nothin' serious."
"Nigga, I don't want you flirting at all. I told you I don't like that shit."
I purposely squeeze around his incredibly hard cock making his head hang forward as another moan falls from his wet lips. He looked up at me with a dizzy smile and giggles, so I cupped his chin and focused his gaze on mine.
"Somethin' funny?"
"Oh, nothing~"
"We can go at this for another 20 minutes if you want."
He chuckles darkly, "You...you little minx."
"Then what's funny?"
"You just look so pretty when you're mad, t's making me so fucking hard."
"And yo ass gon stay hard. I’m not letting you cum and if you do, not inside."
His eyebrows raise, eyes widening. "What? No, no, no baby."
"I said what I said."
"You don't mean that, y-you like it too much."
"Try me." I growl.
"I apologized like a hundred times already, mon amour!"
"No, actually, you teased me about being jealous and tried to get free this whole time."
“Ugh, you little...." He trails off into an evil giggle, "This won't hold me forever.”
"Sure it will. And even if it can't, it's gon hold you long enough until you're so drained, you can't get me back."
"Eventually I'm gonna lose it, sugar girl; just you wait. You can take me for now but when it’s my turn, you're gonna get it, femme."
I lean into his face, squinting. "Is that so?"
"I’ll fuck you senseless and turn you into a sobbing mess. Both and this perfect fucking--oh fuck, unngh~"
I grind down on him, smirking when Sanji's hips stutter. I grab his shoulders, position my legs into a crouching position, and plunge, hearing moans fall from his pretty, swollen lips as he tries to finish his sentence. The chef's back arches, hand gripping the headboard.
“Merde, ngh mon dieu. Keep going, don't you f-uckin' st--mm~!”
"That feels good, blondie?"
"Hah, yes baby. Just let me cum, douceur (sweetness), please. I'm getting close, I can't anymore."
Sanji tugs on restraints while his thighs shook and tensed under me. His hips bucked up into me as I slammed myself on him, making us both moan out and toss our heads back. I try to bounce harder but once I notice he's enjoying it too much, I stop my hips, panting just as hard as he was.
"N-no." His panting fades into an evil chuckle, "Non, je ne pense pas. (no, I don't think so)."
He tugs hard on the restraints, ripping his hands free and breaking the small wooden poles in the headboard. I gasp as he sits up, flipping me to my back as he pins my wrists above my head and thrusts at a fast and hard rhythm. He grips my ass and pulls me into him, coaxing himself deeper into my squeezing pussy. He pins my wrists above my head and dips his face into my neck, sucking hickeys and bites marks into it. I gasp and moan in his ear at the sudden rough pace as he completely takes over.
"Oh m'god, S'nji~"
"You're not going anywhere." He pants, essentially growling desperately into my neck, "Feels so fuckin' good."
"B-baby, chill, mmh my god!"
"Pas encore (not yet). I didn't get you back for that little, half-hour tantrum you made me sit through."
"M-maybe if you stop eye-fucking Nami's sister, w-wouldn't have a f'ckin' attittude."
"You act like I'd fuck her. You know I can't help but compliment a beautiful woman, doesn't mean I'm not with most beautiful one dans le monde (in the world)."
He chuckles, "Sorry but you're gonna have to beg me now. What's my name, mon cherie?" 
"Deeper, baby, please~!"
"That's not it."
"Encore une fois. One more time, and I'll give you what you want."
"G'deeper, please, I'm so close."
"I said--"
"Fine, maybe I sh-should I jus' flirt wit Zoro...."
His hips stutter at my words and I instantly regret them as he puts my legs over his shoulders, grip my wrists tighter as he starts pounding into me, now fueled by rage. His hips speed up slapping against mine with every thrust, the amount of force making the bed clash against the wall.
"You think you're funny? Huh? I may be a flirt but that moss-headed brute is where I draw the fucking line."
Each drag of his cock in and out of my insides makes my eyes roll back into my skull, the wet squelching echoing in the room getting louder as I cum hard. I grip the sheets My eyes roll back and my legs tremble near his ears while my pussy spasms and clenches around him. He groans, slowing down only to draw away his orgasm before speeding up again.
"Who you cumming for, huh? Is it mosshead, cuz I don't think so. Tell me who's driving you insane."
I couldn't even respond with the way he was drilling into me with every word. He knew I couldn't do anything but gasp and groan when he reached deep and drags along my spot. I feel my juices roll down my ass and make the sound of his hefty balls quickly slapping on me louder.
"Speak, sugar; talk to me. Tell me who's making a mess outta you."
"Y-you, you; you baby, you are~! Don't stop, f-uck!"
“Mmh, b-baby~ You think I want her like this? She may be pretty but you know my cock only goes inside you. You're the only one that can take me so easily, sweet girl."
"B-baby, I can't!"
"S-sure...you...can, ngh. Now forgive me, dammit."
"I f'give you, I forgive you! I'm s'rry!"
"G-good. So....cum....again..."
I scratch at the blankets and yell his name making the grip on my waist tighten as he moans my name into the lip he was biting. I run my fingers through his hair and he can't help but let out a softer moan, his forehead coming down to rest on my collarbone as he practically melts at the affection.
His pace stuttered but he continued to massage himself with my tight walls while grasping at my hips desperately. Sanji suddenly pulled them to his pelvis with a moan as thick cum sprayed insides while I squeeze around him. We were both panting, words caught in our throats as he slowly pulls out with a tired smile. His body gives out and collapses onto mine with soft pants and broken breaths.
"Are we...done n-now?"
"No more flirting."
"I don't know....if this is how you act, I have to think about it."
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mxtantrights · 20 days
Boxer!Jay and having them meet the bat fam, maybe they're skeptical of them so Jay comforts/reassures them (it is obviously making them sad) eventually he expresses how important they are to him which leads them to getting to know them better (his s/o)
a/n: I really liked this request but in order to follow it this isn't connected to the other request where the reader already met Bruce and Dick.
boxer!Jason watched you leave the house with your head down and a bit of a pout. He hated it. He absolutely hated when people made you feel bad or less than. And he hates it that his family is the reason for your feeling that way.
So he does the only thing he can think of. He wrangles everyone into the foyer and tells them to sit down.
On the couch, is Bruce, Dick, Tim, Damian, Cass, Duke, and Steph. All the people he needed to voice his concerns to. Alfred had been charming and delightful to you since you arrived.
The whole family looks at him, wondering what he's doing.
"I'm gonna need all of you to get it together, because you made the love of my life feel bad tonight and I'm not gonna tolerate it. We have been together for a while now and I knew meeting all of you wouldn't be easy but it couldn't have gone worse." Jason says.
"Wait, Jay bird, you're being serious about this?" Dick asks.
"Of course I am, I have never brought someone home before! You all are gonna make me lose the love of my life." Jason answers.
"Okay that's the second time he's said 'love of my life' he's really serious." Steph says.
"Todd, why does it matter what we think?" Damian asks.
Jason scoffs, "because you're my family and I care about your opinions. But I'm telling you know I don't care for what went down tonight."
"You're acting like we went all ready or not." Tim says.
"You finally watched it? It was good wasn't it?" Duke asks Tim not he side.
The two are about to start their own conversation when Jason shushes them. They look at him, a bit amazed.
"When they're ready to meet you again, you all better pull it together. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with them." Jason says.
"Okay, Jason. We'll try better next time." Bruce says.
"Especially you, try not to scare them off from me." Jason adds on.
"Alright." Bruce answers.
"All of you, promise me right now, swear it." Jason says.
They all give some sort of a sigh or a tuft of air from their lips. And then they all promise to treat you better than they did tonight should the time come again. Jason dismisses them after that. All of them except Cass.
He tells her to hang back.
As the last person, Bruce, leaves the foyer, Jason looks at Cass with a smile on his face.
"You know I wasn't talking about you right? You were sweet tonight." Jason says.
Cass nods.
"And I give you permission to unnerve all of them with whatever you got in your arsenal if they do this again." Jason promises.
Cass holds out her pinkie finger for him to take. Jason takes it into his own.
"Okay, I'm out of here. Gotta head to their apartment and make it up to them with some snacks and horrible jokes." Jason says, mostly to himself, and to Cass.
Cass stops him before he can start walking and pull out an unopened bag of flaming hot chips. She offers it to him. Jason thanks her and ruffles her hair very quickly as he leaves to your place.
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lov3jimin · 15 days
Paige X Reader
paige and reader having fun in the pool
It was a rare day off for Paige Bueckers and Y/N Between their grueling practice schedules and intense games, moments of relaxation were few and far between. Today, however, was different. The sun was shining brightly, casting a golden glow over the outdoor pool where they planned to spend their afternoon.
Paige and Y/N arrived at the pool, their laughter echoing in the stillness of the morning. Paige wore a sleek blue swimsuit that complemented her athletic figure, while Y/N opted for a vibrant red bikini that showcased her toned physique. They laid out their towels on the lounge chairs, already anticipating the fun that awaited them.
"Ready for some fun, Y/N?" Paige teased, adjusting her sunglasses.
Y/N grinned. "Always, Bueckers. Think you can keep up?"
With a playful glint in her eye, Paige raced towards the pool, diving in gracefully. The cool water enveloped her, a refreshing contrast to the warm sun. Y/N followed suit, her dive sending a splash in Paige's direction.
"Hey!" Paige exclaimed, wiping water from her face. "No fair!"
Y/N laughed, her eyes twinkling. "All's fair in love and splashes."
They spent the next hour playing various games in the water. Paige challenged Y/N to a race, and although both were competitive by nature, they couldn't help but dissolve into laughter every time one of them tried to cheat by splashing the other. The sound of their joy filled the air, mingling with the gentle lapping of the water.
After the race, they decided to take a break, floating lazily on their backs. The sun warmed their faces, and they let themselves relax, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.
"This is nice," Y/N said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
Paige turned her head, smiling at Y/N. "Yeah, it really is. We should do this more often."
Y/N nodded in agreement. "Definitely."
After a while, Y/N's mischievous side resurfaced. She silently swam beneath Paige, grabbing her ankles and pulling her underwater. Paige yelped in surprise before being submerged, coming up laughing and spluttering.
"Y/N! You little—" Paige splashed water at her, unable to finish her sentence through her giggles.
Y/N tried to dodge the splash, but it only made her laugh harder. "You should have seen your face!"
Paige's eyes sparkled with a playful challenge. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that."
The two engaged in an impromptu splash fight, water flying everywhere as they chased each other around the pool. Their laughter was contagious, and even the lifeguard, who had been watching them with amusement, couldn't help but smile.
Eventually, they grew tired and swam to the edge of the pool, resting their arms on the side and catching their breath.
"You know," Paige said, looking at Y/N with a fond smile, "I can't remember the last time I had this much fun."
Y/N leaned in closer, her eyes softening. "Me neither. I'm glad we did this."
They shared a quiet moment, the world around them fading into the background. In the pool's crystal-clear water, under the golden rays of the sun, they felt an unspoken connection, a bond that went beyond their shared love for basketball.
Paige gently brushed a wet strand of hair away from Y/N's face. "You make everything better, you know that?"
Y/N's heart swelled with affection. "I could say the same about you, Paige."
In the serene silence, their faces inched closer until their lips met in a tender kiss. It was soft and sweet, a promise of many more moments like this to come. When they pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other, eyes closed in the peaceful aftermath of their shared joy.
The rest of the day was spent in a blissful haze. They lounged by the pool, sipping on cool drinks, sharing stories and dreams. As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, they knew this day would be one of their most cherished memories.
Hand in hand, they walked back to their car, their hearts full and content. They had found something special in each other, a love that was both playful and profound. And as they drove away, the sound of their laughter lingered in the air, a testament to the happiness they had found together.
sorry I have not posted in a min 😂🤗
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
Ritornello (Alastor x Cursed!Gn!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any but please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 3,565
Previous Part: Rhapsody
Next Part: Rapture
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N Okay I know that canonically Charlie is like 200 but we're gonna make her 25.
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After everything with Alastor, Y/n tried to continued their life as it had been before he'd stepped into. It was challenging, they faltered and misstepped. They had been good at being on their own once but now that they had a taste of the alternative, it was difficult to fall back into their old ways. Eventually, they managed to fall into a new pattern of being.
They were a bit more careful now, they didn't dash out unannounced from behind corners or secret hiding places. Seeing Alastor was the last thing they wanted to do. Now, they had someone to avoid.
For seventeen years, they continued on like this. They struggled through their battles on their own, against the overlords and against their own personal situation. They searched high and low for a cure but the only things they ever seemed able to come up with were false promises and temporary fixes. Every day, the curse the overlords had placed on them to limit their powers was growing stronger. Every time they used their magic, played their music, it became more and more corrupted and so, they learned to fight with their hands. This was until they got the call from Lucifer, of course.
The pair were old friends of a sort. Y/n had met him by chance within their first few days in Hell when he'd pulled them out of a tight spot. They didn't spend time together ever or really see one another at all but, Y/n had a vague sort of trust for the man, a strong sense of a debt needing to be repaid. Y/n didn't like owing people things, not even back when they were alive. They didn't like depending on people in that way. When he asked them if they could keep an eye on his daughter, they couldn't refuse.
Charlie was a lot. At twelve years old, she was bright and over the top and constantly bursting out into song. At first, Y/n had been rather uncertain about the whole arrangement, even when she'd gone through her emo phase at fifteen.
Y/n tried to steer clear of them for the most part. Picking her up from school, dropping her off. Babysitting when her parents needed a night to themselves, the normal stuff. When the issues started between Lilith and Lucifer, Charlie was suddenly thrust into Y/n's life a lot more. She had no idea the real reason, both her parents wanting to keep the trouble from her due to their own care and protective natures, and Y/n tried their best to keep it that way. It didn't help that by sixteen, Charlie had practically moved in with the demon but they managed.
Charlie had always pushed for a connection, something more than Y/n making her dinner and getting her where she needed to go. Y/n resisted at all costs. They'd been hurt before by trust, by care. The idea of going through it all again was terrifying. That all changed the day Charlie found out about the curse.
Y/n hadn't meant for her to find out. One of their situation's many many downsides was that while the curse ate away at their magic, it also ate away at their physical form. If they weren't careful, if they didn't temper their emotions and make sure they were eating enough raw meat, the beast would take over.
The beast was a horrific thing in their eyes, blood hungry and devastating. It was sub-human, sub-demon even, writhing and scornful. A mass of twisting shells of prey, a mass of claws and sharp teeth.
Of course, Y/n couldn't keep it from Charlie forever and on one fateful evening, Y/n had transformed. They'd been overworked, stressed about the fact that the Vees were gaining more territory and power, that soon they would be practically untouchable. They had forgotten to take care of themselves in the rush of it all, prioritizing Charlie and their plans.
When they had come back to their senses, come back to themself, it had been to the sight of Charlie. With a damp rag held to their forehead by the demoness and a whole lot of bones from victims of their situation on the floor around them, they had opened their eyes. Y/n had expected Charlie to flinch, to run in fear, to tell Lucifer who knew nothing about the curse. Instead, she had smiled brightly and told Y/n she was glad they were okay. From that day forward, they were absolutely inseparable, completely attached at the hip.
With Charlie's help and cheerful influence, Y/n was beginning to learn how to exist. They loved the girl like she was their own and Charlie knew if she ever had an issue of any sort, she could go to Y/n about it. Even when Y/n had relayed the story of how they'd been cursed and why, there had been no issues, no qualms, nothing. Charlie promised her watcher that she would help them break the curse, no matter what it took.
It was watching Charlie come into herself as a young adult, watching her meet and fall in love with Vaggie that made the real difference. The princess of Hell was unapologetically herself and Vaggie took everything she had to offer with open arms. Slowly but surely, the search for a cure took a back seat as did Y/n's goal of taking down the overlords of Hell. Their life was different, but they were happy. They found themself wishing for the past, the one they had shared with Alastor, less and less, channeling their energy into the world around them. They didn't even notice when the reports started to come in that the Radio Demon of the overlords had seemingly vanished.
Things hadn't been without their challenges. Charlie's relationship with her dad was strained to say the least and when her mom had disappeared? She'd been absolutely inconsolable but with one another's help, they figured things out, made it through.
When Charlie pitched the idea of the Happy Hotel, Y/n had been doubtful. They knew a lot about Hell, the way it functioned, the way the demons within were. It came from decades running around back streets and surviving in the underworld of the underworld. It was Charlie's hope that did it, her earnest gaze. Y/n had caved and after months of hard work, the Hotel had finally opened.
Things were going well, too well even. Then there had been the interview with Katie Killjoy, the other shoe dropping. Y/n had watched it from the sidelines with Vaggie. As soon as Charlie had come down off the set, they had enveloped her in their arms and held them close. With Vaggie's help, they managed to get Charlie back to the hotel.
Once she had calmed down a little bit, Charlie stood from where she had been seated in the sitting room beside Y/n, Vaggie, and the hotel's one resident: Angel Dust. She mentioned something about calling her mom before disappearing into the lobby.
Y/n and Vaggie exchanged a look. They both knew the situation Charlie was in with regards to her mother and how she tended to get after one of her failed attempts to contact the woman. Neither thought this was the time or the place to step in however, and remained seated, chatting idly with Angel as they waited for Charlie's return.
When she finally did, it was with a nervous attitude and a strained expression.
"Hey Vaggie?"
"What?" Vaggie asked as she and Y/n twisted to look at Charlie who stood in the door way behind the couch.
"Can you come help me please?"
Vaggie got to her feet and exited the sitting room with her girlfriend. Y/n turned to Angel to continue their conversation but had barley gotten a word to the spider demon out when Vaggie stepped back in the room.
"Yeah?" Y/n replied calmly.
"Charlie actually needs our help with this one, I think."
"Alright then." Y/n got to their feet, shooting a glance back at Angel, "A true hotelier's work is never done." they lightly joked and Angel rolled his eyes.
"What's this about?" Y/n asked Vaggie as they followed her down the hall towards the hotel's main entrance.
"Just..." Vaggie sighed, "you'll see."
Noting the girl's odd behavior and stressed demeanor, Y/n steeled themselves. Not much put Vaggie on edge. She was strong, toughened, as far as Y/n knew, by a brutal upbringing in the streets of Hell. While each use of their powers made the curse grow stronger, they would not hesitate to protect Charlie or her dreams should the need arise. Besides, they'd become quite good at other means of self preservation over the years.
As they rounded the corner into the lobby space, Y/n was greeted by a flash of red as someone pushed past Charlie into the space from the street and a familiar voice.
"Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929. So many orphans."
Y/n let out a low growl, summoning their lute into their hands and Vaggie pointed her spear at the Radio Demon. It was pure instinct. If they knew anyone, they knew Alastor and redemption was not the Radio Demon's cup of tea. As Charlie shut the door, he turned to face them. Y/n walked a few steps forward, planting their feet a little ways away from Alastor and poising their fingers to play.
"Get out of here." They said through gritted teeth.
Alastor's eyes widened with recognition for the smallest moment. As quick as he had lost it, he regained his composure.
"My what a protective force this Hazbin Hotel has." Alastor mused.
"It's called the Happy Hotel actually?" Charlie hesitantly corrected and he laughed.
"Not anymore its not. I did you the favor of fixing your sign."
A little threat couldn't hurt, a little reminder of who he was dealing with. Alastor had no idea Y/n was any less capable than when he'd first met them. One little note couldn't hurt, wouldn't show any of the damage done. Y/n plucked a single string on their instrument and the room around them began to glow. Everyone's hair lifted around their faces, the loose edges of their clothes beginning to flutter.
"Get out of here now. I wont ask you again."
"Now, is that anyway to treat an old friend?" Alastor replied, smirking.
Everything suddenly clicked into place. There was something different about him. Y/n couldn't put their finger on exactly what it was, but they could tell he hadn't been lying. He'd been at the Hotel for at least five minutes by now, maybe more with all Charlie and Vaggie's running back and forth since his arrival. If he had had any truly negative intentions, they would have revealed themselves, especially to Y/n. Alastor was a good liar, but no one was that good, good enough to trick someone who had watched them become the person they are.
"Old friend?" Vaggie repeated, turning to Y/n in confusion.
Their grimace faltered, before falling completely. They released their instrument, letting it hang loosely in their hand by their side.
"Alastor! You're embarrassing me in front of my kid."
"Your kid?" Alastor asked after a moment.
This time the shocked expression that crept its way onto his face stayed there.
"You know him?" Charlie asked at the same moment as Alastor spoke.
Y/n let their instrument dissolve into the air and gestured to Charlie.
"My kid. And yes, Charlie. I know Alastor."
Alastor turned, looking Charlie up and down.
"You got with Lucifer?" Alastor asked in confusion as he looked back at Y/n.
They laughed lightly at the notion, unable to stop themselves. They shook their head.
"No. Oh my gosh, I would never. Seriously just... great guy and all but no thank you. I just take care of his kid for him. Well, used to. We sorta got attached."
Charlie walked up to Y/n as they spoke, pulling them into a side hug.
"Y/n practically raised me. They were kinda the only one who was always there for me."
Y/n looked down at Charlie with a fond smile. They ruffled her hair and Charlie quickly batted their hand away.
It was clear to Alastor that Y/n had changed. They were no longer the trouble making demon he had known, that he had loved. Still, there was that same spark in their eyes, that fervent desire, that want. From just the small interaction playing out before him, he could tell that Y/n had learned how to trust and protect rather than just fight. They had learned to live hand in hand with that creeping need woven so tightly around their bones, rather than despite it.
It made him happy to see, it made him happy for her. At the same time, it caused his heart to ache terribly. They had finally been able to let someone in, and it hadn't been him.
In the years since their separation, Alastor had never stopped thinking about Y/n. Their memory was tender to the touch, shot sparks of joy or anguish down him depending on the day. It was like an old wound that had never quite healed right. Seeing them now was unexpected. The wound reopened. He sheltered himself.
Y/n saw the way Vaggie still had her spear pointed at Alastor, aimed straight at his neck. Gently, they placed a hand on it, pushing it down. Vaggie looked at them, her eyebrows raised.
"If he wanted to hurt anyone here, he would have done so already."
Vaggie stared at Y/n for a moment. Seeing how serious the demon that had become a mentor to her was in this moment, she lowered her blade. Y/n's hand fell back to their side.
"Now," Y/n turned to look at Alastor once again, "why are you here?"
It was late. Vaggie had told Y/n that Charlie wanted to speak to them about something in their office and so, Y/n found themselves outside the familiar door. They knocked once on the dark red wood.
They opened the door and Charlie smiled.
"What'd you wanna talk to me about, Sunshine?" Y/n asked as they entered the room, taking a seat in the chair across the desk from their young charge.
"Just about Alastor."
They should have known. Not only was the hotel at a potential risk thanks to the decision to allow him to work with them but Charlie had always had a sharp sense of curiosity. Y/n sighed.
"Fire away, kiddo."
"Well, how do you two know one another? Can we trust him? Do you think he means what he says he does? I thought you hated overlords? I.. I..."
Y/n smiled softly, the change in their face easing Charlie's nervous temper.
"We will handle these one at a time, no prying. Deal?"
"Y/n, you realize how suspicious that makes you sound, right?"
"Fine. A little prying. Deal?"
Y/n leaned back in their chair, letting out a sigh of nostalgia. Their hands rested on their stomach as they kicked their feet up onto Charlie's desk.
"I... I met Alastor practically right after he arrived. We both thought the overlord system was dumb and so, we decided to team up."
There was a moment of silence, broken by Charlie. The young demoness had always loved Y/n's stories, begged to hear them. They had never once heard this one before.
"Is that all?"
Y/n shook their head.
"We dated."
"You dated!" Charlie exclaimed in shock, nearly jumping out of her seat, "You dated the Radio Demon. Were you in love?"
Of course she'd go on and ask that next. Not 'how'd that happen?' not 'when was this?' No, Charlie had to go for the hardest question first, like she always did.
"Yes." Y/n hesitantly replied, "I did."
"I... oh my god. This is actually crazy. You dated? You actually dated. Like for real, in love, dated."
"Alright." Y/n clapped their hands, taking their feet off the desk and righting themselves in their chair, "Next question."
"I said some prying."
"Fine." Charlie sighed, crossing her arms, "But I am gonna get that story out of you eventually."
"I'm sure you will, sunshine." Y/n chuckled lightly, "Now. Can we trust him? I... I'm not sure."
All the excitement vanished from Charlie as she looked seriously over at Y/n.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Because, he's up to something but not with us. Or, if it is with us, it's not to hurt us. I... something happened to him, something is different. I am not sure what I just... he's not here to hurt us... I think..."
"You think?" Charlie repeated indignantly, "Can you be a little more sure of that maybe? Why only think?"
"It's been a long time since I've seen him, Charls. Maybe being an overlord is what changed him. I have no way of knowing but my gut tells me he's okay, at least for now."
"You knew him before he became an overlord?"
"You really think I would team up with one of those bitches? Come on. You know I hate them."
"Next question." Y/n quickly interrupted, not wanting to think on the past anymore than was necessary, "I think he does mean what he says, as was implied in whether or not I trusted him but the same caveats that applied there apply here too. And I do hate overlords, I just..."
"You just love him." Charlie teased.
Y/n's cheeks grew hot. They looked away.
"I do not. I loved him. There is a difference."
"Uh-huh. Sure. Why did you guys break up?"
Y/n turned back to Charlie. They couldn't say no to those eyes.
"Well, he became an overlord. Also I maybe... never told him. About the curse. He could tell something was up and..." Y/n took a breath, "couldn't take it after a while I guess."
"So you guys still loved each other when you broke up."
"What are you scheming over there."
"Nothing! Nothing!" Charlie quickly replied as she not so discreetly scribbled something on a piece of paper, "How long were you together?"
Y/n placed their hands on the arms of the chair, pulling themselves to their feet.
"Alright, trouble maker, I think thats enough lore outta me tonight."
"But Y/n!"
"I'm gonna go to bed. Vaggie already headed upstairs for the night I think. Sweet dreams, princess."
"Good night Y/n." Charlie dejectedly replied as she realized she really wasn't going to be getting anything else out of her mentor that night.
"Good night."
Y/n was about half way through the Hotel back to their room when they felt a hand on their shoulder. Reacting purely out of instinct, they ducked out from under the person's grip, spinning around with their fists raised. Alastor smiled down at Y/n and they sighed.
"What is it?" they asked, straightening up.
He had expected Y/n to be angry, to have that familiar sharp edge behind their voice. Instead, they looked up at him. As if everything was normal, as if it hadn't been thirty years since they'd last seen one another, as if they had just been together yesterday, their eyes met his.
"I... it's good to see you."
"It's good to see you too." they replied after a moment's thought, "What are you doing up this late?"
"You know me, sleep is not my preferred way to pass time."
"I meant what are you doing in the hall, but sure. Yeah, I know you."
"That darling Charlie asked to see me."
Y/n scoffed, shaking their head with a tired smile.
"Of course she'd... yeah."
They stood in the hall facing one another. Just a few feet apart. The silence was thick.
"You seem happy."
"I am." Y/n nodded, "Charlie is a great kid. I was pissed when Lucifer first asked me to look after her, I'll admit it but, she has grown on me."
"I didn't know you were acquainted with the big man. I thought you despised all authority figures."
Y/n looked critically at Alastor, over his whole being. He felt they were looking into his very soul, the heart of all his intentions and desires. He felt absolutely naked in the worst way under their gaze.
"No, just overlords. Especially ones who make deals for the souls of others. It's a stupid and outdated system. Even the best of them like Rosie abuse their power to get what they want."
It was a well sharpened arrow, the remark. Perfectly aimed. Alastor had, after all, introduced the small group inhabiting the hotel to Husk and Nifty just that afternoon. Y/n turned their back to Alastor.
"She has big dreams and the passion to see them through. I believe in her. Don't... don't fuck this up for her, Alastor."
Next Part -> Rapture
@moonmark98 @luzzbuzz @snowlotr @randomuser-89 @fakeguysarehot @xdolls-crownx
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jaycewrites-192000 · 5 months
Crush | Part One
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(Mikey wins!)
Summery: Y/n shows up to the Sano house, expecting to hang out with Emma. Instead, she hangs out with Mikey instead.
Paring(s): Sano “Mikey” Manjiro x Reader
Warning(s): None
A/N: This series can be considered not actually “canon” to the actual Kawata Siblings Series. Also, reader isn’t in Toman in this series.
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When your brothers finally took you to one of their Toman meetings for the first time, your admiration for their leader Mikey had began to grow. You had heard stories about him, and you were interested right away. Then actually meeting him in person was a amazing experience. He wasn’t as scary as people made him out to be. At least when it came to just talking with him. You had never seen him in a fight, so you couldn’t toss that rumor aside completely just yet.
While at that meeting, you had became friends with Mikey’s sister, Emma, fairly easily. And because of that, you’d be around Mikey a lot more. Emma would invite you over for hang outs every now and then, and honestly. It was a little weird to be around Mikey so casually. You only knew him for a short while, so you couldn’t consider the two of you to be friends. Not close friends anyway.
But that would change eventually.
“Emma, it’s me Y/n.” You announce after knocking on the door. Today Emma asked you to meet up so you two can go shopping. When there was no answer, you tried again. “Emma? You there?” After a few more seconds, the door finally opened. Only, Emma was not the one who answered.
“Oh Y/n. It’s you.”
It was Mikey. And he looked like he just got out bed. Wasn’t it like, 10 am? How is only just now waking up?
“Uh. Hi Mikey.” You say. “Hey. What are you doing here?” Mikey asks with a yawn. “Emma asked me to come over. We’re going shopping.”
“Oh. Emma’s not here.”
“Huh?” You tilt your head. “Where is she then?”
“With Ken-Chin. He came over earlier and they left together.”
You furrow your brows slightly before grabbing your phone and calling Emma. She answered after a few rings.
“Emma! Did you really ditch me to hang out with your boyfriend?”
‘H-He’s not boy boyfriend! Not yet at least…’ Emma says on the other line quietly. Draken must have been close by.
“Why didn’t you tell me before I came here?”
‘Sorry I meant to. Guess I got distracted.’
‘Sorry Y/n. Next time, for sure!’
“Alright. You better not flake on me again though.”
‘I won’t, I promise. I’ll talk to you later k?’
“Alright, bye.” You said before hanging up. You sighed before looking to Mikey. “Sorry for waking you up. I thought your sister was here.”
“It’s cool.” Mikey shrugs. “I’ll see you around Mikey.” You say as you turned to leave. “You’re leaving?” You stopped when he asked that, turning back to face him. “Yeah? Emma isn’t here.” You tell him. “You came all the way here though. You can stay for a minute if you want.” Mikey casually says. You blink in surprise. “Uh…”
As awkward as his approach was, were you really gonna pass up the chance to hang out with the leader of Toman? No way.
“Sure.” You smile. “If you don’t mind.” Mikey nods. “Come on.” He walks past you, you follow after him. The two of you walked to the side of the house, where there was a decently sized shed that was connected to the home. “What’s this?” You asked. “My room.” Mikey answers simply. “Your…room?” You mutter. They make him sleep in the shed? Mikey opens the door and walks inside, you follow in.
The shed was actually made into a pretty cool looking room. There was a small couch in the middle of the room, in front was a large tv with two speaker hanging from above on the entertainment system. And to the far right of the room, was his bed.
Mikey walked further in and seemed to have caught his reflection in a near by mirror. He frowned slightly and tried to smooth out his messy hair. “Ken-Chin does it so much better.” You could hear him mutter as he tries to move his hair out of his face. You tear your attention away from a admiring his room to look at him. You repress a laugh as you watch him struggle to straighten out his bed head.
You walked over. “Want me to help?” You asked. Mikey looked at you, slightly confused. You then realized how you must sound right now, an awkward feeling washed over you while you tried to explain. “Um, I might be able to help, is what I mean. I use to help my brothers with their hair, and every now and then I will if they ask.”
Mikey thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “Sure.” He walked over to a small table and tossed you a brush and hair band. Then heads to the couch and sat down. Your smile grew as you hurried to his side and sat next to him. “Alright, turn around please.” You instruct him, he nods and turns his back to you. You gently combed through his hair, surprised that his hair was so soft, even when messy and tangled.
Mikey’s head swayed slightly, your furrow your brows slightly, looking over his shoulder. “Are you falling asleep?” You ask. “Hm? Oh yeah. Sorry.” Mikey mutters, sitting straight up again. “Seriously Mikey, did you stay up all night?” You chuckle. “Yeah. Me and Ken-Chin were out late riding around.” He answers. “Didn’t get back until…hm, 3 am?”
“3 am? You’re lucky it’s Saturday. You’d be drifting off in class right now.” You say as you part his bangs. “Eh, never pay attention to those boring classes anyway.” Mikey shrugs. “I’d be asleep regardless.” You rolled your eyes with a smile. “I can only imagine what your grades must look like.”
Mikey laughs. “They’re pretty bad.”
“I bet. Turn and face me again.” You put the hair band around your wrist to be at the ready when you need it. When you look up, you see that Mikey was facing you. Eyes locked on yours. And it was only then, you realized how weird this was. You were doing a gang leader’s hair. One of the most feared and well respected gang leader at that. But forget all that. You and Mikey weren’t on a personal level. And yet, here you were, in his house, in his room, doing his hair?
It was weird.
You tried to ignore the feeling as you comb his bangs back, then take the hair band off before tying it back. As soon as you were done, you put some space in between you and Mikey. “So, what do you think?” You asked, still trying not to feel awkward.
Mikey stood up from the couch and looked in the mirror again. “Huh, pretty good.” You couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks.” You still couldn’t believe you were here of all places, and hanging out with Mikey of all people. Honestly, maybe it should have felt weirder than it is. But really, Mikey isn’t some sort of god, or above everyone else.
Sure, he was to be respected. But it’s not like he couldn’t be welcoming and friendly. And that is what’s happening right now. Right now, Mikey isn’t being a leader. He’s being a friend. And maybe that’s what’s keeping you from freaking out. Though it still was a little surreal.
Mikey returned to the couch. “Sorry that you didn’t get to hang out with Emma. You’re here with me instead.” He says with a light laugh. “It’s fine.” You say with a shrug. “Emma really likes Draken. Who am I to stop her from getting closer to him? And besides.” You smile softly. “You’re really cool, I like hanging out with you.”
Mikey smiles and leans back on the couch. “You’re pretty cool too Y/n.”
“Me? How?” You ask. “You’re good at doing hair. Also, you’re pretty chill. Didn’t expect that, knowing your older brothers.” Y/n chuckle. “Thanks?”
“You know, before, some people didn’t think we were related until we told them.”
“Yeah. That, or when they wouldn’t dye their hair.”
That seemed to have caught Mikey’s attention. He sat up a little straighter. “What’s their natural hair color?” He asks excitedly. You giggle. “Oh I dunno. Should I really tell their secrets like that?”
“Yes, tell me.”
“Do you really not know?”
“No. No one does. Come on, tell me!”
You roll your eyes playfully. “I can’t believe you’ve known them this long and don’t know. Alright, listen up.” Mikey leaned closer, and you tell him your brothers’ “secret”.
“Really? Huh.” Mikey nods. “Alright.”
“I don’t know if they want that public so. Keep this between us.” You joke. “So. What’s with the shed bedroom? It’s cool.” You ask. “It use to be my brother’s.” Mikey’s answer took you off guard. “Your brother?”
“Yeah. He use to work on bikes in here.” Mikey says with a smile. “I didn’t know you had a brother Mikey.” You say. “Does he not live with you and Emma?”
“Nah. He died some years back.”
“Oh, Mikey, I’m so sorry.” You quickly apologize. Mikey waves it off. “You didn’t know. It’s cool. The bed is the only thing that belongs to be.” You take another look around the room. “It just felt right, me moving in here.” Mikey starts. “I feel closer to him, knowing that he spent so much time in here.”
“He was amazing. I really looked up to him, even though he was pretty lame sometimes.” Mikey chuckles. “He was the founder of Black Dragon, people were pretty drawn to him super easily. His attitude, his charm, his will. All of it. Everyone knew him, everyone respected him.” He looks up at Toman’s flag on the wall. “Hope I can be half the man he was someday.”
You look up at the flag then back to him. “I think you’re already there.” Mikey looks to you, slightly surprised. “I mean, from how you describe him. You’re like a near perfect replica. You have a whole gang who’s inspired by you, they all look to you for a reason. Hell, I’m not even in Toman and I admire you. Seriously, you’re like the coolest person I’ve ever met.”
Mikey blinks, the corners of his mouth turned up into a grin. He chuckles and looks away from you. “Jeez Y/n. You trying to get on my good side or something?”
“I mean, I did fix your hair. I’d hope I’m already on your good side.”
“Good point.” Mikey smirks. “Not everyone gets the privilege of getting that close. Consider yourself lucky.” Oh you did. Coming here, you didn’t even think you’d be seeing Mikey. And now here you were, casually chatting it up with him. Suddenly, there was a knock at Mikey’s door. Then came a voice.
“Hey Mikey, you in there?”
It was Draken’s voice.
“Yeah, come in.”
Draken opened the door, Emma at his side. The two seemed a bit shocked to see you here. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” Emma asked. “Well, I was going to go home after calling you. But, Mikey invited me in.“
“Oh.” Emma mutter. “Uh, well, sorry again for bailing. We can get together tomorrow if you want.” You stood up from the couch. “Sure thing.” You looked down at Mikey. “I’ll catch you later Mikey. I gotta get back and help my brothers out with the restaurant. They’ll chew me out if I’m late again.” You say as you walk towards the door. “Thanks for letting me hang out.”
“See you around.” Mikey waves before you left, closing the door behind you. Draken and Emma looked away from the door and back to Mikey expectantly.
“…What?” Mikey asks.
“Didn’t know you two were so close.” Said Emma. Mikey shrugs. “She’s cool.”
“Did she do your hair too?” Draken asks, knowing well that no one but him touched Mikey’s hair. Mikey nods. “Yeah. She’s pretty good at it.”
Draken and Emma look at each other.
“Why are you guys being weird?” Mikey asks, slightly suspicious.
“It’s nothing Mikey. Have you ate yet?” Emma asks. Mikey’s suspicion left him quickly at that question. He was quick to follow his sister and friend inside the house.
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You rushed inside of the ramen restaurant your brothers helped maintain, tying your hair back as you walked in. “I’m back.” Your brothers greeted you before you head towards the back. You walked back into the kitchen, where your oldest brother was at. You didn’t cook, but you did clean.
“Almost late sis.” Smiley said teasingly. “What were you up to?” You roll your eyes. “You know I was hanging out with Emma today. I lost track of time.” Smiley glances at you. “Thought she and Draken were hanging out.” You gave him a bewildered look. “How do you know that?” You ask.
Smiley held up his phone. “She was posting pics of their “date” every five minutes.” He says before putting it away. Your shock quickly wore off. Of course. “Well, I really was at her house.” You sigh. “Doing what?” Smiley asks.
“Hanging out with Mikey.”
Smiley stopped what he was doing and turned to face you. “You what?”
“Yeah, it took me off guard too. But, he just asked me to hang with him for a little while.” You didn’t notice the smile that found it’s way on your lips, or the slight change of tone in your voice as you spoke fondly about Mikey. “I thought I’d be really tense around him, but he’s actually really chill. I mean, I figured he might be. But when you think about Mikey without really knowing him, you’d wouldn’t expect him to be so down to earth.”
“I hope I can do it again sometime.”
“Huh.” Smiley mutters. “I see.”
“What?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that look for?”
“Oh nothing. Just didn’t expect you to be getting so close to Mikey so fast.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously, having a feeling where this was going. “Nahoya. Got something you wanna say?” Smiley just shrugs and turns back to what he was doing. “Nah.” Yeah right. You shake your head and walk past him. “Don’t be weird. We’re just friends.”
“Oh shut it.” You say before walking out of the kitchen. You couldn’t believe that. Your brothers were protective, sure. But come on. You and Mikey? No way. That would be weird. Wouldn’t it? Like, Mikey of all people. Seriously.
“Y/n? You’ve been cleaning the same table for like five minutes.”
You look over to your brother Angry, who was looking confused. You turn your head away to hide your slightly flustered face. “Sorry. I zoned out.”
“You feeling ok?” Angry asks. You nod. “Yep.” You answer simply. “Hm. Ok.” Angry mutters before going back to what he was doing. You sigh. What were you even thinking? Overthinking, really. You and Mikey were friends. That’s all. End of story.
Well. You hope you two were friends after today. Mikey was a great guy, to be friends with him would be awesome. Though, you had a feeling you two would be hanging out a lot more often.
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moondirti · 9 months
SUMMARY: after the events of DOUBLE RAPTURE, we follow Mig back home and explore his less than ideal relationship with his world's version of you.
explicit (18+) | 1.5k words
part one / can be read as a standalone! WARNINGS: smut, ab-riding, handjobs, codependant relationships, submissive (?) miguel, ANGST, fear of commitment (on the reader's part), implied parental issues, drinking, anxious/avoidant attachment styles NOTES: did this take me forever to respond to? yes. have i been thinking about it every day since i received it? also yes. please have a little drabble as a sweet treat for your genius mind, anon. sorry i took it too far
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This is how it is with Miguel.
Buttressed on a leather couch that isn't so much leather anymore, but cotton dotted with the flakes of black suede that've managed to hold on through the years since you bought it. It's old, unstable – somewhat an apt metaphor for your relationship to the man – and stands situated across a television with no cable. He shows up at your door on any unannounced night, where for once you wish he'd catch you with plans pre-made, and intrudes on your vain attempt to connect the old screen to your neighbour's internet.
And it's ironic that you should end up watching dated cartoons anyway, stuck inside your apartment that is a fraction the size of his, because he always opens on some variation of the same line – the very thing that woo'd you all those years ago, when you were younger and prone to any man's charm:
What's a pretty thing like you do in a place like this?
It's dark outside – night-worn inhibition being one of the main constituents to poor decision making – and his skin gleams golden in the dim lamp light. You can't refuse him for all your rationale on why, so he comes in and you pour a strong drink whose hangover tomorrow will take precedence over your guilt. He drinks too, perhaps to make your eventual rejection easier, and the two of you make-out on that tumbledown couch until your lips turn blue.
Sometimes, he comes up for air – only when he gathers enough courage to break away from you – to whisper filthy nothings and little promises on the shell of your ear. Neither are empty, you know. Miguel’s good at making good of every word when it comes to you. The push and pull gets to him, fuels his gears until he’s pouring proper work into making you happy. From what you can physically face – gonna have you creaming on my cock, cariño – to prospects that remain ever-frightening – wanna stay like this forever, you on my lap, sharing our home. 
You’ve never had a reference to ‘our’. Commitment remains a fickle thing for you, instilled by parents who didn’t have the mind to give it. He knows as much, but you don’t think he understands just what keeps you around regardless. What keeps you at the door, waiting for an acknowledged three-knuckle knock. None of the in betweens, flowers, nor the heights you reach spread-eagled underneath him. It’s always just been exactly that – his return, done every time without fail. 
(And there’s the ever-negging fear that one day he’ll grow sick of the cycle. 
On one hand, you hope he does. It hurts him more than it does you, and you hate to watch him leave. Yet on the other, more volatile hand – you pray he fucks you so well you forget your reserve, that he breeds and carries you away from this hole you’ve dug yourself in.) 
For now, though–
For now, you lift the shirt off his frame. He’s let his chest-hair grow since you met him last, and if you strain to remember, he’s gotten bulkier. Abs more pronounced, with pecs that bounce when you graze your nails down his side. It’s refined, a look that makes him appear older. You swoop down to lick his neck, moaning hotly once you reach his mouth. 
“You been working out, Mig?” 
“For you, hermosa. Figured you’d like me better like this.” He groans, kneading the flesh of your thighs. His fingers dip into the waistband of your underwear, snapping it on your skin in an explicit plea to take it off. 
“And who told you that?” You say, acquiescing, working the lacey strip off your hips. Your cunt sucks at it, belligerent in letting go now that it’s soaked the fabric through. 
“A couple I met. They remind me of us.” His head follows yours when you draw away from an attempted kiss. It’s unintentional, done to stand off and strip completely, yet his reaction to it sends little tremors of pleasure to your core. “Of what we could be.” 
“Shhhh.” Once you’re completely bare, tits freed from your tank top, you straddle him again, a little higher this time. His waist is cinched enough to allow you to do so with little fuss, tendons at the top of your thighs aching only slightly. “Make me feel good, please.” 
“Of course.” 
His thumb presses down on your swollen clit, holding it in place while you arch your back and trap it underneath you – sandwiching it between your mound and his midriff. The pressure is electric, charged to fervency, buzzing as it lights every nerve ending from your waist below. And three thrusts forth and back see to it that he’s slick, lubed with the juices that gradually seep from your needy slit. 
The sight, the sensations, the thought that he’s putting effort outside of this room for you – they all make you exceedingly weak. Your legs wobble, practically jello, spine made out of sand and unable to support you fully. Miguel stays firm, one large paw squeezing your breast and the other at your pelvis. You’d ask him to help, to move you against him until you see stars, but a stone lodges in your throat and prevents the words from finding clarity. 
It’s guilt, of that you’re familiar, but for a number of things; the fact that he would help you seek pleasure in spite of his own – his erection left abandoned under the confines of his pants. The idea of desecrating his hard work, those muscles made pronounced, with your filth without fully appreciating it first. For everything, everything, and it’s so crushing that you stop moving altogether. 
“No, no. C’mon, pretty. Keep going.” He begs, pelvis thrusting up with need. You shove your arm behind you, seeking out the zipper keeping him from you, palming his hard length with clumsy assurance “Don’t worry about me. Wanna feel you cum on my abs. Gonna lick you clean after. We have forever if you’d let me. There’s no rush.” 
No rush. It’s far from the typical Miguel sentiment, and you blink in perplexed contemplation. But he just grins, brows knitting up with reverence. 
“Did these people also teach you to take your time?” You struggle to say patience, because he’s always been patient with you. 
“Something along the lines.” He mutters, suddenly sheepish. His fangs always intrude when his tone is quiet, like they’re intentionally making him difficult to understand. He knows he’s special to you when you try to decipher it nonetheless. 
“Don’t be making me jealous, now.” You taunt, dipping to bite his lip. It’s fun to pull up, up, until he whines and shoves you harder onto him. Achingly empty and close to cumming on his abdomen alone. Slowly, you start to gyrate again, riding unrelenting sinew. And in the meanwhile, you manage to get his zipper undone, sneaking your hand beneath his briefs.
“I’ll explain lat… later, p-promise.” 
“I don’t doubt it. F-Fuck,” Somehow, the pleasure is simultaneously heavenly and not enough, this little game you decided to engage in tiptoeing the line. He’s good even when he isn’t trying, just laying there, pinching pebbled nipples with enough callousness that it aches in the best way. On your first date – which wasn’t really a date, but a happenstance meeting at your father’s shady bar – he’d been hesitant to hurt you like you wanted. The best he could do was pepper your neck with sore hickeys, pocketed in the back alley, touch kinder than any you’d experienced before. “Oh my god.”
“Y-You’re so soft. My gorgeous girl. So soft and… and pretty when you do that.”
“Mig.” You wail, useless in properly pumping his pulsing cock. It’s all you can do to palm the head, smearing prespend all over his velvet tip. And it’s hard, like smelted iron, throbbing hot and heavy. It’s been so long since you’ve had it in you that you’re sure it’ll take some effort to fit. The abstraction fills you with desperation so poignant that you start moving faster, rougher, seeking an end where you’re stuffed full yet doing nothing to actually achieve it. 
That is, until–
“What do you need?” He asks.
Your hole clenches. Your guts knot together. Your orgasm gathers, full and sloshing wet, trapped behind the wall he’s been breaking down since his arrival. 
“You!” You finally admit. “You.” Softer. 
And when you cum, soaking his middle with shameless indulgence, all he does is flip you over to settle beneath him. The couch rocks with the sudden upheaval, threatening collapse, so he keeps a firm hold of your shoulders, kneeling between your quivering thighs. His breadth bobs from over his pants – you don’t recall taking it out – purple with restrained pain and just waiting for your cue to allow him entry.
“I’ve got you, cariño.” Miguel hums, positioning himself onto the divet of your cunt when you give a frail nod. “I’ve got you.” 
And you know, of course you do. He’s never backed away from a promise before. Because that is how it is with Miguel.
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Negan x teen!reader - friends become family
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can you writes more depressed reader x rick/negan i reader your other work and i just loved them <3 - anon💜
TW: mentions of depression, thoughts of wanting to disappear and self harm
This wasn’t the world you were born into, this was the life you thought you were going to have when you grew up.
You were born into this world, maybe you should have been used to it, but your parents always told you that it wasn’t going to last forever.
They told you stories about the old world, what it was like, and promised you that it was going to go right back to that.
Then the world tore them from you, right in front of your own eyes, and it left you all alone until Gabriel and Aaron stumbled across you and brought you back to Alexandria with them.
But it wasn’t home.
Nowhere was home anymore, despite how much they tried to connect with you, make you feel at home, it just wasn’t home and it never would be.
You spent most of your time trying to find a place to hide from them, they always found you, and you remembered the one place Michonne told you to stay away from.
The cell block, warning you to never go in there.
You made your way down the steps and knelt down by the door, quietly picking the lock and you pushed it open before slipping inside.
Closing the door, you turned around and walked over to the corner, sitting down.
“Well, not that I’m not thankful for the company but I get the feeling since you picked that lock you shouldn’t be in here.”
You looked up, finding a man standing against the cell bars as he looked at you.
“Got a name?”
You shrugged a little bit, looking back down again.
“Alright, I’ll call you kid.”
“Not a kid…” you grumbled.
“Well apparently you don’t have a name so your shit outta luck there kid, why’re you here? Cause no offence but I’m gonna be the one getting it in the ass if they find you here.”
You looked at him, resting your chin on your knees.
“Don’t tell them…”
“Well im not fucking stupid, course I’m not going to tell them.”
He rested his arms between the gaps of the bars, and he glanced up to the window before turning his attention back towards you.
“Names Negan.”
You nodded your head, letting you know that you had heard him.
You didn’t stay long, you didn’t answer any of his questions before you left, locking the door before finding somewhere else to go.
But it soon became a daily occurrence, you would turn up at the cell between certain times, knowing the routines of when they brought him food.
Negan would talk, he didn’t like sitting in silence, and you would just listen to him, or read from one of the books he would slide under the cell bars for you.
You did eventually tell him your name, but he still liked to annoy you and refused to use it.
Today was no different, you came in, locked the door and walked over to your corner.
Negan sat up from where he had been laid reading and he looked at you.
Negan swung his legs over his cot, and he rested his arms on his knees.
“Kid? What’s up?”
You shrugged a little bit, resting your head against the stone wall.
“Now don’t get me wrong, I love the fact you break into here and barely say a whole sentence to me, but this shit isn’t normal for you.”
You turned around, looking over at him.
“Do you ever feel alone…?” You asked quietly.
“Yeah, sometimes. But I only got myself to blame for that, I know that. I did shit things and it made me alone.”
“What did you do?”
Negan sighed, looking down at his hands.
He explained everything to you, what he had done, the saviours, the lives he had taken and everything he had done before landing in that cell.
When he finished he looked at you, giving you a little grin.
“See? Shit person.”
“My dad used to say that sometimes good people did bad things because they didn’t have a choice…”
He hummed a little bit.
“Yeah? What if that person is just a shit person?”
You shrugged a little bit, turning away to go back to resting your head against the stone wall.
Negan sighed heavily, getting up and he made his way to the front of the call, sitting down in the corner, resting his head on the bars.
“Your parents know you come down here and see a fucked up asshole like me?”
You didn’t reply and Negan looked at you, he heard you sniffled a little bit, and saw you wipe your eyes with the backs of your hands.
“Shit kid, I’m sorry.”
You turned around, keeping your back to him.
“Fuck, come on kid, I’m so sorry I had no idea. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
He sighed again.
“You know I had wife.”
You turned around and looked at him, wiping your eyes again.
“Yeah, yeah. I had a wife, I bet you’re looking at me thinking how can this old bastard have had a wife? Let me tell you she was… she was so beautiful.”
“What happened to her…?”
Negan smiled sadly.
“She died too, cancer.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Yeah, so am I.”
You looked at the door before turning back to him.
“What was she like?”
Negan smiled, and he told you about his wife Lucille, what she was like, and how things were with them all while smiling as he recalled the memories.
Sometimes his smile would fall, and then he’d smile when he told you another happy memory.
“What about your mom and dad?”
“They were optimistic things were going to change… happy… despite everything…”
You told him a few stories, and he listened carefully, not wanting to interrupt you since this was the longest you had spoken to him for.
But you seemed to realise this and quickly jumped up, taking the photo back from him and you left.
You didn’t turn up for the next few days, and he went back into his routine of solitude.
You finally came back one evening, the only giveaway it was you was the small click of the lock as you closed the door once.
“Hey kid.”
You had a lantern, and a bag and you walked over to the cell, sitting down by the bars, you passed him a few of the candles and he walked over to take them.
Negan put others back on your side of the bars, and he set one to the side, taking the lighter you had given him so he could light it and went to hand it back but you shook your head.
“You know the check my shit right? Make sure I have nothing I shouldn’t have.”
You took the lighter back, and the spare candles to put back in your bag.
It added some light to the place, helping you see around better.
Negan rested his back on the wall, staring at the window on the opposite wall.
“What made you come by so late?” He asked.
You shrugged a little bit, resting your arms on your knees.
Negan turned to look at you, and he could slightly see inside of your bag, and he noticed that it seemed to have food inside, some water.
He furrowed his brows.
“Going somewhere?”
You didn’t say anything.
“Where are you going?”
Again you ignored his question, instead you pulled out a book, and you passed it through the bars to him so he could take it.
“Tell me about the old world?” You asked quietly.
“What do you wanna know?”
“Everything I guess…”
Negan thought for a moment, and he told you about the places that he had been to, what they looked like, about normal schools, aeroplanes, whatever came to mind.
You asked him questions, curious about wanting to know more, and hours passed like that.
You shared some of your food and water with him, and you set your bag down next to the bars of his cell, laying yourself down.
“Come on kid, you can’t sleep in here.”
“I don’t want to go anywhere else…”
“Why not?”
Negan got up, heading to his cot he grabbed all the bedding on there, brining it over and he shoved a blanket through the bars for you, and made his bed on the other side.
You stared up at the ceiling, covering yourself with the blanket before turning your back to him.
“They pity me…”
Negan didn’t miss the slight growl in your tone when you said that.
“They all try to act like they’re my parents… they… they never leave me alone and I hate it…”
“You hate having people around you?”
“I hate people who pretend… they only pity me… they don’t actually care.. just see some teenager with no family…”
Negan nodded his head, but didn’t say anything.
“They’re not my family… my family is dead… I’m alone…”
“Now come on, don’t spout that shit. That’s not true, you’re not alone.”
You didn’t say anything else and he sighed.
“Okay yeah, maybe they pity you. How do you know I don’t pity you?”
“You don’t look at me like they do… it’s why I come here… they look at me and.. and they see right through me… you actually see me…”
Negan didn’t tell you to leave, it was late now, and he wasn’t sure how safe it was out there for you to be wondering around in the dark.
You fell asleep there, and you slept through the sound of the door opening.
What woke you up was the sound of arguing and you slowly sat up.
“I told you not to come down here!” Michonne snapped at you.
You blinked a few times in confusion.
“Hey! Leave the kid alone!” Negan growled at her.
“You shut up, you don’t get a say in this. Gabriel take (Y/N) outside and place an extra guard in front of this place.”
Gabriel walked over to take your stuff and you quickly took it back, and he stopped, raising his hands as he smiled softly at you.
“Come along now, we should leave.”
You looked over at Negan and he gave a small nod his his head, letting you know it was okay to go.
You left your stuff behind, leaving the room, making a quick get away to another one of your hiding places, though it never took them long to find you there.
Aaron was the one to come looking for you.
He walked into the small room you had called your home since you had arrived here.
“You know why we told you to stay away from the cell right? What Negan had done?”
You nodded.
“Then you understand why we want you to stay away from him? He’ll get inside your head, use you for his own benefit, to manipulate you into helping him escape or something along those lines.”
You stayed quiet, only getting up to leave and Aaron sighed.
You wanted nothing to do with anybody from the community, you never spoke to any of them, the most they got out of you was your name.
You went back to that cell, but the guard at the door looked at you, and you sighed.
Sitting on the steps, you stayed there all day.
Nobody really spared you a glance, it was like you were there but you weren’t really there all at the same time.
Maybe you would be better off if you weren’t there, it’s not like anybody would notice.
You didn’t have much, so it’s not like they’d even notice you were missing.
Getting up, you went back to your makeshift home and stayed there for the rest of the day, lost in your own thoughts.
How you were alone.
You had nobody.
Nobody cared about you.
Nobody loved you.
Nobody would miss you.
The only person who would notice would’ve been Negan but since you weren’t allowed to see him he’d forget about you too.
So you made up your mind, you were going to disappear.
You left that night, making your way back to the cell to see the guard was asleep and you snuck in like always to find Negan was asleep.
You sighed a little, and you looked at the guard before turning to Negan.
“Thank you…” you whispered.
“For what?” He mumbled out.
You jumped a little bit.
Negan was looking at you and you shrugged slightly.
“For being my friend…”
Negan quickly sat up, and he walked over, resting a hand on the bars.
“What’re you doing?”
“I.. I have to go away…”
Negans eyes widened a little bit, he saw your arm when your sleeve rolled up as you reached up to wipe some of your tears.
He saw the bloodied bandage wrapped around it.
“Listen me kid, now Im not saying that you’re gonna do what I think you’re gonna do, but I’m telling you right now down you fucking dare.”
“I’m sorry…”
You quickly left, forgetting to close the main door, and you ran away.
You didn’t think, you just went to the first place you could think off, the tallest building in Alexandria, and you stood up there.
You looked down at the dark streets, and you took a small breath, turning your back on it, facing the way you had come from.
You didn’t realise that your commotion had alerted the guard who had alerted the council, but you could hear the pounding of footsteps getting closer.
Gabriel, Aaron and Michonne stood there.
“Come down.” Michonne said.
You shook your head.
“Please, let us talk about whatever is going on. What makes you feel like you must do this.” Gabriel said softly.
You shook your head again, shuffling back and they all tried to branch out, but nobody dared to get any closer.
“Just talk to us.” Aaron whispered.
“Then who will you talk to? If there’s somebody out there that can stop you who is? Who do you want to speak to?” Michonne asked.
“Please, we don’t want you to do this..”
You didn’t reply, and suddenly Michonne ran off while Gabriel and Aaron watched you.
You didn’t know what they were doing and you were trying to work up the courage so you could see your family again, so you could take those last few steps back.
A few minutes later Michonne came back, and she shoved Negan forward making him stumble a little.
“Fucking hell, push me any further and I’ll be going over that edge.”
“That would be the day.” Michonne scoffed.
She gestured for the other two to back away, and they all walked away slightly.
Negan looked up at you.
“Hey, let’s talk, yeah?”
“I don’t want to talk…”
He hummed a little.
“Do you want to jump?”
“I… I don’t know…”
Negan sighed, and he looked up at you, holding out his hand.
“Come down (Y/N)…”
“I can’t…”
“Why not?”
You didn’t say anything.
Negan sighed, lowering his hand, bringing it up to run over his head as he tried to figure out what to do.
“You know, I wouldn’t forget you. I’d remember.”
You looked at him.
“You think everybody will forget you right? You’ll be able to disappear like you want right?”
You nodded.
“Hate to break it to you kid, but that’s not true. I wouldn’t, I’ll always remember you. We’re friends right?”
“Then let me help you, that’s what friends do. They help each other, and I’m not about to stand here and watch you throw your life away. You’re not alone, and I know it’s hard.”
“Does it get easier…?”
“No. It doesn’t. But you learn to live with that pain, and you just grow around it, but you have to be willing to just try, if you take that step, if you let yourself go, you’ll never know what will happen in your future.”
You shrugged a little.
“I don’t have one…”
“You don’t know that. How about we find out, together? Yeah?”
“What if you leave too…?”
Negan smiled softly at you.
“I’m not going anywhere kid.”
“You can’t say that…”
“Maybe not, but I don’t give a shit. I mean I’m in a cell, do you really think I’m running off anywhere?”
You shook your head.
“Come on, come down now.”
You looked down at the ground, and Negan took this as his chance to run forward and grab you, pulling you down.
He fell over with a heavy thud and slight groan of pain, and you fell to the side, sitting on your knees as you cried.
Negan sat up, pulled you into a hug, placing his hand on the back of your head.
“I’m sorry…” you cried quietly.
“It’s alright… you’re okay…”
Negan held you tightly, sighing heavily, running his hand up and down your back.
“Don’t you ever try anything like this again…”
Negan placed a hand on your arm.
“And stop hurting yourself… you don’t deserve this pain…” he whispered
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mustainegf · 2 months
Could you maybe write something about james like caring for his girl when shes on her period and then she tells him that orgasm can help cramps so he fucks her gently in lotus position :))
Bro this is so cute wtf
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I groaned into the pillow, clenching my stomach. I hated being a woman. Stupid fucking period. I hated it.
There was no way around it. It'd been two days since it had started, which meant I still had at least two more days to go before it would be done.
"Mm, what's wrong sweetheart?" James cuddled up to me, searching for my gaze.
I groaned against his chest, wishing this would all go away. "Cramps." I muttered.
"What can I do?" He pulled back, his eyes full of concern. The man was so caring. "You can make them go away."
I rolled my eyes at him. "No, seriously. What can I do? I have ibuprofen in the bathroom. Do you need some?" He rubbed my back, still holding me close.
"No, they're too hard on my stomach"" I mumbled, another cramp surging.
"There is one thing that could help, but it's kinda gross..." I averted my gaze.
"You know I'll do anything to make you feel better, what is it?" He carefully stroked my hair.
I cringed slightly, making knowing eye contact with James. He seemed to understand what I meant.
"I don't know if I want to though, you're gonna think I'm gross," I mumbled.
"I won't think you're gross." James scoffed, shaking his head. "It's going to be weird," I whispered.
"Hold still honey, I'll get a towel. I'll make you feel better." James kissed my forehead, quickly sitting up out of bed and going to the bathroom.
I was already regretting what I had mentioned. I'm bleeding for fuck sakes, how is he okay with that during sex?
A knock sounded on the door. "I've got it!" James called out from the other room. I laid there, staring at the ceiling, wondering what I had gotten myself into.
"You're so pretty," James smiled, laying the towel down on the bed.
I looked over at him, narrowing my eyes at him as I sat up. "Thanks." I said slowly. "This isn't necessary," I mumbled. He took my hand in his, gently pulling me towards him. "Trust me, it's okay.
Let me help you."
He carefully pulled my shirt up, I wasn't wearing a bra so I was left bare. "I promise I won't think you're disgusting. I don't care about some blood."
James got into bed, stripping himself of the lazy clothes he'd slept in. He was so gorgeous. "Take 'em off sweetheart, it's alright," James nodded, motioning to my shorts.
I hesitated, but my thumbs eventually hooked around the waistband of my shorts, carefully pulling them down.
My underwear followed next, James smiled, watching me with eyes full of love. "Trust me, this will help your cramps," James he'd his hands out helping me climb into bed and on top of him. My face was burned hot with embarrassment, not wanting him to look at me like this.
"I know, I know, you're nervous. Just trust me." He ran his fingers through my hair. "Look at me babe." I reluctantly made eye contact with him. "Do you trust me?" I nodded. "Then let me help."
His strong arms wrapped around me as I sat in his lap. I cringed again, remembering why I wanted to avoid this whole situation, but I couldn't deny that he made me feel safe. "Shhh, relax. Just relax."
He placed his hand over my stomach, trying to rub the cramps out of my abdomen. His other hand guiding his tip through my folds. I was terrified of how he might react, but he seemed completely unbothered.
"How are you feeling?" James asked. "Scared" I admitted. "That's okay. Look at me." My eyes went to his. "You aren't gross to me. You never are."
I nodded, laying my head on his shoulder.
"Are you ready, love?" James whispered.
I nodded, staring down at our connection. He slid into me, my eyes closing at the slight stretch. He was gentle, careful not to hurt me. I gasped as he filled me completely.
I knew he was worried I might have been uncomfortable so he didn't move, just allowing us to sit there. "You okay?" He whispered. I nodded, nuzzling into his neck. "Yes," I whispered. "You're sure?"
He brushed my hair out of my face. "I wouldn't lie to you." I said softly.
The corner of his mouth curved up. "Good girl." I blushed slightly at his compliment.
We stayed like that for a while until I started moving, rocking against him. He gripped my hips, holding me in place as he started to move.
He was so slow, so gentle, and I loved every second of it.
"Taking it so well, that feel good?" James panted softly.
I whimpered, so engrossed in the feeling of him sliding inside my sensitive slit. "Y-yes, James..."
James growled lowly, holding me close to his warm chest. The cramps were subsiding, replaced by the ecstasy of his cock.
I leaned forward again, resting my head on his shoulder, both of us still whispering endearments to each other.
This man made me feel so loved. He made me feel like I could do anything. I knew if I died right now, I would die happy. James was more than enough for me.
He tilted my chin up, staring deep into my eyes. "I love you. So much." He kissed me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, letting him carry me away on his tender lips.
He made the slowest, sweetest love to me, his mouthing showing every inch of me it's attention.
"Mmm... Oh James, yes..." I whined, feeling his tip graze my g spot over and over.
"I'm so close, James," I begged, slightly bouncing now, desperate for more friction.
He moved faster, his hands squeezing my hips harder, demanding I meet his thrusts, knowing that would send me over the edge. He rocked faster, faster, faster. The familiar knot in my stomach exploded as I came with a cry, flinging myself on top of him.
"Fuck!" He yelled, cumming along with me, spilling himself inside me. He held me tightly, his hips twitching. "You always look so pretty when you cum," he sighed.
I caught my breath, feeling James' cock soften inside of me. "How do you feel now, darling?" He asked breathlessly.
I felt relaxed, sated, and quite frankly, a little drowsy. "Perfect. That did it." He laughed at my words, kissing my head.
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ghoul-bonez · 10 months
~He Makes Anywhere Home~
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(Neteyam x Fem! Na’vi! Reader)
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Summary: You enjoyed exploring with the Sully kids, they were adventurous and and exciting, but sometimes they were a little too adventurous, especially Lo’ak, who tended to break his father’s rules.
Word Count: 6.9k
Author’s Note: CHAPTER 3! CHAPTER 3! CHAPTER 3! Very excited :) & one more main chapter… What do you think is gonna happen???
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~Last - Next~
~Series Masterlist~
~Main Masterlist-
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He Makes Anywhere Home
The Sully family was interesting… but you didn’t mind. They were so kind to you, treating you as an equal, not minding your background. They were so supportive too, encouraging you while you were taking lessons from Mo’at, or learning their ways. They were supportive of you and Neteyam, which was a worry for both of you, but after your first visit you were both sure it would be fine.
You had been coming around more after that, mostly for your lessons with Mo’at because most of his family was still a bit too much for you. Eventually you learned to love them though. You learned to get used to Lo’ak’s over the top personality, and his disobeying of the rules. You learned to love Tuk’s childish wonder. You learned to love Kiri through your shared connection to Eywa.
His parents were a bit harder though. You had liked Neytiri since meeting her, she was like the mother you never had, although you loved your mother palulukan and wouldn’t trade her for anything. Jake was much harder. He was standoffish, not wanting anything to do with you at first. He would act like you were not there, and you could never understand why. He came around eventually though, seeing how much his family loved you.
Spider however was different. He was considered a Sully by the family, but he was so different. He was the first human you had encountered, a tawtute so different from many of the others you had heard about. He didn't seem malicious, dressed like you, spoke your language, and was overall liked by the Sullys, besides Neytiri. You couldn’t help but lean in her direction, following her lead of disliking him, but you tolerated him because Neteyam and his siblings saw him as a brother.
Now that you were a little more settled in you would spend more time with them, joining them for meals and gatherings, but you never stayed too long, going home to your den at the end of the day. You still didn’t completely trust them.
You had started going with Lo’ak and Neteyam’s other siblings on adventures on your days off from training with Mo’at. You figured it was good for you to go with them, to protect them, and their parents secretly were grateful for it too.
Today was one of those days. A day off was rare, but now that you were comfortable enough with Neteyam’s family you enjoyed spending time with his siblings, going on adventures with them.
Neteyam was unsure about today’s adventure, worried about his brother’s actions getting more and more defiant against their father recently. He didn’t know what Lo’ak had planned, but he didn’t want you getting roped into any arguments or scoldings. He didn’t want them to scare you off, they didn’t want to scare you off. Jake would always save his frustrations for when you would leave for the night, but if you were there for the trouble he would be forced to tell you off as well.
You had promised Neteyam that it would be fine, you would be fine, his siblings would be fine. You would watch over them, protect them, make sure nothing happened. Most of all you would make sure Lo’ak made good decisions.
He knew you wouldn’t go against him if he expressed his worries and said no, but he had reluctantly allowed you to join them. You had smiled widely at him, thanking him, and giving him a loving kiss on the cheek, and an “I love you”, before you ran off towards where Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk, and Spider were waiting to hear the verdict.
He saw them all cheer when you told them you were allowed to go, Tuk clinging onto you like a syaksyuk while she tried to climb you. You picked her up, ready to go off for the day, and before he got the chance to say goodbye you had set off with the other four.
The adventure had been fun so far, and successful by the fact that Lo’ak hadn’t done anything too crazy yet. He had tumbled out of a tree he was climbing, but he had yet to break any of his father’s rules which you considered a success.
You had split up for a bit, Kiri going to relax for a while as you and Tuk played around the area, Lo’ak and Spider were off to the side scheming something. You made sure to not stray too far from where Kiri was as eclipse was nearing and you would have to set off back home soon, or to their home.
You had finally called it time to go, catching Tuk and spinning her around in a circle as she launched herself at you, pretending to be a palulukan. You called out to the three around you, “Guys, it’s time to go!”
Lo’ak was the first to state his unhappiness, “But, (Y/n), can’t we stay a little longer, like 5 minutes?”
You sighed, looking at him sternly, “No, Lo’ak, we must get back. I do not want to be in trouble with your father.”
“Yeah, it’s almost eclipse!” Tuk shouted, frowning at his unwillingness to listen to you.
Spider rolled his eyes, “It’s almost eclipse.” He mocked Tuk, and Lo’ak laughed, muttering the same thing back.
You rolled your eyes at their defiance, turning and waving for them to follow you, “Come on boys, let’s go get Kiri.” You started walking and heard groans of upset as they trudged behind you, dragging their feet on the ground, “I do not want to hear any complaining back there.”
“Meh meh meh meh meh.” Lo’ak raised the pitch of his voice, mocking you.
“Lo’ak.” You spoke harshly, warning him with just his name, and he quickly shut up, afraid of what would come next. When he didn’t say anything else you thanked him, “Thank you.” For once Lo’ak wasn’t a duplicate of his father, stubborn and hard headed, and instead he took after his mother, considerate and a listener even though he was naturally a leader. You had always liked Neytiri better.
When you were close enough to where Kiri was you put Tuk down, who quickly raced ahead, but stayed in your line of sight. She shouted back at your group, mostly to Spider, “Whoever gets to Kiri first gets to wake her up!”
The other two raced ahead, and you walked behind, keeping up, but slow enough to enjoy the atmosphere of the forest. When you got there Kiri was already awake from Spider who had gotten there first.
You heard Tuk shout, “Kiri!” When you arrived. You smiled at Tuk’s excitement to see her sister, they really had a special connection.
Her call was quickly followed by Lo’ak mimicking her, calling out to his sister as well, “Kiri!”
Once Tuk was closer she told Kiri, “Kiri, (Y/n) says we have to get back.” Selling out the fact that it was you that had made the order, although you still had a few hours of good daylight.
Spider helped her up, grabbing her hand and pulling her up to her feet, “All right, come on.”
You walked off, walking for a minute until you caught a whiff of something strange, “Something smells… off. Stay close to me.” You warned everyone, your voice serious. Even Lo’ak didn’t dare disobey you when you sounded like this.
Then a gasp came from your throat, footprints on the ground, but from what you didn’t know. You stopped, inspecting them carefully, dragging your fingers over the prints before smelling them. They were where the strange scent was coming from. The footprints were large, too large for a tawtute, but weren’t from bare feet. They weren’t yours, or the people who you had come to know were avatars, so who’s were they?
Kiri ran up next to you where you had been leading them, crouching down next to you, “What is it?”
“We’re always supposed to be home by eclipse.” Tuk called, confused why you had abruptly stopped your trek home.
Lo’ak was quick to be the next on the scene, crouching down as well, “It’s way too big for a human.” He voiced your thoughts.
“Avatars?” Spider asked.
You wanted to answer him, but Lo’ak spoke first, “Maybe, but they’re for sure not ours.”
You let it go, warning them again, as Lo’ak looked like he was itching to take off and follow them “Stay close.” Lo’ak completely ignored you, walking off, following them where they were printed deeply into the ground, you did not want him following them, or straying too far so you scolded him, “Lo’ak stay with me. We are going home.”
He still ignored you, like he was in his own world, and you knew this was where you would get in trouble with his dad. You prayed for forgiveness from him, and not just for Lo’ak’s sake, but also your own.
Kiri let out a harsh breath, rolling her eyes, “What are you doing? (Y/n) said we are leaving.”
Lo’ak rolled his eyes back, shushing her loudly, obnoxiously, “Shh, I’m tracking.”
You were already stressed from his disobedience, but his comment made you laugh, “Tracking, that’s funny Lo’ak.”
You walked for a little longer until you reached a place you did not recognize, but the others seemed to. It stood out against the forest, a metal building, but was slowly getting reclaimed by the life around it, vines and plants growing over it.
The thing that stood out most however was the people. They looked like you, like Na’vi, but they were wearing strange clothes. You weren’t quite sure what was going on. Their difference from you scared you and you felt yourself begin to panic, heart beats speeding up and stomach twisting in knots. You felt skittish, wanting to run like the first time you had met Neteyam.
No matter how much you wanted to run you were reminded of him, of the fact that you were with his siblings, and had promised to watch over them and keep them safe. You had to keep them safe.
You were too stunned to speak, but it seemed Kiri was much calmer than you, looking to Lo’ak, frustrated, “We are never supposed to come here. Dad is going to ground you…”
Lo’ak groaned, shushing her, “Shh. Can you stop?” He asked as he seemed to be growing more frustrated by her comments the more she spoke.
“For life.” Kiri finished her comment, rushed, threatening.
Lo’ak didn’t seem to care, didn’t seem to be scared by the strangers. Ignoring Kiri he looked to Spider, “Bro, we have got to check this out. Let’s go.”
Spider nodded, and they slowly stalked towards the people. You followed close behind, on high alert as to make sure nobody was sneaking up on you.
Spider’s eyes seemed to light up as he got a closer look, he looked excited as he looked to Lo’ak, whispering, “Bro, that’s where your dad and my dad…” He trailed off, but you didn’t need clarification, knowing Spider’s background, and hearing Jake tell the story before.
Lo’ak looked on in wonder, whispering back, “That’s your dad’s actual suit.”
Spider chuckled, wonder in his eyes, “Holy shit.”
Lo’ak seemed to zone in on the strange people again, after his excitement of being in this area calmed down, “I’ve gotta call this in.” He whispered, reaching for the com around his neck.
Spider went to stop him immediately, “No, bro, we’re gonna get in trouble.”
You didn’t want an argument to start between them and give away your location, so before Lo’ak could respond you cut in, ordering them, “Let’s go.” There was a firmness in your voice that told them not to mess with you. You spoke with finality, and nobody was to challenge that.
As you started backing away Lo’ak reached for his com, “Devil Dog, Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over.” His voice rushed through your ears, making you cringe like any time you used the device, but Neteyam was insistent on having one on you in case of emergencies.
You didn’t get to dwell on your discomfort before Jake spoke back, “Eagle Eye, send your traffic.”
Lo’ak looked hesitant to say anything, thinking about dropping it and saying nothing, but you placed a hand on his shoulder, nodding, it was important for him to call this in, “I got eyes on some guys. They look like avatars, but they’re in full camo and carrying ARs. There’s six of them. Over.”
Jake was good at keeping himself together, always sounding calm and steady, but right now you could hear the concern lacing his voice, “What’s your pos? Over.”
Lo’ak froze, unable to talk in fear of his father’s backlash, so you responded for him, “We are at some strange tawtute building.” You informed him, but it sounded more like a question.
Lo’ak look a deep breath in, calming himself some, “We’re at the old shack.” He followed you up, giving the true location, more specific than you had been, and now Jake knew he should be worried, for your safety, for your lives.
Jake kept his voice stable, he was doing a good job of sounding unconcerned, but you knew he had to be losing his shit, “Who’s we?”
“Me, Spider, Kiri, (Y/n)…” Lo’ak paused, he didn’t want to say it, didn’t want to admit he had put his younger sister in harm’s way. She was so young, she should not be here. He should have let her tattle to their mom.
When he was silent for a bit too long you spoke, “And Tuk.” She was who you were most concerned with. You had taught the others your ways, how to survive the forest, but she was too young to learn yet. She was your top priority right now, to get her out safe and unharmed.
Jake didn’t address you, instead speaking to Lo’ak, you knew he was angry with him, and you knew Jake couldn’t be angry with you, “Son, you listen to me very carefully. You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. Move! You copy?”
Lo’ak looked to everyone, taking a headcount before responding, “Yes, sir, moving out.”
Kiri rolled her eyes, “See, I told you. You’re going to be in so much trouble.”
Lo’ak hushed her, “Shh! Kiri stop.” His harshness was uncalled for considering he was why you were here in the first place.
Tuk tried to distract them from the argument that was undoubtedly about to start, “It’s almost eclipse, come on.” She spoke, grabbing your hand and pulling you behind her.
As she was moving forwards someone quickly jumped out from the brush, grabbing her and pulling her away from you, her hand roughly leaving yours, “Tuk!” You shouted, trying to get to her, but Kiri held you back, near her and the others.
You noticed Lo’ak and Spider had their bows out, and quickly drew yours as well, knocking back an arrow you let it fly right past the head of the person holding onto Tuk as a warning. A hasher warning than the group of strangers thought they would get.
Once your arrow had hit the tree everything seemed to devolve into chaos. Yelling came from both sides, some you could understand, and some in a foreign language. Your ears struggled to hear both sides, but zoned in on the harsh sounds of what you remembered Neteyam calling english. You hadn’t taken the time to learn it, and now you wished you had.
As you began to panic, unaware that Lo’ak and Spider had put their bows down, someone grabbed your shoulder. You spun, nearly hitting them in the face with your bow but it was just Lo’ak who calmly instructed you, “Put it down.” He pointed to the other weapons on the ground, “Put it down.”
You set it down hesitantly, and before you could do anything else the strangers lurched forwards, grabbing all of you. Each of them had one of you, all separated from one another, and once you were captured by them you felt yourself starting to slip. The material of their clothes was rough on your skin, and the strange weapons and technology on them dug into your back which was pressed against the person holding you still.
Once they started shouting in english is when you really lost it. You thrashed and gnashed your teeth together, growling and hissing like a cornered wild animal. You couldn’t understand what the strangers were saying, but everyone else couldn’t help but cringe when their leader called you feral. They knew to them feral meant dangerous, and being labeled dangerous meant dead.
Through your blackout in panic you could hear Tuk shout, “Kiri! (Y/n)!” You wanted to be with her, to calm her, but you couldn’t. You were just as scared as her, but your naturally skittish demeanor made you even more unstable.
Kiri shouted next, “Be calm…” You knew she was mostly talking to you, but you couldn’t do anything to calm yourself. The coping skills you had been working on with Neteyam all went out the window when you were grabbed and restrained.
The Sully siblings had only seen you like this a few times, and it had never been this bad. It was usually a momentary panic until Neteyam was able to calm you down, but they feared for your safety, and theirs, without Neteyam here to calm you down. For the first time they realized that you were dangerous, a killer raised by the forest. You were truly a wild animal.
Spider had never seen you like this though. He knew you didn’t like him, he knew you could take his life away if you pleased, and he knew you tolerated him, but he wasn’t so sure you wouldn’t blame him for this. His people were the ones endangering your family right now, so by association it was his fault.
Once the calls from the Sullys quieted your ears began ringing through the talking of who seemed to be the leader of the strange people’s group. You couldn’t hear anything he was saying, and even though you couldn’t understand him you were pretty sure you could read his tone of voice, which would be useful right now if you could just focus, but you couldn’t. Your fight or flight had been activated, and unfortunately for everyone involved you were a fierce fighter.
Alongside the ringing in your ears your eyesight was unfocused, blurry. You weren’t sure if what you were seeing was real, or if it was a hallucination made by your fear riddled brain, but once you saw movement you knew it was real.
They held out Kiri’s hand, one so foreign to you because of her extra finger, yet so familiar as you had held it hundreds of times. You knew it was not normal for a Na’vi, and you knew it came from her mother, someone like Jake. Jake, he must have something to do with this, and you prayed to Eywa he had a good explanation or you would be killing him yourself for endangering his own children like this.
Then he moved to Lo’ak, saying something as you watched his mouth move through the blurry lens coating your eyes. You weren’t sure what was said, but Lo’ak moved his hands out in front of him, sticking up his middle fingers, something you had learned from him meant something very rude, offensive, and you thought now was not the time for that, but you couldn’t stop him from where you were.
You saw the leader’s chest move, laughing, before he said something else, prompting Lo’ak to hiss, the sound cutting through the buzz of your ears. You growled lowly, his clearly riled up demeanor leeching off onto you.
The man retaliated against him, grabbing him and talking right into his face threateningly, which you could not hear nor understand, and now that you were getting tired, the adrenaline wearing off you heard Lo’ak speak, “Sorry, I don’t speak english… to buttholes.” You hissed at him, letting him know this was not the time for backtalk, but clearly the person who was holding you took it as a threat to them as they squeezed your arm tighter.
You hadn’t expected it, but next the leader spoke in Na’vi, something you could understand, “Where is your father?”
Lo’ak snarled at him, not giving him the answer he wanted, and before the man could do anything there was English being shouted at him by Spider. You didn’t pay attention to the leader’s response, instead baring your teeth at the tawtute boy. You didn’t know what he was saying but to your irrational, tired, fearful brain it might as well be something against you.
The strange man talked to Spider, a little less harshly than the others, and that only semented that Spider had something to do with them, their attack. You could usually care less about the boy, but right now you were furious with him.
Once he seemed done with Spider he passed him back to the person restraining him, pressing his fingers to a neck com he had. Why does he have one? Or maybe you should be asking the opposite, why does Jake have them?
Before you could try to make sense of it they were moving you, and as you struggled against the person holding onto you they practically dragged you along, your unwillingness to go frustrating them quickly. Eventually when they got to their meeting spot they shoved you all to the ground, and your head snapped to Tuk as she let out a loud shout.
You struggled in her direction, trying your best to get to her and comfort her, but you were stuck, so you did the first thing that came to mind. You prayed. You spoke to the Great Mother, begging her to let you go, to get you out safely. You knew she had a plan for everyone, but you prayed for her to allow you to make it through today, you prayed that her plan for you wouldn’t end today.
Through unfocused eyes and a brain on overdrive you recognize that eclipse was coming. The sky was darkening and birds were making their last songs of the day. Then the rain came, hard, darkening the sky eyen more. Through blurry eyes you could no longer see, the darkness too much for your brain to overcome, but through the darkness, your blindness, and the ringing in your ears, you hear a distinct sound.
A chirp, then another, and another. Your ears twitch in her direction, head following and glazed over eyes trying to search the darkness for her. You couldn't see her, but you could hear her, and you knew help was here. You trusted her, and everything was going to be okay.
As you heard her again, and again, you were sure everyone else could too, feeling the atmosphere of your companions shifting. The silence is overtaken by prayer, and you soon figure out it was Kiri, her distinct voice calling out to Eywa, and you joined her, calming yourself with the prayer you said over and over again like a chant.
The sound of an arrow meeting a skull, and you realize that the battle has begun. Panic surges through everyone, the strangers included, and as you hear shouting around you hear Neytiri from the distance, “Lo’ak!”
Your eyes come back into focus as you hear her voice speak for the first time, watching as Lo’ak pulls the pins on some weapon, a gas hissing out of the canister, what type you weren’t sure, but you took the distraction and planned your escape.
You thrash and bite down on your captor’s arm, hard. You taste as blood fills your mouth and soon enough you are released. You scurry over to Tuk, who was now free, everyone else following your lead. She had a flash of panic on her face as you approached her, but once you embraced her she let out a sigh.
“Come Tuk, Lo’ak! Follow me.” You shouted at the two nearest you. You held on tightly to Tuk’s hand and began running as fast as you could with her keeping up.
Then suddenly you were stopped, one of the enemies face to face with you, and before they could take their aim and fire at you with their gun your knife was already lodged into their neck, the blade long enough to come out of the other side. You pulled it back out quickly, having to shake them off from the serrated edge before their body slumped to the ground.
“Let's go. Let’s go!” You shouted, picking up Tuk and grabbing Lo’ak’s arm as you sprinted off.
You weren’t paying attention to where you were, trying to get you as far away from the enemy as possible, your knife held out in front of you, and through unfocused eyes you saw someone step in front of you.
You stopped immediately, Lo’ak slamming into your back, and you put down Tuk, crouching down with them behind you, getting into a fighting position, ready to take the person out. Ready to kill them.
“Hey, hey, it’s just me.” You heard, but couldn’t distinguish who it was through the adrenaline and blood rushing through your ears.
You moved quickly, lunging at the person, but they were faster than you, grabbing your hand and making you drop the blood covered blade. Then you were pulled into an embrace.
“It’s me, Neteyam. You’re safe.” He whispered into your ear, and you felt your body give out as you realized it really was him. You slumped to the ground, tears brimming in your eyes, and you let them flow.
Neteyam’s family had seen you do a lot of things, but crying was not one. Nobody besides Neteyam had seen you cry, and you preferred to cry in private, and that was when he knew it was serious.
“Neteyam! Ma Neteyam.” You sobbed, tears running down your face and wetting Neteyam’s neck where your face was dug into it.
“You’re safe.” He reassured you, running fingers through your hair, his other hand rubbing circles on your back, trying to calm you down, “We’re all safe.”
As your tears dried and eyes came back into focus you looked around, counting everyone, but Spider, and you were at peace. Everyone was okay, “Thank you, Eywa. Thank you.” You chanted over and over again as you looked to the sky.
Jake was the next to speak, the first to cut through the silence that had settled over everyone, “Let’s get home.” His voice should have held anger, frustration, but instead it held exhaustion and worry. You knew he was going to be angry later, but you knew he couldn’t be right now, too overtaken by relief that everyone was alive and in one piece.
As you went to stand you hissed, looking down you realized something had grazed your leg. You were not sure what had caused it, but a large cut laid across your thigh and you watched as blood practically poured from it. You were losing blood fast, but luckily for you this wasn’t the worst injury you had endured before.
Neteyam didn’t look down like you were, instead looking at your face as it contorted with pain, “Are you okay?”
You ripped your eyes away from the gash, not wanting his attention drawn to where you were looking, “I’m fine.” You gritted out through grinding teeth.
Luckily for you he didn’t push any further, “Alright, let’s go.” He said, beginning to walk, a hand on your shoulder, feeling like it was weighing you down with the pain in your leg.
As you walked everyone looked exhausted, and you were sure you looked the same, but you felt on high alert, and you knew you would until you got back to the Omaticaya clan’s home. You were aware of everything going on around you, every sound making you flinch. Your body, and mind, couldn’t relax, and you wouldn’t allow it to either.
The trek back was long, tiring, painful, but you managed to make it back without collapsing. You had grabbed onto Neteyam when the pain had gotten almost unbearable, him helping steady you, believing your poor excuse of being tired.
When you passed the threshold of the village, safely surrounded by others, you nearly collapsed, almost dragging Neteyam down with you, “(Y/n), are you okay? What’s wrong?” He quickly asked, rushing through his words, looking you over for injury, and when he caught sight of the gash on your thigh he gasped.
“I’m fine. I’m fine, just get me to Mo’at.” You muttered, your voice scratchy from when you had been roughly breathing through your mouth, your mouth and throat dry.
“Okay, we’re going.” He muttered, panic lacing his voice. He picked you up bridal style, and even through your complaining he was careful to not hurt you any further. He turned to his dad, “(Y/n) is hurt, we’re going to grandmother.”
Jake stalked over from behind you and Neteyam, “Let me see.” He rounded you, looking you over, “Oh shit.” He gasped, shocked you had made it this far without passing out from blood loss, “Let’s go.” He started walking off towards the Tsahík tent, “Let’s go!” He rushed Neteyam, walking faster to follow his father.
You could hear Neteyam panicking as he started walking, “Okay. Okay. You’re going to be okay.”
“I know.” You responded so simply, like you actually knew, like you were confident and had no concern for the state you were in, and he wondered how you were so unaffected. He couldn’t help but think about how you had survived in the forest, was this the worst injury you had gotten before? Had you had one like this in the past and tended to it on your own?
By the time you made it to the Tsahík tent you were nearly passed out, eyes growing heavy, and Neteyam was growing more and more worried by the minute, “Stay awake, we’re almost there.” He reassured you, or maybe it was more for himself, muttering to himself, “Please be okay, please Eywa allow her to be okay.”
Jake quickly pushed the flap that closed the tent open, and Mo’at seemed calm, not startled by his sudden arrival, he knew then that she was ready, Eywa must have told her something, “Mo’at we need help. (Y/n) is hurt, she's bleeding out.”
Neteyam rushed in through the doorway, the flap being held open by Jake, “Please do something, anything. Please, grandma.” Neteyam practically begged, and Jake was surprised his usually put together son was so frantic. He knew he would be the same way with Neytiri though, and it was then that he realized how much you really meant to Neteyam.
“Set her down over there,” Mo’at pointed to a blanket laid across the ground, a cushion laid at the top for her head, “and Jake, go get Kiri.”
Jake didn’t say anything as he raced off to find his oldest daughter. He was focused and even though the people of his clan tried to talk to him, concerned why their Olo’eyktan and his family had returned beaten and battered he continued walking towards their family’s kelku.
While Mo’at began working on your wound she looked to Neteyam, “She will be okay, she is strong.” She tried to reassure him.
“I know, but I can’t help but worry.” He admitted, a bitter taste on his tongue as he admitted to his worry, his composure falling apart. He always had to be strong, but right now he was far from that.
Mo’at didn’t say anything else, instead working on your thigh, concentration only being broken when Kiri arrived and she gave her orders. Kiri was quick to get into the zone, working quickly and bringing Mo’at anything she needed as the orders came.
You groaned and cried out as Mo’at and Kiri worked on your injury, pain contorting your face. Neteyam couldn’t stop himself as he inched closer and closer, eventually right next to you, your hand held in his, and as you groaned you squeezed his hand hard, using it as an outlet to soothe your pain.
Eventually Mo’at deemed you in stable condition, her and Kiri leaving to allow you to rest with Neteyam at your side. You couldn’t sleep, but were groggy, eyes closing slowly, so instead of sleeping your eyes rested and you spoke. You told Neteyam everything you were thinking, expressing your worries about running into the strangers again, and relief that everyone was okay.
He agreed, soothing you and allowing you to let out all of your pent up emotions. He was proud you were able to be so open with him as he thought back to your first meeting in the forest all that time ago.
The peace only lasted so long before Tuk was bursting through the door, shouting, “Mom and dad are talking, you must come!”
Neteyam looked at you hesitantly, and you nodded at him, telling him you were okay. He helped you up carefully, and he supported you as you hobbled to their kelku where you immediately heard Jake and Neytiri talking. They were clearly arguing, both of their tones frustrated.
You weren’t really listening, the words going through one ear and out of the other, but you heard well enough.
Jake groaned, retorting to something Neytiri had said before you got there, “This thing. This Quaritch.” That must be the leader’s name, and now that you had something to call him you would never forget it until the day you kill him, you will kill him, and as you thought Jake continued, “Whatever he is… He can walk right under Eywa’s nose.” He must be a tawtute, or had been one in the past, but now that he was in this body, one similar to yours, he must not be perceived as a threat by the forest.
Neytiri didn’t seem to care though, and you knew she was strong, was having the same thoughts that you could kill him and this would be over, so she rebelled against Jake’s words, “This is our family. This is our home.”
Jake used her words against her, “This is about our family. This is about our little ones.”
Neytiri was becoming more and more irritated, it was clear in her tone, “I cannot. You cannot ask this. I cannot leave my people. I will not.” She set in stone, for now at least, she was determined to stay, to convince Jake to let them stay.
Jake tried to compose himself, taking a deep breath then releasing it and speaking, “He’s hunting us. He’s targeting our family.”
Neytiri was pacing, you could tell as you heard her light footsteps on the ground, moving back and forth, “You cannot ask this. The children, everything they’ve ever known. The forest. This is our home!” She shouted, not as composed as Jake.
Jake sounded more frustrated now, growing irritated just like Neytiri, but his voice was also laced with concern, “He had our children. He had them under his knife!”
Neytiri’s footsteps stopped, and you heard her pick something up, “My father gave me this bow as he lay dying.” Her voice cracked, “And he said protect the people. You’re Toruk Makto!”
Jake was shouting now, clearly as upset as Neytiri, and you had never heard them this heated towards each other before, “This will protect the people! Quaritch has Spider, and that kid knows everything. He knows our whole operation, and can lead them right in here.” You then thought about it, you were sure they were taking him to the other tawtute, his own kind, people he could relate to, people he should like better than your own kind, “If the people harbor us, they will die. Do you understand? Look I got nothing. I got no plan… but I can protect this family. That I can do.” He paused, taking a deep breath, reaching out to Neytiri, “I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.”
They quieted after that, and you hadn’t even noticed the tears rolling down your cheeks until Neteyam was wiping them off. He gave you a reassuring smile, but all you could think about was them leaving. He was leaving, and you knew he had no choice, but what hurt worse than him leaving the forest, was him leaving you.
He was the first person you had allowed in, and now you were going to lose him. You were going to lose the future you had planned for yourself and him. You were losing your future mate, the person you loved more than anything else. You were losing your place in the clan, sure that nobody would want you anymore after you weren’t being coddled by the Sullys. You were losing your family, the people you had grown to love beside Neteyam.
You were losing everything.
Neteyam hugged you tightly when you wouldn’t stop crying, trying to show you his love, that everything would end up okay, because he knew you would be coming with them, even if you didn’t know that yourself yet.
When Jake walked out of their kelku and saw all of his children listening in on their conversation he frowned, he expected this, but wanted to break the news to them softly, carefully, but now he wouldn’t get the chance.
He sighed, “Everyone pack your stuff. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
That caused you to cry harder, you had hoped they would grant you a couple more days, a couple more days of love.
Jake noticed you crying and crouched down, patting your back, “I know you don’t want to leave the forest, but we have to go.”
Those words were shocking, they were planning on taking you with them, and now that you knew they wanted you to come with them, you were more concerned about leaving the life you knew here than losing your love. He was right, you didn't want to leave, but leaving with Neteyam was better than losing him.
Your mother palulukan was another thought. How were you supposed to break the news to her? You supposed you would have to visit her one last time, to say goodbye and collect your things.
“Okay…” You finally answered Jake, “I need to go home. I need to collect my things and see my mother.”
Jake smiled calmly at you, happy you were accepting this, happy you were taking it better than Neytiri, which was shocking to everyone, the child of the forest accepting she was having to leave. He knew you were right, none of your belongings were here, as you preferred to keep your personal things at your own home, “I’ll come with you, let’s go.”
When you stood, wobbly on your legs, but feeling much better than earlier as Mo’at’s numbing herbs did their job, Neteyam stood quickly too, “I’m coming too.”
“No, you’re staying here.” Jake glared at him harshly, instructing him, “Make sure Lo’ak doesn’t do anything stupid.”
Neteyam was less than pleased about that, but knew not to speak against his father right now. He watched as you wrapped your arm around his shoulders to keep yourself steady, walking off in the direction he knew your mother palulukan’s den was in.
You collected your things quickly so you could spend a little more time with your mama, and you explained to her what was happening, making tsaheylu with her one last time, allowing her to know how you were feeling, truly. She was sad you were leaving, she knew she would miss you, but she knew it was for your safety, and so she let you know she gave you her blessings.
She gave you her blessing to leave. She gave you her blessing to mate with Neteyam, when it was time. She gave you her blessing to be one of the Sullys. She gave you her blessing to live with your kind. She knew it was time for you to be with your own kind. You were grown, you didn’t need her anymore, and she would always miss you, but she understood.
Once you collected your things and said your goodbyes to your mother, you made the walk back to the Omaticaya’s home. It was long and exhausting, Jake practically supported all of your weight by the time you got back, and you were grateful to be back to safety.
Back to Neteyam.
When he heard you were back he raced to find you, taking you from his father, supporting you instead, and that’s exactly what you needed. He could tell you were tired so he took you back to the Sully family kelku, laying you down in his hammock, joining you soon after, careful to maneuver you so he wouldn’t bump your leg.
It was sweet, he was sweet, and even as anxiety gnaws away at you, thinking about leaving the forest, your home, when you think about moving you know he makes anywhere safe. No matter how far you may stray from the forest he makes anywhere home.
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Word Bank:
Eywa (Na’vi goddess)
Palulukan (Thanator)
Tawtute (Sky people, humans)
Syaksyuk (Prolemuris)
Great Mother (Eywa)
Omaticaya (Forest Na’vi)
Tsahík (Spiritual leader)
Olo’eyktan (Clan leader)
Kelku (Omatikaya homes)
Tsaheylu (The Bond)
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@xstarsmvxz @netedoongie @c-h-i-l @rose-brulante @purple-imaginess
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
bf!huening kai (i have been in love with this man since debut. My bestie and I say he’s my little white boy😉)
omg he is such a sweetheart :( he is always gonna make sure that you're doing okay. 
He texts you multiple times a day just to check up on you
Especially if he knows you’re going to have a tough day
This sweet boy goes all out on those days where he knows you’re either going through it or doing to go through it
If even slightly mention that you have a big test at uni or you have an important meeting at work, he is going to pull out all the stops
He’ll start the day by cooking you breakfast of your choice
He then goes onto making your lunch and packing you plenty of snacks
He even writes a little sweet note and put it in a cute little lunch bag he kept for these types of situations
You’ve got this baby! Your Huening believes in you!! Lots of kisses when you get him will be guaranteed if you promise to try your best. - sincerely, the cutest and best boyfriend in the whole world
He calls you down into the kitchen and eats breakfast with you, feeding you a few bites at first since you were still pretty sleepy
He cleans up the table and washes the dishes while you're getting ready for the day. He just doesn't want you to have to worry about cleaning when you’re stressed out
Once you’re ready to go, he makes sure you have everything in your bag and gives you your lunch box and water bottle. He even packs in a sweet drink for you to enjoy with your lunch
He gives you a kiss and a hug on your way out, “have a good day! I'll come home after you tonight but you can tell me all about it as soon as I get home.”
Speaking of hugs…hyuka is the king of hugs
He's big, tall boy and he just looks so cozy to me
He hugs you so close and your face is always squished into his chest but you never mid because you get to inhale his scent that you love so much
When he finds out that you love the way he smells, he always slips his hoodies in your backpack/work bag during the cold seasons and if you mention your work/classroom is cold. 
He loves seeing you in his clothes because they’re usually just long on you since he’s pretty tall
He’s such a nerd omg
When he finds something he really enjoys, he will share it with you
He’ll talk your ear off about some new video game he and beomgyu started playing together and you just sit there, looking at his adorable little face as he talks excitedly.  
He always asks if you wanna try to game too and if you say yes, you better believe he is so happy. Happiest boy in the whole world 
He swear he falls deeper in love with you when you share interests with him and when you listen to him ramble about said interests
All he's ever wanted in a partner was someone to listen to him and here you are!
Your arms of plush animals…
He's got so many of them that at some point, he started to move some of them into your apartment
When he is eventually given clearance to move in with you, the both of you go apartment hunting with a very specific requirement 
One extra room for your plushie family and other collectable items
You two are just little dorks in love at the end of the day
I think i've mentioned this in another work of mine but family is really important to Huening 
He gets together often with his siblings and talks to his parents on the phone almost every single day. If he can't chat on the phone with them, he texts them when he can
He really wants you to get along with his family bt totally understands if you seem nervous
He would never push you to do anything you weren’t ready for so he’ll give you plenty of time to prepare
When you meet his sisters for the first time, it was at a cafe. It turns out that you had pretty much no reason to be nervous because there was an instant connection between the 3 of you
His sisters were made aware by kai that you were nervous so they just went in for it and introduced themselves right away
After that, you 3 were joking around and having fun, not wanting to leave each other so you all went shopping together right after
Kai was so happy to find out you get along with his sister but also nervous…you 3 were going to terrorize him for the rest of his life
He was okay with it because he loves you 3 so much
When it comes to meeting his parents…he waits until you're ready and when you finally are, he has them come to the both of you
Again, there was an instant click, especially with his mom
She brought a baby album full of his pictures and she shows you all of them, giving the back stories
He gets all red and shy when she shows you one of him in the tub, playing with his rubber duck bath toys
“Mom! Not that one!!” he whines and pulls you closer to him, shielding your eyes
You and his mom trade numbers and she sends you a picture of the picture so you’re good on that front
Moving away from meeting his family…this boy is just so attentive
God forbid you get sick or even worse…get your period! 
He is on you, throwing all the blankets you own on top of you, stuffing you full of homemade soup, and asking you if you;re okay every ten minutes
Poor thing is just really worried about you
He knows that he'll never understand how it feels to be on your period but he tries his best to be supportive
The cutest thing he does is his famous tummy rubs to help soothe your cramps and warm you up
He is the best boyfriend ever, me thinks
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